{10721307;4}2積水和濕氣可能會積累,以及(Ii)以其他方式維護、操作、維修和使用場所,以防止 任何黴菌、黴菌、桿菌、病毒、花粉或其他微生物的生成、生長、沉積、釋放或流通,以及 任何室內污染物的沉積、釋放或流通,包括油漆、地毯和窗簾處理、清潔、 維護和建築材料和用品、農藥、壓制木製品、絕緣和其他材料和產品的排放。承租人的義務應包括為房屋提供清潔服務。承租人為房屋提供清潔服務所產生的費用應由承租人直接向清潔服務提供者全額支付。承租人 只能使用出租人指定的清潔服務提供商。承租人應促使其清潔服務提供者按照出租人頒佈的任何商業合理的最低標準提供服務。儘管租約中有任何相反規定,但如果任何未在保險範圍內的維護、維修或更換是由於承租人或承租人的代理人、員工、承包商、代表、被許可人或商業受邀者的疏忽行為或故意不當行為所致,則此類維護、維修或更換的費用應完全由承租人承擔。 7.3(B)公用設施安裝、行業固定裝置、改裝;同意。出租人對影響房屋外部或影響房屋結構組件或機械繫統的任何擬議改建或公用設施安裝的同意,可由出租人行使唯一和絕對的酌情權不予批准。除第7.3(B)款第(I)、(Ii)和(Iii)款中規定的批准條件外,出租人還可以將其同意的條件包括:(A)承租人促使其承包商遵守出租人可能不時發佈的施工規則和規定,以及(B)承租人支付相當於將房屋恢復到改造或公用設施安裝之前的狀態所需估計費用的125的保證金。由出租人以其合理的酌情決定權確定。8.2(A)附加保險。如果房屋的使用和佔用包括被排除在或可能被排除在商業一般責任保單範圍之外的任何活動或事項,承租人應獲得商業一般責任保單的批註,或以其他方式獲得保險,以承保因此類活動或事項而產生的所有責任,保險金額為出租人可能合理要求的金額,承租人(並指定出租人為額外承保人,如果出租人提出要求,則為出租人的貸款人)。承保因使用和佔用房屋而造成的人身傷亡或財產損失的一切責任。 8.5保險單。 所有保險證書和文件夾的形式和內容均應得到出租人的合理批准,但出租人不批准任何單獨或一起反映完全遵守承租人在本租賃下維持保險義務的證書或保單是不合理的。 8.6代位求償權的放棄。對租賃第8.6段進行了補充,以規定(i) 該段中的任何內容均不免除分包商在租賃下維護和維修以及支付保險免賠額的義務,以及(ii)如果任何損失是由於分包商或其任何 代理人、員工、承包商、客人、受邀者的作為、不作為或故意不當行為而造成的,對於承租人或分包人,分包商的責任保險應為主要保險,並應 在任何其他保險之前承保所有損失和損害。 8.8出租人免除責任。 8.9未提供保險。除上述規定外,如果承租人未能獲得或 維持租賃規定的保險,出租人可代表承租人並由承租人承擔費用,獲得租賃規定承租人必須維持的保險。承租人應在提出要求後十(10)天內向出租人補償任何此類保單的費用。儘管第9款中有任何相反的規定,出租人沒有義務修理或更換,承租人應自費更換或完全修理損壞時承租人的所有個人財產、行業固定裝置、公用設施安裝和承租人所有的改建。承租人應與出租人充分合作,將承租人的個人財產、行業固定裝置和任何雜物從房屋中移走,以便進行維修。如果租賃根據第9款終止,出租人在任何貸款人權利的約束下,有權收取和保留因此類損壞或破壞而產生或可歸因於此類損壞或破壞的所有保險收益,但根據承租人獲得的保單支付的收益除外,該保單專門為承租人的個人財產和貿易固定裝置提供保險。承租人使用的電流不得超過房屋的饋線或立管或佈線裝置的容量。承租人應保持儀表和安裝設備處於良好工作狀態,並由承租人承擔全部費用和費用,否則出租人可以安排更換或維修儀表和設備,並向承租人收取費用。承租人承認,出租人應按年向承租人收取每週使用暖通空調服務超過每週四十八(48)小時(即每年2,496小時)(“超額暖通空調小時數”)的費用,超出部分每小時收取125美元(125.00美元)(“超額暖通空調小時費用”)。在開始日期的每個週年紀念日,承租人同意在承租人收到發票後五(5)天內向出租人支付任何超出的暖通空調小時費用。如果承租人在本租賃期滿或提前終止後仍佔有房屋或其任何部分,承租人應按周支付超過四十八(48)小時的任何暖通空調使用的超額暖通空調小時費用。 12.2適用於轉讓和轉租的條款和條件。出租人可以任何商業上合理的理由拒絕同意任何轉讓或轉租。在不限制前述規定的情況下,出租人可以拒絕其同意, 如果: 文件簽名信封ID:52F36BE2-ee10億.4D3D-92E9-84A6AE7F1FB6,則這種扣留應被視為合理


{10721307;4}3(A)轉讓或轉租的條款和條件與承租人發給出租人的通知中所列的條款和條件不同,或者該等建議的條款或條件違反了本租賃的任何條款; (B)受讓人未能根據出租人的主觀善意酌情決定向出租人證明,受讓人有財政能力履行受讓人根據租約應履行的義務,包括 在開工之日的淨資產至少等於承租人的淨資產,如經審計的財務報表 所證明的(如果這是建議受讓人的慣例),或經註冊會計師審查和認證的財務報表。 (C)承租人根據租約違約,或承租人根據租約不付款或不履行任何義務,而隨着時間的推移或發出通知,將構成租約項下的違約; (D)建議承讓人或 分租户的商譽、性質、歷史及業務性質令出租人不滿意;或 (E)建議承讓人或分租客是政府實體或機構。 12.3適用於分租的其他條款及條件。無論出租人是否同意根據本第12.3款的規定進行轉讓或分租,(I)除根據第(Br)款(E)項應支付的費用外,承租人還應支付出租人在確定是否同意轉讓或分租時產生的處理費用和律師費,以及(Ii)未經出租人明確書面免除,承租人不得被解除本租賃項下的任何責任,出租人可憑其個人的主觀酌情權給予或扣留該等費用。如果沒有明確的書面解除,承租人仍應對承租人在本租賃項下的義務承擔主要責任。如果就任何建議的轉租而言,承租人最初或在轉租期間收到的淨額或其他對價超過本租賃項下的租金,或在房屋的分租超過公平分配給該部分的租金的情況下,經適當調整以確保考慮到本租賃項下的所有其他付款後,承租人應在收到租金後立即向出租人支付淨額的75%(75%)或承租人收到的其他對價。如本款所用,“淨額或其他對價”應包括但不限於任何非現金對價的當時公允價值,並應首先扣除承租人因轉讓或轉租而產生的合理成本,包括但不限於支付給與承租人無關的經紀人的佣金、與轉讓或轉租相關的空間修改費、合理的法律費用、對受讓人或轉租人的免費租金優惠。以及租賃接管成本。 出租人放棄或同意任何轉讓或轉租不應免除承租人或任何受讓人或轉租人在本租賃項下的任何 義務,無論是否產生。如果承租人考慮轉讓或轉租(“擬轉讓”),則承租人應就該擬轉讓向出租人發出通知(“轉讓意向通知”)。5為了允許出租人選擇重新收回計劃中的轉讓空間。此後,出租人有權在收到轉讓意向通知後三十(30)天內向承租人發出通知,重新收回該擬轉讓場地、或擬轉讓場地所在的整層樓層或整棟房屋,自轉讓意向通知書所述的預期生效日期起生效。如果出租人重新收回本租約,如果取消本租約的租約少於整個房屋的面積,則本租約中保留的租金應按承租人保留的可出租平方英尺數與該房屋中包含的可出租平方英尺數的比例按比例分攤,本租約在此之後繼續有效。應任何一方的要求,雙方應簽署書面確認書。 儘管有前述規定,但出租人或承租人應選擇終止本租約中所規定的轉讓空間。承租人可以在此後五(5)個工作日內通知出租人,選擇撤銷其轉讓請求,在這種情況下,出租人的終止選擇無效,承租人將不完成其提議的轉讓。 13.1違約;違約。 (I)如果承租人在緊接之前的十二(12)個月期間未能及時支付基本租金超過兩(2)次,則承租人的財務狀況發生重大不利變化,根據下文第52段提交的任何財務報表可以證明,出租人有理由相信承租人將無法 繼續支付租賃規定的款項。 13.2賠償。根據租約第13.2款發出的任何書面通知應取代而不是補充《加州民事訴訟法典》第1161節ET的通知要求。 13.6出租人違約。 (C)承租人和所有繼承人和受讓人同意,如果發生任何實際或據稱的失敗、出租人在本租賃項下的違約或違約、與本租賃有關的任何索賠、抗辯或承租人的其他權利,或在本租賃簽署前進行談判,除非承租人在索賠所依據的所謂事件發生之日起一百八十(180)天內提起訴訟或就此提起抗辯,否則應被禁止。抗辯或權利。 (D)在出租人違約的情況下,承租人的補救措施應僅限於租賃、損害賠償和/或禁令救濟項下提供的補救措施,承租人在任何情況下都無權因出租人違約而終止本租賃。 26.沒有保留的權利。承租人應賠償出租人因承租人未經出租人明確書面同意或承租人未能按照第7.4(C)款交出房產而產生的所有損失或責任,包括但不限於後續承租人提出的索賠或因失去租賃給後續承租人的機會而造成的損失。 文件簽名信封ID:52F36BE2-ee10億。4D3D-92 E9 - 84 A6AE7F1FB 6


{10721307;4}4 34.有徵兆。承租人有權在建築物上安裝標牌,但須滿足以下條件:(I)獲得對建築物擁有管轄權的所有政府機構的批准;(Ii)出租人關於材料、位置和大小的同意,應由出租人單獨、主觀地判斷是否給予同意;以及(Iii)承租人是否遵守本款要求。這種標牌 在本文中被稱為“標牌”。標牌和與標牌相關的所有附屬電氣和機械安裝應(A)由承租人自行承擔費用和費用,(B)符合所有適用要求,(C)尺寸、設計、施工、顏色和材料為出租人自行決定可接受的,(D)以出租人自行決定可接受的方式照明(如果任何照明由出租人批准或要求),以及(E)僅包含出租人合理接受的文字和標誌。承租人應獲得與標牌有關的所有政府許可和批准,費用由承租人承擔。在開始安裝標牌之前,承租人應在出租人對標牌承包商和安裝商以及標牌的所有平面圖和規格進行合理裁量的情況下,獲得出租人的書面批准。根據出租人的選擇,承租人應自行承擔費用,在原期限到期或提前終止時拆除招牌,並修復因安裝和拆除招牌而對房屋造成的所有損壞。 39.4更新選項。 39.4.1授予選項。上述4.1(a)至(d);和 (h)即使承租人已到期並及時行使適用的續訂選擇權,所有續訂選擇權均應終止且不再具有任何效力或影響,如果在此類行使之後且續訂期限開始之前, (A)承租人未能及時支付租金,則所有續訂選擇權均應終止且不再具有任何效力或影響(出租人無需發出通知),或(B)如果 承租人違反本租約。 39.4.2續訂期限期間適用於場所的條款。物業在每個 續約期內的基本租金,應以適用續約期開始時(根據下文第39.4.3段計算)時物業每平方英尺可租租金的現行市價計算,但不得低於緊接適用續約期前的本租約租金。每個續期期間的基本租金將按年增加4%(4%)。除基本租金外,承租人還應在續約期內支付額外租金和根據租賃條款承租人應支付的所有其他費用。在收到適用續約期限的適用續約通知後30天內,出租人應將適用續約期限的基本租金告知承租人。 承租人在出租人通知承租人適用續約期限的基本租金之日起十五(15)天內, 應(I)就承租人行使適用續約選擇權向出租人發出具有約束力的最終書面通知(“具有約束力的通知”),或 (Ii)如果承租人不同意出租人的決定,則向出租人提供書面拒絕通知(“拒絕通知”)。如果承租人未能在該十五(15)天期限內向出租人發出具有約束力的通知或拒絕通知,承租人將被視為已發出具有約束力的通知。如果承租人向出租人提供具有約束力的通知,出租人和承租人應根據本合同規定的條款和條件簽訂 續訂修正案(定義如下)。如果承租人向出租人發出拒絕通知,出租人和承租人應真誠合作,在適用的續約期內商定房屋的現行市場價格。儘管有上述規定,如果出租人和承租人未能在承租人向出租人發出拒絕通知之日起三十(30)天內就房屋的現行市價達成一致(“續約日外”),則現行市價應按第39.4.4段規定的評估方法 確定。如果出租人和承租人未能在所禁止的時間段內根據上文第39.4.3段就現行市場價格達成一致,則出租人和承租人應共同努力,在不遲於適用的外部續訂日期後十五(15)天內誠意地 商定一名評估師。如果出租人和承租人未能在該十五(15)天內就單一評估師達成一致,則出租人和承租人應在不遲於十五(15)天后任命一名評估師,出租人和承租人應在任命時向對方發出有關任命的書面通知。此後十(10)天內,兩名指定的鑑定人應指定第三名鑑定人。如果出租人或承租人之一未能在規定的期限內指定其評估師並向另一方發出書面通知,則由指定的單一評估師確定該房屋的現行市場價格。如果雙方未能在規定的期限內指定評估師,則由一方當事人此後選擇的第一位評估師(通過書面通知該評估師和另一方)確定房屋的現行市場價格。每一方應承擔自己的評估師的費用,如果適用,雙方應平均分擔單一評估師或第三評估師的費用。 文檔簽名信封ID:52F36BE2-EE10億.4D3D-92E9-84A6AE7F1FB6


{10721307;4}5所有評估師應至少有十(10)年在房產所在地區評估商業不動產的經驗,並應是MAI或類似機構等專業組織的成員。為進行此類評估,術語“現行市場”應指在適用的續期開始時,準備並願意租户接受的每平方英尺公平市場月租金 ,用於計算每月基數 ,房東的租金可與房產相當(具有可比租户和其他改進)。如果 該物業在可比市場(定義見下文)供租賃一段合理時間,並考慮到該物業可用於的所有用途及該物業可享有的所有利益。“可比市場”是指通常被稱為“歐文頻譜市場”的區域。 如果選擇了單一評估師,則由該評估師確定該房產的現行市場價格。 否則,該房產的當前市場價格應為三(3)次評估中金額最接近的兩(2)次評估的算術平均值,第三次評估不予考慮。出租人和承租人應指示評估師(S)在聘用後三十(30)天內完成對現行市場匯率的確定。如果在適用續約期限開始前未確定現行市場租金,承租人應繼續向出租人支付適用於緊接適用續約期限之前的房產的基本租金,直至確定現行市場利率。在任何情況下,基本租金不得低於緊接適用續約期限開始前適用於物業的基本租金。 39.4.5續訂修正案。如果承租人有權並適當地行使適用的續期選擇權,出租人 應準備一份修正案(“續期修正案”),以反映基本租金、原始期限或續期(視情況而定)、 和其他適當條款的變化。續訂修正案應在出租人收到適用的續訂通知後的合理時間內發送給承租人,承租人應在承租人收到續訂修正案後十五(15)天內簽署並退還出租人。如果承租人未能 及時退還承租人正式簽署的《續訂修正案》,承租人的續訂選擇權將無效。安全措施。承租人承擔保護承租人及其代理人、員工、商業被邀請者和被許可人及其財產免受第三方犯罪行為影響的一切責任,並應為房屋提供足夠的安全保護。本合同包含的任何內容不得阻止出租人根據出租人的唯一選擇為建築物、項目或場所提供安全保護,其費用應由承租人按要求支付。 51。前後不一致。如果本租賃條款與本附錄的規定有任何不一致之處,應以本附錄的條款為準。財務報表。承租人應在原期限內每年至少向出租人交付一份經審計的、或經註冊會計師審核和認證的承租人財務報表副本,如承租人提出要求,可予以延期。停車。承租人有權獨家使用指定供租户或租户使用的四十一(41)個停車位。除上述規定外,在符合和允許的範圍內, 承租人可使用項目內的任何未標記停車位,先到先得。 54.傢俱和IT設備。 (A)承租人有權在原租期內(如租期延長)獨家使用開工之日起位於房屋內的所有傢俱(統稱為“FF&E”)。作為附表1,現附上截至生效日期在該場所內的所有FF&E的清單。但是,承租人同意:(A)附表1所列的房屋買賣清單可能不準確,承租人在本租約項下與房屋買賣有關的義務包括位於房屋內的任何類似或不同的物品,即使該等物品並非包括在附表1內,以及(B)出租人不表示或擔保附表1所列的所有 物品確實位於房屋內,而如果附表1所列的任何物品並非實際位於房屋內,承租人無權享有任何權利或補救。 在任何情況下,在 原期限內(原期限可能會延長)或在原期限到期時刪除FF & E,除非NPS根據 採購協議(定義如下)購買FF & E。 (b)出租人應在開工日期後兩個 (2)周內將隨附附表2中確定的IT設備從該場所拆除。 55.購買選項。出租人特此授予承租人根據以下所有條款、契諾和條件(“選擇權”)購買房屋的獨家權利。b.自2025年1月19日起,購買價格(“購買價”)應為975萬美元/100美元(9,750,000.00美元),可按以下規定進行調整。自2025年7月19日起,購買價格將自動降至950萬美元/100美元(9,500,000.00美元)。 c.根據本協議的條款,期權將於2025年1月19日開始生效,並於2026年7月19日到期。 d.如果承租人未能在期權期限結束前及時及時行使期權,則期權將被自動視為終止,任何一方不得采取任何進一步行動,承租人無權購買 房產。如果承租人行使選擇權並因承租人違約而未能成交,選擇權將被自動視為 終止,任何一方均不採取任何進一步行動,承租人沒有進一步購買房產的權利,但租賃 應繼續完全有效,並根據其條款生效。 承租人行使選擇權後三(3)個工作日內,出租人應將信封交付給 Docusign信封ID:52 F36 BE 2-EE 10億.4D3D-92 E9 - 84 A6 AE 7 F1 FB 6


{10721307;4}6出租人和承租人可接受的託管公司(“託管持有人”)是由出租人正式簽署的購買協議的副本。如果承租人按照本協議的規定行使選擇權,出租人應將房屋出售給承租人,承租人應根據本協議和購買協議中規定的條款和條件從出租人手中購買房屋。行使通知應包括一個截止日期,截止日期不得遲於向賣方發出行使通知之日起三十(30)天(“截止日期”、“終止第三方託管”、“結束”和/或“結束”)。 f.出租人應在開始日期後九十(90)天內,向承租人交付出租人實際擁有的以下財產文件: 1.影響房屋的任何租約、分租和租賃安排的副本; 2.成本中心和租賃權的副本; 3.出租人已知的、未記錄在縣記錄員辦公室或以其他方式從公共機構公開獲得的、將在關閉後影響房屋的所有其他重大協議的副本;以及 4.房屋關閉後仍受其約束的任何票據、信託契據和相關協議的副本。 56.沒有出價。出租人或出租人代理人準備本租賃並向承租人提交本租賃,不應被視為向承租人提出租賃要約,也不應使任何一方承擔談判租賃的義務。只有當出租方和承租方完全簽約時,本租賃才對出租方和承租方具有約束力。






{10721307;4}1因此,截至上文首次寫明的日期,雙方已簽訂本租約。 出租人:齊納發展有限公司, 加州有限責任公司 名稱:阿卜杜拉·阿比卡比 租户:管理成員 承租人:獵豹網絡供應鏈服務有限公司,北卡羅來納州 公司 人員: 姓名:劉歡 人員:首席執行官 人員: 姓名: 人員:






{10721307;4}1展示“A” 保修表 文檔簽名信封ID:52F36BE2-ee10億.4D3D-92E9-84A6AE7F1FB6


{10721307;4} 展示“B” 採購協議格式 文檔簽名信封ID:52F36BE2-ee10億.4D3D-92E9-84A6AE7F1FB6


{10722156;1} 標準工商業單租户租賃總額第一修正案 標準工商業單租户租賃總額的第一次修訂 本協議自2024年8月6日起由加州有限責任公司吉納發展有限公司(“房東”)和北卡羅來納州的獵豹網絡供應鏈服務公司(“租户”)之間簽訂。 W I t N E S S E t H: 房東和租户分別為現業主及現租客於 現業主及現租客於2024年7月19日所訂的某標準工商業單租約(下稱“本租約”),包括本租約(下稱“本租約”)中詳細描述的加利福尼亞州歐文研究中心8707號公寓樓。 房東及租客希望根據下文所述的條款及條件修改本租約。因此,考慮到本租約及其他良好而有價值的對價,現確認本租約的收據及充分性。本協議雙方特此約定如下: 1.定義本協議中使用但未另有定義的大寫術語 應具有本租賃中賦予它們的含義。現將第1.10節全文刪除,代之以以下文字:擔保人。承租人在本租賃項下的義務將由北卡羅來納州公司(“擔保人”)West Buy Media Inc.(“擔保人”)擔保。(另見第37段) 3.簽名欄。在承租人簽名塊中,現刪除所列電子郵件地址,並替換為:Tony@cheetah-net.com。 4.租賃生效。除本協議另有修改外,本租賃的所有條款和條款在此予以批准和確認,並應繼續有效。本協議可以副本形式簽署,且 應構成對各方具有約束力的協議,儘管所有各方都不是正本或相同副本的簽字方,但應向所有各方提供一份或多份反映各方簽字的副本。傳真、DocuSign或通過電子郵件發送已簽署的本協議副本的pdf副本,應視為與交付原件等同。本協議中規定的段落標題僅為參考方便,並不定義、限制或解釋此類 段落的內容。本協議取代房東和租客之間、房東和租客之間關於本協議標的的所有先前談判、 陳述、諒解和協議,所有這些均應被視為完全合併在本協議中。


{10722156;1}2 7.完整協議。本協議連同經 修訂的租賃和擔保,構成本協議雙方關於本協議中所述事項的完整協議,不得修改或修改,除非該修改或修改應以 書面形式進行,並由被強制執行的一方簽署。 8.無效。如果本協議的任何條款無效或不可執行,則 本協議的其餘部分或該條款的應用(無效或不可執行的範圍除外)不受影響,並且本協議的每一條款應 保持完全有效,儘管此類 條款無效或不可執行,但僅限於適用和/或執行(視情況而定)將是公平的,並與雙方簽訂本協議的意圖一致。




{10722156;1}3茲證明,雙方已於上述日期簽署本協議。 房東: 加州有限責任公司吉納發展有限公司 由:/S/阿卜杜拉·阿比卡比_


________ ________ ________ ________ INITIALS INITIALS © 2019 AIR CRE. All Rights Reserved. Last Edited: 7/22/2024 1:05 PM STG-27.40, Revised 10-22-2020 Page 16 of 16 In the event that the Premises have been issued an inspecƟon report by a CASp the Lessor shall provide a copy of the disability accessinspecƟon cerƟficate to Lessee within 7 days of the execuƟon of this Lease. (b) Since compliance with the Americans with DisabiliƟes Act (ADA) and otherstate and local accessibility statutes are dependent upon Lessee'sspecific use of the Premises, Lessor makes no warranty or representaƟon as to whether or not the Premises comply with ADA or any similar legislaƟon. In the event that Lessee's use of the Premisesrequires modificaƟons or addiƟons to the Premisesin order to be in compliance with ADA or other accessibility statutes, Lessee agrees to make any such necessary modificaƟons and/or addiƟons at Lessee's expense. LESSOR AND LESSEE HAVE CAREFULLY READ AND REVIEWED THIS LEASE AND EACH TERM AND PROVISION CONTAINED HEREIN, AND BY THE EXECUTION OF THIS LEASE SHOW THEIR INFORMED AND VOLUNTARY CONSENT THERETO. THE PARTIES HEREBY AGREE THAT, AT THE TIME THIS LEASE IS EXECUTED, THE TERMS OF THIS LEASE ARE COMMERCIALLY REASONABLE AND EFFECTUATE THE INTENT AND PURPOSE OF LESSOR AND LESSEE WITH RESPECT TO THE PREMISES. ATTENTION: NO REPRESENTATION OR RECOMMENDATION IS MADE BY AIR CRE OR BY ANY BROKER AS TO THE LEGAL SUFFICIENCY, LEGAL EFFECT, OR TAX CONSEQUENCES OF THIS LEASE OR THE TRANSACTION TO WHICH IT RELATES. THE PARTIES ARE URGED TO: 1. SEEK ADVICE OF COUNSEL AS TO THE LEGAL AND TAX CONSEQUENCES OF THIS LEASE. 2. RETAIN APPROPRIATE CONSULTANTS TO REVIEW AND INVESTIGATE THE CONDITION OF THE PREMISES. SAID INVESTIGATION SHOULD INCLUDE BUT NOT BE LIMITED TO: THE POSSIBLE PRESENCE OF HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES, THE ZONING OF THE PREMISES, THE STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY, THE CONDITION OF THE ROOF AND OPERATING SYSTEMS, AND THE SUITABILITY OF THE PREMISES FOR LESSEE'S INTENDED USE. WARNING: IF THE PREMISES ARE LOCATED IN A STATE OTHER THAN CALIFORNIA, CERTAIN PROVISIONS OF THE LEASE MAY NEED TO BE REVISED TO COMPLY WITH THE LAWS OF THE STATE IN WHICH THE PREMISES ARE LOCATED. The parƟes hereto have executed this Lease at the place and on the dates specified above their respecƟve signatures. Executed at: On: By LESSOR: Zina Development, LLC, a California limited liability company By: Name Printed: Abdullah Arbikatbi Title: Managing Member Phone: Fax: Email: skatbi@ftrnv.com By: Name Printed: Title: Phone: Fax: Email: Address: 73 Legacy Way, Irvine, California 92602 Federal ID No.: Executed at: On: By LESSEE: Cheetah Net Supply Chain Service Inc., a North Carolina corporation By: Name Printed: Huan Liu Title: CEO Phone: Fax: Email: tony@west-buy.com By: Name Printed: Title: Phone: Fax: Email: Address: 6201 Fairview Rd, Ste 225, Charlotte, NC 28210 Federal ID No.: BROKER Lee & Associates, Inc. - Irvine AƩn: Allen Basso/Eric Darnell/Kylee King Title: Address: 9838 Research Dirve, Irvine, CA 92618 Phone: Fax: Email: edarnnell@leeirvine.com Federal ID No.: Broker DRE License #: 0144791 Agent DRE License #: 01298152/01888743/02101275 BROKER Universal Elite Realty AƩn: Jing Gan Title: Address: 7700 Irvine Center Dr, Ste 680, Irvine, CA 92618 Phone: Fax: Email: ganjingteamus@gmail.com Federal ID No.: Broker DRE License #: Agent DRE License #: 02132915 AIR CRE * hƩps://www.aircre.com * 213-687-8777 * contracts@aircre.com NOTICE: No part of these works may be reproduced in any form without permission in wriƟng. Docusign Envelope ID: 52F36BE2-EE1B-4D3D-92E9-84A6AE7F1FB6


________ ________ ________ ________ INITIALS INITIALS © 2017 AIR CRE. All Rights Reserved. Last Edited: 7/22/2024 1:05 PM ARB-3.03, Revised 10-22-2020 Page 1 of 2 ARBITRATION AGREEMENT STANDARD LEASE ADDENDUM Dated: July 19, 2024 ("Effective Date") By and Between Lessor: Zina Development, LLC, a California limited liability company Lessee: Cheetah Net Supply Chain Service Inc., a North Carolina corporation Property Address: 8707 Research Drive, Irvine, CA 92618 (street address, city, state, zip) Paragraph: 49 A. ARBITRATION OF DISPUTES: Except as provided in Paragraph B below, the ParƟes agree to resolve any and all claims, disputes or disagreements arising under this Lease, including, but not limited to any maƩer relaƟng to Lessor'sfailure to approve an assignment, sublease or other transfer of Lessee'sinterest in the Lease under Paragraph 12 of this Lease, any other defaults by Lessor, or any defaults by Lessee by and through arbitraƟon as provided below and irrevocably waive any and all rights to the contrary. The ParƟes agree to at all Ɵmes conduct themselves in strict, full, complete and Ɵmely accordance with the terms hereof and that any aƩempt to circumvent the terms of this ArbitraƟon Agreement shall be absolutely null and void and of no force or effect whatsoever. B. DISPUTES EXCLUDED FROM ARBITRATION: The following claims, disputes or disagreements under this Lease are expressly excluded from the arbitraƟon procedures set forth herein: 1. Disputes for which a different resoluƟon determinaƟon is specifically set forth in this Lease, 2. All claims by either party which (a) seek anything other than enforcement or determinaƟon of rights under this Lease, or (b) are primarily founded upon maƩers of fraud, willful misconduct, bad faith or any other allegaƟons of torƟous acƟon, and seek the award of puniƟve or exemplary damages, 3. ClaimsrelaƟng to (a) Lessor's exercise of any unlawful detainer rights pursuant to applicable law or (b) rights or remedies used by Lessor to gain possession of the Premises or terminate Lessee's right of possession to the Premises, all of which disputes shall be resolved by suit filed in the applicable court of jurisdicƟon, the decision of which court shall be subject to appeal pursuant to applicable law 4. Any claim or dispute that is within the jurisdicƟon of the Small Claims Court and 5. All claims arising under Paragraph 39 of this Lease. C. APPOINTMENT OF AN ARBITRATOR: All disputes subject to this ArbitraƟon Agreement, shall be determined by binding arbitraƟon before: a reƟred judge of the applicable court of jurisdicƟon (e.g., the Superior Court of the State of California) affiliated with Judicial ArbitraƟon & MediaƟon Services, Inc. ("JAMS"), the American ArbitraƟon AssociaƟon ("AAA") under its commercial arbitraƟon rules, , or as may be otherwise mutually agreed by Lessor and Lessee (the "Arbitrator"). In the event that the parƟes elect to use an arbitrator other than one affiliated with JAMS or AAA then such arbitrator shall be obligated to comply with the Code of Ethics for Arbitrators in Commercial Disputes (see: hƩp://www.adr.org/aaa/ShowProperty?nodeId=/UCM/ADRSTG_003867). Such arbitraƟon shall be iniƟated by the ParƟes, or either of them, within ten (10) days aŌer either party sends wriƩen noƟce (the "ArbitraƟon NoƟce") of a demand to arbitrate by registered or cerƟfied mail to the other party and to the Arbitrator. The ArbitraƟon NoƟce shall contain a descripƟon of the subject maƩer of the arbitraƟon, the dispute with respect thereto, the amount involved, if any, and the remedy or determinaƟon sought. If the ParƟes have agreed to use JAMS they may agree on a reƟred judge from the JAMS panel. If they are unable to agree within ten days, JAMS will provide a list of three available judges and each party may strike one. The remaining judge (or if there are two, the one selected by JAMS) will serve asthe Arbitrator. If the ParƟes have elected to uƟlize AAA or some other organizaƟon, the Arbitrator shall be selected in accordance with said organizaƟon's rules. In the event the Arbitrator is not selected as provided for above for any reason, the party iniƟaƟng arbitraƟon shall apply to the appropriate Court for the appointment of a qualified reƟred judge to act as the Arbitrator. D. ARBITRATION PROCEDURE: 1. PRE-HEARING ACTIONS. The Arbitratorshall schedule a pre-hearing conference to resolve procedural maƩers, arrange for the exchange of informaƟon, obtain sƟpulaƟons, and narrow the issues. The ParƟes willsubmit proposed discovery schedules to the Arbitrator at the pre-hearing conference. The scope and duraƟon of discovery will be within the sole discreƟon of the Arbitrator. The Arbitratorshall have the discreƟon to order a pre-hearing exchange of informaƟon by the ParƟes, including, without limitaƟon, producƟon of requested documents, exchange of summaries of tesƟmony of proposed witnesses, and examinaƟon by deposiƟon of parƟes and third-party witnesses. This discreƟon shall be exercised in favor of discovery reasonable under the circumstances. The Arbitratorshall issue subpoenas and subpoenas ducestecum as provided for in the applicable statutory or case law (e.g., in California Code of Civil Procedure SecƟon 1282.6). 2. THE DECISION. The arbitraƟon shall be conducted in the city or county within which the Premises are located at a reasonably convenient site. Any Party may be represented by counsel or other authorized representaƟve. In rendering a decision(s), the Arbitrator shall determine the rights and obligaƟons of the ParƟes according to the substanƟve laws and the terms and provisions of this Lease. The Arbitrator's decision shall be based on the evidence introduced at the hearing, including all logical and reasonable inferences therefrom. The Arbitrator may make any determinaƟon and/or grant any remedy or relief that is just and equitable. The decision must be based on, and accompanied by, a wriƩen statement of decision explaining the factual and legal basisfor the decision as to each of the principal controverted issues. The decision shall be conclusive and binding, and it may thereaŌer be confirmed as a judgment by the court of applicable jurisdicƟon, subject only to challenge on the grounds set forth in the applicable statutory or case law (e.g., in California Code of Civil Procedure SecƟon 1286.2). The validity and enforceability of the Arbitrator's decision isto be determined exclusively by the court of appropriate jurisdicƟon pursuant to the provisions of this Lease. The Arbitrator may award costs, including without limitaƟon, Arbitrator's fees and costs, aƩorneys' fees, and expert and witness costs, to the prevailing party, if any, as Docusign Envelope ID: 52F36BE2-EE1B-4D3D-92E9-84A6AE7F1FB6


________ ________ ________ ________ INITIALS INITIALS © 2017 AIR CRE. All Rights Reserved. Last Edited: 7/22/2024 1:05 PM ARB-3.03, Revised 10-22-2020 Page 2 of 2 determined by the Arbitrator in his discreƟon. Whenever a maƩer which has been submiƩed to arbitraƟon involves a dispute asto whether or not a parƟcular act or omission (other than a failure to pay money) consƟtutes a Default, the Ɵme to commence or cease such acƟon shall be tolled from the date that the NoƟce of ArbitraƟon is served through and unƟl the date the Arbitrator renders his or her decision. Provided, however, that this provision shall NOT apply in the event that the Arbitrator determines that the ArbitraƟon NoƟce was prepared in bad faith. Whenever a dispute arises between the ParƟes concerning whether or not the failure to make a payment of money consƟtutes a default, the service of an ArbitraƟon NoƟce shall NOT toll the Ɵme period in which to pay the money. The Party allegedly obligated to pay the money may, however, elect to pay the money "under protest" by accompanying said payment with a wriƩen statementseƫng forth the reasons for such protest. If thereaŌer, the Arbitrator determines that the Party who received said money was not enƟtled to such payment, said money shall be promptly returned to the Party who paid such money under protest together with Interest thereon as defined in Paragraph 13.5. If a Party makes a payment "under protest" but no NoƟce of ArbitraƟon is filed within thirty days, then such protest shall be deemed waived. (See also Paragraph 42 or 43) AIR CRE * hƩps://www.aircre.com * 213-687-8777 * contracts@aircre.com NOTICE: No part of these works may be reproduced in any form without permission in wriƟng. Docusign Envelope ID: 52F36BE2-EE1B-4D3D-92E9-84A6AE7F1FB6


{10721307;4} 1 ADDENDUM TO THE STANDARD INDUSTRIAL/COMMERCIAL SINGLE-TENANT LEASE - GROSS DATED JULY 19, 2024 BETWEEN ZINA DEVELOPMENT, LLC, AS LESSOR, AND CHEETAH NET SUPPLY CHAIN SERVICE INC., AS LESSEE The following provisions are added to the Lease; where applicable, Paragraph numbers below correspond to Paragraph numbers in the Lease, and all defined terms are as defined in the Lease: 1.2 Premises. As used herein, the term “Project” shall include all property subject to the CC&Rs (as defined below). 1.5 Base Rent. (a) Base Rent shall be payable on the first day of each month as follows: Period Monthly Base Rent Months 1 through 12 $42,000.00 Months 13 through 24 $43,680.00 Months 25 through 36 $45,427.20 (b) The term “Rent” as used in this Lease shall include Base Rent and all other sums owing to Lessor under the terms of this Lease. 1.6(a) Prepaid Rent. Commencing on the first day of the fourth (4th) full calendar month of the Original Term, the Prepaid Rent shall be applied to fifty percent (50%) of the Base Rent due for that month and for each month thereafter until the Prepaid Rent has been exhausted (i.e., Lessee shall continue to deliver payment of fifty percent (50%) of the Base Rent in accordance with Section 4.2 of the Lease and the Prepaid Rent will be applied to the other fifty percent (50%)). 2.4 Acknowledgements. Lessee is leasing the Premises “AS IS”, “WHERE IS”, and with all faults and defects, and acknowledges that neither Lessor nor Lessor’s agents have made any oral or written representations or warranties with respect to the condition of the Premises except as expressly set forth in the Lease. In addition, Lessee acknowledges that Lessor will not be providing any improvements, improvement allowance, alterations or furniture in the Premises. 5. Security Deposit. Lessee acknowledges and agrees that the Security Deposit may be applied towards any rent or other sum in default or otherwise owing to Lessor by Lessee following the expiration or earlier termination of this Lease as allowed under Section 1951.2 of the California Civil Code. In connection therewith, Lessee hereby expressly waives the benefits of any statute now or hereafter in effect which would prevent Lessor from applying all or any portion of the Security Deposit to offset any future rent owing to Lessor at the termination of the Lease prior to the expiration of the Original Term, as the same may be extended, including, without limitation, California Civil Code Section 1950.7. If Lessor sells its interest in the Premises to a purchaser other than Lessee during the Original Term, as the same may be extended, and if Lessor deposits with the purchaser of the Premises the then unappropriated portion of the Security Deposit, Lessor shall be discharged from any further liability with respect to the Security Deposit. 6.1 Permitted Use. Lessee shall comply with all present and future covenants, conditions, and restrictions or other restrictive covenants and obligations, whether or not of record, which affect the use and operation of the Premises, including, without limitation, that certain Declaration of Conditions, Covenants and Restrictions and Grant of Easements for Vantage Business Center dated September 28th, 1998 between Abundant Capital Group LLC, a California limited liability company, and California Counties Title Company, a California corporation, recorded in the Official Records of Orange County as Instrument No. 19980701248 (as amended, the “CC&Rs”). Lessee shall strictly comply with, and shall cause its agents, employees, business licensees and invitees to strictly comply with, all Applicable Requirements. 6.3 Lessee’s Energy Use Reporting Requirements. Lessee shall promptly deliver to Lessor (a) upon receipt by Lessee, copies of all invoices evidencing Lessee’s energy consumption at the Premises; (b) such other information as Lessor may reasonably request from time to time in order to comply with California energy laws, ordinances, orders or regulations, now or hereinafter enacted (collectively, the “Energy Laws”); and (c) such consents, approvals, authorizations or other documents or instruments as may be necessary to cause the applicable utility providers to release such information regarding the energy consumption of the Premises as may be required pursuant to the Energy Laws. The items to be delivered pursuant to clauses (a), (b) and (c) above are collectively referred to as the “Energy Use Compliance Information”. Lessee's failure to deliver any of the Energy Use Compliance Information to Lessor within ten (10) business days of a second request from Lessor shall constitute a material default under the Lease and Lessor may, at Lessor's option, terminate the Lease, provided written notice of such termination is received by Lessee prior to Lessor's receipt of the Energy Use Compliance Information. Additionally, Lessee acknowledges that Lessor may be required to disclose certain information concerning the energy performance of the Premises pursuant to the Energy Laws (collectively the “Energy Disclosure Requirements”), to the extent applicable to the Project. To the maximum extent permitted by law, Lessee hereby waives any rights under the Energy Disclosure Requirements and further waives any right to receive the Disclosure Summary Sheet, Statement of Energy Performance, Data Checklist, and Facility Summary, all as defined in the Energy Disclosure Requirements (collectively, the “Energy Disclosure Information”). Lessee hereby forever releases Lessor of any liability under the Energy Disclosure Requirements, including, without limitation, any liability of Lessor arising as a result of Lessor’s failure to provide to Lessee the Energy Disclosure Information. 7.1 Lessee’s Obligations. (a) Lessee shall, at Lessee’s sole cost and expense, at all times during the Original Term, as the same may be extended (i) maintain, operate, repair, and use the Premises as appropriate to prevent or minimize, as appropriate, the accumulation of (x) levels of carbon dioxide in the Premises in excess of levels permitted under applicable law, and (y) stagnant water and moisture in planters, kitchen appliances and vessels, carpeting, insulation, water coolers and any other locations where Docusign Envelope ID: 52F36BE2-EE1B-4D3D-92E9-84A6AE7F1FB6


{10721307;4} 2 stagnant water and moisture could accumulate, and (ii) otherwise maintain, operate, repair, and use the Premises to prevent the generation, growth, deposit, release or circulation of any mold, mildew, bacillus, virus, pollen or other micro-organism and the deposit, release or circulation of any indoor contaminants, including emissions from paint, carpet and drapery treatments, cleaning, maintenance and construction materials and supplies, pesticides, pressed wood products, insulation, and other materials and products. Lessee’s obligations shall include providing janitorial services to the Premises. Lessee’s expenses incurred to provide janitorial services to the Premises shall be payable in their entirety by Lessee directly to the provider of janitorial services. Lessee shall only utilize such janitorial service providers as are designated by Lessor. Lessee shall cause its janitorial service provider to provide service to any commercially reasonable minimal standard promulgated by Lessor. 7.2 Lessor’s Obligations. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary set forth in the Lease, to the extent any maintenance, repair or replacement not covered by insurance is due to the negligent acts or intentional misconduct of Lessee or any of Lessee’s agents, employees, contractors, representatives, licensees or business invitees, the costs for such maintenance, repair or replacement shall be borne exclusively by Lessee. 7.3(b) Utility Installations, Trade Fixtures, Alterations; Consent. Lessor’s consent to any proposed Alterations or Utility Installations that affect the exterior of the Premises or that affect the structural components or mechanical systems of the Premises may be withheld in Lessor’s sole and absolute discretion. Lessor’s consent to any other proposed Alterations or Utility Installations shall not be unreasonably withheld. In addition to the conditions to approval set forth in clauses (i), (ii), and (iii) of this Paragraph 7.3(b), Lessor may also condition its consent on (a) Lessee causing its contractor to comply with construction rules and regulations as may be issued by Lessor from time to time, and (b) Lessee depositing an amount equal to one hundred twenty-five percent (125%) of the estimated cost necessary to restore the Premises to the condition in which they existed prior to the Alteration or Utility Installation, as determined by Lessor in its reasonable discretion. 8.2(a) Additional Coverage. If the use and occupancy of the Premises include any activity or matter that is or may be excluded from coverage under a commercial general liability policy, Lessee shall obtain such endorsements to the commercial general liability policy or otherwise obtain insurance to insure all liability arising from such activity or matter in such amounts as Lessor may reasonably require, insuring Lessee (and naming as additional insureds Lessor and, if requested by Lessor, Lessor’s Lender), against all liability for injury to or death of a person or persons or damage to property arising from the use and occupancy of the Premises. 8.5 Insurance Policies. The form and content of all insurance certificates and binders shall be subject to the reasonable approval of Lessor, provided that it shall be unreasonable for Lessor to disapprove any certificates or policies that, either separately or together, reflect full compliance with Lessee’s obligations to maintain insurance under this Lease. 8.6 Waiver of Subrogation. Paragraph 8.6 of the Lease is supplemented to provide that (i) nothing contained in such Paragraph shall absolve Lessee of its obligations of maintenance and repair and payment of insurance deductibles under the Lease, and (ii) in the event that any loss is due to the act, omission or negligence or willful misconduct of Lessee or any of its agents, employees, contractors, guests, invitees, assignees or sublessees, Lessee's liability insurance shall be primary and shall cover all losses and damages prior to any other insurance. 8.8 Exemption of Lessor from Liability. In consideration of the benefits accruing under this Lease, Lessee and all successors and assigns agree that, in the event of any actual or alleged failure, breach or default under this Lease by Lessor: (a) the sole and exclusive remedy shall be against Lessor’s interest in the Premises; (b) no partner or member of Lessor shall be named as a party in any suit or proceeding (except as may be necessary to secure jurisdiction of the partnership, if applicable); (c) no partner or member of Lessor shall be required to answer or otherwise plead to any service of process; (d) no judgment will be taken against any partner or member of Lessor; (e) no writ of execution will ever be levied against the assets of any partner or member of Lessor; and (f) the obligations of Lessor under this Lease do not constitute personal obligations of the individual partners, members, directors, officers or shareholders of Lessor, and Lessee shall not seek recourse against the individual partners, members, directors, officers or shareholders of Lessor or any of their personal assets for satisfaction of any liability in respect to this Lease. 8.9 Failure to Provide Insurance. In addition to the foregoing, in the event of any failure by Lessee to obtain or maintain the insurance required under the Lease, Lessor may obtain, on Lessee’s behalf and at Lessee’s expense, such insurance policies as are required to be maintained by Lessee under the Lease. Lessee shall, within ten (10) days after demand, reimburse Lessor for the cost of any such policies. 9.8 Damage and Destruction; Limited Obligation to Repair; Effect of Termination. Notwithstanding anything contained in this Paragraph 9 to the contrary, Lessor shall not be obligated to repair or replace, and Lessee shall, at its expense, replace or fully repair all Lessee’s personal property, Trade Fixtures, Utility Installations, and Lessee-Owned Alterations existing at the time of such damage. Lessee shall fully cooperate with Lessor in removing Lessee’s personal property, Trade Fixtures, and any debris from the Premises to facilitate the making of repairs. If the Lease is terminated pursuant to this Paragraph 9, Lessor shall, subject to the rights of any Lenders, be entitled to receive and retain all insurance proceeds resulting from or attributable to such damage or destruction, except for proceeds payable under policies obtained by Lessee which specifically insure Lessee’s personal property and Trade Fixtures. 11. Utilities. Lessee's use of electric current shall never exceed the capacity of the feeders to the Premises, or the risers or wiring installation. Lessee shall keep the meter and installation equipment in good working order and repair at Lessee's sole cost and expense, in default of which Lessor may cause such meter and equipment to be replaced or repaired and collect the cost thereof from Lessee. Lessee acknowledges that Lessor shall charge Lessee on an annual basis for usage of HVAC service in excess of forty-eight (48) hours per week (i.e., 2,496 hours per year) (“Excess HVAC Hours”) at a rate of One Hundred Twenty-Five and No/100 Dollars ($125.00) per hour of excess usage (“Excess HVAC Hourly Charge”). Upon each anniversary of the Commencement Date, Lessee agrees to pay Lessor, within five (5) days after Lessee's receipt of an invoice therefor, for any Excess HVAC Hourly Charges. In the event Lessee remains in possession of the Premises or any part thereof beyond the expiration or earlier termination of this Lease, Lessee shall pay for the Excess HVAC Hourly Charge on a weekly basis for any HVAC usage exceeding forty-eight (48) hours. 12.2 Terms and Conditions Applicable to Assignment and Subletting. Lessor may refuse to consent to any assignment or subletting on any commercially reasonable grounds. Without limiting the foregoing, Lessor may withhold its consent, and such withholding shall be deemed reasonable, if: Docusign Envelope ID: 52F36BE2-EE1B-4D3D-92E9-84A6AE7F1FB6


{10721307;4} 3 (A) The assignment or subletting is not on the same terms and conditions set forth in Lessee’s notice given to Lessor or if such proposed terms or conditions violate any terms of this Lease; (B) The transferee fails to demonstrate to Lessor, in Lessor’s subjective, good faith discretion, that the transferee has the financial capability to perform the obligations on transferee’s part to be performed under the Lease, including having a net worth at least equal to the net worth of Lessee as of the Commencement Date, as evidenced by financial statements which have been audited, if such is the customary practice of the proposed transferee, or reviewed and certified by a certified public accountant; (C) There then exists any default by Lessee pursuant to the Lease or any non-payment or non-performance by Lessee under the Lease which, with the passage of time or the giving of notice, would constitute a default under the Lease; (D) The business reputation, character, history and nature of the business of the proposed assignee or subtenant is not satisfactory to Lessor; or (E) The proposed assignee or subtenant is a governmental entity or agency. 12.3 Additional Terms and Conditions Applicable to Subletting. Whether or not Lessor shall consent to an assignment or sublease under the provisions of this Paragraph 12.3, (i) in addition to the fee payable under Paragraph 12.2(e), Lessee shall pay Lessor’s processing costs and attorneys’ fees incurred in determining whether or not to so consent, and (ii) Lessee shall not be relieved of any responsibility under this Lease without Lessor’s express written release, which Lessor may grant or withhold in its sole, subjective discretion. Absent such an express written release, Lessee shall remain primarily liable for the Lessee’s obligations under this Lease. If Lessor shall consent to any assignment, Lessee shall pay to Lessor, as additional rent, seventy-five percent (75%) of all net sums or other consideration payable to and for the benefit of Lessee by the transferee on account of the assignment, as and when such sums and other consideration are due and payable to or for the benefit of Lessee (or, if Lessor so requires, and without any release of Lessee’s liability for the same, Lessee shall instruct the transferee to pay such sums and other consideration directly to Lessor). If in connection with any proposed sublease Lessee receives net sums or other consideration, either initially or over the term of the sublease, in excess of the rent called for under this Lease or, in case of the sublease of a portion of the Premises, in excess of such rent fairly allocable to such portion, after appropriate adjustments to assure that all other payments called for under this Lease are taken into account, Lessee shall pay to Lessor as additional rent seventy-five percent (75%) of the net sums or other consideration received by Lessee promptly after its receipt. As used in this paragraph, “net sums or other consideration” shall include without limitation the then fair value of any non-cash consideration and shall be calculated after first deducting reasonable costs incurred by Lessee in connection with the assignment or sublease, including without limitation commissions payable to a broker not affiliated with Lessee, space modification costs in connection with the assignment or sublease, reasonable legal costs, free rent concessions to the transferee or sublessee, and lease takeover costs. Lessor’s waiver of or consent to any assignment or subletting shall not relieve Lessee or any assignee or sublessee from any obligation under this Lease whether or not accrued. 12.4 Recapture. In the event that Lessee contemplates an assignment or a subletting (“Contemplated Transfer”), then Lessee shall give Lessor notice (“Intention to Transfer Notice”) of such Contemplated Transfer. The Intention to Transfer Notice shall specify the portion and amount of rentable square feet of the Premises which Lessee intends to transfer (“Contemplated Transfer Space”), the contemplated date of the commencement of the Contemplated Transfer (“Contemplated Effective Date”), and the contemplated length of the term of such Contemplated Transfer, and shall specify that such Intention to Transfer Notice is delivered to Lessor pursuant to this Paragraph 12.5 in order to allow Lessor to elect to recapture the Contemplated Transfer Space. Thereafter, Lessor shall have the option, by giving notice to Lessee within thirty (30) days after receipt of such Intention to Transfer Notice, to recapture such Contemplated Transfer Space, or the entire floor on which the Contemplated Transfer Space is located, or the entire Premises, effective as of the Contemplated Effective Date stated in the Intention to Transfer Notice. In the event of a recapture by Lessor, if this Lease shall be canceled with respect to less than the entire Premises, the Rent reserved herein shall be prorated on the basis of the number of rentable square feet retained by Lessee in proportion to the number of rentable square feet contained in the Premises, and this Lease as so amended shall continue thereafter in full force and effect, and upon the request of either party, the parties shall execute written confirmation of the same. Notwithstanding the foregoing, however, should Lessor so elect to terminate this Lease with respect to the Contemplated Transfer Space as provided herein, Lessee may, by notice to Lessor within five (5) business days thereafter, elect to rescind its transfer request, in which event Lessor’s termination election shall be null and void and Lessee will not consummate its proposed transfer. 13.1 Default; Breach. (i) If Lessee has failed to timely pay Base Rent more than two (2) times in the immediately preceding twelve (12) month period, then the occurrence of a material adverse change in Lessee’s financial condition, as evidenced by any financial statements delivered pursuant to Paragraph 52 below, such that Lessor reasonably believes that Lessee will be unable to continue making the payments required under the Lease. 13.2 Remedies. Any written notice given under Paragraph 13.2 of the Lease shall be in lieu of, and not in addition to, the notice requirements of California Code of Civil Procedure Section 1161 et. seq. 13.6 Breach by Lessor. (c) Lessee and all successors and assigns agree that, in the event of any actual or alleged failure, breach or default under this Lease by Lessor, any claim, defense, or other right of Lessee arising in connection with this Lease or negotiations before this Lease was signed, shall be barred unless Lessee files an action or interposes a defense based thereon within one hundred eighty (180) days after the date of the alleged event on which Lessee is basing its claim, defense or right. (d) Lessee’s remedies in the event of a default by Lessor shall be limited to the remedies provided under the Lease, damages and/or injunctive relief, and, under no circumstances shall Lessee have the right to terminate this Lease due to a default of Lessor. 26. No Right to Holdover. Lessee shall indemnify Lessor from all loss or liability arising from any holding over by Lessee without Lessor’s express written consent or failure of Lessee to surrender the Premises in accordance with Paragraph 7.4(c), including, without limitation, claims made by succeeding lessees or losses due to lost opportunities to lease to succeeding lessees. Docusign Envelope ID: 52F36BE2-EE1B-4D3D-92E9-84A6AE7F1FB6


{10721307;4} 4 34. Signs. Lessee shall have the right to install signage on the Building subject to (i) approval by all governmental agencies having jurisdiction over the Building, (ii) Lessor’s consent as to materials, location and size, which shall be given or withheld in Lessor’s sole, subjective judgment, and (iii) Lessee’s compliance with the requirements of this Paragraph. Such signage is referred to herein as the “Signage”. The Signage and all appurtenant electrical and mechanical installation required in connection with the Signage shall (a) be installed at Lessee’s sole cost and expense, (b) comply with all Applicable Requirements, (c) be of a size, design, construction, color and material acceptable to Lessor in its sole discretion, (d) be illuminated (if any illumination is approved or required by Lessor in its sole discretion) in a manner acceptable to Lessor in its sole discretion, and (e) contain only such text and logos as are reasonably acceptable to Lessor. Lessee shall obtain all governmental permits and approvals required in connection with the Signage at Lessee’s sole cost and expense. Before beginning installation of the Signage, Lessee shall obtain Lessor’s written approval in Lessor’s reasonable discretion of Lessee’s signage contractor and installer and of all plans and specifications for the Signage. At Lessor’s option, Lessee shall, at Lessee’s sole cost, remove the Signage upon expiration or earlier termination of the Original Term, as the same may be extended, and repair all damage to the Premises caused by installation and removal of the Signage. 39.4 Options to Renew. 39.4.1 Grant of Option. Lessee shall have the right to extend the Original Term (each, a “Renewal Option”) with respect to the entire Premises for up to two (2) additional periods of three (3) years each (each, a “Renewal Term”), with the Renewal Term commencing on the day following the Expiration Date of the Original Term or the first Renewal Term, as applicable, subject to the following conditions: (a) Lessor must receive notice of exercise for the applicable Renewal Option (“Renewal Notice”) not more than fourteen (14) months and not less than six (6) months prior to the Expiration Date of the Original Term or the first Renewal Term, as applicable; (b) Lessee may not be in Default under the Lease beyond any applicable notice and cure periods at the time Lessee delivers any Renewal Notice or at the time Lessee delivers any Binding Notice (as defined below); (c) All Rent that is due and payable must be paid at the time that Lessee delivers any Renewal Notice or at the time Lessee delivers any Binding Notice; (d) Lessee shall not have been given three (3) or more notices of separate Default, whether or not the Defaults are cured, during the twelve (12) month period immediately preceding the exercise of the applicable Renewal Option; (e) No part of the Premises may be sublet at the time that Lessee delivers any Renewal Notice or at the time Lessee delivers any Binding Notice; (f) The Lease may not have been assigned by Lessee prior to the date that Lessee delivers any Renewal Notice or at the time Lessee delivers any Binding Notice; (g) The deadline to exercise a Renewal Option shall not be extended or enlarged by reason of Lessee’s inability to exercise a Renewal Option because of the provisions of Paragraphs 39.4.1(a) through (d) above; and (h) All Renewal Options shall terminate and be of no further force or effect, notwithstanding Lessee’s due and timely exercise of the applicable Renewal Option, if, after such exercise and prior to the commencement of the Renewal Term, (A) Lessee fails to timely pay Rent when such Rent becomes due (without necessity of Lessor to give notice thereof), or (B) if Lessee commits a Breach of this Lease. 39.4.2 Terms Applicable to Premises During Renewal Terms. The Base Rent for the Premises during each Renewal Term shall be calculated using the Prevailing Market rate per rentable square foot for the Premises as of the commencement of the applicable Renewal Term (calculated in accordance with Paragraph 39.4.3 below), but shall be no less than the Rent under this Lease immediately prior to the applicable Renewal Term. Base Rent during each Renewal Term will be subject to annual four percent (4%) increases. In addition to Base Rent, Lessee shall pay, during the Renewal Term, the additional rent and all other charges required to be paid by Lessee under the terms of the Lease. 39.4.3 Procedure for Determining Prevailing Market. Within 30 days after receipt of the applicable Renewal Notice for the applicable Renewal Term, Lessor shall advise Lessee of the Base Rent for the Premises for the applicable Renewal Term. Lessee, within fifteen (15) days after the date on which Lessor advises Lessee of the Base Rent for the applicable Renewal Term, shall either (i) give Lessor final binding written notice (“Binding Notice”) of Lessee’s exercise of the applicable Renewal Option, or (ii) if Lessee disagrees with Lessor’s determination, provide Lessor with written notice of rejection (the “Rejection Notice”). If Lessee fails to provide Lessor with either a Binding Notice or Rejection Notice within such fifteen (15) day period, Lessee will be deemed to have delivered a Binding Notice. If Lessee provides Lessor with a Binding Notice, Lessor and Lessee shall enter into a Renewal Amendment (as defined below) upon the terms and conditions set forth herein. If Lessee provides Lessor with a Rejection Notice, Lessor and Lessee shall work together in good faith to agree upon the Prevailing Market rate for the Premises during the applicable Renewal Term. When Lessor and Lessee have agreed upon the Prevailing Market rate for the Premises, such agreement shall be reflected in a written agreement between Lessor and Lessee, whether in a letter or otherwise, and Lessor and Lessee shall enter into the Renewal Amendment in accordance with the terms and conditions hereof. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if Lessor and Lessee are unable to agree upon the Prevailing Market rate for the Premises within thirty (30) days after the date Lessee provides Lessor with a Rejection Notice (the “Renewal Outside Date”) , the Prevailing Market rate shall be determined by the appraisal method set forth in Paragraph 39.4.4. 39.4.4 Determination By Appraisal. If Lessor and Lessee are not able to agree upon the Prevailing Market rate pursuant to Paragraph 39.4.3 above within the time period proscribed, then Lessor and Lessee shall work together to agree in good faith upon a single appraiser not later than fifteen (15) days after the applicable Renewal Outside Date. If Lessor and Lessee are unable to agree upon a single appraiser within such fifteen (15) day period, then Lessor and Lessee shall each appoint one appraiser not later than fifteen (15) days thereafter and Lessor and Lessee shall each give written notice to the other of such appointment at the time of such appointment. Within ten (10) days thereafter, the two appointed appraisers shall appoint a third appraiser. If either Lessor or Lessee fails to appoint its appraiser and to give written notice thereof to the other party within the prescribed time period, the single appraiser appointed shall determine the Prevailing Market rate for the Premises. If both parties fail to appoint appraisers within the prescribed time periods, then the first appraiser thereafter selected by a party (such selection to be by written notice thereof to such appraiser and the other party) shall determine the Prevailing Market rate for the Premises. Each party shall bear the cost of its own appraiser and the parties shall share equally the cost of the single or third appraiser if applicable. Docusign Envelope ID: 52F36BE2-EE1B-4D3D-92E9-84A6AE7F1FB6


{10721307;4} 5 All appraisers shall have at least ten (10) years’ experience in the appraisal of commercial real property in the area in which the Premises are located and shall be members of professional organizations such as MAI or its equivalent. For the purposes of such appraisal, the term “Prevailing Market” shall mean the per square foot fair market monthly rental rate that a ready and willing tenant would accept, as of the start of the applicable Renewal Term, for the calculation of monthly base rent, from a ready and willing landlord of property comparable to the Premises (with comparable tenant and other improvements), if such property were exposed for lease in a Comparable Market (as defined below) for a reasonable period of time and taking into account all of the purposes for which the Premises may be used and all of the benefits that the Premises may enjoy. “Comparable Market” means the area commonly referred to as the “Irvine Spectrum Market ”. If a single appraiser is chosen, then such appraiser shall determine the Prevailing Market rate for the Premises. Otherwise, the Prevailing Market rate for the Premises shall be the arithmetic average of the two (2) of the three (3) appraisals which are closest in amount, and the third appraisal shall be disregarded. Lessor and Lessee shall instruct the appraiser(s) to complete their determination of the Prevailing Market rate not later than thirty (30) days after they have been engaged. If the Prevailing Market rate is not determined prior to the commencement of the applicable Renewal Term, then Lessee shall continue to pay to Lessor the Base Rent applicable to the Premises immediately prior to the applicable Renewal Term until the Prevailing Market rate is determined. When the Prevailing Market rate for the Premises is determined, Lessor shall deliver notice thereof to Lessee, and Lessee shall pay to Lessor, within ten (10) days after receipt of such notice, the difference between the Base Rent actually paid by Lessee to Lessor for the period after the commencement of the applicable Renewal Term and the new Base Rent determined hereunder effective as of the commencement of the applicable Renewal Term. In no event shall the Base Rent be reduced below the Base Rent applicable to the Premises immediately prior to the commencement of the applicable Renewal Term. 39.4.5 Renewal Amendment. If Lessee is entitled to and properly exercises the applicable Renewal Option, Lessor shall prepare an amendment (the “Renewal Amendment”) to reflect the changes in the Base Rent, Original Term or Renewal Term, as applicable, and other appropriate terms. The Renewal Amendment shall be sent to Lessee within a reasonable time after Lessor’s receipt of the applicable Renewal Notice and Lessee shall execute and return the Renewal Amendment to Lessor within fifteen (15) days after Lessee’s receipt of same. At Lessor’s sole option, Lessee’s Renewal Option shall be void if Lessee fails to timely return the Renewal Amendment duly executed by Lessee. 41. Security Measures. Lessee assumes all responsibility for the protection of Lessee and its agents, employees, business invitees and licensees and their property from the criminal acts of third parties and shall provide adequate security protection for the Premises. Nothing herein contained shall prevent Lessor, at Lessor’s sole option, from providing security protection for the Building, the Project, or the Premises, and the costs thereof shall be paid by Lessee upon demand. 51. Inconsistencies. If there is any inconsistency between the provisions of the Lease and of this Addendum, the provisions of this Addendum shall control. 52. Financial Statements. Lessee shall deliver to Lessor, not less than once per year during the Original Term, as the same may be extended, and otherwise upon request by Lessor, copies of Lessee’s financial statements which have been audited, if such is the customary practice of Lessee, or reviewed and certified by a certified public accountant. 53. Parking. Lessee shall have the exclusive right to use the forty-one (41) parking stalls designated for use by tenants or occupants of the Premises. In addition to the foregoing, to the extent consistent with and permitted under the CC&Rs, Lessee may use any of the unmarked parking spaces located within the Project on a non-exclusive first come, first served basis. 54. Furniture and IT Equipment. (a) Lessee shall have the exclusive right during the Original Term, as the same may be extended, to use all furniture located in the Premises as of the Commencement Date (collectively, “FF&E”). A list of all FF&E located in the Premises as of the Effective Date is attached hereto as Schedule 1; provided, however, that Lessee agrees that (a) the list of FF&E on Schedule 1 may be inaccurate and Lessee’s obligations under this Lease relating to FF&E includes any similar or dissimilar items located in the Premises even if they are not included on Schedule 1 and (b) Lessor makes no representation or warranty that all items listed on Schedule 1 are actually located in the Premises and Lessee shall not be entitled to any right or remedy if any items listed on Schedule 1 are not actually located in the Premises. Additionally, Lessee agrees that Lessor makes no representation or warranty as to its condition or fitness for any particular purpose of the FF&E. In no event shall Lessee remove ay FF&E during the Original Term, as the same may be extended, or at the expiration thereof unless the FF&E is purchased by Lessee pursuant to the Purchase Agreement (as defined below). (b) Lessor shall remove the IT equipment identified on attached Schedule 2 from the Premises within two (2) weeks of the Commencement Date. 55. Purchase Option. a. Lessor hereby grants to Lessee the exclusive right to purchase the Premises upon all of the terms, covenants and conditions hereinafter set forth (the “Option”). b. The purchase price (the “Purchase Price”) shall be Nine Million Seven Hundred Fifty Thousand and 00/100 Dollars ($9,750,000.00) as of January 19, 2025, subject to adjustment as hereinafter set forth. Effective as of July 19, 2025, the Purchase Price shall be automatically decreased to Nine Million Five Hundred Thousand and 00/100 Dollars ($9,500,000.00). c. The Option shall begin on January 19, 2025 and shall continue and expire on July 19, 2026 in accordance with the terms hereof (the “Option Term”). d. If Lessee fails to timely and duly exercise the Option before the end of the Option Term, the Option shall automatically be deemed terminated without any further action by any party and Lessee shall have no further right to purchase the Premises. If Lessee exercises the Option and fails to close due to a default by Lessee, the Option shall automatically be deemed terminated without any further action by any party and Lessee shall have no further right to purchase the Premises, but the Lease shall remain in full force and effect in accordance with its terms. e. Lessee may exercise the Option only by doing the following before the Option Term expires: (a) at least ten (10) business days before the end of the Option Term, notifying Lessor in writing of its election to do so (“Exercise Notice”) and (b) depositing with DeFrenza Lee LLP two (2) Lessee executed copies of the Standard Offer, Agreement and Escrow Instructions for Purchase of Real Estate and Addendum to Standard Offer, Agreement and Escrow Instructions for Real Estate collectively attached hereto as Exhibit “B” (collectively, the “Purchase Agreement”), which Purchase Agreement shall govern the terms of Lessee’s purchase of the Premises. Within three (3) business days after Lessee exercises the Option, Lessor shall deliver to an Docusign Envelope ID: 52F36BE2-EE1B-4D3D-92E9-84A6AE7F1FB6


{10721307;4} 6 escrow company acceptable to Lessor and Lessee (“Escrow Holder”) a counterpart of the Purchase Agreement duly executed by Lessor. If the Option is exercised by Lessee as provided herein, Lessor shall sell the Premises to Lessee and Lessee shall purchase the Premises from Lessor on the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement and the Purchase Agreement. The Exercise Notice shall include a closing date which shall be no later than thirty (30) days after the date of delivery of the Exercise Notice to Seller (“Closing Date”, “Close of Escrow”, “Close”, and/or “Closing”). f. Lessor shall, within ninety (90) days after Commencement Date, deliver to Lessee, the following property documents to the extent in Lessor’s actual possession: 1. Copies of any leases, subleases and rental arrangements affecting the Premises; 2. A copy of the CC&Rs; 3. Copies of all other material agreements known to Lessor that are not recorded in the county recorder’s office or otherwise publicly available from a public agency and that will affect the Premises after Closing; and 4. Copies of any notes, deeds of trust and related agreements to which the Premises will remain subject after the Closing. 56. No Offer. Preparation of this Lease by Lessor or Lessor’s agent and submission of this Lease to Lessee shall not be deemed an offer to Lessee to lease or create an obligation of either party to negotiate to lease. This Lease shall become binding upon Lessor and Lessee only when fully executed by both parties. [Signatures Appear On Following Page] Docusign Envelope ID: 52F36BE2-EE1B-4D3D-92E9-84A6AE7F1FB6


{10721307;4} 1 THEREFORE, the parties have executed this Lease as of the date first written above. LESSOR: ZINA DEVELOPMENT, LLC, a California limited liability company By: Name: Abdullah Arbikatbi Its: Managing Member LESSEE: CHEETAH NET SUPPLY CHAIN SERVICE INC., a North Carolina corporation By: Name: Huan Liu Its: Chief Executive Officer By: Name: Its: [If Lessee is a corporation, Signatories for Lessee shall be (1) any of the chairman of the board, the president or any vice-president and (2) any of the secretary, any assistant secretary, the chief financial officer or any assistant treasurer.] Docusign Envelope ID: 52F36BE2-EE1B-4D3D-92E9-84A6AE7F1FB6


{10721307;4} 1 EXHIBIT “A” Form of Guaranty Docusign Envelope ID: 52F36BE2-EE1B-4D3D-92E9-84A6AE7F1FB6


{10721307;4} EXHIBIT “B” Form of Purchase Agreement Docusign Envelope ID: 52F36BE2-EE1B-4D3D-92E9-84A6AE7F1FB6


{10722156;1} FIRST AMENDMENT TO STANDARD INDUSTRIAL/COMMERCIAL SINGLE-TENANT LEASE - GROSS THIS FIRST AMENDMENT TO STANDARD INDUSTRIAL/COMMERCIAL SINGLE-TENANT LEASE - GROSS (this “Agreement”) is made as of the 6 th day of August, 2024, between ZINA DEVELOPMENT, LLC, a California limited liability company (“Landlord”), and CHEETAH NET SUPPLY CHAIN SERVICE INC., a North Carolina corporation (“Tenant”). W I T N E S S E T H: Landlord and Tenant are, respectively, the current landlord and the current tenant under that certain Standard Industrial/Commercial Single-Tenant Lease - Gross dated as of July 19, 2024 (the “Lease”), as covering that certain building commonly known as 8707 Research Drive, Irvine, CA, as more particularly described in the Lease (the “Premises”). Landlord and Tenant desire to modify the Lease in accordance with the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency whereof are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto hereby agree as follows: 1. Definitions. Capitalized terms used but not otherwise defined in this Agreement shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Lease. 2. Guarantor. Section 1.10 is hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: Guarantor. The obligations of the Lessee under this Lease are to be guaranteed by West Buy Media Inc., a North Carolina corporation (“Guarantor”). (See also Paragraph 37) 3. Signature Block. In the signature block for Lessee, the email address listed is hereby deleted and replaced with the following: tony@cheetah-net.com. 4. Lease in Effect. Except as otherwise modified by this Agreement, all of the terms and provisions of the Lease are hereby ratified and confirmed and shall continue in full force and effect. 5. Counterparts; Captions. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts and shall constitute an agreement binding on all parties notwithstanding that all parties are not signatories to the original or the same counterpart provided that all parties are furnished a copy or copies thereof reflecting the signature of all parties. Transmission of a facsimile, DocuSign or by email of a pdf copy of the signed counterpart of this Agreement shall be deemed the equivalent of the delivery of the original. The paragraph headings set forth in this Agreement are for convenience of reference only, and do not define, limit or construe the contents of such paragraphs. 6. Prior Negotiations. This Agreement supersedes all prior negotiations, representations, understandings and agreements of, by or between Landlord and Tenant with respect to the subject matter hereof, all of which shall be deemed fully merged herein.


{10722156;1} 2 7. Entire Agreement. This Agreement, together with the Lease and Guaranty, as amended, constitutes the entire Agreement of the parties hereto with respect to the matters stated herein, and may not be amended or modified unless such amendment or modification shall be in writing and shall have been signed by the party against whom enforcement is sought. 8. Invalidity. If any provision of this Agreement shall be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Agreement or the application of such provision other than to the extent that it is invalid or unenforceable shall not be affected, and each provision of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect notwithstanding the invalidity or unenforceability of such provision, but only to the extent that application and/or enforcement, as the case may be, would be equitable and consistent with the intent of the parties in entering into this Agreement. [BALANCE OF PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK; SIGNATURE PAGE FOLLOWS]


{10722156;1} 3 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first above written. LANDLORD: ZINA DEVELOPMENT, LLC, a California limited liability company By: /s/ Abdullah Arbikatbi________________ Abdullah Arbikatbi, Managing Member TENANT: CHEETAH NET SUPPLY CHAIN SERVICE INC., a North Carolina corporation By: /s/ Huan Liu Huan Liu, Chief Executive Officer