
淨收益與調整後息税折舊攤銷前利潤之間的對賬 21 * 非經常性其他 收入包括確認收購早期項目預計產生的收益減少以及與美國 州項目税收抵免相關的其他確認收入(千美元)截至24年6月30日的三個月 06/30/23 06/30/24 06/30/24 06/30/23 淨收益(虧損)33,944 55,707 9,459 22,431 折舊和 攤銷 50,886 26,777 25,282 13,637 股份薪酬 4,084 2,850 967 1,461 財務收入 (15,065) (32,262) (7,000) (11,885) 財務 支出 49,311 33,431 29,818 17,068 非經常性其他收入 (*) (6,525) (7,075) (3,261) (7,075) 被投資者的股權損失份額 449 368 305 163 收入 9,130 15,294 2,299 5,713 調整後的息税折舊攤銷前利潤 126,214 95,090 57,869 41,513

需求增加加上項目短缺推高了PPA定價 22 美國電力需求增加推動PPA價格上漲的項目稀缺在過去兩年中,儘管設備成本降低,但PPA定價仍然居高不下,供需失衡推動PPA定價上漲... 21年第一季度-24季度太陽能 +70% 基礎設備成本繼續保持低水平,目前美國面板價格在30美分範圍內 AD/CVD 最新進展的後期影響;歐洲面板價格在 11 美分區間內美國 電池價格在每千瓦時160美元區間內,比2023年初下降30%較低的設備成本推動未償還的回報率上升... 設備價格保持樂觀截至23年1月的指數 = 100關鍵大宗商品價格來源:彭博社, LevelTen PPA價格指數

圖表、規模發電、兆瓦存儲、兆瓦時投資組合定義正在運營、 在建和施工前(預計將在12個月內開始施工)預計將在批准日期後的13至24個月內開始施工的成熟項目高級開發在 開發過程中的其餘項目開發高級開發在建前成熟項目開發總投資組合運營項目售出1,990個 0-12 個月(2025 年 8 月 7 日),直到 開始建築 13-24距離開工還有幾個月 5,393 2,868 4,068 4,054 23 23 12,823 14,419 33,177 5,935 1,447 10,987 4,323 20,703 注:截至批准之日的投資組合信息;未合併到我們 財務報表中的項目按比例分配 1.7 吉瓦 1.7 GW 434 + + + + + + + 投資組合快照

Enlight的獨特地位:短期管道和互連優勢代表 “缺失環節” 美國總投資組合的68%輸電基礎設施是當今可再生能源的主要制約因素先進開發3.8吉瓦佔美國開發的43% 3.7吉瓦的100%美國高級 開發成熟項目 3.1 GW 100% 的美國成熟10.5吉瓦系統影響研究已完成 + + =


 Strong results and growth in the first half of 2024  Growth driven by new operational projects and healthy production levels  ($m)  6  1  +42%  +33%  -39%  -4%  H1 2024 versus H1 2023  1H23 boosted by decreased earnout, LD recognition and FX impacts on financial income  1Adjusted EBITDA is a non-IFRS measure. Please see the appendix of this presentation for a reconciliation to Net Income 

 Enlight reported Adjusted EBITDA1 versus consensus2 estimates  Adjusted EBITDA: quarterly actual results vs consensus expectations  ($m)  7   2Q24 Actual +9.5% above Consensus  2Q24  1Q24  3Q23  4Q23  2Q23  1Q23  Enlight Reported Adjusted EBITDA1    Consensus Estimates2  1Adjusted EBITDA is a non-IFRS measure. Please see the appendix of this presentation for a reconciliation to Net Income; 2Source: Bloomberg  

 Raising 2024 full year guidance ranges   8  Revenues: midpoint increased by $5m   EBITDA1: midpoint increased by $7.5m  Strong operational performance, O&M and G&A cost savings  Midpoint +3%  ($m)  ($m)  Midpoint +1.4%  1 Adjusted EBITDA is a non-IFRS measure. Please see the appendix of this presentation for a reconciliation to Net Income. 

 Promising business environment for Enlight  Data centers and EVs are the main drivers of accelerating US electricity demand growth  Renewables are the dominant source of supply for this demand, comprising 95% of the US project queue  Average US PPA prices of $52 remain high, reflecting scarcity value of new power projects as demand rises  Power prices in Europe remain at solid levels, reflecting high projected returns for Enlight’s portfolio  Equipment costs remain attractive for buyers while interest rates are stabilizing with a positive trajectory  9 

 Renewables the source of new power supply  Total US power demand to rise 11% from   4,000 TWh to 4,450 TWh between 2023-2030   Data centers and EVs boost electricity consumption; solar the source of supply  Data centers, AI, & EVs drive US power consumption…  Source: Rystad Energy forecasts ta centers / AI data centers / AI data centers / AI data centers / AI data centers / AI data centers / AI data centers / AI data centers / AI   … Solar PV is the main winner from data center, AI, & EV demand  U.S. electricity use driven by data centers, AI, EVs, whose power consumption is set to grow 196% between 2023-30  10  TWh  GW   Massive growth in solar PV installed base leads the transition to clean power production  Solar PV +180% 

  Load growth rising after decades of decline; renewables dominate project queue   Increasing demand for electricity …  Source: Grid Strategies; Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory  … Renewables the only game in town  Renewable power projects represent 95% of new capacity now in queue, with gas at only 3%  Coal plants displaced, while hydro, & nuclear are not built at scale  US annual load growth forecast has jumped to 0.9% in 2023, with potential to reach 1.5%  Drivers include new manufacturing and data center facilities  Renewables critical to meeting future demand  The hunt for power accelerates  11  2025E  2.6 TW  = renewable energy projects  

 Global Portfolio of 2024-27 CODs  3.4 GW 5.5 GWh  2024-2027 projects yield high returns  12  Overlaying a 10.5% unlevered return with a 5.5-6.0% cost of debt  Unlevered Ratio  10.5%  Mid-teens %  Equity IRR  Mature Portfolio status:   Average unlevered return:   10.5%  Average levered return:   Mid teens   0.5 GW + 1.5 GWh under construction  2.9 GW + 4.0 GWh near construction 

 Gecama is performing well above expectations, yielding high returns  1Source: AURORA  1  Price (€/MWh)  Spanish power prices exceed originally modeled forecasts, driving Gecama profits higher  

 2024 on plan: Atrisco expected to reach COD & three new flagship projects  14  1EBITDA is a non-IFRS financial measure. The Company is unable to provide a reconciliation of EBITDA to Net Income on a forward-looking basis without unreasonable effort because items that impact this IFRS financial measure are not within the Company’s control and/or cannot be reasonably predicted. 2Net construction costs assume receipt of certain ITC and PTC credits under the IRA and are net of the estimated value of these credits. For certain projects, PTC is assumed, based on the project’s expected production and a yearly CPI indexation of 2%, discounted by 8% to COD. For other projects ITC is assumed at the relevant ITC rate (ranging from 30% to 50%, depending on energy community and/or domestic content adders). The net cost does not reflect the full tax equity investment, only the estimated value of the tax credits.  Combination of large-scale projects at high returns  Roadrunner  Arizona  Location  290 MW + 940 MWh  Capacity   Construction starts 2H24  Status  $48-51m / $39-41m  First Year Revenues / EBITDA1  10.8%-11.4%2  Unlevered Ratio  Quail Ranch  New Mexico  Location  128 MW + 400 MWh  Capacity   Construction starts 2H24  Status  $22-23m / $18-19m  First Year Revenues / EBITDA1  13.2%-14.0%2  Unlevered Ratio  Country Acres  California  Location  392 MW + 688 MWh  Capacity   Construction starts 2H24  Status  $58-61m / $46-48m  First Year Revenues / EBITDA1  9.7%-10.3%2  Unlevered Ratio  Atrisco  New Mexico  Location  364 MW + 1,200 MWh  Capacity   Under Construction  Status  $51-55m / $41-45m  First Year Revenues / EBITDA1  9.4%-9.9%2  Unlevered Ratio  RTB  Awaiting COD 

 2024 on plan: Diverse mix of new wind, solar and battery projects  15  1EBITDA is a non-IFRS financial measure. The Company is unable to provide a reconciliation of EBITDA to Net Income on a forward-looking basis without unreasonable effort because items that impact this IFRS financial measure are not within the Company’s control and/or cannot be reasonably predicted; 2Israel Solar + Storage comprises a cluster of 12 projects in various locations in the center and north of Israel. Nine projects are operational, while the remaining three are in various stages of construction. All clusters are expected to reach full COD gradually during 2024.   Continuing to expand presence across EU and Israel with high projected project returns  Solar + Storage2 & SA Storage in Israel & Italy  Gecama Hybrid  Solar, Spain  Location  225 MW + 220 MWh  Capacity   Near Construction   Status  $36-38m / $29-30m  First Year Revenues / EBITDA1  13.6%-14.3%  Unlevered Ratio  Israel & Italy  Location  55 MW + 1.1 GWh  Capacity   Under Construction (Solar + Storage) & Near Construction (SA Storage, Nardo)  Status  $42-43m / $30-31m  First Year Revenues / EBITDA1  10.7%-11.2%  Unlevered Ratio  Pupin  Wind, Serbia  Location  94 MW  Capacity   Under Construction  Status  $21-22m / $15-16m  First Year Revenues / EBITDA1  10.4%-10.9%  Unlevered Ratio  completed financial close  new projects COD 

 Growing and geographically diverse Mature Portfolio  16  Growth in MW/MWh in the last 12 months  106 MW  364 MW  1,200 MWh  2,589 MW  2,852 MWh  3,059 MW  4,052 MWh  U.S.  651 MW  434 MWh  77 MW  246 MWh  54 MW  521 MWh  782 MW  1,201 MWh  MENA   1,233 MW  94 MW  225 MW  680 MWh  1,552 MW  680 MWh  EU  Operational  Under Construction  Near Construction  Total Mature  Development Stage  1,228 MWh  555 MW  255 MWh  80 MWh 

 Increasing diversification of revenue base  17  $6m up  $3m up   U.S.  $46m up  $32m up   MENA   $17m up  $8m up   EU3  Revenue increase TTM1  Adjusted EBITDA2 increase, TTM1  1 2Q24 TTM revenues compared to previous period. Ie Growth of 2Q24-2Q23 over 2Q23-2Q22; 2 Segment Adjusted EBITDA is a non-IFRS measure; 3 EBITDA results for 2Q23 and 3Q23 exclude $8m and $2m (respectively) of compensation recognized from Siemens Gamesa due to the delay in reaching full production at Project Björnberget 

 Increasing 2024 Guidance: Revenues of $345-360m and Adjusted EBITDA of $245-260m  Operational Portfolio  MW & MWh))  Revenue  ($m)  Adjusted EBITDA1  ($m)  1,421 MW  721 MW  1,883 MW + 277 MWh  2022  2021  2023  102  192  256  2022   2021  2023  99  130  189  2022  2021  2023  18  1Adjusted EBITDA is a non-IFRS measure. Please see the appendix of this presentation for a reconciliation to Net Income. The Company is unable to provide a reconciliation of Adjusted EBITDA to Net Income on a forward-looking basis without unreasonable effort because items that impact this IFRS financial measure are not within the Company’s control and/or cannot be reasonably predicted  2024E  2024E  2,431 MW + 1,881 MWh  345-360  245-260  2024E  37% CAGR  51% CAGR  +560% CAGR in MWh  +50% CAGR in MW  Raising guidance ranges   Revenues: $345-$360m   up from $335m-$360m  EBITDA1: $245m-$260m   up from $235-$255m  Key Assumptions  90% of generation sold at fixed prices through hedges or PPAs  FX assumptions of 3.8 for USD/ILS and 1.05 for EUR/USD   Forecasted Revenues: 40% in ILS; 55% in EUR and 5% in USD 

 Mature portfolio: 5.4 GW and 5.9 GWh operational by 2027  Status Today:  19  Massive growth into middle of decade: operational capacity expected to triple to 5.4 GW and 5.9 GWh by the end of 2027  2024 | Atrisco (364 MW, 1.2 GWh)  2025 | Roadrunner & Quail Ranch (418 MW, 1.3 GWh)  2026 | Gecama, CO Bar & Country Acres (1.4 GW, 1.7 GWh )  Major Expected CODs  CAGR + 30%  2023-2027E  1 We expect additional projects currently grouped in the Advanced Development portfolio to reach COD by 2027, however these are not included in these forecasts.   Mature portfolio only1 


 Reconciliation between Net Income to Adjusted EBITDA  21  * Non-recurring other income comprised the recognition of income related to reduced earnout payments expected to be incurred for the acquisition of Clenera for early-stage projects and other income recognized in relation to tax credits for projects in the United States  ($ thousands)     For the six months ended     For the three months ended        06/30/24     06/30/23     06/30/24     06/30/23  Net Income (loss)     33,944     55,707     9,459     22,431  Depreciation and amortization     50,886     26,777     25,282     13,637  Share based compensation     4,084     2,850     967     1,461  Finance income      (15,065)     (32,262)     (7,000)     (11,885)  Finance expenses     49,311     33,431     29,818     17,068  Non-recurring other income (*)     (6,525)     (7,075)     (3,261)     (7,075)  Share of losses of equity accounted investees     449     368     305     163  Taxes on income     9,130     15,294     2,299     5,713  Adjusted EBITDA     126,214     95,090     57,869     41,513 

 Increased demand coupled with shortage of projects pushing PPA pricing higher  22  U.S. demand for power increasing  Scarcity of projects driving PPA pricing higher  Enlight raised prices +25% on 1.8 GW of signed PPAs during past two years  PPA pricing remains high   despite lower equipment costs  Supply and demand imbalance pushing PPA pricing higher …   Solar   +70%Q1/21- Q1/24  Underlying equipment costs continue to remain low  U.S. panel prices now in 30-cent range post impact of latest AD/CVD developments; European panel prices in 11-cent range  U.S. battery prices in the $160 per kWh range, 30% lower than at the start of 2023  Lower equipment costs   driving unlevered returns higher  … Equipment prices remain favourable  Indexed to Jan ‘23 = 100  Key commodity prices  Source: Bloomberg, LevelTen PPA Price Index 

 Graph, scale  Generation, MW  Storage, MWh  Portfolio definitions  Operational, under construction and pre-construction (expected to start construction within 12 months)  Mature  Projects which are expected to begin construction within 13 to 24 months of the Approval Date  Advanced  development  The rest of the projects in development process  Development  Advanced  Development  Under Construction  Operational  Pre-Construction  Mature   Projects  Development  Total   Portfolio  Operational projects sold  1,990  0-12 months (Aug 07 ,2025)   until start of construction   13-24 months   until start of construction  5,393  2,868  4,054  535  23  12,823  14,419  33,177  5,935  1,447  10,987  4,323  20,703  Note: Portfolio information as of the Approval Date; Projects that are not consolidated in our financial statements are reflected at their proportional share   1.7 GW still under the company’s operational management  1.7 GW  434  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  Portfolio snapshot 

 Enlight’s unique position: near-term pipeline & interconnect advantage represent “missing link”  68% of total portfolio in the United States  Transmission infrastructure is the principal constraint for renewable energy today  Advanced Development   3.8 GW  43% of U.S Development  Development   3.7 GW  100% of U.S   Advanced Development  Mature Projects  3.1 GW  100% of U.S Mature  10.5 GW  System Impact Study Completed  +  +  = 

 Thank you