*調整後的EBITDA在截至2024年3月31日的9個月中,在截至2024年3月31日的9個月中,在截至3月31日的9個月中,在截至2013年3月31日的9個月中,2023年,比特幣挖掘收入增長129.8,人工智能雲服務收入增長41.3%,人工智能雲服務收入增長0.6%,其他收入增長0.9%,電費增長3.1%,金融資產實現損益增長3.2%,其他成本增長3.2%,其他成本增長(36.1%),調整後EBITDA增長42.5%,(7.7),調整後EBITDA利潤率增長32%.合併損益表的對賬增加/(減去):出售子公司的損益-3.3%資產減值2%(105.2)資產減值沖銷0.1%-0.0%股份支付費用-75美元行權價期權-(8.7%)(8.9%)股份支付費用--(1.4%)外匯收益/(虧損)2.3%(2.6%),其他費用 項目3%(3.4):未實現損益(0.2%)財務AST4年度(1.3%)EBITDA:22.5%(122.7)財務支出:(0.2%)%(16.2%)利息收入:2.9%:0.5%折舊:(23.9%)(24.1)截至2024年3月31日的9個月,該期間的所得税前利潤/(虧損)為1.3億美元(162.6),所得税(費用)/福利支出(3.2%)和(2.3%)期間的所得税支出後利潤/(虧損)為4250萬美元,調整後的EBITDA為4250萬美元,經營活動淨現金為4790萬美元。比特幣開採收入從4130萬美元增加到1.298億美元。平均運營哈希率(2.0EH/S到5.8EH/S)增加68%或1,368個BTC增加(2,003個BTC到3,371個BTC)+87%每個BTC開採實現的平均價格(20.6K美元到38.5K美元)每個BTC開採的平均淨電力成本2從(9.9K)美元增加到(15.4K)美元。其他成本包括(2014財年第三季度):員工福利支出$(1280萬),現場運營成本$(590萬),保險成本 $(480萬),專業費用$(430萬),加拿大不可退還銷售税撥備$(430萬)$(430萬)。有關金額的詳細細目,請參閲幻燈片淨電力成本。截至2023年3月31日的9個月的資產減值包括之前報告的其他應收賬款損失1520萬美元 百萬美元。*其他費用項目包括包括律師費在內的一次性專業費用。金融資產的未實現虧損是指所記錄的金融資產相對於為未來使用期購買的電力的公允價值變化。他説:

*合併現金流量表:截至3月31日的9個月現金和現金等價物淨增加1.907億美元,2024年-由於平均運營哈希率(2.0 EH/S至5.8 EH/S)的提高,以及用於投資活動的平均已實現比特幣價格的提高,來自運營活動的淨現金增加至4790萬美元,投資活動中使用的淨現金增加至1.88億美元,原因是奇爾里斯數據中心的擴建以及購買816 NVIDIA H100 GPU。融資活動的淨現金增加至3.308億美元,其中3.321億美元來自ATM 和ELOC出售的股票。截至3月31日的9個月中,第三季度YTD FY23財年為100萬美元,2024年-截至2023年3月31日的9個月-經營活動的現金流,比特幣開採活動的收入129.4,人工智能雲服務的收入4370億,人工智能雲服務的收入11億,ERS收入的11億,電費4億,供應商和員工(含商品及服務税)(85.9):(41.1)利息收入:其他收入的3.0%:0.5%;支付的利息:(0.1%):(4.1)經營活動/(用於) 的淨現金:47.9%(1.0):投資活動的現金流:物業付款,廠房和設備扣除硬件預付款後的淨額(112.7)和(93.6%)計算機硬件預付款的淨額(70.6%)和貸款收益的長期還款額/(預付款)為:-2.3%的預付款和押金:(4.7%)和(7.4%)財產處置的收益,廠房和設備:無追索權SPV的解除合併:0.0%(1.2%)來自/(用於)投資活動的淨現金:(188.0):(69.3%)融資活動的現金流:(0.9%):借款償還:(9.4%):融資收益:332.1:7.5%:借款交易成本:--(0.3%)償還租賃負債;(0.4%)(0.2%)來自/(用於)融資活動的現金淨額;(3.2%)現金和現金等價物淨增加/(減少);期初現金和現金等價物淨增加/(減少):190.7:(73.5%);(68.9%);(110.0):匯率變動對現金和現金的影響。期末現金及現金等價物分別為0.1%、259.7及33.2%。

資產負債表截至2024年3月31日的資產負債表為259.7美元,現金及現金等價物為68.9億美元,其他應收賬款為35.9%為6.5%,按公允價值計的損益金融資產為3.4億美元,預付款和其他資產為11.2%為13.8%,流動資產總額為310.2,為89.2%。廠房和設備:357.1:241.1:使用權資產:1.6%:其他非流動資產:54.7%:0.4%:非流動資產總額:413.4:242.8:總資產:723.6:332.1:負債:租賃負債:0.2%:0.2%其他流動資產:41.3%:23.8%:流動負債總額:41.5%:24%租賃負債-非流動負債1.5%其他非流動負債1.3%非流動負債總額4.9%2.7% 負債總額46.4%26.7%股權677.2-305.4總股本677.2-305.4股權總額723.6-332.1現金和現金等價物2.597億美元無債務工具總資產7.236億美元。強勁的資產負債表為未來的增長提供資金 總股本增加到6.772億美元,根據ATM和ELOC1出售的7350萬股票的毛收入為3.699億美元。現金增加到3.215億美元(截至4月30日,2024年3月31日之後,公司又出售了8,172,310股普通股,淨收益總額約4,350萬美元。截至2024年5月12日的普通股總數為146,584,041股。這包括截至2024年4月30日的美元等價物、未經審計的初步現金、現金等價物和定期存款,其中包括2024年3月31日之後發行的股票的7,180萬美元自動取款機收益。他説:

第23頁和第5頁中的假設和説明:30EH/S的整體銘牌車隊效率為16 J/th 。它代表假設30 EH/S開採的每個比特幣的指示性電力成本,銘牌車隊效率16 J/th,加權平均電力成本0.037美元/千瓦時(不列顛哥倫比亞省0.045美元/千瓦時,德克薩斯州0.033美元/千瓦時-後者使用截至24財年(即2023年7月至2024年3月)奇爾德里斯的實際月平均淨電價計算),包括ERS收入並根據現在符合條件的4CP福利進行調整),當前全球哈希率為595EH/S,區塊獎勵為每區塊3.125 BTC, 每區塊0.3BTC的交易費。第7頁反映了MARA、CLSK和Riot的平均企業價值/已安裝EH/S倍數。數據來自彭博社和上市公司備案文件(截至2024年5月10日)。企業價值=市值 總債務-(現金+數字資產)。Hodl餘額以63,000美元的比特幣價格轉換。*該公司繼續考慮一系列融資機會,如股權、公司債務和設備融資。第9頁:2024年4月報告的比特幣挖掘和安裝哈希率。截至2024年5月14日,Iren安裝了哈希率。彭博社市場數據顯示(截至2024年5月10日)。第11頁:GPU資本支出反映了以每個GPU約4萬美元的價格購買2,500個NVIDIA H100 GPU。它假設1個GPU和2,500個NVIDIA H100 GPU需要1.25kW的功耗。説明性硬件利潤=收入減去假設的電力成本(不包括所有其他站點、管理費用和REC成本)。計算假設2,500個GPU在100%正常運行時間下運行,能源價格為0.05美元/千瓦時,GPU定價中點為每GPU小時2.00-2.50美元(取決於客户合同)。第16頁:開採的每枚比特幣的電力成本反映了上面的假設(指示性的 假設30 EH/S開採的每枚比特幣的電力成本),每GPU小時的電力成本假設1個GPU所需的電力消耗為1.25kW,説明性的能源價格為0.05美元/千瓦時。$2.00-$2.50 AI雲服務説明性定價假設反映了觀察到的AI雲定價基準。説明性年化硬件利潤=收入減去假設電力成本(不包括所有其他站點、管理費用和REC成本)。計算假設硬件運行時間為100%,電費為0.037美元/千瓦時 。資料來源:Coinwarz比特幣挖掘計算器。投入:63,000美元(比特幣價格),30,000 PH/S(哈希率),~595EH/S(全球哈希率),3.125 BTC(區塊獎勵),0.3BTC(交易手續費),0.15%(池費),503 MW(功耗)。AI雲服務説明性年化硬件利潤假設定價為每GPU小時2.00-2.50美元。根據最近觀察到的ASIC和GPU採購訂單和市場定價基準計算硬件回收期 (僅基於硬件資本支出,例如不包括數據中心)。ASIC資本支出假設定價為18.9美元/次。GPU資本支出假設每個H100 GPU定價為4萬美元。硬件回收期根據硬件利潤計算,即收入減去假設的電力成本(不包括所有其他站點、管理費用和REC成本)。~12至24個月的比特幣挖掘回收期基於一系列比特幣價格的當前比特幣挖掘經濟,以及歷史觀察到的硬件定價。


*合併損益表在截至2024年3月31日的三個月和截至12月31日的三個月中,截至2014財年第三季度和24財年第二季度,分別為億美元和32億美元。2023年收入和比特幣挖掘收入增長53.4%和42.0%人工智能雲服務收入增長0.6%其他收入增長0.4%總收入 收入增長54.3%42.6%支出折舊增長(8.7%)(7.6)增長電費增長(19.8)增長(16.7)金融資產實現損益增長0.1%0.1%員工支出支出增長(4.3))*(4.3)股權分紅支出1%(5.8):(6.0)資產減值沖銷 :-0.1%專業費用支出:(2.0):(2.3)現場費用支出:(2.1):(1.8):其他運營費用支出:(4.5%):(6.0):金融資產減值未實現損益(1.1)。*(0.3)當期營業利潤/(虧損):6.0%(2.2)當期財務 費用支出:(0.1):利息收入:1.5%:0.7%匯兑收益/(虧損):4.7%(4.7)當期所得税費用前利潤/(虧損):12.1%(6.3):所得税(費用)/福利:(3.5))*增加了1380萬美元,這主要是由於比特幣開採收入的增加,以及2014財年第三季度所得税後利潤860萬美元的關鍵非現金項目:基於股票的支付支出(580萬美元),折舊(870萬美元)和2014財年支出(290萬美元)與攤銷首次公開募股前授予的75美元行權價期權(370美元至1,850美元的初始股價歸屬條件)有關。

淨電力成本-26電費與淨電費的對賬 截至2024年3月31日的三個月和截至2023年12月31日的三個月 截至2024年3月31日的九個月和截至3月31日的九個月,2023年:電費收入:(19.8)%(16.7)%:(55.9)%(19.9)%,加上/(減去)以下 :*金融資產的已實現收益/(虧損):0.1%;0.1%;3.2%;--ERS收入(包括在其他收入中)::0.4%-0.5%;0.9%--ERS費用(包括在其他運營費用中):-(0.0)。(0.0)預測(0.1)年度淨電力成本 預測(19.4)%(16.1)%(51.9)%(19.9):比特幣開採(數量):1,003:1,144%:3,371%:2,003%每比特幣開採(千美元):(19.3)%(19.3)%:(15.4)%(9.9)。


 Bitmain contract summary  8  Hardware agreements for latest-generation miners  Bitmain Agreement  Hashrate  Nameplate Efficiency  Price  Option expiry  Comment  Existing Agreements  5 EH/s  19 J/TH  -  -  Existing Option Agreement  now amended to  48,000 T21  (9 EH/s)  or  48,000 S21 Pro   (11 EH/s)  19 J/TH  or  15 J/TH  $14/TH  or  $18.9/TH  Sep 2024  now  Mar 2025  Now exercisable for either T21 or   S21 Pro miners (or a combination of)  New Purchase Agreement  51,480 S21 Pro  (12 EH/s)  15 J/TH  $15.1/TH, plus  $3.8/TH deferred  n/a  Deferred payment due 9 months after delivery  New Option Agreement  51,480 S21 Pro  (12 EH/s)  15 J/TH  $18.9/TH  May 2025  Total  40 EH/s  15 J/TH  30 EH/s in 2024  40 EH/s in 2025 (Optionality) 

 Peer landscape  9  $254  $715  $254  $636  $616  $674  $1,153  $711  $2,657  $3,548  $647  $4,684  2.8  5.5  5.0  6.7  7.0  8.0  7.7  10.0  12.6  17.3  20.4  29.9  Large-scale miner with leading efficiency  Market Cap ($m)  Installed hashrate (EH/s)  Bitcoin mined (April 2024)  Note: Refer to assumptions and notes on page 23. 

 AI Cloud Services  02 

 AI is not a ‘pivot’ away from Bitcoin   11  Highly complementary businesses utilizing the same multi-purpose data centers   Diversifies revenue base  Smooths returns through the cycle  Optimizes cost of capital  Does not displace Bitcoin mining capacity  Every $100m of GPU capex:  Uses

 Scaling AI Cloud Services  Exceptional customer feedback  “We are seriously impressed by the performance of the hostdevice DMA transfers…the number is 3x bigger than any other hardware setup we have worked with”  12  IREN’s NVIDIA H100 GPU deployment at its Prince George data center  In parallel with growth in Bitcoin mining  Testing on-demand market  Equipment financing presents potential path to scale   $500m GPU financing  April 2024  $2.3bn GPU financing  August 2023 

 >3,000MW power & land portfolio  03 

 AI’s impending power crunch  >3,000MW power & land portfolio presents significant opportunity   14  Source: Morgan Stanley Research (April 2024). $5-$12/Watt range relates to the “time to power” benefit of converting a mining facility to a data center (vs. building a data center without grid access and going through the typical interconnection process).  Data center growth is hampered by grid connection wait times  Morgan Stanley valued access to power at ~$5-12/Watt  3,000MW = 3,000,000,000 Watts  IREN exploring structures to unlock value from its power & land portfolio 

 Financial summary  04 

 Illustrative comparative economics  Bitcoin Mining  AI Cloud Services  Business  Bitcoin network security (Bitcoin rewards sold daily)  GPU compute for AI customers  Hardware  Application-Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC)  Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)  Monetization1, 2  Per Bitcoin mined  Revenue: Spot price  Electricity Cost: ~$17k  Per GPU hour  Revenue: ~$2.00-$2.50  Electricity Cost: ~$0.06  Annualized hardware profit3  30 EH/s: ~$408m  816 GPU Cluster: ~$14m-$17m  Hardware payback period4  ~12 to 24 months  ~24 months  16  THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS FOR GENERAL INFORMATION and illustrative PURPOSES ONLY. THE BITCOIN MINING AND AI CLOUD SERVICES ANNUALIZED HARDWARE PROFIT OUTPUTS ARE FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY AND SHOULD NOT BE CONSIDERED PROJECTIONS OF IRIS ENERGY’S OPERATING PERFORMANCE. SUCH OUTPUTS ARE BASED ON IMPORTANT ASSUMPTIONS AND HISTORICAL INFORMATION, INCLUDING INFORMATION AND CALCULATIONS FROM THIRD PARTY SOURCES (INCLUDING WEBSITES). WE HAVE NOT INDEPENDENTLY VERIFIED SUCH INFORMATION AND CALCULATIONS, AND SUCH INFORMATION AND CALCULATIONS ARE SUBJECT TO IMPORTANT LIMITATIONS AND COULD PROVE TO BE INACCURATE. THE ILLUSTRATIVE OUTPUTS ARE BASED ON HISTORICAL OR THIRD-PARTY INFORMATION WHICH MAY OR MAY NOT MATERIALIZE IN THE FUTURE (INCLUDING THE ABILITY TO CONTRACT CUSTOMERS AT SUCH PRICING, OR AT ALL) – accordingly, there is no assurance that any illustrative outputs WILL BE ACHIEVED within the timeframes presented or at all OR THAT HARDWARE WILL OPERATE AT 100% UPTIME. The illustrative outputs assume HARDWARE is fully installed and operating today using the above assumptions. These assumptions are likely to be different in the future and users should input their own assumptions. THE ABOVE AND THIS PRESENTATION SHOULD BE READ STRICTLY IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS DISCLAIMER ON PAGE 2.   Note: Refer to assumptions and notes on page 23. 

 AI Cloud Services revenue  17  Continuing to scale 

 Strong cashflow generation  18  Reflects cash generation from our data centers and quality of underlying operations   $47.9m positive operating cashflow  Reinvested into growth  $8.6m positive NPAT  No reliance on Bitcoin revaluation  Consolidated statement of cashflows  Consolidated statement of profit or loss 

 Adjusted EBITDA  19  3Q FY24 vs. 2Q FY24  US$m1  Three months ended March 31, 2024  Three months ended December 31, 2023  Bitcoin mining revenue  53.4  42.0  AI Cloud Service revenue  0.6  -  Other income  0.4  0.5  Electricity charges  (19.8)  (16.7)  Realized gain/(loss) on financial asset  0.1  0.1  Other costs  (12.9)  (12.0)  Adjusted EBITDA  21.8  13.9  Adjusted EBITDA Margin  40%  33%  Reconciliation to consolidated statement of profit or loss  Add/(deduct):  Reversal of impairment of assets  -  0.1  Share-based payment expense -  $75 exercise price options  (2.9)  (3.0)  Share-based payment expense - other  (2.9)  (2.9)  Foreign exchange gain/(loss)  4.7  (4.7)  Other expense items3  (0.2)  (2.5)  Unrealized gain/(loss) on financial asset4  (1.1)  (0.3)  EBITDA  19.4  0.6  Finance expense  (0.1)  (0.0)  Interest income  1.5  0.7  Depreciation  (8.7)  (7.6)  Profit/(loss) before income tax expense for the period  12.1  (6.3)  Income tax (expense)/benefit  (3.5)  1.1  Profit/(loss) after income tax expense for the period  8.6  (5.2)  Adjusted EBITDA increased from $13.9m to $21.8m  Bitcoin mining revenue increased from $42.0m to $53.4m  Increase in average operating hashrate (5.6 EH/s to 6.4 EH/s)  12% or 141 BTC decrease in BTC mined(1,144 BTC to 1,003 BTC)  +45% increase in average price realised per BTC mined($36.8k to $53.2k)  Average net electricity cost2 per BTC mined increased from $(14.1)k to $(19.3)k  Other costs include (3Q FY24):  Employee benefits expenses $(4.3)m   Site operating costs $(2.1)m   Insurance costs $(1.8)m  Professional fees $(1.8)m  Provision for Canadian non-refundable sales tax $(1.4)m   For further detail, see our unaudited interim financial statements for the nine months ended March 31, 2024, included in our Form 6-K filed with the SEC on May 15, 2024.  See slide net electricity costs for a detailed breakdown of amount.   Other expense items include one-off professional fees including legal fees.  Unrealized loss on financial asset represents the change in the fair value of the financial asset recorded in relation to electricity purchased for future usage periods.  

 Adjusted EBITDA  20  3Q YTD FY24 vs. 3Q YTD FY23   US$m  Nine months ended March 31, 2024  Nine months ended March 31, 2023  Bitcoin mining revenue  129.8  41.3  AI Cloud Service revenue  0.6  -  Other income  0.9  3.1  Electricity charges  (55.9)  (19.9)  Realized gain/(loss) on financial asset  3.2  -  Other costs  (36.1)  (32.2)  Adjusted EBITDA  42.5  (7.7)  Adjusted EBITDA Margin  32%  (16%)  Reconciliation to consolidated statement of profit or loss  Add/(deduct):  Gain/(loss) on disposal of subsidiaries  -  3.3  Impairment of assets2  -  (105.2)  Reversal of impairment of assets  0.1  0.0  Share-based payment expense - $75 exercise price options  (8.7)  (8.9)  Share-based payment expense - other  (8.9)  (1.4)  Foreign exchange gain/(loss)  2.3  (2.6)  Other expense items3  (3.4)  (0.2)  Unrealized gain/(loss) on financial asset4  (1.3)  -  EBITDA  22.5  (122.7)  Finance expense  (0.2)  (16.2)  Interest income  2.9  0.5  Depreciation  (23.9)  (24.1)  Profit/(loss) before income tax expense for the period  1.3  (162.6)  Income tax (expense)/benefit  (3.2)  (2.3)  Profit/(loss) after income tax expense for the period  (1.9)  (164.9)  Adjusted EBITDA of $42.5m and Net cash from operating activities of $47.9m for the nine months ended 31 March 2024  Bitcoin mining revenue increased from $41.3m to $129.8m   Increase in average operating hashrate (2.0 EH/s to 5.8 EH/s)  68% or 1,368 BTC increase in BTC mined(2,003 BTC to 3,371 BTC)  +87% increase in average price realised per BTC mined($20.6k to $38.5k)  Average net electricity cost2 per BTC mined increased from $(9.9)k to $(15.4)k  Other costs include (3Q YTD FY24):  Employee benefits expenses $(12.8)m   Site operating costs $(5.9)m   Insurance costs $(4.8)m  Professional fees $(4.3)m  Provision for Canadian non-refundable sales tax $(4.3)m   See slide net electricity costs for a detailed breakdown of amount.   Impairment of assets for the nine months ended March 31, 2023 includes $(15.2) million previously reported as loss on other receivables.   Other expense items include one-off professional fees including legal fees.  Unrealized loss on financial asset represents the change in the fair value of the financial asset recorded in relation to electricity purchased for future usage periods.  

 Consolidated statement of cashflows  21  Net increase in cash and cash equivalents of $190.7m for the nine months ended March 31, 2024  Increase in net cash from operating activities to $47.9m due to increase in average operating hashrate (2.0 EH/s to 5.8 EH/s) coupled with a higher average realized bitcoin price   Increase in net cash used in investing activities to $188.0m due to expansion at Childress data center and purchase of 816 NVIDIA H100 GPUs  Increase in net cash from financing activities to $330.8m with $332.1m received from shares sold under the ATM and ELOC  3Q YTD FY24 vs. 3Q YTD FY23   US$m  Nine months ended March 31, 2024  Nine months ended March 31, 2023  Cash flows from operating activities  Receipts from Bitcoin mining activities  129.4  43.7  Receipts from AI Cloud Service revenue  1.1  -  Receipts from ERS revenue  0.4  -  Payments for electricity, suppliers and employees (inclusive of GST)  (85.9)  (41.1)  Interest received  3.0  0.5  Other revenue  -  0.0  Interest paid  (0.1)  (4.1)  Net cash from/(used in) operating activities  47.9  (1.0)  Cash flows from investing activities  Payments for property, plant and equipment net of hardware prepayments  (112.7)  (93.6)  Payments for computer hardware prepayments  (70.6)  -  Repayments/(advancement) of loan proceeds  -  2.3  Prepayments and deposits  (4.7)  (7.4)  Proceeds from disposal of property, plant and equipment  -  30.6  Deconsolidation of Non-Recourse SPVs  0.0  (1.2)  Net cash from/(used in) in investing activities  (188.0)  (69.3)  Cash flows from financing activities  Capital raising costs  (0.9)  (0.9)  Repayment of borrowings  -  (9.4)  Capital raising receipts  332.1  7.5  Payment of borrowing transaction costs  -  (0.3)  Repayment of lease liabilities  (0.4)  (0.2)  Net cash from/(used in) financing activities  330.8  (3.2)  Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents  190.7  (73.5)  Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period  68.9  110.0  Effects of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents  0.1  (3.3)  Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period  259.7  33.2 

 Balance sheet  22  March 31, 2024  US$m  March 31, 2024  June 30, 2023  Assets  Cash and cash equivalents  259.7  68.9  Other receivables  35.9  6.5  Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss  3.4  -  Prepayments and other assets  11.2  13.8  Total current assets  310.2  89.2  Property, plant and equipment  357.1  241.1  Right-of-use assets  1.6  1.4  Other non-current assets  54.7  0.4  Total non-current assets  413.4  242.8  Total assets  723.6  332.1  Liabilities  Lease liabilities - current  0.2  0.2  Other current liabilities  41.3  23.8  Total current liabilities  41.5  24.0  Lease liabilities - non-current  1.5  1.3  Other non-current liabilities  3.4  1.5  Total non-current liabilities  4.9  2.7  Total liabilities  46.4  26.7  Equity  677.2  305.4  Total equity  677.2  305.4  Total equity and liabilities  723.6  332.1  Cash and cash equivalents of $259.7m  No debt facilities  Total assets of $723.6m  Strong balance sheet to fund future growth  Total equity increased to $677.2m with gross proceeds of $369.9m from 73.5m shares sold under the ATM and ELOC1  Cash increased to $321.5m (as of April 30, 2024)2  Subsequent to March 31, 2024, the Company sold a further 8,172,310 Ordinary shares for aggregate net proceeds of ~$43.5 million. The total number of Ordinary shares as of May 12, 2024 is 146,584,041.  Reflects USD equivalent, unaudited preliminary cash, cash equivalents and term deposits as of April 30, 2024, which includes $71.8m of ATM proceeds from shares issued subsequent to March 31, 2024.  

 Assumptions and notes  23  Page 5  Overall nameplate fleet efficiency of 16 J/TH at 30 EH/s.  Represents indicative electricity cost per bitcoin mined assuming 30 EH/s, nameplate fleet efficiency of 16 J/TH, weighted average power cost of $0.037/kWh ($0.045/kWh in BC and $0.033/kWh in Texas – latter calculated using actual monthly average net power price at Childress during FY24 to date (i.e. July 2023 to March 2024), including ERS revenue and adjusted for now eligible 4CP benefit), current global hashrate of 595 EH/s, block reward of 3.125 BTC per block and transaction fees of 0.3 BTC per block.  Page 7  Reflects average Enterprise value / installed EH/s multiple for MARA, CLSK and RIOT. Data sourced from Bloomberg and public company filings (as of May 10, 2024). Enterprise value = market capitalization + total debt – (cash + digital assets). HODL balances converted at a $63,000 Bitcoin price.  The Company continues to consider a range of funding opportunities such as equity, corporate debt and equipment financing.  Page 9  Bitcoin mined and installed hashrate as reported in April 2024 monthly operating updates. IREN installed hashrate as of May 14, 2024.  Bloomberg market data (as of May 10, 2024).  Page 11  GPU capex reflects purchase of 2,500 NVIDIA H100 GPUs at ~$40k per GPU.  Assumes 1.25kW power draw required for 1 GPU and 2,500 NVIDIA H100 GPUs.  Illustrative Hardware Profit = revenue less assumed electricity costs (excludes all other site, overhead and REC costs). Calculations assume 2,500 GPUs operating at 100% uptime, $0.05/kWh energy price and GPU pricing at mid-point of $2.00 - $2.50 per GPU hour (subject to customer contracts).   Page 16  Electricity Cost per Bitcoin mined reflects assumptions tabled above (indicative electricity cost per bitcoin mined assuming 30 EH/s),   Electricity Cost per GPU hour assumes 1.25kW power draw required for 1 GPU and illustrative $0.05/kWh energy price. $2.00-$2.50 AI Cloud Service illustrative pricing assumption reflects observed AI cloud pricing benchmarks.  Illustrative Annualized Hardware Profit = revenue less assumed electricity costs (excludes all other site, overhead and REC costs). Calculations assume hardware operates at 100% uptime and $0.037/kWh electricity costs. Source: Coinwarz Bitcoin Mining Calculator. Inputs: $63,000 (Bitcoin price), 30,000 PH/s (hashrate), ~595 EH/s (global hashrate), 3.125 BTC (block reward), 0.3 BTC (transaction fees), 0.15% (pool fees), 503MW (power consumption). AI Cloud Services illustrative annualized hardware profit assumes pricing of $2.00-$2.50 per GPU hour.  Hardware payback period calculations based on recent observed ASIC and GPU purchase orders and market pricing benchmarks (based on hardware capex only, e.g. excluding data centers). ASIC capex assumes $18.9/TH pricing. GPU capex assumes $40k per H100 GPU pricing. Hardware payback period calculated based on Hardware Profit, which represents revenue less assumed electricity costs (excludes all other site, overhead and REC costs). ~12 to 24 month Bitcoin Mining payback period based on current Bitcoin mining economics across a range of Bitcoin prices, and historical observed hardware pricing. 

 Additional information  05 

 Consolidated statement of profit or loss  25  3Q FY24 vs. 2Q FY24  US$m  Three months ended March 31, 2024  Three months ended December 31, 2023  Revenue  Bitcoin mining revenue  53.4  42.0  AI Cloud Service revenue  0.6  -  Other income  0.4  0.5  Total Revenue  54.3  42.6  Expenses  Depreciation  (8.7)  (7.6)  Electricity charges  (19.8)  (16.7)  Realized gain/(loss) on financial asset  0.1  0.1  Employee benefits expense  (4.3)  (4.3)  Share-based payments expense1  (5.8)  (6.0)  Reversal of impairment of assets  -  0.1  Professional fees  (2.0)  (2.3)  Site expenses  (2.1)  (1.8)  Other operating expenses  (4.5)  (6.0)  Unrealized gain/(loss) on financial asset  (1.1)  (0.3)  Operating profit/(loss)  6.0  (2.2)  Finance expense  (0.1)  (0.0)  Interest income  1.5  0.7  Foreign exchange gain/(loss)  4.7  (4.7)  Profit/(loss) before income tax expense for the period  12.1  (6.3)  Income tax (expense)/benefit  (3.5)  1.1  Profit/(loss) after income tax expense for the period  8.6  (5.2)  3Q FY24 Profit after income tax of $8.6m, being an increase of $13.8m  Improvement primarily due to increase in Bitcoin mining revenue  Key non-cash items in the 3Q FY24 profit after income tax of $8.6m:  Share-based payment expense of $(5.8)m  Depreciation of $(8.7)m  $(2.9)m of the 3Q FY24 expense relates to amortization of $75 exercise price options which were granted pre-IPO (with $370 to $1,850 initial share price vesting conditions). 

 Net electricity costs   26  Reconciliation of Electricity charges to Net electricity costs   US$m  Three months ended March 31, 2024  Three months ended December 31, 2023  Nine months ended March 31, 2024  Nine months ended March 31, 2023  Electricity charges  (19.8)  (16.7)  (55.9)  (19.9)  Add/(deduct) the following:   Realized gain/(loss) on financial asset  0.1  0.1  3.2  -  ERS revenue (included in Other income)   0.4  0.5  0.9  -  ERS fees (included in Other operating expenses)  (0.0)  (0.0)  (0.1)  -  Net electricity costs   (19.4)  (16.1)  (51.9)  (19.9)  Bitcoin mined (number)  1,003   1,144    3,371    2,003   Net electricity costs per Bitcoin mined ($thousands)  (19.3)  (14.1)  (15.4)  (9.9) 

 www.iren.com  Thank you  27