

基韋斯特大道9713 Key West Avenue Suite 400 Rockville,MD 20850 301.944.1700電話:301.944.1620 Direct 301.944.1703傳真 www.Maxcyte.com 2023年12月11日Maher Masoud Re:任命首席執行官和服務協議修正案 親愛的Maher: 祝賀您被任命為MaxCyte,Inc.(“公司”)首席執行官(首席執行官) !本函(以下簡稱《協議》)確認根據您對該職位的任命,對您的僱傭關係進行的已商定的變動 ,自2024年1月1日(“生效日期”)起生效。 自生效之日起,作為CEO,您將直接向公司董事會(“董事會”)彙報工作。董事會還打算任命您為董事首席執行官,您 將在您擔任首席執行官期間擔任該職位。您同意,在您的 僱傭因任何原因終止後,您將被視為已辭去董事會職務,並辭去您作為本公司高級管理人員的 職務,以及辭去您在董事會任何委員會或任何公司關聯公司的任何職位。您同意立即執行董事會可能 合理要求以確認您辭去這些職位的文件。 在生效日期,您的年化基本工資將增加到590,000美元,取決於適用的扣除額和扣除額。 自生效日期起,您的年度酌情獎勵現金獎金的目標獎金機會也將增加到您基本工資的60%(60%)。這筆獎金的金額將由董事會自行決定,部分依據您的業績和本公司在該日曆年度的業績。除非您在適用年度的12月31日之前一直受僱於公司,否則不會獲得獎金,如果您在適用的 年12月31日之前因任何原因終止僱傭關係,則不會支付按比例計算的金額 ,但您與公司於2021年1月11日簽訂並經 本協議修改和修訂的《離職協議》第3(A)(I)(1)節中的規定除外。任何年度獎金都將在獎金所涉年份之後的日曆年度的3月15日或之前支付。


如獲董事會批准(預計於2024年1月2日或前後),您將獲 根據本公司2022年股權激勵計劃(“計劃”)及相關的 授予協議(連同該計劃及“購股權文件”),購買400,000股本公司普通股 股份的認購權(“推廣認購權”)。在國税法第422節允許的範圍內,促銷期權應為激勵性股票期權,其每股行使價將根據授予之日普通股的公允市值確定。促銷選擇權將根據以下 時間表授予:自發行之日起一年內,25%的股份將被授予,剩餘的75%的股份將在此後36個月內每月按2.0833%的等額分期付款方式授予,條件是您在該日期繼續受僱於公司。 您仍有資格在生效日期後獲得年度股權獎勵,包括2024年授予的年度股權獎勵。與您作為CEO的角色相稱。 您仍有資格在與處境相似的員工相同的基礎上參加公司在您任職期間不時生效的福利計劃。任何福利計劃下是否有資格獲得保險或福利的所有事項,應根據該計劃或保單的規定確定。本公司保留自行決定更改、更改或終止任何福利計劃或政策的權利。您的僱用將繼續受公司人事政策和程序的約束,這些政策和程序可由公司全權酌情解釋、採用、修訂或 不時刪除。您應繼續遵守公司規章制度和政策以及您之前在5月15日簽署的發明、保密和競業禁止協議。2017年。 您在本公司的僱傭將始終“隨意”,並且您仍有資格根據服務協議的條款獲得 遣散費福利,但以下修改除外: ·現對第3(A)(I)節所述的控制權變更期限進行修訂,並將其全部替換如下: o“如果觸發事件發生在控制權變更前三(3)個月或變更後二十四(24)個月內,為代替終止合同之日後向高管支付的任何其他工資,公司應 向高管提供以下內容:“ ·現將第3(A)(I)(1)節所述的遣散費條款全部修訂如下: o”公司將在十八(18)個月期間(“CIC離職期”)內按月平均向高管支付遣散費,金額為 現金,相當於(1)十八(18)個月的高管年度基本工資,適用於 標準薪資扣除和扣繳,加上(2)1.5倍高管的 目標獎金,受標準薪資扣減和扣繳的限制。這些 付款將從第一個定期計劃的工資單日期開始,該日期至少為發佈生效日期後五(5)個工作日,定義如下。


· The severance provisions set forth in Section 3(a)(ii)(1) is amended and replaced in its entirety as follows: o “The Company will pay to the Executive in equal monthly installments over a twelve (12) month period (the “Non-CIC Severance Period”) a severance amount, in cash, equal to twelve (12) months of Executive’s Annual Base Salary, subject to standard payroll deductions and withholdings. These payments will begin on the first regularly scheduled payroll date that is at least five (5) business days after the Release Effective Date, as defined below.” · The COBRA provision set forth in Section 3(b) is hereby amended and replaced in its entirety as follow: o “COBRA Payments. Upon the occurrence of a Triggering Event, if the Executive timely elects continued coverage under COBRA for himself/herself and his/her covered dependents under the Company’s group health plans following the date of termination, then the Company will pay, as and when due to the insurance carrier or COBRA administrator (as applicable), the Executive’s COBRA premiums until the earliest of (A) the end of the applicable CIC Severance Period or Non-CIC Severance Period, (B) the expiration of the Executive’s eligibility for the continuation coverage under COBRA, or (C) the date when the Executive becomes eligible for substantially equivalent health insurance coverage in connection with new employment or self-employment (such period from the termination date through the earliest of (A) through (C), the “COBRA Payment Period”). Notwithstanding the foregoing, if at any time the Company determines, in its sole discretion, that the payment of the COBRA premiums would result in a violation of the nondiscrimination rules of Section 105(h)(2) of the Code or any statute or regulation of similar effect (including but not limited to the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, as amended by the 2010 Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act), then provided the Executive remains eligible for reimbursement in accordance with this Section, in lieu of providing the COBRA premiums, the Company will instead pay the Executive on the last day of each remaining month of the COBRA Payment Period, a fully-taxable cash payment equal to the COBRA premiums for that month, subject to applicable tax withholdings for the remainder of the COBRA Payment Period. If the Executive becomes eligible for coverage under another employer’s group health plan through self-employment or otherwise ceases to be eligible for COBRA during the period provided in this clause, the Executive must immediately notify the Company of such event, and all payments and obligations under this clause will cease.” · The definition of the “Severance Period” set forth in Section 8(n) is hereby deleted in its entirety. · The definition of the “Triggering Event” set forth in Section 8(p) is hereby amended and replaced in its entirety as follows:


o “‘Triggering Event’ means (i) the termination of the Executive’s employment by the Company, other than a termination for Cause, or (ii) a termination of the Executive’s employment by the Executive for Good Reason.” · The Term provision set forth in Section 2 is hereby amended and replaced in its entirety as follows: o “Term of Agreement. This Agreement shall become effective on the date hereof and shall remain in effect indefinitely thereafter. Notwithstanding the foregoing, this Agreement shall terminate upon the earlier of (i) the Date of Termination, in the event the Executive’s employment is terminated by the Company for Cause or is terminated by the Executive without Good Reason, or (ii) the expiration of any applicable CIC Severance Period or Non-CIC Severance Period.” This Agreement, together with the Severance Agreement, and Invention, Non-Disclosure and Non-Compete Agreement, sets forth the entire understanding between the parties with regard to the subject matter hereof and supersedes any prior oral discussions or written communications and agreements regarding this subject matter. This Agreement cannot be modified or amended except in writing signed by you and an authorized officer of the Company. We look forward to working with you in your new capacity! [簽名將在下一頁跟進]


MAXCYTE, INC. ___________________________ Richard Douglas Chair, Board of Directors Accepted and Agreed to: ___________________________ Maher Masoud ___________________________ Date December 11, 2023