證物編號:西九龍海輝道11號奧海城中國銀行中心1 23樓202308綜合貸款函件202308網站:www.bochk.com重要通知:本銀行函件列明本行向閣下提供銀行服務的條款及條件。建議您在接受本融資信函之前閲讀並理解條款和條件。日期:2024年1月11日再鼎醫藥(在開曼羣島註冊成立的有限責任公司)(“借款人”)尊敬的先生們,尊敬的先生們,根據我們最近的討論,本行很高興向借款人授予以下一般銀行融資(“貸款”),但須受本行的“一般銀行融資及貸款融資的一般條款及條件”(經不時修訂,“一般條款”)及下文所述的條款及條件所規限。一般術語中定義的詞語和表述在本融資信函中使用時應具有相同的含義。本合同的任何附錄均構成本貸款機構信函的組成部分。1.1貸款金額利率/條款及條件L/G/備用L/C美元100,000,000.00·L/G/備用L/C應向借款人不時支付100%保證金(“保證金支付”)。1.2承諾:儘管本貸款函、一般條款(如適用)或借款人與本行之間的任何其他文件有任何相反的規定,本行可隨時自行決定修改、取消或暫停本貸款,而無需事先通知,包括但不限於取消任何未使用的貸款,並宣佈任何未償還金額立即到期和應付。2.條件先決條件/抵押品在銀行確認收到銀行滿意的所有下列條件先決條件文件之前,借款人不得提取或使用該貸款:-一份正式簽署的本貸款函副本,表明借款人和擔保提供者接受本貸款函中規定的條款和條件。就支付保證金而言,收取保證金(S)的本金總額不少於根據L/G/備用L/C融資機制提供的本金上限(或如收取的存款是本行可接受的任何外幣,則為等值的外幣加上本行不時釐定的任何存款保證金(“收取保證金”),而無須事先通知借款人及/或保證金管理人(S))連同由此產生或將會累算的利息。現附上適用於本行接受的每種外幣的存款保證金一覽表(“收取存款保證金一覽表”),以供參考。收取保證金的比例發生變化的,自向借款人和保證金管理人(S)發出另一份收取保證金一覽表之日起生效。

檔號:CCMC/CCE(CP)/219/23/100204/00/F/8851239綜合貸款信202308西九龍海輝道11號奧海城中國銀行中心2 23樓。網站:www.bochk.com一份彌償契據、押記(S)及抵銷契據將由存款管理人以本行為受益人籤立,以保證本行不時及在本行不時認為適當的範圍內向借款人批出或將會批給借款人的一般銀行融資。存款管理人姓名:再鼎醫藥如果收取的存款按市值計算的總價值低於上述收取的存款保證金金額,借款人確認應本行的要求立即提供或促使其向本行提供額外的現金保證金或其他本行可接受的擔保。開曼羣島法律執業資格律師將出具法律意見書,以確認本貸款工具函件和再鼎醫藥將簽署的賠償契約、押記(S)和抵銷協議的有效性、合法性和可執行性,以及任何決議和其他文件的形式和實質令銀行滿意。經董事認證的貴公司下列文件的副本:公司註冊證書。組織備忘錄和章程或其他章程文件(如有)。董事名單及其簽名樣本。現行商業登記證(如有)。如果借款人/擔保人(S)/擔保提供者(S)中的任何一人是有限公司,則提供該公司的相關股東和董事會決議以及經認證的章程文件副本。銀行可能要求的其他文件,包括證明借款人或擔保提供者(S)履行本貸款函和擔保文件項下各自義務所需的任何和所有許可證、授權、同意或批准的文件。3.其他條件:對貸款的使用取決於銀行的事先批准。在貸款的整個存續期內,借款人向本行承諾並促使:-(I)其附屬公司“再鼎醫藥(上海)有限公司”應維持其在國家外匯管理局的可用外債總額不得低於本行簽發的L/G/備用L/C的總額。4.費用手續費:美元700,000.00美元,在接受本貸款函後支付。所有費用及收費在任何情況下均不退還。目前,借款人表示(I)借款人並非中國銀行(香港)有限公司(“中銀香港”)的任何董事、僱員、控權人或小股東控權人,或其親屬或中銀香港(香港法例第155章)第85條所指的中銀香港;(Ii)借款人不是(或與之沒有任何關係)(A)中銀香港或其親屬的高級管理人員及主要職員,(B)中銀香港能夠控制的附屬公司、聯營公司及其他實體,或(C)該等附屬公司的控制人、少數股東控制人、董事、高級管理人員及主要職員,上述(B)項所述聯營公司及其他實體或其香港金融管理局監管政策CR-G-9所指的親屬及(Iii)根據上海證券交易所、中國銀監會、香港交易及結算所有限公司的適用規則,借款人並非中銀香港及/或中國銀行有限公司的關連人士。如果該貸款由任何第三方擔保/擔保,或將由任何第三方擔保/擔保,則借款人也聲明沒有任何該等第三方與上述任何第三方有關或屬於上述任何一方。借款人承諾,如果借款人或任何該等第三方成為上述關係或當事人之一,借款人將立即以書面通知本行。

檔號:CCMC/CCE(CP)/219/23/100204/00/F/8851239綜合貸款信202308西九龍海輝道11號奧海城中國銀行中心3 23樓。網站:www.bochk.com請於2024年4月8日或之前簽署並將本融資函件的複印件交回本行,以表示您已收到一般條款並理解並接受本要約,否則除非本行另有同意,否則本要約將失效。如有任何疑問,請隨時致電398 27779與我們的陳小姐聯絡。我們來這裏是為了更好地為您服務。謹代表中國銀行(香港)有限公司/S/勞麗凡及/S/陳文軒授權簽署(S)一份。一般銀行融資和貸款融資的一般條款和條件[版本號202307_修訂版(LD/2023年/7274)]收取存款保證金一覽表[(全部)140515]董事會會議紀要認證摘錄彌償契據、收取保證金(S)和抵銷數據政策通知

檔號:CCMC/CCE(CP)/219/23/100204/00/F/8851239綜合貸款函件202308西九龍海輝道11號奧海城中國銀行中心4 23樓。網站:www.bochk.com在仔細考慮本函件的內容和一般條款(如上文所述)後,本人/我們同意(I)接受本函件及(Ii)受本函件所載所有條款及細則的約束。如果本人/吾等已提供以閣下為受益人的保證,本人/吾等確認,本人/吾等就吾等對閣下的義務所籤立的每份擔保文件均不會(亦不會)以任何方式解除、損害或影響,並將在任何時候保持完全效力,不論設施是否有任何更改、修訂及/或補充。/S/小鵬馮借款人:再鼎醫藥日期:2024年2月5日證人:/姓名:

收取保證金一覽表(全部)西九龍海輝道11號奧海城中國銀行中心140515 23樓。網站:www.bochk.com收費存款保證金銀行可接受的每種貨幣所需的收費存款保證金如下:-貨幣收費存款保證金港幣0%美元0%人民幣12%英鎊、歐元、澳元、新西蘭元、日元、加元、瑞士法郎25%丹麥克朗、瑞典克朗、新元34%

香港)有限公司中國銀行(香港)有限公司一項重要通告:此一般銀行服務及貸款服務的一般條款及條件列明本行將向借款人提供/繼續/續期一般銀行服務及貸款服務的條款及條件。建議借款人(S)在接受一般銀行融資及貸款融資前,仔細閲讀及理解本條款及細則。一般銀行融通及貸款融通的一般條款及條件本一般銀行融通及貸款融通的一般條款及細則(經不時修訂及生效)(“本一般條款及細則”)適用於中國銀行(香港)有限公司(包括其繼承人及受讓人,“本行”)可能不時授予您作為借款人的所有一般銀行融通及貸款融通(“融通”)。1.除文意另有所指外,本《一般條款及條件》及《貸款函件》中的定義如下:-B主要是指本行不時引用的港幣、人民幣或美元以外任何貨幣的最優惠利率,並受波動影響;營業日指香港商業銀行營業的日子,但不包括星期六、星期日及公眾假期;基本利率指港幣優惠、美元優惠、人民幣優惠、B優惠、香港銀行同業拆息、人民幣香港銀行同業拆息或本行不時釐定的其他利率(視情況而定);B/B L/C指僅在“直接裝運”基礎上以“背靠背”方式開立的信用證及匯票融通;借款人指本行授予或提供該等融通的任何一方;CIRS指根據本行的國庫及衍生產品條款及條件、外匯及衍生產品交易的條款及條件或ISDA文件下的條款及條件(視乎情況而定)就貨幣利率掉期交易而批出的貸款;CNY指人民Republic of China的合法貨幣人民幣;CNY香港銀行同業拆息指就某一特定利息期間及在CNY貸款項下的任何墊款及/或提款而言,指本行不時在路透社(代碼:“BCHN”)及彭博(代碼:“BOCH”)所報的年利率;人民幣O/D指以人民幣計價的經常項目(S)項下向借款人提供的透支貸款;人民幣優惠是指本行可能不時報出的、可能會出現波動的人民幣最優惠利率;貨幣期權是指根據本行的國庫及衍生產品條款和條件、外匯和衍生品交易的條款和條件或ISDA文件下的條款和條件(視情況而定),就貨幣期權交易授予的貸款;DDC O/D指以港幣計價的經常賬户(S)項下向借款人提供的針對到期的未結清支票(S)的透支融資,應以相關融資信函中所述相關支票(S)票面金額的百分比表示;違約行政收費指第6.5條所指的收費金額;違約保證金指,在不損害下文第6.2條的原則下,貸款工具的年利率為6%,港幣即期、美元及人民幣即期交單的年利率為10%,或本行不時指定並在本行大堂展示或張貼的利率或本行指定並通知借款人的其他利率;D/L指即期貸款工具;承兑交單/承兑交單是指以付款交單(“D/P”)和/或承兑交單(“D/A”)為基礎的出口託收單據的出口匯票購買融通,其期限和相關匯票的最高百分比如相關融資函中所述;

2 GBF & Loans Facility(ies)202307條款及細則_修訂(LD/2023/7274)(香港)有限公司中國銀行(香港)有限公司2 EID指一項出口發票貼現貸款,其期限為借款人就借款人出售或供應的貨物開具的發票的最高百分比; EFAC指根據銀行與借款人不時簽訂的保理協議及其補充協議(如有)的條款和條件,可用於保理出口票據的最高使用資金;違約事件是指下文第24條所述的任何一種事件,“違約事件”應據此解釋;貸款是指貸款函中規定的不時授予或提供給借款人的各種一般銀行貸款和貸款,“貸款”應據此解釋;貸款函件指銀行向借款人發出的載有貸款條款及條件的貸款函件,該等貸款函件可不時修訂、修訂或補充; F/X是指根據銀行的財資和衍生產品條款和條件,與遠期外匯交易有關的貸款,外匯和衍生品交易的條款和條件或ISDA文件中的條款和條件(視屬何情況而定);香港銀行同業拆息指就特定利息期及就融資項下以港元計值的任何墊款及/或提款而言,銀行在香港銀行同業拆息市場所報的年息,稱為“香港銀行同業拆息”;港元指香港的法定貨幣港元;港元O/D指借款人在以港元計值的往來賬户下可使用的透支貸款;港元最優惠利率指本行不時所報之港元最優惠利率,並可能會有所浮動;香港指中華人民共和國香港特別行政區; IIF指進口發票融資,其期限及最高金額為相關貸款函件所述之相關發票之某個百分比; I/L指進口貸款,期限如相關貸款函所述; IRS是指根據銀行的財資和衍生產品條款和條件授予的與利率掉期交易有關的貸款,外匯和衍生品交易的條款和條件或ISDA文件中的條款和條件(視具體情況而定); ISDA文件指ISDA主協議、ISDA附表和此類文件的任何其他輔助文件; L/C指信用證簽發和進口匯票貸款; L/G指保函簽發貸款; L/I指銀行認可的銀行簽發的信用證項下的出口匯票議付貸款(不符合該出口信用證的條款);貸款工具指抵押貸款工具、定期貸款工具、活期貸款工具,循環貸款融資和任何其他貸款融資提供給借款人,無論是否在某些財產的抵押或相關融資函中所述的證券; ML指抵押貸款融資; MML指貨幣市場額度融資;“債務人”指借款人、擔保文件的任何一方和貸款函的任何一方(包括以會籤的方式),但不應包括本行及本行在授信函中明確排除的任何其他方。 ODB是指根據銀行可接受的銀行簽發的信用證為出口匯票議付而授予的貸款;原始利率是指貸款函中規定的港幣O/D、DDC O/D、CNY O/D或美元O/D各自適用的利率;付款指令是指票據、匯票、訂單和/或其他工具; P/L是指打包貸款貸款,應表示為相關貸款函中規定的相關出口信用證的百分比; POD是指銀行從借款人處購買或貼現的任何付款指令的付款指令貼現貸款; PSF指裝運前融資貸款,應表示為相關貸款函中規定的相關採購訂單/合同的百分比; R/L指循環貸款貸款;

香港)有限公司中國銀行(香港)有限公司3 S/G指航運擔保出具安排;制裁指由任何制裁當局實施、制定或執行的制裁(包括出口管制)法律、法規、禁運或限制性措施。在不影響前一句的一般性的情況下,制裁應包括:-(A)對美利堅合眾國實施的任何制裁(單邊或多邊),並應包括由美國財政部外國資產管制辦公室、美國國務院或在適用範圍內由美國商務部工業和安全局實施的條例,包括但不限於美國出口管理條例;及(B)香港特別行政區政府(單邊或多邊)對香港實施的任何制裁,包括由香港金融管理局、香港財經事務及庫務局實施的規例,包括但不限於《聯合國制裁條例》(香港法例第103章)。、《聯合國(反恐怖主義措施)條例》(第575章)、《大規模毀滅性武器(管制提供服務)條例》(第575章)。(第526章)及“進出口(戰略物品)規例”(第526章)。60g)。制裁當局指以下任何一項:(A)聯合國;(B)人民解放軍Republic of China;(C)美利堅合眾國;(D)歐盟(E)英國;(F)香港;及(G)上述任何一項的政府當局,包括但不限於外國資產管制處、美國國務院、美國商務部工業安全局及金管局。就個人而言,制裁遵從性是指其本身及其附屬公司。為此目的,(I)“個人”是指集團個人、公司、政府、州或一個國家的機構或任何協會、信託、合資企業、財團、船隻或合夥企業;以及(Ii)就個人而言,“附屬公司”指直接或間接控制、由第一個人控制或與其共同控制的另一個人。擔保單據是指可能不時為本行的利益對本融資提供擔保、擔保或支持的單據;備用L/信用證指備用信用證簽發融資;T/L為定期貸款融資;T/R為相關融資函中所述期限的信託收據融資;交易指根據本行的財務及衍生產品條款和條件、外匯和衍生品交易的條款和條件或ISDA文件下的條款和條件(視情況而定)進行的交易,其含義在其中具有特定的含義;美元是指美元,是美利堅合眾國的法定貨幣;美元即期匯兑是指以美元計價的向項目下的借款人(S)提供的透支便利;美元最優惠匯率是指本行可能不時報價的、可能會波動的美元最優惠匯率。2.可用性2.1借款人接受並完全遵守相關貸款函中規定的條款和條件,並在適當的情況下,簽署相關貸款函中提到的所有適當文件,使銀行滿意,並支付所有必要的費用和收費,借款人將可以使用相關貸款函中規定的設施,直到銀行以書面形式通知借款人相反的情況。2.2當銀行在相關貸款項下付款或承擔債務時,貸款應被視為由借款人自動提取和/或由銀行墊付。為免生疑問,並在本行擁有凌駕性酌情權的情況下,就任何透支貸款及/或任何其他貸款設立信貸限額只會在營業日生效。2.3本行保留以下絕對權利:(I)拒絕借款人要求提供或使用有關設施的任何申請;及(Ii)隨時以其唯一及絕對的方式檢討及調整有關設施

4 GBF & Loans Facility(ies)202307條款及細則_修訂(LD/2023/7274)(香港)有限公司中國銀行(香港)有限公司4 自行決定 2.4如果設施(“第一設施”)可以與另一設施互換。(“第二筆融資”),且第一筆融資項下有任何自由未使用餘額,則該自由未使用餘額的全部金額可供借款人在第二筆融資項下使用,惟須受相關融資函所述的任何限額所規限,反之亦然。為免生疑問,銀行預扣的任何貸款餘額不得視為該貸款的自由未使用餘額。 2.5在T/R被授予的情況下,這意味着T/R和S/G被授予使得T/R與S/G可互換。 2.6除非在相關貸款函中另有説明,當T/R與L/C一起授予時,該T/R由銀行作為L/C的一部分授予,因此T/R的使用取決於L/C下的可用未使用餘額,並且在使用時,將相應地減少L/C的可用未使用餘額。 2.7如果是T/L或D/L,則該融資項下的任何墊款應根據提款通知進行,但如果借款人開立信用證的申請已被銀行接受,則無需提款通知,在此情況下,提款應被視為在銀行根據相關信用證付款或承諾付款時進行。如銀行代表借款人出具海運保函,則在銀行根據海運保函向受益人付款時,應視為已提取。銀行以相關貸款貨幣以外的貨幣支付的任何款項,應按銀行所報的即期匯率兑換,以相關貸款貨幣購買支付貨幣。 2.8如果提款通知規定相關預付款應存入以第三方(而非借款人)名義開立的賬户,則借款人應在預付款存入該賬户後仍負責償還該預付款。 2.9提款通知一經發出,即不可撤銷。提款通知應採用書面形式,並按本行指示的格式發出。 2.10展期通知或選擇計息期的通知一經發出,即不可撤銷。該等通知須以書面作出,並按銀行指示的格式作出。本行可全權酌情及在其認為適當的條件下,接納以電話、傳真或電子郵件方式向本行發出的轉期或選擇息期的指示。 2.11根據本行的最高酌情權,提款將僅在營業日生效(就以美元計值的融資而言,營業日指香港、倫敦及紐約市的商業銀行營業的日子,但不包括星期六、星期日及公眾假期)。 2.12本行並無責任監察或核實根據有關信貸安排借入的任何款項的運用情況。 2.13如果在任何時候,銀行在任何適用的司法管轄區履行其在貸款項下的任何義務或資助或維持其參與任何貸款是非法的或將成為非法的,銀行應通知借款人,銀行的承諾應立即取消,借款人應在銀行在通知中指定的日期全額償還貸款借款人。 3.興趣 3.1所有貸款項下的預付/提取款項均應收取利息(在作出判斷之前及之後,並視乎波動情況而定)、佣金及╱或其他費用,按有關融資函件所訂明的利率或本行不時公佈的任何收費表所訂明的標準利率或本行不時全權酌情釐定的其他利率計算。應借款人要求,應隨時向其提供收費表。 如果任何基本利率低於零,則在計算貸款的適用利率時,該基本利率應被視為零。此外,如果貸款的適用利率低於零(在任何負基本利率被視為零後),則該適用利率應被視為零。 3.2除非本一般條款及細則或相關貸款函件另有規定,貸款的利息將逐日累計,並按實際天數計算,港元和英鎊為365天,其他貨幣為360天(含美元、CNY)或根據本行不時全權酌情采納之市場慣例釐定,而最優惠利率之任何變動將即時適用於參考該最優惠利率計算之任何利率率 3.3所有應計利息須於要求時支付,倘並無要求,則須於就融資應付之每期款項到期日支付,或倘融資本金額並非按期支付,則須於銀行於融資函件或其他方式指定之期間支付

香港)有限公司中國銀行(香港)有限公司5於相關還款日或根據本行不時通知借款人之慣例,本行有權將該等未償還利息資本化為本金墊款,以便按相同利率計息。3.4經本行批准後,如任何貸款以本行函件所列貨幣以外的貨幣提取,則適用於該貸款的利率應為本行不時釐定的利率。3.5就港幣O/D及DDC O/D而言,本行有權收取(I)適用於該等貸款的原始利率;或(Ii)隔夜香港銀行同業拆息;或(Iii)本行不時報價的本行資金成本中最高者。3.6就美元兑即期匯兑而言,本行有權收取(I)適用於該等貸款的原始利率;或(Ii)本行不時所報的本行資金成本中最高者。3.7就人民幣即期匯票而言,本行有權收取(I)適用於該等貸款之原始利率;或(Ii)本行不時所報之本行資金成本中最高者。3.8就任何透支安排(包括港幣匯率、人民幣兑美元匯率、人民幣匯率及美元匯率)而言,應於每月的最後一個公曆日支付應計利息。3.9就透支貸款以外的貸款而言,如任何此類貸款的利息是按最優惠利率加或減利差或按固定利率收取,且無論出於任何原因,最優惠利率不可用,或如本行自行釐定維持此等貸款的資金成本超過最優惠利率或固定利率,或如本行無法取得存款為此等貸款提供資金,本行有權在不限制本行根據第3.1條所賦予之權利的情況下,按本行不時釐定的利率收取利息、佣金或收費,按本行資金成本或隔夜香港銀行同業拆息/隔夜人民幣香港銀行同業拆息(以最高者為準)加上述利差計算利息,或如按固定利率收取利息,則按本行釐定的利差計算。3.10如因任何原因,包括香港銀行同業拆息(IBOR)的銀行同業拆息(IBOR)暫時或永久不可用,(2)本行認為不再具代表性,或(3)本行認為不再適合計算本協議項下的利息,本行保留絕對權利檢討及修訂有關貸款的利率,恕不另行通知。利率一經修改,本行應立即通知借款人(S)。3.11如因任何原因,銀行同業拆息(IBOR)包括香港銀行同業拆息,或本行根據第3.10條(如適用)釐定的經修訂利率並未反映所產生的資金成本,則墊付利息須按本行獨自合理釐定的本行資金成本的利差收取。銀行應在資金成本確定後立即通知借款人。3.12就貸款安排而言,如借款人有權選擇利息期限,則所有累算利息須於每個利息期限結束時以欠款方式支付。任何利息期不得超過貸款函件所載的最終到期日,如任何利息期本應延至該日期之後,則應於該日期結束。如果銀行沒有從借款人那裏收到有效的利息期限選擇,該利息期限應為一個月。如任何利息期間本應於非營業日結束,則應於緊接的下一個營業日結束,如在同一歷月內有營業日,則於緊接的前一個營業日結束。3.13如貸款本金並非按定期分期支付,而本行在貸款函件中指明貸款的利息須按月支付,則首次付息日期為下一個月與相關貸款提取日期相對應的日期,其後的付息日期應為隨後每個月的相應日期,惟任何付息日期不得超過貸款函件所載有關貸款的最終到期日。4.付款4.1借款人向銀行支付或償還的所有款項或債務應以銀行根據融資函支付或發生的付款或債務的貨幣支付或償還,或在銀行行使第4.4條(“適用貨幣”)下的其他權利時以兑換貨幣支付或償還,以立即可用的資金支付,不得抵銷或反索賠,且免費且不扣留或扣除任何或所有現有或未來的税項、關税、付款或其他費用。如果貸款函和/或擔保單據下的任何付款需要用於該扣繳或扣除,借款人應將其增加到與付款金額相等的必要程度,如同沒有進行此類扣繳或扣減一樣。借款人應立即通知銀行或在規定的時間內支付該筆款項。借款人還應在付款後30天內向銀行提供證明已付款的證明文件。4.2如果任何法律或法規或指令的解釋或對其的任何更改,或在融資信函的原始日期之後制定的任何法律、法規或指令的遵從性:


7 GBF T&C&Loans Finance(IES)202307-修訂版(LD/202307/7274)(香港)有限公司中國銀行(香港)有限公司7(B)有關貸款的利息應從貸款的提取日起至第一個預先設定的付款日(“延期利息”)按日計算;(C)第一筆每月分期付款的到期和應付數額應為每月應付分期付款的一筆款項(按有關貸款是在第一個預先確定的付款日期提取的一樣計算)連同延期利息。如果第一個預先設定的付款日期與相關貸款的提款日期相隔一個月或之後,則第一筆月度分期付款應在第一個預先設定的付款日期到期並支付,借款人不得支付任何延期利息。5.4如因基本利率的變動而導致利率出現任何變動,本行可自行決定更改分期付款的金額或數目,或兩者兼而有之,並於日後通知借款人。5.5如ML及/或T/L以按揭物業(“上述貸款”)作抵押,貸款函件所指明的貸款期限須經代表本行的律師審核按揭物業的業權契據後予以確認。貸款期限不得長於持有該物業的政府批地的年期。如果政府資助金的期限短於上述貸款的貸款期限,則需要銀行重新批准上述貸款。這種重新審批過程可能導致銀行拒絕發放上述貸款,或以不同的貸款金額和/或貸款期限和/或貸款條款和條件重新打包上述貸款。5.6就ML、T/L或D/L而言,如以人民幣香港銀行同業拆息或香港銀行同業拆息作為基準利率,且只需在付息日或還款日還款,或就R/L而言,如在付息日未還款,借款人應賠償本行所證明數額的任何中斷融資費用。5.7除非貸款函中規定貸款本金應分期支付,否則貸款本金應在貸款函中規定的最終到期日全額償還。5.8如借款人預期或遇到任何償還或維修貸款的困難,借款人應儘快通知本行。6.違約利息/收費6.1借款人所作的任何付款或償還,以時間為準。6.2本行保留權利就任何到期未付之款項按日收取違約利息(判決前及判決後):-(A)就港幣O/D及DDC O/D而言,按(I)港幣最優惠利率加適用的違約保證金,或(Ii)隔夜香港銀行同業拆息,或(Iii)本行的資金成本,以較高者為準,惟上述違約率及計算方法將適用,不論已到期但未支付的透支是否在本行先前準許的透支限額之內或其他範圍內。(B)就美元兑即期匯兑而言,以(I)美元最優惠利率加適用的違約保證金或(Ii)本行的資金成本(以較高者為準)計算,但不論到期但未支付的透支是否在本行先前允許的透支限額之內,上述違約率和計算方法均適用。(C)就人民幣即期匯票而言,以(I)CNY Prime加適用的違約保證金,或(Ii)隔夜CNY香港銀行同業拆息加適用的違約保證金,或(Iii)本行的資金成本,以較高者為準,但不論到期但未支付的透支是否在本行先前準許的透支限額或其他範圍內,上述違約率及計算方法均適用。(D)就貸款安排而言,以(I)適用的違約保證金加有關貨幣的最優惠利率及(Ii)本行的資金成本或本行不時絕對酌情釐定的其他利率中較高者為準。(E)對於除港幣匯率、人民幣匯率、美元匯率、人民幣匯率及貸款以外的貸款,按(I)適用的違約保證金加有關貨幣的最優惠利率(由本行不時報價或釐定)或(Ii)有關貨幣的隔夜銀行同業拆息並由本行不時報價或釐定,或(Iii)本行的資金成本以最高者為準;或按本行不時絕對酌情決定的其他利率釐定。6.3(A)就港元即期及DDC即期而言,本行有權按(I)該違約率及第6.2(A)款所載計算方法中較高者,就任何超出適用的預先協定透支限額的款項收取違約利息,不論該筆超支是本行行使其酌情決定權或應借款人的要求或其他要求而容許的,或(Ii)原始利率。(B)就美元匯價而言,本行有權按(I)美元最優惠利率加美元收取違約金

8香港)有限公司中國銀行(香港)有限公司8 7.F/X及其他國庫及衍生產品8.給予兩個或以上借款人的貸款,年利率分別為6%,或(Ii)本行的資金成本,或(Iii)適用於美元兑美元匯率的原始利率(以最高者為準),透支金額超過適用的預先協議透支限額,不論銀行在行使其酌情權時,或在借款人的要求下或在其他情況下,該等超額款項是否得到銀行的允許。(C)就人民幣即期匯票而言,本行有權按(I)CNY Prime加適用的違約保證金,或(Ii)隔夜CNY香港銀行同業拆息加適用的違約保證金,或(Iii)本行的資金成本,或(Iv)超出適用的預先協議透支限額的任何款項的原始利率(以最高者為準)收取違約利息,不論該筆超額是本行行使其酌情決定權或應借款人的要求或其他要求而容許的,6.4違約利息應按日計算,並從付款到期之日起計算,直至最後全額付款之日止。如果貸款是分期支付的,如果任何分期或利息支付逾期,違約利息應從相關分期或利息支付的到期日起計算,按日計算,直至實際全額支付之日為止。第6.4條的規定不得損害或影響本行根據上文第6.2條收取違約利息的權利。6.5除違約利息外,本行保留在借款人每次未能於到期日付款時,向借款人收取HKD500.00或本行不時釐定的其他欠款的權利。此外,在借款人未能在到期日付款後,如銀行有絕對酌情權決定有必要指示律師向借款人發出要求書或對借款人採取任何其他追討行動,本行有權收回本行合理招致的所有法律費用,而借款人有義務在要求時向本行支付該等費用。6.6為免生疑問,如逾期款項應收取的原始利率超過第6.2條所指定的違約利率,本行有權繼續採用該原始利率,即使該款項已逾期。6.7本行保留按其認為適當的時間間隔複利違約利息的權利。7.1所有F/X及其他國庫及衍生產品交易均須受本行不時訂立的條款及條件及當時的市場慣例所規限,並須於下午三時前結算。任何特定交易的相關價值日期或交割日期或本行可能要求的其他時間的香港時間。8.1如根據任何貸款函件,該等貸款分別授予兩名或兩名以上借款人,則經本行事先批准,該等貸款或其任何部分可由任何一名相關借款人在本行不時決定的分項限額(“分項限額”)(如在有關貸款函件中有明確規定或由本行以其他方式規定)及條款內使用。在任何情況下,借款人的借款總額不得超過貸款金額。就本第8條而言,分別給予兩個或兩個以上借款人的貸款在下文中稱為“全球貸款”,與全球貸款有關的貸款限額稱為“全球貸款限額”。8.2為免生疑問,除非貸款函件中另有明文規定或本行另有規定,本行可允許任何一名或多名借款人以全數使用環球信貸,但除非本行行使絕對酌情權同意,否則所有有關借款人於任何時間就每類環球信貸對環球信貸的合計使用量不得超過此等環球信貸的相關環球限額(S)。8.3如貸款函件中有分項限額規定或本行另有規定,所有借款人可自行或透過授權代表(S)向本行申請更改分配予每名借款人的分項限額,方法是給予本行不少於三(3)個營業日的事先通知。本行保留絕對酌情權決定接受或拒絕任何此類申請。8.4在本行批准任何更改分項限額的申請後,每名有關借款人均須受該項更改及本行就該項更改所施加的任何條件的約束。8.5儘管本協議另有規定,本行保留隨時以本行唯一及絕對酌情權重新分配本行之全球融資及/或全球限額及/或分項限額(如有)的絕對權利。8.6為免生疑問,本《一般條款和條件》中適用於融資的所有規定應同樣適用於Global融資,並在相關借款人使用和


香港)有限公司中國銀行(香港)有限公司10 12.終止貸款13.針對借款人及本行的按揭財產可(但無義務)根據本行認為適當的條件按指示行事。本行可在通知或不通知借款人的情況下,以其絕對酌情權對該等指示進行記錄或保存。借款人同意這種記錄和記錄保存,並同意將這種記錄用於銀行認為適當的任何目的,包括在任何訴訟中用作對借款人或任何其他人不利的證據。12.1儘管《貸款函》中有任何規定(包括其中所述的任何審查日期),但本行保留以下最高權利:-(A)在《貸款函》中所述的審查日期之前的任何時間(如果適用)對貸款進行審查,並在銀行向借款人發出終止通知後立即終止貸款(如果適用,即使在上述審查日期之前);及(B)在任何時間以其唯一及絕對酌情決定權(如適用,即使在上述審查日期之前)向借款人發出書面通知,增加、減少及/或取消該等設施或其任何部分或多個部分,或更改或修訂其條款及條件。12.2當本行續期、延長或以其他方式修訂貸款時,借款人須支付續期費。13.1如將土地財產按揭予本行作為貸款保證,則以下條文適用:-(A)按揭予本行的財產的業權須由本行委任的律師批准;(B)按揭財產須投保火險。表明銀行作為抵押權人的利益的相關保險單連同保費收據應在借款人接受授予貸款的相關貸款函後立即提交給銀行(但無論如何應在提取貸款之前),如果是續期,則在當前保險單到期前十五(15)天,但如果借款人沒有履行上述義務,銀行應有權(但沒有義務)向該保險公司購買或續簽借款人的上述保險單,費用由借款人承擔。投保金額及條款由本行決定;(C)如按揭財產為住宅物業,則該等財產須按本行所列明並受本行施加的條件所規限,向本行可接受的保險公司投保火險,投保金額由本行核準。如投保金額為有關財產的全部重置價值,而本行要求由本行指定的測量師不時對有關財產進行估價,則借款人有責任應要求向本行償還因此而招致的所有估價費用;(D)如按揭財產並非住宅物業,則該等財產須按本行不時要求的條款、金額及風險,透過本行的指定代理人投保;(E)凡有關財產的按揭以衡平法按揭方式給予本行,借款人須應本行的要求,立即按本行規定的條款及形式籤立或促使他人籤立以本行為受益人的法定按揭或法定押記;(F)借款人承諾有關財產由登記擁有人(S)自住,除非事先徵得本行的書面同意,否則不得將該財產出租予其他任何一方。本行在給予出租同意後,有權以絕對酌情權重新釐定利率、貸款額及/或有關貸款的條款及條件,除非本行另有協議,否則重新釐定的利率、貸款額及/或條款及條件應即時生效。銀行在給予同意時合理地產生的所有費用和開支(包括銀行在全額賠償基礎上的法律費用)應由借款人承擔和支付;(G)借款人承諾,在沒有銀行事先書面同意的情況下,它不會/它不會促使抵押人就財產進行任何第二按揭/進一步抵押。否則,銀行需要重新批准貸款。此重新審批程序可能導致本行拒絕發放貸款,或以不同的貸款金額及/或貸款期限及/或貸款條款與條件重新包裝貸款;及(H)如未能支付任何貸款,本行可根據有關按揭或抵押文件的條款接管及出售有關物業。

11香港)有限公司中國銀行(香港)有限公司11 14.物業估價費15.彌償16.開支17.撥款18.抵銷及留置權14.1借款人承認,當任何土地物業被建議抵押予本行作為貸款抵押時,本行可行使其絕對酌情決定權,選擇聘請物業估價代理人或其內部辦事處或部門,或兩者兼任,以評估有關物業的價值。在不影響上述一般性的情況下,在提供貸款期間,借款人應根據銀行就抵押財產或其任何部分不時提交的一份或多份估價報告(以銀行名稱為收件人)的要求,迅速向銀行交付抵押財產或其任何部分的估價報告,該報告的日期不得早於抵押財產交付日期前30天,並由銀行接受的獨立物業估價代理公司由借款人自費準備,以反映抵押財產當時的當前市值。14.2如已聘請物業估價代理人,借款人有責任向本行全數償還該代理人所收取的費用,並向本行支付手續費,款額與本行就安排該等物業估價向客户收取的一般費用相同。如本行已委託其內部辦事處或部門評估有關物業的價值,本行可向借款人收取手續費,款額與本行就該項服務向客户收取的一般費用相同。所有該等費用及收費均須由借款人應要求立即繳付。14.3為免生疑問,除非本行另有同意,否則借款人應負責支付第14.2條所述款項,即使有關財產最終可能不會因任何理由而被本行接受為該等貸款的抵押品,或該等貸款最終不會向借款人提供或由其使用。15.1借款人應就本行因維護或執行授予本行的便利(包括上文第9條所述的共同使用人(S)使用的便利)或接受借款人通過電話、傳真或電子郵件發出的任何指示/通知而可能遭受、招致或承受的任何性質的訴訟、索賠、要求、損失、損害、費用、費用、開支及/或債務,向本行作出全額賠償。15.2在不損害第4.1條的原則下,如果銀行被要求就第4.1條所述的扣繳或扣除支付任何款項,或因該扣留或扣除而招致任何責任,借款人應立即就該等付款或責任賠償本行。16.1無論該等貸款是否由借款人提取或使用,所有開支,包括但不限於本行就該等貸款或就該等貸款籤立的任何文件而合理地招致的法律費用、通訊及其他自付費用,或任何強制執行或企圖強制執行本行根據該等貸款函件或就該等貸款籤立的其他文件所享有的權利,均應由借款人按全額賠償原則承擔。17.1借款人在此不可撤銷地放棄其可能擁有的任何權利或權力,而本行有權在付款時或其後的任何時間將借款人支付給本行或以其他方式由本行管有或控制的任何款項撥歸本行,以清償本行認為適當的任何一項或多項借款人對本行的負債。任何此類撥款應凌駕於借款人聲稱的任何撥款之上。18.1此外,在不損害銀行可能享有的任何一般銀行留置權、抵銷權或類似權利的情況下,銀行在法律允許的最大範圍內有權並在此獲得不可撤銷和無條件的授權,-(A)抵銷及運用借款人的任何賬户(S)及/或存款(S)中的任何貸方餘額(不論以其單獨名義或與他人聯名),以及/或本行於本行任何分行或支行(不論是否須予通知,亦不論是否到期)以任何貨幣存入的任何貸方餘額及/或本行應付或欠借款人的任何負債(不論實際或或有)。

12 T & C for GBF & Loans Facility(ies) 202307_revised (LD/2023/7274) (香港)有限公司 BANK OF CHINA (HONG KONG) LIMITED 12 19. Authorization to debit account(s) 20. Debt Collection 21. Information alone or jointly with others) against or on account of the obligations and liabilities whatsoever of the Borrower (whether actual or contingent, future or existing) due, owing or incurred to the Bank; and (b) to apply any credit balance in any of the account(s) and/or deposit(s) of the Borrower (whether in its sole name or jointly with others) in whatever currency maintained at any of the Bank's offices or branches or sub-branches (whether the credit balance was originally available in any account maintained with the Bank (formerly known as Po Sang Bank Limited) or any one or more of Bank of China (Hong Kong Branch), The Kwangtung Provincial Bank (Hong Kong Branch), Sin Hua Bank Limited (Hong Kong Branch), The China & South Sea Bank Limited (Hong Kong Branch), Kincheng Banking Corporation (Hong Kong Branch), The China State Bank Limited (Hong Kong Branch), The National Commercial Bank Limited (Hong Kong Branch), The Yien Yieh Commercial Bank Limited (Hong Kong Branch) and Hua Chiao Commercial Bank Limited (collectively the "Merging Banks") prior to the merger of the said Merging Banks on 1st day of October 2001 (the "Date of Merger")) (whether subject to notice or not and whether matured or not) and/or to set off any of the liability of the Bank (whether actual or contingent) due or owing to the Borrower (whether alone or jointly with others) including but not limited to any liability of any one or more of the Merging Banks (whether actual or contingent) which was originally due or owing to the Borrower (whether alone or jointly with others) prior to the Date of Merger, towards satisfaction of or against the Borrower's obligations and liabilities, whether actual or contingent, future or existing, due, or owing or incurred to the Bank, including but not limited to any such obligations and liabilities of the Borrower originally due, owing or incurred to the Bank or any one or more of the Merging Banks prior to the Date of Merger. The Bank shall notify the Borrower promptly after exercising its rights under this Clause 18.1. 18.2 For the purposes aforesaid, the Bank may convert all or any part of the said credit balance or deposit of the Borrower or such liability of the Bank to the Borrower to such other currencies at the applicable rate of exchange quoted and determined by the Bank as may be necessary. 18.3 If any sum is due but unpaid under the Facilities and/or these General Terms and Conditions, the Bank may at any time without further reference to the Borrower, retain all or any securities, valuables or any other property whatever and wherever situate which may be deposited with or otherwise held by the Bank for or in the name of the Borrower whether for safe custody or otherwise and sell the same or any part thereof at such price as the Bank shall determine whether by public auction, private treaty or tender and the Bank may engage such agent or broker therefor and apply the proceeds thereof in satisfaction of any or all sums owing under the Facilities and/or these General Terms and Conditions after first deducting all costs and expenses reasonably incurred by the Bank and the Bank shall not be liable for any loss arising from the sale or other disposition of any such securities, valuables or other property unless caused by the negligence or wilful misconduct of the Bank. 18.4 The rights herein conferred on the Bank are in addition and without prejudice to any rights conferred on the Bank under any Security Documents at any time and from time to time held by the Bank. 19.1 The Bank shall be entitled to debit at any time and from time to time all or any of the interests, fees, charges, commissions, costs, expenses and other sums due and payable by the Borrower in respect of the Facilities from any of the account(s) of the Borrower without prior notice to the Borrower. Such sums shall be deemed duly drawn or overdrawn from the account(s) by the Borrower. 20.1 The Bank shall be entitled to employ debt collecting agent(s) to collect any sum due but unpaid by the Borrower under the Facilities. The Borrower agrees, and acknowledges that the Borrower has been warned, that the Borrower shall indemnify and keep the Bank indemnified on a full indemnity basis against all costs and expenses which the Bank may reasonably incur in the employment of debt collecting agent(s). The Bank shall be entitled to disclose to such debt collecting agent(s) any or all information relating to the Borrower, the Facilities or the Facility Letter. 21.1 The Borrower agrees that it is necessary to supply the Bank with data/information related to the Borrower (including for the purpose of this subclause, that of any party/ies or individual(s) who is/are related to a corporate borrower in whatever capacity) or any information as required by the Bank for assessing the grant, revision and renewal of the Facilities. The Borrower (which for this subclause refers to itself in the case of an incorporated entity and its capacity as the duly authorised agent acting on behalf of the related party/ies and individual(s) including but not limited to the Borrower's holding companies, subsidiaries, affiliates, shareholders, directors and authorized persons, all these parties and individuals are hereinafter collectively

13 T & C for GBF & Loans Facility(ies) 202307_revised (LD/2023/7274) (香港)有限公司 BANK OF CHINA (HONG KONG) LIMITED 13 referred as the "Related Parties") authorize the Bank to use any data, information and documents relating to the Borrower and the Related Parties , the Facilities, the Facility Letter or any other agreements or transactions or dealings between the Borrower and/or the Related Parties and /or the Bank in accordance with the Bank's Conditions for Services (as amended and in force from time to time) (the "Conditions") (provided that in the case of an individual, such use will be subject to the Data Policy Notice issued and/or revised by the Bank from time to time (the "Notice"), and the contents and the receipt of which are hereby acknowledged by the Borrower) and notes that such data/information/documents (including the Facility Letter or anything in respect of the Facilities) held by the Bank will be kept confidential but permits the Bank to provide such data/information/documents to the parties referred to in the Conditions or listed in the Notice (as the case may be) or to any of its branches, subsidiaries and holding companies and the branches, subsidiaries and affiliates of any of its holding companies (together the "Bank’s Related Parties") or other persons including but not limited to any person permitted by the Borrower, the professional advisers and any other persons providing services to the Bank or any of the Bank's Related Parties (including, without limitation, credit reference agencies, debt collection agencies, rating agencies, insurers or insurance brokers, credit protection providers), any actual or potential assignee, transferee, participant or sub-participant or any subsequent chargee, mortgagee or encumbrancer in respect of securities held by the Bank for the Facilities or to any person to the extent required by or for compliance of any laws, regulations, guidelines or rules of stock exchange binding on or applicable to the Bank or any of the Bank’s Related Parties or to any person to whom information is required or requested to be disclosed by any court or governmental or regulatory authority to which the Bank or any of the Bank’s Related Parties are subject to or to any person to whom information is required to be disclosed in connection with, and for the purposes of any litigation, arbitration, administrative, mediation or other investigations, proceedings or disputes relating to the Bank or any of the Bank’s Related Parties. The Borrower further authorizes the Bank to contact any of the employers of the Borrower (if applicable), bank, referee, credit reference agencies or any other source for the purpose of obtaining or exchanging any information and to compare the information provided by the Borrower with other information collected by the Bank for checking purposes. The Bank is entitled to use the result of such comparison to take any action which may be adverse to the interest of or against the Borrower. The Borrower also consents to the data/information/documents being transferred to another jurisdiction outside Hong Kong. 21.2 The Borrower undertakes at all times to notify the Bank in writing of any change of the particulars of the Borrower including without limitation the Borrower's address, telephone number and facsimile number. 21.3 The Borrower agrees that the Bank may provide the following information to any Obligors in respect of any Facilities extended by the Bank to the Borrower: - (a) a copy of the contract evidencing the obligations to be guaranteed or secured by any Obligors or a summary thereof; (b) a copy of any formal demand for overdue payment served on the Borrower from time to time; and (c) a copy of the latest statement of accounts provided to the Borrower from time to time on request by any Obligors. 21.4 In the case of an individual Borrower, the Borrower acknowledges that the Bank has provided him with the following information: (a) the Borrower's data may be supplied to a credit reference agency and/or, in the Event of Default, to a debt collection agency; (b) the Borrower's right to be informed, upon request, about what items of data are routinely disclosed to such credit reference agency and/or debt collection agency, and the Borrower's right to be provided with further information to enable the making of a data access and correction request to the relevant credit reference agency or debt collection agency, as the case may be; (c) that, in the event of any default in payment, unless the amount in default is fully paid before the expiry of 60 days from the date such default occurred, the Borrower shall be liable to have his account data retained by the credit reference agency until the expiry of five years from the date of final settlement of the amount in default; and (d) that the Borrower, upon termination of the account by full payment and on condition that there has not been, within five years immediately before such account termination, any material default on the account, will have the right to instruct the Bank to make a request to the credit reference agency to delete from its database any account data relating to the terminated account. 21.5 The Borrower shall promptly supply, or procure the supply of, such documentation and other evidence as reasonably requested by the Bank or pursuant to or in satisfaction of any law or regulation to which the Bank is subject. 21.6 This Clause 21 shall also apply, mutatis mutandis, to any party who has entered into or countersigned the Facility Letter in favour of the Bank, but is not otherwise a party to any other Security Document.

14 T & C for GBF & Loans Facility(ies) 202307_revised (LD/2023/7274) (香港)有限公司 BANK OF CHINA (HONG KONG) LIMITED 14 23. Representations, warranties and undertakings 22.1 The Bank may at any time, without consent of or notice to the Borrower, assign or transfer to any party all or any of its rights, benefits, obligations and liabilities under the Facilities and these General Terms and Conditions and the related guarantees, collateral securities and support documents provided that the Borrower, at any time of such assignment or transfer, will not be liable to pay any greater amount than the Borrower would have been liable to pay had no assignment or transfer been made. The Borrower may not assign or transfer any of its rights, benefits, obligations and/or liabilities under the Facilities and/or these General Terms and Conditions to any party except with the prior written consent of the Bank. 22.2 In addition to the other rights provided to the Bank, the Bank may without consulting with or obtaining consent from any Obligor, at any time charge, assign or otherwise create security in or over (whether by way of collateral or otherwise) all or any of its rights under any Facility Letter(s) or Security Document to secure obligations of the Bank including: (a) any charge, assignment or other security to secure obligations to a federal reserve or central bank; and (b) any charge, assignment or other security granted to any holders (or trustee or representatives of holders) of obligations owed, or securities issued, by the Bank as security for those obligations or securities, except that no such charge, assignment or security shall: (i) release the Bank from any of its obligations under the Facility Letter(s) or Security Document or substitute the beneficiary of the relevant charge, assignment or security for the Bank as a party to any of the Facility Letter(s) or Security Document; or (ii) require any payments to be made by an Obligor other than or in excess of, or grant to any person any more extensive rights than, those required to be made or granted to the Bank under the Facility Letter(s) or Security Document. 23.1 The Borrower makes the following representations and warranties to the Bank on the date of its execution of the relevant Facility Letter: - (a) it is a company duly incorporated with limited liability under the laws of the place where it was incorporated (applicable where the Borrower is a limited company); (b) it has a valid and subsisting business registration certificate pursuant to the Business Registration Ordinance (Cap.310 of the Laws of Hong Kong) (where applicable); (c) it has the power and authority and the legal capacity to perform and observe its obligations under the Facility Letter(s), Security Documents and any other ancillary documents executed in the Bank's favour; (d) all necessary corporate and other action (including but not limited to any corporate resolutions required to be passed by the Borrower's shareholders and/or directors) under all applicable laws and regulations (including but not limited to the Borrower's Memorandum and Articles of Association) to which the Borrower is subject has been taken to authorise the use of the Facilities and the execution, delivery and performance of these General Terms and Conditions, the relevant Facility Letter, the Security Documents (if applicable) and any other ancillary documents; (e) these General Terms and Conditions, the relevant Facility Letter, the Security Documents (if applicable) and any other ancillary documents constitute valid and legally binding obligations of the Borrower in accordance with their terms; (f) it is not in default of any payment of any principal of or interest on any indebtedness for borrowed money and is not in breach of or in default under any other provision of any indenture, deed of trusts, agreement or other instrument to which it is a party and under or subject to which any such indebtedness for borrowed money has been issued or incurred and is outstanding and no event, condition or act which with the giving of notice or lapse of time, or both, would constitute an event of default under any such indenture, deed of trust, agreement or other instrument has occurred or is continuing which has not, in each case, been properly waived and/or remedied thereunder; (g) the entry into and performance by it of, and the transactions contemplated by, these General Terms and Conditions, the relevant Facility Letter, the Security Documents (if applicable) and any other ancillary documents, do not and will not conflict with any law or regulation applicable to it, its constitutional documents or any agreement, or instrument binding on it or any of its assets; (h) all information provided by the Borrower was true, complete and accurate in all material respects as at the date it was given or as at the date (if any) at which it is stated and was not misleading in any respect; (i) it is not subject to any existing litigation or arbitration or administrative proceeding or petition for bankruptcy or winding up before any court, tribunal, arbitrator or governmental authority and is not pending any litigation or arbitration or administrative proceeding or petition for bankruptcy or winding up 22. Assignment

15 T & C for GBF & Loans Facility(ies) 202307_revised (LD/2023/7274) (香港)有限公司 BANK OF CHINA (HONG KONG) LIMITED 15 and it has no knowledge of (having made all reasonable enquiries) any litigation, arbitration or administrative proceeding or petition for bankruptcy or winding up threatened against the Borrower, or any of its properties or assets, which might, in each case, result in a material adverse change or effect on the business, assets, condition (financial or otherwise) or prospects of the Borrower; (j) there is no arrangement with any other financier to further charge the mortgaged property(ies) under which the Bank is the first mortgagee except for those where prior written consent has been given by the Bank; (k) no Event of Default has occurred, or will occur as a result of execution of any of the Facility Letter(s), Security Documents and other ancillary documents and/or utilizing any of the Facilities, which has not been duly remedied or waived under the Facility Letter and/or these General Term and Conditions; (l) None of the members of the Obligor’s Sanctions Compliance Group and their respective directors, officers and agents: i is the target of any Sanctions, or is owned or controlled by any target of any Sanctions; or ii is located, incorporated, organised or resided in a country or territory that is, or whose government is, the target of Sanctions, which currently includes the Crimean region, Cuba, Iran, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and Syria. (m) the above representations and warranties shall be repeated and deemed to be made by the Borrower, where applicable, on each advance or drawing of the Facility(ies) and on each interest payment date, in each case by reference to the facts and circumstances then existing. 23.2 The Borrower undertakes with the Bank that it will: (a) promptly notify the Bank in writing on becoming aware of the occurrence of any Event of Default or potential Event of Default or any other events or circumstances which has or might have a material adverse change in or effect on the Borrower's operations, prospects, business or condition (financial or otherwise) or the Borrower's ability to perform its obligations hereunder and under the Facility Letter, other Security Document(s) or any other ancillary documents; (b) duly pay or cause to be paid all taxes, duties and other governmental charges imposed upon the Borrower; (c) from time to time (including in respect of the net exposure of one or more transactions under the Facilities) upon the demand of the Bank provide or procure to be provided to the Bank further cash or security acceptable to the Bank having current market value of not less than the then outstanding Facilities and/or the net exposure thereunder; (d) ensure that the Borrower's obligations hereunder and under the Facility Letter, whether actual or contingent, are not subordinated to, and that they will at all times rank at least pari passu in priority of payment and in all other respects with any other of the Borrower's unsecured obligations, except to the extent that such obligations are preferred solely by operation of law; (e) comply in all respects with all laws and regulations to which it may be subject, if failure so to comply would materially impair its ability to perform its obligations under the Facilities and Security Documents to which it is a party; (f) promptly notify the Bank in writing of any change of the Borrower's particulars or the particulars of any third party guarantor(s) or security provider(s) in respect of the Borrower's liabilities including without limitation its/their address(es) and/or telephone number(s) and/or facsimile number(s); (g) (in case of the Borrower being a firm, partnership or company) promptly upon the Bank’s request supply or procure to be supplied to the Bank all information, books, documents, accounts, instruments, computer or other records, orders, correspondence (whether original or copy) and other evidence (in whatever form) relating to the Facility(ies) and collection and enforcement of the Facility(ies). The Borrower shall allow any officer, employee, advisors, duly authorized representative or agent of the Bank, at all reasonable times, to attend any premises of or occupied by the Borrower or where the Borrower carries on business to inspect, check, verify and copy (at the Borrower’s expense) any of the above as the Bank may require from time to time; (h) promptly supply or procure to be supplied to the Bank such other documents or information reasonably required by the Bank from time to time; and (i) (in case of the Borrower being a firm, partnership or company) comply with, and (in any other case where any third party guarantor(s) or security provider(s) is involved) ensure any such third party guarantor(s) or security provider(s) to comply with, in each case in all material respects, with all environmental laws (including but not limited to obtain and maintain all environmental permits relevant to the operation of their business activities in the relevant countries) applicable to it or the relevant third party guarantor(s) or security provider(s); and (j) not directly or indirectly use, lend, contribute or otherwise make available any service or facility provided by the Bank or any proceeds thereof, or permit the same to be used, lent, contributed or otherwise made available, (i) to fund any activities or business of or with any person, or in any country or territory, that, at the time of such funding, is, or whose government is, the target of any Sanctions; or (ii) in any manner that would result in a violation of any Sanctions by any person in any capacity. 23.3 In the case where the Borrower is a firm, partnership or company, that it undertakes with the Bank that it will NOT unless the Bank otherwise expressly agrees in writing: (a) merge, or consolidate with or into any other corporation or take any step with a view to dissolution, liquidation or winding up; (b) make any material change to the nature of the Borrower's business as presently carried on;

16 T & C for GBF & Loans Facility(ies) 202307_revised (LD/2023/7274) (香港)有限公司 BANK OF CHINA (HONG KONG) LIMITED 16 24. Events of Default 25. Liability of the Bank (c) create, incur or suffer or permit to exist any charge or security interest upon any of the Borrower's property, assets, revenues and rights, present or future, except (i) in favour of the Bank or (ii) being any lien arising by operation of law and in the ordinary course of trading or entered into in the ordinary course of its banking arrangements provided that in each case the debt secured thereby is paid when due or contested in good faith; (d) make loans, advance moneys, grant credit to or guarantee or indemnify the liability of any person, firm or company, except for any trade credit extended to its customers on normal commercial terms and in the ordinary course of its trading activities or as permitted by the purpose of the Facility(ies); (e) [intentionally left blank]; (f) sell, assign or dispose any of its major assets or business (as determined by the Bank) to any third party unless the proceeds of such sale, assignment or disposal are for the repayment of any outstanding under the Facilities. 23.4 In the case where the Borrower is a firm or partnership, it undertakes with the Bank that it will promptly inform all withdrawing, retiring and joining partners in writing of the representations and warranties in this Clause 23. 24.1 Without prejudice to the other provisions herein, all amounts (including principal and interest) due or owing by the Borrower to the Bank shall, without any demand, become immediately due and payable by the Borrower and the Bank shall not be required to make any further advances under any of the Facility(ies) upon the occurrence of any of the following events of default: - (a) the failure by any Obligors to pay any principal, interest, charges or other costs and expenses payable to the Bank in connection with the Facility(ies) on the due date; (b) the Borrower's failure to pay any money, debts and liabilities owing or incurred, due but unpaid to the Bank in any manner howsoever or on any account whether as principal or surety and whether alone or jointly with any other person, firm or corporation; (c) any of the representations, warranties, undertakings, covenants or statements of any Obligors under the Facility Letter and/or these General Terms and Conditions and/or the Security Documents and any other ancillary documents or any information or document delivered by any Obligors to the Bank is incorrect or misleading in any material respect; (d) any distress, attachment, sequestration, execution or other legal process is levied, enforced or sued out on or against the assets of any Obligors; (e) an event occurs which, in the opinion of the Bank, has or might have a material adverse change in or effect on the business, assets condition (financial or otherwise) or prospects of any Obligors or affect or prevent the ability of any Obligors to perform its obligations under the Facility Letter and/or the Security Documents; (f) a payment default occurs under the provisions of any agreement or instrument evidencing or securing any financial indebtedness of any Obligors or any such financial indebtedness becomes payable or capable of being declared payable before its stated maturity; (g) a petition is presented or proceedings are commenced or an order is made or an effective resolution is passed for the bankruptcy or winding up of any Obligors or for the appointment of a liquidator, receiver, official administrator or similar officer in respect of any Obligors or all or any part of its business or assets or if any Obligors otherwise becomes insolvent or bankrupt under any court of law; (h) without prejudice to paragraph (a) above, failure of any Obligors to comply with any provision contained in these General Terms and Conditions, the Facility Letter and/or the Security Documents and any other ancillary documents which is not capable of remedy or, if can be remedied, has not been remedied within seven days of the earlier of notice from the Bank requiring its remedy or any Obligors becoming aware of the failure to comply; (i) any change to the direct or indirect shareholding of the Borrower or any guarantor without the prior written consent of the Bank (except if the Borrower or such guarantor is a company listed on any stock exchange); (j) any governmental, tax, monetary or other approval required by any Obligors in connection with the Facilities is withdrawn or revised in a way prejudicial to the interest of the Bank under the Facilities, these General Terms and Conditions, the Facility Letter or any Security Documents or any other ancillary documents; (k) any present or future security on or over the assets of any Obligors becomes enforceable; (l) it becomes unlawful for any Obligors to perform any of its obligations under these General Terms and Conditions, the Facility Letter, any Security Document or any other ancillary documents; and (m) the occurrence of any event which under the law of any relevant jurisdiction, has an analogous or equivalent effect to any event mentioned in this Clause 24.1. 25.1 The Bank shall not be liable for any loss or damage suffered by the Borrower or any other person as a result of:- (a) the withdrawal or suspension of any transaction of the Borrower or for any failure to effect or execute any of the order or instruction from the Borrower whether it is attributable, either directly or indirectly, to any

17 T & C for GBF & Loans Facility(ies) 202307_revised (LD/2023/7274) (香港)有限公司 BANK OF CHINA (HONG KONG) LIMITED 17 26. Financial Statements/Information 27. Miscellaneous circumstances or events outside the control of the Bank; and/or (b) (i) any mechanical, electronic or other failure, malfunction, interruption, inaccuracy or inadequacy of the Bank's telecommunication and computer system or other equipment or its installation or operation; (ii) any incomplete or erroneous transmission of any instruction or order of the Borrower or any error in the execution of any such instruction or order (except negligence or wilful misconduct of the Bank's authorized officers) nor for any delay, loss (including loss of profit or any economic loss), expenses or damages whatsoever incurred or suffered by the Borrower as a result of (i) and /or (ii) above; and/or (c) any delay, interruption or suspension howsoever caused by any third party, including but not limited to service providers or equipment suppliers, which interferes with, affects or disrupts the performance of the Bank hereunder; and/or (d) any instruction / notice given by the Borrower through telephone, facsimile or electronic mail having been acted upon by the Bank. 25.2 In the case of any POD, the Bank shall have absolute discretion to refuse to purchase or discount any Payment Order without giving any reason therefor. In addition and without prejudice to the Bank's right under all existing terms and conditions, the Bank has full recourse against the Borrower in respect of any or all of the Payment Orders purchased or discounted by the Bank from the Borrower and the Borrower shall refund to the Bank on demand at any time, whether prior to the maturity of the Payment Order or otherwise, the sum paid to the Borrower by way of the purchase or discount of the Payment Order together with interest thereon from the date of the Bank's payment to the Borrower up to the refund by the Borrower in full. 26.1 In case the Borrower and/or any Obligors is a limited company, the Bank shall be entitled, at any time and from time to time require the Borrower to furnish to the Bank: - (a) within ninety (90) days after the end of every six (6) months of each accounting period, copies of the unaudited consolidated and/or unconsolidated financial statements of the Borrower and (if applicable),any Obligors and the Borrower's subsidiary companies duly certified by the Borrower's director(s) and (if applicable) the director(s) of any Obligors and/or the Borrower's subsidiary companies to be true copies of the original unaudited consolidated and/or unconsolidated financial statements; and (b) within one hundred and eighty (180) days from the close of the financial year of the Borrower, or (if applicable) any Obligors and the Borrower's subsidiary companies, the original audited consolidated and/or unconsolidated annual financial statements of the Borrower or (if applicable) any Obligors and the Borrower's subsidiary companies for such year or copies of such audited consolidated and/or unconsolidated annual financial statements duly certified by the Borrower's director(s) and (if applicable) the director(s) of any Obligors and/or the Borrower's subsidiary companies to be true copies of the original audited consolidated and/or unconsolidated annual financial statements. 26.2 In case the Borrower is a sole-proprietorship or partnership, the Borrower shall furnish to the Bank at the request of the Bank copies of the Borrower's financial statements duly certified by the sole-proprietor or partner(s) of the Borrower to be true copies of the original and such other information about the Borrower. 26.3 In case the Borrower is an individual, the Borrower shall furnish to the Bank at the request of the Bank certified copies of the Borrower updated income tax return, bank statements and such other information as the Bank shall from time to time require. 26.4 The Borrower shall procure that each set of financial statements delivered pursuant to Clauses 26.1 and 26.2 are prepared according to relevant generally accepted accounting principles. 27.1 Subject to prior notice to the Borrower, the Bank reserves the absolute right to vary the terms of the Facilities, to increase, reduce and/or cancel any Facility or any part thereof at any time and from time to time, including without limitation, the basis of calculation of any interest, charges, commissions, fees or default interest payable under the Facility Letter(s) and to vary these General Terms and Conditions (including without limitation the Default Margin or the Default Administrative Charges), to impose a commitment fee on the daily undrawn balance of the Facilities granted, and/or to impose any additional handling charges at such rate as determined by the Bank at its sole discretion. Any variation, amendment or supplement shall be binding on the Borrower(s) if the Borrower(s) do(es) not terminate the Facility(ies) after receiving any notice of such variation, amendment or supplement. 27.2 No failure, delay or omission by the Bank in exercising any right, power, privilege or remedy shall impair such right, power, privilege or remedy or be construed as a waiver thereof, nor shall any single or partial exercise of any right, power, privilege or remedy preclude any further exercise of any other right power, privilege or remedy. Rights, powers, privileges and remedies herein provided are cumulative and do not exclude those

18 T & C for GBF & Loans Facility(ies) 202307_revised (LD/2023/7274) (香港)有限公司 BANK OF CHINA (HONG KONG) LIMITED 18 provided by law. 27.3 Subject to Clause 27.4, any notice, demand or other communication to the Borrower shall be sent to the Borrower's last known address or such other address as may have been notified in writing by the Borrower to the Bank and, if (i) delivered personally, shall be deemed to have been given at the time of such delivery; (ii) despatched by letter postage prepaid, shall be deemed to have been given twenty-four (24) hours after posting; and (iii) transmitted by facsimile or other electronic means, shall be deemed to have been given at the time of despatch, provided that the Bank may give oral notice to the Borrower and if it consists of more than one person, any one of them, whether personally or through the telephone, and any oral notice so given shall be immediately effective and binding upon the Borrower. Subject to Clause 11.4, any notice or communication to the Bank shall not be effective until actually received by the Bank. If the Borrower consists of more than one person, any notice, demand or other communication shall be effective on the Bank only if given by each of them and on all of them if given by the Bank to any of them. 27.4 The Bank reserves the right to notify the Borrower of any variation of these General Terms and Conditions or any fees or changes in the standard charges for or relating to the Facilities, the Default Margin, the default interest set out in Clause 6.2 above, the Default Administrative Charges or the basis of calculation of any of them by notice displayed or posted up in the Bank's banking halls. 27.5 These General Terms and Conditions are in addition and without prejudice to the Bank's rights under all existing or future security and/or legal documents (if any) held by the Bank. 27.6 If the Borrower shall consist of more than one person and any Facilities are made available to such Borrowers jointly, the liabilities of the Borrowers to the Bank under those Facilities shall be joint and several and each and every provision of the Facility Letter and the terms herein shall be construed accordingly. If the Borrower is a firm (whether partnership or sole proprietorship), the Facility Letter and the terms herein shall be binding jointly and severally on all persons now or for the time being or at any time hereafter carrying on business in the name of the said firm or in succession to the said firm notwithstanding any change of members or constitution thereof. 27.7 Save as provided for in Clause 27.8, in case of conflict between (1) the terms of the Facility Letter, (2) these General Terms and Conditions and (3) any of the terms contained in the documentation mentioned in the relevant Facility Letter, (a) the terms of the Facility Letter shall prevail over these General Terms and Conditions and the terms referred to in (3), and (b) the terms referred to in (3) shall prevail over these General Terms and Conditions. 27.8 In the case where mortgage/legal charge forms prescribed by the Hong Kong Housing Authority, Hong Kong Housing Society or other similar bodies or authorities are used, whenever there is any conflict between the terms of the Facility Letter, these General Terms and Conditions and any of the terms contained in the mortgage/legal charge forms, the terms of the mortgage/legal charge forms shall prevail. 27.9 Any provision in the Facility Letter and/or these General Terms and Conditions which is or is declared by any court or tribunal of competent jurisdiction to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable in any respect under applicable law shall be severed from the Facility Letter and/or these General Terms and Conditions (as the case may be) to the maximum extent permissible by such applicable law without in any manner affecting the legality, validity or enforceability of the remaining provisions of the Facility Letter and/or these General Terms and Conditions (as the case may be), all of which shall continue in full force and effect. 27.10 In the case where a facility is subject to a separate set of General Terms and Conditions, if there is any conflict between these General Terms and Conditions and the General Terms and Conditions for the specific facility, the latter shall prevail. 27.11 Unless contrary intention appears, words importing the singular number shall include the plural number and vice versa and words importing the masculine gender shall include the feminine gender and the neuter gender. 27.12 References to any regulation includes any regulation, rule, official directive, request or guideline (whether or not having the force of law) of any governmental, intergovernmental or supranational body, agency, department or regulatory, self-regulatory or other authority or organization. 28. Third Party Rights 28.1 Subject to Clause 28.3, a person who is not a party to any Facility Letter has no right under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Ordinance (Cap. 623 of the Laws of Hong Kong) (the "Third Parties Ordinance") to enforce or to enjoy the benefit of any term of such Facility Letter and/or these General Terms and Conditions. 28.2 Notwithstanding any term of any Facility Letter and/or these General Terms and Conditions, the consent of any person who is not a party to such Facility Letter is not required to rescind or vary such Facility Letter and/or these General Terms and Conditions at any time. 28.3 Any director, officer, employee, affiliate or agent of the Bank or any of the Bank’s Related Parties may, by virtue of the Third Parties Ordinance, rely on any provision of any Facility Letter and/or these General Terms and Conditions which expressly confers rights on that person.

19 T & C for GBF & Loans Facility(ies) 202307_revised (LD/2023/7274) (香港)有限公司 BANK OF CHINA (HONG KONG) LIMITED 19 29. Language 30. Governing Law 28.4 This Clause 28 shall apply upon the commencement date of the Third Parties Ordinance (being 1 January 2016). 29.1 The Chinese version of the Facility Letter and these General Terms and Conditions are for reference only and if there is any conflict between the English version and the Chinese version, the English version shall prevail. 30.1 The Facility Letter and these General Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Hong Kong. The Borrower hereby irrevocably submits to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Hong Kong.