

亞特蘭大-2024年2月22日-Vestis(紐約證券交易所代碼:VSTS),一家領先的制服和 Workplace Supplies今天宣佈成功再融資8億美元的2年期定期貸款A-1和8億美元的7年期定期貸款B。該交易是淨槓桿中性的,並將債務期限延長五年以上至2031年。

新的定期貸款B定價為擔保隔夜融資利率(SOFR)加225個基點,以0.25%的原始發行折扣發行,將 在Vestis達到信貸協議中定義的3.30倍淨槓桿後,調整為SOFR加200個基點。

“我們很高興地宣佈成功的再融資,定期貸款B結構, 反映了我們對去槓桿化的承諾。Vestis首席財務官 表示:”將我們的債務期限從兩年延長至七年的能力增強了我們的財務狀況,有助於推進我們的戰略計劃並推動強勁的股東回報 瑞克·狄龍“我們對我們的資本配置策略的實力以及我們通過在2026財年實現1.5倍至2.5倍的最佳淨槓桿率範圍來改善槓桿率的能力仍然充滿信心。”

除新的定期貸款B外,公司現有定期貸款A-2還有6.91億美元剩餘,還有3億美元未提取的循環信貸 這兩項設施都將於2028年成熟。

有關信貸協議修訂條款的其他詳細信息,請參見公司向證券交易所提交的8-K文件 2024年2月22日,委員會。

這筆再融資交易由Wells Fargo Securities,LLC牽頭。

Vestis是B2B制服和工作場所用品類別的領導者。Vestis為眾多北美客户提供製服服務和工作場所用品 客户從財富500強公司到本地小型企業,涵蓋廣泛的終端行業。該公司提供的全面服務主要包括全方位服務的制服租賃計劃、地墊、毛巾、牀單、託管 洗手間服務、急救用品、無塵室和其他專業服裝加工。


This press release contains “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the securities laws regarding Vestis’ strategic plan, shareholder returns and ability to improve its leverage profile. These forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties that may change at any time, and actual results or outcomes may differ materially from those that we expected. Forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and are subject to risks, uncertainties, and changes in circumstances that are difficult to predict including, but not limited to: unfavorable economic conditions; increases in fuel and energy costs; the failure to retain current customers, renew existing customer contracts and obtain new customer contracts; natural disasters, global calamities, climate change, pandemics, strikes and other adverse incidents; increased operating costs and obstacles to cost recovery due to the pricing and cancellation terms of our support services contracts; a determination by our customers to reduce their outsourcing or use of preferred vendors; risks associated with suppliers from whom our products are sourced; challenge of contracts by our customers; our expansion strategy and our ability to successfully integrate the businesses we acquire and costs and timing related thereto; currency risks and other risks associated with international operations; our inability to hire and retain key or sufficient qualified personnel or increases in labor costs; continued or further unionization of our workforce; liability resulting from our participation in multiemployer-defined benefit pension plans; liability associated with noncompliance with applicable law or other governmental regulations; laws and governmental regulations including those relating to the environment, wage and hour and government contracting; increases or changes in income tax rates or tax-related laws; new interpretations of or changes in the enforcement of the government regulatory framework; a cybersecurity incident or other disruptions in the availability of our computer systems or privacy breaches; stakeholder expectations relating to environmental, social and governance considerations; the expected benefits of the separation from Aramark and the risk that conditions to the separation will not be satisfied; the risk of increased costs from lost synergies; retention of existing management team members as a result of the separation from Aramark; reaction of customers, employees and other parties to the separation from Aramark, and the impact of the separation on our business; our leverage and ability to meet debt obligations; any failure by Aramark to perform its obligations under the various separation agreements entered into in connection with the separation and distribution; a determination by the IRS that the distribution or certain related transactions are taxable; and the and the timing and occurrence (or non-occurrence) of other transactions, events and circumstances which may be beyond our control. The above list of factors is not exhaustive or necessarily in order of importance. For additional information on identifying factors that may cause actual results to vary materially from those stated in forward-looking statements, see Vestis’ filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Any forward-looking statement speaks only as of the date on which it is made, and we assume no obligation to update or revise such statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by applicable law.



郵箱:danielle. vestis.com
