

投票指示表格-無異議實益擁有人 我/我們是新世界石墨公司(“本公司”)普通股的持有者,特此任命:本公司總裁兼首席執行官Eric Desaulniers先生,或如果他失敗,任命本公司首席財務官Charles-Oivier Tarte先生,Or ________________________________________________________________________________ To出席會議或指定某人代表您出席,請在此處將姓名 打印給 作為簽名者的代表,以出席,本公司股東周年大會及特別大會(下稱“大會”)將於2022年6月16日(星期四)上午11:00在聖米歇爾聖徒QC J0K 3B0外匯路600號舉行,並可使用Lumi 會議平臺於https://web.lumiagm.com/447507053網上直播,就以下所有事項及本公司股東周年大會及特別大會(“大會”)之前可能適當提出的任何其他事項,代表簽署人按以下指示行事及投票(或如無指示,則以委託書認為適當者為準)。(東部時間),以及在任何和所有延期或延期時,以相同的方式、相同的程度和相同的權力,猶如以下籤署人親自出席一樣,並有完全替代的權力。如果您指定您自己或上述兩人以外的代理人,您必須通過郵件、傳真、電子郵件或互聯網將您的VIF返回給多倫多證券交易所,您還必須讓被指定人在上午11:00之前填寫在線表格,或致電1-866-751-6315(加拿大和美國免費)或212-235-5754(其他國家/地區)致電多倫多證券交易所。(東部時間) 2022年6月14日,為您的代理權持有人正確註冊, 以便多倫多證券交易所可以通過電子郵件向您或此類代理持有人提供13位代理持有人控制 號。這樣的13位代理人控制編號將與本VIF中規定的控制編號不同。如果沒有13位代理持有人的控制編號,您或您的代理持有人將無法在會議上參與、互動、提問或投票,但可以作為嘉賓出席。 NC 2 管理層的投票建議以框上突出顯示的文本表示。 請使用深黑色鉛筆或鋼筆。 1.選舉保留董事對於扣留 1.Daniel Buron 5.Nathalie Pilon對他的支持 2.Eric Desaulniers6.詹姆斯·斯嘉麗(James Scarlett) 3.阿恩·H·弗蘭森(Arne H Frandsen)7.安德魯·威利斯(Andrew Willis) 4.於爾根·科勒(Jürgen Köhler) 2.任命審計師 任命普華永道會計師事務所為本公司的外部審計師,並授權 名董事確定其薪酬 。 C預扣 3.股票期權計劃 考慮和,如果被認為是可取的,通過一項決議(載於 管理委託書通告的附表A),涉及批准和確認 公司的股票期權計劃 AGAINST Under加拿大證券法, 您有權收到某些投資者文件。如果您希望收到此類材料,請勾選下面的 適用框。您也可以訪問我們的網站https://ca.astfinancial.com/financialstatements並輸入代碼7528a。 我希望收到季度財務報表我希望收到年度財務報表 我/我們授權您按照上述説明行事。本人/我們特此撤銷先前就該會議發出的任何VIF。如果以上未指明投票指示,則此VIF將按照管理層的建議進行投票,或者,如果您指定了另一個代理人,則按照其他 代理人認為合適的方式進行表決。在會議上提出的任何修訂或更改或妥善提交的任何新事務,我/我們授權您以 身份投票,您會看到fit. _________________________________________________________ 簽名日期 請嚴格按照您的姓名在本VIF上簽名。有關説明,請參閲反面。所有VIF必須在上午11:00之前收到。(東部時間)2022年6月14日。


Voting Instruction Form (“VIF”) – Annual General and Special Meeting of Shareholders of Nouveau Monde Graphite Inc. (the “Corporation”) to be held on June 16, 2022 (the “Meeting”) This VIF is solicited by and on behalf of Management. Notes 1. We are sending to you the enclosed proxyǦrelated materials that relate to a Meeting of the holders of the class of securities that are held on your behalf by the intermediary identified above. Unless you attend the Meeting and vote online, your securities can be voted only by your proxyholder appointed above or, failing the appointment of any person, by Management, as proxyholder of the registered holder, in accordance with your instructions. 2. We are prohibited from voting these securities on any of the matters to be acted upon at the Meeting without your specific voting instructions. In order for these securities to be voted at the Meeting, it will be necessary for us to have your specific voting instructions. Please complete and return the information requested in this VIF to provide your voting instructions to us promptly. 3. If you want to attend the Meeting and vote online, please write your name in the place provided for that purpose in this form. You can also write the name of someone else whom you wish to attend the Meeting and vote on your behalf. Unless prohibited by law, the person whose name is written in the space provided will have full authority to present matters to the Meeting and vote on all matters that are presented at the Meeting, even if those matters are not set out in this form or the Circular. Consult a legal advisor if you wish to modify the authority of that person in any way. If you require help, please contact the registered representative who services your account. 4. This VIF should be signed by you in the exact manner as your name appears on the VIF. If these voting instructions are given on behalf of a body corporate set out the full legal name of the body corporate, the name and position of the person giving voting instructions on behalf of the body corporate and the address for service of the body corporate. 5. If this VIF is not dated, it will be deemed to be dated on the day it was mailed by Management to you. 6. When properly signed and delivered, securities represented by this VIF will be voted as directed by you, however, if such a direction is not made in respect of any matter, the VIF will direct the voting of the securities to be made as recommended in the documentation provided by Management for the Meeting. 7. This VIF confers discretionary authority on the appointee to vote as the appointee sees fit in respect of amendments or variation to matters identified in the notice of Meeting or other matters as may properly come before the Meeting or any adjournment thereof. 8. Your voting instructions will be recorded on receipt of the VIF. 9. By providing voting instructions as requested, you are acknowledging that you are the beneficial owner of, and are entitled to instruct us with respect to the voting of, these securities. 10. If you have any questions regarding the enclosed documents, please contact the registered representative who services your account. 11. This VIF should be read in conjunction with the Circular and other proxy materials provided by Management. All VIFs must be received by 11:00 a.m. (Eastern Time) on June 14, 2022. How to Vote VOTE USING THE TELEPHONE 24 HOURS A DAY, 7 DAYS A WEEK! INTERNET x Go to www.tsxtrust.com/vote-proxy x Cast your vote online x View Meeting documents TELEPHONE Use any touch-tone phone, call toll free in Canada and United States 1-888-489-7352 and follow the voice instructions. To vote by Internet or telephone you will need your control number. If you vote by Internet or telephone, DO NOT return this VIF. MAIL, FAX or EMAIL x Complete and return your signed VIF in the envelope provided or send to: TSX Trust Company P.O. Box 721 Agincourt, ON M1S 0A1 x You may alternatively fax your VIF to 1-416-368-2502 or toll free in Canada and United States to 1-866-781-3111 or scan and email to proxyvote@tmx.com.