

Nouveau Monde Graphite Inc.年度股東大會和特別大會代理材料供應通知 會議日期和地點: 時間:2022年6月16日(星期四) 上午11:00(東部時間) 地點:親自前往福克斯路600號,聖人- Michel-des-Saints QC J0K 3B0 或通過網絡直播at: https://web.lumiagm.com/447507053 You收到此通知,因為新世界石墨公司(以下簡稱公司)正在使用通知 和訪問機制(“通知和訪問規定”)向其 註冊和受益股東(“股東”)交付會議材料,以參加將於6月16日(星期四)舉行的 股東年度股東大會和特別大會。2022(“會議”),並告知會議的代理材料 可在互聯網上找到。通知和查閲條款是一套規則,允許報告發行人通過電子文件分析和檢索系統和互聯網發佈與代理相關的材料的電子版本,而不是將此類材料的紙質副本郵寄給股東。 本公司將不會使用與使用通知和查閲條款有關的“分層”程序 。當報告發行人使用通知和訪問條款將管理代理通函的紙質副本與通知包一起提供給特定股東時,就會發生分層。 此通信僅概述了您可以在互聯網上獲得的更完整的代理材料 。我們提醒您在投票前查閲和查看日期為2022年5月12日的管理代理通告(以下簡稱通告)和其他代理相關材料中包含的所有重要信息。 通告, 本公司截至2021年、2021年及2020年12月31日止財政年度的綜合經審核財務報表及獨立核數師報告(“財務報表”)及 其他相關材料可於at: www.meetingdocuments.com/TSXT/NOU OR www.sedar.com OR https://nmg.com How索取代理材料的紙質副本 股東可要求免費郵寄收取當期會議材料及財務報表的紙質副本。為確保您在投票截止日期和 會議日期之前收到材料,所有請求必須在2022年6月3日之前收到。如果您要求提供當前材料, 請注意,另一種形式的代理或投票指示表格將不會發送;請保留您當前的 表格用於投票。要獲取有關通知和訪問的信息或索取與代理相關的材料的紙質副本,請致電多倫多證券交易所信託公司,北美地區免費電話1-888-433-6443,或通過電子郵件發送您的請求至tsxt-Performance@tmx.com。


Shareholders Meeting Notice Shareholders will be asked to consider and vote on the matters listed below, along with the Sections within the Circular where disclosure regarding the matter can be found: 1. to receive the Financial Statements – see “Items on Meeting Agenda – Presentation of Financial Statements”; 2. to elect the directors named in the Circular, namely Mr. Daniel Buron, Mr. Eric Desaulniers, Mr. Arne H Frandsen, Mr. Jürgen Köhler, Ms. Nathalie Pilon, Mr. James Scarlett and Mr. Andrew Willis, who will serve until the next annual meeting of shareholders or until their successors are elected or appointed– see “Items on Meeting Agenda – Election of Directors”; 3. to appoint PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the external auditor of the Corporation and to authorize the directors to set its compensation – see “Items on Meeting Agenda – Appointment of the External Auditor and Authorization Given to Directors to set its Compensation”; 4. to consider and, if deemed advisable, adopt a resolution (which is set out in Schedule “A” of the Circular) concerning the ratification and confirmation of the stock option plan of the Corporation – see “Items on Meeting Agenda – Ratification and Confirmation of the Corporation’s Stock Option Plan”; and 5. to transact such other business as may properly be brought before the Meeting or any adjournment thereof. Voting PLEASE NOTE – YOU CANNOT VOTE BY RETURNING THIS NOTICE. To vote your securities, you must vote using the methods reflected on your enclosed Form of Proxy or Voting Instruction Form. Your Form of Proxy or Voting Instruction Form must be received by 11:00 a.m. (Eastern Time) on June 14, 2022. PLEASE REVIEW THE CIRCULAR PRIOR TO VOTING Financial Statements Delivery x The Financial Statements are being sent to beneficial holders who have requested them.