附件 4.13


我們 擁有由以下內容組成的法定股本。公司有權發行的股本股份總數為:20.2億股。這些股票應分為兩類,12億股(2,000,000,000股) 股指定為面值為.001美元的普通股(以下簡稱“普通股”)和2,000萬股(20,000,000股),指定為面值為.001美元的優先股(“優先股”)。公司的優先股可由公司的董事董事會 授權以一個或多個類別或任何類別內的一個或多個系列發行,該等類別或系列應具有投票權、完全或有限投票權,或無投票權,以及此類指定:偏好、限制或限制 由公司董事會不時決定。

普通股 股票

我們的公司章程授權我們發行2,000,000,000股普通股,每股面值0.001美元。普通股的所有流通股 均已繳足股款且不可評估,將發行普通股。我們普通股的每一股在各個方面都享有相同的權利和特權。我們普通股的持有者有權對提交給我們股東投票的所有事項進行投票,並且每持有一股普通股有權投一票。沒有累積投票權。

我們普通股的 持有者有權在滿足任何已發行優先股的任何先前權利和優惠 後,有權平等分享我們董事會可不時宣佈的股息和其他分派 從合法可用於該目的的資金中撥出。如果我們清算、解散或清盤,普通股持有者將有權在償還我們對已發行優先股持有者的所有債務和我們的 義務後,按比例分享我們所有剩餘可供分配的資產。

優先股 股票

我們的公司章程授權我們發行20,000,000股優先股,每股面值0.001美元。我們的董事會 有權在一個或多個系列中發行額外的優先股,併為每個系列確定要包括在每個系列中的指定和 股票數量。我們的董事會還被授權設置每個此類系列股票的權力、特權、優惠、 和相對參與權、可選權利或其他權利,以及每個此類系列股票的資格、限制或 限制。

除非我們的董事會另有規定,否則所有系列優先股的股票在支付股息和清算時的資產分配方面將處於平價地位。我們發行我們優先股的任何股份都可能產生延遲、推遲或阻止我們控制權變更或主動收購提議的效果。發行優先股 還可能減少可分配給普通股持有人的收益和資產數額,或可能對普通股持有人的權利和權力產生不利影響,包括投票權。

從2013年8月7日起,我們的董事會將我們的一系列優先股指定為D系列優先股,授權發行15,000股。 我們的D系列優先股發行條款授權我們在六個月的時間內通過多次交易超額配售500,000美元,籌集至多1,000,000美元。 我們在D系列優先股認購中獲得了總計750,000美元的融資,即7,500股 股。

The following are primary terms of the Series D Preferred Stock. The Series D Preferred holders were initially entitled to be paid a special monthly divided at the rate of 17.5% per annum. Initially, the Series D Preferred Stock was also entitled to be paid special dividends in the event cash dividends were not paid when scheduled. If the Company does not pay the dividend within five (5) business days from the end of the calendar month for which the payment of such dividend to owed, the Company will pay the investor a special dividend of an additional 3.5%. Any unpaid or accrued special dividends will be paid upon a liquidation or redemption. For any other dividends or distributions, the Series D Preferred Stock participates with common stock on an as-converted basis. The Series D Preferred holders may elect to convert the Series D Preferred Stock, in their sole discretion, at any time after a one year (1) year holding period, by sending the Company a notice to convert. The conversion rate is equal to the greater of $0.08 or a 20% discount to the average of the three (3) lowest closing market prices of the common stock during the ten (10) trading day period prior to conversion. The Series D Preferred Stock is redeemable from funds legally available for distribution at the option of the individual holders of the Series D Preferred Stock commencing any time after the one (1) year period from the offering closing at a price equal to the initial purchase price plus all accrued but unpaid dividends, provided, that if the Company gave notice to the investors that it was not in a financial position to redeem the Series D Preferred, the Company and the Series D Preferred holders are obligated to negotiate in good faith for an extension of the redemption period. The Company timely notified the investors that it was not in a financial position to redeem the Series D Preferred and the Company and the investors have engaged in ongoing negotiations to determine an appropriate extension period. The Company may elect to redeem the Series D Preferred Stock any time at a price equal to initial purchase price plus all accrued but unpaid dividends, subject to the investors’ right to convert, by providing written notice about its intent to redeem. Each investor has the right to convert the Series D Preferred Stock at least ten (10) days prior to such redemption by the Company.