

Sprott Inc. (“公司”) 委託書(“委託書”) 年度和特別會議 2022年5月6日(星期五)下午12:00ET https://web.lumiagm.com/221250484 Password:Sprott2022(區分大小寫) (“會議”) 記錄日期:2022年3月17日 控制編號: 序號: 代理提交截止日期:2022年5月4日星期三下午12:00Et 投票方法 請訪問www.voteproxyonline.com,輸入傳真上的12位數字控制號碼416-595-9593 Mail TSX Trust Company 301-100 Adelaide Street West 多倫多,安大略省多倫多,郵編:M5H 4H1 簽署人在此任命公司首席執行官Peter Grosskopf為公司首席執行官,而不是公司首席財務官Kevin Hibbert(管理提名人)以下被委任人 請打印以下被委任人的姓名 作為委託人,並有權就可能在會議及其任何延期或延期中適當提交的所有事項出席、代理和代表以下籤署人投票,其程度和權力與以下籤署人按照投票指示親自出席上述會議或其延會或延期一樣。如果 , 提供如下內容。 -參見反向投票指南- 決議-管理層投票建議以框上方突出顯示的文本表示 1.董事選舉扣留 a)Ronald Dehuurst b)Graham Birch c)Peter Grosskopf d)Barbara Connolly Keady e)Sharon Ranson f)Catherine Raw g)Arthur Richards Rule IV d)Barbara Connolly Keady e)Sharon Ranson f)Catherine Raw g)Arthur Richards Rule IV d)Barbara Connolly Keady e)Sharon Ranson f)Catherine Raw g)Arthur Richards Rule IV d)Barbara Connolly Keady e)Sharon RansBr} 2.委任核數師以暫不委任畢馬威有限責任公司為本公司下一年度核數師,並授權董事釐定其酬金。 3.章程第1號修訂第2號以反對批准及批准本公司第1號附例修訂的普通決議案,如公司與會議有關的管理信息通告中更詳細地描述的。 請打印姓名 註冊所有者簽名(MM/DD/YYYY) 本委託書撤銷並取代所有較早日期的委託書,必須簽名


www.tsxtrust.com VANCOUVER CALGARY TORONTO MONTRÉAL Proxy Voting – Guidelines and Conditions 1. THIS PROXY IS SOLICITED BY MANAGEMENT OF THE CORPORATION. 2. THIS PROXY SHOULD BE READ IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE MEETING MATERIALS PRIOR TO VOTING. 3. If you appoint the Management Nominees to vote your securities, they will vote in accordance with your instructions or, if no instructions are given, in accordance with the Management Voting Recommendations highlighted for each Resolution on the reverse. If you appoint someone else to vote your securities, they will also vote in accordance with your instructions or, if no instructions are given, as they in their discretion choose. 4. This proxy confers discretionary authority on the person named to vote in his or her discretion with respect to amendments or variations to the matters identified in the Notice of the Meeting accompanying the proxy or such other matters which may properly come before the Meeting or any adjournment or postponement thereof. 5. Each security holder has the right to appoint a person other than the Management Nominees specified herein to represent them at the Meeting or any adjournment or postponement thereof. Such right may be exercised by inserting in the space labeled “Please print appointee name”, the name of the person to be appointed, who need not be a security holder of the Corporation. 6. To be valid, this proxy must be signed. Please date the proxy. If the proxy is not dated, it is deemed to bear the date of its mailing to the security holders of the Corporation. 7. To be valid, this proxy must be filed using one of the Voting Methods and must be received by TSX Trust Company before the Filing Deadline for Proxies, noted on the reverse or in the case of any adjournment or postponement of the Meeting not less than 48 hours (Saturdays, Sundays and holidays excepted) before the time of the adjourned or postponed meeting. Late proxies may be accepted or rejected by the Chairman of the Meeting in his discretion, and the Chairman is under no obligation to accept or reject any particular late proxy. 8. If the security holder is a corporation, the proxy must be executed by an officer or attorney thereof duly authorized, and the security holder may be required to provide documentation evidencing the signatory’s power to sign the proxy. 9. Guidelines for proper execution of the proxy are available at www.stac.ca. Please refer to the Proxy Protocol. Investor inSite TSX Trust Company offers at no cost to security holders, the convenience of secure 24-hour access to all data relating to their account including summary of holdings, transaction history, and links to valuable security holder forms and Frequently Asked Questions. To register, please visit https://www.tsxtrust.com/t/investor-hub/forms/investor-insite- registration Click on, “Register” and complete the registration form. Call us toll free at 1-866-600-5869 with any questions. 031822_v1 Notice-and-Access The Canadian securities regulators have adopted rules which permit the use of notice- and-access for proxy solicitation instead of the traditional physical delivery of material. This new process provides the option to post meeting related materials including management information circulars as well as annual financial statements and management’s discussion and analysis, on a website in addition to SEDAR. Under notice-and-access, meeting related materials will be available for viewing for up to 1 year from the date of posting and a paper copy of the material can be requested at any time during this period. Disclosure regarding each matter or group of matters to be voted on is in the Information Circular in the Section with the same title as each Resolution on the reverse. You should review the Information Circular before voting. Sprott Inc. has elected to utilize notice-and-access and provide you with the following information: Meeting materials are available electronically at www.sedar.com and also at https://docs.tsxtrust.com/2289. If you wish to receive a paper copy of the Meeting materials or have questions about notice-and-access, please call 1-866-600-5869 or email tsxtis@tmx.com. In order to receive a paper copy in time to vote before the meeting, your request should be received by April 27, 2022. Request for Financial Statements In accordance with securities regulations, security holders may elect to receive Annual Financial Statements, Interim Financial Statements and MD&As. Instead of receiving the financial statements by mail, you may choose to view these documents on SEDAR at www.sedar.com. I am currently a security holder of the Corporation and as such request the following: Annual Financial Statements with MD&A Interim Financial Statements with MD&A If you are casting your vote online and wish to receive financial statements, please complete the online request for financial statements following your voting instructions. If the cut-off time has passed, please fax this side to 416-595-9593 Sprott Inc. 2022 . Virtual Meeting Guidelines If you are a non-registered shareholder and want to vote online at the Meeting, you must appoint yourself as proxyholder and register with TSX Trust in advance of the Meeting by emailing tsxtrustproxyvoting@tmx.com the "Request for Control Number" form, which can be found at https://tsxtrust.com/resource/en/75 If you are a shareholder and you want to appoint someone else (other than the management nominees) to vote online at the Meeting, you must first submit your proxy indicating who you are appointing. You or your appointee must then register with TSX Trust in advance of the Meeting by emailing tsxtrustproxyvoting@tmx.com the "Request for Control Number" form, which can be found at https://tsxtrust.com/resource/en/75. Failure to register the proxyholder with TSX Trust by emailing tsxtrustproxyvoting@tmx.com the "Request for Control Number" form, which can be found at https://tsxtrust.com/resource/en/75 will result in the proxyholder not receiving a Control Number to participate in the Meeting and only being able to attend as a guest.