ダブリン–2024年8月14日–Dole plc(NYSE:DOLE)(「Dole」または「グループ」または「会社」)は、本日2024年6月30日までの3か月および6か月の財務結果を公表しました

財務のハイライト - 未監査
2,124 2,1414,245 4,130
継続する事業からの収入356.063.7127.5 98.7 
当期純利益88.1 52.3 153.572.8
Dole社への純利益80.1 42.3 150.3 56.4
継続する事業からの希薄化後EPS0.500.56 1.30 0.86
希薄化後eps0.84 0.44 1.57 0.59
125.4 122.7235.5 223.1
47.0 48.4 87.680.7
0.490.51 0.92 0.85
当社の成績にコメントし、Carl McCann、執行役員会長は述べました:
Progressive Produceの売却が完了した後、我々はTerm Loan facilitiesの$100.0Mを4月に償還し、四半期末の当社の純負債は$767.5Mでした。
1 営業比較基準は、外国為替の変動や買収・売却の影響を除外した指標を指します。
2 Dole plcは米国の一般受け入れ会計原則("GAAP")に従って財務結果を報告しています。本文に関連する全GAAP財務結果は付録でご覧いただけます。調整後EBIT、調整後EBITDA、調整後純利益、調整後EPS、純負債、現金フロー等は非GAAP財務指標です。本文に使用されているこれらおよびその他の非GAAP財務指標と比較可能なGAAP財務指標との説明と調整については、本リリースの付録をご参照ください。
3 生鮮野菜の成績は廃止運営(所得税引き後)として別々に報告され、簡略化連結損益計算書では別途資産および負債が提示され、簡略化連結キャッシュフロー計算書では別途現金フローが提示されています。それ以外の場合は、本文中の結果の説明、展望、および非GAAP財務指標を含む補足テーブルは連続運営ベースで提示されます。

グループの成績 - 第2四半期
売上高は0.8%減少、または1億7100万ドルで、主に買収や売却による純な影響が1億3003万ドルおよび外国為替翻訳の純な不利な影響が960万ドルであった。 同種のベースに基づいて、全セグメントでの優れた業績により、売上高は前年比4.3%、または9億2800万ドル増加した。
調整後のEBITDAは、主にフレッシュフルーツセグメントでの優れたパフォーマンスにより、2.2%増加、または270万ドル増加した。 同種のベースに基づいて、調整後のEBITDAは8.2%増加、または1010万ドル増加した。
調整後の当期純利益は、税務費用の増加を主な要因とし、上記の調整後のEBITDAの増加に部分的に相殺されたため、130万ドル減少した。 2024年6月30日までの3か月間の調整後の希薄化EPSは、前年の0.51に対して0.49ドルでした。
フレッシュフルーツ$851,451 $70,619 $839,043 $65,816  
多様化した新鮮な農産物 - EMEA944,851 42,695 915,629 42,603
多角化した生鮮食品 - 米州およびその他地域356,057 12,107 417,645 14,262
セグメント間(28,268)We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.(31,143)We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.
総計$2,124,091 $125,421 $2,141,174 $122,681 

多様化された生鮮食品 - EMEA1,798,449 68,654 1,713,729 66,009
多様化された生鮮食品 - アメリカとその他832,939 26,812 840,39622,032
セグメント間(61,603)We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.(61,737)We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.
総計$4,245,465 $235,520 $4,130,341 $223,068 

売上高は14.7%減少し、$61.6 million(6160万ドル)になりました。主な原因は2024年3月中旬にProgressive Produceの事業を売却したためです。比較ベースでは、売上高は前年比で11.3%増加し、$47.4 million(4740万ドル)になりました。主な原因は季節的なタイミングの利益および北米のほとんどの商品での基礎的な売上成長の好影響によるものです。
調整後のEBITDAは15.1%減少し、$2.2 million(220万ドル)になりました。主な原因はProgressive Produce事業の売却によるものです。比較ベースでは、調整後のEBITDAは前年比で36.4%増加し、$5.2 million(520万ドル)になりました。主な原因は北米の多様化ビジネスのパフォーマンスの改善と南米での季節的なタイミングの違いの利益によるものです。
2024年6月30日までの持続的な運営からの現金による資本支出は$35.7 million(3570万ドル)で、出荷コンテナ、農業投資、倉庫における効率プロジェクトへの投資、ITおよび物流資産への継続的な投資を含んでいます。2024年6月30日までの持続的な運営における財務リースによる追加投資は$7 million(700万ドル)でした。
Progressive Produceの売却
2024年3月13日、当社はProgressive Produce事業の65.0%の株式をPTF Holdingsに売却しました。売却により、Doleは現金で総額$120.3 million(12,030万ドル)を受け取り、売却益として$75.9 million(7,590万ドル)を認識しました。2024年4月25日、DoleはProgressive Produceの売却による受取額を使って、$100 million(1,000万ドル)の主債務の前渡しを自主的に行いました。
2024年6月30日までの持続的な運営からのフリーキャッシュフローは304 million(3040万ドル)の流出でした。フリーキャッシュフローは主に季節的な影響によるものです。売上高(売却の影響を除く)の増加による債権からの大きな流出と、在庫からの流入の減少があり、それを一部相殺する形で買掛金、未払金及びその他の負債からの流入がありました。2024年6月30日時点の純負債は$767.5 million(7,6750万ドル)でした。
予測は複雑なままですが、前半の結果を受けて、2024年の調整後EBITDA目標を少なくとも$370 millionに引き上げる自信を持っています。
2024年8月13日、Dole株式会社の取締役会は2024年第2四半期の現金配当を$0.08 per shareと宣言し、2024年9月11日の株主名簿に記載された株主に対して2024年10月3日に支払われました。2024年第1四半期の現金配当は2024年7月5日に1株あたり$0.08支払われました。

10x Genomicsは、2022年2月15日の市場終了後の1時30分に、第4四半期および2022年全体の財務結果、ビジネスの進展状況、見通しについてカンファレンスコールを開催します。カンファレンスコールのウェブキャストには、投資家はhttp://investors.10xGenomics.comにアクセスできます。ウェブキャストは45日間以上アーカイブされ、イベントの再生が可能です。
将来に関する情報。当社が本ニュースリリースに含まれる環境計画、目標、信念、期待について、エンタージの資本計画や気候転換の目標またはコミットメント、およびエンタージの計画、信念、または期待を表明したその他の声明は、「前向きな声明」であり、指定された日付にのみ適用されます。前向きな声明には、実際の結果がそのような前向きな声明に明示または黙示に表現されるものと異なる場合があり、規制手続きやその他の原価回収メカニズムに関連する不確定要素、原子力設備の運営および再認可、大規模な嵐およびその他の災害、ビジネス戦略の遂行に関連するリスク、法律、規制、政策の変更の影響、ビジネス戦略の遂行に関連するリスクおよび不確定要素、新興および新興技術の費用、開発のペース、商業化、エンタージの最新の年次報告書またはForm 10-K、および証券取引所法の下でのその後の報告書や申請書で議論されている不確定要素およびその他の要因が含まれます。
本プレスリリースでない一部の声明は、修正された1933年の有価証券法第27A条および修正された1934年の証券取引所法第21E条の意味するところにおける前向きな声明です。前向き見通しは、現在管理が利用できる情報を考慮し、経済的なパフォーマンスの将来を主張するマネジメントの信念、仮定、および期待に基づいています。これらは歴史的事実ではありません。 「信じる」「可能性がある」「〜するかもしれない」「〜するはずだ」「〜すべきだ」「予想する」「見積もる」「期待する」「意図する」「目的とする」「追い求める」「目指す」またはこれらの類似の単語、またはこれらの単語の否定形は、前向きな声明を識別します。この前向き情報の掲載は、私たちまたは他のどの人物による将来の計画、見積もり、または期待が達成されることを表明するものではないことにご留意ください。このような前向きな声明は、私たちの事業、財務結果、財務状況、事業見通し、成長戦略、および流動性に関連するさまざまなリスクや不確実性、および管理の仮説に基づいています。したがって、私たちの実際の結果がこれらの声明で示されているものと異なることがある、または将来の潜在のリスクまたは不確実性のうちの1つまたは複数が実現した場合、または私たちの根底にある仮定が正しくなかった場合、実際の結果はこれらの前向きな声明が示唆するものと大きく異なる可能性があります。私たちの前向きな声明に過度に依存しないでください。いずれの前向きな声明も、その声明がなされた日付をもってのみ有効であり、連邦証券法によって必要とされる限り、その後のイベントまたは状況を反映するためにいかなる前向きな声明も更新する義務は負いません。
+353 1 887 2794
+353 87 2436 130

コンデンスド連結損益計算書 - 未監査
純収益$2,124,091 $2,141,174 $4,245,465 $4,130,341 
粗利益200,586 196,573 395,263 375,612 
ビジネスの売却益1,995 We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.75,945 We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.
資産売却に関する(損失)利益(89)10,723328 GitLab Inc.
商標の価値の減損We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.(36,684)We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.
有形固定資産の減損We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.(1,277)We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.
営業利益85,888 91,629198,021153,762
その他の収入、純額6,3771,129 13,9992,904
利息収入2,624 2,640 5,7034,949
税引前継続事業からの所得および株主に帰属する利益76,10175,650 180,987120,155
持分法による利益5,4064,6886,408 6,166
継続事業による利益56,047 63,745 127,534 98,734
廃止事業からの当期純利益(税引き後)32,018 (11,438)25,967 (25,944)
当期純利益88,065 52,307 153,501 72,790
ドール社に帰属する当期純利益$80,117 $42,275 $150,260 $56,434 
一株当たりの利益(損失) - 基本:
持続する事業$0.51 $0.57 $1.31 pts$0.86
中止された事業0.34(0.12)0.27 (0.27)
ドールの当期純利益に占める1株当たりのシェア(基本)$0.85 $0.45$1.58 $0.59
持続する事業$0.50$0.56 $1.30 $0.86
中止された事業0.34(0.12)0.27 (0.27)
ドールに帰属する1株当たりの希薄化後当期純利益$0.84 $0.44 $1.57 $0.59
基本94,930 94,909 94,930 94,904
希薄化後95,340 95,11295,285 95,068

継続する事業からの収益127,534 98,734 
減価償却費および償却費48,395 52,635 
商標の価値の減損36,684We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.
固定資産の損耗1,277 We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.
その他のビジネスの売却益による当期純利益(75,945)We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.
株式報酬費用 4,133 2,768 
年金およびその他の退職給付費用 1,088 3,091
持分法適用投資からの配当4,193 5,105
在庫 (3,772)44,282
未払金、未払費用およびその他の負債18,009 (61,295)
資産の売却1,898 18,562
事業売却による受益(取引コスト控除後)115,845 We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.
投資活動からの純現金入(減) - 継続業務79,350
借入金とオーバードラフトからの受益908,034 869,701
その他の非支配株式の活動(税引き後)We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.(480)
営業活動による当期純資金増加(減少)- 非継続事業18,464 (2,898)
投資活動による当期純資金の減少 - 非継続事業(1,720)(5,410)
非継続事業による現金の供給、純16,744 (8,308)
期首の現金及び現金同等物、非継続事業を含む277,005 228,840 
期末の現金及び現金同等物、非継続事業を含む$220,887 $231,075 

現金及び現金同等物$219,649 $275,580 
新鮮な野菜の売却用流動資産484,416 414,457 
長期投資15,302 15,970
積極的にマーケティングされている不動産13,781 13,781
土地、建物及び設備 それぞれの累積償却費を差し引いた正味額は467,197ドルと444,775ドルです1,077,6751,102,234
ドールブランド306,280 306,280 
その他の無形資産、$118,505及び$134,420の累計償却を差し引いた純額28,578 41,232 
その他の資産110,707 109,048 
長期借入金の流動割55,201 222,940 
運用リースの当座償還61,651 63,653 
給与およびその他の税金25,704 27,791 
条件付き対価1,099 1,788
新鮮な野菜流動負債 売却用に保有275,626291,342
長期借入金(純額)882,287 845,013 
運用リース、短期償還額を控除した額258,229 287,991 
繰延税金負債(純額)83,892 92,653 
未払所得税、短期債務を控除した額We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.16,664
條件による検討額、短期債務を控除した額7,252 7,327 
年金およびその他の退職給付金、短期債務を控除した額116,640 121,689
その他の長期負債48,461 52,295
負債合計2,931,227 3,140,344
償還可能な非支配持分33,817 34,185
普通株式 - 0.01ドルの割当額; 300,000株を許可; 2024年6月30日および2023年12月31日に、94,952株および94,929株が発行され中950 949
Loss before income taxes801,774 796,800 
留保利益697,504 562,562 
ドール株式会社に帰属する自己資本の合計1,370,855 1,249,520 
非支配株主持分に帰属する自己資本102,717 137,144 
総資本1,473,572 1,386,664 

当期純利益から調整後EBITDAへの調整 - 未監査

当期純利益(報告されたGAAP)$88,065 $52,307 $153,501 $72,790
(再興収益)法人税控除後の純損失(32,018)11,438 (25,967)25,944
継続する事業からの収益(報告されたGAAP)56,047 63,745 127,534 98,734 
所得税費用25,460 16,593 59,861 27,587 
Mark to market (gains) losses(2,214)1,035 (5,084)1,857 
資産売却に関する(利益)損失We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.(10,387)31 (14,554)
ビジネスの売却益(1,995)We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.(75,945)We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.
サイバー関連の事件We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.571 We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.5,321
商標の価値の減損We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.36,684We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.
その他の項目4,574 190(1,726)863
共同保有法に基づく投資からの調整2,946 2,9224,460 4,245
無形資産の摘早償却1,8862,5744,159 5,190
Equity method investmentsからの減価償却調整2,041 2,548 純利益 - 4,574, 繰延売上高 - 非流動債務4,920 


Dole plcへの当期純利益から調整後の当期純利益への調整 - 未監査

中断された業務からの(収益)損失、税引き後の純額(32,018)11,438 (25,967)25,944 
ドールに帰属する継続する業務からの当期純利益 48,099 53,713 124,293 82,378
無形資産の摘早償却1,8862,5744,159 5,190
マークトゥーマーケット(利益)損失(2,214)1,035 (5,084)1,857 
資産売却に関する(利益)損失We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.(10,387)31 (14,554)
ビジネスの売却益(1,995)We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.(75,945)We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.
サイバー関連のインシデントWe are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.571 We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.5,321
商標の価値の減損We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.36,684We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.
その他の項目6,774 190(1,726)863
持分法投資からの調整7206231,251 742
上記アイテムに関する所得税および離散税アイテム788 希薄化後1株当たり利益15,107 488
希薄化後eps計算のための調整された当期純利益(非GAAP)$47,032 $48,380 $87,583 $80,656
調整後利益1株当たり(非基準)$0.50$0.51 $0.92 $0.85
調整後の1株当たり利益 - 希薄化後(非GAAP)$0.49$0.51 $0.92 $0.85
基本的な希薄化調整後平均株式数94,930 94,909 94,930 94,904
希薄化後の平均発行シェア数95,340 95,11295,285 95,068 

6 2024年6月30日までの3か月間の、その他の項目は主に10万ドルの資産減損を保険金受取額を相殺したものです。2023年6月30日までの3か月間の、その他の項目は主に20万ドルの資産減損を保険金受取額を相殺したものです。
7 2024年6月30日までの6か月間の、その他の項目は主に160万ドルの保険金受取額を資産減損を相殺したものです。2023年6月30日までの6か月間の、その他の項目は主に90万ドルの資産減損を保険金受取額を相殺したものです。

Net Income attributable to Dole plcから調整後当期純利益への補足的な調整―未監査
純収益売上原価粗利益粗利率 %販売、マーケティング、一般および管理費用その他の運営費用8営業利益
報告(GAAP)$2,124,091 (1,923,505)200,586 9.4 %(116,604)1,906  $85,888 
(収益)処分グループ活動による利益(税引後)We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.
無形資産の摘早償却We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.1,886We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.1,886
マーク・トゥ・マーケット(利益)損失We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.
資産売却による (利益) 損失We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.
ビジネスの売却益We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.(1,995)(1,995)
商標の価値の減損We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.
その他の項目We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.157157We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.157
Equity method investments からの調整We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.
上記アイテムにかかる法人税及び離散税アイテムWe are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.
上記の項目のNCIへの影響We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.
調整後(非 GAAP)$2,124,091 (1,923,348)200,743 9.5%(114,718)(89)$85,936
純収益売上原価粗利益粗利率 %販売、マーケティング、一般および管理費用その他の営業費用9営業利益
報告(GAAP)$2,141,174 (1,944,601)196,573 9.2 %(115,667)10,723 $91,629
(所得)中断業務からの損失、税引前We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.
無形資産の摘早償却We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.2,574We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.2,574
マーク・トゥ・マーケット(利益)損失We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.5454We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.54
資産売却に関する(利益)損失We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.(10,387)(10,387)
サイバー関連のインシデントWe are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.571 We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.571
その他の項目We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.190190We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.190
持分法適用投資からの調整We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.
上記の所得税と離散的税項目についてWe are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.
上記アイテムへの新華人寿保険の影響We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.
調整後(非 GAAP)$2,141,174 (1,944,357)196,817 9.2 %(112,522)336 $84,631
2024年6月30日までの3ヶ月間のその他の営業費は、主にドールPLCのGAAP連結損益計算書に記載された事業譲渡益$2 millionを含んでいます。
2023年6月30日までの3ヶ月間のその他の営業費は、ドールPLCのGAAP連結損益計算書に報告された資産売却益$10.7 millionからなります。

報告(GAAP)$6,3772,624 (18,788)(25,460)5,40656,047 32,018 
日本語そうんでした結果かりん、米の給記を防止した(取秀)We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.(32,018)
無形資産の摘早償却We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.1,886We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.
マーク・トゥ・マーケット(利益)損失(2,214)We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.(2,214)We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.
資産売却に関する(利益)損失We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.
ビジネスの売却益We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.(1,995)We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.
商標の価値の減損We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.
その他の項目(83)We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.74 We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.
持分法適用後の調整We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.720720We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.
粗利率上の所得税および個別の税金項目についてWe are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.888 (100)788 We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.
上記の項目によるNCIの影響We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.
調整後(非 GAAP)$4,080 2,624 (18,788)(24,572)6,02655,306 $We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.

報告(GAAP)$1,129 2,640 (19,748)(16,593)4,68863,745 (11,438)
(Income) loss from discontinued operations, net of income taxesWe are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.11,438
無形資産の摘早償却We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.2,574We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.
マーク・トゥ・マーケット(利益)損失981 We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.1,035 We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.
資産売却に関する(利益)損失We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.(10,387)We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.
サイバー関連のインシデントWe are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.571 We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.
その他の項目We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.190We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.
持分法適用投資からの調整We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.623623We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.
上記の項目に対する所得税および特別税項目We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.878 (81)希薄化後1株当たり利益We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.
上記の項目による新華人寿保険の影響We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.
調整後(非米国一般会計基準)$2,110 2,640 (19,748)(15,715)5,230 59,148 $We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.

報告(GAAP)$88,065 $(7,948)$80,117 $0.84
(所得) 営業活動の損益(税引前)(32,018)We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.(32,018)
無形資産の摘早償却1,886We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.1,886
マークトゥーマーケット(利益)損失(2,214)We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.(2,214)
資産売却に関する(利益)損失We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.
ビジネスの売却益(1,995)We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.(1,995)
商標の価値の減損We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.
その他の項目74 We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.74
Equity法による投資からの調整720We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.720
上記項目に対する所得税および個別の税金項目788 We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.788
上記アイテムによるNCIへの影響We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.(326)(326)
調整後(非 GAAP)$55,306 $(8,274)$47,032 $0.49
希薄化後の平均発行シェア数95,340 円
報告(GAAP)$52,307 $(10,032)$42,275 $0.44 
(収益)中断された業務からの損失(税引き後)11,438We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.11,438
無形資産の摘早償却2,574We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.2,574
マーク・トゥ・マーケット(利益)損失1,035 We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.1,035 
資産売却に関する(利益)損失(10,387)We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.(10,387)
サイバー関連のインシデント571 We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.571
その他の項目190We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.190
持分法投資からの調整623We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.623
上記および個別の税項目に関する所得税希薄化後1株当たり利益We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.希薄化後1株当たり利益
上記の項目の新華人寿保険の影響We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.(736)(736)
調整後(非 GAAP)$59,148 $(10,768)$48,380 $0.51

ドールへの帰属する当期純利益から調整後の当期純利益への補足調整 - 未監査
純収益売上原価粗利益粗利率 %販売、マーケティング、一般および管理費用その他の経営費10営業利益
(当期純利益) 非継続事業所得税、税引後損失We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.
無形資産の摘早償却We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.4,159We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.4,159
マーク・トゥ・マーケット(利益)損失We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.(120)(120)We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.(120)
資産売却に関する(利益)損失We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.31 31 
ビジネスの売却益We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.(75,945)(75,945)
商標の価値の減損We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.36,684 36,684
その他の項目We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.(マイナス)1,643(マイナス)1,643We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.(マイナス)1,643
持分法投資からの調整We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.
上記の項目に対する所得税および離散的な税金項目We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.
上記の項目によるNCIの影響We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.
調整後(非 GAAP)$4,245,465 (3,851,965)393,500 9.3%(231,395)(918)$161,187 
純収益売上原価粗利益粗利率 %販売、マーケティング、一般および管理費用
報告(GAAP)$4,130,341 (3,754,729)375,612 9.1%(236,546)GitLab Inc.$153,762
(収入) 不動産事業からの損失、税引後We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.
無形資産の摘早償却We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.5,190 We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.5,190
マーク・トゥ・マーケット(利益)損失We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.(1,336)(1,336)We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.(1,336)
資産売却に関する(利益)損失We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.(14,554)(14,554)
サイバー関連のインシデントWe are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.5,321We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.5,321
その他の項目We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.863 863 We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.863
持分法適用による調整We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.
上記アイテムに対する所得税および離散的な税項目We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.
上記の項目による新華人寿保険の影響We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.
調整後(非 GAAP)$4,130,341(3,755,202)375,1399.1%(226,035)142 $149,246

報告(GAAP)$13,9995,703(36,736)(59,861)6,408 127,534 25,967 
(収益)中断された業務からの損失(税引き後)We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.(25,967)
無形資産の摘早償却We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.4,159 出来高We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.
マーク・トゥ・マーケット(利益)損失(4,964)We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.(5,084)We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.
資産売却に関する(利益)損失We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.31 We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.
ビジネスの売却益We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.(75,945)We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.
商標の価値の減損We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.36,684 We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.
その他の項目(83)We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.(1,726)We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.
持分法適用関連会社からの調整We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.1,251 1,251 We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.
上記の所得税や離散税項目についてWe are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.15,307 (200)15,107 We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.
上記の項目による新華人寿保険の影響We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.
調整後(非 GAAP)$8,952 5,703(36,736)44,5547,459102,011$We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.

報告(GAAP)$2,904 4,949 (41,460)(27,587)6,16698,734(25,944)
(Income) loss from discontinued operations, net of income taxesWe are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.25,944
無形資産の摘早償却We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.5,190We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.
マークトゥーマーケット(利益)損失3,193 We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.1,857 We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.
資産売却に関する(利益)損失We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.(14,554)We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.
サイバー関連のインシデントWe are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.5,321We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.
その他の項目We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.863 We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.
エクイティメソッドによる投資からの調整We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.742 742 We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.
上記の項目にかかる所得税および離散税項目We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.650 (162)488We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.
上記の項目によるNCIへの影響We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.
調整後(非 GAAP)$6,097 4,949 (41,460)(26,937)6,746 98,641 $We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.


(収益)中止業務からの損失、所得税控除後(25,967)We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.(25,967)
無形資産の摘早償却4,159We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.4,159 
マーク・トゥ・マーケット(利益)損失(5,084)We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.(5,084)
資産売却に関する(利益)損失31 We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.31 
ビジネスの売却益(75,945)We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.(75,945)
商標の価値の減損36,684We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.36,684 
その他の項目(1,726)We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.(1,726)
持分法投資からの調整1,251 We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.1,251
上記の項目に係る所得税および離散税項目15,107 We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.15,107
上記の項目に係る新華人寿保険影響We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.(11,187)(11,187)
調整後(非 GAAP)$102,011 $(14,428)$87,583 $0.92
報告(GAAP)$72,790$(16,356)$56,434 $0.59
(収益)中断された業務からの損失(所得税法上の純額)25,944 We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.25,944 
無形資産の摘早償却5,190We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.5,190
マーク・トゥ・マーケット(利益)損失1,857 We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.1,857 
資産売却に関する(利益)損失(14,554)We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.(14,554)
サイバー関連の事件5,321We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.5,321
その他の項目863 We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.863
共同出資法投資からの調整742 We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.742
上記項目に関する法人税および個別の税金項目488We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.488
上記アイテムのNCIへの影響We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.(1,629)(1,629)
調整後(非 GAAP)$98,641 $(17,985)$80,656 $0.85


Supplemental Reconciliation of Prior Year Segment Results to Current Year Segment Results – Unaudited

Revenue for the Three Months Ended
2023年6月30日外国為替翻訳の影響Impact of Acquisitions and DivestituresLike-for-like Increase (Decrease)2024年6月30日
Fresh Fruit$839,043 $We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.$We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.$12,408 $851,451
欧州を中心に多角的な新鮮な生産物915,629(8,737)7,79930,160 944,851
多様化された生鮮食品 - 米州およびその他地域417,645 (899)(108,061)47,372 356,057
セグメント間(31,143)We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.2,875 (28,268)
総計$2,141,174$(9,636)$(100,262)$92,815 $2,124,091 

調整後ebitda 3か月分
フレッシュフルーツ$65,816  $45 $We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.$4,758$70,619
多様化した新鮮な農産物 - 欧州42,603(311)257 14642,695 
多様化された新鮮な農産物-米州およびその他地域14,262 4,571(7,337)5,19212,107 
総計$122,681 $(276)$(7,080)$10,096 $125,421

生鮮フルーツ$1,637,953 $We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.$We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.$37,727 $1,675,680 
多様化した生鮮食品 - 欧州1,713,729 3,932 13,971 66,817 1,798,449
多様化された生鮮食品-アメリカおよびROW840,396 (726)(127,501)120,770 832,939
セグメント間(61,737)We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.134(61,603)
総計$4,130,341 $3,206 $(113,530)$225,448 $4,245,465

新鮮なフルーツ$135,027 $(1) $8.2 $We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions.$5,028 $140,054
多様化された新鮮な農産物 - EMEA66,00937 125 2,483 68,654
多様な新鮮な農産物 - 米州およびROW22,032普通株式1,406,250株はCVIが保有しています。(8,626)13,42526,812
総計$223,068 $17$(8,501)$20,936 $235,520円



継続事業による営業活動による実現可能な正味現金 $5,259 $76,744


同一基準は、外国為替の為替損益および売買業務の影響を除外したU.S. GAAP測定基準または非GAAPの財務指標を指します。