目次 |
証券取引法第13条または15条(d)に基づく四半期報告書 |
証券取引法第13条または15(d)条に基づく移行報告書 |
(設立地の州またはその他の管轄区域) | (I.R.S. 雇用主識別番号) | |||||||
(設立または組織) (I.R.S.雇用者識別番号) (本社所在地の住所) (郵便番号) (Registrantの電話番号、市外局番を含む) | 識別番号) | |||||||
(本社所在地) | (郵便番号) |
各種類の名前 | トレーディングシンボル | 上場取引所名 | ||||||||||||
目次 |
ページ番号 | |||||
第I部。財務情報 | 3 | ||||
アイテム1。財務諸表 | 3 | ||||
Item2.財務状況および業績に関する経営陣による論議 | 13 | ||||
項目3.市場リスクに関する数量的および定性的開示 | 23 | ||||
項目4.統制と手順 | 23 | ||||
第II部。その他の情報 | 24 | ||||
項目1.法的手続き | 24 | ||||
項目1A.リスク要因 | 24 | ||||
項目2. 株式の非登録売買及び資金の使途 | 24 | ||||
項目5. その他の情報 | 25 | ||||
項目6. 展示物 | 25 | ||||
エキシビットのインデックス | 25 | ||||
署名 | 26 | ||||
目次 |
13週間が終了した | 2021年 上半期終了 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
マーマックス 2024 | 7月29日、 2023 | マーマックス 2024 | 7月29日、 2023 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
売上高 | $ | $ | $ | $ | ||||||||||||||||||||||
粗利益 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
販売、一般および管理費用 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
開業前費用 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
営業利益 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
利子費用 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
その他の収入 | ( | ( | ( | ( | ||||||||||||||||||||||
所得税前利益 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
所得税引当金 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
当期純利益 | $ | $ | $ | $ | ||||||||||||||||||||||
— | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
基本 | $ | $ | $ | $ | ||||||||||||||||||||||
希薄化後 | $ | $ | $ | $ | ||||||||||||||||||||||
希薄化調整後平均普通株式数: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
基本 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
希薄化後 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
目次 |
13週間が終了した | 2021年 上半期終了 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
マーマックス 2024 | 7月29日、 2023 | マーマックス 2024 | 7月29日、 2023 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
当期純利益 | $ | $ | $ | $ | ||||||||||||||||||||||
その他包括的損益: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
外貨換算差額(税引後) | ( | ( | ( | |||||||||||||||||||||||
その他の包括損益の総(損失)利益 | ( | ( | ( | |||||||||||||||||||||||
包括利益 | $ | $ | $ | $ | ||||||||||||||||||||||
目次 |
マーマックス 2024 | 2021年2月3日 2024 | 7月29日、 2023 | |||||||||||||||
資産 | |||||||||||||||||
流動資産: | |||||||||||||||||
現金及び現金同等物 | $ | $ | $ | ||||||||||||||
売掛金の純額 | |||||||||||||||||
法人税等債権 | |||||||||||||||||
資産、純額 | |||||||||||||||||
前払費用およびその他の流動資産 | |||||||||||||||||
流動資産合計 | |||||||||||||||||
有形固定資産、正味額 | |||||||||||||||||
オペレーティングリース資産 | |||||||||||||||||
無形資産、純額 | |||||||||||||||||
のれん | |||||||||||||||||
繰延税金資産 | |||||||||||||||||
その他の資産 | |||||||||||||||||
資産合計 | $ | $ | $ | ||||||||||||||
負債及び株主資本 | |||||||||||||||||
流動負債: | |||||||||||||||||
支払調整 | $ | $ | $ | ||||||||||||||
未払費用 | |||||||||||||||||
オペレーティングリース債務 | |||||||||||||||||
未払法人税等 | |||||||||||||||||
未収収益およびその他の負債 | |||||||||||||||||
流動負債合計 | |||||||||||||||||
長期負債: | |||||||||||||||||
244,331 | |||||||||||||||||
22 | |||||||||||||||||
新規買オペレーティングリース債務 | |||||||||||||||||
その他の長期負債 | |||||||||||||||||
長期負債の合計 | |||||||||||||||||
コミットメント及びコンティンジェンシー | |||||||||||||||||
株主資本: | |||||||||||||||||
普通株式 | |||||||||||||||||
Bクラス普通株式 | |||||||||||||||||
Loss before income taxes | |||||||||||||||||
留保利益 | |||||||||||||||||
その他の総合損失 | ( | ( | ( | ||||||||||||||
取得自己株式 簿価 | ( | ( | ( | ||||||||||||||
株主資本合計 | |||||||||||||||||
負債及び株主資本の合計 | $ | $ | $ | ||||||||||||||
目次 |
積算 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
クラスB | 追加 | 他 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
45.84 | 45.84 | 出資済み | 保有 | 包括的 | 宝くじ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
株式 | ドル | 株式 | ドル | 2002年に設立されたKingSett Capitalは、機関投資家と超高純資産のクライアントとの共同投資で、持続可能でプレミアムなリスク加重リターンを提供する、カナダをリードするプライベートエクイティ不動産会社です。KingSettは、グローバル不動産サステナビリティベンチマーク(GRESB)調査において、リストに掲載されていない同業種の純財産部門で第1位、北アメリカの多様化したオフィス/リストに掲載されていない純財産部門で第2位にランクインし、持続可能性への取り組みが評価されました。業界のリーダーとして、KingSettは不動産セクターを前進させ、様々な不動産物件、開発、共同事業、住宅ローンの新しい投資機会を探し続けることに専念しています。 | 決算 | 損失 | ストック | 総計 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
$ | $ | $ | $ | $ | ( | $ | ( | $ | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
株式オプションの行使 | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
株式受領条件達成 | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | ( | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Cash paid for treasury stock | ( | ( | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | ( | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | ( | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
当期純利益 | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
株式報酬認識支払い | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1,801,220 | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | ( | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | ( | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
$ | ( | ( | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | ( | ( | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
75,320 | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | ( | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | ( | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
最近採用された会計原則発表 | $ | $ | $ | $ | $ | ( | $ | ( | $ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
株式オプションの行使 | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
株式受領条件達成 | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
$ | ( | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | ( | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | ( | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
当期純利益 | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
株式報酬認識支払い | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
— | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | ( | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | ( | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
88,224 | ( | ( | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | ( | ( | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
35 | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | ( | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | ( | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
148.0 | $ | $ | $ | $ | $ | ( | $ | ( | $ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
目次 |
積算 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
クラスB | 追加 | 他 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
45.84 | 45.84 | 出資済み | 保有 | 包括的 | 宝くじ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
株式 | ドル | 株式 | ドル | 2002年に設立されたKingSett Capitalは、機関投資家と超高純資産のクライアントとの共同投資で、持続可能でプレミアムなリスク加重リターンを提供する、カナダをリードするプライベートエクイティ不動産会社です。KingSettは、グローバル不動産サステナビリティベンチマーク(GRESB)調査において、リストに掲載されていない同業種の純財産部門で第1位、北アメリカの多様化したオフィス/リストに掲載されていない純財産部門で第2位にランクインし、持続可能性への取り組みが評価されました。業界のリーダーとして、KingSettは不動産セクターを前進させ、様々な不動産物件、開発、共同事業、住宅ローンの新しい投資機会を探し続けることに専念しています。 | 決算 | 損失 | ストック | 総計 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
26 Weeks Ended | $ | $ | $ | $ | $ | ( | $ | ( | $ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
株式オプションの行使 | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
株式受領条件達成 | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | ( | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2024年に影響を及ぼすその他のトレンドの概要 | ( | ( | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | ( | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | ( | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
当期純利益 | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
株式報酬認識支払い | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
853 | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | ( | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | ( | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3件の店舗を取得しました | ( | ( | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | ( | ( | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
861 | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | ( | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | ( | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Table of Contents | $ | $ | $ | $ | $ | ( | $ | ( | $ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
株式オプションの行使 | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
株式受領条件達成 | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | ( | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
( | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | ( | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | ( | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
当期純利益 | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
株式報酬認識支払い | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Interest expense | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1.73 | ( | ( | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | ( | ( | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
期末の店舗数(7) | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | ( | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | ( | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
(6)2024年度から、類似商品の売り上げにGameChangerの収益を含めるための計算方法を改訂しました。比較性のために、前年の情報もこの変更を反映するように改訂されています。詳細については、2024年3月14日にSECに提出された同社の現行報告書(Form 8-k)の付録99.2を参照してください。 | $ | $ | $ | $ | $ | ( | $ | ( | $ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
目次 |
2021年 上半期終了 | |||||||||||
マーマックス 2024 | 7月29日、 2023 | ||||||||||
営業活動からのキャッシュ・フロー: | |||||||||||
当期純利益 | $ | $ | |||||||||
当期純利益に調整するための項目: | |||||||||||
減価償却費および償却費 | |||||||||||
$ | |||||||||||
繰延税金資産 | |||||||||||
株式報酬認識支払い | |||||||||||
その他、純額 | ( | ||||||||||
資産および負債の変動: | |||||||||||
売掛金 | ( | ( | |||||||||
在庫 | ( | ||||||||||
前払費用およびその他の資産 | ( | ( | |||||||||
支払調整 | |||||||||||
未払費用 | |||||||||||
200.17 | ( | ||||||||||
199.79 | |||||||||||
未収収益およびその他の負債 | ( | ( | |||||||||
オペレーティングリース資産と負債 | ( | ( | |||||||||
営業活動によるキャッシュフロー | |||||||||||
投資活動からのキャッシュフロー: | |||||||||||
設備投資 | ( | ( | |||||||||
その他資産の売却による出資金 | |||||||||||
その他の投資活動 | ( | ( | |||||||||
投資活動によるキャッシュフローの純流出 | ( | ( | |||||||||
財務活動からのキャッシュフロー: | |||||||||||
ローレン・R・ホバート | ( | ||||||||||
ファイナンス・リース債務の支払金額 | ( | ||||||||||
ストックオプションの行使からの資金調達 | |||||||||||
私、Lauren R. Hobartは、次のことを証明します: | ( | ( | |||||||||
自己株式の取得購入代金 | ( | ( | |||||||||
Lauren R. Hobartは | ( | ( | |||||||||
2.Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements were made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this report; | ( | ||||||||||
資金調達活動に使用された純現金流入額 | ( | ( | |||||||||
現金及び現金同等物に対する為替レート変動の影響 | ( | ( | |||||||||
現金及び現金同等物の純減少額 | ( | ( | |||||||||
現金及び現金同等物期首残高 | |||||||||||
現金及び現金同等物期末残高 | $ | $ | |||||||||
キャッシュフロー情報の補足開示: | |||||||||||
固定資産の債務超過 | $ | $ | |||||||||
$ | $ | ||||||||||
所得税支払 | $ | $ | |||||||||
目次 |
目次 | ||||||||
目次 | ||||||||
13週間が終了した | 2021年 上半期終了 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
マーマックス 2024 | 7月29日、 2023 | マーマックス 2024 | 7月29日、 2023 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
分子: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
$ | $ | $ | $ | |||||||||||||||||||||||
希薄化証券の影響 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
$ | $ | $ | $ | |||||||||||||||||||||||
分母: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
基本的希薄化後株式平均数加重平均 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
株式報酬に基づく賠償効果 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
稀薄化後の加重平均普通株式数 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1株当たりの利益: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
基本 | $ | $ | $ | $ | ||||||||||||||||||||||
希薄化後 | $ | $ | $ | $ | ||||||||||||||||||||||
GAAP売上高 | 2024年2月3日 | 2023年7月29日 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
帳簿価額 | 公正価値 値 | 帳簿価額 | 公正価値 値 | 帳簿価額 | 公正価値 値 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
$ | $ | $ | $ | $ | $ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
$ | $ | $ | $ | $ | $ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
目次 | ||||||||
2021年 上半期終了 | ||||||||||||||
マーマックス 2024 | 7月29日、 2023 | |||||||||||||
April 26, | $ | $ | ||||||||||||
$ | $ |
目次 |
目次 |
目次 |
目次 |
目次 |
2024年8月3日までの26週間 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
合計 (2) | 合計 (2) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
724 | 131 | 855 | 728 | 125 | 853 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | 3 | 4 | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 | 5 | 7 | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | 1 | 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | We are vigorously defending ourselves against these lawsuits. Given the uncertainty of litigation and the legal standards that must be met for, among other things, class certification and success on the merits, we cannot estimate the reasonably possible loss or range of loss that may result from these actions. | 12 | 12 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 | 3 | 5 | 3 | 3 | 6 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
725 | 証券法に基づく任意購入者の責任を判断するために、オファリングに関する登録声明書に対してRule 430Bに依存していない登録声明書またはRule 430Aに頼らない目論見書を除き、Rule 424(b)に基づく目論見書を初めて使用した日付から有効期間が開始されます。しかし、販売契約の締結時点で、販売契約前に登録声明書またはその目論見書で行われた声明を変更または更新するものではなく、登録声明書またはその目論見書の一部を構成する声明は、このような初めての使用後の日付として登録声明書に含まれることに注意してください。 | 136 | 861 | 725 | 135 | 860 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5 | 1 | 6 | 10 | 1 | 11 |
目次 |
13週間が終了した | |||||||||||||||||
100.00 | % | 100.00 | % | 該当なし | |||||||||||||
(231) | |||||||||||||||||
粗利益 | 231 | ||||||||||||||||
(79) | |||||||||||||||||
0.26 | 1.02 | (76) | |||||||||||||||
営業利益 | 9.67 | 386 | |||||||||||||||
利子費用 | 0.39 | 0.45 | (6) | ||||||||||||||
その他の収入 | (0.74) | (0.88) | 14 | ||||||||||||||
税引前当期純利益 | 378 | ||||||||||||||||
所得税引当金 | 3.46 | 2.53 | 93 | ||||||||||||||
当期純利益 | 10.43 | % | 7.58 | % | 285 | ||||||||||||
その他のデータ: | |||||||||||||||||
4.5 | % | 2.0 | % | ||||||||||||||
861 | 860 | ||||||||||||||||
43.2 | 42.4 |
2021年 上半期終了 | |||||||||||||||||
2023年7月29日 | |||||||||||||||||
100.00 | % | 100.00 | % | 該当なし | |||||||||||||
(127) | |||||||||||||||||
粗利益 | 127 | ||||||||||||||||
(33) | |||||||||||||||||
0.46 | 0.69 | (23) | |||||||||||||||
営業利益 | 10.51 | 183 | |||||||||||||||
会社の利子費用は両期ともに約200,000ドルでした。 | 0.42 | 0.49 | (7) | ||||||||||||||
その他の収入 | (0.79) | (-0.76) | (3) | ||||||||||||||
税引前当期純利益 | 192 | ||||||||||||||||
所得税引当金 | 2.88 | 1.73 | 115 | ||||||||||||||
当期純利益 | % | 9.05 | % | 77 | |||||||||||||
その他のデータ: | |||||||||||||||||
4.9 | % | 2023-06-30 | % | ||||||||||||||
861 | 860 | ||||||||||||||||
43.2 | 42.4 |
目次 |
目次 |
目次 |
目次 |
2021年 上半期終了 | |||||||||||
(千米ドル単位) | マーマックス 2024 | 7月29日、 2023 | |||||||||
営業活動によるキャッシュフロー | $ | $ | |||||||||
投資活動によるキャッシュフローの純流出 | |||||||||||
資金調達活動に使用された純現金流入額 | |||||||||||
現金及び現金同等物の為替レート変動の影響 | (136) | (25) | |||||||||
現金及び現金同等物の純減少分 | $ | $ |
目次 |
目次 |
期間 | 一株当たり支払われた平均価格 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
| $ | $ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
$ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
18,053 | $ | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
総計 | $ |
目次 |
展示番号 | 展示書の説明 | 提出方法 | ||||||||||||
31.1 | 一緒に提出された | |||||||||||||
31.2 | 一緒に提出された | |||||||||||||
32.1 | ここに添付します | |||||||||||||
32.2 | ここに添付します | |||||||||||||
101.INS | 一緒に提出された | |||||||||||||
101.SCH | インラインXBRLタクソノミ拡張スキーマドキュメント | 一緒に提出された | ||||||||||||
101.CAL | インラインXBRLタクソノミ計算リンクベース文書 | 一緒に提出された | ||||||||||||
101.DEF | インラインXBRLタクソノミ定義リンクベース文書のこと | 一緒に提出された | ||||||||||||
101.LAB | インラインXBRLタクソノミラベルリンクベース文書 | 一緒に提出された | ||||||||||||
101.PRE | インラインXBRLタクソノミプレゼンテーションリンクベース文書 | 一緒に提出された | ||||||||||||
104 | カバーページのインタラクティブデータファイル(Exhibit101に含まれる適用可能なタクソノミー拡張情報と共にインラインXBRLでフォーマットされたもの) | 一緒に提出された | ||||||||||||
目次 |
署名: | |||||||||||||||||
社長兼最高経営責任者 | |||||||||||||||||
署名: | |||||||||||||||||