A-3(Iv)参加者は,参加者が当社の業務に詳しいことを確認し,当社の業務の性質を理解するのに十分であり,当社の業務をさらに定義する必要はない.(D)“制限された地域”の定義は以下のとおりである:(I)参加者がルイジアナ州で最後に会社に勤務または会社にサービスを提供する場合、“制限地域”とは、ルイジアナ州の以下のいずれかの教区を意味する:プレクミンズ、ジェファーソン、サンバーナード、オルレアン、聖チャールズ、セントジョン浸信会、サンジェームズ、ラフォーシュ、テレポーン、サンタマーニ、サンマリ、仮説、アーソン、リベンストン、タンジパホア、ワシントン、サントリーナ、イビリア、ジュリアーナ、ジュリアーナ、シエラルアナ、東バルージュ、ワシントン、イバルージュ、イベリア、ボットクーペ、イビリア、ジュリアーナ、アーマーチン、アスリアナ、サンバータンジュ、サンランデリー、ジェファーソン·デイビス、キャメロン、カルカッシー、ボレッド、エレン、イヴァンジェリン、アヴォエール、ラピデス、フノン、コンコルディア、カタフーラ、ラシャール、グラント、ナチトチ、サビン、デソト、紅河、ウィン、カタフラ、タンザス、フランクリン、マディソン、リッチランド、ワチタ、ジャクソン、ビエンビル、リンカーン、カルド、ボシル、ウェバースター、クライベン、共同、モルハウス、シカロール、東カロル。(Ii)参加者が最後にサウスダコタ州または任意の他の州、地域または地域で会社のために働くか、または会社にサービスを提供する場合、“制限された地域”とは、従業員が会社との雇用関係を終了する直後の12(12)ヶ月の間、従業員が担当する1つまたは複数の地理的領域を意味する。3. (b)参加者は、非勧誘期間中、参加者は、直接的または間接的に、当社の参加者または請負業者に、その雇用関係または当社との関与の全部または一部を中止するよう誘導または促すことを意図または合理的に計算されたいかなる行為も行わないことに同意します。 A — 4 (c)「会社職員」とは、参加者が会社との雇用または勤務の最終日の前の 12 ヶ月間の間、参加者が事業目的で直接接触した、当社に雇用されていた人を意味します。 4.非勧誘契約 — お客様 (a) 参加者は、参加者が当社との雇用またはサービス中、および非勧誘期間中、参加者は、制限地域において、直接的または間接的に、参加者自身または他者に代わって以下を行わないことに同意します。( i ) 当社が販売する商品またはサービスを他の個人または法人から購入するよう当社の顧客に勧誘、援助、または誘導すること。または、そのような顧客を特定または勧誘する他の個人または団体を支援または支援すること、または ( ii ) 参加者、顧客、ベンダー、代理人または代理人との当社との関係に干渉すること。 (b)「お客様」とは、参加者が直接的または間接的に ( 例 : ) 、当社の既存お客様 ( 個人または団体 ) を意味します。例えば、参加者が会社で仕事やサービスの最後の日までの12(12)ヶ月の間の任意の時間)、訪問、誘致、または一緒に仕事をすることによって。(C)Participantは,Participantが当社に雇われたりサービスを提供したりするため,Participantは当社の代表として当社の資産や資源を使用し,当社がこれらの顧客に関する名声,知名度,名声,経験から利益を得ることを認め,Participantは当社の顧客に関する秘密情報を得るため,上記契約は当社の合法的なビジネス利益を保護するために合理的かつ必要である.参加者は、参加者が会社に雇われる前に1つまたは複数のそのような顧客と付き合っていたことがあっても、この段落の契約が上記で定義されたすべての顧客に適用されることに同意する。5.禁止救済;発見の加速(A)参加者が違反または脅威違反、または参加者が本RC協定の任意の制限的な契約に違反すると合理的に信じている場合、会社は禁止救済を得る権利があり、会社が法律または平衡法上享受する可能性のある任意の他の権利または救済措置を得る権利がある。参加者は、会社は直ちに取り返しのつかない被害を受け、金銭的損害は会社を補償したり、現状を維持したりするのに不十分であることに同意した。したがって、参加者は、本RCプロトコルを実行するために、一時的制限令および他の強制令救済を発行することに同意する。(C)参加者及び会社は、任意の一時制限令及び/又は仮又は予備禁止救済の申請は、司法管轄権を有する裁判所によって完全に裁決されなければならない。たとえ参加者及び会社が仲裁協定の当事者であっても、この合意は、本“仲裁協定”の項の紛争も含む。プレイヤが同意し,本節で述べた場合,プレイヤが同意した上記禁制令救済は,管轄権のある裁判所が与え,仲裁すべき是非曲直を与え,現状を維持し,仲裁を待つ.6.限定的な契約は、参加者が雇用を受け入れる前に、コンサルタントまたは請負業者として商業企業を採用または参加する前に、任意の潜在的な新しい雇用主、商業企業のパートナー、投資家、および/または採用参加者のサービスを求める任意のエンティティに、本RCプロトコルが存在することを参加者に通知する。参加者は、任意のそのような雇用または任意のそのような雇用または商業活動に参加する前に、本RCプロトコルの真かつ正確なコピーを任意のそのような個人またはエンティティに提供することに同意する。参加者は、当社がこのようなエンティティまたは個人(S)に本RCプロトコルのコピーを提供することをさらに許可する。7.修正および分割可能性本RCプロトコルの任意の部分、条項、段落、フレーズ、語および/または行(総称して“条項”と呼ばれる)が実行不可能であると考えられる場合、違反条項が本RCプロトコルに含まれないように、本RCプロトコルの任意の条項の無効または実行不可能性は、残りの条項の有効性または実行可能性に影響を与えるべきではなく、これらの条項は強制的に実行されるべきである。 8.法律、管轄権、および場所の選択本RCプロトコルは、参加者が会社に最後に仕事またはサービスを提供する米国州、区または地域の法律によって管轄され、解釈され、その有効性は、そのような司法管轄区域の法律紛争の原則を考慮することなく、州、区または地域の法律に依存する。論争がどの裁判所や仲裁裁判所で裁決できるかにかかわらず、このような法律が適用される。9.拘束力および譲渡可能性本プロトコルは、双方およびそのそれぞれの相続人、個人代表、相続人、譲受人、付属実体、および任意の利害関係者に拘束力を有し、彼らの利益に適合する。参加者は、当社が他の会社または商業エンティティによって買収され、合併または他の方法で合併された場合、当社自身が“RCプロトコル”を実行するように、当社自身が“RCプロトコル”を実行する権利があるという条項をまだ存在することに同意する。参加者はさらに当社が譲渡できることに同意し、ここでは当社の任意の関連会社に本RCプロトコルを譲渡することに同意します。参加者は、参加者が1つの会社付属会社の雇用またはサービスから他の会社付属会社に移転した場合、そのような譲渡は、さらなる書類なしに行われるとみなされることに同意する。10.弁護士費および認定料参加者および会社は、本RCプロトコルを実行する任意の法的手続きにおいて、合理的な弁護士費、費用、および支出を含むが、合理的な弁護士費、および支出を含む、その実際の費用および支出の補償を得る権利がある。参加者は当社を確認して理解するため、参加者にRC協定を締結する前に弁護士に相談することをお勧めします。 [_____], 20[__]V9 — CO バージョン A—1 ADT , Inc. への付属書類 A 。2018 年オムニバスインセンティブプランアワード契約制限的契約本制限的契約 (「 RC 契約」) に定めるその他の表明、保証、および契約に加えて、本契約に基づく出資の付与を受諾することにより、オムニバスインセンティブプランの参加者 (「参加者」) は、以下の契約に従うことに同意します。 本 RC 契約の目的において、「当社」とは、 ADT Inc. を含む。その子会社および関連会社。 1.機密保持および営業秘密 (a) 参加者は、参加者が当社と雇用または勤務している間、およびその後、参加者は、当社の事業に関連した「機密情報」を使用または開示しないことに同意します。“機密情報”には、参加者の雇用条項及び条件又は“国家労働関係法”によって保護された他の権利に関する情報は含まれていない。(C)参加者は、(I)参加者個人の利益または任意の他の会社またはエンティティの利益を得るために、会社の商業秘密を使用して既存の顧客を識別またはロックすること、(Ii)商業秘密を使用して参加者の個人的利益または任意の他の会社またはエンティティの利益に便宜を提供すること、および/または(Iii)商業秘密を使用して他の方法で会社と不公平な競争を行うことを含むが、これらに限定されない秘密情報および商業秘密を使用または開示することに同意する参加者が理解し、同意する。(D)開示を許可する。A-2(I)本協定にはいかなる逆の規定があるにもかかわらず、USC第18条第1833(B)条に規定されている米国連邦法律によれば、参加者は、任意の連邦または州商業秘密法に基づいて、以下の商業秘密を開示することによって刑事または民事責任を負うべきではないことを理解している:(1)連邦、州または地方政府の役人または弁護士に直接または間接的に秘密を保持し、違法の疑いを通報または調査する目的のみである。又は(2)訴訟又は他の訴訟手続において提起された訴え又は他の文書が,捺印された場合に提出される。 (ii)前述のセクション 1 (a) ~ (c) は、 (i) 参加者の一般的な訓練、知識、スキル、または専門知識から生じる情報、 (ii) 参加者への開示前に一般に知られていた情報、 (iii) 参加者または参加者の代理人の不正行為によって参加者への開示後に一般に知られる情報には適用されません。( iv ) 参加者は、法的に保護された行為として開示する権利を有する。または ( v ) 参加者は、適用される法律、規制または法的手続きによって開示することが義務付けられている ( 参加者は、意図された開示について使用者に事前に通知し、かかる情報の保護命令またはその他の適切な保護を求めるために使用者に合理的に協力することを条件とします ) 。 前文の ( ii ) および ( iii ) にかかわらず、開示された情報を秘密に保つ参加者の義務は、情報の一部のみがパブリックドメインである場合には終了しません。 2. (b)参加者が従業員、所有者、パートナー、プリンシパル、アドバイザー、独立請負業者、コンサルタント、代理人、役員、取締役、投資家、株主として提供しないとの参加者の合意は、関係なく適用されます。 上記にかかわらず、上記第 2 項 (a) に記載の競合他社を構成する上場会社の発行済株式の 1% 未満の参加者が保有している場合には、当該株式保有のみによって当該競合他社にサービスを提供しているとみなされません。 3.非招待状は、(A)参加者が会社に雇用またはサービスされている間、および(A)参加者が雇われたまたはサービスを退職した日から最終帰属日まで、または(B)参加者が会社に雇用またはサービスを受けた後の2(2)年の期間(“非招待期間”)内に、参加者本人または他の人のために任意の会社員を直接または間接的に勧誘しないことに同意することを約束する。(B)“会社員”とは、参加者が会社の雇用またはサービスの最終日前の24(24)ヶ月以内に会社に雇用された任意の者を意味し、(I)参加者が業務目的で直接関連している者、または(Ii)参加者が会社の機密情報または商業秘密に触れることによって知っている誰をいう。4.非招待顧客(A)参加者は、参加者が会社または会社のためにサービスを提供するために雇われている間、および非招待期間内に、参加者自身または別の人を直接または間接的に代表することなく、会社の任意の顧客を誘致、協力または誘導し、会社がそのとき販売した商品またはサービスを他の人またはエンティティから購入するか、または任意の他の人またはエンティティがそのような顧客を識別または誘致することを協力または協力または支援することに同意する(S)。(B)“顧客(S)”とは、参加者が直接または間接的(例えば、参加者によって監督される従業員)が、参加者が会社の最後の日に雇用またはサービスされる前の24(24)ヶ月の間の任意の時間、直接または間接(例えば、参加者監督の従業員を介して)訪問、誘致、一緒に仕事をしたり、または知り合った会社の顧客(個人またはエンティティ)を意味する。5.禁止救済;発見の加速(A)参加者が違反または脅威違反、または参加者が本RC A-4プロトコルの任意の制限的な契約に違反すると合理的に信じている場合、会社は禁止救済を受ける権利があり、会社は法律または平衡法において享受する権利を有する任意の他の権利または救済措置を得る権利がある。参加者は、会社は直ちに取り返しのつかない被害を受け、金銭的損害は会社を補償したり、現状を維持したりするのに不十分であることに同意した。したがって、参加者は、本RCプロトコルを実行するために、一時的制限令および他の強制令救済を発行することに同意する。(B)参加者は、任意の禁止令の有効期間を、参加者が本“回復会合意”に記載されているチェーノを遵守できなかった任意の期間と同じ額に増加させるべきであることに同意する。(C)参加者及び会社は、任意の一時制限令及び/又は仮又は予備禁止救済の申請は、司法管轄権を有する裁判所によって完全に裁決されなければならない。たとえ参加者及び会社が仲裁協定の当事者であっても、この合意は、本“仲裁協定”の項の紛争も含む。プレイヤが同意し,本節で述べた場合,プレイヤが同意した上記禁制令救済は,管轄権のある裁判所が与え,仲裁すべき是非曲直を与え,現状を維持し,仲裁を待つ.6. 参加者は、そのような雇用を受け入れるか、またはそのような契約またはビジネスベンチャーに入る前に、そのような個人または団体に本 RC 契約の真実かつ正確なコピーを提供することに同意します。 参加者はさらに、本 RC 契約のコピーを当該法人または個人に提供する権限を与えます。 7.変更と分離本 RC 契約のセクション、条項、段落、フレーズ、単語、および / または行 ( 総称して「条項」 ) が執行不能であると判断された場合、本 RC 契約は、他の場合、執行不可能な条項、および本 RC 契約の残りの部分を有効かつ執行可能にするために必要な範囲で修正されたものとみなされます。 裁判所または仲裁人が本 RC 契約の改正を拒否した場合、本 RC 契約の条項の無効性または執行不能性は、残りの条項の有効性または執行可能性に影響を与えず、違反する条項が本 RC 契約に含まれていなかったかのように執行されます。 8.法律、管轄および場所の選択本 RC 契約は、参加者が最後に当社に勤務またはサービスを提供した米国州、地区または準州の法律によって管理され、解釈され、解釈され、その有効性が決定されます。 この法律は、紛争が裁定される裁判所または仲裁裁判所にかかわらず適用される。 []本協定は、双方及びそのそれぞれの相続人、個人代表、相続人、譲受人、付属実体及び任意の利害関係者に対して拘束力を有し、彼らの利益に合致する。参加者は、当社が他の会社または商業エンティティによって買収され、合併または他の方法で合併された場合、当社自身が“RCプロトコル”を実行するように、当社自身が“RCプロトコル”を実行する権利があるという条項をまだ存在することに同意する。参加者はさらに当社が譲渡できることに同意し、ここでは当社の任意の関連会社に本RCプロトコルを譲渡することに同意します。参加者は、参加者が1つの会社付属会社の雇用またはサービスから他の会社付属会社に移転した場合、そのような譲渡は、さらなる書類なしに行われるとみなされることに同意する。10.弁護士費および認定料参加者および会社は、本RCプロトコルを実行する任意の法的手続きにおいて、合理的な弁護士費、費用、および支出を含むが、合理的な弁護士費、および支出を含む、その実際の費用および支出の補償を得る権利がある。参加者は当社を確認して理解するため、参加者にRC協定を締結する前に弁護士に相談することをお勧めします。参加者は、2018年総合インセンティブ計画奨励プロトコルに署名し、すなわち、参加者が2018年総合インセンティブ計画インセンティブプロトコル署名ページに記載された本RCプロトコルを受け入れ、完全に遵守することに同意することを示す。V 10-コア·ナショナル·リリースA-1 ADT,Inc.アクセサリA 本 RC 契約の目的において、「当社」とは、 ADT Inc. を含む。その子会社および関連会社。 1.機密保持 (a) 参加者は、参加者が当社に勤務または勤務している間、およびその後、参加者は、当社の事業に関連した「機密情報」を使用または開示しないことに同意します。 「機密情報」には、参加者の雇用条件や国家労働関係法で保護されるその他の権利に関する情報は含まれていません。 (c)許可される開示:本契約の反対の条項にかかわらず、 18 USC セクション 1833 ( b ) に定められた米国連邦法に従って、参加者は、参加者が以下に記載された企業秘密である機密情報の開示について、連邦または州の企業秘密法の下で刑事または民事責任を負わないことを理解します。( 1 ) 直接的または間接的に、連邦、州または地方政府の職員、または弁護士に対して、法律違反の疑いのある報告または調査を目的としてのみ、または ( 2 ) 訴訟またはその他の手続において提出された苦情またはその他の文書において、そのような提出が封印された場合。 参加者が、法律違反の疑いのある通報に対して使用者による報復を請求する訴訟を提起した場合、参加者は、当該営業秘密を参加者の弁護士に開示し、関連する法廷手続において当該営業秘密の情報を使用することができます。 A—2 参加者は、法廷命令による場合を除き、営業秘密情報を含む文書を封印して提出し、営業秘密を開示しないこと。2.非募集契約-ADT者(A)参加者が同意し、参加者が雇用または会社にサービスを提供している間、および(A)参加者が雇用またはサービス退職の日から最終帰属日まで、または(B)参加者が会社の雇用またはサービス退職後2(2)年の間(“非招待期間”)内で、参加者が直接または間接的に参加者本人または代表のために別の人を誘致し、募集、援助することはない。または、会社とは無関係な他の個人またはエンティティの雇用を受け入れるために、またはそれにサービスを提供するために、または知っている場合には、任意の他の個人またはエンティティの識別、誘致、募集、そのような任意の会社の人員を誘引または雇用するために、任意の行動をとるように会社を離れるように誘導することができる。または(Ii)会社と会社のいずれかの人員との関係に他の方法で介入する。(B)参加者は、非招待期間内に、参加者が、会社との雇用関係または雇用関係を全部または部分的に終了させることを意図しているか、または合理的に誘導または促進することを意図している任意の行為に直接または間接的に従事してはならないことに同意する。(C)“会社員”とは、参加者が会社の最後の日に雇用またはサービスされる前の24(24)ヶ月以内に会社に雇用された任意の者を意味し、(I)参加者が業務目的によってそれと直接関連しているか、または(Ii)参加者が会社の秘密情報または商業秘密に触れて知っている誰であってもよい。3.(B)“顧客(S)”とは、参加者が直接または間接的(例えば、参加者によって監督される従業員)が、参加者が会社の最後の日に雇用またはサービスされる前の24(24)ヶ月の間の任意の時間、直接または間接(例えば、参加者監督の従業員を介して)訪問、誘致、一緒に仕事をしたり、または知り合った会社の顧客(個人またはエンティティ)を意味する。(C)Participantは,Participantが当社に雇われたりサービスを提供したりするため,Participantは当社の代表として当社の資産や資源を使用し,当社がこれらの顧客に関する名声,知名度,名声,経験から利益を得ることを認め,Participantは当社の顧客に関する秘密情報を得るため,上記契約は当社の合法的なビジネス利益を保護するために合理的かつ必要である.参加者は、参加者が会社に雇われる前に1つまたは複数のそのような顧客と付き合っていたことがあっても、この段落の契約が上記で定義されたすべての顧客に適用されることに同意する。4.禁止救済;発見の加速(A)参加者が違反または脅威違反、または参加者が本RC協定の任意の制限的な契約に違反すると合理的に信じている場合、会社は禁止救済を得る権利があり、会社が法律または平衡法上享受する可能性のある任意の他の権利または救済措置を得る権利がある。参加者は、会社は直ちに取り返しのつかない被害を受け、金銭的損害は会社を補償したり、現状を維持したりするのに不十分であることに同意した。 (b)参加者は、差し止め令の期間は、参加者が本 RC 契約に含まれる規約を遵守しなかった期間に等しい金額で延長されることに同意します。 (c)参加者と会社は、参加者と会社が本 RC 契約に基づく紛争を含む仲裁合意の当事者であっても、一時的な差し止め命令および / または一時的または暫定的な差し止め救済の申請は、管轄権を有する裁判所においてのみ裁定されることに同意します。 参加者は、参加者が上記に同意する差し止め救済は、本節で取り扱われる状況下で、仲裁中の現状を維持するために、仲裁中の裁判管轄裁判所によって付与されることに同意します。 5.参加者は、雇用、コンサルタントまたは請負業者としての雇用、または事業に従事する前に、参加者のサービスを利用しようとする新規雇用者、ビジネスベンチャーのパートナー、投資家および / または事業者に通知することに同意します。 []A-4合弁企業は、本RCプロトコルが存在する。参加者は、任意のそのような雇用または任意のそのような雇用または商業活動に参加する前に、本RCプロトコルの真かつ正確なコピーを任意のそのような個人またはエンティティに提供することに同意する。参加者は、当社がこのようなエンティティまたは個人(S)に本RCプロトコルのコピーを提供することをさらに許可する。6.修正および分割可能性本RCプロトコルの任意の部分、条項、段落、フレーズ、語および/または行(総称して“条項”)が実行不可能であるとみなされる場合、本RCプロトコルは、他の実行不可能な条項および本RCプロトコルの残りの部分を効率的かつ実行可能にするために必要な修正が行われたとみなされるであろう。裁判所または仲裁人が本プロトコルの規定に従って本プロトコルを修正することを拒否した場合、本プロトコルの任意の条項の無効または実行不能は、残りの条項の有効性または実行可能性に影響を与えてはならず、これらの条項は、違反条項が本合意に含まれていないように実行されなければならない。7.法律、管轄権、および場所の選択RCプロトコルは、参加者が会社に最後に仕事またはサービスを提供する米国州、区または地域の法律によって管轄され、解釈され、その有効性は、そのような司法管轄区域の法律紛争原則を考慮することなく、州、区または地域の法律に基づいて決定される。論争がどの裁判所や仲裁裁判所で裁決できるかにかかわらず、このような法律が適用される。8.拘束力および譲渡可能性本プロトコルは、双方およびそのそれぞれの相続人、個人代表、相続人、譲受人、付属実体、および任意の利害関係者に拘束力を有し、彼らの利益に適合する。 参加者はさらに、当社が本 RC 契約を当社の関連会社に譲渡することができることに同意し、これにより譲渡に同意します。 参加者は、参加者が 1 つの会社の関連会社での雇用またはサービスから別の会社に移動した場合、そのような譲渡は、さらなる書類なしに行われたものとみなすことに同意します。 9.弁護士費用と承認参加者および当社は、本 RC 契約を執行するためのあらゆる法的手続において、有利な当事者は、合理的な弁護士費用、費用、および支出に限定されないものを含む、実際の費用および費用の償還を受ける権利を有することに合意します。 参加者は、当社が参加者に RC 契約を締結する前に弁護士に相談することを推奨することを認め、理解します。 本 RC 契約は、 2018 年オムニバスインセンティブプランアワード契約書への参加者の署名は、参加者の受諾および同意を構成します。 A — 5 2018 年オムニバスインセンティブプランアワード契約の署名ページに記載されているこの RC 契約を完全に遵守します。 V11 — 青鉛筆バージョン A—1 ADT , Inc. への付属書類 A 。 2018 年オムニバスインセンティブプランアワード契約制限的契約本制限的契約 (「 RC 契約」) に定めるその他の表明、保証、および契約に加えて、本契約に基づく出資の付与を受諾することにより、オムニバスインセンティブプランの参加者 (「参加者」) は、以下の契約に従うことに同意します。 本 RC 契約の目的において、「当社」とは、 ADT Inc. を含む。その子会社および関連会社。 1.機密保持 (a) 参加者は、参加者が当社に勤務または勤務している間、およびその後、参加者は、当社の事業に関連した「機密情報」を使用または開示しないことに同意します。 「機密情報」には、参加者の雇用条件や国家労働関係法で保護されるその他の権利に関する情報は含まれていません。 (c)許可される開示:本契約の反対の条項にかかわらず、 18 USC セクション 1833 ( b ) に定められた米国連邦法に従って、参加者は、参加者が以下に記載された企業秘密である機密情報の開示について、連邦または州の企業秘密法の下で刑事または民事責任を負わないことを理解します。( 1 ) 直接的または間接的に、連邦、州または地方政府の職員、または弁護士に対して、法律違反の疑いのある報告または調査を目的としてのみ、または ( 2 ) 訴訟またはその他の手続において提出された苦情またはその他の文書において、そのような提出が封印された場合。 参加者が、法律違反の疑いのある通報に対して使用者による報復を請求する訴訟を提起した場合、参加者は、当該営業秘密を参加者の弁護士に開示し、関連する法廷手続において当該営業秘密の情報を使用することができます。 A—2 参加者は、法廷命令による場合を除き、営業秘密情報を含む文書を封印して提出し、営業秘密を開示しないこと。 2.(B)参加者は、非招待期間内に、参加者が、会社との雇用関係または雇用関係を全部または部分的に終了させることを意図しているか、または合理的に誘導または促進することを意図している任意の行為に直接または間接的に従事してはならないことに同意する。(C)“会社員”とは、会社が雇用またはサービスを受ける最後の日までの12(12)ヶ月以内に会社に雇用された参加者のいずれかを意味し、参加者が業務目的でそれに直接連絡している者をいう。3.非入札契約-顧客(A)参加者は、参加者が会社またはサービスを提供するために雇用されている間、および非入札中に、参加者本人または別の人を直接または間接的に代表しないことに同意する:(I)会社の任意の顧客を誘致、協力または誘導し、会社がそのとき販売した商品またはサービスを他の人またはエンティティから購入するか、または任意の他の人またはエンティティがそのような顧客を識別または誘致するように協力または協力または協力する(S);または(Ii)任意の参加者、顧客、サプライヤー、エージェント、または代表との会社との関係に他の方法で介入する。(B)“顧客(S)”とは、参加者が会社の雇用またはサービスの最終日前12(12)ヶ月の間の任意の時間、直接または間接(例えば、参加者監視の従業員を介して)に訪問、誘致、またはそれと一緒に仕事をしている会社の既存の顧客(個人またはエンティティ)を意味する

A-3(C)Participantは,Participantが会社に雇われたり,会社でサービスを提供したりするため,Participantは会社の代表として会社の資産や資源を使用し,会社がこれらの顧客に関する名声,知名度,名声,経験から利益を得ることを認め,Participantは会社の顧客に関する秘密情報を得るため,上記の契約は会社の合法的なビジネス利益を保護するために合理的で必要である.参加者は、参加者が会社に雇われる前に1つまたは複数のそのような顧客と付き合っていたことがあっても、この段落の契約が上記で定義されたすべての顧客に適用されることに同意する。4.禁止救済;発見の加速(A)参加者が違反または脅威違反、または参加者が本RC協定の任意の制限的な契約に違反すると合理的に信じている場合、会社は禁止救済を得る権利があり、会社が法律または平衡法上享受する可能性のある任意の他の権利または救済措置を得る権利がある。参加者は、会社は直ちに取り返しのつかない被害を受け、金銭的損害は会社を補償したり、現状を維持したりするのに不十分であることに同意した。したがって、参加者は、本RCプロトコルを実行するために、一時的制限令および他の強制令救済を発行することに同意する。(B)参加者は、任意の禁止令の有効期間を、参加者が本“回復会合意”に記載されているチェーノを遵守できなかった任意の期間と同じ額に増加させるべきであることに同意する。プレイヤが同意し,本節で述べた場合,プレイヤが同意した上記禁制令救済は,管轄権のある裁判所が与え,仲裁すべき是非曲直を与え,現状を維持し,仲裁を待つ.5.限定的な契約は、参加者が雇用、コンサルタントまたは請負業者として商業企業を採用または参加する前に、任意の潜在的な新しい雇用主、商業企業のパートナー、投資家、および/または採用参加者のサービスを求める任意のエンティティに、本RCプロトコルが存在することを参加者に通知する。参加者は、任意のそのような雇用または任意のそのような雇用または商業活動に参加する前に、本RCプロトコルの真かつ正確なコピーを任意のそのような個人またはエンティティに提供することに同意する。参加者は、当社がこのようなエンティティまたは個人(S)に本RCプロトコルのコピーを提供することをさらに許可する。A−4 6.修正および分割可能性本RCプロトコルの任意の部分、条項、段落、フレーズ、語および/または行(総称して“条項”と呼ぶ)が実行不可能であると考えられる場合、本RCプロトコル内の任意の条項の無効または実行不可能性は、他の条項の有効性または実行可能性に影響を与えてはならず、これらの条項は、違反条項が本RCプロトコルに含まれていないように実行されなければならない。双方の意図は、任意の裁判所または仲裁人が、本RCプロトコルの任意の条項または条項またはその任意の部分を不法、無効、またはその条項の期限またはカバーされた地域または事項によって実行できないと解釈した場合、裁判所は、法律によって許容される範囲内で条項の期限、面積または事項を減少させ、減少した形で条項を実行しなければならないということである。7. この法律は、紛争が裁定される裁判所または仲裁裁判所にかかわらず適用されます。8.拘束力および譲渡可能性本プロトコルは、双方およびそのそれぞれの相続人、個人代表、相続人、譲受人、付属実体、および任意の利害関係者に拘束力を有し、彼らの利益に適合する。参加者は、当社が他の会社または商業エンティティによって買収され、合併または他の方法で合併された場合、当社自身が“RCプロトコル”を実行するように、当社自身が“RCプロトコル”を実行する権利があるという条項をまだ存在することに同意する。参加者はさらに当社が譲渡できることに同意し、ここでは当社の任意の関連会社に本RCプロトコルを譲渡することに同意します。参加者は、参加者が1つの会社付属会社の雇用またはサービスから他の会社付属会社に移転した場合、そのような譲渡は、さらなる書類なしに行われるとみなされることに同意する。9.弁護士費および認定料参加者および会社は、本RCプロトコルを実行する任意の法的手続きにおいて、勝訴側は、合理的な弁護士費、費用、および支出を含むが、合理的な弁護士費、費用および支出を含むが、その実際の費用および支出の補償を得る権利があることに同意する。参加者は当社を確認して理解するため、参加者にRC協定を締結する前に弁護士に相談することをお勧めします。参加者は、2018年総合インセンティブ計画奨励プロトコル署名ページに記載されているように、参加者がA-5が本RCプロトコルを完全に遵守することを受け入れ、同意することを示す2018年総合インセンティブ計画奨励協定に署名する。V 12−赤鉛筆版(NE,VA,WY)A−1 ADT,Inc. 本 RC 契約の目的において、「当社」とは、 ADT Inc. を含む。その子会社および関連会社。 1.機密保持 (a) 参加者は、参加者が当社に勤務または勤務している間、およびその後、参加者は、当社の事業に関連した「機密情報」を使用または開示しないことに同意します。 「機密情報」には、参加者の雇用条件や国家労働関係法で保護されるその他の権利に関する情報は含まれていません。 (c)許可される開示:本契約の反対の条項にかかわらず、 18 USC セクション 1833 ( b ) に定められた米国連邦法に従って、参加者は、参加者が以下に記載された企業秘密である機密情報の開示について、連邦または州の企業秘密法の下で刑事または民事責任を負わないことを理解します。( 1 ) 直接的または間接的に、連邦、州または地方政府の職員、または弁護士に対して、法律違反の疑いのある報告または調査を目的としてのみ、または ( 2 ) 訴訟またはその他の手続において提出された苦情またはその他の文書において、そのような提出が封印された場合。 参加者が、法律違反の疑いのある通報に対して使用者による報復を請求する訴訟を提起した場合、参加者は、当該営業秘密を参加者の弁護士に開示し、関連する法廷手続において当該営業秘密の情報を使用することができます。

A-2は、参加者が印鑑が押された商業秘密情報を含む文書を提出することを規定し、裁判所の命令に基づいていない限り、商業秘密を漏洩してはならない。2.非招待期間-ADT者参加者は、参加者が会社に雇用またはサービスされている間、および(A)参加者が雇用またはサービス退職の日から最終帰属日まで、または(B)参加者が会社の雇用またはサービス退職後1(1)年の間(“非招待期間”)に同意し、参加者は、従業員が会社で働く最後の日の直前の18ヶ月以内に個人的に接触している会社の現職従業員を勧誘しない。3.非募集契約-顧客(A)参加者は、参加者が会社またはサービス提供に雇われている間、および非募集中に、参加者が顧客を募集しないことに同意する。(B)“顧客(S)”とは、参加者が雇用またはサービスの最後の日の直前の18ヶ月以内に実際に業務往来があり、個人接触がある会社の現在の顧客(個人またはエンティティ)を意味する。(C)Participantは,Participantが当社に雇われたりサービスを提供したりするため,Participantは当社の代表として当社の資産や資源を使用し,当社がこれらの顧客に関する名声,知名度,名声,経験から利益を得ることを認め,Participantは当社の顧客に関する秘密情報を得るため,上記契約は当社の合法的なビジネス利益を保護するために合理的かつ必要である.4.第2項又は第3項が実行不可能と認定された場合は,当該項の無効又は実行不能は,残りの項の有効性又は実行可能性に影響を与えてはならず,残りの項は,違反条項が本協定に含まれていない方法で実行されなければならない。5.法律、管轄権、および場所の選択RCプロトコルは、参加者が会社に最後に仕事またはサービスを提供する米国州、区または地域の法律によって管轄され、解釈され、そのような司法管轄区域の法律紛争原則を考慮することなく、州、区または地域の法律に基づいてその有効性が決定される。論争がどの裁判所や仲裁裁判所で裁決できるかにかかわらず、このような法律が適用される。本協定は、双方及びそのそれぞれの相続人、個人代表、相続人、譲受人、付属実体及び任意の利害関係者に対して拘束力を有し、彼らの利益に合致する。参加者は、当社が他の会社または商業エンティティによって買収され、合併または他の方法で合併された場合、当社自身が“RCプロトコル”を実行するように、当社自身が“RCプロトコル”を実行する権利があるという条項をまだ存在することに同意する。参加者はさらに当社が譲渡できることに同意し、ここでは当社の任意の関連会社に本RCプロトコルを譲渡することに同意します。参加者は、参加者が1つの会社付属会社の雇用またはサービスから他の会社付属会社に移転した場合、そのような譲渡は、さらなる書類なしに行われるとみなされることに同意する。7.弁護士費および認定料参加者および会社は、本RC協定を実行する任意の法的手続きにおいて、勝訴側は、合理的な弁護士費、費用、および支出を含むが、合理的な弁護士費、および支出を含むその実費および支出の補償を得る権利がある。参加者は当社を確認して理解するため、参加者にRC協定を締結する前に弁護士に相談することをお勧めします。参加者は、2018年総合インセンティブ計画奨励プロトコルに署名し、すなわち、参加者が2018年総合インセンティブ計画インセンティブプロトコル署名ページに記載された本RCプロトコルを受け入れ、完全に遵守することに同意することを示す。V 13-CA/NDバージョンA-1 ADT,Inc.2018統合インセンティブ計画奨励プロトコル制限契約プロトコルは、本プロトコル項目の持分の付与を受けることによって、本制限契約プロトコル(“RCプロトコル”)に規定されている任意の他の陳述、保証、および契約を除いて、総合奨励計画参加者(“参加者”)は、以下の契約の遵守および遵守に同意する。本RCプロトコルについては、“当社”にはADT社とその子会社および付属会社が含まれています。1.参加者は、参加者が会社に雇用されているか、または会社にサービスを提供している間、参加者が会社の任意の業務に関連する“秘密情報”を使用または開示しないことに同意する。“機密情報”には、参加者の雇用条項及び条件又は“国家労働関係法”によって保護された他の権利に関する情報は含まれていない。(C)参加者は、(I)参加者個人の利益または任意の他の会社またはエンティティの利益を得るために、会社の商業秘密を使用して既存の顧客を識別またはロックすること、(Ii)商業秘密を使用して参加者の個人的利益または任意の他の会社またはエンティティの利益に便宜を提供すること、および/または(Iii)商業秘密を使用して他の方法で会社と不公平な競争を行うことを含むが、これらに限定されない秘密情報および商業秘密を使用または開示することに同意する参加者が理解し、同意する。(D)許可された開示:本協定にはいかなる逆の規定があるにもかかわらず、USC第18条第1833(B)条に規定されている米国連邦法律によれば、参加者は、以下の商業秘密を開示することによって、任意のA-2連邦または州商業秘密法下の刑事または民事責任を負うべきではないことを理解している:(1)連邦、州または地方政府の役人または弁護士に直接または間接的に秘密にし、違法の疑いを通報または調査するためだけである。又は(2)訴訟又は他の訴訟手続において提起された訴え又は他の文書が,捺印された場合に提出される。2.非募集契約-ADT者(A)参加者が同意し、参加者が雇用または会社にサービスを提供している間、および(A)参加者が雇用またはサービス退職の日から最終帰属日まで、または(B)参加者が会社の雇用またはサービス退職後2(2)年の間(“非招待期間”)内で、参加者が直接または間接的に参加者本人または代表のために別の人を誘致し、募集、援助することはない。または、会社とは無関係な他の個人またはエンティティの雇用を受け入れるために、またはそれにサービスを提供するために、または知っている場合には、任意の他の個人またはエンティティの識別、誘致、募集、そのような任意の会社の人員を誘引または雇用するために、任意の行動をとるように会社を離れるように誘導することができる。または(Ii)会社と会社のいずれかの人員との関係に他の方法で介入する。(B)参加者は、非招待期間内に、参加者が、会社との雇用関係または雇用関係を全部または部分的に終了させることを意図しているか、または合理的に誘導または促進することを意図している任意の行為に直接または間接的に従事してはならないことに同意する。(C)“会社員”とは、参加者が会社の雇用またはサービスの最終日前の24(24)ヶ月以内に会社に雇用された任意の者を意味し、(I)参加者が業務目的で直接関連している者、または(Ii)参加者が会社の機密情報または商業秘密に接触することによって知っている者を意味する。3. 差し止め救済。迅速な発見 (a) 参加者が本 RC 契約の制限条項のいずれかに違反または違反すると脅す場合、または当社が合理的に違反しようとすると信じる場合、当社は、当社が法律または衡平において有する権利を有するその他の権利または救済に加えて、差し止め救済を受ける権利を有します。 参加者は、当社が即時かつ修復不可能な損害を被り、金銭的損害賠償は当社が補償または現状維持するのに十分でないことに同意します。 したがって、参加者は [A-3は、一時的な制限令の発行と、本RCプロトコルを実行するために必要な他の禁止救済に同意する。(B)参加者は、任意の禁止令の有効期間を、参加者が本“回復会合意”に記載されているチェーノを遵守できなかった任意の期間と同じ額に増加させるべきであることに同意する。(C)参加者及び会社は、任意の一時制限令及び/又は仮又は予備禁止救済の申請は、司法管轄権を有する裁判所によって完全に裁決されなければならない。たとえ参加者及び会社が仲裁協定の当事者であっても、この合意は、本“仲裁協定”の項の紛争も含む。参加者は、本節で述べた場合、参加者が同意した上記禁制令救済は、仲裁前に現状を維持するために、仲裁を待つために、管轄権を有する裁判所によって承認されなければならない。4.限定的な契約は、参加者が雇用を受け入れる前に、コンサルタントまたは請負業者として商業企業を採用または参加する前に、任意の潜在的な新しい雇用主、商業企業のパートナー、投資家、および/または採用参加者のサービスを求める任意のエンティティに、本RCプロトコルが存在することを参加者に通知する。参加者は、任意のそのような雇用または任意のそのような雇用または商業活動に参加する前に、本RCプロトコルの真かつ正確なコピーを任意のそのような個人またはエンティティに提供することに同意する。参加者は、当社がこのようなエンティティまたは個人(S)に本RCプロトコルのコピーを提供することをさらに許可する。5.裁判所または仲裁人が本プロトコルの規定に従って本プロトコルを修正することを拒否した場合、本プロトコルの任意の条項の無効または実行不能は、残りの条項の有効性または実行可能性に影響を与えてはならず、これらの条項は、違反条項が本合意に含まれていないように実行されなければならない。6.法律、管轄権、および場所の選択RCプロトコルは、参加者が会社に最後に仕事またはサービスを提供する米国州、区または地域の法律によって管轄され、解釈され、その有効性は、そのような司法管轄区域の法律紛争原則を考慮することなく、州、区または地域の法律に基づいて決定される。論争がどの裁判所や仲裁裁判所で裁決できるかにかかわらず、このような法律が適用される。7.拘束力および譲渡可能性本プロトコルは、双方およびそのそれぞれの相続人、個人代表、相続人、譲受人、付属実体、およびA-4のいずれかの利害関係者に拘束力を有し、彼らの利益に適合する。参加者は、当社が他の会社または商業エンティティによって買収され、合併または他の方法で合併された場合、当社自身が“RCプロトコル”を実行するように、当社自身が“RCプロトコル”を実行する権利があるという条項をまだ存在することに同意する。参加者はさらに当社が譲渡できることに同意し、ここでは当社の任意の関連会社に本RCプロトコルを譲渡することに同意します。参加者は、参加者が1つの会社付属会社の雇用またはサービスから他の会社付属会社に移転した場合、そのような譲渡は、さらなる書類なしに行われるとみなされることに同意する。8.弁護士費および認定料参加者および会社は、本RCプロトコルを実行する任意の法的手続きにおいて、合理的な弁護士費、費用、および支出を含むが、合理的な弁護士費、および支出を含む、その実際の費用および支出の補償を得る権利がある。参加者は当社を確認して理解するため、参加者にRC協定を締結する前に弁護士に相談することをお勧めします。参加者は、2018年総合インセンティブ計画奨励プロトコルに署名し、すなわち、参加者が2018年総合インセンティブ計画インセンティブプロトコル署名ページに記載された本RCプロトコルを受け入れ、完全に遵守することに同意することを示す。V 14-LA/SDバージョンA-1 ADT,Inc.2018統合インセンティブ計画奨励プロトコル制限契約プロトコルは、本プロトコル項目の持分の付与を受けることによって、本制限契約プロトコル(“RCプロトコル”)に規定されている任意の他の陳述、保証、および契約を除いて、総合奨励計画参加者(“参加者”)は、以下の契約の遵守および遵守に同意する。本RCプロトコルについては、“当社”にはADT社とその子会社および付属会社が含まれています。1.秘密(A)参加者は、参加者が会社または会社のためにサービスに雇われている間、参加者は、会社の任意の業務に関連する“秘密情報”を使用または開示しないことに同意する。 「機密情報」には、参加者の雇用条件や国家労働関係法で保護されるその他の権利に関する情報は含まれていません。 (c)許可される開示:本契約の反対の条項にかかわらず、 18 USC セクション 1833 ( b ) に定められた米国連邦法に従って、参加者は、参加者が以下に記載された企業秘密である機密情報の開示について、連邦または州の企業秘密法の下で刑事または民事責任を負わないことを理解します。( 1 ) 直接的または間接的に、連邦、州または地方政府の職員、または弁護士に対して、法律違反の疑いのある報告または調査を目的としてのみ、または ( 2 ) 訴訟またはその他の手続において提出された苦情またはその他の文書において、そのような提出が封印された場合。 参加者が、法律違反の疑いのある通報に対して使用者による報復を請求する訴訟を提起した場合、参加者は、当該営業秘密を参加者の弁護士に開示し、関連する法廷手続において当該営業秘密の情報を使用することができます。 A—2 参加者は、法廷命令による場合を除き、営業秘密情報を含む文書を封印して提出し、営業秘密を開示しないこと。 2.(B)参加者は、非招待期間内に、参加者が、会社との雇用関係または雇用関係を全部または部分的に終了させることを意図しているか、または合理的に誘導または促進することを意図している任意の行為に直接または間接的に従事してはならないことに同意する。(C)“会社員”とは、参加者が会社の最後の日に雇用またはサービスを受ける前の12(12)ヶ月の間、業務上の理由で会社と直接連絡がある任意の会社に雇用された者をいう。3.非招待-顧客(A)参加者は、参加者が会社またはサービスを提供するために雇われている間、および非招待期間内に、参加者が制限区域内で参加者本人または代表別の人を直接または間接的に代表しないことに同意する:(I)会社の任意の顧客を誘致、協力または誘導し、会社がそのとき販売した商品またはサービスを他の人またはエンティティから購入するか、または任意の他の個人またはエンティティがそのような任意の顧客を識別または誘致するために協力または協力または協力する(S);または(Ii)任意の参加者、顧客、サプライヤー、エージェント、または代表との会社との関係に他の方法で介入する。(B)“顧客(S)”とは、参加者が会社の雇用またはサービスの最終日前12(12)ヶ月の間の任意の時間、直接または間接(例えば、参加者監視の従業員を介して)に訪問、誘致、またはそれと一緒に仕事をしている会社の既存の顧客(個人またはエンティティ)を意味する][A-3(C)本RCプロトコルにおいて、当社の業務は以下のとおりである:(I)参加者が雇用またはサービス終了直前の12(12)ヶ月以内の任意の時間にADT LLCまたはADT LLCにサービスを提供する場合、当社の業務は、盗難警報システム、安全カメラ、ホーム自動化および門限システム、ならびに盗難防止、温度、洪水、火災、煙、緊急事態、一酸化炭素を含む住宅および小規模企業の場所の安全、消防、生命安全および自動化装置およびサービスを販売、設置、監視および/または維持することである。医療警報と転倒検出監視と応答サービス。(Ii)参加者が雇用またはサービス終了直前の12(12)ヶ月以内にADT Commercial LLCに雇用された場合、またはADT Commercial LLCにサービスを提供する場合、当社の業務は、防犯警報システム、安全カメラ、消火および門限システム、および対応サービスを含む、販売、インストール、監視および/またはセキュリティ、消防および生命安全サービスを維持し、商業、政府および他の機関にリスク相談解決策を提供することです。(Iii)参加者が雇用またはサービス終了直前の12(12)ヶ月以内の任意の時間に同時にまたはその間の異なる時間にADT LLCおよびADT Commercial LLCに雇用される場合、または両方にサービスを提供する場合、当社のトラフィックは、上記第1(C)(I)および(Ii)節で説明された定義に適合する。(Iv)参加者は,参加者が当社の業務に対して十分な習熟度を持っていることを確認し,当社の業務の性質を理解するのに十分であり,当社の業務をさらに定義する必要はない.バーナード、オルレアン、聖チャールズ、聖ジョン浸信会、サンジェームズ、ラフォーシュ、トレボネ、サンタンマーニ、聖マリ、仮説、アーソン、リビンストン、タンジパホア、ワシントン、聖ヘレン、東フェリシアナ、西フェリシアナ、東バルージュ、西バタンルージュ、イバービル、プインクーペ、イビリア、ジュリアン、ラファテ、サンマーティン、アルカディア、サンランデリー、ジェファーソン·デイビス、カメラン、カルシオ、ボラゴール、エレン、イバンジリン、アヴォイス、ラピエール、バーノン、コンコルディア、アーラ、赤ラザール、マクラーヌ、フナッチア、フンディリッチランド、ワチタ、ジャクソン、ビエンビル、リンカーン、カルド、ボシル、ウェバースター、クレボン、ユニオン、モルハウス、シキャロル、東キャロル。(Ii)参加者が最後にサウスダコタ州または任意の他の州、地域または地域で会社のために働くか、または会社にサービスを提供する場合、“制限された地域”とは、従業員が会社との雇用関係を終了する直後の12(12)ヶ月の間、従業員が担当する1つまたは複数の地理的領域を意味する。A-4(E)Participantは,Participantが会社に雇われたりサービスを提供したりするため,Participantは会社の代表として会社の資産や資源を使用し,これらの顧客に対する会社の名声,知名度,名声,経験から利益を得,Participantは会社の顧客に関する秘密情報を得るため,上記の契約は会社の合法的なビジネス利益を保護するために合理的で必要であることを認めている. 4.差し止め救済。迅速な発見 (a) 参加者が本 RC 契約の制限条項のいずれかに違反または違反すると脅す場合、または当社が合理的に違反しようとすると信じる場合、当社は、当社が法律または衡平において有する権利を有するその他の権利または救済に加えて、差し止め救済を受ける権利を有します。参加者は、会社は直ちに取り返しのつかない被害を受け、金銭的損害は会社を補償したり、現状を維持したりするのに不十分であることに同意した。したがって、参加者は、本RCプロトコルを実行するために、一時的制限令および他の強制令救済を発行することに同意する。(B)参加者は、任意の禁止令の有効期間を、参加者が本RCプロトコルに記載されているチェーノを遵守できなかった任意の期間と同じ額に増加させるべきであるが、いずれの場合も、参加者が当社に雇用された日付を終了した24ヶ月を超えてはならないことに同意する。(C)参加者及び会社は、任意の一時制限令及び/又は仮又は予備禁止救済の申請は、司法管轄権を有する裁判所によって完全に裁決されなければならない。たとえ参加者及び会社が仲裁協定の当事者であっても、この合意は、本“仲裁協定”の項の紛争も含む。参加者は、本節で述べた場合、参加者が同意した上記禁制令救済は、仲裁前に現状を維持するために、仲裁を待つために、管轄権を有する裁判所によって承認されなければならない。5.限定的な契約は、参加者が雇用、コンサルタントまたは請負業者として商業企業を採用または参加する前に、任意の潜在的な新しい雇用主、商業企業のパートナー、投資家、および/または採用参加者のサービスを求める任意のエンティティに、本RCプロトコルが存在することを参加者に通知する。参加者は、任意のそのような雇用または任意のそのような雇用または商業活動に参加する前に、本RCプロトコルの真かつ正確なコピーを任意のそのような個人またはエンティティに提供することに同意する。A−5 6.修正および分割可能性本RCプロトコルの任意の部分、条項、段落、フレーズ、語および/または行(総称して“条項”と呼ぶ)が実行不可能であると考えられる場合、本RCプロトコル内の任意の条項の無効または実行不可能性は、残りの条項の有効性または実行可能性に影響を与えてはならず、これらの条項は、違反条項として本RCプロトコルに含まれないように実行されなければならない。双方の意図は、任意の裁判所または他の裁判所が、本RCプロトコルの任意の条項または条項またはその任意の部分を不法、無効または実行不可能と解釈する場合、その条項の期限またはカバーされた地域または事項が、法律によって許容される範囲内で条項の期限、面積または事項を減少させ、その削減の形態で実行可能であり、強制的に実行されるべきであるので、双方の意図である。7.法律、管轄権、および場所の選択RCプロトコルは、参加者が会社に最後に仕事またはサービスを提供する米国州、区または地域の法律によって管轄され、解釈され、その有効性は、そのような司法管轄区域の法律紛争原則を考慮することなく、州、区または地域の法律に基づいて決定される。論争がどの裁判所や仲裁裁判所で裁決できるかにかかわらず、このような法律が適用される。8.拘束力および譲渡可能性本プロトコルは、双方およびそのそれぞれの相続人、個人代表、相続人、譲受人、付属実体、および任意の利害関係者に拘束力を有し、彼らの利益に適合する。 参加者はさらに、当社が本 RC 契約を当社の関連会社に譲渡することができることに同意し、これにより譲渡に同意するものとします。 参加者は、参加者が 1 つの会社の関連会社での雇用またはサービスから別の会社に移動した場合、そのような譲渡は、さらなる書類なしに行われたものとみなすことに同意します。 9.弁護士費用と承認参加者および当社は、本 RC 契約を執行するためのあらゆる法的手続において、有利な当事者は、合理的な弁護士費用、費用、および支出に限定されないものを含む、実際の費用および費用の償還を受ける権利を有することに合意します。 参加者は、当社が参加者に RC 契約を締結する前に弁護士に相談することを推奨することを認め、理解します。 本 RC 契約は、 2018 年オムニバスインセンティブプランアワード契約書への参加者の署名は、参加者の受諾および同意を構成します。 A —6 2018 年オムニバスインセンティブプランアワード契約の署名ページに記載されているこの RC 契約を完全に遵守します。 ]V15 — IL バージョン A—1 ADT , Inc. への付属書類 A 。2018 年オムニバスインセンティブプランアワード契約制限的契約本制限的契約 (「 RC 契約」) に定めるその他の表明、保証、および契約に加えて、本契約に基づく出資の付与を受諾することにより、オムニバスインセンティブプランの参加者 (「参加者」) は、以下の契約に従うことに同意します。 本 RC 契約の目的において、「当社」とは、 ADT Inc. を含む。その子会社および関連会社。 1.機密保持 (a) 参加者は、参加者が当社に勤務または勤務している間、およびその後、参加者は、当社の事業に関連した「機密情報」を使用または開示しないことに同意します。 「機密情報」には、参加者の雇用条件や国家労働関係法で保護されるその他の権利に関する情報は含まれていません。 (c)許可される開示:本契約の反対の条項にかかわらず、 18 USC セクション 1833 ( b ) に定められた米国連邦法に従って、参加者は、参加者が以下に記載された企業秘密である機密情報の開示について、連邦または州の企業秘密法の下で刑事または民事責任を負わないことを理解します。( 1 ) 直接的または間接的に、連邦、州または地方政府の職員、または弁護士に対して、法律違反の疑いのある報告または調査を目的としてのみ、または ( 2 ) 訴訟またはその他の手続において提出された苦情またはその他の文書において、そのような提出が封印された場合。 参加者が、法律違反の疑いのある通報に対して使用者による報復を請求する訴訟を提起した場合、参加者は、当該営業秘密を参加者の弁護士に開示し、関連する法廷手続において当該営業秘密の情報を使用することができます。 A—2 参加者は、法廷命令による場合を除き、営業秘密情報を含む文書を封印して提出し、営業秘密を開示しないこと。 2.(B)参加者は、非招待期間内に、参加者が、会社との雇用関係または雇用関係を全部または部分的に終了させることを意図しているか、または合理的に誘導または促進することを意図している任意の行為に直接または間接的に従事してはならないことに同意する。(C)“会社員”とは、参加者が会社の雇用またはサービスの最終日前の24(24)ヶ月以内に会社に雇用された任意の者を意味し、(I)参加者が業務目的で直接関連している者、または(Ii)参加者が会社の機密情報または商業秘密に接触することによって知っている者を意味する。3.非招待-顧客(A)参加者が現在、以下の第4節に規定する法定賃金のハードルに達している場合、参加者は、参加者が会社またはサービスに雇われている間、および非招待中に、参加者本人または他の人を直接または間接的に代表しないことに同意する:(I)会社の任意の顧客を誘致、支援または誘導し、会社がその後販売した商品またはサービスを別の人またはエンティティから購入するか、または任意の他の個人またはエンティティが任意のそのような顧客を識別または誘致するために協力または協力する(S);または(Ii)参加者が受け入れ可能または受け入れることができる任意の新しい雇用またはビジネス連絡について任意の顧客との接触またはコミュニケーションを行うか、またはA-3(Iii)は、当社とその任意の参加者、顧客、サプライヤー、エージェント、または代表との関係を他の方法で妨害する。(B)“顧客(S)”とは、直接または間接的に(例えば、)会社の顧客(個人またはエンティティ)を意味する。(C)Participantは,Participantが当社に雇われたりサービスを提供したりするため,Participantは当社の代表として当社の資産や資源を使用し,当社がこれらの顧客に関する名声,知名度,名声,経験から利益を得ることを認め,Participantは当社の顧客に関する秘密情報を得るため,上記契約は当社の合法的なビジネス利益を保護するために合理的かつ必要である.参加者は、参加者が会社に雇われる前に1つまたは複数のそのような顧客と付き合っていたことがあっても、この段落の契約が上記で定義されたすべての顧客に適用されることに同意する。4.非招待状条項の法定賃金のハードル;弁護士審査;14日のRC協定(A)上の第2条および第3節に規定された非招待状条項は、本RC協定に署名したときに、参加者が会社の実際または予想される年間収入が4.5万ドル(45,000ドル)を超える(またはその後の法定修正によって決定可能な他の金額)を超えない限り、参加者に適用されない(以下、“賃金ハードル”と呼ぶ)。参加者が賃金のハードルに達していない場合は,本RCプロトコルの第2条と第3条は参加者に対して無効である.(B)当社は、参加者がRCプロトコルに署名する前に、参加者自身が選択した弁護士によって、RCプロトコルに関する法的意見を得るために、本RCプロトコルを検討することを提案する。5.禁止救済;発見の加速(A)参加者が違反または脅威違反、または参加者が本RC協定の任意の制限的な契約に違反すると合理的に信じている場合、会社は禁止救済を得る権利があり、会社が法律または平衡法上享受する可能性のある任意の他の権利または救済措置を得る権利がある。参加者は、会社は直ちに取り返しのつかない被害を受け、金銭的損害は会社を補償したり、現状を維持したりするのに不十分であることに同意した。したがって、参加者は、本RCプロトコルを実行するために、一時的制限令および他の強制令救済を発行することに同意する。A-4(B)参加者は、任意の禁止の期間を増加させることに同意し、その金額は、参加者が本RCプロトコルに含まれるチェーノを遵守できなかった任意の期間に等しくなければならない。(C)参加者及び会社は、任意の一時制限令及び/又は仮又は予備禁止救済の申請は、司法管轄権を有する裁判所によって完全に裁決されなければならない。たとえ参加者及び会社が仲裁協定の当事者であっても、この合意は、本“仲裁協定”の項の紛争も含む。プレイヤが同意し,本節で述べた場合,プレイヤが同意した上記禁制令救済は,管轄権のある裁判所が与え,仲裁すべき是非曲直を与え,現状を維持し,仲裁を待つ.6. 参加者は、そのような雇用を受け入れるか、またはそのような契約またはビジネスベンチャーに入る前に、そのような個人または団体に本 RC 契約の真実かつ正確なコピーを提供することに同意します。 参加者はさらに、本 RC 契約のコピーを当該法人または個人に提供する権限を与えます。 7.修正および分割可能性が、本RCプロトコルの任意の部分、条項、段落、フレーズ、語および/または行(総称して“条項”)が実行不可能であるとみなされる場合、本RCプロトコルは、他の実行不可能な条項および本RCプロトコルの残りの部分を効率的かつ実行可能にするために必要な修正が行われたとみなされるであろう。裁判所または仲裁人が本プロトコルの規定に従って本プロトコルを修正することを拒否した場合、本プロトコルの任意の条項の無効または実行不能は、残りの条項の有効性または実行可能性に影響を与えてはならず、これらの条項は、違反条項が本合意に含まれていないように実行されなければならない。8.法律、管轄権、および場所の選択RCプロトコルは、参加者が会社に最後に仕事またはサービスを提供する米国州、区または地域の法律によって管轄され、解釈され、そのような司法管轄区域の法律紛争原則を考慮することなく、州、区または地域の法律に基づいてその有効性が決定される。論争がどの裁判所や仲裁裁判所で裁決できるかにかかわらず、このような法律が適用される。9.拘束力および譲渡可能性本プロトコルは、双方およびそのそれぞれの相続人、個人代表、相続人、譲受人、付属実体、および任意の利害関係者に拘束力を有し、彼らの利益に適合する。参加者は、当社が他の会社または商業エンティティに買収、合併または合併された場合、生存エンティティは自社自身が実行したように、本RCプロトコルの条項を実行する権利があることに同意する[A-5“RCプロトコル”。参加者はさらに当社が譲渡できることに同意し、ここでは当社の任意の関連会社に本RCプロトコルを譲渡することに同意します。参加者は、参加者が1つの会社付属会社の雇用またはサービスから他の会社付属会社に移転した場合、そのような譲渡は、さらなる書類なしに行われるとみなされることに同意する。10.弁護士費および認定料参加者および会社は、本RCプロトコルを実行する任意の法的手続きにおいて、合理的な弁護士費、費用、および支出を含むが、合理的な弁護士費、および支出を含む、その実際の費用および支出の補償を得る権利がある。参加者は当社を確認して理解するため、参加者にRC協定を締結する前に弁護士に相談することをお勧めします。参加者は、2018年総合インセンティブ計画奨励プロトコルに署名し、すなわち、参加者が2018年総合インセンティブ計画インセンティブプロトコル署名ページに記載された本RCプロトコルを受け入れ、完全に遵守することに同意することを示す。V 16-OKバージョンA-1 ADT,Inc.2018統合インセンティブ計画奨励プロトコル制限契約プロトコルは、本プロトコル項下の持分付与を受けることによって、本制限契約プロトコル(“RCプロトコル”)に規定されている任意の他の陳述、保証、および契約に加えて、総合奨励計画参加者(“参加者”)は、以下の契約の遵守および遵守に同意する。本RCプロトコルについては、“当社”にはADT社とその子会社および付属会社が含まれています。1.(B)本RCプロトコルにおいて、“機密情報”は、一般に公衆に知られていない任意の情報または材料を意味し、これらの情報または材料は、口頭、印刷、電子または任意の他の形態または媒体の情報および材料を含むことができるが、会社の財務、会計、業務計画、戦略計画、人事および管理、開発およびプロジェクト、マーケティング計画、販売、製品およびサービス、定価または価格ポリシー、顧客名および住所および価格表、顧客または潜在顧客リスト、他の顧客情報(顧客の経営方法、要求、要求、限定されないが含まれるが、これらに限定されない)を意味する。会社との取引の選好および履歴)、サプライヤーリスト、サプライヤー情報(会社との取引履歴を含むが、これらに限定されない)、参加者プロファイル、スキル、会社員の業績および資格、他の機密情報および商業秘密、秘密レシピ、技術、方法、プロセス、技術情報、発明(特許または非特許を含む)、著作権、ノウハウ、アルゴリズム、コンピュータプログラム、コンピュータコードおよび関連文書、プロセス、研究、開発、ライセンス、許可、ならびに会社の実際または予想される業務に関連する任意の前述の情報のアセンブリ。および守秘義務や合意に基づいて当社に提供する第三者機密情報。“機密情報”には、参加者の雇用条項及び条件又は“国家労働関係法”によって保護された他の権利に関する情報は含まれていない。 参加者が、法律違反の疑いのある通報に対して使用者による報復を請求する訴訟を提起した場合、参加者は、当該営業秘密を参加者の弁護士に開示し、関連する法廷手続において当該営業秘密の情報を使用することができます。 A—2 参加者は、法廷命令による場合を除き、営業秘密情報を含む文書を封印して提出し、営業秘密を開示しないこと。 2.非勧誘契約 — ADT スタッフ (a) 参加者は、参加者の当社での雇用または勤務中、および (a) 参加者の雇用または勤務から退職した日から最終的な委任日までの期間のうち、より大きい方の期間において、または ( b ) 参加者の会社との雇用またはサービスの分離後の 2 年間の期間( 「非勧誘期間」 ) 、参加者は、直接的または間接的に参加者について > >自己または他者に代わって、他者または法人の雇用を受け取り、またはサービスを提供するために、当社の従業員に当社との雇用を辞任するよう勧誘すること。当社と提携していないこと、または故意に他の個人または団体を支援または援助する行為を行うこと。(B)“会社員”とは、参加者が会社の最後の日に雇用またはサービスされる前の24(24)ヶ月以内に会社に雇用された任意の者を意味し、(I)参加者が業務目的によってそれと直接関連しているか、または(Ii)参加者が会社の秘密情報または商業秘密に触れて知っている誰であってもよい。3.非入札契約-顧客(A)参加者は、非入札中に、参加者が、会社の任意の顧客に、その後、他の個人またはエンティティに販売される商品またはサービスまたは商品およびサービスの組み合わせを購入するように直接招待しないことに同意する。(B)“顧客(S)”とは、参加者が直接または間接的(例えば、参加者によって監督される従業員)が、参加者が会社の最後の日に雇用またはサービスされる前の24(24)ヶ月の間の任意の時間、直接または間接(例えば、参加者監督の従業員を介して)訪問、誘致、一緒に仕事をしたり、または知り合った会社の既定の顧客(個人またはエンティティ)を意味する。(C)Participantは,Participantが当社に雇われたりサービスを提供したりするため,Participantは当社の代表として当社の資産や資源を使用し,当社がこれらの顧客に関する名声,知名度,名声,経験から利益を得ることを認め,Participantは当社の顧客に関する秘密情報を得るため,上記契約は当社の合法的なビジネス利益を保護するために合理的かつ必要である.4.参加者は、会社が直接的で補うことのできない被害を受け、金銭的損害は会社を補償したり、現状を維持したりするのに十分ではないと同意した。したがって、参加者は、本RCプロトコルを実行するために、一時的制限令および他の強制令救済を発行することに同意する。(B)参加者は、任意の禁止令の有効期間を、参加者が本“回復会合意”に記載されているチェーノを遵守できなかった任意の期間と同じ額に増加させるべきであることに同意する。(C)参加者及び会社は、任意の一時制限令及び/又は仮又は予備禁止救済の申請は、司法管轄権を有する裁判所によって完全に裁決されなければならない。たとえ参加者及び会社が仲裁協定の当事者であっても、この合意は、本“仲裁協定”の項の紛争も含む。参加者は、本節で述べた場合、参加者が同意した上記禁制令救済は、仲裁前に現状を維持するために、仲裁を待つために、管轄権を有する裁判所によって承認されなければならない。5.限定的な契約は、参加者が雇用、コンサルタントまたは請負業者として商業企業を採用または参加する前に、任意の潜在的な新しい雇用主、商業企業のパートナー、投資家、および/または採用参加者のサービスを求める任意のエンティティに、本RCプロトコルが存在することを参加者に通知する。参加者は、任意のそのような雇用または任意のそのような雇用または商業活動に参加する前に、本RCプロトコルの真かつ正確なコピーを任意のそのような個人またはエンティティに提供することに同意する。参加者は、当社がこのようなエンティティまたは個人(S)に本RCプロトコルのコピーを提供することをさらに許可する。6. 変更と分離本 RC 契約のセクション、条項、段落、フレーズ、単語、および / または行 ( 総称して「条項」 ) が執行不能であると判断された場合、本 RC 契約は、他の場合、執行不可能な条項、および本 RC 契約の残りの部分を有効かつ執行可能にするために必要な範囲で修正されたものとみなされます。 裁判所または仲裁人が本 RC 契約の修正を拒否した場合、本 RC 契約の条項の無効性または執行不能性は、残りの条項の有効性または執行可能性に影響を与えず、違反する条項が本 RC 契約に含まれていなかったかのように執行されます。 7.法律、管轄および場所の選択本 RC 契約は、参加者が最後に当社に勤務またはサービスを提供した米国州、地区または準州の法律によって管理され、解釈され、解釈され、その有効性が決定されます。 この法律は、紛争が裁定される裁判所または仲裁裁判所にかかわらず適用される。 ]本協定は、双方及びそのそれぞれの相続人、個人代表、相続人、譲受人、付属実体及び任意の利害関係者に対して拘束力を有し、彼らの利益に合致する。参加者は、当社が他の会社または商業エンティティによって買収され、合併または他の方法で合併された場合、当社自身が“RCプロトコル”を実行するように、当社自身が“RCプロトコル”を実行する権利があるという条項をまだ存在することに同意する。参加者はさらに当社が譲渡できることに同意し、ここでは当社の任意の関連会社に本RCプロトコルを譲渡することに同意します。参加者は、参加者が1つの会社付属会社の雇用またはサービスから他の会社付属会社に移転した場合、そのような譲渡は、さらなる書類なしに行われるとみなされることに同意する。9.弁護士費および認定料参加者および会社は、本RCプロトコルを実行する任意の法的手続きにおいて、勝訴側は、合理的な弁護士費、費用、および支出を含むが、合理的な弁護士費、費用および支出を含むが、その実際の費用および支出の補償を得る権利があることに同意する。参加者は当社を確認して理解するため、参加者にRC協定を締結する前に弁護士に相談することをお勧めします。参加者は、2018年総合インセンティブ計画奨励プロトコルに署名し、すなわち、参加者が2018年総合インセンティブ計画インセンティブプロトコル署名ページに記載された本RCプロトコルを受け入れ、完全に遵守することに同意することを示す。A−1 ADT,Inc.の添付ファイルA 本 RC 契約の目的において、「当社」とは、 ADT Inc. を含む。その子会社および関連会社。 1.機密保持 (a) 参加者は、参加者が当社に勤務または勤務している間、およびその後、参加者は、当社の事業に関連した「機密情報」を使用または開示しないことに同意します。 「機密情報」には、参加者の雇用条件や国家労働関係法で保護されるその他の権利に関する情報は含まれていません。 (c)許可される開示:本契約の反対の条項にかかわらず、 18 USC セクション 1833 ( b ) に定められた米国連邦法に従って、参加者は、参加者が以下に記載された企業秘密である機密情報の開示について、連邦または州の企業秘密法の下で刑事または民事責任を負わないことを理解します。( 1 ) 直接的または間接的に、連邦、州または地方政府の職員、または弁護士に対して、法律違反の疑いのある報告または調査を目的としてのみ、または ( 2 ) 訴訟またはその他の手続において提出された苦情またはその他の文書において、そのような提出が封印された場合。 参加者が、法律違反の疑いのある通報に対して使用者による報復を請求する訴訟を提起した場合、参加者は、当該営業秘密を参加者の弁護士に開示し、関連する法廷手続において当該営業秘密の情報を使用することができます。 A—2 参加者は、法廷命令による場合を除き、営業秘密情報を含む文書を封印して提出し、営業秘密を開示しないこと。2.非募集契約-ADT者(A)参加者は、参加者が会社に雇用またはサービスされている間、および(A)参加者が雇用またはサービス退職の日から最終帰属日までの期間内、または(B)参加者が会社の雇用またはサービスから分離された2年以内に、参加者本人または他人を代表する名義で会社の任意の代理人、従業員または従業員を直接または間接的に雇用または雇用してはならない任意の代理人、従業員または従業員、これらの代理人、従業員または従業員が管理職、組織、組織、会社の業務にサービスを提供したりします。3.非招待顧客(A)参加者は、参加者が会社またはサービス提供に雇用されている間、および従業員が会社退職後18ヶ月以内に、参加者本人または他人の名義で会社の任意の顧客を直接または間接的に勧誘することなく、会社がそのとき販売していた商品またはサービスを他の人またはエンティティから購入するか、または会社が同様の業務に従事している限り、任意の他の個人またはエンティティに協力または協力することに同意する(S)。(B)“顧客(S)”は、参加者が直接または間接的(例えば、参加者によって監督される従業員)が、参加者が当社の最後の日に雇用またはサービスされる前の24(24)ヶ月の間の任意の時間に直接または間接的(例えば、参加者監督の従業員を介して)訪問、誘致、一緒に仕事をしたり、または知り合った会社の現在の顧客(個人またはエンティティ)を意味する。参加者は、参加者が会社に雇われる前に1つまたは複数のそのような顧客と付き合っていたことがあっても、この段落の契約が上記で定義されたすべての顧客に適用されることに同意する。4.禁止救済;発見の加速(A)参加者が違反または脅威違反、または参加者が本RC協定の任意の制限的な契約に違反すると合理的に信じている場合、会社は禁止救済を得る権利があり、会社が法律または平衡法上享受する可能性のある任意の他の権利または救済措置を得る権利がある。参加者は、会社は直ちに取り返しのつかない被害を受け、金銭的損害は会社を補償したり、現状を維持したりするのに不十分であることに同意した。したがって、参加者A−3は、一時的な制限令の発行と、本RCプロトコルを実行するために必要な他の禁止救済とに同意する。(B)参加者は、任意の禁止令の有効期間を、参加者が本“回復会合意”に記載されているチェーノを遵守できなかった任意の期間と同じ額に増加させるべきであることに同意する。(C)参加者及び会社は、任意の一時制限令及び/又は仮又は予備禁止救済の申請は、司法管轄権を有する裁判所によって完全に裁決されなければならない。たとえ参加者及び会社が仲裁協定の当事者であっても、この合意は、本“仲裁協定”の項の紛争も含む。 5.参加者は、雇用、コンサルタントまたは請負業者としての雇用、またはビジネスベンチャーに従事する前に、参加者のサービスを利用しようとする新規雇用者、ビジネスベンチャーにおけるパートナー、投資家および / または事業者に、本 RC 契約の存在を伝えることに同意します。 参加者は、そのような雇用を受け入れるか、またはそのような契約またはビジネスベンチャーに入る前に、そのような個人または団体に本 RC 契約の真実かつ正確なコピーを提供することに同意します。 参加者はさらに、本 RC 契約のコピーを当該法人または個人に提供する権限を与えます。 6.変更と分離本 RC 契約のセクション、条項、段落、フレーズ、単語、および / または行 ( 総称して「条項」 ) が執行不能であると判断された場合、本 RC 契約は、他の場合、執行不可能な条項、および本 RC 契約の残りの部分を有効かつ執行可能にするために必要な範囲で修正されたものとみなされます。 裁判所または仲裁人が本 RC 契約の修正を拒否した場合、本 RC 契約の条項の無効性または執行不能性は、残りの条項の有効性または執行可能性に影響を与えず、違反する条項が本 RC 契約に含まれていなかったかのように執行されます。 7.法律、管轄および場所の選択本 RC 契約は、参加者が最後に当社に勤務またはサービスを提供した米国州、地区または準州の法律によって管理され、解釈され、解釈され、その有効性が決定されます。 この法律は、紛争が裁定される裁判所または仲裁裁判所にかかわらず適用されます。 8.拘束力および譲渡可能性本 RC 契約は、本契約の当事者およびそれぞれの承継人、個人代理人、後継人、譲渡人、関連会社の利益に拘束力を持ち、適用するものとします。

A-4どんな利害関係者も。参加者は、当社が他の会社または商業エンティティによって買収され、合併または他の方法で合併された場合、当社自身が“RCプロトコル”を実行するように、当社自身が“RCプロトコル”を実行する権利があるという条項をまだ存在することに同意する。参加者はさらに当社が譲渡できることに同意し、ここでは当社の任意の関連会社に本RCプロトコルを譲渡することに同意します。参加者は、参加者が1つの会社付属会社の雇用またはサービスから他の会社付属会社に移転した場合、そのような譲渡は、さらなる書類なしに行われるとみなされることに同意する。9.弁護士費および認定料参加者および会社は、本RCプロトコルを実行する任意の法的手続きにおいて、勝訴側は、合理的な弁護士費、費用、および支出を含むが、合理的な弁護士費、費用および支出を含むが、その実際の費用および支出の補償を得る権利があることに同意する。参加者は当社を確認して理解するため、参加者にRC協定を締結する前に弁護士に相談することをお勧めします。参加者は、2018年総合インセンティブ計画奨励プロトコルに署名し、すなわち、参加者が2018年総合インセンティブ計画インセンティブプロトコル署名ページに記載された本RCプロトコルを受け入れ、完全に遵守することに同意することを示す。V 18-COバージョンA-1 ADT,Inc.2018統合インセンティブ計画奨励プロトコル制限契約プロトコルは、本プロトコル項下の持分付与を受けることによって、本制限契約プロトコル(“RCプロトコル”)に規定されている任意の他の陳述、保証、および契約に加えて、総合奨励計画参加者(“参加者”)は、以下の契約の遵守および遵守に同意する。本RCプロトコルについては、“当社”にはADT社とその子会社および付属会社が含まれています。1.参加者は、参加者が会社に雇用されているか、または会社にサービスを提供している間、参加者が会社の任意の業務に関連する“秘密情報”を使用または開示しないことに同意する。(B)本RCプロトコルにおいて、“機密情報”は、一般に公衆に知られていない任意の情報または材料を意味し、これらの情報または材料は、口頭、印刷、電子または任意の他の形態または媒体の情報および材料を含むことができるが、会社の財務、会計、業務計画、戦略計画、人事および管理、開発およびプロジェクト、マーケティング計画、販売、製品およびサービス、定価または価格ポリシー、顧客名および住所および価格表、顧客または潜在顧客リスト、他の顧客情報(顧客の経営方法、要求、要求、限定されないが含まれるが、これらに限定されない)を意味する。会社との取引の選好および履歴)、サプライヤーリスト、サプライヤー情報(会社との取引履歴を含むが、これらに限定されない)、参加者プロファイル、スキル、会社員の業績および資格、他の機密情報および商業秘密、秘密レシピ、技術、方法、プロセス、技術情報、発明(特許または非特許を含む)、著作権、ノウハウ、アルゴリズム、コンピュータプログラム、コンピュータコードおよび関連文書、プロセス、研究、開発、ライセンス、許可、ならびに会社の実際または予想される業務に関連する任意の前述の情報のアセンブリ。および守秘義務や合意に基づいて当社に提供する第三者機密情報。“機密情報”には、参加者の雇用条項及び条件又は“国家労働関係法”によって保護された他の権利に関する情報は含まれていない。(C)参加者は、(I)参加者個人の利益または任意の他の会社またはエンティティの利益を得るために、会社の商業秘密を使用して既存の顧客を識別またはロックすること、(Ii)商業秘密を使用して参加者の個人的利益または任意の他の会社またはエンティティの利益に便宜を提供すること、および/または(Iii)商業秘密を使用して他の方法で会社と不公平な競争を行うことを含むが、これらに限定されない秘密情報および商業秘密を使用または開示することに同意する参加者が理解し、同意する。A-2

DMS:6312786 v 5:3/19/2024 10:04:14 AM(D)許可された情報開示。(I)本協定にはいかなる逆の規定があるにもかかわらず、USC第18条第1833(B)条に規定されている米国連邦法律によれば、参加者は、以下の商業秘密の任意の機密情報を開示することによって刑事または民事責任を負うべきではないことを理解している:(1)連邦、州または地方政府関係者または弁護士に直接または間接的に秘密を秘密にし、違法の疑いを通報または調査する目的でのみ、又は(2)訴訟又は他の訴訟手続において提起された訴え又は他の文書が,捺印された場合に提出される。参加者が違法行為の疑いを通報して雇用主に報復訴訟を提起した場合、参加者は、そのような商業秘密を参加者の弁護士に開示し、関連する法廷訴訟において商業秘密情報を使用することができ、参加者が印鑑を押した任意の商業秘密情報を含む文書を提出することを前提としており、裁判所の命令に基づいていない限り、商業秘密は開示されない。(Ii)上記第1(A)~(C)条は、(I)作業中に獲得されたか否かにかかわらず、参加者の一般的な訓練、知識、技能、または専門長、(Ii)参加者への開示前に公衆に知られている情報、(Iii)参加者または参加者の任意の代表が参加者に開示された後に公衆に知られていること、(Iv)参加者が法的保護された行動を開示する権利があること、および(Iv)参加者が法律によって保護された行為を開示する権利があること、および(Ii)上記第1(A)~(C)条は、以下の情報には適用されない。または(V)適用される法律、法規または法律手続きは、参加者に情報の開示を要求する(参加者が計画開示に関する事前通知を提供し、保護令またはそのような情報の他の適切な保護を求める上で雇用主と合理的に協力し、費用は雇用主が負担することを前提とする)。前文(Ii)及び(Iii)項に規定されているにもかかわらず、一部の情報のみが公共分野に属する場合、参加者による開示された情報の守秘義務は終了しない。2.非招待書-ADT者(A)参加者は、参加者が雇用または会社にサービスを提供している間、および(A)参加者が雇用またはサービス退職の日から最終帰属日まで、または(B)参加者が会社の雇用またはサービス退職後2(2)年の間(“非招待期間”)内で、参加者が直接または間接的に参加者本人または他人を代表して任意の会社員を勧誘して会社を出ることはないことに同意する。(B)“会社員”とは、参加者が会社の雇用またはサービスの最終日前の24(24)ヶ月以内に会社に雇用された任意の者を意味し、(I)参加者が業務目的で直接関連している者、または(Ii)参加者が会社の機密情報または商業秘密に触れることによって知っている誰をいう。A-3

DMS:6312786 v 5:3/19/2024 10:04:14 AM 3.禁止救済;加速的発見(A)参加者が違反または脅威違反に違反している場合、または会社が参加者が本RCプロトコルの任意の制限的な契約に違反すると合理的に信じている場合、会社は禁止救済を受ける権利があり、会社は法律または平衡法において権利を有する可能性のある任意の他の権利または救済措置を得ることができる。参加者は、会社は直ちに取り返しのつかない被害を受け、金銭的損害は会社を補償したり、現状を維持したりするのに不十分であることに同意した。したがって、参加者は、本RCプロトコルを実行するために、一時的制限令および他の強制令救済を発行することに同意する。(B)参加者は、任意の禁止令の有効期間を、参加者が本“回復会合意”に記載されているチェーノを遵守できなかった任意の期間と同じ額に増加させるべきであることに同意する。(C)参加者及び会社は、任意の一時制限令及び/又は仮又は予備禁止救済の申請は、司法管轄権を有する裁判所によって完全に裁決されなければならない。たとえ参加者及び会社が仲裁協定の当事者であっても、この合意は、本“仲裁協定”の項の紛争も含む。参加者は、本節で述べた場合、参加者が同意した上記禁制令救済は、仲裁前に現状を維持するために、仲裁を待つために、管轄権を有する裁判所によって承認されなければならない。4.限定的な契約は、参加者が雇用を受け入れる前に、コンサルタントまたは請負業者として商業企業を採用または参加する前に、任意の潜在的な新しい雇用主、商業企業のパートナー、投資家、および/または採用参加者のサービスを求める任意のエンティティに、本RCプロトコルが存在することを参加者に通知する。参加者は、任意のそのような雇用または任意のそのような雇用または商業活動に参加する前に、本RCプロトコルの真かつ正確なコピーを任意のそのような個人またはエンティティに提供することに同意する。参加者は、当社がこのようなエンティティまたは個人(S)に本RCプロトコルのコピーを提供することをさらに許可する。5.修正および分割可能性本RCプロトコルの任意の部分、条項、段落、フレーズ、語および/または行(総称して“条項”)が実行不可能であるとみなされる場合、本RCプロトコルは、他の実行不可能な条項および本RCプロトコルの残りの部分を効率的かつ実行可能にするために必要な修正が行われたとみなされるであろう。裁判所または仲裁人が本プロトコルの規定に従って本プロトコルを修正することを拒否した場合、本プロトコルの任意の条項の無効または実行不能は、残りの条項の有効性または実行可能性に影響を与えてはならず、これらの条項は、違反条項が本合意に含まれていないように実行されなければならない。6.法律、管轄権、および場所の選択このRCプロトコルは、米国が存在する州、区、または領地の法律によって管轄され、解釈され、解釈され、その有効性が決定される

DMS:6312786 v 5:3/19/2024 10:04:14 AM参加者が最後に会社にサービスを提供する場合、司法管轄区域の法的衝突の原則は考慮されない。論争がどの裁判所や仲裁裁判所で裁決できるかにかかわらず、このような法律が適用される。7.拘束力および譲渡可能性本プロトコルは、双方およびそのそれぞれの相続人、個人代表、相続人、譲受人、付属実体、および任意の利害関係者に拘束力を有し、彼らの利益に適合する。参加者は、当社が他の会社または商業エンティティによって買収され、合併または他の方法で合併された場合、当社自身が“RCプロトコル”を実行するように、当社自身が“RCプロトコル”を実行する権利があるという条項をまだ存在することに同意する。参加者はさらに当社が譲渡できることに同意し、ここでは当社の任意の関連会社に本RCプロトコルを譲渡することに同意します。参加者は、参加者が1つの会社付属会社の雇用またはサービスから他の会社付属会社に移転した場合、そのような譲渡は、さらなる書類なしに行われるとみなされることに同意する。8.弁護士費および認定料参加者および会社は、本RCプロトコルを実行する任意の法的手続きにおいて、合理的な弁護士費、費用、および支出を含むが、合理的な弁護士費、および支出を含む、その実際の費用および支出の補償を得る権利がある。参加者は当社を確認して理解するため、参加者にRC協定を締結する前に弁護士に相談することをお勧めします。参加者は、2018年総合インセンティブ計画奨励プロトコルに署名し、すなわち、参加者が2018年総合インセンティブ計画インセンティブプロトコル署名ページに記載された本RCプロトコルを受け入れ、完全に遵守することに同意することを示す

V5 – AL Version A-1 Exhibit A to ADT, Inc. 2018 Omnibus Incentive Plan Award Agreement RESTRICTIVE COVENANT AGREEMENT By accepting the grant of equity hereunder, in addition to any other representations, warranties, and covenants set forth this Restrictive Covenant Agreement (“RC Agreement”), the Omnibus Incentive Plan Participant (the “Participant”) agrees to be subject to and comply with the following covenants. For purposes of this RC Agreement, “the Company” includes ADT Inc. and its Subsidiaries and Affiliates. 1. Confidentiality (a) Participant hereby agrees that during Participant’s employment or service with the Company, and thereafter, Participant will not use or disclose “Confidential Information” related to any business of the Company. (b) As used in this RC Agreement, “Confidential Information” means any information or material, not generally known to the public, which may include, for example and without limitation, information and materials, in spoken, printed, electronic, or any other form or medium, relating or pertaining to the Company’s finances, accounting, business plans, strategic plans, personnel and management, development and projects, marketing plans, sales, products and services, pricing or pricing strategies, customer names and addresses and price lists, customer or prospective customer lists, other customer information (including, without limitation, customer methods of operation, requirements, preferences and history of dealings with the Company), vendor lists, vendor information (including, without limitation, their history of dealings with the Company), Participant files, skills, performance and qualifications of the Company’s personnel, other confidential information and trade secrets, secret formulations, techniques, methods, processes, technical information, inventions (whether patented or unpatented), copyrights, know-how, algorithms, computer programs, computer codes and related documentation, processes, research, development, licenses, permits, and compilations of any of the foregoing information relating to the actual or anticipated business of the Company, and confidential information of third parties which is given to the Company pursuant to an obligation or agreement to keep such information confidential. “Confidential Information” does not include information regarding Participants’ terms and conditions of employment or other rights protected under the National Labor Relations Act. (c) Permitted Disclosures: Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, pursuant to United States federal law as set forth in 18 USC Section 1833(b), Participant understands that Participant shall not be held criminally or civilly liable under any federal or state trade secret law for the disclosure of any Confidential Information that is a trade secret that is made: (1) confidentially to a federal, state, or local government official, either directly or indirectly, or to an attorney, and solely for the purpose of reporting or investigating a suspected violation of law; or (2) in a complaint or other document filed in a lawsuit or other proceeding, if such filing is made under seal. If Participant files a lawsuit for retaliation by Employer for reporting a suspected violation of law, Participant may disclose such trade secrets to Participant’s attorney and use the trade secret information in related court proceedings, A-2 provided that Participant files any document containing the trade secret information under seal and does not disclose the trade secret, except pursuant to court order. 2. Non-Competition Covenant (a) Participant agrees that, during Participant’s employment or service with the Company, and for the greater of (a) the period commencing with the date of the Participant’s Retirement from employment or service through the final Vesting Date, or (b) the one (1) year period after separation of Participant’s employment or service with the Company (the “Non- Compete Period”), Participant will not directly or indirectly, own, manage, operate, control (including indirectly through a debt or equity investment), provide services to, or be employed by, any person or entity engaged in any business that is both: (i) located in, or provides services or products to, a region with respect to which Participant had substantial responsibilities during the twenty-four (24) months preceding Participant’s separation of employment or services with the Company and in which the Company carries on a like business; and (ii) competitive with (A) the line of business or businesses of the Company that Participant was employed with during the twenty-four (24) months preceding Participant’s separation of employment or services with the Company, or (B) any other business of the Company with respect to which Participant had substantial exposure during the twenty-four (24) months preceding Participant’s separation of employment or services with the Company. (b) Participant’s agreement not to provide such services applies regardless of whether Participant does so as an employee, owner, partner, principal, advisor, independent contractor, consultant, agent, officer, director, investor, or shareholder. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Participant’s ownership of less than 1% of the outstanding shares of a publicly traded company that constitutes a competitor as described in Section 2(a) above shall not be deemed to be providing services to such competitor solely by virtue of owning such shares. 3. Non-Solicitation Covenant – ADT Personnel (a) Participant agrees that, during Participant’s employment or service with the Company and for the greater of (a) the period commencing with the date of the Participant’s Retirement from employment or service through the final Vesting Date, or (b) the two (2) year period after separation of Participant’s employment or service with the Company, Participant will not, directly or indirectly, on Participant’s own behalf or on behalf of another, hire or employ any agent, servant or employee of the Company who holds a position uniquely essential to the management, organization, or service of the business of the Company. 4. Non-Solicitation Covenant – Customer (a) Participant agrees that, during Participant’s employment or service with the Company, and during the 18-month period after separation of Employee’s employment with the Company, Participant will not directly or indirectly, on Participant’s own behalf or on behalf of A-3 another, solicit any Customer of the Company to purchase goods or services then sold by the Company from another person or entity, or assist or aid any other persons or entity in soliciting any such Customer(s), so long as the Company carries on a like business. (b) “Customer(s)” means a current customer (person or entity) of the Company that Participant, directly or indirectly (e.g., through employees whom Participant supervised), called upon, solicited, worked with, or became acquainted with at any time during the twenty-four (24) month period prior to Participant’s last day of employment or service with the Company. (c) Participant acknowledges that as a result of Participant’s employment or service with the Company, Participant will be acting as a representative of the Company and will be using the Company’s assets and resources, and will be benefiting from the Company’s goodwill, name recognition, reputation, and experience in regard to these Customers, and Participant will gain Confidential Information about Company Customers, and consequently, the covenants set forth above are reasonable and necessary to protect the Company’s legitimate business interests. Participant agrees that the covenants in this paragraph will apply to all Customers as defined above, even if the identity of certain Customers of the Company may be publicly known, and even if Participant knew or had previous dealings with one or more such Customers prior to Participant’s employment with the Company. 5. Injunctive Relief; Expedited Discovery (a) In the event that Participant breaches or threatens to breach, or the Company reasonably believes Participant is about to breach, any of the restrictive covenants in this RC Agreement, the Company will be entitled to injunctive relief, in addition to any other rights or remedies to which the Company may be entitled in law or equity. Participant agrees that the Company will suffer immediate and irreparable harm and that money damages will not be adequate to compensate the Company or to preserve the status quo. Therefore, Participant consents to the issuance of a temporary restraining order and other injunctive relief necessary to enforce this RC Agreement. (b) Participant agrees that the duration of any injunction shall be increased in an amount equal to any period of time during which Participant failed to comply with the covenants contained in this RC Agreement. (c) Participant and the Company agree that any application for temporary restraining order and/or temporary or preliminary injunctive relief shall be adjudicated exclusively in a court of competent jurisdiction, even if Participant and the Company are parties to an arbitration agreement that otherwise includes disputes under this RC Agreement. Participant agrees that the injunctive relief to which Participant consents hereinabove, under the circumstances addressed in this section, shall be granted by a court of competent jurisdiction pending arbitration on the merits in order to preserve the status quo pending such arbitration. 6. Notice of Restrictive Covenants Participant agrees that Participant will tell any prospective new employer, partner in a business venture, investors and/or any entity seeking to engage Participant’s services, prior to A-4 accepting employment, engagement as a consultant or contractor, or engaging in a business venture, that this RC Agreement exists. Participant agrees to provide a true and correct copy of this RC Agreement to any such individual or entity prior to accepting any such employment or entering into any such engagement or business venture. Participant further authorizes the Company to provide a copy of this RC Agreement to any such entity(ies) or individual(s). 7. Modification & Severability If any section, provision, paragraph, phrase, word, and/or line (collectively “Provision”) of this RC Agreement is held to be unenforceable, then this RC Agreement will be deemed amended to the extent necessary to render the otherwise unenforceable Provision, and the rest of this RC Agreement, valid and enforceable. If a court or arbitrator declines to amend this RC Agreement as provided herein, the invalidity or unenforceability of any Provision of this RC Agreement shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining Provisions, which shall be enforced as if the offending Provision had not been included in this RC Agreement. 8. Choice of Law, Jurisdiction & Venue This RC Agreement will be governed by, construed, interpreted, and its validity determined under the law of the State, District or Territory of the United States in which Participant last worked or provided services for the Company, without regard to such jurisdiction’s conflicts of laws principles. Such law shall govern regardless of the court or arbitration forum in which a dispute may be adjudicated. 9. Binding Effect & Assignability This RC Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective heirs, personal representatives, successors, assigns, affiliated entities, and any party-in-interest. Participant agrees that, should the Company be acquired by, merge with, or otherwise combine with another corporation or business entity, the surviving entity will have all rights to enforce the terms of this RC Agreement as if it were the Company itself enforcing the RC Agreement. Participant further agrees that the Company may assign, and hereby consents to assignment of, this RC Agreement to any affiliate of the Company. Participant agrees that such an assignment is deemed to have been made without any further documentation in the event Participant moves from employment or services with one Company affiliate to another. 10. Attorneys’ Fees & Acknowledgements Participant and the Company agree that in any legal proceeding to enforce this RC Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to reimbursement of its actual costs and expenses, including without limitation reasonable attorneys’ fees, costs, and disbursements. Participant acknowledges and understands that the Company hereby advises that Participant should consult with an attorney prior to entering into the RC Agreement.

A-5 Participant’s signature to the 2018 Omnibus Incentive Plan Award Agreement, to which this RC Agreement is an exhibit, constitutes Participant’s acceptance of and agreement to comply in full with this RC Agreement, as set forth on the signature page to the 2018 Omnibus Incentive Plan Award Agreement. V6 – MA Version A-1 Exhibit A to ADT, Inc. 2018 Omnibus Incentive Plan Award Agreement RESTRICTIVE COVENANT AGREEMENT By accepting the grant of equity hereunder, in addition to any other representations, warranties, and covenants set forth this Restrictive Covenant Agreement (“RC Agreement”), the Omnibus Incentive Plan Participant (the “Participant”) agrees to be subject to and comply with the following covenants. For purposes of this RC Agreement, “the Company” includes ADT Inc. and its Subsidiaries and Affiliates. 1. Confidentiality (a) Participant hereby agrees that during Participant’s employment or service with the Company, and thereafter, Participant will not use or disclose “Confidential Information” related to any business of the Company. (b) As used in this RC Agreement, “Confidential Information” means any information or material, not generally known to the public, which may include, for example and without limitation, information and materials, in spoken, printed, electronic, or any other form or medium, relating or pertaining to the Company’s finances, accounting, business plans, strategic plans, personnel and management, development and projects, marketing plans, sales, products and services, pricing or pricing strategies, customer names and addresses and price lists, customer or prospective customer lists, other customer information (including, without limitation, customer methods of operation, requirements, preferences and history of dealings with the Company), vendor lists, vendor information (including, without limitation, their history of dealings with the Company), Participant files, skills, performance and qualifications of the Company’s personnel, other confidential information and trade secrets, secret formulations, techniques, methods, processes, technical information, inventions (whether patented or unpatented), copyrights, know-how, algorithms, computer programs, computer codes and related documentation, processes, research, development, licenses, permits, and compilations of any of the foregoing information relating to the actual or anticipated business of the Company, and confidential information of third parties which is given to the Company pursuant to an obligation or agreement to keep such information confidential. “Confidential Information” does not include information regarding Participants’ terms and conditions of employment or other rights protected under the National Labor Relations Act. (c) Permitted Disclosures: Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, pursuant to United States federal law as set forth in 18 USC Section 1833(b), Participant understands that Participant shall not be held criminally or civilly liable under any federal or state trade secret law for the disclosure of any Confidential Information that is a trade secret that is made: (1) confidentially to a federal, state, or local government official, either directly or indirectly, or to an attorney, and solely for the purpose of reporting or investigating a suspected violation of law; or (2) in a complaint or other document filed in a lawsuit or other proceeding, if such filing is made under seal. If Participant files a lawsuit for retaliation by Employer for reporting a suspected violation of law, Participant may disclose such trade secrets to Participant’s attorney and use the trade secret information in related court proceedings, A-2 provided that Participant files any document containing the trade secret information under seal and does not disclose the trade secret, except pursuant to court order. 2. Non-Solicitation Covenant – ADT Personnel (a) Participant agrees that, during Participant’s employment or service with the Company and for the greater of (a) the period commencing with the date of the Participant’s Retirement from employment or service through the final Vesting Date, or (b) the two (2) year period after separation of Participant’s employment or service with the Company (the “Non- Solicit Period”), Participant will not, directly or indirectly, on Participant’s own behalf or on behalf of another: (i) solicit, recruit, aid, or induce any Company Personnel to leave their employment with the Company in order to accept employment with or render services to another person or entity unaffiliated with the Company, or knowingly take any action to assist or aid any other person or entity in identifying, soliciting, recruiting, inducing or hiring any such Company Personnel; or (ii) otherwise interfere with the relationship of the Company with any Company Personnel. (b) Participant agrees that during the Non-Solicit Period, Participant shall not, directly or indirectly, engage in any conduct intended or reasonably calculated to induce or urge any Participant or contractor of the Company to discontinue, in whole or in part, his/her employment relationship or engagement with the Company. (c) “Company Personnel” means any person who was employed by the Company during the twenty-four (24) month period prior to Participant’s last day of employment or service with the Company and either (i) with whom Participant had direct contact for business purposes, or (ii) whom Participant knew about because of Participant’s access to the Company’s Confidential Information or trade secrets. 3. Non-Solicitation Covenant – Customer (a) Participant agrees that, during Participant’s employment or service with the Company, and during the Non-Solicit Period, Participant will not directly or indirectly, on Participant’s own behalf or on behalf of another: (i) solicit, aid, or induce any Customer of the Company to purchase goods or services then sold by the Company from another person or entity, or assist or aid any other persons or entity in identifying or soliciting any such Customer(s); or (ii) initiate any contact or communication with any Customer regarding any new employment or business affiliation Participant may accept or be intending to accept following separation of Participant’s employment with the Company; or A-3 (iii) otherwise interfere with the relationship of the Company with any of their Participants, customers, vendors, agents, or representatives. (b) “Customer(s)” means a customer (person or entity) of the Company that Participant, directly or indirectly (e.g., through employees whom Participant supervised), called upon, solicited, worked with, or became acquainted with at any time during the twenty-four (24) month period prior to Participant’s last day of employment or service with the Company. (c) Participant acknowledges that as a result of Participant’s employment or service with the Company, Participant will be acting as a representative of the Company and will be using the Company’s assets and resources, and will be benefiting from the Company’s goodwill, name recognition, reputation, and experience in regard to these Customers, and Participant will gain Confidential Information about Company Customers, and consequently, the covenants set forth above are reasonable and necessary to protect the Company’s legitimate business interests. Participant agrees that the covenants in this paragraph will apply to all Customers as defined above, even if the identity of certain Customers of the Company may be publicly known, and even if Participant knew or had previous dealings with one or more such Customers prior to Participant’s employment with the Company. 4. Injunctive Relief; Expedited Discovery (a) In the event that Participant breaches or threatens to breach, or the Company reasonably believes Participant is about to breach, any of the restrictive covenants in this RC Agreement, the Company will be entitled to injunctive relief, in addition to any other rights or remedies to which the Company may be entitled in law or equity. Participant agrees that the Company will suffer immediate and irreparable harm and that money damages will not be adequate to compensate the Company or to preserve the status quo. Therefore, Participant consents to the issuance of a temporary restraining order and other injunctive relief necessary to enforce this RC Agreement. (b) Participant agrees that in the event Participant breaches a fiduciary duty to the Company, or unlawfully takes the Company’s property, then the Restricted Period shall be extended for the duration of the two year period immediately following the termination of Participant’s employment or services with the Company. (c) Participant and the Company agree that any application for temporary restraining order and/or temporary or preliminary injunctive relief shall be adjudicated exclusively in a court of competent jurisdiction, even if Participant and the Company are parties to an arbitration agreement that otherwise includes disputes under this RC Agreement. Participant agrees that the injunctive relief to which Participant consents hereinabove, under the circumstances addressed in this section, shall be granted by a court of competent jurisdiction pending arbitration on the merits in order to preserve the status quo pending such arbitration. 5. Notice of Restrictive Covenants Participant agrees that Participant will tell any prospective new employer, partner in a business venture, investors and/or any entity seeking to engage Participant’s services, prior to

A-4 accepting employment, engagement as a consultant or contractor, or engaging in a business venture, that this RC Agreement exists. Participant agrees to provide a true and correct copy of this RC Agreement to any such individual or entity prior to accepting any such employment or entering into any such engagement or business venture. Participant further authorizes the Company to provide a copy of this RC Agreement to any such entity(ies) or individual(s). 6. Modification & Severability If any section, provision, paragraph, phrase, word, and/or line (collectively “Provision”) of this RC Agreement is held to be unenforceable, then this RC Agreement will be deemed amended to the extent necessary to render the otherwise unenforceable Provision, and the rest of this RC Agreement, valid and enforceable. If a court or arbitrator declines to amend this RC Agreement as provided herein, the invalidity or unenforceability of any Provision of this RC Agreement shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining Provisions, which shall be enforced as if the offending Provision had not been included in this RC Agreement. 7. Choice of Law, Jurisdiction & Venue (a) This RC Agreement will be governed by, construed, interpreted, and its validity determined under the law of the State, District or Territory of the United States in which Participant last worked or provided services for the Company, without regard to such jurisdiction’s conflicts of laws principles. Such law shall govern regardless of the court or arbitration forum in which a dispute may be adjudicated. (b) Participant and the Company agree that the exclusive and mandatory venue for adjudicating any disputes under this RC Agreement shall be the United States District Court for the District of Massachusetts, or the Suffolk County Superior Court. In the event a dispute is litigated in the Massachusetts Superior Court, the Company and Participant hereby agree that they will request that the case be assigned to the Business Litigation Sessions located in the Suffolk County Superior Court. Participant and the Company hereby consent to jurisdiction in such courts for such purpose, and specifically waive any objection to venue in Suffolk County. Participant consents to service of process by mail in respect of any such suit, action or proceeding. Participant and the Company further agree not to file any action relating in any way to this RC Agreement in any court other than as specified in this Section 7(b), and not to file any motion to transfer venue out of the court(s) specified herein (whether by motion to transfer or motion to dismiss on forum non conveniens grounds). Notwithstanding any of the foregoing, if any dispute under this Agreement is subject to resolution by arbitration under an agreement or program agreed to by Participant and the Company, then such arbitration shall be the sole and exclusive venue for adjudicating such disputes, other than any requests for a temporary restraining order and/or a temporary or preliminary injunction pending arbitration, which are reserved exclusively for adjudication in courts specified herein pursuant to Section 4 above even in otherwise arbitrable disputes. 8. Binding Effect & Assignability This RC Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective heirs, personal representatives, successors, assigns, affiliated entities, and A-5 any party-in-interest. Participant agrees that, should the Company be acquired by, merge with, or otherwise combine with another corporation or business entity, the surviving entity will have all rights to enforce the terms of this RC Agreement as if it were the Company itself enforcing the RC Agreement. Participant further agrees that the Company may assign, and hereby consents to assignment of, this RC Agreement to any affiliate of the Company. Participant agrees that such an assignment is deemed to have been made without any further documentation in the event Participant moves from employment or services with one Company affiliate to another. 9. Attorneys’ Fees & Acknowledgements Participant and the Company agree that in any legal proceeding to enforce this RC Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to reimbursement of its actual costs and expenses, including without limitation reasonable attorneys’ fees, costs, and disbursements. Participant acknowledges and understands that the Company hereby advises that Participant should consult with an attorney prior to entering into the RC Agreement. Participant’s signature to the 2018 Omnibus Incentive Plan Award Agreement, to which this RC Agreement is an exhibit, constitutes Participant’s acceptance of and agreement to comply in full with this RC Agreement, as set forth on the signature page to the 2018 Omnibus Incentive Plan Award Agreement. V7 – OK Version A-1 Exhibit A to ADT, Inc. 2018 Omnibus Incentive Plan Award Agreement RESTRICTIVE COVENANT AGREEMENT By accepting the grant of equity hereunder, in addition to any other representations, warranties, and covenants set forth this Restrictive Covenant Agreement (“RC Agreement”), the Omnibus Incentive Plan Participant (the “Participant”) agrees to be subject to and comply with the following covenants. For purposes of this RC Agreement, “the Company” includes ADT Inc. and its Subsidiaries and Affiliates. 1. Confidentiality (a) Participant hereby agrees that during Participant’s employment or service with the Company, and thereafter, Participant will not use or disclose “Confidential Information” related to any business of the Company. (b) As used in this RC Agreement, “Confidential Information” means any information or material, not generally known to the public, which may include, for example and without limitation, information and materials, in spoken, printed, electronic, or any other form or medium, relating or pertaining to the Company’s finances, accounting, business plans, strategic plans, personnel and management, development and projects, marketing plans, sales, products and services, pricing or pricing strategies, customer names and addresses and price lists, customer or prospective customer lists, other customer information (including, without limitation, customer methods of operation, requirements, preferences and history of dealings with the Company), vendor lists, vendor information (including, without limitation, their history of dealings with the Company), Participant files, skills, performance and qualifications of the Company’s personnel, other confidential information and trade secrets, secret formulations, techniques, methods, processes, technical information, inventions (whether patented or unpatented), copyrights, know-how, algorithms, computer programs, computer codes and related documentation, processes, research, development, licenses, permits, and compilations of any of the foregoing information relating to the actual or anticipated business of the Company, and confidential information of third parties which is given to the Company pursuant to an obligation or agreement to keep such information confidential. “Confidential Information” does not include information regarding Participants’ terms and conditions of employment or other rights protected under the National Labor Relations Act. (c) Permitted Disclosures: Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, pursuant to United States federal law as set forth in 18 USC Section 1833(b), Participant understands that Participant shall not be held criminally or civilly liable under any federal or state trade secret law for the disclosure of any Confidential Information that is a trade secret that is made: (1) confidentially to a federal, state, or local government official, either directly or indirectly, or to an attorney, and solely for the purpose of reporting or investigating a suspected violation of law; or (2) in a complaint or other document filed in a lawsuit or other proceeding, if such filing is made under seal. If Participant files a lawsuit for retaliation by Employer for reporting a suspected violation of law, Participant may disclose such trade secrets to Participant’s attorney and use the trade secret information in related court proceedings, A-2 provided that Participant files any document containing the trade secret information under seal and does not disclose the trade secret, except pursuant to court order. 2. Non-Solicitation Covenant – ADT Personnel (a) Participant agrees that, during Participant’s employment or service with the Company and for the greater of (a) the period commencing with the date of the Participant’s Retirement from employment or service through the final Vesting Date, or (b) the two (2) year period after separation of Participant’s employment or service with the Company (the “Non- Solicit Period”), Participant will not, directly or indirectly, on Participant’s own behalf or on behalf of another solicit any Company Personnel to leave their employment with the Company in order to accept employment with or render services to another person or entity unaffiliated with the Company, or knowingly take any action to assist or aid any other person or entity in soliciting any such Company Personnel. (b) “Company Personnel” means any person who was employed by the Company during the twenty-four (24) month period prior to Participant’s last day of employment or service with the Company and either (i) with whom Participant had direct contact for business purposes, or (ii) whom Participant knew about because of Participant’s access to the Company’s Confidential Information or trade secrets. 3. Non-Solicitation Covenant – Customer (a) Participant agrees that during the Non-Solicit Period, Participant will not directly solicit any Customer of the Company to purchase goods or services, or a combination of goods and services, then sold by the Company from another person or entity. (b) “Customer(s)” means an established customer (person or entity) of the Company that Participant, directly or indirectly (e.g., through employees whom Participant supervised), called upon, solicited, worked with, or became acquainted with at any time during the twenty- four (24) month period prior to Participant’s last day of employment or service with the Company. (c) Participant acknowledges that as a result of Participant’s employment or service with the Company, Participant will be acting as a representative of the Company and will be using the Company’s assets and resources, and will be benefiting from the Company’s goodwill, name recognition, reputation, and experience in regard to these Customers, and Participant will gain Confidential Information about Company Customers, and consequently, the covenants set forth above are reasonable and necessary to protect the Company’s legitimate business interests. 4. Injunctive Relief; Expedited Discovery (a) In the event that Participant breaches or threatens to breach, or the Company reasonably believes Participant is about to breach, any of the restrictive covenants in this RC Agreement, the Company will be entitled to injunctive relief, in addition to any other rights or remedies to which the Company may be entitled in law or equity. Participant agrees that the Company will suffer immediate and irreparable harm and that money damages will not be

A-3 adequate to compensate the Company or to preserve the status quo. Therefore, Participant consents to the issuance of a temporary restraining order and other injunctive relief necessary to enforce this RC Agreement. (b) Participant agrees that the duration of any injunction shall be increased in an amount equal to any period of time during which Participant failed to comply with the covenants contained in this RC Agreement. (c) Participant and the Company agree that any application for temporary restraining order and/or temporary or preliminary injunctive relief shall be adjudicated exclusively in a court of competent jurisdiction, even if Participant and the Company are parties to an arbitration agreement that otherwise includes disputes under this RC Agreement. Participant agrees that the injunctive relief to which Participant consents hereinabove, under the circumstances addressed in this section, shall be granted by a court of competent jurisdiction pending arbitration on the merits in order to preserve the status quo pending such arbitration. 5. Notice of Restrictive Covenants Participant agrees that Participant will tell any prospective new employer, partner in a business venture, investors and/or any entity seeking to engage Participant’s services, prior to accepting employment, engagement as a consultant or contractor, or engaging in a business venture, that this RC Agreement exists. Participant agrees to provide a true and correct copy of this RC Agreement to any such individual or entity prior to accepting any such employment or entering into any such engagement or business venture. Participant further authorizes the Company to provide a copy of this RC Agreement to any such entity(ies) or individual(s). 6. Modification & Severability If any section, provision, paragraph, phrase, word, and/or line (collectively “Provision”) of this RC Agreement is held to be unenforceable, then this RC Agreement will be deemed amended to the extent necessary to render the otherwise unenforceable Provision, and the rest of this RC Agreement, valid and enforceable. If a court or arbitrator declines to amend this RC Agreement as provided herein, the invalidity or unenforceability of any Provision of this RC Agreement shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining Provisions, which shall be enforced as if the offending Provision had not been included in this RC Agreement. 7. Choice of Law, Jurisdiction & Venue This RC Agreement will be governed by, construed, interpreted, and its validity determined under the law of the State, District or Territory of the United States in which Participant last worked or provided services for the Company, without regard to such jurisdiction’s conflicts of laws principles. Such law shall govern regardless of the court or arbitration forum in which a dispute may be adjudicated. A-4 8. Binding Effect & Assignability This RC Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective heirs, personal representatives, successors, assigns, affiliated entities, and any party-in-interest. Participant agrees that, should the Company be acquired by, merge with, or otherwise combine with another corporation or business entity, the surviving entity will have all rights to enforce the terms of this RC Agreement as if it were the Company itself enforcing the RC Agreement. Participant further agrees that the Company may assign, and hereby consents to assignment of, this RC Agreement to any affiliate of the Company. Participant agrees that such an assignment is deemed to have been made without any further documentation in the event Participant moves from employment or services with one Company affiliate to another. 9. Attorneys’ Fees & Acknowledgements Participant and the Company agree that in any legal proceeding to enforce this RC Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to reimbursement of its actual costs and expenses, including without limitation reasonable attorneys’ fees, costs, and disbursements. Participant acknowledges and understands that the Company hereby advises that Participant should consult with an attorney prior to entering into the RC Agreement. Participant’s signature to the 2018 Omnibus Incentive Plan Award Agreement, to which this RC Agreement is an exhibit, constitutes Participant’s acceptance of and agreement to comply in full with this RC Agreement, as set forth on the signature page to the 2018 Omnibus Incentive Plan Award Agreement. V8 – LA/SD Version A-1 [[DMS:6312786v5:3/19/2024 10:04:14 AM Exhibit A to ADT, Inc. 2018 Omnibus Incentive Plan Award Agreement RESTRICTIVE COVENANT AGREEMENT By accepting the grant of equity hereunder, in addition to any other representations, warranties, and covenants set forth this Restrictive Covenant Agreement (“RC Agreement”), the Omnibus Incentive Plan Participant (the “Participant”) agrees to be subject to and comply with the following covenants. For purposes of this RC Agreement, “the Company” includes ADT Inc. and its Subsidiaries and Affiliates. 1. Confidentiality (a) Participant hereby agrees that during Participant’s employment or service with the Company, and thereafter, Participant will not use or disclose “Confidential Information” related to any business of the Company. (b) As used in this RC Agreement, “Confidential Information” means any information or material, not generally known to the public, which may include, for example and without limitation, information and materials, in spoken, printed, electronic, or any other form or medium, relating or pertaining to the Company’s finances, accounting, business plans, strategic plans, personnel and management, development and projects, marketing plans, sales, products and services, pricing or pricing strategies, customer names and addresses and price lists, customer or prospective customer lists, other customer information (including, without limitation, customer methods of operation, requirements, preferences and history of dealings with the Company), vendor lists, vendor information (including, without limitation, their history of dealings with the Company), Participant files, skills, performance and qualifications of the Company’s personnel, other confidential information and trade secrets, secret formulations, techniques, methods, processes, technical information, inventions (whether patented or unpatented), copyrights, know-how, algorithms, computer programs, computer codes and related documentation, processes, research, development, licenses, permits, and compilations of any of the foregoing information relating to the actual or anticipated business of the Company, and confidential information of third parties which is given to the Company pursuant to an obligation or agreement to keep such information confidential. “Confidential Information” does not include information regarding Participants’ terms and conditions of employment or other rights protected under the National Labor Relations Act. (c) Permitted Disclosures: Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, pursuant to United States federal law as set forth in 18 USC Section 1833(b), Participant understands that Participant shall not be held criminally or civilly liable under any federal or state trade secret law for the disclosure of any Confidential Information that is a trade secret that is made: (1) confidentially to a federal, state, or local government official, either directly or indirectly, or to an attorney, and solely for the purpose of reporting or investigating a suspected violation of law; or (2) in a complaint or other document filed in a lawsuit or other proceeding, if such filing is made under seal. If Participant files a lawsuit for retaliation by Employer for reporting a suspected violation of law, Participant may disclose such trade secrets to Participant’s attorney and use the trade secret information in related court proceedings, A-2 provided that Participant files any document containing the trade secret information under seal and does not disclose the trade secret, except pursuant to court order. 2. Non-Competition Covenant (a) Participant agrees that, during Participant’s employment or service with the Company, and for the greater of (a) the period commencing with the date of the Participant’s Retirement from employment or service through the final Vesting Date, or (b) the one (1) year period after separation of Participant’s employment or service with the Company (the “Non- Compete Period”), Participant will not, in the Restricted Territory, provide services to, or be employed by, any person or entity engaged in any business similar to that of the Company that is competitive with either (A) the line of business or businesses of the Company that Participant was employed with during the twelve (12) months preceding Participant’s separation of employment or services with the Company, or (B) any other business of the Company with respect to which Participant had substantial exposure during the twelve (12) months preceding Participant’s separation of employment or services with the Company. (b) Participant’s agreement not to provide such services applies regardless of whether Participant does so as an employee, owner, partner, principal, advisor, independent contractor, consultant, agent, officer, director, investor, or shareholder. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Participant’s ownership of less than 1% of the outstanding shares of a publicly traded company that constitutes a competitor as described in Section 2(a) above shall not be deemed to be providing services to such competitor solely by virtue of owning such shares. (c) For purposes of this RC Agreement, the business of the Company is as follows: (i) If Participant was employed with or provided services to ADT LLC at any time during the twelve (12) months immediately preceding termination of employment or services, then the business of the Company is to sell, install, monitor and/or maintain security, fire, life safety and automation equipment and services for residential and small business premises, including burglar alarm systems, security cameras, home automation and access control systems, as well as intrusion, temperature, flood, fire, smoke, carbon monoxide, emergency, medical alert and fall detection monitoring and response services. (ii) If Participant was employed with or providing services to ADT Commercial LLC at any time during the twelve (12) months immediately preceding termination of employment or services, then the business of the Company is to sell, install, monitor and/or maintain security, fire, and life safety services and to provide risk consulting solutions for commercial, governmental and other institutional settings, including burglar alarm systems, security cameras, and fire suppression and access control systems, as well as response services. (iii) If Participant was employed with or providing services to both ADT LLC and ADT Commercial LLC at any time during the twelve (12) months immediately preceding termination of employment or services, either simultaneously or at different times during that time period, then the business of the Company is both the definitions set forth in sections 1(c)(i) and (ii) above.

A-3 (iv) Participant acknowledges that Participant is familiar with the business of the Company sufficiently to understand the nature of the Company’s business and that no further definition of the business of the Company is necessary. (d) “Restricted Territory” is defined as follows: (i) If Participant last worked for or provided services to the Company in Louisiana, “Restricted Territory” means any of the following Parishes in Louisiana: Plaquemines, Jefferson, St. Bernard, Orleans, St. Charles, St. John the Baptist, St. James, Lafourche, Terrebonne, St. Tammany, St. Mary, Assumption, Ascension, Livingston, Tangipahoa, Washington, St. Helen, East Feliciana, West Feliciana, East Baton Rouge, West Baton Rouge, Iberville, Pointe Coupee, Iberia, Vermilion, Lafayette, St. Martin, Acadia, St. Landry, Jefferson Davis, Cameron, Calcasieu, Beauregard, Allen, Evangeline, Avoyelles, Rapides, Vernon, Concordia, Catahoula, LaSalle, Grant, Natchitoches, Sabine, DeSoto, Red River, Winn, Catahoula, Tensas, Franklin, Madison, Richland, Ouachita, Jackson, Bienville, Lincoln, Caddo, Bossier, Webster, Claiborne, Union, Morehouse, West Carrol, East Carrol. (ii) If Participant last worked for or provided services to the Company in South Dakota or any other state, territory or District, “Restricted Territory” means the geographic area or areas for which Employee was responsible at any time during the twelve (12) months immediately preceding Employee’s termination of employment with the Company. 3. Non-Solicitation Covenant – ADT Personnel (a) Participant agrees that, during Participant’s employment or service with the Company and for the greater of (a) the period commencing with the date of the Participant’s Retirement from employment or service through the final Vesting Date, or (b) the one (1) year period after separation of Participant’s employment or service with the Company (the “Non- Solicit Period”), Participant will not, in the Restricted Territory, directly or indirectly, on Participant’s own behalf or on behalf of another: (i) solicit, recruit, aid, or induce any Company Personnel to leave their employment with the Company in order to accept employment with or render services to another person or entity unaffiliated with the Company, or knowingly take any action to assist or aid any other person or entity in identifying, soliciting, recruiting, inducing or hiring any such Company Personnel; or (ii) otherwise interfere with the relationship of the Company with any Company Personnel. (b) Participant agrees that during the Non-Solicit Period, Participant shall not, directly or indirectly, engage in any conduct intended or reasonably calculated to induce or urge any Participant or contractor of the Company to discontinue, in whole or in part, his/her employment relationship or engagement with the Company. A-4 (c) “Company Personnel” means any person who was employed by the Company and with whom Participant had direct contact for business purposes during the twelve (12) month period prior to Participant’s last day of employment or service with the Company. 4. Non-Solicitation Covenant – Customer (a) Participant agrees that, during Participant’s employment or service with the Company, and during the Non-Solicit Period, Participant will not, in the Restricted Territory, directly or indirectly, on Participant’s own behalf or on behalf of another: (i) solicit, aid, or induce any Customer of the Company to purchase goods or services then sold by the Company from another person or entity, or assist or aid any other persons or entity in identifying or soliciting any such Customer(s); or (ii) otherwise interfere with the relationship of the Company with any of their Participants, customers, vendors, agents, or representatives. (b) “Customer(s)” means an existing customer (person or entity) of the Company that Participant, directly or indirectly (e.g., through employees whom Participant supervised), called upon, solicited, or worked with at any time during the twelve (12) month period prior to Participant’s last day of employment or service with the Company. (c) Participant acknowledges that as a result of Participant’s employment or service with the Company, Participant will be acting as a representative of the Company and will be using the Company’s assets and resources, and will be benefiting from the Company’s goodwill, name recognition, reputation, and experience in regard to these Customers, and Participant will gain Confidential Information about Company Customers, and consequently, the covenants set forth above are reasonable and necessary to protect the Company’s legitimate business interests. Participant agrees that the covenants in this paragraph will apply to all Customers as defined above, even if the identity of certain Customers of the Company may be publicly known, and even if Participant knew or had previous dealings with one or more such Customers prior to Participant’s employment with the Company. 5. Injunctive Relief; Expedited Discovery (a) In the event that Participant breaches or threatens to breach, or the Company reasonably believes Participant is about to breach, any of the restrictive covenants in this RC Agreement, the Company will be entitled to injunctive relief, in addition to any other rights or remedies to which the Company may be entitled in law or equity. Participant agrees that the Company will suffer immediate and irreparable harm and that money damages will not be adequate to compensate the Company or to preserve the status quo. Therefore, Participant consents to the issuance of a temporary restraining order and other injunctive relief necessary to enforce this RC Agreement. (b) Participant agrees that the duration of any injunction shall be increased in an amount equal to any period of time during which Participant failed to comply with the covenants A-5 contained in this RC Agreement, but in no event longer than 24 months from the date of Participant’s termination of employment of services with the Company. (c) Participant and the Company agree that any application for temporary restraining order and/or temporary or preliminary injunctive relief shall be adjudicated exclusively in a court of competent jurisdiction, even if Participant and the Company are parties to an arbitration agreement that otherwise includes disputes under this RC Agreement. Participant agrees that the injunctive relief to which Participant consents hereinabove, under the circumstances addressed in this section, shall be granted by a court of competent jurisdiction pending arbitration on the merits in order to preserve the status quo pending such arbitration. 6. Notice of Restrictive Covenants Participant agrees that Participant will tell any prospective new employer, partner in a business venture, investors and/or any entity seeking to engage Participant’s services, prior to accepting employment, engagement as a consultant or contractor, or engaging in a business venture, that this RC Agreement exists. Participant agrees to provide a true and correct copy of this RC Agreement to any such individual or entity prior to accepting any such employment or entering into any such engagement or business venture. Participant further authorizes the Company to provide a copy of this RC Agreement to any such entity(ies) or individual(s). 7. Modification & Severability If any section, provision, paragraph, phrase, word, and/or line (collectively “Provision”) of this RC Agreement is held to be unenforceable, then the invalidity or unenforceability of any Provision of this RC Agreement shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining Provisions, which shall be enforced as if the offending Provision had not been included in this RC Agreement. It is the intention of the parties that, if any court or other tribunal construes any provision or clause of this RC Agreement, or any portion thereof, to be illegal, void or unenforceable because of the duration of such provision or the area or matter covered thereby, such court shall reduce the duration, area, or matter of such provision to the extent permitted by law, and, in its reduced form, such provision shall then be enforceable and shall be enforced. 8. Choice of Law, Jurisdiction & Venue This RC Agreement will be governed by, construed, interpreted, and its validity determined under the law of the State, District or Territory of the United States in which Participant last worked or provided services for the Company, without regard to such jurisdiction’s conflicts of laws principles. Such law shall govern regardless of the court or arbitration forum in which a dispute may be adjudicated. 9. Binding Effect & Assignability This RC Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective heirs, personal representatives, successors, assigns, affiliated entities, and A-6 any party-in-interest. Participant agrees that, should the Company be acquired by, merge with, or otherwise combine with another corporation or business entity, the surviving entity will have all rights to enforce the terms of this RC Agreement as if it were the Company itself enforcing the RC Agreement. Participant further agrees that the Company may assign, and hereby consents to assignment of, this RC Agreement to any affiliate of the Company. Participant agrees that such an assignment is deemed to have been made without any further documentation in the event Participant moves from employment or services with one Company affiliate to another. 10. Attorneys’ Fees & Acknowledgements Participant and the Company agree that in any legal proceeding to enforce this RC Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to reimbursement of its actual costs and expenses, including without limitation reasonable attorneys’ fees, costs, and disbursements. Participant acknowledges and understands that the Company hereby advises that Participant should consult with an attorney prior to entering into the RC Agreement. Participant’s signature to the 2018 Omnibus Incentive Plan Award Agreement, to which this RC Agreement is an exhibit, constitutes Participant’s acceptance of and agreement to comply in full with this RC Agreement, as set forth on the signature page to the 2018 Omnibus Incentive Plan Award Agreement.

V9 – CO Version A-1 Exhibit A to ADT, Inc. 2018 Omnibus Incentive Plan Award Agreement RESTRICTIVE COVENANT AGREEMENT By accepting the grant of equity hereunder, in addition to any other representations, warranties, and covenants set forth this Restrictive Covenant Agreement (“RC Agreement”), the Omnibus Incentive Plan Participant (the “Participant”) agrees to be subject to and comply with the following covenants. For purposes of this RC Agreement, “the Company” includes ADT Inc. and its Subsidiaries and Affiliates. 1. Confidentiality and Trade Secrets (a) Participant hereby agrees that during Participant’s employment or service with the Company, and thereafter, Participant will not use or disclose “Confidential Information” related to any business of the Company. (b) As used in this RC Agreement, “Confidential Information” means any information or material, not generally known to the public, which may include, for example and without limitation, information and materials, in spoken, printed, electronic, or any other form or medium, relating or pertaining to the Company’s finances, accounting, business plans, strategic plans, personnel and management, development and projects, marketing plans, sales, products and services, pricing or pricing strategies, customer names and addresses and price lists, customer or prospective customer lists, other customer information (including, without limitation, customer methods of operation, requirements, preferences and history of dealings with the Company), vendor lists, vendor information (including, without limitation, their history of dealings with the Company), Participant files, skills, performance and qualifications of the Company’s personnel, other confidential information and trade secrets, secret formulations, techniques, methods, processes, technical information, inventions (whether patented or unpatented), copyrights, know-how, algorithms, computer programs, computer codes and related documentation, processes, research, development, licenses, permits, and compilations of any of the foregoing information relating to the actual or anticipated business of the Company, and confidential information of third parties which is given to the Company pursuant to an obligation or agreement to keep such information confidential. “Confidential Information” does not include information regarding Participants’ terms and conditions of employment or other rights protected under the National Labor Relations Act. (c) Participant understands and agrees that Participant’s agreement not to use or disclose Confidential Information and trade secrets includes, but is not limited to, that Participant will not, directly or indirectly: (i) use Company trade secrets to identify or target existing customers for Participant’s own personal benefit or the benefit of any other firm or entity; (ii) use trade secrets to facilitate the solicitation, for Participant’s own personal benefit or the benefit of any other firm or entity, of any existing customers; and/or (iii) use trade secrets to otherwise unfairly compete with the Company. (d) Permitted Disclosures. A-2 (i) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, pursuant to United States federal law as set forth in 18 USC Section 1833(b), Participant understands that Participant shall not be held criminally or civilly liable under any federal or state trade secret law for the disclosure of any Confidential Information that is a trade secret that is made: (1) confidentially to a federal, state, or local government official, either directly or indirectly, or to an attorney, and solely for the purpose of reporting or investigating a suspected violation of law; or (2) in a complaint or other document filed in a lawsuit or other proceeding, if such filing is made under seal. If Participant files a lawsuit for retaliation by Employer for reporting a suspected violation of law, Participant may disclose such trade secrets to Participant’s attorney and use the trade secret information in related court proceedings, provided that Participant files any document containing the trade secret information under seal and does not disclose the trade secret, except pursuant to court order. (ii) The foregoing sections 1(a)-(c) will not apply to information that (i) arises from Participant’s general training, knowledge, skill, or expertise, whether gained on the job or otherwise; (ii) was known to the public prior to its disclosure to Participant; (iii) becomes known to the public subsequent to disclosure to Participant through no wrongful act of Participant or any representative of Participant; (iv) Participant has a right to disclose as legally protected conduct; or (v) Participant is required to disclose by applicable law, regulation or legal process (provided that Participant provides the Employer with prior notice of the contemplated disclosure and reasonably cooperates with the Employer at its expense in seeking a protective order or other appropriate protection of such information). Despite clauses (ii) and (iii) of the preceding sentence, Participant’s obligation to maintain such disclosed information in confidence will not terminate where only portions of the information are in the public domain. 2. Non-Competition Covenant (a) Participant agrees that, during Participant’s employment or service with the Company, and for the greater of (a) the period commencing with the date of the Participant’s Retirement from employment or service through the final Vesting Date, or (b) the one (1) year period after separation of Participant’s employment or service with the Company (the “Non- Compete Period”), Participant will not directly or indirectly, own, manage, operate, control (including indirectly through a debt or equity investment), provide services to, or be employed by, any person or entity engaged in any business that is both: (i) located in, or provides services or products to, a region with respect to which Participant had substantial responsibilities during the twenty-four (24) months preceding Participant’s separation of employment or services with the Company; and (ii) competitive with either (A) the line of business or businesses of the Company that Participant was employed with during the twenty-four (24) months preceding Participant’s separation of employment or services with the Company (including any prospective business to be developed or acquired that was proposed at the date of separation), or (B) any other business of the Company with respect to which A-3 Participant had substantial exposure during the twenty-four (24) months preceding Participant’s separation of employment or services with the Company. (b) Participant’s agreement not to provide such services applies regardless of whether Participant does so as an employee, owner, partner, principal, advisor, independent contractor, consultant, agent, officer, director, investor, or shareholder. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Participant’s ownership of less than 1% of the outstanding shares of a publicly traded company that constitutes a competitor as described in Section 2(a) above shall not be deemed to be providing services to such competitor solely by virtue of owning such shares. 3. Non-Solicitation Covenant – ADT Personnel (a) Participant agrees that, during Participant’s employment or service with the Company and for the greater of (a) the period commencing with the date of the Participant’s Retirement from employment or service through the final Vesting Date, or (b) the two (2) year period after separation of Participant’s employment or service with the Company (the “Non- Solicit Period”), Participant will not, directly or indirectly, on Participant’s own behalf or on behalf of another, solicit any Company Personnel to leave their employment with the Company. (b) “Company Personnel” means any person who was employed by the Company during the twenty-four (24) month period prior to Participant’s last day of employment or service with the Company, (i) with whom Participant had direct contact for business purposes, or (ii) whom Participant knew about because of Participant’s access to the Company’s Confidential Information or trade secrets. 4. Non-Solicitation Covenant – Customer (a) Participant agrees that, during Participant’s employment or service with the Company, and during the Non-Solicit Period, Participant will not directly or indirectly, on Participant’s own behalf or on behalf of another, solicit, aid, or induce any Customer of the Company to purchase goods or services then sold by the Company from another person or entity, or assist or aid any other persons or entity in identifying or soliciting any such Customer(s). (b) “Customer(s)” means a customer (person or entity) of the Company that Participant, directly or indirectly (e.g., through employees whom Participant supervised), called upon, solicited, worked with, or became acquainted with at any time during the twenty-four (24) month period prior to Participant’s last day of employment or service with the Company. (c) Participant acknowledges that as a result of Participant’s employment or service with the Company, Participant will gain trade secret information about Company Customers, and consequently, the covenants set forth above are reasonable and necessary to protect the Company’s legitimate business interests. 5. Injunctive Relief; Expedited Discovery (a) In the event that Participant breaches or threatens to breach, or the Company reasonably believes Participant is about to breach, any of the restrictive covenants in this RC A-4 Agreement, the Company will be entitled to injunctive relief, in addition to any other rights or remedies to which the Company may be entitled in law or equity. Participant agrees that the Company will suffer immediate and irreparable harm and that money damages will not be adequate to compensate the Company or to preserve the status quo. Therefore, Participant consents to the issuance of a temporary restraining order and other injunctive relief necessary to enforce this RC Agreement. (b) Participant agrees that the duration of any injunction shall be increased in an amount equal to any period of time during which Participant failed to comply with the covenants contained in this RC Agreement. (c) Participant and the Company agree that any application for temporary restraining order and/or temporary or preliminary injunctive relief shall be adjudicated exclusively in a court of competent jurisdiction, even if Participant and the Company are parties to an arbitration agreement that otherwise includes disputes under this RC Agreement. Participant agrees that the injunctive relief to which Participant consents hereinabove, under the circumstances addressed in this section, shall be granted by a court of competent jurisdiction pending arbitration on the merits in order to preserve the status quo pending such arbitration. 6. Notice of Restrictive Covenants Participant agrees that Participant will tell any prospective new employer, partner in a business venture, investors and/or any entity seeking to engage Participant’s services, prior to accepting employment, engagement as a consultant or contractor, or engaging in a business venture, that this RC Agreement exists. Participant agrees to provide a true and correct copy of this RC Agreement to any such individual or entity prior to accepting any such employment or entering into any such engagement or business venture. Participant further authorizes the Company to provide a copy of this RC Agreement to any such entity(ies) or individual(s). 7. Modification & Severability If any section, provision, paragraph, phrase, word, and/or line (collectively “Provision”) of this RC Agreement is held to be unenforceable, then this RC Agreement will be deemed amended to the extent necessary to render the otherwise unenforceable Provision, and the rest of this RC Agreement, valid and enforceable. If a court or arbitrator declines to amend this RC Agreement as provided herein, the invalidity or unenforceability of any Provision of this RC Agreement shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining Provisions, which shall be enforced as if the offending Provision had not been included in this RC Agreement. 8. Choice of Law, Jurisdiction & Venue This RC Agreement will be governed by, construed, interpreted, and its validity determined under the law of the State, District or Territory of the United States in which Participant last worked or provided services for the Company, without regard to such jurisdiction’s conflicts of laws principles. Such law shall govern regardless of the court or arbitration forum in which a dispute may be adjudicated.

A-5 9. Binding Effect & Assignability This RC Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective heirs, personal representatives, successors, assigns, affiliated entities, and any party-in-interest. Participant agrees that, should the Company be acquired by, merge with, or otherwise combine with another corporation or business entity, the surviving entity will have all rights to enforce the terms of this RC Agreement as if it were the Company itself enforcing the RC Agreement. Participant further agrees that the Company may assign, and hereby consents to assignment of, this RC Agreement to any affiliate of the Company. Participant agrees that such an assignment is deemed to have been made without any further documentation in the event Participant moves from employment or services with one Company affiliate to another. 10. Attorneys’ Fees & Acknowledgements Participant and the Company agree that in any legal proceeding to enforce this RC Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to reimbursement of its actual costs and expenses, including without limitation reasonable attorneys’ fees, costs, and disbursements. Participant acknowledges and understands that the Company hereby advises that Participant should consult with an attorney prior to entering into the RC Agreement. Participant’s signature to the 2018 Omnibus Incentive Plan Award Agreement, to which this RC Agreement is an exhibit, constitutes Participant’s acceptance of and agreement to comply in full with this RC Agreement, as set forth on the signature page to the 2018 Omnibus Incentive Plan Award Agreement. V10 – Core National Version A-1 Exhibit A to ADT, Inc. 2018 Omnibus Incentive Plan Award Agreement RESTRICTIVE COVENANT AGREEMENT By accepting the grant of equity hereunder, in addition to any other representations, warranties, and covenants set forth this Restrictive Covenant Agreement (“RC Agreement”), the Omnibus Incentive Plan Participant (the “Participant”) agrees to be subject to and comply with the following covenants. For purposes of this RC Agreement, “the Company” includes ADT Inc. and its Subsidiaries and Affiliates. 1. Confidentiality (a) Participant hereby agrees that during Participant’s employment or service with the Company, and thereafter, Participant will not use or disclose “Confidential Information” related to any business of the Company. (b) As used in this RC Agreement, “Confidential Information” means any information or material, not generally known to the public, which may include, for example and without limitation, information and materials, in spoken, printed, electronic, or any other form or medium, relating or pertaining to the Company’s finances, accounting, business plans, strategic plans, personnel and management, development and projects, marketing plans, sales, products and services, pricing or pricing strategies, customer names and addresses and price lists, customer or prospective customer lists, other customer information (including, without limitation, customer methods of operation, requirements, preferences and history of dealings with the Company), vendor lists, vendor information (including, without limitation, their history of dealings with the Company), Participant files, skills, performance and qualifications of the Company’s personnel, other confidential information and trade secrets, secret formulations, techniques, methods, processes, technical information, inventions (whether patented or unpatented), copyrights, know-how, algorithms, computer programs, computer codes and related documentation, processes, research, development, licenses, permits, and compilations of any of the foregoing information relating to the actual or anticipated business of the Company, and confidential information of third parties which is given to the Company pursuant to an obligation or agreement to keep such information confidential. “Confidential Information” does not include information regarding Participants’ terms and conditions of employment or other rights protected under the National Labor Relations Act. (c) Permitted Disclosures: Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, pursuant to United States federal law as set forth in 18 USC Section 1833(b), Participant understands that Participant shall not be held criminally or civilly liable under any federal or state trade secret law for the disclosure of any Confidential Information that is a trade secret that is made: (1) confidentially to a federal, state, or local government official, either directly or indirectly, or to an attorney, and solely for the purpose of reporting or investigating a suspected violation of law; or (2) in a complaint or other document filed in a lawsuit or other proceeding, if such filing is made under seal. If Participant files a lawsuit for retaliation by Employer for reporting a suspected violation of law, Participant may disclose such trade secrets to Participant’s attorney and use the trade secret information in related court proceedings, A-2 provided that Participant files any document containing the trade secret information under seal and does not disclose the trade secret, except pursuant to court order. 2. Non-Solicitation Covenant – ADT Personnel (a) Participant agrees that, during Participant’s employment or service with the Company and for the greater of (a) the period commencing with the date of the Participant’s Retirement from employment or service through the final Vesting Date, or (b) the two (2) year period after separation of Participant’s employment or service with the Company (the “Non- Solicit Period”), Participant will not, directly or indirectly, on Participant’s own behalf or on behalf of another: (i) solicit, recruit, aid, or induce any Company Personnel to leave their employment with the Company in order to accept employment with or render services to another person or entity unaffiliated with the Company, or knowingly take any action to assist or aid any other person or entity in identifying, soliciting, recruiting, inducing or hiring any such Company Personnel; or (ii) otherwise interfere with the relationship of the Company with any Company Personnel. (b) Participant agrees that during the Non-Solicit Period, Participant shall not, directly or indirectly, engage in any conduct intended or reasonably calculated to induce or urge any Participant or contractor of the Company to discontinue, in whole or in part, his/her employment relationship or engagement with the Company. (c) “Company Personnel” means any person who was employed by the Company during the twenty-four (24) month period prior to Participant’s last day of employment or service with the Company and either (i) with whom Participant had direct contact for business purposes, or (ii) whom Participant knew about because of Participant’s access to the Company’s Confidential Information or trade secrets. 3. Non-Solicitation Covenant – Customer (a) Participant agrees that, during Participant’s employment or service with the Company, and during the Non-Solicit Period, Participant will not directly or indirectly, on Participant’s own behalf or on behalf of another: (i) solicit, aid, or induce any Customer of the Company to purchase goods or services then sold by the Company from another person or entity, or assist or aid any other persons or entity in identifying or soliciting any such Customer(s); or (ii) initiate any contact or communication with any Customer regarding any new employment or business affiliation Participant may accept or be intending to accept following separation of Participant’s employment with the Company; or A-3 (iii) otherwise interfere with the relationship of the Company with any of their Participants, customers, vendors, agents, or representatives. (b) “Customer(s)” means a customer (person or entity) of the Company that Participant, directly or indirectly (e.g., through employees whom Participant supervised), called upon, solicited, worked with, or became acquainted with at any time during the twenty-four (24) month period prior to Participant’s last day of employment or service with the Company. (c) Participant acknowledges that as a result of Participant’s employment or service with the Company, Participant will be acting as a representative of the Company and will be using the Company’s assets and resources, and will be benefiting from the Company’s goodwill, name recognition, reputation, and experience in regard to these Customers, and Participant will gain Confidential Information about Company Customers, and consequently, the covenants set forth above are reasonable and necessary to protect the Company’s legitimate business interests. Participant agrees that the covenants in this paragraph will apply to all Customers as defined above, even if the identity of certain Customers of the Company may be publicly known, and even if Participant knew or had previous dealings with one or more such Customers prior to Participant’s employment with the Company. 4. Injunctive Relief; Expedited Discovery (a) In the event that Participant breaches or threatens to breach, or the Company reasonably believes Participant is about to breach, any of the restrictive covenants in this RC Agreement, the Company will be entitled to injunctive relief, in addition to any other rights or remedies to which the Company may be entitled in law or equity. Participant agrees that the Company will suffer immediate and irreparable harm and that money damages will not be adequate to compensate the Company or to preserve the status quo. Therefore, Participant consents to the issuance of a temporary restraining order and other injunctive relief necessary to enforce this RC Agreement. (b) Participant agrees that the duration of any injunction shall be increased in an amount equal to any period of time during which Participant failed to comply with the covenants contained in this RC Agreement. (c) Participant and the Company agree that any application for temporary restraining order and/or temporary or preliminary injunctive relief shall be adjudicated exclusively in a court of competent jurisdiction, even if Participant and the Company are parties to an arbitration agreement that otherwise includes disputes under this RC Agreement. Participant agrees that the injunctive relief to which Participant consents hereinabove, under the circumstances addressed in this section, shall be granted by a court of competent jurisdiction pending arbitration on the merits in order to preserve the status quo pending such arbitration. 5. Notice of Restrictive Covenants Participant agrees that Participant will tell any prospective new employer, partner in a business venture, investors and/or any entity seeking to engage Participant’s services, prior to accepting employment, engagement as a consultant or contractor, or engaging in a business

A-4 venture, that this RC Agreement exists. Participant agrees to provide a true and correct copy of this RC Agreement to any such individual or entity prior to accepting any such employment or entering into any such engagement or business venture. Participant further authorizes the Company to provide a copy of this RC Agreement to any such entity(ies) or individual(s). 6. Modification & Severability If any section, provision, paragraph, phrase, word, and/or line (collectively “Provision”) of this RC Agreement is held to be unenforceable, then this RC Agreement will be deemed amended to the extent necessary to render the otherwise unenforceable Provision, and the rest of this RC Agreement, valid and enforceable. If a court or arbitrator declines to amend this RC Agreement as provided herein, the invalidity or unenforceability of any Provision of this RC Agreement shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining Provisions, which shall be enforced as if the offending Provision had not been included in this RC Agreement. 7. Choice of Law, Jurisdiction & Venue This RC Agreement will be governed by, construed, interpreted, and its validity determined under the law of the State, District or Territory of the United States in which Participant last worked or provided services for the Company, without regard to such jurisdiction’s conflicts of laws principles. Such law shall govern regardless of the court or arbitration forum in which a dispute may be adjudicated. 8. Binding Effect & Assignability This RC Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective heirs, personal representatives, successors, assigns, affiliated entities, and any party-in-interest. Participant agrees that, should the Company be acquired by, merge with, or otherwise combine with another corporation or business entity, the surviving entity will have all rights to enforce the terms of this RC Agreement as if it were the Company itself enforcing the RC Agreement. Participant further agrees that the Company may assign, and hereby consents to assignment of, this RC Agreement to any affiliate of the Company. Participant agrees that such an assignment is deemed to have been made without any further documentation in the event Participant moves from employment or services with one Company affiliate to another. 9. Attorneys’ Fees & Acknowledgements Participant and the Company agree that in any legal proceeding to enforce this RC Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to reimbursement of its actual costs and expenses, including without limitation reasonable attorneys’ fees, costs, and disbursements. Participant acknowledges and understands that the Company hereby advises that Participant should consult with an attorney prior to entering into the RC Agreement. Participant’s signature to the 2018 Omnibus Incentive Plan Award Agreement, to which this RC Agreement is an exhibit, constitutes Participant’s acceptance of and agreement to A-5 comply in full with this RC Agreement, as set forth on the signature page to the 2018 Omnibus Incentive Plan Award Agreement. V11 – Blue Pencil Version A-1 Exhibit A to ADT, Inc. 2018 Omnibus Incentive Plan Award Agreement RESTRICTIVE COVENANT AGREEMENT By accepting the grant of equity hereunder, in addition to any other representations, warranties, and covenants set forth this Restrictive Covenant Agreement (“RC Agreement”), the Omnibus Incentive Plan Participant (the “Participant”) agrees to be subject to and comply with the following covenants. For purposes of this RC Agreement, “the Company” includes ADT Inc. and its Subsidiaries and Affiliates. 1. Confidentiality (a) Participant hereby agrees that during Participant’s employment or service with the Company, and thereafter, Participant will not use or disclose “Confidential Information” related to any business of the Company. (b) As used in this RC Agreement, “Confidential Information” means any information or material, not generally known to the public, which may include, for example and without limitation, information and materials, in spoken, printed, electronic, or any other form or medium, relating or pertaining to the Company’s finances, accounting, business plans, strategic plans, personnel and management, development and projects, marketing plans, sales, products and services, pricing or pricing strategies, customer names and addresses and price lists, customer or prospective customer lists, other customer information (including, without limitation, customer methods of operation, requirements, preferences and history of dealings with the Company), vendor lists, vendor information (including, without limitation, their history of dealings with the Company), Participant files, skills, performance and qualifications of the Company’s personnel, other confidential information and trade secrets, secret formulations, techniques, methods, processes, technical information, inventions (whether patented or unpatented), copyrights, know-how, algorithms, computer programs, computer codes and related documentation, processes, research, development, licenses, permits, and compilations of any of the foregoing information relating to the actual or anticipated business of the Company, and confidential information of third parties which is given to the Company pursuant to an obligation or agreement to keep such information confidential. “Confidential Information” does not include information regarding Participants’ terms and conditions of employment or other rights protected under the National Labor Relations Act. (c) Permitted Disclosures: Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, pursuant to United States federal law as set forth in 18 USC Section 1833(b), Participant understands that Participant shall not be held criminally or civilly liable under any federal or state trade secret law for the disclosure of any Confidential Information that is a trade secret that is made: (1) confidentially to a federal, state, or local government official, either directly or indirectly, or to an attorney, and solely for the purpose of reporting or investigating a suspected violation of law; or (2) in a complaint or other document filed in a lawsuit or other proceeding, if such filing is made under seal. If Participant files a lawsuit for retaliation by Employer for reporting a suspected violation of law, Participant may disclose such trade secrets to Participant’s attorney and use the trade secret information in related court proceedings, A-2 provided that Participant files any document containing the trade secret information under seal and does not disclose the trade secret, except pursuant to court order. 2. Non-Solicitation Covenant – ADT Personnel (a) Participant agrees that, during Participant’s employment or service with the Company and for the greater of (a) the period commencing with the date of the Participant’s Retirement from employment or service through the final Vesting Date, or (b) the one(1) year period after separation of Participant’s employment or service with the Company (the “Non- Solicit Period”), Participant will not, directly or indirectly, on Participant’s own behalf or on behalf of another: (i) solicit, recruit, aid, or induce any Company Personnel to leave their employment with the Company in order to accept employment with or render services to another person or entity unaffiliated with the Company, or knowingly take any action to assist or aid any other person or entity in identifying, soliciting, recruiting, inducing or hiring any such Company Personnel; or (ii) otherwise interfere with the relationship of the Company with any Company Personnel. (b) Participant agrees that during the Non-Solicit Period, Participant shall not, directly or indirectly, engage in any conduct intended or reasonably calculated to induce or urge any Participant or contractor of the Company to discontinue, in whole or in part, his/her employment relationship or engagement with the Company. (c) “Company Personnel” means any person who was employed by the Company during the twelve (12) month period prior to Participant’s last day of employment or service with the Company and with whom Participant had direct contact for business purposes. 3. Non-Solicitation Covenant – Customer (a) Participant agrees that, during Participant’s employment or service with the Company, and during the Non-Solicit Period, Participant will not directly or indirectly, on Participant’s own behalf or on behalf of another: (i) solicit, aid, or induce any Customer of the Company to purchase goods or services then sold by the Company from another person or entity, or assist or aid any other persons or entity in identifying or soliciting any such Customer(s); or (ii) otherwise interfere with the relationship of the Company with any of their Participants, customers, vendors, agents, or representatives. (b) “Customer(s)” means an existing customer (person or entity) of the Company that Participant, directly or indirectly (e.g., through employees whom Participant supervised), called upon, solicited, or worked with at any time during the twelve (12) month period prior to Participant’s last day of employment or service with the Company.

A-3 (c) Participant acknowledges that as a result of Participant’s employment or service with the Company, Participant will be acting as a representative of the Company and will be using the Company’s assets and resources, and will be benefiting from the Company’s goodwill, name recognition, reputation, and experience in regard to these Customers, and Participant will gain Confidential Information about Company Customers, and consequently, the covenants set forth above are reasonable and necessary to protect the Company’s legitimate business interests. Participant agrees that the covenants in this paragraph will apply to all Customers as defined above, even if the identity of certain Customers of the Company may be publicly known, and even if Participant knew or had previous dealings with one or more such Customers prior to Participant’s employment with the Company. 4. Injunctive Relief; Expedited Discovery (a) In the event that Participant breaches or threatens to breach, or the Company reasonably believes Participant is about to breach, any of the restrictive covenants in this RC Agreement, the Company will be entitled to injunctive relief, in addition to any other rights or remedies to which the Company may be entitled in law or equity. Participant agrees that the Company will suffer immediate and irreparable harm and that money damages will not be adequate to compensate the Company or to preserve the status quo. Therefore, Participant consents to the issuance of a temporary restraining order and other injunctive relief necessary to enforce this RC Agreement. (b) Participant agrees that the duration of any injunction shall be increased in an amount equal to any period of time during which Participant failed to comply with the covenants contained in this RC Agreement. (c) Participant and the Company agree that any application for temporary restraining order and/or temporary or preliminary injunctive relief shall be adjudicated exclusively in a court of competent jurisdiction, even if Participant and the Company are parties to an arbitration agreement that otherwise includes disputes under this RC Agreement. Participant agrees that the injunctive relief to which Participant consents hereinabove, under the circumstances addressed in this section, shall be granted by a court of competent jurisdiction pending arbitration on the merits in order to preserve the status quo pending such arbitration. 5. Notice of Restrictive Covenants Participant agrees that Participant will tell any prospective new employer, partner in a business venture, investors and/or any entity seeking to engage Participant’s services, prior to accepting employment, engagement as a consultant or contractor, or engaging in a business venture, that this RC Agreement exists. Participant agrees to provide a true and correct copy of this RC Agreement to any such individual or entity prior to accepting any such employment or entering into any such engagement or business venture. Participant further authorizes the Company to provide a copy of this RC Agreement to any such entity(ies) or individual(s). A-4 6. Modification & Severability If any section, provision, paragraph, phrase, word, and/or line (collectively “Provision”) of this RC Agreement is held to be unenforceable, then the invalidity or unenforceability of any Provision of this RC Agreement shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining Provisions, which shall be enforced as if the offending Provision had not been included in this RC Agreement. It is the intention of the parties that, if any court or arbitrator construes any provision or clause of this RC Agreement, or any portion thereof, to be illegal, void or unenforceable because of the duration of such provision or the area or matter covered thereby, such court shall reduce the duration, area, or matter of such provision to the extent permitted by law, and, in its reduced form, such provision shall then be enforceable and shall be enforced. 7. Choice of Law, Jurisdiction & Venue This RC Agreement will be governed by, construed, interpreted, and its validity determined under the law of the State, District or Territory of the United States in which Participant last worked or provided services for the Company, without regard to such jurisdiction’s conflicts of laws principles. Such law shall govern regardless of the court or arbitration forum in which a dispute may be adjudicated. 8. Binding Effect & Assignability This RC Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective heirs, personal representatives, successors, assigns, affiliated entities, and any party-in-interest. Participant agrees that, should the Company be acquired by, merge with, or otherwise combine with another corporation or business entity, the surviving entity will have all rights to enforce the terms of this RC Agreement as if it were the Company itself enforcing the RC Agreement. Participant further agrees that the Company may assign, and hereby consents to assignment of, this RC Agreement to any affiliate of the Company. Participant agrees that such an assignment is deemed to have been made without any further documentation in the event Participant moves from employment or services with one Company affiliate to another. 9. Attorneys’ Fees & Acknowledgements Participant and the Company agree that in any legal proceeding to enforce this RC Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to reimbursement of its actual costs and expenses, including without limitation reasonable attorneys’ fees, costs, and disbursements. Participant acknowledges and understands that the Company hereby advises that Participant should consult with an attorney prior to entering into the RC Agreement. Participant’s signature to the 2018 Omnibus Incentive Plan Award Agreement, to which this RC Agreement is an exhibit, constitutes Participant’s acceptance of and agreement to A-5 comply in full with this RC Agreement, as set forth on the signature page to the 2018 Omnibus Incentive Plan Award Agreement. V12 – Red Pencil Version (NE,VA,WY) A-1 Exhibit A to ADT, Inc. 2018 Omnibus Incentive Plan Award Agreement RESTRICTIVE COVENANT AGREEMENT By accepting the grant of equity hereunder, in addition to any other representations, warranties, and covenants set forth this Restrictive Covenant Agreement (“RC Agreement”), the Omnibus Incentive Plan Participant (the “Participant”) agrees to be subject to and comply with the following covenants. For purposes of this RC Agreement, “the Company” includes ADT Inc. and its Subsidiaries and Affiliates. 1. Confidentiality (a) Participant hereby agrees that during Participant’s employment or service with the Company, and thereafter, Participant will not use or disclose “Confidential Information” related to any business of the Company. (b) As used in this RC Agreement, “Confidential Information” means any information or material, not generally known to the public, which may include, for example and without limitation, information and materials, in spoken, printed, electronic, or any other form or medium, relating or pertaining to the Company’s finances, accounting, business plans, strategic plans, personnel and management, development and projects, marketing plans, sales, products and services, pricing or pricing strategies, customer names and addresses and price lists, customer or prospective customer lists, other customer information (including, without limitation, customer methods of operation, requirements, preferences and history of dealings with the Company), vendor lists, vendor information (including, without limitation, their history of dealings with the Company), Participant files, skills, performance and qualifications of the Company’s personnel, other confidential information and trade secrets, secret formulations, techniques, methods, processes, technical information, inventions (whether patented or unpatented), copyrights, know-how, algorithms, computer programs, computer codes and related documentation, processes, research, development, licenses, permits, and compilations of any of the foregoing information relating to the actual or anticipated business of the Company, and confidential information of third parties which is given to the Company pursuant to an obligation or agreement to keep such information confidential. “Confidential Information” does not include information regarding Participants’ terms and conditions of employment or other rights protected under the National Labor Relations Act. (c) Permitted Disclosures: Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, pursuant to United States federal law as set forth in 18 USC Section 1833(b), Participant understands that Participant shall not be held criminally or civilly liable under any federal or state trade secret law for the disclosure of any Confidential Information that is a trade secret that is made: (1) confidentially to a federal, state, or local government official, either directly or indirectly, or to an attorney, and solely for the purpose of reporting or investigating a suspected violation of law; or (2) in a complaint or other document filed in a lawsuit or other proceeding, if such filing is made under seal. If Participant files a lawsuit for retaliation by Employer for reporting a suspected violation of law, Participant may disclose such trade secrets to Participant’s attorney and use the trade secret information in related court proceedings,

A-2 provided that Participant files any document containing the trade secret information under seal and does not disclose the trade secret, except pursuant to court order. 2. Non-Solicitation Covenant – ADT Personnel Participant agrees that, during Participant’s employment or service with the Company and for the greater of (a) the period commencing with the date of the Participant’s Retirement from employment or service through the final Vesting Date, or (b) the one (1) year period after separation of Participant’s employment or service with the Company (the “Non-Solicit Period”), Participant will not solicit any current employee of the Company with whom Employee had personal contact during the 18 months immediately preceding Employee’s last day of employment with the Company. 3. Non-Solicitation Covenant – Customer (a) Participant agrees that, during Participant’s employment or service with the Company, and during the Non-Solicit Period, Participant will not solicit any Customers. (b) “Customer(s)” means a current customer (person or entity) of the Company with which Participant actually did business and had personal contact during the 18 months immediately preceding Participant’s last day of employment or service with the Company. (c) Participant acknowledges that as a result of Participant’s employment or service with the Company, Participant will be acting as a representative of the Company and will be using the Company’s assets and resources, and will be benefiting from the Company’s goodwill, name recognition, reputation, and experience in regard to these Customers, and Participant will gain Confidential Information about Company Customers, and consequently, the covenants set forth above are reasonable and necessary to protect the Company’s legitimate business interests. 4. Separate and Severable Covenants The restrictive covenants set forth in Sections 2 and 3 above are intended by the Parties to be separate and severable covenants. If either Section 2 or Section 3 is held to be unenforceable, the invalidity or unenforceability of that Section shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining Section, which shall be enforced as if the offending Section had not been included in this Agreement. 5. Choice of Law, Jurisdiction & Venue This RC Agreement will be governed by, construed, interpreted, and its validity determined under the law of the State, District or Territory of the United States in which Participant last worked or provided services for the Company, without regard to such jurisdiction’s conflicts of laws principles. Such law shall govern regardless of the court or arbitration forum in which a dispute may be adjudicated. A-3 6. Binding Effect & Assignability This RC Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective heirs, personal representatives, successors, assigns, affiliated entities, and any party-in-interest. Participant agrees that, should the Company be acquired by, merge with, or otherwise combine with another corporation or business entity, the surviving entity will have all rights to enforce the terms of this RC Agreement as if it were the Company itself enforcing the RC Agreement. Participant further agrees that the Company may assign, and hereby consents to assignment of, this RC Agreement to any affiliate of the Company. Participant agrees that such an assignment is deemed to have been made without any further documentation in the event Participant moves from employment or services with one Company affiliate to another. 7. Attorneys’ Fees & Acknowledgements Participant and the Company agree that in any legal proceeding to enforce this RC Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to reimbursement of its actual costs and expenses, including without limitation reasonable attorneys’ fees, costs, and disbursements. Participant acknowledges and understands that the Company hereby advises that Participant should consult with an attorney prior to entering into the RC Agreement. Participant’s signature to the 2018 Omnibus Incentive Plan Award Agreement, to which this RC Agreement is an exhibit, constitutes Participant’s acceptance of and agreement to comply in full with this RC Agreement, as set forth on the signature page to the 2018 Omnibus Incentive Plan Award Agreement. V13 – CA/ND Version A-1 Exhibit A to ADT, Inc. 2018 Omnibus Incentive Plan Award Agreement RESTRICTIVE COVENANT AGREEMENT By accepting the grant of equity hereunder, in addition to any other representations, warranties, and covenants set forth this Restrictive Covenant Agreement (“RC Agreement”), the Omnibus Incentive Plan Participant (the “Participant”) agrees to be subject to and comply with the following covenants. For purposes of this RC Agreement, “the Company” includes ADT Inc. and its Subsidiaries and Affiliates. 1. Confidentiality and Trade Secrets (a) Participant hereby agrees that during Participant’s employment or service with the Company, and thereafter, Participant will not use or disclose “Confidential Information” related to any business of the Company. (b) As used in this RC Agreement, “Confidential Information” means any information or material, not generally known to the public, which may include, for example and without limitation, information and materials, in spoken, printed, electronic, or any other form or medium, relating or pertaining to the Company’s finances, accounting, business plans, strategic plans, personnel and management, development and projects, marketing plans, sales, products and services, pricing or pricing strategies, customer names and addresses and price lists, customer or prospective customer lists, other customer information (including, without limitation, customer methods of operation, requirements, preferences and history of dealings with the Company), vendor lists, vendor information (including, without limitation, their history of dealings with the Company), Participant files, skills, performance and qualifications of the Company’s personnel, other confidential information and trade secrets, secret formulations, techniques, methods, processes, technical information, inventions (whether patented or unpatented), copyrights, know-how, algorithms, computer programs, computer codes and related documentation, processes, research, development, licenses, permits, and compilations of any of the foregoing information relating to the actual or anticipated business of the Company, and confidential information of third parties which is given to the Company pursuant to an obligation or agreement to keep such information confidential. “Confidential Information” does not include information regarding Participants’ terms and conditions of employment or other rights protected under the National Labor Relations Act. (c) Participant understands and agrees that Participant’s agreement not to use or disclose Confidential Information and trade secrets includes, but is not limited to, that Participant will not, directly or indirectly: (i) use Company trade secrets to identify or target existing customers for Participant’s own personal benefit or the benefit of any other firm or entity; (ii) use trade secrets to facilitate the solicitation, for Participant’s own personal benefit or the benefit of any other firm or entity, of any existing customers; and/or (iii) use trade secrets to otherwise unfairly compete with the Company. (d) Permitted Disclosures: Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, pursuant to United States federal law as set forth in 18 USC Section 1833(b), Participant understands that Participant shall not be held criminally or civilly liable under any A-2 federal or state trade secret law for the disclosure of any Confidential Information that is a trade secret that is made: (1) confidentially to a federal, state, or local government official, either directly or indirectly, or to an attorney, and solely for the purpose of reporting or investigating a suspected violation of law; or (2) in a complaint or other document filed in a lawsuit or other proceeding, if such filing is made under seal. If Participant files a lawsuit for retaliation by Employer for reporting a suspected violation of law, Participant may disclose such trade secrets to Participant’s attorney and use the trade secret information in related court proceedings, provided that Participant files any document containing the trade secret information under seal and does not disclose the trade secret, except pursuant to court order. 2. Non-Solicitation Covenant – ADT Personnel (a) Participant agrees that, during Participant’s employment or service with the Company and for the greater of (a) the period commencing with the date of the Participant’s Retirement from employment or service through the final Vesting Date, or (b) the two (2) year period after separation of Participant’s employment or service with the Company (the “Non- Solicit Period”), Participant will not, directly or indirectly, on Participant’s own behalf or on behalf of another: (i) solicit, recruit, aid, or induce any Company Personnel to leave their employment with the Company in order to accept employment with or render services to another person or entity unaffiliated with the Company, or knowingly take any action to assist or aid any other person or entity in identifying, soliciting, recruiting, inducing or hiring any such Company Personnel; or (ii) otherwise interfere with the relationship of the Company with any Company Personnel. (b) Participant agrees that during the Non-Solicit Period, Participant shall not, directly or indirectly, engage in any conduct intended or reasonably calculated to induce or urge any Participant or contractor of the Company to discontinue, in whole or in part, his/her employment relationship or engagement with the Company. (c) “Company Personnel” means any person who was employed by the Company during the twenty-four (24) month period prior to Participant’s last day of employment or service with the Company, (i) with whom Participant had direct contact for business purposes, or (ii) whom Participant knew about because of Participant’s access to the Company’s Confidential Information or trade secrets. 3. Injunctive Relief; Expedited Discovery (a) In the event that Participant breaches or threatens to breach, or the Company reasonably believes Participant is about to breach, any of the restrictive covenants in this RC Agreement, the Company will be entitled to injunctive relief, in addition to any other rights or remedies to which the Company may be entitled in law or equity. Participant agrees that the Company will suffer immediate and irreparable harm and that money damages will not be adequate to compensate the Company or to preserve the status quo. Therefore, Participant

A-3 consents to the issuance of a temporary restraining order and other injunctive relief necessary to enforce this RC Agreement. (b) Participant agrees that the duration of any injunction shall be increased in an amount equal to any period of time during which Participant failed to comply with the covenants contained in this RC Agreement. (c) Participant and the Company agree that any application for temporary restraining order and/or temporary or preliminary injunctive relief shall be adjudicated exclusively in a court of competent jurisdiction, even if Participant and the Company are parties to an arbitration agreement that otherwise includes disputes under this RC Agreement. Participant agrees that the injunctive relief to which Participant consents hereinabove, under the circumstances addressed in this section, shall be granted by a court of competent jurisdiction pending arbitration on the merits in order to preserve the status quo pending such arbitration. 4. Notice of Restrictive Covenants Participant agrees that Participant will tell any prospective new employer, partner in a business venture, investors and/or any entity seeking to engage Participant’s services, prior to accepting employment, engagement as a consultant or contractor, or engaging in a business venture, that this RC Agreement exists. Participant agrees to provide a true and correct copy of this RC Agreement to any such individual or entity prior to accepting any such employment or entering into any such engagement or business venture. Participant further authorizes the Company to provide a copy of this RC Agreement to any such entity(ies) or individual(s). 5. Modification & Severability If any section, provision, paragraph, phrase, word, and/or line (collectively “Provision”) of this RC Agreement is held to be unenforceable, then this RC Agreement will be deemed amended to the extent necessary to render the otherwise unenforceable Provision, and the rest of this RC Agreement, valid and enforceable. If a court or arbitrator declines to amend this RC Agreement as provided herein, the invalidity or unenforceability of any Provision of this RC Agreement shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining Provisions, which shall be enforced as if the offending Provision had not been included in this RC Agreement. 6. Choice of Law, Jurisdiction & Venue This RC Agreement will be governed by, construed, interpreted, and its validity determined under the law of the State, District or Territory of the United States in which Participant last worked or provided services for the Company, without regard to such jurisdiction’s conflicts of laws principles. Such law shall govern regardless of the court or arbitration forum in which a dispute may be adjudicated. 7. Binding Effect & Assignability This RC Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective heirs, personal representatives, successors, assigns, affiliated entities, and A-4 any party-in-interest. Participant agrees that, should the Company be acquired by, merge with, or otherwise combine with another corporation or business entity, the surviving entity will have all rights to enforce the terms of this RC Agreement as if it were the Company itself enforcing the RC Agreement. Participant further agrees that the Company may assign, and hereby consents to assignment of, this RC Agreement to any affiliate of the Company. Participant agrees that such an assignment is deemed to have been made without any further documentation in the event Participant moves from employment or services with one Company affiliate to another. 8. Attorneys’ Fees & Acknowledgements Participant and the Company agree that in any legal proceeding to enforce this RC Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to reimbursement of its actual costs and expenses, including without limitation reasonable attorneys’ fees, costs, and disbursements. Participant acknowledges and understands that the Company hereby advises that Participant should consult with an attorney prior to entering into the RC Agreement. Participant’s signature to the 2018 Omnibus Incentive Plan Award Agreement, to which this RC Agreement is an exhibit, constitutes Participant’s acceptance of and agreement to comply in full with this RC Agreement, as set forth on the signature page to the 2018 Omnibus Incentive Plan Award Agreement. V14 – LA/SD Version A-1 Exhibit A to ADT, Inc. 2018 Omnibus Incentive Plan Award Agreement RESTRICTIVE COVENANT AGREEMENT By accepting the grant of equity hereunder, in addition to any other representations, warranties, and covenants set forth this Restrictive Covenant Agreement (“RC Agreement”), the Omnibus Incentive Plan Participant (the “Participant”) agrees to be subject to and comply with the following covenants. For purposes of this RC Agreement, “the Company” includes ADT Inc. and its Subsidiaries and Affiliates. 1. Confidentiality (a) Participant hereby agrees that during Participant’s employment or service with the Company, and thereafter, Participant will not use or disclose “Confidential Information” related to any business of the Company. (b) As used in this RC Agreement, “Confidential Information” means any information or material, not generally known to the public, which may include, for example and without limitation, information and materials, in spoken, printed, electronic, or any other form or medium, relating or pertaining to the Company’s finances, accounting, business plans, strategic plans, personnel and management, development and projects, marketing plans, sales, products and services, pricing or pricing strategies, customer names and addresses and price lists, customer or prospective customer lists, other customer information (including, without limitation, customer methods of operation, requirements, preferences and history of dealings with the Company), vendor lists, vendor information (including, without limitation, their history of dealings with the Company), Participant files, skills, performance and qualifications of the Company’s personnel, other confidential information and trade secrets, secret formulations, techniques, methods, processes, technical information, inventions (whether patented or unpatented), copyrights, know-how, algorithms, computer programs, computer codes and related documentation, processes, research, development, licenses, permits, and compilations of any of the foregoing information relating to the actual or anticipated business of the Company, and confidential information of third parties which is given to the Company pursuant to an obligation or agreement to keep such information confidential. “Confidential Information” does not include information regarding Participants’ terms and conditions of employment or other rights protected under the National Labor Relations Act. (c) Permitted Disclosures: Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, pursuant to United States federal law as set forth in 18 USC Section 1833(b), Participant understands that Participant shall not be held criminally or civilly liable under any federal or state trade secret law for the disclosure of any Confidential Information that is a trade secret that is made: (1) confidentially to a federal, state, or local government official, either directly or indirectly, or to an attorney, and solely for the purpose of reporting or investigating a suspected violation of law; or (2) in a complaint or other document filed in a lawsuit or other proceeding, if such filing is made under seal. If Participant files a lawsuit for retaliation by Employer for reporting a suspected violation of law, Participant may disclose such trade secrets to Participant’s attorney and use the trade secret information in related court proceedings, A-2 provided that Participant files any document containing the trade secret information under seal and does not disclose the trade secret, except pursuant to court order. 2. Non-Solicitation Covenant – ADT Personnel (a) Participant agrees that, during Participant’s employment or service with the Company and for the greater of (a) the period commencing with the date of the Participant’s Retirement from employment or service through the final Vesting Date, or (b) the one (1) year period after separation of Participant’s employment or service with the Company (the “Non- Solicit Period”), Participant will not, in the Restricted Territory, directly or indirectly, on Participant’s own behalf or on behalf of another: (i) solicit, recruit, aid, or induce any Company Personnel to leave their employment with the Company in order to accept employment with or render services to another person or entity unaffiliated with the Company, or knowingly take any action to assist or aid any other person or entity in identifying, soliciting, recruiting, inducing or hiring any such Company Personnel; or (ii) otherwise interfere with the relationship of the Company with any Company Personnel. (b) Participant agrees that during the Non-Solicit Period, Participant shall not, directly or indirectly, engage in any conduct intended or reasonably calculated to induce or urge any Participant or contractor of the Company to discontinue, in whole or in part, his/her employment relationship or engagement with the Company. (c) “Company Personnel” means any person who was employed by the Company and with whom Participant had direct contact for business purposes during the twelve (12) month period prior to Participant’s last day of employment or service with the Company. 3. Non-Solicitation Covenant – Customer (a) Participant agrees that, during Participant’s employment or service with the Company, and during the Non-Solicit Period, Participant will not, in the Restricted Territory, directly or indirectly, on Participant’s own behalf or on behalf of another: (i) solicit, aid, or induce any Customer of the Company to purchase goods or services then sold by the Company from another person or entity, or assist or aid any other persons or entity in identifying or soliciting any such Customer(s); or (ii) otherwise interfere with the relationship of the Company with any of their Participants, customers, vendors, agents, or representatives. (b) “Customer(s)” means an existing customer (person or entity) of the Company that Participant, directly or indirectly (e.g., through employees whom Participant supervised), called upon, solicited, or worked with at any time during the twelve (12) month period prior to Participant’s last day of employment or service with the Company.

A-3 (c) For purposes of this RC Agreement, the business of the Company is as follows: (i) If Participant was employed with or provided services to ADT LLC at any time during the twelve (12) months immediately preceding termination of employment or services, then the business of the Company is to sell, install, monitor and/or maintain security, fire, life safety and automation equipment and services for residential and small business premises, including burglar alarm systems, security cameras, home automation and access control systems, as well as intrusion, temperature, flood, fire, smoke, carbon monoxide, emergency, medical alert and fall detection monitoring and response services. (ii) If Participant was employed with or providing services to ADT Commercial LLC at any time during the twelve (12) months immediately preceding termination of employment or services, then the business of the Company is to sell, install, monitor and/or maintain security, fire, and life safety services and to provide risk consulting solutions for commercial, governmental and other institutional settings, including burglar alarm systems, security cameras, and fire suppression and access control systems, as well as response services. (iii) If Participant was employed with or providing services to both ADT LLC and ADT Commercial LLC at any time during the twelve (12) months immediately preceding termination of employment or services, either simultaneously or at different times during that time period, then the business of the Company is both the definitions set forth in sections 1(c)(i) and (ii) above. (iv) Participant acknowledges that Participant is familiar with the business of the Company sufficiently to understand the nature of the Company’s business and that no further definition of the business of the Company is necessary. (d) “Restricted Territory” is defined as follows: (i) If Participant last worked for or provided services to the Company in Louisiana, “Restricted Territory” means any of the following Parishes in Louisiana: Plaquemines, Jefferson, St. Bernard, Orleans, St. Charles, St. John the Baptist, St. James, Lafourche, Terrebonne, St. Tammany, St. Mary, Assumption, Ascension, Livingston, Tangipahoa, Washington, St. Helen, East Feliciana, West Feliciana, East Baton Rouge, West Baton Rouge, Iberville, Pointe Coupee, Iberia, Vermilion, Lafayette, St. Martin, Acadia, St. Landry, Jefferson Davis, Cameron, Calcasieu, Beauregard, Allen, Evangeline, Avoyelles, Rapides, Vernon, Concordia, Catahoula, LaSalle, Grant, Natchitoches, Sabine, DeSoto, Red River, Winn, Catahoula, Tensas, Franklin, Madison, Richland, Ouachita, Jackson, Bienville, Lincoln, Caddo, Bossier, Webster, Claiborne, Union, Morehouse, West Carrol, East Carrol. (ii) If Participant last worked for or provided services to the Company in South Dakota or any other state, territory or District, “Restricted Territory” means the geographic area or areas for which Employee was responsible at any time during the twelve (12) months immediately preceding Employee’s termination of employment with the Company. A-4 (e) Participant acknowledges that as a result of Participant’s employment or service with the Company, Participant will be acting as a representative of the Company and will be using the Company’s assets and resources, and will be benefiting from the Company’s goodwill, name recognition, reputation, and experience in regard to these Customers, and Participant will gain Confidential Information about Company Customers, and consequently, the covenants set forth above are reasonable and necessary to protect the Company’s legitimate business interests. Participant agrees that the covenants in this paragraph will apply to all Customers as defined above, even if the identity of certain Customers of the Company may be publicly known, and even if Participant knew or had previous dealings with one or more such Customers prior to Participant’s employment with the Company. 4. Injunctive Relief; Expedited Discovery (a) In the event that Participant breaches or threatens to breach, or the Company reasonably believes Participant is about to breach, any of the restrictive covenants in this RC Agreement, the Company will be entitled to injunctive relief, in addition to any other rights or remedies to which the Company may be entitled in law or equity. Participant agrees that the Company will suffer immediate and irreparable harm and that money damages will not be adequate to compensate the Company or to preserve the status quo. Therefore, Participant consents to the issuance of a temporary restraining order and other injunctive relief necessary to enforce this RC Agreement. (b) Participant agrees that the duration of any injunction shall be increased in an amount equal to any period of time during which Participant failed to comply with the covenants contained in this RC Agreement, but in no event longer than 24 months from the date of Participant’s termination of employment of services with the Company. (c) Participant and the Company agree that any application for temporary restraining order and/or temporary or preliminary injunctive relief shall be adjudicated exclusively in a court of competent jurisdiction, even if Participant and the Company are parties to an arbitration agreement that otherwise includes disputes under this RC Agreement. Participant agrees that the injunctive relief to which Participant consents hereinabove, under the circumstances addressed in this section, shall be granted by a court of competent jurisdiction pending arbitration on the merits in order to preserve the status quo pending such arbitration. 5. Notice of Restrictive Covenants Participant agrees that Participant will tell any prospective new employer, partner in a business venture, investors and/or any entity seeking to engage Participant’s services, prior to accepting employment, engagement as a consultant or contractor, or engaging in a business venture, that this RC Agreement exists. Participant agrees to provide a true and correct copy of this RC Agreement to any such individual or entity prior to accepting any such employment or entering into any such engagement or business venture. Participant further authorizes the Company to provide a copy of this RC Agreement to any such entity(ies) or individual(s). A-5 6. Modification & Severability If any section, provision, paragraph, phrase, word, and/or line (collectively “Provision”) of this RC Agreement is held to be unenforceable, then the invalidity or unenforceability of any Provision of this RC Agreement shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining Provisions, which shall be enforced as if the offending Provision had not been included in this RC Agreement. It is the intention of the parties that, if any court or other tribunal construes any provision or clause of this RC Agreement, or any portion thereof, to be illegal, void or unenforceable because of the duration of such provision or the area or matter covered thereby, such court shall reduce the duration, area, or matter of such provision to the extent permitted by law, and, in its reduced form, such provision shall then be enforceable and shall be enforced. 7. Choice of Law, Jurisdiction & Venue This RC Agreement will be governed by, construed, interpreted, and its validity determined under the law of the State, District or Territory of the United States in which Participant last worked or provided services for the Company, without regard to such jurisdiction’s conflicts of laws principles. Such law shall govern regardless of the court or arbitration forum in which a dispute may be adjudicated. 8. Binding Effect & Assignability This RC Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective heirs, personal representatives, successors, assigns, affiliated entities, and any party-in-interest. Participant agrees that, should the Company be acquired by, merge with, or otherwise combine with another corporation or business entity, the surviving entity will have all rights to enforce the terms of this RC Agreement as if it were the Company itself enforcing the RC Agreement. Participant further agrees that the Company may assign, and hereby consents to assignment of, this RC Agreement to any affiliate of the Company. Participant agrees that such an assignment is deemed to have been made without any further documentation in the event Participant moves from employment or services with one Company affiliate to another. 9. Attorneys’ Fees & Acknowledgements Participant and the Company agree that in any legal proceeding to enforce this RC Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to reimbursement of its actual costs and expenses, including without limitation reasonable attorneys’ fees, costs, and disbursements. Participant acknowledges and understands that the Company hereby advises that Participant should consult with an attorney prior to entering into the RC Agreement. Participant’s signature to the 2018 Omnibus Incentive Plan Award Agreement, to which this RC Agreement is an exhibit, constitutes Participant’s acceptance of and agreement to A-6 comply in full with this RC Agreement, as set forth on the signature page to the 2018 Omnibus Incentive Plan Award Agreement.

V15 – IL Version A-1 Exhibit A to ADT, Inc. 2018 Omnibus Incentive Plan Award Agreement RESTRICTIVE COVENANT AGREEMENT By accepting the grant of equity hereunder, in addition to any other representations, warranties, and covenants set forth this Restrictive Covenant Agreement (“RC Agreement”), the Omnibus Incentive Plan Participant (the “Participant”) agrees to be subject to and comply with the following covenants. For purposes of this RC Agreement, “the Company” includes ADT Inc. and its Subsidiaries and Affiliates. 1. Confidentiality (a) Participant hereby agrees that during Participant’s employment or service with the Company, and thereafter, Participant will not use or disclose “Confidential Information” related to any business of the Company. (b) As used in this RC Agreement, “Confidential Information” means any information or material, not generally known to the public, which may include, for example and without limitation, information and materials, in spoken, printed, electronic, or any other form or medium, relating or pertaining to the Company’s finances, accounting, business plans, strategic plans, personnel and management, development and projects, marketing plans, sales, products and services, pricing or pricing strategies, customer names and addresses and price lists, customer or prospective customer lists, other customer information (including, without limitation, customer methods of operation, requirements, preferences and history of dealings with the Company), vendor lists, vendor information (including, without limitation, their history of dealings with the Company), Participant files, skills, performance and qualifications of the Company’s personnel, other confidential information and trade secrets, secret formulations, techniques, methods, processes, technical information, inventions (whether patented or unpatented), copyrights, know-how, algorithms, computer programs, computer codes and related documentation, processes, research, development, licenses, permits, and compilations of any of the foregoing information relating to the actual or anticipated business of the Company, and confidential information of third parties which is given to the Company pursuant to an obligation or agreement to keep such information confidential. “Confidential Information” does not include information regarding Participants’ terms and conditions of employment or other rights protected under the National Labor Relations Act. (c) Permitted Disclosures: Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, pursuant to United States federal law as set forth in 18 USC Section 1833(b), Participant understands that Participant shall not be held criminally or civilly liable under any federal or state trade secret law for the disclosure of any Confidential Information that is a trade secret that is made: (1) confidentially to a federal, state, or local government official, either directly or indirectly, or to an attorney, and solely for the purpose of reporting or investigating a suspected violation of law; or (2) in a complaint or other document filed in a lawsuit or other proceeding, if such filing is made under seal. If Participant files a lawsuit for retaliation by Employer for reporting a suspected violation of law, Participant may disclose such trade secrets to Participant’s attorney and use the trade secret information in related court proceedings, A-2 provided that Participant files any document containing the trade secret information under seal and does not disclose the trade secret, except pursuant to court order. 2. Non-Solicitation Covenant – ADT Personnel (a) Provided that Participant presently meets the statutory wage threshold set forth in Section 4 below, Participant agrees that, during Participant’s employment or service with the Company and for the greater of (a) the period commencing with the date of the Participant’s Retirement from employment or service through the final Vesting Date, or (b) the two (2) year period after separation of Participant’s employment or service with the Company (the “Non- Solicit Period”), Participant will not, directly or indirectly, on Participant’s own behalf or on behalf of another: (i) solicit, recruit, aid, or induce any Company Personnel to leave their employment with the Company in order to accept employment with or render services to another person or entity unaffiliated with the Company, or knowingly take any action to assist or aid any other person or entity in identifying, soliciting, recruiting, inducing or hiring any such Company Personnel; or (ii) otherwise interfere with the relationship of the Company with any Company Personnel. (b) Participant agrees that during the Non-Solicit Period, Participant shall not, directly or indirectly, engage in any conduct intended or reasonably calculated to induce or urge any Participant or contractor of the Company to discontinue, in whole or in part, his/her employment relationship or engagement with the Company. (c) “Company Personnel” means any person who was employed by the Company during the twenty-four (24) month period prior to Participant’s last day of employment or service with the Company, (i) with whom Participant had direct contact for business purposes, or (ii) whom Participant knew about because of Participant’s access to the Company’s Confidential Information or trade secrets. 3. Non-Solicitation Covenant – Customer (a) Provided that Participant presently meets the statutory wage threshold set forth in Section 4 below, Participant agrees that, during Participant’s employment or service with the Company, and during the Non-Solicit Period, Participant will not directly or indirectly, on Participant’s own behalf or on behalf of another: (i) solicit, aid, or induce any Customer of the Company to purchase goods or services then sold by the Company from another person or entity, or assist or aid any other persons or entity in identifying or soliciting any such Customer(s); or (ii) initiate any contact or communication with any Customer regarding any new employment or business affiliation Participant may accept or be intending to accept following separation of Participant’s employment with the Company; or A-3 (iii) otherwise interfere with the relationship of the Company with any of their Participants, customers, vendors, agents, or representatives. (b) “Customer(s)” means a customer (person or entity) of the Company that Participant, directly or indirectly (e.g., through employees whom Participant supervised), called upon, solicited, worked with, or became acquainted with at any time during the twenty-four (24) month period prior to Participant’s last day of employment or service with the Company. (c) Participant acknowledges that as a result of Participant’s employment or service with the Company, Participant will be acting as a representative of the Company and will be using the Company’s assets and resources, and will be benefiting from the Company’s goodwill, name recognition, reputation, and experience in regard to these Customers, and Participant will gain Confidential Information about Company Customers, and consequently, the covenants set forth above are reasonable and necessary to protect the Company’s legitimate business interests. Participant agrees that the covenants in this paragraph will apply to all Customers as defined above, even if the identity of certain Customers of the Company may be publicly known, and even if Participant knew or had previous dealings with one or more such Customers prior to Participant’s employment with the Company. 4. Statutory Wage Threshold for Non-Solicitation Clauses; Attorney Review; 14 Days to Review RC Agreement (a) The non-solicitation clauses set forth in Sections 2 and 3 above do not apply to Participant unless, as of the time of execution of this RC Agreement, Participant’s actual or expected annualized rate of earnings with the Company exceed Forty-five thousand dollars ($45,000) per year (or such other amount as may later be established by subsequent statutory modifications) (hereinafter the “Wage Threshold”). If Participant does not meet with Wage Threshold, then Sections 2 and 3 of this RC Agreement are of no force or effect as to Participant. (b) The Company advises Participant to have this RC Agreement reviewed by an attorney of Participant’s own choosing to receive legal advice about the RC Agreement prior to Participant signing the RC Agreement. (c) Participant acknowledges and agrees that Participant received at least 14 days to review this RC Agreement before Participant was required to sign the RC Agreement, although Participant may choose to sign in fewer than 14 days. 5. Injunctive Relief; Expedited Discovery (a) In the event that Participant breaches or threatens to breach, or the Company reasonably believes Participant is about to breach, any of the restrictive covenants in this RC Agreement, the Company will be entitled to injunctive relief, in addition to any other rights or remedies to which the Company may be entitled in law or equity. Participant agrees that the Company will suffer immediate and irreparable harm and that money damages will not be adequate to compensate the Company or to preserve the status quo. Therefore, Participant consents to the issuance of a temporary restraining order and other injunctive relief necessary to enforce this RC Agreement. A-4 (b) Participant agrees that the duration of any injunction shall be increased in an amount equal to any period of time during which Participant failed to comply with the covenants contained in this RC Agreement. (c) Participant and the Company agree that any application for temporary restraining order and/or temporary or preliminary injunctive relief shall be adjudicated exclusively in a court of competent jurisdiction, even if Participant and the Company are parties to an arbitration agreement that otherwise includes disputes under this RC Agreement. Participant agrees that the injunctive relief to which Participant consents hereinabove, under the circumstances addressed in this section, shall be granted by a court of competent jurisdiction pending arbitration on the merits in order to preserve the status quo pending such arbitration. 6. Notice of Restrictive Covenants Participant agrees that Participant will tell any prospective new employer, partner in a business venture, investors and/or any entity seeking to engage Participant’s services, prior to accepting employment, engagement as a consultant or contractor, or engaging in a business venture, that this RC Agreement exists. Participant agrees to provide a true and correct copy of this RC Agreement to any such individual or entity prior to accepting any such employment or entering into any such engagement or business venture. Participant further authorizes the Company to provide a copy of this RC Agreement to any such entity(ies) or individual(s). 7. Modification & Severability If any section, provision, paragraph, phrase, word, and/or line (collectively “Provision”) of this RC Agreement is held to be unenforceable, then this RC Agreement will be deemed amended to the extent necessary to render the otherwise unenforceable Provision, and the rest of this RC Agreement, valid and enforceable. If a court or arbitrator declines to amend this RC Agreement as provided herein, the invalidity or unenforceability of any Provision of this RC Agreement shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining Provisions, which shall be enforced as if the offending Provision had not been included in this RC Agreement. 8. Choice of Law, Jurisdiction & Venue This RC Agreement will be governed by, construed, interpreted, and its validity determined under the law of the State, District or Territory of the United States in which Participant last worked or provided services for the Company, without regard to such jurisdiction’s conflicts of laws principles. Such law shall govern regardless of the court or arbitration forum in which a dispute may be adjudicated. 9. Binding Effect & Assignability This RC Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective heirs, personal representatives, successors, assigns, affiliated entities, and any party-in-interest. Participant agrees that, should the Company be acquired by, merge with, or otherwise combine with another corporation or business entity, the surviving entity will have all rights to enforce the terms of this RC Agreement as if it were the Company itself enforcing

A-5 the RC Agreement. Participant further agrees that the Company may assign, and hereby consents to assignment of, this RC Agreement to any affiliate of the Company. Participant agrees that such an assignment is deemed to have been made without any further documentation in the event Participant moves from employment or services with one Company affiliate to another. 10. Attorneys’ Fees & Acknowledgements Participant and the Company agree that in any legal proceeding to enforce this RC Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to reimbursement of its actual costs and expenses, including without limitation reasonable attorneys’ fees, costs, and disbursements. Participant acknowledges and understands that the Company hereby advises that Participant should consult with an attorney prior to entering into the RC Agreement. Participant’s signature to the 2018 Omnibus Incentive Plan Award Agreement, to which this RC Agreement is an exhibit, constitutes Participant’s acceptance of and agreement to comply in full with this RC Agreement, as set forth on the signature page to the 2018 Omnibus Incentive Plan Award Agreement. V16 – OK Version A-1 Exhibit A to ADT, Inc. 2018 Omnibus Incentive Plan Award Agreement RESTRICTIVE COVENANT AGREEMENT By accepting the grant of equity hereunder, in addition to any other representations, warranties, and covenants set forth this Restrictive Covenant Agreement (“RC Agreement”), the Omnibus Incentive Plan Participant (the “Participant”) agrees to be subject to and comply with the following covenants. For purposes of this RC Agreement, “the Company” includes ADT Inc. and its Subsidiaries and Affiliates. 1. Confidentiality (a) Participant hereby agrees that during Participant’s employment or service with the Company, and thereafter, Participant will not use or disclose “Confidential Information” related to any business of the Company. (b) As used in this RC Agreement, “Confidential Information” means any information or material, not generally known to the public, which may include, for example and without limitation, information and materials, in spoken, printed, electronic, or any other form or medium, relating or pertaining to the Company’s finances, accounting, business plans, strategic plans, personnel and management, development and projects, marketing plans, sales, products and services, pricing or pricing strategies, customer names and addresses and price lists, customer or prospective customer lists, other customer information (including, without limitation, customer methods of operation, requirements, preferences and history of dealings with the Company), vendor lists, vendor information (including, without limitation, their history of dealings with the Company), Participant files, skills, performance and qualifications of the Company’s personnel, other confidential information and trade secrets, secret formulations, techniques, methods, processes, technical information, inventions (whether patented or unpatented), copyrights, know-how, algorithms, computer programs, computer codes and related documentation, processes, research, development, licenses, permits, and compilations of any of the foregoing information relating to the actual or anticipated business of the Company, and confidential information of third parties which is given to the Company pursuant to an obligation or agreement to keep such information confidential. “Confidential Information” does not include information regarding Participants’ terms and conditions of employment or other rights protected under the National Labor Relations Act. (c) Permitted Disclosures: Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, pursuant to United States federal law as set forth in 18 USC Section 1833(b), Participant understands that Participant shall not be held criminally or civilly liable under any federal or state trade secret law for the disclosure of any Confidential Information that is a trade secret that is made: (1) confidentially to a federal, state, or local government official, either directly or indirectly, or to an attorney, and solely for the purpose of reporting or investigating a suspected violation of law; or (2) in a complaint or other document filed in a lawsuit or other proceeding, if such filing is made under seal. If Participant files a lawsuit for retaliation by Employer for reporting a suspected violation of law, Participant may disclose such trade secrets to Participant’s attorney and use the trade secret information in related court proceedings, A-2 provided that Participant files any document containing the trade secret information under seal and does not disclose the trade secret, except pursuant to court order. 2. Non-Solicitation Covenant – ADT Personnel (a) Participant agrees that, during Participant’s employment or service with the Company and for the greater of (a) the period commencing with the date of the Participant’s Retirement from employment or service through the final Vesting Date, or (b) the two (2) year period after separation of Participant’s employment or service with the Company (the “Non- Solicit Period”), Participant will not, directly or indirectly, on Participant’s own behalf or on behalf of another solicit any Company Personnel to leave their employment with the Company in order to accept employment with or render services to another person or entity unaffiliated with the Company, or knowingly take any action to assist or aid any other person or entity in soliciting any such Company Personnel. (b) “Company Personnel” means any person who was employed by the Company during the twenty-four (24) month period prior to Participant’s last day of employment or service with the Company and either (i) with whom Participant had direct contact for business purposes, or (ii) whom Participant knew about because of Participant’s access to the Company’s Confidential Information or trade secrets. 3. Non-Solicitation Covenant – Customer (a) Participant agrees that during the Non-Solicit Period, Participant will not directly solicit any Customer of the Company to purchase goods or services, or a combination of goods and services, then sold by the Company from another person or entity. (b) “Customer(s)” means an established customer (person or entity) of the Company that Participant, directly or indirectly (e.g., through employees whom Participant supervised), called upon, solicited, worked with, or became acquainted with at any time during the twenty- four (24) month period prior to Participant’s last day of employment or service with the Company. (c) Participant acknowledges that as a result of Participant’s employment or service with the Company, Participant will be acting as a representative of the Company and will be using the Company’s assets and resources, and will be benefiting from the Company’s goodwill, name recognition, reputation, and experience in regard to these Customers, and Participant will gain Confidential Information about Company Customers, and consequently, the covenants set forth above are reasonable and necessary to protect the Company’s legitimate business interests. 4. Injunctive Relief; Expedited Discovery (a) In the event that Participant breaches or threatens to breach, or the Company reasonably believes Participant is about to breach, any of the restrictive covenants in this RC Agreement, the Company will be entitled to injunctive relief, in addition to any other rights or remedies to which the Company may be entitled in law or equity. Participant agrees that the Company will suffer immediate and irreparable harm and that money damages will not be A-3 adequate to compensate the Company or to preserve the status quo. Therefore, Participant consents to the issuance of a temporary restraining order and other injunctive relief necessary to enforce this RC Agreement. (b) Participant agrees that the duration of any injunction shall be increased in an amount equal to any period of time during which Participant failed to comply with the covenants contained in this RC Agreement. (c) Participant and the Company agree that any application for temporary restraining order and/or temporary or preliminary injunctive relief shall be adjudicated exclusively in a court of competent jurisdiction, even if Participant and the Company are parties to an arbitration agreement that otherwise includes disputes under this RC Agreement. Participant agrees that the injunctive relief to which Participant consents hereinabove, under the circumstances addressed in this section, shall be granted by a court of competent jurisdiction pending arbitration on the merits in order to preserve the status quo pending such arbitration. 5. Notice of Restrictive Covenants Participant agrees that Participant will tell any prospective new employer, partner in a business venture, investors and/or any entity seeking to engage Participant’s services, prior to accepting employment, engagement as a consultant or contractor, or engaging in a business venture, that this RC Agreement exists. Participant agrees to provide a true and correct copy of this RC Agreement to any such individual or entity prior to accepting any such employment or entering into any such engagement or business venture. Participant further authorizes the Company to provide a copy of this RC Agreement to any such entity(ies) or individual(s). 6. Modification & Severability If any section, provision, paragraph, phrase, word, and/or line (collectively “Provision”) of this RC Agreement is held to be unenforceable, then this RC Agreement will be deemed amended to the extent necessary to render the otherwise unenforceable Provision, and the rest of this RC Agreement, valid and enforceable. If a court or arbitrator declines to amend this RC Agreement as provided herein, the invalidity or unenforceability of any Provision of this RC Agreement shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining Provisions, which shall be enforced as if the offending Provision had not been included in this RC Agreement. 7. Choice of Law, Jurisdiction & Venue This RC Agreement will be governed by, construed, interpreted, and its validity determined under the law of the State, District or Territory of the United States in which Participant last worked or provided services for the Company, without regard to such jurisdiction’s conflicts of laws principles. Such law shall govern regardless of the court or arbitration forum in which a dispute may be adjudicated.

A-4 8. Binding Effect & Assignability This RC Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective heirs, personal representatives, successors, assigns, affiliated entities, and any party-in-interest. Participant agrees that, should the Company be acquired by, merge with, or otherwise combine with another corporation or business entity, the surviving entity will have all rights to enforce the terms of this RC Agreement as if it were the Company itself enforcing the RC Agreement. Participant further agrees that the Company may assign, and hereby consents to assignment of, this RC Agreement to any affiliate of the Company. Participant agrees that such an assignment is deemed to have been made without any further documentation in the event Participant moves from employment or services with one Company affiliate to another. 9. Attorneys’ Fees & Acknowledgements Participant and the Company agree that in any legal proceeding to enforce this RC Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to reimbursement of its actual costs and expenses, including without limitation reasonable attorneys’ fees, costs, and disbursements. Participant acknowledges and understands that the Company hereby advises that Participant should consult with an attorney prior to entering into the RC Agreement. Participant’s signature to the 2018 Omnibus Incentive Plan Award Agreement, to which this RC Agreement is an exhibit, constitutes Participant’s acceptance of and agreement to comply in full with this RC Agreement, as set forth on the signature page to the 2018 Omnibus Incentive Plan Award Agreement. A-1 Exhibit A to ADT, Inc. 2018 Omnibus Incentive Plan Award Agreement RESTRICTIVE COVENANT AGREEMENT By accepting the grant of equity hereunder, in addition to any other representations, warranties, and covenants set forth this Restrictive Covenant Agreement (“RC Agreement”), the Omnibus Incentive Plan Participant (the “Participant”) agrees to be subject to and comply with the following covenants. For purposes of this RC Agreement, “the Company” includes ADT Inc. and its Subsidiaries and Affiliates. 1. Confidentiality (a) Participant hereby agrees that during Participant’s employment or service with the Company, and thereafter, Participant will not use or disclose “Confidential Information” related to any business of the Company. (b) As used in this RC Agreement, “Confidential Information” means any information or material, not generally known to the public, which may include, for example and without limitation, information and materials, in spoken, printed, electronic, or any other form or medium, relating or pertaining to the Company’s finances, accounting, business plans, strategic plans, personnel and management, development and projects, marketing plans, sales, products and services, pricing or pricing strategies, customer names and addresses and price lists, customer or prospective customer lists, other customer information (including, without limitation, customer methods of operation, requirements, preferences and history of dealings with the Company), vendor lists, vendor information (including, without limitation, their history of dealings with the Company), Participant files, skills, performance and qualifications of the Company’s personnel, other confidential information and trade secrets, secret formulations, techniques, methods, processes, technical information, inventions (whether patented or unpatented), copyrights, know-how, algorithms, computer programs, computer codes and related documentation, processes, research, development, licenses, permits, and compilations of any of the foregoing information relating to the actual or anticipated business of the Company, and confidential information of third parties which is given to the Company pursuant to an obligation or agreement to keep such information confidential. “Confidential Information” does not include information regarding Participants’ terms and conditions of employment or other rights protected under the National Labor Relations Act. (c) Permitted Disclosures: Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, pursuant to United States federal law as set forth in 18 USC Section 1833(b), Participant understands that Participant shall not be held criminally or civilly liable under any federal or state trade secret law for the disclosure of any Confidential Information that is a trade secret that is made: (1) confidentially to a federal, state, or local government official, either directly or indirectly, or to an attorney, and solely for the purpose of reporting or investigating a suspected violation of law; or (2) in a complaint or other document filed in a lawsuit or other proceeding, if such filing is made under seal. If Participant files a lawsuit for retaliation by Employer for reporting a suspected violation of law, Participant may disclose such trade secrets to Participant’s attorney and use the trade secret information in related court proceedings, A-2 provided that Participant files any document containing the trade secret information under seal and does not disclose the trade secret, except pursuant to court order. 2. Non-Solicitation Covenant – ADT Personnel (a) Participant agrees that, during Participant’s employment or service with the Company and for the greater of (a) the period commencing with the date of the Participant’s Retirement from employment or service through the final Vesting Date, or (b) the two (2) year period after separation of Participant’s employment or service with the Company, Participant will not, directly or indirectly, on Participant’s own behalf or on behalf of another, hire or employ any agent, servant or employee of the Company who holds a position uniquely essential to the management, organization, or service of the business of the Company. 3. Non-Solicitation Covenant – Customer (a) Participant agrees that, during Participant’s employment or service with the Company, and during the 18-month period after separation of Employee’s employment with the Company, Participant will not directly or indirectly, on Participant’s own behalf or on behalf of another, solicit any Customer of the Company to purchase goods or services then sold by the Company from another person or entity, or assist or aid any other persons or entity in soliciting any such Customer(s), so long as the Company carries on a like business. (b) “Customer(s)” means a current customer (person or entity) of the Company that Participant, directly or indirectly (e.g., through employees whom Participant supervised), called upon, solicited, worked with, or became acquainted with at any time during the twenty-four (24) month period prior to Participant’s last day of employment or service with the Company. (c) Participant acknowledges that as a result of Participant’s employment or service with the Company, Participant will be acting as a representative of the Company and will be using the Company’s assets and resources, and will be benefiting from the Company’s goodwill, name recognition, reputation, and experience in regard to these Customers, and Participant will gain Confidential Information about Company Customers, and consequently, the covenants set forth above are reasonable and necessary to protect the Company’s legitimate business interests. Participant agrees that the covenants in this paragraph will apply to all Customers as defined above, even if the identity of certain Customers of the Company may be publicly known, and even if Participant knew or had previous dealings with one or more such Customers prior to Participant’s employment with the Company. 4. Injunctive Relief; Expedited Discovery (a) In the event that Participant breaches or threatens to breach, or the Company reasonably believes Participant is about to breach, any of the restrictive covenants in this RC Agreement, the Company will be entitled to injunctive relief, in addition to any other rights or remedies to which the Company may be entitled in law or equity. Participant agrees that the Company will suffer immediate and irreparable harm and that money damages will not be adequate to compensate the Company or to preserve the status quo. Therefore, Participant A-3 consents to the issuance of a temporary restraining order and other injunctive relief necessary to enforce this RC Agreement. (b) Participant agrees that the duration of any injunction shall be increased in an amount equal to any period of time during which Participant failed to comply with the covenants contained in this RC Agreement. (c) Participant and the Company agree that any application for temporary restraining order and/or temporary or preliminary injunctive relief shall be adjudicated exclusively in a court of competent jurisdiction, even if Participant and the Company are parties to an arbitration agreement that otherwise includes disputes under this RC Agreement. Participant agrees that the injunctive relief to which Participant consents hereinabove, under the circumstances addressed in this section, shall be granted by a court of competent jurisdiction pending arbitration on the merits in order to preserve the status quo pending such arbitration. 5. Notice of Restrictive Covenants Participant agrees that Participant will tell any prospective new employer, partner in a business venture, investors and/or any entity seeking to engage Participant’s services, prior to accepting employment, engagement as a consultant or contractor, or engaging in a business venture, that this RC Agreement exists. Participant agrees to provide a true and correct copy of this RC Agreement to any such individual or entity prior to accepting any such employment or entering into any such engagement or business venture. Participant further authorizes the Company to provide a copy of this RC Agreement to any such entity(ies) or individual(s). 6. Modification & Severability If any section, provision, paragraph, phrase, word, and/or line (collectively “Provision”) of this RC Agreement is held to be unenforceable, then this RC Agreement will be deemed amended to the extent necessary to render the otherwise unenforceable Provision, and the rest of this RC Agreement, valid and enforceable. If a court or arbitrator declines to amend this RC Agreement as provided herein, the invalidity or unenforceability of any Provision of this RC Agreement shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining Provisions, which shall be enforced as if the offending Provision had not been included in this RC Agreement. 7. Choice of Law, Jurisdiction & Venue This RC Agreement will be governed by, construed, interpreted, and its validity determined under the law of the State, District or Territory of the United States in which Participant last worked or provided services for the Company, without regard to such jurisdiction’s conflicts of laws principles. Such law shall govern regardless of the court or arbitration forum in which a dispute may be adjudicated. 8. Binding Effect & Assignability This RC Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective heirs, personal representatives, successors, assigns, affiliated entities, and

A-4 any party-in-interest. Participant agrees that, should the Company be acquired by, merge with, or otherwise combine with another corporation or business entity, the surviving entity will have all rights to enforce the terms of this RC Agreement as if it were the Company itself enforcing the RC Agreement. Participant further agrees that the Company may assign, and hereby consents to assignment of, this RC Agreement to any affiliate of the Company. Participant agrees that such an assignment is deemed to have been made without any further documentation in the event Participant moves from employment or services with one Company affiliate to another. 9. Attorneys’ Fees & Acknowledgements Participant and the Company agree that in any legal proceeding to enforce this RC Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to reimbursement of its actual costs and expenses, including without limitation reasonable attorneys’ fees, costs, and disbursements. Participant acknowledges and understands that the Company hereby advises that Participant should consult with an attorney prior to entering into the RC Agreement. Participant’s signature to the 2018 Omnibus Incentive Plan Award Agreement, to which this RC Agreement is an exhibit, constitutes Participant’s acceptance of and agreement to comply in full with this RC Agreement, as set forth on the signature page to the 2018 Omnibus Incentive Plan Award Agreement. V18 – CO Version A-1 Exhibit A to ADT, Inc. 2018 Omnibus Incentive Plan Award Agreement RESTRICTIVE COVENANT AGREEMENT By accepting the grant of equity hereunder, in addition to any other representations, warranties, and covenants set forth this Restrictive Covenant Agreement (“RC Agreement”), the Omnibus Incentive Plan Participant (the “Participant”) agrees to be subject to and comply with the following covenants. For purposes of this RC Agreement, “the Company” includes ADT Inc. and its Subsidiaries and Affiliates. 1. Confidentiality and Trade Secrets (a) Participant hereby agrees that during Participant’s employment or service with the Company, and thereafter, Participant will not use or disclose “Confidential Information” related to any business of the Company. (b) As used in this RC Agreement, “Confidential Information” means any information or material, not generally known to the public, which may include, for example and without limitation, information and materials, in spoken, printed, electronic, or any other form or medium, relating or pertaining to the Company’s finances, accounting, business plans, strategic plans, personnel and management, development and projects, marketing plans, sales, products and services, pricing or pricing strategies, customer names and addresses and price lists, customer or prospective customer lists, other customer information (including, without limitation, customer methods of operation, requirements, preferences and history of dealings with the Company), vendor lists, vendor information (including, without limitation, their history of dealings with the Company), Participant files, skills, performance and qualifications of the Company’s personnel, other confidential information and trade secrets, secret formulations, techniques, methods, processes, technical information, inventions (whether patented or unpatented), copyrights, know-how, algorithms, computer programs, computer codes and related documentation, processes, research, development, licenses, permits, and compilations of any of the foregoing information relating to the actual or anticipated business of the Company, and confidential information of third parties which is given to the Company pursuant to an obligation or agreement to keep such information confidential. “Confidential Information” does not include information regarding Participants’ terms and conditions of employment or other rights protected under the National Labor Relations Act. (c) Participant understands and agrees that Participant’s agreement not to use or disclose Confidential Information and trade secrets includes, but is not limited to, that Participant will not, directly or indirectly: (i) use Company trade secrets to identify or target existing customers for Participant’s own personal benefit or the benefit of any other firm or entity; (ii) use trade secrets to facilitate the solicitation, for Participant’s own personal benefit or the benefit of any other firm or entity, of any existing customers; and/or (iii) use trade secrets to otherwise unfairly compete with the Company. A-2 [[DMS:6312786v5:3/19/2024 10:04:14 AM (d) Permitted Disclosures. (i) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, pursuant to United States federal law as set forth in 18 USC Section 1833(b), Participant understands that Participant shall not be held criminally or civilly liable under any federal or state trade secret law for the disclosure of any Confidential Information that is a trade secret that is made: (1) confidentially to a federal, state, or local government official, either directly or indirectly, or to an attorney, and solely for the purpose of reporting or investigating a suspected violation of law; or (2) in a complaint or other document filed in a lawsuit or other proceeding, if such filing is made under seal. If Participant files a lawsuit for retaliation by Employer for reporting a suspected violation of law, Participant may disclose such trade secrets to Participant’s attorney and use the trade secret information in related court proceedings, provided that Participant files any document containing the trade secret information under seal and does not disclose the trade secret, except pursuant to court order. (ii) The foregoing sections 1(a)-(c) will not apply to information that (i) arises from Participant’s general training, knowledge, skill, or expertise, whether gained on the job or otherwise; (ii) was known to the public prior to its disclosure to Participant; (iii) becomes known to the public subsequent to disclosure to Participant through no wrongful act of Participant or any representative of Participant; (iv) Participant has a right to disclose as legally protected conduct; or (v) Participant is required to disclose by applicable law, regulation or legal process (provided that Participant provides the Employer with prior notice of the contemplated disclosure and reasonably cooperates with the Employer at its expense in seeking a protective order or other appropriate protection of such information). Despite clauses (ii) and (iii) of the preceding sentence, Participant’s obligation to maintain such disclosed information in confidence will not terminate where only portions of the information are in the public domain. 2. Non-Solicitation Covenant – ADT Personnel (a) Participant agrees that, during Participant’s employment or service with the Company and for the greater of (a) the period commencing with the date of the Participant’s Retirement from employment or service through the final Vesting Date, or (b) the two (2) year period after separation of Participant’s employment or service with the Company (the “Non- Solicit Period”), Participant will not, directly or indirectly, on Participant’s own behalf or on behalf of another, solicit any Company Personnel to leave their employment with the Company. (b) “Company Personnel” means any person who was employed by the Company during the twenty-four (24) month period prior to Participant’s last day of employment or service with the Company, (i) with whom Participant had direct contact for business purposes, or (ii) whom Participant knew about because of Participant’s access to the Company’s Confidential Information or trade secrets. A-3 [[DMS:6312786v5:3/19/2024 10:04:14 AM 3. Injunctive Relief; Expedited Discovery (a) In the event that Participant breaches or threatens to breach, or the Company reasonably believes Participant is about to breach, any of the restrictive covenants in this RC Agreement, the Company will be entitled to injunctive relief, in addition to any other rights or remedies to which the Company may be entitled in law or equity. Participant agrees that the Company will suffer immediate and irreparable harm and that money damages will not be adequate to compensate the Company or to preserve the status quo. Therefore, Participant consents to the issuance of a temporary restraining order and other injunctive relief necessary to enforce this RC Agreement. (b) Participant agrees that the duration of any injunction shall be increased in an amount equal to any period of time during which Participant failed to comply with the covenants contained in this RC Agreement. (c) Participant and the Company agree that any application for temporary restraining order and/or temporary or preliminary injunctive relief shall be adjudicated exclusively in a court of competent jurisdiction, even if Participant and the Company are parties to an arbitration agreement that otherwise includes disputes under this RC Agreement. Participant agrees that the injunctive relief to which Participant consents hereinabove, under the circumstances addressed in this section, shall be granted by a court of competent jurisdiction pending arbitration on the merits in order to preserve the status quo pending such arbitration. 4. Notice of Restrictive Covenants Participant agrees that Participant will tell any prospective new employer, partner in a business venture, investors and/or any entity seeking to engage Participant’s services, prior to accepting employment, engagement as a consultant or contractor, or engaging in a business venture, that this RC Agreement exists. Participant agrees to provide a true and correct copy of this RC Agreement to any such individual or entity prior to accepting any such employment or entering into any such engagement or business venture. Participant further authorizes the Company to provide a copy of this RC Agreement to any such entity(ies) or individual(s). 5. Modification & Severability If any section, provision, paragraph, phrase, word, and/or line (collectively “Provision”) of this RC Agreement is held to be unenforceable, then this RC Agreement will be deemed amended to the extent necessary to render the otherwise unenforceable Provision, and the rest of this RC Agreement, valid and enforceable. If a court or arbitrator declines to amend this RC Agreement as provided herein, the invalidity or unenforceability of any Provision of this RC Agreement shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining Provisions, which shall be enforced as if the offending Provision had not been included in this RC Agreement. 6. Choice of Law, Jurisdiction & Venue This RC Agreement will be governed by, construed, interpreted, and its validity determined under the law of the State, District or Territory of the United States in which

A-4 [[DMS:6312786v5:3/19/2024 10:04:14 AM Participant last worked or provided services for the Company, without regard to such jurisdiction’s conflicts of laws principles. Such law shall govern regardless of the court or arbitration forum in which a dispute may be adjudicated. 7. Binding Effect & Assignability This RC Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective heirs, personal representatives, successors, assigns, affiliated entities, and any party-in-interest. Participant agrees that, should the Company be acquired by, merge with, or otherwise combine with another corporation or business entity, the surviving entity will have all rights to enforce the terms of this RC Agreement as if it were the Company itself enforcing the RC Agreement. Participant further agrees that the Company may assign, and hereby consents to assignment of, this RC Agreement to any affiliate of the Company. Participant agrees that such an assignment is deemed to have been made without any further documentation in the event Participant moves from employment or services with one Company affiliate to another. 8. Attorneys’ Fees & Acknowledgements Participant and the Company agree that in any legal proceeding to enforce this RC Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to reimbursement of its actual costs and expenses, including without limitation reasonable attorneys’ fees, costs, and disbursements. Participant acknowledges and understands that the Company hereby advises that Participant should consult with an attorney prior to entering into the RC Agreement. Participant’s signature to the 2018 Omnibus Incentive Plan Award Agreement, to which this RC Agreement is an exhibit, constitutes Participant’s acceptance of and agreement to comply in full with this RC Agreement, as set forth on the signature page to the 2018 Omnibus Incentive Plan Award Agreement.