

それは.融資が発効すると融資総額は[それは.借り手はこの声明を発表し、保証し、本合意の日から、信用延期が発効した後、以下のようになる:(I)本プロトコル第7.01節と7.02節に含まれる借り手とサービス機関の陳述と保証は、信用延期の日および現在までの日付がすべての重要な側面で真実かつ正しいものであり、このような陳述と保証がその条項に従ってより早い日付を指す場合では、このような陳述と保証は、このより早い日付とその以前までの日付がすべての重大な側面で真実で正しいことを保証する。(Ii)違約或いは未満期違約事件の発生と持続はなく、この信用展示期間によって違約事件或いは未満期違約事件を招くこともない;表A-2762333169 19631658 762333169 19631658(Iii)この信用展示期間を実施した後、借入基礎赤字が存在しない或いは存在しない;(Iv)融資総額は融資限度額を超えない;(V)終了日は発生していない;及び(Vi)融資総額は最低融資ハードルを超える]証拠品A-3762333169 19631658 762333169 19631658以下の署名者は、上述した日に、その正式な許可者によって本書簡に署名したので、証明する。_





返信:削減通知の紳士淑女の皆様、さんたち:Compass Minerals Receivables LLC(“借入者”)と、Compass Minerals America Inc.(サービス事業者として)、貸手PNC Bank、National Association(行政エージェントとして)、およびPNC Capital Markets LLC(構造代理として)が2020年6月30日に署名したいくつかの売掛金融資協定(時々改訂、補足、または他の方法で修正された“合意”)について言及します。本減算通知で使用されていない本プロトコルでは別に定義されていない大文字用語は,本プロトコルで与える意味を持つべきである.本プロトコル第2.02(D)節により,本手紙は減収通知を構成する.借り手はこのように行政代理と貸金人に通知して、それは貸主が返済していないローンの金額を前払いしなければなりません。金額は



それは.借り手はこの声明を発表し、保証し、本合意の日から、そして減値を実施した後、以下のようにする:(I)本プロトコル第7.01と7.02節に記載された借入者とサービス機関の声明と保証は、前金の日及びその日付まで各重要な方面で真実及び正しいものであり、このような声明及び保証がその条項による比較的に早い日付を指すことを保証しない限り、この場合、この等の声明及び保証は、この比較的に早い日及びこの比較的に早い日までの各重大な方面ですべて真実及び正しいものであることを保証する。(Ii)違約事件または未満期違約事件の発生または持続はなく、当該等の事前返済は違約事件または未満期違約事件を引き起こさない;(Iii)この事前返済を実施した後に借金基礎赤字が存在しない、(Iv)終了日が発生していない;および(V)融資限度額が最低融資ハードルを超える。証明書B-1 762333169 19631658は、上述した最初に明記された日付から、署名者がその正式に許可された役人によって本書簡に署名したことを証明している。羅針盤鉱物売掛金有限責任会社:名称:タイトル:展示品B-2 762333169 19631658展示品C-1 762333169 19631658



譲渡者と譲渡者が本譲渡·受領協定に署名して交付し、協定第14.03(A)節に規定する他の譲渡条件(以下の定義)を満たすと、上記指定の発効日からその後、譲受人は譲受人の一方となり、本譲渡·受領協定に従って譲渡された範囲内で、融資者が当該特定の受取金融資協定に基づく権利と義務を有するべきであり、この協定日は2020年6月30日であり、Compass Minerals Receivables LLC,Compass Minerals America Inc.がサービス提供者として、貸手側、PNC銀行、National Association,National Association,行政エージェントやPNC Capital Markets LLCとして,構造エージェント(時々改訂,補完または他の方法で修正された“プロトコル”)として機能する.(署名ページは以下の通り)$





引受日首書き:PNC銀行、全国協会、行政代理として:名称:タイトル:Compass鉱物売掛金有限責任会社、借り手として:名称:タイトル:添付ファイルC-2 762333169 19631658添付ファイルD



Compass Minerals Receivables LLC(借り手)と








借入者の本合意日の声明及び担保は以下の通りである:(I)売掛金融資プロトコル第7.01節に記載された借主の陳述及び担保は、その日付及びその日付まで真実かつ正確である;(Ii)違約事件または未満期違約事件は発生せず、継続しているか、または予想された仮定によって生じるであろう;および(Iii)終了日は発生しない。第二節本協定が署名及び交付されると、借入者及び[融資者は、入金融資プロトコルに規定されている貸金者の増加に関する他の条件(行政エージェントおよび多数の貸主の書面同意を含む)を満たし、行政エージェントは、本合意当事者によって署名された本プロトコルのコピーを受信する(ファクシミリまたは他の方法を介しても)]♪the the the


展示品D-1 762333169 19631658


それは.第4節の合意は、双方の権利および義務を含み、ニューヨーク州の法律によって管轄され、ニューヨーク州の法律に基づいて解釈されなければならない(ニューヨーク州一般義務法第5-1401条および第5-1402条を含むが、その中の他の法律紛争条項は考慮されていない)。本協定は、本合意に基づいて双方が署名した書面に基づいて、告発された側によって署名された書面に基づいて署名されない限り、本合意を修正または追加することはできない。本プロトコルは、1つの2つの形式で署名することができ、異なる当事者が異なるコピー上で署名することもでき、各コピーは1つの正本を構成するが、すべてのコピーは一緒に同じプロトコルを構成することができる。(署名ページは以下の通りである)添付ファイルD-2 762333169 19631658は、本プロトコルの双方が上述した最初に記載された日に、その正式に許可された役人によって本プロトコルに署名したことを証明するために使用される[貸手として:名前印刷:タイトル:][住所.住所][約束する][添付ファイルD-3 762333169 19631658]借り手であるCompass Minerals Receivables LLC:氏名印刷:タイトル:添付ファイルD-4 762333169 19631658添付ファイルE信用状と受取ポリシー(添付ファイル)添付ファイルE 762333169 19631658添付ファイルF 762333169 19631658添付ファイルG表適合性証明書:PNC Bank,National Associationは行政代理本証明書としてCompass Minerals Receivables LLC(“借り手”)Compass Minerals America Inc.をサービス機関(“サービス事業者”)、貸方PNC Receivables LLC(“借入者”)Compass Minerals America Inc.をサービス機関(“サービス事業者”)、貸方PNC Receivables LLC(“借入者”)に基づいて6月30日に行政代理として締結する。行政エージェント)と,構造エージェントであるPNC Capital Markets LLC(時々改訂,補完,または他の方法で修正された“プロトコル”)である.ここで使用する大文字用語と本プロトコルで別途定義されていないタームは,本プロトコルでそれらを与える意味を持つべきである.本人は正式に当選した_。2.本人は、契約条項および他の各取引文書を検討し、添付の財務諸表によってカバーされる会計期間内の借り手の取引および状況について、本人の監督の下で詳細に検討するようにまたは手配されている。3.上記第2段落に記載された審査が開示されていないので、各用語は、添付の財務諸表によってカバーされる会計期間内または添付の財務諸表によってカバーされる会計期間が終了したとき、または本証明書の日付まで、または添付の財務諸表によってカバーされる会計期間が終了したとき、または本証明書の日付までの間、違約イベントまたは未満期違約イベントを構成する任意の条件またはイベントの存在を知らない[$_______]ただし,以下の5段落で述べた者は除外する[_____, 20__]それは.4.本文書に添付されている別表Iには、別表Iに示されている間の親会社およびその子会社の財務諸表が示されている[___]5.以下は、上記3項で説明した例外(ある場合)であり、この条件またはイベントの性質、その存在期間、および借り手がその各条件またはイベントについて取っている、取っているまたは取るべき行動を詳細に列挙する[___]6.“協定”添付ファイルG-1 762333169 19631658の付表4は、任意の発起人の地雷または雷頭の位置を正確に示している[___]上記の証明書は20_年_月_日_[による:名称:タイトル:添付ファイルG-2 762333169 19631658コンプライアンス証明書添付表1 A現在_])である。本プロトコルには別の規定があるほか,本適合性証明書で用いられる用語は,本プロトコルで与える意味を持つ.本別表と現在_B.親会社とその子会社現在_[Compass Minerals AmericaInc.売掛金証券化計画毎週入力(青い影セルのみを記入)その月の決算期間の締め切りから未返済借入金の減少に加え、借入金期間末総使用額潜在借入能力最大借入能力要件返済金額借入可用性I.現在1-30 DPD 31-60 DPD 61-90 DPD 91-120 DPD 121-150 DPD 151-180 DPD 181+DPD 181+DPDクレジット(-)控除(+)売掛金総額-11ドルII。(61+DPD)-$LOSS:非違約不適格資産総額(エージェント)-$DOSS:超過集中度(エージェント)-$純売掛金プール残高(NRPB)-$III.NRPB-$NRPB借入基数IV.Compass Minerals America,Inc.サービスプロバイダとして署名:印刷体名:純売掛金プール残高計算署名以下の署名名人はここで声明し,前述および添付ファイルに代表されることを保証する.上記の締め切りまでのすべての重大な側面の真実かつ正確な情報は、入金融資契約に適合し、2020年6月30日現在,Compass Minerals売掛金有限責任会社が借入者(“借り手”),Compass Minerals America,Inc.(“Compass Minerals”),サービス事業者(“サービス事業者”)として,PNC銀行が行政代理として$0$0$0$100,000,000$0$100,000,000$0$100,000,000$0$100,000,000合計売掛金純額計算借入基数:表1 19631658側100,000,000,000買い手融資者50,000,000,100,000,000能力承諾期間3約束PNC銀行50,000,000保証金保証期間PNC銀行50,000,000保証保証金全国協会$75,000,000 PNC銀行,全国協会買い手貸手付表II 762333169 19631658モルガン大通銀行,N.A.連営ロックボックス(あれば)581939720米国銀行,N.A.モルガン大通銀行,N.A.3750239270受取口座銀行277043 9102637635米国銀行,N.A.355004055502寄託口座番号743203 IIロックボックス,受託口座と受取口座銀行付属表III通知アドレス:(A)借主に属する場合,アドレスは以下のとおり:Compass Minerals Receivables LLC 9900 W.109,Street Parite 100 Overland,Park OverlandKS 66210宛先:財務省ファクシミリ:913-433-9652コピー:Compass Minerals Receivables LLC 9900 W.109 Street,Suite 100 Overland Park,KS 66210宛先:Legal@Compassminals.com(B)プロバイダについては,アドレス:Compass Minerals America Inc.第109街9900 W.,Suite 100 Overland Park,KS 66210KS 66210宛先:法律部電子メール:Legal@Compassminals.com(C)行政エージェントの住所:PNC銀行,国家協会,ピッツバーグ五番街300号,郵便番号:15222電話:(412)768-3090ファックス:(412)762-9184注意:資産保証財務電子メール:ABFAdmin@pnc.com Schedule III-1 762333169 19631658](D)任意の他の者に属する場合は、他の取引文書において指定されたその人の住所、それぞれの場合、またはその人が本協定の他の当事者への書面通知において指定された他の住所。別表第三-2 762333169 19631658附表四採鉱作業場所と鉱頭附表四762333169 19631658附表V義務者Aオクラホマ州交通運輸義務者B指しRusso Power Equipment Inc.附表V 762333169 19631658[$_______]. The Borrower hereby represents and warrants as of the date hereof, and after giving effect to such Credit Extension, as follows: (i) the representations and warranties of the Borrower and the Servicer contained in Sections 7.01 and 7.02 of the Agreement are true and correct in all material respects on and as of the date of such Credit Extension as though made on and as of such date unless such representations and warranties by their terms refer to an earlier date, in which case they shall be true and correct in all material respects on and as of such earlier date; (ii) no Event of Default or Unmatured Event of Default has occurred and is continuing, and no Event of Default or Unmatured Event of Default would result from such Credit Extension; Exhibit A-2762333169 19631658 762333169 19631658 (iii) no Borrowing Base Deficit exists or would exist after giving effect to such Credit Extension; (iv) the Aggregate Loan Amount will not exceed the Facility Limit; (v) the Termination Date has not occurred; and (vi) the Aggregate Loan Amount exceeds the Minimum Funding Threshold.

Exhibit A-3762333169 19631658 762333169 19631658 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has executed this letter by its duly authorized officer as of the date first above written. Very truly yours, ___________________________________________ By: Name: Title: EXHIBIT B Form of Reduction Notice [LETTERHEAD OF BORROWER][Date][Administrative Agent][Lenders] Re: Reduction Notice Ladies and Gentlemen: Reference is hereby made to that certain Receivables Financing Agreement, dated as of June 30, 2020 among Compass Minerals Receivables LLC (the “Borrower”), Compass Minerals America Inc., as Servicer (the “Servicer”), the Lenders party thereto, PNC Bank, National Association, as Administrative Agent (in such capacity, the “Administrative Agent”) and PNC Capital Markets LLC, as Structuring Agent (as amended, supplemented or otherwise modified from time to time, the “Agreement”). Capitalized terms used in this Reduction Notice and not otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings assigned thereto in the Agreement. This letter constitutes a Reduction Notice pursuant to Section 2.02(d) of the Agreement. The Borrower hereby notifies the Administrative Agent and the Lenders that it shall prepay the outstanding Loan Amount of the Lenders in the amount of [$_______] to be made on [_____, 20_]. After giving effect to such prepayment, the Aggregate Loan Amount will be [$_______]. The Borrower hereby represents and warrants as of the date hereof, and after giving effect to such reduction, as follows: (i) the representations and warranties of the Borrower and the Servicer contained in Sections 7.01 and 7.02 of the Agreement are true and correct in all material respects on and as of the date of such prepayment as though made on and as of such date unless such representations and warranties by their terms refer to an earlier date, in which case they shall be true and correct in all material respects on and as of such earlier date; (ii) no Event of Default or Unmatured Event of Default has occurred and is continuing, and no Event of Default or Unmatured Event of Default would result from such prepayment; (iii) no Borrowing Base Deficit exists or would exist after giving effect to such prepayment; (iv) the Termination Date has not occurred; and (v) the Facility Limit exceeds the Minimum Funding Threshold. Exhibit B-1 762333169 19631658 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has executed this letter by its duly authorized officer as of the date first above written. Very truly yours, COMPASS MINERALS RECEIVABLES LLC By: Name: Title: Exhibit B-2 762333169 19631658 Exhibit C-1 762333169 19631658 $[_____] EXHIBIT C [Form of Assignment and Acceptance Agreement] Dated as of ___________, 20__ Section 1. Assignor’s remaining Loan Amount: $[_____] Assignor’s remaining Commitment: Interest (if any) allocable to Loan Amount assigned: $[_____] $[_____] Commitment assigned: Interest (if any) allocable to Assignor’s remaining Loan Amount: $[_____] Loan Amount allocable to Commitment assigned: Section 2. Effective Date of this Assignment and Acceptance Agreement: [__________] Upon execution and delivery of this Assignment and Acceptance Agreement by the assignee and the assignor and the satisfaction of the other conditions to assignment specified in Section 14.03(a) of the Agreement (as defined below), from and after the effective date specified above, the assignee shall become a party to, and, to the extent of the rights and obligations thereunder being assigned to it pursuant to this Assignment and Acceptance Agreement, shall have the rights and obligations of a Lender under that certain Receivables Financing Agreement, dated as of June 30, 2020 among Compass Minerals Receivables LLC, Compass Minerals America Inc., as Servicer, the Lenders party thereto, PNC Bank, National Association, as Administrative Agent and PNC Capital Markets LLC, as Structuring Agent (as amended, supplemented or otherwise modified from time to time, the “Agreement”). (Signature Pages Follow) $[_____]

ASSIGNOR: [_________] By: Name: Title ASSIGNEE: [_________] By: Name: Title: [Address] Accepted as of date first above written: PNC BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, as Administrative Agent By: Name: Title: COMPASS MINERALS RECEIVABLES LLC, as Borrower By: Name: Title: Exhibit C-2 762333169 19631658 EXHIBIT D [Form of Assumption Agreement] THIS ASSUMPTION AGREEMENT (this “Agreement”), dated as of [______ __, ____], is among Compass Minerals Receivables LLC (the “Borrower”) and [________], as the Lender (the “[______]Lender”). BACKGROUND The Borrower and various others are parties to a certain Receivables Financing Agreement, dated as of June 30, 2020 (as amended through the date hereof and as the same may be amended, amended and restated, supplemented or otherwise modified from time to time, the “Receivables Financing Agreement”). Capitalized terms used and not otherwise defined herein have the respective meaning assigned to such terms in the Receivables Financing Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto hereby agree as follows: SECTION 1. This letter constitutes an Assumption Agreement pursuant to Section 14.03(h) of the Receivables Financing Agreement. The Borrower desires the [_____] Lender [the to [become a Lender][increase its existing Commitment] under the Receivables Financing Agreement, and upon the terms and subject to the conditions set forth in the Receivables Financing Agreement, the [[________] Lender agree[s] to [become Lender][increase its Commitment to the amount set forth as its “Commitment” under the signature of such [______] Lender hereto]. The Borrower hereby represents and warrants to the [________] Lender as of the date hereof, as follows: (i) the representations and warranties of the Borrower contained in Section 7.01 of the Receivables Financing Agreement are true and correct on and as of such date as though made on and as of such date; (ii) no Event of Default or Unmatured Event of Default has occurred and is continuing, or would result from the assumption contemplated hereby; and (iii) the Termination Date shall not have occurred. SECTION 2. Upon execution and delivery of this Agreement by the Borrower and the [____] Lender, satisfaction of the other conditions with respect to the addition of a Lender specified in the Receivables Financing Agreement (including the written consent of the Administrative Agent and the Majority Lenders) and receipt by the Administrative Agent of counterparts of this Agreement (whether by facsimile or otherwise) executed by each of the parties hereto, [the [_____] Lender shall become a party to, and have the rights and obligations of Lenders under, the Receivables Financing Agreement and the “Commitment” with respect to the Lender shall be as set forth under the signature of each such Lender hereto][the Exhibit D-1 762333169 19631658 [______]Lender shall increase its Commitment to the amount set forth as the “Commitment” under the signature of the [______]Lender hereto]. SECTION 4. THIS AGREEMENT, INCLUDING THE RIGHTS AND DUTIES OF THE PARTIES HERETO, SHALL BE GOVERNED BY, AND CONSTRUED IN ACCORDANCE WITH, THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK (INCLUDING SECTIONS 5-1401 AND 5-1402 OF THE GENERAL OBLIGATIONS LAW OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, BUT WITHOUT REGARD TO ANY OTHER CONFLICTS OF LAW PROVISIONS THEREOF). This Agreement may not be amended or supplemented except pursuant to a writing signed be each of the parties hereto and may not be waived except pursuant to a writing signed by the party to be charged. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, and by the different parties on different counterparts, each of which shall constitute an original, but all together shall constitute one and the same agreement. (Signature Pages Follow) Exhibit D-2 762333169 19631658 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement by their duly authorized officers as of the date first above written. [___________], as a Lender By: Name Printed: Title: [Address][Commitment] Exhibit D-3 762333169 19631658

Compass Minerals Receivables LLC as Borrower By: Name Printed: Title: Exhibit D-4 762333169 19631658 EXHIBIT E Credit and Collection Policy (Attached) Exhibit E 762333169 19631658 EXHIBIT F Form of Information Package (Attached) Exhibit F 762333169 19631658 EXHIBIT G Form of Compliance Certificate To: PNC Bank, National Association, as Administrative Agent This Compliance Certificate is furnished pursuant to that certain Receivables Financing Agreement, dated as of June 30, 2020 among Compass Minerals Receivables LLC (the “Borrower”), Compass Minerals America Inc., as Servicer (the “Servicer”), the Lenders party thereto, PNC Bank, National Association, as Administrative Agent (in such capacity, the “Administrative Agent”) and PNC Capital Markets LLC, as Structuring Agent (as amended, supplemented or otherwise modified from time to time, the “Agreement”). Capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings assigned to them in the Agreement. THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY CERTIFIES THAT: 1. I am the duly elected ________________of the Servicer. 2. I have reviewed the terms of the Agreement and each of the other Transaction Documents and I have made, or have caused to be made under my supervision, a detailed review of the transactions and condition of the Borrower during the accounting period covered by the attached financial statements. 3. The examinations described in paragraph 2 above did not disclose, and I have no knowledge of, the existence of any condition or event which constitutes an Event of Default or an Unmatured Event of Default, as each such term is defined under the Agreement, during or at the end of the accounting period covered by the attached financial statements or as of the date of this Certificate[, except as set forth in paragraph 5 below]. 4. Schedule I attached hereto sets forth financial statements of the Parent and its Subsidiaries for the period referenced on such Schedule I. [5. Described below are the exceptions, if any, to paragraph 3 above by listing, in detail, the nature of the condition or event, the period during which it has existed and the action which Borrower has taken, is taking, or proposes to take with respect to each such condition or event:] 6. the location of any Originator’s Mined Properties or mineheads is accurately set forth on Schedule IV to the Agreement Exhibit G-1 762333169 19631658

The foregoing certifications are made and delivered this ______ day of ___________________, 20___. [_________] By: Name: Title: Exhibit G-2 762333169 19631658 SCHEDULE I TO COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATE A. Schedule of Compliance as of ___________________, 20__ with Section 8.02([s]) of the Agreement. Unless otherwise defined herein, the terms used in this Compliance Certificate have the meanings ascribed thereto in the Agreement. This schedule relates to the month ended: __________________. B. The following financial statements of the Parent and its Subsidiaries for the period ending on ______________, 20__, are attached hereto: Exhibit G-3 762333169 19631658 EXHIBIT H Closing Memorandum (Attached) Schedule H-1 762333169 19631658 EXHIBIT I Forms of Interim Report Exhibit I 762333169 19631658

Compass Minerals America, Inc Receivables Securitization Program Weekly Inputs (only fill in blue shaded cells) Current Month Settlement Period Cut-off Date Beginning Outstanding Borrowings Less Reductions Plus Loans Ending Total Usage Facility Limit Potential Borrowing Capacity Maximum Borrowing Capacity Required Paydown Amount Borrowing Availability I. Current 1-30 DPD 31-60 DPD 61-90 DPD 91-120 DPD 121-150 DPD 151-180 DPD 181+ DPD Credits (-) Deductions (+) Total Receivables Balance -$ 11 II. II. Total Receivables -$ Delinquent A/R (61+ DPD) -$ Less: Total non-delinquent Ineligibles (proxied ) -$ Less: Excess Concentrations (proxied ) -$ Net Receivables Pool Balance ("NRPB") -$ III. NRPB -$ Advance Rate on NRPB Borrowing Base IV. Compass Minerals America, Inc. as Servicer Signature: Printed Name: Calculation of Net Receivables Pool Balance Signature The undersigned hereby represents and warrants that the foregoing and attachments represent true and accurate information in all material respects as of the cut-off date shown above and is in accordance with the Receivables Financing Agreement, dated as of June 30, 2020, by and among Compass Minerals Receivables LLC, as Borrower (the “Borrower”), Compass Minerals America, Inc., ("Compass Minerals"), as Servicer (the “Servicer”), and PNC Bank, National Association, as Administrative Agent $0 $0 $0 $0 $100,000,000 $100,000,000 $0 $100,000,000 Total Receivables Calculation of Net Receivables Pool Balance Calculation of Borrowing Base: Schedule I 762333169 19631658 Party $100,000,00075,000,000 Purchaser Lender Party $50,000,000100,000,000 Capacity Capacity Period 3 Commitment PNC Bank, National Association SCHEDULE I Commitments Lender Party $50,000,000 Period 1 Commitment Capacity Party Capacity Period 2 Commitment Period 4 Commitment PNC Bank, National Association Lender PNC Bank, National Association $75,000,000 PNC Bank, National Association Purchaser Lender Schedule II 762333169 19631658 JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. Associated Lock-Box (if any) 581939720 Bank of America, N.A. JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. 3750239270 Collection Account Bank 277043 9102637635 Bank of America, N.A. 355004055502 Collection Account Number 743203 SCHEDULE II Lock-Boxes, Collection Accounts and Collection Account Banks SCHEDULE III Notice Addresses (A) in the case of the Borrower, at the following address: Compass Minerals Receivables LLC 9900 W. 109th Street, Suite 100 Overland Park, KS 66210 Attn: Treasury Department Facsimile: 913-433-9652 With a copy to: Compass Minerals Receivables LLC 9900 W. 109th Street, Suite 100 Overland Park, KS 66210 Attn: Legal Department Email: legal@compassminerals.com (B) in the case of the Servicer, at the following address: Compass Minerals America Inc. 9900 W. 109th Street, Suite 100 Overland Park, KS 66210 Attn: Treasury Department Facsimile: 913-433-9652 With a copy to: Compass Minerals America Inc. 9900 W. 109th Street, Suite 100 Overland Park, KS 66210 Attn: Legal Department Email: legal@compassminerals.com (C) in the case of the Administrative Agent, at the following address: PNC Bank, National Association 300 Fifth Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15222 Telephone: (412) 768-3090 Facsimile: (412) 762-9184 Attention: Asset Backed Finance Email: ABFAdmin@pnc.com Schedule III-1 762333169 19631658

(D) in the case of any other Person, at the address for such Person specified in the other Transaction Documents; in each case, or at such other address as shall be designated by such Person in a written notice to the other parties to this Agreement. Schedule III-2 762333169 19631658 SCHEDULE IV Locations of Mining Operations and Mineheads Schedule IV 762333169 19631658 Schedule V Obligor A means the Oklahoma Department of Transportation Obligor B means Russo Power Equipment Inc. Schedule V 762333169 19631658