添付ファイル10.26 BE
本第68条改正案(“修正案”)は,デラウェア州CSGシステム会社(“CSG”)とデラウェア州有限責任会社(“顧客”)Charge Communications Operating,LLCの間で制定される.CSGは顧客と修正された2017年8月1日に発効したいくつかの総合CSG主ユーザ管理システムプロトコル(CSGファイル4114281号)(“このプロトコル”)を締結し、現在、本改訂に掲載された条項と条件に基づいてこの合意をさらに修正する予定である。本修正案に規定されている条項および条件が本合意と衝突する場合は、本修正案における条項および条件を基準とする。任意の頭文字またはすべての大文字は、定義された用語として使用されるが、本修正案で定義されていない用語は、本プロトコルで与えられた意味を有するべきである。双方が本修正案に署名した場合、双方の間でその後、本合意に対する任意の言及は、本修正案によって修正された合意を指すべきである。本改正案の改正を除いて、本協定に規定されている条項及び条件は、引き続き完全に有効であり、その条項に基づいて機能しなければならない
CSGは現在顧客と現在消費しているものを提供しています[******* known as “******** *******,” as more particularly described in that paragraph titled “******** *******” in ********** * *(*) to ******* * *, “***** *** **** ********,” to ******** *, “********* ********]”; and
CSGの規定にかんがみて[******** *******]“合意”によると、お客様のニーズに応じて[*** and ********** *************]および
CSGとクライアントはプロトコルを修正し,プロトコルで言及されているものを削除することを希望している[******** *******]および
CSGとお客様は規定のために本プロトコルを修正したいと考えています[*******” as a *******]CSGがどのような条項と条件の下で[*お客様は*].
A)節[**, “*** ******,” of Exhibit * *, ***** *** **** ********, to Schedule *, “********* ********]“本協定のすべての内容を削除し、以下のように置き換えるべきです
[**. *** ******. *** ****** is a CSG hosted online ********* ******** ******* for storage of Customer’s ******* and **********, including ********* ******* and ** ***** that will allow
Customer to **** and ******** ******* and ******** **********, in *** ******, not later than ***** ***** (**) ***** after completion of Customer’s then-current ******* *****].
[*** ****** will permit Customer ****** to its ********* ***********’ and its *** *** ***********; ********* ****** for a period of up to ***** (**) ****** from the date that each such ********* ***** is available for ******* (the “********* **** ********* ******”), after which time the *** ********* ****** will no longer be **********]取引先に。
“[**. *******. ******* provides Customer with (a) ********** Customer-********* ******* for Customer’s ********* ***********, ***-*** *********** and ********** selected and specified by Customer. ******* will, collectively, include each of (i) ********-*********** ******* via a **** **** from Customer to CSG (the “**** **** *********** *******”) and (ii) Customer-********* ******* from Customer’s *********** of ***’* **** ******** *********** ******** entitled “*** ************* *******” (the ************* ******* *******”). Customer’s *********** of **** **** *********** ****** or ************* ******* ****** will be determined solely by Customer for **** ******* ******* from Customer to CSG; and (b) ****** ***** as an ********* ************* ******** ******* to **** ******* ******* via *****].
[************* ******* *******. CSG will provide Customer with access to *** ************* *******, a CSG **** ******** *********** ******** from which Customer will have the ability to ******, **** and ***** ******* and **** **** ******* and ******* ****** ********* with Customer ******** ************ stored on *** ************* ******* from Customer’s *** ******* for Customer to ******, ********, *******, ****** and ******* ******* for ******** *** ***** and **** ******** (that will include ***** ******* and *********) and ********* ************* ******** (for ******* *******) for ********* ***********, *** *** *********** and **********, ************* ******* ******* will be sent, as determined solely by Customer, via (i) ****** ********* (***** *** ****) and via (ii) ***** (“********* ************* ********) for ********* ***********, *** *** *********** and **********. The specific terms and conditions for any ************* ******* ******]双方が合意した作業説明書、電子作業説明書、または授権書で述べる。
[**** **** *********** *******. CSG will provide Customer with access to a *** through *** *********** ******* that allow Customer to ******, **** ********, *******, ******, and ******* ******* for ******** via ***** *** **** and, **************, via ********* ************* ******** for ********* ***********, *** *** *********** and recipients. The specific terms and conditions for any **** **** *********** ******]双方が合意した作業説明書、電子作業説明書、または授権書で述べる。
[********* ************* ********. ********* ************* ******** will be available via ***** as an ********* ******** ***** for ******* ******* for ********* ***********, *** *** *********** and **********].
32. [******* *******/******** ***** *** **********, *******, *** **** *** *******
項目·計量単位説明 |
周波数 |
料金を取る |
1. 起動: |
a. [******* *** *******]費用.費用 |
1. [********* ***********] |
[*** *******] |
[*****] |
2. [*** *** ***********] |
[*** *******] |
[*****] |
3. [**********] |
[*** *******] |
[*****] |
4. [******* ********** Fees (Note **]) |
a. [***** ******** **** (******* ** ******, ***** ***** ****) (******** ********* ** ******** ****, *** ********** ********, ** ***, ******* ********* *** **** ************* *** **** ********) (******** *****, ********* *** *******) (*** ******** ****]) |
[******* ] |
[**.****] |
b. [********** ******** **** (******* ** ****** ***** ***** ****) (excludes *****) (per ******** ****])(注4) |
[*******] |
[**.****] |
c. [********** ******* ****-** **** (****** ** ********** ******** ****) (per ******* ****])(注5) |
[*******] |
[**.****] |
d. [************* ******* **** ********* ******] |
[*******][* ** *.*.][*****] |
5. [********* ************* ******** Fees (per *****]) |
[*******] |
[**.***] |
注4:一つ[********** ******** **** means **** *****, such as ******* ******* or ******-********* ********* ******** that ******** onto an ********** ******** **** with no more ******** than those ******** tied to ******** via the ********* ******* ****** and no ********** ************. The page may include ****** ******* ***********, such as, ******** and **********, ******* *********, ********* ***********, etc. If Customer is using **** or ******** **** *** *******, only ******** from the **** ******** ******* may be used on the ********** ******** **** (***** and ******* to this **** are billed at the *********** and *********** rate, as set forth in this Schedule *). If Customer is using **** or ******** **** *** *******, the ********** ******** **** has ****** **********.
Note 5: ********** ******* **** - ** **** is only available for customers using **** or ******** **** *** *******. An ** ****/****** **** means ******** ********, ******* or ************** ***** ****, ******** and ****** ******* generated on an ********** ******* ****. A ******* **** is *** **** of a ******** ****. No ******** or **** ****** may be used. This page may be ********, but only **** may be ******* on the **** ****. ***** and ******* to this **** are billed at the *********** and *********** rate, as set forth in this Schedule *. If the ** ****/****** **** is ******* on an ********** ******** ****, Customer shall be charged the ********** ******** ****]為替レートは、上の表のようになります。
注17:領収書の発行のみ[******* for ********* ***********, ***-*** *********** and **********]以下の規定を適用する
Charge Communications Operating,LLC(“クライアント”) 著者:Charge Communications,Inc.,そのマネージャ |
CSGシステム会社(“CSG”) |
差出人: |
/s/フィリップ·モンシンジャー |
差出人: |
/s/ラスマニ·バタチャリア |
名前: |
フィリップ·モンシンジャー |
名前: |
ラスマニ·バタチャリア |
タイトル: |
グループ副社長 |
タイトル: |
副総裁兼総法律顧問を執行する |
日付: |
Oct 18, 2022 |
日付: |
Oct 17, 2022 |