Docusign信封ID: CA741DAC-AA450-44430-9600亿.1F2B9DFE9770亿 Iris Energy Limited (d/b/a IREN) 综合年度财务报告-2024年6月30日

Docusign Envelope ID: CA741DAC-AA450-44430-9600亿.1F2B9DFE9770亿 Iris Energy Limited (d/b/a IREN) Directors’ Report 30 June 2024 3 Directors The following persons were Directors of Iris Energy Limited (d/b/a IREN) during the financial year and at the date of this report: Mr. Daniel Roberts (Executive Director and Co-CEO) (Appointed 6 November 2018) Daniel Roberts is a Co-Founder, Co-Chief Executive Officer and director of Iris Energy Limited (d/b/a IREN). Mr. Roberts has over 20 years’ experience in the finance, infrastructure and renewables industries. Prior to founding Iris Energy Limited (d/b/a IREN), Mr. Roberts was an Executive Director of, and the second largest individual shareholder in, Palisade Investment Partners, an infrastructure funds management business based in Sydney. Prior to Palisade Investment Partners, Mr. Roberts worked at Macquarie Group and PricewaterhouseCoopers in London and Sydney, respectively. Mr. Roberts currently serves on the board of JOLt, a Blackrock-backed electrical vehicle charging business where he is also the second largest individual shareholder. Mr. Roberts has previously served as a board member of various entities involved in airports, ports, gas pipelines, bulk liquid storage businesses, waste treatment facilities and wind and solar farms, including Granville Harbour Wind Farm, Ross River Solar Farm, Northern Territory Airports, Sunshine Coast Airport, ANZ Terminals Pty Ltd and Tasmanian Gas Pipeline. Mr. Roberts holds a Bachelor of Business from University of Technology Sydney and a Master of Finance (Dean’s List) from INSEAD Business School. Mr. Roberts is the brother of William Roberts, who also serves as a Co-Chief Executive Officer of Iris Energy Limited (d/b/a IREN). Mr. William Roberts (Executive Director and Co-CEO) (Appointed 6 November 2018) William Roberts is a Co-Founder, Co-Chief Executive Officer and director of Iris Energy Limited (d/b/a IREN). Mr. Roberts has over 13 years’ experience in finance, real assets and commodities markets, including debt financing and principal investment across resources mining projects, as well as managing foreign exchange and commodity price risks. Prior to founding Iris Energy Limited (d/b/a IREN), Mr. Roberts worked across accounting and banking, resources, commodities and real assets at Macquarie Group, Westpac and Brookfield Multiplex. At Macquarie Group, he co-founded the newly established Digital Assets team. Mr. Roberts holds a Bachelor of Business (Distinction) from the University of Technology Sydney. Mr. Roberts is the brother of Daniel Roberts, who also serves as a Co-Chief Executive Officer of Iris Energy Limited (d/b/a IREN). Mr. David Bartholomew (Chair) (Appointed 24 September 2021) David Bartholomew has served as the Chair of the Board of Iris Energy Limited (d/b/a IREN) since September 2021. Mr. Bartholomew currently serves as a non-executive director on the boards of Atlas Arteria - a global owner and operator of toll roads, Endeavour Energy - a NSW electricity distributor and Keolis Downer - provides public transport operation and maintenance services in Australia and Atmos Renewables (Independent Non-Executive Chair) - an owner and developer of renewable generation assets in Australia and GHD - a global engineering services firm. Mr. Bartholomew is also External Independent Chair of the Executive Price Review Steering Committee of AusNet Services. Mr. Bartholomew’s executive background includes the role of Chief Executive Officer of DUEt Group, where he oversaw the ASX listed company’s transition to a fully internalized management and governance structure and in which he was appointed to the boards of DUET’s portfolio companies including United Energy Distribution (Victorian electricity distribution), Multinet Gas (Victorian gas distribution), the Dampier to Bunbury Natural Gas Pipeline, Energy Developments Limited (remote and waste-to-energy electricity generation) and Duquesne Light (Pittsburgh, USA electricity distribution). He has also held executive roles at Hastings Funds Management, Lend Lease, The Boston Consulting Group and BHP Minerals. Mr. Bartholomew has also served on the boards of Vector Limited, Power and Water Corporation (NT), Dussur (Saudi Arabia), The Helmsman Project, Interlink Roads (Sydney’s M5 Motorway), Statewide Roads (Sydney’s M4 Motorway), Epic Energy (gas transmission), Sydney Light Rail, Port of Geelong, various forestry companies and Nextgen Networks (communications cable network), representing investors managed by Hastings Funds Management. Mr. Bartholomew holds a Bachelor of Economics (Honours) degree from Adelaide University and an MBA from The Australian Graduate School of Management Mr. Christopher Guzowski (Director) (Appointed 19 December 2019) Christopher Guzowski has served on the Board of Iris Energy Limited (d/b/a IREN) since December 2019. Mr. Guzowski has over 15 years’ international experience in renewable energy project development across Europe and Australia. Mr. Guzowski founded Baltic Wind, developing large scale wind farm projects in Europe from greenfield to operations. He also founded Mithra Energy, developing 10+ solar PV projects in Poland since 2012. Mr. Guzowski was the Project Development Director and commercial development partner of Photon Energy, with a major solar PV pipeline under development in Australia. Mr. Guzowski was the Founding Director of ADCCA - Australian Digital Currency Commerce Association and was a founder of ABA Technology in 2014 (Australian blockchain technology). Mr. Guzowski holds a Docusign Envelope ID: CA741DAC-AA450-44430-9600亿.1F2B9DFE9770亿 Iris Energy Limited (d/b/a IREN) Directors’ Report 30 June 2024 4 Bachelor of Business from University of Technology Sydney and an MBA in Energy Management from Vienna University of Economics and Business. Mr. Michael Alfred (Director) (Appointed 21 October 2021) Michael Alfred has served on the Board of Iris Energy Limited (d/b/a IREN) since October 2021. Mr. Alfred is a private investor, advisor, and board member. Previously, he served as the Chief Executive Officer of Digital Assets Data, Inc., a financial technology and data company building enterprise-grade software and data feeds for the digital asset ecosystem, from when he co-founded the company in January 2018 through its sale to New York Digital Investment Group LLC in November 2020. Mr. Alfred has served as an Advisor to the Chief Executive Officer of Amenify, a real estate technology company, since July 2020, and on the Advisory Board of Outerbridge Capital Management, LLC since December 2019. From October 2016 to January 2018, Mr. Alfred was a Managing Director and member of the five-person executive committee for Strategic Insight, Inc., a provider of data and software to the global asset management industry, which was acquired by Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS) in 2019. Prior to that, Mr. Alfred served as the Chief Executive Officer of BrightScope, Inc., a financial information company providing 40.1万 analyses and tools for retirement plan participants, sponsors and advisors, from February 2008 until it was acquired by Strategic Insight, Inc. in October 2016. Prior to co- founding BrightScope, Inc., Mr. Alfred served as Co-Founder and Portfolio Manager of Alfred Capital Management, LLC, a registered investment advisor serving high net worth individuals. Mr. Alfred also serves as a principal investor in a variety of industries including technology and consumer products. Mr. Alfred has served on the boards of Crestone Group, LLC, a national artisan bakery, since March 2015 and Eaglebrook Advisors, a tech-driven digital asset management platform for financial advisors and their clients, since September 2019. Mr. Alfred received a Bachelor of Arts degree in History from Stanford University. Sunita Parasuraman (Director) (Appointed 17 July 2023) Sunita Parasuraman has served on the Board of Iris Energy Limited (d/b/a IREN) since July 2023. During her career as a senior technology executive, Ms. Parasuraman has built and scaled world-class teams at Meta (Facebook), VMware, Genentech, and Apple. Ms. Parasuraman most recently served as the Head of Investments, New Product Experimentation at Meta (Facebook) and, prior to that, served as Facebook’s Global Head of Treasury and Head of Treasury for Facebook’s blockchain initiative (Libra). Ms. Parasuraman currently serves on the board of The Baldwin Group (NASDAQ: BWIN), a leading publicly-traded insurance distribution company, where she is a member of its Audit and Technology & Cyber Risk Committees. She also serves on the board of the IIt Bombay Heritage Foundation, where she is Chair of the Nomination & Governance Committee and a member of its Finance Committee. Ms. Parasuraman holds a Bachelor's degree in Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Bombay, a Master’s degree in Engineering from the University of Pennsylvania and an MBA from the University of California, Berkeley’s Haas School of Business. Company Secretary Cesilia Kim has been the Chief Legal Officer and Company Secretary of Iris Energy Limited (d/b/a IREN) since January 2023. Ms. Kim is a senior executive and lawyer with over 20 years’ experience across renewable energy, water, infrastructure, corporate governance and M&A. Ms. Kim has a strong track record in corporate strategy, major project development and approvals, policy, regulatory reform, governance and risk management. Ms. Kim was most recently Snowy Hydro Limited's Group Executive - External Affairs, Procurement and Legal with a broad commercial and multi- disciplinary remit, including procurement, corporate affairs, regulatory strategy and legal. Prior to this, Ms. Kim was in private practice at Allens Linklaters. Ms. Kim holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree and a Bachelor of Laws (Honors) degree from the University of Sydney, Australia, and is a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. Principal activities The Group is an owner and operator of institutional-grade, highly efficient proprietary Bitcoin mining data centers powered by renewable energy. During the year ended 30 June 2024, the Group operated from three sites in Canada at Canal Flats, Mackenzie and Prince George in British Columbia, and from one site in the U.S. at Childress, Texas. Dividends There were no dividends paid, recommended, or declared during the current or previous financial year.

Docusign信封编号:CA741DAC-AA450-44430-9600亿.1F2B9DFE9770亿 虹膜能源有限公司(承诺IREN)董事报告 2024年6月30日 5 营运回顾 公司税后亏损金额为2,895.5万美元(2023年6月30日:1,7187.1万美元)。以下是主营业务关键运营指标: •比特币挖矿收入1.8408.7万美元(2023年6月30日:7,550.9万美元)•挖矿获得的比特币数量为4,191枚(2023年6月30日:3,259枚)财务状况的重大变化 ATm设施 於2023年9月13日,虹膜能源有限公司(承诺IREN)与B.莱利证劵有限公司、坎托菲茨杨公司和点研究交易公司达成了市场销售协议("销售协议")通过销售协议,虹膜能源有限公司(承诺IREN)可以不时地通过或向销售代理提供其普通股,销售量不得超过有效注册声明并已在其下提交招股书的注册量,以及董事会或授权委员会根据销售协议从时间授权发行和销售的注册量。因此,虹膜能源有限公司(承诺IREN)可以根据销售协议的条款增加可能根据销售协议可不时销售的普通股的数量在2024年6月30日,虹膜能源有限公司(承诺IREN)根据销售协议共计售出了10,806,386,8股,总计销售额为7.71438亿美元。财务年度内没有其他重大变化。财年结束后事务 蚂蚁矿机采购 在2024年8月19日,公司与Bitmain Technologies Delaware Limited ("Bitmain")签署了一份新的固定购买协议,以每TH2.15美元的价格购买约39,000台Bitmain S21 XP矿机(约10.5 EH/s)。所购买的矿机预计将于2024年10月和11月运送。合约费用总额(不包括运输和税费)为2.263.95亿美元,可分期付款。自2024年6月30日起至今,未发生任何可能对集团业务,业务结果或未来财务年度集团状况产生重大影响的事项或情况。可能的发展目前的董事意见是,披露有关集团业务的进一步信息以及此类业务的预期结果是商业敏感信息,并可能对集团产生不利影响,并导致不合理偏见。 环境监管集团的常规业务及资产受到所在国家和地区有关卫生,安全以及环境污染排放或其他与健康,安全和环境保护相关法律和法规的约束。董事会认为,已经制定了适当的系统以管理集团的环境要求,并且没有发现任何重大违反环境要求的情况。董事会会议在2024年6月30日结束的一年内,公司董事会及审计与风险委员会("ARC")分别召开了以下会议,并且各委员会成员参加了以下次数的会议:

Docusign信封ID:CA741DAC-AA450-44430-9600亿.1F2B9DFE9770亿 Iris Energy Limited(以IREN为名) 董事报告 2024年6月30日 8 对于上述董事或员工提及的每一次发行,每年的归属日期将在董事会在相应的日历年度发行公司财务报表的10天内,并且最迟到当年12月31日,在该日期之前,相关董事或员工不能停止成为该集团的董事或员工。 对于所发行的所有RSU,董事会有权在任何时候解释、应用或不应用、修订、修改或终止LTIP、任何计划规则和任何个别RSU的授予和归属。 本报告根据董事会决议制作。 David Bartholomew 主席兼联席首席执行官和董事 2024年8月28日 2024年8月28日 Daniel Roberts

Docusign Envelope ID: CA741DAC-AA450-44430-9600亿.1F2B9DFE9770亿 Iris Energy Limited (d/b/a IREN) Notes to the consolidated financial statements 30 June 2024 13 Note 1. General information The consolidated financial statements cover Iris Energy Limited (d/b/a IREN) as a Group consisting of Iris Energy Limited d/b/a IREN ("Company" or "Parent Entity") and the entities it controlled at the end of, or during, the year (collectively the "Group"). The Company’s shares trade on the NASDAQ under the ticker symbol “IREN”. Iris Energy Limited (d/b/a IREN) is incorporated and domiciled in Australia. Its registered office and principal place of business are: Registered office Principal place of business c/o Pitcher Partners Level 12, 44 Market Street Level 13, 664 Collins Street Sydney NSW 2000 Docklands VIC 3008 Australia Australia The Group is a leading next-generation data center business powering the future of Bitcoin, AI and beyond. The consolidated financial statements were authorized and approved for issue, in accordance with a resolution of Directors, on 28 August 2024. The Directors have the power to amend and reissue the consolidated financial statements. Note 2. Material accounting policies The material accounting policies adopted in the preparation of the consolidated financial statements are set out below. Going concern The Group has determined there is material uncertainty that may cast significant doubt on the Group’s ability to continue as a going concern but has concluded it is appropriate to prepare the consolidated financial statements on a going concern basis which contemplates continuity of normal business activities, the realization of assets and settlement of liabilities in the ordinary course of business. The operating cash flows generated by the Group are inherently linked to several key uncertainties and risks including, but not limited to, volatility associated with the economics of Bitcoin mining and the ability of the Group to execute its business plan. For the year ended 30 June 2024, the Group incurred a loss after tax of $28,955,000 (2023: $171,871,000) and net operating cash inflows of $52,716,000 (2023: $6,045,000). As at 30 June 2024, the Group had net current assets of $401,389,000 (2023: net current assets of $65,229,000) and net assets of $1,097,351,000 (2023: net assets of $305,361,000). As further background, the Group owns mining hardware that is designed specifically to mine Bitcoin and its future success will depend in a large part upon the value of Bitcoin, and any sustained decline in its value could adversely affect the business and results of operations. Specifically, the revenues from Bitcoin mining operations are predominantly based upon two factors: (i) the number of Bitcoin rewards that are successfully mined and (ii) the value of Bitcoin. A decline in the market price of Bitcoin, increases in the difficulty of Bitcoin mining, changes in the regulatory environment, and/or adverse changes in other inherent risks may significantly negatively impact the Group’s operations. Due to the volatility of the Bitcoin price and the effects of the other aforementioned factors, there can be no guarantee that future mining operations will be profitable, or the Group will be able to raise capital to meet growth objectives. The strategy to mitigate these risks and uncertainties is to try to execute a business plan aimed at operational efficiency, revenue growth, improving overall mining profit, managing operating expenses and working capital requirements, Docusign Envelope ID: CA741DAC-AA450-44430-9600亿.1F2B9DFE9770亿 Iris Energy Limited (d/b/a IREN) Notes to the consolidated financial statements 30 June 2024 Note 2. Material accounting policies (continued) 14 maintaining potential capital expenditure optionality, and securing additional financing, as needed, through one or more debt and/or equity capital raisings. The continuing viability of the Group and its ability to continue as a going concern and meet its debts and commitments as they fall due are therefore significantly dependent upon several factors. These factors have been considered in preparing a cash flow forecast over the next 12 months to consider the going concern of the Group. The key assumptions include: • A base case scenario assuming recent Bitcoin economics including Bitcoin prices and global hashrate; • Three operational sites in British Columbia, Canada with installed nameplate capacity of 160MW; 80MW Mackenzie, 50MW Prince George and 30MW Canal Flats; • A fourth operational site at Childress, Texas with installed nameplate capacity of 100MW as at 31 July 2024 incrementally increasing to 350 MW by 31 December 2024; • Securing additional financing as required to achieve the Group’s growths objectives. The key assumptions have been stress tested using a range of Bitcoin price and global hashrate. The Group aims to maintain a degree of flexibility in both operating and capital expenditure cash flow management where it practicably makes sense, including ongoing internal cash flow monitoring and projection analysis performed to identify potential liquidity risks arising and to try to respond accordingly. As a result, the Group has concluded there is material uncertainty related to events or conditions that may cast significant doubt on the Group’s ability to continue as a going concern and, therefore, that it may be unable to realize its assets and discharge its liabilities in the normal course of business. However, the Group considers that it will be successful in the above matters and will have adequate cash reserves to enable it to meet its obligations for at least one year from the date of approval of the consolidated financial statements, and, accordingly, has prepared the consolidated financial statements on a going concern basis. Basis of preparation These consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the Australian Accounting Standards (AASBs) as issued by the Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB). Historical cost basis The consolidated financial statements have been prepared on a historical cost basis, except for financial assets and liabilities at fair value through profit or loss. Critical accounting estimates The preparation of the consolidated financial statements requires the use of certain critical accounting estimates. It also requires management to exercise its judgement in the process of applying the Group’s accounting policies. The areas involving a higher degree of judgement or complexity, or areas where assumptions and estimates are significant to the consolidated financial statements, are disclosed in note 3. Parent entity information In accordance with the Corporations Act 2001, these financial statements present the results of the consolidated entity only. Supplementary information about the parent entity is disclosed in Note 35. Parent entity disclosures. Rounding off The Company is of a kind referred to in ASIC Corporations (Rounding in Financial/Directors’ Reports) Instrument 2016/191, and in accordance with that Instrument all financial information presented in Australian dollars has been rounded to the nearest thousand unless otherwise stated.

Docusign Envelope ID: CA741DAC-AA450-44430-9600亿.1F2B9DFE9770亿 Iris Energy Limited (d/b/a IREN) Notes to the consolidated financial statements 30 June 2024 Note 2. Material accounting policies (continued) 15 Principles of consolidation The principles outlined below are guided by AASb 10 ‘Consolidated Financial Statements’ and pertain to the preparation of consolidated financial statements for Iris Energy Limited and its subsidiaries. The consolidated financial statements incorporate the assets and liabilities of all subsidiaries of Iris Energy Limited as at 30 June 2024 and 30 June 2023 and the results of all subsidiaries for the years ended 30 June 2024 and 30 June 2023. Subsidiaries are all those entities over which the Group has control (as listed in note 27). The Group controls an entity when the Group is exposed to, or has rights to, variable returns from its involvement with the entity and has the ability to affect those returns through its power to direct the activities of the entity. Subsidiaries are fully consolidated from the date on which control is transferred to the Group. They are deconsolidated from the date that control ceases. Where the Group loses control over a subsidiary, it derecognizes the assets including goodwill and liabilities in the subsidiary together with any cumulative translation differences recognized in equity. The Group recognizes the fair value of the consideration received and the fair value of any investment retained together with any gain or loss in profit or loss. Intercompany transactions, balances and unrealized gains on transactions between entities in the Group are eliminated upon consolidation. Accounting policies of subsidiaries align to the policies adopted by the Group. The acquisition of subsidiaries is accounted for using the acquisition method of accounting. A change in ownership interest, without the loss of control, is accounted for as an equity transaction, where the difference between the consideration transferred and the book value of the share of the non-controlling interest acquired is recognized directly in equity attributable to the parent. Operating segments Operating segments are presented using the ‘management approach’, where the information presented is on the same basis as the internal reports provided to the Chief Operating Decision Makers ("CODM"). The CODm is responsible for the allocation of resources to operating segments and assessing their performance. Functional and presentation currency The functional currency of the Parent is Australian dollars, whilst the presentation currency of the Group is in US dollars. Some subsidiaries have a functional currency other than Australian dollars which is translated to the presentation currency. The presentation currency of US dollars has been adopted to suit the needs of the primary users of the financial statements. Transactions in currencies other than an entity’s functional currency are initially recorded in the functional currency by applying the exchange rate ruling at the date of the transaction. Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in currencies other than an entity’s functional currency are retranslated at the foreign exchange rate ruling at the reporting date. Foreign exchange differences arising on translation are recognized in the consolidated statements of profit or loss. Foreign exchange differences that arise on the translation of monetary items that form part of the net investment in a foreign operation are recognized in the foreign currency translation reserve in the consolidated statements of financial position. Non- monetary assets and liabilities that are measured in terms of historical cost in currencies other than an entity’s functional currency are translated using the exchange rate at the date of the initial transaction. Foreign operations The assets and liabilities of foreign operations are translated into US dollars using the relevant exchange rates at the reporting date. The revenues and expenses of foreign operations are translated into US dollars using the average exchange rates, which approximate the rates at the dates of the transactions, for the period. All resulting foreign exchange differences are recognized in other comprehensive income through the foreign currency translation reserve in equity. The foreign currency reserve, reflecting the cumulative translation differences, is recognized in the consolidated statements of profit or loss when the foreign operation or net investment is disposed of. Docusign Envelope ID: CA741DAC-AA450-44430-9600亿.1F2B9DFE9770亿 Iris Energy Limited (d/b/a IREN) Notes to the consolidated financial statements 30 June 2024 Note 2. Material accounting policies (continued) 16 Revenue and other income recognition The Group recognizes revenue and other income as follows: Revenue from contracts with customers The Group recognizes revenue under AASb 15, “Revenue from Contracts with Customers” ("AASb 15"). The core principle of this standard is that a company should recognize revenue to depict the transfer of promised goods or services to customers in an amount that reflects the consideration to which the company expects to be entitled in exchange for those goods or services. The following five steps are applied to achieve that core principle: • Step 1: Identify the contract with the customer • Step 2: Identify the performance obligations in the contract • Step 3: Determine the transaction price • Step 4: Allocate the transaction price to the performance obligations in the contract • Step 5: Recognize revenue when the Company satisfies a performance obligation In order to identify the performance obligations in a contract with a customer, a company must assess the promised goods or services in the contract and identify each promised good or service that is distinct. A performance obligation meets AASb 15’s definition of a “distinct” good or service (or bundle of goods or services) if both of the following criteria are met: The customer can benefit from the good or service either on its own or together with other resources that are readily available to the customer (i.e., the good or service is capable of being distinct), and the entity’s promise to transfer the good or service to the customer is separately identifiable from other promises in the contract (i.e., the promise to transfer the good or service is distinct within the context of the contract). If a good or service is not distinct, the good or service is combined with other promised goods or services until a bundle of goods or services is identified that is distinct. The transaction price is the amount of consideration to which an entity expects to be entitled in exchange for transferring promised goods or services to a customer. The consideration promised in a contract with a customer may include fixed amounts, variable amounts, or both. When determining the transaction price, an entity must consider the effects of all of the following: • Variable consideration • Constraining estimates of variable consideration • The existence of a significant financing component in the contract • Non-cash consideration • Consideration payable to a customer Variable consideration is included in the transaction price only to the extent that it is highly probable that a significant reversal in the amount of cumulative revenue recognized will not occur when the uncertainty associated with the variable consideration is subsequently resolved. The transaction price is allocated to each performance obligation on a relative standalone selling price basis. The transaction price allocated to each performance obligation is recognized when that performance obligation is satisfied, at a point in time or over time as appropriate. Bitcoin mining revenue The Group operates data center infrastructure supporting the verification and validation of Bitcoin blockchain transactions in exchange for Bitcoin, referred to as “Bitcoin mining”. The Group’s revenue is derived from providing computing power (hashrate) to mining pools. The Company has entered into arrangements, as amended from time to time, with mining pool operators to provide computing power to the mining pools. The provision of computing power to mining pools is an output of the Company’s ordinary activities. The Company has the right to decide the point in time and duration for which it will provide computing power. As a result, the Company’s enforceable right to compensation only begins when, and continues as long as, the Company provides computing power to the mining pool. The contracts can be terminated at any time by either party without substantive compensation to the other party for such termination. Upon termination, the mining pool operator (i.e., the customer) is required to pay the Company any amount due related to previously satisfied performance obligations. Therefore, the Company has determined that the duration of the contract is less than 24 hours and that the contract continuously renews throughout the day. The Company has determined that this renewal right is not a material right as the terms, conditions, and compensation amounts are at then market rates. There is no significant financing component in these transactions.

Docusign信封ID:CA741DAC-AA450-44430-9600亿.1F2B9DFE9770亿 Iris Energy Limited(简称IREN)基本财务报表附注2024年6月30日注2. 重要会计政策(续)17 作为提供计算能力的交换条件,代表公司的唯一履约义务,公司有权获得非现金对价,以加密货币的形式结算,根据全部付费份额("FPPS")支付方法进行计算,该方法包含三个组成部分,(1)来自矿池运营商固定加密货币奖励的一部分份额(称为“区块奖励”),(2)用户为执行交易而支付的转...但根据AASB 13公允价值衡量标准,公司认为Kraken上报价是一级输入。截至2024年6月30日,集团手中没有持有任何比特币(2023年6月30日:无) 人工智能云服务收入 该集团通过向客户提供人工智能云服务而产生人工智能云服务收入。收入按照收到的或应收的服务的公平价值减去折扣和销售税来衡量。 认定人工智能云服务收入涉及的步骤如下: • 人工智能云服务收入按照个别合同的可执行期限(通常为规定的期限)均匀确认为服务收入。公司履行其绩效义务,因为这些服务是随时间提供的。此方法最能体现服务的转移。 • 交易价格被确定为公司交付给客户的服务的标价(扣除折扣),考虑到每份合同的期限,以及强制执行和收取对价的能力。 • 使用收入(超出量和基于消费的服务)根据客户发生的使用/消耗而记录为人工智能云服务收入,基于客户消耗的每单位固定协议金额。 Docusign信封ID:CA741DAC-AA450-44430-9600亿.1F2B9DFE9770亿 Iris Energy Limited(简称IREN)基本财务报表附注2024年6月30日注2. 重要会计政策(续)18 其他收入 认定其他收入时,须呈现经济利益可能流入集团,并且能将收入量可靠衡量的情况。其他收入按收到或应收考虑的公平价值进行衡量。出售其他资产所获利润是在资产控制转移后确认的,并且很可能实体将收到与交易相关联的经济利益。 所得税期间的所得税费用是对该期间的应纳税所得依据各司法管辖区的适用所得税税率支付的税款,根据暂时差异、未使用的税收损失以及适用的情况下代表先前期间的调整的资产和负债所产生的监控。 暂时差异的认可以资产的可回收或负债的清偿预期税率为基础,根据那些通过了颁布或实质通过的税率应用于资产的回收或负债的时候,除了: •当延迟所得税资产或负债源自对商誉或在交易中的资产或负债的初始确认,该交易不是业务整合,且在交易时对会计利润和税利润均无影响;或 •当应纳税的暂时差异与利益关联包含在子公司、联营企业或合营企业中,并且可控制利润转股时,很可能临时差异在可预见未来不会逆转。 仅当存在法律执行权要求可将当期税收资产与当期税收负债、推迟税收资产与推迟税收负债互相抵销的情况下,将推迟税收资产与负债相互抵销;并且它们涉及在同一税收机关上或不同税收机关之间只能用于同时解决的同一纳税实体上或以往或打算同时解决。 针对复杂税收法规的解释、税法的变化以及未来应税收入的数量和时间的不确定性。这些不确定性可能需要管理根据情况变化来调整预期,这可能会影响在资产负债表中认可的推迟税收资产和推迟税收负债的数量,以及未能承认的其他税收损失和暂时差异的数量。在这种情况下,所认可的推迟税收资产和负债的任一或全部的资产账面数量可能需要调整,导致相应的信贷或在利润表和其他全面收入公告中产生费用。 按照目前和非目前分类,根据当前和非现金分类,资产和负债被呈现在资产负债表中。 当资产出现以下情形时,它被分类为目前资产:它预期在集团的正常营运周期内承证,主要是为了交易;预期将在报告期后12个月内实现;或该资产是现金或现金等价物,除非被交换或用于在报告期后至少12个月内清算负债。所有其他资产被分类为非目前资产。 当负债出现以下情形时,负债被分类为目前负债:它要么预期在集团正常营运周期内清偿;它主要是为了交易;它预计在报告期后12个月内到期支付;或者对于至少在报告期后12个月内不存在无条件延迟清算负债的权益。所有其他负债被分类为非目前负债。推迟税收资产和负债总是被分类为非目前。

Docusign信封ID: CA741DAC-AA450-44430-9600亿.1F2B9DFE9770亿 Iris Energy Limited(简称IREN) 组合财务报表附注 2024年6月30日 注2. 重要会计政策(续) 19 现金及现金等价物 现金及现金等价物包括银行存款、可以随时提取与金融机构持有的存款,以及原始到期日不超过三个月的其他短期、高度流动的投资,这些投资可以迅速转化为已知金额的现金,并且面临较低的价值变动风险。 金融资产 金融资产最初以公允价值计量。交易成本被包括在初始计量中,除了公允价值计量的金融资产。此类资产后续以摊销成本、公允价值计入损益、或者其他综合收益计入公允价值计量。分类是基于持有该类资产的业务模型及金融资产的合同现金流特征来确定的,除非旨在避免会计上的错配。 金融资产在现金流权利到期或已转让且集团已转移几乎所有风险和回报拥有权限之时,被取消。当不存在合理的预期能够收回部分或全部金融资产时,其账面价值被冲销。 以公允价值计量的金融工具("FVTPL") 集团初次承认公平价值上的电力金融资产。初次承认后,以FVTPL计量的金融工具在每个报告日期重新以公允价值计量。由于此类工具公允价值变动所带来的收益或损失会立即计入损益。以FVTPL计量的金融工具在合同权利到期或集团转移几乎所有风险和拥有权时被取消。 集团使用前瞻价格方法来计量预付电力的公允价值。公允价值是通过使用ERCOT西部负荷区市场的前瞻价格乘以预付电力的数量来计算的,该市场是我们电力交易的主要市场。前瞻价格由OTC Global Holdings提供,并反映基于当前市场条件和可观察市场数据的电力未来价格。用于计量预付电力公允价值的前瞻价格被分类为AASb 13下的2级输入。 摊销成本金融资产 仅当金融资产同时满足以下两个条件时,金融资产才按摊销成本计量:(i)其在业务模型中的目标是持有资产以收集合同现金流;和(ii)金融资产的合同条款代表仅为本金和利息支付的合同现金流。按摊销成本计量的金融资产包括现金及现金等价物和其他应收款(除去销售税应收款)。 金融资产减值 集团对金融资产的预计信用损失确认损失准备金,这些金融资产或按照摊销成本计量,或按照其他综合收益计入公允价值计量。损失准备的计量取决于集团在每个报告期结束时的评估,即金融工具的信用风险是否自初次确认以来显著增加,该评估基于无需过度成本或付出努力可得到的合理和支持性信息。 在信贷风险暴露自初次确认以来未显著增加时,将估计12个月的预期信用损失准备。这代表了可能在未来12个月内发生的违约事件所导致的资产寿命预期信用损失的一部分。当金融资产变得信贷受损或者决定信贷风险显著增加时,损失准备基于资产寿命的预期信用损失。承认的预计信用损失金额是根据概率加权的在工具寿命内预期现金缺口的现值按原有效利率折现计量。 不动产、厂房和设备 不动产、厂房和设备以加历史成本扣减累积折旧和减值损失计量。历史成本包括直接归因于购入这些物品的支出。 Docusign信封ID: CA741DAC-AA450-44430-9600亿.1F2B9DFE9770亿 Iris Energy Limited(简称IREN) 组合财务报表附注 2024年6月30日 注2. 重要会计政策(续) 20 折旧是按直线法计算的,以逐渐摊销每项不动产、厂房和设备(不包括土地)的净成本(适用时所剩余价值)至其预期使用寿命结束,具体如下: 楼宇 20年 工厂和设备 3-10年 采矿硬件在2 - 4年 高性能计算硬件5年 其残值、使用寿命和折旧方法在每个报告日期进行审查,并根据情况进行调整。 资产的账面金额一旦大于其估计回收值,则立即减记。 不动产、厂房和设备项目在处置时或集团未来没有经济收益时撤销。账面金额与处置收益之间的收益和损失计入损益。 开发资产包括尚处于开发阶段的数据中心场地。开发资产在可用之前不进行折旧。一旦资产可以使用,便将其转移至不动产、厂房和设备中的另一类别,并在其有用经济寿命内进行折旧。 采矿和高性能计算硬件包括已安装的硬件单元和已交付但尚在存储中等待安装的单位。采矿硬件的折旧一旦单位到位并可使用便开始。 发生的修理和维护成本列支为合并利润表的“其他营业费用”。 租赁 集团在合同签订时评估合同是否是租赁,或包含租赁。也就是说,如果合同将标的资产的使用权在一段时间内转移给承租方,并获得相应报酬,则认为合同包含租赁。集团对所有租赁采用单一确认和计量方法,除了短期租赁和低价值资产租赁。 集团选择不承认具有12个月或更短期限的短期租赁和低价值资产的租赁权和租赁负债。集团将这些租赁相关的租金按租赁期内的直线方法摊销为费用。 租赁权利资产在租赁的开始日期被确认。租赁权利资产以成本计量,减去任何累计折旧和减值损失,并根据租赁负债的重新计量进行调整。租赁权利资产的成本包括已承认的租赁负债金额,调整因适用的,在租赁开始日期之前或之后支付的任何租赁付款,扣除已收的任何租赁激励,已发生的任何初始直接成本,以及除了包括在库存成本中,估计会发生用于毁坏和移除基础资产以及恢复场地或资产成本的费用。租赁权利资产从租赁开始按直线法折旧,计算基于资产的预期寿命和租赁期中较短的一个。 在租赁的开始日期,集团确认按租赁期内将要支付的租金的现值的租赁负债。租赁付款包括固定付款(包括实质上固定付款),扣除应收的租赁激励,取决于指数或利率的可变租赁付款,以及在剩余价值担保下预期支付的金额。租赁付款还包括由集团合理确定会行使的购买期权行使价格,以及出于终止租约支付罚款,如果租赁期反映出集团行使终止选项。 在截至2024年6月30日的年度内,集团将其Bitmain Antminer S19jPros和Antminer S19 Pros的有用寿命减少(统称为“S19j Pros”),请参阅附注14。所有其他机型在4年内折旧完毕。

Docusign Envelope ID: CA741DAC-AA450-44430-9600亿.1F2B9DFE9770亿 Iris Energy Limited (d/b/a IREN) Notes to the consolidated financial statements 30 June 2024 Note 2. Material accounting policies (continued) 21 In calculating the present value of the lease payments, the Group uses the interest rate implicit in the lease or, if that rate cannot be readily determined, the Group’s incremental borrowing rate. Generally, the Group uses its incremental borrowing rate as the discount rate. The lease liability is subsequently increased by the interest cost on the lease liability and decreased by lease payments made. In addition, the carrying amount of lease liabilities is remeasured if there is a modification, a change in the lease term, a change in the lease payments (e.g. changes to future payments resulting from a change in an index or rate used to determine such lease payments) or a change in the assessment of an option to purchase the underlying asset. The Group has applied judgement to determine the lease term for contracts which include renewal and termination options. Goodwill Goodwill arises on the acquisition of a business. Goodwill is not amortized. Instead, the cash-generating unit ("CGU") to which goodwill has been allocated is tested annually for impairment, or more frequently if events or changes in circumstances indicate that it might be impaired and is carried at cost less accumulated impairment losses. Impairment losses on goodwill are taken to profit or loss and are not subsequently reversed. Impairment of other non-financial assets At the end of reporting period, property, plant and equipment and right-of-use assets are reviewed to determine whether there is any indication that those assets have suffered an impairment loss. If there is an indication of possible impairment, the recoverable amount of any affected asset (or group of related assets) is estimated and compared with its carrying amount. An impairment loss is recognized in the profit or loss for the amount by which the asset’s carrying amount exceeds its recoverable amount, where the recoverable amount is the higher of an asset’s fair value less costs of disposal ("FVLCOD") or the value in use ("VIU"). In assessing VIU, the estimated future cash flows of the asset are discounted to their present value using a discount rate that reflects the risks specific to the asset or the CGU to which the asset belongs and relevant market assessments. For the purposes of assessing impairment, assets are grouped at the lowest levels for which there are separately identifiable cash inflows which are largely independent of the cash inflows from other assets or groups of assets. A recognized impairment loss on an asset is subject to reversal if there is a subsequent change in the variables and assumptions that were used to calculate the asset’s recoverable amount. Such a reversal is executed only when the asset’s estimated recoverable amount exceeds its current carrying amount. However, the adjusted carrying amount after reversal must not exceed the asset’s carrying amount that would have been determined (net of depreciation and amortization) had no impairment loss been recognized for the asset in prior years. Trade and other payables These amounts represent liabilities for goods and services provided to the Group prior to the end of the financial year and which are unpaid. They are initially recognized at fair value and subsequently measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method. However, due to their short-term nature, they are not discounted. Financial liabilities Trade and other payables are initially recognized at the fair value of the consideration received, net of transaction costs. They are subsequently measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method. The Group derecognizes financial liabilities when, and only when, the Group’s obligations are discharged, cancelled or they expire. The difference between the carrying amount of the financial liability derecognized and the consideration paid and payable is recognized in profit or loss. Finance costs Finance costs attributable to qualifying assets are capitalized as part of the asset. All other finance costs are expensed using the effective interest rate method. Provisions Provisions are recognized when the Group has a present (legal or constructive) obligation as a result of a past event, it is probable the Group will be required to settle the obligation, and a reliable estimate can be made of the amount of the obligation. The amount recognized as a provision is the best estimate of the consideration required to settle the present Docusign Envelope ID: CA741DAC-AA450-44430-9600亿.1F2B9DFE9770亿 Iris Energy Limited (d/b/a IREN) Notes to the consolidated financial statements 30 June 2024 Note 2. Material accounting policies (continued) 22 obligation at the reporting date, taking into account the risks and uncertainties surrounding the obligation. If the time value of money is material, provisions are discounted using a current pre-tax rate specific to the liability. The increase in the provision resulting from the passage of time is recognized as a finance expense. Employee benefits Short-term employee benefits Liabilities for wages and salaries, including non-monetary benefits, annual leave and long service leave expected to be settled wholly within 12 months of the reporting date are measured at the amounts expected to be paid when the liabilities are settled. Other long-term employee benefits The liability for annual leave and long service leave not expected to be settled within 12 months of the reporting date are measured at the present value of expected future payments to be made in respect of services provided by employees up to the reporting date using the projected unit credit method. Consideration is given to expected future wage and salary levels, experience of employee departures and periods of service. Share-based payments Equity-settled share-based compensation benefits are provided to employees. Equity-settled transactions are awards of shares, or options over shares and restricted stock units ("RSUs"), that are provided to employees in exchange for the rendering of services. The cost of equity-settled transactions is measured at fair value on grant date. Fair value is independently determined using the Black-Scholes-Merton option pricing model and Monte-Carlo simulations which take into account the exercise price, the term of the option or the RSU, the impact of dilution, the share price at grant date, expected price volatility of the underlying share, the expected dividend yield and the risk-free interest rate for the term of the option, together with non- vesting conditions that do not determine whether the Group receives the services that entitle the employees to receive payment. The cost of equity-settled transactions are recognized as an expense with a corresponding increase in equity over the vesting period. The cumulative charge to profit or loss is calculated based on the grant date fair value of the award, the best estimate of the number of awards that are likely to vest and the expired portion of the vesting period. The amount recognized in profit or loss for the period is the cumulative amount calculated at each reporting date less amounts already recognized in previous periods. Market conditions are taken into consideration in determining fair value. Therefore, any awards subject to market conditions are considered to vest irrespective of whether or not that market condition has been met, provided all other conditions are satisfied. If equity-settled awards are modified, as a minimum, an expense is recognized as if the modification has not been made. An additional expense is recognized, over the remaining vesting period, for any modification that increases the total fair value of the share-based compensation benefit as at the date of modification. If equity-settled awards are cancelled or settled during the vesting period (other than a grant cancelled by forfeiture when the vesting conditions are not satisfied), this is treated as an acceleration of vesting and the amount that otherwise would have been recognized for services received over the remainder of the vesting period will be recognized immediately through share- based payments expense in the profit or loss. Fair value measurement When an asset or liability, financial or non-financial, is measured at fair value for recognition or disclosure purposes, the fair value is based on the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date; and assumes that the transaction will take place either: in the principal market; or in the absence of a principal market, in the most advantageous market.

Docusign Envelope ID: CA741DAC-AA450-44430-9600亿.1F2B9DFE9770亿 Iris Energy Limited (d/b/a IREN) Notes to the consolidated financial statements 30 June 2024 Note 2. Material accounting policies (continued) 23 Fair value is measured using the assumptions that market participants would use when pricing the asset or liability, assuming they act in their economic best interests. For non-financial assets, the fair value measurement is based on its highest and best use, determined by maximization of value by way of continuing use or sale to third party. Valuation techniques that are appropriate in the circumstances and for which sufficient data are available to measure fair value, are used, maximizing the use of relevant observable inputs and minimizing the use of unobservable inputs. Assets and liabilities measured at fair value are classified into three levels, using a fair value hierarchy that reflects the significance of the inputs used in making the measurements. Classifications are reviewed at each reporting date and transfers between levels are determined based on a reassessment of the lowest level of input that is significant to the fair value measurement. Transfers between levels of the fair value hierarchy are recognized at the end of the reporting period in which they occur. For recurring and non-recurring fair value measurements, external valuers may be used when internal expertise is either not available or when the valuation is deemed to be significant. External valuers are selected based on market knowledge and reputation. Where there is a significant change in fair value of an asset or liability from one period to another, an analysis is undertaken, which includes a verification of the major inputs applied in the latest valuation and a comparison, where applicable, with external sources of data. Issued capital Ordinary shares are classified as equity because they represent ownership in the company and do not have an obligation to be repurchased or settled in cash or other financial assets. Incremental costs directly attributable to the issue of new shares are shown in equity as a deduction, net of tax, from the proceeds. Earnings per share Basic earnings per share Basic earnings per share is calculated by dividing the profit attributable to the owners of Iris Energy Limited (d/b/a IREN), by the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the financial year. The weighted average number of shares is also adjusted for any ordinary shares to be issued under mandatorily convertible instruments issued by the Group. Diluted earnings per share Diluted earnings per share adjusts the figures used in the determination of basic earnings per share to take into account the after income tax effect of interest and other financing costs associated with dilutive potential ordinary shares and the weighted average number of shares assumed to have been issued for no consideration in relation to dilutive potential ordinary shares. Foreign currency translation reserve The reserve is used to recognize exchange differences arising from the translation of the financial statements of foreign operations to United States dollar. Share-based payments reserve The reserve is used to recognize the value of equity benefits provided to employees and Directors as part of their remuneration, and other parties as part of their compensation for services. Goods and Services Tax ("GST") and other similar taxes Revenues, expenses and assets are recognized net of the amount of associated GSt, unless the GSt incurred is not recoverable from the tax authority. In this case it is recognized as part of the cost of the acquisition of the asset or as part of the expense. Receivables and payables are stated inclusive of the amount of GSt receivable or payable. The net amount of GSt recoverable from, or payable to, the tax authority is included in other receivables or other payables in the consolidated statements of financial position. Cash flows are presented on a gross basis. The GSt components of cash flows arising from investing or financing activities which are recoverable from, or payable to the tax authority, are presented as operating cash flows. Docusign Envelope ID: CA741DAC-AA450-44430-9600亿.1F2B9DFE9770亿 Iris Energy Limited (d/b/a IREN) Notes to the consolidated financial statements 30 June 2024 Note 2. Material accounting policies (continued) 24 Commitments and contingencies are disclosed net of the amount of GSt recoverable from, or payable to, the tax authority. Computer hardware prepayments Computer hardware prepayments represent payments made by the Group for the purchase of mining and HPC hardware that were yet to be delivered as of the end of the financial year. These prepayments are in accordance with payment schedules set out in relevant purchase agreements with hardware manufacturers. Government grants Grants from the government are recognized at their fair value where there is a reasonable assurance that the grant will be received and the Group expects to comply with the conditions. Depending on the grant conditions, grants received may be deferred and recognized over time on a straight-line basis. Rounding of amounts Amounts in this report have been rounded off to the nearest thousand dollars, or in certain cases, the nearest dollar. New or amended Accounting Standards and Interpretations adopted The Group has adopted all of the new or amended AASBs and Interpretations as issued by the AASb that are mandatory for the current reporting period. Any new or amended Accounting Standards or Interpretations that are not yet mandatory have not been early adopted. The Group believes that the impact of recently issued standards or amendments to existing standards that are not yet effective will not have a material impact on the Group’s consolidated financial statements. Note 3. Critical accounting judgements, estimates and assumptions The preparation of the consolidated financial statements requires management to make judgements, estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts in the consolidated financial statements. Management continually evaluates its judgements and estimates in relation to assets, liabilities, contingent liabilities, revenue and expenses. Management bases its judgements, estimates and assumptions on historical experience and on other various factors, including expectations of future events, management believes to be reasonable under the circumstances. The resulting accounting judgements and estimates will seldom equal the related actual results. The judgements, estimates and assumptions that have a significant risk of causing a material adjustment to the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities (refer to the respective notes) within the next financial year are discussed below. Share-based payment transactions The Group measures the cost of equity-settled transactions with employees by reference to the fair value of the equity instruments at the date at which they are granted. The fair value is determined by using the Black-Scholes-Merton option- pricing model and Monte-Carlo simulations which take into account the terms and conditions upon which the instruments were granted. Management has exercised its best judgements in determining the key inputs for the valuation models used which includes volatility, grant-date share price, expected term and the risk-free rate. Refer note 31 for further information and key assumptions. Estimation of useful lives of assets The Group determines the estimated useful lives, residual values and related depreciation charges for its property, plant and equipment. The useful lives could change significantly as a result of technical innovations or some other event. The depreciation charge will increase where the useful lives are less than previously estimated lives, or technically obsolete or non-strategic assets that have been abandoned or sold will be written off or written down. Impairment of non-financial assets The Group assesses impairment of non-financial assets other than goodwill at each reporting date by evaluating conditions specific to the Group and to the particular asset that may lead to impairment. If an impairment trigger exists, the recoverable amount of the asset is determined. This involves assessing the value of the asset at FVLCOD or using VIU models which incorporate a number of key estimates and assumptions. No triggers existed at the reporting date which suggested any additional impairment of assets was necessary.

Docusign信封ID: CA741DAC-AA450-44430-9600亿.1F2B9DFE9770亿 Iris Energy Limited (即IREN) 综合财务报表附注 2024年6月30日 25 注3. 关键会计判断、估计和假设(续) 递延税款 只有在未来可供利用递延税款的未来应税利润可能存在时,与暂时性差异和未使用的税损有关的递延税资产才能被确认。在报告日期,仅在递延税资产与递延税负债相关时才被确认。与损失有关的递延税资产尚未在综合财务状况表中确认,并且直到未来应税利润的可供性更加确定才能确认。 所得税 关于复杂税收法规的解释、税法变化以及未来应税所得的数量和时间存在不确定性。这种不确定性可能需要管理层根据情况的变化来调整预期,从而影响递延税资产和递延税负债在综合财务状况表中的确认金额,以及尚未确认的其他税损和暂时性差异的金额。在这种情况下,确认的递延税资产和负债的部分或全部可能需要调整,导致对损益或其他全面损益的相应贷记或借记。 持续经营 进行持续经营评估需要管理层基于集团经营现金流量的预测来进行判断,这取决于许多关键假设。集团已确定可能对集团的持续经营能力产生重大疑虑的重大不确定性,但已得出适当结论,即应以持续经营为基础编制综合财务报表。有关更多信息,请参阅附注2。 准备金 记录因预期会导致资源支出的过去事件而产生的现时义务的准备金。集团已根据清偿该义务所需的最佳支出估计录入了销售税的准备金。管理层根据结果的概率预期和本质上不确定的解决情况进行准备金评估。有关更多信息,请参阅附注18。 确定功能货币 公司及其附属公司的功能货币是实体经济主要环境的货币。功能货币的确定是通过对《国际财务报告准则第21号——外汇变动效应》中确认的考虑因素进行分析,并可能需要某些判断来确定主要经济环境。如果影响了确定实体经济主要环境的事件和情况发生了变化,公司会重新考虑其实体的功能货币。这些基础因素的重大变化可能导致功能货币的变动。 注4. 经营板块 报告经营板块的确定 集团组织了不同的业务活动: • 比特币挖矿:集团拥有并经营用于挖掘比特币的ASIC硬件。收入取决于每天从矿池获得的比特币数量和比特币价格。 • 人工智能云服务:集团拥有并经营HPC硬件,并通过提供第三方客户对这些HPC硬件的远程访问来获得收入。 但是,集团的CODm评估业务绩效,并主要基于集团作为一个整体做出资源分配决策,而不是根据各业务线或地理区域分别进行。 CODm使用的集团内部报告结构化为单一的一体化业务,因此不包含单独业务活动的离散财务信息。因此,根据AASb 8《经营板块》的规定,集团确定只有一个报告经营板块。

Docusign信封ID:CA741DAC-AA450-44430-9600亿.1F2B9DFE9770亿 鸟灵能源有限公司(即IREN)基本财务报表附注 2024年6月30日 第41页 附注21. 已发行股本(续) 根据销售协议,Genuity LLC、Citigroup Global Markets Inc.和Macquarie Capital(USA)Inc.作为销售代理商,并就普通股募股事项提交了一份新的招股说明书附录,涉及的普通股募股总价较之前提交的招股说明书增加了2亿美元,原总额为3亿美元,与以往招股说明书有关普通股的全部销售。这反映了“ATm设施”的增加。因此,根据销售协议的条款,鸟灵能源有限公司(即IREN)可以提供和销售其总价值达5亿美元的普通股。2024年5月15日,鸟灵能源有限公司(即IREN)提交了一份新的注册声明,附有招股说明书,为鸟灵能源有限公司(即IREN)提供了这样一种选择,但并非义务,根据销售协议最多可以出售总额为50,000万美元的普通股。截至2024年6月30日,在ATm设施下已发行了总计10,806,386,8股,筹集的总票面金额约为7,714,380,000美元。另外,2024年6月进行的交易中出售了463,089股,募集资金为5,191,000美元,这些交易后来于2024年7月执行并结算。 承诺股权设施 2022年9月23日,鸟灵能源有限公司(即IREN)与b.Riley Principal Capital II,LLC(“b.Riley”)签订了一份股份购买协议,以建立一项承诺性股权设施(“ELOC”),根据该协议,鸟灵能源有限公司(即IREN)可以选择在两年内向b.Riley出售最多1亿美元的普通股。与ELOC下出售给b.Riley的股票相关的再售登记声明于2023年1月26日被SEC宣布生效。2024年6月30日结束的一年内,共发行了12,887,814股,筹集的总收入为51,417,000美元。2024年2月15日,鸟灵能源有限公司(即IREN)终止了购买协议和注册权协议,2024年2月16日,鸟灵能源有限公司(即IREN)提交了与此次发行相关的F-1表格的后生效修正案,取消了该登记声明中尚未发行的全部剩余股票,终止了发行。 贷款資金股票 截至2024年6月30日,鸟灵能源有限公司已向管理层发行了1,496,768股(2023年6月30日:1,954,049股)受限制的普通股,此外,还向Podtech Innovation Inc.的某些非雇员创始人发行了某些普通股。包括贷款资金股票在内的普通股总股本截至2024年6月30日为18,786,445,400股(2023年6月30日为6,670,152,600股)。 资本风险管理 集团在管理资本时的目标是保持强有力的资本基础,以维护投资者、债权人和市场信心,并可持续发展业务。 资本被视为在资产负债表中承认的总权益加上净债务。净债务计算为贷款总额减去现金及现金等价物。 为了维持或调整资本结构,集团可能调整向股东支付的股息金额,向股东返还资本,发行新股,发行新债务或出售资产以减少债务。 附注22. 股息 在当前或前一财政年度未支付、推荐或宣布任何股息。

Docusign信封ID: CA741DAC-AA450-44430-9600亿.1F2B9DFE9770亿 Iris能源有限公司(简称IREN) 基本财务报表附注 2024年6月30日 47 附注26. 承诺(续) 许下的金额应付如下: 挖矿硬件承诺 合并 2024年6月30日 2023年6月30日 美元'000 美元'000 余额日期后12个月内应付金额:- - 其他承诺 余额日期后12个月内应付金额:- - 总承诺 194,641 7,481 余额日期内12个月内应付金额:116,982 - 余额日期内12个月内应付金额:77,659 7,481

Docusign Envelope ID: CA741DAC-AA450-44430-9600亿.1F2B9DFE9770亿 Iris Energy Limited (d/b/a IREN) Notes to the consolidated financial statements 30 June 2024 Note 31. Share-based payments (continued) 51 The recourse on the loan is limited to the lower of the initial amount of the loan granted to the employee and the proceeds from the sale of the underlying shares. Employees are entitled to exercise the voting and dividend rights attached to the shares from the date of allocation. If the employee leaves the Company within the vesting period, the shares may be bought back by the Company at the original issue price and the loan is repaid. Loan-funded shares have been treated as options as required under AASb 2 Share-based Payments. Vesting of instruments granted under the Employee Share Plans are dependent on specific service thresholds being met by the employee. 2021 Executive Director Liquidity and Price Target Options On 20 January 2021, the Board approved the grant of 1,000,000 options each to entities controlled by Daniel Roberts and William Roberts (each an Executive Director) to acquire ordinary shares at an exercise price of $3.868 (A$5.005) with an expiration date of 20 December 2025. All ‘Executive Director Liquidity and Price Target Options’ vested on completion of the IPO on 17 November 2021. Employee Option Plan The Board approved an Employee Option Plan on 28 July 2021. The terms of the Employee Option Plan are substantially similar to the Employee Share Plan, with the main difference being that the incentives are issued in the form of options and loans are not provided to participants. If the employee leaves the Company within the vesting period of the options granted, the Board retains the absolute discretion to cancel any unvested options held by the employee. Vesting of options granted under the Employee Option Plan is generally dependent on specific service thresholds being met by the employee. Non-Executive Director Option Plan The Board approved a Non-Executive Director Option Plan ("NED Option Plan") on 28 July 2021. The terms of the NED Option Plan are substantially similar to the Employee Option Plan. Vesting of instruments granted under the NED Option Plan is dependent on specific service thresholds being met by the Non-Executive Director. Where an option holder ceases to be a Director of the Company within the vesting period, the options granted to that Director will vest on a pro-rata basis of the associated service period. The Board retains the absolute discretion to cancel any remaining unvested options held by the option holder. $75 Exercise Price Options On 18 August 2021, the Group’s shareholders approved the grant of 2,400,000 long-term options each to entities controlled by Daniel Roberts and William Roberts to acquire ordinary shares at an exercise price of $75 per option ("$75 Exercise Price Options"). These options were granted on 14 September 2021, and have a contractual exercise period of 12 years. The options are subject to customary adjustments to reflect any reorganization of the Company’s capital, as well as adjustments to vesting thresholds including any future issuance of ordinary shares by the Company. The $75 Exercise Price Options will vest in four tranches following listing of the Company, if the relevant ordinary share price is equal to or exceeds the corresponding vesting threshold and the relevant executive director has not voluntarily resigned as a director of the Company. The initial vesting thresholds are detailed below based on 24,195,092 ordinary shares outstanding at the time of issuance: • If the VWAP of an ordinary share over the immediately preceding 20 trading days is equal to or exceeds $370: 600,000 Long-term Target Options will vest • If the VWAP of an ordinary share over the immediately preceding 20 trading days is equal to or exceeds $650: 600,000 Long-term Target Options will vest • If the VWAP of an ordinary share over the immediately preceding 20 trading days is equal to or exceeds $925: 600,000 Long-term Target Options will vest • If the VWAP of an ordinary share over the immediately preceding 20 trading days is equal to or exceeds $1,850: 600,000 Long-term Target Options will vest The VWAP vesting thresholds may also be triggered by a sale or takeover of the Company based upon the price per ordinary share received in such transaction. Docusign Envelope ID: CA741DAC-AA450-44430-9600亿.1F2B9DFE9770亿 Iris Energy Limited (d/b/a IREN) Notes to the consolidated financial statements 30 June 2024 Note 31. Share-based payments (continued) 52 The option holder is entitled to receive in its capacity as a holder of the options, a distribution paid by the Company per ordinary share as if the vested options were exercised and ordinary shares issued to the option holder at the relevant time of such distribution. 2022 Long-Term Incentive Plan Restricted Stock Units ("2022 LTIP") In June 2022, the Board approved a new long term incentive plan under which participating employees generally have been granted RSUs in two equal tranches after three and four years of continued service, including a portion the vesting of which is also subject to the achievement of specified performance goals over this time period. RSUs issued under the new long term incentive plan are subject to other terms and conditions contained in the plan. Under the terms of the plan, the Board maintains sole discretion over the administration, eligibility and vesting criteria of instruments issued under the 2022 LTIP. During the year ended 30 June 2023, the following grants were made under the 2022 LTIP: • 1,594,215 RSUs to certain employees and key management personnel (‘KMP’) of the Group were issued RSUs of which 50% of each individual’s RSU grant will vest after 3.25 years and the remaining 50% will vest after 4.25 years, subject to the following criteria which is tested at the end of each respective vesting period: ◦ 80% vesting based on continued service with the Group over the vesting period; and ◦ 20% vesting based on total shareholder return (‘TSR’) against a peer group of Nasdaq listed entities (and continued service over the vesting period). • 305,630 RSUs to the nominated entity of each of Daniel Roberts and William Roberts which are subject to a sole vesting condition and will immediately vest when the daily closing share price of the of the ordinary shares of Company exceeds $28 for 10 trading days out of any 15 consecutive full trading day period following the grant date. • Daniel Roberts and William Roberts also received a Co-Founder and Co-Chief Executive Officer grant of 713,166 to each of the nominated entity, which have time-based vesting conditions and will vest in three equal tranches on 1 July 2024, 1 July 2025 and 1 July 2026 • 108,559 RSUs to certain Non-Executive Directors. These RSUs vested within 10 days of the release of the consolidated Group financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2023. During the year ended 30 June 2024, there were no grants made under the 2022 LTIP. 2023 Long-Term Incentive Plan Restricted Stock Units ("2023 LTIP") In June 2023, the Board approved a revised long term incentive plan under which participating employees have been granted RSUs in three tranches, the first two tranches being time-based vesting conditions and the third tranche being performance-based vesting conditions. RSUs issued under the revised long term incentive plan are subject to other terms and conditions contained in the plan. Under the terms of the plan, the Board maintains sole discretion over the administration, eligibility and vesting criteria of instruments issued under the 2023 LTIP. During the year ended 30 June 2024, the following grants were made under the 2023 LTIP: • 3,194,491 RSUs to certain employees and key management personnel (“KMP”) of the Group were issued RSUs of which: ◦ 809,883 RSUs are subject to time-based vesting conditions and will vest after one years; ◦ 809,883 RSUs are subject to time-based vesting conditions and will vest after two years; ◦ 1,574,725 RSUs are subject to performance-based vesting conditions and will vest after three years based on total shareholder return measured against the Nasdaq Small Cap Index ("NQUSS") (and continued service over the vesting period). • 120,303 RSUs to certain Non-Executive Directors. These RSUs will vest within 10 days of the release of the consolidated Group financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2024 or in any event by no later than 31 December 2024.

Docusign信封ID: CA741DAC-AA450-44430-9600亿.1F2B9DFE9770亿 Iris Energy Limited (简称IREN) 合并财务报表附注 2024年6月30日 61 37. 财报后事项 比特大陆硬件采购 本集团于2024年8月16日与美国比特大陆科技有限公司(“比特大陆”)签订了一份新的硬件采购协议,以每TH定价21.5美元的价格购买约39,000台比特大陆S21 XP矿工机(大约10.5 EH/s)。购买的矿工机预计于2024年10月和11月发货。总合同成本(不含运费和税款)为2.263.950,000美元,分期支付。自2024年6月30日以来,未发生影响本集团业务运营、业务成果或未来财政年度财务状况的其他事项或情况。