作者:姓名:标题: 受让人
接受:丰业银行作为行政代理人:名称:标题:Lithia Master GP公司,Inc.以Lithia Master LP公司普通合伙人的身份,LP作为主借款人:名称:标题:
账户贷款人分行账户贷款人分行丰业银行国王大街西120号,汉密尔顿500室,在L8P 4V2上。注意:Jeff·卡特里斯,萨比娜·帕尔卡,伊莱娜·菲利斯电子邮件地址:jeffrey.cattrysse@Scott,sabina.palka@Scott,传真号码:800-520-0950蒙特利尔银行T2P 1G1注意:Mikael Sears电子邮件:mikael.sears@bmo.com传真号码:403-234-163
传真号码:(416)9373119多伦多道明银行TD西楼100惠灵顿大街29楼安大略省多伦多M0.5万1A2安大略省L4S 0C8注意:商业金融部抄送法律部电子邮件:Jorge.rubio@bmwfs.com电子邮件 VW Credit Canada,Inc.777 Bayly Street West AJAX,on L1s 7G7注意:Karl-Étienne Piché电子邮件地址:karl.piche@vwCredit it.com电子邮件地址:vcci批发@vwCredit it.com传真号码:(877)549-8601传真号码:(877)549-8601传真号码:(877)549-8601
信贷协议Legal_43503785.7附表1.1(43503785.7)-承诺贷款蒙特利尔丰业银行银行加拿大皇家银行多伦多道明银行宝马集团金融服务,宝马加拿大公司大众加拿大信贷的一个部门,公司总周转设施$$$100,000,00100,000,000批发地板b设施$(包括批发地板b设施的$雕刻)$(包括批发地板b设施的$雕刻)$500,000,00500,000,00二手车辆地板设施$$$100,000,000$$$批发租赁设施$$$$400,000,00400,000,00每日租赁设施$$$25,000,000。0025,000,000 1(4,354)-2信贷协议Legal_43503785.7总计$1,125,000,0 0001,125,000
11(57)-1 Legal_43503785.7 Schedule 1.1(5557)-合规证书日期:行政代理丰业银行全球贷款辛迪加-机构服务40 Temperance Street,6 Floor,Ontario M5H 0B4收件人:机构服务电子邮件尊敬的先生/女士:Re:Lithia Master LP Company,LP
;及(C)未发生任何违约(Lithia Canada Dealer)或违约事件(Lithia Canada Dealer),直至本协议日期仍在继续
NTD:如果存在违约(Lithia Canada Dealer)或违约事件(Lithia Canada Dealer),官员应合理详细地说明情况以及为补救违约(Lithia Canada Dealer)或违约事件(Lithia Canada Dealer)而采取或建议采取的步骤
(D)(C)信贷协议所载的契诺并没有被违反,而我亦不知道有任何财务或其他资料令我相信借款人在下一个财政季度会违反任何该等契诺。财务契约(第10.3节)3.截至财政季度末(最近一财政季度结束的最后一天),固定费用覆盖率为__:_。4.在截至_是_:_。5.截至截止的财政季度末(最近一个财政季度结束的最后一天),Lithia Canada的每一位交易商的营运资金为_。56.附表“A”列明证明债务人遵守本证书第3、4及5段所列契诺的财务数据及计算,所有数据及计算均属真实、正确及完整。Lithia Master GP Company,Inc.以Lithia Master LP公司普通合伙人的身份,LP as Master借款人按:名称:标题:
信贷协议Legal_43503785.7附表1.1-每日租赁基础证书日期:丰业银行,作为行政代理全球贷款辛迪加-机构服务40 Temperance Street,6 Floor,Ontario M5H 0B4收件人:机构服务电子邮件尊敬的先生/女士:Re:Lithia Master LP Company,LP
已终止_。本人以_总借款人。本公司连同其若干附属公司及联营公司(作为借款方)、作为行政代理的丰业银行及贷款方不时订立“信贷协议”(经不时修订、重述、补充、取代及以其他方式修订),并已对公司记录作出合理调查及向债务人的其他高级管理人员及高级人员作出合理查询,足以使本人在此作出知情陈述。本证书中使用的和未定义的大写术语应具有信贷协议中赋予它们的含义,除非另有说明,否则所有章节的引用均应指信贷协议的章节。2.日租房借款基数为:$_。3.总借款人在此声明并保证,本证书公平地提供每日租金借款基数,并保证本证书所列金额符合信贷协议的规定。4.截至本协议日期,主借款人确认:(I)未发生任何持续的违约或违约事件,(Ii)信贷协议第9条所载的陈述和担保是真实和正确的。5.附表“A”为每日租赁管理报告。每日租赁管理报告中包含的所有数据和计算都是真实、正确和完整的。-2信贷协议Legal_43503785.7 Lithia Master GP公司,Inc.以Lithia Master LP公司普通合伙人的身份,LP作为主借款人按:名称:标题:
1.1(126149)-1信贷协议Legal_43503785.7附表1.1(142149)-加入协议借款人加入协议(将用于指定子公司)本借款人加入协议(“协议”)日期为_由其普通合伙人Lithia Master GP Company,Inc.(连同信贷协议的其他当事方Master LP借款人的普通合伙人)以适用借款人的普通合伙人的身份(该等Master LP借款人统称为普通合伙人)(代表主LP借款人并代表其他Master LP借款人)和适用的普通合伙人,(B)
,新Master LP借款人的普通合伙人,a
(“新普通合伙人”)及(D)丰业银行,作为信贷协议订约方的贷款人(定义见下文)的代理人(“代理人”)。陈述A.借款人分别与普通合伙人、不时作为借款人的金融机构(统称为“贷款人”及各自为“贷款人”)及代理人订立于2022年6月3日订立的信贷协议(该协议可不时修订、修改、补充或延长及其任何数目的替代、续订、重述及替换,即“信贷协议”),根据该协议,贷款人可向循环借款人、批发地板A借款人、批发地板B借款人、二手车辆地板借款人提供信贷,批发租赁租用者和每日租借者不定期租借。B.主要有限责任合伙借款人已签署(I)一份综合性一般担保协议(“担保协议”),就每名主要有限责任合伙借款人的所有个人财产、资产及业务设定一项担保权益,以贷款人的代理人为受益人,但只受准许留置权的规限;(Ii)一项综合保险转让(“转让”),将转让人的每项权益(定义一如该协议所界定)转让予贷款人的代理人,作为抵押品的任何及所有保单的受保人;及(Iii)一项综合的无限担保及延期索偿(下称“担保”),以保证向代表贷款人的代理人支付及履行其他主要有限责任合伙借款人的所有债务,每项担保的日期均为2022年6月3日。C.信贷协议的一项条件是,新的Master LP借款人对该新Master LP借款人的所有个人财产、资产和业务授予优先留置权(受允许的留置权的约束),转让和转让其在任何和所有保险单中承保的权益,并保证对方Master LP借款人对代理人和贷款人的义务。1.1(126149)-2信贷协议Legal_43503785.7 D.新的主有限责任合伙借款人也希望成为[旋转设施、A地板批发设施、二手车地板设施、批发租赁设施和日租设施]。E.信贷协议的一项条件是新普通合伙人成为信贷协议项下的借款人。对于有价值的对价,新主有限责任公司借款人和新普通合伙人同意如下:1.合并。新的Master LP借款人同意:(A)其应为“指定附属公司”,
司法管辖权[实体类型]作者:姓名:蒂娜·米勒姓名:蒂娜·米勒头衔:授权代理头衔:首席财务官1(126149)-4信贷协议Legal_43503785.7丰业银行,作为行政代理Lithia Master GP Company,Inc.,Inc.,作为Lithia Master LP公司的普通合伙人,LP by:by:姓名:姓名:标题:标题:[1.1(126149)-5信贷协议Legal_43503785.7借款人加入协议(将用于指定子公司(Lithia Canada Dealer))本借款人加入协议(“协议”)日期为_由其普通合伙人Lithia Master GP Company,Inc.(连同Master LP借款人的普通合伙人)以该等Master LP借款人的普通合伙人的身份(对于主借款人和代表其他Master LP借款人,统称为普通合伙人)和适用的普通合伙人,(B)]新借款人
实体类型[使用它的]行政总裁办公室[位于…省]组织的司法管辖权[(C)作为信贷协议订约方的贷款人(定义见下文)的代理人(“代理人”)丰业银行。陈述A.借款人、普通合伙人、不时作为当事人的金融机构(统称为“贷款人”和各自为“贷款人”)和代理人已于2022年6月3日订立信贷协议(该协议可不时修订、修改、补充或延长,并对其或其进行任何数量的替换、续订、重述和替换,即“信贷协议”),根据该协议,贷款人可向循环借款人、地板批发A借款人、地板批发B借款人、二手车辆地板借款人提供信贷,批发租赁借款人和每日租赁借款人不定期。B.Lithia Canada交易商已签署(I)一份综合性的一般担保协议(“担保协议”),在每一家Lithia Canada交易商的所有个人财产、资产和业务中设立担保权益,以贷款人的代理人为受益人,但仅受允许留置权的限制;(Ii)一项综合性保险转让(“转让”),将每一位转让人的权益(定义见“担保协议”)转让给贷款人的代理人,作为抵押品的任何和所有保险单(Lithia Canada Dealer)的受保人;及(Iii)一项综合性的无限担保及延期索偿(下称“担保”),以保证其他Lithia Canada交易商的所有债务(Lithia Canada Dealer)均向代理人及代表贷款人(Lithia Canada Dealer)支付及履行。C.信贷协议的一项条件是,新借款人对该新借款人的所有个人财产、资产和业务授予优先留置权(受允许的留置权约束),转让和转让其在任何和所有保单中承保的权益,并向代理人和贷款人担保对方Lithia Canada交易商(Lithia Canada Dealer)的义务。D.新借款人也希望成为批发地板b贷款贷款协议项下的借款人。1.1.1(126149)-6有价值对价的信贷协议Legal_43503785.7,新借款人同意如下:1.加入。新借款人同意:(A)其应为“指定子公司(Lithia Canada Dealer)”、“批发地板b借款人”(如适用)、“Lithia Canada Dealer”、“Lithia Canada义务人”及“义务人”(如适用),(每一项定义见信贷协议及其他贷款文件),应为“债务人”(定义见担保协议),应为“转让人”(定义见转让),并应为“担保人”(定义见担保);及(B)在信贷协议、担保文件(Lithia Canada Dealer)、转让、担保及其他适用于Lithia Canada交易商的贷款文件中,凡提及“指定附属公司(Lithia Canada Dealer)”、“借款人”(视情况而定)、“担保人”、“债务人”、“转让人”、“Lithia Canada Dealer”、“Lithia Canada Dealer”及“义务人”(视何者适用而定),应视为自本信贷协议之日起及之后,包括并指代新借款人(以及适用条款所指的其他人士)。新借款人特此同意并同意信贷协议的所有条款及其作为一方的其他贷款文件,并在此同意,自本协议签署之日起及之后,新借款人应成为信贷协议、担保、担保协议、转让和其他贷款文件中适用于指定子公司(Lithia Canada Dealer)、“批发地板b借款人”、“借款人”(但仅适用于Lithia Canada Dealer)、“担保人”的每一和所有条款、限制、义务、契诺和条件的一方,并应受其约束并对其承担责任。“债务人”、“受让人”、“Lithia Canada交易商”、“Lithia Canada债务人”和“债务人”(但仅适用于Lithia Canada债务人)。2.其他协议。在不限制前述规定的情况下,新借款人特此:(A)为了其自身利益和贷款人的利益,将其在抵押品(Lithia Canada Dealer)中的所有权利、所有权和权益(Lithia Canada Dealer)(定义在信贷协议和担保协议中)作为所有义务(Lithia Canada Dealer)的抵押品(Lithia Canada Dealer)(该术语在担保协议中定义)中的担保权益转让、质押和授予代理人;(B)保证及承诺(与其他担保人共同及各别)向代理人及贷款人迅速付款及履行,其他Lithia Canada交易商(Lithia Canada Dealer)按照担保对代理人及贷款人的所有义务;。(C)为代理人本身的利益及贷款人的利益,将其在任何及所有有关抵押品的保险单下承保的所有权益(Lithia Canada Dealer)转让、移转予代理人。及(D)同意与其他Lithia Canada交易商共同及各别负责支付及履行Lithia Canada交易商根据信贷协议及其参与的其他贷款文件所承担的所有义务。3.财务契约。[将增加营运资金财务公约]3]4.申述及保证。每个新借款人向代理人和贷款人声明并向贷款人保证,其签署、交付和履行本协议、证券文件(Lithia Canada Dealer)和作为其一方的其他贷款文件(A)在其权力范围内,(B)已得到所有必要或适当的公司、股东或其他行动的正式授权,(C)不与适用于其的任何一致股东协议或任何适用法律规定的文件相冲突、导致违反或违反或构成违约,(D)不与适用于其的任何一致股东协议或任何适用法律相冲突或导致违约或终止,构成任何实质性合同所要求的违约或加速履行,在每种情况下,该冲突、违约、终止、违约或终止将合理地
1.1(126149)-7信贷协议Legal_43503785.7预计将产生重大不利影响,以及(E)不会也不会导致在任何重大合同下的任何资产或财产上产生任何留置权,除非安全文件(Lithia Canada Dealer)中所述。5.对口单位。本协议可以任何数量的副本和电子交付以及由不同的各方和单独的副本签署,当这样签署时,每个副本应被视为正本,所有这些副本加在一起将构成同一份文书。双方同意,本协议中包括的各方的电子签名,无论是数字签名还是加密签名,旨在验证本文的写作,并具有与手动签名相同的效力和效果。电子签名是指本协议所附的、一方为签署本协议而采用的任何电子符号或程序,包括传真或电子邮件电子签名。通过传真或通过电子邮件发送扫描副本的方式交付本协议签字页的签署副本,应与交付手动签署的本协议副本一样有效。6.定义和其他解释条款。除本文另有定义外,信贷协议中定义的此处使用的大写术语的含义与该等术语的含义相同。]6 [新借款人]由_按:名称:名称:标题:标题:1.1(126194)-1信贷协议Legal_43503785.7附表1.1(179195)-官员证书官员证书(允许债务-第10.2(3)条/允许分派-第10.2(4)条/允许投资-第10.2(10)条/强制预付(保险收益)-第5.5条/允许处置-第10.2(1)条/允许支出-第10.2(11)条/允许重组-第10.2(2)条)[日期]本人,_本文中使用但未定义的资本化术语应具有在2022年6月3日签订的信贷协议(经不时修订、重述、补充或以其他方式修改)中赋予它们的含义(经不时修订、重述、补充或以其他方式修改),其中包括主借款人、主借款人的某些子公司和联营公司、作为贷款人行政代理的丰业银行和其他当事人。根据授信协议,本人代表主借款人向行政代理进一步证明如下:1.[插入事件描述]。2.自生效之日起,下列各项条件已经或将会得到满足[事件](《事件》):a.[总借款人]Lithia新经销商
、违约(Lithia Canada Dealer)或违约事件(Lithia Canada Dealer)
将已经发生并将继续发生,或将在事件生效后存在。[本页的其余部分故意留空;签名页紧随其后。]1.1(163194)-1份信贷协议Legal_43503785.7,特此为证,以下签署人已于上述日期签署了本官员的S证书。Lithia Master GP Company,Inc.,以Lithia Master LP公司的普通合伙人身份,LP作为主借款人按:名称:标题:1.1(203220)-1信贷协议Legal_43503785.7附表1.1(203220)-循环借款人1.Lithia Master LP Company,LP。2.Autoworks Markham,LP 3.Autoworks Woodbridge,LP 4.加拿大-MC,LP 5.Guelph-S,LP 6.加拿大力拓租赁,LP 7.Markham-b,LP 8.Markham-P,LP 9.密西索加-b,LP 10.Motus汽车租赁,LP 11.Newmarket-A,LP 12.Newmarket-V,LP 13.里士满希尔-H,LP 14.ThornHill-A,LP 15.ThornHill-H,LP 16.温哥华MP,LP 17.沃恩-A,LP 18.沃恩-B,LP 19.沃恩-D,LP 19。20.沃恩-S,LP 21.伍德布里奇-密歇根,LP 22。伍德布里奇-宾夕法尼亚州[1.1.1(188221)-1信贷协议Legal_43503785.7附表1.1(205222)-循环借款基础证书日期:丰业银行,作为行政代理全球贷款辛迪加-机构服务40 Temperance Street,6 Floor,Ontario M5H 0B4收件人:机构服务电子邮件尊敬的先生/女士:Re:Lithia Master LP Company,LP]月份[已终止_。本人_总借款人及其若干附属公司及联营公司(作为借款方)、行政代理丰业银行及贷款方不时(经不时修订、重述、补充、取代及以其他方式修订)订立信贷协议,并已对公司记录作出合理调查及对债务人其他高级管理人员及高级人员作出合理查询,足以令本人在此作出知情陈述。本证书中使用的和未定义的大写术语应具有信贷协议中赋予它们的含义,除非另有说明,否则所有章节的引用均应指信贷协议的章节。2.根据《信贷协议》和其他贷款文件中的有关定义,附件A所示的下列计算方法确定了循环借款基数。3.总借款人特此声明并保证,本证书公平地列示循环借款基数,且本证书所列金额符合信贷协议的规定。4.截至本协议日期,主借款人确认:(I)未发生任何持续的违约或违约事件,(Ii)信贷协议第9条所载的陈述和担保是真实和正确的。1.1(188221)-2信贷协议Legal_43503785.7 Lithia Master GP Company,Inc.以Lithia Master LP公司的普通合伙人身份,LP as Master借款人按:名称:标题:]1.1.1(188221)-3信贷协议Legal_43503785.7附件A见附件1.1(215255)-1信贷协议Legal_43503785.7附表1.1(238256)-二手汽车地板借款基准证日期:丰业银行,作为行政代理全球贷款辛迪加-机构服务多伦多临时街40号6楼,安大略省M5H 0B4收件人:机构服务电子邮件尊敬的先生/女士:Re:Lithia Master LP Company,LP
月份[已终止_。本人以_总借款人。本公司连同其若干附属公司及联营公司(作为借款方)、行政代理丰业银行及贷款方不时订立“信贷协议”(经不时修订、重述、补充、取代及以其他方式修订),并已对公司记录作出合理调查及向债务人其他高级管理人员及高级人员作出合理查询,足以使本人在此作出知情陈述。本证书中使用的和未定义的大写术语应具有信贷协议中赋予它们的含义,除非另有说明,否则所有章节的引用均应指信贷协议的章节。2.二手车地板借用基数为:_。3.总借款人特此声明并保证本证书公平地提供二手车地板借款基数,且本证书所列金额符合信贷协议的规定。4.截至本协议日期,主借款人确认:(I)未发生任何持续的违约或违约事件,(Ii)信贷协议第9条所载的陈述和担保是真实和正确的。5.本证明书所附附表“A”列明证明债务人遵守本证明书第2段所列契诺的财务数据及计算,所有该等数据及计算均属真实、正确及完整。]1(215255)-2信贷协议Legal_43503785.7 Lithia Master GP Company,Inc.以其身份并作为Lithia Master LP公司的普通合伙人,LP作为主借款人:名称:标题:1.1(222264)-1信贷协议Legal_43503785.7附表1.1(246265)-批发地板A借款人和批发地板b借款人批发地板A借款人Guelph-S,LP Markham-b,LP Markham-P,LP Mississuga-b,LP Newmarket-A,LP Newmarket-V,LP ThornHill-A,LP ThornHill-H,温哥华LP-MP,LP Vaughan-A,LP Vaughan-P,LP Woodbridge-MC,LP Woodbridge-PA,LP批发地板b借款人1871,Inc.
1(232277)-1信贷协议Legal_43503785.7附表1.1(256278)-批发租赁借款基础证书日期:丰业银行,作为行政代理全球贷款辛迪加-机构服务多伦多坦潘斯街40号6楼,安大略省M5H 0B4收件人:机构服务电子邮件尊敬的先生/女士:Re:Lithia Master LP Company,LP[月份], a [已终止_。本人_总借款人。本公司连同其若干附属公司及联营公司(作为借款方)、行政代理丰业银行及贷款方不时订立“信贷协议”(经不时修订、重述、补充、取代及以其他方式修订),并已对公司记录作出合理调查及向债务人其他高级管理人员及高级人员作出合理查询,足以使本人在此作出知情陈述。本证书中使用的和未定义的大写术语应具有信贷协议中赋予它们的含义,除非另有说明,否则所有章节均应指信贷协议的章节。2.批发租赁借款基数为:$_。3.总借款人特此声明并保证本证书公平地提供批发租赁借款基数,且本证书所列金额符合信贷协议的规定。4.截至本协议日期,主借款人确认:(I)未发生任何持续的违约或违约事件,(Ii)信贷协议第9条所载的陈述和担保是真实和正确的。5.附表“A”为批发租约管理报告。批发租赁管理报告中包含的所有数据和计算都是真实、正确和完整的。Lithia Master GP Company,Inc.,以Lithia Master LP公司的一般1.1(232277)-2信贷协议Legal_43503785.7合伙人身份,LP作为主借款人按:名称:标题]1(1)(A)-1信贷协议Legal_43503785.7附表3.1(1)(A)-申请借款日期的通知:丰业银行,作为行政代理全球批发业务-贷款管理局,多伦多国王街西6楼,On,M5H 1J9收件人:经理电子邮件:Corporation Lending.AgencyOps@SCOTIBANK.com尊敬的先生/女士:我们参考截至2022年6月3日,Lithia Master LP Company,LP及其某些子公司和附属公司作为借款人签订的信贷协议第3.1(1)(A)条,作为行政代理的丰业银行及其贷款方不时(经不时修订、重述、补充、替换和以其他方式修改的“信贷协议”)。本文中使用和未定义的大写术语具有信贷协议中赋予它们的含义。兹确认我方在下列条款下借款的请求[旋转地板/批发地板A/二手车地板/批发租赁/日租]贷款安排如下:(A)为_提供优质贷款。(B)为_[1个月/3个月]。(C)为_[1个月/3个月]兹确认我方开具信用证的要求。请参阅附加的申请[如付款并非向适用借款人的帐户付款,请填上付款指示]借款人特此声明并保证,信贷协议第8.2节中包含的条件已得到满足,并将于本协议之日起以及在适用的提款日期实施本协议所要求的借款之前和之后得到满足。1(1)(A)-2信用协议合法_43503785.7您诚挚的,[借款人(S)]由:_名称:标题:[3.3(3)(B)-1信贷协议Legal_43503785.7附表3.3(3)(B)-信用证延期请求日期:丰业银行,作为行政代理全球批发业务-贷款管理局,多伦多国王街西6楼,On,M5H 1J9收件人:经理电子邮件:Corporation Lending.AgencyOps@cotiabank.com尊敬的先生/女士:我们参考截至2022年6月3日,Lithia Master LP Company,LP及其某些子公司和附属公司之间签订的信贷协议第3.3(3)(B)节,作为借款人,作为行政代理的丰业银行和贷款方不时(经不时修订、重述、补充、替换和以其他方式修改,称为“信贷协议”)。本文中使用和未定义的大写术语具有信贷协议中赋予它们的含义。我们特此确认:(A)]我们希望(S)将下列信用证(S)的到期日延长(S)。_____________。(Ii)受益人_(Iii)款额_。(Iv)有效期_[对要更换的每台仪器重复上述步骤。](B)每份此类信用证将继续受制于适用于该信用证的任何协议的条款和条件。[或][我们希望修改S信用证第号。_:][NTD:插入请求修改的说明(S)][借款人特此声明并保证,截至本协议之日以及该信用证延期请求生效之前和之后,信用协议第8.2条中包含的条件已得到满足并将得到满足。 3.3(3)(b)- 2信用协议法律_43503785.7您的真诚, ][借款人(S)]由:_名称:标题:[3.3(11)-1信贷协议Legal_43503785.7附表3.3(11)-现有L/Cs借款人当前限额受益人温哥华-MP,LP$20,000.00 BC Lithia加拿大租赁公司机动车销售局注册处,LP$10,000.00 BC Lithia Master LP公司机动车销售局注册处,LP$50,000.00 Markham Lithia Master LP公司,LP$107,426.00约克Lithia Master LP地区市政府,LP$7,000.00 New Market Lithia Master LP公司,LP$7,000.00 City of Newmarket Lithia Master LP Company,LP$7,000.00 City of Newmarket Lithia Master LP Company,LP$7,000.00LP$211,080.00小镇Newmarket 3.4-1信贷协议Legal_43503785.7 Schedule 3.4-转换选项通知日期:丰业银行,作为行政代理全球批发业务-贷款管理,多伦多国王西街150号6楼,On,M5H 1J9收信人:经理电子邮件:Corporation Lending.AgencyOps@Scott Bank.com尊敬的先生/女士:我们参考截至2022年6月3日,Lithia Master LP Company,LP及其某些子公司和关联方,作为借款人,作为行政代理,丰业银行,和贷款方不时(经不时修订、重述、补充、替换和以其他方式修改的“信贷协议”)。本文中使用和未定义的大写术语具有信贷协议中赋予它们的含义。兹通知我方不可撤销的要求,将下列借款转换为][旋转地板/批发地板A/批发地板B/二手车地板/批发租赁/日租][未偿还贷款金额为加元,以下列方式提供][优质贷款/Corra贷款][通过以下方式转换为相应的借款]优质贷款/Corra贷款[於_年_月_日。][Corra贷款的相关合同期的最后一天是20_年_月_日。][我们希望在以下日期转换以下借款:_/_/_。日月年借款类型要转换的借款类型请求的借款类型最优贷款Cdn$定期Corra贷款Cdn$每日复合Corra贷款定期Corra贷款Cdn$每日复合Corra贷款Cdn$每日复合Corra贷款每日复合Corra贷款Cdn$最优贷款][信贷协议Legal_43503785.7每日复合Corra贷款Cdn$定期Corra贷款如果转换为定期Corra贷款,新的加拿大可用期限应为][1个月/3个月]如果转换为每日复合Corra贷款,新的加拿大可用期限应为
1个月/3个月[借款人特此声明并保证,信贷协议第8.2节所载的条件已得到满足,并将于本协议之日起以及在适用的转换日期生效之前和之后得到满足。你的真心,] a [借款人(S)][发信人:姓名:标题:5.6-1信贷协议Legal_43503785.7 Schedule 5.6-还款通知日期:丰业银行,作为行政代理全球批发业务-贷款管理局,多伦多国王街西,6楼,On,M5H 1J9收信人:经理电子邮件:Corporation Lending.AgencyOps@Scotiabank.com尊敬的先生/女士:我们参考截至2022年6月3日,Lithia Master LP公司,LP及其某些子公司和附属公司,作为借款人,丰业银行,作为行政代理之间签订的信贷协议第5.6节和贷款方不时(经不时修订、重述、补充、替换和以其他方式修改的“信贷协议”)。本文中使用和未定义的大写术语具有信贷协议中赋予它们的含义。我们特此发出不可撤销的通知,我们将偿还某些项目下的借款][旋转地板/批发地板A/批发地板B/二手车地板/批发租赁/日租] a [4.还款日期:_/_/_(不少于一(1)个营业日)月5.还款总额:__][借款人(S)]由:_名称:标题:
5.8-1信贷协议Legal_43503785.7附表5.8-取消信贷安排通知日期:丰业银行,作为行政代理全球批发业务-贷款管理局,多伦多国王西街150号6楼,on,M5H 1J9收信人:经理电子邮件:Corporation Lending.AgencyOps@cotiabank.com尊敬的先生/女士:我们参考截至2022年6月3日,Lithia Master LP,LP及其某些子公司和附属公司作为借款人,作为行政代理,签订的信贷协议的第5.8节,和贷款方不时(经不时修订、重述、补充、替换和以其他方式修改的“信贷协议”)。本文中使用和未定义的大写术语具有信贷协议中赋予它们的含义。兹通知你方取消并减少本公司的_[旋转地板/批发地板A/批发地板B/二手车地板/批发租赁/日租], a [设施]限额/承诺[生效日期为_]填写日期,不得早于行政代理收到本取消通知之日起5个工作日[。在这样的取消之后,]旋转地板/批发地板A/批发地板B/二手车地板/批发租赁/日租[设施]限额/承诺
费用为_。你的真心,[借款人(S)]由:_[9.1(9)-1信贷协议Legal_43503785.7 Schedule 9.1(9)-房地产租赁/房地产租赁(Lithia Canada Dealer)市政地址承租人出租人1.33汽车停车场环路,伍德布里奇,安大略省伍德布里奇,LP Lithia Canada Real Estate,Inc.安大略省圭尔夫-S,Lithia Canada Real Estate,Inc.5.115 Auto Park Circle,Woodbridge on Vaughan-A,LP and Vaughan-D,LP Lithia Canada Real Estate,Inc.6.16775 Leslie St,Newmarket,LP Lithia Canada Real Estate,Inc.7.16885 Leslie St,Newmarket,Inc.on Newmarket-V,LP Lithia Canada Real Estate,Inc.8.16821/16831 Leslie St,Newmarket,Inc.BC Lithia Canada Real Estate,Inc.转租或与温哥华-MP,LP和Woodbridge-PA,LP签订其他协议,使用空间David Ratner 10.1725 West Second Avenue,Vancouver,BC Lithia Canada Real Estate,Inc.与温哥华-MP,LP和Woodbridge-PA,LP转租或其他协议使用空间David Ratner 11.214 Courtland Avenue,Vaughan,Ontario Lithia Canada Real Estate,Inc.与Autoworks N.H.D.Development Limited 9.1(9)-2信贷协议Legal_43503785.7 Woodbridge,Lp与Vaughan-A,LP和Vaughan-S,LP分租SPACE Automotive Properties Limited,14.5539-6 ST SE,Calgary,AB Lithia Canada Real Estate,Inc.使用SPACE Automotive Properties Limited Partnership 14.5539-6 St SE,Calgary,AB Lithia Canada Real Estate,Inc.LP使用J.K.空间Molnar(International)Inc.与Markham,Markham,Ontario Lithia Canada Real Estate,Inc.分租空间或与Markham-b,LP签订其他协议,以使用Lithia Canada Real Estate,Inc.上的空间8111 Kennedy Markham Inc.16.Woodbridge,Woodbridge,Trowers Road,78,1.转租或与Woodbridge-MC,LP签订的其他协议,以使用空间Dass Investments Holdings Inc.17.9001 Jane Street,Vaughan,Inc.与Vaughan-A,LP分租或其他协议,以使用空间Lorwood Holdings Inc.18.8590 McCowan路,LP。关于Lithia Canada Real Estate,Inc.与凯迪拉克Fairview Corporation Ltd.的转租或其他协议。]9(9)-3信贷协议Legal_43503785.7 Markham-P,LP与Markham-b,LP就使用Lithia Canada Real Estate,Inc.的坚尼地路19.7997号空间转租或达成其他协议转租或与Markham-b,LP签订其他协议以使用空间转租或其他协议使用空间转租或其他协议与Markham-b,LP签订以使用空间Zoom Parking Markham 21。物业所有者:安大略省1788289 Inc.罗迪克路20.800 Markham,Lp与Markham-b,LP转租或其他协议使用空间Zoom Parking Markham 21。71 Four Valley Dr.,Concord,on Lithia Canada Real Estate,Inc.与Vaughan-P,LP转租或达成其他协议,使用空间Danaher Canada Partnership Inc.22.189布洛克博士,Markham,关于Lithia Canada Real Estate,Inc.转租或与Autoworks Markham,LP签订其他协议,使用空间PS Canada Company Two ULC 23.8240 Woodbine Ave,Markham,on Lithia Canada Real Estate,Inc.与Markham-b,LP转租或达成其他协议,使用Tallman Truck Centre空间24。温哥华Hornby St,BC Lithia Canada Real Estate,Inc.与温哥华分租或达成其他协议-MP,LP使用空间Easy Park 25。1-89康妮·新月,康科德,安利西亚加拿大房地产公司与Markham-P,LP,Vaughan-P,LP,LP和秃鹰地产有限公司转租或达成其他协议。9.1(9)-4信贷协议Legal_43503785.7 Vaughan-A,LP使用26号空间。协和简街8885号,L0.4万2M6 Lithia Canada Real Estate,Inc.与Richmond Hill-H,LP Jane-Locke Properties Inc.签订分租或其他协议。88钢铁大道西,索恩希尔,L4J 1A1 Lithia Canada Real Estate,Inc.与ThornHill-H,LP 1306497 Ontario Inc.签订转租或其他协议。Markham第十四大道2655号,L4J 1A1 ThornHill-A,LP Lithia Canada Real Estate,Inc.29.沃恩7号骇维金属加工L4L 1A6 Lithia Canada Real Estate,Inc.与L817 Inc.转租或达成其他协议,使用Space PEM(Weston)Limited Partnership[9.1(11)-1信贷协议Legal_43503785.7附表9.1(11)-除Vaughan-D,LP和Vaughan D-GP,Inc.外,所有债务人的资产地点,营业地点:8885Jane St,Suite200,Vaughan,Ontario,L0.4万2M6 Vaughan-D,LP和Vaughan D-GP,Inc.加拿大阿尔伯塔省卡尔加里省T2P 4K95C5注册办事处ThornHill-H,LP和ThornHill H-GP,Inc.8885简街,Suite 200,安大略省沃恩市L0.4万2M6注册办事处L817,Inc.5300商务法院西,199湾街,多伦多,安大略省M5L 1B9成立所有义务人,ThornHill-H,LP和,ThornHill H-GP,Inc.和L817,Inc.公司和安大略省L817,Inc.债务人名称(S)主要营业地点和其他营业地点或资产地点安大略省骇维金属加工公司3790骇维金属加工7号沃恩,安大略省L4L 1A6汽车马卡姆,LP 189布洛克DR,马卡姆GP,Inc.8885简街,200号套房,安大略省L0.4万2M6汽车林桥,LP101汽车公园圈,伍德布里奇,安大略省考特兰大道,沃恩,安大略省L0.4万2M6加拿大公司,LP 8885简街,200号套房,安大略省沃恩,沃德布里奇,安大略省LP0.4安大略省L0.4万2M6加拿大-MC GP,Inc.8885简街,Suite 200,沃恩,安大略省L0.4万2M6 Guelph-S,LP 12 Wilbert Street,Guelph,Ontario Guelph-S GP,Inc.8885 Jane St,Suite 200,Ontario L0.4万2M6 Lithia加拿大租赁,LP 101 Auto Park Circle,Woodbridge,Ontario 5539-6 St SE,卡尔加里,AB Lithia加拿大租赁GP,Inc.8885 Jane St,Suite 200,沃恩,沃恩,Lithia Master LP Company,85 Jane St,Suite 200,Vaughan,Vaughan安大略省L0.4万2M6 9.1(11)-2信贷协议Legal_43503785.7 Lithia Master GP Company,Inc.8885简街,Suite 200,沃恩,安大略省L0.4万2M6 Markham-b,LP 8111坚尼地道,Markham,Ontario 7997 Kennedy Rd,Union ville,Otario 800 Rodick Rd,Markham,Ontario 8240 Woodbine Ave,Markham,Ontario Markham-b GP,Inc.8885 Jane St,Suite 200,Vaughan,Ontario L0.4万2M6 Markham-P,LP 8590 McCowan路,安大略省昂昂维尔,康涅狄格州康奈尔,康科德,安大略省Markham-P,Inc.8885 Jane,St,Ontario Markham-P,Inc.安大略省L0.4万2M6密西索加GP公司,安大略省L0.4万2M6密西索加-b号,LP 4505迪克西路,密西索加,安大略省密西索加GP,Inc.8885简街,200号套房,沃恩,安大略省L0.4万2M6莫图斯汽车租赁公司,安大略省L0.4简街,200号套房,沃恩,沃恩,安大略省L0.4万2M6摩图斯汽车租赁公司,安大略省简街,200号套房,沃恩,沃恩,安大略省L0.4莱斯利街,新市场,安大略省16885街,市场,安大略省16821/16831莱斯利街,安大略省新市场,安大略省新市场A公司安大略省L0.4万2M6新市场-V,LP 16885莱斯利街,安大略省纽马基特16821/16831安大略省纽马基特莱斯利街,安大略省纽马克特-V GP,Inc.8885简街,200室,沃恩,安大略省L0.4万2M6里士满山-H GP,LP单位1,8885简街,康科德,安大略省L0.4万2M6里士满山-H GP,Inc.8885简街,200套房,安大略省L0.4万2M6 ThornHill-A,LP 88钢铁大道西,安大略省索恩希尔,L4J 1A1 2655 Ave,Markham,LP3R 04霍恩希尔A-GP,Inc.安大略省沃恩,安大略省L0.4万2M6,索恩希尔-H,LP 88钢铁大道西,安大略省索恩希尔,L4J 1A1索恩希尔-H GP,Inc.简街,200号套房,沃恩,安大略省L0.4万2M6温哥华-MP,LP 1711西第二大道,不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华,1725西第二大道,温哥华,不列颠哥伦比亚省]9.1(11)-3信贷协议Legal_43503785.7 5539-6 St SE,卡尔加里,艾伯塔霍恩比街,温哥华,不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华-MP GP,Inc.8885Jane St,Suite200,沃恩,安大略省L0.4万2M6沃恩-A,LP 115汽车公园环路,伍德布里奇安大略省L0.4万2M6 9088简街,安大略省康科德市9001简街,安大略省1-89康妮·克鲁斯,康科德,安大略省沃恩-A GP,Inc.8885简街,Suite 200,沃恩,安大略省L0.4万2M6沃恩-D,LP115汽车公园环路,伍德布里奇,安大略省9001简街安大略省L4L 8R1沃恩D-GP公司第115个汽车公园圈,伍德布里奇,安大略省L4L 8R1沃恩-P,LP 105和131四谷博士,安大略省康科德,安大略省71四谷博士,康奈尔,安大略省1-89康妮·新月会,康科德,安大略省沃恩-P GP,Inc.,安大略省L0.4简街,万2M6沃恩-S,LP 9088简街,康科德,安大略省沃恩-S GP,Inc.8885简简街,套房200,安大略省沃恩0.4,万2M6伍德布里奇-MC,LP 33汽车公园环线,伍德布里奇,安大略省101汽车公园环线,伍德布里奇,安大略省沃恩-S在伍德布里奇拖拉者路78号1单元,伍德布里奇-MC GP公司8885简街,200号套房,安大略省沃恩,安大略省L0.4万2M6伍德布里奇-PA,LP 101汽车园区,伍德布里奇,安大略省伍德布里奇西第二大道,温哥华,不列颠哥伦比亚省伍德布里奇,1725西第二大道,温哥华,不列颠哥伦比亚省伍德布里奇-PA GP,Inc.8885简街,200套房,安大略省沃恩,安大略省L0.4万2M6 9.1(17)-1信贷协议Legal_43503785.7 Schedule 9.1(17)-加拿大福利和养老金计划为零。[9.1(18)-1信贷协议Legal_43503785.7附表9.1(18)--劳资问题为零。9.1(20)-1信贷协议Legal_43503785.7附表9.1(20)-公司组织见附件。] (the “Event”): a. [Master Borrower][Lithia New Dealers] will be in compliance with the applicable Financial Covenants in the Credit Agreement both before and after giving effect to the Event. b. The Board of Directors (or other Persons exercising similar functions) of each of the sellers has not disapproved the transaction or recommended that such transaction be disapproved. [NTD: Permitted Acquisition Only] c. All applicable representations and warranties in the Credit Agreement will be true and correct as of the date of the Event and [no Default or Event of Default][, Default (Lithia Canada Dealer) or Event of Default (Lithia Canada Dealer)] will have occurred and be continuing or will exist after giving effect to the Event. [Remainder of this page intentionally left blank; Signature page follows.]
1.1(163194) - 1 CREDIT AGREEMENT LEGAL_43503785.7 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has executed this Officer' s Certificate as of the date first set forth above. LITHIA MASTER GP COMPANY, INC., in its capacity and as general partner of LITHIA MASTER LP COMPANY, LP as Master Borrower By: Name: Title: 1.1(219) - 1 CREDIT AGREEMENT LEGAL_43503785.7 Schedule 1.1(203220) – Revolving Borrowers 1. Lithia Master LP Company, LP. 2. Autoworks Markham, LP 3. Autoworks Woodbridge, LP 4. Canada-MC, LP 5. Guelph-S, LP 6. Lithia Canada Leasing, LP 7. Markham-B, LP 8. Markham-P, LP 9. Mississauga-B, LP 10. Motus Car Rental, LP 11. Newmarket-A, LP 12. Newmarket-V, LP 13. Richmond Hill-H, LP 14. Thornhill-A, LP 15. Thornhill-H, LP 16. Vancouver-MP, LP 17. Vaughan-A, LP 18. Vaughan-B, LP 19. Vaughan-D, LP 19. Vaughan-P, LP 20. Vaughan-S, LP 21. Woodbridge-MC, LP 22. Woodbridge-PA, LP
1.1(188221) - 1 CREDIT AGREEMENT LEGAL_43503785.7 Schedule 1.1(205222) – Revolving Borrowing Base Certificate Date: The Bank of Nova Scotia, as Administrative Agent Global Loan Syndications – Agency Services 40 Temperance Street, 6th Floor Toronto, Ontario M5H 0B4 Attn: Agency Services Email: Dear Sirs/Mesdames: Re: Lithia Master LP Company, LP [Month] ended _________________. I, ________________________, in my capacity as ____________________________ of Lithia Master GP Company, Inc., the General Partner of Lithia Master LP Company, LP (“Master Borrower”), hereby certify on behalf of the Revolving Borrowers and without personal liability that: 1. I am familiar with and have examined the provisions of the credit agreement made as of June 3rd, 2022 between, inter alios, Master Borrower, together with certain of its subsidiaries and affilates, as borrowers, The Bank of Nova Scotia, as Administrative Agent, and the Lenders party thereto from time to time, (as amended, restated, supplemented, replaced and otherwise modified from time to time, the “Credit Agreement”) and have made such reasonable investigations of corporate records and reasonable inquiries of other officers and senior personnel of the Obligors as are sufficient to enable me to make an informed statement herein. Capitalized terms used and not defined in this certificate shall have the meanings given to them in the Credit Agreement and all section references, unless stated otherwise, shall be references to sections of the Credit Agreement. 2. The following calculations as presented in the attached Exhibit “A” determine the Revolving Borrowing Base in accordance with the relevant definitions as set forth in the Credit Agreement and the other Loan Documents. 3. The Master Borrower hereby represents and warrants that this Certificate presents fairly the Revolving Borrowing Base and the amounts set forth herein are in compliance with the provisions of the Credit Agreement. 4. As of the date of hereof the Master Borrower confirms that: (i) no Default or Event of Default has occurred that is continuing and (ii) the representations and warranties set out in Article 9 of the Credit Agreement are true and correct. 1.1(188221) - 2 CREDIT AGREEMENT LEGAL_43503785.7 LITHIA MASTER GP COMPANY, INC., in its capacity and as general partner of LITHIA MASTER LP COMPANY, LP as Master Borrower By: Name: Title:
1.1(188221) - 3 CREDIT AGREEMENT LEGAL_43503785.7 Exhibit A See Attached 1.1(215255) - 1 CREDIT AGREEMENT LEGAL_43503785.7 Schedule 1.1(238256) – Used Vehicle Flooring Borrowing Base Certificate Date: The Bank of Nova Scotia, as Administrative Agent Global Loan Syndications – Agency Services 40 Temperance Street, 6th Floor Toronto, Ontario M5H 0B4 Attn: Agency Services Email: Dear Sirs/Mesdames: Re: Lithia Master LP Company, LP [Month] ended _________________. I, ________________________, in my capacity as ____________________________ of Lithia Master GP Company, Inc., the General Partner of Lithia Master LP Company, LP (“Master Borrower”), hereby certify on behalf of the Used Vehicle Flooring Borrower and without personal liability that:: 1. I am familiar with and have examined the provisions of the credit agreement made as of June 3rd, 2022 between, inter alios, Master Borrower. together with certain of its subsidiaries and affilates, as borrowers, The Bank of Nova Scotia, as Administrative Agent, and the Lenders party thereto from time to time, (as amended, restated, supplemented, replaced and otherwise modified from time to time, the “Credit Agreement”) and have made such reasonable investigations of corporate records and reasonable inquiries of other officers and senior personnel of the Obligors as are sufficient to enable me to make an informed statement herein. Capitalized terms used and not defined in this certificate shall have the meanings given to them in the Credit Agreement and all section references, unless stated otherwise, shall be references to sections of the Credit Agreement. 2. The Used Vehicle Flooring Borrowing Base is:$____________________. 3. The Master Borrower hereby represents and warrants that this Certificate presents fairly the Used Vehicle Flooring Borrowing Base and the amounts set forth herein are in compliance with the provisions of the Credit Agreement. 4. As of the date of hereof the Master Borrower confirms that: (i) no Default or Event of Default has occurred that is continuing and (ii) the representations and warranties set out in Article 9 of the Credit Agreement are true and correct. 5. Schedule “A” attached hereto sets forth financial data and computations evidencing the Obligor’s compliance with the covenants set out in paragraph 2 of this certificate, all of which data and computations are true, correct and complete.
1.1(215255) - 2 CREDIT AGREEMENT LEGAL_43503785.7 LITHIA MASTER GP COMPANY, INC., in its capacity and as general partner of LITHIA MASTER LP COMPANY, LP as Master Borrower By: Name: Title: 1.1(222264) - 1 CREDIT AGREEMENT LEGAL_43503785.7 Schedule 1.1(246265) – Wholesale Flooring A Borrowers and Wholesale Flooring B Borrowers Wholesale Flooring A Borrowers Guelph-S, LP Markham-B, LP Markham-P, LP Mississauga-B, LP Newmarket-A, LP Newmarket-V, LP Thornhill-A, LP Thornhill-H, LP Vancouver-MP, LP Vaughan-A, LP Vaughan-P, LP Woodbridge-MC, LP Woodbridge-PA, LP Wholesale Flooring B Borrowers L871, Inc.
1.1(232277) - 1 CREDIT AGREEMENT LEGAL_43503785.7 Schedule 1.1(256278) – Wholesale Leasing Borrowing Base Certificate Date: The Bank of Nova Scotia, as Administrative Agent Global Loan Syndications – Agency Services 40 Temperance Street, 6th Floor Toronto, Ontario M5H 0B4 Attn: Agency Services Email: Dear Sirs/Mesdames: Re: Lithia Master LP Company, LP [Month] ended _________________. I, ________________________, in my capacity as ____________________________ of Lithia Master GP Company, Inc., the General Partner of Lithia Master LP Company, LP (“Master Borrower”), hereby certify on behalf of Wholesale Leasing Borrower and without personal liability that:: 1. I am familiar with and have examined the provisions of the credit agreement made as of June 3rd, 2022 between, inter alios, Master Borrower. together with certain of its subsidiaries and affilates, as borrowers, The Bank of Nova Scotia, as Administrative Agent, and the Lenders party thereto from time to time, (as amended, restated, supplemented, replaced and otherwise modified from time to time, the “Credit Agreement”) and have made such reasonable investigations of corporate records and reasonable inquiries of other officers and senior personnel of the Obligors as are sufficient to enable me to make an informed statement herein. Capitalized terms used and not defined in this certificate shall have the meanings given to them in the Credit Agreement and all section references, unless stated otherwise, shall be references to sections of the Credit Agreement.. 2. The Wholesale Leasing Borrowing Base is:$____________________. 3. The Master Borrower hereby represents and warrants that this Certificate presents fairly the Wholesale Leasing Borrowing Base Base and the amounts set forth herein are in compliance with the provisions of the Credit Agreement. 4. As of the date of hereof the Master Borrower confirms that: (i) no Default or Event of Default has occurred that is continuing and (ii) the representations and warranties set out in Article 9 of the Credit Agreement are true and correct. 5. Schedule “A” attached hereto is the Wholesale Lease Management Report. All of the data and computations contained in the Wholesale Lease Management Report are true, correct and complete. LITHIA MASTER GP COMPANY, INC., in its capacity and as general 1.1(232277) - 2 CREDIT AGREEMENT LEGAL_43503785.7 partner of LITHIA MASTER LP COMPANY, LP as Master Borrower By: Name: Title
3.1(1)(a) - 1 CREDIT AGREEMENT LEGAL_43503785.7 Schedule 3.1(1)(a) – Notice of Requested Borrowing Date: The Bank of Nova Scotia, as Administrative Agent Global Wholesale Operations – Loan Administration 150 King Street West, 6th Floor Toronto, ON, M5H 1J9 Attn: Manager Email: Dear Sirs/Mesdames: We refer to Section 3.1(1)(a) of the credit agreement made as of June 3rd, 2022 between, inter alios, Lithia Master LP Company, LP together with certain of its subsidiaries and affiliates, as borrowers, The Bank of Nova Scotia, as Administrative Agent, and the Lenders party thereto from time to time, (as amended, restated, supplemented, replaced and otherwise modified from time to time, the “Credit Agreement”). Capitalized terms used and not defined herein have the meanings given to them in the Credit Agreement. We hereby confirm our request for a Borrowing under [Revolving /Wholesale Flooring A/Used Vehicle Flooring/Wholesale Leasing/Daily Rental] Facility as follows: (a) Prime Loan for drawdown on ____________ in the amount of Cdn$______________. (b) Term CORRA Loan for drawdown on ____________ in the amount of Cdn$____________ for a Canadian Available Tenor of [1 month / 3 months]. (c) Daily Compounded CORRA Loan for drawdown on ____________ in the amount of Cdn$__________________ for a Canadian Available Tenor of [1 month / 3 months][We hereby confirm our request for an issue of Letters of Credit. See attached applications][Insert payment instructions if payment to be made other than to applicable Borrowers’ Account] The Borrowers hereby represent and warrant that the conditions contained in Section 8.2 of the Credit Agreement have been satisfied and will be satisfied as of the date hereof and before and after giving effect to the Borrowing requested herein on the applicable Drawdown Date. 3.1(1)(a) - 2 CREDIT AGREEMENT LEGAL_43503785.7 Yours truly, [BORROWER(S)] By: _______________________________ Name: Title:
3.3(3)(b) - 1 CREDIT AGREEMENT LEGAL_43503785.7 Schedule 3.3(3)(b) – Letter of Credit Extension Request Date: The Bank of Nova Scotia, as Administrative Agent Global Wholesale Operations – Loan Administration 150 King Street West, 6th Floor Toronto, ON, M5H 1J9 Attn: Manager Email: Dear Sirs/Mesdames: We refer to Section 3.3(3)(b) of the credit agreement made as of June 3rd, 2022 between, inter alios, Lithia Master LP Company, LP together with certain of its subsidiaries and affiliates, as borrowers, The Bank of Nova Scotia, as Administrative Agent, and the Lenders party thereto from time to time, (as amended, restated, supplemented, replaced and otherwise modified from time to time, the “Credit Agreement”). Capitalized terms used and not defined herein have the meanings given to them in the Credit Agreement. We hereby confirm that: (a) [we wish extension(s) of the maturity date(s) of the following Letter(s) of Credit (i) Letter of Credit No. _____________. (ii) Beneficiary ____________________________________. (iii) Amount Cdn$____________________. (iv) Expiry Date __________________________][Repeat for each instrument to be replaced.] (b) each such Letter of Credit will continue to be subject to the terms and conditions of any agreements applicable to that Letter of Credit.][or][(a) we wish to amend Letter(s) of Credit No. _________ as follows: [NTD: insert description of requested amendment(s)]] The Borrowers hereby represent and warrant that the conditions contained in Section 8.2 of the Credit Agreement have been satisfied and will be satisfied as of the date hereof and before and after giving effect to such Letter of Credit Extension Request. 3.3(3)(b) - 2 CREDIT AGREEMENT LEGAL_43503785.7 Yours truly, [BORROWER (S)] By: _______________________________ Name: Title:
3.3(11) - 1 CREDIT AGREEMENT LEGAL_43503785.7 Schedule 3.3(11) – Existing L/Cs Borrower Current Limit Beneficiary Vancouver-MP, LP $20,000.00 Registrar of Motor Vehicle Sales Authority of BC Lithia Canada Leasing, LP $10,000.00 Registrar of Motor Vehicle Sales Authority of BC Lithia Master LP Company, LP $50,000.00 City of Markham Lithia Master LP Company, LP $107,426.00 Regional Municipality of York Lithia Master LP Company, LP $7,000.00 Town of Newmarket Lithia Master LP Company, LP $211,080.00 Town of Newmarket 3.4 - 1 CREDIT AGREEMENT LEGAL_43503785.7 Schedule 3.4 – Conversion Option Notice Date: The Bank of Nova Scotia, as Administrative Agent Global Wholesale Operations – Loan Administration 150 King Street West, 6th Floor Toronto, ON, M5H 1J9 Attn: Manager Email: Dear Sirs/Mesdames: We refer to Section 3.4 of the credit agreement made as of June 3rd, 2022 between, inter alios, Lithia Master LP Company, LP together with certain of its subsidiaries and affilates, as borrowers, The Bank of Nova Scotia, as Administrative Agent, and the Lenders party thereto from time to time, (as amended, restated, supplemented, replaced and otherwise modified from time to time, the “Credit Agreement”). Capitalized terms used and not defined herein have the meanings given to them in the Credit Agreement. We hereby give notice of our irrevocable request for a conversion of Borrowings under [Revolving /Wholesale Flooring A/Wholesale Flooring B/Used Vehicle Flooring/Wholesale Leasing/Daily Rental] Facility in the amount of Cdn$ outstanding by way of [Prime Loans/CORRA Loans] into corresponding Borrowings by way of [Prime Loans/CORRA Loans] on the day of ____ , 20 . [The last day of the relevant Contract Period for the CORRA Loans is the day of , 20 __.] We wish to convert the following Borrowings on: ___/_____/_____. Day Month Year Type of Borrowing Outstanding Amount to be Converted Type of Borrowing Requested by Conversion Prime Loans Cdn$ Term CORRA Loans Prime Loans Cdn$ Daily Compounded CORRA Loans Term CORRA Loans Cdn$ Prime Loans Term CORRA Loans Cdn$ Daily Compounded CORRA Loans Daily Compounded CORRA Loans Cdn$ Prime Loans
3.4 - 2 CREDIT AGREEMENT LEGAL_43503785.7 Daily Compounded CORRA Loans Cdn$ Term CORRA Loans The new Canadian Available Tenor if converting to Term CORRA Loans shall be [1 month / 3 months] The new Canadian Available Tenor if converting to Daily Compounded CORRA Loans shall be [1 month / 3 months] The Borrowers hereby represent and warrant that the conditions contained in Section 8.2 of the Credit Agreement have been satisfied and will be satisfied as of the date hereof and before and after giving effect to such Conversion on the applicable Conversion Date. Yours truly, [BORROWER(S)] By: Name: Title: 5.6 - 1 CREDIT AGREEMENT LEGAL_43503785.7 Schedule 5.6 – Notice of Repayment Date: The Bank of Nova Scotia, as Administrative Agent Global Wholesale Operations – Loan Administration 150 King Street West, 6th Floor Toronto, ON, M5H 1J9 Attn: Manager Email: Dear Sirs/Mesdames: We refer to Section 5.6 of the credit agreement made as of June 3rd, 2022 between, inter alios, Lithia Master LP Company, LP together with certain of its subsidiaries and affiliates, as borrowers, The Bank of Nova Scotia, as Administrative Agent, and the Lenders party thereto from time to time, (as amended, restated, supplemented, replaced and otherwise modified from time to time, the “Credit Agreement”). Capitalized terms used and not defined herein have the meanings given to them in the Credit Agreement. We hereby give you irrevocable notice that we shall repay certain of the Borrowings under [Revolving /Wholesale Flooring A/Wholesale Flooring B/Used Vehicle Flooring/Wholesale Leasing/Daily Rental] Facility as follows (repeat for each Borrowing to be repaid): 4. 1. Date of repayment ________/________/________ (not less than one (1) Business Day) Day Month Year 5. 2. Aggregate amount of repayment of $____________________ in accordance with the following: Prime Loans of Cdn$ ______________________________ Term CORRA Loans of Cdn$ ______________________________ Daily Adjusted CORRA Loans of Cdn$ ______________________________ Yours truly, [BORROWER(S)] By: _______________________________ Name: Title:
5.8 - 1 CREDIT AGREEMENT LEGAL_43503785.7 Schedule 5.8 – Notice of Cancellation of Credit Facility Date: The Bank of Nova Scotia, as Administrative Agent Global Wholesale Operations – Loan Administration 150 King Street West, 6th Floor Toronto, ON, M5H 1J9 Attn: Manager Email: Dear Sirs/Mesdames: We refer to Section 5.8 of the credit agreement made as of June 3rd, 2022 between, inter alios, Lithia Master LP Company, LP together with certain of its subsidiaries and affiliates, as borrowers, The Bank of Nova Scotia, as Administrative Agent, and the Lenders party thereto from time to time, (as amended, restated, supplemented, replaced and otherwise modified from time to time, the “Credit Agreement”). Capitalized terms used and not defined herein have the meanings given to them in the Credit Agreement. We hereby give you notice of cancellation and reduction in the amount of Cdn$____________ of the [Revolving /Wholesale Flooring A/Wholesale Flooring B/Used Vehicle Flooring/Wholesale Leasing/Daily Rental] Facility [Limit/Commitment] effective as at ___________________________ [insert date, which shall be no earlier than 5 Business Days after the date on which this Notice of Cancellation is received by the Administrative Agent]. Following such cancellation, the [Revolving /Wholesale Flooring A/Wholesale Flooring B/Used Vehicle Flooring/Wholesale Leasing/Daily Rental] Facility [Limit/Commitment] shall be Cdn$____________. Yours truly, [BORROWER(S)] By:___________________________ Name: Title: 9.1(8) - 1 CREDIT AGREEMENT LEGAL_43503785.7 Schedule 9.1(8) – Owned Property / Owned Property (Lithia Canada Dealer) Nil.
9.1(9) - 1 CREDIT AGREEMENT LEGAL_43503785.7 Schedule 9.1(9) – Real Property Leases / Real Property Leases (Lithia Canada Dealer) Municipal Address Lessee Lessor 1. 33 Auto Park Circle, Woodbridge, Ontario Woodbridge-MC, LP Lithia Canada Real Estate, Inc. 2. 4505 Dixie Road, Mississauga, Ontario Mississauga-B, LP Lithia Canada Real Estate, Inc. 3. 101 Auto Park Cir, Woodbridge, ON Woodbridge-PA, LP Autoworks Woodbridge, LP Lithia Canada Leasing, LP Woodbridge-MC, LP Lithia Canada Real Estate, Inc. 4. 12 Wilbert Street, Guelph, Ontario Guelph-S, LP Lithia Canada Real Estate, Inc. 5. 115 Auto Park Circle, Woodbridge ON Vaughan-A, LP and Vaughan-D, LP Lithia Canada Real Estate, Inc. 6. 16775 Leslie St, Newmarket, ON Newmarket-A, LP Lithia Canada Real Estate, Inc. 7. 16885 Leslie St, Newmarket, ON Newmarket-V, LP Lithia Canada Real Estate, Inc. 8. 16821/16831 Leslie St, Newmarket, ON Newmarket-A, LP Newmarket-V, LP Lithia Canada Real Estate 2 Inc. 9. 1711 West 2nd Avenue, Vancouver, BC Lithia Canada Real Estate, Inc. Sublease or other agreement with Vancouver-MP, LP and Woodbridge-PA, LP to use space David Ratner 10. 1725 West 2nd Avenue, Vancouver, BC Lithia Canada Real Estate, Inc. Sub-lease or other agreement with Vancouver-MP, LP and Woodbridge-PA, LP to use space David Ratner 11. 214 Courtland Avenue, Vaughan, Ontario Lithia Canada Real Estate, Inc. Sub-lease or other agreement with Autoworks N.H.D. Developments Limited 9.1(9) - 2 CREDIT AGREEMENT LEGAL_43503785.7 Woodbridge, LP to use space 12. 105 & 131 Four Valley Dr., Concord, ON Lithia Canada Real Estate, Inc. Sub-lease or other agreement with Vaughan-P, LP to use space Playacor Holdings Ltd. 13. 9088 Jane St, Concord, ON Lithia Canada Real Estate, Inc. Sub-lease or other agreement with Vaughan-A, LP and Vaughan-S, LP to use space Automotive Properties Limited Partnership 14. 5539-6 St SE, Calgary, AB Lithia Canada Real Estate, Inc. Sub-lease or other agreement with Vancouver-MP, LP and Lithia Canada Leasing, LP to use space J.K. Molnar (International) Inc. 15. 8111 Kennedy Road, Markham, Ontario Lithia Canada Real Estate, Inc. Sub-lease or other agreement with Markham-B, LP to use space 8111 Kennedy Markham Inc. 16. Unit 1, 78 Trowers Road, Woodbridge, ON Lithia Canada Real Estate, Inc. Sub-lease or other agreement with Woodbridge-MC, LP to use space DASS Investments Holdings Inc. 17. 9001 Jane Street, Vaughan, ON Lithia Canada Real Estate, Inc. Sub-lease or other agreement with Vaughan-A, LP to use space Lorwood Holdings Inc. 18. 8590 McCowan Rd., Unionville, ON Lithia Canada Real Estate, Inc. Sub-lease or other agreement with The Cadillac Fairview Corporation Ltd.
9.1(9) - 3 CREDIT AGREEMENT LEGAL_43503785.7 Markham-P, LP to use space 19. 7997 Kennedy Rd, Unionville, ON Lithia Canada Real Estate, Inc. Sub-lease or other agreement with Markham-B, LP to use space Sub-Landlord: 2122192 Ontario Inc. Property Owner: 1788289 Ontario Inc. 20. 800 Rodick Rd, Markham, ON Lithia Canada Real Estate, Inc. Sub-lease or other agreement with Markham-B, LP to use space Zoom Parking Markham 21. 71 Four Valley Dr., Concord, ON Lithia Canada Real Estate, Inc. Sub-lease or other agreement with Vaughan-P, LP to use space Danaher Canada Partnerships Inc. 22. 189 Bullock Dr, Markham, ON Lithia Canada Real Estate, Inc. Sub-lease or other agreement with Autoworks Markham, LP to use space PS Canada Company Two ULC 23. 8240 Woodbine Ave, Markham, ON Lithia Canada Real Estate, Inc. Sub-lease or other agreement with Markham-B, LP to use space Tallman Truck Centre 24. 535 Hornby St, Vancouver, BC Lithia Canada Real Estate, Inc. Sub-lease or other agreement with Vancouver-MP, LP to use space Easy Park 25. 1-89 Connie Crescent, Concord, ON Lithia Canada Real Estate, Inc. Sub-lease or other agreement with Markham-P, LP, Vaughan-P, LP, and Condor Properties Ltd. 9.1(9) - 4 CREDIT AGREEMENT LEGAL_43503785.7 Vaughan-A, LP to use space 26. 8885 Jane Street, Concord, ON L4K 2M6 Lithia Canada Real Estate, Inc. Sub-lease or other agreement with Richmond Hill-H, LP Jane-Locke Properties Inc. 27. 88 Steeles Avenue West, Thornhill, ON L4J 1A1 Lithia Canada Real Estate, Inc. Sub-lease or other agreement with Thornhill-H, LP 1306497 Ontario Inc. 28. 2655 Fourteenth Ave., Markham, ON L4J 1A1 Thornhill-A, LP Lithia Canada Real Estate, Inc. 29. 3790 Highway No. 7, Vaughan, ON L4L 1A6 Lithia Canada Real Estate, Inc. Sub-lease or other agreement with L817 Inc. to use space PEM (Weston) Limited Partnership
9.1(11) - 1 CREDIT AGREEMENT LEGAL_43503785.7 Schedule 9.1(11) – Location of Assets, Places of Business Chief Executive Office for all Obligors, except Vaughan-D, LP and Vaughan D- GP, Inc.: 8885 Jane St, Suite 200, Vaughan, Ontario L4K 2M6 Chief Executive Office for Vaughan-D, LP and Vaughan D-GP, Inc. 115 Auto Park Circle, Woodbridge, Ontario, L4L 8R1 Registered Office for all Obligors, except Thornhill-H, LP and, Thornhill H-GP, Inc. and L817, Inc. 4200 Bankers Hall West 888 - 3rd Street S.W. Suite 4000, 421 – 7th Ave SW, Calgary, Alberta T2P 4K95C5 Registered Office of Thornhill-H, LP and Thornhill H-GP, Inc. 8885 Jane St, Suite 200, Vaughan, Ontario L4K 2M6 Registered Office of L817, Inc. 5300 Commerce Court West, 199 Bay Street, Toronto, Ontario M5L 1B9 Jurisdiction of formation of all Obligors except Thornhill-H, LP and, Thornhill H- GP, Inc. and L817, Inc. Alberta Jurisdiction of formation of Thornhill-H, LP and, Thornhill H-GP, Inc. and L817, Inc. Ontario Name of Obligor(s) Principal place of business and other places of business or Asset locations L817, Inc. 3790 Highway No. 7, Vaughan, ON L4L 1A6 Autoworks Markham, LP 189 Bullock Dr, Markham, Ontario Autoworks Markham GP, Inc. 8885 Jane St, Suite 200, Vaughan, Ontario L4K 2M6 Autoworks Woodbridge, LP 101 Auto Park Circle, Woodbridge, Ontario 214 Courtland Avenue, Vaughan, Ontario Autoworks Woodbridge GP, Inc. 8885 Jane St, Suite 200, Vaughan, Ontario L4K 2M6 Canada-MC, LP 8885 Jane St, Suite 200, Vaughan, Ontario L4K 2M6 Canada-MC GP, Inc. 8885 Jane St, Suite 200, Vaughan, Ontario L4K 2M6 Guelph-S, LP 12 Wilbert Street, Guelph, Ontario Guelph-S GP, Inc. 8885 Jane St, Suite 200, Vaughan, Ontario L4K 2M6 Lithia Canada Leasing, LP 101 Auto Park Circle, Woodbridge, Ontario 5539-6 St SE, Calgary, AB Lithia Canada Leasing GP, Inc. 8885 Jane St, Suite 200, Vaughan, Ontario L4K 2M6 Lithia Master LP Company, LP 8885 Jane St, Suite 200, Vaughan, Ontario L4K 2M6 9.1(11) - 2 CREDIT AGREEMENT LEGAL_43503785.7 Lithia Master GP Company, Inc. 8885 Jane St, Suite 200, Vaughan, Ontario L4K 2M6 Markham-B, LP 8111 Kennedy Road, Markham, Ontario 7997 Kennedy Rd, Unionville, Otario 800 Rodick Rd, Markham, Ontario 8240 Woodbine Ave, Markham, Ontario Markham-B GP, Inc. 8885 Jane St, Suite 200, Vaughan, Ontario L4K 2M6 Markham-P, LP 8590 McCowan Rd., Unionville, Ontario 1-89 Connie Crescent, Concord, Ontario Markham-P GP, Inc. 8885 Jane St, Suite 200, Vaughan, Ontario L4K 2M6 Mississauga-B, LP 4505 Dixie Road, Mississauga, Ontario Mississauga-B GP, Inc. 8885 Jane St, Suite 200, Vaughan, Ontario L4K 2M6 Motus Car Rental, LP 8885 Jane St, Suite 200, Vaughan, Ontario L4K 2M6 Motus Car Rental GP, Inc. 8885 Jane St, Suite 200, Vaughan, Ontario L4K 2M6 Newmarket-A, LP 16775 Leslie St, Newmarket, Ontario 16885 Leslie St, Newmarket, Ontario 16821/16831 Leslie St, Newmarket, Ontario Newmarket-A GP, Inc. 8885 Jane St, Suite 200, Vaughan, Ontario L4K 2M6 Newmarket-V, LP 16885 Leslie St, Newmarket, Ontario 16821/16831 Leslie St, Newmarket, Ontario Newmarket-V GP, Inc. 8885 Jane St, Suite 200, Vaughan, Ontario L4K 2M6 Richmond Hill-H, LP Unit 1, 8885 Jane Street, Concord, Ontario L4K 2M6 Richmond Hill-H GP, Inc. 8885 Jane St, Suite 200, Vaughan, Ontario L4K 2M6 Thornhill-A, LP 88 Steeles Avenue West, Thornhill, Ontario L4J 1A1 2655 Fourteenth Ave, Markham, ON L3R 0H4 Thornhill A-GP, Inc. 8885 Jane St, Suite 200, Vaughan, Ontario L4K 2M6 Thornhill-H, LP 88 Steeles Avenue West, Thornhill, Ontario L4J 1A1 Thornhill-H GP, Inc. 8885 Jane St, Suite 200, Vaughan, Ontario L4K 2M6 Vancouver-MP, LP 1711 West 2nd Avenue, Vancouver, British Columbia 1725 West 2nd Avenue, Vancouver, British Columbia
9.1(11) - 3 CREDIT AGREEMENT LEGAL_43503785.7 5539-6 St SE, Calgary, Alberta 535 Hornby St, Vancouver, British Columbia Vancouver-MP GP, Inc. 8885 Jane St, Suite 200, Vaughan, Ontario L4K 2M6 Vaughan-A, LP 115 Auto Park Circle, Woodbridge Ontario L4K 2M6 9088 Jane St, Concord, Ontario 9001 Jane Street, Vaughan, Ontario 1-89 Connie Crescent, Concord, Ontario Vaughan-A GP, Inc. 8885 Jane St, Suite 200, Vaughan, Ontario L4K 2M6 Vaughan-D, LP 115 Auto Park Circle, Woodbridge, Ontario L4L 8R1 Vaughan D-GP, Inc. 115 Auto Park Circle, Woodbridge, Ontario L4L 8R1 Vaughan-P, LP 105 & 131 Four Valley Dr., Concord, Ontario 71 Four Valley Dr., Concord, Ontario 1-89 Connie Crescent, Concord, Ontario Vaughan-P GP, Inc. 8885 Jane St, Suite 200, Vaughan, Ontario L4K 2M6 Vaughan-S, LP 9088 Jane St, Concord, Ontario Vaughan-S GP, Inc. 8885 Jane St, Suite 200, Vaughan, Ontario L4K 2M6 Woodbridge-MC, LP 33 Auto Park Circle, Woodbridge, Ontario 101 Auto Park Cir, Woodbridge, ON Unit 1, 78 Trowers Road, Woodbridge, ON Woodbridge-MC GP, Inc. 8885 Jane St, Suite 200, Vaughan, Ontario L4K 2M6 Woodbridge-PA, LP 101 Auto Park Circle, Woodbridge, Ontario 1711 West 2nd Avenue, Vancouver, British Columbia 1725 West 2nd Avenue, Vancouver, British Columbia Woodbridge-PA GP, Inc. 8885 Jane St, Suite 200, Vaughan, Ontario L4K 2M6 9.1(17) - 1 CREDIT AGREEMENT LEGAL_43503785.7 Schedule 9.1(17) – Canadian Benefit and Pension Plans Nil.
9.1(18) - 1 CREDIT AGREEMENT LEGAL_43503785.7 Schedule 9.1(18) – Labour Matters Nil. 9.1(20) - 1 CREDIT AGREEMENT LEGAL_43503785.7 Schedule 9.1(20) – Corporate Organization See Attached.