











(“新贷款人”)日期:Gruyere Holdings Pty Ltd-日期为_这是一张转账证明。本协议中定义的术语在本转让证书中的含义相同,除非在本转让证书中赋予不同的含义。2.我们参考协议第23.5条(转让程序):(A)现有贷款人和新贷款人同意现有贷款人按照协议第23.5条(转让程序)以更新的方式将附表中所指的现有贷款人的全部或部分承诺、权利和义务转让给新贷款人。(B)建议的移交日期为


















(“新贷款人”)日期:Gruyere Holdings Pty Ltd-日期为_这是一份转让协议。本协议中定义的术语在本转让协议中的含义相同,除非在本转让协议中赋予不同的含义。2.吾等参考协议第23.6条(转让程序):(A)现有贷款人将现有贷款人在协议下的所有权利及其他财务文件绝对转让予新贷款人,而该等权利与现有贷款人在协议下承诺及参与协议项下贷款的该部分有关,详情载于附表。(B)现有贷款人免除现有贷款人的所有义务,这些义务与现有贷款人根据附表所指明的协议作出的承诺和参与贷款的部分相对应。(C)新贷款人成为作为贷款人的一方,并受与根据上文(B)段免除现有贷款人相同的义务的约束。3.建议的转移日期为

。4.在转让日期,新贷款人作为贷款人成为财务文件的一方。5.就本协议第31.2条(地址)而言,新贷款人的贷款办事处及地址、电子邮件地址及通知的注意事项载于附表。6.新贷款人明确承认《协议》第23.4条(限制现有贷款人的责任)(C)段对现有贷款人义务的限制。7.新贷款人为代理人的利益而确认:(A)[有资格的贷款人(条约贷款人除外);]条约贷款方;[●]不是合格的贷款人[●]2.8.本转让协议作为对代理人(代表每一融资方)的通知,并在根据第23.7条(转让证书副本或转让2删除适用)交付时,要求每个新贷款人确认其属于这三个类别中的哪一个。131本转让协议中所指转让的母公司(代表每一债务人)。9.本转让协议可以任何数量的副本签署,其效力与副本上的签字是在本转让协议的一份副本上一样。10.本转让协议及由此产生或与之相关的任何非合同义务受西澳大利亚州法律管辖。11.本转让协议是在本转让协议开头所述的日期签订的。132要转让的时间表承诺额/权利[●]插入相关详细信息[●]设施办公室地址、电子邮件地址和通知的注意细节以及付款的帐户细节[现有贷款人[新贷款人]/[作者:作者: 市场实体标识符:.市场实体标识符:. 代理人接受本转让协议,转让日期确认为 ]发信人:[133 附表6加入信函格式收件人: ]/[作为代理发件人:[子公司].]和Gold Fields Limited日期:亲爱的Sirs Gruyere Holdings Pty Ltd -日期为2020年_的银团融资协议(“协议”)1.我们参考该协议。这是一封加入信。除非在本加入信中给予不同含义,否则协议中定义的术语在本加入信中具有相同含义。 2. [子公司]同意成为一个附加 [●]借款人[担保人]并作为附加条款受协议条款的约束 [借款人]担保人[●]根据第(1)款[24.2(额外借款人)] (b) [24.4(额外担保人)] (c) [第二节合同的效力 ]子公司

是母公司的全资子公司,根据法律正式成立 [有关司法管辖区的名称][指定贷款的目的][子公司的][行政细节如下:地址:电子邮件地址:注意:5.本加入函以及由此产生或与之相关的任何非合同义务,受西澳大利亚州法律管辖。]这份入会通知书是以契约形式签署的。[●]. [●]金田有限公司[●]子公司[●]收件人:134收件人附表7辞职信收件人:[作为代理发件人:]辞任义务人[及Gold Fields Limited,日期:亲爱的先生Gruyere Holdings Pty Ltd-日期为_这是一封辞职信。本协议中定义的术语在本辞职信中的含义与本辞职信相同,除非在本加入信中有不同的含义。2.依据]第24.3条(额外借款人的辞职)[●]第24.6条(额外担保人的辞职)[根据《协定》,我们请求] (b) [辞任义务人] (c) [被解除其作为]借款人[担保人][根据协议。3.我们确认,接受这一请求不会导致违约,也不会继续违约。4.本辞职信及由此产生或与之相关的任何非合同义务,受西澳大利亚州和澳大利亚联邦法律管辖。金田有限公司][子公司][由:按:135附表8格式的合规性证书以:]作为代理人来自:Gold Fields Limited日期:亲爱的Sir Gruyere Holdings Pty Ltd-日期为_这是一份合规证书。本协议中定义的术语在本合规性证书中使用时具有相同的含义,除非在本合规性证书中有不同的含义。2.我们确认截至[●]. [●]:(A)综合EBITDA与综合财务费用净额的比率截至

是:[●]:1;及。(B)综合净借款与综合EBITDA综合净借款与综合EBITDA的比率。[是:]:1,并附上显示如何计算这些数字的计算结果。3.我们确认没有违约在继续。签署:[主任]执行主任[主任]/[执行主任]Of Gold Fields Limited Gold Fields Limited[插入适用的认证语言]/[为并代表]母公司的核数师姓名[136附表9时间表“U”=使用日期“U-X”=使用提交日期之前的X个工作日(第5.1条(使用请求的交付))U-3上午10点。代理人根据第5.4条(贷款人的参与)下午3:00通知贷款人贷款。BBSY投标固定在美国东部时间上午11:00。]/[附表10 LMA保密承诺书格式]卖家信头[日期:]收件人:…………………………………………………………………。[插入潜在买家的姓名]. 3. [回复:协议母公司:(“母公司”)日期:金额:代理:亲爱的先生们我们理解贵公司正在考虑收购本协议中的一项权益,根据本协议,您可以通过以下方式获得本协议中的权益:更新、转让、直接或间接参与子参与或任何其他交易,根据这些交易,支付或可能通过参考一个或多个财务文件和/或一个或多个债务人,或通过直接或间接投资或以其他方式融资,任何此类创新、转让、子参与或其他交易(“收购”)。考虑到我们同意向您提供某些信息,通过您在这封信的副本上签名,您同意如下:1.保密承诺您承诺(A)对所有机密信息保密,不向任何人披露,除非在下文第2段(允许披露)允许的范围内,并确保所有机密信息受到适用于您自己的机密信息的安全措施和谨慎程度的保护,以及(B)在收购完成之前,仅将机密信息用于允许的目的。2.允许披露我们同意,您可以:2.1向您的任何关联公司以及您或他们的任何官员、董事、雇员、专业顾问和审计师披露您认为适当的保密信息,前提是根据本条款第2.1款将保密信息的任何人以书面形式告知其保密性质,并且部分或全部此类保密信息可能是价格敏感信息,但如果接收者负有保密信息的专业义务或受保密信息的保密要求的约束,则无需这样做;2.2在符合本协议要求的情况下,任何人:(A)向(或通过)您转让或转让(或可能转让或转让)您根据本协议可能获得的所有或任何权利和/或义务的人,如果根据第2.2(A)款获得机密信息的人已以与本函相同的形式向您递交了一封信,您将认为适当的保密信息;(B)与(或可能通过)您与其订立(或可能订立)与本协议或任何义务人有关的任何次级参与或任何其他交易,而该等交易将会或可能根据该协议或任何义务人提供您认为适当的保密资料,而根据本函件第2.2(B)段须获提供保密资料的人已以与本函件相同的形式向阁下递交函件;(C)根据任何政府、银行、税务或其他监管机构或类似机构、任何相关证券交易所的规则或根据任何适用法律或法规,您认为适当的保密信息被要求或要求披露的人;以及2.3尽管上文第2.1和2.2段另有规定,财务方可根据本协议以相同的条款向其披露保密信息,犹如该等许可已在本函件中详细列明,以及在该等许可中对融资方的提及即为对您的提及。3.披露通知您同意(在法律和法规允许的范围内)告知我们:3.1根据上文第2.2(C)款披露保密信息的情况,除非该披露是在履行监督或监管职能的正常过程中向该段所指的任何人披露的;3.2在意识到机密信息已被违反本信函的情况下披露。4.退还副本如果您没有参与收购,并且我们以书面形式提出要求,您应退还或销毁我们向您提供的所有机密信息,并销毁或永久擦除(在技术上可行的范围内)您制作的所有机密信息副本,并尽您的合理努力确保您向其提供机密信息的任何人销毁或永久擦除(在技术上可行的范围内)此类机密信息及其制作的任何副本,在每种情况下,除非任何适用的法律、规则或法规或任何主管的司法、政府、或根据内部政策,或根据上文第2.2(C)款披露的保密信息。5.持续义务本函件中的义务仍在继续,特别是将继续存在并对您保持约束力,直至(A)如果您作为记录出借人成为协议的一方,则为您成为协议的这样一方的日期;(B)如果您签订了收购协议,但这并未导致您作为记录出借人成为协议的一方,则日期为]. 4. [十二(12)]在为实施该项收购而订立的文件中所载的您的所有权利和义务终止之日起数月后;或(C)在任何其他情况下[十二(12)]在您最终收到任何保密信息的日期(无论以何种方式)之后的几个月。6.无代表;违反规定的后果等阁下承认并同意:6.1吾等、本集团任何成员或吾等或彼等各自的任何高级人员、雇员或顾问(各自为“相关人士”)(I)对该等准确性作出任何明示或默示的陈述或保证,或对该等准确性承担任何责任,任何保密信息或我方提供的任何其他信息或其所基于的假设的可靠性或完整性,或(Ii)有义务更新或纠正保密信息或我方提供的任何其他信息中的任何不准确之处,或就保密信息或任何此类信息对您或任何其他人负有其他责任;6.2吾等或本集团成员可能因违反本函件的条款而受到不可挽回的损害,而损害赔偿可能不是足够的补救办法;如阁下威胁或实际违反本函件的规定,可能会向每位相关人士授予禁制令或强制履行令。7.完整协议:没有放弃;修改等7.1本信函构成了我们之间关于您关于保密信息的义务的完整协议,并取代了之前任何关于保密信息的明示或默示协议。7.2未能行使或延迟行使本函件所规定的任何权利或补救办法,均不构成放弃任何此等权利或补救办法,或构成对本函件予以确认的选择。除非这封信是书面的,否则任何确认这封信的选举都不会生效。任何单独或部分行使任何权利或补救措施都不会阻止进一步或以其他方式行使或行使本信函项下的任何其他权利或补救措施。7.3本函件的条款及阁下在本函件项下的义务,只有经我们双方书面同意方可修订或修改。8.内幕信息您承认部分或全部机密信息是或可能是价格敏感信息,并且此类信息的使用可能受到适用法律(包括与内幕交易和市场滥用有关的证券法)的监管或禁止,并且您承诺不会将任何机密信息用于任何非法目的。9.承诺的性质贵公司根据本函件作出的承诺是为本集团的母公司及其他成员的利益而作出的。10.管辖法律和司法管辖权10.1本函件(包括您承认其条款所构成的协议)(以下简称“函件”)及由此产生或与之相关的任何非合同义务(包括本函件拟进行的交易谈判所产生的任何非合同义务)均受西澳大利亚法律管辖。10.2西澳大利亚州法院拥有非排他性司法管辖权,可解决因本函件所引起或与此函件有关的任何争议(包括因本函件或本函件拟进行的交易谈判而产生或与之相关的任何非合约责任的争议)。11.除文意另有所指外,本函件中定义的定义(包括下文所述的确认)中的术语应具有相同的含义,并且:“机密信息”系指由吾等或吾等的任何关联公司或顾问以任何形式向阁下提供的与母公司、任何债务人、本集团、财务文件、融资和/或收购有关的所有信息,包括口头提供的信息和任何文件。电子文件或以任何其他方式表示或记录包含此类信息或从此类信息派生或复制的信息,但不包括以下信息:(A)属于或成为公共信息,但不是由于您违反本函件的任何直接或间接结果;或(B)在交付时被吾等或吾等的顾问以书面确定为非机密;或(C)阁下在吾等或吾等的任何联属公司或顾问向阁下披露该等信息的日期前知悉,或于该日期后由阁下合法地从一个据阁下所知与本集团无关的来源取得,且在任何一种情况下,阁下所知悉的该等资料并非违反任何保密义务而取得,且不受任何保密义务的约束。“集团”是指当时的母公司及其子公司(这一术语在2001年公司法(Cth)中有定义)。“许可目的”是指考虑和评估是否进行收购。请签署并退回所附副本,以确认您对上述协议的同意。你忠实的….为并代表[卖方]致:[●]卖方[母公司和集团的其他成员我们承认并同意上述内容:….为并代表]潜在买家[签署金矿有限公司的父母和代表:尼古拉斯·约翰·霍兰德金矿有限公司的原始担保人:尼古拉斯·约翰·霍兰]/[金田控股有限公司的原始担保人:尼古拉斯·约翰·霍兰德]加拿大帝国商业银行高管延斯·帕特森执行董事卡齐姆·迈赫迪执行董事的受托主要安排人[受托牵头安排人代表荷兰国际集团银行(澳大利亚)有限公司(ABN 24 000 893 292)签署:...............................................................律师签署:...............................................................受权人姓名(正楷)...............................................................标题(正楷)...............................................................律师签署:...............................................................受权人姓名(正楷)...............................................................头衔(正楷)Wter Mijnen主管或房地产基础设施主管Stefan Ben-代表国家味觉银行执行的受托牵头安排人,由其律师,V/)。USCG TI,根据2007年3月1日的授权书担任二级律师职位,在场:-2,-‘-f,见证人签名Garrick Condreri高级助理NAB机构银行Wa印刷姓名律师签名保罗·斯科特董事印刷姓名]委托牵头安排人签署盖章并由其受权人于_)))见证律师/授权签署人姓名:__[加拿大帝国商业银行高管延斯·帕特森执行董事的原始贷款人Kazim Mehdi执行董事]/[原始贷款人由荷兰国际集团(澳大利亚)有限公司(ABN 24 000 893 292)的律师签署:...............................................................律师签署:...............................................................受权人姓名(正楷)...............................................................标题(正楷)...............................................................律师签署:...............................................................受权人姓名(正楷)...............................................................头衔(正楷)WoutMijnen Head或Real Estate Stefan Ben-基础设施主管原始贷款人由澳大利亚国民银行有限公司的律师P\il SC‘T1代表其签立,P\il SC’T1根据2007年3月1日的授权书在证人面前担任二级律师的职位加里克·康德伦高级助理澳大利亚国民银行机构银行Wa打印姓名律师签名保罗·斯科特董事打印姓名]原贷款人签署盖章,并由其受权人在日期_)))见证代理人/授权签署人姓名:__.见证者(X)........................................................签名打印名称(X)........................................................律师签署:(X)........................................................印刷姓名和头衔律师Loshitha Pather本文件是根据2020年新冠肺炎综合(紧急措施)(电子签署和见证)法规(VIC)通过视听链接见证的。Tony迪保罗2013年6月24日[Subsidiary] By: By: 135 SCHEDULE 8 FORM OF COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATE To: [●] as Agent From: Gold Fields Limited Dated: Dear Sirs Gruyere Holdings Pty Ltd – Syndicated Facility Agreement dated ___________ 2020 (the "Agreement") 1. We refer to the Agreement. This is a Compliance Certificate. Terms defined in the Agreement have the same meaning when used in this Compliance Certificate unless given a different meaning in this Compliance Certificate. 2. We confirm that as at [●]: (a) Consolidated EBITDA to Consolidated Net Finance Charges the ratio of Consolidated EBITDA to Consolidated Net Finance Charges in respect of the Measurement Period ending on [●] was: [●]:1; and (b) Consolidated Net Borrowings to Consolidated EBITDA the ratio of Consolidated Net Borrowings to Consolidated EBITDA in respect of the Measurement Period ending on [●] was: [●]:1, and attach calculations showing how these figures were calculated. 3. We confirm that no Default is continuing. Signed: [Director]/[Executive Officer][Director]/[Executive Officer] of of Gold Fields Limited Gold Fields Limited [insert applicable certification language] .................................................... [for and on behalf of [name of auditors of the Parent] 136 SCHEDULE 9 TIMETABLE "U" = date of utilisation "U – X" = X Business Days prior to date of Utilisation Delivery of a duly completed Utilisation Request (Clause 5.1 (Delivery of a Utilisation Request)) U-3 10.00 a.m. Agent notifies the Lenders of the Loan in accordance with Clause 5.4 (Lenders' participation) U-3 3.00 p.m. BBSY Bid is fixed U 11:00 a.m.

SCHEDULE 10 LMA FORM OF CONFIDENTIALITY UNDERTAKING [Letterhead of Seller] Date: [●] To: …………………………………………………………………. [insert name of Potential Purchaser] Re: The Agreement Parent: (the "Parent") Date: Amount: Agent: Dear Sirs We understand that you are considering acquiring an interest in the Agreement which, subject to the Agreement, may be by way of novation, assignment, the entering into, whether directly or indirectly, of a sub-participation or any other transaction under which payments are to be made or may be made by reference to one or more Finance Documents and/or one or more Obligors or by way of investing in or otherwise financing, directly or indirectly, any such novation, assignment, sub-participation or other transaction (the "Acquisition"). In consideration of us agreeing to make available to you certain information, by your signature of a copy of this letter you agree as follows: 1. CONFIDENTIALITY UNDERTAKING You undertake (a) to keep all Confidential Information confidential and not to disclose it to anyone, save to the extent permitted by paragraph 2 (Permitted Disclosure) below and to ensure that all Confidential Information is protected with security measures and a degree of care that would apply to your own confidential information, and (b) until the Acquisition is completed to use the Confidential Information only for the Permitted Purpose. 2. PERMITTED DISCLOSURE We agree that you may disclose: 2.1 to any of your Affiliates and any of your or their officers, directors, employees, professional advisers and auditors such Confidential Information as you shall consider appropriate if any person to whom the Confidential Information is to be given pursuant to this paragraph 2.1 is informed in writing of its confidential nature and that some or all of such Confidential Information may be price-sensitive information, except that there shall be no such requirement to so inform if the recipient is subject to professional obligations to maintain the confidentiality of the information or is otherwise bound by requirements of confidentiality in relation to the Confidential Information; 2.2 subject to the requirements of the Agreement, to any person: (a) to (or through) whom you assign or transfer (or may potentially assign or transfer) all or any of your rights and/or obligations which you may acquire under the Agreement such Confidential Information as you shall consider appropriate if the person to whom the Confidential Information is to be given pursuant to this sub-paragraph 2.2(a) has delivered a letter to you in equivalent form to this letter; (b) with (or through) whom you enter into (or may potentially enter into) any sub-participation in relation to, or any other transaction under which payments are to be made or may be made by reference to the Agreement or any Obligor such Confidential Information as you shall consider appropriate if the person to whom the Confidential Information is to be given pursuant to this sub- paragraph 2.2(b) has delivered a letter to you in equivalent form to this letter; (c) to whom information is required or requested to be disclosed by any governmental, banking, taxation or other regulatory authority or similar body, the rules of any relevant stock exchange or pursuant to any applicable law or regulation such Confidential Information as you shall consider appropriate; and 2.3 notwithstanding paragraphs 2.1 and 2.2 above, Confidential Information to such persons to whom, and on the same terms as, a Finance Party is permitted to disclose Confidential Information under the Agreement, as if such permissions were set out in full in this letter and as if references in those permissions to Finance Party were references to you. 3. NOTIFICATION OF DISCLOSURE You agree (to the extent permitted by law and regulation) to inform us: 3.1 of the circumstances of any disclosure of Confidential Information made pursuant to sub- paragraph 2.2(c) above except where such disclosure is made to any of the persons referred to in that paragraph during the ordinary course of its supervisory or regulatory function; and 3.2 upon becoming aware that Confidential Information has been disclosed in breach of this letter. 4. RETURN OF COPIES If you do not enter into the Acquisition and we so request in writing, you shall return or destroy all Confidential Information supplied to you by us and destroy or permanently erase (to the extent technically practicable) all copies of Confidential Information made by you and use your reasonable endeavours to ensure that anyone to whom you have supplied any Confidential Information destroys or permanently erases (to the extent technically practicable) such Confidential Information and any copies made by them, in each case save to the extent that you or the recipients are required to retain any such Confidential Information by any applicable law, rule or regulation or by any competent judicial, governmental, supervisory or regulatory body or in accordance with internal policy, or where the Confidential Information has been disclosed under sub-paragraph 2.2(c) above. 5. CONTINUING OBLIGATIONS The obligations in this letter are continuing and, in particular, shall survive and remain binding on you until (a) if you become a party to the Agreement as a lender of record, the date on which you become such a party to the Agreement; (b) if you enter into the Acquisition but it does not result in you becoming a party to the Agreement as a lender of record, the date falling [twelve (12)] months after the date on which all of your rights and obligations contained in the documentation entered into to implement that Acquisition have terminated; or (c) in any other case the date falling [twelve (12)] months after the date of your final receipt (in whatever manner) of any Confidential Information. 6. NO REPRESENTATION; CONSEQUENCES OF BREACH, ETC. You acknowledge and agree that: 6.1 neither we, nor any member of the Group nor any of our or their respective officers, employees or advisers (each a "Relevant Person") (i) make any representation or warranty, express or implied, as to, or assume any responsibility for, the accuracy, reliability or completeness of any of the Confidential Information or any other information supplied by us or the assumptions on which it is based or (ii) shall be under any obligation to update or correct any inaccuracy in the Confidential Information or any other information supplied by us or be otherwise liable to you or any other person in respect of the Confidential Information or any such information; and 6.2 we or members of the Group may be irreparably harmed by the breach of the terms of this letter and damages may not be an adequate remedy; each Relevant Person may be granted an injunction or specific performance for any threatened or actual breach of the provisions of this letter by you. 7. ENTIRE AGREEMENT: NO WAIVER; AMENDMENTS, ETC 7.1 This letter constitutes the entire agreement between us in relation to your obligations regarding Confidential Information and supersedes any previous agreement, whether express or implied, regarding Confidential Information. 7.2 No failure to exercise, nor any delay in exercising, any right or remedy under this letter will operate as a waiver of any such right or remedy or constitute an election to affirm this letter. No election to affirm this letter will be effective unless it is in writing. No single or partial exercise of any right or remedy will prevent any further or other exercise or the exercise of any other right or remedy under this letter. 7.3 The terms of this letter and your obligations under this letter may only be amended or modified by written agreement between us. 8. INSIDE INFORMATION You acknowledge that some or all of the Confidential Information is or may be price-sensitive information and that the use of such information may be regulated or prohibited by applicable legislation including securities law relating to insider dealing and market abuse and you undertake not to use any Confidential Information for any unlawful purpose. 9. NATURE OF UNDERTAKINGS The undertakings given by you under this letter are given to us and are also given for the benefit of the Parent and each other member of the Group. 10. GOVERNING LAW AND JURISDICTION 10.1 This letter (including the agreement constituted by your acknowledgement of its terms) (the "Letter") and any non-contractual obligations arising out of or in connection with it (including any non-contractual obligations arising out of the negotiation of the transaction contemplated by this Letter) are governed by Western Australian law. 10.2 The courts of Western Australia have non-exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Letter (including a dispute relating to any non-contractual obligation arising out of or in connection with either this Letter or the negotiation of the transaction contemplated by this Letter). 11. DEFINITIONS In this letter (including the acknowledgement set out below) terms defined in the Agreement shall, unless the context otherwise requires, have the same meaning and: "Confidential Information" means all information relating to the Parent, any Obligor, the Group, the Finance Documents, the Facility and/or the Acquisition which is provided to you in relation to the Finance Documents or the Facility by us or any of our affiliates or advisers, in whatever form, and includes information given orally and any document, electronic file or any other way of representing or recording information which contains or is derived or copied from such information but excludes information that: (a) is or becomes public information other than as a direct or indirect result of any breach by you of this letter; or (b) is identified in writing at the time of delivery as non-confidential by us or our advisers; or (c) is known by you before the date the information is disclosed to you by us or any of our affiliates or advisers or is lawfully obtained by you after that date, from a source which is, as far as you are aware, unconnected with the Group and which, in either case, as far as you are aware, has not been obtained in breach of, and is not otherwise subject to, any obligation of confidentiality. "Group" means the Parent and its subsidiaries for the time being (as such term is defined in the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth)). "Permitted Purpose" means considering and evaluating whether to enter into the Acquisition. Please acknowledge your agreement to the above by signing and returning the enclosed copy. Yours faithfully …................................ For and on behalf of [Seller]

To: [Seller] The Parent and each other member of the Group We acknowledge and agree to the above: …................................ For and on behalf of [Potential Purchaser] SIGNATURES THE PARENT For and on behalf of GOLD FIELDS LIMITED By: Nicholas John Holland THE ORIGINAL GUARANTORS For and on behalf of GOLD FIELDS LIMITED By: Nicholas John Holland


THE MANDATED LEAD ARRANGERS For and on behalf of CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE Jens Paterson Executive Director Kazim Mehdi Executive Director

THE MANDATED LEAD ARRANGERS SIGNED for and on behalf of ING BANK (AUSTRALIA) LIMITED (ABN 24 000 893 292) by its Attorneys: ............................................................... Signature of Attorney ............................................................... Name of Attorney (block letters) ............................................................... Title (block letters) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ............................................................... Signature of Attorney ............................................................... Name of Attorney (block letters) ............................................................... Title (block letters) Wouter Mijnen Head or Real Estate Stefan Ben - Head of Infrastructure THE MANDATED LEAD ARRANGERS Executed on behalf of the National Ajistralia Bank I,.imited by its Attorney, V/).Ut SCG TI , who holds the position of Level 2 Attorney under Power of Attorney dated 1 March 2007 in the presence of: -2 ,-'- f, Witness Signature Garrick Condreri Senior Associate NAB Institutional Banking WA Print Name Attorney Signature PAUL SCOTT DIRECTOR Print Name

THE MANDATED LEAD ARRANGERS Signed Sealed and Delivered for Royal Bank of Canada by its attorney under power of attorney dated _____________________ in the presence of: Witness Signature Attorney Signature Print Name Print Name 25th August 2020 MARCUS RAYMENTKEVIN SCHINBEIN THE MANDATED LEAD ARRANGERS Signed for: The Bank of Nova Scotia, Australia Branch by its attorneys / authorised signatories in the presence of: ) ) ) Witness Attorney / Authorised Signatory Name Name THE MANDATED LEAD ARRANGERS SIGNED for WESTPAC BANKING CORPORATION under power of attorney: _______________________________________ ___________________________________ Full name of attorney Signature of attorney who declares that the attorney has not received any notice of the revocation of the power of attorney Trevor Connell Tier 3 Attorney

THE ORIGINAL LENDERS For and on behalf of CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE Jens Paterson Executive Director Kazim Mehdi Executive Director

THE ORIGINAL LENDERS SIGNED for and on behalf of ING BANK (AUSTRALIA) LIMITED (ABN 24 000 893 292) by its Attorneys: ............................................................... Signature of Attorney ............................................................... Name of Attorney (block letters) ............................................................... Title (block letters) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ............................................................... Signature of Attorney ............................................................... Name of Attorney (block letters) ............................................................... Title (block letters) Wouter Mijnen Head or Real Estate Stefan Ben - Head of Infrastructure THE ORIGINAL LENDERS Executed on behalf of the National Australia Bank Limited by its Attorney, P\iL SC'T1 , who holds the position of Level 2 Attorney under Power of Attorney dated 1 March 2007 in the presence Witness Signature Garrick Condren Senior Associate NAB Institutional Banking WA Print Name Attorney Signature PAUL SCOTT DIRECTOR Print Name

THE ORIGINAL LENDERS Signed Sealed and Delivered for Royal Bank of Canada by its attorney under power of attorney dated _____________________ in the presence of: Witness Signature Attorney Signature Print Name Print Name 25th August 2020 MARCUS RAYMENTKEVIN SCHINBEIN Signed for: The Bank of Nova Scotia, Australia Branch by its attorneys / authorised signatories in the presence of: ) ) ) Witness Attorney / Authorised Signatory Name Name THE ORIGINAL LENDERS SIGNED for WESTPAC BANKING CORPORATION under power of attorney: _______________________________________ ___________________________________ Full name of attorney Signature of attorney who declares that the attorney has not received any notice of the revocation of the power of attorney Trevor Connell Tier 1 Attorney THE AGENT Executed for and behalf of Commonwealth Bank of Australia ACN 123 123 124 by its attorney under power of attorney dated in the presence of: (X)........................................................ Signature of Witness (X)........................................................ Print name (X)........................................................ Signature of Attorney (X)........................................................ Print name and title of Attorney Loshitha Pather This document was witnessed by audio visual link in accordance with the COVID-19 Omnibus (Emergency Measures) (Electronic Signing and Witnessing) Regulations 2020 (Vic). Tony Di Paolo 24 June 2013