98在拒绝《公共部门会计准则》的建议时,委员会指出,通过拟议的监管责任保留的Adit余额8将用于一旦交易完成就不再存在的公用事业,因此Adit余额也将不再存在10。13在Adaman Mutual和Willow Valley,通过PLR镜头验证的交易14尚未发生。因此,PLR过程增加了一层延迟,这将阻止所需的15个事务向前推进。在目前的情况下,工作人员建议的PLR是针对GWRI已经采用的会计程序提出的16项关切。此外,根据全球水务公司提出并被工作人员接受的17号决议,申请者将享有其要求的治疗的18项好处,直到美国国税局发布PLR裁决,表明不同的19项治疗是适当的。因此,不存在寻求PLR将用作阻碍尚未发生的交易的延迟或障碍的风险。21对于全球水务公司认为这一努力将没有意义的论点,我们不同意。 我们还于27 97第75484号决定(2016年3月JO)14。 98 Id. 28 99 /d. 17岁。 54决定号78644个摘要编号。SW-20445A-20-0214等。1注意到申请人已经申请了《公共部门会计准则》,尽管这份报告是为确认2个废水设施是否与巴伦西亚的废弃水设施足够相似而有资格获得第1033条规定的再投资处理而量身定做的,该报告也包括在4塞尔策先生预先提交的直接证词中。100 5记录还反映,国税局可能拒绝推进PLR请求,因此6减轻了努力的成本。与差饷缴纳人可能获得的1,020万元福利7相比,我们认为规定申请人向美国国税局申请公共租值是恰当的。8我们认为,要求全球水务公司与工作人员和RUCO合作,为国税局制定一份措辞中立的PLR请求是合理的,以澄清是否有可能使用与巴伦西亚谴责税收递延有关的已记录的ADIT负债10金额,作为接受再投资收益的公用事业公司11的费率基数的抵销。12.收购溢价13全球水务公用事业公司的申请还指出,它们的母公司GWRI已对供水和废水公用事业公司进行了14次收购。自2006年以来,GWRI已经收购了12个公用事业公司15,包括西马里科帕联合收割机,101个387区,102个Eagletail,103个Turner牧场,104个Red 16 Rock(水),105个Red Rock(废水),106 Global Water-Lyn Lee,107 Global Water-Mirabell,‘°8 17 18 19 100 Ex。A-51,附件3.101西马里科帕联合收割机是在圣克鲁斯成为A类公共服务20公司之前通过股票收购获得的,需要委员会批准才能收购公用事业公司。102见第102号决定。 103参见例如,第76133号决定(2017年6月9日)指出GWR 1要求豁免关联公司利益规则(AAC 22 R 14-2-80 I et seq)允许A类公用事业公司共同母公司下的燕尾合并已根据AAC通过法律生效。R14-2-806(C)。 23 104例如,参见第76783号决定(2018年6月17日),指出GWRJ要求豁免关联公司利益规则(AAC R14-2-801及以下)允许A类公用事业公司共同母公司下的特纳牧场合并已于24日根据AAC的法律实施生效Rl4-2-806(C)。 105参见例如行政关闭动议于2018年10月19日提交,案卷号SW-20445 A-I 8-0303等人,指出25 GWR 1要求豁免关联公司利益规则(A.AC. R14-2-801及以下)允许将Red Rock(Water)合并到A类公用事业公司的共同母公司下,已根据AAC的法律实施生效R l 4-2-806(C)。 26 106例如,行政关闭动议于2018年10月19日提交,案卷号SW-20445 A-18-0302等人,指出GWRI要求豁免附属公司利益规则(AAC. R14-2-801及以下)允许将Red Rock 27(废水)合并到A类公用事业公司的共同母公司下,已根据AAC通过法律生效。R 14-2- 806(C)。 107例A-42在5。 28 10 s Id. 55决定号 78644 DOCKET NOS. SW-20445 A-20-0214,等人。Global Water - Tortolita,109 Global Water - Francesca,1 10 Twin Hawks Utility,Inc.,111和Rincon 2 Water Company。112 3在第75626号决定中,第5号政策声明(关于收购Non-Viable 4 Systems的政策)我们声明:5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 109同。27 110同。 在费率存在巨大差异或负担能力担忧的某些情况下,应考虑在合理的时间内逐步取消费率差异;(h)收购溢价必须与在合理时间内完成的改进相关,该时间可以是定性的,定量或两者兼而有之(该规定确保只有需要改进的公司才有资格获得收购溢价);和(i)在费率情况下必须审查和批准溢价。 委员会的政策是根据以下原则(除上述原则外)确定收购溢价:(a)以下一项或多项可用于收回收购溢价:28 11 1第78307号决定(2021年11月9日)。 112第78319号决定(2021年12月3日)。 56第78644号决定-

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25SW-20445A-20-0214等。I.股本回报率的溢价。2.3.4.购置款调整(可分别使用债权人借方对购买价格折扣或溢价的利率基数进行调整)。推迟收购方承担的改进费用。一种附加费,用于收回采购人承担的改进费用。(B)如为改善服务质素而需作出的改善措施,会导致差饷缴纳人认为差饷过高,不足以由差饷缴纳人一次性承担,则可分阶段收回改善成本的差饷。在初始费率的情况下,可以一次性处理改进成本,但可以允许在有限的时间内分阶段进行采购改进和相关的携带成本。此外,第6号政策声明(关于收购可行系统的政策)允许收购人购买可行的私人供水系统,如果收购人证明有收购和改善向不可行系统提供的差饷缴纳人的服务的记录,则允许支付收购溢价。根据这一规定,如果收购方已在其利率申请中提供了足够的支持数据,则可批准对利率或回报率的股本回报率部分增加一项津贴。除(C)项外,适用于不可行系统的所有相同标准也适用于确定购置款溢价是否适合于可行的公用事业。 鲁科氯。Br.然而,Ruco的最终时间表反映出完全取消了红岩(水)、红岩(废水)和特纳牧场的全额收购溢价。Ruco的最终时间表,调查时间表CSB-27 4(“全球水资源转化器牧场灌溉公司”,“全球水资源--皮纳尔县废水(帕洛维德、红岩和皮卡丘)”,以及“全球水--皮纳尔县水(圣克鲁斯、红岩、皮卡乔湾)”。28 114 Ruco的最终时间表没有计算因采用建议的收购溢价而增加的收入。57 78644 23号决定摘要编号。SW-20445A-20-0214等。1.全球水务公司a.红岩(水)和红岩(废水)全球水务公司要求对红岩(水)的4率基数进行114,950美元的收购溢价调整,并对红岩(废水)的5率基数进行495,030美元的收购溢价调整。收购溢价按收购时公用事业公司费率基数6的20%计算。11 57 7根据Corwin先生的说法,在收购时,红岩(水和废水)8家公用事业公司的问题有:办公区硫化氢含量升高,废水处理系统紫外线消毒无法操作9个腔室,废水浑浊度报告不当,10造成安全隐患的内务/清洁度普遍较差,废水I 1过滤维护不善,废水净化器失灵,SCADA设备陈旧且不起作用,配水中心的12个流量计损坏,污水泵站过滤器故障,备用饮用水井受到硝酸盐污染,生物固体脱水系统没有冗余,14个客户账户未开账单,为废水系统提供服务的两个升降站中有一个无法运行。 17注意到工作人员建议仅从Red Rock 18客户收回收购溢价,将对Red Rock客户(水和废水)产生8美元的累积影响。每月19 I 9,申请人认为,综合应用收购溢价20会更合理。例如,申请人指出,仅适用于Red Rock客户的21项收购累积8.19美元的保费附加费,使22项拟议圣克鲁斯和帕洛维德合并中的其他客户仅为0美元。如果收购溢价在合并费率组中分配为23,则每月24。117此外,申请人指出,工作人员对购置费的计算偏低,因为工作人员没有更正他们计算的购置费的税收总额,因此对红石客户的影响比工作人员估计的高出26。因此,全球水务公司辩称,附加费应为27 115 Ex。A-26,前11:116A-39,27-28。28 117 ex.A-93 at 7(“将所有AP相关成本仅分配给红岩客户的影响”。58 78644 23号决定摘要编号。SW-20445A-20-0214等。改为在合并的基础上适用。B.特纳牧场与红岩(自来水和废水)公用事业公司不同,全球水务公用事业公司要求特纳牧场获得100%的收购溢价,理由是他们认为特纳5牧场在收购时不可行。根据Corwin先生的说法,特纳牧场需要6个重要的油井修复、消防栓升级、阀门更换、分配系统冗余、7个分配泵升级以及系统控制和自动化。全球11家水务公司还实施了阀门和消防栓更换计划,以确保在需要此类设施时发挥作用。119在特纳牧场的水分配中心安装了冗余的分配泵和变频器13,以确保在设备发生故障时有足够的压力。还对配水中心进行了各种其他设备更换,以解决设施年久失修的问题。安装SCAD A设备16提高了系统效率。120 17虽然先前的所有权已开始通过融资和贷款附加费核准来满足系统基础设施18的需要,但在收购后,全球水务公司19清偿了未偿债务,从而消除了继续收取贷款附加费的需要。取消20个还贷附加费,住宅客户每月的账单立即减少5.32美元,计价器客户的账单减少26.68.121美元,这实际上导致了17%的费率22的下降。122 23全球水务公司争议工作人员认为,特纳牧场在24 GWRI收购时是可行的。尽管特纳牧场以前的所有者能够申请利率和25英镑的融资申请,但申请人指出,特纳牧场需要支付融资附加费,即26 118 Ex。A-39在21号。电话号码是119。年仅22岁。27120号。23点25分。121ID。21岁。28 122/d.59号决定。78644个摘要编号。SW-20445A-20-0214等。已核准的资金不足以解决该系统的缺陷,其中许多缺陷甚至没有在融资中确定,而且该系统以前的所有者缺乏继任计划。全球水务公用事业公司注意到不可行的公用事业公司和失败的公用事业公司之间的区别,声称尽管4特纳牧场在被收购时并未完全倒闭,但在水务政策的5项生存分析中,它没有达到要求,因此有资格成为不可行的公用事业公司。123 6申请人指出,尽管他们认为红岩可能被视为不可行,但他们仍要求并无人反对红岩的收购溢价为20%,而且事实上没有要求收购Eagletail的收购溢价,根据广东水利研究院收购和修复10家不可行的公用事业公司的过往记录,L 00%的收购溢价对特纳牧场是合适的。124 11相比之下,申请人辩称,Ruco建议特纳牧场获得20%的收购溢价12是基于水政策中没有确立的标准-收购溢价13应与差饷缴纳人明确、可量化和实质性的利益相关。14全球水务公用事业公司注意到Ruco的证人无法量化废水或消防栓15中有效或良好修复的浊度降低的好处,它将这种无力归因于获得清洁饮用水和正常运行的消防设施的无价性质16。先生。 125该系统只有一名公用事业运营商正在准备退休,23其唯一的储罐破旧且漏水。尽管之前的所有权已向亚利桑那州Water 24基础设施融资局(“WIF A”)申请融资来更换水箱,但在系统收购时,水箱仍处于设计阶段。该系统去年的水流失率约为46%,这在很大程度上是由于27 123名申请人代表BR。at 14引用第75743号决定(2016年9月19日)at 15。 124 TR。第十卷1542年。 28 125 Ex. A-39 8-9。 60第78644号决定

案卷编号。SW-20445A-20-0214等。它的设施普遍陈旧,供水总管漏水。该系统的电气设备也存在缺陷,构成安全隐患。I27 3在被GWRJ购置后,已安装了一个大小适合系统需要的替代储罐,4可为日常条件和一些应急情况提供足够的容量。此外,还购置并安装了新的水泵和堆场管道。I28过时的6个水表已被具有自动抄表功能的水表取代,以便更好地向来源通报持续的水量损失。129 8 9 d在要求红岩(水和废水)和特纳牧场的基准费率收购溢价的同时,申请人还请求委员会批准30个基点的净资产收益率(ROE)加法器。根据Fleming先生为Global Water Utilities作证的说法,收购溢价调整了被收购公用事业公司的费率基础,使其收购前景更具吸引力,而股本回报率加法器则有不同的目的。130正如他解释的,14 15 16 17 18 19,嘿,如果你去帮助整合这些规模较小、陷入困境的公用事业公司,我们将给你全面的净资产收益率溢价。原因是,如果我买了50个离加州比凤凰城更近的客户--我已经买了,在这个例子中,是Eagletail,这50个客户的净资产收益率(ROE)加法器,这些客户几乎无法--他们无论如何都无法用我们试图进行的投资支付今天的利率,所以我们让他们获得运营利润率,这不会改变交易是否可行的分析。直到ROE加法器扩散到更大的客户群,你才能对交易的细节进行三角测量,公司净收益,并对投资者说,从商业角度来看,这也是绝对值得的。131辩称,水务政策考虑的是单一的股本回报率,而不是多个20的股本回报率,申请人不同意Ruco的建议,即将加法器限制为21只适用于用于收购陷入困境的公用事业公司的资本,因为这将导致多个22个不同的回报率。此外,申请人指出,许多不可行的公用事业公司的费率基数有限23,因此采购价格较低。他们辩称,仅适用于首都24收购此类公用事业的净资产收益率加法器只会产生极小的收入影响,因此激励可以忽略不计。在I 0。127ID。在I2.27 I2S ID。在13.129id.130 Tr.第1卷,第154页。28131ID。61 78644号决定摘要编号。SW-20445A-20-0214等。收购这类公用事业公司,会使提供收购激励的目的落空。2 Global Water Utilities还质疑RUCO将收购3溢价20%的上限描述为对有生存能力的公用事业的激励的全面上限,从而排除了超过20%的额外4激励回收。对此,申请人争辩说,20%-5%的限制适用于费率基数的原始成本,不同于并不适用于以股本回报率为前提的6%激励措施。此外,他们指出,20%的上限仅适用于收购可行的公用事业公司,Ruco承认,所有有争议的收购都是针对不可行的公用事业公司。9 10 11 2.Ruco根据其审查认为,在收购时,特纳牧场和红岩(水和废水)都是不可行的。RUCO 13注意到,被收购的12家公用事业公司的生存状况对可能获得批准的允许收购溢价设定了限制,并对工作人员和全球水务公司为红岩系统得出相互矛盾的可行性14结论表示关切。Ruco批评了申请者确定15生存能力的方法,根据Ruco的说法,这似乎……可能与


132正如Ruco进一步解释的那样,生存能力确定是一项具有明确标准的工程确定,不应受到政策18考虑的影响。19为明确起见,Ruco建议,应根据下列因素确定不可行的公用事业公司收购溢价的大小:(1)被收购公用事业公司的客户数量;21(2)用于公用事业资本改善的收购溢价部分;(3)预计账单22的影响;(4)收购溢价摊销期限的长短;(5)每年从收购中为客户带来的收益的量化;(6)市场价格研究或净值研究;(7)为股东带来的24种收益;(8)自被收购公用事业公司上次费率案例以来的年数;(9)基于被收购公用事业公司的每个/客户收购溢价与被收购公用事业公司的平均费率的比较而进行的25合理性检查;以及(10)其他因素。或者,对于可行的公用事业,RUCO 27建议在设定收购溢价时考虑以下因素:(1)之前的28 132 RUCO CL。Br.在13.62号决定78644号案卷编号。SW-20445A-20-0214等。收购不可行的公用事业;(2)被收购公用事业的客户数量;(3)市场价格研究或净值研究;以及(4)其他因素。133 3尽管工作人员和申请者在生存能力方面的立场相互矛盾,但Ruco确实认为收购溢价对特纳牧场和红岩都是合适的,并已得出自己的结论,即特纳牧场在收购时不可行。Ruco建议6在各自的利率基础上为每个公司分配20%的收购溢价,在7-25年内摊销。 134 RUCO认为,这种条件可以保护纳税人10免受战略收购的影响,这些收购通过批准收购溢价和11提高所收购公用事业的转售价值而使股东受益。135此外,RUCO建议在接下来的12个一般税率案例中,如果收购为纳税人提供了明确、可量化、13且实质性的利益,则进行审查以确定。 14 RUCO反对申请人单独提出的实施30个基点的股本回报率15加法器以进一步激励收购的请求。RUCO认为,ROE加法是一项全面调整,如果采用16,则应仅适用于17问题136中用于收购公用事业的资本,即仅适用于Red Rock和Turner Ranches系统。根据18 Ruco的说法,拟议的净资产收益率加法器将大大夸大股权成本。同样,Ruco 19声称,由于水资源政策明确规定了收购溢价的上限,除了收购溢价之外,允许应用净资产收益率加法器来提高费率基数,这违背了为收购溢价设定上限的目的。为此,Ruco建议将《水政策》第6、2(B)节中阐明的所有22项潜在激励措施累计视为23项,但须受上限限制。24 Ruco没有对工作人员的建议采取立场,即只对被收购公用事业的差饷纳税人适用收购25保费,而不是所有差饷缴纳人26 27 133 Ruco CL。Br.在16比17。134先例Ruco-6,29-30。135 ex.Ruco-7在15-I 6.28 136 Ex.Ruco-10,69分。63 78644号决定摘要编号。SW-20445A-20-0214等。在申请人提出的相应综合费率组内。然而,Erdwunn先生在为2 Ruco作证时解释说,如果按照申请人的提议和3工作人员和Ruco普遍同意的费率合并,将购置款溢价单独适用于被收购公用事业公司的差饷缴纳人4将与合并不一致,而且在整个受影响的合并集团中分摊费用会更简单,而且在行政上更有意义。137.工作人员a.红岩(水和废水)6 7 8根据对红岩系统的分析,工作人员认为红岩(水和废水)在收购时是不可行的。员工的不可行结论基于10号决定75743‘S的不可行标准,该标准与当前不符合或无法达到ADEQ的11项合规有关。正如工作人员指出的那样,由于大肠杆菌和浑浊问题,红岩一直并将继续不符合ADEQ 12的要求。红岩S不能13岁员工被认定完全是ADEQ不合规状态139 14关于收购溢价分析,员工的立场是,只有那些从收购中受益的差饷缴纳人才应支付收购溢价,这在功能上将收购溢价的收取限于被收购公用事业公司的客户。员工建议红岩的收购溢价为20%-17%,基于收购时的利率基础,在25年内摊销18%。为落实其建议,工作人员计算了适用于红岩(水)和红岩(废水)的收购溢价附加费19,以将附加费仅适用于红岩20差饷缴纳人。21 22 b.特纳牧场与全球水务公司不同,员工在23收购时认为特纳牧场是可行的,因为使用水政策的生存标准,特纳牧场之前的管理层24证明了必要的管理、技术和财务能力,以处理利率和25融资申请,以确保获得满足所需升级的手段,并且特纳牧场符合26 27 137 Tr.IXat1342-1343。编号:138。1359和1363-1364;例如S以20分的比分获胜。28139Tr.卷。1X在1368。78644号决定

案卷编号。SW-20445A-20-0214等。与所有相关的政府机构合作。140因为环球水务认为特纳牧场在收购时是可行的,工作人员指出,环球水务还必须证明3收购和改善对不可行的公用事业公司的服务的明确记录才有资格进行收购调整,工作人员4断言记录中有充分的证据证明GWRI拥有必要的记录5支持这样的发现。14 16根据其结论,特纳牧场在收购时是可行的,工作人员7建议对特纳牧场的费率基数应用20%的收购溢价,在25年内摊销8。9 c.Eagletail 10的工作人员认定,根据《水政策》的生存标准,Eagletail是不可行的,因为Eagletail以前的所有者缺乏运营该系统的管理能力,无法获得安全和充分运营的管理、技术和/或财务能力。D.股本回报率增加器13 14 15指出缺乏委员会的决定,工作人员反对申请人拟议的净资产收益率16增加器,理由是没有明确确定何时推荐净资产收益率增加器17,因此,这样的决定应留给委员会自由裁量。虽然工作人员18承认采用任何净资产收益率增加器将是委员会的一项政策决定,19但工作人员也表示关切的是,与工作人员的建议相反,将购置费用仅用于被收购公用事业公司受益的差饷缴纳人,净资产收益率增加器将把进行21项收购的费用分摊给全球水务公司的所有差饷缴纳人。这一定义规定,一个可行的系统具有“关闭BR的技术、财务和26 27 140名工作人员”。卷。IX在1363。141 Tr.卷。X在1532。28142Tr.卷。X在15点12分。SW-20445A-20-0214等。管理能力,以一致地遵守当前和未来的绩效2的要求。“143 75743号决定进一步区分了可行与不可行的区别:3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26可行的水和/或废水设施的定义是:(I)保持管理、技术和财务能力,以安全和充分地运行;以及(2)目前符合所有亚利桑那州环境质量部、亚利桑那州水利部和亚利桑那州公司委员会的规则和命令;以及(3)将能够在短期和长期基础上满足其他必要的监管要求。不可行的水或废水设施的定义是:(1)缺乏或不能获得安全和充分运行的管理、技术和/或财务能力;或(2)目前不符合或不能遵守亚利桑那州环境质量部、亚利桑那州水利部和/或亚利桑那州公司委员会的规则或命令,或在没有管理、技术或财政援助的情况下无法达到这种合规性;或(3)在短期或长期的TEM1基础上不能满足其他必要的监管要求。144 75743号决定也作了解释,

在确定生存能力或不生存能力时,委员会将考虑案件的所有相关情况,并将根据CC&N转让时的所有情况确定生存能力或不生存能力的问题。员工的不可行性分析基本上基于这样的观点,即红石(废水)在收购时不符合ADEQ,因为如果第三方承包商正确报告测试结果,它将被发现不符合。虽然75743号决定提到收购时的不遵守情况,但正如75743号决定进一步解释的那样,可行性调查要求考虑收购发生时的所有事实和情况。在我们看来,受雇进行水测试146的第三方承包商没有报告失败的测试146,防止了14.144ID的27143号决定75743。14点15分。145ID。在15.28146Tr.卷。我36岁。66 78644号决定-‘--摘要编号。软件-20445A-20-02 L 4,等.结论红岩不符合ADEQ要求。没有证据表明红岩之前的管理层不会向你求职。如果他们收到了适当的检测结果,就会出现大肠杆菌和浑浊度问题3。因此,我们认为,第三方没有报告失败的测试4是一个额外的事实,阻止得出红岩在收购时因未能符合ADEQ要求而不可行的结论。由于员工6声称红岩(废水)不可行的唯一原因,我们发现红岩(水和废水)在收购时是可行的。8基于申请人为识别和解决你所做的广泛努力的证据。关于导致红岩(废水)的细菌和浑浊问题,S目前没有遵守10个ADEQ,以及由于拟议的与帕洛维德的费率合并而导致红岩(废水)客户的税率大幅降低,我们发现记录表明,12个申请者通过收购红岩(水和废水)为差饷缴纳人提供了可观的净收益。14与确定红岩公用事业是可行的一致,我们认为,根据委员会的水资源政策,各方建议将20%的收购溢价16应用于红岩(水)和红岩(废水)的费率基数是合理的,应予以采纳。同样,在25年内摊销购置款溢价的提议也是合理的,应该予以采纳。 工作人员的23建议在不同情况下可能是合理的。在这种情况下,我们发现论点24更有说服力,即孤立收购溢价的回收与拟议的费率25合并不一致。 26 b. Turner Ranches 27我们不相信Turner Ranches在收购时的状况是不可行的。 28工作人员的说法是正确的,特纳牧场的前所有者正在提出费率诉讼并为67号决定第78644号DOCKET NOS提供资金。SW-20445 A-20-0214等人的应用程序147因此证明他们有方法安全、充分地操作系统。 2他们提交的文件范围未能纠正Global Water Utilities 3在收购该系统时发现的所有缺陷,这并不表明Turner Ranches的前任所有者缺乏管理、财务或技术能力。明确地说,科文先生代表5名申请者作证时承认,特纳牧场“以前的所有者经营得很勤奋”。148没有证据表明特纳牧场违反了相关监管机构的规定,也没有证据表明特纳牧场没有办法或意愿寻求必要的批准来解决短期或长期问题8,我们认为,在目前的情况和事实下,特纳牧场在收购时是可行的。我们发现,证据13表明,全球水务公司通过收购14个系统,为差饷缴纳人提供了可观的净收益,证明了不断更换老化的工厂以提高整个特纳牧场系统的可靠性和服务质量11,以及立即免除了为支持先前管理下的基础设施改善而产生的沉重债务12。G.,第75746号决定。 148 Ex. A-38 20。 28 149第75829号决定(2016年12月5日)第4次。 68第78644号决定 [a]案卷编号。SW-20445A-20-0214等。举止。4.股本回报率增加5号75626号决定认识到,净资产收益率增加是鼓励公用事业6行业合并的潜在激励因素。在目前的情况下,我们不相信净资产收益率加法器是必要的或7合适的。此外,虽然我们在这种情况下拒绝采用11名员工的建议,将收购溢价的回收仅限于皮纳尔县水务和废水合并公司内的红岩12客户,但我们发现员工13点的优点是,收购的受益人,即被收购公用事业公司的差饷缴纳人,应该支付14项收购的成本。由于这与拟议的费率合并不一致,我们在这次情况下不会采用工作人员建议。尽管申请者要求对Eagletail做出不可行的决定,但他们并没有要求收购溢价。 这是不公正和合理的。 25因此,出于这些原因,我们发现应用30个基点ROE加法器的请求是不合理的。 27 28 69第78644号决定- DOCKET NOS. SW-20445 A-20-0214等E.争议中的其他税率基数调整1.减税和就业法案2 3当2017年减税和就业法案(TCJA)生效时,它降低了企业收入4的税率,并使CIAC和AIAC获得应税收入。第150号决定:76595号决定(2018年2月26日)、76619号决定(2018年3月29日)、76974号决定(2018年11月27日)、77084号决定(2019年2月20日)、77104号决定(2019年2月28日)和77540号决定(2020年1月23日)。AU-00000A-17-0379,这是欧盟委员会针对TCJA的通用议程,所有公共服务公司被勒令向差饷缴纳人开具账单抵免,以反映现有的公用事业费率是使用更高的所得税税率设定的。9 2018年9月20日,委员会发布了76901号决定,要求圣克鲁斯、帕洛维德、10 GTWC和新南威尔士应对TCJA的影响,包括确定向差饷缴纳人提供适当的11个账单抵免,并提出一种方法来说明TCJA对公用事业公司ADJT 12余额的影响。正如Rowell先生代表全球水务公司解释的那样,TCJA批准的税率低于为公用事业公司设定基本税率的税率,导致ADJT余额重新估值。151 14为了说明这些变化,创建了超额累计递延所得税(EADIT)余额15,2018年12月19日,全球水务公用事业FI在一份文件中牵头提出了如何处理TCJA对Adit的16个影响的建议。W-20446A-18-0202等人。152针对工作人员提出的17项建议,后来于2019年7月18日提交了一份修订提案,推迟了EAD IT摊销对收入要求的直接影响,以及作为ADIT余额中监管资产/负债的19项已批准退款与实际退款之间的差异,供下一次一般费率案件考虑。然而,在第154然而,申请人23建议放弃收回超额退还的arnounts。155此外,并与其24 25 1 so Ex. A-26在I 6处。 26 151 Ex.A-26,15。1S2 1D。27 153唯一出现退款不足的公用事业是GTWC,2018年退款2,609美元,2019年退款3,005美元,2020年拟议一次性退款总额为5,614美元。前男友。A-26,在18.154 JD。在17-18。28 155在20I8和20I9之间,帕洛维德、圣克鲁斯和NSWC被累计多退了51,426美元。70 78644号决定-摘要编号。SW-20445A-20-0214等。156 2 Ruco没有对申请人退还多收的所得税支出的建议采取立场。4工作人员最初反对全球水务公司拟议的EADIT调整,认为这是5名工作人员普遍反对拟议的第1033条调整的一部分,因为第1033条6的调整模糊了EADIT余额的处理是否符合TCJA的要求,7特别是EADIT摊销的方法。9根据申请人提供的答复,工作人员最终接受了拟议的EADIT 10摊销比率。158此外,工作人员决定不在所得税计算中进一步确认EADIT摊销11,因为担心在这一过程中这么晚才提出这一关切12会给申请者带来正当程序问题,而且由于全球水务公司所得税14细节的复杂性,更好地了解EADIT 13余额将是一个漫长的过程。159工作人员还指出,有人担心,修改所得税计算以确认EADIT 15摊销可能会导致所得税支出增加。160 16员工同意全球水务公司提出的摊销由TCJA创建的公用事业公司EADIT 17的方法。 161 18我们发现,全球水务公司提出的由19 TCJA创建的EADIT摊销方法是合理的。 2.现金营运资本20 21现金营运资本量化公用事业公司满足日常运营22费用所需的现金金额。它是根据收取收入时间与必须支付费用时间之间的时差23计算的。当公用事业公司在费用到期之前收到收入时,它有24 25 156参见例如Ex. A-52在6-8(Seltzer先生的证词描述了对EADIT的相应调整,因为ADIT被删除了26以符合规范化要求。 157请参阅之前有关将规范化规则应用于ADIT的讨论。 158 Ex. S-1位于27 159 TR。IV,511-512。 160 Jstat 513。 28 161 Ex. S-1 7-8。 71第78644号决定号:SW-20445 A-20-0214等现金营运资本的好处,而支出在收入到来之前到期支付2,支出产生负营运资本。3为了确定其拟议的现金营运资本津贴,申请者制定了4项单一领先滞后研究,并将总额的一部分分配给特纳牧场和三个独立的5个合并比率组中的每一个。6 7 a.Ruco Ruco计算现金周转资金建议时使用了四个单独的领先-滞后研究,8特纳牧场和三个拟议的综合费率组各一个,以消除交叉补贴的可能性,并更准确地确定每10个系统的营运资金需求。162值得注意的是,RUCO制定领先-滞后研究的方法使用较短的11天(3.5天,而不是申请人的7天),产生比12个申请者提出的收入滞后更短的收入滞后163,同时使用较长的14天的滞后期,即申请人8.74个滞后天数来确定13个费用领先天数。164 Ruco的方法还使用了比申请人(180个滞后天数)更长的14个期间(212个滞后天数)来确定财产税支出滞后天数,165个滞后天数,以及确定所得税支出滞后天数(使用108个滞后天数到16个申请人使用的37个滞后天数)。166 17与工作人员一样,Ruco还在其领先-滞后研究中纳入了利息支出滞后部分,18确定91.25个滞后天数是合适的。167根据Ruco的说法,虽然申请者19不包括利息支出部分,但20 21 22 23 24

利息费用是必须根据签署的合同支付并在利润表中报告的实际费用。利息费用需要现金支付。公司在利息到期日之前收取用于支付利息的现金。 虽然公司拥有这些资金,但它们是公司可以使用的免费现金来源,直到付款。168 25 162 Ex. RUC 0 -6,17。 26 163 Ex. RUC 0 -6,19-20。 164例。RUC 0 -6,21。 165例RUC 0 -6,24。 27 166 Ex. RUC 0 -6,25。 167例。RUC 0 -6,26。 28 168 Ex. RUC 0 -6,26。 72第78644号决定

案卷编号。SW-20445A-20-0214等。此外,RUCO在其领先-滞后2研究中包括了员工养老金和福利的组成部分,而申请者没有这样做。3利用申请人提供的退休年金数据,Ruco 3确定应给予雇员养恤金和福利7.97个滞后天数。169 4 Ruco对现金周转资金的拟议调整5的累积影响使申请人的总基数减少了约140万美元。170 b.工作人员6 7工作人员建议调整申请人拟议的现金周转金津贴8,主要是为了与工作人员建议的业务费用调整数保持一致。171工作人员称,计入利息支出是惯例,通常得到10委员会的核准。172 c.Global Water Utilities的答复11 12申请人对工作人员和Ruco列入利息支出一事提出异议。根据13 Rowell先生代表申请人的S证词,利息支出是一项“低于额度”的费用,如果可以的话,应该通过债务成本作为利率基数的一部分收回。173由于降低营运资本利率基数是为了确认客户提供的运营资本,利息支出不应包括在内,因为它不是客户提供的支出。174 17申请人在答复RUCO时辩称,RUCO对每个综合费率组进行单独的超前-滞后18研究以符合成本因果关系原则的做法是未经证实的,因为RUCO的研究采用了完全不同的公用事业单位--亚利桑那州水务20公司的数据来确定其收入滞后建议。 176 24 25 169 Ex. RUCO-6,24岁。 170 Ex. A-29在8点。 171例S-8,12点。26 172工作人员代表BR.在20 173例A-28在11点。 27 174申请人名单。Br.在90 28 175申请人代表BR. 40岁时,引用Ex。A-28 9-10。 176 Ex. A-28在11点。 73 78644决定号_摘要编号。SW-20445A-20-0214等。申请者还指出,其他大型公用事业公司的收入滞后时间比Global Water 2公用事业公司更长。177根据实际滞后是由于申请人在支付账单时注意到客户3的服务的证词,178申请人辩称,较长的账单周期避免了4个账单错误,并为客户提供了更多的付款时间。5全球水务公司还辩称,RUCO进行领先滞后研究的方法存在许多缺陷,包括RUCO计算的数字与RUCO时间表中的其他数字不一致,RUCO的研究没有反映RUCO所有的费用调整,它包括折旧费用虽然折旧费用是一项非现金费用,不应反映在现金周转资金中,但它没有使用实际滞后天数179,并且在RUCO证人承认申请人的37个滞后天数是正确的11天后,没有做出缩短所得税滞后天数的纠正调整。决议我们同意员工和Ruco的观点,即利息支出通常包括在现金周转资本中。然而,我们没有被说服采用RUCO的现金营运资金,因为我们担心它存在多个问题,包括在RUCO承认申请人的所得税滞后天数是正确的之后,它未能纠正所得税滞后天数16,并且RUCO分析中的17个数字与RUCO时间表中的其他数字不一致。18我们认为,工作人员法与常规的委员会方法是一致的,以确定营运资金需求,是基于所提出的证据的最合理的方法,我们20将采用这种方法。3. 为了支持其立场,申请人观察到,工作人员对累积24折旧的计算与申请人的计算存在莫名其妙的差异,但工作人员无法识别或调和25 177 Id。引用EPCO Water Arizona的40。文件号WS-01303 A-20- 26 0177的申请中包括15个收入滞后日。 178参见例如Ex. A-40在I 6-17; Ex. A-41 at 5-7(Corwin先生的证词解释了申请人使用质量控制2 7个步骤,包括账单验证和异常消耗数据的审查,这些数据延长了电表读数和账单邮寄之间的时间)。 28 179申请人名单。Br.以90-91的比分,引用Ex. A-28,9-11。 180申请人名单。Br. 91岁,引用TR。第九卷1290。 74第78644号决定DCK.ET NOS. SW-20445 A-20-0214等。1差异。181此外,工作人员的计算在其2的计算中省略了相关的工厂报废信息,并仅依赖公用事业年度报告来获取有关工厂报废的数据。182正如3工作人员证人Baxter先生所承认的那样,不能根据公用事业年度报告中的相关内容来确定资产在报废时是否已完全折旧。183 5申请人提出有效分数,我们同意他们计算累积折旧的方法较为可靠,应予以采用。F.长期储水额度7 8除了下文关于9级设计的讨论中进一步讨论的可持续用水附加费外,全球水务公司还要求确认购买和使用长期储水额度的适当监管处理办法(“L水务公司”)。L TSC是通过11有目的地储存中亚利桑那项目(“CAP”)地表水、其他可再生水12资源,或来自废水处理设施184的循环水在地下超过创建信用185的13个历年而设立的,并允许从含水层抽水。根据L TSC的支出从地下提取的水14被视为与为创建LTSC而存储的水的类型相同(即,如果储存CAP水以创建LTSC,则提取的16水也被视为CAP水)。187除了创建用于17以后提取的存储供水外,LTSC还可以用于公用事业公司的ADWR指定的保证供水18,以演示100年供水。189伦德金先生在听证会上21消除了这种可能性,他解释说,申请人接受工作人员建议的22会计处理作为一种形式的杂项无形工厂,因此不会尝试23 24 181 EX。A-29,9.25 182 Tr.卷。X在1456。183Tr.卷。X在1547。26 184 EX. A-55 14-15。 185例A.54,47。 186 Ex. A-55在14。27 187 Ex. A-54 47-48。 188同。48。 28 189 Ex. RUC 0 -4,31。 75决定第78644号- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 1 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 DOCKET NOS. SW-20445 A-20-0214等人通过拟议附加费进行回收。190工作人员建议将LTSC视为杂项无形工厂,而不是为其提供特殊会计处理。根据Stafs的建议,LTSC被视为土地,是一种不折旧资产的形式,公用事业公司可以将资产置于费率基础中并赚取回报。随着LTSC的创建和成本的发生,公用事业公司将在资产负债表上跟踪这些支出,就像它会对投入使用的新工厂开出发票一样。随后,当建议作为费率基数的一部分收回时,长途电话公司的账户将在费率案件中受到审计。191然而,当使用L台币公司时,它立即全额折旧。192.我们认为职员建议是解决L信托基金开设和开支差饷确认问题的合理方法。G.费率基数调整摘要根据上述讨论,我们发现每个公用事业公司和综合分组的公允价值费率基数汇总如下:Santa Cruz Red Rock(Water)Pinal Water Consolation Factory$11,809,1,08$6,977,322$120,786.430 accum。迪普雷。$(37 31 1,642)$(2,214,953)$(39,526.595)净工厂$76 497,466$4,762,369$81,259,835扣除:CIAC$(1 920 591)$(3,017,257)$(4,937,848)AIAC$(35,828,222)$(1,005,185)$(36,833,407)仪表按金$(686 475)$(55,830)$(742,305)ADIT$3172,636$31,327$3,203,964增加:递延税项资产$67 328$5,337$72,665营运资金$(206,651)$(8,670)$(215,321)收购调整NIA$114,563$114,563总税率基数:$41,095,492$826,654$41,922,146帕洛维德红岩废水(废水)综合工厂$146,767 945$14,300,428$157,068,373累计。迪普雷。$(41,553,782)$(4,582,723)$(46,136.506)净工厂$101,214 163$9,717,704$110,931,867扣除额:190 Tr第五卷,641。191Tr.增值税706-707卷。192Tr.增值税706卷。76号决定78644号

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 DOCKET NOS. SW-20445 A-20-0214,等。CIAC $(1,523,4 l 9)$(6,170,776)$(7,694,194)AIAC $(29,259 099)$(394 890)$(29,653,990)电表存款$(677,530)NIA $(677,530)ADIT $(1.356,051)$(193,303)$(1,549,354)添加:递延税务资产$(1.547,880)$(38,128)$(1,586 008)流动资金$(204.251)$(8,544)$(212,795)收购调整NIA $495,030 $495 030总费率基础:$66.645,933 $3,407,093 $70,053,026 GTWC燕尾NSWC工厂$7,515,837 $848,233 $2,102,398累计。德普雷。$(3,619,817)$(102,394)$(781,328)净工厂$3,896,021 $745,838 $1,321 071扣除:CIAC $(349,092)$(150,748)$(1,388,217)AIAC $(1123,690)$(1,785)$(8,567)电表存款$()3,880)$(3,049)$(8,380)ADIT $120,853 $18,701 $([I 9,530)增加:递延税项资产$73 306$(44,797)$257,929营运资金$(3,996)$(552)$(890)收购调整NIA总税率基数:$2.599.521$563,609$53,416马里科帕水特纳牧场合并工厂$10 466,468$5 104 246 ACUM。迪普雷。$(4,503 548)$(3,593 910)净工厂$5,962 920$1,510,336扣除额:CIAC$(1,888,057)NIA AIAC$(1,134 042)NIA计价器折旧$(25,309)NIA Adit$20,027$82,516增加:递延税项资产$286,438$(43,014)营运资本$(5,438)$(9,318)调整后的NIA$309,731总税率基数:$3,216,539$1,850,251 V申请人建议下一个调整后的测试年度营业收入公用事业测试年度调整后的营业费用收入(亏损)Santa Cruz$14,636,521$12,632 84$2,103红岩(水)$428,926$493 895$(968)皮纳尔县水*$15,067,619$13,027,964$2.039.655 7778644 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28摘要编号SW-20445A-20-0214等。帕洛维德$19 370,486$15,057,022$4,313,_464红岩(废水)$952,465$851,851$100,578皮纳尔县$20,322,951$15,908,254$4,414,697废水*GTWC$397,713$562 522$(164,809)Ea2:letail$52,667$96,424$(43,757)NSWC$237 243$134 293$102,950马里科帕县$687,623$793,108$(105,484)皮纳尔县*特纳牧场$853,397$846,277$119*皮纳尔县,皮纳尔县废水和马里科帕县水不是不同的公用事业,但代表建议的公用事业与公用事业比较的收入和运营收入的聚合值。没有任何一方对测试年度的收入提出异议。A.奖励补偿各方对工资和工资支出的拟议调整金额汇总如下:公用事业申请人-最终RU CO-最终员工-最终圣克鲁兹$(1 19.908)$(46,462)$(189,520)红岩(水)$(1,662)$(1,990)$(8,703)皮纳尔县水$(125,570)$(48,452)$(198.223)帕洛维德$(119,676)$(45 865)$(180,587)红岩(废水)$(1,453)$(1,453)890)$(8,427)皮纳尔县废水$(125,129)$(47,775)$(189,014)1年。)GTWC$(3,556)$(895)$(5,931)Eagletail$(509)$(99)$(903)NSWC$(799)$(1 99)${1,319)马里科帕县水务$(4,864)$(1,193)$(6,384)1 Y 4 Turner牧场$(6 240)$(2 089)$(8 986)全球水务公司建议将其员工激励薪酬计划的一部分计入运营费用。激励薪酬计划在安全运营、高效服务、审慎资本193类范围内确立了员工绩效目标193员工S最终时间表报告皮尔县污水处理综合集团的调整为189,290美元,这并不等于所示的个别调整的总和。前男友。S-21,最后时间表AII-I(“帕罗维德合并”)。194工作人员对马里科帕县水务合并组的建议调整在其计算中省略了对NSWC的调整。前男友。S-21,最终时间表MCC-12(“全球水务-托诺帕和鹰尾合并”)。78 78644号决定案卷编号。软件-20445A-20-02 L 4,等.投资和客户服务。每个类别的权重均为25%,然后申请人2将每个类别分配给作为主要受益人的差饷缴纳人或股东权益。根据他们的计算,只有高效率的服务类别比差饷缴纳人更有利于股东利益4,因此申请人建议在差饷缴纳人和股东之间分别分摊75/25的奖励计划成本。6 7 Ruco Ruco建议差饷缴纳人和8名股东各占一半的激励性薪酬。鲁科的立场基于这样一种观点,即作为受薪员工,公用事业工人不应该需要额外的激励来完成公用事业工人的普通期望任务。195然而,10 Ruco承认,业绩激励可以为差饷缴纳人带来好处,之前的11项委员会决定196一直接受50/50分担激励性薪酬成本,12因此Ruco在本案中建议50/50分担。相比之下,Ruco反对13名申请者提出的75/25的比例,认为这是“一边倒”的做法,并警告称,这可能会引发新的先例。14 15 2.像Ruco这样的工作人员建议50/50分享非执行激励性薪酬16,因为股东和差饷缴纳人受益于基于业绩的薪酬。据17名员工表示,申请者未能证明,差饷缴纳人从这四个18个业绩类别中获得的直接好处比公用事业股东更多。根据员工22见证人Ullinger先生的说法,PSU的价值完全与GWRI的财务业绩挂钩,因此只让23名股东受益。197因此,工作人员认为,由差饷缴纳人承担向雇员提供PSU福利的费用是不适当的。Ruco-4,23分。26 196 Ruco Cl.Br.引用68487号决定(2006年2月23日)、第7001 I号决定(2007年11月27日)、70360号决定(2008年5月27日)、70665号决定(2008年12月24日)、71914号决定(2010年9月30日)、71865号决定(2010年8月31日)、74568号决定(2014年6月20日)和77147号决定(2019年4月16日)。197个出口S,28岁,11岁。28 198/d_79号决定_7_8__4__摘要编号。SW-20445A-20-0214等。为了回应申请人的批评,即不可调和的错误影响了工作人员计算2的调整,以将PS Us从员工工资和薪金费用中剔除,199名工作人员与全球水务公司合作3纠正了调整。工作人员的最终时间表反映了必要的4项更正,以实现将PSU福利费用削减100%。200 5 6 7 3.全球水务公司的回应作为与工作人员的妥协,申请者同意将PS Us的100%排除在外。针对Ruco的论点,即委员会一贯的做法是采用8对50分摊奖励费用,申请人指出,委员会9号委员会最近的一些决定也没有使用50/50分摊。 显然,图森电力10和西南天然气公司最近的费率决定授权取消40%,而不是RUCO建议的50% 11取消补贴,以反映这些公用事业公司薪酬计划中的财务部分。20 1 12全球水务公用事业公司辩称,他们提议的激励补偿分配13计划成本也不包括不直接参与的财务部分纳税人的14个利益。202其余类别与以客户为中心的福利保持一致是有道理的,因为正如埃尔斯沃思女士作证的那样,“这确实是对我们客户服务人员、16名运营商的激励补偿。“203此外,激励薪酬计划的延期部分”可能是留住优秀员工的一个很好的方法”,特别是在劳动力市场紧张的情况下,“ ]我们几乎在18个竞争中争夺我们试图雇用的任何职位。“204 4。决议19 20我们同意全球水务公司的观点,即仅基于财务21表现的激励薪酬将使股东受益,而不是纳税人。为此,我们认为,Global Water Utilities接受了Staff 22的建议,即取消100%的NSO补偿23,因为这仅有利于股东的利益,是合理的,应该被采纳。 24 25我们不相信申请人激励措施采用的分类指标199 Ex. A-29在11点。26 200 TR。第十卷1446年。 27 201申请人代表BR. 45岁时引用了决定号。77850(2020年12月17日)和77856(2020年12月31日)。 202 TR。第五卷,777。 203 TR。。大桶773。 28 204 TR.。大桶775。 80第78644号决定-

案卷编号。SW-20445A-20-0214等。然而,1个补偿计划实现了差饷缴纳人和2个股东之间如此明确的利益分配。全球水务公司只承认高效服务是一种主要受益于股东的类别,而他们认为差饷缴纳人是强大的客户服务、安全的运营和谨慎的资本投资的主要受益者。我们不同意。股东也从这些类别的高表现中受益.优秀的客户服务避免了纠纷,提高了公众对公用事业的好感,同时安全的运营降低了工伤风险和随之而来的保险成本。此外,谨慎的资本投资使股东受益,因为多引入了8家工厂,在此基础上可以赚取回报。正因为如此,差饷缴纳人也能从高效的服务中受益,因为更高的效率转化为更低的运营成本,而运营成本必须在公用事业IO费率中收回。11 Ellsworth女士在为Global Water Utilities作证时解释了申请人的观点,即在分配绩效激励薪酬成本的12个目的中,差饷缴纳人是主要的受益者,因为从激励中获得的好处“对客户来说是特别好的”。205当14人要求澄清每个计划15类别的股东和差饷缴纳人之间的利益分配时,Ellsworth女士承认,在每个计划类别中,股东都受益于良好的员工表现16。出于这些原因,我们同意Ruco和Staff的立场,即18名非执行人员激励性薪酬各占一半是合理的。因此,我们采纳了工作人员对薪金和工资费用的19项调整建议。胡麻B. 207因此,补偿董事会的成本是开展23项业务的必要成本,应向纳税人收回。GWR 1董事会的薪酬包括24直接现金薪酬以及以递延股票单位25 26 27 205 TLR形式的递延薪酬。增值税733卷。206号。在741号。28207Tr.卷。VI在824.81号决定78644-摘要编号。SW-20445A-20-0214等。(“水务单位”),208递延补偿和全额虚拟股票的组合,据此,董事2可以选择将其现金补偿的一部分推迟到以后的日期,延期的美元将贷记入电力公司。209 4全球水务公司建议排除与5个水务单位有关的董事补偿的50%,210,其中包括数字水务单位50%的损益。6.工作人员7工作人员建议不给予董事会50%的薪酬(现金211和基础设施股)。8此外,由于DSU的未来价值与股票价值相关,因此与GWRI的财务结果有关,工作人员认为让差饷缴纳人支持DSU 10负债的成本是不合适的,因此建议100%不考虑DSU负债的未实现变化11。212 12 2.RUCO 13与其关于员工激励性薪酬的立场一致,RUCO建议差饷缴纳人和股东分摊50/50 14费用。213作为其建议合理性的一个例子,RUCO指出,在美国证券交易委员会14A表格中被选为与GWRI最相似的16家公用事业公司,214在设定基本工资方面的支出不到申请人最初要求的18%的一半。215虽然它承认申请人已经做出了19项让步,减少了董事的补偿金额,但Ruco也指出,联合问题汇总表和他们的结案简报中的20 208人,指的是他们的立场是取消21个延迟幻影单元成本的50%,而不是DSU。 申请人类别。Br.在I 12-113。在10年1月预先提交的测试中,申请人的证人交替使用DS U和DPU描述了对董事薪酬的相关调整。 22参见例如Ex。A-28在14-15;例如。A-33,14点;申请人最终时间表,时间表C-2.7。DPU是DS U的变体,具有董事特有的额外特征,例如要求对一定数量的DPU进行大胆设定,在该人不再担任董事之前,该DPU不能赎回23。Ex. RUCO-1 8,随附RUCO 4.06(a)的数据响应; TR.第六卷822-823。 24 209 Ex. S-11在30。 210 Ex.A-28,14-15。25 211虽然工作人员建议将董事会成员的现金薪酬扣减50%,但工作人员将其建议的全部调整数用于杂项费用,而不是在薪金和工资与杂项费用之间进行分配。例如,请参见Ex.S-10,所附调查反驳明细表MCC-14b(“全球水务-红岩公用事业公司-水务事业部”),详细说明了第4号经营调整--取消“(I)董事会薪酬--现金和DFU(原文如此)”的杂项费用。S:11分,30分。27 213 ex.Ruco-4以13-14领先。214 EXRuco-4为3.28,21S ID。82 78644号决定2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 28摘要编号。SW-20445A-20-0214等。董事会最终要求的薪酬支出仍比约克水务公司高出25%以上。216 3.全球水务公用事业公司的回应批评RUCO依赖有200年历史的公用事业公司约克水务公司的单一数据点进行比较。申请人注意到Ruco的证人Michlik先生没有反驳说,与具有高速增长的服务区域的较新的公用事业公司相比,使用较旧的静态服务区域的公用事业公司的运营难度可能会有所不同,他们声称记录中的证据表明他们的董事会薪酬水平是合理的。4.决议双方提出的董事相互竞争的薪酬调整对薪金和工资支出(申请人)和杂项费用(RUCO和工作人员)的价值摘要如下:公用事业申请人-最终RU CO-最终工作人员-最终圣克鲁斯$(83,138)$(190.534)$(275,638)红岩(水)$(3,560)$(8,160)$(13,756)皮纳尔县水$(86.698)$(198,694)$(289.394)217帕洛维德$(82,069)$(188,086)$(272 236)红岩(废水)$(3382)$(7752)$(11,S GTWC$(1 602)$(3 672)$(5 562)鹰尾$(178)$(408)$(722)NSWC$(356)$(816)$(852)马里科帕县$(2,136)$(4,896)$(7,136)$(4,896)$(7,136)219水手牧场$(3,739)$(8,568)$(13,081)与员工激励薪酬一样,我们同意员工的观点,即激励股东利益的成本应落在股东身上。DSU的未来价值是基于股票216 ID在13.217的合并调整到其他。在工作人员最终附表AII-I I(“圣克鲁斯合并”)中提供的工作人员董事薪酬调整费用为315 657美元,在算术上不等于组成皮纳尔县水务综合集团的系统之间的个别调整总和。2 18对杂项的合并调整。 2 19对其他的合并调整。仅根据GTWC和燕尾服,MCC-11(“全球水务- Tonopah和Eagle Tail Consolidated”)中提供的员工董事薪酬调整的发票为6,284美元。 83决定编号78644 DOCKET NOS. SW-20445 A-20-0214等人的价值观,因此与GWRI的未来财务业绩相关。22 °因此,我们同意2 Staff的观点,即应消除100%的DSU未实现收益。3 Ruco和工作人员都不认为向董事会支付薪酬是不适当的4从差饷缴纳人那里收回费用。我们同意,拥有董事会是作为一家上市公司开展业务的成本。申请者指出,在6家主要证券交易所上市的好处,如债务再融资、降低利率200个基点、筹集3770万美元新股,以及建立一个平台,在需要时以优惠利率筹集额外资本,221要求GWRI必须有董事会。出于这个原因,我们采用了11名员工的建议调整,取消了董事会现金和DSU薪酬的50%,并禁止从杂项费用中扣除DSU未实现收益的12100%。C.被任命为高管薪酬13 14 Ruco建议对被任命的高管的薪酬进行各种调整15,理由是,与整个行业的其他水务公司相比,近地天体,特别是弗莱明和利布曼先生的薪酬过高。222 Ruco自己对近地天体薪酬进行了17分析,使用了GWRI在其证券交易所18合同时间表14A文件中引用的四家公用事业公司,约克水务公司、Artesian Resources Corp.、SJW Group和I 9 Middlesex Water Co.,作为申请人争夺人才的规模和类型的代表。 23 RUCO承认申请人已经对原始24申请进行了调整,以降低弗莱明先生和利伯曼先生的赔偿水平。根据分析25发现约克水务公司与申请人最具可比性,RUCO建议减少26 220 Ex。S-11在31。 27 221申请人C. Br.在113。 222 Ex. RUC 0 -2,15-16。 28 223 Ex. RUC 0 -4在2。 84第78644号决定

案卷编号。SW-20445A-20-0214等。薪金和工资支出增加203,406美元,作为对申请人已经作出的两项削减的近地天体补偿的进一步调整。RUCO审查了工作人员关于激励性薪酬的建议,并不反对按照工作人员的建议取消与PSU S、4个决策支持股和PSU的未实现收益有关的所有高管薪酬。5在申请者中分配,Ruco的建议将对工资和工资支出进行如下6项调整:7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26公用事业Ruco-Final Santa Cruz$(95,005)红岩(水)$(4.069)皮纳尔县$(99,074)水帕罗维德$(93,784)红岩(废水)$(3865)皮纳尔县$(97,649)废水GTWC$(1,831)Eagletail$(203)NSWC$(407)马里科帕县$(2,441)Water Turner牧场(4272美元)回应Ruco,申请人指出,他们已经进行了广泛的调整,直接减少了近地天体的补偿费用。这些措施包括100%取消首席战略官薪酬,100%取消员工股票期权计划费用,取消50%的NEO现金奖金,不包括100%的PS Us,以及取消50%的股票增值权费用。224加起来,这些调整将40%的NEO薪酬放在股东身上,60%的差饷缴纳人承担。225申请人批评RUCO执行的分析过于依赖有限的数据点,包括带有计算机生成分析的网站。正如RUCO在承认工作人员关于高管激励薪酬的建议的可接受性时提到的,226 RUCO对近地天体薪酬的调整是通过单独的方式实现的,而工作人员建议的调整基本上已经解决了这一问题。 A-48在17;例如。RUCO-20。 28 225申请人名单。Br. 108,引用RUCO-20。 226 RUCO CI. Br.在2885 78644号决定-摘要编号。SW-20445A-20-0214等。对近地天体的补偿是不必要的,已经通过其他调整解决了问题,2我们拒绝采用这些补偿。上市成本作为一家上市公司,广东水利水电股份有限公司在纳斯达克证券交易所和多伦多证券交易所上市。全球水务公用事业公司指出,通过纳斯达克首次公开募股(IPO)实现的利息节省等好处,允许对未偿债务进行再融资227,以及偿还债务和筹集股本,为资本改善提供资金。全球水务公用事业公司辩称,留在这些交易所上市的费用是一项有效的业务费用,可以合理地从9名差饷缴纳人那里收回。10 11 1.Ruco Ruco建议调整杂项费用,将纳斯达克上市成本降低一半12,并取消在多伦多证券交易所上市的相关费用。根据Ruco的说法,13名亚利桑那州的差饷缴纳人没有从他们的公用事业在外国证券交易所上市中获得任何好处。相比之下,Ruco认为,申请人受益于GWRl是一家上市公司,其股息增加和支付特别股息的能力有所增加。228 16与之前委员会拘留229的情况相同,Ruco辩称,这些费用相当于17个投资者关系,因此应由差饷缴纳人和股东分担,而不是完全由差饷缴纳人承担责任。19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2.工作人员对这一问题没有表示立场,但没有作出任何调整,将申请人的拟议上市费用从业务费用中扣除,实际上同意了申请人的意见。3.全球水务公司的回应全球水务公司辩称,在纳斯达克上上市全球水务公司让差饷缴纳人受益匪浅。 利布曼的好处包括获得资本为基础设施投资提供资金和收购不可行的公用事业公司,并在纳斯达克上市有27 227个Ex。IO上的A-32; TR。卷。VI在824.228 Tr.卷。Viii在1160。229见例如ID。Michlik先生引用72026号决定的证词(2010年12月0号)[Litchfield Park Service Company 28 Rate案件]第40-50页。78644 86号决定-摘要号。SW-20445A-20-0214等。每年产生230万美元的利息节省,因为申请者之前的债务有一个‘无赎回’2条款,只有在GWRI在美国证券交易所上市的情况下才是例外。23 14针对RUCO对多伦多证券交易所作为外国股票交易所的批评5,环球水务公司断言,授权在纳斯达克上市需要得到现有加拿大投资者的支持6,而上市提供了获得额外投资者池的途径。7 8 4.决议案我们同意申请人的意见,认为在纳斯达克和多伦多证券交易所上市是经营公用事业业务的合理成本,并为差饷缴纳人带来利益。国际劳工组织审查72026号决定的部分,摘录如下:Ex.根据RUCO-31,很明显,在该案中,委员会下令分析和分配费用是由于12个受管制和不受管制的实体的混合性质,这些实体使用共同资产并产生间接费用。13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21虽然我们同意,总体来说,共享服务模式可以提供规模经济,从而提高运营效率,但发生并分配给受监管公用事业公司的共同费用必须向客户提供明确定义的本金,才能被认为是提供服务所合理需要的。。。。正如Michlik先生指出的那样,中央办公室的费用主要与


作为一家控股公司,同时控制受监管和不受监管的业务。鉴于现有的公司结构,有一系列子公司和关联公司,我们认为,中央办公室费用在受管制公司和不受管制公司之间混合在一起,以至于为了确定费率而允许一刀切地确认所有这些费用是不合适的。232在本案的情况下,不存在72026号决定中规定的受管制实体和不受管制实体之间的混合。虽然不受监管的联营公司一度是申请人母公司的共同附属公司中的22家,但目前GWRl的所有附属公司都是23家受监管的公共事业公司。233因此,我们拒绝采纳Ruco建议分担24家上市成本的建议。25 26 27 230 ex.A-32位于8.231,id位于11.232,72026号决定位于47-48。28 233 Tr.卷。VI在842号。87 78644号决定-1 2摘要编号。SW-20445A-20-0214等。E.停产合同费用工作人员建议将红岩(废水)的合同服务费用调整为3,这反映了与红岩以前的所有权签约的运营和维护服务提供商Infrmark在2019年受到了限制。由于服务现在由内部人员提供,工作人员取消了作为非经常性费用的合同费用。2346工作人员的建议调整数从订约承办事务--红岩7号(废水)的其他--中去掉了1 3134美元。8 9 10 11[。鲁科·鲁科没有对工作人员建议的调整表态。2.全球水务公司的回应全球水务公司反对人员调整的理由是,尽管Inframark的12份合同已经终止,但工作仍在使用红岩公司的人员完成,而且尚未对工资和工资费用进行13项相应的调整。235虽然14名申请者承认费用很小,但这与修复被收购的15家公用事业公司的努力背道而驰。236 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 3.决议我们同意全球水务公司的观点,即由于Infrmark合同已经终止,使用内部人员提供这些服务是有成本的。然而,没有在形式基础上提出对薪金和工资支出的适当调整,以提供确认这一费用的合理基础。申请者在反驳阶段就知道了工作人员的建议,本可以提议对受雇承担以前由Infrmark承包商承担的职责的任何新雇员的工资和工资费用进行形式上的调整。申请人未能履行他们的负担,无法证明合同率是适当的工资和工资费用调整的合理替代品。在没有适当支持的预计调整的情况下,工作人员调整是适当和适当的,应该采用。27 234 EX.S以26-27的比分拿下8分。我的出口。A-40,ID:12.28 236。88 78644号决定]1、2摘要号。SW-20445A-20-0214等。F.外购电力/外购化学品费用工作人员建议调整GTWC和Eagletail的外购电力费用和GTWC的3个化学品费用,以反映这些系统的高失水率。237工作人员建议将GTWC购买的电力费用减少684美元,6从22,938美元减少到22,254美元,并将GTWC的化学品成本减少594美元,从19,910美元减少到19,316.238美元7工作人员建议将Eagletail‘S购买的电力费用减少2,569美元,从11,997美元减少到8美元9,428.239将Eagletail和GTWC视为马里科帕县水务公司合并的一部分,9员工调整马里科帕县水合并公司的运营费用减少3,253美元,从34,935美元减少到31,682美元从19,910美元到11美元19,316.240 12 Ruco没有对工作人员调整采取立场。13全球水务公司在简报或预先提交的证词中没有涉及工作人员的调整14但工作人员的调整没有出现在申请人的最终时间表中,在听证前问题汇总表中指出了一项争议,15描述工作人员提出的调整不适合已获得的问题16系统。由于GTWC不是一家最近收购的公用事业公司,我们推断,17名申请者的意见仅涉及对Eagletail购买的电力费用进行的调整。18.职员认为处理和抽水的开支最终会对差饷缴纳人造成损害,这是正确的,应予以劝阻。然而,目前的情况是Eagletail被GWRI收购后的第一个20级案例。 24 1考虑到凤尾鱼24解决其水流失问题的时间很短,我们认为目前更合适的做法是要求25 26 237 Ex. S-8在37、40-41。 238 Ex. S-21最终计划MCC-14 d(“全球水务- Greater Tonopah Water,Inc.”)239例。S-21,最终时间表MCC-14d(“环球水务-鹰尾水务公司”)27 240 Ex.S-21,最终时间表MCC-14d(“全球水务-托诺帕和鹰尾合并”)28 241例如见77179号决定(2019年5月15日),要求佩森水务公司制定计划,补救两个失水率分别为27%和40%的水系统的损失。89 78644 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 28号决定。SW-20445A-20-0214等人对水损失的监测,并制定了一项计划,以便在情况持续时解决这一问题。G.调整后的考试年度营业收入和费用汇总表根据考试年度的收入,对申请人所述营业收入的营业费用进行下列调整:按公用事业汇总如下:公用事业工资和合同调整后Ty调整后Ty工资服务收入运营调整*调整费用收入/(亏损)Santa Cruz$(139,166)$14,636,521$12,415,998$2 220 523红岩$(6,486)$428,926$488 588$(59,661)(水)Pinal县$(145,652)$15,065,448$12,904,586$2,160,862水上帕洛维德$(124,215)$19,370,486$14,964,591$4,405,540红岩$5,640$(13,134)$952,465$837,820$114,645(废水)Pinal县(129,855)$20,904,586$2,160,862$397,713$559,802$(162,089)Eagletail$(519)$52,667$96 037$(43,370)NSWC$(811)$237,243$133,688$103,555马里科帕$(4,974)$687,623$788,527$(101,第903)Countv Water Turner牧场$(6447)$853,397$810,905$42.492·工资和工资调整后的调整结合了已采用的激励薪酬和董事会成员薪酬以及杂项费用的建议调整。六、六、 资本结构和债务成本1。全球水务公司申请人最初提议为参与该程序的每个公用事业公司使用单独的资本结构。为了减少争议中的问题,他们接受了Staff.242 Global Water Utilities的建议,假设资本结构由45%债务对55%股权组成,作为最终立场。建议的债务成本为4.80%。 2.Ruco Ruco建议的资本结构假设为60%的债务与40%的股权。243 Ruco的S建议债务成本为4.80%。242个前A-28,24-25。243前RUC0-11,第2.90号决定,案卷编号78644。SW-20445A-20-0214等。Ruco辩称,在申请者拟议的二级资本结构中,股本比例过高,这是对在改善实际股本比率方面继续缺乏进展的奖励。Ruco引用了欧盟委员会之前关于全球水务244的3项决定,认为委员会4以前曾命令申请者将其资本结构中缺乏股本的情况改善到至少530%。此外,Ruco称,申请人的股息政策和高度集中的所有权245--Ruco承认,这些事项完全取决于申请人的特权--有助于使申请人的低实际权益余额永久化。Ruco解释说,60%的债务与40%的股本比率减少了股本成本较高对差饷缴纳人的影响,而60/40至10 40/60的债务与股本比率历来被委员会视为“平衡资本结构”。2473.工作人员12 13工作人员还建议使用45%的债务与55%的股本248 14的假设资本结构和4.80%的债务成本。工作人员注意到,全球水务15公用事业公司用来为不同的公用事业公司得出个别资本结构的方法存在许多不足之处。尽管工作人员注意到,自上一次申请以来,全球水务公司的实际权益有所改善,但申请者在所有公用事业公司的申请中提出的合计权益总额超过1471.8万美元,是GWRI实际权益总额的六倍多。 249 I 9申请人原始提案中夸大的股权涉及员工,因为GWRI几乎完全由20家全球水务公司组成,因此,尽管GWRI本质上是同一个实体,但其获得的股本回报率将大大超过21 Global Water Utilities。250员工还对母公司22保留所有公用事业债务提出了异议-GWRI级别。由于与债务23融资的西南处理厂相关的单独争议,工作人员审查了最初提议的个人资本结构24 25 244号决定。72730(2012年1月6日)和77121(2019年3月13日)245 RUCO指出,所有普通股的49.3%由八名董事和高管拥有。例如,RUCO-IO在26 39。 246 Ex. RUCO-11在l 0。 27 247 Ex. RUCO-10 25。 248 Ex. S-4在3。 249例。S-3,23。 28 250 Id. at 24. 91第78644号决定号:SW-20445 A-20-0214等都是有问题的。251 2相反,工作人员建议对所有全球水务公司采用55%的股本和3.45%的债务的假设资本结构。员工的建议是基于员工权益分析中使用的代理集团公用事业公司的资本结构比率的平均值。252 5 6 4.全球水务公用事业公司的答复申请者辩称,55%的股权,45%的债务假设资本结构与7比较公司的资本结构见证了Parcell先生用来制定资本结构建议的Parcell先生,也符合委员会最近在以前的利率案例中用来建立全球水务公司的资本结构的命令和方法。253回应L O Ruco的论点,即与委员会先前在这个问题上的命令不一致,申请人指出,11在过去的两个全球水务公司费率案件中,委员会将GWRI 12的母公司债务计入资本结构。申请人进一步声称,RUCO错误了77121号决定的目标,13号决定将股权报告要求提升为目标,以供未来的利率案件使用。至于改善股权平衡14,申请人援引Staff的证词证实,GWRJ已按照委员会的要求改善了股本。254 16申请人还反驳Ruco关于所有权集中和股息支付与资本结构之间的联系的论点。18申诉人指出,Ruco的证人18 Cassidy先生承认,没有迹象表明高级管理人员和董事有不当行为,19他们争辩说,没有出现冲突,因为委员会命令全球水务公司20提高其股本比率,他们已经这样做了。 23 Global Water Utilities还驳回了RUCO 24证人Cassidy先生在听证会上引用的各种案件的适用性255,以支持40/60的股本与债务资本结构,因为这些案件已经过时25 251 Id. 26 252 Id. at 26。 253申请人Op. BR. 74-82. 254申请人代表BR。29岁,引用Ex。S-3,20。27 255 Ex. RUCO-21(摘自第64172号决定(2001年10月30日)西南天然气公司费率案)、RUCO-22(摘自第68487号决定(2006年2月23日)西南天然气公司费率案)和RUCO-23(摘自第59594号决定(1996年3月29日)图森电力费率案)。 92 78644决定号_ [2 3个摘要号。SW-20445A-20-0214等。以及天然气和电力设施,这些设施本质上不同于供水和废水设施。5.解决方案与更典型的以确定股权成本为中心的案例不同,资本结构是这里最具争议的资本纠纷成本。没有任何一方建议使用Global 5水务公司的实际资本结构,Ruco计算的实际资本结构为35.32%的债务对64.68%的股权。256 7 55%的股权对45%的债务资本结构最初是由员工推荐的,8被采纳为全球水务公司的最终立场。正如工作人员证人Parcell先生所观察到的那样,9名申请人的实际合计权益147,882,000美元超过了IO母公司GWRI.257的24,672,000美元的股本余额。257这一差异将产生不一致的结果,即公用事业公司的股本成本11将产生高于公用事业母公司股本的回报率,12在逻辑上应该是几乎相同的。259 15 Ruco正确地指出,40:60的比率经常被用作建立平衡资本结构的标尺,为差饷缴纳人提供低成本债务资本的好处,同时保留高成本股权资本的灵活性。然而,这一比率是双向适用的,也就是说,60%的债务与40%的股本比率符合标准,以及40%的债务与60%的股本结构,Ruco承认这一点。260工作人员建议的假设资本结构,由20名申请者采用,也符合这一被认为是平衡资本结构的标准。 然而,增加申请人23股权余额一直是委员会在多个案件中的目标。在本案中,24的事实是,股权比例增加的原因之一是与25 26 256 Ex相关的债务。RUCO-10,20.257 ex.S以22-23的比分3胜1负。25S ID。27259 id.年仅24岁。28 260见,例如Tr.卷。六在949(Cassidy先生代表RUCO的证词解释说,债务部分从40%到60%,相应的股权部分从60%到40%将是平衡的资本结构)。_78_6_4_4__文档编号。SW-20445A-20-0214等。西南污水处理厂已完全从考虑范围中剔除,从而省去了原本由两个差饷缴纳人承担的成本。西南污水处理厂没有立即使用,3有用并不改变这一结论--如果工厂不能被考虑用于费率基数目的,4一致性要求相关的债务资本也必须从考虑中剔除,即使它5夸大了股权比例。6我们也没有被RUCO的邀请说服,在确定合适的资本结构时,我们没有考虑申请者的股息政策7或所有权集中程度11在这里雇用8。正如申请者所指出的,RUCO没有提供具体的分析、权威9或学术研究的引用,证明任何一种情况都会影响资本结构中的股权平衡。员工建议的资本结构,而基于与其他11家公司的比较,不仅满足平衡资本结构的标准,而且更接近全球水务公司的实际资本结构,即35.32%的债务与64.68%的股权。相比之下,RUCO负债累累的资本结构几乎与申请者的实际资本结构完全相反。有见及此,我们相信员工建议的假设资本结构是55%的股本至45%的债务,但仍可透过将债务比率提高至超过实际债务比率而节省差饷缴纳人的差饷,这是合理、适当和应予采纳的。17 18 19 B.权益成本1.全球水务公司在申请中,申请者提出的股本回报率(ROE)为9.94%,20家全球水务公司还在此基础上增加了50个基点的调整,以反映他们拟议的公用事业21收购激励措施,最终权益成本为10.44%。申请人的证人,22岁的Rowell先生使用可比收益分析以及折现23现金流模型(“DCF”)、资本资产定价模型(“CAPM”)和风险溢价模型的三次迭代来计算其ROE。24 Rowell先生使用市场风险溢价25进行资本资产定价模型和风险溢价分析,该溢价基于1989年至2019年26日大型和小型股票相对于长期、中期和短期(国债)美国政府债券的平均表现之间的差异27 28 94 78644号决定。SW-20445A-20-0214等。26 1使用折现现金流,Rowell先生运行了一个多阶段变量,以及使用年度复合和半年度复合3变量的两个连续增长模型。262各种模型得出的ROE估计范围从7.85%到12.95%不等。所有模型的平均值为9.94%.263 5然而,全球水务公用事业公司“为了减少争议问题”在6的反驳证词中提议采用工作人员建议的9.2%的ROE,不包括他们要求的30- 7个基点ROE添加器以激励公用事业公司收购。264 8 9 1。RUCO RUCO建议ROE为9.28%,基于RUCO使用的持续增长DCF、IO CAPM和可比收益方法,这些方法产生了6.4%至11%的一系列结果。7%。 11 RUCO指出,由于工作人员建议申请人采用的ROE较低,并且12将为纳税人带来较低的税率,因此RUCO支持采用9.2%的ROE.265 2。工作人员13 14工作人员建议的ROE为9.2%,这也是基于15个DCF、CAPM和可比收益方法得出的结果的平均值,这些方法产生的结果范围从6.6%到16个10.0%。 266 17 3.决议18员工建议的ROE为9.2%,是申请人19 20 21股权成本的合理近似值,是适当的,应该采用。 C.加权平均资本成本根据我们上述结论,我们发现全球水务公司的资本结构、22债务成本和加权平均资本成本(“W ACC”)(即应用于公允价值利率基础的回报率23 24 25)如下:26 261 Ex. A-27 48-50。 262 Ex. A-27,39。 27 263 Ex. A-27 60。 264 Ex. A-28 24。 265 RUCO CI. Br.在9. 28 266 Ex. S-3在4。 95决定第78644号1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 DOCKET NOS.SW-20445A-20-0214等。描述百分比成本率加权成本普通股权益55%9.20%5.06%长期债务45%4.80%2.16%WACC 100%7.22%D.营业利润率1.全球水务公司与拟议的费率回报率基数方法形成对比为联合申请中涉及的大多数公用事业公司确定收入要求,申请者建议使用43.39%的营业利润率确定NSWC的收入要求。由于国家主权财富基金内部的折旧率基数很高,测试年度的收入在算术上相当于190.16%的利率基数回报率。A.合并方案如果马里科帕县水务公司合并,全球水务公司建议继续保持西北水务公司目前的费率和收入,结果是,西北水务公司的收入将产生相当于43.39%的营业利润率,或190.16%的费率基数回报率。然而,对于Eagletail和GTWC,申请者建议将其收入要求建立在4%的营业利润率的基础上,并如费率设计讨论中所讨论的那样,将Eagletail和GTWC系统置于共同的费率结构上。使用申请人建议的方法计算马里科帕县水整合的收入需求的纯收入整合,将导致Eagletail和GTWC的收入合计增加91,882美元,或约27.91%,而NSWC的费率将保持不变。 B.独立场景如果合并提案不被采纳,全球水务公司建议使用传统的利率基础回报率方法对Twitlettail和GTWC提出收入要求,而NSWC将继续维持其当前的利率。对于燕尾服,使用9.2%的ROE和申请人提议的30个基点ROE加法器,由此产生的7.4%加权平均资本成本将比测试年收入52,667美元增加122,543美元,即232.68%。对于GTWC,使用相同的7.4%加权平均资本成本将比测试年397,713美元的收入增加494,556美元,即124.35%。 96第78644号决定- ]案卷编号。SW-20445A-20-0214等。2.Ruco 2 Ruco支持合并GTWC、NSWC和Eagletail267,以及3采用申请人提议的营业利润率办法(即仅考虑收入的合并),4确定整个马里科帕县水合并的回报。5 6 7 3.工作人员a.合并方案1(仅限GTWC和Eagletail)工作人员不支持申请人仅以收入为目的将NSWC与8 Eagletail和GTWC合并的提议。工作人员建议仅合并Eagletail和GTWC,而NSWC 9将保持分离。268根据员工合并建议,Eagletail和GTWC将根据4%的营业利润率建立合并收入要求,增加11美元381,197美元,或比测试年度450,380.269美元的收入增加84.64%。12根据工作人员建议,NSWC的收入要求将基于I0%的运营利润率制定,减少109,249美元,或比测试年度收入237,243.270美元减少46.05%。合并方案2(完全合并)14 15工作人员不反对完全合并马里科帕县水务公司16 Eagletail和GTWC被置于一个共同的费率结构,而不是像全球水务公司提议的那样,保留NSWC现有的17费率。271工作人员没有编制明细表,说明这种情况的影响18。C.独立方案19 20 21如果Eagletail、GTWC和NSWC的费率是独立设置的,则员工22建议使用营业利润率(10。0%)仅适用于NSWC 272。 23对于GTWC,工作人员建议根据9.2%的ROE来设定利率,从而产生24 7.22%的加权平均资本成本,从而比测试年25 26 267增加328,801美元或82.67%。RUCO-8为3; TR.第九卷,1325-1326年。 268 TR。第十卷1443年。 27 269 Ex. S-21,最终计划MCC-1“全球水-托诺帕和Eagle Tail Consolidated”270 Ex. S-21,最终计划MCC- 1“全球水务-北斯科茨代尔水务公司“271 TR。第十卷1460年。 28 272 Ex. S-21,最终计划MCC- 1“全球水务-北斯科茨代尔水务公司“78644 97号决定。_摘要编号。SW-20445A-20-0214等。Eagletail的收入为397,713.273美元2,员工还建议使用费率回报率基数方法来设定费率,3根据7.22%的回报率,员工的建议将使Eagletail的收入比测试年度的52,667.274 5 6 4增加4,105,333美元或200.00%。4.作为单独的独立公用事业,很明显,最近涌入的为Eagletail和GTWC服务的大量工厂投资将产生所需的收入增加,这将对客户造成重大的费率冲击。我们不认为保留NSWC目前的9个费率是合适的,因为从独立的角度来看,这是过度的。然而,申请人10提议保留NSWC目前的费率,转而利用超额收入来缓和Eagletail和GTWC必要的费率上调,如果所有三家公用事业公司都合并收入,12将显著缓解Eagletail和GTWC预期的费率冲击。正如提议的那样,Global 13水务公司的整合方案将放弃它们在Eagletail和GTWC严格的费率基数方法下可能有权获得的收入14,并在整个马里科帕县水整合项目中产生最低的整体费率增长。16正如将在讨论合并建议时进一步讨论的那样,我们发现17建议合并西北隧道、GTWC和Eagletail公用事业公司的收入符合公众利益。18.上述事实亦清楚显示,以资本成本法厘定伊格利塔尔和GTWC的差饷,将会对该等系统的差饷缴纳人造成重大的差饷冲击。 26 27我们发现,根据273 Ex制定燕尾服和GTWC的收入要求。S-21,最终计划MCC-1“全球水务- Greater Tonopah Water Company,Inc”28 274 Ex. S-21,最终计划MCC-1“全球水务-凤尾鱼水务公司”98号决定编号78644 DOCKET NOS.SW-20445A-20-0214等。4%的营业利润率,并保留NSWC的现有费率,这相当于NSWC的243.39%的营业利润率,这是一个合理的手段,以缓解3如果采用严格的费率基数方法4,可以为Eagletail和GTWC的客户预期的重大费率冲击,以及随之而来的NSWC抵消收入的损失,以帮助减缓收入增长。因此,我们采纳了申请人的合并方案建议。6 vi.收入要求摘要7申请者、Ruco‘s和工作人员建议的收入要求和估计的账单8影响如下:9 10 11 12 13 14 a皮纳尔县水1.全球水务公司对于皮纳尔县水,申请者建议将收入比调整后的测试年度收入增加1,491,789美元,或9.9%,从15,067,619美元增加到16,559,408美元。单独来看,Santa Cruz的收入将增加1,318,667美元,或9.0%,从14,636,521美元增至15,955,188美元;红岩(水务)的收入将增加173,220美元,或40.4%,15从428,926美元增至602,147美元。16就每月使用量中位数为17,000加仑的5/8 x 3/4寸电表的典型圣克鲁斯客户而言,申请人的拟议收入增加和综合费率设计(不包括拟议的18项附加费)在拟议分阶段实施的第三年将导致每月账单从目前的34.18275美元增加到35美元,增幅为1.5美元或4.51%。72.20对于一个5/8 x 3/4英寸水表,月使用量中值为3,500加仑的典型红岩(水)客户来说,申请人的拟议收入增加和综合费率设计,不包括22项拟议附加费,在拟议分阶段实施的第三年将产生0美元。78或2岁。从目前每月33.40美元的账单增加到34.18美元,涨幅为34%。24 2.Ruco 25对于皮纳尔县水整合,Ruco建议将收入比调整后的测试年度收入增加26美元1,075,656美元,即7.14%,从15,067,619美元增加到16,143,276美元。27 28 275现行账单不包括税项抵免及就业法案(下称“税项抵免及就业法案”)每月1.12元的账单抵免。SW-20445A-20-0214等。对于使用5/8 x 3/4英寸电表、月使用量中值为25,000加仑的典型Santa Cruz客户来说,Ruco的建议收入增加和综合费率设计,不包括3项拟议的附加费,将导致在建议分阶段实施的第三年,每月账单从目前的34.18美元增加到36.26美元,涨幅为2.08美元或6.09%。5对于使用5/8 x 3/4英寸水表、月使用量中值为3,500加仑的典型红岩(水)客户来说,Ruco的建议收入增加,不包括拟议的附加费,7将导致他们目前每月33美元的账单减少0.13美元或0.39%。40至33.27美元。8 3.工作人员9对于皮纳尔县水务公司,工作人员的建议使收入比10个调整后的测试年度增加1,249,027美元,即8.29%,从15,067,620美元增加到16,316,647美元。11单独来看,员工的建议将使Santa Cruz的收入增加1,087,950美元,即7.43%,从14,636,521美元增至15,724,472美元;红岩(水务)的收入将增加142,062美元,或33.12%,从428,926美元增至570,988美元。14对于使用5/8 x 3/4英寸电表、月使用量中值为15,000加仑的典型Santa Cruz客户来说,工作人员的建议收入增加和综合费率设计,不包括拟议的16项附加费,在建议分阶段实施的第三年将导致1.68美元或4.91%的增长17,他们目前的每月账单为34.18美元至35.86美元。18对于使用5/8 x 3/4英寸水表、月使用量中值为3,500加仑的典型红岩(水)客户,工作人员建议增加收入和综合费率设计,不包括20项拟议附加费,在建议分阶段实施的第三年,他们的每月账单将比目前的33.40美元增加3.07美元或21 9.19%至36.47美元。22 8.皮纳尔县废水23 1.全球水公用事业24对于皮纳尔县废水,申请者建议将收入比25调整后的测试年度收入增加1,057,708美元,或5.2%,从20,322,951美元增加到21,380,659美元。26单独来看,帕洛维德的S的收入将增加851,010美元,或4.39%,从19,370,486美元增加到27,221,496美元;红岩(废水)的S的收入将从28,100号决定的78644号增加207,902美元,或21.83%

案卷编号。SW-20445A-20-0214等。952,465美元至1,160,367美元。2对于从3/4英寸计价器接受服务的典型帕罗维德客户来说,申请人拟议的3增加收入和综合费率设计,不包括拟议的附加费,在拟议分阶段实施的第三个4年期间,将导致每月账单从目前的5 69.53276美元增加到71.26美元,增幅为1.73美元或2.49%。6对于典型的红石(废水)客户在5/8 x 3/4英寸的水表上接受服务,7申请人的拟议收入增加和综合费率设计(不包括拟议的附加费)8将在拟议分阶段实施的第三年期间导致19.13美元或21.16%的费用从目前的每月90.39美元减少到71.26美元。10 11 2.Ruco对于派纳尔县废水合并,Ruco建议将收入从20,322,951美元减少到19,868,493美元,比调整后的测试年度收入减少12美元454,458美元,或2.24%。13对于从3/4英寸计价器上接受服务的典型帕洛维德客户来说,Ruco的14建议收入减少和综合费率设计15将导致他们目前每月69美元的账单增加0.85美元或1.22%。53至70.38美元。16对于典型的红石(废水)客户来说,从5/8 x 3/4英寸的电表上获取服务,17 Ruco的拟议收入减少和综合费率设计,不包括拟议的附加费,18将导致他们的每月账单从目前的90.39美元减少20.01美元或22.14%至70.38美元。19 3.工作人员20对于皮纳尔县废水处理公司,工作人员的建议使收入比21个调整后的测试年度收入增加399,986美元,即1.97%,从20,322,951美元增加到20,722,937美元。22单独来看,帕洛维德的收入将增加257,259美元,或1.33%,从19,370,486美元增加到23,627,745美元;红岩(废水)的S的收入将增加165,928美元,或17.42%,从24,952,465美元增加到1,118,393美元。25对于从3/4英寸电表上接受服务的典型帕洛维德客户来说,工作人员建议的26个收入增加和综合费率设计,不包括拟议的附加费,将导致0.39美元27 28 276不包括帕洛维德纳税人目前收到的2.80美元的TCJA账单信用。第I 01号决定_78_6_44__摘要编号。SW-20445A-20-0214等。从目前每月69.53美元的账单下降到69.14美元,降幅为0.06%。2对于从5/8 x 3/4英寸水表接受服务的典型红石(废水)客户来说,3员工建议的收入增加和综合费率设计(不包括拟议的附加费)4将导致每月账单从目前的90.39美元减少21.25美元或23.51%至69.14美元。5 6 7C.马里科帕县水务1.马里科帕县水务的全球水务公司,申请者建议根据下文费率设计部分进一步讨论的合并方案9,将收入比调整后的8个测试年度的收入增加191,882美元,即27.9%,从687,623美元增加到879,505美元。10如果证监会不采纳申请人建议的合并方案,他们会建议采用按比率计算回报率11的方法,以计算Eagletail和GTWC的营运收入。如果单独设定12项收入要求,使用9.2%的公允价值回报率加上30个基点的净资产收益率加法器,13申请者的提案将使GTWC的收入增加494,556美元,或124%,从397,713美元增加到14,892,269美元,鹰航的S的收入将增加122,543美元,或232%,从52,667美元增加到175,210美元,15 NSWC的收入将与测试年度的237,243美元保持不变。16随着申请人建议的收入增加和税率整合,GTWC 17的典型客户每月使用3/4英寸电表的中位数为4,500加仑,不包括拟议的18项附加费,在拟议分阶段实施的第三年,他们将比目前每月48美元的账单增加25.33美元或51.73%19。96277美元至74.29美元。20就每月使用量中位数为3,500 21加仑的3/4寸咪表的典型Eagletail客户而言,在拟议分阶段实施的第三年期间,申请人的拟议收入增加和综合费率设计(不包括拟议的22项附加费)将导致每月账单从目前的69.08元增加2.41元或3.49%至71.49元。24对于月使用量中值为12,500 25加仑的1英寸电表的典型NSWC客户来说,申请人建议保留当前费率设计和收入(不包括拟议的26项附加费),将导致每月账单123.76.278 27 277 GTWC的费用增加0美元或0%。GTWC客户还将获得未显示的3.40美元的TCJA账单抵免。28 278 NSWC客户还将收到4.46美元的TCJA账单信用,但未显示。第102号决定78644 1 2摘要编号。SW-20445A-20-0214等。2.Ruco对于马里科帕县水整合,Ruco建议将收入从687,623美元增加到854,767美元,比测试年度增加3美元167,144或24.31%。4对于使用3/4英寸电表、月使用量中值为4,500 5加仑的典型GTWC客户来说,Ruco的建议收入增加和综合费率设计,不包括拟议的6项附加费,将导致建议分阶段实施的第三年,从目前的每月账单48.96美元增加到71.51美元,增幅为22.55美元或46.06%。8对于使用3/4英寸电表、月使用量中值为3,500 9加仑的典型Eagletail客户来说,Ruco的建议收入增加和综合费率设计,不包括拟议的10项附加费,将导致建议分阶段实施的第三年,从他们目前的每月账单69.08美元到68.79美元,下降0.29美元或0.04%。12对于每月使用量中值为12,500 13加仑的1英寸电表的典型用户来说,Ruco建议保留现有费率设计和收入,不包括拟议的14项附加费,将导致他们目前每月123.76美元的账单零增长或零增长。15 3.工作人员16根据下文费率设计讨论17中所述的工作人员建议合并方案1,工作人员建议从测试年度收入减少109 249美元或46.05%,将NSWC的收入从237 243美元减少到127 994美元。对于合并的GTWC和Eagletail,工作人员19建议增加381,197美元,或比测试年度收入增加84.64%,从450,380美元增加到831,577美元。20如果公用事业没有合并,在独立的基础上,工作人员建议将测试年度收入减少109,249美元或21 46.05%,将22个NSWC的收入从237,243美元减少到127,994美元。对于GTWC,工作人员建议增加328,801美元,比测试年度收入增加82.67%,从23美元增加到397,713美元至726,514美元。对于Eagletail,员工建议增加105,333美元,或200.0%的收入,从52,667美元增加到158,000美元。25对于使用3/4英寸电表、月使用量中值为4,500 26加仑的典型GTWC客户,工作人员建议的收入增加和费率合并方案1费率设计,不包括27项拟议附加费,在建议分阶段实施的第三年期间,将导致28103号决定78644号决定的增加。SW-20445A-20-0214等。56.45美元,比他们目前每月48.96美元到105.41美元的账单低了115.3。2对于每月使用量中位数为3,500 3加仑的典型Eagletail客户,员工建议增加收入和费率合并方案I费率设计,不包括4项拟议附加费,在建议分阶段实施的第三年内,他们的每月账单将从目前的69.08元增加到102.19元,增幅为533.11元或47.9%。6对于月使用量中值为12,500 7加仑的I英寸电表的典型NSWC客户,工作人员建议减少收入和费率设计,不包括拟议的附加费,8将导致收入减少60.96美元或49。76至62.80美元。9 10 D.特纳牧场全球水务11对于特纳牧场,申请者提出的收入要求为1,155,802美元,基于公平12价值回报率,使用9.2%的净资产收益率和30个基点的加法器,比测试13年的853,397美元或35.4%的收入增加302,405美元。14对于每月使用量中值为1,148,000加仑的8英寸表上的典型特纳牧场灌溉客户来说,申请人的拟议收入增加和费率设计,不包括拟议的16项附加费,在拟议分阶段实施的第三年将导致446美元的增加。从目前每月1,258.21美元的账单增加到1,704.31美元,涨幅为35.46%。18对于特纳牧场内的统一费率住宅灌溉客户,申请人拟议的19项增加收入和费率设计(不包括拟议附加费)将导致在20个拟议分阶段实施的第三年期间,他们的每月账单从目前的26.54 21美元增加到35.95美元,增幅为9.41美元或35.46%。22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2.对于特纳牧场,Ruco建议的收入要求为930,854美元,比测试年度853,397美元的收入增加77,457美元,或9.08%。对于月使用量中值为1,148,000加仑的8英寸表上的典型Turner Ranches灌溉客户,Ruco的建议收入增加和费率设计(不包括拟议的附加费)将导致建议分阶段实施的第三年,即增加104号决定。__78_6_44__

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 DOCKET NOS. SW-20445 A-20-0214,et a I. 402.49美元,即当前每月账单1,258.21美元至1,660.70美元的31.99%。 d对于特纳牧场内的固定费率住宅灌溉客户,RUCO的重新推荐收入增加和费率设计(不包括拟议的附加费)将导致其当前每月账单26.54美元至28.95美元增加2.4美元或9.08%。 3.员工对于Turner Ranches,员工建议收入要求为965,341美元,比测试年收入853,397美元增加111,944美元,即13.12%。 对于典型的Turner Ranches灌溉客户,8英寸电表每月平均使用量为1,148,000加仑,工作人员建议的收入增加和费率设计(不包括拟议的附加费)将导致建议的分阶段实施的第三年,比目前每月1美元增加59.59美元或12.68%,258.21至1,417美元。80岁。D对于特纳牧场内的统一费率住宅灌溉客户,Ruco的推荐收入增加和费率设计(不包括拟议的附加费)将导致建议分阶段实施的第三年,比目前每月26.54美元的账单增加3.84美元或14.47%。E.根据我们以上关于费率基础、营业收入和资本成本的调查结果通过的调整摘要,我们确定最终的收入要求,按公用事业和拟议的合并费率组,FI或申请人如下:公用事业收入要求圣克鲁兹(独立)$15,658,075红岩(水)(独立)$592 302皮纳尔县水$16,252,443帕洛维德$19,927 708红岩(废水)(独立)$1 132 664皮纳尔县废水$21 059 194 GTWC(独立)$882 228鹰(独立)173$101,215马科普(水)牧场$074$97,738。。。。。。78644号决定2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 28摘要编号。SW-20445A-20-0214等。按公用事业单位独立计算的收入要求如下:Santa Cruz Red Rock(Water)FVRB$41,095,492$826,654营业收入$14,636,521$428,926营业收入$2,220,523$(59,661)FVRB的当前ROR 5.40%-7.22%7日要求的ROR。22%7.22%FVRB需要营业收入$2,967,094$59,684营业收入$746,572$119,345不足毛收入1.3683 1.3689转换系数收入要求$1,021,554$163,376增加%收入增长6.98%38.09%帕洛维德红岩(废水)FVRB$66,645,933$3,407,093营业收入$19,370,486$952,465营业收入$4,405,895$114,645 FVRB 6.61%3.36%所需ROR 7.22%7.22%FVRB需要营业收入$4,813,025$246,053营业收入$19,370,486$952,465营业收入$4,405,895$114,645 FVRB需要营业收入$4,813,025$246,053营业收入$407,131美元营业收入$397,713$237,243$52,667营业收入$(162,089)$103,555$(43,370)当前净资产收益率6.24%193.86%-7.70%1.3713决定编号7 8644 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 11 13 14 15 17 18 19 21 22 23 25 26 27 28摘要编号SW-20445A-20-0214等。7.22%7.22%7.22%FVRB需要营业ROR$187,685$3,858$40,692营业收入营业亏空收入$349,774$(99,698)$84,062毛收入1.3852 1.3644 1.4347换算系数收入要求$484,515$(136,028)$120,605增加%收入增长%121.83%-57.34%229.00%特纳牧场FVRB$1,850,25 1营业收入$853,397营业收入$42,492当前营业收入ROR 7.22%FVRB需要营业亏空收入$133,621美元1.3645毛收入换算系数收入要求$124,341收入增长%收入增长14.57%收入需求计算,在综合基础上,按效用划分如下:皮纳尔县马里科帕县-皮纳尔县水-水-废水-综合FVRB$41,922,146$3,216,539$70,053,026营业收入$15,067,619$687,623$20,322,951营业收入$2,161,646$(101,772)$4,521,194 FVRB的当前ROR为5.16%-3.17%6.45%要求的ROR为7.22%NIA 7.22%FVRB要求的运营NIA 4。0% NIA所需保证金运营$3,027,527 $34,963 $5,059,078收入运营缺陷收入$865,881 $136,735 $537,884总收入1.3683 1.3636 1.3688 107决定第78 644号2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 DOCKET NOS. SW-20445 A-20-0214,等人。转换系数收入要求$1,184,824 $186,452 $736,243增加%收入增加7.86%27.12%3.62%该法案的影响来自对各自公用事业公司内最典型电表尺寸服务的个人客户的建议收入要求,在以下费率设计讨论中讨论的独立场景或合并场景下,总结如下:平均/Med当前账单ROO -美元公用事业使用百分比(gal)Consol。增加增加(减少)(减少)圣克鲁斯6,354 $45.14 $46.80* $1.66 3.67% 5/8“X 3/4”5,000 $34.1 8 $35.03* $0.85 2.49% Red Rock 4,692 $36。26$34.72*$(1.54)(4.26)%(水)3,500$33.40$33.51*$0.11 0.33%5/8“X 3/4”GTWC 6,440$54.70$99.60*$44.90 82.08%5/8“X 3/4”4 500$48.96$73.90*$24.94 50.94%Eagletail 3,618$52.85$71.44*$18.60 35.19%5/8“X 314”2,500$46.50$68.33*$21.83 46.95%NSWC 17,346$156.71$156.71$0%L“12,500$123.76$123.76$0%Turner 4,837,210$4,873.64$5,584.13*$710.50 14.58%牧场1,148,000$1,258.21$1,441.64*$183.43 14.58%8“Turner NIA$26.54$30.41*$3.87 14.58%Ranches Res.Flat Palo Verde NIA$69.53$70.07$0.54 0.78%5/8”红岩NIA$90.39$70.07$(20.32)(22.48)%(废水)5/8“*典型账单基于上一年分阶段实施的费率。圣克鲁兹6,354$45.14$46.59$1.46 3.23%518“X 3/4”5,000$34.36$35.12$0.76 2.1%红岩4,692$36.26$50.58$14.32 39.48%(水)3,500$33.40$45.42$12.02 35.97%5/8“X 3/4”108决定编号78644[2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28。SW-20445A-20-0214等。GTWC 6,440$54.70$159.33$104.64 191.30%5/8“X314”4,500$48.96$121.68$72.72 148.52%Eagletail 3,618$52.85$172.29$119.45 226.02%518“X314”2,500$46.5$161.89$115.39 248.15%NSWC 17,346$156.71$64.23$(92.49)(59.02)%1“12,500$123.76$50.71$(73.06)(41.97)%Turner4,837,210$4,873.64$5,584.13*$710.50 14.58%农场1,148,000$1,258.21$1441.64*$183.43 14.58%8“Turner NIA$26.54$30.41*$3.87 14.58%Ranches Res.Flat Palo Feed NIA$69.53$68.68$(0.85)(1.22)%518”红岩NIA$90.39$104.55$14.16 15.66%(废水)518“*典型账单基于分阶段实施的最后一年的费率。Viii.费率设计A.费率结构申请人建议保留其目前为Santa Cruz水务公司采用的现有六级倒置分段费率结构,并将其应用于当前事项中涉及的每一家水务公司,但Turner Ranches除外,该公司主要是一家灌溉水服务提供商。虽然Santa Cruz、GTWC和NSWC已采用六级费率结构,但节约费率门槛(CRT)和CRT回扣百分比有所不同。279 Eagletail和Red Rock(Water)均采用三级倒置区块费率结构。作为拟议费率设计更改的一部分,伊格利塔尔和红石(水务)都将转换为六级费率,以与组成各自综合费率组的其他公用事业公司保持一致。280员工和Ruco接受申请者建议的六级费率结构。双方拟议的费率设计之间的差异反映了对收入要求和如何实施拟议费率合并的不同立场。279按地区分列的阴极射线管和阴极射线管退税百分比:圣克鲁斯:6,001加仑/60%;GTWC:7,401加仑/50%;新南威尔士7,00 i加仑/20%280。建议的阴极射线管和阴极射线管退税百分比分别为6,001加仑/60%和4,001加仑/60%。第109号决定78644号案卷编号。SW-20445A-20-0214等。B.合并2全球水务公司提出了几项系统合并建议。按照提议,圣克鲁斯3号将与红岩(水)和Picacho Cove合并;帕洛维德将与红岩(废水)和Picacho公用事业公司合并4;GTWC、NSWC和Eagletail将合并5;Hassayampa将与Balterra合并。6值得注意的是,除马里科帕县7号水务集团外,每一次合并都是全费率合并。关于马里科帕县水合并,申请者提出了一项仅限收入的合并方案,根据该方案,收入要求使用构成马里科帕县水合并方案的三个实体的营业利润。该提案保留了IO NSWC的现有费率,而Eagletail和GTWC将被列入共同费率时间表。11如果马里科帕县水务集团没有合并,全球水务公司提议12将Eagletail和GTWC的收入要求基于各自13个费率基数的核定回报,由于为恢复系统而进行的广泛投资,如果不采用合并,这将使这两个系统的费率增加14倍。15申请人还注意到,除了皮纳尔县的服务区域外,红岩(水)S CC&N还包括皮马县的一个服务区域。281虽然皮马县的服务区域没有客户,但为了与区域合并的意图相一致,申请人18请求批准红岩(水)S皮马县CC&N与皮纳尔县水合并采用的单独费率相同。282无论是工作人员还是Ruco都不反对20名申请人提出的将红岩(水)划分为皮尔县21水合并的S皮马县CC&N。我们认为这一要求是合理的,应该得到批准。1.RUCO 22 23 RUCO建议采用拟议的区域合并。283 RUCO在这种情况下建议24个合并,因为拟议与较大的帕洛维德25和圣克鲁斯公用事业公司合并的系统规模较小。据埃尔德沃姆先生为鲁科作证时所说,“]保持26 27 281前A-49,23号。282号。年仅24岁。28 283 ex.RUC0-9,第9.110号决定,案卷编号78644。SW-20445A-20-0214等。对于非常小的系统,分开的费率结构通常不符合成本效益。现在是合并的最佳时机。“284 Ruco通常更喜欢独立费率,因为它们与成本更一致-3客户支付他们所产生的成本。Ruco认为,目前的情况有所不同,因为帕洛维德和圣克鲁斯之间的规模相差很大,而红岩(水和废水)系统的规模要小得多。由于帕洛维德和圣克鲁斯的面积较大,红岩6的差饷缴纳人的税率增加可以得到缓解,而不会对客户的账单产生重大影响。285 7出于同样的原因,Ruco以申请人提议的方式8支持马里科帕县的水合并。由于GTWC、Eagletail和NSWC的规模较小,维护9个独立的费率结构是繁重的。286 2.工作人员10 11虽然工作人员编制了建议的独立费率,但工作人员支持拟议的皮纳尔县供水和皮纳尔县废水系统区域合并12。在马里科帕13县水务集团内,工作人员转而建议合并,仅针对Eagletail和GTWC 14,同时将NSWC保持为单独的独立公用事业。288.工作人员不支持拟议的马里科帕县水务合并,因为这“不是真正的合并”,因为这是一项仅限收入的合并287,而且拟议的公用事业公司彼此之间并不接近。288工作人员不接受拟议的合并,而是接受拟议的合并,即工作人员认为18利用西北大西洋公司的收入来补贴GTWC和Eagletail,而工作人员的建议将降低NSWC的19个费率,289,尽管结果是上述申请人提议在运营利润率的基础上确定20 Eagletail和GTWC的费率,由此导致收入减少21将导致Eagletail和GTWC的费率更高。290名工作人员在听证会上澄清说,它不会反对马里科帕县水务集团的全面合并,尽管个别公用事业公司23并不都在同一地区,291但工作人员没有提供时间表说明这将如何实施24 284 EX。Ruco-8,ID为3.25 28S。比分是4比5。286号。5.26 287Tr.卷。X在1444。288号。14点58分。289号。27 290见Tr.卷。X在1447年查韦斯先生的证词中承认,根据工作人员的建议,将采用28欧元的税率方法来确定Eagletail和GTWC的收入要求。291 Tr.卷。X在1460。第111号决定78644案卷编号。SW-20445A-20-0214等。被实现了。2工作人员称,合并是由专员作出的政策决定,委员会有权酌情决定哪些因素与是否合并或如何合并的决定有关。292工作人员注意到,委员会在以前的案件中作出5项合并决定时平衡了相互竞争的因素,并参考了76162号决定,其中委员会认为,7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16(1)合并地理上相距较远的地区没有违反费用因果关系原则,(2)合并减轻了预计资本支出的负担,(3)合并解决了以其他方式从同一公司获得相同服务的地区之间的费率差异,(4)合并不需要物理上的互连,以及(5)根据记录,293工作人员还指出,为确定拟议的合并是否适当,其他因素也可能是合理的,包括:“水源相似、为住宅用户提供服务的年度费用的一致性、供水系统分散对可负担性的影响以及联邦和州法规对小型供水系统的负担。294 3.全球水务在答复工作人员时,申请人辩称,在这种情况下,只有通过新南威尔士对Eagletail和GTWC系统的补贴才能解决“供水系统分散对负担能力的影响”因素。295此外,申请人指出,工作人员的论点之间的脱节,即拟议的马里科帕县水合并不是“真正的、完全的合并”,因为如果NSWC与Eagletail和GTWC完全合并,费率可能会增加20 21,仅靠收入的合并减少了NSWC.296 22 23对Eagletail和GTWC的补贴。全球水务公司既不反对GTWC的全面合并,也不反对仅限收入的合并,24 25 292名员工CL。Br.7.26 293名职员助理。Br.8点,引用76162号决定(2017年6月28日)。294 ID。引用密苏里州-美国自来水公司要求当局对密苏里州服务区提供的供水和下水道服务实施全面加价的请求,诉公共顾问办公室[《美国最高法院判例汇编》第526卷,第253,266-77页(密苏里州CT应用程序。2017)295名申请者代表br51比52。28296号。享年52岁。第112号决定78644号

案卷编号。SW-20445A-20-0214等。Eagletail和NSWC,因为这两种配置都将有助于Eagletail和GTWC.297 2 3 4.讨论和解决方案没有任何一方反对拟议的松树县供水和松树县废水4合并。尽管工作人员反对拟议的马里科帕县供水合并,理由有两个,一是将区域外的公用事业纳入合并范围6,二是该提议的收入性质6,但我们注意到,当局工作人员在简报中指出,合并范围内的地域分离并不违反费用因果关系原则。由于申请人提议,只有在批准将伊格利泰航空公司和L 11航空公司的系统与西北航空公司合并的情况下,才将这些系统的营业利润率作为收入要求的基础,12如果只批准部分合并,则会产生显著的收入差异,因为工作人员13建议将西北航空公司作为独立系统。由于GTWC和Eagletail受益于对新工厂的广泛投资,以解决持续的系统缺陷,因此采用基于利率的回报率方法将需要使用回报率方法16的收入要求比运营利润率方法高得多。此外,NSWC的利率目前产生约190%的利率基数回报率,如果根据利率基数回报率方法进行调整18,将需要大幅降低该系统内的利率。299 22值得注意的是,公众注意到的所有提案和典型法案分析均表明,NSWC预计不会加息23。 24 25在第三种选择中,如果仅将收入合并并合并,则GTWC 26 297 Id. 298 Staff CL. Br. 8岁时引用了太阳城诉亚利桑那州案。Corp. Comm ' n,亚利桑那州248号。291(CT.应用程序。2020年),复审批准(2021年3月2日),27部分,部分腾出,252亚利桑那州。1496 P.3D421(202I),核准委员会适用76162号决定中所考虑的中止合并的因素。28 299见,例如,树。卷。X在1459,查韦斯先生观察到全面利率合并可能导致NSWC差饷缴纳人经历利率上调的证词。第113号决定78644号案卷编号。SW-20445A-20-0214等。过渡至按营运边际方法厘定的共同税率。虽然西北铁路公司保留其目前核准的税率结构,但申请人将放弃根据一般的基本差饷回报率厘定方法,他们有理由预期有权获得的可观收入。4这种做法很有吸引力,因为它有助于缓和Eagletail和GTWC 5的必要费率增加,并涉及一项减少收入的让步,如果它不顾申请人的反对而被迫这样做,6很可能会引起监管没收的问题。然而,采用这项建议7必然意味着支持高于必要的NSWC费率,以及系统之间收入的显著转移。9尽管全球水务公司提出的合并建议并不理想,但IT IO提供了我们认为更好地促进公众利益和满足11产生公正和合理费率的需要的重大优点。最重要的是,它为两个系统提供了大幅减免12号费率的机会,如果这两个系统的费率是独立确定的,就会引发对13号费率的严重担忧。即使在整个拟议的15合并中,NSWC增加的收入的影响有所缓和,并通过采用营业利润率方法降低14收入要求,Eagletail和GTWC的客户仍将受到一定程度的费率冲击。16此外,如果如工作人员建议的那样,在独立的基础上确定NSWC的费率,17可以预期NSWC的费率将大幅下降。罗威尔先生代表18名申请者提供的证词限定,考虑到NSWC内部客户的富裕程度,他们已经有19人表现出高用水模式,可以合理地预期,费率的降低将鼓励20人挥霍用水。300名工作人员见证查韦斯先生承认,有人担心,将NSWC的费率降低21将产生刺激更多用水量的效果。301这与委员会长期以来的既定政策背道而驰,即确定费率以鼓励谨慎使用稀缺的水资源23。24员工是正确的,只合并收入而不合并费率时间表比完全合并少25,但这是完全费率合并之前可以接受的中间步骤。在这个例子中,我们没有被说服采用完全合并,因为税率设计为收回27 300 Tr。卷。Vii在1036。28 301 Tr.卷。X电话:1462-1464。第114号决定78644号案卷编号。SW-20445A-20-0214等。1我们为马里科帕县确定的收入要求2可能会导致NSWC费率增加302的不协调情况,因为它们已经远远低于Eagletail和GTWC的3。由于申请通知书显示西北铁路公司将不会获得任何税率增加,而西北铁路公司在测试年度内收取的收入显示,西北铁路公司在现行税率下的税率基数获得190%的回报,因此,我们不相信在目前的情况下,提高西北铁路公司的税率是公平合理的,亦不恰当。8同样,我们也没有被说服放弃合并马里科帕县9水务集团的好处,而是赞成在独立的基础上制定水价。采用工作人员独立的10项建议将需要确定Eagletail和GTWC的费率,以收回更高的收入11按费率基数方法设定的回报率。此外,将NSWC设定为适当反映其高度贬值的费率基数的当前回报率12将大幅降低其费率,这会引起人们的担忧13,即它将不再努力在该系统内促进节水。基于这些原因,我们14认为采用申请人提出的皮纳尔县水、皮纳尔县废水和马里科帕15县水合并方案是合理的。16下表反映了本决定内先前17次讨论中通过的收入要求适用于拟议的综合费率设计和拟议的独立费率设计,与按系统分列的现行费率相比较。除非另有说明,否则显示的价格仅适用于住宅5/8 x 3/4英寸和19 3/4英寸的尺寸。 站立-缺点。* 站立-缺点。22单独单独 ** 23红色5,000 $25 $2.40岩石10,000 3.1 5 24(水)10,000 + 4.07 5/8 X 25 3/4- 1,000 1,000 $31.30 $30.36 $3.29 $1.55英寸5,000 5,000 4.33 2.53 26 10,000 l 0,000 5.61 3.52 18,000 18,000 7.13 4.50 27 25,000 25 000 8.13 5.50 28 302 TR.第十卷,1459年。 115决定第78644号2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 DOCKET NOS. SW-20445 A-20-0214,et al. 25 000+ 25.000+ 9.41 6.58 Red 10,000 $37.50 $3.15 Rock 10,000 + 4.07(水)3/4- 1,000 1,000 $31.30 $30.36 $3.29 $1.55英寸5,000 5,000 4.33 2.53 10,000 10,000 5.61 3.52 18,000 18,000 7.1 3 4.50 25,000 25,000 8.1 3 5.50 25,000 + 25.000+ 9.41 6.58圣诞老人1,000 1,000 $29.82 $30.57 $30.36 $1.45$1.50$1.55克鲁兹5000 5000 2.36 2.47 2.53 5/8 X 10,000 10,000 3.27 3.43 3.52 3/4-18,000 18,000 4.18,000 4.39 4.50英寸25,000 25,000 5.10 5.37 5.50 25,000+25 000+25 000+6.1 0 6.43 6.58圣诞老人1,000 1,000$29.82$30.57$30.36$1.45$1.50$1.55克鲁兹5,000,000 5,000 2.36 2.47 2.53 3/4-10,00055 Water 8,000 5,000 5,000$3.80 2.53 3/4-8,000+10,000$4.72 3.52英寸*18,000 18,000 4.50 25,000 25,000 5.50 25,000+25.000+6.58*Picacho Water没有客户。拟议的改变只是将其置于共同费率结构中。*圣克鲁斯和红岩(水)的采用费率合并后,将在两年内分阶段实施。此表所列比率为分阶段实施第二年的比率。马里科帕县水巩固公用事业分界点基本服务费体积变化?:E当前Roo Roo支架控制台。站稳脚跟。*Stand-Coos。[ w ]2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28。SW-20445A-20-0214等。英寸9,000+7.80 1,000 1,000$141.94$62.66$11.98$3.00 5,000 5,000 18.61 5.56 10,000 10,000 25.21 8.1 11 18,000 18,000 31.87 10.69 25,000 25,000 38.34 13.18 25,000+25,000+43.67 15.63 GTWC 1,000 1,000$40$105.17$62.66$2.42$4.46$3.00 5/8 X 5,000 5,000 4.43 8.16 5.56 3/4-10,000 10,000 6.43 11.85 8.11英寸18,000 18,000 8.4515.57 10.69 25,000 25,000 25,000 10.41 19.1 9 13.18 25,000+25,000+25,000+12.33 22.72 15.63 GTWC 1,000 1,000$40$105.17$62.66$2.42$4.46$3.00 3/4-5,000 5,000 4.43 8.16 5.56英寸10,000 10,000 6.43 8.11 i 8,000 18,000 8.45 15.57 10.69 25,000 25,000 25,000 10.41 19.19 13.1 8 25,000+25,000+25,000+12.33 22.72 15.63000 1,000 1,000$27$11.06$27$3.45$1.41$3.45 3/4-5,000 5,000 4.59 1.88 4.59 1.88 4.59英寸10,000 10,000 5.59 2.29 5.59 18,000 18,000 6.80 2.79 6.80 25,000 25,000 7.80 3.19 7.80 25,000+25,000+8.80 3.60 8.80 NSWC 1,000 1,000 1,000$57$23.35$57$3.45$1.41$3.45 i-英寸5,000 5,000 4.59 1.88 4.59 4.59 10,000,0005.59 2.29 5.59 i 8,000 i 8,000 18,000 6.80 2.79 6.80 25,000 25,000 7.80 3.19 7.80 25,000+25 000+25,000+8.80 3.60 8.80合并后,将在三年内分阶段实施。此表所列比率为分阶段实施第三年的比率。皮纳尔县污水处理设施表大小每月服务费Roo Roo Current Consolated Red Rock$90.39$104.55$70.07(废水)3/4英寸$135.59$104.55$70.07帕洛维德5/8 x 3/4英寸$69.53$68.68$70.07 3/4英寸$69.53$68.68$70.07 Picacho Utitiesx 5/8 x 3/4英寸$80.00$70.07 3/4英寸$80.00$70.07$70.07*Picacho Utilities没有客户。拟议的改变只是将其置于共同费率结构中。特纳牧场公用事业分界点基本服务收费容量Char2e Current Roo Current Rook Turner每1,000$133.17$152.58xx$0.98$1.1 2**RANER所有电表11 7决定编号78644 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28摘要编号:SW-20445A-20-0214等。特纳NIA NIA$26.54$30.41.NIA NIA牧场在合并或独立情况下,特纳牧场的固定w Roo费率是相同的。*特纳牧场采用的费率将在三年内分阶段实施。此表所列税率为分阶段第三个季度的税率。拟议的改变只是将它们置于共同费率结构中。基于上面提到的独立和综合费率,下表反映了使用每个公用事业公司中最常见的仪表尺寸的平均和中位数消费水平对典型住宅客户的费率影响,其中使用了本文采用的收入要求。Avg/Med Current Bill Roo-美元实用程序使用率(GAL)控制台。

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28。SW-20445A-20-0214等。518 X 10,000 10,000 3.27 3.50 3.60 3/4英寸18,000 18,000 4.18 4.48 4.71 25,000 25,000 5.10 5.47 5.64 25,000+6.10 6.55 6.74圣诞老人1,000$29.82$31.17$30.50$1.45$1.53$1.30 Cruz 5,000 5,000 2.36 2.52 2.40 314英寸I 0,000 10,000 3.27 3.50 3.60 18,000 18,000 4.18 4.48 4.71 25,000 25,000 5.10 5.47 525,000+25,000+6.10 6.55 6.74公用事业转换点基本服务陈E体积陈E目前建议的广东工业大学现有员工红色5,000$25$2.40岩石10,000 3.15(水)10,000+4.07 518 X 1,000$31.79$29.75$3.34$3.31 314-5,000 4.40 4.29英寸10,000 10,000 5.70 5.50 18,000 18,000 7.24 6.90 25,000 8.27 7.90 25,000+25,000+9.58 9.70红色10,000 37.50美元$3.15岩石10.000+4.07(水)1,000$31.79$29.75$3.34$3.31 314-5,000 4.40 4.29英寸10,000 5.70 5.50 18,000 7.24 6.90 25,000 8.27 7.90 25,000+25.000+9.58 9.70公用事业分界点基本服务费容量计费目前建议的GWU员工周转率每$133.17$180.39“$155**$0.98$1.33*$1.10牧场1,0001,000米大小特纳牧场$26.54$35.95“$30.38*NIA牧场。3年期申请人第三年建议分阶段征收差饷**三年期员工建议分阶段征收差饷**公用事业设施咪表月度建议征收差饷518 x 3/4寸现职政府工作人员建议红岩518 x 3/4寸$90.39$107.19$101.88(废水)3/4寸$135.59$107.19$101.88 121决定编号78644 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 28SW-20445A-20-0214等。公用事业表大小每月服务Char2e现任GW工作人员建议*建议帕洛维德518 x 314英寸$69.53$69.85$67.98 314英寸$69.53$69.85$67.98 w建议分两年逐步实施的第二年。注:在建议分阶段实施的第一年,差饷增加至70.07元,但在第二年则减至69.85元。D.节约回扣门槛除了基本的月度服务费和商品价格外,全球水务公司还采用了节约回扣门槛(“CRT”),当月用水量低于设定的水平时,该门槛可为商品费率提供折扣,该水平通常建立在系统内的月平均用水量。折扣水平因系统而异,但通常约为50%。303目前,Eagletail和Red Rock(水务)公用事业公司没有CRT。申请者建议在Eagletail和Red Rock(Water)都采用CRT。申请者提议保留圣克鲁斯、GTWC和NSWC的核准CRT。建议的建议摘要如下:保护退税门槛公用事业目前建议的门槛折扣%门槛折扣%Santa Cruz低于6,001 60%低于6,001 60%红岩(水)NIA NIA低于4,001 60%GTWC低于6,000 50%低于6.000 50%NSWC低于7,001 20%低于7,001 20%鹰尾NIA低于6,001 50%1。Ruco Ruco对CRT表示担忧,认为它会在超过门槛和失去回扣的时间点造成商品率过高。根据Erdwurm先生为Ruco作证时的说法,[i]通常情况下,一种商品的价格应该反映提供这种商品的增量成本。“304当消费跨过门槛时,这不是商品价格的平稳上升,而是商品价格的急剧飙升。Ruco担心的是303 Ex.A-26,39岁。304 EXRUC0-8,第8.122号决定,案卷编号78644。SW-20445A-20-0214等。然而,Ruco表示,它寻求在未来提起费率案件之前与全球水务公司就6费率结构的CRT方面进行进一步讨论的机会。306 7 8 9 10 1 1 2.工作人员审查了拟议的中央审查制度,并建议予以批准。3.决议向差饷缴纳人发出准确的价格信号,是使基于保育的差饷正常运作的不可或缺的一部分。鉴于目前并无证据显示中央控制系统有损申请人达到收入目标的能力,并考虑到申请人在中央控制系统的工作经验,以及13继续希望使用中央控制系统并将其扩展至新的供水系统,我们认为按建议把中央控制系统扩展至鹰轨及红岩(水)系统是合理的,而圣克鲁斯、大湾仔隧道及北大屿山隧道系统则应保留此建议。E.服务费16 17目前,全球水务公司批准的服务费因公用事业公司而异。18申请人提出修改,以统一每一拟议的19个综合公用事业集团的服务费。在皮纳尔县水合并中,服务费将使用批准的圣克鲁斯服务费进行标准化。307对于马里科帕县水21合并,GTWC批准的服务费将在整个22个合并中成为标准。308在皮纳尔县废水合并中,申请人提议在整个合并过程中适用23个新的标准费率。306 EX.Ruco-8在9点;例如Ruco-9,8-9;Tr.卷。IX电话:1340-1341。26 307 Ex.A-48,26。308号身份证。见《最终附表》,马里科帕县水务合并,附表H-3,L,第28页,第6页,第3页,共6页,第5页,共6.309页。在30岁。78644号决定-2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 28Sw-20445A-20-02 14等。特纳牧场服务费。按公用事业公司划分的当前、建议和工作人员建议的服务费如下:红岩

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 DOCKET NOS. SW-20445 A-20-0214等。除了收取其常规费率和费用外,公司还应根据A. AC向客户收取按比例份额的任何特权、销售税或使用税。R 14-2- 608(D)(5)。 圣克鲁斯当前A1百万员工服务费:推荐机构$35.00 $35.00 $35.00服务的重建(12(a)(a)(a)个月内)重新连接服务(违约)$35.00 $35.00 $35.00移动客户电表(客户要求按成本计算(b)(b)下班后服务费($50.00 $35.00 $50.00客户请求)存款(c)(c)(c)(c)存款利息(c)(c)(c)电表重读(如果正确)$30.00 $30.00 $30.00电表测试费(如果正确)30.00 30.00 30.00 NSF检查30.00 30.00 30.00逾期付款罚款1.5%1.5%1.5%'(d)延期付款(每月)1.5%1.5%(e)(a)系统关闭月数乘以每月最低限额根据AAC。Rl 4 -2-403(D)(b)成本包括零件、人工、间接费用和A. AC的所有适用税收。R 14-2-405(B)(5)(c)根据AAC R14-2-403(B)(d)每月未付余额(e)根据委员会规则A.AC. R14-2-409(G)(6)除了收取其常规费率和费用外,公司还应根据AAC向客户收取按比例份额的任何特权、销售税或使用税。 Rl4-2- 409(D)(5)。 Red Rock(Water)当前Am 2 Licants员工服务费:提出建议建立服务$25.00 $35.00 $35.00重新建立服务(12(a)(a)(a)个月内)重新连接服务(逾期)$30.00 $35.00 $35.00应客户要求移动电表,费用(b)(b)下班后服务费,每小时 * $50.00 $50.00 NIA下班后服务费,在客户NIA NIA $50.00请求存款(c)(c)(c)(c)存款利息(c)(c)(c)(c)电表重读(如果正确)$15.00 $30.00 $30.00 125决定第78644号2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 DOCKET NOS. SW-20445 A-20-0214等。电表测试费(如果正确)30.00 30.00 30.00 NSF检查25.00 30.00 30.00逾期付款罚款1.5% 1.5%'(d)延期付款(每月)1.5% 1.5%(e)(a)系统关闭月数乘以每月最低限额每个AAC R 14-2-403(D)(b)成本包括零件、人工、管理费和A. AC的所有适用税收。R 14-2-405(B)(5)(c)根据AAC R14-2-403(B)(d)每月未付余额(e)根据委员会规则A.AC. R14-2-409(G)(6)* 下班后服务在客户财产上执行的工作;除了营业时间外,不收取营业时间或下班后重新连接费用。 除了收取常规税率和费用外,公司还应根据A.向客户收取按比例份额的任何特权、销售税或使用税。AC. R 14-2- 409(D)(5)。 NSWC当前A1百万员工服务费:拟议建议设立的服务$30.00 $35.00 $35.00重新设立服务(12(a)(a)(a)个月内)重新连接服务(违约)$30.00 $35.00 $35.00应客户要求移动电表,费用(b)(b)下班后服务费,每小时 * NIA $35.00 NIA下班后服务费,统一费率$35.00 NIA NIA下班后服务费(根据NIA NIA ** 客户要求)押金(c)(c)(c)押金利息(c)(c)(c)(c)电表重新读取正确)$25.00 $30.00 $30.00电表测试费(如果正确)30.00 30.00 30.00 NSF检查30.00 30.00逾期付款罚款1.5%1.5%1.5%'(d)延期付款(每月)1.5%1.5%1.5%'(e)(a)系统关闭月数乘以每月最低限额根据AAC。R14-2-403(D)(b)成本包括零件、人工、管理费和A. AC的所有适用税收。Rl 4 -2-405(B)(5)(c)根据AAC。R14-2-403(B)(d)每月未付余额(e)根据委员会规则A.AC. R14-2-409(G)(6)* 下班后服务要求在客户财产上进行的工作;除了营业时间或下班后重新连接之外,不收取费用。 ** 新电价(应客户要求)50美元,以与所有其他公用事业公司保持一致。 126决定第78644号2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 DOCKET NOS. SW-20445 A-20-0214等 除了收取常规费率和费用外,公司还应根据AAC向客户收取按比例份额的任何特权、销售或使用税R 14-2- 409(0)(5)。 Ea!!letail当前AM~Ticants员工服务费用:拟议的建议服务建立$40.00 $40.00 $40.00服务重新连接(逾期)40.00 40.00 40.00下班后服务费,每小时 * NIA 30.00 NIA下班后服务费,统一费率$30.00 NIA NIA下班后服务费(在NIA NIA $50.00客户要求)电表测试费(如果正确)$35.00 $35.00 35.00存款 * * 存款利息4%4%*4%重新建立服务(12 * 月内)NSF支票$30.00 $30.00 $30。00延期付款(每月)1.5% 2% * 1.5%电表重读(如果正确)$20.00 $20.00滞纳金(每月未付余额)1.5% 2% 1.5%移动电表费用 ** 月服务陈?。e for Fire Sorinkler ** 所有仪表尺寸(所有类别)* 根据Conunation规则AAC Rl 4 -2-403(B)** 系统关闭月数乘以每个AAC的每月最低值Rl 4 -2-403(D)* 根据AA规则Rl 4 -2-409(G)(6)* 成本包括零件、劳动力、管理费和AA的所有适用税收C. Rl 4 -2-405(B)(5)* 同等尺寸电表连接每月最低费用的2%,但每月不低于10.00美元。消防洒水车服务费仅适用于与主要服务线路分开且不同的服务线路。 除了收取常规费率和费用外,公司还应根据AAC向客户收取按比例份额的任何特权、销售或使用税R 14-2- 409(0)(5)。 GTWC当前A1百万员工服务费:拟议建议设立的服务$35.00 $35.00 $35.00重新设立服务(12(a)(a)(a)个月内)127决定第78644号1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 DOCKET NOS. SW-20445 A-20-02 14,等人。服务重新连接(Delinquent)$35.00 $35.00 $35.00应客户要求移动电表,费用(b)(b)下班后服务费,每小时 * $35.00 $35。00 NIA盘后服务费(应NIA NIA**客户要求)押金(C)(C)(C)按金利息(C)(C)电表重读(如果正确)$30.00$30.00$30.00电表测试费(如果正确)30.00 30.00 30.00 NSF支票30.00 30.00 30.00滞纳金罚款1.5%1.5%1.5%&(D)延期付款(每月)1.5%1.5%1.5%&(E)(A)系统停工月数乘以每个A.C.R14-2-403(D)的每月最低费用(B)包括部件的成本,每A.A.C.R 14-2-405(B)(5)(C)每A.C.R14-2-403(B)(D)每月未付余额(E)每佣金规则A.A.C.R14-2-409(G)(6)*盘后服务要求在客户财产上完成的工作;不收取盘后开户费或重联费之外的费用。**新电价(应客户要求)50美元,与所有其他公用事业公司保持一致。除收取正常费率和费用外,本公司还应根据A.A.C.R 14-2-409(0)(5)向客户收取按比例分摊的任何特权、销售税或使用税。特纳牧场目前的加油站员工服务费:推荐机构$20.00$20.00$20.00重新接通(拖欠)$20.00$20.00$20.00电表测试(如果正确)$25.00$25.00$25.00押金(A)(A)存款利息(A)(A)重建(12个月内)(B)(B)NSF检查$15.00$15.00$15.00电表重读(如果正确)(C)(C)1.5%&(D)逾期付款罚款1.5%1.5%1.5%及(E)盘后服务费(客户$50.00$50.00$50.00请求)移动客户咪表(按成本计算客户请求)(A)每个A.C.R14-2-403(D)(B)系统休工月数乘以A.C.R14-2-403(D)128决定78644

案卷编号。SW-20445A-20-0214等。(C)就相若大小的电表接驳装置而言,每月最低收费为2.00%,但每月不少於10.00元。2(D)根据佣金规则A.AC.R14-2-409(G)(6)3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28(E)1.5%的未付余额,除收取其正常费率和收费外,公司应根据A.AC.R14-2-409 D 5.1向客户收取按比例分摊的任何特权、销售税或使用税。2.工作人员建议的服务费反映了采用独立费率。然而,工作人员不反对将圣克鲁斯的服务费作为皮纳尔县水整合的标准服务费,或使用帕洛维德的服务费作为皮纳尔县污水整合的标准。A.特纳牧场服务费工作人员同意申请人的建议,即除了两项建议的澄清外,不更改特纳牧场服务费。关于延期付款,工作人员建议删除不正确的喷水灭火规则的提法,并增加“根据规则A”。A.C. Rl4-2-409(G)(6)”。对于逾期付款罚款,工作人员建议添加“每月未付余额”。“b。Tribletail服务费工作人员同意申请人对Tribletail独立服务费提出的修改,但以下情况除外。对于每小时的下班后服务费,工作人员建议取消目前的30美元费用,并代之以50美元的新下班后服务(应客户要求),以与此事涉及的其他公用事业公司保持一致。对于存款利息,工作人员建议添加“根据委员会规则AAC。R14-2-403(B)”。 对于延期付款,由于提议的增加缺乏支持,工作人员重新认识到申请人将费用提高至2.0%的提议被拒绝。工作人员建议保留目前的1.5%费用,并添加“根据委员会规则A.AC. R14-2-409(G)(6)。“对于滞纳金(每月未付余额),工作人员还建议拒绝申请人提出的从1.5%增加到2.0%的建议。工作人员基于缺乏支持而提出的建议,提供了第129号决定78644 23摘要编号。SW-20445A-20-0214等。由提出更改的申请人提交。C.NSWC服务费工作人员审核并同意申请人对NSWC服务费4的修改建议,但有以下例外情况。对于盘后服务费,工作人员建议取消目前的30美元,代之以新的50美元的盘后服务(应客户要求),以与其他涉及此事的公用事业公司保持一致。对于逾期付款的罚款,工作人员建议增加“每月未付余额”。关于延期付款,工作人员8建议删除不正确的喷水灭火规则的提法,并增加“根据规则A.R14-9 2-409(G)(6)”。D.GTWC服务费10 11工作人员同意申请人对GTWC服务费的修改建议,但有以下12项例外。对于盘后服务费,工作人员建议取消目前的13项30美元的收费,代之以与其他涉及此事的公用事业公司一致的新的盘后服务(应客户要求)50至14美元。对于逾期付款的罚款,工作人员15建议增加“每月未付余额”。关于延期付款,工作人员建议16删除不正确的喷水灭火规则的提法,并增加“根据规则A.R14-2-409(G)(6)”。17e.红岩(水)18的工作人员同意申请人提出的将红岩(水)的S服务费19改为19的建议,但有以下例外情况。工作人员建议驳回申请人的建议,即取消20盘后服务费(按客户要求),改为“盘后21服务费(按客户要求)”,并将费用定为50美元。工作人员还建议否决22日提出的增加盘后服务费的提议,每小时50美元。对于24次延期付款,工作人员建议删除不正确的喷水灭火规则的提法,增加25“根据A.R14-2-409(G)(6)规则”。26楼红岩(废水)27工作人员同意申请人提出的对红岩(废水)S服务费28项的修改建议,但有以下例外情况。工作人员建议拒绝环球水务向第130号决定提出的78644号决定。SW-20445A-20-0214等。工作人员在证词中表示,它2反对申请人关于将重新接通服务(拖欠)费用从3美元30美元增加到35.310美元的提议,然而,工作人员的最后时间表显示,工作人员对这4项服务采用了35美元的费用。工作人员还表示,它建议拒绝将国家科学基金支票从5美元增加到25美元至30.311美元的提议,但在工作人员最后时间表中,工作人员建议国家科学基金支票费用为30美元。6工作人员建议驳回申请人的建议,即取消盘后服务7收费(应客户要求),统一费率,而将其修改为“盘后服务收费(按8个客户的请求)”,并将费用定为50美元。工作人员还建议否决增加9盘后服务费的提议,每小时50美元。对于滞纳金(每月),工作人员建议增加“每月1.5%的未付余额”。G.帕洛维德服务费12 13名工作人员审查了申请人提出的修改意见,并同意下列例外情况。14工作人员建议拒绝取消35美元的盘后服务费的提议,而15建议保留这一收费,而将其修改为盘后服务费16(按客户要求)50美元,以与参与这一合并事项的其他公用事业公司保持一致。17工作人员建议拒绝拟议的新盘后服务费,每小时50美元。18对于滞纳金(每月),工作人员建议增加“每月1.5%的未付余额”。H.圣克鲁斯服务费20 21工作人员同意对圣克鲁斯服务费的拟议修改,但以下22项除外。25对于滞纳金(每月),工作人员建议在未付余额上加上“每月1.5%”。对于延期付款,工作人员建议删除对错误的27 310 Ex的引用。S-12,20.28311 JD。78644号决定2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 28摘要编号SW-20445A-20-0214等。洒水规则而代以“根据规则A.A.C.R 14-2-409(G)(6)”。3.全球水务公司答复申请人没有就工作人员关于杂项服务费的建议提供证词,并注意到与工作人员在预审问题汇总表中的建议没有争议。4.决议根据工作人员的建议,申请人对杂项服务费的拟议调整是合理的,应予以采纳。由于我们也采用了拟议的合并方案,将圣克鲁斯的服务费作为皮纳尔县水整合的标准收费,帕洛维德的服务收费作为皮纳尔县污水整合的标准收费,以及GTWC的服务收费作为GTWC和NSWC的标准收费也是合理的,应该采用。F.供水线路和水表安装费全球水务公司还提议修改除特纳牧场以外的所有供水系统的供水线路和水表安装费。特纳牧场目前对新的服务连接按成本价收费。申请人现时、建议及员工建议的服务线及咪表安装费用如下:电表大小申请人建议及员工建议收费(寸):ES服务线及总服务表总数。 18644 ]SW-20445A-20-0214等。8“和更大的I按成本I实际成本·金额进行调整,以包括在道路、骇维金属加工或人行道下钻孔或凿挖时发生的实际成本。1.Ruco Ruco对服务线和电表安装收费的拟议变动没有表示立场。6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 2.工作人员审查了对供电线路和电表安装费的拟议修改。据工作人员表示,拟议的变化接近工作人员对这些费用的典型建议范围的平均水平。工作人员建议,除特纳牧场外,所有供水系统应采用申请人提议和工作人员建议的供水线路和水表安装费。工作人员还建议纳入一种语言,指出当需要在道路、高速公路或人行道下钻孔或开挖时,客户需要支付服务连接的实际费用。31 2 3.解决人员的建议是合理的,并将被采纳。G.其他收费更改1.最佳管理收费全球水务公司建议修订核准的最佳管理收费(“BMP”)19。结合他们对费率合并的立场,申请者建议合并合并服务地区内适用的20个BMP关税,结果是Santa Cruz的21个BMP将与红岩水域地区适用的BMP合并,GTWC 22将与Eagletail的BMP合并。全球水务公司还要求对其核准的23项最佳管理计划进行各种修订,以更好地反映适用服务领土内的情况。 1 -本地和/或区域消息传递计划1。2 -特别活动/序言和3 12 Ex. S-6,98;附件-8。 28 3 13例A-54 63-66。 133拟议的BPM 1.1 -本地和/或区域信息传递计划1.2 -特别活动/进程和决定编号78644 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 DOCKET NOS. SW-20445 A-20-0214,et al. Red Rock(Water)GTWC AlignetaiJ NSWC社区演讲2.2 -青少年保护教育计划3.6 -客户高用水量询问决议3.7 -高用水量通知4.1 -泄漏检测计划4.2 -电表维修和/或更换4.3 -综合水系统审计5.2 -水系统篡改7.6 -发展行业合作伙伴关系7. 7 -为开发新的保护技术和产品提供财政支持或实物服务1.1 -本地和/或区域信息传递计划2.3 -新房主景观信息3.8 -水浪费调查和信息4.1 -泄漏检测计划5.2 -水系统篡改5.13 -新非本地住宅用户的用水计划1.1 -本地和/或区域信息传递计划4.2 -电表维修和/或更换5.2 -水系统篡改1.1 -本地和/或区域消息程序4.2 -电表维修和/或更换5.2 -水系统篡改4.1 -泄漏检测程序4.2 -电表维修和/或更换5.2 -水系统篡改a. RUCO RUCO没有就BMP关税发表立场。 134社区演讲2.2 -青少年保护教育计划2.3 -新房主景观信息3。6 -客户高用水询问决议3.7 -高用水通知4.1 -泄漏检测计划4.2 -电表维修和/或更换5.2 -水系统篡改6.12 -大型景观保护计划1.1 -本地和/或区域信息传递计划1.2 -特别活动/计划和社区演讲2.2 -青少年保护教育计划2.3 -新房主景观信息3.6 -客户高用水量询问决议3.7 -高用水量通知4.1 -泄漏检测计划4.2 -电表维修和/或更换5.2 -水系统篡改6.12-大型景观保护Prol?Tam 1.1 -本地和/或区域消息传递计划4.1 -泄漏检测计划4.2 -电表维修和/或更换5.2-水系统篡改1.1-本地和/或地区报文传送程序4.1-泄漏检测程序4.2-水表修复和/或更换5.2-水系统修复4.1-泄漏检测程序4.2-水表修复和/或更换5.2-水系统篡改决定编号78644-摘要号。SW-20445A-20-0214等。B.工作人员2工作人员建议取消BMP收费,理由是工作人员认为实施BMP的成本不会给供水系统或4个差饷缴纳人带来实质性的好处。申请者表示,他们打算结合全面水资源管理理念继续使用生物多样性管理计划,以节约水资源。D.关于工作人员建议停止征收BMP关税的第11号决议,我们同意,12促进保护的利益不是继续招致实施产生有限结果的方案13的成本的全权授权。申请人14提议的可持续水附加费已得到充分证明,下文将进一步讨论这一问题,15水资源短缺是一个不能无限期推迟的问题,采取积极措施负责任地利用日益有限的水资源,对于保持水务公司继续提供安全、可靠和经济的供水服务的能力至关重要。2.杂项服务条款收费21 22申请人建议划一其水务设施的交叉连接/回流23防止收费、3I5削减收费、316用户水表缩减收费、消防水表按金收费及水务收费24条款及条件收费。全球水务公司也要求对其25 26 314 Ex.S-6岁,95岁;Tr.卷。电话:1399-1402。27 315交叉接驳/防倒流收费旨在保障公用事业公司的S供水不会因客户的S住所的污染物回流而受到污染。前男友。S以87岁的成绩以6胜6负的战绩。28 316削减电费授权公用事业公司在规定的有限供水门槛生效时削减可供消费的水。前男友。S以88岁的成绩以6比6获胜。第135号决定78644号案卷编号。SW-20445A-20-0214等。废水公用事业的源头控制、317个源头治理违规、擅自排放、318个废水公用事业条款和2个污水公用事业收费。3全球水务公司还提议将GTWC第1号WPE系统、第7号WPE系统和Roseview系统的使用点(POU)处理费率4 319延长,以用于其他公用事业公司。A.RUCO 5 6 RUCO对申请人提出的各种水和废水服务条件费率修改的拟议标准化没有任何立场。8 9 b.工作人员申请人没有使用委员会的标准Fonn提供标准化的交叉连接/防止后飞第10款。工作人员建议申请人在使用委员会的表格提出适当的12个关税后,在一个单独的议事单中寻求批准11个标准化交叉连接/防止回流关税。13工作人员注意到,委员会于2009年10月1日更新了削减关税标准表格。工作人员建议申请者在一份新的议事录中使用现行的15削减电费标准格式,为所有全球水务公司提交一份拟议的标准化削减电费。16工作人员建议,在全球水务公司提议和委员会批准统一的联合污染源控制收费之前,不批准拟议的废水来源控制违规收费标准。320 19注意到申请人没有提供POU待遇关税表供审查,工作人员20建议申请人将拟议的POU待遇关税表列入新的摘要,供工作人员21审查。22工作人员建议批准拟议的未经授权的排污费。污染源控制收费是为了保护公用事业公司的废水收集系统不受堵塞和损坏。前男友。S以6-123-1 24领先。25 318未经许可的排放费旨在阻止未经许可的废物从不适当的收集点排入废水收集系统。前男友。S以126%的比分取得6分。26 319 POU处理费用授权公用事业公司安装、维护和检查直接安装在用水点(即 Ex. S-6,90。 320 Ex. S-6在126处;值得注意的是,Ex..的执行摘要S-6,建议I 6建议批准源27控制关税,但也建议暂停费用规定,直到联合源控制关税获得批准。 28例。S-6,执行摘要。 321例S-6,127。 136第78644号决定 [w]案卷编号。SW-20445A-20-0214等。C.全球水务公司2申请人接受工作人员的建议程序,以便在今后提交的文件中,结合4个统一的联合污染源控制费率的提议,寻求改变标准化的3个废水来源控制违规收费标准。5根据工作人员的建议,全球水务公司将在单独的程序中实现交叉连接、防止回流和削减电价的标准化6。323此外,全球水务公司接受了9名工作人员的建议,以在单独的程序中处理对GTWC的POU费率的修订。324 10 ln响应工作人员的建议,申请人将寻求在单独的程序中标准化其废水11源控制费率。326 d.第13 14号决议14工作人员关于申请人拟议的水和废水服务条件的建议15收费是合理的。3.客户援助计划费率16 17此外,全球水务公司要求将构成客户18援助计划的各种费率维持在其目前批准的资格水平。此外,全球水19公用事业公司重新进行了微小的修订,以更新客户帮助计划的费率,以反映20要求的费率合并工作。328 25 322 Ex. A-49 20。 26 323 id。21岁。324号。ID号为20.325。年仅22岁。27326号。年仅23岁。327 ex.A-48,33-34。28 328 EX.RUC0-9,1-2。第137 78644号决定---摘要号。SW-20445A-20-0214等。根据Ruco的说法,300%的收入门槛为非低收入家庭提供了低收入福利,而更典型的200%收入门槛导致福利针对最弱势的客户。329 4关于取消休假工人计划,Ruco争辩说,方案5成本的一半由差饷缴纳人支付,客户不应被要求在财务上支持6仍声称‘休假’的相对较小的客户子集的福利。‘330因为失业率已经从新冠肺炎大流行期间的峰值下降了,Ruco认为,“随着国家向后大流行经济转型,术语8’休假的员工‘变得越来越无关紧要。”对于Ruco建议改变Customer 12援助计划的费率,工作人员10 11没有提供任何职位。C.全球水务公司13 14申请人不同意Ruco关于将收入15援助方案的适用性减少到联邦贫困水平的200%的提议,也不同意Ruco提出的取消休假工人计划的16建议。根据全球水务公司的数据,客户援助计划下的17种服务甚至有18种还没有达到全额订阅,收入门槛提高了,因此没有证据表明该计划被滥用。D.第19 20号决议Ruco担心,随着经济重新开放,应对流行病的计划变得越来越难以证明是合理的,这是一个公平的观点。然而,正如Ruco所担心的那样,这22个计划可能会“向没有经济上处于不利地位的客户提供不必要的好处”23,具体的担忧是滥用的可能性。正如申请者所指出的那样,没有证据表明24批准的计划曾经获得全额订阅或产生了滥用。在没有25个虐待证据的情况下,我们不会被说服在这个时候终止休假工人计划。26关于降低收入门槛以符合低收入者资格的建议27 329身份证。在2点。330 ID。比分是2比3。28331号。在3.138号决定78644号案卷编号。SW-20445A-20-0214等。援助回到200%,我们发现鲁科的论点更有说服力。正如Ruco所展示的,年收入(2021年)高达79,500美元的二口之家四口之家将有资格使用300%的资格门槛获得低收入三口之家的援助。相比之下,200%的门槛将四口之家的资格限制在53,000.332我们同意恢复200%的联邦贫困水平资格门槛5低收入援助计划更好地针对最弱势的6差饷缴纳人的福利。4.红岩(水)皮马县7 8红岩(水)‘S CC&N包括皮马县内的一个服务区。根据9按县合并公用事业的提议,全球水务公司要求批准一项单独费率为10的费率,并批准一项专门适用于红岩(水)-皮马县的非现场设施费。11 12要求是合理的,应该予以采纳。G.调整机制1.税务调整机制13 14 15全球水务公司提议实施物业税调整机制16(“PT AM”)。PT AM允许公用事业公司通过新物业税法律的颁布而导致的财产税率和/或评估17比率的变化,而不需要进行税率案件诉讼。18员工建议批准PT AM334 RUCO不反对实施PT AM335 19申请人还请求授权实施与其他公用事业公司为解决联邦21税收变化而采用的税费调整机制(“小组”)类似的税务调整机制。该团队将允许申请者通过州和联邦22个所得税税率的潜在变化,以及退还或收取与2017年减税和就业法案相关的资金。23值得注意的是,一个小组还提供了一个实用程序,以协调EADIT摊销后费率24案例与基本费率中反映的EADIT金额之间的差异。336 25 26 332 Ex。Ruco-9,2.27 333 Ex.28 336 Ex.S-Iat 37.78644-2摘要编号。SW-20445A-20-0214等。工作人员支持采用TEAM337,RUCO不反对批准TEAM338。申请人要求在本决定生效之日起90天内提交PT AM和3团队的管理计划。工作人员建议以77139号决定(2019年3月19日)中所述的小组行动计划为范本,按照第E-01933A-19-0028,并在委员会就此事作出决定后30天内提交。7 8 9工作人员的建议是合理的,应予以采纳。2.CAGRD附加费/可持续水附加费申请者建议终止GTWC目前的中亚利桑那州地下水IO补给区(CAGRD)附加费。取而代之的是,申请者要求通过适用于本事项所涉及的所有系统的新的可持续水附加费(SWS)。取而代之的是,SWS将使全球水务公司能够在需要时迅速从可能获得的水源获得新的供水。17按照提议,SWS将向全球水务18公用事业公司提供的所有供水服务收费,包括住宅、商业、建筑和饮用水销售。SWS将收回支付给中亚利桑那州项目等供水供应商的19笔可再生水供应费用。获得的供水可以采取交换、轮换或储存和回收的形式,这将减少抽水的地下水。可收回的成本包括直接合同成本、22交付、购买水供应的法律和行政成本、维护会员服务协议的成本、年度会员费用、与中央24亚利桑那州水源保护区(“CAWCD”)的补给费,以及在使用可持续供水时通过费用减免的成本。SWS还将包括向ADWR 26收取的地下水开采费,当可持续供水取代地下水使用时,预计这一费用将减少。27337 Tr.第X卷为1480。28 338 EX.RUC0-2,31分。第140 78644号决定

案卷编号。SW-20445A-20-0214等。拟议的SWS将受到一项管理计划的约束,该计划将包括根据SWS进行2项收购,并接受审慎审计。正如第三届政府的计划所概述,339社会福利金将于每年3月14日厘定的体积附加费中收取。这笔费用的计算将酌情收回或退还在截至12月31日的上一年中超过或低于5%的允许成本,以及下一年的预计可持续水费。340 9申请人声称,考虑到供水供应的持续趋势以及对亚利桑那州饮用水供应的最新合理预测11表明长期供水将持续枯竭,采用SWS是合理的。1.Ruco 12 13 Ruco反对采用社会福利制度,建议保留CAGRD附加费14。Ruco担心的是,全球水务公司可能会利用SWS购买长期储存信用、补给设施、地下储存设施或额外的亚利桑那州中部第16项目(“CAP”)拨款,并在费率案件之外收回相关成本。341此外,虽然GTWC 17已经有一个经批准的CAGRD调整器机制,但更广泛的SWS提案18没有提供前期成本分析、账单分析或审慎确定以支持新的水19的购买。因此,Ruco辩称,SWS将差饷缴纳人置于支付20个供水购买成本的危险之中,这些购买既没有充分的理由,也没有证明是必要的。 亚利桑那州公司委员会,亚利桑那州118号。531,578 P.2d 612(App. 1978),22 RUCO观察到,调节器机制的集中性质引起了对单一问题23费率制定的担忧,即公用事业费率被调整或推迟成本以响应24中的变化的情况。隔离看待的成本项目。RUCO批评缺乏前期成本分析、计费分析或25项审慎决定来支持通过SWS.342 26 27 339见Ex.S-6,附件6.340id。341Ex.RUC0-4,31分。28 342 RUC0-4,35岁。第141号决定78644号案卷编号。SW-20445A-20-0214等。在缺乏这些功能的情况下,Ruco担心SWS将差饷缴纳人置于支付不必要的费用的危险之中,这些费用将为他们提供服务。343为此,Ruco辩称,委员会应避免采用新的调整人机制,除非情有可原的情况,如公用事业公司控制之外的不稳定费用可能会严重影响公用事业公司的财务状况,5如果调整人不在现场。6而不是批准SWS,RUCO建议保留当前的CAGRD调节器7机制,并在费率案件的范围内根据需要审查任何新的存储、CAP分配或地下存储设施8。9.工作人员10工作人员支持采用社会保障制度。346 3.全球水务公司19 20 21在答复RUCO时,全球水务公司断言,拟议的水务设施是确保可持续水资源的一种具有成本效益的方法。申请者注意到RUCO 22认识到水资源日益稀缺,水资源成本可能增加,而反对一种能够以较低成本迅速获得水资源的机制,这种认识并不一致。申请人声称,Ruco对Scates的依赖是错误的,因为Ruco所依赖的Scates 25部分已被Ruco诉亚利桑那州公司委员会案取代。即便如此,26343身份证。31岁。27 344 ex.S以96岁的成绩以6比6获胜。345 Tr.增值税698卷。28 346 ex.S-6,97岁,附件6。142 78644号决定摘要编号。SW-20445A-20-0214等。申请人争辩说,拟议的SWS符合Ruco和Scates的要求,因为它寻求解决公用事业公司无法控制的不稳定费用。3关于对使用SWS的两个费率案例之间的采购进行适当审查的问题,4全球水务公司辩称,管理计划将要求申请者提供详细信息,支持通过调节器收回的任何金额的任何变化。6最后,全球水务公司辩称,RUCO的观点是不正确的,即SWS将比替代方案花费更多的差饷缴纳人。由于SWS将允许获得具有成本效益的可持续水资源,SWS将允许全球水务公司使用这些资源来取代支付给CAGRD的费用。4.讨论和IO 11 Ruco号决议提出了合理的关切,即在核准新的12个调整器机制时必须谨慎,以免公用事业公司有办法使自己对不断增加的费用不敏感。调整机制可以创造一种不健康的激励安排,从而使公用事业公司不再对不断增加的成本做出反应,从而损害差饷缴纳人的利益。然而,公用事业公司首先有权提供适当的服务。关于这件事的记录16充满了无可争辩的证据,表明在我们这个沙漠州本已稀缺的水资源正变得越来越稀缺,而且这一趋势很可能会持续到可预见的未来。亚利桑那州正处于长达20年的干旱之中,这场干旱被描述为126年来最严重的干旱。正如19岁的Lenderking先生代表申请者所描述的那样,该州57%的地区正在经历20年来最严重的干旱。此外,提供亚利桑那州40%供水的科罗拉多河流域也处于数十年来的干旱之中,这种情况预计将促使美国内政部长立即宣布一级短缺,348这一状况将使亚利桑那州失去23约512,000英亩英尺或其科罗拉多河供水的18%,以及24个CAP供水的约三分之一。 。大桶633。 27 348 TR.。大桶633-634。我们在司法上注意到这样一个事实:2021年8月晚些时候,美国内政部长28日宣布科罗拉多河首次出现一级短缺。 349 TR。增值税636卷。143号决定_7_8_6_44__摘要编号。SW-20445A-20-0214等。有保障的供水,对于位于皮纳尔县的全球水务公司来说,这是一个特别重大的转变,该县几乎完全依赖地下水提供有保障的供水。350 3我们不相信RUCO关于维持4GTWC的CAGRD调节器并以其他方式在费率案例5的事后背景下审查供水购置的建议合理地解决了这一问题。在费率案例6中审查获得的供水的审慎程度是合理的,因为支出可以被规划为符合历史测试年的费率制定模式。7缺点是,这种方法的前提是,需要8次补充采购的供水限制可以等待Ruco设想的审查过程。12从这个角度来看,SWS履行了供水公用事业的作用,类似于燃料和购买的电力调节器13对电力公用事业的作用。我们认为,拟议的供水计划是一项合理的措施,可为申请者建立及时获得供水资源的工具,并应予以采用。 此类申报应限于不超过半年一次。为了解决这些问题,适当的做法是要求申请人与员工和RUCO协商23,准备一份POA,并将修订后的POA提交给委员会批准。一旦提交POA,24工作人员应准备并提交备忘录和拟议命令,供委员会审议25修订后的POA。在委员会批准POA之前,该调整器不得生效。 26 27 28 350 TR.。大桶635。 144第78644号决定

案卷编号。SW-20445A-20-0214等。H.费率案例费用附加费2全球水务公司提议通过费率案例3费用附加费收回755,000美元的费率案例费用。附加费的计算将在两年内收回所要求的费率案件费用4金额。尽管申请人最初要求500 000美元的案件费用,5但全球水务公司声称,针对工作人员的6个职位,特别是关于处理瓦伦西亚判决所得收入的问题,对其案件的陈述进行了调整,7有必要由外部顾问作为WE11和内部8个会计人员进行意想不到的额外工作。申请人声称,回应工作人员的额外负担使案件费用的实际金额增加到755,000美元。1.Ruco 11 Ruco不同意申请人要求的差饷案件费用数额。Ruco 12担心,公用事业的差饷案件费用通常一直在不加控制地增加,损害了差饷缴纳人的利益。鲁科指出,多名证人涵盖的证词主题存在广泛重叠,申请人辩称,传统上不加批判地批准15号案件的费用促进了公用事业公司对15号案件的低效和浪费陈述,L 6号案件也不例外。特别是,Ruco指出,Walker先生撤回的证词,351 17涉及资金成本和供水供应,完全涵盖了其他证人为申请人提供的证据。19为了支持其立场,RUCO对欧盟委员会过去20项裁决中裁定的案件费用费率进行了基准。在这些个案中,委员会确认可向21名差饷缴纳人追讨的差饷个案开支介乎30万至40万元之间。 24 25 351为了解决对发生单方面违规行为的担忧,沃克先生通过电子邮件向多名专员发送了也用作他在此事上预先提交的证词的附件的文件,(见例如根据托瓦尔专员办公室提交的编号E-01345A-19-0236和SW-03936A-20-0214中的A.A.C.R14-3-L 13(D),2021年8月27日提交的可能的单方面通信的披露)全球水务公司自愿撤回他预先提交的证词,并没有让沃克先生在诉讼中作为证人。27 352 Ex.RUCO-4,25号,引用77956号决定(2021年4月15日)(批准亚利桑那州28水务公司300,000美元的差饷案件费用),77380号决定(2019年8月19日)(批准亚利桑那州自来水公司350,000美元的差饷案件费用),以及78017号决定(2021年5月18日)(批准自由公用事业公司(黑山下水道)400,000美元的差饷案件费用)145号决定78644-纪要NOS。SW-20445A-20-0214等。2.职员2职员不反对使用附加费机制收回差饷个案费用,但3职员对应收回的差饷个案费用数额有争议。工作人员的分歧集中在4名申请人在陈述案件时将工作人员的负担增加归因于工作人员。根据工作人员的说法,全球水务公司为使6名差饷缴纳人无害而进行的140万美元I 033节调整表明,工作人员对1033节问题的审查是有价值的。为此,7名工作人员辩称,差饷缴纳人不应承担全球水务公司为纠正其第1033条提案而产生的额外差饷费用8。据工作人员介绍,第9条第1033条的调整只对股东有利,对差饷缴纳人没有好处。工作人员还争辩说,申请人声称的10笔费用是由于对工作人员在第1033条问题11上的立场作出回应是不合理的,因为增加的调查费用是工作人员顾问兼该问题的主要证人Smith先生合同总费用的8倍多。13 14 3.全球水务公司答复Ruco提出的论点时,全球水务公司质疑15 Ruco将本案中所要求的案例费用与其他16个案例中的案例费用请求进行评级的努力的有效性。根据申请人的说法,编制了11套不同的费率表,包括综合办法和独立办法,这表明编制本案所需的工作量无法与通常只涉及一套费率表的典型费率表直接相提并论。20此外,申请人质疑Ruco将Walker先生的证词描述为与其他证人重复的说法,而Ruco还将Walker先生描述为案件中的“关键”证人。22尽管沃克先生的证词最终被撤回,但全球水务公用事业23辩称,沃克先生参与了立场和论点的形成,以及24准备对发现请求的答复。此外,由于全球水务公司没有内部费率部门,沃克先生提供的外部援助是一种实际的必要性。27申请人不同意工作人员的立场,即案件费用费率应受限制28146 78644号决定案卷编号。SW-20445A-20-0214等。因为额外的费用是为了纠正1033条款的提案而产生的。 史密斯虽然史密斯先生的参与成本被描述为通过降低差饷5向差饷缴纳人提供红利,但全球水务公用事业认为,正确看待差饷案例费用的方式是达到正确结果所必需的。7 4.讨论和决议8提出差饷个案供委员会考虑而招致的开支,是经营业务所必需的成本,并在向差饷缴纳人征收的差饷中适当地收回。不过,由於已向差饷缴纳人收回所有开支,因此可收回的开支水平只限於11,而且是合理的。正如Ruco的论点中提到的那样,特别令人担忧的是,用于评级案件陈述的12个资源的支出在很大程度上是在申请人的控制范围内,而不加批判地接受所有支出水平可能会推动评级案件支出不断上升的循环。14不足为奇的是,I-I公用事业费率案件的费率费用必然比单独公用事业案件的费率费用高15。出于这个原因,我们不相信按照Ruco的建议,将全球水务公司的费率案例费用提案与在其他费率案例中批准的17家单独公用事业公司的费率费用提案正常化的直接基准流程16在这种情况下是合理的方法。19然而,自愿撤回Walker先生的证词证明了Ruco的论点的正确性。鲁科的论点是,沃克先生的证词只是21个累积的,与其他多名证人的证词相比是多余的,全球22家水务公司有能力在没有他的证词的情况下有效地陈述他们的案件,因为他的证词涵盖的每个主题23通过伦德金对供水24问题和伦德金先生的讲话得到了更彻底的阐述。 我们认为RUCO将沃克先生描述为关键证人,但又提供了26份重复证词,这与RUCO的描述没有内在的矛盾。沃克先生可能是申请人在申请中提出的27个问题上立场的制定不可或缺的组成部分。然而,他的证词,其中大部分以文件的形式28 78644 147决定号。_摘要编号。SW-20445A-20-0214等。附加在预先提交的证词中,可以通过将这两份相同的文件附加到就相同观点发言的其他证人的证词中来实现。3然而,可收回费率的案例费用也必须对公用事业公司公平。申请人的4个问题是,工作人员对第I 033节税务问题的追求增加了其税率案例5陈述的难度,这并不是完全没有价值。虽然工作人员的关切促使对全球水务公司拟议的第1033条调整进行了更正6,使调整总额减少了约140万美元,但工作人员最终在是否应从费率基数中扣除全部1160万美元的第1033条调整这一更大的问题上让步了。虽然工作人员的论点足以激起我们的兴趣,代表差饷缴纳人的简单尽职调查要求我们IO下令向美国国税局提出建议的PLR,但事实仍然是,工作人员最终在这个问题上让步了。12整体而言,我们认为在这宗个案中,合理的差饷个案开支数额为500,000元。此外,我们认为使用附加费机制收回费用14是合理的,通过附加费收回的金额应在两年至15年内摊销。16.检视申请人的拟议差饷个案开支附加费,很明显,17项拟议的1级附加费采用了一个分摊系数。例如,马里科帕县水整合的拟议费率案例费用18附加费为5/8 x 3/4英寸米的0.54美元,而皮纳尔县水整合的拟议附加费19为5/8 x 3/4英寸米的0.64美元。 23为了建立预期附加费水平,我们发现,随着电表尺寸而增加的固定附加费24将费率案件费用在涉及该问题的所有公用事业(水和废水)的所有客户25之间平均分配,其中26是最合理的。应计算附加费,以收回已批准的500,000美元费率27情况下的费用金额,从实施附加费后开始,28附加费将在分阶段费率的最后阶段开始缓和影响148号决定第78644号-- [案卷编号。SW-20445A-20-0214等。基本利率上调的最后一阶段。在此基础上,下表提供了在相应的3米大小下,对参与此程序的所有公用事业公司的差饷缴纳人造成的估计2个月账单影响。4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16米大小建议Surchaq~e 5/8“X 3/4”$0.43 3/4“$0.43 1”$1.08 1.5“$2.152”$3.44 3“$6.88 4”$10.75 6“$21.50 8”$34.40 1 O“$49.45由于以上预计的附加费金额是估计的,因此批准收取附加费以收回差饷个案费用是合适的,但在18家全球水务公司提出实施附加费的请求之前,不应收回附加费,因此,工作人员可以审查19项拟议的附加费执行情况,并限定它将在20项建议和拟议命令中收取核定收入,供委员会审议。21 22 I.费率阶段-全球水务公司已同意分阶段提高费率,以便任何一年中位数住宅客户的收入增幅不超过5%。全球水务公司的24年分阶段方案不包括任何收入损失的延期,也不包括收入损失的成本承担。没有25个政党反对分阶段实施。我们认为申请人为缓解利率冲击而提议的分阶段是合理的,因此,我们批准了拟议的分阶段,如附件A所示,第二阶段将于2023年1月1日生效,第三阶段将于2024年1月1日生效。SW-20445A-20-0214等。在审议了本决定的全部记录并在房舍中得到充分的告知后,委员会裁定、得出结论并命令:3 4 1.事实的调查结果本决定讨论部分第一节所载的程序历史是准确的,我们采纳其全文,如同在此充分阐述的一样。6 2.本决定讨论部分第一节和第三节中对程序历史和全球水务公司应用程序的描述7是准确的,我们将其全文采纳8,就好像在这里完全阐述了一样。9.本决定讨论部分10节第二、四、五、六、五和八节所述的背景资料、缔约方立场说明和证据是准确的,我们将全文予以采纳。12.本决定讨论部分第二节、第四节、第五节、第六节、第七节和第十三节第四节中达成的决议是准确的,我们将其全文通过为14项决议,尽管在此作了全面阐述。15 5.由于与16项递延税项的来源和调整有关的记录存在缺陷,全球水务公司无法在进行和不进行17项分析的情况下进行必要的工作,以支持净营业亏损结转调整。18 6.在此授权的费率、收费以及服务条款和条件是公正和合理的,符合公众利益。207。。。22根据《亚利桑那州宪法》第I条第5款第12节的规定,提供类似和同时服务的人或地点之间的费率、收费以及服务条款和条件。24 8.委员会对此处问题的解决所产生的费率、收费以及服务条款和条件不会导致“向任何26个人提供或给予任何优惠或优势或使任何人受到任何损害或不利”,也不会“在费率、收费、服务、设施或任何其他方面建立或维持任何27个不合理的差异,无论是在28个150号决定78644-纪要NO之间。SW-20445A-20-0214等。根据A.R.S.§40-334.2 3 1.法律结论:全球水务-帕洛维德公用事业公司、全球水务-红岩公用事业公司、全球水务-北方斯科茨代尔水务公司、全球水务公司5牧场灌溉公司、全球水务-Balterra公用事业公司、全球水鹰6水务公司、全球水务-Hassayampa公用事业公司。,Global Water - Picacho 7 Cove Utilities Company,Inc.,全球水务-大托诺帕水务公司、全球水务- 8圣克鲁斯水务公司和全球水务-皮卡乔湾水务公司是《亚利桑那州宪法》第十五条和ARS含义内的9家公共服务公司§ 40- 10 250、40-251、40-321、40-33 1和40-336。 11 2.该委员会对Global Water-Palo Verde Utilities Company,Inc.拥有管辖权, 12 Global Water- Red Rock Utilities Company,Inc.全球水务-北斯科茨代尔水务公司,13 Inc.,全球水务-特纳牧场灌溉公司全球水务-巴特拉公用事业公司,公司, 14全球水务-凤尾鱼水务公司,Inc.,全球水务-Hasayampa Utilities Company,Inc. 15全球水务-皮卡乔湾公用事业公司,Global Water - Greater Tonopah Water 16 Company,Inc.,全球水务-圣克鲁斯水务公司 和全球水务-皮卡乔湾17水务公司以及本命令的主题。 18 3.申请通知是依法提供的。 19 4. Global Water- Palo Verde Utilities Company,LLC的公允价值费率基础为66,645,933美元。 20 5.全球水务-红石公用事业公司水务部门的公允价值费率基准21为826,654美元。 22 6.全球水务-红石公用事业公司废水部门的公允价值率23基础为3,407,093美元。 24 7.全球水务-北斯科茨代尔水务公司的公允价值利率基准为25 $53,416。 26 8. 27 9. 28全球水务-特纳牧场灌溉公司的公允价值费率基础为1,850,251美元。 全球水务-凤尾鱼水务公司的公允价值利率基础为563,609美元。 151第78644号决定号SW-20445 A-20-0214等10.全球水务-大托诺帕水务公司的公允价值利率基础为2 $2,599,521。 3 11.全球水务-圣克鲁斯水务公司的公允价值费率基础为41,095,492美元。 4 12. 7.22%的DVROR会产生公正合理的费率和收入要求。 5 13.此处授权的费率、费用以及服务条款和条件是公正且合理的,并且符合公共利益。 7 14.委员会对此处问题的8项决议所产生的费率、收费、条款和服务条件不会导致“收费、服务或设施方面的歧视”。。9“亚利桑那州宪法”第十五条第12节第10节规定的“提供类似和同时服务的人或地点之间的服务”。11 15.根据《行政程序法》第40-334条,委员会12解决上述问题所产生的费率、收费和服务条件不会导致“向任何13人提供或给予任何优惠或利益,或使任何人受到任何损害或不利”,也不会“在费率、收费、服务、设施或任何其他方面建立或维持任何不合理的差别”。16 17订购如下:全球水务-帕洛维德公用事业公司、全球18水红岩公用事业公司、全球水务-北方斯科茨代尔水务公司、19全球水特纳牧场灌溉公司、全球水务-Balterra公用事业公司、全球20水鹰尾水务公司、全球水务-Hassayampa公用事业公司、全球21水务-皮卡乔湾公用事业公司、全球水务-大托诺帕湾水务公司、22全球水务-圣克鲁斯水务公司和全球水务-皮卡乔湾水务公司23 Inc.现获授权并指示于2022年7月29日或之前,向监察委员会提交与附件A所批准的差饷及收费相一致的24个差饷及收费附表,该等附表附于本条例附件25,并并入本条例。26还下令全球水务-帕洛维德公用事业公司、全球27水务-红岩公用事业公司、全球水务-北方斯科茨代尔水务公司,28 152第78644号决定]案卷编号。SW-20445A-20-0214等。1 Global Water-Turner Ranches灌溉公司、Global Water-Balterra公用事业公司、Global Water-Eagletail水务公司、Global Water-Hassayampa公用事业公司、Global 3Water-Picacho Cove公用事业公司、Global Water-Greater Tonopah水务公司、Global Water-Santa Cruz水务公司和Global Water-Picacho Cove水务公司应于2022年8月15日或之前提交新调整机制的管理计划,6与本决定中达成的决议一致。7还要求全球水务帕洛维德公用事业公司、全球8水红岩公用事业公司、全球水务北方斯科茨代尔水务公司、9全球水转者牧场灌溉公司、全球水务-Balterra公用事业公司、全球10水鹰尾水务公司、全球水务-Hassayampa公用事业公司、全球11水皮卡乔湾公用事业公司。,Global Water-Greater Tonopah Water Company,Inc.,12 Global Water-Santa Cruz Water Company,Inc.和Global Water-Picacho Cove Water Company,13 Inc.应与员工和RUCO协商,编制并提交经本文讨论的修改后的14可持续水附加费修订管理计划。在提交修订的《行政计划》后90天内,工作人员应编写一份备忘录和拟议命令,供委员会在公开会议上审议。17资讯科技署进一步下令,于2022年7月1日及以后提供的所有服务,均适用于本条例所批准的费率和收费以及服务条款和条件。19还命令全球水务帕洛维德公用事业公司、全球20水红岩公用事业公司、全球水务北方斯科茨代尔水务公司、21全球水务特纳牧场灌溉公司、全球水鹰尾水务公司、全球22水务大托诺帕水务公司和全球水务圣克鲁斯水务公司23可以在本摘要中向纪要控制部门提交申请,要求实施费率案例24费用附加费,如本文所讨论的。25还命令委员会的公用事业部工作人员计算适用于费率案件费用附加费的金额,并在提交要求实施附加费的申请后30天内准备和提交一份拟议的命令,供委员会审议。28进一步责令全球水务-帕洛维德公用事业公司,全球153号决定。78644个摘要编号。SW-20445A-20-0214等。水-红岩公用事业公司,全球水务-北方斯科茨代尔水务公司,2全球水特纳牧场灌溉公司,全球水务-Balterra公用事业公司,全球3水鹰公用事业公司,全球水务-Hassayampa公用事业公司,全球4水皮卡乔湾公用事业公司,全球水务-大托诺帕湾水务公司,5全球水务-圣克鲁斯水务公司和全球水皮卡乔湾水务公司,6 Inc.应将修订后的费率和收费通知其客户,方法是在其下7个预定账单中插入(邮寄或电子发送),并在其网站上以员工可以接受的表格8张贴通知。9 IT还被命令在本决定生效之日起120天内,10家全球水务公司应向美国国税局提交一份私人信函,以解决11“未能消除在受《国税法》(”守则“)第1033条管辖的交易12中被谴责的资产所应缴纳的递延税金是否违反了《国税法》第168(I)(9)条的非正规化13条款。全球水务公司应以中立的方式编写一份完整的14份事实声明草案、提出的问题、相关税务当局和15对这些当局的分析。全球水务公司应在提交日期前至少30天向工作人员提供草案的副本。全球水务公司和工作人员应合作,就与所提出的问题相关的、完整、准确的最终事实陈述达成一致。18还要求全球水务-帕洛维德公用事业公司、全球19水红岩公用事业公司、全球水务-巴特拉公用事业公司。,和Global Water-Picacho Cove Utilities Company,21 Inc.应在本决定生效之日起60天内,作为本案卷中的一个合规项目,向纪要控制部门提交未经授权的排污费,包括在员工工程23证词中,作为Ex。S-6,附件12,供工作人员审定。24 IT进一步责令Global Water-Red Rock Utilities Company,Inc.,Global 25 Water-Northern Scottsdale Water Company,Inc.,Global Water-Eagletail Water Company,Inc.,26 Global Water-Greater Tonopah Water,Inc.和Global Water-Santa Cruz Water 27,Inc.在本决定生效之日起60天内,作为本决定生效日期的一项合规项目,向Docket Control提交与我们第154号决定78644 Docket NOS一致的修订后的最佳管理实践费率。SW-20445A-20-0214等。现将调查结果提交工作人员审定。2还要求全球水务-帕洛维德公用事业公司、全球3水红岩公用事业公司、全球水务-北方斯科茨代尔水务公司、4全球水特纳牧场灌溉公司、全球水务-Balterra公用事业公司、全球5水鹰公用事业公司、全球水务-Hassayampa公用事业公司。,Global 6 Water-Picacho Cove Utilities Company,Inc.,Global Water-Greater Tonopah Water Company,Inc.,7 Global Water-Santa Cruz Water Company,Inc.和Global Water-Picacho Cove Water Company,8 Inc.应在本决定生效之日起60天内向Docket Control提交修订后的客户帮助费率,该修订后的客户帮助费率与我们在此的调查结果一致,供IO人员审查和批准。11 IT部门还下令,Global Water-Red Rock Utilities Company,Inc.,Global 12 Water-Northern Scottsdale Water Company,Inc.,Global Water-Turner Ranches Irrigation,Inc.,13 Global Water-Eagletail Water Company,Inc.,Global Water-Greater Tonopah Water,Inc.,14 Global Water-Santa Cruz Water Company,Inc.和Global Water-Picacho Cove Water Company,15 Inc.应使用员工工程证词中描述的水务设施折旧率,例如16 S-6附件7.17还订购了全球水帕罗维德公用事业公司、全球18水红岩公用事业公司、全球水巴尔特拉公用事业公司、全球19水帕拉扬帕公用事业公司和全球水皮卡乔湾公用事业公司,20 Inc.应使用工作人员的工程证词21Ex中描述的废水处理设施的折旧率。S-6附件13.22 IT还被命令,全球水红岩公用事业公司应在本决定生效之日起23年内向纪要控制提交一份亚利桑那州环境质量合规部状况报告,证明该公用事业公司25符合ADEQ要求。26还命令Global Water-Eagletail Water Company,Inc.从2022年8月1日开始,在12个月内监测27个水的损失,并编制最新的水损失报告。28如果根据最新的水损失报告,在第155号决定结束时表明水损失保持在IO%以上。--#1 78_6_44_摘要编号。SW-20445A-20-0214等。12个月内,环球水鹰水务公司应在本决定生效之日起3-18个月内,向纪要控制部门提交一份水损失减少报告或详细的成本/效益分析,作为本文件中的2个合规项目。4进一步命令Global Water-Greater Tonopah Water Company,Inc.从2022年7月1日起在12个月内监测七叶牧场、花园城、WPE 1号、WPE 6号和WPE 7号6水系统内的水损失,并编写最新的水损失报告。7如果根据最新的水损失报告,表明水损失在8个12个月结束时仍高于10%,则Global Water-Greater Tonopah Water Company,Inc.应在本决定生效之日起18个月内向纪要控制9提交一份水损失减少报告或详细的成本/效益分析10。11进一步订购Global Water-Greater Tonopah Water Company,Inc.26还命令环球水鹰水务公司在本决定生效之日起一年内,作为本文件的一项遵从性项目,向文件控制部门提交文件,证明所有未经美国国家水务委员会认证的镀锌钢管和配件156决定78644]案卷编号。SW-20445A-20-0214等。已经在其水系统增压泵站更换为NSF认证的材料。2还命令Global Water-Red Rock Utilities,Inc.在本决定生效之日起60天内,根据Global Water-Santa Cruz 4 Water Company,Inc.提交适用于其皮马县服务区域的Water Hook 3 Up费用费率。在提交8封私人信函裁决后90天内,工作人员应编写一份备忘录和拟议第9号命令,供委员会审议,内容涉及在私人信函裁决中发布的指导意见。IO IT还被命令批准全球水务公用事业公司在申请12的“相关批准”部分所要求的合并、资产转让和其他必要的11项批准,包括(I)全球水务-红岩公用事业公司13(水务部门)和全球水务-皮卡乔湾水务公司合并为全球水务-圣塔克鲁斯水务公司,(2)全球水务-红岩公用事业公司15(废水事业部)和全球水务-皮卡乔湾公用事业公司合并为全球水务-16帕洛佛得角公用事业公司,(3)将Global Water-Eagletail Water Company,Inc.17和Global Water-Northern Scottsdale Water,Inc.合并为Global Water-Greater Tonopah 18 Water Company,Inc.,以及(4)Global Water-Balterra Utilities Company,Inc.合并为19 Global Water-Hassayampa Utilities Company,Inc.然而,如果在本决定生效日期后,工作人员自行决定实施此类审批需要Global 21水务公司提交任何其他申请或提供任何其他信息,例如根据A.R.S.第40-285条出售和转让资产或根据A.C.R 14-23 2-801及以下条款重组附属公司,则相关全球水务公司应提交所有其他申请并提供工作人员认为必要的所有其他24项信息。相关的全球水务公司应在全球水务公司满足以下规定的最后期限所需的时间内完成这项工作。26 IT还被命令,到2023年1月1日,由Pinal 27县水务集团(包括全球水务-红岩公用事业公司(水务事业部)、28全球水务-Picacho Cove水务公司和全球水务-圣克鲁斯水务公司组成的申请者,第157号决定,编号78644。SW-20445A-20-0214等。Inc.)应在本案卷中作为合规项目提交文件控制,证据表明两个相关申请人已重组为一个单一的公共服务公司,包括之前组成皮纳尔县水务集团的所有相关公共服务公司的3个客户、资产、负债和经认证的服务地区。5 IT还下令,在2022年7月29日之前,由Pinal 6县废水集团(包括全球水红岩公用事业公司(废水7事业部)、全球水皮卡乔湾公用事业公司和全球水帕罗维德8公用事业公司,Inc.组成的申请者。26 IT还被命令,在发起相关合并的30天内,27名申请者应以书面形式通知其客户公司名称、品牌名称、网站、帐单、联系信息和公用事业运营的其他方面的任何变化,这些变化可能会影响客户第158号决定78644。SW-20445A-20-0214等。交互以及此类更改将如何影响客户。7进一步命令IT部门本决定立即生效。根据亚利桑那州公司委员会的命令。11 12-‘-i.j(:_~1-:.:~:;本-t--+-“-(c.日期:2022年1月1日。教务长决定编号78644 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28服务清单:案卷编号:首席法律顾问Daniel·波泽夫斯基,住宅公用事业消费者0办公室11 10 West Washington Street,S uite 220 Phoenix,AZ 85007 cipozef sky@azruco.gov procdalal(A)azruco.gov rdelafucnte~,·azruco.gov通过电子邮件Timothy Sabo Global Water RESOUES,Inc.同意提供服务。北纬21410号,第19大道,圣彼得堡亚利桑那州菲尼克斯85027-2738全球水务律师ti m.sabo@gwresource cs.com通过电子邮件同意提供服务,全球水资源公司董事法律部罗宾·米切尔SW-20445A-20-0214等。亚利桑那州公司C省略菲尼克斯西华盛顿街1200号,AZ 85007法律Di v@azcc.gov Uti ID I vserviccbymail@azcc.gov通过电子邮件同意服务第160号决定。78644

案卷编号。SW-20445A-20-0214等。马里科帕县水整合(Global Water-Greater Tonopah Water Company,Inc.,Global Water-Eagletail Water Company,Inc.,Global Water-Northern Scottsdale Water Company,Inc.)第1阶段基本服务月费

Ea1Detail NSWC518“X314”电表$47.55$47.55$27.00314“电表$47.55$47.55$27.00 1”电表$112.04$112.04$57.001.5“电表$221.17$221.17$120.00 2”电表$352.1 3$35213$128.00 3“米$701.35$701.35$340.00 4”米$1,094.23$1,094.23$550.00 611米$2,185.57$2,185.57 NIA 811米$3,495.1 7$3,495.17 NIA第一阶段商品价格加仑GTWC Ea2:Letail NSWC0-1000$2.61$2.61$3.451001-550.00$4.8)$4.81$4.595001-10000$6.99$6.99$5.59 1000)-18000美元9.20$9.20$6.8 18001-25000$11.33$7.80>25,000$13.43$8.80 CRT 6,000,000 7,000 CRT(折扣%)50%50%20%非饮用水(每1,000)$1.8$1.8 NIA立管(每1,000)NIA NIA$7.00第二阶段每月基本服务费Ea2letail NSWC518“X314”表$55.11$55.11$27.00 3/4“表55L J$55.11$27.001“仪表$124.08$124.08$57.00决定编号78644---摘要编号Sw-20445A-20-02 14等。1.5“米$242.33$242.33$120.00 2”米$384.25$384.25$128.00 3“米$762.71$762.71$340.00 4”米$1,188.47$550.00 6“米$2,371.1 3$2,371.13 NIA 8”米$3,790.33$3,790.33 NIA第二期商品价格加仑GTWC Eagletail NSWC 0-1000$2.81$2.81$3.45 L 001-5000$5.19$5.19$4.595001-10000$7.55$7.55$5.59 10001-1 8000$9.94$9.94$6.8 18001-25000$12.26$7.80$7.80>25,000$14.53$14.53$8.80 CRT 6,000,000 7,000显像管(折扣%)50%50%20%非食用$1.8$1.8(每1,000)NIA NIA第三阶段(此后每月基本服务费Eagletail NSWC518“X314”电表$62.66$62.66$27.00314“电表$62.66$62.66$27.00 1”电表$136.11$136.11$57.00 1.5“电表$263.50$263.50$120.00 2”电表$416.38$416.38$128.00 3“电表$824.06$824.06$340.00 4”电表$1,282.70$1,282.70$550.00 6“电表$2,556.70SW-20445A-20-0214等。嗨!!hwav,否则需要人行道。盘后服务费(按客户要求收费50美元)仪表测试费(如有误)按金35美元押金*决定编号78644SW-20445A-20-0214等。存款利息*4%恢复服务(12**个月内)NSF检查$30.00延期付款(每月)*1.5%水表重读(如果正确)$20.00滞纳金(每月未付余额)1.5%搬家水表费用*消防喷水器每月服务费*所有水表尺寸(所有类别)*根据委员会规则A.AC R14-2-403(B)**系统停工月数每月最低按A.AC。R 14-2-403(D)*按佣金规则A.AC。R14-2-409(G)(6)*包括零件的成本,人工、管理费用和所有适用税金,根据A.AC。R 14-2-405(8)(5)*类似尺寸的电表连接每月最低税额的2%,但不低于每月10.00美元。消防喷头服务费只适用于与主要服务线分开或不同的服务线。JN除收取正常费率和费用外,公司还应根据A.AC.R14-2-409(D)(5)向客户收取按比例分摊的任何特权、销售税或使用税。GTWC和西北铁路公司服务费:设立服务站35美元恢复服务站(在12(A)个月内)78644号决定

案卷编号。SW-20445A-20-0214等。重新接通服务(拖欠)$35.00电表应客户要求移动电表(B)盘后服务费(按客户要求收取$50.00)按金(C)按金利息(C)电表重读(如果正确)$30.00电表测试费(如果正确)$30.00国家科学基金会支票$30.00迟缴罚款1.5%&(D)延期付款(每月)1.5%&(E)(A)系统休工月数乘以每个A.A.C.每月的最低限额。RL4-2-403(D)(B)包括部件的成本,R14-2-405(B)(5)(C)每A.C.R14-2-403(B)(D)每月未付余额(E)根据A.A.C.R L4-2-409(G)(6)除收取其正常税率和费用外,公司还应根据A.C.R 14-2-409(0)(5)向客户收取按比例分摊的任何特权、销售税或使用税。78644号决定摘要编号。SW-20445A-20-0214等。皮纳尔县水资源整合(Global Water-Santa Cruz Water Company,Inc.、Global Water-Red Rock Utilities,Inc.和Global Water-Picacho Cove Water Company,Inc.)第一阶段基本服务收费:圣克鲁斯红岩水表5/8“X 3/4”水表$29.19$29.19$29.1 9 3/4“水表$29.19$29.19$29.19 1”水表$75.81$75.81$75.81 1.5“水表$153.53$153.53$153.53 2”水表$246.78$246.78$246.78 3“水表$495.46$495.46$495.46 4”水表$775.23$775.23$775.23 6“水表$1,554.23$1,554.23 8”水表$3,108.50$3,108.50$3,108.50第一期商品价格加仑圣克鲁斯红岩(水)皮卡丘水0-775.23$1.49$1.49$1.49 1001-5000$2.44$2.44 5001-10000$3.39$3.39$3.39 10001-18000$4.34$4.34 18001-25000$5.30$5.30$5.30>25,000$6.34$6.34 CRT 6000,000 6,000 CRT(折扣%)60%60%60%非饮用水(每1,000)$1.75$1.75$1.75立管(1000以上)NIA第二期(此后每月基本服务费Santa Cruz Red Rock(Water)Picacho Water 518“X 314”水表$30.36$30.36$30.36 314“水表$30.36$30.36$30.361“米$78.74$78.74$78.74 1.5”米$159.38$159.38$159.38 2“米$25614$256.14$256.14 3“咪表$514.19$514I 9$514.19 4“水表$804.48$804.48$804.48 6”水表$1,612.75$1,612.75$1,612.75决定编号78644SW-20445A-20-0214等。8“米$3,225.53$3,225.53$3,225.53第二期(及以后)商品价格加仑圣克鲁斯红岩(水)皮卡丘水0-1000$1.55$1.55$1.55 1001-5000$2.53$2.53$2.53$2.53$2.52$3.52$3.52 10001-18000$4.50$4.5$4.50 18001-25000$5.5$5.5$5.5>25,000$6.58$6.58$6.58 CRT 6,000 6,000 CRT(折扣%)60%60%非便携式(每1,000)$1.75$1.75$1.75立管(每1,000)NIA维修线路和仪表安装费用(英寸)维修线路*仪表总计518“X 3/4”$445$155$600 3/4“$445$255$700 1”$495$315$810 1-1/2“$550$525$1,075 2”涡轮$830$1,045$1,875 2“复合式$830$1,890$2,720 3”涡轮$45$1,670$2,7153“复合$1,165$2,545$3,7104”涡轮$1,490$2,670$4,160 4“复合$1,670$3,645$5,315 6”涡轮$2,210$5,025$7,235 6“复合$2,330$6,920$9,250 8”和Lanzer实际成本*调整为包括在道路下钻孔或开挖道路时发生的实际成本,骇维金属加工,或人行道。78644号决定摘要编号。SW-20445A-20-0214等。圣克鲁斯,红岩(水上),和皮卡丘水务服务费:开业$35.00重新开通服务(12(A)个月)重新接通服务(拖欠)$35.00移动客户水表(客户(B)请求)盘后服务费(按客户要求$50)押金(C)按金利息(C)水表重读(如果正确)$30.00水表测试费(如果正确)$30.00 NSF支票$30.00滞纳金罚款1.5%及(D)延迟付款(每月)(E)(A)系统停运月数乘以每个交流电源的每月最低费用。R 14-2-403(0)(B)包括零件在内的费用,每A.C.R14-2-405(B)(5)(C)每A.C.R14-2-403(B)(D)每月未付余额(E)根据A.A.C.RL4-2-409(G)(6)除收取其正常税率和费用外,公司还应根据A.C.R14-2-409(D)(5)向客户收取按比例分摊的任何特权、销售税或使用税。1 78644号决定

案卷编号。SW-20445A-20-0214等。红岩-皮马县(全球水-红岩公用事业公司)红岩(水)-皮马县每月基本服务第二期(及以后的第一期)5/8“X 3/4”水表$29.1 9$30.36 3/4“水表$29.19$30.36 L”水表$75.81$78.74 1.5“水表$153.53$159.38 2”水表$246.78$256.14 3“水表$495.46$514.19 4”水表$775.23$804.48 6“水表$1,554.23$1,612.75 8“米$3,108.50$3,225.53红岩(水)-皮马县商品特许经营第二期(及以后的第一期)0-1000$1.49$1.55 1001-5000$2.44$2.53 5001-10000$3.39$3.52 10001-18000$4.34$4.50 18001-25000$5.30$5.50>25,000$6.34$6.58 CRT 6,000 CRT(折扣率)60%60%非餐桌(每1,000)$1.69$1.69竖管(超过1,000)NIA NIA服务线和电表安装费(英寸)服务线和电表安装费(英寸)服务线*电表总计518“X 3/4”$445$155$600 314“$445$255$700 1”$495$315$810 1-1/2“$550$525$1,075 2”涡轮$830$1,045$1875 2“化合物$830$1,890$2,720决定编号78644。SW-20445A-20-0214等。3“涡轮$I,045$1,670$2,7153”复合$1,165$2,545$3,7104“涡轮$1,490$2,670$4,160 4”复合$1,670$3,645$5,315 6“涡轮$2,210$5,025$7,235 6”复合$2,330$6,920$9,250 8“和较大的实际成本*金额调整为包括在需要在道路、行车道或人行道下钻孔或切割时发生的实际成本。红岩(水)-皮马县服务费:建立$35.00重新建立服务(12(A)个月内)重新连接服务(拖欠)$35.00移动客户水表(客户(B)请求)盘后服务费(按客户要求$50)押金(C)按金利息(C)水表重读(如果正确)$30.00水表测试费(如果正确)$30.00 NSF支票$30.00滞纳金罚款1.5%和(D)延期付款(每月)(E)(A)系统停工月数乘以每个A.AC的每月最低费用R14-2-403(D)(B)包括部件的成本,劳务费、管理费和所有适用税金根据A.AC.R14-2-405(B)(5)(C)根据A.AC.R14-2-403(B)(D)每月未付余额(E)根据委员会规则A.AC.R14-2-409(G)(6)78644号决定摘要编号SW-20445A-20-0214等。除收取正常税率和费用外,本公司还应根据A.AC L 4-2-409(D)(5)向客户收取按比例分摊的任何特权、销售税或使用税。78644号决定摘要编号。SW-20445A-20-0214等。皮纳尔县污水处理公司(全球水务帕洛维德公用事业公司、全球水红岩公用事业公司和全球水皮卡乔湾公用事业公司)皮卡丘公用事业公司5/8“X 3/4”水表$70.07$70.07$70.07 3/4“水表$70.07$70.07$70.07 1”水表$175.03$175.03$175.03 1.5“水表$350.03$350.03$350.03 2”水表$560.06$560.06$560.06 3“水表$1,120.10$1,120.10$1,120.10 4”水表$1,750.16$1,750.16$1,750.1 6 6“米$3,503.50$3,503.50$3,503.50 8”米$5,605.60$5,605.60商品价格帕洛维德红岩加仑(废水)Picacho公用事业公司非饮用水(每千人)$1.75$1.75$1.75帕洛维德,红岩(废水)和皮卡丘公用事业公司服务费:建立服务$35,00重新建立服务(在12(A)个月内)重新连接服务(拖欠)$35,00盘后服务费*$50,押金(B)存款利息(B)国家科学基金会支票$30,00滞纳金罚款1.5%&(C)延期付款(每月)1.5%(A)系统休费月数乘以A.C.R14-2-603(D)78644号决定

(B)按A.C.RI 4-2-603(B)(C)按A.C.国际扶轮每月未付余额计算。案卷编号。SW-20445A-20-0214等。除收取正常费率和费用外,本公司还应根据A.A.C.R14-2-608(D)(5)向客户收取按比例分摊的任何特权、销售税或使用税。78644号决定摘要编号。SW-20445A-20-0214等。(Global Water-Balterra公用事业公司、Global Water-Hassayampa公用事业公司)每月基本服务费Balterra Hassayampa 518“X314”电表$54.25$54.25 314“电表$54.25$54.25 1”电表$135.00$135.00 1.5‘’电表$270.00$270.00 2“电表$430.00$430.00 3”电表$860.00$860.00 4“电表$1,350.00$1,350.00 6”电表$2,700.00$2,700.00 8“电表NIA NIA非食品类商品价格加仑

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 DOCKET NOS. SW-20445A-20-0214, et al. GTWC 6,440 $54.70 $159.33 $104.64 191.30% 5/8" X 314" 4,500 $48.96 $121.68 $72.72 148.52% Eagletail 3,618 $52.85 $172.29 $119.45 226.02% 518" X 314" 2,500 $46.50 $161.89 $115.39 248.15% NSWC 17,346 $156.71 $64.23 $(92.49) (59.02)% 1" 12,500 $123.76 $50.71 $(73.06) (41.97)% Turner 4,837,210 $4,873.64 $5,584.13* $710.50 14.58% Ranches 1,148,000 $1,258.21 $ 1 ,441.64* $183.43 14.58% 8" Turner NIA $26.54 $30.41 * $3.87 14.58% Ranches Res. Flat Palo Verde NIA $69.53 $68.68 $(0.85) (1.22)% 518" Red Rock NIA $90.39 $104.55 $14.16 15.66% (Wastewater) 518" * Typical bill is based on the last year of a phased-in rate. VIII. RATE DESIGN A. Rate Structure The Applicants propose to retain the existing six-tier inverted block rate structure that it currently has for the Santa Cruz Water Company, and apply it to each water utility involved in the current matter except for Turner Ranches which is primarily an irrigation water service provider. While Santa Cruz, GTWC and NSWC already employ a six-tier rate structure, the Conservation Rate Thresholds ("CRT") and CRT Rebate Percentages differ.279 Eagletail and Red Rock (Water) both have three-tier inverted block rate structures. As part of the proposed rate design changes, Eagletail and Red Rock (Water) will both be converted to six-tier rates to conform with the other utilities composing their respective consolidated rate groups.280 Staff and RUCO accept the proposed six-tier rate structure proposed by the Applicants. Differences between the parties' proposed rate designs reflect the varying positions on revenue requirements and how to implement the proposed rate consolidations. 279 The respective CRT and CRT Rebate Percentages by district: Santa Cruz: 6,001 gallons/60%; GTWC: 7,401 gallons/50%; and NSWC 7 ,00 I gallons/20% 280 The proposed CRT and CRT Rebate Percentages are 6,001 gallons/60% for Eagletail and 4,001 gallons/60% for Red Rock. 109 DECISION NO. 78644 DOCKET NOS. SW-20445A-20-0214, et al. B. Consolidation 2 The Global Water Utilities propose several system consolidations. As proposed, Santa Cruz 3 would be consolidated with Red Rock (water) and Picacho Cove; Palo Verde would be consolidated 4 with Red Rock (wastewater) and Picacho Utilities; GTWC, NSWC, and Eagletail would be 5 consolidated; and Hassayampa would be consolidated with Balterra. 6 Notably, each of the consolidations is a full rate consolidation except for the Maricopa County 7 Water group. For the Maricopa County Water consolidation, the Applicants propose a revenue-only 8 consolidation under which the revenue requirement uses an operating margin for the three entities 9 comprising the Maricopa County Water consolidation. The proposal retains the existing rates for IO NSWC while Eagletail and GTWC would be placed on a common rate schedule. 11 If the Maricopa County Water group is not consolidated, the Global Water Utilities propose 12 basing the revenue requirements for Eagletail and GTWC on the authorized return on their respective 13 rate bases which, due to the extensive investments made to rehabilitate the systems, will produce 14 substantially greater rate increases for both systems if consolidation is not adopted. 15 The Applicants also note that Red Rock (Water)'s CC&N includes a service territory in Pima 16 County in addition to the service territory in Pinal County.281 Although the Pima County service 17 territory has no customers, to be consistent with the intention ofregional consolidations, the Applicants 18 request that Red Rock (Water)'s Pima County CC&N be approved a separate tariff identical to what is 19 adopted for the Pinal County Water consolidation.282 Neither Staff nor RUCO took issue with the 20 Applicants' proposed partition of Red Rock (Water)'s Pima County CC&N from the Pinal County 21 Water consolidation. We find the request is reasonable and should be approved. 1. RUCO 22 23 RUCO recommends adoption of the proposed regional consolidations.283 RUCO recommends 24 consolidation in this case because the systems proposed for consolidation with the larger Palo Verde 25 and Santa Cruz utilities are small. According to Mr. Erdwurm testifying for RUCO, "[m]aintaining 26 27 281 Ex. A-49 at 23. 282 Id. at 24. 28 283 Ex. RUC0-9 at 9. 110 DECISION NO. 78644 DOCKET NOS. SW-20445A-20-0214, et al. separate rate structures for very small systems typically is not cost-effective. Now is the best time to 2 consolidate."284 RUCO typically prefers standalone rates as they are more consistent with having cost- 3 causers pay the costs they incur. RUCO views the present case as different owing to the large size 4 differential between Palo Verde and Santa Cruz to the much smaller Red Rock (Water and Wastewater) 5 systems. Due to the larger size of Palo Verde and Santa Cruz, rate increases to Red Rock ratepayers 6 can be mitigated without significantly affecting the bills of customers.285 7 For the same reason, RUCO supports the Maricopa County Water consolidation in the manner 8 proposed by the Applicants. Due to the small size of GTWC, Eagletail, and NSWC, maintaining 9 separate rate structures is onerous. 286 2. Staff 10 11 Although Staff prepared recommended standalone rates, Staff supports the proposed regional 12 consolidation for the Pinal County Water and Pinal County Wastewater systems. Within the Maricopa 13 County Water group of utilities, Staff instead recommends a consolidation, for Eagletail and GTWC 14 only, while maintaining NSWC as a separate, standalone utility. 15 Staff does not support the Maricopa County Water consolidation as proposed because it is "not 16 a true consolidation" as it is a revenue-only consolidation287 and the contemplated utilities are not 17 proximate to one another.288 Rather than accepting the proposed consolidation, which Staff views as 18 using revenue from NSWC to subsidize GTWC and Eagletail, Staffs recommendation would decrease 19 rates for NSWC,289 albeit with the consequence of foregoing the Applicants' proposal to establish 20 Eagletail and GTWC's rates on an operating margin basis and the resulting reduction ofrevenues would 21 lead to higher rates for Eagletail and GTWC. 290 Staff clarified at hearing that it would not oppose a 22 full consolidation of the Maricopa County Water group, notwithstanding that the individual utilities 23 are not all within the same region,291 but Staff did not provide schedules demonstrating how that would 24 284 Ex. RUCO-8 at 3. 25 28s Id. at 4-5. 286 Id. at 5. 26 287 Tr. Vol. X at 1444. 288 Id. at 1458. 289 Id. 27 290 See e.g. Tr. Vol. X at 1447 testimony of Mr. Chavez acknowledging that under Staffs recommendation, a rate ofretum 28 methodology will be employed to set the revenue requirement for Eagletail and GTWC. 291 Tr. Vol. X at 1460. 111 DECISION NO. 78644 DOCKET NOS. SW-20445A-20-0214, et al. be effectuated. 2 Staff asserts that consolidation is a policy decision that is up to the Commissioners, and it is 3 within the discretion of the Commission to determine what factors are relevant to the decision whether 4 or how to consolidate. 292 Staff notes that the Commission has balanced competing factors when making 5 consolidation detenninations in prior cases and referenced Decision No. 76162 in which the 6 Commission found that, 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 (i) consolidating geographically distant districts did not violate cost causation principles, (ii) consolidation lessens the burden of projected capital expenditures, (iii) consolidation addresses rate disparities between districts that are otherwise receiving the same service from the same company, (iv) physical interconnection is not necessary for consolidation, and (v) based on the record, consolidation would result in cost savings to customers.293 Staff also observes that other factors may also be reasonable for purposes of detennining the appropriateness of a proposed consolidation, including: "similar sources of water, consistency of annual cost to serve a residential customer, the effect of fragmentation of water systems on affordability, and the burden of federal and state regulations on small water systems. "294 3. Global Water Utilities In response to Staff, the Applicants argue that addressing "the effect of fragmentation of water systems on affordability" factor Staff references can only be accomplished in this case through the 17 subsidization of the Eagletail and GTWC systems by NSWC.295 Additionally, the Applicants point out 18 the disconnect between Staff's contention that the proposed Maricopa County Water consolidation is 19 not a "true, full consolidation" when, because NSWC's rates would likely increase if fully consolidated 20 21 with Eagletail and GTWC, the revenue-only consolidation lessens the subsidization of Eagletail and GTWC by NSWC.296 22 23 Notwithstanding their criticism of Staff's rate design recommendation, the Global Water Utilities are not opposed to either a full consolidation or a revenue-only consolidation of GTWC, 24 25 292 Staff Cl. Br. at 7. 26 293 Staff Cl. Br. at 8, citing Decision No. 76162 (June 28, 20 17). 294 id. citing Missouri-American Water Company's Request for Authority to implement a General Rate increase for Water 27 and Sewer Service Provided in Missouri Service Areas v. Office of Public Counsel, 526 S.W.3d 253, 266-77 (Mo. Ct. App. 2017) 295 Applicants Rep. Br. at 5 1-52. 28 296 Id. at 52. 112 DECISION NO. 78644

DOCKET NOS. SW-20445A-20-0214, et al. Eagletail, and NSWC because either configuration will help Eagletail and GTWC.297 2 3 4. Discussion and Resolution No party opposes the proposed Pinal County Water and Pinal County Wastewater 4 consolidations. Although Staff opposes the proposed Maricopa County Water consolidation on the 5 dual grounds of including out-of-region utilities within the consolidation and the revenue-only nature 6 of the proposal, we note that the authority Staff cites in briefing acknowledges that geographic 7 separation within a consolidation does not violate cost-causation principles.298 8 The more challenging issue presented by Staffs recommendation is that it compels an analysis 9 of competing scenarios in pursuit of the outcome that best serves the interest of producing just and 10 reasonable rates. Because the Applicants have proposed to base the revenue requirements for Eagletai l 11 and GTWC on operating margin only if a consolidation of those systems with NSWC is approved, 12 there is a significant revenue difference incurred if only partial consolidation is approved, as Staff 13 recommends with NSWC as a standalone. Because GTWC and Eagletail have benefited from 14 extensive investment in new plant to address ongoing system deficiencies, a return on rate base 15 approach will necessitate a significantly higher revenue requirement using rate of return methodology 16 than under an operating margin approach. Additionally, NSWC's rates, which are currently generating 17 an approximate 190% return on rate base, if adjusted on a return on rate base methodology would 18 necessitate a substantial decrease in rates within that system. 19 However, because of how low NSWC's rates cunently are, if the second option - full 20 consolidation which Staff would not oppose were adopted, NSWC's rates would almost certainly have 21 to rise to produce a common rate applicable within all utilities in the Maricopa County Water group.299 22 Notably, all proposals and typical bill analyses noticed to the public indicated that no rate increase was 23 anticipated for NSWC. 24 25 In the third alternative, if the revenues alone are consolidated and Eagletail and GTWC 26 297 Id. 298 Staff Cl. Br. at 8 citing Sun City v. Ariz . Corp. Comm 'n, 248 Ariz. 291 (Ct. App. 2020), review granted (Mar. 2, 2021 ), 27 affd in part, vacated in part, 252 Ariz. 1, 496 P.3d 421 (202 I) which approved of the Commission's application of the factors considered to detennine consolidation in Decision No. 76162. 28 299 See e.g., Tr. Vol. X at 1459, testimony of Mr. Chavez observing that full rate consolidation could lead to NSWC ratepayers experiencing a rate increase. 113 DECISION NO. 78644 DOCKET NOS. SW-20445A-20-0214, et al. transition to a common rate established on an operating margin approach while NSWC retains its 2 currently approved rate structure, the Applicants will be foregoing significant revenue to which they 3 would reasonably expect to be entitled under ordinary return on rate base ratemaking methodology. 4 This approach is attractive because it helps moderate necessary rate increases for Eagletail and GTWC 5 and it involves a revenue reducing concession that, were it compelled over the Applicants' objection, 6 would likely give rise to issues of regulatory confiscation. However, adoption of this proposal 7 necessarily means countenancing higher than necessary rates for NSWC as well as a significant shifting 8 of revenues between systems. 9 While the consolidation proposal put forward by the Global Water Utilities is not ideal, it IO presents significant merits that we find better promote the public interest and meet the needs of 11 producing just and reasonable rates. Foremost, is that it provides an opportunity for substantial rate 12 relief for two systems that, were their rates established on a standalone basis, give rise to severe rate 13 shock concerns. Even with the moderating influence of NSWC's added revenues and reducing the 14 revenue requirement by employing an operating margin approach throughout the proposed 15 consolidation, there will be some degree of rate shock for customers within Eagletail and GTWC. 16 Additionally, were NSWC's rates established on a standalone basis as Staff proposes, it can be 17 expected that rates will decrease substantially within NSWC. Testimony from Mr. Rowell on behalf 18 of the Applicants confinned that, given the affluence of the customers within NSWC, who already 19 exhibit high water usage patterns, it can reasonably be expected that a decrease in rates will encourage 20 profligate water usage. 300 Staff witness Mr. Chavez acknowledged that there is a concern that a rate 21 decrease for NSWC will have the effect of stimulating greater water consumption. 301 This runs counter 22 to the Commission's long-established policy of setting rates to encourage the prudent use of scarce 23 water resources. 24 Staff is correct that only consolidating revenues without consolidating rate schedules as well is 25 less than a full consolidation, but it is an acceptable intermediate step before full rate consolidation. In 26 this instance we are not persuaded to adopt a full consolidation because the rate design to recover the 27 300 Tr. Vol. VII at 1036. 28 301 Tr. Vol. X at 1462-1464. 114 DECISION NO. 78644 DOCKET NOS. SW-20445A-20-0214, et al. 1 revenue requirement that we have determined for the Maricopa County Water consolidation could 2 cause the incongruous circumstance ofNSWC's rates increasing302 because they are already far below 3 those of Eagletail and GTWC. As the notice provided for the applications indicated that NSWC would 4 receive no rate increase, and because the revenues collected within NSWC during the test year indicate 5 that NSWC is earning a 190% return on its rate base under current rates, we are not persuaded that it 6 would be just and reasonable, nor appropriate under the circumstances to increase NSWC's rates at this 7 time. 8 Likewise, we are not persuaded to forego the benefits of consolidating the Maricopa County 9 Water group m favor of setting rates on a standalone basis. Adopting Staff's standalone 10 recommendation would require setting the rates for Eagletail and GTWC to recover higher revenues 11 set on return on rate base methods. Additionally, setting NSWC's to properly reflect a current return 12 on its highly depreciated rate base would decrease its rates substantially which gives rise to concerns 13 that it will undennine efforts to promote water conservation within that system. For these reasons, we 14 find that it is reasonable to adopt the Pinal County Water, Pinal County Wastewater, and Maricopa 15 County Water consolidations as proposed by the Applicants. 16 The following tables reflect the application of the revenue requirement adopted in the earlier 17 discussion within this Decision to the proposed consolidated rate design and proposed standalone rate 18 design compared to current rates by system. The indicated rates are for residential 5/8 x 3/4-inch and 19 3/4-inch meter sizes only, unless otherwise noted. 20 Pinal County Water Consolidation and Red Rock (Water (Pima Countv) 21 Utilitv Breakover Points Basic Service Charge Volumetric Char2e Current ROO ROO Current ROO ROO Current ROO ROO Stand- Consol. Stand- Cons. ** Stand- Cons. 22 alone alone alone ** 23 Red 5,000 $25 $2.40 Rock 10,000 3.1 5 24 (Water) 10,000+ 4.07 5/8 X 25 3/4- 1,000 1,000 $31.30 $30.36 $3.29 $1.55 inch 5,000 5,000 4.33 2.53 26 10,000 l 0,000 5.61 3.52 18,000 18,000 7.13 4.50 27 25,000 25 000 8.13 5.50 28 302 Tr. Vol. X at 1459. 115 DECISION NO. 78644 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 DOCKET NOS. SW-20445A-20-0214, et al. 25 000+ 25.000+ 9.41 6.58 Red 10,000 $37.50 $3.15 Rock 10,000+ 4.07 (Water) 3/4- 1,000 1,000 $31 .30 $30.36 $3.29 $1.55 inch 5,000 5,000 4.33 2.53 10,000 10,000 5.61 3.52 18,000 18,000 7.1 3 4.50 25,000 25,000 8.1 3 5.50 25,000+ 25.000+ 9.41 6.58 Santa 1,000 1,000 1,000 $29.82 $30.57 $30.36 $1.45 $1.50 $1.55 Cruz 5,000 5,000 5,000 2.36 2.47 2.53 5/8 X 10,000 10,000 10,000 3.27 3.43 3.52 3/4- 18,000 18,000 18,000 4.18 4.39 4.50 inch 25,000 25,000 25,000 5.10 5.37 5.50 25,000+ 25 000+ 25 000+ 6.1 0 6.43 6.58 Santa 1,000 1,000 1,000 $29.82 $30.57 $30.36 $1.45 $1.50 $1.55 Cruz 5,000 5,000 5,000 2.36 2.47 2.53 3/4- 10,000 10,000 10,000 3.27 3.43 3.52 inch 18,000 18,000 18,000 4. 18 4.39 4.50 25,000 25,000 25,000 5.10 5.37 5.50 25 000+ 25 000+ 25.000+ 6.10 6.43 6.58 Picacho 3,000 1,000 1,000 $27.00 $30.36 $2.80 $1.55 Water * 8,000 5,000 5,000 $3.80 2.53 8,000+ 10,000 10,000 $4.72 3.52 18,000 18,000 4.50 25,000 25,000 5.50 25,000+ 25.000+ 6.58 Picacho 3,000 1,000 1,000 $27.00 $30.36 $2.80 $1.55 Water 8,000 5,000 5,000 $3.80 2.53 3/4- 8,000+ 10,000 10,000 $4.72 3.52 inch* 18,000 18,000 4.50 25,000 25,000 5.50 25,000+ 25.000+ 6.58 * Picacho Water has no customers. Proposed changes are only to place it on common rate structure. ** The adopted rates for Santa Cruz and Red Rock (Water), as consolidated, will be phased-in over two years. The rates presented in this table are the rates in the second year of the phase-in. Maricopa County Water Consolidation Utility Breakover Points Basic Service Charge Volumetric Chan?:e Current ROO ROO Current ROO ROO Current ROO ROO Stand- Consol. Stand- Cons. * Stand- Coos. alone alone alone * Eagle- 3,000 $35 $4.60 tail 9,000 6.55 5/8 X 9,000+ 7.80 3/4- 1,000 1,000 $141.94 $62.66 $11.98 $3.00 inch 5,000 5,000 18.61 5.56 10,000 10,000 25.21 8.11 18,000 18,000 31.87 10.69 25,000 25,000 38.34 13.18 25 000+ 25,000+ 43.67 15.63 Eagle- 3,000 $52 $4.60 tail 3/4- 9,000 6.55 116 DECISION NO. 78644

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 DOCKET NOS. SW-20445A-20-0214, et al. inch 9,000+ 7.80 1,000 1,000 $141.94 $62.66 $11.98 $3.00 5,000 5,000 18.61 5.56 10,000 10,000 25.21 8.1 1 18,000 18,000 31.87 10.69 25,000 25,000 38.34 13.18 25,000+ 25,000+ 43.67 15.63 GTWC 1,000 1,000 1,000 $40 $ 105.17 $62.66 $2.42 $4.46 $3.00 5/8 X 5,000 5,000 5,000 4.43 8.16 5.56 3/4- 10,000 10,000 10,000 6.43 11 .85 8. 11 inch 18,000 18,000 18,000 8.45 15.57 10.69 25,000 25,000 25,000 10.41 19.1 9 13.18 25,000+ 25,000+ 25,000+ 12.33 22.72 15.63 GTWC 1,000 1,000 1,000 $40 $105.17 $62.66 $2.42 $4.46 $3.00 3/4- 5,000 5,000 5,000 4.43 8. 16 5.56 inch 10,000 10,000 10,000 6.43 11.85 8.11 I 8,000 18,000 18,000 8.45 15.57 10.69 25,000 25,000 25,000 10.41 19.19 13.1 8 25,000+ 25,000+ 25,000+ 12.33 22.72 15.63 NSWC I ,000 1,000 1,000 $27 $11.06 $27 $3.45 $1.41 $3.45 3/4- 5,000 5,000 5,000 4.59 1.88 4.59 inch 10,000 10,000 10,000 5.59 2.29 5.59 18,000 18,000 18,000 6.80 2.79 6.80 25,000 25,000 25,000 7.80 3.19 7.80 25,000+ 25 000+ 25 000+ 8.80 3.60 8.80 NSWC 1,000 1,000 1,000 $57 $23.35 $57 $3.45 $1.41 $3.45 I-inch 5,000 5,000 5,000 4.59 1.88 4.59 10,000 10,000 10,000 5.59 2.29 5.59 I 8,000 I 8,000 18,000 6.80 2.79 6.80 25,000 25,000 25,000 7.80 3.19 7.80 25,000+ 25 000+ 25,000+ 8.80 3.60 8.80 * The adopted rates for Eagletail and GTWC, as consolidated, will be phased in over three years. The rates presented in this table are the rates in the third year of the phase-in. Pinal County Wastewater Consolidation Utility Meter Size Monthly Service Charge ROO ROO Current Standalone Consolidated Red Rock 5/8 x 3/4-inch $90.39 $104.55 $70.07 (Wastewater) 3/4-inch $135.59 $104.55 $70.07 Palo Verde 5/8 x 3/4-inch $69.53 $68.68 $70.07 3/4-inch $69.53 $68.68 $70.07 Picacho Utilitiesx 5/8 x 3/4-inch $80.00 $70.07 3/4-inch $80.00 $70.07 * Picacho Utilities has no customers. Proposed changes are only to place it on common rate structure. Turner Ranches Utility Breakover Points Basic Service Charge Volumetric Char2e Current ROO Current ROOK Current ROOK Turner Per 1,000 Per 1,000 $133.17 $152.58xx $0.98 $1.1 2** Ranches All Meters 11 7 DECISION NO. 78644 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 DOCKET NOS. SW-20445A-20-0214, et al. Turner NIA NIA $26.54 $30.41 .,. NIA NIA Ranches Res. Flat w ROO rates for Turner Ranches are same under either consolidation or standalone. ** The adopted rates for Turner Ranches will be phased in over three years. The rates presented in this table are the rates in the third vear of the phase-in. Balterra I Hassayampa Wastewater Consolidationw Utility Meter Size Monthlv Service Chan?.e ROO ROO Current Standalone Consolidated Balterra 518 x 3/4-inch $70.00 $54.25 $54.25 3/4-inch $105.00 $54.25 $54.25 Hassayampa 518 x 3/4-inch $54.25 $54.25 $54.25 3/4-inch $54.25 $54.25 $54.25 * Balterra and Hassayampa have no customers. Proposed changes are only to place them on common rate structure. Based on the standalone and consolidated rates noted above, the following tables reflect the rate impacts on a typical residential customer using the average and median consumption levels on the most common meter size within each utility using the revenue requirement adopted herein. Avg/Med Current Bill ROO - Dollar Percent Utility Usage (gal) Consol. Increase Increase

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 DOCKET NOS. SW-20445A-20-0214, et al. 518 X 10,000 10,000 3.27 3.50 3.60 3/4-inch 18,000 18,000 4.18 4.48 4.71 25,000 25,000 5.10 5.47 5.64 25,000+ 25,000+ 6.10 6.55 6.74 Santa 1,000 1,000 $29.82 $31.17 $30.50 $1.45 $1.53 $1.30 Cruz 5,000 5,000 2.36 2.52 2.40 314-inch I 0,000 10,000 3.27 3.50 3.60 18,000 18,000 4. 18 4.48 4.71 25,000 25,000 5.10 5.47 5.64 25,000+ 25,000+ 6.10 6.55 6.74 Utility Breakover Points Basic Service Chan?e Volumetric Chan?e Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Prooosed GWU Staff GWU Staff GWU Staff Red 5,000 $25 $2.40 Rock 10,000 3.15 (Water) 10,000+ 4.07 518 X 1,000 1,000 $31.79 $29.75 $3.34 $3.31 314- 5,000 5,000 4.40 4.29 inch 10,000 10,000 5.70 5.50 18,000 18,000 7.24 6.90 25,000 25,000 8.27 7.90 25,000+ 25 000+ 9.58 9.70 Red 10,000 $37.50 $3. 15 Rock 10.000+ 4.07 (Water) 1,000 1,000 $31.79 $29.75 $3.34 $3.31 314- 5,000 5,000 4.40 4.29 inch 10,000 10,000 5.70 5.50 18,000 18,000 7.24 6.90 25,000 25,000 8.27 7.90 25,000+ 25.000+ 9.58 9.70 Utility Breakover Points Basic Service Charge Volumetric Char2e Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed GWU Staff GWU Staff GWU Staff Turner Per Per Per $133.17 $180.39" $155** $0.98 $1.33* $1.10 Ranches 1,000 1,000 1,000 All Meter Sizes Turner NIA NIA NIA $26.54 $35.95" $30.38* NIA NIA NIA Ranches . Res. Flat "Third year of a 3-year Applicant proposed phased-in of rates ** Third vear of a 3-year Staff-proposed ohase-in of rates Utility Meter Size Monthly Service Chan!e Current GW Staff Proposed Prooosed Red Rock 518 x 3/4-inch $90.39 $107.19 $101.88 (Wastewater) 3/4-inch $ 135.59 $107.19 $101.88 121 DECISION NO. 78644 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 DOCKET NOS. SW-20445A-20-0214, et al. Utility Meter Size Monthly Service Char2e Current GW Staff Proposed* Proposed Palo Verde 518 x 314-inch $69.53 $69.85 $67.98 314-inch $69.53 $69.85 $67.98 w Second year of a 2-year proposed phase-in of rates. Note, in first year of proposed phase-in, rates increase to $70.07 but decrease in second year to $69.85. D. Conservation Rebate Threshold In conjunction with basic monthly service charge and commodity rates, the Global Water Utilities also employ a Conservation Rebate Threshold ("CRT") that provides a discount on the commodity rate when monthly consumption is below a set level, typically established at the average monthly consumption within the system. The level of discount varies by system but is typically approximately 50%.303 Currently, the Eagletail and Red Rock (Water) utilities do not have CRTs. The Applicants propose to adopt CRTs for both Eagletail and Red Rock (Water). The Applicants propose to retain the approved CRTs for Santa Cruz, GTWC, and NSWC. The summary of the proposed CRT proposals are as follows: Conservation Rebate Thresholds Utility Current Proposed Threshold Discount % Threshold Discount % Santa Cruz Below 6,001 60% Below 6,001 60% Red Rock (Water) NIA NIA Below 4,001 60% GTWC Below 6,000 50% Below 6.000 50% NSWC Below 7,001 20% Below 7,001 20% Eagletail NIA NIA Below 6,001 50% 1. RUCO RUCO expresses concerns about the CRT to the effect that it creates an outsized increase in the commodity rate at the point where the threshold is crossed and the rebate lost. According to Mr. Erdwurm, testifying for RUCO, "[t]ypically, the price of a good should reflect the incremental cost of providing that good."304 Rather than a smooth increase in the commodity rate, this gives rise to a precipitous spike in the commodity rate when consumption crosses the threshold. RUCO is concerned 303 Ex. A-26 at 39. 304 Ex. RUC0-8 at 8. 122 DECISION NO. 78644 DOCKET NOS. SW-20445A-20-0214, et al. "that the abnormally high incremental cost at the conservation threshold could elicit changes in water 2 usage that increase revenue volatility and adversely affect Global 's ability to achieve revenue 3 targets."305 4 RUCO does not oppose the CRT proposal. However, RUCO indicates that it seeks the 5 opportunity for further discussions with the Global Water Utilities concerning the CRT aspect of the 6 rate structure before the filing of a future rate case. 306 7 8 9 10 1 1 2. Staff Staff reviewed the proposed CRTs and recommends approval. 3. Resolution Sending accurate price signals to ratepayers is an integral part of making conservation-based rates function properly. There being no evidence that the CRT is presently harming the Applicants' 12 ability to meet revenue targets and considering the Applicants' working experience with the CRT and 13 continued desire to use it and expand it to new water systems, we find that it is reasonable to adopt the 14 proposed expansion of the CRT to the Eagletail and Red Rock (Water) systems as proposed and that it 15 should be retained for the Santa Cruz, GTWC, and NSWC systems. E. Service Charges 16 17 Currently, the Global Water Utilities' approved Service Charges vary from utility to utility. 18 The Applicants propose changes to standardize the Service Charges within each proposed group of 19 consolidated utilities. Within the Pinal County Water consolidation, the Service Charges would be 20 standardized using the approved Service Charges for Santa Cruz.307 For the Maricopa County Water 21 consolidation, the approved Service Charges for GTWC would become standard throughout the 22 consolidation.308 Within the Pinal County Wastewater consolidation, the Applicants are proposing a 23 new standardized tariff to be applied throughout the consolidation.309 There are no changes proposed 24 25 305 Jd. 306 Ex. RUCO-8 at 9; Ex. RUCO-9 at 8-9; Tr. Vol. IX at 1340-1341. 26 307 Ex. A-48 at 26. 308 Id. at 27; In contrast to the pre-filed testimony of Ms. Ellsworth, the Applicants' final schedules show NSWC and GTWC 27 utilizing common miscellaneous Service Charges but Eagletail would largely retain its existing Service Charges which are different from GTWC and NSWC. See Final Schedule, Maricopa County Water - Consolidated, Schedule H-3, page l of 28 6, page 3 of 6, and page 5 of 6. 309 Id. at 30. 123 DECISION NO. 78644 ------ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 DOCKET NOS. SW-20445A-20-02 14, et al. for the Turner Ranches Service Charges. The current, proposed, and Staff recommended Service Charges, by utility are as follows: Red Rock

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 DOCKET NOS. SW-20445A-20-0214, et al. In addition to the collection of its regular rates and charges, the Company shall collect from customers their proportionate share of any privilege, sales or use tax in accordance with A.AC. R 14-2- 608(D)(5). Santa Cruz Current A1mlicants' Staff SERVICE CHARGES: Prooosed Recommended Establishment $35.00 $35.00 $35.00 Re-establishment of Service (Within 12 (a) (a) (a) Months) Reconnection of Service (Delinquent) $35.00 $35.00 $35.00 Moving Customer Meter ( customer request At Cost (b) (b) After Hours Service Charge ( at $50.00 $35.00 $50.00 Customer's Request) Deposit (c) (c) (c) Deposit Interest (c) (c) (c) Meter Re-Read (If Correct) $30.00 $30.00 $30.00 Meter Test Fee (If Correct) 30.00 30.00 30.00 NSF Check 30.00 30.00 30.00 Late Payment Penalty 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% & (d) Deferred Payment (Per Month) 1.5% 1.5% (e) (a) Number of months off system times the monthly minimum per A.AC. Rl4-2-403(D) (b) Cost to include parts, labor, overhead, and all applicable taxes per A.AC. R 14-2-405(B)(5) (c) Per A.AC. R14-2-403(B) ( d) Per month on unpaid balance (e) Per Commission Rule A.AC. R14-2-409(G)(6) In addition to the collection of its regular rates and charges, the Company shall collect from customers their proportionate share of any privilege, sales or use tax in accordance with A.AC. Rl4-2- 409(D)(5). Red Rock (Water) Current Am2licants' Staff SERVICE CHARGES: Prooosed Recommended Establishment of Service $25.00 $35.00 $35.00 Re-establishment of Service (Within 12 (a) (a) (a) Months) Reconnection of Service (Delinquent) $30.00 $35.00 $35.00 Meter Move at Customer Request At Cost (b) (b) After Hours Service Charge, per Hour * $50.00 $50.00 NIA After Hours Service Charge, At Customer NIA NIA $50.00 Request Deposit (c) (c) (c) Deposit Interest (c) (c) (c) Meter Re-Read (If Correct) $15.00 $30.00 $30.00 125 DECISION NO. 78644 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 DOCKET NOS. SW-20445A-20-0214, et al. Meter T est Fee (If Correct) 30.00 30.00 30.00 NSF Check 25.00 30.00 30.00 Late Payment Penalty 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% & (d) Deferred Payment (Per Month) 1.5% 1.5% (e) (a) Number of months off system times the monthly minimum per A.A.C. R 14-2-403(D) (b) Cost to include parts, labor, overhead, and all applicable taxes per A.AC. R 14-2-405(B)(5) (c) Per A.AC. R14-2-403(B) (d) Per month on unpaid balance (e) Per Commission Rule A.AC. R14-2-409(G)(6) *For After Hours Service Calls for work performed on the customer's property; not to be charged in addition to an establishment or a reconnection after hours charge. In addition to the collection of its regular rates and charges, the Company shall collect from customers their proportionate share of any privilege, sales or use tax in accordance with A.AC. R 14-2- 409(D)(5). NSWC Current A1mlicants' Staff SERVICE CHARGES: Proposed Recommended Establishment of Service $30.00 $35.00 $35.00 Re-establishment of Service (Within 12 (a) (a) (a) Months) Reconnection of Service (Delinquent) $30.00 $35.00 $35.00 Meter Move at Customer Request At Cost (b) (b) After Hours Service Charge, Per Hour * NIA $35.00 NIA After Hours Service Charge, Flat Rate $35.00 NIA NIA After Hours Service Charge (at NIA NIA ** Customer's Request) Deposit (c) (c) (c) Deposit Interest (c) (c) (c) Meter Re-Read Of Correct) $25.00 $30.00 $30.00 Meter Test Fee (If Correct) 30.00 30.00 30.00 NSF Check 30.00 30.00 30.00 Late Payment Penalty 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% & (d) Deferred Payment (Per Month) 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% & (e) (a) Number of months off system times the monthly minimum per A.AC. R14-2-403(D) (b) Cost to include parts, labor, overhead, and all applicable taxes per A.AC. Rl4-2-405(B)(5) (c) Per A.AC. R14-2-403(B) ( d) Per month of unpaid balance (e) Per Commission Rule A.AC. R14-2-409(G)(6) *For After Hours Service Calls for work perfonned on the customer's property; not to be charged in addition to an establishment or a reconnection after hours charge. ** New Tariff (at customer's request) $50 to align with all other utilities. 126 DECISION NO. 78644 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 DOCKET NOS. SW-20445A-20-0214, et al. In addition to the collection of its regular rates and charges, the Company shall collect from customers their proportionate share of any privilege, sales or use tax in accordance with A.A.C. R 14-2- 409(0)(5). Ea!!letail Current Am~ticants' Staff SERVICE CHARGES: Proposed Recommended Establishment of Service $40.00 $40.00 $40.00 Reconnection of Service (Delinquent) 40.00 40.00 40.00 After Hours Service Charge, Per Hour * NIA 30.00 NIA After Hours Service Charge, Flat Rate $30.00 NIA NIA After Hours Service Charge (at NIA NIA $50.00 Customer's Request) Meter Test Fee (If Correct) $35.00 $35.00 35.00 Deposit * * * Deposit Interest 4% 4% *4% Re-establishment of Service (Within 12 ** ** ** Months) NSF Check $30.00 $30.00 $30.00 Deferred Payment (Per Month) 1.5% 2% *** 1.5% Meter Re-Read (If Correct) $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 Late Fee (Per Month on Unpaid Balance) 1.5% 2% 1.5% Charge for Moving Meter **** **** **** Monthlv Service Chan?.e for Fire Sorinkler ***** ***** ***** All Meter Sizes ( All Classes) * Per Conunission Rule A.A.C. Rl4-2-403(B) ** Number of months off system times the monthly minimum per A.A.C. Rl4-2-403(D) *** Per Conunission Rule A.A.C. Rl4-2-409(G)(6) **** Cost to include parts, labor, overhead and all applicable taxes per A.A.C. Rl4-2-405(B)(5) ***** 2% of Monthly Minimum for a Comparable Sized Meter Connection, but no less than $ 10.00 per month. The Service Charge for Fire Sprinklers is only applicable for service lines separate and distinct from the primary service line. In addition to the collection of its regular rates and charges, the Company shall collect from customers their proportionate share of any privilege, sales or use tax in accordance with A.A.C. R 14-2- 409(0)(5). GTWC Current A1mlicants' Staff SERVICE CHARGES: Proposed Recommended Establishment of Service $35.00 $35.00 $35.00 Re-establishment of Service (Within 12 (a) (a) (a) Months) 127 DECISION NO. 78644 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 DOCKET NOS. SW-20445A-20-02 14, et al. Reconnection of Service (Delinquent) $35.00 $35.00 $35.00 Meter Move at Customer Request At Cost (b) (b) After Hours Service Charge, Per Hour* $35.00 $35.00 NIA After Hours Service Charge (at NIA NIA ** Customer's Request) Deposit (c) (c) (c) Deposit Interest (c) (c) (c) Meter Re-Read (If Correct) $30.00 $30.00 $30.00 Meter Test Fee (If Correct) 30.00 30.00 30.00 NSF Check 30.00 30.00 30.00 Late Payment Penalty 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% & (d) Deferred Payment (Per Month) 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% & (e) (a) Number of months off system times the monthly minimum per A.A.C. R14-2-403(D) (b) Cost to include parts, labor, overhead, and all applicable taxes per A.A.C. R 14-2-405(B)(5) (c) Per A.A.C. R14-2-403(B) ( d) Per month of unpaid balance (e) Per Commission Rule A.A.C. R14-2-409(G)(6) *For After Hours Service Calls for work performed on the customer's property; not to be charged in addition to an establishment or a reconnection after hours charge. ** New Tariff (at customer's request) $50 to align with all other utilities. In addition to the collection of its regular rates and charges, the Company shall collect from customers their proportionate share of any privilege, sales or use tax in accordance with A.A.C. R 14-2- 409(0)(5). Turner Ranches Current A1rnlicants' Staff SERVICE CHARGES: Prooosed Recommended Establishment $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 Reconnection (Delinquent) $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 Meter Test (If Correct) $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 Deoosit (a) (a) (a) Deposit Interest (a) (a) (a) Re-Establishment (Within 12 Months) (b) (b) (b) NSF Check $15.00 $15.00 $ 15.00 Meter Re-Read (If Correct) (c) (c) 1.5% & (d) Late Payment Penalty 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% & (e) After Hours Service Charge ( customer $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 request) Moving Customer Meter ( customer At Cost At Cost At Cost request) (a) Per A.A.C. R14-2-403(D) (b) Number of months off system times the monthly minimum per A.A.C. R14-2-403(D) 128 DECISION NO. 78644

DOCKET NOS. SW-20445A-20-0214, et al. ( c) 2.00% of monthly minimwn for the comparable sized meter connection, but not less than $10.00 per month. 2 (d) Per Commission Rule A.AC. Rl4-2-409(G)(6) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 (e) 1.5% per month on unpaid balance In addition to the collection of its regular rates and charges, the Company shall collect from customers their proportionate share of any privilege, sales or use tax in accordance with A.AC. R14-2- 409 D 5. 1. RUCO RUCO offered no position on the proposed changes to Service Charges. 2. Staff Staffs recommended Service Charges reflect the adoption of standalone rates. However, Staff has no objection to using Santa Cruz's Service Charges as the standard Service Charge for the Pinal County Water consolidation, or the Palo Verde Service Charges as the standard for the Pinal County Wastewater consolidation. a. Turner Ranches Service Charges Staff agrees with the Applicants' proposal not to change the Turner Ranches Service Charges except for two recommended clarifications. For Deferred Payment, Staff recommends removing the reference to the incorrect sprinkler rule and adding "Per Rule A.A.C. Rl4-2-409(G)(6)". For the Late Payment Penalty, Staff recommends adding "Per month on unpaid balance." b. Eagletail Service Charges Staff agrees with the Applicants' proposed revisions to Eagletail 's standalone Service Charges with the following exceptions. For After Hours Service Charge, Per Hour, Staff recommends eliminating the current $30 charge and replacing it with a new After Hours Service (at customer's request) of $50 to be consistent with other utilities involved in this matter. For Deposit Interest, Staff recommends adding "Per Commission Rule A.AC. R14-2-403(B)". For Deferred Payment, Staff reconunends denial of the Applicants' proposal to increase the fee to 2.0% owing to a lack of support for the proposed increase. Staff recommends instead retaining the current 1.5% charge and adding "Per Commission Rule A.AC. R14-2-409(G)(6)." For Late Fee (Per Month on Unpaid Balance), Staff also recommends denial of the Applicants' proposed increase from 1.5% to 2.0%. Staff bases its recommendation on a lack of support provided 129 DECISION NO. 78644 2 3 DOCKET NOS. SW-20445A-20-0214, et al. by the Applicants for the proposed change. c. NSWC Service Charges Staff reviewed and agrees with the Applicants' proposed changes to NSWC's Service Charges 4 with the following exceptions. For After Hours Service Charge, Per Hour, Staff recommends 5 eliminating the current $30 charge and replacing it with a new After Hours Service (at customer's 6 request) of $50 to be consistent with other utilities involved in this matter. For the Late Payment 7 Penalty, Staff recommends adding "Per month on unpaid balance." For Deferred Payment, Staff 8 recommends removing the reference to the incorrect sprinkler rule and adding "Per Rule A.AC. Rl4- 9 2-409(G)(6)". d. GTWC Service Charges 10 11 Staff agrees with the Applicants' proposed changes to GTWC's Service Charges with the 12 following exceptions. For After Hours Service Charge, Per Hour, Staff recommends eliminating the 13 current $30 charge and replacing it with a new After Hours Service (at customer's request) of $50 to 14 be consistent with other utilities involved in this matter. For the Late Payment Penalty, Staff 15 recommends adding "Per month on unpaid balance." For Deferred Payment, Staff recommends 16 removing the reference to the incorrect sprinkler rule and adding "Per Rule A.AC. Rl4-2-409(G)(6)". 17 e. Red Rock (Water) 18 Staff agrees with the Applicants' proposed changes to Red Rock (Water)'s Service Charges 19 with the following exceptions. Staff recommends denial of the Applicants' proposal to eliminate the 20 After Hours Service Charge (at customer request), Flat Rate, and instead to revise it to "After Hours 21 Service Charge (per customer's request)" and set the fee at $50. Staff also recommends denial of the 22 proposal to add a new After Hours Service Charge, Per Hour of $50. 23 For the Late Payment Penalty, Staff recommends adding "Per month on unpaid balance." For 24 Deferred Payment, Staff recommends removing the reference to the incorrect sprinkler rule and adding 25 " Per Rule A.AC. R14-2-409(G)(6)". 26 f. Red Rock (Wastewater) 27 Staff agrees with Applicants' proposed revisions to Red Rock (Wastewater)'s Service Charges 28 with the following exceptions. Staff recommends denial of the Global Water Utilities' proposal to 130 DECISION NO. 78644 DOCKET NOS. SW-20445A-20-0214, et al. increase the Establishment of Service Charge from $25 to $35. Staff indicates in testimony that it 2 disputes the Applicants' proposal to increase the Reconnection of Service (Delinquent) charge from 3 $30 to $35.310 However, Staff's final schedules indicate that Staff has adopted a $35 charge for this 4 service. Staff also indicates that it recommends denial of the proposed increase to NSF Check from 5 $25 to $30.311 However, in Staffs final schedules, the Staff recommended NSF Check charge is $30. 6 Staff recommends denial of the Applicants' proposal to eliminate the After Hours Service 7 Charge (at customer request), Flat Rate, and instead to revise it to "After Hours Service Charge (per 8 customer's request)" and set the fee at $50. Staff also recommends denial of the proposal to add a new 9 After Hours Service Charge, Per Hour of $50. For the Late Payment Charge (per Month), Staff recommends adding "1.5 percent per month 11 on unpaid balance." g. Palo Verde Service Charges 12 13 Staff reviewed the Applicants' proposed changes and agrees with the following exceptions. 14 Staff recommends denial of the proposed elimination of the After Hours Service Charge of $35 and 15 instead recommends retaining the charge and instead revising it to be an After Hours Service Charge 16 (per customer's request) of $50 to be consistent with other utilities involved in this consolidated matter. 17 Staff recommends denial of the proposed new After Hours Service Charge, Per Hour of $50. 18 For the Late Payment Charge (per Month), Staff recommends adding "1.5 percent per month 19 on unpaid balance." h. Santa Cruz Service Charges 20 21 Staff agrees with the proposed changes to Santa Cruz's Service Charges except for the 22 following. For the After Hours Service Charge, Staff agrees with the increase from $35 to $50 and 23 also recommends adding "(per customer's request)" to be consistent with other utilities involved in the 24 present matter. 25 For the Late Payment Charge (per Month), Staff recommends adding "1.5 percent per month 26 on unpaid balance." For Deferred Payment, Staff recommends removing the reference to the incorrect 27 310 Ex. S-12 at 20. 28 311 Jd. 131 DECISION NO. 78644 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 DOCKET NOS. SW-20445A-20-0214, et al. sprinkler rule and adding "Per Rule A.A.C. R 14-2-409(G)(6)" . 3. Global Water Utilities Response The Applicants offered no testimony in response to Staff's recommendations for the miscellaneous service charges and noted no disputes with Staff's recommendations in the pre-trial issues matrix. 4. Resolution The Applicants' proposed revisions to miscellaneous Service Charges, as recommended by Staff, are reasonable and should be adopted. Because we also adopt the proposed consolidation, the companion proposal to apply Santa Cruz's Service Charges as the standard charges within the Pinal County Water consolidation, Palo Verde's Service Charges as the standard charges within the Pinal County Wastewater consolidation, and GTWC's Service Charges as the standard charges for GTWC and NSWC is also reasonable and should be adopted. F. Service Line and Meter Installation Charges The Global Water Utilities are also proposing changes to the Service Line and Meter Installation charges for all water systems except Turner Ranches. Turner Ranches currently charges at cost for new service connections. The Applicants' current, proposed and Staff recommended Service Line and Meter Installation charges are as follows: Meter Size Applicants ' Current Charges Applicants' Proposed and Staff (Inches) Recommended Chan?:es Service Line Meter Total Service Meter Total . Line 5/8" X 3/4" $355-$455 $45-$175 $400-$600 $445 $155 $600 3/4" $355-$455 $85-$275 $440-$700 $445 $255 $700 1" $405-$495 $95-$340 $500-$810 $495 $3 15 $810 1-1/2" $440-$550 $275-$525 $7 15-$1,075 $550 $525 $ 1,075 2" Turbine $600-$950 $570-$ 1,250 $ 1, 170-$2,200 $830 $ 1,045 $1 ,875 2" Compound $600-$950 $ 1, I 00-$ 1,890 $ 1, 700-$2, 720 $830 $1,890 $2,720 3" Turbine $775-$ 1,300 $810-$ 1,900 $ 1,585-$3,200 $ 1,045 $1,670 $2,715 3" Compound $815-$ 1,300 $ 1,375-$2,545 $2, 190-$3,710 $ 1,165 $2,545 $3,7 10 4" Turbine $1 , 100-$ I ,800 $ 1,430-$2,900 $2,540-$4, 700 $ 1,490 $2,670 $4,160 4" Compound $ 1, 170-$1,800 $2,045-$3,645 $3,215-$5,3 15 $1,670 $3,645 $5,3 15 6" Turbine $1 ,670-$2,800 $3, 145-$5,440 $4,8 l 5-$8,240 $2,210 $5,025 $7,235 6" Compound $1 , 710-$2,800 $4,560-$6,920 $6,270-$9 ,250 $2,330 $6,920 $9,250 132 DECISION NO. 18644

2 3 4 DOCKET NOS. SW-20445A-20-0214, et al. 8" and Larger I At Cost I At Cost I At Cost I Actual Cost I Actual Cost I Actual Cost • Amount adjusted to include the actual cost incurred when boring under or cutting a road, highway, or sidewalk is required. 1. RUCO RUCO offered no position on the proposed changes to the Service Line and Meter Installation 5 charges. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 2. Staff Staff reviewed the proposed changes to the Service Line and Meter Installation charges. According to Staff, the proposed changes are near the average of Staffs typical recommended range for these charges. Staff recommends that the Applicants' proposed and Staff recommended Service Line and Meter Installation charges be adopted for all water systems except Turner Ranches. Staff also recommends the inclusion oflanguage noting that the customer is required to pay the actual cost of the service connection when boring under or cutting a road , h ighway, or sidewalk is required.31 2 3. Resolution Staffs recommendations are reasonable and will be adopted. G. Miscellaneous Tariff Changes 1. Best Management Practices Tariff The Global Water Utilities propose revisions to approved Best Management Practice ("BMP") 19 tariffs. In conjunction with their position on rate consolidations, the Applicants propose to merge the 20 BMP tariffs applicable within the consolidated service territories with the result that Santa Cruz's 21 BMPs would be merged with those applicable within the Red Rock water territory, and the GTWC 22 would be merged with Eagletail's BMPs. The Global Water Utilities also request various revisions to 23 their approved BMPs to better reflect circumstances within the applicable service territories.313 24 25 26 27 A summary of the BMP proposals is provided as follows: Utilitv Currently Annroved BMPs Santa Cruz 1 . 1 - Local and/or Regional Messaging Program 1.2 - Special Events/Proirrams and 3 12 Ex. S-6 at 98; Attachment-8. 28 3 13 Ex. A-54 at 63-66. 133 Proposed BMPs 1.1 - Local and/or Regional Messaging Program 1.2 - Special Events/Proirrams and DECISION NO. 78644 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 DOCKET NOS. SW-20445A-20-0214, et al. Red Rock (Water) GTWC EagletaiJ NSWC Community Presentations 2.2 - Youth Conservation Education Program 3.6 - Customer High Water Use Inquiry Resolution 3.7 - High Water Use Notification 4.1 - Leak Detection Program 4.2 - Meter Repair and/or Replacement 4.3 - Comprehensive Water System Audit 5.2 - Water System Tampering 7.6 - Development of Industry Partnerships 7. 7 - Providing Financial Support or In-Kind Services for Development of New Conservation Technologies and Products 1.1 - Local and/or Regional Messaging Program 2.3 - New Homeowner Landscape Infonnation 3.8 - Water Waste Investigations and Infonnation 4.1 - Leak Detection Program 5.2 - Water System Tampering 5.13 - Water Use Plan for New Non­ Residential User 1.1 - Local and/or Regional Messaging Program 4.2 - Meter Repair and/or Replacement 5.2 - Water System Tampering 1.1 - Local and/or Regional Messaging Program 4.2 - Meter Repair and/or Replacement 5.2 - Water System Tampering 4.1 - Leak Detection Program 4.2 - Meter Repair and/or Replacement 5.2 - Water System Tampering a. RUCO RUCO did not offer a position regarding BMP tariffs. 134 Community Presentations 2.2 - Youth Conservation Education Program 2.3 - New Homeowner Landscape Infonnation 3.6 - Customer High Water Use Inquiry Resolution 3.7 - High Water Use Notification 4.1 - Leak Detection Program 4.2 - Meter Repair and/or Replacement 5.2 - Water System Tampering 6.12 - Large Landscape Conservation Program 1.1 - Local and/or Regional Messaging Program 1.2 - Special Events/Programs and Community Presentations 2.2 - Youth Conservation Education Program 2.3 - New Homeowner Landscape Information 3.6 - Customer High Water Use Inquiry Resolution 3.7 - High Water Use Notification 4.1 - Leak Detection Program 4.2 - Meter Repair and/or Replacement 5.2 - Water System Tampering 6.12- Large Landscape Conservation Prol?Tam 1.1 - Local and/or Regional Messaging Program 4.1 - Leak Detection Program 4.2 - Meter Repair and/or Replacement 5.2 - Water System Tampering 1.1 - Local and/or Regional Messaging Program 4.1 - Leak Detection Program 4.2 - Meter Repair and/or Replacement 5.2 - Water System Tampering 4.1 - Leak Detection Program 4.2 - Meter Repair and/or Replacement 5.2 - Water System Tampering DECISION NO. 78644 ----- DOCKET NOS. SW-20445A-20-0214, et al. b. Staff 2 Staff recommends elimination of the BMP tariffs on the basis that Staff does not believe that 3 the cost of implementing BMPs provides offsetting substantial benefits to the water system or to 4 ratepayers. 314 5 6 c. Global Water Utilities In response to Staffs recommendation to eliminate the BMP tariffs, the Global Water Utilities 7 do not oppose the recommendation and they note that they have an obligation under ADWR regulations 8 to perform some BMPs. The Applicants state that they intend to continue using BMPs in conjunction 9 with their Total Water Management philosophy to conserve water resources. d. Resolution 11 Regarding Staffs recommendation to discontinue the BMP tariffs, we agree that the interest of 12 promoting conservation is not carte blanche to continue incurring the cost of implementing programs 13 that are producing limited results. As has been amply demonstrated in support of the Applicants' 14 proposed Sustainable Water Surcharge, which is discussed further below, scarcity of water resources 15 is an issue that cannot be deferred indefinitely and proactive measures to make responsible use of 16 increasingly limited water resources is vital to preserving water utilities' ability to continue providing 17 safe, reliable, and economical water service. Consequently, we find the Applicants' proposal to instead 18 substitute the approved BMPs for ones better suited to attaining the desired results is the more 19 reasonable approach to obtaining the "bang for the buck" that Staff believes is missing from the current 20 pallet of approved BMPs. 2. Miscellaneous Terms of Service Tariffs 21 22 The Applicants proposed to standardize, for their water utilities, the cross cotmection/backflow 23 prevention,3I5 curtailment,316 customer meter downsizing, hydrant meter deposit, and water utility 24 terms and conditions tariffs. The Global Water Utilities also requested to standardize for their 25 26 314 Ex. S-6 at 95; Tr. Vol. X at 1399 - 1402. 27 315 The cross connection/backflow prevention tariff is to protect the utility' s water supply from the possibility of contamination caused by backflow from contaminants on the customer' s premises. Ex. S-6 at 87. 28 316 The curtailment tariff authorizes the utility to curtail water available for consumption when specified thresholds of limited water supply are in effect. Ex. S-6 at 88. 135 DECISION NO. 78644 DOCKET NOS. SW-20445A-20-0214, et al. wastewater utilities the source control, 317 source control violation foe, unauthorized discharge,318 and 2 wastewater utility terms and conditions tariffs. 3 The Global Water Utilities also propose to extend the Point of Use ("POU") Treatment tariff 4 319authorized for GTWC's WPE No. 1, WPE No. 7, and Roseview systems for use in additional utilities. a. RUCO 5 6 RUCO offered no position on the proposed standardization of the various water and wastewater 7 terms of service tariff modifications proposed by the Applicants. 8 9 b. Staff The Applicants did not provide a standardized cross connection/backflrow prevention tariff 10 using the Commission's standard fonn. Staff recommends that the Applicants pursue approval of a 11 standardized cross connection/backflow prevention tariff in a separate docket after producing an 12 appropriate tariff using the Commission's form. 13 Staff notes that the Commission updated the standard form of curtailment tariff on October 1, 14 2009. Staff recommends that the Applicants file, in a new docket using the current standard form of 15 curtailment tariff, a proposed standardized curtailment tariff for all of the Global Water Utilities. 16 Staff recommends that the proposed standardization of the wastewater source control violation 17 fee tariff not be approved until the Global Water Utilities propose and the Commission approves a 18 standardized joint source control tariff. 320 19 Noting that the Applicants did not provide a form of POU Treatment tariff for review, Staff 20 recommends that the Applicants file a proposed form of POU Treatment tariff in a new docket for Staff 21 review. 22 Staff recommends approval of the proposed Unauthorized Discharge Tariff. 321 23 24 317 A Source Control tariff is to protect a utility's wastewater collection system against blockages and damage. Ex. S-6 at 123-1 24. 25 318 The Unauthorized Discharge Tariff is to discourage unauthorized discharges of waste into the wastewater collection system from improper collection points. Ex. S-6 at 126. 26 319 The POU Treatment tariff authorizes the utility to install, maintain, and inspect a water treatment system installed directly on the point of water consumption (i.e. under a kitchen sink or drinking fountain). Ex. S-6 at 90. 320 Ex. S-6 at 126; Notably, the Executive Summary for Ex .. S-6, Recommendation I 6 recommends approval of the Source 27 Control Tariff but also recommends suspension of the fee provision until a joint source control tariff has been approved. 28 Ex. S-6, Executive Summary. 321 Ex. S-6 at 127. 136 DECISION NO. 78644

DOCKET NOS. SW-20445A-20-0214, et al. c. Global Water Utilities 2 The Applicants accept Staff's recommended procedure to pursue changes to the standardized 3 wastewater source control violation fee tariff in future filings in conjunction with the proposal of a 4 standardized joint source control tariff. 5 In response to Staff's recommendation, the Global Water Utilities will pursue standardization 6 of the cross connection, backflow prevention, and curtailment tariffs in separate proceedings. 322 No 7 party objected to the proposal that the customer meter downsizing, hydrant meter deposit, and water 8 utility terms and conditions tariffs be standardized.323 Additionally, the Global Water Utilities accepted 9 Staffs recommendation to address the revisions to GTWC's POU tariff in a separate proceeding.324 10 ln response to Staff's recommendation, the Applicants will seek to standardize their wastewater 11 source control tariff in separate proceedings. 325 No party objected to the proposal that the wastewater 12 utility terms and conditions tariffs be standardized.326 d. Resolution 13 14 Staffs recommendations for the Applicants' proposed water and wastewater terms of service 15 tariffs are reasonable. 3. Customer Assistance Program Tariffs 16 17 Also, the Global Water Utilities request to maintain the various tariffs composing the Customer 18 Assistance Program at their currently approved eligibility levels. Additionally, the Global Water 19 Utilities reconunend minor revisions to update the Customer Assistance Program tariff to reflect the 20 requested rate consolidation effort. 327 a. RUCO 21 22 RUCO recommends elimination of the Furloughed Worker Program from the Customer 23 Assistance Program, and that the threshold income level to qualify for the Income Assistance Program 24 be returned to 200 percent of the Federal Poverty Level from its current threshold of 300 percent.328 25 322 Ex. A-49 at 20. 26 323 Id. at 21. 324 Id. at 20. 325 Id. at 22. 27 326 Id. at 23. 327 Ex. A-48 at 33-34. 28 328 Ex. RUC0-9 at 1-2. 137 78644 DECISION NO. - - - --- DOCKET NOS. SW-20445A-20-0214, et al. According to RUCO, a 300% income threshold provides a low-income benefit to households that are 2 not low-income, whereas the more typical 200% income threshold results in targeting benefits toward 3 the most disadvantaged customers.329 4 As to elimination of the Furloughed Worker Program, RUCO contends that half of the program 5 costs are paid by ratepayers and customers should not be required to financially support "a benefit for 6 a relatively small subset of customers still claiming to be 'furloughed. "'330 Because unemployment 7 rates have declined since their peak during the COVID-19 pandemic, RUCO argues, "the term 8 'furloughed employee' becomes increasingly irrelevant as the state transitions to a post pandemic 9 economy."331 b. Staff 10 11 Staff offered no position in response to RUCO's recommended changes to the Customer 12 Assistance Program tariffs. c. Global Water Utilities 13 14 The Applicants disagree with RUCO's proposed reduction to the applicability of the Income 15 Assistance Program to 200 percent of the Federal Poverty Level and also disagree with RUCO's 16 proposed elimination of the Furloughed Worker Program. According to the Global Water Utilities, the 17 various offerings under the Customer Assistance Programs have not attained full subscription even 18 with the increased income threshold and are thus there is no evidence that the program is being abused. d. Resolution 19 20 RUCO's concern that programs responding to pandemic concerns become increasingly difficult 21 to justify as the economy reopens is a fair point. However, as illustrated by RUCO's concern that these 22 programs can "provide unwarranted benefits to customers who are not economically disadvantaged" 23 the specific concern is the potential for abuse. As noted by the Applicants, there is no evidence that 24 the approved program ever attained full subscription or that it has produced abuses. In the absence of 25 evidence of abuse, we are not persuaded to terminate the Furloughed Worker Program at this time. 26 Regarding the recommendation to lower the income threshold to qualify for low-income 27 329 Id. at2. 330 Id. at 2-3. 28 331 Id. at 3. 138 DECISION NO. 78644 DOCKET NOS. SW-20445A-20-0214, et al. assistance back to 200%, we find RUCO's arguments more persuasive. As RUCO demonstrated, a 2 household of four with an annual income (in 2021) of up to $79,500 would qualify for low-income 3 assistance using a 300% eligibility threshold. By contrast, a 200% threshold limits eligibility for a 4 household of four to $53,000.332 We agree that restoring a 200% of federal poverty levels eligibility 5 threshold for the Low-Income Assistance Program better targets benefits to the most disadvantaged 6 ratepayers. 4. Red Rock (Water) Pima County 7 8 Red Rock (Water)'s CC&N includes a service territory within Pima County. In keeping with 9 the proposed consolidation of utilities by county, the Global Water Utilities request approval of a 10 separate rate tariff and approval of an Off-Site Facilities Fee tariff applicable specifically to Red Rock (Water) - Pima County.333 Neither Staff nor RUCO disagreed with the Applicants' request. The 11 12 request is reasonable and should be adopted. G. Adjustor Mechanisms 1. Tax Adjustors 13 14 15 The Global Water Utilities propose to implement a Property Tax Adjustor Mechanism 16 ("PT AM"). A PT AM allows a utility to flow through changes in property tax rates and/or assessment 17 ratios caused by the enactment of new property tax laws without the necessity of a rate case proceeding. 18 Staff recommends approval of a PT AM. 334 RUCO does not oppose the implementation of a PT AM. 335 19 The Applicants also request authorization to implement a tax adjustor mechanism similar to the 20 Tax Expense Adjustor Mechanism ("TEAM") adopted for other utilities to address changes in federal 21 taxation. The TEAM would permit the Applicants to flow through potential changes to state and federal 22 income tax rates as well as refund or collect funds related to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017. 23 Notably, a TEAM also pennits a utility to reconcile differences between EADIT amortization post-rate 24 case and the amount of EADIT reflected in base rates.336 25 26 332 Ex. RUCO-9 at 2. 27 333 Ex. A-49 at 24. 334 Ex. S-12 at 25. 335 Ex. RUCO-2 at 30. 28 336 Ex.S-Iat37. 139 DECISION NO. 78644 ------ 2 DOCKET NOS. SW-20445A-20-0214, et al. Staff supports adoption of a TEAM337 and RUCO does not oppose approval of a TEAM338. Applicants request that they be ordered to file Plans of Administration for both the PT AM and 3 TEAM within 90 days of the effective date of this Decision. Staff recommends that the POA for the 4 TEAM be modelled after the TEAM POA described in Decision No. 77139 (March 19, 2019), and as 5 Staff recommended in Docket No. E-01933A-19-0028 and that it be submitted within 30 days of a 6 Commission Decision in this matter. 7 8 9 Staffs recommendations are reasonable and should be adopted. 2. CAGRD Surcharge / Sustainable Water Surcharge Applicants propose to discontinue GTWC's current Central Arizona Groundwater IO Replenishment District ("CAGRD") surcharge. In its place, Applicants request adoption of a new 11 Sustainable Water Surcharge ("SWS") that would be applicable for all the systems involved in the 12 present matter. 13 The proposed SWS is patterned after the SWS approved for Rio Verde Utilities Inc. in Decision 14 No. 76101 (May 22, 2017) and would permit the collection of funds to pay for CAGRD fees but would 15 not be restricted to CAGRD resources. Instead, the SWS would enable the Global Water Utilities to 16 expeditiously acquire new water supplies from such sources as may be avai lable when they are needed. 17 As proposed, the SWS will be charged to all water services provided by the Global Water 18 Utilities, including residential, commercial, construction, and potable sales. The SWS will recover the 19 costs paid to water suppliers such as Central Arizona Project for the purchase of renewable water 20 supplies. The acquired water supplies may take the form of exchange, wheeling, or storage and 21 recovery that would reduce pumped groundwater. Recoverable costs include direct contract costs, 22 delivery, legal and administrative costs for purchases of water supplies, as well as costs of maintaining 23 a Member Service Agreement, annual membership dies, and replenishment fees with the Central 24 Arizona Water Conservation District ("CAWCD") as well as pass through fee reductions when 25 sustainable water is employed. The SWS will also include fees for groundwater withdrawal to ADWR 26 which are expected to decrease when sustainable water supplies displace groundwater usage. 27 337 Tr. Vol X at 1480. 28 338 Ex. RUC0-2 at 31. 140 78644 DECISION NO. -----

DOCKET NOS. SW-20445A-20-0214, et al. The proposed SWS would be subject to a plan of administration that would include making 2 acquisitions pursuant to the SWS subject to audit for prudence. As outlined in the plan of 3 administration,339 the SWS would be collected through a volumetric surcharge detern1ined on March 1 4 of each year. The charge would be calculated to recover or refund as appropriate, the over or under- 5 recovery of allowed costs over the prior year ending December 31 as well as projected sustainable 6 water costs for the upcoming year. Additionally, the annual SWS filing will include schedules showing 7 sustainable water use projected for the current year and the next four years, as well as projected 8 sustainable water supply costs for the current year.340 9 Applicants assert that adoption of the SWS is reasonable considering ongoing trends in water 10 supply availability as well as the most current reasonable forecasts of Arizona potable water supplies 11 indicating a steady depletion of water supplies in the long term. 1. RUCO 12 13 RUCO opposes adoption of the SWS and instead recommends that the CAGRD surcharge be 14 retained. RUCO's concern is that the Global Water Utilities could utilize the SWS to purchase long- 15 term storage credits, recharge facilities, underground storage facilities, or extra Central Arizona Project 16 ("CAP") allotments and recover the associated costs outside of a rate case. 341 Further, while GTWC 17 already has an approved CAGRD adjustor mechanism, the more expansive SWS proposal does not 18 provide for upfront cost analyses, billing analyses, or prudency detenninations to support new water 19 purchases. Consequently, RUCO argues the SWS places ratepayers in jeopardy of paying costs for 20 water supply purchases that have not be adequately justified nor demonstrated to be needed. 21 Citing Scates v. Arizona Corporation Commission, 118 Ariz. 531, 578 P .2d 612 {App. 1978), 22 RUCO observes that the focused nature of adjustor mechanisms gives rise to concerns of single-issue 23 ratemaking, a circumstance when utility rates are adjusted or costs deferred in response to changes in 24 a cost item viewed in isolation. RUCO criticizes the lack of upfront cost analyses, billing analyses, or 25 prudency determinations to support the acquisition of new water resources flowed through the SWS.342 26 27 339 See Ex. S-6, Attachment 6. 340 id. 341 Ex. RUC0-4 at 31. 28 342 RUC0-4 at 35. 141 DECISION NO. 78644 DOCKET NOS. SW-20445A-20-0214, et al. In the absence of these features, RUCO is concerned that the SWS places ratepayers in jeopardy of 2 paying for costs that are not needed provide them with service. 343 To that end, RUCO argues that the 3 Commission should refrain from adopting new adjustor mechanisms unless extenuating circumstances, 4 such as volatile expenses outside of a utility's control might significantly impact the utility's financial 5 condition absent the adjustor are in evidence. 6 Instead of approving the SWS, RUCO recommends retaining the current CAGRD adjustor 7 mechanism and review any new storage, CAP allocations, or underground storage facilities as needed 8 within the confines of a rate case. 9 2. Staff 10 Staff supports adoption of the SWS. As explained in the testimony of Mr. Smaila, the 1 1 Commission has previously approved an SWS for Rio Verde in Decision No. 76101 to allow for 12 recovery of all costs related to the purchase and exchange of water supplies between Rio Verde and 13 Salt River Project and other Verde River water rights holders on the basis that it allows the utility to 14 conserve limited groundwater and implement an orderly deployment of renewable water supplies. 344 15 Staff believes that the proposed SWS will provide the Applicants with a similar ability to timely and 16 cost-effectively acquire scarce water resources.345 17 Staff recommends approval of the SWS and of the plan of administration, attached as 18 Attachment 6 to the testimony of Mr. Smaila.346 3. Global Water Utilities 19 20 21 In response to RUCO, the Global Water Utilities assert that the proposed SWS is a cost­ effective method to secure sustainable water resources. Applicants note the incongruity of RUCO's 22 awareness that water supplies are increasingly scarce and that water resources may be increasing in 23 cost while opposing a mechanism that would enable acquiring water resources expeditiously and at 24 lower cost. Applicants assert that RUCO's reliance on Scates is misplaced as the portions of Scates 25 RUCO relies upon have been superseded by RUCO v. Arizona Corporation Commission. Even so, 26 343 Id. at 31. 27 344 Ex. S-6 at 96. 345 Tr. Vol.Vat 698. 28 346 Ex. S-6, at 97, Attachment 6. 142 DECISION NO. 78644 DOCKET NOS. SW-20445A-20-0214, et al. Applicants contend that the proposed SWS complies with both RUCO and Scates because it seeks to 2 address a volatile expense that is out of the utility's control. 3 As to the appropriate level of scrutiny for purchases made between rate cases using the SWS, 4 the Global Water Utilities argue that the plan of administration will require Applicants to provide 5 detailed information supporting any change in the amounts recovered through the adjuster. 6 Finally, the Global Water Utilities argue that RUCO is incorrect in its belief that the SWS will 7 cost ratepayers more than the alternative. Because the SWS will allow the acquisition of sustainable, 8 cost-effective water resources, the SWS will allow the Global Water Utilities to use those resources to 9 displace costs paid to CAGRD. 4. Discussion and Resolution IO 11 RUCO raises valid concerns to the effect that caution must be applied when approving new 12 adjuster mechanisms lest a utility be given a means to desensitize itself to rising expenses. Adjuster 13 mechanisms can create an unwholesome arrangement of incentives whereby the utility is no longer 14 responsive to increasing costs to the detriment of ratepayers. 15 However, a utility, first and foremost has an obl igation to provide adequate service. The record 16 in this matter is replete with uncontroverted evidence that water resources, already scarce in our desert 17 state, are growing scarcer and that trend is likely to continue into the foreseeable future. Arizona is in 18 the midst of a 20-year drought that has been characterized as the worst drought in 126 years. 347 As Mr. 19 Lenderking described on behalf of the Applicants, 57% of the state is experiencing the highest level of 20 drought. Additionally, the Colorado River Basin, which provides 40% of Arizona's water supplies is 21 also in a multi-decade drought, a circumstance that was expected to prompt the US Secretary of the 22 Interior to imminently declare a Tier 1 shortage,348 a condition that would deprive Arizona of 23 approximately 512,000 acre-feet or 18% of its Colorado River water supplies and about a third of the 24 CAP's water supplies.349 Additionally, uncontroverted testimony provided at hearing explained that 25 ADWR was also imminently going to declare an end to using groundwater for purposes of obtaining 26 347 Tr. Vol.Vat 633. 27 348 Tr. Vol.Vat 633-634. We take judicial notice of the fact that later in August 2021 , the US Secretary of Interior did 28 declare the first ever Tier I shortage for the Colorado River. 349 Tr. Vol.Vat 636. 143 DECISION NO. _ 7_8_6_44 __ DOCKET NOS. SW-20445A-20-0214, et al. an assured water supply, a pa1ticularly significant shift for the Global Water Utilities located in Pinal 2 County which is almost completely reliant on groundwater for assured water supply.350 3 We are not persuaded that RUCO's recommendation to maintain the CAGRD adjustor for 4 GTWC and otherwise review the acquisition of water supplies in an after-the-fact context of a rate case 5 reasonably addresses the issue. Reviewing the prudence of acquired water supplies within a rate case 6 is reasonable when the expenditures can be planned to suit a historical test year model of ratemaking. 7 The shortcoming is that this approach presupposes that a water supply constraint necessitating 8 supplemental acquisitions can await the review processes RUCO envisions. 9 As evidence demonstrating a general decline in available water supplies mounts, we can foresee 10 the day when traditional water utilities accustomed to previously unlimited well water supplies must 11 instead operate more like electric utilities which must supplement their supplies with outside purchases. 12 Viewed in that light, the SWS fulfills a role for water utilities similar to how fuel and purchased power 13 adjustors function for electric utilities. We find that the proposed SWS is a reasonable measure to 14 establish the tools for the Applicants to secure water supply resources in a timely manner and it should 15 be adopted. 16 We find that the Plan of Administration that the Global Water Utilities filed, and which is 17 attached to Staff witness Mr. Smaila's Direct Testimony as Attachment 6, should not include recovery 18 of projected costs. Additionally, to address the Applicants' cost recovery concerns in a timely fashion, 19 we find that it is appropriate for the Plan of Administration ("POA'') to authorize the recovery of 20 allowed expenses upon the approval, by Staff after its review, of a filing by the Global Water Utilities 21 for recovery of an incurred cost. Such filings shall be limited to no more than semi-annually. To 22 address these concerns, it is appropriate to require the Applicants to prepare a POA, in consultation 23 with Staff and RUCO, and file this revised POA for Commission approval. Once the POA is filed, 24 Staff shall prepare and file a memorandum and proposed order for the Commission's consideration of 25 the revised POA. This adjustor shall not take effect until the POA is approved by the Commission. 26 27 28 350 Tr. Vol.Vat 635. 144 DECISION NO. 78644

DOCKET NOS. SW-20445A-20-0214, et al. H. Rate Case Expense Surcharge 2 The Global Water Utilities propose to recover $755,000 in rate case expense through a rate case 3 expense surcharge. The surcharge would be calculated to recover the requested rate case expense 4 amount over two years. Although the Applicants originally requested $500,000 in rate case expense, 5 the Global Water Utilities assert that adjustments to the presentation of their case in response to 6 positions taken by Staff, particularly regarding the treatment of the Valencia condemnation proceeds, 7 necessitated unanticipated additional work to be performed by outside consultants as we11 as in-house 8 accounting personnel. The added burden of responding to Staff, the Applicants assert, increased the 9 actual amount ofrate case expense to $755,000. 1. RUCO 11 RUCO disagrees with the amount of rate case expense requested by the Applicants. RUCO is 12 concerned that rate case expense for utilities generally have been increasing unchecked and to the 13 detriment of ratepayers. RUCO points to the extensive overlap in the testimony subject matters covered 14 by multiple witnesses for the Applicants to argue that traditionally uncritical approval of rate case 15 expense has promoted inefficient and wasteful presentations of rate cases by utilities and that the l 6 current case is no exception. In particular, RUCO notes that the withdrawn testimony of Mr. Walker,351 17 which addressed cost of capital and water supply availability, entirely covered matters also addressed 18 by other witnesses for the Applicants. 19 In support of its position, RUCO benchmarked the rate case expense awarded in various past 20 Commission Decisions. In these cases, the Commission recognized rate case expense recoverable from 21 ratepayers in amounts between $300,000 and $400,000.352 22 On these bases, RUCO recommends that the Commission approve no more than $400,000 in 23 rate case expense and offers a range of amortization periods from three to five years. 24 25 351 To address concerns that an ex parte infraction had occurred wherein Mr. Walker emailed various Commissioners with documents also used as attachments to his prefiled testimony in this matter, (see e.g. Disclosure of Possible ex parte 26 communication pursuant to A.A.C. Rl4-3-l 13(D) in Docket Nos. E-01345A-19-0236 and SW-03936A-20-0214 from the Office of Commissioner Tovar, filed August 27, 2021) the Global Water Utilities voluntarily withdrew his prefiled testimony and did not offer Mr. Walker as a witness in the proceeding. 27 352 Ex. RUCO-4 at 25, citing Decision Nos. 77956 (April 15, 2021) (approving $300,000 in rate case expense for Arizona 28 Water Company), 77380 (August 19, 2019) (approving $350,000 in rate case expense for Arizona Water Company), and 78017 (May 18, 2021) (approving $400,000 rate case expense for Liberty Utilities (Black Mountain Sewer) Corp.) 145 DECISION NO. 78644 ------ DOCKET NOS. SW-20445A-20-0214, et al. 2. Staff 2 Staff does not object to using a surcharge mechanism to recover the rate case expense but 3 disputes the amount of rate case expense to be recovered. Staff's disagreement focuses on the 4 Applicants' attribution to Staff of increased burden in the presentation of Applicants' case. According 5 to Staff, the $1.4 million Section I 033 adjustment the Global Water Utilities perfonned to hold 6 ratepayers harmless demonstrates the merit of Staff's scrutiny of the Section 1033 issue. To that point, 7 Staff argues that ratepayers should not be burdened with recovery of additional rate case expense 8 incurred by the Global Water Utilities to correct its Section 1033 proposal. According to Staff, the 9 Section 1033 adjustment only benefits shareholders, not ratepayers. Staff also contends that the 10 expense the Applicants assert is attributable to responding to Staff's position on the Section 1033 issue 11 is unreasonable because the added discovery expense is more than eight times the total contract expense 12 for Staff's consultant, and principal witness on the issue, Mr. Smith. 13 14 3. Global Water Utilities Response In response to arguments raised by RUCO, the Global Water Utilities disputes the validity of 15 RUCO's effort to compare the requested rate case expense in this case to rate case expense requests in 16 other cases. According to the Applicants, the preparation of 11 separate sets of rate schedules, both for 17 a consolidated approach and on a standalone approach, demonstrates that the extent of work 18 necessitated in the preparation of this case is not directly comparable to a typical rate case that usually 19 only involves a single set of rate schedules. 20 Additionally, the Applicants dispute RUCO's characterization of Mr. Walker's testimony as 21 duplicative of other witnesses when RUCO also describes Mr. Walker as a "key" witness in the case. 22 Notwithstanding that Mr. Walker's testimony was ultimately withdrawn, the Global Water Utilities 23 contend that Mr. Walker was a participant in the development of positions and arguments, as well as 24 the preparation of responses to discovery requests. Further, because the Global Water Utilities do not 25 have an internal rate department, outside assistance like that provided by Mr. Walker is a practical 26 necessity. 27 The Applicants disagree with Staff's position that the rate case expense should be limited 28 146 DECISION NO. 78644 DOCKET NOS. SW-20445A-20-0214, et al. because the extra expense was incurred to correct the Section 1033 proposal. In response to Staff's 2 rate case expense recommendation, the Applicants compare the added expense incurred defending 3 against Staffs Section I 033 position to the expense Staff incurred hiring Mr. Smith. Whereas the cost 4 of Mr. Smith's participation is described as providing a dividend to ratepayers by way of rate 5 reductions, the Global Water Util ities contend that the proper way to view rate case expense is what is 6 necessary to arrive at the right result. 7 4. Discussion and Resolution 8 Incurring expenses in presenting a rate case for the Commission's consideration is a necessary 9 cost of doing business that is appropriately recovered in rates collected from ratepayers. However, as 10 with all expenses recovered from ratepayers, the level of recoverable expense is limited to what is just 11 and reasonable. The particular concern, as alluded to in RUCO's arguments, is that the expenditure of 12 resources toward rate case presentation is largely within an applicant's control and uncritical 13 acceptance of all expenditure levels can promote a cycle of escalating rate case expenses. 14 It is not surprising that the rate case expense for an I I-utility rate case will necessarily be higher 15 than for a solitary utility. For that reason, we are not persuaded that a straightforward benchmarking 16 process to normalize the Global Water Utilities' rate case expense proposal with those approved for 17 solitary utilities in other rate cases, as proposed by RUCO, is a reasonable approach in this 18 circumstance. 19 However, the voluntary withdrawal of Mr. Walker's testimony demonstrates the validity of 20 RUCO's contentions. RUCO's arguments to the effect that Mr. Walker's testimony is merely 21 cumulative and redundant to the testimony of multiple other witnesses is evidenced by the Global 22 Water Utilities' ability to effectively present their case without his testimony as each of the subjects 23 his testimony covers are more thoroughly addressed through Mr. Lenderking speaking to water supply 24 issues and Mr. Rowell who provided an extensive cost of capital analysis. We see no inherent 25 contradiction to RUCO's characterization of Mr. Walker as both a key witness yet providing 26 duplicative testimony. Mr. Walker may be integral to the formulation of the Applicants' position in 27 several matters raised in the applications. Yet his testimony, much of it in the form of documents 28 78644 147 DECISION NO. ____ _ DOCKET NOS. SW-20445A-20-0214, et al. attached to pre-filed testimony, could conceivably have been accomplished by appending those same 2 documents to the testimony of other witnesses speaking to the same points. 3 However, recoverable rate case expense must also be fair to the utility. The Applicants' 4 concerns that Staff's pursuit of the Section I 033 tax issue increased the difficulty of its rate case 5 presentation is not entirely without merit. Although Staff's concerns prompted a corrective adjustment 6 of the Global Water Utilities' proposed Section 1033 adjustment, reducing the total adjustment by 7 approximately $1.4 million, Staff ultimately relented in the larger issue of whether the entire $11.6 8 million Section 1033 adjustment should be deducted from rate base. While Staff's arguments have 9 sufficiently piqued our interest that simple due diligence on behalf of the ratepayer demands that we IO order the recommended pursuit of a PLR from the IRS, the fact remains that Staff ultimately relented 11 on the issue. 12 Considered on the whole, we find that the reasonable amount of rate case expense to be adopted 13 in this case is $500,000. Further, we find that the use of a surcharge mechanism to recover the expense 14 is reasonable and that the amount recovered through the surcharge should be amortized over a two- 15 year period. 16 Reviewing the Applicants' proposed rate case expense surcharge, it is apparent that the 17 proposed forn1 of surcharge uses an allocation factor. For example, the proposed rate case expense 18 surcharge for the Maricopa County Water consolidation is $0.54 for a 5/8 x 3/4-inch meter whereas the 19 proposed surcharge for the Pinal County Water consolidation is $0.64 for a 5/8 x 3/4-inch meter. The 20 basis for the allocation employed in the Applicants' proposal was not explained or supported in any of 21 the filings of pre-filed testimony or schedules, nor was it addressed by any party witness sufficiently 22 to replicate it or demonstrate why it should be retained. 23 For purposes of establishing an expected surcharge level, we instead find that a flat surcharge 24 that increases with meter size that divides the rate case expense evenly between all customers 25 throughout all the utilities (water and wastewater) involved in this matter having customers would be 26 the most reasonable. The surcharge should be calculated to recover the approved $500,000 rate case 27 expense amount over two years beginning i1mnediately upon implementation of the surcharge so that 28 the surcharge will terminate before the final phase of the phased-in rates begins to moderate the impact 148 DECISION NO. 78644 ------

DOCKET NOS. SW-20445A-20-0214, et al. of the last phase of the base rate increase. On that basis, the following table provides the estimated 2 monthly bill impacts for ratepayers of all utilities involved in this proceeding at the corresponding 3 meter sizes. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Meter Size Recommended Surchaq~e 5/8" X 3/4" $0.43 3/4" $0.43 1" $1.08 1.5" $2.15 2" $3.44 3" $6.88 4" $10.75 6" $21.50 8" $34.40 1 O" $49.45 Because the expected surcharge amounts projected above are estimates, it is appropriate to 17 authorize a surcharge for recovery of rate case expense, but that recovery should not occur until the 18 Global Water Utilities file a request to implement the surcharge, whereupon Staff can review the 19 proposed implementation of the surcharge and confinn that it will collect the approved revenue in a 20 recommendation and proposed order for the Commission's consideration. 21 22 I. Rate Phase-In The Global Water Utilities have agreed to a phase-in of the rate increase, such that the revenue 23 increase is not more than 5% for a median residential customer in any year. The Global Water Utilities' 24 phase-in proposal does not include any deferral of lost revenue or carrying cost on lost revenue. No 25 party opposed a phase-in. We find that the Applicants' proposed phase-in to mitigate rate shock is 26 reasonable and thus, we approve the proposed phase-in, as shown in Exhibit A, with phase 2 to take 27 effect on January 1, 2023, and Phase 3 on January 1, 2024." 28 * * * * * * * * * * 149 DECISION NO. 78644 DOCKET NOS. SW-20445A-20-0214, et al. Having considered the entire record herein and being fully advised in the premises, the 2 Commission finds, concludes, and orders that: 3 4 1. FINDINGS OF FACT The procedural history set forth in Section I of the Discussion portion of this Decision is 5 accurate and we adopt it in its entirety as though set forth fully here. 6 2. The description of the procedural history and of the Global Water Utilities' applications 7 set forth in Sections I and Ill of the Discussion portion of this Decision are accurate and we adopt them 8 in their entirety as though set forth fully here. 9 3. The background information, description of parties' positions, and evidence described in 10 Sections II, IV, V, VI, Vll, and VIII of the Discussion portion of this Decision are accurate and we 11 adopt them in their entirety as though set forth fully here. 12 4. The resolutions reached in the various subsections within Sections II, IV, V, VI, VII, and 13 Vlll of the Discussion portion of this Decision are accurate and we adopt them in their entirety as 14 though set forth fully here. 15 5. Based on the deficient state of records relating to the origins of and adjustments to the 16 deferred taxes, the Global Water Utilities were unable to perform the requisite with and without 17 analysis to support a Net Operating Loss Carryforward adjustment. 18 6. The rates, charges, and terms and conditions of service authorized herein are just and 19 reasonable and in the public interest. 20 7. The rates, charges, and terms and conditions of service resulting from the Commission's 21 resolution of the issues herein do not result in "discrimination in charges, service, or facilities ... 22 between persons or places for rendering a like and contemporaneous service" under Article I 5, § 12 of 23 the Arizona Constitution. 24 8. The rates, charges, and terms and conditions of service resulting from the Commission's 25 resolution of the issues herein do not result in, "make or grant any preference or advantage to any 26 person or subject any person to any prejudice or disadvantage" and do not "establish or maintain any 27 unreasonable difference as to rates, charges, service, facilities or in any other respect, either between 28 150 DECISION NO. 78644 ------ DOCKET NOS. SW-20445A-20-0214, et al. localities or between classes of service" under A.R.S. § 40-334. 2 3 1. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW Global Water-Palo Verde Utilities Company, Inc., Global Water - Red Rock Utilities 4 Company, Inc., Global Water - Northern Scottsdale Water Company, Inc., Global Water - Turner 5 Ranches Irrigation, Inc., Global Water - Balterra Utilities Company, Inc., Global Water - Eagletail 6 Water Company, Inc., Global Water - Hassayampa Utilities Company, Inc., Global Water - Picacho 7 Cove Utilities Company, Inc., Global Water- Greater Tonopah Water Company, Inc. , Global Water - 8 Santa Cruz Water Company, Inc. and Global Water - Picacho Cove Water Company, Inc. are public 9 service corporations within the meaning of Article XV of the Arizona Constitution and A.R.S. §§ 40- 10 250, 40-251 , 40-321, 40-33 1, and 40-336. 11 2. The Commission has jurisdiction over Global Water-Palo Verde Utilities Company, Inc., 12 Global Water- Red Rock Utilities Company, Inc., Global Water- Northern Scottsdale Water Company, 13 Inc., Global Water - Turner Ranches Irrigation, Inc., Global Water - Balterra Utilities Company, Inc., 14 Global Water - Eagletail Water Company, Inc., Global Water - Hassayampa Utilities Company, Inc., 15 Global Water - Picacho Cove Utilities Company, Inc. , Global Water - Greater Tonopah Water 16 Company, Inc., Global Water - Santa Cruz Water Company, Inc. and Global Water - Picacho Cove 17 Water Company, Inc. and the subject matter of this Order. 18 3. Notice of the applications was provided in accordance with the law. 19 4. Global Water- Palo Verde Utilities Company, LLC's fair value rate base is $66,645,933. 20 5. Global Water- Red Rock Utilities Company, Inc. ' s Water Division's fair value rate base 21 is $826,654. 22 6. Global Water- Red Rock Utilities Company, Inc. 's Wastewater Division ' s fair value rate 23 base is $3,407,093. 24 7. Global Water - Northern Scottsdale Water Company, Inc.'s fair value rate base is 25 $53,416. 26 8. 27 9. 28 Global Water - Turner Ranches Irrigation, Inc. ' s fair value rate base is $1,850,251. Global Water - Eagletail Water Company, Inc. 's fair value rate base is $563,609. 151 DECISION NO. 78644 DOCKET NOS. SW-20445A-20-0214, et al. 10. Global Water - Greater Tonopah Water Company, Inc. 's fair value rate base is 2 $2,599,521. 3 11. Global Water - Santa Cruz Water Company, Inc.' s fair value rate base is $41,095,492. 4 12. A FVROR of 7 .22 percent results in just and reasonable rates and revenue requirement. 5 13. The rates, charges, and terms and conditions of service authorized herein are just and 6 reasonable and in the public interest. 7 14. The rates, charges, and tenns and conditions of service resulting from the Commission's 8 resolution of the issues herein do not result in "discrimination in charges, service, or facilities ... 9 between persons or places for rendering a like and contemporaneous service" under Article XV, § 12 10 of the Arizona Constitution. 11 15. The rates, charges, and tenns and conditions of service resulting from the Commission's 12 resolution of the issues herein do not result in, "make or grant any preference or advantage to any 13 person or subject any person to any prejudice or disadvantage" and do not "establish or maintain any 14 unreasonable difference as to rates, charges, service, facilities or in any other respect, either between 15 localities or between classes of service" under A.R.S. § 40-334. 16 17 ORDER IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that Global Water-Palo Verde Utilities Company, Inc., Global 18 Water - Red Rock Utilities Company, Inc., Global Water - Northern Scottsdale Water Company, Inc., 19 Global Water-Turner Ranches Irrigation, Inc., Global Water- Balterra Utilities Company, Inc., Global 20 Water - Eagletail Water Company, Inc. , Global Water - Hassayampa Utilities Company, Inc., Global 21 Water - Picacho Cove Utilities Company, Inc. , Global Water - Greater Tonopah Water Company, Inc., 22 Global Water - Santa Cruz Water Company, Inc. and Global Water- Picacho Cove Water Company, 23 Inc. are hereby authorized and directed to file with the Commission, on or before July 29, 2022, 24 schedules of rates and charges confonning to the rates and charges approved in Exhibit A, attached 25 hereto and incorporated herein. 26 IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Global Water-Palo Verde Utilities Company, Inc., Global 27 Water - Red Rock Utilities Company, Inc. , Global Water - Northern Scottsdale Water Company, Inc., 28 152 DECISION NO. 78644

DOCKET NOS. SW-20445A-20-0214, et al. 1 Global Water - Turner Ranches Irrigation, Inc., Global Water - Balterra Utilities Company, Inc., Global 2 Water - Eagletail Water Company, Inc., Global Water - Hassayampa Utilities Company, Inc., Global 3 Water- Picacho Cove Utilities Company, Inc., Global Water - Greater Tonopah Water Company, Inc., 4 Global Water- Santa Cruz Water Company, Inc. and Global Water - Picacho Cove Water Company, 5 Inc. shall, on or before August 15, 2022, file Plans of Administration for the new Adjustor Mechanisms, 6 consistent with the resolutions reached in this Decision. 7 IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Global Water-Palo Verde Utilities Company, Inc., Global 8 Water - Red Rock Utilities Company, Inc., Global Water - Northern Scottsdale Water Company, Inc., 9 Global Water- Turner Ranches Irrigation, Inc., Global Water - Balterra Utilities Company, Inc., Global 10 Water - Eagletail Water Company, Inc., Global Water - Hassayampa Utilities Company, Inc. , Global 11 Water - Picacho Cove Utilities Company, Inc., Global Water - Greater Tonopah Water Company, Inc., 12 Global Water- Santa Cruz Water Company, Inc. and Global Water- Picacho Cove Water Company, 13 Inc. shall, in consultation with Staff and RUCO, prepare and file a revised Plan of Administration for 14 the Sustainable Water Surcharge with the modifications discussed herein. Within 90 days after the 15 filing of the revised Plan of Administration, Staff shall prepare a memorandum and proposed order for 16 Commission consideration at Open Meeting. 17 IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the rates and charges and terms and conditions of service 18 approved herein shall become effective for all service rendered on and after July I , 2022. 19 IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Global Water-Palo Verde Utilities Company, Inc., Global 20 Water - Red Rock Utilities Company, Inc., Global Water - Northern Scottsdale Water Company, Inc., 21 Global Water - Turner Ranches Irrigation, Inc., Global Water - Eagletail Water Company, Inc., Global 22 Water - Greater Tonopah Water Company, Inc., and Global Water - Santa Cruz Water Company, Inc. 23 may file, with Docket Control, in this Docket, an application for implementation of a Rate Case 24 Expense Surcharge, as discussed herein. 25 IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Commission's Utilities Division Staff shall calculate the 26 appropriate amount for the Rate Case Expense Surcharge and prepare and file a proposed order for 27 Commission consideration, within 30 days of the filing requesting implementation of the surcharge. 28 IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Global Water-Palo Verde Utilities Company, Inc., Global 153 DECISION NO. 78644 DOCKET NOS. SW-20445A-20-0214, et al. Water - Red Rock Utilities Company, Inc., Global Water - Northern Scottsdale Water Company, Inc., 2 Global Water- Turner Ranches Irrigation, Inc., Global Water- Balterra Utilities Company, Inc., Global 3 Water - Eagletail Water Company, Inc. , Global Water - Hassayampa Utilities Company, Inc., Global 4 Water - Picacho Cove Utilities Company, Inc., Global Water - Greater Tonopah Water Company, Inc., 5 Global Water- Santa Cruz Water Company, Inc. and Global Water - Picacho Cove Water Company, 6 Inc. shall notify their customers of the revised rates and charges by means of an insert in their next 7 scheduled billing (sent by mail or electronically) and by posting a notice on their website, in a form 8 acceptable to Staff. 9 IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that within 120 days of the effective date of this Decision, the 10 Global Water Utilities shall submit a private letter ruling to the Internal Revenue Service to address 11 whether "the failure to eliminate the deferred taxes attributable to assets condemned in a transaction 12 governed by Section 1033 of the Internal Revenue Code ("Code") would violate the nonnalization 13 provisions of Section 168(i)(9) of the Code. The Global Water Utilities shall prepare a draft complete 14 Statement of Facts in a neutrally worded manner, the issue presented, the relevant tax authorities and 15 an analysis of those authorities. The Global Water Utilities shall provide a copy of the draft to Staff at 16 least 30 days prior to the submission date. The Global Water Utilities and Staff shall cooperate to agree 17 upon a final Statement of Facts that is complete, accurate, and relevant to the issue presented. 18 IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Global Water-Palo Verde Utilities Company, Inc. , Global 19 Water - Red Rock Utilities Company, Inc., Global Water - Balterra Utilities Company, Inc., Global 20 Water - Hassayampa Utilities Company, Inc., and Global Water - Picacho Cove Utilities Company, 21 Inc. shall file with Docket Control, as a compliance item in this Docket, within 60 days of the effective 22 date of this Decision, the Unauthorized Discharge Fee Tariff, included in the Staff engineering 23 testimony as Ex. S-6, attachment 12, for Staff's review and approval. 24 IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Global Water - Red Rock Utilities Company, Inc., Global 25 Water - Northern Scottsdale Water Company, Inc., Global Water - Eagletail Water Company, Inc., 26 Global Water - Greater Tonopah Water Company, Inc., and Global Water - Santa Cruz Water 27 Company, Inc. shall file with Docket Control, as a compliance item in this Docket, within 60 days of 28 the effective date of this Decision, a revised Best Management Practice Tariff consistent with our 154 DECISION NO. 78644 DOCKET NOS. SW-20445A-20-0214, et al. 1 findings herein for Staff's review and approval. 2 IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Global Water-Palo Verde Utilities Company, Inc., Global 3 Water - Red Rock Utilities Company, Inc. , Global Water - Northern Scottsdale Water Company, Inc., 4 Global Water-Turner Ranches Irrigation, Inc., Global Water- Balterra Utilities Company, Inc., Global 5 Water - Eagletail Water Company, Inc. , Global Water - Hassayampa Utilities Company, Inc., Global 6 Water - Picacho Cove Utilities Company, Inc., Global Water - Greater Tonopah Water Company, Inc. , 7 Global Water - Santa Cruz Water Company, Inc. and Global Water - Picacho Cove Water Company, 8 Inc. shall file with Docket Control, as a compliance item in this Docket, within 60 days of the effective 9 date of this Decision, a revised Customer Assistance Tariff consistent with our findings herein for IO Staff's review and approval. 11 IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Global Water - Red Rock Utilities Company, Inc. , Global 12 Water - Northern Scottsdale Water Company, Inc., Global Water - Turner Ranches Irrigation, Inc., 13 Global Water - Eagletail Water Company, Inc., Global Water - Greater Tonopah Water Company, Inc., 14 Global Water - Santa Cruz Water Company, Inc. and Global Water - Picacho Cove Water Company, 15 Inc. shall use the depreciation rates for water utilities delineated in Staff's engineering testimony, Ex. 16 S-6 Attachment 7. 17 IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Global Water-Palo Verde Utilities Company, Inc., Global 18 Water - Red Rock Utilities Company, Inc., Global Water - Balterra Utilities Company, Inc. , Global 19 Water - Hassayampa Utilities Company, Inc., and Global Water - Picacho Cove Utilities Company, 20 Inc. shall use the depreciation rates for wastewater utilities delineated in Staff's engineering testimony, 21 Ex. S-6 Attachment 13. 22 IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Global Water - Red Rock Utilities, Inc. shall file within one 23 year of the effective date of this Decision with Docket Control, as a compliance item in this Docket, an 24 Arizona Department of Environmental Quality Compliance Status Report demonstrating that the utility 25 is compliant with ADEQ requirements. 26 IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Global Water - Eagletail Water Company, Inc. shall monitor 27 water loss for a 12-month period beginning August 1, 2022, and prepare an updated water loss report. 28 If, based on the updated water loss report, indicated water loss remains above IO percent at the end of 155 DECISION NO. - -#1 78 _ 6 _ 44 ____ _ DOCKET NOS. SW-20445A-20-0214, et al. twelve months, Global Water - Eagletail Water Company, Inc. shall file with Docket Control, as a 2 compliance item in this Docket, a water loss reduction report or detailed cost/benefit analysis within 3 18 months from the effective date of this Decision. 4 IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Global Water - Greater Tonopah Water Company, Inc. shall 5 monitor water loss within the Buckeye Ranch, Garden City, WPE No. 1, WPE No. 6, and WPE No. 7 6 water systems for a 12-month period beginning July 1, 2022, and prepare an updated water loss report. 7 If, based on the updated water loss report, indicated water loss remains above 10 percent at the end of 8 twelve months, Global Water - Greater Tonopah Water Company, Inc. shall file with Docket Control, 9 as a compliance item in this Docket, a water loss reduction report or detailed cost/benefit analysis 10 within 18 months from the effective date of this Decision. 11 IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Global Water - Greater Tonopah Water Company, Inc. shall, 12 within one year of the effective date of this Decision, fi le with Docket Control as a compliance item in 13 this Docket, documentation including photographs demonstrating that a transfer switch for hooking up 14 backup generation has been installed for the booster pump station at each of the Buckeye Ranch, Dixie, 15 Roseview, Garden City, WPE No. 1, WPE No. 6, and WPE No. 7 water systems. 16 IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Global Water- Greater Tonopah Water Company, Inc. shall, 17 within one year of the effective date of this Decision, file with Docket Control as a compliance item in 18 this Docket, documentation including photographs demonstrating that a second booster pump has been 19 installed at each of the Dixie, Garden City, WPE No. 1, WPE No. 6, and WPE No. 7 water distribution 20 centers. 21 IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Global Water-Greater Tonopah Water Company, Inc. shall, 22 within one year of the effective date of this Decision, file with Docket Control as a compl iance item in 23 this Docket, documentation demonstrating that all non-NSF certified galvanized steel piping and 24 fittings have been replaced with NSF certified materials at each of the Dixie, Roseview, Garden City, 25 WPE No. 1, WPE No. 6, and WPE No. 7 water system booster pump stations. 26 IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Global Water - Eagletail Water Company, Inc. shall, within 27 one year of the effective date of this Decision, file with Docket Control as a compliance item in this 28 Docket, documentation demonstrating that all non-NSF certified galvanized steel piping and fittings 156 DECISION NO. 78644

DOCKET NOS. SW-20445A-20-0214, et al. have been replaced with NSF certified materials at its water system booster pump station. 2 IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Global Water-Red Rock Utilities, Inc. shall file a Water Hook 3 Up Fee Tariff, applicable to its Pima County service territory, based on the Global Water-Santa Cruz 4 Water Company, Inc. Hook Up Fee Tariff, within 60 days of the effective date of this Decision. 5 IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that within 30 days after the issuance of a private letter ruling by 6 the Internal Revenue Service, the Global Water Utilities shall docket a copy of the private letter ruling 7 with Docket Control, as a compliance filing in this Docket. Within 90 days after the filing of the private 8 letter ruling, Staff shall prepare, for Commission consideration, a memorandum and proposed order 9 regarding guidance issued within the private letter ruling. IO IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the mergers, transfers of assets, and other necessary 11 approvals requested by the Global Water Utilities in the "Related Approvals" section of the Application 12 are hereby approved, including (I) the merger of Global Water - Red Rock Utilities Company, Inc. 13 (Water Division) and Global Water - Picacho Cove Water Company, Inc. into Global Water - Santa 14 Cruz Water Company, Inc., (2) the merger of Global Water - Red Rock Utilities Company, Inc. 15 (Wastewater Division) and Global Water - Picacho Cove Utilities Company, Inc. into Global Water- 16 Palo Verde Utilities Company, Inc. , (3) the merger of Global Water - Eagletail Water Company, Inc. 17 and Global Water - Northern Scottsdale Water Company, Inc. into Global Water - Greater Tonopah 18 Water Company, Inc., and (4) the merger of Global Water - Balterra Utilities Company, Inc. into 19 Global Water - Hassayampa Utilities Company, Inc. However, if, after the effective date of this 20 Decision, Staff determines, in its sole discretion, that effectuating such approvals requires the Global 21 Water Utilities to file any additional applications or provide any additional infonnation, such as for the 22 sale and transfer of assets under A.R.S. § 40-285 or the reorganization of affiliates under A.A.C. R 14- 23 2-801 et seq., the relevant Global Water Utilities shall file all additional applications and provide all 24 additional infonnation that Staff deems necessary, and the relevant Global Water Utilities shall do so 25 within the timelines necessary for the Global Water Utilities to meet the deadlines set forth below. 26 IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that by January 1, 2023, the Applicants comprising the Pinal 27 County Water Group (including Global Water - Red Rock Utilities Company, Inc. (Water Division), 28 Global Water- Picacho Cove Water Company, Inc., and Global Water - Santa Cruz Water Company, 157 DECISION NO. 78644 DOCKET NOS. SW-20445A-20-0214, et al. Inc.) shall file with Docket Control as a compliance item in this Docket, evidence demonstrating the 2 relevant Applicants have reorganized into a single public service corporation encompassing the 3 customers, assets, liabilities, and certificated service territories of all the relevant public service 4 corporations that previously comprised the Pinal County Water Group. 5 IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that, by July 29, 2022, the Applicants comprising the Pinal 6 County Wastewater Group (including Global Water- Red Rock Utilities Company, Inc. (Wastewater 7 Division), Global Water - Picacho Cove Utilities Company, Inc. , and Global Water - Palo Verde 8 Utilities Company, Inc.) shall file with Docket Control as a compliance item in this Docket evidence 9 demonstrating the relevant Applicants have reorganized into a single public service corporation IO encompassing the customers, assets, liabilities, and certificated service territories of all the relevant 11 public service corporations that previously comprised the Pinal County Wastewater Group. 12 IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that, by January I , 2024, the Applicants comprising the Maricopa 13 County Water Group (including Global Water - Eagletail Water Company, Inc., Global Water - 14 Northern Scottsdale Water Company, Inc., and Global Water-GreaterTonopah Water Company, Inc.) 15 shall file with Docket Control as a compliance item in this Docket evidence demonstrating the relevant 16 Applicants have reorganized into a single public service corporation encompassing the customers, 17 assets, liabilities, and certificated service territories of all the relevant public service corporations that 18 previously comprised the Maricopa County Water Group. I 9 IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that, by July 29, 2022, the Applicants compnsmg the 20 Balterra/Hassayampa Wastewater Group (including Global Water - Balterra Utilities Company, Inc. 21 and Global Water - Hassayampa Utilities Company, Inc.) shall file with Docket Control as a 22 compliance item in this Docket evidence demonstrating the relevant Applicants have reorganized into 23 a single public service corporation encompassing the customers, assets, liabilities, and certificated 24 service territories of all the relevant public service corporations that previously comprised the 25 Balterra/Hassayampa Wastewater Group. 26 IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that, within 30 days of initiating the relevant mergers, the 27 Applicants shall notify their customers in writing of any changes in company name, brand name, 28 website, billing, contact information, and other aspects of utility operations that could impact customer 158 DECISION NO. 78644 DOCKET NOS. SW-20445A-20-0214, et al. interaction and how such changes will impact customers. 2 IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Applicants comprising the Pinal County Water, Pinal 3 County Wastewater, Maricopa County Water, and Balterra/Hassayampa Wastewater Groups shall, 4 within 10 days of providing notice to customers as required in the immediately preceding paragraph, 5 file with Docket Control as a compliance item in this Docket a copy of the notices Applicants sent to 6 relevant customers. 7 IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that this Decision shall become effective immediately. BY ORDER OF THE ARIZONA CORPORATION COMMISSION. 11 12 --'- I .J(:_~1-::.:~:;::::~!---~{4_141~~-~~~~:__..-I:~~~~~,~~~~~~~,~--~~~~::: 13 1- 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 DISSENT DISSENT CHH/ec(gb) IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I, MATTHEW J. NEUBERT, Executive Director of the Arizona Corporation Commission, have hereunto set my hand and aused the official seal of the Commiss~ rooe)'affixed at the C itoIJ in the City of Phoenix, this - ---t--+-"---( __ day of c.., 1 2022. 159 EUBERT !RECTOR DECISION NO. 78644 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 SERVICE LIST FOR: DOCKET NO.: Daniel Pozefsky, Chief Counsel Residential Utility Consumer 0 ffice 1110 West Washington Street, S uite 220 Phoenix, AZ 85007 cipozef sky@azruco.gov proccdural(@,a;,-ruco.gov lwoodall (a)azruco.gov rdelafucnte~,·azruco.gov Consented to Service by Email Timothy Sabo GLOBAL WATER RESOURC ES, INC. 21410 N 19th Ave., Ste. 220 Phoenix, AZ 85027-2738 Attorney for Global Water ti m.sabo@gwresourccs.com Consented to Service by Email Robin Mitchell, Director Legal Division GLOBAL WATER RESOURCES, INC. SW-20445A-20-0214, et al. ARIZONA CORPORATION C OMMISSION 1200 West Washington Street Phoenix, AZ 85007 Legal Di v@azcc.gov uti Id i vserviccbyemail@azcc.gov Consented to Service by Email 160 DECISION NO. 78644 -----

DOCKET NOS. SW-20445A-20-0214, et al. EXHIBIT A Maricopa County Water Consolidation (Global Water - Greater Tonopah Water Company, Inc., Global Water - Eagletail Water Company, Inc., Global Water - Northern Scottsdale Water Company, Inc.) Phase 1 Monthly Basic Service Char[!es GTWC Ea1detail NSWC 518" X 314" Meter $ 47.55 $ 47.55 $ 27.00 314" Meter $ 47.55 $ 47.55 $ 27.00 1" Meter $ 112.04 $ 112.04 $ 57.00 1.5" Meter $ 221.17 $ 221.17 $ 120.00 2" Meter $ 352.1 3 $ 352. 13 $ 128.00 3" Meter $ 701.35 $ 701.35 $ 340.00 4" Meter $ 1,094.23 $ 1,094.23 $ 550.00 611 Meter $ 2,185.57 $ 2,185.57 NIA 811 Meter $ 3,495.1 7 $ 3,495.17 NIA Phase 1 Commodity Rates Gallons GTWC Ea2:letail NSWC 0-1000 $ 2.61 $ 2.61 $ 3.45 1001-5000 $ 4.8 ) $ 4.81 $ 4.59 5001-10000 $ 6.99 $ 6.99 $ 5.59 1000)-18000 $ 9.20 $ 9.20 $ 6.80 18001-25000 $ 11.33 $ 11.33 $ 7.80 >25,000 $ 13.43 $ 13.43 $ 8.80 CRT 6,000 6,000 7,000 CRT (discount %) 50% 50% 20% Non-Potable (per 1,000) $1.80 $1.80 NIA Standpipe (per 1,000) NIA NIA $7.00 Phase 2 Monthly Basic Service Char !!es GTWC Ea2letail NSWC 518" X 314" Meter $ 55.11 $ 55.11 $ 27.00 3/4" Meter $ 55.l J $ 55.11 $ 27.00 1" Meter $ 124.08 $ 124.08 $ 57.00 DECISION NO. 78644 - - --- DOCKET NOS. SW-20445A-20-02 14, et al. 1.5" Meter $ 242.33 $ 242.33 $ 120.00 2" Meter $ 384.25 $ 384.25 $ 128.00 3" Meter $ 762.71 $ 762.71 $ 340.00 4" Meter $ 1,188.47 $ 1,188.47 $ 550.00 6" Meter $ 2,371 .1 3 $ 2,371.13 NIA 8" Meter $ 3,790.33 $ 3,790.33 NIA Phase 2 Commodity Rates Gallons GTWC Eagletail NSWC 0-1000 $ 2.81 $ 2.81 $ 3.45 l 001-5000 $ 5.19 $ 5.19 $ 4.59 5001-10000 $ 7.55 $ 7.55 $ 5.59 10001-1 8000 $ 9.94 $ 9.94 $ 6.80 18001-25000 $ 12.26 $ 12.26 $ 7.80 >25,000 $ 14.53 $ 14.53 $ 8.80 CRT 6,000 6,000 7,000 CRT (discount %) 50% 50% 20% Non-Potable $ 1.80 $ 1.80 (per 1,000) NIA Standpipe (per 1,000) NIA NIA $7.00 Phase 3 (and thereafter Monthly Basic Service Charges GTWC Eagletail NSWC 518" X 314" Meter $ 62.66 $ 62.66 $ 27.00 314" Meter $ 62.66 $ 62.66 $ 27.00 1" Meter $ 136.11 $ 136.11 $ 57.00 1.5" Meter $ 263.50 $ 263.50 $ 120.00 2" Meter $ 416.38 $ 416.38 $ 128.00 3" Meter $ 824.06 $ 824.06 $ 340.00 4" Meter $ 1,282.70 $ 1,282.70 $ 550.00 6" Meter $ 2,556.70 $ 2,556.70 NIA 8" Meter $ 4,085.50 $ 4,085.50 NIA Phase 3 (and thereafter) Commodity Rates Gallons GTWC Eagletail NSWC 0-1000 $ 3.00 $ 3.00 $ 3.45 DECISION NO. 78644 DOCKET NOS. SW-20445A-20-0214, et al. 1001-5000 $ 5.56 $ 5.56 $ 4.59 5001-1 0000 $ 8. 11 $ 8.11 $ 5.59 10001 -18000 $ 10.69 $ 10.69 $ 6.80 18001 -25000 $ 13.18 $ 13.18 $ 7.80 >25,000 $ 15.63 $ 15.63 $ 8.80 CRT 6,000 6,000 7,000 CRT (discount %) 50% 50% 20% Non-Potable (per 1,000) $ 1.80 $ 1.80 NIA Standpipe (oer 1,000) NIA NIA $7.00 Service Line and Meter Installation Charges Meter Size Service Line and Meter Installation Charges (Inches) Service Line * Meter Total 518" X 314" $445 $155 $600 314" $445 $255 $700 1" $495 $315 $810 1-1/2" $550 $525 $1,075 2" Turbine $830 $1,045 $1,875 2" Compound $830 $1,890 $2,720 3" Turbine $1,045 $1,670 $2,715 3" Compound $1,165 $2,545 $3,710 4" Turbine $1,490 $2,670 $4,160 4" Compound $1,670 $3,645 $5,315 6" Turbine $2,210 $5,025 $7,235 6" Compound $2,330 $6,920 $9,250 8" and Larger Actual Cost Actual Cost Actual Cost * Amount adjusted to include the actual cost incurred when boring under or cutting a road, hi!!hwav, or sidewalk is required. Eai:;letail SERVICE CHARGES: Establishment of Service $40.00 Reconnection of Service (Delinquent) $40.00 After Hours Service Charge (at $50.00 Customer's Request) Meter Test Fee (If Correct) $35.00 Deposit * DECISION NO. 78644 ----- DOCKET NOS. SW-20445A-20-0214, et al. Deposit Interest *4% Re-establishment of Service (Within 12 ** Months) NSF Check $30.00 Deferred Payment (Per Month) *** 1.5% Meter Re-Read (If Correct) $20.00 Late Fee (Per Month on Unpaid Balance) 1.5% Charge for Moving Meter **** Monthly Service Charge for Fire Sgrinkler ***** All Meter Sizes (All Classes) * Per Commission Rule A.AC. R14-2-403(B) ** Number of months off system times the monthly minimum per A.AC. R 14-2-403(D) *** Per Commission Rule A.AC. Rl4-2-409(G)(6) **** Cost to include parts, labor, overhead and all applicable taxes per A.AC. R 14-2- 405(8)(5) ***** 2% of Monthly Minimum for a Comparable Sized Meter Connection, but no less than $10.00 per month. The Service Charge for Fire Sprinklers is only applicable for service lines separate and distinct from the primary service line. Jn addition to the collection of its regular rates and charges, the Company shall collect from customers their proportionate share of any privilege, sales or use tax in accordance with A.AC. R14-2-409(D)(5). GTWC and NSWC SERVICE CHARGES: Establishment of Service $35.00 Re-establishment of Service (Within 12 (a) Months) DECISION NO. 78644

DOCKET NOS. SW-20445A-20-0214, et al. Reconnection of Service (Delinquent) $35.00 Meter Move at Customer Request (b) After Hours Service Charge (at $50.00 Customer's Request) Deposit (c) Deposit Interest (c) Meter Re-Read (If Correct) $30.00 Meter Test Fee (If Correct) $30.00 NSF Check $30.00 Late Payment Penalty 1.5% & (d) Deferred Payment (Per Month) 1.5% & (e) (a) Number of months off system times the monthly minimum per A.A.C. Rl4-2-403(D) (b) Cost to include parts, labor, overhead, and all applicable taxes per A.A.C. Rl4-2- 405(B)(5) (c) Per A.A.C. R14-2-403(B) ( d) Per month of unpaid balance (e) Per Commission Rule A.A.C. R l4-2-409(G)(6) In addition to the collection of its regular rates and charges, the Company shall collect from customers their proportionate share of any privilege, sales or use tax in accordance with A.A.C. R 14-2-409(0)(5). DECISION NO. 78644 DOCKET NOS. SW-20445A-20-0214, et al. Pinal County Water Consolidation (Global Water - Santa Cruz Water Company, Inc., Global Water - Red Rock Utilities, Inc., and Global Water- Picacho Cove Water Company, Inc.) Phase 1 Monthly Basic Service Charges Santa Cruz Red Rock (Water) Picacho Water 5/8" X 3/4" Meter $ 29.19 $ 29.19 $ 29.1 9 3/4" Meter $ 29.19 $ 29.19 $ 29.19 1" Meter $ 75.81 $ 75.81 $ 75.81 1.5" Meter $ 153.53 $ 153.53 $ 153.53 2" Meter $ 246.78 $ 246.78 $ 246.78 3" Meter $ 495.46 $ 495.46 $ 495.46 4" Meter $ 775.23 $ 775.23 $ 775.23 6" Meter $ 1,554.23 $ 1,554.23 $ 1,554.23 8" Meter $ 3,108.50 $ 3,108.50 $ 3,108.50 Phase 1 Commodity Rates Gallons Santa Cruz Red Rock (Water) Picacho Water 0-1000 $ 1.49 $ 1.49 $ 1.49 1001-5000 $ 2.44 $ 2.44 $ 2.44 5001-10000 $ 3.39 $ 3.39 $ 3.39 10001 -18000 $ 4.34 $ 4.34 $ 4.34 18001-25000 $ 5.30 $ 5.30 $ 5.30 >25,000 $ 6.34 $ 6.34 $ 6.34 CRT 6,000 6,000 6,000 CRT (discount%) 60% 60% 60% Non-Potable (per 1,000) $1.75 $1.75 $1.75 Standpipe (oer 1,000) NIA NIA NIA Phase 2 (and thereafter Monthly Basic Service Charges Santa Cruz Red Rock (Water) Picacho Water 518" X 314" Meter $ 30.36 $ 30.36 $ 30.36 314" Meter $ 30.36 $ 30.36 $ 30.36 1" Meter $ 78.74 $ 78.74 $ 78.74 1.5" Meter $ 159.38 $ 159.38 $ 159.38 2" Meter $ 256. 14 $ 256.14 $ 256.14 3" Meter $ 514.19 $ 514. I 9 $ 514.19 4" Meter $ 804.48 $ 804.48 $ 804.48 6" Meter $ 1,612.75 $ 1,612.75 $ 1,612.75 DECISION NO. 78644 DOCKET NOS. SW-20445A-20-0214, et al. I 8" Meter $ 3,225.53 $ 3,225.53 $ 3,225.53 Phase 2 (and thereafter) Commodity Rates Gallons Santa Cruz Red Rock (Water) Picacho Water 0-1000 $ 1.55 $ 1.55 $ 1.55 1001-5000 $ 2.53 $ 2.53 $ 2.53 5001-10000 $ 3.52 $ 3.52 $ 3.52 10001-18000 $ 4.50 $ 4.50 $ 4.50 18001-25000 $ 5.50 $ 5.50 $ 5.50 >25,000 $ 6.58 $ 6.58 $ 6.58 CRT 6,000 6,000 6,000 CRT (discount %) 60% 60% 60% Non-Potable (per 1,000) $ 1.75 $ 1.75 $ 1.75 Standpipe (per 1,000) NIA NIA NIA Service Line and Meter Installation Charges Meter Size Service Line and Meter Installation Charges (Inches) Service Line * Meter Total 518" X 3/4" $445 $155 $600 3/4" $445 $255 $700 1" $495 $315 $810 1-1/2" $550 $525 $1,075 2" Turbine $830 $1,045 $1,875 2" Compound $830 $1,890 $2,720 3" Turbine $1,045 $1,670 $2,715 3" Compound $1,165 $2,545 $3,710 4" Turbine $1,490 $2,670 $4,160 4" Compound $1,670 $3,645 $5,315 6" Turbine $2,210 $5,025 $7,235 6" Compound $2,330 $6,920 $9,250 8" and Lanzer Actual Cost Actual Cost Actual Cost * Amount adjusted to include the actual cost incurred when boring under or cutting a road, highway, or sidewalk is required. Decision No. 78644 DOCKET NOS. SW-20445A-20-0214, et al. Santa Cruz, Red Rock (Water), and Picacho Water SERVICE CHARGES: Establishment $35.00 Re-establishment of Service (Withjn 12 (a) Months) Reconnection of Service (Delinquent) $35.00 Moving Customer Meter ( customer (b) request) After Hours Service Charge (at $50.00 Customer's Request) Deposit (c) Deposit Interest (c) Meter Re-Read (If Correct) $30.00 Meter Test Fee (If Correct) $30.00 NSF Check $30.00 Late Payment Penalty 1.5% & (d) Deferred Payment (Per Month) (e) (a) Number of months off system times the monthly mimmum per A.A.C. R 14-2-403(0) (b) Cost to include parts, labor, overhead, and all applicable taxes per A.A.C. Rl4-2- 405(B)(5) (c) Per A.A.C. Rl4-2-403(B) ( d) Per month on unpaid balance (e) Per Commission Rule A.A.C. Rl4-2-409(G)(6) In addition to the collection of its regular rates and charges, the Company shall collect from customers their proportionate share of any privilege, sales or use tax in accordance with A.A.C. R14-2-409(D)(5). 1 Decision No. 78644

DOCKET NOS. SW-20445A-20-0214, et al. Red Rock - Pima County (Global Water - Red Rock Utilities, Inc.) Red Rock (Water) - Pima County Monthly Basic Service Charizes Phase 2 (and Phase 1 thereafter) 5/8" X 3/4" Meter $ 29.1 9 $ 30.36 3/4" Meter $ 29.19 $ 30.36 l" Meter $ 75.81 $ 78.74 1.5" Meter $ 153.53 $ 159.38 2" Meter $ 246.78 $ 256.14 3" Meter $ 495.46 $ 514.19 4" Meter $ 775.23 $ 804.48 6" Meter $ 1,554.23 $ 1,612.75 8" Meter $ 3,108.50 $ 3,225.53 Red Rock (Water) - Pima County Commodity Charizes Phase 2 (and Phase 1 thereafter) 0-1000 $ 1.49 $ 1.55 1001-5000 $ 2.44 $ 2.53 5001-10000 $ 3.39 $ 3.52 10001-18000 $ 4.34 $ 4.50 18001-25000 $ 5.30 $ 5.50 >25,000 $ 6.34 $ 6.58 CRT 6,000 6,000 CRT (discount %) 60% 60% Non-Potable (per 1,000) $1.69 $1.69 Standpipe (oer 1,000) NIA NIA Service Line and Meter Installation Charges Meter Size Service Line and Meter Installation Charges (Inches) Service Line * Meter Total 518" X 3/4" $445 $ 155 $600 314" $445 $255 $700 1" $495 $315 $810 1-1/2" $550 $525 $1,075 2" Turbine $830 $1,045 $1 ,875 2" Compound $830 $1,890 $2,720 Decision No. 78644 DOCKET NOS. SW-20445A-20-0214, et al. 3" Turbine $ I ,045 $1 ,670 $2,715 3" Compound $1,165 $2,545 $3,710 4" Turbine $1 ,490 $2,670 $4,160 4" Compound $1 ,670 $3,645 $5,315 6" Turbine $2,210 $5,025 $7,235 6" Compound $2,330 $6,920 $9,250 8" and Lar2er Actual Cost Actual Cost Actual Cost * Amount adjusted to include the actual cost incurred when boring under or cutting a road, hicllway, or sidewalk is required. Red Rock (Water)- Pima County SERVICE CHARGES: Establishment $35.00 Re-establishment of Service (Within 12 (a) Months) Reconnection of Service (Delinquent) $35.00 Moving Customer Meter (customer (b) request) After Hours Service Charge (at $50.00 Customer's Request) Deposit (c) Deposit Interest (c) Meter Re-Read (If Correct) $30.00 Meter Test Fee (If Correct) $30.00 NSF Check $30.00 Late Payment Penalty 1.5% & (d) Deferred Payment (Per Month) (e) (a) Number of months off system times the monthly minimum per A.AC. R14-2-403(D) (b) Cost to include parts, labor, overhead, and all applicable taxes per A.AC. R14-2- 405(B)(5) (c) Per A.AC. R14-2-403(B) ( d) Per month on unpaid balance (e) Per Commission Rule A.AC. R14-2-409(G)(6) Decision No. 78644 DOCKET NOS. SW-20445A-20-0214, et al. In addition to the collection of its regular rates and charges, the Company shall collect from customers their proportionate share of any privilege, sales or use tax in accordance with A.AC. R l 4-2-409(D)(5). Decision No. 78644 DOCKET NOS. SW-20445A-20-0214, et al. Pinal County Wastewater Consolidation (Global Water - Palo Verde Utilities Company, Inc., Global Water - Red Rock Utilities Company, Inc., and Global Water - Picacho Cove Utilities Company, Inc.) Monthly Basic Service Char~es Red Rock Palo Verde (Wastewater) Picacho Utilities 5/8" X 3/4" Meter $ 70.07 $ 70.07 $ 70.07 3/4" Meter $ 70.07 $ 70.07 $ 70.07 1" Meter $ 175.03 $ 175.03 $ 175.03 1.5" Meter $ 350.03 $ 350.03 $ 350.03 2" Meter $ 560.06 $ 560.06 $ 560.06 3" Meter $ 1,120.10 $ 1,120.10 $ 1,120.10 4" Meter $ 1,750.16 $ 1,750.16 $ 1,750.1 6 6" Meter $ 3,503.50 $ 3,503.50 $ 3,503.50 8" Meter $ 5,605.60 $ 5,605.60 $ 5,605.60 Commodity Rates Red Rock Gallons Palo Verde (Wastewater) Picacho Utilities Non-Potable (per 1,000) $1.75 $1.75 $1.75 Palo Verde, Red Rock (Wastewater), and Picacho Utilities SERVICE CHARGES: Establishment of Service $35.00 Re-establishment of Service (Within 12 (a) Months) Reconnection of Service (Delinquent) $35.00 After Hours Service Charge* $50.00 Deposit (b) Deposit Interest (b) NSF Check $30.00 Late Payment Penalty 1.5% & (c) Deferred Payment (Per Month) 1.5% (a) Number of months off system times the monthly minimum per A.A.C. R14-2-603(D) Decision No. 78644

(b) Per A.A.C. RI 4-2-603(B) (c) Per month of unpaid balance. DOCKET NOS. SW-20445A-20-0214, et al. In addition to the collection of its regular rates and charges, the Company shall collect from customers their proportionate share of any privilege, sales or use tax in accordance with A.A.C. R14-2-608(D)(5). Decision No. 78644 DOCKET NOS. SW-20445A-20-0214, et al. (Global Water - Balterra Utilities Company, Inc., Global Water- Hassayampa Utilities Company, Inc.) Monthly Basic Service Charge Balterra Hassayampa 518" X 314" Meter $ 54.25 $ 54.25 314" Meter $ 54.25 $ 54.25 1" Meter $ 135.00 $ 135.00 1.5'' Meter $ 270.00 $ 270.00 2" Meter $ 430.00 $ 430.00 3" Meter $ 860.00 $ 860.00 4" Meter $ 1,350.00 $ 1,350.00 6" Meter $ 2,700.00 $ 2,700.00 8" Meter NIA NIA Commodity Rates Gallons Balterra Hassayampa Non-Potable