

2024年4月11日(星期四)上午9:30普通股股东周年大会通知及会议材料备妥通知(东部时间)股东大会上,普通股股东将:1通过网络直播在线收到我们截至2022年10月31日和2022年的财务报表, 我们2023年年报中的相关审计师(见密码:rbc2024(区分大小写)第7页)亲自:选举董事(见多伦多会议中心2的第7页和第12至20页) 北楼1020Martin Grove Road 3任命我们的审计师(见多伦多的第7页和第48至49页,安大略省通函)请访问我们的网站rbc.com/年度会议4有权在会议之前对高管薪酬预付款的方法发表意见 有关会议的最新信息(参见第7页和高管薪酬部分,有关出席会议的信息)。通函第53页至第98页)您应给予最少15分钟的时间在网上登记5考虑日程会议中列出的股东建议并完成相关登记。请参阅2024年管理代理通函(通函)第9至11页,以了解有关如何在会议前适当处理任何其他可能到来的事务的详细信息。通知和访问-如何在加拿大证券管理人允许的情况下访问会议材料,并根据代理征求豁免 征求意见?_关于加拿大计算机信托公司从监管办公室收到的要求(计算机共享)网站:加拿大金融机构,我们正在使用通知-www.envisionreports.com/RBC2024和-访问 将我们的通函递送给我们的注册和?_在我们的网站上:rbc.com/年度会议非注册(慈善)股东。我们还使用通知和访问向我们的非SEDAR:sedarplus.ca注册 (慈善)股东交付我们的年度报告。?_on EDGAR:sec.gov/edga这意味着您收到的不是通知和年度报告(会议材料)的纸质副本,而是说明如何在线访问这些材料的通知。 如果您愿意,还将在此通知的背面?发送有关如何索取会议材料的纸质副本的信息。您将?并附上委托书或投票指示通知-并访问是环保的形式,以便您 可以投票您的股票。因为它减少了纸张和能源消耗


How to vote There are two ways you can vote: by proxy or at the meeting either online or in person. Unless you intend to vote at the meeting, we encourage you to vote as early as possible using the enclosed form of proxy or voting instruction form so your RBC common shares are represented at the meeting. Computershare, our transfer agent, must receive your vote no later than 1:00 p.m. (Eastern Time) on Tuesday April 9, 2024. You will not receive another form of proxy or voting instruction form. Please retain your current one to vote your shares. If you wish to attend and vote at the meeting, there are additional steps you MUST take. Please refer to pages 8 to 10 of the circular for detailed information on how to vote. We encourage you to read the circular before voting. How to request a paper copy of the meeting materials You may request a paper copy of the meeting materials at no cost up to one year from the date the circular was ?led on SEDAR as follows: Before the meeting After the meeting Visit proxyvote.com or call 1-877-907-7643 Non-registered (Canada/U.S.) or 303-562-9305 (International) and (bene?cial) Call 1-866-964-0492 (Canada/U.S.) or enter the 16-digit control number located on your shareholders 514-982-8714 (International) or write to voting instruction form. service@computershare.com Call 1-866-962-0498 (Canada/U.S.) or with the following subject line: Registered 514-982-8716 (International) and enter your 15-digit ?RBC ? Request for meeting material?. shareholders control number located on your form of proxy. In order to receive the meeting materials prior to the voting deadline and the date of the meeting, we must receive your request no later than 5:00 p.m. (Eastern Time) on Tuesday, March 26, 2024. The meeting materials will then be sent to you within three business days of receiving your request. If you submit your request after the meeting, the meeting materials will be sent to you within 10 calendar days of receiving your request. Please note that you will not receive another voting instruction form or form of proxy. Who to contact if you have questions about notice-and-access or about the meeting Please call Computershare at 1-866-586-7635 (Canada/U.S.) or 514-982-7555 (International). Sign up for eDelivery You can receive shareholder materials, including this notice as well as the form of proxy or voting instructions form, by email. eDelivery reduces paper and energy consumption and gets the documents to you faster. Non-registered (bene?cial) shareholders Go to proxyvote.com and sign up using the control number on your voting instruction form or, after the annual meeting, contact your intermediary. Registered shareholders Go to investorvote.com and sign up using the control number on your proxy form or go to investorcentre.com/rbc and click on ?Receive Documents Electronically?. / ? Trademark(s) of Royal Bank of Canada. 125847 (02/2024)