附录 99.1


McGrath RentCorp Usinga blatt n Pfn。mart yoll” wtts 'Mth 和 X 在这个 slxlwn 中都是 slxlwn,xlf。请在 deSM 外面做 oot)nated .nm。 2024 年特别会议代理卡表格 '@TE [K] T 如果通过邮件签名投票,请将 BottilM 部分退回封装在封装的信封中。T II 提案-董事会建议投票 fi!H. 提案1、2和3。 + D 已授权 SiqnaTll'es — 必须完成本部分才能算上你的投票。请在下面注明日期并签名。 请严格按照此处显示的姓名签名。共同所有者应各自签名。签约成为律师、执行人、管理人、公司高管、受托人、监护人或托管人时,请完整注明 。 日期 (mm/dd/yyyy)-请在下面打印日期。签名 t-请在方框内保留签名。签名 2-请在方框内保留签名。 ■ 1UPX qlsu2d + 1。批准并通过 截至2024年1月28日的 以及麦格拉思 RentCorp、WillScot Mobile Mini Holdings 公司、Brunello Merger Sub I, Inc.和Brunello Merger Sub II, Inc.和Brunello Merger Sub II, LLC之间签订的协议和计划(“合并协议”),以及合并 协议(“合并提案”)中考虑的其他交易。 2。批准一项不具约束力的咨询提案,以批准 RentCorp 将或可能向与 合并提案(“合并相关薪酬 提案”)相关的指定执行官支付 薪酬。 3。如果 在休会时票数不足,无法批准合并提案(“休会提案”), 在必要或适当的情况下,不时批准特别会议休会, 寻求更多支持合并提案的代理人。 对于 aqalnst 弃权


T 如果通过邮件签名投票,请将 BottilM 部分退回封装在封装的信封中。T McGrath RentCorp 董事会为将于当天举行的股东特别会议征集这份委托书 []在 [], 几乎只在 []. The undersigned hereby constitutes and appoints Joseph F. Hanna, Keith E. Pratt and Gilda Malek, or each of them, with full power of substitution and revocation, attorneys and proxies of the undersigned at the Special Meeting of Shareholders of McGrath RentCorp or any adjournments thereof, and to vote the shares of Common Stock of McGrath RentCorp registered in the name of the undersigned on the Record Date for the Special Meeting. The Board of Directors recommends a vote FOR Proposals No. 1, 2 and No. 3. The shares represented by this Proxy will be voted as directed on the reverse side; if no specification is made, the shares will be voted FOR said proposals. The proxies are authorized to vote in their discretion upon such other business as may properly come before the Special Meeting to the extent authorized by Rule 14a-4(c) promulgated by the Securities and Exchange Commission. The undersigned hereby acknowledges receipt of the Notice of Special Meeting of Shareholders and the Proxy Statement for the Special Meeting of Shareholders prior to the signing of this Proxy. PLEASE RETURN THIS SIGNED AND DATED PROXY IN THE ACCOMPANYING ADDRESSED ENVELOPE. (Items to be voted appear on reverse side) Important Notice Regarding the Availability of Proxy Materials for the Special Meeting: The Proxy Statement is available at []