
01Z8TC Fold Fold 对此通知有疑问吗?拨打下面的免费电话或扫描二维码以了解更多 免费1-866-964-0492GFL环境公司代理材料可用性www.computershare.com/ noticeandaccess Notice。年度股东大会 会议日期和地点: 时间:2024年5月15日地点:在线时间:https://web.lumiagm.com/404558653, 上午10:00(东部时间)密码:gfl2024您收到此通知,通知您上述证券持有人会议的代理材料可在互联网上获得。本通讯仅概述了您可以在互联网上获得的更完整的代理材料。我们提醒您在投票前查阅信息通告和其他代理材料中包含的所有重要信息。 信息通告和其他相关材料可从at: http://investors.gflenv.com OR www.sedarplus.ca GFL Environmental Inc.获得。 如何获得代理材料的纸质副本 安全持有人可以要求通过邮寄免费接收当前会议材料的纸质副本。索取纸质副本的请求 可使用随附的投票指示表格或委托书上显示的控制编号进行。为确保您在投票截止日期和会议日期之前收到材料,所有申请必须在2024年5月1日之前收到。如果您确实要求提供当前材料,请注意,将不会发送另一份投票指示表格/委托书;请保留您当前的表格用于投票。 有关通知和访问的更多信息,请联系我们的转让代理ComputerShare Investor 服务公司,电话:1-866-964-0492。股东可以要求收到自材料在www.sedarplus.ca上归档之日起至一年内的会议材料的纸质副本。对于具有15位控制号码的持有者: 通过以下方式请求材料: 致电北美境内的Toll Free-1-866-962-0498或直接从北美以外的 北美-(514)982-8716并输入您的投票指示 表格或代理上指示的 控制号码。 对于具有16位数字控制号码的持有者: 通过致电Toll Free请求材料,在北美境内-1-877-907-7643或直接从北美以外的地区-(303)562-9305并输入您的投票指示表格上显示的控制号码。 要在会议日期后获得材料的纸质副本,请致电 (905)326-0101分机联系GFL Environmental Inc.。60865或发送电子邮件至ir@gflenv.com。


01Z8UA Fold Fold Securityholder Meeting Notice The resolutions to be voted on at the meeting are listed below along with the Sections within the Information Circular where disclosure regarding the matter can be found. 1. Election of Directors - Shareholders will be asked to elect directors for the ensuing year. Information respecting the election of directors may be found in the Information Circular under “Proposal 1 - Election of Directors”. 2. Appointment of Auditor - Shareholders will be asked to appoint KPMG LLP as auditor of GFL Environmental Inc., to hold office until the next annual meeting of the shareholders, at such remuneration to be determined by the board of directors. Information respecting the appointment of auditor may be found in the Information Circular under “Proposal 2 - Appointment of Independent Auditor”. 3. Consideration of Company Approach to Executive Compensation - Shareholders will be asked to consider an advisory non-binding resolution on GFL Environmental Inc.’s approach to executive compensation. Information may be found in the Information Circular under “Proposal 3 - Advisory Vote on Executive Compensation”. Annual Financial statement delivery • No Annual Report (or Annual Financial Statements) is (are) included in this mailing Voting PLEASE NOTE – YOU CANNOT VOTE BY RETURNING THIS NOTICE. To vote your securities you must vote using the methods reflected on your enclosed Voting Instruction Form or Proxy. Your Proxy or Voting Instruction Form must be received by May 13, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. (Eastern Time). PLEASE VIEW THE INFORMATION CIRCULAR PRIOR TO VOTING