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DocuSign信封ID:DL F7393F-D384-4DF7-AAO6-1 B9C9421 1 CDA[插入租赁日期],经修订的(统称为《租约》),在本图纸提交时,该文件尚未被驳回。特殊条件:在该备用信用证项下,可以进行部分提款和多次提示,但条件是,美国支付的每一项此类要求都应减少该备用信用证项下的可用金额。所有需要的信息,无论是用空格、括号或其他方式标明的,都必须在绘图时填写。[请提供所需的审核表格,并将其作为附表附在信用证上。[所有签名必须以原件手工签署。所有银行手续费均由申请人承担。本备用信用证的一项条件是,除非我们在到期日前至少六十(60)天通过全国认可的隔夜快递服务向您发送通知,我们选择不再将该信用证延长一年,否则将被视为自动延期一年,不作任何修改。上述通知将被发送到上述地址,除非您以收件人或快递的方式以书面方式通知美国更改地址。任何向美国发出的通知,只有在我们实际收到我们指定的办事处后才被视为有效。在任何情况下,在没有我方进一步通知的情况下,到期日不得超过本信用证的最终到期日(到期日)。本信用证可转让一次或多次,但每次转让给一名受让人(“受让人”),且仅限于转让时信用证项下可提取的全部金额,前提是向该受让人的转移符合所有适用的美国法律和法规。在转让时,信用证正本和原始修改(S)必须连同我们的转让表(可根据要求提供)和我们的惯例转让费由申请人支付一起交给我们。如果是本信用证项下的任何转让,汇票和任何必要的声明必须由受让人签署,如果受益人的名字出现在本备用信用证中,受让人的名字将自动被取代。本备用信用证项下要求的所有汇票必须注明:]插入银行名称[备用信用证编号。_我们在此同意,如果汇票提交给]插入银行名称
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CDA附件G声明本租约中使用的术语声明‘共同指的是:(I)1998年10月15日通过题为’车厂区重建项目区计划‘的重建图则的公告,该公告于1998年10月22日记录为正式记录第1835页第8133册的7127194号条目,该公告经修订并受1998年10月15日记录的题为《车厂区重建项目区图则》的修订后的《采用重建图则公告》影响,1999年,作为《正式记录》第8275册第1402页的7345726号条目;(2)2000年1月3日签订的地役权协议(与边界协议),2000年1月13日记录为7553961号条目,载于《正式记录》第8336册第1170页,经修订和/或以其他方式影响;2013年4月22日记录为《城市项目协议总括修正案》11622650号,载于《正式记录》10129册第5755页,经布赖恩·戈尔诺尔签立的2001年2月21日誓章修订和/或以其他方式影响;(3)经修订和重新修订的《参与和补偿协定》,日期为2006年5月30日,2006年6月8日记录为9747342号条目,载于《正式记录》第9305册第5127页,经修订和/或以其他方式受到《修订和重新签署的参与和补偿协议第一修正案》的影响,2013年4月22日记为11622649号条目,载于10129册,《正式记录》第5750页;(Iv)日期为2000年1月3日的格兰德街地役权批地书,2000年1月13日记录为正式纪录第8336册第1217页的7553963号记项,并经2000年8月7日记录为7693049号的誓章更正,该誓章经2005年5月6日记录为9370280号的格兰德街地役权批地书第5484页的修订、补充和其他影响,以及受记录于2005年5月6日第9128册第481页的格兰德街地役权批地书的某些第二修正案所更正,2007年作为10305320号条目,载于第9550册,《正式记录》第5547页,并根据《项目协议联合修正案》,于2013年4月22日记入10129册,第5760页,作为11622651号条目;(V)1999年12月23日的《广场行人和公共用途地役权和规划协议》,2000年1月13日记录为7553964号条目,载于《正式记录》第8336册第1240页,经2000年8月7日记录为7693049号的誓章更正,并经2005年5月6日记录为9370282号条目的《广场行人和公共使用地役权和规划协议第一修正案》、第9128册第506页的《正式记录》第506页的《广场行人和公共用途地役权和规划协议第一修正案》和《项目协议的若干联合总括修正案》更正,2013年4月22日记为11622651号条目,载于《正式记录》10129册第5760页;(Vi)北庙临街道路地役权批地书,日期为12月23日;[第999号,2000年1月13日记录为7553965号条目,载于《正式记录》第8336册第1263页,经2000年8月7日记录为7693049号条目的誓章更正,载于第8379册第5484页,并经2005年5月6日记录为9370279号条目的《北庙临街道路地役权授予第一修正案》、第9128册第466页的《项目协议联合修正案》以及2013年4月22日记录为第5760页的第10129册第5760页的第11622651号条目所更正;(Vii)注明日期为1999年12月23日的车厂行人及公共用途地役权,於2000年1月13日记录为7553966号记项,载于《正式纪录》第8336册第1284页,并经《机房行人及公共用途地役权第一修正案》修订、补充及以其他方式影响,而2005年5月6日记录为第9128册第497页的9370281号记项;(Viii)注明日期为1999年12月23日的酒店行人地役权,於2000年1月13日记录为正式纪录第8336册第1302页内的7553967号记项,而该等修订、补充及在其他方面受现时称为行人地役权的《酒店行人地役权第一修正案》修订、补充及以其他方式影响,并于2005年5月6日记录为第9128册第525页的9370283号记项;(Ix)日期为2000年7月5日的《公园区块协议》,2000年7月7日记录为7674967号条目,载于《正式记录》第8373册第5614页,经修订和/或受《城市工程项目协议总括修正案》的影响;2013年4月22日记录为11622650号条目,载于10129册《正式记录》第5755页;(X)《宣布和确立保护契诺、条件和限制及地役权授予》,日期为2000年12月15日,2000年12月27日记载为7787948号条目,载于《正式记录》第8410页,第8311页,经2001年3月1日《宣布和确立保护契诺、条件、限制及地役权授予第一修正案》修订和/或以其他方式影响,2001年3月1日记录为7833680号条目,载于《正式记录》第8430册,第1766页,以及《声明和确立保护契诺、条件、限制及地役权授予的若干第二修正案》,2005年,作为《正式记录》第9128册第536页9370284号条目;(Xi)修订和重新发布的《共管公寓门廊C座共管项目声明》,2001年4月27日作为7881708号条目记录在《正式记录》第8450册第4761页上,如上所述修订并重新发布了1049651.11/SF证物G 373398-00076/1-13-17/ARB/JIL 1递归制药公司。]文件签名信封ID:DLF7393F-D384-4DF7-M06-1B9C9421 1 CDA声明已被修订和/或以其他方式影响,该声明被修订和/或以其他方式影响,2011年2月15日被记录为第9905册正式记录第6380页上的条目11134756的经修订和重新声明的共管门式CF共管项目的CDA声明;(12)修订和重述的共管住宅门式C2座共管项目的声明,2001年4月27日作为7881709号记录在第8450册,正式记录的第4843页;(Xiii)《共管公寓门廊A座共管公寓项目的声明》--2001年2月26日记录为《正式记录》第8427册第4676页7828969号条目;(Xiv)《共管公寓门户B座共管项目的宣布》(2001年2月26日记录为7828971号记项,载于《正式纪录》第8427页第4752页),而该等修订或受《正式纪录》第9016页第9016页的某项《共管公寓B座共管项目的宣布的第一项修订》及《修订测量地图纪录》所修订或以其他方式影响的修订,是由《正式纪录》第859$第7012页记录为8235748号记项,以及由2004年7月20日记录为第9016册第2655页的9125323项记项所修订或以其他方式影响的;(Xv)《商业共享维护的契诺、条件和限制声明》,日期为2001年2月28日,其证据是2001年3月1日《商业共享维护(门户)的某些契诺、条件和限制声明备忘录》被记录为7833681号条目,载于《正式记录》第8430册第1770页,以及《商业共享维护的契诺、条件和限制声明备忘录的某些第一修正案》于2005年5月6日记录为9370286号条目,载于第9128册,《正式记录》第563页,以及对内陆西部盐城门户的某些同意和承认,L.L.C.,2013年9月25日记为11730200号条目,载于10180册,《正式记录》第1552页;(十六)《地役权声明》,日期为2001年9月1日,2003年4月7日记为8600407号条目,载于《正式记录》第5889页,第772美元册;(十一)《圣约协定》,日期为2003年2月2日,记为8600408号条目,载于第8772册,正式记录第5901页;(Xviii)2002年4月8日的未记录的停车许可协议、2002年7月9日的未记录的停车许可协议第一修正案和2002年6月1日的未记录的中央工厂参与协议,每项协议均由日期为2003年6月16日的某项停车许可、停车通道、中央工厂参与和从属协议披露,该协议于2003年6月16日记录为条目编号8691592,载于8818册,正式记录第5955页;(Xix)2003年10月6日的《停车许可证协议》,2003年10月10日记为8848851号条目,载于《正式记录》第8894页,第9334页,经2005年5月5日的《停车许可证协议》(门户办公室3)的某些第一修正案修订、补充和以其他方式影响,2005年5月6日记为9370289号条目,载于第9128册,《正式记录》第580页;(Xx)为经营天文馆和放映大屏幕电影特辑的目的建造和随后收购F座A座零售单元的协议,日期为2002年2月13日,2004年6月8日作为9084123号条目记录在第8998册正式记录第4901页;2004年6月30日的《停车许可协议》,2004年7月20日记录为正式记录第9016册第2635页的9125321号条目,经2005年5月5日的《停车许可证协议第一修正案》修订、补充和以其他方式影响,2005年5月6日记录为第9128册的9370288号条目,《正式记录》第573页;(Xii)截至2005年5月5日的《空域地役权协议》,2005年5月6日记录为第9128册第586页的9370290号条目;(二十三)《侵占协定》,日期为2005年5月5日,记载于《正式记录》第9128册第595页,2005年5月6日记为9370291号条目;(Xxiv)《契诺、限制和地役权宣言》(门户--零售地块),2005年5月6日记为9370292号条目,载于第9128册,第605页。[经《宣布契诺、限制和地役权若干修正案》修订的记录,2005年5月31日记为9390612号条目,载于第9137册,《正式记录》第7862页;(Xxv)《地役权声明》,截至2006年1月6日,2006年1月10日记为9606025号条目,载于第9241册,第9418页;(Xxvi)《停车许可证协议》,2006年12月15日,载于第9399册,第9815页,2006年12月26日记入9951937号条目;(Xxvii)《桥梁契诺和地役权声明》(2007年10月3日),日期为2007年10月3日,作为10328082号条目记录在第9561册《正式记录》第1129页;104965i.li/5F证物G 373398-00076/I I.13.17/arb/jii 2 Recursion PharmPharmticals,Inc.]文件签名信封ID:DLF7393F-D384-4DF7-M06-1 B9C9421 1 CDA(Xxix)地役权,2008年1月22日记录为10328083号条目,载于第9561册,《正式记录》第1144页;(Xxx)停车许可协议,日期为2006年3月20日,该协议的存在由2012年10月22日作为11496303号条目记录在10068册《正式记录》第3312页的某一份停车许可协议备忘录披露;(Xxxi)日期为2003年10月6日的《中央工厂参与协议》,日期为2003年10月10日,记录于正式记录第9344页,编号为8848852;(Xxxi)日期为2004年6月30日的《中央工厂参与协议》,记录于正式记录第9016册第2645页,编号为9125322;以及(Xxxiii)所有的修订、修改、延长、续订和替换;所有这些修订、修改、延长、续订和替换均应优于本租约,对项目具有约束力,并与土地一起运行。1049651.11/SF展览G 373398-00076/1 1-13-17/ARB/JLI 3.递归制药公司。
DocuSign信封ID:D1F7393F-D384-4DF7-M06-189C9421 1CDA附H格式的承租人禁止反言证书,该承租人在_对于位于_附件A所载文件代表双方关于房屋的完整协议。2.签署人目前占用租约所述的物业,租期于_3.基本租金于4.本租约完全有效,除附件A所规定者外,并未以任何方式修改、补充或修订。5.承租人并未转让、转让或分租物业的任何部分,亦未就此订立任何许可证或特许协议,但以下情况除外:6.所有每月基本租金分期付款、所有额外租金及所有每月估计额外租金分期付款已于到期时支付。目前基本租金的每月分期付款为_此外,签字人并未就房东在本合同项下违约一事向房东递交任何通知。8.除租约规定外,未预付超过三十(30)天的租金,也未向房东交保证金。9.截至本合同签署之日,没有现有的抗辩或补偿,或者,据签名人实际所知,签名人没有针对房东的抗辩或补偿,也没有索赔的任何依据。10.如果承租人是公司或合伙企业,代表承租人签署本禁止反言证书的每个人特此声明并保证承租人是正式成立的、有资格在犹他州开展业务的现有实体,承租人有完全的权利和权力签署和交付本禁止反言证书,代表承租人签署的每个人都有权这样做。11.根据美国或任何州的破产法或类似法律,不存在针对下列签署人的待决诉讼。12.除非遵守所有适用法律并在正常使用过程中附带规定,否则签名者未在该房产内使用或储存任何有害物质。13.据签署人实际所知,业主根据租约须进行的所有租客改善工程已按照租约完成,并已被签署人接受,而根据租约须向签署人支付的任何租客改善工程的所有补偿及津贴已悉数支付。签署人承认本禁止反言证书可交付给业主或准抵押权人或准买家,并承认该准承按人或准买家在发放贷款或获取房产所属的财产时将依赖本文所载的陈述,而其收到本证书是发放该贷款或获取该财产的条件。[页面的其余部分故意留空]1049651 11/SF展品H 373398-00076/Li-13-17/ARB/JII-1-递归制药公司。[DocuSign信封ID:DL F7393F-D384-4DF7-AAO6-1 B9C9421 1 CDA本禁止反言证书已由下列签字人于201年月_日签署。“承租人:A___]文件签名信封ID:DL F7393F-D384-4DF7-AAO6-1 B9C9421 1 CDA展品I预留停车位:HHH:;F-f-+F I-1:T--LFHI__NKPAHNLF‘EL蓝104965111/SF 373398-00076/1 1-T3-17/ARB/JTL展品I GSBS A2.07 Ely PLAN9U Recursion Pharmuceuals,Inc.[DocuSign信封ID:DL F7393F-D384-4DF7-M06-1 B9C9421 1 CDA办公租赁Vestar Gateway,LLC是特拉华州的有限责任公司,业主是特拉华州的递归制药公司,租户是特拉华州的公司。1049651.1 1/SF 373398-00076/11-13-17/ORB/ILL递归制药公司]DocuSign信封ID:DL F7393F-D384-4DF7-AAO6-1 89C9421 1 CDA目录第一条房屋、建筑物、项目和公共区域4第2条租赁期限5第3条基本租金8第4条附加租金8第5条使用房产13第6条服务和公用事业14第7条修理15第8条增加和改建16第9条对留置权的契约17第10条保险18第2条损坏和毁坏20 ART1CLE 12不豁免第21第13条宣告第21第14条转让和转租第21第15条放弃房产;24第16条持有25 ART1CLE 17禁止反言证书第25 18第19条违约;补救办法第26条第20条安静享有之约28第21条信用证第28条第22条故意签署OMFVFED第31条第23条签署第31条遵守法律第32条第25条滞纳金第32条第26条补救违约的权利;房东支付房租33条租客停车位33条29杂项条款第35条证物A-I房舍概述A-2项目A-2露台面积A-3专属装载区域B租户工作通知书C租期日期通知书D规章制度E表格信用证F外部建筑标牌G声明H表格承租人禁止反言证书I预留停车位1049651.11/SF 373399.00076/11-13-17/arb/jii(I)Recursion PharmPharmticals,Inc.[DocuSign信封ID:DL F7393F-D3844DF7-M06-1 B9C9421 1 CDA索引额外租金。8改建16批准的施工文件3建筑师/空间规划师3银行28 BankPrimeLoan 32 BankruptcyCode 28银行的信用评级阈值28 BaseBuilding 17 BaseRent 8 BaseYear 8 Base,Shell and Core 4 Builder‘s All Risk 17 Building 4 City 31 Code 1公共区域4特许权6施工预算4施工文件3施工规则,要求,规格,设计标准和建筑标准2合同4承包商4申报我违约26交付日期5直接费用8估算12估算报表12估算超额12超出11费用年度8扩建建筑标牌31公平租金价值6最终成套方案2最终施工文件3最终空间计划3最终TI津贴报销2不可抗力36暖通空调15利率32业主I业主协调费6业主当事人18业主维修通知20法律32 L-C 28 L-C金额28 L-C抽签事件29 L-C期满日期28 L-C FDIC更换通知29租约开始日期5租期5租期5年行38邮寄36非受让人24通知36不良名称或标识31占用阈值31运营费用8期权条件6期权行使通知7期权租金6期权期限6临时改善19原始租户6协议日期7超龄11超额津贴4 i54965i.ii/5F 373398-55576/i-i3-i7/nrb/j5(I)递补价格,Inc.]DocuSign信封ID:DL F7393F-D384-4DF7-M06-1 B9C9421 1 CDA许可证3允许不可转让24允许非受让人24房产4项目4提供者38减值日期30翻新39租金27租金8保证金条例30声明11主题空间22转租费用23提交日期2汇总税费10租户改善津贴项目1租户改善1租户工作函4租户代理人4租户份额11终止日期7终止通知7终止通知7转让24通知21转让溢价23受让人21转让21使用22 it4965i.ii/5F 373398-50076/5FI-I3-I7/ARB/JLI(II)递归药物,跨国公司。[租赁的第一修正案(本修正案“)于2018年9月5日在特拉华州有限责任公司(”房东“)Vestar Gateway LLC和特拉华州公司(”承租人“)Recursion PharmPharmticals,Inc.之间进行。陈述A.业主及租客是一份日期为2017年11月13日的租约(“该租赁”)的双方,根据该租约,租户向业主租赁若干物业(“该物业”),该物业包括一幢两(2)层写字楼,约有99,172平方英尺的可出租空间,俗称41号站,位于犹他州盐湖城南里奥格兰德41号Gateway。本修正案中未另作定义的大写术语应具有租赁中赋予它们的含义。B.根据租约附件B第2.4节,承租人有权将租客改善津贴提高至每平方英尺租金10.00元(即991,720.00元)(实际增加的款额称为“额外津贴”)。双方同意,一旦确定了额外津贴的实际金额,租户每月应支付的房地基本租金将按该金额的摊销价值增加。额外津贴的实际数额现已确定,该数额是该房地每可出租平方英尺的全部10.00美元(即。991,720.00美元)。因此,租户每月应支付的基本租金应每月增加12,032.30美元,以摊销租期内的额外津贴。C.房东及租客现欲修订租约,以(I)调整租客根据租约应支付的基本租金,以及(Ii)修改租客预留停车位的位置,所有均以本租约所载条款及条件为依据,因此,考虑到前述情况,双方同意如下:i.基本租金。自本修正案之日起生效,现将《租约基本资料摘要》第4.1节所载的租金图表全部删除,并代之以:以基本租金为基础的每月分期每月分期付款基本租金以首五年的部分楼宇为基础的基本租金06/01/18-05/31/19$221,110.68$247,565.80 06/01/19-05/31/20$227,383.03$254,631.81 06/01/20-20-05/31/21$233,843.55$261,909.79 06/01/21-05/31/22$240,497.89$269,406.12 06/01/22-05/31/23$247,351.85$277,127.33 06/01/23-05/31/24$285,080.18$285,080.18 06/01/24-05/31/25$293,271.62$293,271.62 06/01/25-05/31/26$301,708.80 06/01/26-05/31/27$310,399.09 1065499.03/SF-00076/8.31-1 8/ART/ASH-]26/01/27-05/31/28$319,350.09$319,350.09*在2018年6月1日至2023年5月31日(“减租期”)期间,承租人只需支付88,033平方英尺的基本租金(而不是整个99,172平方英尺的基本租金),如上文租金图表第二栏所示。“减租金额”是指租户在减租期间没有为整个物业(即剩余的11,151平方英尺)支付的基本租金。房东有权根据租约第3.2节向租客购买减收的租金,在此情况下,自收到租金之日起及之后,租客应支付基本租金,如上文租金图表第三栏所示。在本修正案执行后十(10)天内,承租人应向房东支付适用于2018年6月、2018年7月和2018年8月(以及2018年9月,如果适用)的上述演奏会B所述的额外增加的基本租金。2.预留泊车位。现将本租约附件一全部删除,代之以附件附件A,应确认保留的停车区在附件附件A上以黄色突出显示。3.没有出价。提交本文件供承租人审核及签署,并不构成修订租约的要约或修订租约的保留或选择权,在业主及租客双方签署及交付之前,本文件并不作为租约修订或其他方式有效。4.十足效力的租约。除上述规定外,本租约在此不作任何修改,并保持十足效力。5.对口单位。本修正案可执行多份副本,每一副本应被视为原件,所有副本加在一起仅构成一项相同的第一修正案。[签名显示在以下页面上]1065499.03/SF 2 373398.00076/8-31.1 8/arb/arb--[特此证明,双方已于第一房东:Vestar Gateway,LLC,特拉华州有限责任公司签署本修正案:SLC Gateway Retail,LLC,特拉华州有限责任公司,其唯一成员:VGSLM,LLC,特拉华州有限责任公司,其管理成员:_EC46&d Jtoadhig Manager如上所述。姓名:_职务:经理租户:A特拉华公司,由:姓名:ITS:由:-姓名:1065499.03/SF 373398-00076/8-31-I S/arb/arb 3]展品A预留停车位展示A GSBS r ATC Q-X I A2,O7 as sill N in at Lilyi fl.H.Ct.Wii·IA;:;KL;;.J 106549903/SF 373398-00076/8-31-18/arb/arb-4-[1 56837\388601\261775737.v2第三次修订写字楼租赁本修订(“修订”)于2021年1月22日(“修订生效日期”)由特拉华州维斯塔盖特有限责任公司(“房东”)和递归制药公司(特拉华州公司(“承租人”))作出,并于两者之间签订。摘要:A.业主和租客先前已就其中更具体描述的某些物业签立并交付日期为2017年11月13日的特定办公室租约,该租约经2018年9月25日的特定租约第一修正案修订,并经2019年11月13日的特定第二租约修正案修订(统称为“租约”)。B.房东和租客同意根据本修正案的进一步条款、契诺和规定修改租约。因此,现在,考虑到租约的签立和交付、前述叙述、本修正案所载的相互协议、契诺和承诺以及其他良好和有价值的考虑因素,房东和租客同意如下:1.定义除非上下文另有明确要求,本修正案中使用的未定义的大写术语应具有租赁中赋予此类术语的含义。2.扩建处所。(A)自扩展处所租金生效日期(一如下文第4段所界定者)起及之后,业主将部分位于“B座”(“扩展处所大厦”)而部分位于“B座”(“扩展处所大厦”)而部分位于建筑物内的某些扩展处所(在此称为“扩展处所大厦”)租契,并连同该处所一并租予租客及租客,面积约为91,748(91,748)平方英尺(其中37,717平方英尺位于扩建房舍大楼1楼,51,856平方英尺位于扩建房舍大楼2楼,2,175平方英尺位于毗邻该房舍的大楼1楼)。在附件A-1所附的工地平面图上,扩建场所被确定为“扩建场所”。自扩展物业租金生效日期起及之后,租约中对“物业”的提述应被视为包括“扩展物业”,而租户对扩展物业的使用、租赁及占用须受租约的所有条款、契诺及规定所规限,除非本修订有明文规定。(B)业主同意租客在业主按下文第8段所述将扩建物业交予租客管有之日(“扩建物业交付日期”)及之后进入扩建物业,以便为租客的业务运作作好准备及完成扩建物业工程(定义见下文)。承租人确认(I)租约第10条的赔偿及豁免条款、(Ii)租约第10.5条的代位权豁免条款及租约第10条的保险条款适用于租客提早入住扩建物业。3.使用。扩建场所应仅用于本租约第5条明确规定的目的,不得用于其他目的。4.租期。扩建物业的新租赁期为十(10)年,自扩建物业租金生效日期(定义见下文)起计(“扩建物业租期”);但本修订的条款及条文于修订生效日期生效。本修正案的条款不得修改所有部分和新增房产(扩建房产除外)的租赁期。租约中对“租赁期限”的提及应被视为包括符合本修订条款的扩展物业租赁期限。承租人将有权将扩建物业租赁期延长一(1)五(5)年,前提是承租人在扩建物业租赁期届满前至少十二(12)个月向业主发出书面通知。选择期内有关扩建物业的基本租金为扩建物业当时公平租金价值(定义见租约第2条)的95%(95%)。[2 56837\388601\261775737.v2 5.基本租金自承租人于扩建物业开始营业之日起及之后,但不迟于2022年3月31日(“扩建物业租金生效日期”),须根据下文所载基本租金附表就扩建物业支付基本租金。尽管如上所述,如果承租人完成扩建物业工程的时间超过2022年3月31日,则在扩建物业工程基本完成之前,承租人将不需要支付任何扩建物业租金;然而,完成该等工程所需的初始扩建物业租赁期限应按2022年3月31日之后的每一天逐日延长(然而,扩建物业租金起始日不得延长超过三十(30)天),在这种情况下,初始扩建物业租赁期的最后一年可包含超过365(365日)天。扩建物业租期第一年的租金应按经修订的总等值基准计算,包括所有营运开支。于扩展物业租赁年期第一年后,就扩展物业而言,承租人须负责按比例支付根据租约第4条于公历年度2022年(“扩展物业基准年度”)增加的营运开支及税项开支的按比例份额(即28.99%),该等条款经作出必要修改以符合本修订的定义条款及目的后并入本文作为参考。承租人应根据租约第4.7节规定的承租人对房屋的义务(不包括额外的房屋),负责直接的电力、水和暖通空调维护费用。租期月租每平方英尺年租金1$246,572.75$2,958,873.00$32.2500 2$253,969.93$3,047,639.19$33.2175 3$261,589.03$3,139,068.37$34.2140 4$269,436.70$3,233,240.42$35.2404 5$277,519.80$3,330,237.63$36.2977 6$285,845.40$3,430,144.76$37.3866 7$294,420.76$3,533,049.10$38.5082 8$303,253.38$3,639,040.57$666,253.98$3,711.411.79$0.8533$321,721.51$3,860,658.14$37.3866 7$294,420.76$3,533,049.10$38.5082 8$303,253.38$3,639,040.57$661,711.411.79$0.8533$321,721.51$3,860,658.14$37.3866 7$294,420.76$3,533,049.10$38.5082 8$303,253.38$3,639,040.57$661,711.411.79$0.8533$662,721可免租占用扩建物业,直至扩建物业租金生效日期为止。此外,所有租金将在扩建物业开始生效日期(“租金宽减期”)后首六(6)个月减租。“减租金额”是指租户在减租期间无须支付扩建单位租金的款额。租金减免金额受制于以下条件:双方同意以真诚合作的态度向房东申请贷款和/或从盐湖城重建机构获得等于或高于租金减免金额(“城市优惠”)的税收增量激励,条件是业主(以及租户是任何城市激励协议的一方或承租人根据城市激励协议负有义务)以其他方式合理接受。如果城市奖励的总额小于租金减免额,租金减免额应减少到与城市奖励的总额相匹配。为免生疑问,即使增加了城市奖励,租金减免金额也不会增加。6.终止扩建物业的租约。只要承租人在任何适用的通知和补救期限之后没有重大违约,承租人可以在2021年5月15日之前向房东递交书面通知,说明其终止租约的意向,终止租约的意向应于2021年5月31日生效,但前提是承租人合理确定(并提供书面文件证明)扩建处所工程的成本超过估计建筑预算1800万美元和No/100$($18,000,000.00)超过15%(15%)。7.安全;访问。在扩建房屋租赁期内,业主应继续以与盐湖城市区同类建筑一致的一流方式运营大楼和项目,并至少与过去的做法一致,并应保持2020年日历年对项目安保服务的投资和支出水平(“最低安全投资”)。如果在扩建物业租赁期内的任何时间,房东未能维持最低安全投资,且在租客向房东发出书面通知后三十(30)天内仍未维持,房客可自行选择单独签约及/或以其他方式聘用额外的保安人员,以确保租户的雇员、受邀者及客人有一个安全的工作环境,费用由房东承担。如果承租人在扩建房屋租赁期间的任何时间发生此类费用,承租人应向房东提交发票,要求偿还此类费用的金额,并提供合理的费用证明,房东应向租户支付每张发票中规定的金额。]3 56837\388601\261775737.v2收到后三十(30)天内。承租人应拥有与租约中规定的相同的进入扩建房产的通道。8.扩建房舍的交付。房东应在承租人放弃上文第6段所述的意外情况后(“豁免日期”),立即将扩展处所的占有权移交给租户;但这种对扩展处所的占有权的投标不应包括扩展处所大楼内的32、81、82、83和84号套房(“例外套房”)。房东应在豁免日期后125天或之前,将例外套房的占有权交给灰壳状态的租户,如本合同附件“D”所述。业主或代表业主或代表业主行事的任何人,无论以口头或书面形式作出、陈述或代表业主作出任何陈述、引诱、理解或任何性质的任何事情,均未诱使租客订立本修订,而承租人承认、陈述及保证承租人根据及凭借租客本身的独立调查而订立本修订。除业主在本修正案或租约中的陈述和担保外,承租人在此应接受现有“现状”和“现状”状态下的扩建场所(例外套房除外),不作任何明示或暗示的担保,包括但不限于对所有权、物理条件或是否存在危险材料的任何担保,并且如果扩建场所(例外套房除外)并非在所有方面都完全适合扩建场所或其任何部分的用途,则承租人完全有责任和义务采取必要的行动,将扩建房舍(例外套房除外)置于完全适合该等用途的条件下。鉴于上述情况,承租人特此承认并向房东表示,承租人已有充分机会检查和评估扩建房屋以及承租人有权在其上开展的用途和活动的可行性;承租人经验丰富;在进行此次修订时,承租人将完全依靠承租人的经验、专业知识和自己对扩建房屋现状的检查(受本次修订中房东的陈述和保证以及租约和房东关于例外套房的工作的限制);承租人接受扩建房屋目前的状况(受本次修订中业主的陈述和保证以及租约和业主关于例外套间的工作的限制),并且,如果承租人本身在上述任何方面的经验不足以使承租人得出结论,承租人已聘请有资格就该等事项向承租人提供建议的人员的服务。承租人不依赖房东或其代表作出的任何明示或暗示、口头或书面陈述或保证,除非本修正案或租约中明确规定者。在这方面,除本修正案所述外,承租人应根据租约和本修正案的规定,自行承担扩建场地工程的费用和费用。9.津贴。承租人应有权获得一笔不超过扩建物业每可出租平方英尺110美元(110.00美元)的一次性“扩建物业津贴”,以补偿安装某些承租人改善设施或以其他方式准备扩建物业以供使用的费用(该等工作在本文中称为“扩建物业工程”)。有关扩建楼宇工程及支付扩建楼宇津贴的条款及条件,载于本修正案附件“B-1”所附的租户工作书(扩建楼宇)内。10.标牌。在符合所有适用法律和项目标志标准的情况下,业主应允许承租人在经业主事先审查和批准的情况下,在双方都可接受的地点设置外部顶盖标志的独家权利,不得无理扣留、限制或拖延。承租人应负责安装、维护和拆除外部标牌的费用。承租人亦可根据租约第二十三条的规定,在扩建楼宇安装额外的标志。11.信用证。承租人应在双方签署本修正案后九十(90)天内向业主提交额外的L-C(“额外的L-C”),金额为640万不/100美元(6,400,000.00美元),相当于扩建房屋津贴的65%(65%)。只要租户的违约没有发生,并且在超过任何规定的通知和适用的补救期限后仍未得到纠正,则在扩建房产租赁期限的第30个完整日历月期满时,L-C的额外金额应减少100万/100美元(1,000,000.00美元),此后,在该剩余期限的扩展房产租赁期限的第30个完整日历月的每个周年日,每年都应减少该金额;[4 56837\388601\261775737.v2然而,在任何情况下,额外的L-C金额不得低于100万和No/100美元(1,000,000.00美元)。追加的L-C应采用本租约附件“E”中规定的形式。12.泊车。除租约规定的租户现有停车权利外,承租人有权但无义务为每一千(1,000)可出租平方英尺使用最多三(3)张停车证,在整个扩建物业租赁期内每月使用,供业主拥有的南北停车场使用,其中最多二十(20)张停车证应用于预留停车区内的预留停车位,其余停车证应为非预留停车位,先到先得。在扩建房屋租赁期间,本文所述的此类停车通行证的成本为每张通行证每月85不/100美元(85美元);但是,在扩建房屋租赁期间,最多120张停车通行证的停车费应全额减免。与停车通行证有关的所有其他条款和规定应如本租约第28条所述。13.电力供应。14.业主申述。本租约第29.36节所载业主关于该房产的陈述在此引用并入本文(并经必要修改以符合本修订的定义条款及目的);然而,就本租约第29.36节及本第14段而言,“总声明”一词指的是本修订附件“C”所载的文书,该等文书于修订生效日期时未予修订或修改,但在附件“C”明确规定的范围内除外。15.禁止反言。据双方所知,本租约并无任何另一方违约,亦不存在因时间推移、通知或两者同时出现而导致本租约违约的现有情况。16.经纪。根据另一项协议,房东应单独负责并支付与本修正案有关的任何和所有应付给西部山区零售公司的佣金。在任何情况下,在承租人放弃上文第6段所述的解约权和本协议所述的任何其他意外情况之前,不得支付任何佣金。对于任何其他经纪人或发现者通过补偿方提出的索赔,本合同每一方应对另一方进行赔偿。17.全力以赴。除本修正案明确修改外,本租约保持不变,并具有全部效力和效力。本租约中对“本租约”的所有提及应被视为对经本修订修改的本租约的提及。18.对应方;电子签名。本修正案可在一个或多个副本中执行,并将各签名页合并为一份文件。电子签名与原始签名具有同等效力。19.缴交租金义务。承租人应按照不时从业主处获得的书面指示,通过ACH或其他电子方式支付租约项下的所有租金义务。(签名在下一页)[5 56837\388601\261775737.v2特此为证,房东和租客已于上述第一年签署本修正案。房东:特拉华州有限责任公司维斯塔尔股份有限公司特拉华州有限责任公司:特拉华州有限责任公司,其唯一成员:特拉华州有限责任公司VGSLM,其管理成员:姓名:头衔:经理承租人:递归制药公司特拉华州公司:姓名:David]展览A-1第1页15953353_v7 56837\388601\261775737.v2展览“A-1”场地平面图[附件A-1第2页15953353_v7 56837\388601\261775737.v2
附件A-1第3页15953353_v7 56837\388601\261775737.v2[这份承租人工作信函基本上是按时间顺序组织的,并按顺序处理扩建房地的建造问题,因为这些问题将在扩建房地的实际建造过程中出现。本承租人工作书中提及的“本租赁”或“本修订”条款或章节应指(A)《办公租赁》第1条至第29条和(B)《办公租赁第三修正案》第1至19款的相关部分,本承租人工作信函作为附件B-1附于该部分,本承租人工作信函是该部分的一部分。本承租人工作书中所提及的“本承租人工作书”部分应指本承租人工作书第1至第6节的相关部分。第一节交付房屋承租人承认承租人已彻底检查了扩建房屋。尽管如上所述,房东和租客在此确认,扩建房屋的例外套房部分应按照本修正案附件D中规定的工作,而不是在本修正案之日以其现有的“现状”状态交付给租户,并处于“灰色外壳”状态。第二节租户改善2.1租户改善津贴。根据租约条款,所有已使用扩展房屋津贴的租户改善应被视为业主财产。如果租户未能在交付日期后的一(1)年内使用全部扩建房屋津贴,则该等未用金额为房东的独有财产,租客无权要求任何该等未用金额。承租人确认扩建物业津贴将适用于涵盖整个扩建物业的承租人改善工程,以便在承租人完成改善工程后,整个扩建工程均由承租人建造。2.2支付扩建房舍津贴。2.2.1租户改善津贴项目。除本承租人工作书中另有规定外,房东只能为下列项目和费用(统称为“承租人改善津贴项目”)支付扩建房屋津贴:支付本承租人工作书第3.1节中定义的“建筑师/空间规划师”和“工程师”的费用,即使本承租人工作书中有任何相反规定,支付的总金额不得超过扩建房屋每可出租平方英尺3.00美元的总金额,并支付下列费用:以及业主和业主顾问提供的与编制和审查《施工文件》有关的文件和材料的费用,该术语在本承租人工作书第3.1节中有定义;支付与承租人改善工程施工有关的计划检查、许可证和许可证费;承租人改善工程的施工费用,包括但不限于拆除、测试和检查费用、垃圾清除费用、停车费、下班后公用事业使用费、承包商费用和一般条件;[附件B-1第2页15953353_v7 56837\388601\261775737.v2基础建筑或扩建场所所在建筑(在此称为“建筑”)的任何地方的任何变更的成本,当施工文件要求此类变更时(包括如果此类变更是由于此类工程是在无人居住的基础上准备的),或为了遵守适用的政府法规或建筑规范(统称为“规范”),此类成本包括所有直接的建筑和/或工程费用以及与此相关的费用;规范要求的对施工文件或承租人改进的任何更改的费用;销售税和使用税;以及2.2.1.8“业主协调费”,该术语在本承租人工作信函的第4.2.6节中定义。2.2.2支付扩建物业租户改善津贴。在承租人改善工程施工期间,房东应每月为承租人的利益支付扩建房屋承租人改善津贴项目的承租人改善津贴,并授权为承租人的利益发放以下款项。每月支出。在承租人改善工程施工期间的每个日历月的20日(20日)或之前(“提交日期”)(或业主或承租人指定的其他日期),承租人应向房东提交:(I)本承租人工作书第4.1节中定义的向“承包商”付款的请求,并经承租人批准,按行业列出承租人改善房屋的完成百分比时间表;(Ii)所有“承租人代理人”的发票,该术语在本承租人工作书的第4.1.2节中定义,用于提供劳动力和交付给房地的材料(如果该发票是给承包商的,承包商将需要提供付款申请书和证书]AIA表格G702-1992或同等[由建筑师/空间规划师签署,以及明细表]AIA表格G703-1992或同等[);(Iii)租客批准此类发票并要求从租户改善津贴中支付的信件原件;(Iv)执行机械师的留置权解除,该留置权解除应对当时要求的付款金额有条件的,对于房东或租客之前从所有租户代理人那里支付的付款金额是无条件的;以及(V)房东合理要求的所有其他信息。承租人的付款请求应视为承租人接受并批准承租人付款请求中规定的所提供的工作和/或所提供的材料。在提交日期后三十(30)天或之前,假设房东收到上述第(I)至(V)项所述的所有信息,并且在承租人首先根据第4.2.1节支付任何部分超额津贴(定义如下)的前提下,房东应向承租人交付一张支票,向承租人的代理人(或承租人,如果此类发票以前由承租人支付)付款:(A)承租人如此要求的金额,如上文第2.2.2.1节所述,减去10%(10%)的保留金(此类保留额的总额称为“最终TI津贴报销”)和(B)扩建房屋租户改善津贴(不包括最终TI津贴报销)的任何剩余可用部分的余额,前提是业主不会因任何工程不符合下文第3.4节所定义的“批准的施工文件”、由于任何不合格的工程或本租约中规定的任何其他原因而提出任何付款请求。房东支付此类款项不应被视为房东批准或接受承租人付款申请中规定的所提供的工作或提供的材料。最终TI津贴报销。根据本承租人工作函的规定,房东应在房屋建成后向承租人交付支付给承租人的最终TI津贴补偿支票,但条件是(I)承租人向房东交付(A)所有承租人代理人无条件妥善执行的最终机械师留置权解除,显示支付金额,(B)承包商最后一次申请和由建筑师/空间规划师签署的付款证书(AIA Form G702 1992或同等),(C)分解表(AIA Form G703 1992或同等),(D)加盖印花的建筑许可证平面图正本,(E)建筑许可证副本,(F)加盖印章的建筑许可证检查卡正本,包括所有最后签字,(G)完整尺寸的保证书副本和CD-R光盘,内含承租人建筑图纸和pdf格式的“竣工”图纸的电子文件,建筑图纸由建筑师/空间规划师提供,承建商为所有其他行业提供;(H)空气平衡报告,(I)超额能源使用计算,(J)承租人代理人的一年保证书,(K)制造商的保修和使用说明书,(L)由租户和建筑师/空间规划师填写并签署的最终验收清单,(M)工程师的合规函,声明工程师已检查租户的改进并符合工程师的图纸和规范,(N)一份已记录的完工通知副本,以及(O)租户根据本租户工作信函就租户改进和任何其他改善雇用的所有承包商/供应商/顾问的最终名单,包括但不限于]附件B-1第3页15953353_v7 56837\388601\261775737.v2承包商、其他承包商、分包商和剩余承租人的代理人、建筑师/空间规划师、工程师、系统家具供应商/安装商、数据/电话布线/设备供应商/安装商等,最终清单应列出完整的法定名称、地址、联系人姓名(带电话/传真/电子邮件地址)以及承租人为向每个此类承包商/供应商/顾问支付的商品和服务的总价格(统称为“最终成交包”)。及(Ii)业主已视察该扩建处所,并合理地确定并无任何不合标准的工程对该建筑物的机械、电力、水管、暖气、通风及空调、生命安全或其他系统、该建筑物的幕墙、该建筑物的结构或外观,或任何其他租客对该另一租客在该建筑物内租用的处所的使用有不良影响。其他条款。房东只有在承租人因承租人改善津贴项目而产生的费用时,才有义务从承租人改善津贴中支出。根据本租约第8.5节的条款,所有已提供租户改善津贴的租户改善津贴项目应被视为业主财产。租户不得要求租户在交付日一(1)周年或之前未支出的任何租户改善津贴,任何此类款项均为房东的独有财产。。津贴支出。即使本修正案有任何相反规定,业主在承租人向业主提供本修正案第9段所述的额外L-C之前,不得要求业主向租户支付扩建房产津贴的任何部分。2.3施工规则、要求、规范、设计标准和建筑标准。房东已制定建筑规则、法规、要求和程序,以及规范、设计标准和建筑标准,承租人,即下文定义的“建筑师/空间规划师”,以及所有承租人代理人在设计和建造承租人改善房屋时必须遵守这些规则、要求、规范、设计标准和建筑标准(“建筑规则、要求、规范、设计标准和建筑标准”)。第3节施工文件3.1建筑师/空间规划师/施工文件的选择。承租人应保留一名在高层办公空间和实验室使用设计方面经验丰富且经承租人选择并经业主合理批准的持证、称职、信誉良好的建筑师/空间规划师(“建筑师/空间规划师”),以及一名由承租人选择并经业主合理批准的持证、称职、信誉良好的工程顾问(“工程师”),以准备施工文件。本合同项下由建筑师/空间规划师和工程师编制的平面图和图纸统称为《施工文件》。所有施工文件应符合业主的图纸格式和规范。业主对本第3节规定的施工文件的审查应为其唯一目的,不应暗示业主对施工文件进行审查,或要求业主就质量、设计、规范合规性或其他类似事项进行审查。因此,尽管业主或其空间规划师、建筑师、工程师和顾问审阅了任何施工文件,尽管业主或业主的空间规划师、建筑师、工程师和顾问可能向承租人提供了任何建议或帮助,但业主不对施工文件中包含的任何遗漏或错误承担任何责任,也不对施工文件中包含的任何遗漏或错误负责,本租约第10.1节中规定的承租人豁免和赔偿应具体适用于施工文件。此外,承租人和建筑师/空间规划师应在现场核实基本建筑平面图相关部分上显示的尺寸和条件,承租人和建筑师/空间规划师应单独负责,业主不对此承担任何责任。3.2最终空间计划。承租人应在任何建筑施工文件或工程图纸开始之前,向业主提供两(2)份由承租人签署的房屋最终空间平面图副本。最终空间平面图(“最终空间平面图”)应包括所有办公室、房间和其他隔板的布局和指定、它们的预期用途以及将在其中容纳的设备。房东可以要求对最终空间平面图中未包括的特殊用途项目进行澄清或提供更具体的图纸。房东应在房东收到房屋的最终空间平面图后五(5)个工作日内通知租户,如果该平面图在任何方面不能令人满意或不完整。如果承租人被告知,承租人应立即修改最终的空间计划,以纠正任何不足之处或房东合理要求的其他事项。3.3最终施工文件。业主和租客批准最终空间计划后,承租人应立即安排建筑师/空间规划师和工程师完成扩建房屋的建筑和工程图纸,建筑师/空间规划师应[附件B-1第4页15953353_v7 56837\388601\261775737.v2以完整的形式编制一套全面协调的建筑、结构、机械、电气和管道施工文件,以允许分包商竞标工程并获得所有适用的许可证(统称为最终施工文件),并应将其提交业主批准,不得无理扣留、限制或拖延。承租人应向业主提供两(2)份由承租人签署的最终施工文件副本。房东应在收到扩建房屋的最终施工文件后十(10)个工作日内,以合理和诚信的方式通知租户,如果该文件在任何方面不能令人满意或不完整。如果承租人被告知,承租人应立即根据审查和业主的任何反对意见修改最终的施工文件。3.4批准的施工文件。最终施工文件应在承租人开始建造扩建房屋之前由业主批准(“批准的施工文件”);但是,承租人可以在业主批准最终施工文件之前开始拆除工作,并事先征得业主的书面同意,不得无理扣留、附加条件或拖延。在业主批准最终施工文件后,承租人应促使建筑师/空间规划师将批准的施工文件提交给适当的市政当局,以获得所有建筑和结构许可证(“许可证”),但条件是(A)建筑师/空间规划师应在提交之前向业主提供其打算提交的一揽子文件的副本,以及(B)如果需要对基地建筑进行修改才能获得许可证,则承租人应事先获得业主的书面同意。承租人特此同意,房东和业主顾问均不负责为房屋获取任何建筑许可证或占用证书(或允许租户合法占用房屋的其他文件或批准),而获取这些文件或批准应由承租人负责;但是,房东应配合租户履行合理必要的部门性行为,使租户能够获得任何此类许可证或占用证书(或允许租户合法占用扩展房屋的其他文件或批准)。未经业主事先书面同意,不得对批准的施工文件进行任何更改、修改或改动,业主不得无理拒绝同意。第四节承租人的施工改进4.1承租人选择承包商。4.1.1承包商。承租人应保留一名由承租人选择并经业主合理批准的持牌总承包商(“承包商”),作为承租人改进工程的施工承包商,该承包商应是在可比建筑方面经验丰富的合格、信誉良好的总承包商。4.1.2租户的代理人。承租人保留和/或使用的建筑师/空间规划师、工程师、顾问、承包商、其他承包商、供应商、分包商、劳工和材料供应商应统称为“承租人代理人”。对于下列行业,承租人只能选择建筑规则、要求、规范、设计标准和建筑标准中列出的承包商、分包商、劳工和材料供应商:石棉、有线电视、电气、电梯、消防喷水装置、消防/生命安全、暖通空调、暖通空调、管道、屋顶(为构成项目的每栋建筑列出的)和废物。电气、消防喷头、消防/生命安全、暖通空调和管道工程必须由业主批准的一名或多名工程师进行,任何结构工程都必须由业主批准的工程师进行。4.2承租人代理人建造承租人改善设施。4.2.1施工合同;成本预算。在执行施工合同之前,承租人应向业主提交一份与承包商签订的承租人改善工程拟议合同的副本,包括与承包商的一般条件(“合同”),供业主批准,批准不得无理扣留、附加条件或拖延。本合同签订后,开工前,承租人应向业主提供一份完整的合同执行副本,以供业主备案。在承租人改善工程开始施工之前,在承租人接受了所有承租人改进的投标和建议后,承租人应向业主提供所有承租人代理人按行业分类的与承租人或承包商或在其指示下进行的承租人改进设计和施工相关的最终估计费用或已经发生的费用的详细细目(“施工预算”),该费用应包括但不限于建筑师和工程师费用以及业主协调费的费用。的数额(如果有的话)]附件B-1第5页15953353_v7 56837\388601\261775737.v2建筑预算中列出的总成本超过了扩建楼房租户改善津贴的金额,在本文中称为“超额津贴”。如果存在超额津贴,则在承租人改建工程开始之前,承租人应向房东提供相当于超额津贴金额的现金。超额津贴须由业主在支付扩建楼宇改善津贴的任何剩余部分前支付,而支付程序须与扩建楼宇改善津贴的程序相同。如果承租人将施工预算中列出的总成本交付给业主后,与承租人改进的设计和施工有关的费用发生变化,超出施工预算中列出的总成本的任何额外设计和施工费用应添加到超额津贴金额和施工预算中列出的总成本中,并且该额外费用应由承租人立即支付给业主,作为超额津贴金额的补充或由业主选择,承租人应自有资金支付此类额外费用。但承租人在支付此类费用之前,应继续向房东提供上文本承租人工作书第2.2.2.1节第(I)、(Ii)、(Iii)和(Iv)项所述的文件,以供房东批准。根据租赁条款,所有由超额津贴支付的租户改善应被视为房东的财产。4.2.2租户的代理人。业主对租客代理和租客改进工作的一般条件。承租人和承租人代理人对承租人改建工程的施工应遵守以下规定:(I)承租人改建工程应严格按照批准的施工文件进行;(Ii)承租人和承租人代理人不得以任何方式干扰、阻碍或延误业主基地建筑承包商和分包商关于基地建筑的工作或建筑内的任何其他工程;(Iii)承租人代理人应向业主提交与承租人改善有关的所有工作时间表,业主应在收到时间表后五(5)个工作日内,将任何必要的更改通知承租人代理人,而承租人代理人应遵守更正后的时间表;以及(Iv)承租人应遵守业主就停车、货运、装货码头和服务电梯的使用、材料的储存、与其他承租人承包商的工作协调以及与本承租人工作书有关的任何其他事项制定的所有规则,包括但不限于承租人改善工程的施工,承租人应迅速执行所有文件,包括但不限于房东认为合理必要的文件,以证明或确认承租人同意遵守。赔偿。本租约第10.1节规定的承租人对房东的赔偿也应适用于以任何方式与承租人或承租人代理人或其直接或间接雇用的任何人的任何行为或不作为有关的任何和所有费用、损失、损害、伤害和责任,或与承租人未支付因承租人改进而产生的任何金额和/或承租人不同意任何付款请求的全部或部分有关的任何费用、损失、损害、伤害和责任。承租人的赔偿,如本租约第10.1节所述,也应适用于以任何方式与房东履行任何合理必要的部级行为有关的任何和所有费用、损失、损害、伤害和责任,(I)允许承租人完成承租人的改造,以及(Ii)使承租人能够获得扩建场所的任何建筑许可证或占用证书(或允许承租人合法占用扩建场所的其他文件或批准)。承租人代理人的要求。每个承租人代理人应向承租人保证,并为房东的利益着想,其负责的承租人改进部分在自完工之日起不少于一(1)年的时间内,不得有任何工艺和材料缺陷。承租人的每个代理人应负责更换或维修根据其合同完成或提供的所有工作,这些工作应在(I)该承包商或分包商完成的工作和(Ii)扩建场地租金开始之日后一(1)年内出现缺陷。此类工程的纠正应包括与拆除或更换所有或任何部分承租人改善设施和/或可能因此而损坏或干扰的建筑物和/或公共区域相关的所有额外费用和损坏,且不收取额外费用。所有关于承租人装修的材料或工艺或与承租人有关的保证或保证应包含在合同或分包合同中,其书面形式应使该等保证或保证符合业主和租户双方的利益,并可由其中一方直接执行。承租人约定给予房东任何必要的转让或其他保证,以实现这种直接强制执行的权利。[附件B-1第6页15953353_v7 56837\388601\261775737.v2保险要求。一般承保范围。承租人的所有代理人应投保其各自雇员的工伤赔偿保险,还应投保商业一般责任保险,包括财产损失,包括本租约第10条规定承租人必须投保的商业一般责任保险,包括有限度的财产损失责任保险,其保单应投保房东和租客,以及承包商和分包商。特别保险。承租人或承包商应按业主批准的金额投保“建筑商一切险”保险,该金额不得低于承租人或承包商实际承保的承租人改建工程的保险金额,以及房东可能要求的其他保险,应理解并同意,承租人改建工程完成后应立即根据本租约第10条由承租人投保。此类保险的金额应包括房东合理要求的扩大承保范围背书。一般术语。根据第4.2.2.4节规定承保的所有保险的证书应在承租人改建工程开始施工和承包商的设备移至现场之前交付给业主。所有此类保险单必须包含一项条款,即撰写上述保险单的公司将提前三十(30)天书面通知房东任何取消或超过生效日期或此类保险金额的任何减少。如果承租人的改善设施在施工过程中因任何原因而受损,承租人应立即修复,费用和费用由承租人自理。承租人代理人应维持所有上述有效的保险范围,直至承租人的改进完全完成并被房东接受,但房东要求的任何产品和完整的运营保险除外,该保险将在工程完成并经房东和租客验收后维持十(10)年,并应将房东和房东指定的任何其他方指定为额外保险,超过本协议要求的整个十(10)年期的全部限额。承租人代理人承保的所有保险(工伤赔偿除外)应排除保险公司对其下任何被保险人的代位求偿。该保险应规定,它是与业主有关的主要保险,由业主承保的任何其他保险都是超额的,与本合同所要求的保险无关。上述保险的要求不应减损本租户工作书第4.2.2.2节关于租户对房东进行赔偿的规定。房东可酌情要求承租人获得留置权和完工保证金或房东满意的某种替代担保形式,金额足以确保承租人完成无留置权的改进,并指定房东为共同债权人。4.2.3政府合规。承租人的改进应在所有方面符合以下规定:(I)守则和其他州、联邦、城市或准政府的法律、法规、条例和条例,根据受控公职人员、代理人或其他人员的裁决而适用;(Ii)美国保险协会(前称全国消防保险商委员会)和国家电气规范的适用标准;以及(Iii)建筑材料制造商的规格。4.2.4业主检查。房东有权随时检查租户的改进,但房东没有检查租户的改善并不构成放弃业主在本合同项下的任何权利,房东对租户改进的检查也不构成房东对此的批准。如果房东合理地不批准租户在完成该等改进过程中的任何部分的缺陷或偏差,房东应以书面形式通知租户,并应指明不批准的项目。房东不同意的任何缺陷或偏差应由租户纠正,房东不承担任何费用,但如果房东确定存在缺陷或偏差,房东可采取房东认为必要的行动,由租客承担费用,房东不承担任何责任,包括但不限于,导致租户停止施工,直到缺陷、偏差和/或问题得到纠正,使房东满意为止。4.2.5会议。自本修正案实施之日起,承租人应定期与建筑师/空间规划师和承包商就施工文件的准备和承租人改进的施工进度举行会议,会议应在业主和承租人共同商定的时间在项目办公室举行,并应业主的要求,某些承租人代理人应出席此类会议。此外,所有此类会议均应做好记录,并应立即将记录的复印件送交业主。每月召开一次此类会议,应包括审查承包商当前的付款请求。]附件B-1第7页15953353_v7 56837\388601\261775737.v2 4.2.6房东协调费。承租人应向房东支付相当于扩建改善津贴百分之一(1.0%)的建设监理费(房东协调费)。4.3竣工通知书。在承租人改善工程最终完成后五(5)天内,包括但不限于完成任何审批清单项目,承租人应根据适用法律将竣工通知记录在房屋所在县的记录员办公室,并应在记录后向房东提供一份副本。如果承租人没有这样做,房东可以作为承租人的代理人代表承租人签署并提交该文件,费用由承租人自行承担。在施工结束时,在业主支付最后的TI津贴报销之前,(I)承租人应促使承包商和建筑师/空间规划师(A)通过必要的注解更改更新批准的施工文件,以反映施工过程中对批准的施工文件所做的所有更改,(B)尽建筑师/空间规划师和承包商所知,证明该更新的批准的施工文件是真实和正确的,该证明应在本租赁期满或终止(经修订)后继续有效,以及(Ii)承租人应向业主交付最终收尾包。房东应自费更新房东所在楼层(S)的《竣工》总体平面图(如有),包括更新的平面纸和电子CAD文件,房东可随时修改所有这些文件,并应租户的要求提供最新版本。第5节杂项5.1租户代表。承租人已指定Jason Gordon作为其在本承租人工作书中规定的事项的唯一代表,他有完全的权力和责任代表承租人按照本承租人工作书的要求行事。5.2业主代表。房东已指定Jack Van Kleunen作为其在本租户工作书中规定的事项的唯一代表,在另行通知租户之前,该代表有完全的权力和责任代表房东按照本租户工作书的要求行事。5.3在这封租户工作信中的关键时刻。除非另有说明,否则本承租人工作信函中提及的“天数”均指日历日。业主及时不批准的,重复文件编制和审批程序,直至业主批准为止。5.4租户的租约违约。尽管本租约中有任何相反的规定,但如果本租约第19.1节所述的违约事件或租户根据本租户工作书的违约在扩建物业基本建成之前的任何时间发生,则(I)除根据本租赁授予业主的所有其他权利和补救措施外,业主有权扣留全部或部分扩建物业租户改善津贴和/或业主可导致承包商停止扩建物业的建设(在这种情况下,承租人应对因此类停工而导致的扩建物业基本完工的任何延误负责),以及(Ii)业主根据本租户工作书的条款承担的所有其他义务应予以宽恕,直至根据本租约条款的违约行为得到纠正为止(在这种情况下,承租人应对因业主的不作为而导致的扩建物业实质完工的任何延误负责)。
2.外墙:外墙(S)为砖石、钢架或现有Gateway项目中提供的其他材料或材料。3.天花板高度:承租人有责任清除楼板的高度。4.屋顶:屋顶是单层材料类型,或与现有Gateway项目中提供的相同类型。5.隔断:内隔墙由租户负责。6.门框(S)和门框(S):外部服务门(S)和门框(S)应为中空金属。7.店面门:见第F.B.段室内装饰:1.楼层:房东应在整个房屋内部提供标准的4英寸(4英寸)厚的混凝土板或悬挂式结构板2.悬挂式结构板:本建筑的高架楼板为后张拉式混凝土结构。机械、电气或建筑构件的任何附着物应限制为最大钻孔或驱动锚嵌入1英寸。如果需要更深的埋入或岩心钻探,应扫描平板以定位PT筋,并调整位置以提供与任何PT筋至少3“的距离。在PT筋损坏或割断的情况下,必须对其进行修复,使建筑物恢复到原始设计状态。这些维修费用应由承包人负责。3、墙体:外墙(S)为无漆砖石或无漆石膏板,用胶带粘在螺柱上,由承租人负责最后的准备和装修。高度由项目建筑师确定。任何交叉隔断(S)均由承租人负责。外墙和后墙(S)应为未喷漆的砖石或混凝土饰面,或项目建筑师选择的其他材料(S)。4.天花板:不提供,由租户负责。卫生间:1.卫生间:不提供卫生间,租户负责。(如果租户愿意,现有的卫生间可以保留。)水务:1.给水和下水道:房东应根据房东的计划,为房屋提供至少一(1)英寸(1)英寸(1“)的冷水供应和一(1)四英寸(4”)的废水管道。承租人负责堵住通往供应线和废物线的通道。2.电力:业主应提供位于建筑物后面的现有电气柜和断路器,能够满足以下最低服务要求。现有电池板的所有下游管道将被拆除,但通往FC.U的电力除外。S和其他。火警装置。(A)天沟的服务应为200A-120/208V的服务,在天沟终止。]附件D第2页56837\388601\261775737.v2(B)任何电气要求(降压变压器、配电、布线、便携插座等)除上述服务外,以上服务由承租人负责。3、采光:不提供,租户自负。4.H.V.A.C.:业主应提供从中央厂房到空间的冷水和采暖水,并提供用于空间通风的外部空气连接,其依据如下:(A)配电系统设计:所有空气分配系统(S)由租户负责,包括提供4管风机盘管、供暖和冷水分配、新风分配和恒温器。将为48°F EWT设计冷水盘管。加热水盘管将设计用于145°F的EWT。(Aa)中央工厂可交付的水:中央工厂提供的热水和冷冻水用于空间的人工冷却和供暖,以及家庭热水的加热。为了提高效率,热水和冷水温度设定值会随季节变化,但始终足以全年保持72°F(制冷模式)和70°F(加热模式)的空气温度,并保持120°F的家用热水。承租人负责获得业主的批准,以使用超过这些参数的中央工厂的热水和冷水。(B)容量:每300(300)平方英尺的零售楼面面积,空调容量不得超过一(1)吨。(C)特殊设备:如果承租人在使用房屋时需要新鲜空气和/或排气用于特殊设备、烹饪设备、额外人员、储藏室区域或展示窗等,承租人应自费提供这些设备,但须事先获得房东的批准。承租人应连接到可用的基地建筑系统。5.消防喷水灭火系统:房东将提供一条穿过房屋的主消防线,并按照规范的要求提供竖直喷头的布局,用于建造外壳。E.电话:1.业主将提供一(1)英寸(1“)导管,以及从大楼电话安装板到房屋的拉线。F.店面:1.设计和安装:标准上至少一(1)个店面应由项目建筑师设计并由业主安装,包括至少一(1)个带圆柱锁的单门。房东可以选择提供复式门,由房东自行决定,以房产的面积为依据。15953353_V12
附件D第2页56837\388601\262127969.v2特此证明,业主和承租人已于上文首写的日期和年份签署本修订。 LandLord:VESTAR GATEWAY,LLC,特拉华州有限责任公司 由:SLC网关零售有限责任公司, 特拉华州的一家有限责任公司, 唯一成员 作者:VGSLM,LLC, 特拉华州的一家有限责任公司, 其管理成员 执行人: 产品名称: 职务:经理 房客: Recursion PHARMACEUTICALS,INC., 一家特拉华州公司 执行人: 产品名称: 其: DocuSign信封ID:EC52E03E—EB25—47E1—9ED2—A35A6D61B449人事运营高级总监Brackon Curtis [第1页56837\388601\262127969.v5对写字楼租赁的第五次修订本修订(“修订”)于2021年5月15日(“修订生效日期”)由特拉华州有限责任公司(“房东”)Vestar Gateway LLC和特拉华州(“承租人”)Recursion PharmPharmticals,Inc.作出并签订。摘要:A.业主及租客先前已签立并交付该份日期为2017年11月13日的办公室租契,该份租约经日期为2018年9月25日的该份租约第一修正案修订,该份租约经日期为2019年11月13日的该份租约第二修正案修订,该份租约经日期为2021年1月22日的该份租约第三修正案修订,以及经该份日期为2021年2月25日的该份租约第四修正案(统称为“该租约”)就其中更具体描述的某些物业而修订。B.房东和租客同意根据本修正案的进一步条款、契诺和规定修改租约。因此,现在,考虑到租约的签立和交付、前述叙述、本修正案所载的相互协议、契诺和承诺以及其他良好和有价值的考虑因素,房东和租客同意如下:1.定义除非上下文另有明确要求,本修正案中使用的未定义的大写术语应具有租赁中赋予此类术语的含义。2.扩建楼房终止。现删除《租赁第三修正案》第6款所规定的承租人终止租赁的权利。3.进入相邻套房。业主承认安装排气系统将需要对屋顶甲板和钢屋顶结构进行修改,并同意不会因此而拒绝同意此类平面图和规格。承租人在毗邻套房的扩建工程完成后,但在任何情况下不得迟于扩建物业的租金开始日期,承租人应将毗邻套房归还业主,并保持扫帚清洁状况。房东应在承租人将相邻套房归还给业主后有四十五(45)天的时间来确定是否安装了排气系统,从而导致相邻套房因天花板高度降低、柱子间距降低或与排风系统直接相关的其他物理限制而无法出租。如果毗邻套房仅因上一句所述原因而不能出租,则房东应向租户发出通知,毗邻套房将成为物业的一部分,且自扩建物业租金开始之日起,毗邻套房的可出租面积将增加。然而,如果毗邻的套房处于可租赁状态,承租人对毗邻套房的义务应终止;然而,如果承租人有权在扩建物业租期的剩余时间内使用和维护排气系统,则不需要额外租金。4.毗邻套房的入住率。终止毗邻套房的现有租约,并搬迁目前占用毗邻套房的租户,房东应自行承担成本和费用,不向租户收取费用。此外,一旦承租人完成扩建工程,承租人进入毗邻套房的权利或要求房东将进入的套房的占有权转让给承租人的权利终止。因此,如果承租人没有要求业主对进入的套房进行占有权,而承租人随后进行扩建房屋工程并在扩建房屋内开业,则承租人在晚些时候无权要求拥有毗邻的套房。DocuSign信封ID:D0B57570-43AC-4751-A521-422211DEA58F]第2页56837\388601\262127969.v5 5.禁止反言。租户和房东在此通过执行本修正案确认,就双方所知,租赁是完全有效的,并且该一方目前没有对另一方提出任何索赔或对租赁项下的任何到期金额进行任何补偿。据双方所知,本租约并无任何另一方违约,亦不存在因时间推移、通知或两者同时出现而导致本租约违约的现有情况。6.全力以赴。除本修正案明确修改外,本租约保持不变,并具有全部效力和效力。本租约中对“本租约”的所有提及应被视为对经本修订修改的本租约的提及。7.对应方;电子签名。本修正案可在一个或多个副本中执行,并将各签名页合并为一份文件。电子签名与原始签名具有同等效力。房东和租客自上述第一年起签署本修正案,特此为证。房东:Vestar Gateway,LLC,特拉华州有限责任公司:SLC Gateway Retail,LLC,特拉华州有限责任公司,其唯一成员:VGSLM,LLC,特拉华州有限责任公司,其管理成员:姓名:头衔:经理承租人:递归制药公司,特拉华州公司:名称:ITS:DocuSign信封ID:D0B57570-43AC-4751-A521-422211DEA58F Tina Larson总裁&首席运营官David
第3页56837\388601\262127969.v5展示“A”100S.租户可访问的桥接区262127969.v6 DocuSign信封ID:D0B57570-43AC-4751-A521-422211DEA58F
第1页56837\388601\263703014.v6 ClarkHill\263703014.v8第六次修订写字楼租约本修订(“修订”)由特拉华州有限责任公司(“业主”)和特拉华州有限责任公司(“承租人”)Vestar Gateway LLC与特拉华州一家公司(“承租人”)作出并于2021年10月_日(“修订生效日期”)生效。摘要:A.房东和租客先前已签立并交付日期为2017年11月13日的特定办公室租约(“原始租约”),经日期为2018年9月25日的特定租约第一修正案修订,经日期为2019年11月13日的特定办公室租约第二修正案修订,经日期为2021年1月22日的办公室租约特定第三修正案(“第三修正案”)修订,经日期为2021年2月25日的特定办公室租约第四修正案修订,并经日期为2021年5月15日的办公室租约特定第五修正案(与原始租约合称,“租约”)中更具体地描述的某些房产。B.房东和租客同意根据本修正案的进一步条款、契诺和规定修改租约。因此,现在,考虑到租约的签立和交付、前述叙述、本修正案所载的相互协议、契诺和承诺以及其他良好和有价值的考虑因素,房东和租客同意如下:1.定义除非上下文另有明确要求,本修正案中使用的未定义的大写术语应具有租赁中赋予此类术语的含义。2.补充处所。除扩建物业租金生效日期(定义见第三修正案)起及之后,业主向租客及承租人租赁若干附属物业(在此称为“租赁契约”),该等附属物业(在此称为)包括扩建物业大楼内约12,140(12,140)平方英尺的楼面面积及毗邻扩建物业(定义见第三修正案),并于随附于附件的工地图则(见附件“A”)上被确定为“附属物业”。此外,承租人应独家使用和控制从扩建楼房和附属楼房地面进入的现有电梯。自附属物业租金生效日期起及之后,租约中对“物业”的提述应视为包括“附属物业”,而租客对附属物业的使用、租赁及占用须受租约的所有条款、契诺及规定所规限。承租人确认租约第10条的规定适用于承租人进入附属房屋。3.期限。附属物业的租赁期限应与扩建物业租赁期限(定义见第三修正案)同时终止。4.使用。附属场所应仅用于一般办公用途(不得进行实验室工作);但如承租人提前书面通知业主变更,附属场所可用于租约第5条明确规定的目的,不得用于其他目的。5.基本租金。自扩建物业租金生效日期起计及之后,附属物业的基本租金须按下文所列基本租金附表支付。月租月租金每平方英尺扩建单位年租金开始日期-12$25,291.67$303,500.00$25.0000 13-24$26,050.42$312,605.00$25.7500 25-36$26,831.93$321,983.15$26.5225 37-48$27,636.89$331,642.64$27.3182 49-60$28,465.99$341,591.92$28.1377 61-72$29,319.97$351,839.68$28.9819 73-84$30,199.57$362,394.87$29.8513$85-96$31,105.56$373,266.72$331,038.73$32,038.73$384,464.72$31.6693 109-120$32,999.89$395,998.66$32.6193 DocuSign信封ID:C955F491-8BF9-4DC2-A37C-CAFBD8A5AAFD 18
第2页56837\388601\263703014.v6 ClarkHill\263703014.v8 6.营运费用、税项--附属房舍。承租人承认其支付附属物业的直接开支、营运开支及税务开支的责任应与原物业的计算方式相同(如原租约第4条所述;但就附属物业而言,基准年度应为2021年历年)。7.附属处所的交付。业主须在修订生效日期后,立即将附属处所的占有权交予租客;但附属处所的占有权的投标不得包括附属处所内的78、79及80套房(“例外套房”)。房东应在修订生效日期后六十三(63)天或之前,将例外套房的所有权交给灰色空壳条件下的租户,如本合同附件“B”所述。除本修订及租约所载业主陈述及保证外,(A)业主或代表业主或代表业主行事的任何人士(无论以口头或书面形式)作出、陈述或代表任何性质的陈述、引诱、理解或任何性质的陈述、陈述或陈述,均未诱使租客订立本修订,及(B)承租人承认、陈述及保证承租人根据及凭借租客本身的独立调查订立本修订。鉴于上述情况,承租人特此承认并向房东表示,承租人已有充分机会检查和评估附属房屋以及承租人有权在其上进行的用途和活动的可行性;该承租人是有经验的;该承租人将完全依靠承租人的经验、专业知识和自己对辅助房屋当前状态的检查(受本修订中包含的房东陈述和保证以及租约和房东关于例外套房的工作的限制);承租人接受补充房屋目前的状况(受本次修订中业主的陈述和保证以及租约和业主就例外套房所进行的工作的限制),并且,如果承租人本身在上述任何方面的经验不足以使承租人得出结论,承租人已聘请有资格就此类事项向承租人提供建议的人员的服务。承租人不依赖房东或其代表作出的任何明示或暗示、口头或书面陈述或保证,但本修正案和租约中规定的除外。在这方面,除本修正案所述外,承租人应根据租约和本修正案的规定,对附属房屋内的工程负责,费用和费用由承租人自行承担。8.津贴。如果租约是完全有效的,如果承租人没有违反或违约本租约的任何条款、条件、契诺和规定,承租人将有权获得金额为70和否/100美元(70美元)的一次性“补充房地津贴”。房东应在下列情况发生后三十(30)天内向租客支付补充房产津贴:(I)租户以书面形式要求支付补充房产津贴,该要求只能在租户根据本修正案的条款、契诺和规定向公众开放后才能提出;以及(Ii)向房东交付下列事项:(A)盐湖市和/或犹他州盐湖县为补充房产签发的占用证书或类似许可证的副本,(B)承租人的承建商、提供与建造附属房屋有关的劳工和/或材料的所有分包商和供应商无条件豁免留置权;及(C)所有许可证、执照或其他政府、准政府或其他发牌当局授权的副本,作为承租人(或第三方营运者)在附属房屋进行业务运作的先决条件;及(D)承租人签署禁止反言证书,并以租约所附形式向业主交付。和(E)显示承租人工作成本的发票和工单副本,以及(F)补充文件签名信封ID:C955F491-8BF9-4DC2-A37C-CAFBD8A5AAFD的竣工平面图(或标记为显示现场变化的记录图)的副本
第3页56837\388601\263703014.v6 ClarkHill\263703014.v8 Premises。如租客在津贴截止日后三十(30)日内仍未提交补充租金津贴申请,业主将无责任为租客的附属楼宇津贴的任何部分提供资金,而基本租金、额外租金(定义见租约)或租客根据本租约须向业主支付的其他费用,将由租客没收,而不会减少或调整基本租金、额外租金(定义见租赁)或其他费用。9.现有浴室;消防出口。辅助房舍包括一条沿北部边界延伸的现有走廊(“现有走廊”)。为让承租人将附属楼宇与扩建楼宇完全融合,双方特此同意:(A)承租人不得更改或移走公共洗手间;(B)在扩建楼宇租期内,其他租户或公众人士不得进入公共厕所或将其用作洗手间;及(C)承租人应在附属楼宇及/或符合扩建楼宇消防规定的扩建楼宇内,在承租人的工作范围内加建一条替代的消防出口走廊。10.扩建处所。第三修正案中更全面描述的扩建房地的面积应从91,748平方英尺减至91,494平方英尺,需要减少254平方英尺,以避免搬迁南侧暖通空调机组,如附件A所示。承租人将负责增加所需的临终墙,如附件A所示。第三修正案第6段所列租金图表全部修订及重述如下:租期每月租金年租金每平方英尺1$245,890.13$2,950,681.50$32.2500 2$253,266.83$3,039,201.95$33.2175 3$260,864.64$3,130,375.72$34.2140 4$268,690.43$3,224,285.16$35.2404 5$276,751.81$3,332,021.76$36.2977 6$285,054.77$3,420,649.58$37.3866 7$293,605.83$3,523,269.25$38.5082 8$302,413.59$3,628,963.12$6639.9$311,485.99$311,751.81$3,321,021.76$36.2977 6$285,054.77$3,420,649.58$37.3866 7$293,605.83$3,523,269.25$38.5082 8$302,413.59$3,628,963.12$6639.9$311,485.99$311,751.81$3,321,021.76$36.2977 6$285,054.77$3,420,649.58$37.3866 7$293,605.83$3,523,269.25$38.5082 8$302,413.59$3,628,963.12$6639.9$311,485.99$311,751.81$3,321,021.76$36.2977 6$285,054.77$3,737,831.83$40.8533 10$320,830.57$3,849,966.88$42.0789发放给租户的扩建物业津贴(已表示为扩建物业每平方英尺租金110元($110.00))将根据扩建物业面积的减少而调整。12.泊车。除了租约规定的承租人现有停车权利外,承租人有权但无义务为每一千(1,000)可出租平方英尺使用最多三(3)张停车通行证,包括扩建物业和附属物业,在整个扩建物业租约期限内每月使用,供业主拥有的南北停车场使用,通行证不得保留,先到先得,先到先得。在扩建楼房租赁期内,上述停车通行证的费用为每月每张通行证85美元。与停车通行证有关的所有其他条款和规定应如本租约第28条所述。13.禁止反言。租户和房东在此通过执行本修正案确认,就双方所知,租赁是完全有效的,并且该一方目前没有对另一方提出任何索赔或对租赁项下的任何到期金额进行任何补偿。14.十足效力及效力。除本修正案明确修改外,本租约保持不变,并具有全部效力和效力。本租约中所有提及“本租约”的内容应视为DocuSign信封ID:C955F491-8BF9-4DC2-A37C-CAFBD8A5AAFD
第4页56837\388601\263703014.v6 ClarkHill\263703014.v8对经本修订修改的租契的引用。然而,原租约第2.4节的规定不适用于本修正案或附属房屋。15.对应方;电子签名。本修正案可在一个或多个副本中执行,并将各签名页合并为一份文件。电子签名与原始签名具有同等效力。
第1页56837\388601\263703014.v6 ClarkHill\263703014.v8房东和租客已于上述第一年签署本修正案,特此为证。房东:Vestar Gateway,LLC,特拉华州有限责任公司:SLC Gateway Retail,LLC,特拉华州有限责任公司,其唯一成员:VGSLM,LLC,特拉华州有限责任公司,其管理成员:姓名:头衔:经理承租人:递归制药公司,特拉华州公司:名称:ITS:DocuSign信封ID:C955F491-8BF9-4DC2-A37C-CAFBD8A5AAFD总裁&首席运营官蒂娜·拉尔森V.P.法律助理总法律顾问内森·哈特菲尔德David·拉切尔[第2页56837\388601\263703014.v6 ClarkHill\263703014.v8展览“A”场地平面图文件签名信封ID:C955F491-8BF9-4DC2-A37C-CAFBD8A5AAFD]第3页56837\388601\263703014.v6 ClarkHill\263703014.v8 DocuSign信封ID:C955F491-8BF9-4DC2-A37C-CAFBD8A5AAFD
[第1页56837\388601\263703014.v6 ClarkHill\263703014.v8展览“B”例外套间灰壳标准房东应对下文中称为“房东工作”的房产进行以下灰壳改进:A.结构:1.框架:建筑由钢框架、钢筋混凝土或砖石承重墙建造,如现有的Gateway项目所提供的那样。2.外墙:外墙(S)为砖石、钢架或现有Gateway项目中提供的其他材料或材料。3.天花板高度:承租人有责任清除楼板的高度。4.屋顶:屋顶是单层材料类型,或与现有Gateway项目中提供的相同类型。5.隔断:内隔墙由租户负责。6.门框(S)和门框(S):外部服务门(S)和门框(S)应为中空金属。7.店面门:见第F.B.段室内饰面:1.地板:房东应在整个房屋内部提供标准的四英寸(4英寸)厚的混凝土板或悬挂式结构板。2.悬挂结构楼板:该建筑的高架楼板为后张法混凝土结构。机械、电气或建筑构件的任何附着物应限制为最大钻孔或驱动锚嵌入1英寸。如果需要更深的埋入或岩心钻探,应扫描平板以定位PT筋,并调整位置以提供与任何PT筋至少3“的距离。在PT筋损坏或割断的情况下,必须对其进行修复,使建筑物恢复到原始设计状态。这些维修费用应由承包人负责。3、墙体:外墙(S)为无漆砖石或无漆石膏板,用胶带粘在螺柱上,由承租人负责最后的准备和装修。高度由项目建筑师确定。任何交叉隔断(S)均由承租人负责。外墙和后墙(S)应为未喷漆的砖石或混凝土饰面,或项目建筑师选择的其他材料(S)。4.天花板:不提供,由租户负责。卫生间:1.卫生间:不提供卫生间,租户负责。(如果租户愿意,现有的卫生间可以保留。)水务:1.给水和下水道:房东应根据房东的计划,为房屋提供至少一(1)英寸(1)英寸(1“)的冷水供应和一(1)四英寸(4”)的废水管道。承租人负责堵住通往供应线和废物线的通道。2.电力:业主应提供位于建筑物后面的现有电气柜和断路器,能够满足以下最低服务要求。现有电池板的所有下游管道将被拆除,但通往FC.U的电力除外。S和其他。火警装置。(A)天沟的服务应为200A-120/208V的服务,在天沟终止。DocuSign信封ID:C955F491-8BF9-4DC2-A37C-CAFBD8A5AAFD
除上述服务外,以上服务由承租人负责。3、采光:不提供,租户自负。4.H.V.A.C.:业主应提供从中央厂房到空间的冷水和采暖水,并提供用于空间通风的外部空气连接,其依据如下:(A)配电系统设计:所有空气分配系统(S)由租户负责,包括提供4管风机盘管、供暖和冷水分配、新风分配和恒温器。将为48°F EWT设计冷水盘管。将为145°F EWT设计加热水盘管。(Aa)中央工厂可交付的水:中央工厂提供的热水和冷冻水用于空间的人工冷却和供暖,以及家庭热水的加热。承租人负责获得业主的批准,以使用超过这些参数的中央工厂的热水和冷水。(B)容量:每300(300)平方英尺的零售楼面面积,空调容量不得超过一(1)吨。(C)特殊设备:如果承租人在使用房屋时需要新鲜空气和/或排气用于特殊设备、烹饪设备、额外人员、储藏室区域或展示窗等,承租人应自费提供这些设备,但须事先获得房东的批准。承租人应连接到可用的基地建筑系统。5.消防喷水灭火系统:房东将提供一条穿过房屋的主消防线,并按照规范的要求提供竖直喷头的布局,用于建造外壳。E.电话:业主将提供一(1)英寸(1“)导管,以及从大楼电话安装板到房屋的拉线。房东可以选择提供复式门,由房东自行决定,以房产的面积为依据。DocuSign信封ID:C955F491-8BF9-4DC2-A37C-CAFBD8A5AAFD
%1错误!未知的文档属性名称。第七次修订写字楼租赁本修订(本“修订”)于2022年4月_日(“修订生效日期”)由特拉华州有限责任公司(“业主”)Vestar Gateway LLC与特拉华州一家公司(“承租人”)Recursion PharmPharmticals,Inc.作出,并于两者之间订立。摘要:A.房东和租客先前已签立并交付日期为2017年11月13日的特定办公室租约,该特定办公室租约经日期为2018年9月25日的特定租赁第一修正案修订,经日期为2019年11月13日的特定办公室租赁第二修正案修订,经日期为2021年1月22日的特定办公室租赁第三修正案修订,经日期为2021年2月25日的特定办公室租赁第四修正案修订,经日期为2021年5月15日的特定办公室租赁第五修正案修订,并经日期为2021年10月18日的特定第六次办公室租赁修正案修订(统称,“租约”)中更具体地描述的某些房产。B.房东和租客同意根据本修正案的进一步条款、契诺和规定修改租约。因此,现在,考虑到租约的签立和交付、前述叙述、本修正案所载的相互协议、契诺和承诺以及其他良好和有价值的考虑因素,房东和租客同意如下:1.定义除非上下文另有明确要求,本修正案中使用的未定义的大写术语应具有租赁中赋予此类术语的含义。2.装载码头和仓库。在租客遵守有司法管辖权的政府当局的守则和条例的情况下,在租客租约终止的一段期间内,业主(A)授予租客非独家权利,可在租客使用附属楼宇送货时使用“5号装载码头”;及(B)房东授予租客许可证,准许租客使用附属楼宇毗邻的部分装货码头(见附件“A”所示)(“储存区”)放置租客的二氧化碳散装储罐,以及安装租客的液氮灌装箱和相关的灌装线。承租人在安装其灌装箱和填充线之前应与业主协调,以确保准确的位置和安装方法都得到业主的批准,业主不得无理拒绝、限制或拖延批准;但业主对灌装箱和填充线安装位置和方法的审查和批准不得在任何实质性方面干扰承租人开展业务的能力。租约中包含的所有承租人对附属房屋的赔偿和保险义务应适用于承租人使用5号装货码头和储藏区。租客无须就本段所授予的权利向租客收取单独的租金或其他费用。如附件“B”(“删除的区域”)所示,位于大楼一楼的附属房地的237平方英尺应从房地中拆除,附属房地应修改为11,903平方英尺(11,903)可出租的平方英尺。被删除的面积作为面积包括在补充房地内,但属于零售有限公共区域的一部分,不属于业主要出租的零售单位的一部分。经房东同意,如不无理拒绝这种同意,承租人应有合理的通道进入被删除的区域;但在紧急情况下,如紧急情况下,紧急情况下门已打开,并拉下窗帘,则只有在这种情况下,租户才不能进入。承租人进一步确认,日期为2021年10月18日的《租赁第六修正案》(下称《第六修正案》)(现有浴室和消防出口)第9段的条款仍然完全有效。与租户工作有关的补充房地津贴应按每平方英尺70美元和第100美元(70.00美元)按比例减少,以反映从补充房地中拆除的房地。4.第六修正案第5款所列租金图表修订及重述如下:租期月租金年租金每平方英尺扩建单位年租金开始日期-12$24,797.92$297,575.00$25.00 13-24$25,541.85$306,502.25$25.75 25-36$26,308.11$315,697.32$26.52 37-48$27,097.35$325,168.24$27.32文件信封ID:FD89351C-49B9-420E-9465-6E8A0E5DA012
2错误!未知的文档属性名称。49-60元27,910.27元334,923.28元28.14 61-72元28,747.58元344,970.98元28.98 73-84元29,610.01元355,320.11元29.85-96元30,498.31元365,979.72元30.75 97-108元31,413.26元376,959.11元31.67 109-120元32,355.66元388,267.88元32.62租户和房东在此通过执行本修正案确认,就双方所知,租赁是完全有效的,并且该一方目前没有对另一方提出任何索赔或对租赁项下的任何到期金额进行任何补偿。据双方所知,本租约并无任何另一方违约,亦不存在因时间推移、通知或两者同时出现而导致本租约违约的现有情况。6.全力以赴。除本修正案明确修改外,本租约保持不变,并具有全部效力和效力。本租约中对“本租约”的所有提及应被视为对经本修订修改的本租约的提及。然而,原租约第2.4节的规定不适用于本修正案或附属房屋。7.对应方;电子签名。本修正案可在一个或多个副本中执行,并将各签名页合并为一份文件。电子签名与原始签名具有同等效力。房东和租客自上述第一年起签署本修正案,特此为证。房东:Vestar Gateway,LLC,特拉华州有限责任公司:SLC Gateway Retail,LLC,特拉华州有限责任公司,其唯一成员:VGSLM,LLC,特拉华州有限责任公司,其管理成员:姓名:头衔:经理承租人:递归制药公司,特拉华州公司:姓名:ITS:DocuSign信封ID:FD89351C-49B9
1 56837\388601\266887144.v7写字楼租赁第八项修正案本修正案(“修正案”)于2022年5月1日(“修正案生效日期”)由特拉华州维斯塔盖特有限责任公司(“房东”)和特拉华州递归制药公司(“承租人”)之间作出并签订。摘要:A.房东和租客先前已签立并交付日期为2017年11月13日的特定办公室租约(“原始租约”),经日期为2018年9月25日的特定第一租约修正案(“第一修正案”)修订,经日期为2019年11月13日的特定办公室租约第二修正案(“第二修正案”)修订,经日期为2021年1月22日的特定办公室租约第三修正案(“第三修正案”)修订,并经日期为2021年2月25日的特定办公室租约第四修正案(“第四修正案”)修订,经日期为2021年5月15日的办公室租契的若干第五修正案(“第五修正案”)修订,并经日期为2021年10月18日的办公室租契的若干第六修正案(“第六修正案”)修订,以及经日期为2022年4月12日的办公室租契的若干第七修正案(“第七修正案”,连同原来的租约、第一修正案、第二修正案、第三修正案、第四修正案、第五修正案及第六修正案,即“租赁”)就其中更具体描述的某些处所而修订。B.房东和租客同意根据本修正案的进一步条款、契诺和规定修改租约。因此,现在,考虑到租约的签立和交付、前述叙述、本修正案所载的相互协议、契诺和承诺以及其他良好和有价值的考虑因素,房东和租客同意如下:1.定义除非上下文另有明确要求,本修正案中使用的未定义的大写术语应具有租赁中赋予此类术语的含义。2.删除合同终止选项。本租约现予修订,删除原租约第2.4节。为免生疑问,房东和租客确认,租客根据租约(或其任何修正案)可能享有的在预定租期届满前终止租约的任何合同权利现予删除。3.转租。现对本租约第十四条进行修改,全文重述如下:14.1转让。未经房东事先书面同意,承租人不得转让、抵押、质押、抵押、扣押或允许任何留置权附加或以其他方式转让本租赁或本租赁项下的任何权益,不得允许根据法律的实施对本租赁或本租赁项下的任何权益进行任何转让或以其他方式转让、转租房屋或其任何部分。或订立任何许可证或特许协议,或以其他方式准许承租人及其雇员及承建商以外的任何人士占用或使用物业或其任何部分(以上所有事项有时统称为“转让”,任何获转让或寻求转让的人士有时称为“受让人”)。如果租客希望得到业主的同意,租客应以书面形式通知业主,该通知(“转让通知”)应包括(I)转让的建议生效日期,该日期不得早于转让通知交付之日后三十(30)天或不超过一百八十(180)天;(Ii)拟转让的房产部分(“主题空间”)的描述;(Iii)建议转让的所有条款及其代价,包括“转让地价”的计算;根据下文第14.3节对该术语的定义,与该转让相关的是,建议受让人的名称和地址,以及实施该建议转让的所有文件的签署副本,包括证明该转让的所有有效文件和所有附带或与该转让相关的协议,但房东有权要求承租人使用与该转让文件相关的房东标准转让文件,并进一步规定,建议转让的条款应规定,不得允许该建议的受让人进一步转让或转租其在主题空间和/或租赁中的权益。(Iv)建议受让人的高级人员、合伙人或拥有人证明的当前财务报表、建议受让人的商业信用和个人背景和历史,以及房东需要的任何其他信息,使房东能够确定建议受让人的财务责任、特征和声誉,DocuSign信封ID:2AF71C8F-63E9-45D8-84DE-18D3F80FA89A
2 56837\388601\266887144.v7受让人的业务性质和主题空间的拟议用途,以及(V)承租人签立的禁止反言证书,说明下文第17条(A)至(D)项所列信息。任何未经房东事先书面同意的转让,在房东的选择下都是无效的,无效的,并且在房东的选择下,构成租户在本租约中的违约。无论房东是否同意任何转让建议,房客应在房东书面要求后三十(30)天内支付房东(或房东物业经理)的审查费和手续费(目前相当于每一次建议转让1,500.00美元),以及房东(或房东物业经理)产生的任何合理的专业费用(包括但不限于律师费、会计费、建筑师费、工程师费和咨询费);但根据本判决,承租人对任何一次转让的房东费用报销不得超过5000美元。14.2业主同意。尽管本协议有任何相反规定,房东不得无理地拒绝、附加条件或拖延同意转让通知中所列条款将主题空间转让给受让人。在不限制拒绝同意的其他合理理由的情况下,双方特此同意,在下列一项或多项适用的情况下,根据本租约和任何适用法律,房东拒绝同意任何拟议的转让是合理的:14.2.1受让人从事的业务与房东对项目的发展计划不一致;14.2.2受让人打算将主题空间用于本租约不允许的目的;14.2.3受让人是政府机构或其工具;14.2.4受让人不是具有合理财务价值和/或财务稳定的一方,因为在请求同意之日将承担与转让相关的责任;14.2.5建议的转让会导致违反项目中另一个空间的租约,或会使项目的占用者有权取消其租约;14.2.6故意遗漏。14.2.7建议的受让人或直接或间接控制、受建议的受让人控制或共同控制的任何个人或实体,(I)在请求同意时占用项目内的空间,或(Ii)正在与业主谈判(就下文第(Ii)和(Iii)项而言,业主应通过向业主或业主传递一份或多份意向书、建议书草案或租赁文件来证明),以便在当时租赁项目中的空间。或(3)在紧接转让通知之前的六(6)个月期间,与业主积极谈判租赁项目内的空间(“积极谈判”的意思至少是指就项目内空间的租赁进行书面通信和谈判,但不包括仅交付与项目有关的租赁或财产信息);但是,如果房东不愿意和没有能力在项目内满足受让人或分租客的空间需求,而承租人又能够通过这种转让或转租来满足他们的空间需求,则房东不得无理地拒绝、限制或推迟根据本款(Iii)前述部分将本租约或房产的分租转让给建议的受让人或分租客;14.2.8在转让期限的大部分时间内,受让人不打算占用转让或转租的房产的部分,并从那里开展业务;或14.2.9将被分租或转让的房舍部分形状不规则,没有足够的进出通道。尽管本协议有任何相反规定,在任何情况下,承租人都不得就(I)为该DocuSign信封ID:2AF71C8F-63E9-45D8-84DE-18D3F80FA89A提供租金或其他付款的部分房屋的管有、使用、占用或使用而进行任何转让
3 56837\388601\266887144.v7以任何人从该处所取得的全部或部分入息或利润(按某一固定百分比或按销售收入或销售总额百分率计算的款额除外)为依据的用途,而租客同意该处所任何部分的所有转让须规定,对该处所的使用拥有权益的人不得订立任何租契或分租契约,而该租契或分租契约是以任何人从该处所取得的全部或部分收入或利润(以销售总收入的固定百分率或百分率计算的款额除外)作为租金或其他付款的。或(Ii)会导致根据本协议应支付给房东的任何部分不构成1986年国内税法第512(B)(3)条所指的“不动产租金”,而任何此类据称的转让作为对房产任何部分的占有、使用、占用或使用的任何权利或利益的转让,都是绝对无效和无效的。如果房东同意根据本租约第14.2节的条款进行任何转让(并且不行使房东根据本租约第14.4节可能拥有的任何收回权利),承租人可以按照租客根据本租约第14.1节向房东提交的转让通知中所述的基本相同的条款和条件进行主题空间的转让,但如果条款和条件与转让通知中规定的条款和条件有任何变化,以致房东最初有权拒绝根据本第14.2节的规定同意转让,或(Ii)建议的转让对受让人更有利的情况下,租户应再次将转让提交业主批准,并根据第14条采取其他行动(包括业主根据本租约第14.4条规定的收回权利,如有)。14.3转让溢价。如果房东同意转让,作为双方在此同意的合理条件,承租人应向房东支付承租人在任何特定日历月从受让人那里收到的第14.3节中所定义的任何“转让保费”的50%(50%),该金额应在承租人收到后立即支付给房东。“转让溢价”指受让人因转让而支付的与转让有关的所有租金、额外租金或其他代价(包括但不限于关键资金、奖金或其他现金代价,但不包括承租人向受让人转让的资产、存货、设备或家具的任何付款),超出租金的部分,以及在转让期间承租人根据本租约应支付的额外租金,如果转让的面积少于全部,则在扣除承租人因(I)与转让有关的房产的任何变更、改动和改善而产生的合理费用后,应支付的所有租金、额外租金或其他对价。及(Ii)与转让有关的任何市场利率、第三者经纪佣金(统称为“转租成本”);然而,如果在任何此类转租或转让时,房东确定前述“转让溢价”公式可能导致房东收到房东根据适用于房东的任何要求、义务或谅解不得收取的金额,双方同意对本租约进行修正,以双方共同同意的方式修改“转让溢价”公式,并且(Y)不会导致本第14.3节项下任何一方的预期成本或收益出现任何实质性增长。14.4业主对主题空间的选择权。即使本条第14条有任何相反规定,业主仍有权在收到任何转让通知后三十(30)天内向租客发出书面通知,在租期的剩余时间内收回标的空间。该收回通知应在转让通知中规定的转让生效日期(或房东的选择,应促使转让给房东或其代理人,在此情况下,双方应立即签署转让文件)之日起,取消并终止本租约;但如果房东发出收回标的空间的意向通知,承租人可在收到房东收回标的空间的意向通知后十(10)个工作日内,如果标的空间少于全部或基本上所有房产,则可撤回同意转让的请求。在这种情况下,房东终止本租约的选择将是无效的,没有任何效力和效果。如果房东收回本租约,如果本租约被取消,则本租约中保留的基本租金和承租人在直接费用增加中的份额应根据承租人保留的可出租平方英尺数与房产中可出租平方英尺数的比例按比例分摊,经如此修订的本租约此后将继续完全有效,双方应在任何一方提出要求时签署书面确认。如果房东拒绝,或未能及时选择DocuSign信封ID:2AF71C8F-63E9-45D8-84DE-18D3F80FA89A
4 56837\388601\266887144.v7根据第14.4节重新获得主题空间,那么,只要房东同意建议的转让,承租人有权继续将主题空间转让给建议的受让人,但须符合本第14条的规定。如果房东同意转让,(I)本租约的条款和条件不得被视为已被放弃或修改,(Ii)该同意不得被视为同意租户或受让人的任何进一步转让,(Iii)租户应在签约后,以房东合理接受的格式,迅速向房东提交与转让有关的所有文件的签立原件;(Iv)应房东的要求,租户应提供一份经独立注册会计师或租户首席财务官核证的完整报表,(V)任何与本租约有关的转让或与之订立的协议,不论是否经业主同意,均不解除本租约下承租人或任何担保人在本租约下的任何责任,包括但不限于与主题空间有关的责任;然而,如果承租人向房东提供合理令人满意的证据,证明受让人满足释放标准(定义见第14.8节),则房东应在转让生效日期后解除承租人在本租约项下首先产生的任何责任。在任何情况下,受让人不得转让、转租或以其他方式阻碍其在本租赁中的权益,或进一步转租主题空间的任何部分,或以其他方式容忍或允许他人使用或占用主题空间的任何部分。业主或其授权代表有权在正常营业时间内的所有合理时间内,但每次转让不得超过一次,审计与任何转让有关的租户账簿、记录和文件。房东同意并应将租客的账簿、记录和文件严格保密,不得向除房东的财务或法律顾问或房东的抵押权人以外的任何个人或实体披露此类机密信息。如果任何转让的转让溢价被发现少报,承租人应在要求后三十(30)天内支付欠款,如果少报超过5%(5%),承租人应支付房东合理的审计费用。14.7不得转让。尽管第14条有任何相反规定,只要任何这种允许的不转让(如本文定义的)不是承租人逃避其在本租赁项下义务的托词,下列任何转让都不应被视为本条第14条下的转让(下文中的每一项均称为“允许的不转让”,以及根据允许的不转让在下文中称为“允许的不转让”的任何此类受让人或分租人):(I)转让承租人在本租赁中的权益,或将房屋的全部或部分转租,向承租人的关联公司(即,由承租人控制、控制或共同控制的实体)或承租人的任何母公司;(Ii)将承租人在本租赁中的权益转让给收购承租人的全部或几乎所有资产的实体;(Iii)将承租人在本租赁中的权益转让给在租赁期限内因收购、合并或合并承租人而产生的实体;(Iv)以承租人为尚存法团的集资目的出售股额,或在公众证券交易所(例如纽约证券交易所或纳斯达克)出售承租人的股额或其他股权,不论是与首次公开招股有关或其后进行的;。(V)纯粹为更改承租人居籍而进行的任何合并;。或(Vi)与租户业务的任何融资或再融资有关的租户权益的任何转让,不论该等融资或再融资是以债务或股权投资的形式透过公开或私人买卖的股权或任何其他形式,包括但不限于股权投资者直接或间接为租户提供融资或再融资及/或购买租户、其母公司或租户的任何联营公司的所有权权益的任何交易。每名获准非受让人在紧接该等交易后的估值(A)不得大幅低于紧接每项准许不得转让前承租人的估值,及(B)在其他方面合理地足以履行本租约或分租契(视属何情况而定)项下的财务责任。对于每个允许的不转让,承租人应通知房东,并立即向房东提供房东合理要求的关于该允许不转让或该允许不转让的任何商业合理文件或信息。任何允许的不转让不应免除租户和本租约的任何担保人在本租约下的任何责任,包括但不限于与主题空间有关的任何责任;然而,如果承租人向房东提供合理令人满意的证据,证明允许的不转让的承租人满足释放标准,则房东应在转让生效日期后首先免除租户在本租约下产生的任何责任。原承租人在本租约中拥有全部权益的受让人,如果受让人是被允许的非受让人,则在本文中也可称为“非DocuSign信封ID:2AF71C8F-63E9-45D8-84DE-18D3F80FA89A[5 56837\388601\266887144.v7受让人。“如第14.7节所用,“控制”是指直接或间接拥有任何个人或实体至少51%(51%)的有投票权证券,或按其在任何个人或实体的投票权权益的百分比(51%)的普通方向拥有投票权。14.8发布标准。就本条第14条而言,如果承租人向房东提供合理令人信服的证据,证明(I)受让人或允许非受让人具有至少五(5)年的生命科学经验;(Ii)受让人或允许非受让人拥有不少于1.5亿美元(150,000,000.00美元)的流动资产;以及(Iii)受让人或允许非受让人的债务权益比低于2.5%(包括租赁负债),则受让人或允许非受让人应被视为满足释放标准;及(Iv)受让人或获准非受让人的市值(定义见下文)不少于10亿元及不少于1000元(1,000,000,000.00元)。本第14.8节第(I)、(Ii)、(Iii)和(Iv)款中规定的标准构成了“发布标准”。就本文而言,“市值”指上市公司的市值(即其流通股的总美元价值乘以当前股价);而对于私人持股公司,则指其市值,而其股价是由独立第三方估值公司根据美国国税法409A所规定的标准进行的真正融资交易或第三方估值得出的。5.取消租住。尽管基本租金在任何时候都将继续按租约规定的金额应计,但从2022年5月1日开始至2022年5月31日(“租金减免期”)为止的期间内,只要承租人没有拖欠租约(已发出任何必要的通知且任何适用的补救期限已届满),承租人可100%(100%)扣减其根据租约应支付的每月基本租金分期付款。但只有与第六修正案中被确定为“补充房地”的11,903(11,903)平方英尺楼面面积有关的基本租金,才被第七修正案和第六修正案中被确定为“扩建房舍”的91,494(91,494)平方英尺楼面面积所修改。本租赁项下应支付的每月基本租金分期付款与本第5款所述租户应支付的金额之间的差额应为“减租”。本第5段的规定不会修订租客在租约下的其他义务,包括但不限于支付物业其他部分的基本租金,以及承租人有义务在每个历月的第一天或之前预先向业主支付任何及所有额外租金或任何其他费用(统称为“承租人的其他义务”)。本修正案不得解释为免除承租人支付承租人其他义务的义务。6.延展任期。本租赁期自2032年3月1日起至2032年3月31日止,再延长一(1)个月(“延长期”)。延展期内的基本租金应与紧接延展期前一个日历月的费率相同。7.禁止反言。租户和房东在此通过执行本修正案确认,就双方所知,租赁是完全有效的,并且该一方目前没有对另一方提出任何索赔或对租赁项下的任何到期金额进行任何补偿。据双方所知,本租约并无任何另一方违约,亦不存在因时间推移、通知或两者同时出现而导致本租约违约的现有情况。8.全力以赴。除本修正案明确修改外,本租约保持不变,并具有全部效力和效力。本租约中对“本租约”的所有提及应被视为对经本修订修改的本租约的提及。9.对应方;电子签名。本修正案可在一个或多个副本中执行,并将各签名页合并为一份文件。电子签名与原始签名具有同等效力。房东和租客自上述第一年起签署本修正案,特此为证。房东:Vestar Gateway,LLC,特拉华州有限责任公司:SLC Gateway Retail,LLC,特拉华州有限责任公司,其唯一成员DocuSign信封ID:2AF71C8F-63E9-45D8-84DE-18D3F80FA89A]6 56837\388601\266887144.v7发信人:VGSLM,LLC,特拉华州有限责任公司,其管理成员:姓名:头衔:经理承租人:递归制药公司,特拉华州公司发信人:姓名:ITS:文件签名信封ID:2AF71C8F-63E9-45D8-84DE-18D3F80FA89A总裁&首席运营官蒂娜·拉尔森David[1 56837\388601\267163283.v2写字楼租赁第九项修正案本修正案(“修正案”)于2022年5月13日(“修正案生效日期”)由特拉华州有限责任公司(“房东”)Vestar Gateway LLC和特拉华州一家公司(“承租人”)Recursion PharmPharmticals,Inc.作出,并于两者之间签订。摘要:A.房东和租客先前已签立并交付日期为2017年11月13日的特定办公室租约(“原始租约”),经日期为2018年9月25日的特定第一租约修正案(“第一修正案”)修订,经日期为2019年11月13日的特定办公室租约第二修正案(“第二修正案”)修订,经日期为2021年1月22日的特定办公室租约第三修正案(“第三修正案”)修订,并经日期为2021年2月25日的特定办公室租约第四修正案(“第四修正案”)修订,经日期为2021年5月15日的办公室租约若干第五修正案(“第五修正案”)修订,并经日期为2021年10月18日的办公室租契若干第六修正案(“第六修正案”)修订,再经日期为2022年4月12日的办公室租契若干第七修正案(“第七修正案”)修订,并经日期为2022年5月1日的办公室租契若干第八修正案(“第八修正案”)修订,连同原有租契、第一修正案、第二修正案、第三修正案、第四修正案、第五修正案、第六修正案及第七修正案,“租约”)中更具体地描述的某些房产。B.房东和租客同意根据本修正案的进一步条款、契诺和规定修改租约。因此,现在,考虑到租约的签立和交付、前述叙述、本修正案所载的相互协议、契诺和承诺以及其他良好和有价值的考虑因素,房东和租客同意如下:1.定义除非上下文另有明确要求,本修正案中使用的未定义的大写术语应具有租赁中赋予此类术语的含义。2.扩建楼宇及附属楼宇的动工日期。有关扩建楼宇(定义见第三修正案)及附属楼宇(定义见第六修正案并经第七修正案修改)的生效日期为2022年5月1日。3.延展任期。现删除《第八修正案》第6款,改为:延长任期。本租赁期自2032年5月1日起至2032年5月31日(“延长期”)止,再延长一(1)个月。延展期内的基本租金应与紧接延展期前一个日历月的费率相同。4.全力以赴。除本修正案明确修改外,本租约保持不变,并具有全部效力和效力。本租约中对“本租约”的所有提及应被视为对经本修订修改的本租约的提及。5.对应方;电子签名。本修正案可在一个或多个副本中执行,并将各签名页合并为一份文件。电子签名与原始签名具有同等效力。]页面的其余部分故意留空
2 56837\388601\267163283.v2特此为证,房东和租客已于上述第一年签署本修正案。房东:Vestar Gateway,LLC,特拉华州有限责任公司:SLC Gateway Retail,LLC,特拉华州有限责任公司,其唯一成员:VGSLM,LLC,特拉华州有限责任公司,其管理成员:姓名:头衔:经理承租人:递归制药公司,特拉华州公司:姓名:ITS:DocuSign信封ID:3BF7513C-5C2C-4406-938E-E49541DFEBFC蒂娜·拉尔森和首席运营官David
DocuSign信封ID:05FCBF65-0411-409f-A2A1-42F25A018E50写字楼租赁TFFLS第十次修订(本“修订”)由特拉华州有限责任公司Vestar Gateway,LLC与特拉华州一家公司(“承租人”)Recursion PharmPharmticals,Inc.于2022年12月24日(“修订生效日期”)订立并签订。摘要:A.业主和租客先前已签立并交付日期为2017年11月13日的某些办公室租约(“原始租约”),经日期为2018年9月25日的特定第一修正案(“第一修正案”)修订,经日期为2019年11月13日的某些办公室租约第二修正案(“第二修正案”)修订,经日期为2021年1月22日的某些办公室租约第三修正案(“第三修正案”)修订,并经日期为2021年2月25日的办公室租约某些第四修正案(“第四修正案”)修订,按日期为2021年5月15日的《办公室租赁第五修正案》(以下简称《第五修正案》)修订,经日期为2021年10月18日的《办公室租赁第六修正案》(《第六修正案》)修订,经日期为2022年4月12日的办公室租赁《第七修正案》(《第七修正案》)修正,经日期为2022年5月1日的《办公租赁第八修正案》(以下简称《第九修正案》)修正,并经日期为2022年5月13日的《办公室租赁第九修正案》(《第九修正案》)修订,连同原租赁、第一修正案、第二修正案、第三修正案、第四修正案、第五修正案、第六修正案、第七修正案和第八修正案(“租赁”)。B.房东和租客同意根据本修正案的进一步条款、契诺和规定修改租约。因此,现在,考虑到租约的免除和交付、前述叙述、本修正案所载的相互协议、契诺和承诺以及其他良好和有价值的对价,业主和租客同意如下:1.定义除非上下文另有明确要求,本修正案中使用的未定义的大写术语应具有租赁中赋予此类术语的含义。2.以下:津贴。删除《第六修正案》第8段,代之以8.津贴。如租约已生效,而租客并无违反或违反本租约的任何条款、条件、契诺及规定,租客有权获得一笔一次性的“物业津贴”,金额为七十及每百元($70.00)平方英尺,以部分偿还准备租用附属物业的费用(“承租人的工作”)。有关支付补充校舍津贴的条款及条件,载于附于本修正案附件“L”附件的补充校舍津贴发放附表内。3.全力以赴。除本修正案明确修改外,本租约保持不变,并具有全部效力和效力。本租约中对“本租约”的所有提及应被视为对经本修订修改的本租约的提及。4.数艺--电子学。本修正案可在一个或多个副本中执行,并将各签名页合并为一份文件。电子签名与原始签名具有同等效力。5.禁止反言。承租人特此确认,据承租人所知,租约是完全有效的,承租人目前没有对房东的任何索赔或对租约项下任何到期金额的任何抵销。据泰安特所知,本租约并无业主违约,亦不存在因时间推移、通知或两者同时出现而导致本租约违约的现有情况。6.晶格。租赁通知的业主地址应修改为:Vestar Gateway,LLC c/o Vestar 2415 East Camelback Road,Suite 100 Phoenbc,Arizona 85016注意:总裁-管理服务公司,复印件至:Dark Hill,PLC 14850 North Scottdale Road,Suite 500 Scottsdale,Arizona56837\388601\269524838。V3 DocuSign信封ID:0C86E184-287C-4786-AC2D-D67EBB02105C
DocuSign信封ID:05FCBF65-0411-409f-A2A1-42F25A018E50特此证明,房东和租客已于上述第一年签署本修正案。房东:Vestar Gateway,LLC,特拉华州有限责任公司由:SLC Gateway Retail,LLC,特拉华州有限责任公司,其唯一成员由:VGSLM。有限责任公司,特拉华州一家有限责任公司,其管理成员由:姓名:Dav1为单位,头衔:经理承租人:递归制药公司,特拉华州公司文件签字人:姓名:^Presi ent co 56837\388601\269524838。V3 DocuSign信封ID:0C86E184-287C-4786-AC2D-D67EBB02105C
友邦保险G702 1992年或同等学历
美国友邦保险表格G703 1992或同等
);(Iii)租客批准该等发票并要求从补充房屋津贴中支付的信件原件;(Iv)执行机械师的留置权解除,该留置权的解除应以当时要求的付款金额为条件,而对于业主或租客、所有租户S代理人之前支付的付款金额而言,应是无条件的;及(V)业主合理要求的所有其他信息。承租人的付款请求应视为承租人接受并批准承租人付款请求中规定的所提供的工作和/或所提供的材料。在补充房产津贴提交日期后三十(30)天或之前,假设房东收到上述第(I)至(V)项所述的所有信息,房东应向租户交付支票,以支付下列金额中的较小者:(A)以上第1.1段所述的租户所要求的金额减去10%(10%)的保留金(此类保留的总金额应称为“最终销售房产TI津贴报销”),以及(B)补充房屋津贴的任何剩余可用部分的余额(不包括最后的补充房屋TI津贴报销),前提是业主不会因本租约规定的任何其他原因而对因任何次要工程而提出的付款要求提出异议。房东支付此类款项不应被视为房东批准或接受承租人付款申请中规定的所提供的工作或提供的材料。1.2最后的苏伦达房舍TI津贴报销。根据本承租人工作书的规定,房东应在补充房屋建成后向承租人交付支付给承租人的最终补充房屋TI津贴补偿的支票,条件是(I)承租人向房东交付(A)正确执行的、无条件的所有承租人代理人的最终机械师留置权解除,显示支付金额,(B)承包商的最后一次申请和由建筑师/空间规划师签署的付款证书(AIA Fonn 0702 1992或同等),(C)分解表(AIA Form G703 1992或同等),(D)加盖印花的建筑许可证平面图正本,(E)建筑许可证副本,(F)加盖印章的建筑许可证检查卡正本,包括所有最后签字,(G)落成尺寸的保证书副本和CD-R光盘,其中载有承租人在《建筑图纸》和《pdf fonnats》两种格式下的“竣工”图纸的电子文件,建筑图纸的建筑师空间规划师和承建商为所有其他行业发出的电子文件,(H)空气平衡报告,(I)超额能源使用量计算,(J)承租人代理人的一年保证书,(K)制造商的保修和操作说明书,(1)由承租人和建筑师/空间规划师填写并签署的最终验收清单,(M)工程师的合规信,声明工程师已检查附属建筑,并遵守工程师的图纸和规范,(N)已记录的完工通知副本,以及(O)承租人因承租人的工作和任何其他改善附属建筑而聘用的所有承包商/供应商/顾问的最终名单,包括但不限于承包商、其他承包商、分包商和其余承租人的代理人、建筑师/空间规划师、工程师、系统家具供应商/安装商、数据/电话布线/设备供应商/安装商等,最终用户应列出FIU的法定名称、地址、联系人姓名(带有电话/传真/电子邮件地址)以及承租人为向每个该等承包商/供应商/顾问(统称为“最终单元房关闭包”)支付的货物和服务总费用,以及(Ii)业主已检查附属房屋,并合理地确定不存在对机械、电气、管道、供暖、通风和空调造成不利影响的不合格工程。建筑的生命安全或其他系统,建筑的幕墙,56837\388601\269524838。V3 DocuSign信封ID:0C86E184-287C-4786-AC2D-D67EBB02105C
建筑物的结构或外观,或任何其他租户对该其他租户在建筑物内租用的处所的使用情况。1.其他3个术语。房东只有在承租人因承租人的工作而产生费用的情况下,才有义务从补充房屋津贴中支出。根据本租约第8.5节的条款,所有已提供补充房屋津贴的租户工作项目应被视为房东的财产。承租人不得申索在2023年6月30日或之前没有由承租人支出的任何附属房屋津贴,而任何该等款项均为业主独有财产。56837\388601\269524838。V4 DocuSign信封ID:0C86E184-287C-4786-AC2D-D67EBB02105C
EXHIBIT D Page 1 56837\388601\262127969.v2 FOURTH AMENDMENT TO OFFICE LEASE THIS FOURTH AMENDMENT TO OFFICE LEASE (this “Amendment”) is made and entered into as of the 25th day of February, 2021 (the “Amendment Effective Date”) by and between VESTAR GATEWAY, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (“Landlord”) and RECURSION PHARMACEUTICALS, INC., a Delaware corporation (“Tenant”). RECITALS: A. Landlord and Tenant have previously executed and delivered that certain Office Lease dated November 13, 2017, as amended by that certain First Amendment to Lease dated September 25, 2018, as amended by that certain Second Amendment to Lease dated November 13, 2019, as amended by that certain Third Amendment to Lease dated January 22, 2021 (collectively, the “Lease”) with respect to certain Premises more particularly described therein. B. Landlord and Tenant have agreed to modify the Lease, subject to and in accordance with the further terms, covenants and provisions of this Amendment. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the execution and delivery of the Lease, the foregoing Recitals, the mutual agreements, covenants and promises contained in this Amendment and other good and valuable considerations, the receipt, sufficiency and validity of which are hereby acknowledged, Landlord and Tenant agree as follows: 1. Definitions. Capitalized terms used in this Amendment without definition shall have the meanings assigned to such terms in the Lease unless the context expressly requires otherwise. 2. Additional Premises Rent Commencement Date. Landlord and Tenant hereby agree that the Additional Premises Rent Commencement Date (as defined in the Second Amendment) is hereby amended to be March 1, 2021. The expiration date of the Lease Term (only with respect to the Additional Premises) shall be extended by six (6) months and twenty-two (22) days and shall expire on December 22, 2028. 3. Estoppel. Tenant and Landlord each hereby affirms by execution of this Amendment that to the best of such party’s knowledge the Lease is in full force and effect and such party does not have any presently existing claims against the other party or any offsets against any amounts due under the Lease. To the best of each party’s knowledge, there are no defaults of the other party under the Lease and there are no existing circumstances which with the passage of time, notice or both, would give rise to a default under the Lease. 4. Full Force and Effect. Except as expressly modified by this Amendment, the Lease remains unmodified and in full force and effect. All references in the Lease to “this Lease” shall be deemed references to the Lease as modified by this Amendment. 5. Counterparts; Electronic Signatures. This Amendment may be executed in one or more counterparts and the signature pages combined to constitute one document. Electronic signatures shall have the same force and effect as original signatures. (signatures on next page) DocuSign Envelope ID: EC52E03E-EB25-47E1-9ED2-A35A6D61B449
EXHIBIT D Page 2 56837\388601\262127969.v2 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Landlord and Tenant have executed this Amendment as of the date and year first above written. LANDLORD: VESTAR GATEWAY, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company By: SLC Gateway Retail, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, its Sole Member By: VGSLM, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, its Managing Member By: Name: Title: Manager TENANT: RECURSION PHARMACEUTICALS, INC., a Delaware corporation By: Name: Its: DocuSign Envelope ID: EC52E03E-EB25-47E1-9ED2-A35A6D61B449 Senior Director of People Operations Brackon Curtis
Page 1 56837\388601\262127969.v5 FIFTH AMENDMENT TO OFFICE LEASE THIS FIFTH AMENDMENT TO OFFICE LEASE (this “Amendment”) is made and entered into as of the 15th day of May, 2021 (the “Amendment Effective Date”) by and between VESTAR GATEWAY, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (“Landlord”) and RECURSION PHARMACEUTICALS, INC., a Delaware corporation (“Tenant”). RECITALS: A. Landlord and Tenant have previously executed and delivered that certain Office Lease dated November 13, 2017, as amended by that certain First Amendment to Lease dated September 25, 2018, as amended by that certain Second Amendment to Lease dated November 13, 2019, as amended by that certain Third Amendment to Lease dated January 22, 2021, and as amended by that certain Fourth Amendment to Lease dated February 25, 2021 (collectively, the “Lease”) with respect to certain Premises more particularly described therein. B. Landlord and Tenant have agreed to modify the Lease, subject to and in accordance with the further terms, covenants and provisions of this Amendment. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the execution and delivery of the Lease, the foregoing Recitals, the mutual agreements, covenants and promises contained in this Amendment and other good and valuable considerations, the receipt, sufficiency and validity of which are hereby acknowledged, Landlord and Tenant agree as follows: 1. Definitions. Capitalized terms used in this Amendment without definition shall have the meanings assigned to such terms in the Lease unless the context expressly requires otherwise. 2. Expansion Premises Termination. Tenant’s right to terminate the Lease as set forth in Paragraph 6 of the Third Amendment to Lease is hereby deleted. 3. Access to Adjoining Suites. If Tenant determines during the Expansion Premises Work that Tenant requires access to any one or more of the following three (3) suites that are adjacent to the Expansion Premises: (i.e., the “Sprint” premises (containing 612 square feet), the “Head Gate Studios” premises (containing 654 square feet), or the “Urban Homes” premises (containing 1,115 square feet)), each as depicted on Exhibit “A” to this Amendment (collectively, the “Adjoining Suites”, Tenant may provide to Landlord written notice of the need for such access. Within ninety (90) days following receipt of such written notice with respect to the “Urban Homes” premises and the “Head Gate Studios” premises and within one hundred twenty (120) days following receipt of such written notice for the “Sprint” premises, Landlord shall tender to Tenant possession of the Adjoining Suites designated by Tenant free and clear of all occupants thereof and their personal property. In accordance with the terms of the Lease, Tenant shall have the right to install an exhaust system and discharge stack that may include vertical and horizontal ducting, fans, motors, and related facilities and improvements (the “Exhaust System”) within the Adjoining Suites in accordance with plans and specifications prepared by Tenant and approved by Landlord, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. Landlord acknowledges that the installation of the Exhaust System will require modifications to the roof deck and steel roof structure and agrees not to withhold its consent to such plans and specifications for such reasons. Upon completion of Tenant’s Expansion Premises Work in the Adjoining Suites, but in no event later than the Expansion Premises Rent Commencement Date, Tenant shall return to Landlord possession of the Adjoining Suites in broom clean condition. Landlord shall have forty-five (45) days following Tenant returning to Landlord possession of the Adjoining Suites to determine whether the installation of the Exhaust System has rendered the Adjoining Suites unleasable due to lowered ceiling heights, column spacing or other physical limitations within the Adjoining Suites directly attributable to the Exhaust System. If the Adjoining Suites are not in leasable condition solely for the reasons set forth in the preceding sentence, then Landlord shall provide to Tenant notice and the Adjoining Suites will become a portion of the Premises and the rentable square footage of the Premises will be increased by the square footage of the Adjoining Suites retroactive to the Expansion Premises Rent Commencement Date. If, however, the Adjoining Suites are in leasable condition, Tenant’s obligation with respect to the Adjoining Suites shall terminate; provided, however, Tenant shall have the right to use and maintain the Exhaust System for the remainder of the Expansion Premises Lease Term for no additional rent. 4. Occupancy of Adjoining Suites. Terminating the existing leases for the Adjoining Suites and relocating the tenants currently occupying the Adjoining Suites shall be at Landlord’s sole cost and expense and will not be charged to Tenant. Furthermore, Tenant’s right to access the Adjoining Suites or require Landlord to tender possession of the Accessed Suites to Tenant terminates once Tenant completes the Expansion Premises Work. As such, if Tenant does not request that Landlord tender possession of the Accessed Suites, and Tenant then performs the Expansion Premises Work and opens for business within the Expansion Premises, Tenant has no right at a later date to request possession of the Adjoining Suites. DocuSign Envelope ID: D0B57570-43AC-4751-A521-422211DEA58F
Page 2 56837\388601\262127969.v5 5. Estoppel. Tenant and Landlord each hereby affirms by execution of this Amendment that to the best of such party’s knowledge the Lease is in full force and effect and such party does not have any presently existing claims against the other party or any offsets against any amounts due under the Lease. To the best of each party’s knowledge, there are no defaults of the other party under the Lease and there are no existing circumstances which with the passage of time, notice or both, would give rise to a default under the Lease. 6. Full Force and Effect. Except as expressly modified by this Amendment, the Lease remains unmodified and in full force and effect. All references in the Lease to “this Lease” shall be deemed references to the Lease as modified by this Amendment. 7. Counterparts; Electronic Signatures. This Amendment may be executed in one or more counterparts and the signature pages combined to constitute one document. Electronic signatures shall have the same force and effect as original signatures. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Landlord and Tenant have executed this Amendment as of the date and year first above written. LANDLORD: VESTAR GATEWAY, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company By: SLC Gateway Retail, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, its Sole Member By: VGSLM, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, its Managing Member By: Name: Title: Manager TENANT: RECURSION PHARMACEUTICALS, INC., a Delaware corporation By: Name: Its: DocuSign Envelope ID: D0B57570-43AC-4751-A521-422211DEA58F Tina Larson President & COO David Larcher
Page 3 56837\388601\262127969.v5 EXHIBIT “A” 100 S. BRIDGE AREA ACCESSIBLE TO TENANT 262127969.v6 DocuSign Envelope ID: D0B57570-43AC-4751-A521-422211DEA58F
Page 1 56837\388601\263703014.v6 ClarkHill\263703014.v8 SIXTH AMENDMENT TO OFFICE LEASE THIS SIXTH AMENDMENT TO OFFICE LEASE (this “Amendment”) is made and entered into as of the ____ day of October, 2021 (the “Amendment Effective Date”) by and between VESTAR GATEWAY, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (“Landlord”) and RECURSION PHARMACEUTICALS, INC., a Delaware corporation (“Tenant”). RECITALS: A. Landlord and Tenant have previously executed and delivered that certain Office Lease dated November 13, 2017 (“Original Lease”), as amended by that certain First Amendment to Lease dated September 25, 2018, as amended by that certain Second Amendment to Office Lease dated November 13, 2019, as amended by that certain Third Amendment to Office Lease dated January 22, 2021 (the “Third Amendment”), as amended by that certain Fourth Amendment to Office Lease dated February 25, 2021, and as amended by that certain Fifth Amendment to Office Lease dated May 15, 2021 (collectively, with the Original Lease, the “Lease”) with respect to certain Premises more particularly described therein. B. Landlord and Tenant have agreed to modify the Lease, subject to and in accordance with the further terms, covenants and provisions of this Amendment. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the execution and delivery of the Lease, the foregoing Recitals, the mutual agreements, covenants and promises contained in this Amendment and other good and valuable considerations, the receipt, sufficiency and validity of which are hereby acknowledged, Landlord and Tenant agree as follows: 1. Definitions. Capitalized terms used in this Amendment without definition shall have the meanings assigned to such terms in the Lease unless the context expressly requires otherwise. 2. Supplementary Premises. In addition to and together with the Premises, from and after the Expansion Premises Rent Commencement Date (as defined in the Third Amendment), Landlord leases to Tenant and Tenant leases from Landlord that certain Supplementary Premises (herein so called) consisting of approximately twelve thousand one hundred forty (12,140) square feet of Floor Area within the Expansion Premises Building and adjacent to the Expansion Premises (as each is defined in the Third Amendment) and identified as the “Supplementary Premises” on the Site Plan attached hereto as Exhibit “A”. Additionally, Tenant shall have exclusive use and control of the existing elevators that are accessible from the ground level of the Expansion Premises Building and the Supplementary Premises. From and after the Supplementary Premises Rent Commencement Date, references in the Lease to the “Premises” shall be deemed to include the “Supplementary Premises” and Tenant’s use, lease and occupancy of the Supplementary Premises shall be subject to all of the terms, covenants and provisions of the Lease. Tenant acknowledges that the provisions of Article 10 of the Lease apply to Tenant’s entry in the Supplementary Premises. 3. Term. The Term of the Lease with respect to the Supplementary Premises shall be coterminous with the Expansion Premises Lease Term (as defined in the Third Amendment). 4. Use. The Supplementary Premises shall be used solely for general office purposes (no laboratory work); provided, however, the Supplementary Premises may be used for the purposes expressly set forth in Article 5 of the Lease upon Tenant providing advance written notice to Landlord of such change, and for no other purpose. 5. Base Rent. From and after the Expansion Premises Rent Commencement Date, Base Rent shall be payable with respect to the Supplementary Premises in accordance with the schedule of Base Rent set forth below. Month of Lease Term Monthly Rental Annual Rental Annual Rental Rate Per Square Foot Expansion Premises Rent Commencement Date – 12 $25,291.67 $303,500.00 $25.0000 13-24 $26,050.42 $312,605.00 $25.7500 25-36 $26,831.93 $321,983.15 $26.5225 37-48 $27,636.89 $331,642.64 $27.3182 49-60 $28,465.99 $341,591.92 $28.1377 61-72 $29,319.97 $351,839.68 $28.9819 73-84 $30,199.57 $362,394.87 $29.8513 85-96 $31,105.56 $373,266.72 $30.7468 97-108 $32,038.73 $384,464.72 $31.6693 109-120 $32,999.89 $395,998.66 $32.6193 DocuSign Envelope ID: C955F491-8BF9-4DC2-A37C-CAFBD8A5AAFD 18
Page 2 56837\388601\263703014.v6 ClarkHill\263703014.v8 6. Operating Expenses, Taxes – Supplementary Premises. Tenant acknowledges that its obligation for payments for Direct Expenses, Operating Expenses and Tax Expenses with respect to the Supplementary Premises shall be calculated in the same manner as the original Premises (as is set forth in Article 4 of the Original Lease; provided, however, with respect to the Supplementary Premises, the Base Year shall be calendar year 2021). 7. Delivery of Supplementary Premises. Landlord shall tender possession of the Supplementary Premises to Tenant promptly following the Amendment Effective Date; provided, however such tender of possession of the Supplementary Premises shall not include Suites 78, 79 and 80 (the “Exception Suites”) within the Supplementary Premises. Landlord shall tender possession of the Exception Suites to Tenant in grey shell condition as more fully described in Exhibit “B” hereto on or before the date that is sixty-three (63) days after the Amendment Effective Date. Except for Landlord’s representations and warranties contained in this Amendment and in the Lease, (a) no representations, inducements, understanding or anything of any nature whatsoever, made, stated or represented by Landlord or anyone acting for or on Landlord’s behalf, either orally or in writing, have induced Tenant to enter into this Amendment, and (b) Tenant acknowledges, represents and warrants that Tenant has entered into this Amendment under and by virtue of Tenant’s own independent investigation. Except for Landlord’s representation and warranties contained in this Amendment and in the Lease, Tenant hereby shall accept the Supplementary Premises (except the Exception Suites) in its current “as is” and “where is” condition without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including, without limitation, any warranty as to title, physical condition or the presence or absence of Hazardous Materials, and if the Supplementary Premises (except the Exception Suites) are not in all respects entirely suitable for the use or uses to which the Supplementary Premises or any part thereof will be put, then it is the sole responsibility and obligation of Tenant, subject to and in accordance with the provisions of the Lease, to take such action as may be necessary to place the Supplementary Premises (except the Exception Suites) in a condition entirely suitable for such use or uses. IN CONNECTION WITH THE ABOVE, TENANT HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGES AND REPRESENTS TO LANDLORD THAT TENANT HAS HAD AMPLE OPPORTUNITY TO INSPECT AND EVALUATE THE SUPPLEMENTARY PREMISES AND THE FEASIBILITY OF THE USES AND ACTIVITIES TENANT IS ENTITLED TO CONDUCT THEREON; THAT TENANT IS EXPERIENCED; THAT TENANT WILL RELY ENTIRELY ON TENANT’S EXPERIENCE, EXPERTISE AND ITS OWN INSPECTION OF THE SUPPLEMENTARY PREMISES IN ITS CURRENT STATE IN PROCEEDING WITH THIS AMENDMENT (SUBJECT TO LANDLORD’S REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES CONTAINED IN THIS AMENDMENT AND THE LEASE AND LANDLORD’S WORK TO BE PERFORMED WITH RESPECT TO THE EXCEPTION SUITES); TENANT ACCEPTS THE SUPPLEMENTARY PREMISES IN ITS PRESENT CONDITION (SUBJECT TO LANDLORD’S REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES CONTAINED IN THIS AMENDMENT AND THE LEASE AND LANDLORD’S WORK TO BE PERFORMED WITH RESPECT TO THE EXCEPTION SUITES), AND THAT, TO THE EXTENT THAT TENANT’S OWN EXPERIENCE WITH RESPECT TO ANY OF THE FOREGOING IS INSUFFICIENT TO ENABLE TENANT TO REACH AND FORM A CONCLUSION, TENANT HAS ENGAGED THE SERVICES OF PERSONS QUALIFIED TO ADVISE TENANT WITH RESPECT TO SUCH MATTERS. TENANT IS NOT RELYING ON ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, ORAL OR WRITTEN REPRESENTATIONS, OR WARRANTIES MADE BY LANDLORD OR ITS REPRESENTATIVES, OTHER THAN THOSE SET FORTH IN THIS AMENDMENT AND IN THE LEASE. In this regard, except as set forth in this Amendment, Tenant shall be responsible, at its sole cost and expense, for the work within the Supplementary Premises in accordance with the provisions of the Lease and this Amendment. 8. Allowance. If the Lease is in full force and effect and if Tenant is not in breach or default of any of the terms, conditions, covenants and provisions of this Lease, Tenant shall be entitled to a one- time “Supplementary Premises Allowance” in the amount of Seventy and No/100 Dollars ($70.00) gross square foot for partial reimbursement of the cost to ready the Supplementary Premises for occupancy (“Tenant’s Work”). Payment of the Supplementary Premises Allowance shall be made to Tenant by Landlord within thirty (30) days after the later to occur of (i) Tenant requesting, in writing, disbursement of the Supplementary Premises Allowance, which request may be made only after Tenant has opened at the Supplementary Premises for business to the general public in accordance with the terms, covenants and provisions of this Amendment, and (ii) delivery to Landlord of the following: (a) a copy of the Certificate of Occupancy or comparable permit issued by the City of Salt Lake and/or the County of Salt Lake, Utah for the Supplementary Premises, (b) unconditional lien waivers from Tenant’s contractor and all subcontractors and suppliers who furnished labor and/or materials in connection with the construction of the Supplementary Premises in a form substantially similar to the form previously delivered to Landlord with respect to the original Supplementary Premises Allowance, and (c) a copy of all permits, licenses or other governmental, quasi-governmental or other licensing authority authorizations required as a prerequisite for Tenant (or the third party operator) conducting business operations at the Supplementary Premises, and (d) execution and delivery by Tenant to Landlord of an estoppel certificate in the form attached to the Lease as an Exhibit, and (e) copies of invoices and work orders demonstrating the cost of Tenant’s Work, and (f) a copy of the “as-built” plans (or record drawings marked to show field changes) for the Supplementary DocuSign Envelope ID: C955F491-8BF9-4DC2-A37C-CAFBD8A5AAFD
Page 3 56837\388601\263703014.v6 ClarkHill\263703014.v8 Premises. Tenant shall deliver the request for the Supplementary Premises Allowance to Landlord no later than three hundred sixty (360) days after the Expansion Premises Rent Commencement Date (the “Allowance Cutoff Date”). In the event Tenant does not submit the request for the Supplementary Premises Allowance within thirty (30) days after the Allowance Cutoff Date, Landlord shall not be obligated to fund any portion of the Supplementary Premises Allowance to Tenant and the Supplementary Premises Allowance shall be forfeited by Tenant without any reduction or adjustment to the Base Rent, Additional Rent (as defined in the Lease) or other charges payable by Tenant to Landlord under this Lease. Tenant’s Work shall be performed in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Lease, including the payment to Landlord of a construction supervision and management fee in an amount equal to one percent (1%) of the Supplementary Premises Allowance. 9. Existing Bathrooms; Fire Egress. The Supplementary Premises incorporates an existing hallway that runs along the northern boundary (the “Existing Hallway”). The Existing Hallway provides access to public restrooms located to the west of the Supplementary Premises (the “Public Bathrooms”) and also serves as a fire egress route for the Expansion Premises Building. In order to allow Tenant to fully integrate the Supplementary Premises with the Expansion Premises, the parties hereby agree as follows: (a) Tenant shall not alter or remove the Public Bathrooms; (b) the Public Bathrooms shall not be accessible to, or used as restrooms by, other tenants or the general public for the duration of the Expansion Premises Lease Term; and (c) Tenant shall incorporate, at part of Tenant’s Work, a replacement fire egress hallway within the Supplementary Premises and/or Expansion Premises that meets fire code requirements for the Expansion Premises Building. 10. Expansion Premises. The size of the Expansion Premises as more fully described in the Third Amendment shall be reduced from 91,748 rentable square feet to 91,494 rentable square feet, a reduction needed of 254 square feet so as to avoid relocating the south HVAC unit as shown on Exhibit A. Tenant will be responsible for adding the needed demising wall as shown on Exhibit A. 11. Base Rent – Expansion Premises. The rental chart set forth in Paragraph 6 of the Third Amendment is amended and restated in its entirety as follows: Year of Lease Term Monthly Rental Annual Rental Annual Rental Rate Per Square Foot 1 $245,890.13 $2,950,681.50 $32.2500 2 $253,266.83 $3,039,201.95 $33.2175 3 $260,864.64 $3,130,375.72 $34.2140 4 $268,690.43 $3,224,285.16 $35.2404 5 $276,751.81 $3,321,021.76 $36.2977 6 $285,054.13 $3,420,649.58 $37.3866 7 $293,605.77 $3,523,269.25 $38.5082 8 $302,413.59 $3,628,963.12 $39.6634 9 $311,485.99 $3,737,831.83 $40.8533 10 $320,830.57 $3,849,966.88 $42.0789 The Expansion Premises Allowance granted to Tenant (which has been stated as One Hundred Ten and No/100 Dollars ($110.00) per rentable square foot of the Expansion Premises) shall be adjusted based upon the reduced square footage of the Expansion Premises. 12. Parking. In addition to Tenant’s existing parking rights set forth in the Lease, Tenant shall have the additional right, but not the obligation, to utilize up to three (3) parking passes for every one- thousand (1,000) rentable square feet comprising the Expansion Premises and the Supplementary Premises for use on a monthly basis throughout the Expansion Premises Lease Term for use in the north and south parking garages owned by Landlord, which passes shall be unreserved and on a first-come, first-served basis. The cost for such parking passes described herein for the Expansion Premises Lease Term shall be Eighty-Five and No/100 Dollars ($85.00) per pass per month. All other terms and provisions with respect to parking passes shall be as set forth in Article 28 of the Lease. 13. Estoppel. Tenant and Landlord each hereby affirms by execution of this Amendment that to the best of such party’s knowledge the Lease is in full force and effect and such party does not have any presently existing claims against the other party or any offsets against any amounts due under the Lease. To the best of each party’s knowledge, there are no defaults of the other party under the Lease and there are no existing circumstances which with the passage of time, notice or both, would give rise to a default under the Lease. 14. Full Force and Effect. Except as expressly modified by this Amendment, the Lease remains unmodified and in full force and effect. All references in the Lease to “this Lease” shall be deemed DocuSign Envelope ID: C955F491-8BF9-4DC2-A37C-CAFBD8A5AAFD
Page 4 56837\388601\263703014.v6 ClarkHill\263703014.v8 references to the Lease as modified by this Amendment. However, the provisions of Section 2.4 of the Original Lease shall not be applicable to this Amendment or to the Supplementary Premises. 15. Counterparts; Electronic Signatures. This Amendment may be executed in one or more counterparts and the signature pages combined to constitute one document. Electronic signatures shall have the same force and effect as original signatures. [Signatures on following page] DocuSign Envelope ID: C955F491-8BF9-4DC2-A37C-CAFBD8A5AAFD
Page 1 56837\388601\263703014.v6 ClarkHill\263703014.v8 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Landlord and Tenant have executed this Amendment as of the date and year first above written. LANDLORD: VESTAR GATEWAY, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company By: SLC Gateway Retail, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, its Sole Member By: VGSLM, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, its Managing Member By: Name: Title: Manager TENANT: RECURSION PHARMACEUTICALS, INC., a Delaware corporation By: Name: Its: DocuSign Envelope ID: C955F491-8BF9-4DC2-A37C-CAFBD8A5AAFD President & COO Tina Larson V.P. Legal and Associate General Counsel Nathan Hatfield David Larcher
Page 2 56837\388601\263703014.v6 ClarkHill\263703014.v8 EXHIBIT “A” SITE PLAN DocuSign Envelope ID: C955F491-8BF9-4DC2-A37C-CAFBD8A5AAFD
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Page 1 56837\388601\263703014.v6 ClarkHill\263703014.v8 EXHIBIT “B” EXCEPTION SUITES GREY SHELL CRITERIA LANDLORD SHALL PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING GRAY SHELL IMPROVEMENTS TO THE PREMISES HEREINAFTER REFERRED TO AS “LANDLORD’S WORK”: A. STRUCTURES: 1. Frame: The building is constructed of steel frame, reinforced concrete, or masonry bearing wall, as provided within the existing Gateway project. 2. Exterior Walls: The exterior wall(s) are of masonry, steel framed, or such other material or materials, as provided within the existing Gateway project. 3. Ceiling Heights: Tenant’s responsibility as to clear height from floor slab. 4. Roof: The roof is of single ply material type, or equal, as provided within the existing Gateway project. 5. Partitions: Interior partition walls are Tenant’s responsibility. 6. Door(s) and Frame(s): Exterior service door(s) and frame(s) shall be hollow metal. 7. Storefront Doors: See Paragraph F. B. INTERIOR FINISHES: 1. Floors: Landlord shall furnish a standard four inch (4”) thick concrete slab or suspended structural slab throughout the interior of the Premises. 2. Suspended Structural Slab: The elevated floor slabs of this building are of post-tension concrete construction. Any attachments for mechanical, electrical, or architectural elements shall be limited to a 1” maximum drilled or driven anchor embedment. If deeper embedment or core drilling is required, the slab shall be scanned to locate PT tendons and location adjusted to provide at least 3” clear from any PT tendon. In the event that PT tendons become damaged or cut, they must be repaired to bring the building back to the original design condition. Cost of these repairs shall be the responsibility of the Contactor. 3. Walls: Demising wall(s) shall be unpainted masonry or unpainted drywall finish, taped over stud, Tenant shall be responsible for final preparation and finish. Height shall be determined by Project Architect. Any cross partition(s) shall be Tenant’s responsibility. Exterior and rear wall(s) shall be unpainted masonry or concrete finish or such other material(s) as selected by Project Architect. 4. Ceilings: None provided, Tenant’s responsibility. C. SANITARY FACILITIES: 1. Toilet Room: None provided, Tenant’s responsibility. (Existing toilet rooms can remain if tenant so chooses.) D. UTILITIES: 1. Water and Sewer: Landlord shall furnish a minimum of one (1), one inch (1”) cold water supply and one (1), four inch (4”) waste water line to the Premises per Landlord’s plans. Tenant is responsible for stubbing access to both the supply and waste lines. 2. Electricity: Landlord shall furnish existing electrical cabinets and breakers, located on the rear of the building, capable of accommodating the following minimum service requirements. All down stream conduit from existing panels to be removed except for power to F.C.U.’s and misc. fire alarm devices. (a) Service at gutter shall be a 200A – 120/208V of service, terminated at the gutter. DocuSign Envelope ID: C955F491-8BF9-4DC2-A37C-CAFBD8A5AAFD
Page 2 56837\388601\263703014.v6 ClarkHill\263703014.v8 (b) Any electrical requirements (step-down transformer, distribution, wiring, convenience outlets, etc.) beyond said service above shall be Tenant’s responsibility. 3. Lighting: None provided, Tenant’s responsibility. 4. H.V.A.C.: Landlord shall provide chilled and heating water from the central plant to the space and provide an outside air connection for space ventilation, based on the following: (a) Distribution System Design: All air distribution system(s) shall be Tenant’s responsibility including providing 4-pipe fan coils, heating and chilled water distribution, outside air distribution and thermostats. Chilled water coils will be designed for 48°F EWT. Heating water coils will be designed for 145°F EWT. (aa) Central Plant Deliverable: Hot water and chilled water delivered from the central plant is intended for artificial cooling and heating of the space and for heating domestic hot water. Hot water and chilled water temperature set points change seasonally for efficiencies but are always adequate to maintain 72°F (Cooling Mode) and 70°F (Heating Mode) air temperatures year-round and to maintain 120°F domestic hot water. Tenant is responsible for obtaining Landlord approval for use of the central plant’s hot and chilled water which exceed these parameters. (b) Capacity: The air conditioning capacity shall not exceed one (1) ton for each three hundred (300) square feet of Floor Area for retail space. (c) Special Equipment: In the event that Tenant’s use of the Premises requires fresh air and/or exhaust air for special equipment, cooking equipment, additional personnel, stock room areas, or show windows, and the like, Tenant shall provide same at Tenant’s sole expense, subject to the prior approval of Landlord. Tenant shall connect to base building systems where available. 5. Fire Sprinkler System: Landlord will provide a main fire line stubbed through the Premises and a layout of upright heads for shell construction as required by code. E. TELEPHONE: One (1), one inch (1”) conduit, with pull string from the building telephone mounting board to Premises will be provided by the Landlord. F. STORE FRONTS: 1. Design and Installation: A standard minimum of one (1) store front shall be designed by the Project Architect and installed by Landlord consisting of a minimum of one (1) single door with cylinder lock. Landlord may elect to provide a double-entry door, at Landlord’s sole discretion, predicated on the square footage of the Premises. DocuSign Envelope ID: C955F491-8BF9-4DC2-A37C-CAFBD8A5AAFD
1 Error! Unknown document property name. SEVENTH AMENDMENT TO OFFICE LEASE THIS SEVENTH AMENDMENT TO OFFICE LEASE (this “Amendment”) is made and entered into as of the __________ day of April, 2022 (the “Amendment Effective Date”) by and between VESTAR GATEWAY, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (“Landlord”) and RECURSION PHARMACEUTICALS, INC., a Delaware corporation (“Tenant”). RECITALS: A. Landlord and Tenant have previously executed and delivered that certain Office Lease dated November 13, 2017, as amended by that certain First Amendment to Lease dated September 25, 2018, as amended by that certain Second Amendment to Office Lease dated November 13, 2019, as amended by that certain Third Amendment to Office Lease dated January 22, 2021, as amended by that certain Fourth Amendment to Office Lease dated February 25, 2021, as amended by that certain Fifth Amendment to Office Lease dated May 15, 2021, and as amended by that certain Sixth Amendment to Office Lease dated October 18, 2021 (collectively, the “Lease”) with respect to certain Premises more particularly described therein. B. Landlord and Tenant have agreed to modify the Lease, subject to and in accordance with the further terms, covenants and provisions of this Amendment. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the execution and delivery of the Lease, the foregoing Recitals, the mutual agreements, covenants and promises contained in this Amendment and other good and valuable considerations, the receipt, sufficiency and validity of which are hereby acknowledged, Landlord and Tenant agree as follows: 1. Definitions. Capitalized terms used in this Amendment without definition shall have the meanings assigned to such terms in the Lease unless the context expressly requires otherwise. 2. Loading Dock and Storage. Subject to compliance by Tenant with the codes and ordinances of governmental authorities having jurisdiction, for a term co-terminus with Tenant’s lease of the Supplementary Premises (a) Landlord grants Tenant the non-exclusive right to use “Loading Dock #5” in connection with Tenant’s use of the Supplementary Premises for deliveries; and (b) Landlord grants to Tenant a license to utilize a portion of the loading dock adjacent to the Supplementary Premises and depicted on Exhibit “A” attached hereto (the “Storage Area”) for the placement of Tenant’s Co2 bulk tanks and for the installation of Tenant’s Ln2 Fill Boxes and related Fill Lines. Tenant shall coordinate with Landlord prior to installation of its Fill Boxes and Fill Lines to ensure that both the exact locations and the method of installation are approved by Landlord, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed; provided that Landlord’s review and approval of the locations and method of installation of the Fill Boxes and Fill Lines shall not interfere, in any material respect, with Tenant’s ability to conduct its business. All of Tenant’s indemnification and insurance obligations contained in the Lease with respect to the Supplementary Premises shall be applicable to Tenant’s use of Loading Dock #5 and the Storage Area. There shall be no separate rental or other charge to Tenant for the rights granted in this Paragraph 2. 3. Supplementary Premises. Two hundred thirty seven (237) square feet of the Supplementary Premises on the first floor of the Building shall be removed from the Premises, as shown on Exhibit “B” (the “Deleted Area”) and the Supplementary Premises shall be amended to be eleven thousand nine hundred three (11,903) rentable square feet. The Deleted Area was included as square footage within the Supplementary Premises but is part of a retail limited common area that is not part of Landlord’s retail unit to lease. With Landlord’s consent, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld, Tenant shall have reasonable access to the Deleted Area; provided, however, in the case of emergency in which the panic door has opened and the drop down curtains have been engaged, then Tenant in that situation only, will not have such access. Tenant further acknowledges that the terms of Paragraph 9 of the Sixth Amendment to Lease dated October 18, 2021 (the “Sixth Amendment”) (existing bathrooms and fire egress) remain in full force and effect. The Supplementary Premises Allowance with respect to Tenant’s Work shall be reduced proportionately based upon Seventy and No/100 Dollars ($70.00) gross square foot to reflect the removal of the Deleted Premises from the Supplementary Premises. 4. The rental chart set forth in in Paragraph 5 of the Sixth Amendment is amended and restated in its entirety as follows: Month of Lease Term Monthly Rental Annual Rental Annual Rental Rate Per Square Foot Expansion Premises Rent Commencement Date – 12 $24,797.92 $297,575.00 $25.00 13-24 $25,541.85 $306,502.25 $25.75 25-36 $26,308.11 $315,697.32 $26.52 37-48 $27,097.35 $325,168.24 $27.32 DocuSign Envelope ID: FD89351C-49B9-420E-9465-6E8A0E5DA021 12
2 Error! Unknown document property name. 49-60 $27,910.27 $334,923.28 $28.14 61-72 $28,747.58 $344,970.98 $28.98 73-84 $29,610.01 $355,320.11 $29.85 85-96 $30,498.31 $365,979.72 $30.75 97-108 $31,413.26 $376,959.11 $31.67 109-120 $32,355.66 $388,267.88 $32.62 5. Estoppel. Tenant and Landlord each hereby affirms by execution of this Amendment that to the best of such party’s knowledge the Lease is in full force and effect and such party does not have any presently existing claims against the other party or any offsets against any amounts due under the Lease. To the best of each party’s knowledge, there are no defaults of the other party under the Lease and there are no existing circumstances which with the passage of time, notice or both, would give rise to a default under the Lease. 6. Full Force and Effect. Except as expressly modified by this Amendment, the Lease remains unmodified and in full force and effect. All references in the Lease to “this Lease” shall be deemed references to the Lease as modified by this Amendment. However, the provisions of Section 2.4 of the Original Lease shall not be applicable to this Amendment or to the Supplementary Premises. 7. Counterparts; Electronic Signatures. This Amendment may be executed in one or more counterparts and the signature pages combined to constitute one document. Electronic signatures shall have the same force and effect as original signatures. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Landlord and Tenant have executed this Amendment as of the date and year first above written. LANDLORD: VESTAR GATEWAY, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company By: SLC Gateway Retail, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, its Sole Member By: VGSLM, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, its Managing Member By: Name: Title: Manager TENANT: RECURSION PHARMACEUTICALS, INC., a Delaware corporation By: Name: Its: DocuSign Envelope ID: FD89351C-49B9-420E-9465-6E8A0E5DA021 Tina Larson Chief Operating Officer David Larcher
A-1 Error! Unknown document property name. EXHIBIT “A” CO2 AND LN2 TANK AREA DocuSign Envelope ID: FD89351C-49B9-420E-9465-6E8A0E5DA021
A-2 Error! Unknown document property name. DocuSign Envelope ID: FD89351C-49B9-420E-9465-6E8A0E5DA021
A-3 Error! Unknown document property name. DocuSign Envelope ID: FD89351C-49B9-420E-9465-6E8A0E5DA021
A-1 Error! Unknown document property name. EXHIBIT “B” DELETED AREA DocuSign Envelope ID: FD89351C-49B9-420E-9465-6E8A0E5DA021
1 56837\388601\266887144.v7 EIGHTH AMENDMENT TO OFFICE LEASE THIS EIGHTH AMENDMENT TO OFFICE LEASE (this “Amendment”) is made and entered into as of the 1st day of May, 2022 (the “Amendment Effective Date”) by and between VESTAR GATEWAY, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (“Landlord”) and RECURSION PHARMACEUTICALS, INC., a Delaware corporation (“Tenant”). RECITALS: A. Landlord and Tenant have previously executed and delivered that certain Office Lease dated November 13, 2017 (the “Original Lease”), as amended by that certain First Amendment to Lease dated September 25, 2018 (the “First Amendment”), as amended by that certain Second Amendment to Office Lease dated November 13, 2019 (the “Second Amendment”), as amended by that certain Third Amendment to Office Lease dated January 22, 2021 (the “Third Amendment”), as amended by that certain Fourth Amendment to Office Lease dated February 25, 2021 (the “Fourth Amendment”), as amended by that certain Fifth Amendment to Office Lease dated May 15, 2021 (the “Fifth Amendment”), as amended by that certain Sixth Amendment to Office Lease dated October 18, 2021 (the “Sixth Amendment”), and as amended by that certain Seventh Amendment to Office Lease dated April 12, 2022 (the “Seventh Amendment” and together with the Original Lease, First Amendment, Second Amendment, Third Amendment, Fourth Amendment, Fifth Amendment, and Sixth Amendment, the “Lease”) with respect to certain Premises more particularly described therein. B. Landlord and Tenant have agreed to modify the Lease, subject to and in accordance with the further terms, covenants and provisions of this Amendment. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the execution and delivery of the Lease, the foregoing Recitals, the mutual agreements, covenants and promises contained in this Amendment and other good and valuable considerations, the receipt, sufficiency and validity of which are hereby acknowledged, Landlord and Tenant agree as follows: 1. Definitions. Capitalized terms used in this Amendment without definition shall have the meanings assigned to such terms in the Lease unless the context expressly requires otherwise. 2. Deletion of Contractual Termination Option. The Lease is hereby amended by deleting Section 2.4 of the Original Lease. For the avoidance of doubt, Landlord and Tenant confirm that any contractual right that Tenant may have under the Lease (or any amendment thereto) to terminate the Lease prior to the scheduled expiration of the Lease Term is hereby deleted. 3. Subletting. Article 14 of the Lease is hereby amended and restated in its entirety as follows: 14.1 Transfers. Tenant shall not, without the prior written consent of Landlord, assign, mortgage, pledge, hypothecate, encumber, or permit any lien to attach to, or otherwise transfer, this Lease or any interest hereunder, permit any assignment, or other transfer of this Lease or any interest hereunder by operation of law, sublet the Premises or any part thereof, or enter into any license or concession agreements or otherwise permit the occupancy or use of the Premises or any part thereof by any persons other than Tenant and its employees and contractors (all of the foregoing are hereinafter sometimes referred to collectively as "Transfers" and any person to whom any Transfer is made or sought to be made is hereinafter sometimes referred to as a "Transferee"). If Tenant desires Landlord's consent to any Transfer, Tenant shall notify Landlord in writing, which notice (the "Transfer Notice") shall include (i) the proposed effective date of the Transfer, which shall not be less than thirty (30) days nor more than one hundred eighty (180) days after the date of delivery of the Transfer Notice, (ii) a description of the portion of the Premises to be transferred (the "Subject Space"), (iii) all of the terms of the proposed Transfer and the consideration therefor, including calculation of the "Transfer Premium", as that term is defined in Section 14.3 below, in connection with such Transfer, the name and address of the proposed Transferee, and an executed copy of all documentation effectuating the proposed Transfer, including all operative documents to evidence such Transfer and all agreements incidental or related to such Transfer, provided that Landlord shall have the right to require Tenant to utilize Landlord's standard Transfer documents in connection with the documentation of such Transfer, and provided further that the terms of the proposed Transfer shall provide that such proposed Transferee shall not be permitted to further assign or sublease its interest in the Subject Space and/or Lease, (iv) current financial statements of the proposed Transferee certified by an officer, partner or owner thereof, business credit and personal references and history of the proposed Transferee and any other information required by Landlord which will enable Landlord to determine the financial responsibility, character, and reputation of the proposed Transferee, DocuSign Envelope ID: 2AF71C8F-63E9-45D8-84DE-18D3F80FA89A
2 56837\388601\266887144.v7 nature of such Transferee's business and proposed use of the Subject Space and (v) an executed estoppel certificate from Tenant stating the information set forth in items (a) through (d) in Article 17 below. Any Transfer made without Landlord's prior written consent shall, at Landlord's option, be null, void and of no effect, and shall, at Landlord's option, constitute a default by Tenant under this Lease. Whether or not Landlord consents to any proposed Transfer, Tenant shall pay Landlord's (or Landlord's property manager's) review and processing fees (which currently equal $1,500.00 for each proposed Transfer), as well as any reasonable professional fees (including, without limitation, attorneys', accountants', architects', engineers' and consultants' fees) incurred by Landlord (or Landlord's property manager), within thirty (30) days after written request by Landlord; provided that Tenant's reimbursement for Landlord's fees pursuant to this sentence shall not exceed $5,000.00 in connection with any one Transfer. 14.2 Landlord's Consent. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, Landlord shall not unreasonably withhold, condition or delay its consent to any proposed Transfer of the Subject Space to the Transferee on the terms specified in the Transfer Notice. Without limitation as to other reasonable grounds for withholding consent, the parties hereby agree that it shall be reasonable under this Lease and under any applicable law for Landlord to withhold consent to any proposed Transfer where one or more of the following apply: 14.2.1 The Transferee is engaged in a business which is not consistent with Landlord’s development plan for the Project; 14.2.2 The Transferee intends to use the Subject Space for purposes which are not permitted under this Lease; 14.2.3 The Transferee is either a governmental agency or instrumentality thereof; 14.2.4 The Transferee is not a party of reasonable financial worth and/or financial stability in light of the responsibilities to be undertaken in connection with the Transfer on the date consent is requested; 14.2.5 The proposed Transfer would cause a violation of another lease for space in the Project, or would give an occupant of the Project a right to cancel its lease; 14.2.6 Intentionally Omitted. 14.2.7 Either the proposed Transferee, or any person or entity which directly or indirectly, controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with, the proposed Transferee, (i) occupies space in the Project at the time of the request for consent, or (ii) is negotiating with Landlord (which for purposes of this item (ii) and (iii), below, shall be evidenced by the transmittal of one or more letters of intent, draft proposals or lease documents by such Transferee to Landlord or Landlord to such Transferee) to lease space in the Project at such time, or (iii) has actively negotiated with Landlord to lease space within the Project during the six (6)-month period immediately preceding the Transfer Notice (with "actively negotiated" meaning, at least, written correspondence and negotiation for the lease of space within the Project, but excluding, without more, the mere delivery of leasing or property information relating to the Project); provided, however, that Landlord shall not unreasonably withhold, condition or delay its consent to an assignment of this Lease or a sublease of the Premises to a proposed assignee or subtenant under the foregoing portion of this subsection (iii) if Landlord is not willing and able to accommodate the space needs of such assignee or subtenant within the Project, and Tenant is able to do so by such assignment or sublease; 14.2.8 The Transferee does not intend to occupy the portion of the Premises assigned or sublet and conduct its business therefrom for a substantial portion of the term of the Transfer; or 14.2.9 The portion of the Premises to be sublet or assigned is irregular in shape with inadequate means of ingress and/or egress. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, in no event shall Tenant enter into any Transfer for the possession, use, occupancy or utilization (collectively, "use") of the part of the Premises which (i) provides for a rental or other payment for such DocuSign Envelope ID: 2AF71C8F-63E9-45D8-84DE-18D3F80FA89A
3 56837\388601\266887144.v7 use based in whole or in part on the income or profits derived by any person from the Premises (other than an amount based on a fixed percentage or percentages of gross receipts or sales), and Tenant agrees that all Transfers of any part of the Premises shall provide that the person having an interest in the use of the Premises shall not enter into any lease or sublease which provides for a rental or other payment for such use based in whole or in part on the income or profits derived by any person from the Premises (other than an amount based on a fixed percentage or percentages of gross receipts of sales), or (ii) would cause any portion of the amounts payable to Landlord hereunder to not constitute "rents from real property" within the meaning of Section 512(b)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, and any such purported Transfer shall be absolutely void and ineffective as a conveyance of any right or interest in the possession, use, occupancy or utilization of any part of the Premises. If Landlord consents to any Transfer pursuant to the terms of this Section 14.2 (and does not exercise any recapture rights Landlord may have under Section 14.4 of this Lease), Tenant may enter into such Transfer of the Subject Space, upon substantially the same terms and conditions as are set forth in the Transfer Notice furnished by Tenant to Landlord pursuant to Section 14.1 of this Lease, provided that if there are any changes in the terms and conditions from those specified in the Transfer Notice (i) such that Landlord would initially have been entitled to refuse its consent to such Transfer under this Section 14.2, or (ii) which would cause the proposed Transfer to be more favorable to the Transferee than the terms set forth in Tenant's original Transfer Notice, Tenant shall again submit the Transfer to Landlord for its approval and other action under this Article 14 (including Landlord's right of recapture, if any, under Section 14.4 of this Lease). 14.3 Transfer Premium. If Landlord consents to a Transfer, as a condition thereto which the parties hereby agree is reasonable, Tenant shall pay to Landlord fifty percent (50%) of any "Transfer Premium," as that term is defined in this Section 14.3, received by Tenant from such Transferee in any particular calendar month, which amount shall be paid to Landlord immediately following Tenant's receipt of the same. "Transfer Premium" shall mean all rent, additional rent or other consideration (including, without limitation, key money, bonus money or other cash consideration but excluding any payment for assets, inventory, equipment or furniture transferred by Tenant to Transferee in connection with such Transfer) payable by such Transferee in connection with the Transfer in excess of the Rent and Additional Rent payable by Tenant under this Lease during the term of the Transfer on a per rentable square foot basis if less than all of the Premises is transferred, after deducting the reasonable expenses incurred by Tenant for (i) any changes, alterations and improvements to the Premises in connection with the Transfer, and (ii) any market rate, third party brokerage commissions incurred in connection with the Transfer (collectively, the "Subleasing Costs"); provided, however, that if, at the time of any such sublease or assignment, Landlord determines that the foregoing "Transfer Premium" formula may result in the receipt by Landlord of amounts that the Landlord may not be permitted to receive pursuant to any requirements, obligation or understanding applicable to Landlord, the parties agree to enter into an amendment to this Lease which revises the "Transfer Premium" formula in a manner that (x) is mutually agreed to by the parties and (y) does not result in any material increase in the expected costs or benefits to either party under this Section 14.3. 14.4 Landlord's Option as to Subject Space. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Article 14, Landlord shall have the option, by giving written notice to Tenant within thirty (30) days after receipt of any Transfer Notice, to recapture the Subject Space for the remainder of the Lease Term. Such recapture notice shall cancel and terminate this Lease with respect to the Subject Space as of the date stated in the Transfer Notice as the effective date of the proposed Transfer (or at Landlord's option, shall cause the Transfer to be made to Landlord or its agent, in which case the parties shall execute the Transfer documentation promptly thereafter); provided, however, Tenant may, within ten (10) business days after receipt of Landlord's notice of intent to recapture the Subject Space, withdraw its request for consent to the Transfer if the Subject Space is less than all or substantially all of the Premises. In that event, Landlord's election to terminate this Lease as to the Subject Space shall be null and void and of no force and effect. In the event of a recapture by Landlord, if this Lease shall be canceled with respect to less than the entire Premises, the Base Rent and Tenant's Share of increases in Direct Expenses reserved herein shall be prorated on the basis of the number of rentable square feet retained by Tenant in proportion to the number of rentable square feet contained in the Premises, and this Lease as so amended shall continue thereafter in full force and effect, and upon request of either party, the parties shall execute written confirmation of the same. If Landlord declines, or fails to elect in a timely manner to DocuSign Envelope ID: 2AF71C8F-63E9-45D8-84DE-18D3F80FA89A
4 56837\388601\266887144.v7 recapture the Subject Space under this Section 14.4, then, provided Landlord has consented to the proposed Transfer, Tenant shall be entitled to proceed to transfer the Subject Space to the proposed Transferee, subject to provisions of this Article 14. 14.5 Effect of Transfer. If Landlord consents to a Transfer, (i) the terms and conditions of this Lease shall in no way be deemed to have been waived or modified, (ii) such consent shall not be deemed consent to any further Transfer by either Tenant or a Transferee, (iii) Tenant shall deliver to Landlord, promptly after execution, an original executed copy of all documentation pertaining to the Transfer in form reasonably acceptable to Landlord, (iv) Tenant shall furnish upon Landlord's request a complete statement, certified by an independent certified public accountant, or Tenant's chief financial officer, setting forth in detail the computation of any Transfer Premium Tenant has derived and shall derive from such Transfer, and (v) no Transfer relating to this Lease or agreement entered into with respect thereto, whether with or without Landlord's consent, shall relieve Tenant or any guarantor of this Lease from any liability under this Lease, including, without limitation, in connection with the Subject Space; provided, however, if Tenant provides to Landlord reasonably satisfactory evidence that the Transferee satisfies the Release Criteria (as defined in Section 14.8), then Landlord shall release Tenant from any liability first arising under this Lease after the effective date of the Transfer. In no event shall any Transferee assign, sublease or otherwise encumber its interest in this Lease or further sublet any portion of the Subject Space, or otherwise suffer or permit any portion of the Subject Space to be used or occupied by others, except in accordance with this Section 14. Landlord or its authorized representatives shall have the right at all reasonable times during normal business hours, but not more than once for each Transfer, to audit the books, records and papers of Tenant relating to any Transfer. Landlord agrees to and shall keep and maintain the books, records, and papers of Tenant strictly confidential and shall not disclose such confidential information to any person or entity other than Landlord's financial or legal consultants or Landlord's mortgagee. If the Transfer Premium respecting any Transfer shall be found understated, Tenant shall, within thirty (30) days after demand, pay the deficiency, and if understated by more than five percent (5%), Tenant shall pay Landlord's reasonable costs of such audit. 14.7 Non-Transfers. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Article 14 and so long as any such Permitted Non-Transfer (as defined herein) is not a subterfuge by Tenant to avoid its obligations under this Lease, any of the following transfers shall not be deemed a Transfer under this Article 14 (each of which are hereinafter referred to as a "Permitted Non-Transfer" and any such assignee or sublessee pursuant to a Permitted Non- Transfer hereinafter referred to as a "Permitted Non-Transferee"): (i) an assignment of Tenant's interest in this Lease, or a subletting of all or a portion of the Premises, to an affiliate of Tenant (i.e., an entity which is controlled by, controls, or is under common control with, Tenant) or any parent of Tenant, (ii) an assignment of Tenant's interest in this Lease to an entity which acquires all or substantially all of the assets of Tenant, (iii) an assignment of Tenant's interest in this Lease to an entity which is the resulting entity of a stock acquisition, merger or consolidation of Tenant during the Lease Term; (iv) any sale of stock for capital raising purposes in which Tenant is the surviving corporation, or the sale of stock or other equity interests in Tenant on a public stock exchange (e.g., NYSE or NASDAQ), whether in connection with an initial public offering or thereafter; (v) any merger effected exclusively to change the domicile of Tenant; or (vi) any assignment of Tenants' interest in the Lease in connection with any financing or refinancing of Tenant's business, whether such financing or refinancing takes the form of debt or equity investments through publicly or privately traded equity or any other form, including, without limitation, any transaction whereby an equity investor directly or indirectly provides financing or refinancing for Tenant and/or purchases ownership interests of Tenant, its parent or any affiliate of Tenant. Each Permitted Non- Transferee shall have a valuation immediately following such transaction that is (A) not materially less than the valuation of Tenant immediately prior to each Permitted Non-Transfer, and (B) is otherwise reasonably sufficient to satisfy the financial obligations under this Lease or sublease, as the case may be. For each Permitted Non-Transfer, Tenant shall notify Landlord of the same and promptly supply Landlord with any commercially reasonable documents or information reasonably requested by Landlord regarding such Permitted Non-Transfer or such Permitted Non-Transferee. No Permitted Non-Transfer shall relieve Tenant and any Guarantor of this Lease from any liability under this Lease including, without limitation, in connection with the Subject Space; provided, however, if Tenant provides to Landlord reasonably satisfactory evidence that the Permitted Non-Transferee satisfies the Release Criteria, then Landlord shall release Tenant from any liability first arising under this Lease after the effective date of the Transfer. An assignee of Original Tenant's entire interest in this Lease which assignee is a Permitted Non-Transferee may also be referred to herein as a "Non- DocuSign Envelope ID: 2AF71C8F-63E9-45D8-84DE-18D3F80FA89A
5 56837\388601\266887144.v7 Transferee Assignee." As used in this Section 14.7, "control" shall mean the ownership, directly or indirectly, of at least fifty- one percent (51%) of the voting securities of, or possession of the right to vote, in the ordinary direction of its percent (51%) of the voting interest in, any person or entity. 14.8 Release Criteria. For the purposes of this Article 14, a Transferee or Permitted Non-Transferee shall be deemed to satisfy the Release Criteria if Tenant provides to Landlord reasonably satisfactory evidence that (i) the Transferee or Permitted Non-Transferee has at least five (5) years life science experience; and (ii) the Transferee or Permitted Non-Transferee has not less than One Hundred Fifty Million and No/100 Dollars ($150,000,000.00) of liquid assets; and (iii) the Transferee or Permitted Non-Transferee has a debt to equity ratio of less than 2.5 (including lease liabilities); and (iv) the Transferee or Permitted Non-Transferee has Market Cap (as defined below) of not less than One Billion and No/000 Dollars ($1,000,000,000.00). The criteria set forth in clauses (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) of this Section 14.8 constitute the “Release Criteria”. For purposes hereof, “Market Cap” means, for a publicly traded company, its market capitalization (i.e., the total dollar value of its outstanding shares multiplied by current share price); and for a privately held company, its market capitalization where the share price is derived from a bona fide capital raising transaction or a third-party valuation performed by an independent third-party valuation firm in compliance with the standards required by Internal Revenue Code 409A. 5. Rental Abatement. Although Base Rent shall continue at all times to accrue at the amounts set forth in the Lease, for the period commencing May 1, 2022 and continuing through May 31, 2022 (the “Rental Abatement Period”), so long as Tenant is not in default under the Lease (any required notice having been given and any applicable cure period having expired), Tenant may abate one hundred percent (100%) of its monthly installment of Base Rent payable under the Lease, but only the Base Rent that relates to the eleven thousand nine hundred three (11,903) square feet of Floor Area identified as the “Supplementary Premises” in the Sixth Amendment as such Floor Area was modified by the Seventh Amendment and the ninety-one thousand four hundred ninety four (91,494) square feet of Floor Area identified as the “Expansion Premises Building” in the Sixth Amendment. The difference between monthly installments of Base Rent payable under the Lease and the amounts payable by Tenant as set forth in this Paragraph 5 shall be “Abated Rental”. The provisions of this Paragraph 5 do not amend Tenant’s other obligations under the Lease including, but not limited to, the payment of Base Rent for other portions of the Premises and any and all Additional Rent or any other charges Tenant is obligated to pay to Landlord, in advance on or before the first day of each calendar month (collectively “Tenant’s Other Obligations”). Nothing contained in this Amendment shall be construed to relieve Tenant of Tenant’s obligation to pay Tenant’s Other Obligations. 6. Extension of Term. The Lease Term is hereby extended for an additional one (1) month commencing on March 1, 2032 and expiring on March 31, 2032 (the “Extension Period”). The Base Rent during the Extension Period shall be at the same rate as the calendar month immediately preceding the Extension Period. 7. Estoppel. Tenant and Landlord each hereby affirms by execution of this Amendment that to the best of such party’s knowledge the Lease is in full force and effect and such party does not have any presently existing claims against the other party or any offsets against any amounts due under the Lease. To the best of each party’s knowledge, there are no defaults of the other party under the Lease and there are no existing circumstances which with the passage of time, notice or both, would give rise to a default under the Lease. 8. Full Force and Effect. Except as expressly modified by this Amendment, the Lease remains unmodified and in full force and effect. All references in the Lease to “this Lease” shall be deemed references to the Lease as modified by this Amendment. 9. Counterparts; Electronic Signatures. This Amendment may be executed in one or more counterparts and the signature pages combined to constitute one document. Electronic signatures shall have the same force and effect as original signatures. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Landlord and Tenant have executed this Amendment as of the date and year first above written. LANDLORD: VESTAR GATEWAY, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company By: SLC Gateway Retail, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, its Sole Member DocuSign Envelope ID: 2AF71C8F-63E9-45D8-84DE-18D3F80FA89A
6 56837\388601\266887144.v7 By: VGSLM, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, its Managing Member By: Name: Title: Manager TENANT: RECURSION PHARMACEUTICALS, INC., a Delaware corporation By: Name: Its: DocuSign Envelope ID: 2AF71C8F-63E9-45D8-84DE-18D3F80FA89A President & COO Tina Larson David Larcher
1 56837\388601\267163283.v2 NINTH AMENDMENT TO OFFICE LEASE THIS NINTH AMENDMENT TO OFFICE LEASE (this “Amendment”) is made and entered into as of the 13th day of May, 2022 (the “Amendment Effective Date”) by and between VESTAR GATEWAY, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (“Landlord”) and RECURSION PHARMACEUTICALS, INC., a Delaware corporation (“Tenant”). RECITALS: A. Landlord and Tenant have previously executed and delivered that certain Office Lease dated November 13, 2017 (the “Original Lease”), as amended by that certain First Amendment to Lease dated September 25, 2018 (the “First Amendment”), as amended by that certain Second Amendment to Office Lease dated November 13, 2019 (the “Second Amendment”), as amended by that certain Third Amendment to Office Lease dated January 22, 2021 (the “Third Amendment”), as amended by that certain Fourth Amendment to Office Lease dated February 25, 2021 (the “Fourth Amendment”), as amended by that certain Fifth Amendment to Office Lease dated May 15, 2021 (the “Fifth Amendment”), as amended by that certain Sixth Amendment to Office Lease dated October 18, 2021 (the “Sixth Amendment”), as amended by that certain Seventh Amendment to Office Lease dated April 12, 2022 (the “Seventh Amendment”), and as amended by that certain Eighth Amendment to Office Lease dated May 1, 2022 (the “Eighth Amendment” and together with the Original Lease, First Amendment, Second Amendment, Third Amendment, Fourth Amendment, Fifth Amendment, Sixth Amendment, and Seventh Amendment, the “Lease”) with respect to certain Premises more particularly described therein. B. Landlord and Tenant have agreed to modify the Lease, subject to and in accordance with the further terms, covenants and provisions of this Amendment. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the execution and delivery of the Lease, the foregoing Recitals, the mutual agreements, covenants and promises contained in this Amendment and other good and valuable considerations, the receipt, sufficiency and validity of which are hereby acknowledged, Landlord and Tenant agree as follows: 1. Definitions. Capitalized terms used in this Amendment without definition shall have the meanings assigned to such terms in the Lease unless the context expressly requires otherwise. 2. Commencement Date of Expansion Premises Building and Supplementary Premises. The Commencement Date as such relates to the Expansion Premises Building (as defined in the Third Amendment) and the Supplementary Premises (as defined in the Sixth Amendment and modified in the Seventh Amendment) is May 1, 2022. 3. Extension of Term. Paragraph 6 of the Eighth Amendment is hereby deleted and replaced with the following: Extension of Term. The Lease Term is hereby extended for an additional one (1) month commencing on May 1, 2032 and expiring on May 31, 2032 (the “Extension Period”). The Base Rent during the Extension Period shall be at the same rate as the calendar month immediately preceding the Extension Period. 4. Full Force and Effect. Except as expressly modified by this Amendment, the Lease remains unmodified and in full force and effect. All references in the Lease to “this Lease” shall be deemed references to the Lease as modified by this Amendment. 5. Counterparts; Electronic Signatures. This Amendment may be executed in one or more counterparts and the signature pages combined to constitute one document. Electronic signatures shall have the same force and effect as original signatures. [Remainder of page intentionally blank] DocuSign Envelope ID: 3BF7513C-5C2C-4406-938E-E49541DFEBFC
2 56837\388601\267163283.v2 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Landlord and Tenant have executed this Amendment as of the date and year first above written. LANDLORD: VESTAR GATEWAY, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company By: SLC Gateway Retail, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, its Sole Member By: VGSLM, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, its Managing Member By: Name: Title: Manager TENANT: RECURSION PHARMACEUTICALS, INC., a Delaware corporation By: Name: Its: DocuSign Envelope ID: 3BF7513C-5C2C-4406-938E-E49541DFEBFC Tina Larson President & COO David Larcher
DocuSign Envelope ID: 05FCBF65-0411-409F-A2A1-42F25A018E50 TENTH AMENDMENT TO OFFICE LEASE TfflS TENTH AMENDMENT TO OFFICE LEASE (this "Amendment") is made and entered into as of the 24al day of December, 2022 (the "Amendment Effective Date") by and between VESTAR GATEWAY, LLC, a Delaware limited UabiUty company f'Landlord") and RECURSION PHARMACEUTICALS, INC., a Delaware coiporation ("Tenant"). RECITALS: A. Landlord and Tenant have previously executed and delivered that certain Office Lease dated November 13, 2017 (the "Ori inal Lease"), as amended by that certain First Amendment to Lease dated September 25, 2018 (the "First Amendment"), as amended by that certain Second Amendment to Office Lease dated November 13, 2019 (the "Second Amendment"), as amended by that certain Third Amendment to Office Lease dated January 22, 2021 (the "Third Amendment"), as amended by that certain Fourth Amendment to Office Lease dated Febroary 25, 2021 (the "Fourth Amendment"), as amended by that certain Fifth Amendment to Office Lease dated May 15, 202 1 (the "Fifth Amendment"), as amended by that certain Sixth Amendment to Office Lease dated October 18, 2021 (the "Sixth Amendment"), as amended by that certain Seventh Amendment to Office Lease dated April 12, 2022 (the "Seventh Amendment"), as amended by that certain Eighth Amendment to Office Lease dated May 1, 2022 (the "Ei th Amendment"), and as amended by that certain Ninth Amendment to Office Lease dated May 13, 2022 (the "Ninth Amendment", and together with the Original Lease, First Amendment, Second Amendment, Third Amendment, Fourth Amendment, Fifth Amendment, Sixth Amendment, Seventh Amendment, and Eighth Amendment, the "Lease") with respect to certain Premises more particularly described therein. B. Landlord and Tenant have agreed to modify the Lease, subject to and in accordance with the further terms, covenants and provisions of this Amendment. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the execudon and delivery of the Lease, the foregoing Recitals, the mutual agreements, covenants and promises contained m this Amendment and other good and valuable considerations, the receipt, sufficiency and validity of which are hereby acknowledged, Landlord and Tenant agree as follows: 1. Definitions. Capitalized terms used in this Amendment without definition shall have the meanings assigned to such tenns in the Lease unless the context expressly requires otherwise. 2. following: Allowance. Paragraph 8 of the Sixth Amendment is deleted and replaced with the 8. Allowance. If the Lease is in fall force and effect and if Tenant is not in breach or default of any of the terms, conditions, covenants and provisions of this Lease, Tenant shall be entitled to a one-time "Suoolementarv Premises Allowance" in the amount of Seventy and No/100 Dollars ($70.00) gross square foot for partial reimbursement of the cost to ready the Supplementary Premises for occupancy ( "Tenant's Work"). The terms and conditions relating to the payment of Supplementary Premises Allowance is set forth in the Supplementary Premises Allowance Disbursement Schedule attached as Exhibit "B-l" to this Amendment. 3. Full Force and Effect. Excq>t as expressly modified by this Amendment, the Lease remains unmodified and in full force and effect. All references in the Lease to "this Lease" shall be deemed references to the Lease as modified by this Amendment. 4. Counte arts- Electronic Si atures. This Amendment may be executed in one or more counterparts and the signature pages combined to constitute one document. Electronic signatures shall have the same force and effect as original signatures. 5. Estoppel. Tenant hereby affirms by execution of this Amendment that to the best of Tenant's knowledge the Lease is in full force and effect and Tenant does not have any presently existing claims against Landlord or any offsets against any amounts due under the Lease. To the best of Teiiant's knowledge, there are no defaults of Landlord under the Lease and there are no existing circumstances which with the passage of time, notice or both, would give rise to a default under the Lease. 6. lotices. Landlord's address for notices under the Lease shall be amended to be: Vestar Gateway, LLC c/o Vestar 2415 East Camelback Road, Suite 100 Phoenbc, Arizona 85016 Attention: President - Management Services With a copy to: dark Hill, PLC 14850 North Scottdale Road, Suite 500 Scottsdale, Arizona Attention: David L. Lansky, Esq. 56837\388601\269524838. v3 DocuSign Envelope ID: 0C86E184-287C-4786-AC2D-D67EBB02105C
DocuSign Envelope ID: 05FCBF65-0411-409F-A2A1-42F25A018E50 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Landlord and Tenant have executed this Amendment as of the date and year first above written. LANDLORD: VESTAR GATEWAY, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company By: SLC Gateway Retail, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, its Sole Member By: VGSLM. LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, its Managing Member By: Name: Dav1 arc er Title: Manager TENANT: RECURSION PHARMACEUTICALS, INC., a Delaware corporation DocuSigond by: By: Name: ^ Presi ent co 56837\388601\269524838. v3 DocuSign Envelope ID: 0C86E184-287C-4786-AC2D-D67EBB02105C
DocuSign Envelope ID: 05FCBF65-0411-409F-A2A1-42F25A018E50 EXHIBIT "B-l" SUPPLEMENTARY PREMISES DISBURSEMENT SCHEDULE 1. Disbursement of Su lementar Premises Allowance. During the construction of the Tenant's Work, Landlord shall make monthly disbursements of the Supplementary Premises Allowance for the benefit of Tenant and shall authorize the release of monies for the benefit of Tenant as follows. 1. 1 Monthl Disbursements. On or before the twentieth (201h) day of each calendar month during the constmction of fhe Tenant's Work (the "Su lemen Premises Allowance Submittal Date") (or such other date as Landlord or Tenant may designate). Tenant shall deliver to Landlord: (i) request for payment of the Contractor, as that tenn is defined in Section 4. 1 of Exhibit B-l to the Third Amendment, approved by Tenant showing the schedule, by trade of the percentage of completion of the Tenant's Work in the Supplementary Premises; (ii) invoices from all of Tenant's Agents, as that term is defined in Section 4. 1.2 of Exhibit B-l to the Third Amendment for labor rendered and materials delivered to the Supplementary Premises (if such invoice is for the Contractor, the Contractor will need to provide an application for payment [AIA fonn G702 1992 or equivalent] signed by the Architect/Space Planner, as such tenn is defined in Section 3. 1 of Exhibit B-l to the Third Amendment, and a breakdown sheet [AIA form G703 1992 or equivalent]); (iii) an original letter from the Tenant approving such invoices and requesting payment from the Supplementary Premises Allowance; (iv) executed mechanic's lien releases, which lien releases shall be conditional with respect to the then-requested payment amounts and imconditional with respect to payment amounts previously disbursed by Landlord or Tenant, fi-om all of Tenant s Agents; and (v) all other infonnation reasonably requested by Landlord. Tenant's request for payment shall be deemed Tenant's acceptance and approval of the work furnished and/or the materials supplied as set forth in Tenant's payment request. On or before the date occurring thirty (30) days after the Supplementary Premises Allowance Submittal Date and assuming Landlord receives all of the information described in items (i) through (v), above, Landlord shall deliver a check to Tenant in payment of the lesser of: (A) the amounts so requested by Tenant, as set forth in this Paragraph 1. 1, above, less a ten percent (10%) retention (the aggregate amount of such retentions shall be known as the "Final Su lement Premises TI Allowance Reimbursement"), and (B) the balance of any remaining available portion of the Supplementary Premises Allowance (not including the Final Supplementary Premises TI Allowance Reimbursement), provided that Landlord does not dispute any request for payments due to any substandal work, for any other reason as provided in this Lease. Landlord's payment of such amounts shall not be deemed Landlord's approval or acceptance of the work furnished or materials supplied as set forth in Tenant's payment request. 1.2 Final Su lementar Premises TI Allowance Reimbursement. Subject to the provisions of this Tenant Work Letter, a check for the Final Supplementary Premises TI Allowance Reimbursement payable to Tenant shall be delivered by Landlord to Tenant following the completion of construction of the Supplementary Premises, provided that (i) Tenant delivers to Landlord (a) properly executed, unconditional final mechanic's lien releases from all of Tenant's Agents, showing the amounts paid, in compliance with applicable Laws, (b) Contractor's last application and certificate for payment (AIA fonn 0702 1992 or equivalent) signed by the Architect/Space Planner, (c) a breakdown sheet (AIA form G703 1992 or equivalent), (d) original stamped building permit plans, (e) copy of the building pemiit, (f) original stamped building permit inspection card with all final sign-offs, (g) fall size bond copies and a CD R disk containing electronic files of the "as built" drawings of the Supplementary Premises Tenant Improvements in both "dwg" and "pdf fonnats, from the Architect^Space Planner for architectural drawings, and from the Contractor for all other trades, (h) air balance reports, (i) excess energy use calculations, (j) one year warranty letters from Tenant's Agents, (k) manufacturer's warranties and operating instrucdons, (1) final punch-list completed and signed off by Tenant and the Architect/Space Planner, (m) letters of compliance from the Engineers stating that the Engineers have inspected the Supplementary Premises_and that they comply with the Engineers' drawings and specifications, (n) a copy of the recorded Notice of Completion, and (o) a fiinal list of all contractors/vendors/consultants retained by Tenant in connection with the Tenant's Work and any other improvements in the Supplementary Premises, including, but not limited to, the Contractor, other contractors, subcontractors and the remaining Tenant's Agents, the Architect/Space Planner, the Engineers, systems furniture vendors/ installers, data/telephone cabling/equipment vendors/installers, etc., which final Ust shall set forth the fiiU legal name, address, contact name (with telephone/fax/e mail addresses) and the total pnce paid by Tenant for goods and services to each of such contractors/vendors/consultants (collectively, the "Final Su lement Premises Close Out Package"), and (ii) Landlord has inspected the Supplementary Premises and reasonably determined that no substandard work exists which adversely affects the mechanical, electrical, plumbing, heating, ventilating and air conditioning, life-safety or other systems of the Building, the curtain wall of the Building, the 56837\388601\269524838. v3 DocuSign Envelope ID: 0C86E184-287C-4786-AC2D-D67EBB02105C
structure or exterior appearance of the Building, or any other tenant's use of such other tenant's leased premises in the Building. 1. 3 Other Terms. Landlord shall only be obligated to make disbursements from the Supplementary Premises Allowance to the extent costs are incurred by Tenant for Tenant's Work. All Tenant's Work Items for which the Supplementary Premises Allowance has been made available shall be deemed Landlord's property under the terms of Section 8. 5 of this Lease. Tenant shall have no claim to any Supplementary Premises Allowance not expended by Tenant on or before June 30, 2023 and any such sums shall be the sole property of Landlord. 56837\388601\269524838. v4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 0C86E184-287C-4786-AC2D-D67EBB02105C