

此 修改和重述的注册权协议(此“协议"),日期为2024年3月14日, 由品牌参与网络公司(Brand Engagement Network Inc.)制定和签订,特拉华州公司(The "公司") (f/k/a DHC Acquisition Corp.,一家开曼群岛豁免股份有限公司,在其本土化为特拉华州公司之前, DHC Sponder,LLC,特拉华州有限责任公司("赞助商),10月3日Holdings,LLC,怀俄明州 有限责任公司(10月3日研发")和 签署页上“持有人”项下列出的下列签署方(每一方,连同申办方,10月3日研发以及此后根据本协议第5.2条成为本协议一方的任何个人或实体,保持者"和统称 "持有者”).


请注意, 公司和申办者是日期为2021年3月4日的某些注册权协议的一方("原始RRA”);

鉴于, 本公司已于2023年9月7日签订了该特定业务合并协议和重组计划(由于 该协议和重组计划可能会不时修改或补充,企业合并协议),由 公司、Brand Engagement Network Inc.、怀俄明州一家公司()、Ben Merge子公司公司、特拉华州的一家公司和DHC的直接全资子公司(合并子),并且仅就其中的某些 条款而言,根据该条款,在生效时间(定义如下),合并子公司将与Ben 合并并并入Ben (业务合并“),Ben作为本公司的直接全资子公司继续存在于企业合并中 ;

鉴于, 根据企业合并协议,某些BEN持有人将获得普通股,每股面值0.0001美元, 本公司(“普通股”);

鉴于, 本公司和持有人希望修订和重述原RRA并订立本协议,据此,本公司 将向持有人授予本协议所载有关本公司某些证券的某些登记权。

现在, 因此,考虑到本协议所载的相互陈述、契诺和协议,以及某些其他善意和有价值的对价,并在此确认这些对价的收据和充分性,本协议双方受法律约束, 特此同意,自成交之日起,并视成交情况而定,对原RRA作如下修订和重述:

文章 1



不利的 披露“指对重大非公开信息的任何公开披露,根据公司主要行政人员或主要财务官的善意判断,经与公司法律顾问磋商后,(I)任何注册说明书或招股章程均须作出披露,以使适用的注册说明书或招股章程不包含对重要事实的任何不真实陈述,或遗漏陈述所载陈述所需的重要事实 (就任何招股说明书及任何初步招股说明书而言,根据作出该等陈述的情况)不具误导性, (Ii)如注册声明并未提交、宣布生效或使用(视乎情况而定),及(Iii)本公司有真正的商业目的而不公开该等资料,则本公司将不会被要求在此时作出。

协议“ 应具有序言中给出的含义。

冲浪板“ 是指公司的董事会。

业务组合 “应具有本演奏会中所给出的含义。

业务 合并协议“应具有本演奏会中所给出的含义。

营业日 天"是指除星期六或星期日以外的任何日子,该日子既不是法定假日,也不是法律或法规一般授权或要求银行机构在纽约市停业的日子。

结业" 应具有《业务合并协议》中给出的含义。

选委会“ 指的是美国证券交易委员会。

普通股 股票“应具有本演奏会中所给出的含义。

公司“ 应具有序言中给出的含义。

需求 注册“应具有第2.1.1款中给出的含义。

要求较高的 托架“应具有第2.1.1款中给出的含义。

生效时间 "应具有企业合并协议中所给出的含义。

交易所 法案“指可不时修订的1934年证券交易法。

表格 S-1"指证券交易委员会颁布的证券法下的证券登记表S—1。

表格 S-1盘架“应具有第2.1.2款中给出的含义。

表格 S-3“指根据证监会颁布的证券法进行证券登记的S-3格式。

表 S-3盘架“应具有第2.1.2款中给出的含义。

方正 共享"指收购人创始人股票(定义见业务合并协议)。

方正 股份禁售期"指的是,就创始人股份而言,(A)公司首次业务合并完成后一年 和(B)业务合并后,(x)如果最后 报告的普通股销售价格等于或超过每股12.00美元,(经调整股份分割、股本化、重组, 资本重组等)自本公司(自1999年10月10日起至少150日起,首次业务合并或(y)公司完成清算、合并、股票交换、重组或 其他类似交易的日期,导致公司所有股东有权将其普通股交换为 现金、证券或其他财产。

持有者“ 应具有序言中给出的含义。

内幕消息 信"是指公司、发起人和公司各高级管理人员、董事和董事提名人之间签署的日期为2021年3月3日的特定协议书,并不时修订。

禁售期 "指公司管理文件或持有人与公司之间的任何协议(包括但不限于公司章程)中所包含的与可登记证券有关的任何禁售期。

最大证券数量 “应具有第2.1.4款中所给出的含义。

最小 需求阈值"指的是一千万美元。

错误陈述“ 应指对重大事实的不真实陈述或遗漏陈述要求在注册说明书或招股说明书中陈述的重要事实,或使注册说明书或招股说明书中的陈述(就招股说明书而言,根据作出这些陈述的情况而定)不具误导性所必需的陈述。

10月 3研发“应具有序言中给出的含义。

原始 RRA“应具有本演奏会中所给出的含义。

允许的 个受让人"是指根据公司章程,允许可登记证券持有人在创始人股份禁售期或私募禁售期到期之前转让相关可登记证券的个人或实体 1以及该持有人与本公司之间的任何其他适用协议,以及此后向任何 受让人提供的协议,包括但不限于内幕信。

携带式注册 “应具有第2.2.1节给出的涵义。

私人配售禁售期 "指的是,对于由此类私募权证的初始购买人 或其许可受让人持有的私募权证,以及在私募权证行使或转换时发行或可发行的任何普通股,且由私募权证的初始购买人或其许可受让人持有,公司首次业务合并完成后30天结束的期间。

私募认股权证 "指(i)向保荐人发行的6,000,000份认股权证;及(ii)就承销商于2021年3月5日超额配售行使而向保荐人发行的126,010份认股权证。

PRO 比率“应具有第2.1.4款中所给出的含义。

招股说明书“ 应指包括在任何注册说明书中的招股说明书,并由任何和所有招股说明书附录补充,并经任何和所有生效后修订 修订,包括通过引用并入该招股说明书的所有材料。

1 新台币: 为了确认章程将包含这些信息。

可注册的安全性 ” shall mean (a) the Common Stock, (b) the Private Placement Warrants (including any Common Stock issued or issuable upon the exercise of any such Private Placement Warrants), (c) any outstanding Common Stock or any other equity security (including the Common Stock issued or issuable upon the exercise of any other equity security) of the Company held by a Holder as of the date of this Agreement, and (d) any other equity security of the Company sold or issued or issuable with respect to any such Common Stock by way of a share dividend or sub-division or in connection with a combination of shares, recapitalization, amalgamation, merger, consolidation, spin off or reorganization; provided, however, that, as to any particular Registrable Security, such securities shall cease to be Registrable Securities when: (i) a Registration Statement with respect to the sale of such securities shall have become effective under the Securities Act and such securities shall have been sold, transferred, disposed of or exchanged in accordance with such Registration Statement; (ii) such securities shall have been otherwise transferred, new certificates for such securities not bearing a legend restricting further transfer shall have been delivered by the Company and subsequent public distribution of such securities shall not require registration under the Securities Act; (iii) such securities shall have ceased to be outstanding; or (iv) such securities have been sold to, or through, a broker, dealer or underwriter in a public distribution or other public securities transaction.

注册“ 是指根据证券法及其颁布的适用规则和条例的要求,通过编制和提交登记书或类似文件而完成的登记,并且该登记书生效。

注册费用 “应指登记的自付费用,包括但不限于以下费用:

(A) 所有注册和备案费用(包括与要求向金融业监管局, Inc.提交的备案费用)以及普通股随后上市的任何证券交易所;

(B) 遵守证券或蓝天法的费用和开支(包括 承销商就可注册证券蓝天资格向外部律师支付的合理费用和支出);


(D) 合理的律师费用和支出;以及

(E) 本公司所有独立注册会计师的合理费用和支出, 具体与该注册有关。

注册 语句“应指根据本协议的规定涵盖可注册证券的任何注册声明,包括该注册声明中包含的招股说明书、该注册声明的修订(包括生效后的修订)和补充,以及该注册声明的所有证物和所有通过引用并入其中的材料。

请求 托架“应具有第2.1.1款中给出的含义。

受限 证券"应具有第3.6.1款所给予的含义。

证券法 “指经不时修订的1933年证券法。

搁板" 应具有第2.1.6小节中给出的含义。

货架注册 "指根据证券法颁布的规则415(或当时生效的任何后续规则)向证监会提交的登记声明进行的证券登记。

赞助商“ 应具有序言中给出的含义。

后续 货架登记“应具有第2.3.2款中给出的涵义。

拆卸 请求持有人“应具有第2.3.3节给出的涵义。

承销商“ 是指在承销发行中作为本金购买任何可注册证券的证券交易商,而不是作为该交易商做市活动的一部分。

承保的产品 "指的是一种登记,在该登记中,本公司证券以确定的承销承诺出售给承销商,以向公众发行。

承保的 货架拆分“应具有第2.3.3节给出的涵义。

文章 2



2.1.1申请登记。根据本协议第2.1.4、2.1.6和2.4节的规定, 在任何时候和不时地,(i)一个或多个持有人(申办者除外,10月3日研发或其 关联公司或受让人),(ii)申办者或其关联公司或受让人,或(iii)10月3日研发或其关联公司或受让人 (在第(i)、(ii)或(iii)款中的任一种情况下,代表可登记证券的总发行价合理预计将超过 最低需求门槛, 可根据《证券法》对其全部或部分 可登记证券提出书面要求,该书面要求应描述将包括在该登记中的证券的数量和类型 以及该登记的预期分配方法(该书面要求为"需求登记及提出书面要求的人,苛刻的持有者").公司应在收到申请登记后的五(5)天内,以书面形式通知所有其他可登记证券持有人该申请,以及每一个 可登记证券持有人,其后希望根据要求登记将该持有人的可登记证券的全部或部分纳入登记 (每一个包括该持有人全部或部分的该持有人,s在此类 登记中的可登记证券,a "申请持有人")应在持有人收到公司通知后三(3)个工作日内 以书面方式通知公司。公司收到请求持有人向公司发出的任何书面通知后,请求持有人应有权根据要求登记将其可登记证券纳入登记 ,公司应在切实可行的情况下尽快生效,但不得超过公司收到要求登记后的四十五(45) 天,要求持有人和请求持有人根据要求登记的所有可登记证券的登记。在任何情况下,本公司都没有义务 根据一个或多个持有人( 不包括申办者,10月3日)发起的需求注册进行总计(x)次以上的注册研发或其关联公司或受让人之一),(y)根据发起人或其关联公司或受让人发起的申请注册中的两(2)项注册,以及(z)根据申请注册中的申请注册中的两(2)项注册 于10月3日前发起的申请注册中的两(2)项注册研发或其关联公司或受让人,在每种情况下,根据本第2.1.1款就 任何或所有可登记证券;但前提是除非 表格S—1或任何类似的长式注册声明(此时可能可用)已经生效,且所有可注册的 根据本协议第3.1条,请求持有人要求代表请求持有人以S—1表格登记的证券已经 出售;此外,承销的货架拆除 不应算作要求登记;此外,前提是承销货架拆除不应算作需求登记。 为免生疑问,(i)持有人所持可登记证券多数股权的持有人,(ii) 保荐人及(iii)10月3日研发应被允许根据本第2.1.1款对其可登记证券行使索票登记。

2.1.2 Effective Registration. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection 2.1.1 above or any other part of this Agreement, a Registration pursuant to a Demand Registration shall not count as a Registration unless and until (i) the Registration Statement filed with the Commission with respect to a Registration pursuant to a Demand Registration has been declared effective by the Commission and (ii) the Company has complied with all of its obligations under this Agreement with respect thereto; provided, further, that if, after such Registration Statement has been declared effective, an offering of Registrable Securities in a Registration pursuant to a Demand Registration is subsequently interfered with by any stop order or injunction of the Commission, federal or state court or any other governmental agency the Registration Statement with respect to such Registration shall be deemed not to have been declared effective, unless and until, (i) such stop order or injunction is removed, rescinded or otherwise terminated and (ii) a majority-in-interest of the Demanding Holders initiating such Demand Registration thereafter affirmatively elect to continue with such Registration and accordingly notify the Company in writing, but in no event later than five (5) days, of such election; provided, further, that the Company shall not be obligated or required to file another Registration Statement until the Registration Statement that has been previously filed with respect to a Registration pursuant to a Demand Registration becomes effective or is subsequently terminated.

2.1.3 Underwritten Offering. Subject to the provisions of subsections 2.1.4, 2.1.6 and Section 2.4 hereof, if a majority-in-interest of the Demanding Holders so elect and such Demanding Holders advise the Company as part of their Demand Registration that the offering of the Registrable Securities pursuant to such Demand Registration shall be in the form of an Underwritten Offering, then the right of such Demanding Holder or Requesting Holder (if any) to include its Registrable Securities in such Registration shall be conditioned upon such Holder’s participation in such Underwritten Offering and the inclusion of such Holder’s Registrable Securities in such Underwritten Offering to the extent provided herein; provided that such Demanding Holder(s) (a) reasonably expect aggregate gross proceeds in excess of the Minimum Demand Threshold from such Underwritten Offerings (it being understood that the Company shall not be required to conduct more than three Underwritten Offerings where the expected aggregate proceeds are below $25,000,000 but in excess of the Minimum Demand Threshold in any 12-month period) or (b) reasonably expects to sell all of the Registrable Securities held by such Holder in such Underwritten Offering but in no event less than the Minimum Demand Threshold. All such Holders proposing to distribute their Registrable Securities through an Underwritten Offering under this subsection 2.1.3 shall enter into an underwriting agreement in customary form with the Underwriter(s) selected for such Underwritten Offering by the majority-in-interest of the Demanding Holders initiating the Demand Registration.

2.1.4减少承销发行。如果在根据 要求登记的承销登记中的一个或多个承销商真诚地以书面形式通知公司、要求持有人和要求持有人(如有),要求持有人和要求持有人(如有)希望出售的可登记证券的 美元金额或数量, 连同公司希望出售的所有其他普通股或其他股本证券以及普通股(如有)一起, 根据任何其他股东持有的单独书面合同附带登记权请求进行登记 希望出售的人,超过了承销发行中可以出售的股本证券的最大金额或最大数量,而不会对该发行的建议发行价格、时间、分配方法或成功概率产生不利影响 (该等证券的最大金额或最大数量,如适用,最大证券数量"), 则公司应在该承销发行中包括以下内容:(i)首先,要求持有人 和要求持有人(如有)的可登记证券(根据每一个需求持有人和 请求持有人(如有)要求包括在该包销登记中的可登记证券的各自数量和可登记证券的总数,按比例计算 要求持有人和请求持有人已要求包含在该承销登记中(该比例在本文中称为 "按比例计算(ii)第二, 在上述第(i)款下尚未达到证券最大数目的范围内,公司希望出售的普通股或其他股本证券,其可以在不超过证券最大数目的情况下出售;(iii)第三, 在未达到上述第(i)和(ii)款规定的最大证券数量的范围内,持有人的可登记证券 (按比例,根据每个持有人要求包含在该承销登记中的可登记证券的各自数量 )根据本协议第2.2.1款行使其登记证券的权利;及(iv)第四, 在上述第(i)、(ii)、(iii)及(iv)款所规定的证券最高数目的范围内,公司有义务根据 与这些人的单独书面合同安排在登记处登记的其他人或实体的普通股票或其他股本证券,并且可以在不超过证券最大数量的情况下出售。

2.1.5要求撤销注册。任何要求持有人或请求持有人应有权以任何理由退出登记 ,在以下情况之前,(x)如果要求登记不涉及 承销发行,向证监会提交的关于根据该要求登记其可登记证券的登记声明的有效性,或(y)在要求登记涉及包销 发行的情况下,该包销发行的定价;但前提是,一旦发起索购登记的需求持有人中的多数利益 撤回,公司应停止一切努力确保适用 登记声明的有效性,或完成承销发行(如适用)。尽管本协议有任何相反规定, (i)公司可根据任何当时生效的登记声明(包括表格S—3)进行任何承销登记, 然后可用于该等发行,且(ii)公司应负责相关 在根据本第2.1.5款撤回之前,根据要求登记进行登记。

2.1.6初始货架登记。公司应在成交后的30天内,并在商业上合理的努力促使 在实际可行的情况下尽快宣布有效,以表格S—1("表格 S-1盘架)或(如本公司有资格使用表格S—3的注册声明)表格S—3的搁置注册(表格S-3货架并连同表格S—1架,每个搁板"),在每种情况下,涵盖所有可登记证券(在提交文件前两个工作日确定)的转售。该货架应规定,按照合法提供给任何持有人并由其要求的任何方法或方法组合,转售其中包括的可登记证券。尽管此处有任何相反的规定, 在本款2.1.6下存在有效的搁置范围内,涵盖持有人的所有可登记证券, 该持有人不应有权根据第2.1.1款进行要求登记。尽管 此处有任何相反的规定,在本小节2.1.6中存在有效货架的范围内,涵盖持有人的 可登记证券,且该等持有人根据小节2.1.1中的规定有资格作为需求持有人,并希望向该货架请求 承销发行,该等承销发行应遵循第2.1节的程序,(包括第 2.1.3和2.1.4小节),但该承销发行应在货架上进行,且不应计入根据第2.1.1小节可能进行的索购登记数量。

2.1.7参与包销发售所需的持有人资料。根据本第2条,在登记声明的第一个预期 提交日期之前至少五个工作日,公司应尽最大努力以书面形式(可能是通过电子邮件)通知每个 持有人,将持有人的可登记 证券纳入该登记声明中所需的有关持有人的信息。尽管本协议中有其他规定,但如果本公司未收到此类信息,并收到任何其他合理要求的协议或证书,则根据本第2条,在登记声明的第一个预期提交日期之前的第二个营业日或之前,公司没有义务包括 此类持有人的可登记证券。


2.2.1 Piggyback Rights. If, at any time on or after the date hereof, the Company proposes to file a Registration Statement under the Securities Act with respect to an offering of equity securities, or securities or other obligations exercisable or exchangeable for, or convertible into equity securities, for its own account or for the account of shareholders of the Company (or by the Company and by the shareholders of the Company including, without limitation, pursuant to Section 2.1 hereof), other than a Registration Statement (i) filed in connection with any employee stock option or other benefit plan, (ii) for an exchange offer or offering of securities solely to the Company’s existing shareholders, (iii) for an offering of debt that is convertible into equity securities of the Company or (iv) for a dividend reinvestment plan, then the Company shall give written notice of such proposed filing to all of the Holders of Registrable Securities as soon as practicable but not less than seven (7) days before the anticipated filing date of such Registration Statement, which notice shall (A) describe the amount and type of securities to be included in such offering, the intended method(s) of distribution, and the name of the proposed managing Underwriter or Underwriters, if any, in such offering, and (B) offer to all of the Holders of Registrable Securities the opportunity to register the sale of such number of Registrable Securities as such Holders may request in writing within three (3) Business Days after receipt of such written notice (such Registration a “携带式注册"). 公司应本着诚信,促使该等可登记证券被纳入该等附带登记中,并应尽其最大努力 促使拟议承销发行的管理承销商允许持有人根据本第2.2.1款要求的 可登记证券被纳入附带登记中,条款和条件与 相同包括在该登记中的任何类似的公司证券,并允许根据其预定的分配方法出售或以其他方式处置该可登记证券 。所有拟通过本第2.2.1款下的承销发行发行其可登记证券的持有人, 应与公司为该承销发行选择的承销商签订常规形式的承销协议。本第2.2.1款规定的通知期不适用于根据第2.3.3款进行的包销货架拆除。

2.2.2减少背载登记。如果承保登记中的一个或多个承保人(将是 背负登记)(除承销架下架),以真诚的方式,以书面形式通知公司和参与背负式登记的可登记证券持有人,公司 希望出售的普通股的美元金额或数量,连同(i)普通股(如有),根据与本协议项下可登记证券持有人以外的个人或实体的单独书面 合同安排,(ii)根据本协议第2.2节要求登记的可登记证券 ,以及(iii)普通股,如有,至于 已根据本公司其他股东的单独书面合同附带登记权要求进行哪些登记,超过 最大证券数量,则:

(a) 如果登记是为公司的帐户进行的,公司应首先在任何此类登记(A)中包括 公司希望出售的普通股或其他股本证券,这些证券可以在不超过证券最大数量的情况下出售; (B)第二,在上述(A)条所述证券的最高数目尚未达到的范围内,持有人的可登记证券根据本协议第2.2.1小节行使其登记证券的权利,按 比率,基于每个持有人要求行使其注册其权利的可注册证券的各自数量 根据本协议第2.2.1小节的可登记证券,可在不超过证券最大数量的情况下出售; 和(C)第三,在上述(A)和(B)条款中尚未达到证券最大数量的情况下, 普通股,如有,根据公司其他 股东的书面合同附带登记权要求进行哪些登记,这些登记权可以在不超过最大证券数量的情况下出售;以及

(b) If the Registration is pursuant to a request by persons or entities other than the Holders of Registrable Securities, then the Company shall include in any such Registration (A) first, the Common Stock or other equity securities, if any, of such requesting persons or entities, other than the Holders of Registrable Securities, which can be sold without exceeding the Maximum Number of Securities; (B) second, to the extent that the Maximum Number of Securities has not been reached under the foregoing clause (A), the Registrable Securities of Holders exercising their rights to register their Registrable Securities pursuant to subsection 2.2.1, Pro Rata, based on the respective number of Registrable Securities that each Holder has requested be included in such Underwritten Registration and the aggregate number of Registrable Securities that the Holders have requested to be included in such Underwritten Registration, which can be sold without exceeding the Maximum Number of Securities; (C) third, to the extent that the Maximum Number of Securities has not been reached under the foregoing clauses (A) and (B), the Common Stock or other equity securities that the Company desires to sell, which can be sold without exceeding the Maximum Number of Securities; and (D) fourth, to the extent that the Maximum Number of Securities has not been reached under the foregoing clauses (A), (B) and (C), the Common Stock or other equity securities for the account of other persons or entities that the Company is obligated to register pursuant to separate written contractual arrangements with such persons or entities, which can be sold without exceeding the Maximum Number of Securities.

2.2.3背载注册退出。任何可登记证券持有人应有权以任何理由或不理由退出背负式登记 ,在向委员会提交的注册声明生效之前,其或 打算退出该等附带注册 (或者,如果是根据《证券法》第415条进行的承销登记,则在适用发行定价前至少两个工作日)。公司(无论是根据其自身的善意 决定,还是由于个人根据单独的书面合同义务提出的撤回请求)可以在 注册声明生效之前的任何时候撤回 向委员会提交的与搭载注册有关的注册声明。尽管本协议中有任何相反规定,公司应负责 在根据本第2.2.3款退出之前与背载注册有关的注册费用。

2.2.4无限制的Piggyback注册权。为清楚起见,根据本协议第2.2条完成的任何注册 不应被视为根据本协议第2.1条完成的请求注册。


2.3.1 The Holders of Registrable Securities may at any time, and from time to time, to the extent that its Registrable Securities are not covered by an effective Shelf, including, for the avoidance of doubt, pursuant to subsection 2.1.6, request in writing that the Company, pursuant to Rule 415 under the Securities Act (or any successor rule promulgated thereafter by the Commission), register the resale of any or all of their Registrable Securities on an automatic shelf registration statement if the Company is a well-known seasoned issuer (as defined in Rule 405 under the Securities Act) or on Form S-3 or any similar short-form registration statement that may be available at such time; provided, however, that if the Company is ineligible to use Form S-3, on Form S-1; a Shelf filed pursuant to this subsection 2.3.1 shall provide for the resale of the Registrable Securities included therein pursuant to any method or combination of methods legally available to, and requested by, any Holder. Within three (3) days of the Company’s receipt of a written request from a Holder or Holders of Registrable Securities for a Registration on a Shelf, the Company shall promptly give written notice of the proposed Registration to all other Holders of Registrable Securities, and each Holder of Registrable Securities who thereafter wishes to include all or a portion of such Holder’s Registrable Securities in such Registration shall so notify the Company, in writing, within three (3) Business Days after the receipt by the Holder of the notice from the Company. As soon as practicable thereafter, but not more than ten (10) days after the Company’s initial receipt of such written request for a Registration on a Shelf, the Company shall file a Registration Statement relating to all or such portion of such Holder’s Registrable Securities as are specified in such written request, together with all or such portion of Registrable Securities of any other Holder or Holders joining in such request as are specified in the written notification given by such Holder or Holders; provided, however, that the Company shall not be obligated to effect any such Registration pursuant to this subsection 2.3.1 if the Holders of Registrable Securities, together with the Holders of any other equity securities of the Company entitled to inclusion in such Registration, propose to sell the Registrable Securities and such other equity securities (if any) at any aggregate price to the public of less than $10,000,000. The Company shall maintain each Shelf, including, for the avoidance of doubt, a Shelf filed pursuant to subsection 2.1.6, in accordance with the terms hereof, and shall prepare and file with the SEC such amendments, including post-effective amendments, and supplements as may be necessary to keep such Shelf continuously effective, available for use and in compliance with the provisions of the Securities Act until such time as there are no longer any Registrable Securities included on such Shelf. In the event the Company files a Shelf on Form S-1, the Company shall use its commercially reasonable best efforts to convert the Form S-1 to a Form S-3 as soon as practicable after the Company is eligible to use Form S-3. The Company shall use its commercially reasonable best efforts to obtain and maintain the eligibility to use Form S-3.

2.3.2如果在任何时候,任何货架因任何原因在证券法下不再有效,而其中包含的可登记证券 仍然未发行,则公司应尽其商业上的合理努力,在合理可行的情况下尽快使该货架根据证券法再次生效(包括迅速撤回暂停该大陆架效力的任何命令),并应尽其商业上的合理努力,在合理可行的范围内尽快修改此类货架,其方式是 合理预期会导致撤销任何暂停该大陆架有效性的命令,或提交额外的登记 声明(a "后续货架注册”) registering the resale of all Registrable Securities including on such Shelf, and pursuant to any method or combination of methods legally available to, and requested by, any Holder. If a Subsequent Shelf Registration is filed, the Company shall use its commercially reasonable efforts to (i) cause such Subsequent Shelf Registration to become effective under the Securities Act as promptly as is reasonably practicable after the filing thereof and (ii) keep such Subsequent Shelf Registration continuously effective, available for use and in compliance with the provisions of the Securities Act until such time as there are no longer any Registrable Securities included thereon. Any such Subsequent Shelf Registration shall be on Form S-3 to the extent that the Company is eligible to use such form. Otherwise, such Subsequent Shelf Registration shall be on another appropriate form. In the event that any Holder holds Registrable Securities that are not registered for resale on a delayed or continuous basis, the Company, upon request of a Holder shall promptly use its commercially reasonable efforts to cause the resale of such Registrable Securities to be covered by either, at the Company’s option, a Shelf (including by means of a post-effective amendment) or a Subsequent Shelf Registration and cause the same to become effective as soon as practicable after such filing and such Shelf or Subsequent Shelf Registration shall be subject to the terms hereof; provided, however, the Company shall only be required to cause such Registrable Securities to be so covered once annually after inquiry of the Holders.

2.3.3在证监会宣布货架生效后的任何时间和不时,可登记证券持有人( "要求拆分的持有者)可以要求出售其全部或任何部分可登记证券,以承销 要约(每一个,一个"承保货架拆分");条件是, 公司只有在此类发行应包括可登记证券 ,且总发行价格(包括附带证券,扣除承销折扣前)合理预计将超过 10,000,000美元的情况下,才有义务实施承销架收购。所有包销架下架申请应在公开宣布包销架下架前 至少48小时向公司发出书面通知,通知中应说明拟在包销架下架中出售的 可登记证券的大致数量以及包销架下架的预期价格范围(扣除包销折扣和佣金) 。公司应在任何包销货架收购中包含任何持有人要求包含的证券 (每个"拆分请求持有者")根据本协议第2.2条所述持有人的附带登记权,在公开宣布此类 包销架下架的公告前至少24小时。收购要求持有人的 多数股东应有权为该发行选择承销商(该承销商应 由一家或多家信誉良好的国家认可的投资银行组成),但须经公司事先批准,该批准不得 无理拒绝、附加条件或延迟。申办者或其关联公司或受让人可要求进行不超过两(2)次的包销 下架,10月3日研发或其关联公司或转让公司可要求不超过两(2)次包销架下架, 和持有人(申办者除外,10月3日研发或其关联公司或受让人),根据本第2.3.3节,共同要求 不超过两(2)次包销货架下架。为清楚起见, 根据本第2.3.3款进行的任何登记不应算作根据本第2.1款进行的索票登记的登记。

2.3.4如果承销架收购中的一个或多个承销商真诚地以书面形式通知公司、收购要求持有人和收购要求持有人(如有),收购要求持有人和收购要求持有人(如有)希望出售的可登记证券的金额或数量,与公司希望出售的所有其他普通股或其他股本 证券一起,超过证券最大数量,则公司应包括在该承销 货架下架,如下所示:(i)第一,可在不超过 证券最大数量的情况下出售的收购要求持有人的可登记证券;(ii)第二,在上述 条款(i)项下尚未达到证券最大数量的范围内,收购请求持有人的普通股或其他股本证券,如果有,可出售的证券不超过 最大证券数量,根据每个收购请求 持有人要求包含在此类包销货架收购中的可登记证券数量按比例确定;及(iii)第三,在上述(i)及(ii)款未达到 证券最高数目的范围内,公司 希望出售的普通股或其他股本证券,可以在不超过证券最大数量的情况下出售。

2.3.5在公开宣布承保的货架下架前,如果 向公司和一家或多家承销商(如有)发出书面通知,说明其打算退出该等包销的 货架下架后架下架后架下架要求持有人有权退出。尽管本 协议中有任何相反规定,在根据本第2.3.5款撤回之前,公司应负责与承保货架拆除相关的注册费用。

2.4 Restrictions on Registration Rights. If (A) during the period starting with the date sixty (60) days prior to the Company’s good faith estimate of the date of the filing of, and ending on a date one hundred and twenty (120) days after the effective date of, a Company initiated Registration and provided that the Company has delivered written notice to the Holders prior to receipt of a Demand Registration pursuant to subsection 2.1.1 and it continues to actively employ, in good faith, all reasonable efforts to cause the applicable Registration Statement to become effective; (B) the Holders have requested an Underwritten Registration and the Company and the Holders are unable to obtain the commitment of Underwriters to firmly underwrite the offer; or (C) in the good faith judgment of the Board such Registration would be seriously detrimental to the Company and the Board concludes as a result that it is essential to defer the filing of such Registration Statement at such time, then in each case the Company shall furnish to such Holders a certificate signed by the Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer or Chief Financial Officer stating that in the good faith judgment of the Board it would be seriously detrimental to the Company for such Registration Statement to be filed in the near future and that it is therefore essential to defer the filing of such Registration Statement. In such event, the Company shall have the right to defer such filing for a period of not more than ninety (90) days in any twelve (12) month period; provided, however, that the Company shall not defer its obligation in this manner more than once in any 12-month period. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement, no Registration shall be effected or permitted and no Registration Statement shall become effective, with respect to any Registrable Securities held by any Holder, until after the expiration of the Founder Shares Lock-Up Period or the Private Placement Lock-Up Period, as the case may be.

2.5上锁尽管本协议中有任何相反规定,公司没有义务在适用于该普通股的创始人股票禁售期到期之前,对受创始人股票禁售期约束的任何普通股进行任何索购登记 或附带登记,(ii)任何私募认股权证以及在私募禁售期内行使或转换私募认股权证时发行或可发行的任何普通股 ,或(iii)在其适用的禁售期内的任何其他可登记证券。本第2.5条中的任何规定均不限制公司根据第2.1.6款在货架登记声明上登记 所有可登记证券的义务,包括受创始人股份禁售期限制的普通股和私募股权认股权证。

文章 3

公司 程序

3.1一般程序。如果在本协议日期或之后的任何时间,公司需要进行可登记证券的登记 ,则公司应尽最大努力进行该登记,以允许根据该等可登记证券的预定分配计划出售该等可登记证券,并据此,公司应尽快:


3.1.2根据在该登记声明上登记的可登记证券持有人或任何可登记证券承销商 可能要求的或规则可能要求的,准备并向证监会存档对登记声明的修改和生效后的修改,以及招股说明书的补充文件 ,适用于 公司使用的登记表的法规或指示,或证券法或其下的规则和条例,以保持登记声明的有效性,直到所有可登记的 该登记声明所涵盖的证券将按照该登记声明 或招股说明书补充文件中所载的预期分销计划出售;

3.1.3在提交登记声明书或招股说明书或其任何修订或补充之前,免费向承销商( 如有)和该登记中所包括的每名可登记证券持有人以及每名持有人的法律顾问提供 拟提交的登记声明书的副本,该注册声明的每项修订和补充(在每种情况下,包括 的所有证物和以引用方式纳入其中的文件),该注册声明中所包括的招股说明书(包括 每份初步招股说明书),以及承销商和该 登记中包含的每一可登记证券持有人或任何该等持有人的法律顾问可能要求的其他文件,以便于处置该等持有人拥有的可登记证券 ;

3.1.4在公开发行可登记证券之前,尽其最大努力(i)根据美国此类司法管辖区的此类证券或"蓝天"法,对 《登记声明》涵盖的可登记证券进行登记或资格登记,作为该登记声明中包含的每一 可登记证券的持有人(根据其预期的分销计划)可请求 并(ii)采取必要行动,使登记声明所涵盖的该等可登记证券在 或经公司业务和运营所需的其他政府机构批准,并 为使可登记证券持有人在此类 中所包括的任何及所有其他行为和事情,可能是必要的或可取的。登记声明,以完善该等可登记证券在该等司法管辖区的处置;但前提是 不要求公司具备在任何司法管辖区开展业务的一般资格 在不受此约束的情况下,在任何该等司法管辖区内,对该等司法管辖区的一般法律程序或税务服务进行资格或采取任何行动;



3.1.7在收到通知或获知后,立即通知此类可注册证券的每一卖家,证监会发出的任何停止令暂停该注册声明的有效性,或为此目的启动或威胁进行任何程序,并立即尽其合理的最大努力阻止任何停止令的发布或获得其撤回 如果应该发布该停止令的话。

3.1.8在提交任何登记声明书或招股说明书或对该登记声明书或招股说明书的任何修订或补充文件之前至少五(5)天, 向该等可登记证券的每一位卖方或其律师提供一份副本,包括但不限于,在收到有关任何注册声明或招股说明书的任何意见信后,立即 提供副本;


3.1.10允许持有人的代表(该代表将由多数参与持有人选择)、承销商 (如有)以及由持有人或承销商聘请的任何律师或会计师参与登记声明的编制,费用由每个人自费 ,并促使公司的高级管理人员,董事和雇员提供任何此类代表、承销商、律师或会计师合理要求的与注册有关的所有信息 ; 然而,前提是此类代表或承销商签订了保密协议,在发布或披露任何此类信息之前,形式和内容均使公司合理满意 ;此外,本公司不得在任何登记声明或招股说明书中包括任何持有人或承销商的名称 或任何持有人或承销商的任何信息,对该注册声明或招股说明书的任何 修订或补充、将以引用方式纳入该注册声明或招股说明书的任何文件,或对任何意见信的任何回应,未经持有人或承销商事先书面同意 并为每个此类持有人或承销商提供合理的时间来审查和评论此类适用文件,除非违反适用法律,否则本公司应包括这些评论 ;

3.1.11在进行承销 登记时,以惯例形式从公司独立注册会计师处获得一份"冷安慰"函,内容涵盖 管理承销商可能合理要求的、并使参与持有人的多数利益合理满意的事项;

3.1.12在应登记证券根据该等登记交付出售之日,取得代表本公司进行该登记的大律师 于该日期向持有人、配售代理或销售代理(如有)及承销商(如有)提出的意见,内容包括持有人、配售代理、销售代理或承销商可合理要求并通常包括在该等意见及负面保证函件内的与登记有关的法律事宜。并在合理程度上令参与持有人的多数利益满意;



3.1.15如果登记涉及总收益超过50,000,000美元的可登记证券的登记,则尽其合理的 努力使公司的高级管理人员能够参加承销商在任何承销发行中可能合理要求的常规"路演"介绍;以及



3.3参与包销发行的要求。任何人士不得根据本公司根据本协议发起的注册参与本公司股权证券的任何包销发售 ,除非该人士(I)同意按本公司批准的任何包销安排所规定的基准出售该人的证券,及(Ii)填写及签立该等包销安排条款所合理要求的所有惯常 问卷、授权书、弥偿、锁定协议、包销协议及其他惯常文件。

3.4 Suspension of Sales; Adverse Disclosure. Upon receipt of written notice from the Company that a Registration Statement or Prospectus contains a Misstatement, each of the Holders shall forthwith discontinue disposition of Registrable Securities until it has received copies of a supplemented or amended Prospectus correcting the Misstatement (it being understood that the Company hereby covenants to prepare and file such supplement or amendment as soon as practicable after the time of such notice), or until it is advised in writing by the Company that the use of the Prospectus may be resumed. If the filing, initial effectiveness or continued use of a Registration Statement in respect of any Registration at any time would require the Company to make an Adverse Disclosure or would require the inclusion in such Registration Statement of financial statements that are unavailable to the Company for reasons beyond the Company’s control, the Company may, upon giving prompt written notice of such action to the Holders, delay the filing or initial effectiveness of, or suspend use of, such Registration Statement for the shortest period of time, but in no event more than thirty (30) days, determined in good faith by the Company to be necessary for such purpose. In the event the Company exercises its rights under the preceding sentence, the Holders agree to suspend, immediately upon their receipt of the notice referred to above, their use of the Prospectus relating to any Registration in connection with any sale or offer to sell Registrable Securities. The Company shall immediately notify the Holders of the expiration of any period during which it exercised its rights under this Section 3.4.

3.5报告义务。只要任何持有人拥有可登记证券,本公司在任何时候都是根据《交易法》提交报告的 公司,及时提交契约(或获得相关延期并在适用的宽限期内提交)根据《交易法》第13(a)条或第15(d)条要求公司在本协议日期后提交的所有报告 并及时向持有人提供所有该等档案的真实和完整副本。公司进一步承诺,其将采取 任何持有人可能合理要求的进一步行动,所有行动均在不时要求的范围内,使该持有人能够出售 该持有人持有的普通股,而无需根据《证券法》进行登记,但不限于 根据《证券法》颁布的规则144规定的豁免(或委员会其后颁布的任何后续规则,以公司可用的范围内),包括提供任何法律意见。应任何持有人的要求, 公司应向该持有人提交正式授权官员的书面证明,说明其是否遵守了该等要求。


3.6.1在适用的禁售期内,除转让给允许受让人外,任何持有人不得(I)出售、要约出售、合同或同意出售、质押、质押、授予任何购买选择权或以其他方式处置或订立任何协议以直接或间接处置,或建立或增加认沽等值头寸,或清算或减少交易所法案第16条及据此颁布的委员会规则和条例所指的看涨等值头寸。 就任何受适用禁售期限制的普通股,或任何可转换为、可行使、可交换或代表接受受适用禁售期限制的普通股的权利的证券,不论是现在拥有或以后收购的、由该持有人直接拥有的(包括作为托管人持有的证券)或该持有人在证监会的规则和条例内拥有实益所有权的任何证券(受适用禁售期限制的证券),受限证券“)、(Ii)从事与受限制证券有关的任何对冲或其他交易,而该等对冲或其他交易的目的是或合理地预期会导致或可导致 出售或处置受限制证券,即使该等受限制证券会由该持有人以外的其他人出售,或(Iii)公开 披露有意进行第(I)或(Ii)款所指明的任何交易。为免生疑问,该等被禁止的对冲或其他交易包括任何卖空或任何购买、出售或授予任何权利(包括任何认沽或认购期权),涉及适用持有人的任何受限制证券,或任何包括、有关或衍生任何 该等受限制证券的证券。


文章 4



4.1.1本公司同意在法律允许的范围内,赔偿每一位可登记证券持有人、其管理人员、董事和代理人 以及控制该等持有人的每一位人士(如有)(在证券法的含义内)针对所有损失,索赔,损害,负债 和实付费用(包括律师费)由任何注册声明中包含的任何不真实或被指控的不真实陈述 ,招股说明书或初步招股说明书或其任何修订或补充,或任何遗漏或指称遗漏其中要求陈述或使其中陈述不具误导性所必需的重要事实,除非 该持有人以书面形式向公司提供的任何信息导致或包含在该等信息中, 明确用于其中 。本公司应在与持有人赔偿有关的上述规定相同的范围内,对承销商、其高级管理人员和董事以及控制这些承销商的每个人员( 在证券法的含义范围内)进行赔偿。

4.1.2 In connection with any Registration Statement in which a Holder of Registrable Securities is participating, such Holder shall furnish to the Company in writing such information and affidavits as the Company reasonably requests for use in connection with any such Registration Statement or Prospectus and, to the extent permitted by law, shall indemnify the Company, its directors and officers and agents and each person who controls the Company (within the meaning of the Securities Act) against any losses, claims, damages, liabilities and out-of-pocket expenses (including without limitation reasonable attorneys’ fees) resulting from any untrue statement of material fact contained in the Registration Statement, Prospectus or preliminary Prospectus or any amendment thereof or supplement thereto or any omission of a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein not misleading, but only to the extent that such untrue statement or omission is contained in any information or affidavit so furnished in writing by such Holder expressly for use therein; provided, however, that the obligation to indemnify shall be several, not joint and several, among such Holders of Registrable Securities, and the liability of each such Holder of Registrable Securities shall be in proportion to and limited to the net proceeds received by such Holder from the sale of Registrable Securities pursuant to such Registration Statement. The Holders of Registrable Securities shall indemnify the Underwriters, their officers, directors and each person who controls such Underwriters (within the meaning of the Securities Act) to the same extent as provided in the foregoing with respect to indemnification of the Company.

4.1.3任何有权在本协议中获得赔偿的人士应(I)就其寻求赔偿的任何索赔向赔偿一方发出迅速的书面通知(但未能及时发出通知不应损害任何人在本协议项下获得赔偿的权利 ,前提是该不及时通知不会对赔偿一方造成重大损害)和(Ii)除非在受补偿方的合理判断下,该受补偿方和受赔偿方之间可能存在与该索赔有关的利益冲突,否则允许 该赔偿方在律师合理满意的情况下对该索赔进行辩护。如果承担了此类抗辩,则被补偿方未经其 同意而作出的任何和解不承担任何责任(但此类同意不得被无理拒绝)。无权承担或选择不承担索赔辩护的赔偿方没有义务为索赔各方支付超过一名律师(加上当地律师)的费用和开支。 受赔偿方就该索赔支付的费用和开支,除非根据任何受赔偿方的合理判断,该受赔偿方与任何其他受赔偿方之间可能存在利益冲突。未经被补偿方同意,任何赔偿方不得同意作出任何判决或达成任何和解,而该判决或和解不能通过支付金钱在所有方面达成和解(该款项是由补偿方根据该和解协议的条款支付的),或者和解协议不包括索赔人或原告免除该受补偿方对该索赔或诉讼的所有责任作为其无条件条款。

4.1.4本协议项下规定的赔偿将保持十足效力和作用,无论被补偿方或该被补偿方的任何高级管理人员、董事或控制人或其代表进行的任何调查,并且在证券转让 后仍然有效。本公司及参与发售的每名可登记证券持有人亦同意在本公司或该持有人因任何原因无法获得赔偿的情况下,按任何受弥偿一方的合理要求作出拨备,以向该等人士作出供款。

4.1.5 If the indemnification provided under Section 4.1 hereof from the indemnifying party is unavailable or insufficient to hold harmless an indemnified party in respect of any losses, claims, damages, liabilities and expenses referred to herein, then the indemnifying party, in lieu of indemnifying the indemnified party, shall contribute to the amount paid or payable by the indemnified party as a result of such losses, claims, damages, liabilities and expenses in such proportion as is appropriate to reflect the relative fault of the indemnifying party and the indemnified party, as well as any other relevant equitable considerations. The relative fault of the indemnifying party and indemnified party shall be determined by reference to, among other things, whether any action in question, including any untrue or alleged untrue statement of a material fact or omission or alleged omission to state a material fact, was made by, or relates to information supplied by, such indemnifying party or indemnified party, and the indemnifying party’s and indemnified party’s relative intent, knowledge, access to information and opportunity to correct or prevent such action; provided, however, that the liability of any Holder under this subsection 4.1.5 shall be limited to the amount of the net proceeds received by such Holder in such offering giving rise to such liability. The amount paid or payable by a party as a result of the losses or other liabilities referred to above shall be deemed to include, subject to the limitations set forth in subsections 4.1.1, 4.1.2 and 4.1.3 above, any legal or other fees, charges or expenses reasonably incurred by such party in connection with any investigation or proceeding. The parties hereto agree that it would not be just and equitable if contribution pursuant to this subsection 4.1.5 were determined by Pro Rata allocation or by any other method of allocation, which does not take account of the equitable considerations referred to in this subsection 4.1.5. No person guilty of fraudulent misrepresentation (within the meaning of Section 11(f) of the Securities Act) shall be entitled to contribution pursuant to this subsection 4.1.5 from any person who was not guilty of such fraudulent misrepresentation.

文章 5


5.1 Notices. Any notice or communication under this Agreement must be in writing and given by (i) deposit in the United States mail, addressed to the party to be notified, postage prepaid and registered or certified with return receipt requested, (ii) delivery in person or by courier service providing evidence of delivery, or (iii) transmission by hand delivery, electronic mail, telecopy, telegram or facsimile. Each notice or communication that is mailed, delivered, or transmitted in the manner described above shall be deemed sufficiently given, served, sent, and received, in the case of mailed notices, on the third Business Day following the date on which it is mailed and, in the case of notices delivered by courier service, hand delivery, electronic mail, telecopy, telegram or facsimile, at such time as it is delivered to the addressee (with the delivery receipt or the affidavit of messenger) or at such time as delivery is refused by the addressee upon presentation. Any notice or communication under this Agreement must be addressed, if to the Company, to: Brand Engagement Network Inc., 1900 West Kirkwood Blvd., Suite 1400B, Southlake, TX, Attention: Michael Zacharski, with copy to: Cooley LLP, 55 Hudson Yards, New York, New York 10001, Attention: Yvan-Claude Pierre, Peter Byrne and Kevin Cooper, and, if to any Holder, at such Holder’s address or facsimile number as set forth in the Company’s books and records. Any party may change its address for notice at any time and from time to time by written notice to the other parties hereto, and such change of address shall become effective thirty (30) days after delivery of such notice as provided in this Section 5.1.



5.2.2在创始人股份禁售期或私募禁售期(视具体情况而定)到期前,任何持有人不得 转让或委托该持有人在本协议项下的全部或部分权利、责任或义务,除非 该持有人将可登记证券转让给许可转让人,但仅当该许可转让人同意成为 受本协议中规定的转让限制的约束。




5.3可分割性本协议应被视为可分割的,本协议任何条款或规定的无效性或不可执行性 不应影响本协议或本协议任何其他条款或规定的有效性或可执行性。此外,为了取代任何 此类无效或不可执行的条款或规定,本协议双方打算在本协议的一部分中添加一个 ,该条款与此类无效或不可执行的条款尽可能相似,且有效且可执行。


5.5完整协议。本协议(包括根据本协议签订的所有协议以及根据本协议和本协议交付的所有证书和文书)构成双方就本协议标的事项达成的完整协议,并取代双方之前和同期达成的所有协议、陈述、谅解、谈判和讨论,无论是口头的 还是书面的。

5.6适用法律;地点。无论本协议的任何一方可能在何处执行,双方 明确同意本协议应受纽约州法律的管辖和遵守,该法律适用于居住在纽约并将完全居住在纽约的纽约居民 中,不考虑该司法管辖区的法律条款的冲突 。

5.7陪审团放弃审判。在任何诉讼、 诉讼、反诉或其他诉讼(无论是基于合同、侵权或其他)中,任何一方均不可撤销且无条件地放弃由陪审团审判的权利, 诉讼、反诉或其他诉讼(无论是基于合同、侵权行为或其他原因),由陪审团审判的权利。研发在谈判、管理、 履行或执行中。

5.8修正和修改。经本公司和 可登记证券至少多数权益持有人的书面同意, 可放弃遵守本协议中规定的任何条款、契约和条件,或修改或修改任何该等条款、契约或条件;然而,尽管 有上述规定,本协议的任何修订或本协议的放弃对一个持有人(仅作为本公司股份持有人的身份)产生不利影响,以与其他持有人实质不同的方式(以该身份)应要求受影响的持有人同意。任何持有人或本公司与本协议任何其他方之间的交易过程,或持有人或本公司未能或延迟行使本协议项下的任何权利或补救措施,均不得视为持有人或本公司放弃任何权利或补救措施 。任何一方单独或部分行使本协议项下的任何权利或补救措施均不得视为 放弃或排除该方行使本协议项下或本协议项下的任何其他权利或补救措施。

5.9标题和标题。本协议各章节的标题和标题仅为方便起见,不应影响 本协议任何条款的解释。

5.10豁免和延期。本协议的任何一方均可放弃该方有权放弃的任何权利、违约或违约, 前提是,除非该放弃以书面形式签署,且 具体指本协议,否则该放弃方无效。放弃可以提前或在放弃的权利产生或放弃的违约或违约发生后作出。 任何放弃都可能是有条件的。放弃任何违反本协议或规定的行为不应被视为放弃 之前或以后违反本协议或规定的行为,也不应被视为放弃本协议或规定的任何其他协议或规定。放弃或延长履行任何义务或行为的时间 不应被视为放弃或延长履行任何其他义务或行为的时间。

5.11累积补救措施。如果公司未能遵守或履行本协议项下应遵守或履行的任何契约或协议 ,持有人可继续通过衡平法诉讼或法律诉讼保护和执行其权利,无论是具体 履行本协议中包含的任何条款,还是针对违反任何此类条款的禁令,还是为了帮助执行 本协议授予的任何权力,或强制执行任何其他法律或衡平法权利,或采取任何一项或多项此类行动, 无需提交保证金。本协议项下授予的任何权利、权力或补救措施均不应相互排斥, 且每项此类权利、权力或补救措施均应累积,且除其他任何权利、权力或补救措施外,无论是本协议授予的,还是现在或以后可根据法律、衡平法、法规或其他方式获得的。

5.12其他注册权。自本协议之日起,未经可登记证券多数股东 事先书面同意,与本公司任何证券的任何当前或未来持有人签订任何协议,允许该当前或未来持有人要求本公司将证券纳入本公司为 该等持有人以与本协议项下持有人的附带权利不相同或明确从属于本协议项下持有人的附带权利; 提供, 在任何情况下,本公司均不得签订任何协议,允许本公司证券的另一持有人在同等基础上(根据承销商的建议,在削减优先权方面)与请求持有人参与承销自行 。

5.13 term.本协议应在下列日期(以较早者为准)终止:(i)本协议日期的十周年或(ii)(A)持有人可根据规则144在任何90天期间内立即转售该等可登记证券而不受 任何数量限制或其他转让限制的日期或(B)就任何持有人而言,该等持有人在该等持有人没有 持有任何可注册证券。第3.5节的规定和 第四条应在任何终止合同后继续存在。

[签名 页如下]


品牌 公司简介
发信人: /s/ 迈克尔·扎哈尔斯基
姓名: Michael 扎哈尔斯基
标题: 首席执行官

DHC 赞助商,有限责任公司
发信人: /S/ 克里斯托弗·加特纳
姓名: 克里斯托弗·加尔特纳
标题: 经理

10月 3研发控股,有限责任公司
发信人: /S/ 泰勒·勒克
姓名: 泰勒 幸运
标题: 经理

