

截至2023年12月31日,全球第二合伙人收购公司(“我们”、“我们”、“GPAC”或“公司”)拥有根据修订后的1934年《证券交易法》(以下简称《证券交易法》)第12条登记的以下三类证券:(I)其单位,包括一股A类普通股(定义如下)、六分之一的可赎回认股权证,以及在某些情况下在初始合并、资本证券交换、资产收购后获得的或有权利,购股、重组 或与一项或多项业务合并(“初步业务合并”)的类似业务赎回时间,另有一份可赎回认股权证的六分之一,每份完整认股权证持有人有权购买一股A类普通股(“单位”)、(Ii)其A类普通股每股面值0.0001美元(“A类普通股”)及(Iii)其认股权证 其认股权证,每股可按11.5美元购买一股A类普通股(“认股权证”)。

此处使用但未另有定义的已定义术语应具有截至2023年12月31日的年度Form 10-K年度报告中赋予此类术语的含义。

我们是开曼群岛豁免的公司,我们的事务受我们修订和重述的组织章程大纲和细则、《公司法》和开曼群岛共同法律的管辖。根据吾等经修订及重述的组织章程大纲及细则,本公司获授权发行500,000,000股A类普通股及50,000,000股B类普通股,以及5,000,000股优先股,每股面值0.0001美元。以下 说明概述了我们证券的主要条款,这些条款在我们修订和重述的组织章程大纲和章程细则中更为详细地阐述。因为它只是一个摘要,所以它可能不包含对您重要的所有信息。


每个单位包括一股A类普通股、一份可赎回认股权证(“可拆卸可赎回认股权证”)的六分之一,以及在若干情况下,在最初业务合并赎回时间后,另获一份可赎回认股权证的六分之一的或有权利 (统称为“可分派可赎回认股权证”及连同可拆卸的可赎回认股权证, “可赎回认股权证”)。每份完整认股权证的持有人有权按每股11.50美元的价格购买一股A类普通股,并可按下文所述的调整进行调整。根据认股权证协议,认股权证持有人只可就整数股A类普通股行使认股权证 。

获得可分派可赎回认股权证的或有权利将继续附属于我们的A类普通股,不会单独转让、转让或出售,也不会有任何证书或文书证明。一旦我们的可分派可赎回认股权证发行,该等认股权证即可与我们的可拆卸可赎回认股权证互换。可分配可赎回认股权证预计将在其分发之日起有资格交易 ,并将以与我们的可拆卸可赎回认股权证相同的股票代码进行交易。


登记在册的普通股东有权就所有待股东投票表决的事项,就所持有的每股股份投一票。除下文所述外,除法律另有规定外,A类普通股持有者和B类普通股持有者将在提交我们的 股东表决的所有事项上作为一个类别一起投票。对于董事的任命没有累积投票,因此,投票支持董事任命的股份超过50%的持股人可以任命所有董事。如果董事会宣布,我们的股东有权从合法可用于此的资金中获得应税股息。在我们最初的业务合并之前,只有我们创始人股票的持有者才有权投票决定董事的任命。在此期间,我们A类普通股的持有者 无权就董事的任命进行投票。

我们将为我们的A类普通股股东提供机会,在我们完成最初的 业务合并后,以每股价格赎回全部或部分A类普通股,以现金支付,相当于截至我们完成初始业务合并前两个工作日计算的信托账户中当时存入信托账户的总金额,包括从信托账户中持有的资金赚取的利息,如果有的话,除以当时已发行的 A类普通股的数量,符合本文所述的限制。

关于我们的首次公开募股,我们的保荐人和我们管理团队的每一名成员都与我们签订了书面协议,据此,他们已同意放弃对他们所持有的任何方正股份和A类普通股的赎回权,条件是:(I)完成我们的初始业务合并;(Ii)股东投票批准对我们修订和重述的 章程大纲和组织章程细则(A)的修正案,该修正案将修改我们向A类普通股持有人提供与我们最初的业务合并相关的股份赎回权利或赎回100%我们的A类普通股的义务的实质或时间。若吾等未能于终止日期前完成初步业务合并,或(B)涉及与A类普通股持有人权利或业务前合并活动有关的任何其他条文。


在签署《企业合并协议》的同时,保荐人与本公司和星尘力量签订了保荐人函件协议,保荐人同意(I)投票赞成批准企业合并协议和企业合并,(Ii)受关于其创始人股份的某些转让限制的约束 ,(Iii)终止函件协议的某些锁定条款,(Iv)于完成业务合并后受若干锁定条款约束,(V)于归化前悉数归属3,000,000股股份,(Vi)于完成业务合并后将1,000,000股股份归属(或没收),(Vii)无偿没收3,500,000股股份, 及(Viii)放弃与本公司经修订及重述的组织章程大纲及章程细则所载的换股比率有关的若干反摊薄保障。此外,本公司和GPAC内部人士已同意,他们不会与GPAC普通股签订任何与保荐人 信函协议不一致的投标或投票协议,或任何类似的协议、安排或谅解。有关进一步信息,请参阅本公司2023年11月21日提交给美国证券交易委员会的当前Form 8-K报告。

若吾等寻求股东批准, 吾等仅在取得开曼群岛法律下的普通决议案批准后才会完成业务合并,该普通决议案为亲自或受委代表有权投票并于股东大会上投票的大多数普通股的 赞成票。

如果我们寻求股东批准我们的业务合并 并且我们没有根据要约收购规则进行与我们的业务合并相关的赎回,我们修订和重述的组织章程大纲和章程细则规定,A类普通股东以及该股东的任何关联公司或与该股东一致行动或作为“集团”行事的任何其他人(根据交易法第13条的定义)将被限制赎回其股份,赎回的股份数量将超过我们首次公开募股发行的股份(“超额股份”)的15%。未经我们事先同意。但是,我们不会限制我们的股东投票支持或反对我们的业务合并的所有股份(包括超额股份)的能力。我们的股东 无法赎回多余的股份将降低他们对我们完成业务合并的能力的影响力,如果这些股东在公开市场上出售这些多余的股份,他们的投资可能会遭受重大损失。此外,如果我们完成我们的业务合并,这些股东将不会 获得关于超额股份的赎回分配。因此,这些 股东将继续持有超过15%的股份,并且为了处置这些股份,将被要求在公开市场交易中出售他们的股份,可能会出现亏损。


在企业合并后公司发生清算、解散或清盘的情况下,我们的股东有权按比例分享所有剩余可供分配的资产 在偿还债务和为每一类优先于普通股的股份计提拨备后 。我们的股东没有优先认购权或其他认购权。没有适用于普通股的偿债基金条款 ,但我们将向我们的A类普通股股东提供机会,在我们的业务合并完成后,按相当于当时存入信托账户的总金额的每股价格将其A类普通股赎回为现金,包括从信托账户中持有的、以前没有发放给我们的资金赚取的利息,以支付我们的所得税(如果有)除以当时已发行的A类普通股的数量,符合报告中描述的限制。

2023年1月11日,在2023年1月11日的延期大会上,股东通过特别决议,批准了修订公司经修订和重述的组织章程大纲和章程细则的提案,将公司完成业务合并的日期 再延长三个月,从2023年1月14日延长至2023年4月14日,此后最多九(9)次,每次(或至2024年1月14日)延长一个月(或至2024年1月14日);并通过普通决议案,建议修改《函件协议》,允许保荐人在适用的禁售期届满前将其持有的股份转让给南极洲资本合伙公司的关联公司(S)。2023年1月13日,本公司向开曼群岛公司注册处提交了2023年章程修正案 。

2024年1月9日,在2024年1月9日的股东大会上,股东通过特别决议,批准了对公司经修订和重述的组织章程大纲和章程细则进行修订的建议,以:将公司完成业务合并的日期 再延长6个月,从2024年1月14日延长至2024年7月14日(“2024年条款修正案”); 取消GPAC不得赎回A类普通股的限制,条件是赎回将导致GPAC的有形资产净值低于5,000,001美元;并规定,A类普通股可以 通过将B类普通股转换为A类普通股的方式向发起人发行, 尽管有增发A类普通股的限制。2024年1月11日,本公司向开曼群岛公司注册处提交了《2024年条款修正案》。


此外 于2024年延期大会方面,保荐人与数名独立第三方订立非赎回协议,据此,该等第三方同意不赎回(或有效撤销任何赎回要求)合共1,503,254股A类普通股,作为交换,保荐人同意转让127,777股及同时没收127,777股与本公司完成初步业务合并有关的股份。


每份完整的可赎回认股权证 使登记持有人有权在我们的业务合并完成后30天开始的任何时间,按每股11.50美元的价格购买一股A类普通股,并可按下文讨论的 进行调整,但紧接下一段讨论的情况除外。根据认股权证协议,认股权证持有人只能行使整笔A类普通股的认股权证。 可赎回认股权证将在我们的业务合并完成后五年内到期,即纽约市时间下午5点,或在赎回或清算后更早的时间到期。

吾等将无义务根据可赎回认股权证的行使而交付任何A类普通股,亦无义务交收该等认股权证 行使,除非根据证券法就认股权证相关的A类普通股发出的登记声明已生效,且招股说明书是最新的,但须受吾等履行下文所述有关登记的义务,或获得有效豁免登记的规限。本公司将不会行使任何可赎回认股权证,而本公司亦无责任在行使认股权证时发行A类普通股,除非在行使该等认股权证时可发行的A类普通股已 根据权证登记持有人居住国的证券法律登记、合资格或视为获豁免。如果前两句中的条件不符合可赎回认股权证,则该认股权证持有人将无权行使该认股权证,而该认股权证可能会毫无价值及失效。在任何情况下,我们都不会被要求净现金结算任何认股权证。如果登记声明对已行使的 认股权证无效,则持有该等认股权证的单位的购买者将为该单位的A类普通股 支付全部购买价。


我们已同意,在可行的情况下,尽快但在任何情况下不迟于业务合并结束后20个工作日,我们将在商业上 合理努力向美国证券交易委员会提交一份登记声明书,以便根据证券法登记因行使认股权证而发行的A类普通股 ,并且我们将尽商业上合理的努力使其在业务合并结束后60个工作日内生效 。并维持该等登记声明及与该等A类普通股有关的现行招股说明书的效力,直至认股权证期满或按认股权证协议的规定赎回为止。如果我们的A类普通股在行使认股权证时并非在国家证券交易所上市,且符合证券法第18(B)(1)条下的“备兑证券”的定义,则我们可根据我们的选择,要求根据证券法第3(A)(9)条以“无现金基础”行使其认股权证的公共认股权证持有人这样做,如果我们这样选择,我们将不会被要求提交或维持有效的登记 声明。但我们将尽我们在商业上合理的努力,根据适用的蓝天法律对股票进行注册或资格审查,直到 无法获得豁免。如果因行使认股权证而可发行的A类普通股的登记声明在60年前不生效 这是在我们的业务合并结束后的第二天,权证持有人可根据证券法第3(A)(9)条或其他豁免,以“无现金基础”方式行使认股权证,但我们将根据适用的蓝天法律作出合理的商业努力,在无法获得豁免的范围内,根据适用的蓝天法律登记股份或使其符合资格,直至 有有效的登记声明及未能维持有效的登记声明的任何期间为止。在此情况下,每位持有人将交出该数目的A类普通股 股份的认股权证,以支付行使价,该数目等于(A)认股权证相关的A类普通股数目乘以(X)认股权证相关的A类普通股数目乘以(B)权证的“公平市价”(定义见下文)减去认股权证的行使价 除以(Y)公平市价及(B)每份认股权证0.361所得的商数,两者以较小者为准。本款所称公允市场价值,是指权证代理人收到行权通知之日前10个交易日内A类普通股的成交量加权平均价。

我们的可赎回权证包括 我们的可拆卸可赎回权证和我们的可分配可赎回权证。每个单位包括一个可拆卸的可赎回权证的六分之一 和在某些情况下在初始业务合并赎回时间 之后可获得一个可赎回权证的六分之一的或有权利,并可如下所述进行进一步调整。

At the distribution time, we will effect a distribution of a number of warrants up to the number of units issued in our initial public offering multiplied by one-sixth, or 5,000,000 warrants, as follows: (i) to the extent that no Class A ordinary shareholders redeem their Class A ordinary shares in connection with our Business Combination, each Class A ordinary shareholder will receive one-sixth of one distributable redeemable warrant per Class A ordinary share held; and (ii) to the extent that any Class A ordinary shareholders redeem any of their Class A ordinary shares in connection with our Business Combination, then (A) one-sixth of one distributable redeemable warrant will be distributed to the holder of each remaining Class A ordinary share and (B) no distributable redeemable warrants will be distributed in respect of any Class A ordinary shares that were redeemed. Class A ordinary shareholders who exercise their redemption rights are not entitled to receive any distribution of distributable redeemable warrants in respect of such redeemed Class A ordinary shares. If any such redemptions occur, the distributable redeemable warrants attached to the redeemed Class A ordinary shares will not be redistributed, and the total number of distributable redeemable warrants issued will be fewer than 5,000,000. The distribution time will be immediately after the initial business combination redemption time and immediately prior to the closing of our Business Combination.


当每股A类普通股价格等于或超过18.00美元时,赎回认股权证 。一旦认股权证变为可行使,我们可以赎回尚未行使的 可赎回认股权证(私募认股权证除外):


按 每份认股权证0.01美元的价格;

在 向每名权证持有人发出最少30天的书面赎回通知;

如果, 且仅当A类普通股的收盘价等于或超过18.00美元/ 股份(根据行使或 可发行股份数量的调整而调整) 认股权证的行使价)于本公司发出通知日期前一个交易日 赎回权证持有人。

我们将不会按上述方式赎回认股权证 ,除非根据《证券法》发布的登记声明(涵盖在行使可赎回认股权证时可发行的A类普通股的发行 )生效,且在整个30天赎回期内可获得与该等A类普通股有关的现行招股说明书 。倘认股权证可由吾等赎回,则吾等可行使赎回权,即使 吾等无法根据所有适用的州证券法登记或符合出售相关证券的资格。

当每股A类普通股价格等于或超过10.00美元时,赎回认股权证 。一旦认股权证变为可行使,我们可以赎回尚未行使的 认股权证(私募认股权证除外):


在 每份认股权证0.10美元,但须至少提前30天发出书面赎回通知, 持有人将能够在赎回前以无现金方式行使其认股权证 并根据 ,接收参考下表确定的股份数量。 赎回日期和我们的A类普通股的“公平市值”(作为 下文定义),除非另有说明;

如果, 且仅当我们A类普通股的收盘价等于或超过10.00美元/ A类普通股(根据可发行股份数量的调整进行调整, 行使或认股权证的行使价)于当日前一个交易日 我们向认股权证持有人发出赎回通知;及

如果 我们A类普通股的收盘价低于每股18.00美元(经调整 调整行使时可发行的股份数量或行使价 认股权证)在截至三个交易日的30个交易日期间内的任何20个交易日 在我们向权证持有人发送赎回通知之前,私募权证 同时也必须按照与杰出公众相同的条款要求赎回 权证,如上所述。

自 赎回通知发出之日起,直至认股权证被赎回或行使为止,持有人可选择以无现金方式行使认股权证 。下表中的数字代表认股权证持有人在与我们根据此赎回功能赎回有关的无现金 行使时将获得的A类普通股数量,根据我们的 A类普通股在相应赎回日期的“公平市值”,(假设持有人选择行使其认股权证,且该认股权证未以每份认股权证0.10美元的价格赎回),为此目的,根据我们A类普通产品的数量加权平均价格确定 在紧接向认股权证持有人发送赎回通知之日后的十个交易日内报告的股份 ,以及相应赎回日期在权证到期日之前的月数,每个月数见下表。我们将不迟于 上述10个交易日期限结束后的一个工作日向我们的权证持有人提供最终公平市价。

根据认股权证协议, 上文提及的A类普通股应包括A类普通股以外的证券,如果我们不是业务合并中的存续公司,则A类普通股 已转换或交换为该证券。如果我们不是业务合并后的存续实体,则 下表中的数字在确定因认股权证行使而发行的A类普通股数量时将不予调整 。


The share prices set forth in the column headings of the table below will be adjusted as of any date on which the number of shares issuable upon exercise of a warrant or the exercise price of a warrant is adjusted as set forth under the heading “-Anti-dilution Adjustments” below. If the number of shares issuable upon exercise of a warrant is adjusted, the adjusted share prices in the column headings will equal the share prices immediately prior to such adjustment, multiplied by a fraction, the numerator of which is the exercise price of the warrant after such adjustment and the denominator of which is the price of the warrant immediately prior to such adjustment. In such an event, the number of shares in the table below shall be adjusted by multiplying such share amounts by a fraction, the numerator of which is the number of shares deliverable upon exercise of a warrant immediately prior to such adjustment and the denominator of which is the number of shares deliverable upon exercise of a warrant as so adjusted. If the exercise price of a warrant is adjusted, (a) in the case of an adjustment pursuant to the fifth paragraph under the heading “-Anti-dilution Adjustments” below, the adjusted share prices in the column headings will equal the unadjusted share price multiplied by a fraction, the numerator of which is the higher of the Market Value and the Newly Issued Price as set forth under the heading “-Anti-dilution Adjustments” and the denominator of which is $10.00 and (b) in the case of an adjustment pursuant to the second paragraph under the heading “-Anti-dilution Adjustments” below, the adjusted share prices in the column headings will equal the unadjusted share price less the decrease in the exercise price of a warrant pursuant to such exercise price adjustment.

赎回日期(至认股权证期满为止) ≤10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 ≥18.00
60个月 0.261 0.281 0.297 0.311 0.324 0.337 0.348 0.358 0.361
57个月 0.257 0.277 0.294 0.310 0.324 0.337 0.348 0.358 0.361
54个月 0.252 0.272 0.291 0.307 0.322 0.335 0.347 0.357 0.361
51个月 0.246 0.268 0.287 0.304 0.320 0.333 0.346 0.357 0.361
48个月 0.241 0.263 0.283 0.301 0.317 0.332 0.344 0.356 0.361
45个月 0.235 0.258 0.279 0.298 0.315 0.330 0.343 0.356 0.361
42个月 0.228 0.252 0.274 0.294 0.312 0.328 0.342 0.355 0.361
39个月 0.221 0.246 0.269 0.290 0.309 0.325 0.340 0.354 0.361
36个月 0.213 0.239 0.263 0.285 0.305 0.323 0.339 0.353 0.361
33个月 0.205 0.232 0.257 0.280 0.301 0.320 0.337 0.352 0.361
30个月 0.196 0.224 0.250 0.274 0.297 0.316 0.335 0.351 0.361
27个月 0.185 0.214 0.242 0.268 0.291 0.313 0.332 0.350 0.361
24个月 0.173 0.204 0.233 0.260 0.285 0.308 0.329 0.348 0.361
21个月 0.161 0.193 0.223 0.252 0.279 0.304 0.326 0.347 0.361
18个月 0.146 0.179 0.211 0.242 0.271 0.298 0.322 0.345 0.361
15个月 0.130 0.164 0.197 0.230 0.262 0.291 0.317 0.342 0.361
12个月 0.111 0.146 0.181 0.216 0.250 0.282 0.312 0.339 0.361
9个月 0.090 0.125 0.162 0.199 0.237 0.272 0.305 0.336 0.361
6个月 0.065 0.099 0.137 0.178 0.219 0.259 0.296 0.331 0.361
3个月 0.034 0.065 0.104 0.150 0.197 0.243 0.286 0.326 0.361
0个月 0.042 0.115 0.179 0.233 0.281 0.323 0.361


The exact fair market value and redemption date may not be set forth in the table above, in which case, if the fair market value is between two values in the table or the redemption date is between two redemption dates in the table, the number of Class A ordinary shares to be issued for each warrant exercised will be determined by a straight-line interpolation between the number of shares set forth for the higher and lower fair market values and the earlier and later redemption dates, as applicable, based on a 365 or 366-day year, as applicable. For example, if the volume-weighted average price of our Class A ordinary shares for the 10 trading days ending on the third trading day prior to the date on which the notice of redemption is sent to the holders of the warrants is $11.00 per share, and at such time there are 57 months until the expiration of the warrants, holders may choose to, in connection with this redemption feature, exercise their warrants for 0.277 Class A ordinary shares for each whole warrant. For an example where the exact fair market value and redemption date are not as set forth in the table above, if the volume-weighted average price of our Class A ordinary shares for the 10 trading days ending on the third trading day prior to the date on which the notice of redemption is sent to the holders of the warrants is $13.50 per share, and at such time there are 38 months until the expiration of the warrants, holders may choose to, in connection with this redemption feature, exercise their warrants for 0.298 Class A ordinary shares for each whole warrant. In no event will the warrants be exercisable on a cashless basis in connection with this redemption feature for more than 0.361 Class A ordinary shares per warrant (subject to adjustment). Finally, as reflected in the table above, if the warrants are out of the money and about to expire, they cannot be exercised on a cashless basis in connection with a redemption by us pursuant to this redemption feature, since they will not be exercisable for any Class A ordinary shares.

在行使时,不会发行零碎A类普通 股。如果持有人在行使时有权获得股份的零碎权益,我们将 向下舍入至拟发行给持有人的A类普通股数量的最接近整数。如果在赎回时,根据认股权证协议, 认股权证可行使A类普通股以外的证券(例如,由于 我们不是业务合并中的存续公司),则认股权证可行使该等证券。当认股权证 可行使A类普通股以外的证券时,公司(或存续公司)将尽其商业上的合理努力 根据证券法登记行使认股权证时可发行的证券。

最大百分比程序。 A认股权证持有人可书面通知我们,如果其选择遵守一项要求,即该持有人将没有 行使认股权证的权利,在行使该等权利后,(连同此人的 关联公司),据权证代理人实际所知,将实益拥有超过9.8%(或持有人 可能指定的其他金额)的已发行及已发行的A类普通股。

反稀释调整。 If the number of outstanding Class A ordinary shares is increased by a capitalization or share dividend payable in Class A ordinary shares, or by a split-up of ordinary shares or other similar event, then, on the effective date of such capitalization or share dividend, split-up or similar event, the number of Class A ordinary shares issuable on exercise of each warrant will be increased in proportion to such increase in the outstanding ordinary shares. A rights offering made to all or substantially all holders of ordinary shares entitling holders to purchase Class A ordinary shares at a price less than the “historical fair market value” (as defined below) will be deemed a share dividend of a number of Class A ordinary shares equal to the product of (i) the number of Class A ordinary shares actually sold in such rights offering (or issuable under any other equity securities sold in such rights offering that are convertible into or exercisable for Class A ordinary shares) and (ii) one minus the quotient of (x) the price per Class A ordinary share paid in such rights offering and (y) the historical fair market value. For these purposes, (i) if the rights offering is for securities convertible into or exercisable for Class A ordinary shares, in determining the price payable for Class A ordinary shares, there will be taken into account any consideration received for such rights, as well as any additional amount payable upon exercise or conversion and (ii) “historical fair market value” means the volume-weighted average price of Class A ordinary shares as reported during the 10 trading day period ending on the trading day prior to the first date on which the Class A ordinary shares trade on the applicable exchange or in the applicable market, regular way, without the right to receive such rights.


In addition, if we, at any time while the warrants are outstanding and unexpired, pay a dividend or make a distribution in cash, securities or other assets to all or substantially all of the holders of the Class A ordinary shares on account of such Class A ordinary shares (or other securities into which the warrants are convertible), other than (a) as described above, (b) any cash dividends or cash distributions which, when combined on a per share basis with all other cash dividends and cash distributions paid on the Class A ordinary shares during the 365-day period ending on the date of declaration of such dividend or distribution does not exceed $0.50 (as adjusted to appropriately reflect any other adjustments and excluding cash dividends or cash distributions that resulted in an adjustment to the exercise price or to the number of Class A ordinary shares issuable on exercise of each warrant) but only with respect to the amount of the aggregate cash dividends or cash distributions equal to or less than $0.50 per share, (c) to satisfy the redemption rights of the holders of Class A ordinary shares in connection with a proposed Business Combination, (d) to satisfy the redemption rights of the holders of Class A ordinary shares in connection with a shareholder vote to amend our amended and restated memorandum and articles of association (A) to modify the substance or timing of our obligation to provide holders of our Class A ordinary shares the right to have their shares redeemed in connection with our Business Combination or to redeem 100% of our Class A ordinary shares if we do not complete our Business Combination by the Termination Date or (B) with respect to any other provision relating to the rights of holders of our Class A ordinary shares or pre-Business Combination activity, or (e) in connection with the redemption of our Class A ordinary shares upon our failure to complete our Business Combination, then the warrant exercise price will be decreased, effective immediately after the effective date of such event, by the amount of cash and/or the fair market value of any securities or other assets paid on each Class A ordinary share in respect of such event.

如果未发行 A类普通股数量因合并、合并、反向股份拆细或A类普通股重新分类 或其他类似事件而减少,则在该合并、合并、反向股份拆细、重新分类 或类似事件的生效日期,行使每份认股权证时可发行的A类普通股数量将按比例减少 已发行A类普通股的减少。

如上文所述,当认股权证行使时购买的A类普通股数目作出调整时,认股权证行使价将通过将紧接有关调整前的认股权证行使价乘以分数(x)予以调整,分数(x)的分子为紧接有关调整前认股权证行使时购买的A类普通股数目 ,及(y)其分母 将是其后立即如此购买的A类普通股的数目。

In addition, if (x) we issue additional Class A ordinary shares or equity-linked securities for capital raising purposes in connection with the closing of our Business Combination at an issue price or effective issue price of less than $9.20 per ordinary share (with such issue price or effective issue price to be determined in good faith by our board of directors and, in the case of any such issuance to our sponsor or its affiliates, without taking into account any founder shares held by our sponsor or such affiliates, as applicable, prior to such issuance) (the “Newly Issued Price”), (y) the aggregate gross proceeds from such issuances represent more than 60% of the total equity proceeds, and interest thereon, available for the funding of our Business Combination on the date of the consummation of our Business Combination (net of redemptions), and (z) the volume-weighted average trading price of our Class A ordinary shares during the 20 trading day period starting on the trading day prior to the day on which we consummate our Business Combination (such price, the “Market Value”) is below $9.20 per share, the exercise price of the warrants will be adjusted (to the nearest cent) to be equal to 115% of the higher of the Market Value and the Newly Issued Price, the $18.00 per share redemption trigger price will be adjusted (to the nearest cent) to be equal to 180% of the higher of the Market Value and the Newly Issued Price, and the $10.00 per share redemption trigger price will be adjusted (to the nearest cent) to be equal to the higher of the Market Value and the Newly Issued Price.


In case of any reclassification or reorganization of the outstanding Class A ordinary shares (other than those described above or that solely affects the par value of such Class A ordinary shares), or in the case of any merger or consolidation of us with or into another corporation (other than a consolidation or merger in which we are the continuing corporation and that does not result in any reclassification or reorganization of our outstanding Class A ordinary shares), or in the case of any sale or conveyance to another corporation or entity of the assets or other property of us as an entirety or substantially as an entirety in connection with which we are dissolved, the holders of the warrants will thereafter have the right to purchase and receive, upon the basis and upon the terms and conditions specified in the warrants and in lieu of the Class A ordinary shares immediately theretofore purchasable and receivable upon the exercise of the rights represented thereby, the kind and amount of Class A ordinary shares or other securities or property (including cash) receivable upon such reclassification, reorganization, merger or consolidation, or upon a dissolution following any such sale or transfer, that the holder of the warrants would have received if such holder had exercised their warrants immediately prior to such event. However, if such holders were entitled to exercise a right of election as to the kind or amount of securities, cash or other assets receivable upon such consolidation or merger, then the kind and amount of securities, cash or other assets for which each warrant will become exercisable will be deemed to be the weighted average of the kind and amount received per share by such holders in such consolidation or merger that affirmatively make such election, and if a tender, exchange or redemption offer has been made to and accepted by such holders (other than a tender, exchange or redemption offer made by the company in connection with redemption rights held by shareholders of the company as provided for in the company’s amended and restated memorandum and articles of association or as a result of the redemption of Class A ordinary shares by the company if a proposed Business Combination is presented to the shareholders of the company for approval) under circumstances in which, upon completion of such tender or exchange offer, the maker thereof, together with members of any group (within the meaning of Rule 13d-5(b)(1) under the Exchange Act) of which such maker is a part, and together with any affiliate or associate of such maker (within the meaning of Rule 12b-2 under the Exchange Act) and any members of any such group of which any such affiliate or associate is a part, own beneficially (within the meaning of Rule 13d-3 under the Exchange Act) more than 50% of the issued and outstanding Class A ordinary shares, the holder of a warrant will be entitled to receive the highest amount of cash, securities or other property to which such holder would actually have been entitled as a shareholder if such warrant holder had exercised the warrant prior to the expiration of such tender or exchange offer, accepted such offer and all of the Class A ordinary shares held by such holder had been purchased pursuant to such tender or exchange offer, subject to adjustment (from and after the consummation of such tender or exchange offer) as nearly equivalent as possible to the adjustments provided for in the warrant agreement. If less than 70% of the consideration receivable by the holders of Class A ordinary shares in such a transaction is payable in the form of Class A ordinary shares in the successor entity that is listed for trading on a national securities exchange or is quoted in an established over-the-counter market, or is to be so listed for trading or quoted immediately following such event, and if the registered holder of the warrant properly exercises the warrant within thirty days following public disclosure of such transaction, the warrant exercise price will be reduced as specified in the warrant agreement based on the Black-Scholes value (as defined in the warrant agreement) of the warrant. The purpose of such exercise price reduction is to provide additional value to holders of the warrants when an extraordinary transaction occurs during the exercise period of the warrants pursuant to which the holders of the warrants otherwise do not receive the full potential value of the warrants. The purpose of such exercise price reduction is to provide additional value to holders of the warrants when an extraordinary transaction occurs during the exercise period of the warrants pursuant to which the holders of the warrants otherwise do not receive the full potential value of the warrants.

认股权证是根据作为认股权证代理的大陆股票转让信托公司与我们之间的认股权证协议以 登记形式发行的。认股权证协议规定,认股权证的条款可在未经任何持有人同意的情况下进行修改,目的是(I)消除任何含糊之处或纠正任何错误,包括使认股权证协议的规定符合认股权证条款的描述及招股说明书所载的首次公开发售认股权证协议,(Ii)根据认股权证协议修订与普通股派发现金股息有关的条文 ,或(Iii)因认股权证协议订约方认为必要或适宜而增加或更改与认股权证协议项下所产生的事项或问题有关的任何条文,而双方认为不会对认股权证登记持有人的权利造成不利影响,惟条件是 须经至少50%当时尚未发行的公共认股权证持有人批准,方可作出对登记持有人利益造成不利 影响的任何变更。您应查看认股权证协议的副本,该副本已作为证据 提交到我们于2021年1月15日提交的当前8-K表格报告中,以获取适用于认股权证的条款和条件的完整描述。


认股权证持有人在行使认股权证并获得 A类普通股之前,没有 普通股持有人的权利或特权以及任何投票权。在认股权证行使后发行A类普通股后,每名持有人将有权就股东表决的所有事项就每一份记录在案的股份投一票 。

单位分拆时,不会发行零碎可赎回认股权证 ,只会买卖整份认股权证。如果在认股权证行使后,持有人将有权 接收股份的零碎权益,我们将在行使后,将向认股权证持有人发行的A类普通股 数目向下舍入至最接近的整数。


A contingent right to receive distributable redeemable warrants will be attached to each Class A ordinary share. In accordance with the terms of the contingent rights agreement, each holder of a contingent right will receive, at the distribution time, one-sixth of one distributable redeemable warrant, as follows: (i) to the extent that no Class A ordinary shareholders redeem their Class A ordinary shares issued in our initial public offering (whether acquired in the offering or afterwards) in connection with our Business Combination each Class A ordinary shareholder will receive one-sixth of one distributable redeemable warrant per Class A ordinary share held; and (ii) to the extent that any Class A ordinary shareholders redeem any of their Class A ordinary shares in connection with our Business Combination, then (A) one-sixth of one distributable redeemable warrant will be distributed to the holder of each Class A ordinary share that was not redeemed and (B) no distributable redeemable warrants will be distributed in respect of any Class A ordinary shares that were redeemed. Class A ordinary shareholders who exercise their redemption rights are not entitled to receive any distributable redeemable warrants in respect of such redeemed Class A ordinary shares or any contingent rights, and the contingent rights attached to those ordinary shares will be worthless after such redemption. No fractional distributable redeemable warrants shall be distributed; fractional warrants will be rounded down to the nearest whole number of warrants. As a result, you must hold contingent rights in multiples of six in order to receive distributable redeemable warrants for all of your rights upon closing of a business combination. The contingent right to receive distributable redeemable warrants will remain attached to our Class A ordinary shares, will not be separately transferable, assignable or salable and will not be evidenced by any certificate or instrument. As a result, you may not buy or sell a contingent right separately from the Class A ordinary share to which it is attached.

或有权利持有人无需支付额外代价 ,以在分派时 接收可分派可赎回认股权证。或然权益持有人并无普通股持有人的权利或特权或任何投票权。 或有权利协议的条款可由公司和权利代理人修订,无需任何或有权利 的任何持有人的同意,以纠正任何歧义,或纠正,更正或补充其中包含的任何缺陷条款,或 添加或更改任何其他条款,以当事人的身份在或有权利协议下产生的事项或问题 可能认为是必要或可取的;但是,任何会对或有权利持有人利益产生不利影响的修订,都需要获得当时未行使或有权利持有人的不少于三分之二的同意或投票, 可通过他们对普通股的所有权证明。您应查看或有权利协议的副本,该副本将作为附件 提交给SEC,以了解适用于或有权利的条款和条件 的完整描述, 将于2021年1月15日提交给SEC。

如果我们无法在规定的时间内完成 我们的初始业务合并,并且我们清算了信托账户中持有的资金,则或有权利 持有人将不会就其或有权利获得任何此类资金,他们也不会从我们在信托账户之外持有的资产 中就此类或有权利获得任何分配,且或有权利到期时将毫无价值。