本注册权 协议(本“协议”),日期为2010年8月 [__]2023年,由Lytus Technologies Holdings PTV共同开发。有限公司, a根据英属维尔京群岛法律组建的公司,办事处位于601 Everest Grande,A Wing,Mahakali Caves Road, Andheri(East),Mumbai,India 400 093(以下简称"公司"),以及以下签名的买方(各为"买方", ,统称为"买方")。
a. 与本协议各方于2023年8月31日签署的证券购买协议有关(“证券购买协议”),本公司已同意,根据证券购买协议的条款和条件, 向各买方发行并出售(i)初始优先股(定义见证券购买协议),可转换为初始转换股份 (定义见证券购买协议)根据指定证书的条款 (ii)优先认股权证(定义见证券购买协议)购买 认股权证优先股(定义见证券购买协议)(这种权证优先股连同初始优先股 ,"优先股",转换后,根据优先认股权证和(ii)普通认股权证的条款,(定义见证券购买协议)(“认股权证”) 根据认股权证的条款购买普通股(定义见证券购买协议)(“认股权证股份”)。
B.为促使买方完成《证券购买协议》所设想的交易,本公司已同意根据修订后的《1933年证券法》、其下的规则和法规或任何类似的后续法规(统称为《1933年法》)和适用的州证券法,提供 某些注册权。
本协议中使用的大写术语和未作其他定义的术语应具有《证券购买协议》中规定的相应含义。在本协议中, 下列术语应具有以下含义:
(A)“营业日”是指除星期六、星期日或其他日外,纽约市的商业银行被授权或法律要求继续关闭的任何日子;但为澄清起见,只要纽约市商业银行的电子转账系统(包括电汇转账)在这一天对客户开放,商业银行不应被视为获得授权或被法律要求继续关闭,只要在这一天,纽约市商业银行的电子转账系统(包括电汇系统)通常对客户开放,则不应因“待在家里”、“原地避难”、 “非必要雇员”或任何其他类似命令或限制或在任何政府当局的指示下关闭任何实体分支机构而被视为获得授权或被法律要求继续关闭。
(d)"有效性 截止日期"是指(i)关于根据第2(a)条要求提交的初始注册声明, (A)第90个日历日中较早者(或第120个日历日,如果该初始注册声明须由 SEC全面审查)和(B)公司收到通知之日后的第二个营业日(以口头或书面形式,以较早者为准) 由美国证券交易委员会通知,该注册声明将不会被审查或将不会被进一步审查,以及(ii)关于公司根据本协议可能需要提交的任何 其他注册声明,(A) 公司被要求提交此类额外登记声明之日后的第60个日历日(或第90个日历日,如果此类额外登记声明须经SEC全面审查),且(B)2发送SEC通知公司(口头或书面,以较早者为准)该注册声明将不予审查 或将不予进一步审查之日后的 工作日。
(e)"提交 截止日期"是指(i)关于根据第2(a)条要求提交的初始注册声明, 30这是截止日期后的日历日,以及(ii)对于可能要求公司 根据本协议提交的任何额外登记声明,为公司根据本协议条款提交此类额外登记声明的日期。
(f)"投资者" 是指买方或任何可登记证券、优先股、优先认股权证或认股权证(如适用)的任何受让人或受让人, 买方已向其转让本协议项下的权利,并同意根据 第9节受本协议条款约束,以及任何可登记证券、优先股、优先股、 优先认股权证或认股权证(如适用)转让其在本协议项下的权利,并同意根据第9条受本协议条款约束。
(i)"可登记 证券"指(i)转换股份,(ii)认股权证股份,以及(iii)与转换股份、认股权证股份、优先股或认股权证有关的已发行或可发行 的任何本公司股本,包括但不限于(1)由于 任何股份分割、股份股息、资本重组,交易所或类似事件或其他,以及(2)普通股所组成的 公司的任何股本,(如指定证书中的定义)转换或交换 继承实体的股本(定义见认股权证),在每种情况下,不考虑 优先股转换或行使认股权证的任何限制。
(K)“所需的 持有人”应具有《证券购买协议》中规定的含义。
(l)"所需 登记金额"指(在任何确定时间)(i)优先股转换时可发行的转换股份的最大数量 的总和(就本协议而言,假设(x)优先认股权证已全部行使,(y) 优先股可按最低价转换,(定义见指定证书)自确定之时起 及(z)任何该等转换均不应考虑指定证书中规定的优先股转换的任何限制,及(ii)认股权证行使时可发行的认股权证股份的最大数量(不考虑其中所载的认股权证行使的任何限制),所有这些都可根据第2(d)条和/或第2(f)条的规定进行调整。
(m)“规则 144”是指SEC根据1933年法案颁布的规则144(该规则可能会不时修订),或SEC的任何其他类似或后续规则或法规,这些规则或法规可能在任何时候允许投资者向公众出售公司证券而无需 注册。
(a) Mandatory Registration. The Company shall prepare and, as soon as practicable, but in no event later than the Filing Deadline, file with the SEC an initial Registration Statement on Form F-3 covering the resale of all of the Registrable Securities, provided that such initial Registration Statement shall register for resale at least the number of Common Shares equal to the Required Registration Amount as of the date such Registration Statement is initially filed with the SEC; provided further that if Form F-3 is unavailable for such a registration, the Company shall use such other form as is required by Section 2(c). Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Company may, no later than the Filing Deadline, file an amendment to its registration statement on Form F-1 (File No. 333-268711) filed on December 8, 2022 to cover the resale of all Registrable Securities therein. Such initial Registration Statement, and each other Registration Statement required to be filed pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, shall contain (except if otherwise directed by the Required Holders) the “Selling Shareholders” and “Plan of Distribution” sections in substantially the form attached hereto as Exhibit B. The Company shall use its best efforts to have such initial Registration Statement, and each other Registration Statement required to be filed pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, declared effective by the SEC as soon as practicable, but in no event later than the applicable Effectiveness Deadline for such Registration Statement.
(B)法律顾问。Kelley Drye&Warren LLP仅是牵头投资人的法律顾问(“法律顾问”) 应仅代表牵头投资人根据本第2节审查和监督任何注册。
(c) 没有资格使用表格F—3。如果表格F—3无法用于登记本协议项下的可登记证券的转售, 公司应(i)以表格F—1或其他适当的表格 登记可登记证券的转售,以及(ii)承诺在表格F—3上登记可登记证券的转售 ,条件是,公司应维持当时有效的所有登记声明的有效性,直至 涵盖所有可登记证券转售的表格F—3的登记声明已被SEC宣布生效且 其中所载的招股说明书可供使用为止。
(D)足够数量的已登记股份。如果任何注册声明下的可用股票数量不足以涵盖 该注册声明要求涵盖的所有应注册证券或根据第2(H)节投资者分配的应注册证券的 部分,公司应修订该注册声明(如果允许),或向美国证券交易委员会提交新的注册声明(以可供使用的缩写形式,如适用),或两者兼而有之,以至少覆盖紧接提交该修订或新注册声明日期之前的交易日所需的注册金额, 在每种情况下,应在切实可行范围内尽快提交,但无论如何不得迟于必要之日起十五(15)天内提交(但要考虑到工作人员相对于工作人员允许对注册说明书进行修改和/或向美国证券交易委员会提交新注册说明书(视情况而定)的日期的任何工作人员的立场)。公司应尽最大努力使对该注册声明和/或该新注册声明(视情况而定)的该等修订在切实可行的范围内尽快生效 在向美国证券交易委员会提交后 ,但在任何情况下不得晚于该注册声明的适用生效期限。 为上述规定的目的,如果在任何时间,适用的注册声明下可供转售的普通股数量少于(I)当时所需注册金额乘以(Ii) 0.90的乘积,则注册声明下可供转售的普通股数量应被视为“不足以涵盖所有可注册证券”。前述句子所述的计算应不考虑对转换、摊销和/或赎回优先股或行使认股权证的任何限制(该计算应假设(A)优先股可按当时的现行换算率(如指定证书所定义)全部转换为普通股), (B)优先股于预定到期日(定义见指定证书)仍未发行,且于预定到期日前并无赎回优先股,及(C)于截止日期已悉数行使优先认股权证 及(D)认股权证可按当时的行使价(定义见认股权证)悉数行使为普通股。
(e) Effect of Failure to File and Obtain and Maintain Effectiveness of any Registration Statement. If (i) a Registration Statement covering the resale of all of the Registrable Securities required to be covered thereby (disregarding any reduction pursuant to Section 2(f)) and required to be filed by the Company pursuant to this Agreement is (A) not filed with the SEC on or before the Filing Deadline for such Registration Statement (a “Filing Failure”) (it being understood that if the Company files a Registration Statement without affording each Investor and Legal Counsel the opportunity to review and comment on the same as required by Section 3(c) hereof, the Company shall be deemed to not have satisfied this clause (i)(A) and such event shall be deemed to be a Filing Failure) or (B) not declared effective by the SEC on or before the Effectiveness Deadline for such Registration Statement (an “Effectiveness Failure”) (it being understood that if on the Business Day immediately following the Effective Date for such Registration Statement the Company shall not have filed a “final” prospectus for such Registration Statement with the SEC under Rule 424(b) in accordance with Section 3(b) (whether or not such a prospectus is technically required by such rule), the Company shall be deemed to not have satisfied this clause (i)(B) and such event shall be deemed to be an Effectiveness Failure), (ii) other than during an Allowable Grace Period (as defined below), on any day after the Effective Date of a Registration Statement sales of all of the Registrable Securities required to be included on such Registration Statement (disregarding any reduction pursuant to Section 2(f)) cannot be made pursuant to such Registration Statement (including, without limitation, because of a failure to keep such Registration Statement effective, a failure to disclose such information as is necessary for sales to be made pursuant to such Registration Statement, a suspension or delisting of (or a failure to timely list) the Common Shares on the Principal Market (as defined in the Securities Purchase Agreement) or any other limitations imposed by the Principal Market, or a failure to register a sufficient number of Common Shares or by reason of a stop order) or the prospectus contained therein is not available for use for any reason (a “Maintenance Failure”), or (iii) if a Registration Statement is not effective for any reason or the prospectus contained therein is not available for use for any reason, and either (x) the Company fails for any reason to satisfy the requirements of Rule 144(c)(1), including, without limitation, the failure to satisfy the current public information requirement under Rule 144(c) or (y) the Company has ever been an issuer described in Rule 144(i)(1)(i) or becomes such an issuer in the future, and the Company shall fail to satisfy any condition set forth in Rule 144(i)(2) (a “Current Public Information Failure”) as a result of which any of the Investors are unable to sell Registrable Securities without restriction under Rule 144 (including, without limitation, volume restrictions), then, as partial relief for the damages to any holder by reason of any such delay in, or reduction of, its ability to sell the underlying Common Shares (which remedy shall not be exclusive of any other remedies available at law or in equity, including, without limitation, specific performance), the Company shall pay to each holder of Registrable Securities relating to such Registration Statement an amount in cash equal to two percent (2%) of such Investor’s Purchase Price (as defined in the Securities Purchase Agreement) (1) on the date of such Filing Failure, Effectiveness Failure, Maintenance Failure or Current Public Information Failure, as applicable, and (2) on every thirty (30) day anniversary of (I) a Filing Failure until such Filing Failure is cured; (II) an Effectiveness Failure until such Effectiveness Failure is cured; (III) a Maintenance Failure until such Maintenance Failure is cured; and (IV) a Current Public Information Failure until the earlier of (i) the date such Current Public Information Failure is cured and (ii) such time that such public information is no longer required pursuant to Rule 144 (in each case, pro rated for periods totaling less than thirty (30) days). The payments to which a holder of Registrable Securities shall be entitled pursuant to this Section 2(e) are referred to herein as “Registration Delay Payments.” Following the initial Registration Delay Payment for any particular event or failure (which shall be paid on the date of such event or failure, as set forth above), without limiting the foregoing, if an event or failure giving rise to the Registration Delay Payments is cured prior to any thirty (30) day anniversary of such event or failure, then such Registration Delay Payment shall be made on the third (3研发(治疗后的工作日。 如果公司未能按照上述规定及时支付注册延期付款,则该等注册延期付款应按每月百分之二(2%)的利率计息(部分月份按比例计息),直至全额支付。尽管 有上述规定,不应向投资者支付注册延迟付款(由于暂停或摘牌(或未能及时在主要市场上市)普通股导致的维持失败除外),在此期间内,投资者可以不受规则144限制地出售所有投资者的可登记证券(包括, 但不限于,数量限制),并且不需要规则144(c)(1)(或规则144(i)(2), ,如果适用)要求的当前公共信息。
(f) Offering. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement, but subject to the payment of the Registration Delay Payments pursuant to Section 2(e), in the event the staff of the SEC (the “Staff”) or the SEC seeks to characterize any offering pursuant to a Registration Statement filed pursuant to this Agreement as constituting an offering of securities by, or on behalf of, the Company, or in any other manner, such that the Staff or the SEC do not permit such Registration Statement to become effective and used for resales in a manner that does not constitute such an offering and that permits the continuous resale at the market by the Investors participating therein (or as otherwise may be acceptable to each Investor) without being named therein as an “underwriter,” then the Company shall reduce the number of shares to be included in such Registration Statement by all Investors until such time as the Staff and the SEC shall so permit such Registration Statement to become effective as aforesaid. In making such reduction, the Company shall reduce the number of shares to be included by all Investors on a pro rata basis (based upon the number of Registrable Securities otherwise required to be included for each Investor) unless the inclusion of shares by a particular Investor or a particular set of Investors are resulting in the Staff or the SEC’s “by or on behalf of the Company” offering position, in which event the shares held by such Investor or set of Investors shall be the only shares subject to reduction (and if by a set of Investors on a pro rata basis by such Investors or on such other basis as would result in the exclusion of the least number of shares by all such Investors); provided, that, with respect to such pro rata portion allocated to any Investor, such Investor may elect the allocation of such pro rata portion among the Registrable Securities of such Investor. In addition, in the event that the Staff or the SEC requires any Investor seeking to sell securities under a Registration Statement filed pursuant to this Agreement to be specifically identified as an “underwriter” in order to permit such Registration Statement to become effective, and such Investor does not consent to being so named as an underwriter in such Registration Statement, then, in each such case, the Company shall reduce the total number of Registrable Securities to be registered on behalf of such Investor, until such time as the Staff or the SEC does not require such identification or until such Investor accepts such identification and the manner thereof. Any reduction pursuant to this paragraph will first reduce all Registrable Securities other than those issued pursuant to the Securities Purchase Agreement. In the event of any reduction in Registrable Securities pursuant to this paragraph, an affected Investor shall have the right to require, upon delivery of a written request to the Company signed by such Investor, the Company to file a registration statement within twenty (20) days of such request (subject to any restrictions imposed by Rule 415 or required by the Staff or the SEC) for resale by such Investor in a manner acceptable to such Investor, and the Company shall following such request cause to be and keep effective such registration statement in the same manner as otherwise contemplated in this Agreement for registration statements hereunder, in each case until such time as: (i) all Registrable Securities held by such Investor have been registered and sold pursuant to an effective Registration Statement in a manner acceptable to such Investor or (ii) all Registrable Securities may be resold by such Investor without restriction (including, without limitation, volume limitations) pursuant to Rule 144 (taking account of any Staff position with respect to “affiliate” status) and without the need for current public information required by Rule 144(c)(1) (or Rule 144(i)(2), if applicable) or (iii) such Investor agrees to be named as an underwriter in any such Registration Statement in a manner acceptable to such Investor as to all Registrable Securities held by such Investor and that have not theretofore been included in a Registration Statement under this Agreement (it being understood that the special demand right under this sentence may be exercised by an Investor multiple times and with respect to limited amounts of Registrable Securities in order to permit the resale thereof by such Investor as contemplated above).
(g) Piggyback Registrations. Without limiting any obligation of the Company hereunder or under the Securities Purchase Agreement, if there is not an effective Registration Statement covering all of the Registrable Securities or the prospectus contained therein is not available for use and the Company shall determine to prepare and file with the SEC a registration statement or offering statement relating to an offering for its own account or the account of others under the 1933 Act of any of its equity securities (other than on Form F-4 or Form S-8 (each as promulgated under the 1933 Act) or their then equivalents relating to equity securities to be issued solely in connection with any acquisition of any entity or business or equity securities issuable in connection with the Company’s share option or other employee benefit plans), then the Company shall deliver to each Investor a written notice of such determination and, if within fifteen (15) days after the date of the delivery of such notice, any such Investor shall so request in writing, the Company shall include in such registration statement or offering statement all or any part of such Registrable Securities such Investor requests to be registered; provided, however, the Company shall not be required to register any Registrable Securities pursuant to this Section 2(g) that are eligible for resale pursuant to Rule 144 without restriction (including, without limitation, volume restrictions) and without the need for current public information required by Rule 144(c)(1) (or Rule 144(i)(2), if applicable) or that are the subject of a then-effective Registration Statement.
(h)可登记证券的分配 。任何登记声明中包含的可登记证券的初始数量和 其中包含的可登记证券数量的任何增加,应根据在证券交易委员会宣布该初始数量的登记声明或其增加 生效时每个投资者持有的可登记证券数量按比例在投资者之间分配。如果投资者出售或以其他方式转让任何此类投资者的可登记证券,则每个成为投资者的受让人或受让人(视情况而定)应按比例分配该转让人或受让人(视情况而定)的此类登记声明中所包含的当时剩余 数量的可登记证券的一部分。登记声明中包含的任何普通股 ,且仍分配给停止持有该登记声明所涵盖的任何可登记证券的任何人,应根据该等投资者当时持有的该登记声明所涵盖的可登记证券的数量,按比例分配给剩余投资者。
(i) 不包括其他证券。除附表2(i)中规定的此类证券外,如果 美国证券交易委员会有任何第415条削减,则应在可登记证券的任何削减之前予以削减,在任何情况下,未经所需 持有人事先书面同意,公司不得将 可登记证券以外的任何证券纳入根据本文件提交的任何登记声明中。在适用日期(定义见证券购买协议)之前,本公司不得签订任何协议,向其任何证券持有人提供 任何登记权,但证券购买协议另有允许者除外。
3.相关的 义务。
(a) The Company shall promptly prepare and file with the SEC a Registration Statement with respect to all the Registrable Securities (but in no event later than the applicable Filing Deadline) and use its best efforts to cause such Registration Statement to become effective as soon as practicable after such filing (but in no event later than the Effectiveness Deadline). Subject to Allowable Grace Periods, the Company shall keep each Registration Statement effective (and the prospectus contained therein available for use) pursuant to Rule 415 for resales by the Investors on a delayed or continuous basis at then-prevailing market prices (and not fixed prices) at all times until the earlier of (i) the date as of which all of the Investors may sell all of the Registrable Securities required to be covered by such Registration Statement (disregarding any reduction pursuant to Section 2(f)) without restriction pursuant to Rule 144 (including, without limitation, volume restrictions) and without the need for current public information required by Rule 144(c)(1) (or Rule 144(i)(2), if applicable) or (ii) the date on which the Investors shall have sold all of the Registrable Securities covered by such Registration Statement (the “Registration Period”). Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement, the Company shall ensure that, when filed and at all times while effective, each Registration Statement (including, without limitation, all amendments and supplements thereto) and the prospectus (including, without limitation, all amendments and supplements thereto) used in connection with such Registration Statement (1) shall not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact required to be stated therein, or necessary to make the statements therein (in the case of prospectuses, in the light of the circumstances in which they were made) not misleading and (2) will disclose (whether directly or through incorporation by reference to other SEC filings to the extent permitted) all material information regarding the Company and its securities. The Company shall submit to the SEC, within one (1) Business Day after the later of the date that (i) the Company learns that no review of a particular Registration Statement will be made by the Staff or that the Staff has no further comments on a particular Registration Statement (as the case may be) and (ii) the consent of Legal Counsel is obtained pursuant to Section 3(c) (which consent shall be immediately sought), a request for acceleration of effectiveness of such Registration Statement to a time and date not later than twenty-four (24) hours after the submission of such request. The Company shall respond in writing to comments made by the SEC in respect of a Registration Statement as soon as practicable, but in no event later than fifteen (15) days after the receipt of comments by or notice from the SEC that an amendment is required in order for a Registration Statement to be declared effective.
(b) Subject to Section 3(r) of this Agreement, the Company shall prepare and file with the SEC such amendments (including, without limitation, post-effective amendments) and supplements to each Registration Statement and the prospectus used in connection with each such Registration Statement, which prospectus is to be filed pursuant to Rule 424 promulgated under the 1933 Act, as may be necessary to keep each such Registration Statement effective at all times during the Registration Period for such Registration Statement, and, during such period, comply with the provisions of the 1933 Act with respect to the disposition of all Registrable Securities of the Company required to be covered by such Registration Statement until such time as all of such Registrable Securities shall have been disposed of in accordance with the intended methods of disposition by the seller or sellers thereof as set forth in such Registration Statement; provided, however, by 8:30 a.m. (New York time) on the Business Day immediately following each Effective Date, the Company shall file with the SEC in accordance with Rule 424(b) under the 1933 Act the final prospectus to be used in connection with sales pursuant to the applicable Registration Statement (whether or not such a prospectus is technically required by such rule). In the case of amendments and supplements to any Registration Statement which are required to be filed pursuant to this Agreement (including, without limitation, pursuant to this Section 3(b)) by reason of the Company filing a report on Form 6-K, Form 20-F or any analogous report under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the “1934 Act”), the Company shall, if permitted under the applicable rules and regulations of the SEC, have incorporated such report by reference into such Registration Statement, if applicable, or shall file such amendments or supplements with the SEC on the same day on which the 1934 Act report is filed which created the requirement for the Company to amend or supplement such Registration Statement.
(c) The Company shall (A) permit Legal Counsel and legal counsel for each other Investor to review and comment upon (i) each Registration Statement at least five (5) Business Days prior to its filing with the SEC and (ii) all amendments and supplements to each Registration Statement (including, without limitation, the prospectus contained therein) (except for Annual Reports on Form 20-F, Report of Foreign Issuer on Form 6-K, and any similar or successor reports) within a reasonable number of days prior to their filing with the SEC, and (B) not file any Registration Statement or amendment or supplement thereto in a form to which Legal Counsel or any legal counsel for any other Investor reasonably objects. The Company shall not submit a request for acceleration of the effectiveness of a Registration Statement or any amendment or supplement thereto or to any prospectus contained therein without the prior consent of Legal Counsel, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. The Company shall promptly furnish to Legal Counsel and legal counsel for each other Investor, without charge, (i) copies of any correspondence from the SEC or the Staff to the Company or its representatives relating to each Registration Statement, provided that such correspondence shall not contain any material, non-public information regarding the Company or any of its Subsidiaries (as defined in the Securities Purchase Agreement), (ii) after the same is prepared and filed with the SEC, one (1) copy of each Registration Statement and any amendment(s) and supplement(s) thereto, including, without limitation, financial statements and schedules, all documents incorporated therein by reference, if requested by an Investor, and all exhibits and (iii) upon the effectiveness of each Registration Statement, one (1) copy of the prospectus included in such Registration Statement and all amendments and supplements thereto. The Company shall reasonably cooperate with Legal Counsel and legal counsel for each other Investor in performing the Company’s obligations pursuant to this Section 3.
(D)如投资者提出要求,公司应立即免费向每一位其应登记证券被纳入任何注册说明书的投资者提供 (I)每份注册说明书及其任何修正案(S)和附录(S)的至少一(1)份副本,包括但不限于财务报表和附表、通过引用而并入的所有文件、所有证物和每份初步招股说明书,(Ii)每份注册说明书生效后,十(10)份招股章程及其所有修订和补充文件(或该投资者可能不时合理要求的其他份数)及(Iii)该投资者可能不时合理要求的其他文件,包括但不限于任何初步或最终招股章程的副本,以促进处置该投资者所拥有的 须登记证券。
(E)公司应尽其最大努力:(I)根据美国所有适用司法管辖区的其他证券或“蓝天”法律 ,对注册声明所涵盖的可注册证券的投资者进行转售,并使其符合资格(除非适用于注册和资格豁免),(Ii)准备并在这些司法管辖区提交必要的修订(包括但不限于生效后的修订)和对该等注册和资格的补充,以在注册期内维持其效力。(Iii)采取可能需要的其他行动,以维持该等注册和资格在注册期内始终有效,及(Iv)采取一切合理必要或适宜的其他行动,使应注册证券有资格在该等司法管辖区出售;然而,本公司不应因此而被要求(X)符合在任何司法管辖区开展业务的资格,否则不需要符合第(Br)条第(E)款的规定,(Y)在任何该等司法管辖区缴纳一般税项,或(Z)在任何该等司法管辖区提交送达法律程序文件的一般同意书。本公司应立即通知其他投资者的法律顾问、其他投资者的法律顾问以及持有可注册证券的每一位投资者本公司收到关于根据美国任何司法管辖区的证券或“蓝天”法律暂停任何待售注册证券的注册或资格的通知,或收到为此目的启动或威胁提起任何法律程序的实际通知。
(f) The Company shall notify Legal Counsel, legal counsel for each other Investor and each Investor in writing of the happening of any event, as promptly as practicable after becoming aware of such event, as a result of which the prospectus included in a Registration Statement, as then in effect, may include an untrue statement of a material fact or omission to state a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein, in the light of the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading (provided that in no event shall such notice contain any material, non-public information regarding the Company or any of its Subsidiaries), and, subject to Section 3(r), promptly prepare a supplement or amendment to such Registration Statement and such prospectus contained therein to correct such untrue statement or omission and deliver ten (10) copies of such supplement or amendment to Legal Counsel, legal counsel for each other Investor and each Investor (or such other number of copies as Legal Counsel, legal counsel for each other Investor or such Investor may reasonably request). The Company shall also promptly notify Legal Counsel, legal counsel for each other Investor and each Investor in writing (i) when a prospectus or any prospectus supplement or post-effective amendment has been filed, when a Registration Statement or any post-effective amendment has become effective (notification of such effectiveness shall be delivered to Legal Counsel, legal counsel for each other Investor and each Investor by e-mail on the same day of such effectiveness and by overnight mail), and when the Company receives written notice from the SEC that a Registration Statement or any post-effective amendment will be reviewed by the SEC, (ii) of any request by the SEC for amendments or supplements to a Registration Statement or related prospectus or related information, (iii) of the Company’s reasonable determination that a post-effective amendment to a Registration Statement would be appropriate; and (iv) of the receipt of any request by the SEC or any other federal or state governmental authority for any additional information relating to the Registration Statement or any amendment or supplement thereto or any related prospectus. The Company shall respond as promptly as practicable to any comments received from the SEC with respect to each Registration Statement or any amendment thereto (it being understood and agreed that the Company’s response to any such comments shall be delivered to the SEC no later than fifteen (15) Business Days after the receipt thereof).
(g) 公司应(i)尽其最大努力防止发布任何停止令或其他暂停每个注册 声明的有效性或使用其中包含的任何招股说明书,或暂停资格,或丧失资格豁免, 任何可注册证券在任何司法管辖区销售,如果发布此类命令或暂停,尽早撤回 该命令或暂停,以及(ii)通知法律顾问、其他投资者的法律顾问和持有可登记证券的每个 投资者关于该命令的发布及其决议或其收到关于 为此目的启动或威胁提起任何诉讼的实际通知。
(h)如果根据适用的证券法,任何投资者可能需要在任何登记声明中被描述为承销商,并且该投资者同意被指定为承销商,则应任何投资者的要求,公司应向该投资者提供, 该登记声明生效之日,以及此后投资者合理要求的日期(i)公司的独立注册会计师于上述日期出具的致投资者的信函,其形式和内容与独立注册会计师在承销的公开发行中通常 向承销商出具的信函相同,以及 (ii)代表公司的律师于上述日期出具的关于上述登记声明的意见,其形式如下:范围 和内容,通常在承销的公开发行中提供,并向投资者提供。
(I)如果根据适用的证券法,任何投资者可能需要在任何注册声明中被描述为承销商,并且该投资者同意被指定为承销商,则在该投资者的书面要求下,本公司应提供给(I)该投资者、(Ii)该投资者的法律顾问和(Iii)该投资者所聘用的一(1)家会计师事务所或其他代理人(统称为“检查员”)、所有相关的财务和其他记录、相关的公司文件和本公司的财产(统称为“记录”)以供查阅。每名审查员合理地认为必要的,并促使公司的高级职员、董事和雇员提供任何审查员可能合理要求的所有资料;但各检查员应书面同意严格保密,不得披露(除向投资者外)或使用本公司董事会诚意认定为保密的任何记录或其他信息,并将此决定通知检查员,除非(1)披露此类记录是为了避免或纠正任何登记声明中的错误陈述或遗漏,或根据1933年法案的其他要求,(2)根据最终决定,命令公布此类记录。来自有管辖权的法院或政府机构的不可上诉传票或命令,或(3)此类 记录中的信息已向公众公开,但违反本协议或任何其他交易 文件(定义见证券购买协议)的披露除外。该投资者同意,在获悉有司法管辖权的法院或政府机构或通过其他方式要求披露该等 记录后,应立即通知本公司,并允许本公司采取适当行动,防止披露被视为保密的记录,或获得保护令,费用由本公司承担。本协议(或本公司与该投资者之间的任何其他保密协议,如有) 不得被视为限制任何投资者以与适用法律法规相一致的方式出售可注册证券的能力。
(j) 公司应对提供给公司的有关投资者的信息保密,不得披露,除非(i) 披露此类信息是遵守联邦或州证券法所必需的,(ii)披露该等信息是 避免或纠正任何登记声明中的错误陈述或遗漏所必需的,或以其他方式需要在该等 根据《1933年法案》发布的注册声明,(iii)根据法院或具有管辖权的政府机构发出的传票或其他最终、不可上诉的命令发布此类信息,或(iv)该等资料已普遍提供 向公众披露,但违反本协议或任何其他交易文件的披露除外。本公司同意, 一旦得知有管辖权的法院或政府机构或通过其他方式要求披露有关投资者的此类信息,应立即向该投资者发出书面通知,并允许该投资者采取适当行动,以防止此类信息的披露或获得此类信息的保护令,相关费用由该投资者承担。
(K)在不限制本公司在证券购买协议下的任何义务的情况下,本公司应尽其最大努力(I)促使 每份注册声明涵盖的所有应注册证券在本公司发行的同一类别或系列的证券 随后在每个证券交易所上市(如果有的话),如果该等应注册证券当时根据该交易所的规则获准上市的话,(Ii)确保每个注册声明所涵盖的所有应注册证券在合资格市场(定义见《证券购买协议》)的指定和报价,或(Iii)如本公司已尽最大努力 满足前述第(I)或(Ii)款,但在不限制前述条文的一般性的情况下,本公司未能成功满足前述第(I)或(Ii)款,则本公司将尽其最大努力安排至少两名做市商就该等应注册证券向金融行业监管局(“FINRA”)注册。此外,本公司 应与每一位投资者以及任何该等投资者拟通过其出售其可登记证券的任何经纪商或交易商合作,按照该等投资者的要求,根据FINRA规则5110向FINRA提交申请。公司应支付与履行本第3(K)条规定的义务相关的所有费用和开支。
(l) 公司应与持有发行的可登记证券的投资者合作,并在适用范围内,便于 及时准备和交付证书(不带有任何限制性图例)代表根据登记声明提供的可登记证券,并使此类证书具有此类面额或金额(视情况而定)投资者 可能不时合理要求并以投资者可能要求的名称登记。
(m)如果投资者要求,公司应在收到该投资者的通知后尽快根据本协议第3(r)条的规定,(i)在招股说明书补充或生效后的修订中纳入投资者合理要求纳入的与可登记证券的销售和分销有关的信息,包括但不限于,关于 发售或出售的可登记证券数量、为此支付的购买价格以及在该发售中出售的可登记证券的任何其他发售条款的信息;(ii)在被告知将被纳入该招股章程补充文件的事项之后,或在-有效修正;及(iii) 如持有任何可登记证券的投资者合理要求,则对其中所载的任何登记声明或招股说明书作出补充或修订。
(o) 公司应尽快向其证券持有人提供收益表,但不得迟于收益表所涵盖期间结束后九十(90)天(以符合的形式,并以规定的方式,《1933年法案》第158条的规定),涵盖不迟于公司下一个财政季度的第一天开始的12个月期间。br}每份注册声明的适用生效日期。
(P)公司应尽其最大努力遵守美国证券交易委员会与本协议项下任何注册相关的所有适用规章制度 。
(q)在SEC宣布涵盖可注册证券的注册声明生效后的 一(1)个营业日内,公司 应提交,并应促使公司的法律顾问提交,该可登记证券的转让代理人(将副本 提供给其可登记证券包含在该登记声明中的投资者)确认该登记声明 已由证券交易委员会以附件A的形式宣布生效。
(r) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein (but subject to the last sentence of this Section 3(r)), at any time after the Effective Date of a particular Registration Statement, the Company may delay the disclosure of material, non-public information concerning the Company or any of its Subsidiaries the disclosure of which at the time is not, in the good faith opinion of the board of directors of the Company, in the best interest of the Company and, in the opinion of counsel to the Company, otherwise required (a “Grace Period”), provided that the Company shall promptly notify the Investors in writing of the (i) existence of material, non-public information giving rise to a Grace Period (provided that in each such notice the Company shall not disclose the content of such material, non-public information to any of the Investors) and the date on which such Grace Period will begin and (ii) date on which such Grace Period ends, provided further that (I) no Grace Period shall exceed ten (10) consecutive days and during any three hundred sixty five (365) day period all such Grace Periods shall not exceed an aggregate of thirty (30) days, (II) the first day of any Grace Period must be at least five (5) Trading Days after the last day of any prior Grace Period and (III) no Grace Period may exist during the sixty (60) Trading Day period immediately following the Effective Date of such Registration Statement (provided that such sixty (60) Trading Day period shall be extended by the number of Trading Days during such period and any extension thereof contemplated by this proviso during which such Registration Statement is not effective or the prospectus contained therein is not available for use) (each, an “Allowable Grace Period”). For purposes of determining the length of a Grace Period above, such Grace Period shall begin on and include the date the Investors receive the notice referred to in clause (i) above and shall end on and include the later of the date the Investors receive the notice referred to in clause (ii) above and the date referred to in such notice. The provisions of Section 3(g) hereof shall not be applicable during the period of any Allowable Grace Period. Upon expiration of each Grace Period, the Company shall again be bound by the first sentence of Section 3(f) with respect to the information giving rise thereto unless such material, non-public information is no longer applicable. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Section 3(r), the Company shall cause its transfer agent to deliver unlegended Common Shares to a transferee of an Investor in accordance with the terms of the Securities Purchase Agreement in connection with any sale of Registrable Securities with respect to which such Investor has entered into a contract for sale, and delivered a copy of the prospectus included as part of the particular Registration Statement to the extent applicable, prior to such Investor’s receipt of the notice of a Grace Period and for which the Investor has not yet settled.
(t) 公司或其任何子公司或关联公司均不得在任何公开披露或向 证券交易委员会、主要市场或任何合格市场提交的文件中将任何投资者确定为承销商,且任何被证券交易委员会视为承销商的买方不得免除公司 根据本协议或任何其他交易文件承担的任何义务(定义见《证券购买协议》);但是, 上述规定不应禁止本公司将本协议附件B的“发行计划”部分中的披露内容包括在《登记声明》中。
4.投资者义务 。
(B)每名 投资者接受须注册证券后,同意在本公司合理要求下与本公司就编制及提交本协议项下的每份注册说明书进行合作,除非该投资者已以书面通知本公司该投资者选择将该投资者的所有应注册证券排除在该注册说明书之外。
(c)每个 投资者同意,在收到公司关于发生第3(g)节 或第3(f)节第一句所述类型事件的通知后,该投资者应立即停止根据涵盖该等可登记证券的任何登记声明处理可登记证券,直至该投资者收到经补充或修订的招股说明书副本 第3(g)条或第3(f)条第一句所设想的,或收到不需要补充或修订的通知。 尽管本第4(c)条有任何相反的规定,公司应促使其转让代理人根据证券购买协议的条款,将未登记普通股交付给投资者的受让人,该投资者在收到投资者之前已就该可登记证券订立了销售合同 公司发出通知,通知发生第3(g)条或第3(f)条第一句所述的任何事件,且投资者尚未解决。
除承保折扣和佣金外,根据第2和第3条与注册、备案或资格相关产生的所有合理费用,包括但不限于所有注册费、上市和资格费、打印机和会计费、FINRA备案费(如果有)以及公司律师的费用和支出,应由公司支付。公司应偿还法律顾问 根据本协议第2条和第3条与注册、备案或资格相关的费用和支出 每项此类注册、备案或资格的费用和支出不得超过10,000美元。
(A)在法律允许的最大范围内,本公司将并据此对每位投资者及其每一位董事、高级职员、股东、成员、合伙人、雇员、代理人、顾问、代表(以及在职能上与持有此类头衔的人具有同等作用的任何其他人,尽管没有此类头衔或任何其他头衔)和控制1933年法案或1934年法令所指的此类投资者的每个人,以及每位董事、高级职员、股东、成员、 合伙人、雇员、代理人、该等控制人(每个人均为“受保障人”)的顾问、代表(以及在职能上与拥有此类头衔的人具有同等作用的任何其他人,尽管没有此类头衔或任何其他头衔)、 针对调查、准备或辩护任何诉讼所产生的任何损失、义务、索赔、损害赔偿、负债、或有、判决、罚款、罚金、收费、费用(包括但不限于法庭费用、合理律师费以及辩护和调查费用)、为和解而支付的金额或费用、共同或若干(统称为“索赔”), 由或向任何法院或政府、行政或其他监管机构、机构或美国证券交易委员会提出的上述索赔、诉讼、查询、法律程序、调查或上诉,无论是未决的还是受到威胁的,无论受保障人是或可能是其中一方(“弥偿损害赔偿”),其中任何一方都可能成为此类索赔(或诉讼或诉讼)的对象, 无论是开始还是威胁,在此方面)产生或基于:(I)在注册说明书或其生效后的任何修订中或在与发售可注册证券的任何司法管辖区的证券或其他“蓝天”法律下的发售资格 (“蓝天备案”)有关的任何备案中对重大事实的任何不真实或被指控的不真实陈述 ,或遗漏或被指控没有陈述其中要求陈述的重大事实或使其中的陈述不具误导性所必需的 ,(Ii)在该注册说明书生效日期前使用的任何初步招股章程内,或载于最终招股章程(如本公司向美国证券交易委员会提交对该初步招股章程的任何修订或补充)内的任何不真实陈述或被指称的对重要事实的不真实陈述,或遗漏或被指称在招股说明书内陈述作出该陈述所需的任何重要事实,而该陈述并无误导性或(Iii)本公司违反或指称违反《1933年法令》、《1934年法令》, 任何其他法律,包括但不限于任何州证券法或其下与根据注册声明要约或出售可注册证券有关的任何规则或法规,或(Iv)任何违反本协议的行为(前述第(I)至(Iv)款中的事项统称为“违规”)。除第6(C)款另有规定外,公司应立即向受赔偿人偿还因调查或抗辩此类索赔而产生的任何法律费用或其他合理费用。尽管本协议有任何相反规定, 本第6(A)节中包含的赔偿协议:(I)不适用于因依赖并符合受保障人向公司以书面形式向公司提供的信息而发生的违规行为而引起的受保障人的索赔,如果招股说明书是由公司根据第3(D)条及时提供的,则该受保障人为该受保障人明确用于准备该登记声明或对其进行的任何此类修订或补充; 和(Ii)不适用于为了结任何索赔而支付的金额,如果该和解是在未经本公司事先书面同意的情况下达成的,则该同意不得被无理拒绝或拖延。无论受赔人或其代表所作的任何调查如何,该赔偿应保持完全效力,并在任何投资者根据第9条转让任何可登记证券的情况下继续有效。
(B)就投资者参与的任何注册声明而言,该投资者同意就本公司、其每名董事、签署注册声明的每名高级职员及根据《1933年法令》或《1934年法令》所指控制本公司的每名人士(如有的话),就其任何一方可能受到的任何索偿或弥偿损害赔偿,以第6(A)节所述的同样程度及方式,分别及不共同地作出赔偿及抗辩。根据《1933年法案》、《1934年法案》或其他规定,只要该等索赔或弥偿损害赔偿因任何违规行为而产生或以此为基础,在每一种情况下,且仅限于该违规行为的发生依赖于该投资者向本公司明确提供以供与该注册声明相关使用的书面信息,且仅限于该程度;并且,在符合第6(C)节和第6(B)节中的以下但书的情况下,投资者应向受补偿方补偿因调查或辩护任何此类索赔而合理产生的任何法律费用或其他费用;然而, 然而,本第6(B)条所载的弥偿协议及第7条所载有关分担的协议,不适用于为了结任何索偿而支付的款项,如该等和解未经该投资者事先书面同意而达成,则该等同意不得被无理扣留或延迟,但根据本第6(B)条,该投资者只须就根据该注册声明适用的 出售可注册证券而向该投资者支付的不超过该投资者所得款项净额的索偿或获弥偿损害赔偿承担责任。无论受赔方或其代表进行任何调查,该赔偿应保持完全效力,并在任何投资者根据第9条转让任何可登记证券的情况下继续有效。
(C)受保障人或受保障方(视属何情况而定)在根据本条第6款收到关于启动涉及索赔的任何诉讼或程序(包括但不限于任何政府诉讼或法律程序)的通知后,如果将根据第6款向任何补偿方提出索赔,则该受保障人或受保障方(视属何情况而定)应立即将启动的书面通知交付给补偿方,而补偿方有权参与,并且,在补偿方希望与类似的任何其他补偿方共同注意到的范围内,由双方都满意的律师对其辩护进行控制(br}或被补偿方(视情况而定));但在以下情况下,受补偿人或受补偿方(视属何情况而定)有权保留自己的律师,并支付该律师的费用和开支:(I)补偿方已书面同意支付此类费用和开支;(Ii)补偿方未能在任何此类索赔中迅速承担抗辩 并聘请合理地令该受补偿人或受补偿方(视情况而定)满意的律师;或(Iii)任何该等索偿的指名方(包括但不限于任何被牵涉的一方)包括上述受弥偿人士或受弥偿一方(视属何情况而定)和弥偿一方,而该受弥偿人士或受弥偿一方(视属何情况而定)应已获律师告知,如果由同一名律师代表 上述受弥偿人士或受弥偿一方和受弥偿一方(在此情况下,如果被补偿方或被补偿方(视属何情况而定)以书面形式通知补偿方它选择聘请单独的律师,费用由补偿方承担,则补偿方无权承担辩护的费用,且该律师的费用应由补偿方承担,此外,在上述第(Iii)款的情况下,补偿方不应对该被补偿人或被补偿方的一(1)名以上的单独法律顾问的合理费用和开支负责(视情况而定)。被补偿方或被补偿方(视属何情况而定)应与补偿方就任何此类诉讼或索赔的任何谈判或抗辩进行合理合作,并应向补偿方提供被补偿方或被保障方(视属何情况而定)可合理获得的与该等诉讼或索赔有关的所有信息。赔偿一方应始终合理地向被补偿方或被保障方(视具体情况而定)通报抗辩或与之有关的任何和解谈判的状况。任何赔偿方对未经其事先书面同意而进行的任何诉讼、索赔或程序的任何和解不负责任;但是,赔偿方不得不合理地拒绝、延迟或附加其同意。未经被补偿方或被保障方(视属何情况而定)事先书面同意,任何赔偿方不得同意作出任何判决或达成任何和解或其他妥协,而该判决或和解或其他妥协 不包括申索人或原告给予该被补偿方或被保障方(视属何情况而定)免除与该索赔或诉讼有关的所有责任的无条件条款,且此类和解不得包括被补偿方承认任何过错。按照本条款规定进行赔偿后,应代位受赔方或受赔人(视具体情况而定)对所有第三方、 公司或公司与赔偿事项有关的所有权利。未在任何此类诉讼开始后的合理时间内向补偿方送达书面通知,不应免除该补偿方根据本第6条对被补偿人或被补偿方(视情况而定)所负的任何责任,除非补偿方在为该诉讼辩护的能力方面受到重大不利影响。
如果法律禁止或限制赔付方的任何赔偿,则赔付方同意在法律允许的最大范围内,对其在第6款下应承担责任的任何金额作出最大贡献。但条件是: (I)在本协议第6节规定的过错标准下,庄家将不承担赔偿责任的情况下不得作出贡献,(Ii)参与销售可注册证券的任何人如犯有与该销售相关的欺诈性失实陈述(符合1933年法案第11(F)节的含义),则无权从参与该销售的任何人获得 任何无罪的失实陈述;以及(Iii)任何可登记证券卖家的出资应以该卖家根据该注册说明书适用的 出售该等可登记证券而收到的净收益为限。尽管有本第7条的规定, 投资者从受索赔约束的适用的可注册证券销售中实际收到的净收益总额不应超过该投资者实际收到的任何金额,超过因该等不真实或被指控的不真实陈述或遗漏或被指控的遗漏而被要求支付或根据第6(B)条被要求支付的任何损害赔偿的金额。
为了让投资者 享受规则144的好处,公司同意:
(C)只要投资者拥有可注册证券,应请求迅速向每位投资者提供:(I)本公司的书面声明,如果属实,表明其已遵守规则144、1933年法案和1934年法案的报告、提交和张贴要求;(Ii) 公司最近的年度或季度报告以及公司如此提交给美国证券交易委员会的此类其他报告和文件的副本(如果此类报告无法通过EDGAR公开获得),以及(Iii)可合理要求的其他信息,以允许投资者根据规则第144条出售此类证券而无需注册。
9.登记权转让 。
如果:(I)投资者 与受让人(视情况而定)以书面形式同意转让全部或任何部分权利,并且在转让或转让(视情况而定)后的合理时间内向公司提供该协议的副本,则本协议项下的全部或任何部分权利可由每名投资者自动转让给该投资者的全部或任何部分的受让人或受让人(视属何情况而定);(Ii)公司在该项转让或转让(视属何情况而定)后的一段合理时间内,获给予书面通知,说明(A)该受让人或承让人(视属何情况而定)的姓名或名称及地址,及(B)该等登记权所关乎的证券正被转让或转让(视属何情况而定);(Iii)紧接该转让或转让(视属何情况而定)后 该受让人或受让人(视属何情况而定)对该等证券的进一步处置受1933年法令或适用的州证券法的限制;。(Iv)在本公司收到 第(Ii)款所述的书面通知之时或之前,该受让人或受让人(视属何情况而定)与本公司达成书面协议,同意受本协议所载所有条款的约束。(V)该等转让或转让(视属何情况而定)应已按照证券购买协议、优先股、优先认股权证及认股权证(视属何情况而定)的适用规定进行;及(Vi)该等转让或转让(视属何情况而定)应根据所有适用的联邦及州证券法进行。
只有在征得本公司和所需持有人的书面同意后,方可对本协议的条款进行修订,并可(一般或在特定情况下,追溯或预期地)放弃遵守本协议的条款, 但任何此类修订或豁免如符合上述规定,但与其他投资者的可比权利和义务相比,对任何投资者的权利和义务造成不成比例的、重大和不利的不利影响,则须事先征得该受不利影响的投资者的书面同意。根据本第10条作出的任何修订或豁免对每名投资者及本公司均具约束力,但如(1)该等修订适用于少于所有可注册证券持有人,或(2)未经任何投资者事先书面同意而对该投资者施加任何义务或责任(可由该投资者全权酌情决定批准或不批准),则该等修订将不会生效。除非以书面形式并由弃权一方的授权代表签署,否则弃权无效。 不得向任何人提出或支付任何代价,以修改或同意放弃或修改本协议的任何条款 除非也向本协议各方提出相同的对价(法律费用的报销除外)。
(A)仅就本协议而言,只要某人拥有或被视为拥有记录该等可登记证券的 ,该人即被视为可登记证券的持有人。如果本公司收到来自两个或更多人关于同一可登记证券的相互矛盾的指示、通知或选择 ,本公司应根据从该可登记证券的该记录拥有人收到的指示、通知或选择采取行动。
(B)根据本协议条款要求或允许发出的任何通知、同意、豁免或其他通信必须是书面的 ,并将被视为已送达:(I)在收到时,当面送达;(Ii)在收到时,通过电子邮件发送 (前提是已发送的电子邮件由发送方存档(无论是电子邮件还是其他形式),并且发送方不会从接收者的电子邮件服务器收到自动生成的消息,表明无法将该电子邮件递送给该接收者); 或(Iii)存款后一(1)个工作日提供隔夜快递服务,并在每种情况下指定正确的 收件人。此类通信的邮寄地址和电子邮件地址应为:
Lytus Technologies Holdings PTV。珠穆朗玛峰A翼601号有限公司
印度孟买400 093
纽约,NY 10036
VStock Transfer,LLC
电子邮件:lawrence@vstock fer.com
Kelley Drye&Warren LLP
纽约,NY 10007
电子邮件:madelstein@kelley drye.com
如果发送给买方,其邮寄地址和/或电子邮件地址载于《证券购买协议》所附买方日程表上,副本应送交买方日程表上所列买方代表 ,或其他邮寄地址和/或电子邮件地址和/或接收方在变更生效前五(5)天向对方发出的书面通知所指定的其他人的注意,但仅应向Kelley Drye&Warren LLP提供发送给牵头投资者的通知。收件人根据上述第(1)、(2)或(3)款分别以个人送达、电子邮件或国家认可的隔夜递送服务提供的个人送达、电子邮件收据或国家认可的隔夜递送服务收据的书面确认(A)由上述通知、同意、豁免或其他通信的收件人提供,(B)由发件人以机械或电子方式生成的包含时间、日期和收件人的电子邮件,或(C)由快递或隔夜快递服务提供的书面确认应为可推翻的 证据。
(C)任何一方未能 根据本协议或以其他方式行使任何权利或补救,或任何一方拖延行使该权利或补救, 不应视为对其的放弃。本公司和每一投资者承认并同意,如果本协议的任何条款没有按照其特定条款履行或以其他方式被违反,将发生不可弥补的损害。因此,同意本协议各方有权获得一项或多项禁令,以防止或纠正本协议任何其他一方违反本协议条款的行为,并具体执行本协议的条款和条款(无需出示经济损失,也不需要任何担保或其他担保)。这是对任何一方根据法律或衡平法 有权获得的任何其他补救措施的补充。
(D)关于本协议的解释、有效性、执行和解释的所有问题应受纽约州国内法的管辖,不适用于任何可能导致适用纽约州以外任何司法管辖区法律的法律选择或冲突法律条款或规则(无论是纽约州还是任何其他司法管辖区)。每一方在此不可撤销地接受位于曼哈顿区纽约市的州法院和联邦法院的专属管辖权,以裁决本协议项下或与本协议所设想或讨论的任何交易有关的任何争议,并在此不可撤销地放弃、并同意不在任何诉讼、诉讼或诉讼中主张其本人不受任何此类法院管辖权的 、该诉讼、诉讼或诉讼是在不方便的法院提起或该诉讼、诉讼或诉讼的地点不合适的任何主张。本公司(代表本公司及其各附属公司)特此委任证券购买协议附表9(A)所列送达法律程序文件的代理人 为其在纽约送达法律程序文件的代理人。 各方在此不可撤销地放弃面交送达法律程序文件,并同意在任何该等诉讼、诉讼或法律程序中被送达的法律程序文件的副本 邮寄至该当事人根据本协议向其发出该等通知的地址,并同意该等送达应构成良好及充分的法律程序文件及有关通知的送达地址。此处包含的任何内容均不得视为以任何方式限制以法律允许的任何方式送达过程的任何权利。每一方在此不可撤销地放弃其可能拥有的任何权利,并同意不要求进行陪审团审判,以裁决本协议项下或与本协议相关或因本协议或本协议预期的任何交易而产生的任何争议。选择纽约州法律作为本协议的管辖法律是一种有效的法律选择,并将在英属维尔京群岛和印度有管辖权的法院提起的任何诉讼或适用于公司或其任何子公司的此类其他管辖权的任何诉讼中得到承认和生效,但下列法律除外:(I)该法院认为具有程序性质的法律,(Ii)税收或刑法,或(Iii)其适用与公共政策不一致的法律。由于该词是根据英属维尔京群岛的法律及适用于本公司或其任何附属公司的印度或该等其他司法管辖区的法律解释的。根据英属维尔京群岛和印度的法律或适用于公司或其任何子公司或纽约州法律的其他司法管辖区,公司或其各自的任何财产、资产或收入不享有适用于公司或其任何附属公司或纽约州法律的任何法律诉讼、诉讼或法律程序的豁免权, 从任何英属维尔京群岛和印度的司法管辖区或适用于公司或其任何子公司或任何纽约或美国联邦法院的其他司法管辖区获得的法律诉讼、诉讼或法律程序的任何抵销或反索赔的豁免权。在判决之时或之前,或协助执行判决之时或之前,或因执行判决或其他法律程序或法律程序而在任何该等法院就其义务、法律责任或交易文件项下或所引起或与交易文件有关之任何其他事宜给予任何济助或强制执行判决之时或之前,或因执行判决或其他法律程序或法律程序而被扣押。此外,在公司或其任何财产、资产或收入可能有权或此后可能有权在任何此类法院享有任何此类豁免权的范围内,公司特此在法律允许的范围内放弃此类权利,并同意本协议和其他交易文件中规定的此类 救济和强制执行。
(E)如果 本协议的任何条款被法律禁止或被有管辖权的法院判定为无效或不可执行,则应视为对本应被禁止、无效或不可执行的条款进行修订,以在最大程度上适用于 它将是有效和可执行的,并且该条款的无效或不可执行性不应影响本协议其余条款的有效性,只要经如此修改的本协议继续表达双方对本协议标的事项和被禁止性质的初衷,而不作实质性改变,所述条款(S)的无效或不可执行性 不会实质上损害各方各自的期望或对等义务,也不会实质上损害各方本来会获得的利益的实际实现。双方将本着诚意协商,将禁止、 无效或不可执行的条款(S)替换为有效的条款(S),其效力应尽可能接近禁止、 无效或不可执行的条款(S)。
(F)本协议、本协议所附的其他交易文件、附表和证物,以及本协议和本协议中引用的文书,仅就本协议的标的和本协议的 构成本协议和协议各方之间的完整协议。除本协议和本协议中所列或提及的以外,不存在任何限制、承诺、保证或承诺。 本协议、本协议及其附件所附的其他交易文件、附表和证物以及本协议和本协议中引用的文书,取代本协议双方之前仅就本协议及其标的达成的所有协议和谅解。然而,本协议或任何其他交易文件中包含的任何内容不应(或应被视为)(I)对任何投资者在本协议日期前与本公司或其任何子公司就其先前在本公司进行的任何投资达成的任何协议具有任何效力,(Ii)放弃、更改、本公司及/或其任何附属公司与任何投资者在本协议日期前订立的任何协议中,以任何方式修订或修订本公司或其任何附属公司的任何 责任或任何投资者或任何其他人士的任何权利或利益,而所有该等协议 将继续全面有效或(Iii)限制本公司在任何其他交易文件下的任何责任。
(I)本协议可以两份或两份以上完全相同的副本签署,每份副本应被视为正本,但所有副本均应被视为同一份协议,并在双方签署副本并交付给另一方时生效。如果任何签名是通过传真或包含已签署签名页的可移植文档 格式(.pdf)文件的电子邮件交付的,则该签名页应为签署 (或代表其签署此类签名)的一方产生有效且具有约束力的义务,其效力和效果与该签名页是其正本一样。
(K)本协议中使用的 语言将被视为双方选择的语言,以表达其相互意向,并且不会对任何一方适用 严格解释规则。尽管第10节有任何相反规定,本协议中使用但在其他交易文件中定义的术语应具有该等 其他交易文件中在成交日期赋予该等术语的含义,除非得到各投资者的书面同意。
(L)除本协议另有规定外,投资者根据本协议须作出的所有 同意及其他决定应由所需持有人作出,犹如投资者当时持有的所有已发行优先股均已转换为可登记证券而不受优先股赎回、摊销及/或转换的限制,所有优先认股权证已悉数行使,而投资者当时持有的未偿还认股权证已行使,而不考虑对行使认股权证的任何限制。
(N)每个投资者在本协议和其他交易文件项下的义务是多个的,并且不与任何其他投资者的义务连带,任何投资者均不以任何方式对履行任何其他投资者在本协议或任何其他交易文件项下的义务负责。此处或任何其他交易文件中包含的任何内容,以及任何投资者根据本协议或该协议采取的任何行动,均不应被视为构成投资者,本公司承认投资者 不构成合伙企业、协会、合资企业或任何其他类型的集团或实体,或推定 投资者在交易文件或任何事项所预期的义务或交易方面以任何方式一致或作为一个集团或实体行事,公司承认投资者不是一致或作为一个集团行事, 本公司不得就本协议或其他任何交易文件所规定的义务或交易主张任何此类索赔。每一投资者应有权独立保护和执行其权利,包括但不限于本协议或任何其他交易文件所产生的权利,并且任何其他投资者无需为此目的而作为额外的一方加入任何诉讼程序。使用与本协议所载本公司义务有关的单一协议完全由本公司控制,而不是任何投资者的行动或决定, 仅为方便本公司,而不是因为任何投资者要求或要求这样做。明确地 理解并同意,本协议和其他交易文件中包含的每项规定仅在本公司和投资者之间,而不是在本公司和投资者集体之间,而不是在投资者之间。
公司: | ||
LYTUS Technologies Holdings PTV。LTD. | ||
发信人: | ||
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买家: | ||
华利机会母基金有限公司 | ||
发信人: | ||
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回复:Lytus Technologies Holdings PTV。公司
[我们是][我是]Lytus Technologies Holdings PTV的法律顾问。有限公司,根据英属维尔京群岛法律组建的公司(“本公司”), 并代表本公司参与该证券购买协议(“证券购买协议”) 由本公司和其中指定的买方签订(总的来说,“持有人”)据此, 公司向持有人发行了A系列可转换优先股,(“优先股”)可转换为公司普通股,美元[]每股面值(“普通股”)、可行使额外 优先股的认股权证(“优先认股权证”)以及可行使普通股的认股权证(“认股权证”)。 根据证券购买协议,本公司亦已与持有人订立登记权协议( "登记权协议"),据此,公司同意(除其他事项外)登记可登记 证券(如《注册权协议》所定义),包括优先股和在转换优先股和行使认股权证时发行的普通股,根据1933年证券法,经修订(“1933年法”)。 关于公司在注册权协议项下的义务,公司于20__ [F-1][F-3](File第333—_号)("登记声明")与 美国证券交易委员会("SEC")就可登记证券(其中将每个持有人指定为销售股东)。
鉴于上述情况, [我们][I]建议你……[美国证券交易委员会的一名工作人员建议[我们][我]通过电话……[美国证券交易委员会已发出命令,宣布 根据1933年法案生效的注册声明:[输入生效时间]在……上面[输入生效日期]][宣布根据1933年法案生效的注册声明的命令:[输入生效时间]在……上面[输入生效日期]]已在美国证券交易委员会网站www.sec.gov上发布]和[我们][I]在审查了美国证券交易委员会网站(http://www.sec.gov/litigation/stoporders.shtml,)上发布的信息后,我不知道任何暂停其效力的停止令已经发出,或者为此在美国证券交易委员会和注册证券之前正在审理中的或受到其威胁的任何诉讼程序 可以根据1933年法案根据注册声明进行转售。
非常真诚地属于你, | ||
[发行人的律师] | ||
发信人: |
出售股东提供的普通股 是指在优先股转换和 认股权证行使时可向出售股东发行的普通股。有关发行优先股和认股权证的其他信息,请参阅上文“ 优先股、优先认股权证和认股权证的私募发行”。我们登记普通股是为了允许出售股东 不时出售股份以进行转售。除优先股及根据 证券购买协议发行的认股权证的所有权外,出售股东于过去三年内与我们并无任何重大关系。
下表列出了 出售股东和与每个出售股东持有的普通股的实际所有权有关的其他信息(根据1934年证券交易法 第13(d)条(经修订)及其相关规则和条例确定)。 第二栏列出了出售股东实益拥有的普通股数量,基于他们各自对 普通股、优先股和认股权证的所有权,截至20_假设优先股转换并行使认股权证 每名出售股东于该日持有,但考虑到其中所载的转换和行使的任何限制。
第三栏列出了出售股东根据本招股说明书所提供的 普通股,不考虑对(i)其中规定的优先股转换 或(ii)其中规定的认股权证的行使的任何限制。
根据与优先股和认股权证持有人签订的登记权协议的条款 ,本招股说明书一般涵盖(i)根据指定证书 转换优先股时已发行或可发行的最大普通股数量的总和的转售 ,包括通过以下方式支付优先股股息: [_______]及(ii)行使认股权证时发行或可发行的普通股的最大数量,在每种情况下,确定为已发行的优先股(包括优先股的股息 , [________]),且认股权证已全部转换或行使(视情况而定)(不考虑其中所载的转换或行使的任何 限制,并假设优先认股权证已全部行使,在每种情况下, 仅为该计算目的),转换价等于最低价$[__]或行使价(视具体情况 )计算自本注册声明最初提交给SEC之日之前的交易日。由于 优先股的转换价和认股权证的行使价可能会被调整,因此实际上 将发行的股份数量可能会多于或少于本招股说明书所规定的股份数量。第四栏假设出售所有 出售股东根据本招股说明书出售的股份。
根据优先股 和认股权证的条款,出售股东不得转换优先股或行使认股权证,但仅限于(但仅限于)该出售股东或其任何关联公司将实益拥有若干本公司普通股的股份, 将超过本公司已发行股份的4.99%。第二栏中的股份数量反映了这些限制。出售 股东可以出售其在本次发行中的全部、部分或不出售其股份。参见“分配计划”。
出售股东名称 | 发行前拥有的普通股数量 | 根据本招股说明书将出售的普通股的最高数量 | 发行后拥有的普通股数量 | |||||||||
WALLEYE FOUNCTOR Master Fund Ltd(1) | ||||||||||||
(1) | [] |
我们正在登记优先股转换和认股权证行使后可发行的普通股 ,以允许优先股和认股权证持有人在本招股说明书日期后不时转售这些普通股。我们将不会收到出售股东出售普通股所得 的任何收益,尽管我们将收到出售股东以无现金行使基准行使 的任何认股权证的行使价。我们将承担与我们登记 普通股义务有关的所有费用和开支。
出售股东可以 直接或通过一个或多个承销商、 经纪—交易商或代理人出售他们持有并不时提供的全部或部分普通股。如果普通股通过承销商或经纪商出售,则销售股东将负责 承销折扣或佣金或代理佣金。普通股可以在一个或多个交易中以固定 价格、以销售时的现行市价、以销售时确定的不同价格或以协商价格出售。 这些销售可以根据以下一种或多种 方法在交易中进行,交易可能涉及交叉交易或大宗交易:
● | 在出售时证券可能上市或报价的任何全国性证券交易所或报价服务处; |
● | 场外交易市场; |
● | 在 这些交易所或系统或场外市场以外的交易中; |
● | 通过 认购或结算期权,不论该等期权是否在期权交易所上市; |
● | 普通经纪交易和经纪自营商招揽买家的交易; |
● | 大宗 交易,其中经纪—交易商将试图作为代理人出售股票,但可以作为委托人放置和转售部分大宗 以促进交易; |
● | 经纪自营商作为本金买入,并由经纪自营商代为转售; |
● | 根据适用交易所的规则进行的交易所分配; |
● | 私下协商的交易; |
● | 在SEC宣布注册声明生效日期之后进行的 卖空交易; |
● | 经纪交易商 可与出售证券持有人达成协议,以规定的每股价格出售特定数量的此类股份; |
● | 任何此类销售方式的组合;以及 |
● | 适用法律允许的任何其他方法。 |
The selling shareholders may also sell common shares under Rule 144 promulgated under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, if available, rather than under this prospectus. In addition, the selling shareholders may transfer the common shares by other means not described in this prospectus. If the selling shareholders effect such transactions by selling common shares to or through underwriters, broker-dealers or agents, such underwriters, broker-dealers or agents may receive commissions in the form of discounts, concessions or commissions from the selling shareholders or commissions from purchasers of the common shares for whom they may act as agent or to whom they may sell as principal (which discounts, concessions or commissions as to particular underwriters, broker-dealers or agents may be in excess of those customary in the types of transactions involved). In connection with sales of the common shares or otherwise, the selling shareholders may enter into hedging transactions with broker-dealers, which may in turn engage in short sales of the common shares in the course of hedging in positions they assume. The selling shareholders may also sell common shares short and deliver common shares covered by this prospectus to close out short positions and to return borrowed shares in connection with such short sales. The selling shareholders may also loan or pledge common shares to broker-dealers that in turn may sell such shares.
出售股东可以 质押或授予其拥有的部分或全部优先股、认股权证或普通股的担保权益,如果他们在履行其担保义务时违约 ,出质人或担保方可不时根据本招股说明书或根据规则424(b)(3)对本招股说明书的任何修订,或证券法 的其他适用条款,如有必要,修改出售股东名单,以包括质押人、受让人或其他利益继承人作为本招股说明书下的出售股东。在其他情况下,出售股东也可以转让和捐赠普通股, 在此情况下,转让人、受赠人、质押人或其他利益继承人将是本 招股说明书中的出售受益所有人。
在 《证券法》及其相关规则和条例要求的范围内,出售股东和参与普通股分销的任何经纪商—交易商 可被视为《证券法》含义内的"承销商",并且支付的任何佣金, 或允许的任何折扣或让步,根据 证券法,任何此类经纪—交易商可被视为承销佣金或折扣。在进行特定的普通股发行时,如有需要,将分发招股说明书补充文件, 其中将列出所发行的普通股的总额和发行条款,包括 任何经纪交易商或代理人的名称、任何折扣、佣金和构成销售股东补偿的其他条款以及任何 折扣,允许或再允许或支付给经纪商的佣金或特许权。
根据某些州的证券法 ,普通股只能通过注册或持牌经纪人或交易商在这些州出售。此外,在某些 州,普通股不得出售,除非此类股份已在该州登记或有资格出售,或 登记或资格豁免可用并得到遵守。
无法保证 任何出售股东将出售根据登记声明登记的任何或全部普通股,本 招股说明书构成其中的一部分。
出售股东和 参与此类分配的任何其他人员将遵守1934年证券交易法(经 修订)的适用条款及其相关规则和条例,包括但不限于,在适用的范围内,《交易法》的条例M,这可能限制出售股东和任何其他参与人购买和出售任何普通股的时间。在适用的范围内,条例M还可以限制从事普通股分配的任何人从事普通股做市活动的能力 。上述所有情况可能影响普通股的市场流通性以及任何个人或实体从事普通股做市活动的能力。
我们将根据登记权协议支付 普通股登记的所有费用,估计为美元[] 总计,包括但不限于美国证券交易委员会的申请费和遵守州证券 或“蓝天”法律的费用;但前提是出售股东将支付所有承销折扣和出售佣金, 如果有的话。根据注册权协议,我们将赔偿出售股东的责任,包括证券法下的一些责任,或者出售股东将有权获得出资。我们可能会因出售股东根据相关注册权协议 向我们提供专门用于本招股说明书的任何书面信息而承担民事责任,包括根据证券法可能产生的责任,或者我们可能有权获得出资。