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林克实业有限公司 事项编号:865511
商务大厦 文件编号:TT/109337764
Wickhams Cay 1
P.O.邮箱3140 热线:(852)28429523
托尔托拉市路镇 电邮:Teresa. Tsai @ www.example.com
VG 1110,英属维尔京群岛



我们担任本公司的英属维尔京群岛 特别法律顾问,处理向美国证券交易委员会提交的F—1表格的注册声明,包括其所有修订或补充(“委员会”)于二零二三年十二月八日(《注册声明》,该术语不包括任何其他文件或协议,无论是否在其中特别提及或作为附件或附表附于 )与根据1933年美国证券法(经修订)("证券 法")登记本公司每股面值0.00001美元的A类普通股("A类普通股") 包括:



(Iii)销售股东根据转售招股说明书的转售招股说明书 (“转售招股说明书”,连同公开发售招股说明书,“招股说明书”)中所载的转售股东根据转售招股说明书(“转售股份”)转售最多 2,200,000股A类普通股。

为发表此意见,我们已 审阅了注册声明的副本。我们还审阅了公司董事日期为2023年12月8日的书面决议案 (“董事决议案”)、本公司股东日期为二零二三年十二月八日的书面决议案。(“成员决议”),公司章程大纲和章程细则第二次修订和重述的最新草案,以 由本公司采纳,并将于本公司配发及发行A类普通股前生效,( "上市条款"),公司注册处处长于2023年12月18日就本公司发出的良好信誉证明书 (“证书日期”)和其他文件,并就法律问题进行了咨询 我们认为必要的查询,以提供下文所述的意见。

合伙人:Piers J. Alexander,Christopher W. H. Bickley,Peter H. y. 陈,安娜W. t. Chong,Angie Y. y. Chu,Vivien C. S.冯,Richard J. Hall,Norman Hau,Wynne Lau,Paul M. L. Lim,Anna W. X. 林,特蕾莎·F. Tsai,Flora K. y. Wong,Lilian S. C. Woo,Mark P. Yeadon
顾问:David M.羔羊

百慕大|英国处女岛 岛屿|开曼群岛

We have assumed (a) the genuineness and authenticity of all signatures and the conformity to the originals of all copies (whether or not certified) examined by us and the authenticity and completeness of the originals from which such copies were taken, (b) that where a document has been examined by us in draft form, it will be or has been executed and/or filed in the form of that draft, and where a number of drafts of a document have been examined by us all changes thereto have been marked or otherwise drawn to our attention, (c) the accuracy and completeness of all factual representations made in the Registration Statement and other documents reviewed by us, (d) that the Director Resolutions and Members Resolutions were passed at one or more duly convened, constituted and quorate meetings or by unanimous written resolutions, remain in full force and effect and have not been rescinded or amended,, (e) that the Listing Articles will be duly adopted by the Company in substantially the same form as that examined by us for purposes of this opinion and will become effective prior to the allotment and issue of the Class A Ordinary Shares by the Company, (f) that there is no provision of the law of any jurisdiction, other than the British Virgin Islands, which would have any implication in relation to the opinions expressed herein, (g) that upon issue of any Class A Ordinary Shares to be sold by the Company, the Company will receive consideration for the full issue price thereof which shall be equal to at least the par value thereof, and (h) the validity and binding effect under the laws of the United States of America of the Registration Statement and that the Registration Statement will be duly filed with the Commission.

除英属维尔京群岛外,我们没有对任何司法管辖区的法律进行调查,也没有发表 意见。本意见受英属维尔京群岛法律管辖并根据其解释 ,仅限于英属维尔京群岛现行法律和惯例 并根据其作出。本意见仅为本公司提交登记声明书及发行A类普通股 而发表,不得就任何其他事项依赖。

根据上述规定, 我们认为:

1.本公司根据英属维尔京群岛法律正式注册成立并存续 (仅指本公司未向英属维尔京群岛任何政府机构提交任何备案,或未支付任何英属维尔京群岛政府费用或税款,从而导致本公司有可能被从公司登记册中除名,从而根据英属维尔京群岛法律不复存在 )。

2.本公司配发及发行A类普通股已获正式授权。当 如注册声明所预期般发行及支付,并于本公司股东名册登记时,该等 A类普通股将获有效发行、缴足股款及无须评估(此处所用的术语指持有人无须就发行支付任何额外款项)。

3.回售股份为有效发行、缴足股款及不可评税(此处所用的术语指的是 回售股份持有人无须就其发行再支付任何款项)。

吾等特此同意将本意见提交 作为《注册声明》的附件,并进一步同意在《招股说明书》中“债务的可执行性 ”、“BVI税务”和“法律事项”标题下提及吾等事务所,构成《注册声明》的一部分。

在给予此同意时,我们 在此不承认我们是《证券法》第11条含义内的专家,或我们属于《证券法》第7条或根据该条颁布的证监会规则和条例要求获得同意的人员类别。



