

华盛顿特区 20549

附表 14A

根据第 14 (a) 条提出的委托声明

1934 年《证券交易法》(修正号)







机密,仅供委员会使用(根据规则 14a-6 (e) (2) 所允许)






根据 §240.14a-12 征集材料


FuelCell Energy, Inc.









根据《交易法》第14a-6 (i) (1) 条和0-11的规定,费用在第25 (b) 项要求的附录表上计算。


你的投票很重要! *请查看会议材料,了解对会议出席的任何特殊要求。 智能手机用户 将你的摄像头对准这里, 无需输入 控制号码即可投票 要获得完整信息并进行投票,请访问 www.proxyvote.com Control # V29908-P02635 FUELCELL ENERGY, INC. 2024 年年会 在美国东部时间 2024 年 4 月 3 日晚上 11:59 之前投票 你投资了 FUELCELL ENERGY, INC.,现在是时候投票了! 您有权对年会上提出的提案进行投票。这是关于将于2024年4月4日举行的股东大会的 代理材料可用性的重要通知。 在会议上进行虚拟投票* 美国东部夏令时间2024年4月4日下午1点 虚拟地址为: www.virtualSharealdermeeting.com/fcel2024 在投票前获取信息 在线查看通知、委托书和年度报告,或者您可以在 2024 年 3 月 21 日之前申请 免费获得材料的纸质或电子邮件副本。如果你想索取本次和/或未来股东 会议的材料副本,你可以(1)访问www.proxyVote.com,(2)致电1-800-579-1639或(3)发送电子邮件至 sendmaterial@proxyvote.com。 如果发送电子邮件,请在主题行中注明您的控制号码(如下所示)。除非您提出要求,否则您不会 以其他方式收到纸质或电子邮件副本。 FUELCELL ENERGY, INC. 3 GREAT PASTURE ROAD 康涅狄格州丹伯里 06810 收件人:公司秘书


Vote at www.ProxyVote.com Prefer to receive an email instead? While voting on www.ProxyVote.com, be sure to click “Delivery Settings”. Voting Items Board Recommends V29909-P02635 THIS IS NOT A VOTABLE BALLOT This is an overview of the proposals being presented at the upcoming stockholder meeting. You cannot use this notice to vote these shares. This communication presents only an overview of the more complete proxy materials that are available to you on the Internet. You may view the proxy materials online at www.proxyvote.com or easily request a paper copy (see reverse side). We encourage you to access and review all of the important information contained in the proxy materials before voting. 1. To elect seven directors to serve until the 2025 Annual Meeting of Stockholders and until their successors are duly elected and qualified Nominees: 1a. James H. England For 1b. Jason Few For 1c. Matthew F. Hilzinger For 1d. Natica von Althann For 1e. Cynthia Hansen For 1f. Donna Sims Wilson For 1g. Betsy Bingham For 2. To ratify the selection of KPMG LLP as FuelCell Energy, Inc.’s independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending October 31, 2024 For 3. To approve the amendment and restatement of the FuelCell Energy, Inc. Third Amended and Restated 2018 Omnibus Incentive Plan For 4. To approve, on a non-binding advisory basis, the compensation of FuelCell Energy, Inc.’s named executive officers as set forth in the “Executive Compensation” section of the Proxy Statement For NOTE: To transact such other business as may properly come before the Annual Meeting or any adjournment thereof.