









定义 1
第1.1条 “美国存托股份创纪录日期” 1
第1.2节 “联营公司” 1
第1.3节 “美国存托凭证”、“ADR”及“收据” 1
第1.4节 “美国存托股份”和“美国存托股份” 2
第1.5条 “实益拥有人” 2
第1.6节 “认证美国存托股份” 3
第1.7条 "花旗银行" 3
第1.8节 “佣金” 3
第1.9条 “公司” 3
第1.10节 《托管人》 3
第1.11节 “交付”和“交付” 3
第1.12节 “存款协议” 3
第1.13节 “寄存人” 4
第1.14节 “托管财产” 4
第1.15节 “存款证券” 4
第1.16节 “美元”和“$” 4
第1.17节 “DTC” 4
第1.18节 “DTC参与者” 4
第1.19节 《交易法》 4
第1.20节 “外币” 4
第1.21节 “全部权利ADR”、“全部权利美国存托股份”和“全部权利份额” 5
第1.22节 “持有人” 5
第1.23节 “部分权利ADR”、“部分权利美国存托股份”和“部分权利份额” 5
第1.24节 “总办事处” 5
第1.25节 “注册官” 5
第1.26节 “受限证券” 5
第1.27节 “限售美国存托凭证”、“限售美国存托股份”及“限售股份” 5
第1.28节 《证券法》 6
第1.29节 “股份过户登记处” 6
第1.30节 “股份” 6
第1.31节 “未经认证的美国存托股份” 6

“United States”和“U.S.”




保管人的指定;收据的形式;股份的保管;收据的执行和交付、转让和移交 6
第2.1条 委任托管人 6
第2.2条 美国存托凭证的格式和可转让性 6
第2.3条 股份的存放 8
第2.4条 寄存证券的登记和保管 10
第2.5条 美国存托凭证的发行 10
第2.6节 药品不良反应的转让、合并与拆分 11
第2.7条 交出美国存托凭证及撤回已存放证券 12
第2.8条 对签立及交付、转让等的限制;暂停交付、转让等 13
第2.9条 遗失的ADR等 14
第2.10节 取消和销毁已交出的美国存托凭证;保存记录 14
第2.11节 欺骗行为 14
第2.12节 部分授权ADSS 14
第2.13节 已认证/未认证的美国存托凭证 15
第2.14节 限制使用美国存托凭证 16


美国存托证券持有人及实益拥有人的某些责任 18
第3.1节 校样、证书和其他信息 18
第3.2节 缴税及其他收费的法律责任 19
第3.3节 有关股份存放的陈述及保证 19
第3.4条 遵守信息请求 19
第3.5条 所有权限制 20
第3.6节 报告义务和监管批准 20
存入的证券 20
第4.1节 现金分配 20
第4.2节 股份分派 21
第4.3节 现金或股票的选择性分配 22
第4.4节 购买额外美国存托凭证的权利的分配 23
第4.5条 现金、股份或购买股份的权利以外的分派 25
第4.6节 关于以无记名形式存放的证券的分配 26
第4.7条 救赎 26
第4.8条 外币的兑换 27
第4.9条 美国存托股份备案日期的确定 27
第4.10节 存入证券的投票权 28
第4.11节 影响存款证券的变动 30
第4.12节 可用信息 31
第4.13节 报告 31
第4.14节 持有人名单 31





托管人、托管人和公司 33
第5.1节 由司法常务官保存办事处及移交簿册 33
第5.2节 免责 33
第5.3条 护理标准 34
第5.4节 托管人的辞职和撤职;指定继任托管人 35
第5.5条 《保管人》 36
第5.6节 通告及报告 36
第5.7条 增发股份、美国存托凭证等 37
第5.8条 赔偿 38
第5.9节 美国存托股份收费标准 39
第5.10节 受限制证券拥有人 40


修订及终止 40
第6.1节 修正案/补编 40
第6.2节 终端 41
其他 42
第7.1节 同行 42
第7.2节 无第三方受益人/回执 42
第7.3条 可分割性 43
第7.4节 作为当事人的持有人和实益所有人;具有约束力 43
第7.5条 通告 43
第7.6节 管辖法律和司法管辖权 44
第7.7条 赋值 46
第7.8节 遵守美国证券法,且没有免责声明 46
第7.9条 开曼群岛法律 46
第7.10节 标题和参考文献 46
ADR的形式。 A-1
收费表。 B-1



存款协议,日期为2019年8月19日,由(i)9F Inc.,根据开曼群岛法律注册成立并存在的获豁免股份有限公司, 及其继承人(以下简称“公司”),(ii)花旗银行,N.A.,根据美利坚合众国法律 组建的全国性银行协会(“花旗银行”),以其作为存托人的身份行事,以及 项下的任何后继存托人(花旗银行以该身份称“存托人”),以及(iii)根据本协议发行的美国存托股票的所有持有人和受益所有人(所有该等大写术语定义见下文)。

S S E T H T H T A T:

鉴于,本公司希望与托管机构建立 ADR设施,以提供除其他外存放股份(见下文定义)和设立美国存托股份(代表如此存放的股份),以及签立和交付(见下文定义)证明该等美国存托股份的美国存托凭证(见下文定义);以及



因此,现在,出于善意和有价值的对价, 在此确认已收到且充分,本合同双方同意如下:





第1.3节 "美国 存托凭证"、"ADR"和"收据"应指存托人为证明根据存托协议 条款发行的美国存托股份而发行的 证书,其形式为经证明的ADS(定义见下文),因为此类ADR可根据存托协议 的条款不时修订。ADR可以证明任何数量的ADS,如果是通过中央存管(如DTC)持有的ADS,则ADR可以采用"余额证书"的形式。

Section 1.4 “American Depositary Share(s)” and “ADS(s)” shall mean the rights and interests in the Deposited Property (as hereinafter defined) granted to the Holders and Beneficial Owners pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Deposit Agreement and, if issued as Certificated ADS(s) (as hereinafter defined), the ADR(s) issued to evidence such ADSs. ADS(s) may be issued under the terms of the Deposit Agreement in the form of (a) Certificated ADS(s) (as hereinafter defined), in which case the ADS(s) are evidenced by ADR(s), or (b) Uncertificated ADS(s) (as hereinafter defined), in which case the ADS(s) are not evidenced by ADR(s) but are reflected on the direct registration system maintained by the Depositary for such purposes under the terms of Section 2.13. Unless otherwise specified in the Deposit Agreement or in any ADR, or unless the context otherwise requires, any reference to ADS(s) shall include Certificated ADS(s) and Uncertificated ADS(s), individually or collectively, as the context may require. Each ADS shall represent the right to receive, and to exercise the beneficial ownership interests in, the number of Shares specified in the form of ADR attached hereto as Exhibit A (as amended from time to time) that are on deposit with the Depositary and/or the Custodian, subject, in each case, to the terms and conditions of the Deposit Agreement and the applicable ADR (if issued as a Certificated ADS), until there shall occur a distribution upon Deposited Securities referred to in Section 4.2 or a change in Deposited Securities referred to in Section 4.11 with respect to which additional ADSs are not issued, and thereafter each ADS shall represent the right to receive, and to exercise the beneficial ownership interests in, the applicable Deposited Property on deposit with the Depositary and the Custodian determined in accordance with the terms of such Sections, subject, in each case, to the terms and conditions of the Deposit Agreement and the applicable ADR (if issued as a Certificated ADS). In addition, the ADS(s)-to-Share(s) ratio is subject to amendment as provided in Articles IV and VI of the Deposit Agreement (which may give rise to Depositary fees).

Section 1.5 “Beneficial Owner” shall mean, as to any ADS, any person or entity having a beneficial interest deriving from the ownership of such ADS. Notwithstanding anything else contained in the Deposit Agreement, any ADR(s) or any other instruments or agreements relating to the ADSs and the corresponding Deposited Property, the Depositary, the Custodian and their respective nominees are intended to be, and shall at all times during the term of the Deposit Agreement be, the record holders only of the Deposited Property represented by the ADSs for the benefit of the Holders and Beneficial Owners of the corresponding ADSs. The Depositary, on its own behalf and on behalf of the Custodian and their respective nominees, disclaims any beneficial ownership interest in the Deposited Property held on behalf of the Holders and Beneficial Owners of ADSs. The beneficial ownership interests in the Deposited Property are intended to be, and shall at all times during the term of the Deposit Agreement continue to be, vested in the Beneficial Owners of the ADSs representing the Deposited Property. The beneficial ownership interests in the Deposited Property shall, unless otherwise agreed by the Depositary, be exercisable by the Beneficial Owners of the ADSs only through the Holders of such ADSs, by the Holders of the ADSs (on behalf of the applicable Beneficial Owners) only through the Depositary, and by the Depositary (on behalf of the Holders and Beneficial Owners of the corresponding ADSs) directly, or indirectly through the Custodian or their respective nominees, in each case upon the terms of the Deposit Agreement and, if applicable, the terms of the ADR(s) evidencing the ADSs. A Beneficial Owner of ADSs may or may not be the Holder of such ADSs. A Beneficial Owner shall be able to exercise any right or receive any benefit hereunder solely through the person who is the Holder of the ADSs owned by such Beneficial Owner. Unless otherwise identified to the Depositary, a Holder shall be deemed to be the Beneficial Owner of all the ADSs registered in his/her/its name. The manner in which a Beneficial Owner holds ADSs (e.g., in a brokerage account vs. as registered holder) may affect the rights and obligations of, the manner in which, and the extent to which, services are made available to, Beneficial Owners pursuant to the terms of the Deposit Agreement.


第1.6节 “经认证的ADS”应具有第2.13条所述的含义。

第1.7节 “花旗银行”指花旗银行,N.A.,根据美利坚合众国法律组建的全国性银行协会及其后继者。

第1.8节 "委员会"指美国证券交易委员会或美国境内任何其继承 政府机构。

第1.9节 “公司”是指9F Inc.,根据开曼群岛法律注册成立和存在的豁免股份有限公司及其继承人。

第1.10节 “托管人”是指(i)截至本协议日期,花旗银行,N.A. - 香港,其主要 办事处位于香港九龙观塘海滨道83号东一湾花旗大厦9楼,作为存款协议的 保管人,(ii)花旗银行,N.A.根据《存款协议》作为托管财产的托管人,以及 (iii)根据第5.5条的条款,托管人可能指定为本协议项下继承人、替代人或附加 托管人的任何其他实体。术语“保管人”应指任何保管人单独或所有保管人集体,根据上下文 的要求。

第1.11节 “交付”和“交付”是指(x) 适用于股票和其他保证金,(I)代表此类证券的证书(S)的实物交付,或(Ii)此类证券在股份登记处的账簿上(如下文定义)或在适用的账簿结算系统中的账簿登记转让和记录,以及(Y)在用于ADS时,(1)证明美国存托凭证的美国存托凭证(S)的实物交付,或(2)美国存托凭证的账面转账和记录,或任何美国存托凭证符合结算资格的记账结算系统。

第1.12节 "存款协议"指本存款协议及其所有附件, 可根据存款协议的条款不时修订和补充。


第1.13节 "保存人"指花旗银行,N.A.,根据美国法律组建的全国性银行协会,其根据《存款协议》条款作为存款人,以及本协议下的任何后继存款人。

第1.14节 “存管财产”指存管人和托管人根据存管协议的条款就存管证券和存管人持有的存管任何现金和其他财产,如果是现金,则 第4.8条的规定。所有托管财产应由托管人、托管人及其各自的代名人 以代表托管财产的ADS的持有人和受益人的利益持有人的利益持有人持有。托管财产不打算 也不应构成托管人、托管人或其指定人的专有资产。已存放财产的受益所有权 拟归属并应在存款协议期限内始终归属于代表已存放财产的ADS的受益所有人 。

第1.15节 “存置证券”指托管人 不时就存置协议项下的美国存置证券持有并构成存置财产的股份和任何其他证券。


第1.17节 “DTC”指存管信托公司,一家全国性票据交换所和在美国交易的证券的中央簿记结算系统,因此,是在DTC中维护的DTC参与者(定义见下文 )的证券的托管人,及其任何继任者。

第1.18节 “DTC参与者”指在DTC拥有 一个或多个参与者账户的任何金融机构(或该机构的任何指定人),用于接收、持有和交付DTC中持有的证券和现金。DTC参与者 可以是也可以不是受益所有人。如果DTC参与者不是贷记在DTC账户的ADS的受益人,或 DTC参与者以其他方式行事的ADS的受益人,则就本协议的所有目的而言,该DTC参与者应被视为 具有代表贷记在DTC账户的ADS受益人或 DTC参与者以这种方式行事的所有必要权力。DTC参与者在其任何一个DTC账户中接受任何ADS后,(或其中的任何利息 )根据存款协议的条款和条件发行,应(尽管有任何明确或隐含的 披露其可能代表另一方行事)就所有目的而言,均被视为是一方,并受其约束, 存款协议的条款和适用的ADR,其范围与DTC参与者是此类ADS的持有人相同。

第1.19节 “证券交易法”是指1934年美国证券交易法,经不时修订。

第1.20节 “外币”是指美元以外的任何货币。


第1.21节 "完全权利ADR"、"完全权利ADS"和"完全权利股份" 应具有第2.12节中规定的各自含义。

第1.22节 "持有人"指以其名义在为此目的而保存的保存人 (或注册处,如有)的账簿上登记ADS的人。持有人可以是也可以不是受益人。如果持有人不是以其名义登记的ADS的受益人 ,则就本协议的所有目的而言,该人应被视为具有 代表以其名义登记的ADS的受益人行事的所有必要权力。持有人持有ADS的方式(例如,证书 与非证书形式)可能影响根据存款协议条款向持有人提供服务的方式和范围,以及 提供服务的方式和范围。

第1.23节 “部分权利ADR "、“部分权利ADS”和“部分权利 股”应具有第2.12节中规定的各自含义。

第1.24节 "主要办事处"在与存管人有关时,指 存管人的主要办事处,在存管协议 之日,其地址为388 Greenwich Street,New York,New York 10013,U.S.A.

第1.25节 “登记机构”指存管人或在纽约市曼哈顿区设有办事处的任何银行或信托公司,由存管人指定登记本协议规定的ADS的发行、转让和注销,并应包括存管人为此目的指定的任何共同登记机构。登记员(保存人除外) 可被免职,并由保存人指定替代人员。根据《交存协议》任命的每一位登记官(保存人除外)均须以书面形式通知保存人,接受该任命并同意受《交存协议》适用 条款的约束。

第1.26节 "限制性证券"是指(i)在不涉及任何 公开发行的交易或交易链中 直接或间接从公司或其任何关联公司获得的股份、托管证券或ADS,并受《证券法》或根据其发布的规则规定的转售限制,或(ii)由执行人员或董事持有(或履行类似职能的人员)或本公司的其他关联公司,或(iii)受美国法律规定的其他销售或存款限制,开曼群岛,或根据股东协议或 公司组织章程,或根据适用证券交易所的规定,除非在每种情况下,该等股份、 存置证券或美国存托证券在有效转售登记声明涵盖的交易(a)中被转让或出售给公司关联公司以外的人,或(b)豁免证券法(定义见下文)的登记要求,且股份、托管证券或美国存托证券(ADS)由该等人士持有时,不属于限制性证券。

第1.27节 "限制性ADR"、"限制性ADS"和"限制性股份"应 具有第2.14节中规定的各自含义。


第1.28节 “证券法”是指1933年美国证券法,并不时修订。

第1.29节 “股份过户登记处”指Maples Corporate Services Limited或根据开曼群岛法律成立的 由本公司不时委任以履行股份过户登记处职责的任何其他机构,以及 其任何继任者。

第1.30节“股份”是指公司的A类普通股,每股面值0.00001美元,有效发行、发行和缴足股款,如果托管人在与公司协商后同意这样做,则可以包括获得股份权利的证据;但在任何情况下,股份都不应包括关于 尚未支付全部购买价的股份或尚未有效放弃或行使优先购买权的股份的股份权利的证据;然而,如果本公司股票面值发生任何变化、拆分、合并、重新分类、交换、转换或发生第4.11节所述的任何其他事件,则在法律允许的最大范围内,术语 此后应代表该 事件产生的后续证券。


第1.32节“美国”和“美国”应具有证监会根据证券法颁布的S条例 中赋予的含义。


第2.1节 任命保存人。本公司特此任命保管人为保管财产的保管人,并在此 授权并指示保管人按照保管协议和适用 ADR中规定的条款和条件行事。每个持有人和每个受益所有人接受任何ADS后,根据存款协议的条款 和条件发行的(或其中的任何权益),就所有目的而言,应被视为(a)是存款协议 和适用ADR条款的一方并受其约束,以及(b)指定保存人为其实际代理人,具有全权委托,代表其行事,并采取交存协议和适用ADR中设想的任何及所有行动,采取遵守适用法律所需的任何及所有程序 ,并采取交存人全权酌情认为必要或适当的行动 ,以实现交存协议和适用ADR的目的,采取这些行动是决定其必要性和适当性的决定性因素。



(A) 表格。认证的美国存托凭证应由最终的美国存托凭证证明,这些美国存托凭证应雕刻、印刷、平版或以公司和保管人商定的其他方式 制作。美国存托凭证可根据存托协议发行,面额为任何整数个美国存托凭证。美国存托凭证应基本上采用《存款协议》附件A中规定的形式,包括任何适当的插入、修改和遗漏,无论是《存款协议》中另有规定的还是法律要求的。ADR应(一)注明日期,(二)由保管人正式授权的签字人手写或传真签署,(三)由书记官长正式授权的签字人手写或传真签名会签,以及(四)在书记官长为登记美国存托凭证的发行和转让而保存的簿册上登记。由此证明的任何美国存托凭证和美国存托股份均无权享有存款协议项下的任何利益,也不得就任何目的对托管人或本公司有效或可强制执行,除非该等美国存托凭证已如此注明日期、签署、会签和登记。带有托管人或注册官正式授权签字人的传真签名的ADR,在签署时是托管人或注册处处长(视属何情况而定)的正式授权签字人,应对托管人具有约束力,即使该签字人在托管人交付ADR之前已不再有此授权 。美国存托凭证应带有一个不同于任何CUSIP号码的CUSIP号码,该号码是或可能被分配给之前或之后根据托管 (或任何其他托管机构)与本公司之间的任何其他安排发行的任何存托凭证,且不是本协议项下未偿还的美国存托凭证。

(B) 传说。美国存托凭证可注明或在其正文中包含与《存款协议》规定不相抵触的图例或记述,其可能是(I)为使托管人和本公司履行其在本协议项下的义务所必需的,(Ii)遵守任何适用的法律或法规,或遵守任何可交易、上市或报价美国存托凭证的证券交易所或市场的规则和条例,或符合与之有关的任何惯例。(Iii)必要的 说明任何特定的美国存托凭证或美国存托凭证因发行日期或其他原因而受到的任何特别限制或限制,或(Iv)持有美国存托凭证的任何簿记系统所要求的。就所有目的而言,持有人和实益所有人应被视为已知悉以适用持有人名义登记的美国存托凭证或(就实益所有人而言)代表该实益拥有人所拥有的美国存托凭证的美国存托凭证所载传说的条款和条件,并受其约束。

(C) 标题。在符合本协议和《美国存托凭证》所载限制的情况下,美国存托凭证(以及由此证明的每个经认证的美国存托股份)的所有权应可按纽约州法律规定的与经认证的证券相同的条款转让,但条件是, 就已认证的美国存托凭证而言,该美国存托凭证已得到适当背书或附有适当的转让文书。尽管 有任何相反通知,托管银行和本公司仍可在任何情况下将美国存托股份的持有人(即以其名义在托管银行账簿上登记美国存托股份的人)视为美国存托股份的绝对拥有者。根据存款协议或任何美国存托凭证,托管人及本公司均不对任何持有人或任何实益拥有人负有任何义务或承担任何责任 ,除非就美国存托凭证持有人而言,该持有人是登记于托管银行账簿上的持有人,或就实益拥有人而言,该实益拥有人或实益拥有人代表是登记于托管银行账簿上的持有人。


(D) 账簿录入系统。托管人应为接受美国存托凭证进入DTC作出安排。所有通过DTC持有的美国存托凭证将登记在DTC被提名人的名下(目前为“CEDE&Co.”)。因此,DTC的被提名人将是通过DTC持有的所有美国存托凭证的唯一“持有人”。除非由托管机构作为未经证明的美国存托凭证发行,否则以CEDE&Co.名义登记的美国存托凭证将由一个或多个美国存托凭证(S)以“余额证书”的形式提供证明,该凭证将提供 它代表托管机构记录中不时显示的根据本协议签发的美国存托凭证的总数,并且通过对托管机构和DTC或其代名人的该等 记录进行调整,可不时增加或减少其所代表的美国存托凭证的总数。花旗银行(或由DTC 或其代名人指定的其他实体)可持有“余额证书”作为DTC的托管人。通过DTC持有的ADS的每个实益所有人必须 依靠DTC和DTC参与者的程序行使或有权享有该等ADS应享有的任何权利。就所有目的而言,直接受托凭证参与者应被视为拥有代表直接受托凭证参与者在直接受托凭证参与者各自账户中持有的美国存托凭证受益所有人采取行动的所有必要权力和授权,托管机构在所有目的均应被授权依赖直接受托凭证参与者提供的任何指示和信息。只要美国存托凭证是通过DTC持有的,或者除非法律另有要求,在存托凭证被指定人名下登记的美国存托凭证的实益权益的所有权将显示在(I)DTC或其被指定人(关于DTC参与者的利益)或(Ii)DTC参与者或他们的被指定人(关于DTC参与者的客户的利益)所保存的记录中,并且此类所有权的转让将仅通过以下方式进行。托管人根据《存款协议》条款向DTC作出的任何分配和发出的任何通知(除非托管人另有规定)应满足《存款协议》规定的义务,即就DTC持有的美国存托凭证 作出该等分发,并发出该等通知(为免生疑问,包括向在其存托凭证账户中持有该等美国存托凭证的DTC参与者及该等美国存托凭证的实益拥有人发出该等通知)。

第2.3节 股票的存款。根据《存款协议》的条款和条件以及适用法律,股份或获得股份权利的证据 (受限制证券除外)可由任何人存入(包括以个人身份 的保存人,但在公司或公司任何关联公司的情况下,须遵守第5.7条的规定)在任何时候,无论 本公司或股份过户登记处(如有)的过户登记簿是否已关闭,均须向托管人交付股份。每笔股票存放 应附有以下内容:(A)(i) 对于以登记形式发行的股票所代表的股票 ,适当的转让或背书文书,其形式应令托管人满意,(Ii)如果是由无记名形式的证书代表的股票 ,所需的优惠券和与之相关的利爪,以及(Iii)对于通过记账转让和记录方式交付的 股票, confirmation of such book-entry transfer and recordation in the books of the Share Registrar or of the applicable book-entry settlement entity, as applicable, to the Custodian or that irrevocable instructions have been given to cause such Shares to be so transferred and recorded, (B) such certifications and payments (including, without limitation, the Depositary’s fees and related charges) and evidence of such payments (including, without limitation, stamping or otherwise marking such Shares by way of receipt) as may be required by the Depositary or the Custodian in accordance with the provisions of the Deposit Agreement and applicable law, (C) if the Depositary so requires, a written order directing the Depositary to issue and deliver to, or upon the written order of, the person(s) stated in such order the number of ADSs representing the Shares so deposited, (D) evidence reasonably satisfactory to the Depositary (which may be an opinion of counsel) that all necessary approvals have been granted by, or there has been compliance with the rules and regulations of, any applicable governmental agency in the Cayman Islands, and (E) if the Depositary so requires, (i) an agreement, assignment or instrument satisfactory to the Depositary or the Custodian which provides for the prompt transfer by any person in whose name the Shares are or have been recorded to the Custodian of any distribution, or right to subscribe for additional Shares or to receive other property in respect of any such deposited Shares or, in lieu thereof, such indemnity or other agreement as shall be reasonably satisfactory to the Depositary or the Custodian and (ii) if the Shares are registered in the name of the person on whose behalf they are presented for deposit, a proxy or proxies entitling the Custodian to exercise voting rights in respect of the Shares for any and all purposes until the Shares so deposited are registered in the name of the Depositary, the Custodian or any nominee.


在不限制《托管协议》任何其他条款的情况下,托管人应指示托管人不得接受,且托管人不得故意接受:(A)任何 受限证券(第2.14节所设想的除外)或(B)任何零碎股份或零碎托管证券或 (C)在应用美国存托股份比例时会产生零碎美国存托凭证的股份或托管证券。 除非保管人要求提供证据,否则不得接受任何股票进行托管,托管人或托管人认为,根据开曼群岛法律及法规存放该等股份的人士已符合存放该等股份的所有条件,并已获得开曼群岛任何适用的政府机构(如有)批准,这令托管或托管人相当满意。托管机构可根据从本公司、本公司任何代理人或任何托管人、登记处、转让代理、结算机构或其他涉及股份所有权或交易记录的实体收取股份的权利证据而发行美国存托凭证。该等权利证据应包括由本公司或任何该等托管人、登记员、转让代理、结算机构或参与股份所有权或交易记录的其他实体提供的股份所有权的书面担保或具体担保 。

在不限制前述规定的情况下,存管人 不得在知情情况下接受存管协议(A)根据《证券法》规定需要登记的任何股份或其他证券的存管,除非(i)有关该等股份或其他证券的登记声明有效 或(ii)存管是根据第2.14条规定的条款进行的,或(B)存放 会违反本公司组织章程的任何规定的任何股份或其他证券。就上句而言,保存人应 有权依赖根据保存协议作出或视为作出的陈述和保证,且不应要求 进行任何进一步调查。存管人将遵守本公司的书面指示(存管人合理提前 收到),在该指示中合理指定的时间和情况 , 不接受该指示中确定的任何股份,以便于公司遵守美国证券法 。


Section 2.4 Registration and Safekeeping of Deposited Securities. The Depositary shall instruct the Custodian upon each Delivery of registered Shares being deposited hereunder with the Custodian (or other Deposited Securities pursuant to Article IV hereof), together with the other documents above specified, to present such Shares, together with the appropriate instrument(s) of transfer or endorsement, duly stamped, to the Share Registrar for transfer and registration of the Shares (as soon as transfer and registration can be accomplished and at the expense of the person for whom the deposit is made) in the name of the Depositary, the Custodian or a nominee of either. Deposited Securities shall be held by the Depositary, or by a Custodian for the account and to the order of the Depositary or a nominee of the Depositary, in each case, on behalf of the Holders and Beneficial Owners, at such place(s) as the Depositary or the Custodian shall determine. Notwithstanding anything else contained in the Deposit Agreement, any ADR(s), or any other instruments or agreements relating to the ADSs and the corresponding Deposited Property, the registration of the Deposited Securities in the name of the Depositary, the Custodian or any of their respective nominees, shall, to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, vest in the Depositary, the Custodian or the applicable nominee the record ownership in the applicable Deposited Securities with the beneficial ownership rights and interests in such Deposited Securities being at all times vested with the Beneficial Owners of the ADSs representing the Deposited Securities. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Depositary, the Custodian and the applicable nominee shall at all times be entitled to exercise the beneficial ownership rights in all Deposited Property, in each case only on behalf of the Holders and Beneficial Owners of the ADSs representing the Deposited Property, upon the terms set forth in the Deposit Agreement and, if applicable, the ADR(s) representing the ADSs. The Depositary, the Custodian and their respective nominees shall for all purposes be deemed to have all requisite power and authority to act in respect of Deposited Property on behalf of the Holders and Beneficial Owners of ADSs representing the Deposited Property, and upon making payments to, or acting upon instructions from, or information provided by, the Depositary, the Custodian or their respective nominees all persons shall be authorized to rely upon such power and authority.

Section 2.5 Issuance of ADSs. The Depositary has made arrangements with the Custodian for the Custodian to confirm to the Depositary upon receipt of a deposit of Shares (i) that a deposit of Shares has been made pursuant to Section 2.3, (ii) that such Deposited Securities have been recorded in the name of the Depositary, the Custodian or a nominee of either on the shareholders’ register maintained by or on behalf of the Company by the Share Registrar on the books of the applicable book-entry settlement entity, (iii) that all required documents have been received, and (iv) the person(s) to whom or upon whose order ADSs are deliverable in respect thereof and the number of ADSs to be so delivered. Such notification may be made by letter, cable, telex, SWIFT message or, at the risk and expense of the person making the deposit, by facsimile or other means of electronic transmission. Upon receiving such notice from the Custodian, the Depositary, subject to the terms and conditions of the Deposit Agreement and applicable law, shall issue the ADSs representing the Shares so deposited to or upon the order of the person(s) named in the notice delivered to the Depositary and, if applicable, shall execute and deliver at its Principal Office Receipt(s) registered in the name(s) requested by such person(s) and evidencing the aggregate number of ADSs to which such person(s) are entitled, but, in each case, only upon payment to the Depositary of the charges of the Depositary for accepting a deposit of Shares and issuing ADSs (as set forth in Section 5.9 and Exhibit B hereto) and all taxes and governmental charges and fees payable in connection with such deposit and the transfer of the Shares and the issuance of the ADS(s). The Depositary shall only issue ADSs in whole numbers and deliver, if applicable, ADR(s) evidencing whole numbers of ADSs.



(A) 转移。登记官应将美国存托凭证(及其所代表的美国存托凭证)的转让登记在为此目的而保存的账簿上,托管银行应(X)注销该等美国存托凭证并签立新的美国存托凭证,证明其总数与由托管机构注销的美国存托凭证所证明的数目相同,(Y)促使登记官会签该等新的美国存托凭证,并(Z)将该等新的美国存托凭证交付给有权获得该等ADR的人或应其命令交付。如果下列条件均已满足:(I)已由持有人(或持有人正式授权的受权人)将美国存托凭证(ADR)正式交付给托管机构,以便进行转让;(Ii)已交回的美国存托凭证已得到适当背书或附有适当的 转让文书(包括按照标准证券业惯例的签字担保);(Iii)已交回的美国存托凭证已加盖适当印花(如纽约州或美国法律要求);和(Iv)所有适用的费用、保管人的收费和发生的费用,以及所有适用的税费和政府收费(如本合同第5.9节和附件B所述)均已支付,然而,在每种情况下,受试者,遵守适用的美国存托凭证、存款协议和适用法律的条款和条件,每种情况下的条款和条件均与当时有效。

(B) 合并和分离。注册官应将美国存托凭证的拆分或组合(以及由此代表的美国存托凭证)登记在为此目的而保存的账簿上,托管银行应(X)注销该等美国存托凭证并为所请求的美国存托凭证数量签立新的美国存托凭证,但总数不超过托管机构注销的美国存托凭证所证明的美国存托凭证的数量,(Y)促使注册官会签该等新的美国存托凭证,以及(Z)将该等新的美国存托凭证交付给或应其持有人的命令交付。如果满足以下每个条件:(I)ADR已由持有人(或由持有人的正式授权代理人)正式交付给托管机构,以便进行拆分或合并,以及(Ii)托管机构的所有适用费用和收费以及由此产生的费用,以及所有适用的税费和政府收费(如第5.9节和本合同附件B所述)已支付,然而,在每种情况下,受试者适用的美国存托凭证、存款协议和适用法律的条款和条件 ,在每种情况下均与当时有效。


第2.7节交出美国存托凭证和撤回已存放的证券。美国存托凭证持有人应有权在美国存托凭证所代表的时间,在美国存托凭证所代表的时间交付存放的证券,条件如下:(br}(I)持有人(或持有人的正式授权代理人)已将美国存托凭证(ADS)正式交付给位于其主要办事处的托管机构(如果适用,则为证明该等美国存托凭证的美国存托凭证),以提取其所代表的已存入证券;(Ii)如果 适用且受托保管人要求,为此目的交付给托管机构的美国存托凭证已在空白中正确背书或附有适当的空白转让文书(包括根据证券业标准惯例的签字担保),(Iii)如果托管机构提出要求,美国存托凭证持有人已签署并向托管机构交付书面命令,指示托管机构将正在提取的已存放证券交付给或按照该命令中指定的人(S)的书面命令交付,以及(Iv)所有适用的费用和收费以及由此产生的费用,保管人和所有适用的税金和政府收费(如第5.9节和附件B所述)已经支付,然而,在每种情况下,受试者, 证明已交存美国存托凭证的美国存托凭证、存款协议、公司 组织章程的条款和条件以及任何适用法律和适用记账结算实体的规则,以及 存托证券的任何条款或管辖 存托证券的条款和条件,在每种情况下均有效。

在满足上述各项条件 后,存管人(i)应取消交付给其的美国存托凭证(以及(如适用)证明已交付ADS的ADR), (ii)应指示注册官在为此目的保存的账簿上记录已交付ADS的取消,以及 (iii)应指示保管人交付,或安排交付,在每种情况下,在没有不合理延误的情况下,以上述方式注销的ADS所代表的托管证券 连同托管证券的任何证书或其他所有权文件,或其电子转让的证据 (如有)(视情况而定)(视情况而定), 然而,在每一种情况下,存款协议的条款和条件、证明已取消美国存托凭证的美国存托凭证、公司的组织章程、任何适用法律和适用记账结算实体的规则,以及在所有情况下 在协议生效时有效的存托证券的条款和条件。

托管机构不得接受少于一(1)股的美国存托凭证 。如果向其交付的美国存托凭证数量不是股份总数, 托管人应根据本协议的条款安排交付适当的完整数量的股份的所有权,并且 托管人应酌情(I)向交出该等美国存托凭证的人返还相当于 任何剩余零碎股份的美国存托凭证数量,或(Ii)出售或安排出售如此交还的美国存托凭证所代表的零碎股份,并 汇出出售所得收益(扣除(A)适用的费用和收费以及由此产生的开支),托管和(B)向交出美国存托凭证的人缴纳税款(br}预扣)。

尽管任何《美国存托凭证》或《存托协议》另有规定,托管机构仍可在托管机构的主要办事处交付存入财产,包括:(I)任何现金股息或现金分配,或(Ii)出售任何非现金分配所得的任何收益,这些收益是在托管机构就已交回注销和提取的存入的美国存托凭证所代表的证券而持有的。 应任何如此交出美国存托凭证的持有人的要求、风险和费用,并由该持有人承担,托管人应指示托管人(在法律允许的范围内)将托管人就该等美国存托凭证而持有的任何存款财产(存款证券除外)转交给托管人,以便交付给托管人的主要办事处。此类指示应以信函方式发出,或应持有人的要求、风险和费用,通过电报、电传或传真发出。


第2.8条执行和交付的限制,转让, 美国存托凭证等;暂停交付、转让等。

(a) 其他要求。作为执行和交付的先决条件,任何ADS的发行、转让、分割、合并或交出的登记,交付其上的任何分销,或撤回任何托管财产, 存管人或托管人可要求(i)股票存管人或美国存托凭证或美国存托凭证的提交人支付足够的金额 偿还其任何税款或其他政府费用以及任何股票转让或注册费(包括任何 与存放或撤回股份有关的税款或收费和费用),以及支付 保管人第5.9节和附件B中规定的任何适用费用和费用,(ii)出示令其满意的证明,证明任何签名或第3.1条所设想的任何其他事项的身份 和一致性,及(iii)遵守(A)任何与美国存托凭证或美国存托凭证的执行和交付或存托证券的撤回有关的法律或 政府法规,以及(B)此类 存管人和本公司可能制定的合理法规与代表ADR(如适用)、 存管协议和适用法律的规定相一致。

(B) 其他限制。在 公司、托管人、登记处或股份登记处的转让账簿关闭或托管人认为有必要或适宜采取此类行动的任何期间内,可以暂停针对一般股份的存款或针对特定 股份的存款发行美国存托凭证,或者可以拒绝特定情况下的美国存托凭证转让登记,或者一般可以暂停美国存托凭证的转让登记。在任何时间或不时由于法律或法规的任何要求,任何政府或政府机构或委员会或任何美国存托凭证或股票上市的证券交易所,或根据存托协议或代表美国存托凭证(S)的任何条文(如适用),或根据已交存证券的任何条文 ,或因本公司股东大会或任何其他原因,在 所有情况下均须遵守第7.8(A)条。

(c) 监管限制。尽管存管协议或任何ADR有任何相反的规定,持有人 有权在任何时候交出未偿还的ADS以撤回与此相关的存管证券,但仅限于(i)因关闭存管人或公司的过户簿或因在 股东大会上投票或支付股息而导致的暂时 延迟,(ii)支付费用、税款及类似费用,(iii)遵守 与美国存托证券或撤回存托证券有关的任何美国或外国法律或政府法规,及 (iv)指示I.A.具体设想的其他情况。(l)表格F—6的一般指示(因此,一般指示可不时修订)。


第2.9节 美国存托凭证丢失等。如果任何美国存托凭证被损坏、销毁、丢失或被盗,存托人应签署并交付 一份具有类似条款的新美国存托凭证,费用由持有人承担(a) 在美国存托凭证残缺不全的情况下,在此类残缺不全的美国存托凭证被取消时交换和替换该等美国存托凭证,或(B)在美国存托凭证被销毁、丢失或被盗的情况下,在持有人(i)在保存人通知ADR已由善意购买人收购之前,向保存人提交了更换和替换的书面请求,以代替和替换此类已销毁、丢失或被盗ADR的 ,(ii)已提供 此类担保或赔偿(包括赔偿保证金)保存人为使其及其任何代理人免受损害而可能要求的, 和(iii)已满足保存人施加的任何其他合理要求,包括,(但不限于)令保存人满意的证据,证明此类ADR的销毁、丢失或被盗,其真实性和持有人的所有权。

第2.10节 撤销和销毁已交出的ADR;保存记录。所有交还给保存人的美国存托凭证应由保存人予以注销。已取消的ADR不得享有存款协议项下的任何利益,也不得因任何目的而对存管人有效或可执行 。保存人有权销毁已注销的ADR,前提是保存人保存所有销毁ADR的 记录。任何以簿记形式持有的存托证券(例如:当 存管人将余额证书证明的ADS数量减少到已交出的ADS数量时,应视为已注销( 无需实际销毁余额证书)。

第2.11节欺诈行为。如果与美国存托凭证相关的任何无人认领的财产因任何原因归托管机构所有,且未被持有人认领或无法通过通常渠道交付给持有人,则托管机构应在与废弃物权法有关的任何适用法定期限届满后,根据美国每个相关州的法律,将该无人认领的财产转交给相关的 当局。

Section 2.12 Partial Entitlement ADSs. In the event any Shares are deposited which (i) entitle the holders thereof to receive a per-share distribution or other entitlement in an amount different from the Shares then on deposit or (ii) are not fully fungible (including, without limitation, as to settlement or trading) with the Shares then on deposit (the Shares then on deposit collectively, “Full Entitlement Shares” and the Shares with different entitlement, “Partial Entitlement Shares”), the Depositary shall (i) cause the Custodian to hold Partial Entitlement Shares separate and distinct from Full Entitlement Shares, and (ii) subject to the terms of the Deposit Agreement, issue ADSs representing Partial Entitlement Shares which are separate and distinct from the ADSs representing Full Entitlement Shares, by means of separate CUSIP numbering and legending (if necessary) and, if applicable, by issuing ADRs evidencing such ADSs with applicable notations thereon (“Partial Entitlement ADSs/ADRs” and “Full Entitlement ADSs/ADRs”, respectively). If and when Partial Entitlement Shares become Full Entitlement Shares, the Depositary shall (a) give notice thereof to Holders of Partial Entitlement ADSs and give Holders of Partial Entitlement ADRs the opportunity to exchange such Partial Entitlement ADRs for Full Entitlement ADRs, (b) cause the Custodian to transfer the Partial Entitlement Shares into the account of the Full Entitlement Shares, and (c) take such actions as are necessary to remove the distinctions between (i) the Partial Entitlement ADRs and ADSs, on the one hand, and (ii) the Full Entitlement ADRs and ADSs on the other. Holders and Beneficial Owners of Partial Entitlement ADSs shall only be entitled to the entitlements of Partial Entitlement Shares. Holders and Beneficial Owners of Full Entitlement ADSs shall be entitled only to the entitlements of Full Entitlement Shares. All provisions and conditions of the Deposit Agreement shall apply to Partial Entitlement ADRs and ADSs to the same extent as Full Entitlement ADRs and ADSs, except as contemplated by this Section 2.12. The Depositary is authorized to take any and all other actions as may be necessary (including, without limitation, making the necessary notations on ADRs) to give effect to the terms of this Section 2.12. The Company agrees to give timely written notice to the Depositary if any Shares issued or to be issued are Partial Entitlement Shares and shall assist the Depositary with the establishment of procedures enabling the identification of Partial Entitlement Shares upon Delivery to the Custodian.


Section 2.13 Certificated/Uncertificated ADSs. Notwithstanding any other provision of the Deposit Agreement, the Depositary may, at any time and from time to time, issue ADSs that are not evidenced by ADRs (such ADSs, the “Uncertificated ADS(s)” and the ADS(s) evidenced by ADR(s), the “Certificated ADS(s)”). When issuing and maintaining Uncertificated ADS(s) under the Deposit Agreement, the Depositary shall at all times be subject to (i) the standards applicable to registrars and transfer agents maintaining direct registration systems for equity securities in New York and issuing uncertificated securities under New York law, and (ii) the terms of New York law applicable to uncertificated equity securities. Uncertificated ADSs shall not be represented by any instruments but shall be evidenced by registration in the books of the Depositary maintained for such purpose. Holders of Uncertificated ADSs, that are not subject to any registered pledges, liens, restrictions or adverse claims of which the Depositary has notice at such time, shall at all times have the right to exchange the Uncertificated ADS(s) for Certificated ADS(s) of the same type and class, subject in each case to (x) applicable laws and any rules and regulations the Depositary may have established in respect of the Uncertificated ADSs, and (y) the continued availability of Certificated ADSs in the U.S. Holders of Certificated ADSs shall, if the Depositary maintains a direct registration system for the ADSs, have the right to exchange the Certificated ADSs for Uncertificated ADSs upon (i) the due surrender of the Certificated ADS(s) to the Depositary for such purpose and (ii) the presentation of a written request to that effect to the Depositary, subject in each case to (a) all liens and restrictions noted on the ADR evidencing the Certificated ADS(s) and all adverse claims of which the Depositary then has notice, (b) the terms of the Deposit Agreement and the rules and regulations that the Depositary may establish for such purposes hereunder, (c) applicable law, and (d) payment of the Depositary fees and expenses applicable to such exchange of Certificated ADS(s) for Uncertificated ADS(s). Uncertificated ADSs shall in all material respects be identical to Certificated ADS(s) of the same type and class, except that (i) no ADR(s) shall be, or shall need to be, issued to evidence Uncertificated ADS(s), (ii) Uncertificated ADS(s) shall, subject to the terms of the Deposit Agreement, be transferable upon the same terms and conditions as uncertificated securities under New York law, (iii) the ownership of Uncertificated ADS(s) shall be recorded on the books of the Depositary maintained for such purpose and evidence of such ownership shall be reflected in periodic statements provided by the Depositary to the Holder(s) in accordance with applicable New York law, (iv) the Depositary may from time to time, upon notice to the Holders of Uncertificated ADSs affected thereby, establish rules and regulations, and amend or supplement existing rules and regulations, as may be deemed reasonably necessary to maintain Uncertificated ADS(s) on behalf of Holders, provided that (a) such rules and regulations do not conflict with the terms of the Deposit Agreement and applicable law, and (b) the terms of such rules and regulations are readily available to Holders upon request, (v) the Uncertificated ADS(s) shall not be entitled to any benefits under the Deposit Agreement or be valid or enforceable for any purpose against the Depositary or the Company unless such Uncertificated ADS(s) is/are registered on the books of the Depositary maintained for such purpose, (vi) the Depositary may, in connection with any deposit of Shares resulting in the issuance of Uncertificated ADSs and with any transfer, pledge, release and cancellation of Uncertificated ADSs, require the prior receipt of such documentation as the Depositary may deem reasonably appropriate, and (vii) upon termination of the Deposit Agreement, the Depositary shall not require Holders of Uncertificated ADSs to affirmatively instruct the Depositary before remitting proceeds from the sale of the Deposited Property represented by such Holders' Uncertificated ADSs under the terms of Section 6.2. When issuing ADSs under the terms of the Deposit Agreement, including, without limitation, issuances pursuant to Sections 2.5, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5 and 4.11, the Depositary may in its discretion determine to issue Uncertificated ADSs rather than Certificated ADSs, unless otherwise specifically instructed by the applicable Holder to issue Certificated ADSs. All provisions and conditions of the Deposit Agreement shall apply to Uncertificated ADSs to the same extent as to Certificated ADSs, except as contemplated by this Section 2.13. The Depositary is authorized and directed to take any and all actions and establish any and all procedures deemed reasonably necessary to give effect to the terms of this Section 2.13. Any references in the Deposit Agreement or any ADR(s) to the terms “American Depositary Share(s)” or “ADS(s)” shall, unless the context otherwise requires, include Certificated ADS(s) and Uncertificated ADS(s). Except as set forth in this Section 2.13 and except as required by applicable law, the Uncertificated ADSs shall be treated as ADSs issued and outstanding under the terms of the Deposit Agreement. In the event that, in determining the rights and obligations of parties hereto with respect to any Uncertificated ADSs, any conflict arises between (a) the terms of the Deposit Agreement (other than this Section 2.13) and (b) the terms of this Section 2.13, the terms and conditions set forth in this Section 2.13 shall be controlling and shall govern the rights and obligations of the parties to the Deposit Agreement pertaining to the Uncertificated ADSs.


第 2.14节 受限 ADS。应公司要求并承担费用,存管人应建立程序,允许在 项下存放属于限制性证券的股份,以使该等股份的持有人能够以根据本协议条款发行的美国存托证券(如

Shares, “Restricted Shares”). Upon receipt of a written request from the Company to accept Restricted Shares for deposit hereunder, the Depositary agrees to establish procedures permitting the deposit of such Restricted Shares and the issuance of ADSs representing the right to receive, subject to the terms of the Deposit Agreement and the applicable ADR (if issued as a Certificated ADS), such deposited Restricted Shares (such ADSs, the “Restricted ADSs,” and the ADRs evidencing such Restricted ADSs, the “Restricted ADRs”). Notwithstanding anything contained in this Section 2.14, the Depositary and the Company may, to the extent not prohibited by law, agree to issue the Restricted ADSs in uncertificated form (“Uncertificated Restricted ADSs”) upon such terms and conditions as the Company and the Depositary may deem necessary and appropriate. The Company shall assist the Depositary in the establishment of such procedures and agrees that it shall take all steps necessary and reasonably satisfactory to the Depositary to ensure that the establishment of such procedures does not violate the provisions of the Securities Act or any other applicable laws. The depositors of such Restricted Shares and the Holders of the Restricted ADSs may be required prior to the deposit of such Restricted Shares, the transfer of the Restricted ADRs and Restricted ADSs or the withdrawal of the Restricted Shares represented by Restricted ADSs to provide such written certifications or agreements as the Depositary or the Company may require. The Company shall provide to the Depositary in writing the legend(s) to be affixed to the Restricted ADRs (if the Restricted ADSs are to be issued as Certificated ADSs), or to be included in the statements issued from time to time to Holders of Uncertificated ADSs (if issued as Uncertificated Restricted ADSs), which legends shall (i) be in a form reasonably satisfactory to the Depositary and (ii) contain the specific circumstances under which the Restricted ADSs, and, if applicable, the Restricted ADRs evidencing the Restricted ADSs, may be transferred or the Restricted Shares withdrawn. The Restricted ADSs issued upon the deposit of Restricted Shares shall be separately identified on the books of the Depositary and the Restricted Shares so deposited shall, to the extent required by law, be held separate and distinct from the other Deposited Securities held hereunder. The Restricted ADSs shall not be eligible for inclusion in any book-entry settlement system, including, without limitation, DTC, and shall not in any way be fungible with the ADSs issued under the terms hereof that are not Restricted ADSs. The Restricted ADSs, and, if applicable, the Restricted ADRs evidencing the Restricted ADSs, shall be transferable only by the Holder thereof upon delivery to the Depositary of (i) all documentation otherwise contemplated by the Deposit Agreement and (ii) an opinion of counsel reasonably satisfactory to the Depositary setting forth, 除其他外、提交 受限ADS的条件,以及(如适用)证明受限ADS的受限ADR,可由 持有人根据适用的证券法和适用于提交转让的受限 ADS的图例中包含的转让限制进行转让。除本第2.14条规定的情况外,以及除适用法律要求的情况外,受限美国存托凭证 和证明受限美国存托凭证的受限美国存托凭证应被视为根据 存款协议的条款已发行和未到期的美国存托凭证。如果在确定本协议各方关于任何受限 美国存托凭证的权利和义务时,(a)存款协议的条款之间发生任何冲突(本第2.14节除外)和(b)(i) 本第2.14节或(ii)适用的限制性ADR的条款,本第2.14条和 受限ADR中规定的条款和条件应具有控制性,并应约束存款协议各方与已存受限制股份、受限ADS和受限ADR有关的 的权利和义务。


如果受限美国存托凭证、受限美国存托凭证和受限股份不再是受限证券,托管人在收到(X)律师对托管人陈述的合理满意的意见后,除其他外,受限制的ADR、受限制的ADS和受限制的股份不是 当时的受限制的证券,以及(y)公司的指令,以取消适用于受限制的ADR、受限制的ADS和受限制的限制,(i)消除可能已经建立的区别和分离 根据本第2.14条以存款方式持有的适用限制性股份与根据存款协议条款 以存款方式持有的其他非限制性股份之间的交易,(ii)按照相同的条款对待新的非限制性美国存托凭证和美国存托凭证,且 可与根据存款协议条款发行和尚未发行的其他美国存托凭证和美国存托凭证完全互换,且(iii)采取一切必要行动,消除 先前根据本第2.14条分别存在的适用的受限制美国存托凭证和受限制美国存托凭证之间的任何区别、限制和限制,一方面,以及其他 ADR和不属于受限ADR或受限ADS的ADS,另一方面,包括但不限于,通过使 新不受限制的ADS有资格纳入适用的记账结算系统。



第3.1节证明、证书和其他信息。可能需要提交股份以供存放的任何人、任何持有人和任何受益所有人,且每个持有人和受益所有人同意不时向托管人和托管人提供公民身份或居住权、纳税人身份、支付所有适用税款或其他政府费用、外汇管制批准、美国存托凭证和存放财产的合法或实益拥有权、遵守适用法律、《存款协议》条款或美国存托凭证(S)以证明存入财产的条款、签署此类证明并作出此类陈述和保证的证明。并提供托管人或托管人认为必要或适当的其他资料及文件(或如为登记 格式股份,则提供与登记于本公司或股份过户登记处账簿上的登记有关的资料),或本公司根据存款协议及适用的美国存托凭证(S)向托管人提出书面要求而合理要求的其他资料及文件。托管银行及注册处处长(视何者适用而定)可暂缓签立、交付或登记任何美国存托凭证或美国存托股份的转让,或派发或出售任何股息或分派权利或其收益,或在不受第7.8(A)节条款限制的范围内,暂缓交付任何存放财产 ,直至提交有关证明或其他资料或签立该等证明、陈述及保证,或在每种情况下提供的此类其他文件或资料均令托管银行、注册处处长及本公司满意。托管应在必要及适当时及时向本公司提供(I) 其从持有人及实益拥有人处收到的有关公民身份或居留、纳税人身份或外汇管制批准的任何该等证明或书面陈述及保证的副本 ,及(Ii)本公司可能合理地要求 且托管应要求并向任何持有人或实益拥有人或任何提交股份以供注销、转让或提取的美国存托凭证 收取的任何其他资料或文件的副本或原件。本协议并不规定托管银行有义务(I)在持有人或实益拥有人未提供的情况下为本公司获取任何资料,或(Ii)核实或担保持有人或实益拥有人如此提供的资料的准确性。


第3.2节税费和其他费用的责任。托管人或托管人就任何存放财产、美国存托凭证或美国存托凭证应支付的任何税款或其他政府费用,应由持有人和实益所有人向托管人支付。本公司, 托管人和/或托管人可扣留或扣除就代表该持有人及/或实益拥有人而持有的存放财产所作的任何分派,并可代持有人及/或实益拥有人出售任何或全部该等存放财产,并将该等分派及出售所得款项用于支付持有人或实益拥有人就美国存托凭证、存入财产及美国存托凭证而须或可能须支付的任何税项(包括适用的利息及罚款)或收费,持有人及实益拥有人仍须为任何不足承担责任。托管人可以拒绝股份的存放,托管人可以拒绝发行美国存托凭证, 交付美国存托凭证,登记美国存托凭证的转让,登记美国存托凭证的拆分或组合,以及(在符合第7.8(A)条的情况下)提取存放的财产,直到收到全额的此类税款、费用、罚款或利息为止。每个持有人和实益所有人同意 赔偿托管人、公司、托管人及其任何代理人、高级管理人员、员工和关联公司,并使他们每个人都不会因因为该持有人和/或实益所有人获得的任何税收利益而提出的任何税收索赔(包括适用的利息和罚款)而受到损害。 尽管《存款协议》或任何美国存托凭证有任何相反规定,本第3.2节规定的持有人和实益所有人的义务应在美国存托凭证的任何转让、任何美国存托凭证的注销和存入证券的撤回以及《存款协议》终止后继续存在。

第3.3节 关于股份存放的陈述及声明。根据存管协议存管股份的每一位人士应 被视为代表并保证:(i)该等股份及其证书均为该人士正式授权、有效发行、已缴足 款、不可课税及合法取得;(ii)该等股份及其证书的所有优先权(及类似)有关该等股份的权利(如有)已被有效放弃或行使,(iii)作出该等存款的人士获正式授权,(iv)提交供 存放的股份不存在任何留置权、抵押权、担保权益、押记、抵押或不利索赔,(v)提交供 存放的股份不是,且在该存放时可发行的ADS将不是受限制证券(第2.14节所述除外), 及(vi)提交供存放的股份没有被剥夺任何权利或权益。该等陈述和保证 应在存回和撤回股份、发行和注销与之相关的美国存托凭证以及转让该等 美国存托凭证后继续有效。如果任何此类声明或保证在任何方面是虚假的,则应授权本公司和存管处采取任何和所有必要的行动以纠正其后果,费用由存管股份的人承担。

第3.4节遵守信息请求。尽管《存款协议》或任何美国存托凭证(S)另有规定,各持有人和实益所有人同意遵守本公司根据适用法律提出的要求,遵守股份或美国存托凭证已在或将在其登记、交易或上市的任何证券交易所的规则和要求,或为提供信息而制定的公司章程。除其他外有关该等美国存托凭证持有人或实益拥有人以何种身份拥有美国存托凭证(及 股份),以及于该等美国存托凭证中拥有权益的任何其他人士(S)的身分及该等权益的性质及各种其他事宜,不论他们在提出要求时是否为持有人及/或实益拥有人。托管人同意 应本公司的要求并由本公司承担费用,尽其合理努力将本公司的任何此类请求转交给持有人,并将托管人收到的此类请求的任何此类回复转交给本公司。


第3.5节 所有权限制。尽管存款协议或任何ADR中有任何其他条款 相反,如果转让可能导致股份所有权超过适用法律或公司组织章程规定的限制 ,则公司可以限制股份转让。如果转让可能导致单一持有人或受益所有人拥有的ADS所代表的股份总数超过任何此类限制,公司还可以以其认为适当的方式限制 ADS的转让。本公司可自行斟酌,但须遵守适用法律,指示存管人 就任何持有人或受益所有人的所有权权益采取超过上一句 中规定的限额的行动,包括但不限于对美国存托凭证的转让施加限制,(a)取消或限制投票权或代表持有人或受益所有人强制出售或处置该等 持有人或受益所有人持有的ADS所代表的股份,超过该等限制,在适用法律和公司章程允许的范围内,进行此类处置。此处的任何内容均不得解释为托管人或公司有义务确保 遵守本第3.5节所述的所有权限制。

第3.6节报告义务和监管批准。适用的法律法规可能要求股份持有人和实益拥有人,包括美国存托凭证的持有人和实益拥有人,在某些情况下满足报告要求并获得监管部门的批准。美国存托凭证持有人和实益所有人完全负责确定和遵守此类报告要求 并获得此类批准。每一持有人和每一实益所有人在此同意在适用的法律和法规要求的范围内,以不时生效的形式作出决定、提交报告并获得批准。托管人、托管人、本公司或其各自的任何代理人或关联公司均无需代表持有人或实益拥有人采取任何行动,以确定或满足该等报告要求,或根据适用的法律和法规获得该等监管批准。


第4.1节 现金 分配。每当本公司打算就 任何存置证券进行现金股息或其他现金分派时,本公司应在 建议分派前至少二十(20)天及时通知存置人, 除其他外, the record date applicable for determining the holders of Deposited Securities entitled to receive such distribution. Upon the timely receipt of such notice, the Depositary shall establish the ADS Record Date upon the terms described in Section 4.9. Upon confirmation of the receipt of (x) any cash dividend or other cash distribution on any Deposited Securities, or (y) proceeds from the sale of any Deposited Property held in respect of the ADSs under the terms hereof, the Depositary will (i) if any amounts are received in a Foreign Currency, promptly convert or cause to be converted such cash dividend, distribution or proceeds into Dollars (subject to the terms and on the conditions of Section 4.8), (ii) if applicable and unless previously established, establish the ADS Record Date upon the terms described in Section 4.9, and (iii) distribute promptly the amount thus received from such conversion (net of (a) the applicable fees and charges set forth in the Fee Schedule attached hereto as Exhibit B, and (b) applicable taxes withheld) to the Holders entitled thereto as of the ADS Record Date in proportion to the number of ADSs held as of the ADS Record Date. The Depositary shall distribute only such amount, however, as can be distributed without attributing to any Holder a fraction of one cent, and any balance not so distributed shall be held by the Depositary (without liability for interest thereon) and shall be added to and become part of the next sum received by the Depositary for distribution to Holders of ADSs outstanding at the time of the next distribution. If the Company, the Custodian or the Depositary is required to withhold and does withhold from any cash dividend or other cash distribution in respect of any Deposited Securities, or from any cash proceeds from the sales of Deposited Property, an amount on account of taxes, duties or other governmental charges, the amount distributed to Holders on the ADSs shall be reduced accordingly. Such withheld amounts shall be forwarded by the Company, the Custodian or the Depositary to the relevant governmental authority. Evidence of payment thereof by the Company shall be forwarded by the Company to the Depositary upon request. The Depositary will hold any cash amounts it is unable to distribute in a non-interest bearing account for the benefit of the applicable Holders and Beneficial Owners of ADSs until the distribution can be effected or the funds that the Depositary holds must be escheated as unclaimed property in accordance with the laws of the relevant states of the United States. Notwithstanding anything contained in the Deposit Agreement to the contrary, in the event the Company fails to give the Depositary timely notice of the proposed distribution provided for in this Section 4.1, the Depositary agrees to use commercially reasonable efforts to perform the actions contemplated in this Section 4.1, and the Company, the Holders and the Beneficial Owners acknowledge that the Depositary shall have no liability for the Depositary’s failure to perform the actions contemplated in this Section 4.1 where such notice has not been so timely given, other than its failure to use commercially reasonable efforts, as provided herein.


第4.2节 共享中的分配 。当公司打算进行包括股息或免费分发 股份的分配时,公司应至少在提议的分配前二十(20)天及时向保存人发出通知, 指明, 除其他外, the record date applicable to holders of Deposited Securities entitled to receive such distribution. Upon the timely receipt of such notice from the Company, the Depositary shall establish the ADS Record Date upon the terms described in Section 4.9. Upon receipt of confirmation from the Custodian of the receipt of the Shares so distributed by the Company, the Depositary shall either (i) subject to Section 5.9, distribute to the Holders as of the ADS Record Date in proportion to the number of ADSs held as of the ADS Record Date, additional ADSs, which represent in the aggregate the number of Shares received as such dividend, or free distribution, subject to the other terms of the Deposit Agreement (including, without limitation, (a) the applicable fees and charges of, and expenses incurred by, the Depositary and (b) taxes), or (ii) if additional ADSs are not so distributed, take all actions necessary so that each ADS issued and outstanding after the ADS Record Date shall, to the extent permissible by law, thenceforth also represent rights and interests in the additional integral number of Shares distributed upon the Deposited Securities represented thereby (net of (a) the applicable fees and charges of, and expenses incurred by, the Depositary and (b) taxes). In lieu of delivering fractional ADSs, the Depositary shall sell the number of Shares or ADSs, as the case may be, represented by the aggregate of such fractions and distribute the net proceeds upon the terms described in Section 4.1. In the event that the Depositary determines that any distribution in property (including Shares) is subject to any tax or other governmental charges which the Depositary is obligated to withhold, or, if the Company in the fulfillment of its obligation under Section 5.7, has furnished an opinion of U.S. counsel determining that Shares must be registered under the Securities Act or other laws in order to be distributed to Holders (and no such registration statement has been declared effective), the Depositary may dispose of all or a portion of such property (including Shares and rights to subscribe therefor) in such amounts and in such manner, including by public or private sale, as the Depositary deems necessary and practicable, and the Depositary shall distribute the net proceeds of any such sale (after deduction of (a) taxes and (b) fees and charges of, and expenses incurred by, the Depositary) to Holders entitled thereto upon the terms described in Section 4.1. The Depositary shall hold and/or distribute any unsold balance of such property in accordance with the provisions of the Deposit Agreement. Notwithstanding anything contained in the Deposit Agreement to the contrary, in the event the Company fails to give the Depositary timely notice of the proposed distribution provided for in this Section 4.2, the Depositary agrees to use commercially reasonable efforts to perform the actions contemplated in this Section 4.2, and the Company, the Holders and the Beneficial Owners acknowledge that the Depositary shall have no liability for the Depositary’s failure to perform the actions contemplated in this Section 4.2 where such notice has not been so timely given, other than its failure to use commercially reasonable efforts, as provided herein.


第4.3节 选择性 现金或股份分配。当本公司打算以现金或额外股份的方式进行分派时,本公司应在建议分派前至少 四十五(45)天及时通知存管人,说明, 除其他外, the record date applicable to holders of Deposited Securities entitled to receive such elective distribution and whether or not it wishes such elective distribution to be made available to Holders of ADSs. Upon the timely receipt of a notice indicating that the Company wishes such elective distribution to be made available to Holders of ADSs, the Depositary shall consult with the Company to determine, and the Company shall assist the Depositary in its determination, whether it is lawful and reasonably practicable to make such elective distribution available to the Holders of ADSs. The Depositary shall make such elective distribution available to Holders only if (i) the Company shall have timely requested that the elective distribution be made available to Holders, (ii) the Depositary shall have determined that such distribution is reasonably practicable and (iii) the Depositary shall have received satisfactory documentation within the terms of Section 5.7. If the above conditions are not satisfied or if the Company requests such elective distribution not to be made available to Holders of ADSs, the Depositary shall establish the ADS Record Date on the terms described in Section 4.9 and, to the extent permitted by law, distribute to the Holders, on the basis of the same determination as is made in the Cayman Islands in respect of the Shares for which no election is made, either (X) cash upon the terms described in Section 4.1 or (Y) additional ADSs representing such additional Shares upon the terms described in Section 4.2. If the above conditions are satisfied, the Depositary shall establish an ADS Record Date on the terms described in Section 4.9 and establish procedures to enable Holders to elect the receipt of the proposed distribution in cash or in additional ADSs. The Company shall assist the Depositary in establishing such procedures to the extent necessary. If a Holder elects to receive the proposed distribution (X) in cash, the distribution shall be made upon the terms described in Section 4.1, or (Y) in ADSs, the distribution shall be made upon the terms described in Section 4.2. Nothing herein shall obligate the Depositary to make available to Holders a method to receive the elective distribution in Shares (rather than ADSs). There can be no assurance that Holders generally, or any Holder in particular, will be given the opportunity to receive elective distributions on the same terms and conditions as the holders of Shares. Notwithstanding anything contained in the Deposit Agreement to the contrary, in the event the Company fails to give the Depositary timely notice of the proposed distribution provided for in this Section 4.3, the Depositary agrees to use commercially reasonable efforts to perform the actions contemplated in this Section 4.3, and the Company, the Holders and the Beneficial Owners acknowledge that the Depositary shall have no liability for the Depositary’s failure to perform the actions contemplated in this Section 4.3 where such notice has not been so timely given, other than its failure to use commercially reasonable efforts, as provided herein.



(a) 分发给ADS持有人。每当本公司拟向存管证券持有人分配认购额外股份的权利时,本公司应在建议分配前至少四十五(45)天及时通知存管人,并指明, 除其他外, the record date applicable to holders of Deposited Securities entitled to receive such distribution and whether or not it wishes such rights to be made available to Holders of ADSs. Upon the timely receipt of a notice indicating that the Company wishes such rights to be made available to Holders of ADSs, the Depositary shall consult with the Company to determine, and the Company shall assist the Depositary in its determination, whether it is lawful and reasonably practicable to make such rights available to the Holders. The Depositary shall make such rights available to Holders only if (i) the Company shall have timely requested that such rights be made available to Holders, (ii) the Depositary shall have received satisfactory documentation within the terms of Section 5.7, and (iii) the Depositary shall have determined that such distribution of rights is reasonably practicable. In the event any of the conditions set forth above are not satisfied or if the Company requests that the rights not be made available to Holders of ADSs, the Depositary shall proceed with the sale of the rights as contemplated in Section 4.4(b) below. In the event all conditions set forth above are satisfied, the Depositary shall establish the ADS Record Date (upon the terms described in Section 4.9) and establish procedures to (x) distribute rights to purchase additional ADSs (by means of warrants or otherwise), (y) enable the Holders to exercise such rights (upon payment of the subscription price and of the applicable (a) fees and charges of, and expenses incurred by, the Depositary and (b) taxes), and (z) deliver ADSs upon the valid exercise of such rights. The Company shall assist the Depositary to the extent necessary in establishing such procedures. Nothing herein shall obligate the Depositary to make available to the Holders a method to exercise rights to subscribe for Shares (rather than ADSs).


(B) 出售权利。如果(I)公司未及时请求托管人将权利提供给持有人,或 要求不向持有人提供权利,(Ii)托管人未能在第5.7节的条款内收到令人满意的文件,或确定向持有人提供权利并不合理可行,或(Iii)已提供的任何权利没有行使且似乎即将失效,托管人应确定以无风险主要身份出售此类权利是否合法和合理可行。按其认为切实可行的地点及条款(包括公开或私下出售)出售。公司应在确定此类合法性和可行性所需的范围内协助保管人。托管人在出售后,应按照第4.1节规定的条款转换和分配此类出售的收益(扣除适用的(A)托管人的手续费和费用以及由此产生的费用和(B)税)。

(C) 权利失效。如果托管人无法按照第 4.4(A)节所述条款向持有人提供任何权利,或无法按照第4.4(B)节所述条款安排出售权利,托管人应允许此类权利失效。

托管银行对以下情况概不负责:(I)未能准确确定向一般持有人或任何持有人提供该等权利是否合法或可行 ,(Ii)因出售或行使该等权利而招致的任何外汇风险或损失,或(Iii)与权利分派有关而以本公司名义送交持有人的任何材料的内容。

尽管本 第4.4节有任何相反的规定,如果注册(根据《证券法》或任何其他适用法律)的权利或与任何权利有关的证券 ,为了使公司向持有人提供此类权利或此类证券并出售此类权利所代表的证券 ,保存人将不向持有人分配此类权利(i)除非和直到根据《证券法》发布登记声明(或其他适用法律)适用于该等发行,或(ii)除非本公司认可保存人意见。本公司在美国的法律顾问和本公司在任何其他适用国家的法律顾问,在每种情况下,将分配权利 ,以使存管人满意,向持有人 和受益所有人的发行和销售该等证券被豁免,或不需要登记,证券法或任何其他适用 法律的规定。

如果本公司、托管人或托管人因税收或其他政府收费而被要求从任何存款财产(包括权利)的分配中扣留或确实扣留金额 ,分配给美国存托凭证持有人的金额应相应减少。如果托管人确定任何存放财产(包括股份和认购权)的任何分配 须缴纳托管人有义务扣缴的任何税款或其他政府费用,则托管人可以处置该等存放财产(包括股份和认购权)的全部或部分,处置的数额和方式,包括通过 公开或私下出售,是支付任何该等税款或收费所必需和可行的。


不能保证一般持有人,尤其是任何持有人,将有机会以与股份持有人相同的条款和条件获得或行使权利,或能够行使该等权利。本公司并无责任就行使该等权利后将收购的任何权利或股份或其他证券 提交任何登记声明。


(A) 每当本公司拟将现金、股份或权利以外的其他证券财产分派予存托证券持有人以购买额外股份时,本公司应就此及时通知托管人,并须表明是否希望 向美国存托凭证持有人作出此类分派。在收到本公司希望向美国存托凭证持有人作出此类分发的通知后,托管银行应与本公司磋商,本公司应协助托管银行确定向持有人进行此类分发是否合法和合理可行。托管人不得进行此类分发,除非(I)公司已要求托管人向持有人进行此类分发,(Ii)托管人已收到令人满意的文件, 符合第5.7条的规定,以及(Iii)托管人已确定此类分发是合理可行的。

(b) 在收到令人满意的文件和公司向ADS持有人分配财产的请求后,并在 做出上述(a)项规定的必要决定后,存管人应将收到的财产分配给 记录持有人,截至ADS记录日期,按彼等各自持有的美国存托股份数目的比例,并以存管人 认为可行的方式完成有关分派(i)在收到付款或扣除存管处的适用费用及收费及 所产生的开支后,及(ii)扣除任何预扣税。保管人可处置全部或部分如此分配和存放的财产 ,处置的金额和方式(包括公开或私下出售)应是保管人认为可行或必要的,以满足任何税收(包括适用的利息和罚款)或适用于分配的其他政府收费。

(C) 如果(I)本公司未要求保管人向持有人进行此类分配,或要求保管人不向持有人进行此类分配,(Ii)保管人未收到令人满意的第5.7条规定的文件,或(Iii) 保管人确定全部或部分此类分配不合理地可行,则保管人应以公开或私下出售的方式出售或安排 出售此类财产。在其认为可行的一个或多个地点,按其认为可行的条款,并应 (I)安排将该等出售所得款项(如有)兑换成美元,及(Ii)根据第4.1节的条款,将托管银行收到的该等兑换所得款项(扣除适用的(A)费用及收费及由该托管银行产生的开支及(B)税项)分配给持有人。如果保管人无法出售这类财产,保管人可以在这种情况下以其认为合理可行的任何方式为持有人处分这类财产。


(D) 保管人和本公司均不对以下情况承担责任:(I)未能准确确定将本第4.5节所述财产提供给一般持有人或任何特别持有人是否合法或是否可行,或(Ii) 因出售或处置此类财产而产生的任何损失。

第4.6节 有关以不记名形式存放证券的分派。根据本第四条的规定,由存管人或托管人以无记名形式持有的存管证券的分配 应在存管人 或托管人向公司适当出示任何相关息票、爪或证书后,向存管人 或托管人的账户进行分配。公司应立即通知存管人 此类分配。保存人或保管人应立即出示与任何此类分发有关的此类券、爪或证书(视情况而定)。

Section 4.7 Redemption. If the Company intends to exercise any right of redemption in respect of any of the Deposited Securities, the Company shall give timely notice thereof to the Depositary at least forty-five (45) days prior to the intended date of redemption which notice shall set forth the particulars of the proposed redemption. Upon timely receipt of (i) such notice and (ii) satisfactory documentation given by the Company to the Depositary within the terms of Section 5.7, and only if the Depositary shall have determined that such proposed redemption is practicable, the Depositary shall provide to each Holder a notice setting forth the intended exercise by the Company of the redemption rights and any other particulars set forth in the Company’s notice to the Depositary. The Depositary shall instruct the Custodian to present to the Company the Deposited Securities in respect of which redemption rights are being exercised against payment of the applicable redemption price. Upon receipt of confirmation from the Custodian that the redemption has taken place and that funds representing the redemption price have been received, the Depositary shall convert, transfer, and distribute the proceeds (net of applicable (a) fees and charges of, and the expenses incurred by, the Depositary, and (b) taxes), retire ADSs and cancel ADRs, if applicable, upon delivery of such ADSs by Holders thereof and the terms set forth in Sections 4.1 and 6.2. If less than all outstanding Deposited Securities are redeemed, the ADSs to be retired will be selected by lot or on a pro rata basis, as may be determined by the Depositary. The redemption price per ADS shall be the dollar equivalent of the per share amount received by the Depositary (adjusted to reflect the ADS(s)-to-Share(s) ratio) upon the redemption of the Deposited Securities represented by ADSs (subject to the terms of Section 4.8 and the applicable fees and charges of, and expenses incurred by, the Depositary, and taxes) multiplied by the number of Deposited Securities represented by each ADS redeemed.

尽管存管协议 有任何相反的规定,如果公司未能及时向存管人发出本第4.7节规定的拟议赎回通知,存管人同意使用商业上合理的努力来执行本第4.7节中所述的行动,并且公司,持有人和受益所有人确认,如果未及时发出通知,则保存人不应对保存人 未履行本第4.7条所述的行动承担任何责任,除了其未能 使用商业上合理的努力,如本文所述。


Section 4.8 Conversion of Foreign Currency. Whenever the Depositary or the Custodian shall receive Foreign Currency, by way of dividends or other distributions or the net proceeds from the sale of Deposited Property, which in the judgment of the Depositary can at such time be converted on a practicable basis, by sale or in any other manner that it may determine in accordance with applicable law, into Dollars transferable to the United States and distributable to the Holders entitled thereto, the Depositary shall convert or cause to be converted, by sale or in any other manner that it may reasonably determine, such Foreign Currency into Dollars, and shall distribute such Dollars (net of the fees and charges set forth in the Fee Schedule attached hereto as Exhibit B, and applicable taxes withheld) in accordance with the terms of the applicable sections of the Deposit Agreement. The Depositary and/or its agent (which may be a division, branch or Affiliate of the Depositary) may act as principal for any conversion of Foreign Currency. If the Depositary shall have distributed warrants or other instruments that entitle the holders thereof to such Dollars, the Depositary shall distribute such Dollars to the holders of such warrants and/or instruments upon surrender thereof for cancellation, in either case without liability for interest thereon. Such distribution may be made upon an averaged or other practicable basis without regard to any distinctions among Holders on account of any application of exchange restrictions or otherwise.

如果此类转换或分配一般或针对某一特定持有人的转换或分配只能在获得其任何政府或机构的批准或许可的情况下才能实施,则托管机构 应有权提出其认为合适的申请以获得批准或许可。然而,在任何情况下,保管人都没有义务提交这种申请。

如果托管人在任何时候判定, 托管人收到的任何外币的兑换和兑换收益的转移和分配不可行或不合法,或者如果此类兑换、转让和分配所需的任何政府当局或机构的批准或许可被拒绝,或者托管人认为不能以合理的成本或在合理的期限内获得,托管人可酌情(I)以美元向持有人进行此类兑换和分配,转让和分发是合法和可行的,(Ii)将外币(或证明有权接收外币的适当文件)分发给合法和可行的持有人,或(Iii)为有权获得外币的持有人的各自账户持有(或 安排托管人持有)该外币(不承担利息责任) 。

第4.9节确定美国存托股份记录日期 。只要(A)托管人收到本公司为确定有权获得任何分发(无论是现金、股票、权利或其他分发)的已存放证券持有人的 确定记录日期的通知,(B)托管人因任何原因导致每个美国存托股份所代表的股份数量发生变化,(C)托管人应收到股份或其他已存放证券持有人的任何会议或征求其同意或委托书的通知,或(D)托管人认为在发出任何通知、征求 任何同意或任何其他事项方面是必要或方便的,托管人应指定记录日期(“美国存托股份记录日期”),以确定美国存托股份持有人(S)有权收到此类分发、指示在任何有关会议上行使投票权、给予或不给予同意、接收有关通知或征求同意或以其他方式采取行动,或就美国存托股份所代表的已变更股份数目行使持有人的权利。托管人应作出合理努力,在实际可行范围内尽可能接近本公司在开曼群岛为交存证券(如有)设定的适用备案日期,且不得在本公司公布有关企业行动前宣布设立任何美国存托股份记录 (若有关企业行动影响已交存证券)。在符合适用法律和第4.1至4.8节的规定以及存款协议的其他条款和条件的情况下,只有在美国存托股份备案日纽约交易结束时持有美国存托凭证的持有人才有权 接收此类分发、发出此类投票指示、接收此类通知或征求意见,或采取其他行动。


第4.10节存入证券的表决。在收到托管证券持有人有权参加的任何会议的通知,或收到托管证券持有人征求同意或委托书的通知后,托管人应按照第4.9节的规定,尽快确定有关该会议或征求同意或委托书的美国存托股份记录日期。如果公司提出书面要求,托管机构应及时(托管机构在投票或会议日期前至少三十(30)天未收到请求,则托管机构没有义务采取任何进一步行动),费用由公司承担,且在美国法律不禁止的情况下,应在收到后尽快分发给美国存托股份记录日期的持有人:(A)该会议通知或征求同意或委托代表;(B)一份声明,声明在美国存托股份记录日期收盘时,持有人在符合任何适用法律的情况下,将有权指示托管人行使与该持有人的美国存托凭证所代表的已交存证券有关的投票权(如有),须遵守《存款协议》、《公司组织章程》及已交存证券的条文或规管已交存证券的条文(如有,由本公司在有关部分汇总),及(C)一份简短声明,说明根据存款协议第4.10节发出该等投票指示的方式,或 如在为此目的而设定的截止日期 前并无接获有关指示,则该等指示可如何发出或被视为已根据存款协议第4.10节发出。 为此目的而向托管人发出全权委托委托书。尽管《存款协议》中有任何相反的规定,但如果本公司未能按照《存款协议》第4.10节的规定及时要求托管机构分发信息,且经与本公司协商同意,托管机构将采取商业上合理的努力来执行《存款协议》第4.10节所述的行动,且本公司: 持有人和实益所有人承认,保管人不对保管人未能履行《保管人协议》第4.10节所述的行为承担任何责任,除非保管人未能按照本协议的规定采取商业上合理的努力。

尽管《托管协议》或任何美国存托凭证有任何规定,托管机构仍可在法律或法规不禁止的范围内,或在美国存托凭证上市的证券交易所的要求 的范围内,向托管机构分发与托管证券持有人的任何会议或向托管证券持有人征求同意或委托书有关的材料,向持有人分发通知,向持有人提供或以其他方式向持有人宣传如何检索此类材料或应请求接收此类材料(例如:, 参考包含要检索的材料的网站或请求材料副本的联系人)。


本公司已告知存管人 ,根据本公司于存管协议日期已获采纳的组织章程细则,本公司任何股东会议 均以举手方式进行表决,除非(在宣布举手表决结果之前或之时) 要求进行投票。无论美国存托证券持有人是否要求以投票方式投票,存托人均不会参与要求投票。根据截至存款协议日期已采纳的本公司组织章程细则,(a) 会议主席或(b)持有不少于股份所附表决权百分之十(10%)的任何股东或 委派代表出席的股东,可要求投票表决。

投票指示只能针对代表整数个存入证券的美国存托凭证数量 。在按托管人规定的方式及时收到美国存托股份美国存托凭证记录日期的美国存托凭证 记录日期后,托管人应在可行的范围内,并在适用法律允许的情况下,尽力按照《存款协议》、本公司组织章程和 已交存证券的规定,投票或安排托管人表决由以下 持有人的美国存托凭证所代表的已交存证券(亲自或委托代表):在股东大会上举手表决的,托管人将指示托管人根据及时从提供投票指示的多数美国存托凭证持有人 收到的投票指示对所有已交存证券进行投票,以及(B)在股东大会上投票表决的, 存管人将指示托管人根据及时收到的投票指示 对存管证券进行投票。如果投票方式为投票方式,且存管人在存管人为此目的确定的日期或之前,未收到持有人的投票指示,则该持有人应被视为且存管人应被视为 该持有人已指示存管人向公司指定的人士给予全权委托,以投票所存管人 证券;但是,存管人不得就任何待表决的事项给予全权委托书 ,即公司通知存管人:(a)公司不希望给予该委托书,(b)存在重大反对意见 ,或(c)托管证券持有人的权利可能会受到该全权委托 表决的任何决议案的不利影响。

存托人未收到持有人及时的表决指示的以美国存托证券为代表的存托证券不得进行表决(除非(a)如果投票是以举手方式 ,在这种情况下,存管人将指示托管人根据从及时提供投票指示的大多数美国存托证券持有人收到的投票指示 对所有存托证券进行投票,及(b)如本第4.10节所述)。 存管人或托管人在任何情况下均不得行使表决权,存管人或 存管人均不得投票、试图行使表决权或以任何方式利用(以确定法定人数或其他方式)存管证券,除非根据并按照及时收到的持有人的表决指示 或本协议另有规定。如果存管人及时收到持有人的投票指令,而该指令未指明 存管人对该持有人的美国存托凭证所代表的存管证券进行投票的方式,则存管人将认为该持有人 (除非在分发给持有人的通知中另有规定)已指示存管人投票赞成该等投票指令中所列的项目。


尽管本协议另有规定, 如本公司提出书面要求,托管人应代表所有已交存证券(无论截至美国存托股份记录日是否已收到持有人关于该等已交存证券的表决指示),仅用于在股东大会上确定 法定人数。

尽管 存款协议或任何ADR中包含其他任何内容,但如果采取任何行动违反美国法律,则存管人无义务就任何会议或 的同意或委托书采取任何行动。本公司同意 采取任何及所有合理必要的行动,使持有人和受益所有人能够行使已存置证券 应计的投票权,并向存置人提交美国法律顾问的意见,以解决 存置人要求采取的任何行动。

不能保证持有人一般 或特别是任何持有人将收到上述通知时有足够的时间使持有人能够及时将投票指示 退还给托管人。

Section 4.11 Changes Affecting Deposited Securities. Upon any change in nominal or par value, split-up, cancellation, consolidation or any other reclassification of Deposited Securities, or upon any recapitalization, reorganization, merger, consolidation or sale of assets affecting the Company or to which it is a party, any property which shall be received by the Depositary or the Custodian in exchange for, or in conversion of, or replacement of, or otherwise in respect of, such Deposited Securities shall, to the extent permitted by law, be treated as new Deposited Property under the Deposit Agreement, and the ADSs shall, subject to the provisions of the Deposit Agreement, any ADR(s) evidencing such ADSs and applicable law, represent the right to receive such additional or replacement Deposited Property. In giving effect to such change, split-up, cancellation, consolidation or other reclassification of Deposited Securities, recapitalization, reorganization, merger, consolidation or sale of assets, the Depositary may, with the Company’s approval, and shall, if the Company shall so request, subject to the terms of the Deposit Agreement (including, without limitation, (a) the applicable fees and charges of, and expenses incurred by, the Depositary, and (b) taxes) and receipt of an opinion of counsel to the Company satisfactory to the Depositary that such actions are not in violation of any applicable laws or regulations, (i) issue and deliver additional ADSs as in the case of a stock dividend on the Shares, (ii) amend the Deposit Agreement and the applicable ADRs, (iii) amend the applicable Registration Statement(s) on Form F-6 as filed with the Commission in respect of the ADSs, (iv) call for the surrender of outstanding ADRs to be exchanged for new ADRs, and (v) take such other actions as are appropriate to reflect the transaction with respect to the ADSs. The Company agrees to, jointly with the Depositary, amend the Registration Statement on Form F-6 as filed with the Commission to permit the issuance of such new form of ADRs. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event that any Deposited Property so received may not be lawfully distributed to some or all Holders, the Depositary may, with the Company’s approval, and shall, if the Company requests, subject to receipt of an opinion of Company’s counsel reasonably satisfactory to the Depositary that such action is not in violation of any applicable laws or regulations, sell such Deposited Property at public or private sale, at such place or places and upon such terms as it may deem proper and may allocate the net proceeds of such sales (net of (a) fees and charges of, and expenses incurred by, the Depositary and (b) taxes) for the account of the Holders otherwise entitled to such Deposited Property upon an averaged or other practicable basis without regard to any distinctions among such Holders and distribute the net proceeds so allocated to the extent practicable as in the case of a distribution received in cash pursuant to Section 4.1. The Depositary shall not be responsible for (i) any failure to determine that it may be lawful or practicable to make such Deposited Property available to Holders in general or to any Holder in particular, (ii) any foreign exchange exposure or loss incurred in connection with such sale, or (iii) any liability to the purchaser of such Deposited Property.


4.12节可用信息 。本公司须遵守《交易法》的定期报告要求,因此需要 向委员会提交或提交某些报告。这些报告可从委员会的网站(www.sec.gov) 检索,并可在委员会维护的公共参考设施中查阅和复制(截至《存款协议》之日),地址为华盛顿特区20549号F Street 100号。


第4.14节持有人名单。应公司的书面要求,托管机构应立即向其提供截至最近 日期的所有持有人的美国存托凭证的名称、地址和持有量的清单。

第4.15节征税。托管人将并将指示托管人将公司可能合理要求的其记录中的信息 转发给公司或其代理,以使公司或其代理能够向政府 当局或机构提交必要的纳税报告。托管人、托管人或本公司及其代理人可提交必要的报告,以根据适用于持有人和实益所有人的税收条约或法律,减少或取消股息和存款财产的其他分配的适用税项。根据本公司的指示并在可行的范围内,托管人或托管人将采取合理的行政行动,以获得退税、减少股息的源头预扣以及适用税收条约或法律下与存款财产的股息和其他分配有关的其他利益。 作为获得此类利益的条件,美国存托凭证的持有人和实益所有人可能需要不时并以及时的方式提交关于纳税人身份、住所和受益所有权的证明(视情况而定)、签署此类证书并作出此类陈述和担保。或提供托管人或托管人认为必要或适当的任何其他信息或文件,以履行托管人或托管人根据适用法律承担的义务。如果任何持有人或实益所有人未能提供该等资料,或该等资料 未能及时送达有关税务机关,使任何持有人或实益拥有人获得任何税务待遇的利益,保管人及本公司 不对任何人士负有义务或责任。持有人和实益所有人应赔偿托管人、本公司、托管人及其任何董事、雇员、代理人和关联公司,使他们各自免受任何政府当局就退税、增税、因退税、降低源头扣缴率或获得其他税收优惠而提出的任何税务、附加税款、罚款或利息方面的索赔,并使他们各自不受损害。


如果公司(或其任何代理人)因税收或政府收费而从任何分配中扣留任何金额,或就该分配支付任何其他税款(例如:、 印花税、资本利得或其他类似税项),公司应(并应促使该代理人)迅速向存管人汇 有关该等税项或政府费用的资料,以及(如有要求)税务收据(或向适用政府当局支付的其他证明 ),在每种情况下,均采用存管人满意的格式。在美国法律要求的范围内,保存人应向持有人报告其或托管人预扣的任何税款,如果该等信息是由 公司提供的,则应报告公司预扣的任何税款。不要求存管人和托管人向持有人提供任何 公司(或其代理人)汇出任何预扣税款或公司支付税款的证据,除非 公司向存管人或托管人提供证据(如适用)。对于持有人或受益所有人未能根据已支付的非美国税款 对持有人或受益所有人的所得税负债获得信贷收益,存管人或托管人均不承担任何责任。

托管机构没有义务向 持有人和实益所有人提供有关公司税务状况的任何信息。托管人不会为持有人和实益所有人因其对美国存托凭证的所有权而可能产生的任何税收后果承担任何责任,包括但不限于公司(或其任何子公司)被视为“被动型外国投资公司”(在每种情况下均定义为美国国税法及其下发布的法规)或其他原因而产生的税收后果。






如果任何美国存托凭证在美国的一个或多个证券交易所 或自动报价系统上市,则存托人应担任登记员或指定一名登记员或一名或多名共同登记员 ,登记美国存托凭证的发行、注销、转让、合并和拆分,并在适用的情况下,对证明美国存托凭证已发行、转让、合并或拆分,根据这种交换或系统的任何要求。该登记官 或共同登记官可被免职,并由保存人指定一名或多名替代人员。

Section 5.2 Exoneration. Notwithstanding anything contained in the Deposit Agreement or any ADR, neither the Depositary nor the Company shall be obligated to do or perform any act which is inconsistent with the provisions of the Deposit Agreement or incur any liability (to the extent not limited by Section 7.8(b)) (i) if the Depositary, the Custodian, the Company or their respective agents shall be prevented or forbidden from, or delayed in, doing or performing any act or thing required or contemplated by the terms of the Deposit Agreement, by reason of any provision of any present or future law or regulation of the United States, the Cayman Islands or any other country, or of any other governmental authority or regulatory authority or stock exchange, or on account of potential criminal or civil penalties or restraint, or by reason of any provision, present or future, of the Articles of Association of the Company or any provision of or governing any Deposited Securities, or by reason of any act of God or war or other circumstances beyond its control (including, without limitation, nationalization, expropriation, currency restrictions, work stoppage, strikes, civil unrest, acts of terrorism, revolutions, rebellions, explosions and computer failure), (ii) by reason of any exercise of, or failure to exercise, any discretion provided for in the Deposit Agreement or in the Articles of Association of the Company or provisions of or governing Deposited Securities, (iii) for any action or inaction in reliance upon the advice of or information from legal counsel, accountants, any person presenting Shares for deposit, any Holder, any Beneficial Owner or authorized representative thereof, or any other person believed by it in good faith to be competent to give such advice or information, (iv) for the inability by a Holder or Beneficial Owner to benefit from any distribution, offering, right or other benefit which is made available to holders of Deposited Securities but is not, under the terms of the Deposit Agreement, made available to Holders of ADSs, (v) for any action or inaction of any clearing or settlement system (and any participant thereof) for the Deposited Property or the ADSs, or (vi) for any consequential or punitive damages (including lost profits) for any breach of the terms of the Deposit Agreement.


托管人、其控制人、其代理人、 任何托管人和本公司、其控制人及代理人可根据其认为真实且已由适当一方或多方签署或出示的任何书面通知、 请求或其他文件行事,并应受到保护。


在不限制前述规定的情况下,托管人、公司或其各自的任何控制人或代理人均无义务就其认为可能涉及费用或责任的任何存放财产或美国存托凭证的任何诉讼、诉讼或其他程序进行出庭、起诉或抗辩,除非就所有费用(包括律师费和律师费) 作出令其满意的赔偿,并按要求定期提供责任(保管人不应就该等程序承担任何义务)。托管人只对托管人负责)。

托管人及其代理人对未能执行任何有关表决任何已交存证券的指示、任何表决方式或任何表决效果不承担责任,但任何该等行动或不作为须本着善意及无疏忽,并符合《存款协议》的条款。对于未能准确确定任何分发或 行动可能合法或合理可行、本公司提交给其分发给持有人的任何信息的内容或其任何译文的任何不准确、与获取存款财产的权益有关的任何投资风险、存款财产的有效性或价值、任何存款财产或其上的任何分配的价值、 存款财产的任何利息、因美国存托凭证、股份或其他存款财产的所有权可能导致的任何税收后果,保管人不承担任何责任。 对于任何第三方的信誉、允许任何权利在存款协议条款下失效、对于本公司任何通知的失败或及时性、对于DTC或任何DTC参与者的任何行动或未能采取行动、或提供或不提供任何信息。


托管人对继任托管人的任何作为或不作为不负责任,无论是与托管人以前的作为或不作为有关,还是与 托管人撤职或辞职后完全产生的任何事项有关,但条件是托管人在担任托管人期间不存在疏忽或恶意地履行其义务。

托管人对前任托管人的任何作为或不作为不负责任,无论是与托管人的作为或不作为有关的,还是与在指定托管人之前或在托管人撤职或辞职之后完全产生的任何 事项有关的,但条件是托管人在履行其作为托管人的职责时不得有疏忽或恶意。

第5.4节 保留和罢免保存人;指定继承保存人。保存人可随时通过向本公司递交书面辞职通知而辞去本协议项下保存人的职务,该辞职将于 (i)向本公司递交辞职通知后第90天(以较早者为准)生效(保存人应有权采取 第6.2节中设想的行动),或(ii)本公司委任继任保管人,并按下文规定接受该项委任。


本公司应尽其最大努力指定一位继任托管人,该托管人应为在纽约市曼哈顿区设有办事处的银行或信托公司。本公司须要求每名继任受托管理人签立 ,并向其前身及本公司交付一份接受其根据本协议获委任的书面文件,而该等继任受托保管人届时将完全享有其前身的所有权利、权力、责任及义务(第5.8及5.9节所述除外),而无须作出任何进一步的作为或作为(适用法律另有规定者除外)。在应公司书面要求支付所有到期款项后,前任托管银行应(I)签署并交付一份文书,将本协议项下该托管银行的所有权利和权力转让给该继承人(第5.8和5.9条所述除外),(Ii)将托管银行对该托管财产的所有权利、所有权和利益转让给该继承人。及(Iii)向该继承人交付一份所有未清偿美国存托凭证持有人的名单,以及该继承人可合理要求的与美国存托凭证及其持有人有关的其他资料。任何此类继任托管人应迅速将其任命通知通知此类持有人。



Section 5.5 The Custodian. The Depositary has initially appointed Citibank, N.A. - Hong Kong as Custodian for the purpose of the Deposit Agreement. The Custodian or its successors in acting hereunder shall be authorized to act as custodian in the Cayman Islands and shall be subject at all times and in all respects to the direction of the Depositary for the Deposited Property for which the Custodian acts as custodian and shall be responsible solely to it. If any Custodian resigns or is discharged from its duties hereunder with respect to any Deposited Property and no other Custodian has previously been appointed hereunder, the Depositary shall promptly appoint a substitute custodian. The Depositary shall require such resigning or discharged Custodian to Deliver, or cause the Delivery of, the Deposited Property held by it, together with all such records maintained by it as Custodian with respect to such Deposited Property as the Depositary may request, to the Custodian designated by the Depositary. Whenever the Depositary determines, in its discretion, that it is appropriate to do so, it may appoint an additional custodian with respect to any Deposited Property, or discharge the Custodian with respect to any Deposited Property and appoint a substitute custodian, which shall thereafter be Custodian hereunder with respect to the Deposited Property. Immediately upon any such change, the Depositary shall give notice thereof in writing to all Holders of ADSs, each other Custodian and the Company.

根据《存款协议》,花旗银行可随时担任存款财产的托管人,在这种情况下,对托管人的任何提及即表示花旗银行根据《存款协议》仅以托管人的身份行事。尽管《存款协议》或任何美国存托凭证有任何相反规定, 托管人并无责任根据《存款协议》向本公司、任何美国存托凭证持有人或任何其他托管人发出有关其作为托管人的通知。

在指定任何继任托管人后,除托管人另有指示外,根据本条例行事的任何托管人应继续担任已交存财产的托管人,不再采取任何行动或书面形式,并应服从继任托管人的指示。然而,在任何托管人的书面要求下,如此委任的继任托管人应签立并向该托管人交付一切适当的文书 ,以给予该托管人完全和完全的权力和授权,以按照该继任者托管人的指示行事。

第5.6节通知和报告。在本公司以公布或其他方式发出通知的第一个日期之前, 股份或其他存款证券持有人的任何会议,或该等持有人的任何延会,或该等持有人在会议以外采取的任何行动,或就任何现金或其他分派采取的任何行动,或就任何存款证券提出的任何权利,本公司应以英文向托管人及托管人送交一份通知副本,但以给予或将给予股份或其他已存放证券持有人的形式除外。本公司亦应向托管人及托管人提供一份英文摘要,概述本公司组织章程细则中可能与该会议通知有关或有关的任何适用条文或拟议条文 ,或作为会上表决的标的。


本公司还将向存管人发送 (a)本公司向其股份或其他存管证券持有人普遍提供的其他通知、报告和通信的英文版本,以及(b)本公司根据证监会的适用要求编制的年度报告的英文版本 。应公司要求,并由 公司承担费用,保存人应安排向所有持有人提供其副本,或向 所有持有人提供此类通知、报告和其他通信,其基础与股份或其他托管证券持有人类似,或公司通知 保存人的其他基础,或任何适用法律可能要求的其他基础,监管或证券交易所的要求。本公司已向 存管人和托管人提交本公司组织章程的副本,以及本公司发行的与该等股份有关的任何其他存管证券的条文或管辖该等条文的副本,且在对其进行任何修订或变更 后,本公司应立即向存管人和托管人提交该等修订或变更的副本。保存人 可在保存协议的所有目的中依赖该副本。

托管机构将由本公司承担费用, 提供由本公司发布并交付托管机构的任何此类通知、报告或通信的副本,以供托管机构的主要办事处、托管机构办公室和任何其他指定的转让办公室供托管机构的持有人查阅。

Section 5.7 Issuance of Additional Shares, ADSs etc. The Company agrees that in the event it or any of its Affiliates proposes (i) an issuance, sale or distribution of additional Shares, (ii) an offering of rights to subscribe for Shares or other Deposited Securities, (iii) an issuance or assumption of securities convertible into or exchangeable for Shares, (iv) an issuance of rights to subscribe for securities convertible into or exchangeable for Shares, (v) an elective dividend of cash or Shares, (vi) a redemption of Deposited Securities, (vii) a meeting of holders of Deposited Securities, or solicitation of consents or proxies, relating to any reclassification of securities, merger or consolidation or transfer of assets, (viii) any assumption, reclassification, recapitalization, reorganization, merger, consolidation or sale of assets which affects the Deposited Securities, or (ix) a distribution of securities other than Shares, it will obtain U.S. legal advice and take all steps necessary to ensure that the application of the proposed transaction to Holders and Beneficial Owners does not violate the registration provisions of the Securities Act, or any other applicable laws (including, without limitation, the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, the Exchange Act and the securities laws of the states of the U.S.). In support of the foregoing, the Company will furnish to the Depositary (a) a written opinion of U.S. counsel (reasonably satisfactory to the Depositary) stating whether such transaction (1) requires a registration statement under the Securities Act to be in effect or (2) is exempt from the registration requirements of the Securities Act and (b) an opinion of the Cayman Islands counsel stating that (1) making the transaction available to Holders and Beneficial Owners does not violate the laws or regulations of the Cayman Islands and (2) all requisite regulatory consents and approvals have been obtained in the Cayman Islands. If the filing of a registration statement is required, the Depositary shall not have any obligation to proceed with the transaction unless it shall have received evidence reasonably satisfactory to it that such registration statement has been declared effective. If, being advised by counsel, the Company determines that a transaction is required to be registered under the Securities Act, the Company will either (i) register such transaction to the extent necessary, (ii) alter the terms of the transaction to avoid the registration requirements of the Securities Act or (iii) direct the Depositary to take specific measures, in each case as contemplated in the Deposit Agreement, to prevent such transaction from violating the registration requirements of the Securities Act. The Company agrees with the Depositary that neither the Company nor any of its Affiliates will at any time (i) deposit any Shares or other Deposited Securities, either upon original issuance or upon a sale of Shares or other Deposited Securities previously issued and reacquired by the Company or by any such Affiliate, or (ii) issue additional Shares, rights to subscribe for such Shares, securities convertible into or exchangeable for Shares or rights to subscribe for such securities or distribute securities other than Shares, unless such transaction and the securities issuable in such transaction do not violate the registration provisions of the Securities Act, or any other applicable laws (including, without limitation, the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, the Exchange Act and the securities laws of the states of the U.S.)



尽管 存款协议有任何其他规定,但存款协议的任何规定均不得被视为本公司有义务就任何拟议交易提交任何登记声明。


The Company agrees to indemnify the Depositary, the Custodian and any of their respective directors, officers, employees, agents and Affiliates against, and hold each of them harmless from, any direct loss, liability, tax, charge or expense of any kind whatsoever (including, but not limited to, the reasonable fees and expenses of counsel) that may arise (a) out of, or in connection with, any offer, issuance, sale, resale, transfer, deposit or withdrawal of ADRs, ADSs, the Shares, or other Deposited Securities, as the case may be, (b) out of, or as a result of, any offering documents in respect thereof or (c) out of acts performed or omitted, including, but not limited to, any delivery by the Depositary on behalf of the Company of information regarding the Company, in connection with the Deposit Agreement, any ancillary or supplemental agreement entered into between the Company and the Depositary, the ADRs, the ADSs, the Shares, or any Deposited Property, in any such case (i) by the Depositary, the Custodian or any of their respective directors, officers, employees, agents and Affiliates, except to the extent such loss, liability, tax, charge or expense is due to the negligence or bad faith of any of them, or (ii) by the Company or any of its directors, officers, employees, agents and Affiliates. The Company shall not indemnify the Depositary or the Custodian against any liability or expense arising out of information relating to the Depositary or any Custodian, as the case may be, furnished in writing by the Depositary to the Company expressly for use in any registration statement, proxy statement, prospectus or preliminary prospectus or any other offering documents relating to the ADRs, the ADSs or any Deposited Securities represented by the ADSs.



任何根据本协议寻求赔偿的人(“受弥偿人”)应在受弥偿人知悉任何可获弥偿的诉讼或索偿开始后,立即通知被要求弥偿的人(“受弥偿人”)任何可获弥偿的诉讼或索偿的开始(但 未作出上述通知并不影响该受弥偿人寻求弥偿的权利,但如获弥偿人因此而受到重大损害的情况除外),并须就如何就该等诉讼或索偿进行抗辩与该受弥偿人进行善意的磋商。在这种情况下,这一辩护应是合理的。未经补偿人同意,任何受补偿人不得妥协或解决可能导致本合同项下赔偿的任何诉讼或索赔 ,而该同意不得被无理拒绝。

第5.9节美国存托股份收费。公司、持有人、实益拥有人、因发行和注销美国存托凭证而存入股份或提取已交存证券的人,以及在发行时收到美国存托凭证或其美国存托凭证被注销的人,应被要求向托管人分别支付托管费用和相关费用, 在本文件所附附件作为附件B中确定为应支付的费用 。所有如此应付的美国存托股份费用和收费可从分派中扣除,或必须 汇给托管人或其指定人,并可随时、不时地:经托管银行与本公司协议更改,但就美国存托股份费用及收费由持有人及实益拥有人支付的情况而言,任何该等更改(不包括托管银行对本协议所述费用及收费豁免的任何更改 ),只能按第6.1节所述方式作出。托管银行应应要求免费向任何人提供其最新的美国存托股份收费表副本。

美国存托股份就(I)发行美国存托凭证 及(Ii)注销美国存托凭证而收取的费用将由托管银行代其发行美国存托凭证的人(如为美国存托股份发行)及被注销美国存托凭证的人(如为美国存托股份注销)支付。如果美国存托凭证由存托凭证发行或通过存托凭证提交给托管银行,美国存托股份的发行和注销费用将由从存托凭证接收到美国存托凭证的 直接存托凭证参与者(S)或持有被注销美国存托凭证的直接受托凭证参与者(S)代表受益所有人(S)(视情况而定)支付,并将由直接存托凭证参与者(S)按照直接结算凭证参与者(S)当时有效的程序和惯例向适用的受益 所有人(S)的账户(S)收取。自托管机构建立的适用美国存托股份记录日期起,美国存托股份分销费用和美国存托股份服务费应由持有者支付。 在分发现金的情况下,适用的美国存托股份手续费和手续费从分发的资金中扣除。 在(I)非现金分发和(Ii)美国存托股份服务费的情况下,将向截至托管人建立的美国存托股份记录日期的适用持有人开具美国存托股份费用和收费的发票,此类美国存托股份费用可从向持有人进行的分发中扣除 。对于通过DTC持有的美国存托凭证,非现金分发的美国存托股份费用和手续费以及美国存托股份服务费可以从通过DTC进行的分发中扣除 ,并可以按照DTC不时规定的程序和做法向DTC参与者收取 ,DTC参与者又向其持有ADS的受益所有人收取此类美国存托股份费用和手续费 。在(I)登记美国存托股份转让的情况下,美国存托股份转让费将由受让美国存托凭证的美国存托股份持有人或美国存托凭证受让人支付,以及(Ii)将一个系列的美国存托凭证转换为另一个系列的美国存托凭证,美国存托股份转让费将由被转换美国存托凭证的持有人或接受转换的美国存托凭证的人支付。托管人可以补偿公司因根据存款协议建立的美国存托凭证计划而发生的某些费用。根据公司和托管人不时商定的条款和条件,通过提供部分美国存托股份就美国存托凭证计划收取的费用或其他方式。公司应向托管人支付托管人和公司可能不时商定的费用和收费,并向托管人偿还此类自付费用。 支付此类费用、收费和补偿的责任可通过公司和托管人之间的协议而不时改变。除非另有约定,否则托管人应每三个月向公司提交一次有关该等费用、收费和报销的报表。托管人的费用和开支由托管人独家承担。


持有人和实益拥有人支付美国存托股份费用和收费的义务在《存款协议》终止后继续有效。对于任何托管人,当第5.4节所述托管人辞职或撤职时,收取美国存托股份手续费的权利应延伸至辞职或撤职生效之前发生的美国存托股份费用和收费 。

第5.10节受限证券拥有人。本公司同意以书面形式通知据本公司所知持有受限证券的每一位人士或实体,该等受限证券没有资格存放于本协议项下(第2.14节预期的情况除外),并在实际可行的范围内,要求每位此等人士以书面方式表示该等人士 将不会存放本协议项下的受限证券(第2.14节预期的情况除外)。


Section 6.1 Amendment/Supplement. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Section 6.1 and applicable law, the ADRs outstanding at any time, the provisions of the Deposit Agreement and the form of ADR attached hereto and to be issued under the terms hereof may at any time and from time to time be amended or supplemented by written agreement between the Company and the Depositary in any respect which they may deem necessary or desirable without the prior written consent of the Holders or Beneficial Owners. Any amendment or supplement which shall impose or increase any fees or charges (other than charges in connection with foreign exchange control regulations, and taxes and other governmental charges, delivery and other such expenses), or which shall otherwise materially prejudice any substantial existing right of Holders or Beneficial Owners, shall not, however, become effective as to outstanding ADSs until the expiration of thirty (30) days after notice of such amendment or supplement shall have been given to the Holders of outstanding ADSs. Notice of any amendment to the Deposit Agreement or any ADR shall not need to describe in detail the specific amendments effectuated thereby, and failure to describe the specific amendments in any such notice shall not render such notice invalid, provided, however, that, in each such case, the notice given to the Holders identifies a means for Holders and Beneficial Owners to retrieve or receive the text of such amendment (例如:从委员会、托管机构或公司的网站检索,或从托管机构请求时)。双方同意,(I)为使(A)美国存托凭证根据证券法在表格F-6中登记或(B)美国存托凭证仅以电子簿记形式结算及(Ii)在上述两种情况下均不会征收或增加持有人须承担的任何费用或收费,(I)为使(A)美国存托凭证根据证券法于表格F-6登记或(B)美国存托凭证只以电子簿记形式结算及(Ii)不会对持有人或实益拥有人现有的任何重大权利造成重大损害,任何(I)合理必需的修订或补充将被视为不会对持有人或实益拥有人现有的任何重大权利造成重大损害。于任何修订或补充生效时,每名持有人及实益拥有人 如继续持有有关美国存托凭证,应被视为同意及同意该等修订或补充,并受经修订或补充的《存款协议》及美国存托凭证(如适用)的约束。 任何修订或补充在任何情况下均不得损害持有人交出有关美国存托股份及收取由此代表的已存放证券的权利,除非为遵守适用法律的强制性规定。尽管有上述规定, 如果任何政府机构应采纳新的法律、规则或法规,要求修订或补充存款协议以确保其得到遵守,本公司和托管银行可根据修改后的法律、规则或法规,随时修订或补充存款协议及任何美国存托凭证。在这种情况下,对《存款协议》和任何美国存托凭证的该等修订或补充可在向持有人发出该等修订或补充的通知之前或在遵守该等法律、规则或法规所需的任何其他期限内生效。


第6.2节终止。托管人应在本公司书面指示下,在通知中规定的终止日期 前至少三十(30)天,将终止通知分发给当时未清偿的所有美国存托凭证的持有人,终止存款协议。如果(I)托管人向公司递交其选择辞职的书面通知后九十(90)天届满,或(Ii)公司向托管人递交移除托管人的书面通知后一百二十(120)天届满,且在任何一种情况下,继任托管人均未按《存款协议》第5.4节的规定被委任并接受其委任。托管银行可在通知中规定的终止日期前至少三十(30)天,将终止通知分发给所有未到期的美国存托凭证持有人,从而终止《存款协议》。在存托机构如此分发给美国存托凭证持有人的任何终止通知中,如此确定的终止存托协议的日期称为“终止日期”。在终止日期之前,托管银行应继续履行其在《存款协议》项下的所有义务,而持有人和实益所有人将 享有其在《存款协议》项下的所有权利。

如果任何美国存托凭证在终止日期后仍未结清,注册处处长和托管机构在终止日期后不再有义务根据《托管协议》执行任何进一步的行为,但托管机构在各自情况下应继续(I)收取与托管证券有关的股息和其他分派,(Ii)出售在托管证券方面收到的托管财产,(Iii)交付托管证券,连同与此相关的任何股息或其他分配,以及出售任何其他存款财产的净收益,以换取交出给托管人的美国存托凭证(在每种情况下,扣除或收取托管人的费用和费用,以及所有适用的 税或政府收费,由持有人和实益所有人承担,每种情况下均按《存款协议》第5.9节规定的条款进行);及(Iv)根据适用法律就其作为《存款协议》下的保管人 的角色采取可能需要的行动。


在终止日期后的任何时间,托管人可出售当时根据存款协议持有的存放财产,并在出售后将出售所得款项净额连同根据存款协议持有的任何其他现金按比例持有,存入非独立账户,且不承担 利息责任,以按比例惠及迄今尚未交出美国存托凭证的持有人。在作出该等出售后,托管银行将被解除根据《存款协议》项下的所有责任,但以下情况除外:(I)结算该等净收益及其他现金(在每种情况下,扣除或收取托管银行的费用及收费及开支,以及所有适用的税项或政府收费,由持有人及实益拥有人承担,每宗个案均按《存款协议》第5.9节所载条款规定),及(Ii)按法律规定终止《存款协议》。终止日期 后,公司将解除存款协议项下的所有义务,但存款协议第5.8、5.9和7.6节规定的对托管人的义务除外。截至终止日,未偿还美国存托凭证持有人及实益拥有人根据《存托协议》条款订立的《存托协议》条款项下的义务将于终止日期后继续存在,且仅当其持有人根据《存托协议》的条款将适用的 存托凭证呈交存管人注销时才予以解除(《存托协议》中明确规定的除外)。



第7.2节无第三方受益人/承兑汇票。存款协议是为本协议双方(及其继承人)的唯一利益,不得被视为给予任何其他人任何法律或衡平法权利、补救或索赔,但在存款协议中明确规定的范围内除外。存款协议中的任何内容不得被视为在各方之间建立合伙企业或合资企业,也不应在各方之间建立受托关系或类似关系。双方确认并同意:(I)花旗银行及其关联公司可随时与本公司、持有人、实益所有人及其各自关联公司有多种银行关系,(Ii)花旗银行及其关联公司可拥有和交易公司及其关联公司和美国存托凭证的任何证券类别,并可在任何时间从事对公司不利的各方、持有人、受益所有人或其各自关联公司可能拥有权益的交易,(Iii)托管银行及其关联公司可能不时拥有有关本公司、持有人、实益拥有人及其各自关联公司的非公开信息, (Iv)存款协议中包含的任何内容均不得(A)阻止花旗银行或其任何关联公司进行此类交易或建立或维持此类关系,或(B)要求花旗银行或其任何关联公司披露此类信息、交易或关系,或对在此类交易或关系中获得的任何利润或收到的任何付款进行交代。(V)托管银行不应被视为知道花旗银行或其任何关联公司的任何其他分支机构可能掌握的有关本公司、持有人、实益所有人或其任何关联公司的任何信息,以及(Vi)本公司、托管银行、托管人及其各自的代理人和控制人可能受美国和开曼群岛以外的司法管辖区的法律和法规以及该等其他司法管辖区的法院和监管机构的授权以及该等其他法律和法规的要求和限制,以及此类其他法院和监管机构的裁决和命令, 可能影响存款协议各方的权利和义务。



第7.4节持有人和实益所有人为当事人;具有约束力。根据本协议不时发出的美国存托凭证 的持有人和实益拥有人应为《存款协议》的当事人,并应受本协议及任何证明其美国存托凭证的条款和条件的约束,接受该等条款或其中的任何实益权益。

第7.5节 通知。向本公司发出的任何及所有通知,如果亲自递送 或通过邮件、航空快递或电报、电传或传真发送,经亲自递送或通过邮件或航空快递发送的信件确认,地址为中华人民共和国北京市朝阳区荣信科技中心九福大厦, 收件人:或本公司向存管人书面指明的任何其他地址。

向托管机构发出的任何及所有通知,如果是亲自投递或通过邮寄、航空快递或电报、电传或传真发送,则应视为已正式发出, 通过亲自投递或通过邮件或航空快递发送的信件确认,地址为:Citibank,N.A.,New York Greenwich Street,New York 10013,U.S.A.,注意:存托收据部门,或托管机构可能在致公司的信函中指定的任何其他地址。


向任何持有人发出的任何和所有通知应被视为已正式发出:(A)如果是亲自交付或通过邮件、电报、电传或传真发送的,则以信件确认的方式,按托管人账簿上所列持有人的地址寄给该持有人,或者,如果该持有人应 已向托管人提交请求,要求将发给该持有人的通知邮寄到该请求中指定的其他地址,或(B)如持有人已根据《存款协议》的条款指定该等通知方式为可接受的通知方式,则以电子讯息方式发送至持有人为此目的而指定的电子邮件地址。就《存款协议》而言,向持有人发出的通知应视为向实益拥有人发出的通知。 未能通知持有人或通知持有人存在任何缺陷,不影响向其他持有人或该等其他持有人持有的美国存托凭证的实益拥有人发出的通知的充分性。根据存款协议条款向DTC发出的任何通知(除非托管银行另有规定)应 构成向在其DTC账户中持有美国存托凭证的DTC参与者及该等美国存托凭证的实益拥有人发出的通知。



第7.6节 适用法律和管辖权。存款协议、美国存托凭证和美国存托凭证应根据, 且本协议项下的所有权利以及本协议及其条款应受纽约州法律管辖, 不引用其法律选择原则。尽管存管协议中有任何相反规定,任何 ADR或纽约州法律的任何现行或未来条款、股份和任何其他存管证券持有人的权利以及本公司对股份和其他存管证券持有人的义务和职责, 均应受开曼群岛法律管辖(或(如适用)可能规管所存证券的其他法律)。

Except as set forth in the following paragraph of this Section 7.6, the Company and the Depositary agree that the federal or state courts in the City of New York shall have jurisdiction to hear and determine any suit, action or proceeding and to settle any dispute between them that may arise out of or in connection with the Deposit Agreement and, for such purposes, each irrevocably submits to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of such courts. The Company hereby irrevocably designates, appoints and empowers Cogency Global Inc. (the “Agent”) now at 10E. 40 Street, 10th Floor, New York, NY 10016 as its authorized agent to receive and accept for and on its behalf, and on behalf of its properties, assets and revenues, service by mail of any and all legal process, summons, notices and documents that may be served in any suit, action or proceeding brought against the Company in any federal or state court as described in the preceding sentence or in the next paragraph of this Section 7.6. If for any reason the Agent shall cease to be available to act as such, the Company agrees to designate a new agent in New York on the terms and for the purposes of this Section 7.6 reasonably satisfactory to the Depositary. The Company further hereby irrevocably consents and agrees to the service of any and all legal process, summons, notices and documents in any suit, action or proceeding against the Company, by service by mail of a copy thereof upon the Agent (whether or not the appointment of such Agent shall for any reason prove to be ineffective or such Agent shall fail to accept or acknowledge such service), with a copy mailed to the Company by registered or certified air mail, postage prepaid, to its address provided in Section 7.5. The Company agrees that the failure of the Agent to give any notice of such service to it shall not impair or affect in any way the validity of such service or any judgment rendered in any action or proceeding based thereon.


尽管有上述规定,存管人和 公司无条件同意,如果因存管协议、 任何美国存管凭证或美国存管凭证以及其中拟进行的任何交易而产生的任何诉讼、诉讼或程序,针对(a)公司,(b)存管人 存管协议项下作为存管人的身份,或(c)针对公司和存管人,在任何此类情况下,在美国的任何州或联邦法院 ,且存管人或公司对彼此因该诉讼、诉讼或程序的标的 而产生的任何索赔(赔偿或其他),则公司和存管人可在该诉讼所在的美国州或 法院对彼此提出索赔,诉讼或诉讼程序正在进行中,为此目的,公司和保存人 无可争议地服从该等法院的非专属管辖权。公司同意,以前款规定的方式向代理人送达法律程序应有效送达本段所述的针对代理人的任何诉讼、诉讼或程序。

本公司在法律允许的最大范围内,不可撤销且无条件地放弃其现在或今后可能对按照第7.6节的规定在任何法院提起的任何诉讼、诉讼或法律程序提出的任何反对,并在此进一步不可撤销且无条件地放弃并同意 不在任何该等法院提出抗辩或索赔,即在任何此类法院提起的任何该等诉讼、诉讼或法律程序已在不方便的 法院提起。

在法律允许的最大范围内,公司不可撤销且无条件地放弃任何权利, 公司同意不抗辩或主张任何法律诉讼、诉讼或法律程序的豁免权、任何法院管辖范围的豁免权、法律程序的送达豁免权、判决时或判决之前的豁免权、协助执行或判决的扣押豁免权、执行判决的豁免权、给予任何救济或强制执行判决的任何其他法律程序或程序的豁免权,并同意在任何司法管辖区对其、其资产及其收入进行此类救济和强制执行的权利。在每一种情况下,关于存款协议产生或与存款协议相关的任何事项,任何ADR或 存款财产。


在适用法律允许的最大范围内,存款协议的每一方当事人(包括但不限于每一位持有人和实益所有人)在因存款协议、任何ADR和其中预期的任何交易(无论是基于合同、侵权行为、普通法 或其他)而对公司和/或托管人提起的任何法律程序中,不可撤销地放弃由陪审团进行审判的任何和所有权利。




(A) 尽管存款协议有任何相反规定,本公司或托管人将不会暂停提取或交付已存放的证券,除非根据证券法不时修订的《一般指示》第I.A.(1)条允许提取或交付已存放的证券以形成 F-6注册声明。

(B) 《存款协议》的每一方(包括但不限于每一位持有人和实益所有人)都承认 并同意《存款协议》或任何美国存托凭证的任何规定不应或应被视为免除证券法或交易法下的任何责任,在每种情况下均以适用的美国法律确定的范围为限。

第7.9节《开曼群岛法》引用。存款协议所载开曼群岛法律法规及本公司组织章程细则条款的任何摘要均由本公司提供,仅为方便持有人、实益拥有人及保管人。虽然本公司相信该等摘要于按金协议日期是准确的,但(I)该等摘要 为摘要,因此可能不包括适用于持有人或实益拥有人的摘要材料的所有方面,及(Ii)该等法律法规及本公司的组织章程细则可能于按金协议日期后更改。 根据《存款协议》的条款,托管人和本公司均无义务更新任何此类摘要。


(A) 存款协议。除另有明确规定外,《存托协议》中所有提及证物、条款、章节、分节及其他分部的内容均指《存托协议》的展品、条款、章节、分部及其他分部。 “本存托协议”、“此处”、“特此”、“下文”、 及类似含义的词语指的是本公司、存托 及美国存托凭证持有人和实益拥有人在相关时间有效的整体存托协议,除非明确限制,否则不指任何特定的分部。男性、女性和中性的代词应解释为包括任何其他性别,单数形式的单词应解释为包括复数和反之亦然除非文意另有所指外。包含《存款协议》各部分的标题仅为方便起见 在解释《存款协议》中包含的语言时不应考虑这些标题。除法律、法规另有规定外,“适用法律和条例”是指在有关确定时有效的适用于美国存托凭证、美国存托凭证或存托财产的法律和法规。


(B) ADRs。除另有明确规定外,任何美国存托凭证(S)中对段落、展品、文章、章节、分节和其他分部的所有提及均指相关美国存托凭证(S)的段落、展品、文章、章节、分节和其他分部 。在任何ADR中使用的“收据”、“ADR”、“此处”、“此处”、“特此”、“下文”以及类似含义的词语是指整个ADR和在有关时间有效的 ,而不是指任何特定的部分,除非明确限定。任何ADR中的男性、女性和中性代词应解释为包括任何其他性别,单数形式的词语应解释为包括复数和反之亦然 除非上下文另有要求。任何ADR中段落的标题仅为方便起见,在解释ADR中包含的语言时不应考虑。除法律或法规另有规定外,所指的“适用法律及法规”指适用于公司、托管、托管人、其代理人及控制人、美国存托凭证、美国存托凭证及于有关厘定时有效的法律及法规。


玖富是其中的见证者。及花旗银行已于上述日期及年度正式签署《存款协议》,所有持有人及实益拥有人于接受根据本协议条款发行的美国存托凭证或取得其中的任何实益权益后,即成为本协议的 方。





By:/s/Leslie DeLuca













花旗银行,N.A.,根据美利坚合众国法律组织和存在的全国性银行协会 ,作为托管人(“存托人”),特此证明 _(以下简称“ADS”)代表存放的A类普通股,包括收取该类A类普通股的权利的证据(“股份”),9F Inc.,一家根据开曼群岛法律注册成立并存续的获豁免 股份有限公司(“本公司”)。截至 本ADR发行之日,每份美国存托凭证均代表有权接收根据存托协议(定义见下文 )存放于托管人的一(1)股股份,该托管人在本ADR发行之日为花旗银行,N.A. - 香港(“保管人”)。 美国存托凭证与股份比率可根据存款协议第IV条和第VI条的规定进行修订。存托人主要 办公室位于388 Greenwich Street,New York,New York 10013,U.S.A.


(1) The Deposit Agreement. This American Depositary Receipt is one of an issue of American Depositary Receipts (“ADRs”), all issued and to be issued upon the terms and conditions set forth in the Deposit Agreement, dated as of August 19, 2019 (as amended and supplemented from time to time, the “Deposit Agreement”), by and among the Company, the Depositary, and all Holders and Beneficial Owners from time to time of ADSs issued thereunder. The Deposit Agreement sets forth the rights and obligations of Holders and Beneficial Owners of ADSs and the rights and duties of the Depositary in respect of the Shares deposited thereunder and any and all other Deposited Property (as defined in the Deposit Agreement) from time to time received and held on deposit in respect of the ADSs. Copies of the Deposit Agreement are on file at the Principal Office of the Depositary and with the Custodian. Each Holder and each Beneficial Owner, upon acceptance of any ADSs (or any interest therein) issued in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Deposit Agreement, shall be deemed for all purposes to (a) be a party to and bound by the terms of the Deposit Agreement and the applicable ADR(s), and (b) appoint the Depositary its attorney-in-fact, with full power to delegate, to act on its behalf and to take any and all actions contemplated in the Deposit Agreement and the applicable ADR(s), to adopt any and all procedures necessary to comply with applicable law and to take such action as the Depositary in its sole discretion may deem necessary or appropriate to carry out the purposes of the Deposit Agreement and the applicable ADR(s), the taking of such actions to be the conclusive determinant of the necessity and appropriateness thereof. The manner in which a Beneficial Owner holds ADSs (e.g., in a brokerage account vs. as registered holder) may affect the rights and obligations of, the manner in which, and the extent to which, services are made available to, Beneficial Owners pursuant to the terms of the Deposit Agreement.


本文未定义的所有大写术语应 具有存款协议中赋予的含义。

保管人对存放财产的有效性或价值不作任何陈述或担保。保管人已安排将美国存托凭证纳入存托凭证。通过DTC持有的ADS的每个 实益所有人必须依靠DTC和DTC参与者的程序行使并有权享有可归因于该等ADS的任何权利。然而,受制于存款协议第(Br)2.13节的条款和条件,托管银行可以发行无证书的美国存托凭证。


(2) 交出美国存托凭证和撤回已交存的证券。本美国存托凭证的持有人(以及在此证明的美国存托凭证的持有人) 有权在现证明的美国存托凭证所代表的时间(在托管人的指定办事处)交付存放的证券,条件如下:(I)持有人(或持有人的正式授权代理人) 已将美国存托凭证正式交付给设在其主要办事处的托管人。本存托凭证所证明的美国存托凭证(以及,如适用,本美国存托凭证证明该等美国存托凭证)是为了提取其所代表的已存入证券的目的而交付的,(Ii)如果适用且符合托管人的要求, 为此目的交付给托管人的这份美国存托凭证已被适当地空白背书或附有适当的空白转让文书(包括根据证券行业标准惯例的签字担保),(Iii)如果托管人有此要求, ADS持有人已签署书面命令并交付给托管人,指示托管人将正在提取的已存入证券 交付给该命令中指定的人(S)或根据该命令中指定的人(S)的书面命令交付,以及(Iv)所有适用的费用和 收费及支出,保管人及所有适用的税费和政府收费(如《保证金协议》第5.9节和附件B所述)已经支付,然而,在每种情况下,受试者、证明已交回美国存托凭证的本美国存托凭证的条款及条件、存款协议、本公司的组织章程细则及任何适用的法律及适用的簿记结算实体的规则,以及有关已交存证券的任何规定或管辖已交存证券的任何条文。


托管机构不得接受少于一(1)股的美国存托凭证 。如果向其交付的美国存托凭证数量不是股份总数, 托管人应根据本协议的条款安排交付适当的完整数量的股份的所有权,并且 托管人应酌情(I)向交出该等美国存托凭证的人返还相当于 任何剩余零碎股份的美国存托凭证数量,或(Ii)出售或安排出售如此交出的美国存托凭证所代表的零碎股份,并退还出售所得收益(扣除(A)适用的费用和收费以及由此产生的开支),存托和(B)预扣税款) 给交出美国存托凭证的人。

尽管本《美国存托凭证》或《存管协议》另有规定,托管机构仍可在托管机构的主要办事处交付存入财产,包括:(I)任何现金股息或现金分配,或(Ii)出售任何非现金分配所得的任何收益, 该等收益是指托管机构当时就已交回注销和提取的存入的美国存托凭证所代表的证券。 应任何如此交出本存托凭证所代表的美国存托凭证的持有人的要求,并由该持有人承担风险和费用,托管人应指示托管人(在法律允许的范围内)将托管人就该等美国存托凭证持有的任何财产(存款证券除外)转交给托管人,以便交付给托管人的主要办事处。此类指示应以信函方式发出,或应持有人的要求、风险和费用,通过电报、电传或传真发出。


(3)药品不良反应的转让、合并和拆分。注册官应将本美国存托凭证(及此处所代表的美国存托凭证)的转让登记在为此目的而保存的账簿上,托管银行应(X)注销该美国存托凭证并签立新的美国存托凭证,证明其所证明的美国存托凭证总数与该美国存托凭证所证明的数量相同,(Y)促使注册官会签该等新的美国存托凭证,以及(Z)将该等新的美国存托凭证交付给有权获得该ADR的人,或应其命令交付该等新的美国存托凭证。如果满足下列各项条件:(I)本ADR已由持有人(或持有人的正式授权受权人)正式交付给其主要办事处的托管机构,以便进行转让;(Ii)此交回的ADR已得到适当背书或附有适当的转让文书(包括按照标准证券业惯例的签字担保), (Iii)此交回的ADR已加盖适当印花(如果纽约州或美国法律要求),以及(Iv)托管人的所有适用费用和收费以及由此产生的费用以及所有适用的税费和政府收费(如《存款协议》第5.9节和附件B所述)均已支付,然而,在每种情况下,受试者,遵守本美国存托凭证、存款协议和适用法律的条款和条件,每种情况下的条款和条件均与存托协议生效时相同。

注册处应在为此目的而保存的账簿上登记本ADR(以及本文件所代表的ADR)的拆分或组合,托管人应(X)注销此ADR并按所要求的ADR数量签立新的ADR,但总数不得超过由托管人注销的本ADR所证明的ADR数量,(Y)促使注册处会签该新ADR,以及(Z)将该新ADR交付给或应其持有人的命令交付。如果满足以下每个条件:(I)本ADR已由 持有人(或持有人的正式授权代理人)正式交付给其主要办事处的托管机构,以便进行拆分或合并,以及(Ii)托管机构的所有适用费用和收费以及由此产生的费用,以及所有适用的税费和政府收费(如《托管协议》第5.9节和附件B所述)已支付,主题,但在每种情况下, 适用于本美国存托凭证、存款协议和适用法律的条款和条件,在每种情况下均与当时生效的条款和条件一致。

(4) 注册、转让等前提条件作为签约和交付的先决条件,登记任何美国存托股份的发行、转让、拆分、合并或退回,交付任何分销,或撤回任何存放的财产,托管人或托管人可要求(I)美国存托凭证或本美国存托凭证的股票寄存人或提交人支付一笔足以偿还其任何税费或其他政府收费以及与此相关的任何股票转让或登记费用(包括与存放或提取的股份有关的任何该等税项或收费)的款项,并支付《存管协议》第5.9节和本美国存托凭证中所规定的托管人的任何适用的 费用。(Ii) 出示令其满意的证明,证明任何签名或存款协议第 3.1节规定的任何其他事项的身份和真实性,以及(Iii)遵守(A)与本美国存托凭证或美国存托凭证的签立和交付或提取有关的任何法律或政府法规,以及(B)托管人和公司 根据本美国存托凭证和适用法律的规定制定的合理法规。


在公司、托管人、登记处或股份登记处的转让账簿关闭或托管人认为有必要或适宜采取任何此类行动的任何期间内,可暂停发行针对股份存款的美国存托凭证或针对特定股份的存款发行美国存托凭证,或可拒绝特定情况下的美国存托凭证转让登记,或一般可暂停美国存托凭证转让登记。在任何时间或不时由于法律或法规的任何要求,任何政府或政府机构或委员会或任何美国存托凭证或股份上市的证券交易所,或根据存款协议或本美国存托凭证(如适用)的任何条文,或根据已交存证券的任何条文或管限,或因本公司股东大会或任何其他 原因,在任何情况下均须受存款协议第7.8(A)节及本美国存托凭证第(25)段的规限。尽管《存托协议》或本美国存托凭证有任何相反的规定,但持有人有权在任何时候交出未清偿的美国存托凭证以提取与之相关的存入证券,但条件是:(I)因关闭存托机构或公司的转让账簿或因在股东大会上投票或支付股息而存入股份而导致的临时延迟;(Ii)支付费用、税金和类似费用;(Iii)遵守与存托证券有关的任何美国或外国法律或政府法规;或 因撤回已存入的证券而导致的暂时性延迟。以及(Iv)《F-6表格一般指示》(该等一般指示可不时修订)的指示I.A.(L)特别考虑的其他情况。

(5) 遵守信息请求。尽管存款协议或本ADR有任何其他规定,每个 代表的ADS持有人和受益所有人特此同意遵守公司根据适用法律提出的要求, 股份或ADS已或将在其注册、交易或上市的任何证券交易所的规则和要求,或 公司章程,其目的是提供信息, 除其他外关于该持有人或实益拥有人 拥有美国存托凭证(及该等美国存托凭证所代表的股份,视属何情况而定)的身分,以及于 该等美国存托凭证(及该等美国存托凭证所代表的股份,视属何情况而定)中拥有权益的任何其他人士(S)的身分,以及该等权益的性质及各种其他事宜,不论他们在提出要求时是否为持有人及/或实益拥有人。托管人同意应本公司的要求并由本公司承担费用,尽其合理努力将本公司的任何此类请求转送给持有人,并将托管人收到的此类请求的任何此类回复转送给本公司。

(6) 所有权限制。尽管本美国存托凭证或存款协议另有相反规定,如股份转让可能导致股份所有权超过适用法律或组织章程所施加的限制,则本公司可限制股份转让。本公司亦可按其认为适当的方式限制美国存托凭证的转让,而该转让可能导致单一持有人或实益拥有人所拥有的美国存托凭证所代表的股份总数超过任何该等限制。本公司可全权酌情决定,但在符合适用法律的情况下,指示托管人就任何持有人或实益拥有人的所有权权益超出前述规定的限制采取行动,包括但不限于,对美国存托凭证的转让施加限制,移除或限制投票权,或代表持股人或实益拥有人强制出售或处置该持有人或实益拥有人持有的美国存托凭证所代表的股份,在适用法律和公司章程允许的范围内进行此类处置。 本协议或存款协议中的任何内容均不得解释为保管人或本公司有义务确保遵守本协议或存款协议第3.5节中所述的所有权限制。


(7) 报告义务和监管批准。适用的法律法规可能要求股份持有人和实益拥有人,包括美国存托凭证的持有人和实益拥有人,在某些情况下满足报告要求并获得监管部门的批准。美国存托凭证持有人和实益所有人完全负责确定和遵守此类报告要求 并获得此类批准。每一持有人和每一实益所有人在此同意在适用的法律和法规要求的范围内,以不时生效的形式作出决定、提交报告并获得批准。托管人、托管人、本公司或其各自的任何代理人或关联公司均无需代表持有人或实益拥有人采取任何行动,以确定或满足该等报告要求,或根据适用的法律和法规获得该等监管批准。

(8) Liability for Taxes and Other Charges. Any tax or other governmental charge payable by the Custodian or by the Depositary with respect to any Deposited Property, ADSs or this ADR shall be payable by the Holders and Beneficial Owners to the Depositary. The Company, the Custodian and/or the Depositary may withhold or deduct from any distributions made in respect of Deposited Property held on behalf of such Holder and/or Beneficial Owner, and may sell for the account of a Holder and/or Beneficial Owner any or all of such Deposited Property and apply such distributions and sale proceeds in payment of, any taxes (including applicable interest and penalties) or charges that are or may be payable by Holders or Beneficial Owners in respect of the ADSs, Deposited Property and this ADR, the Holder and the Beneficial Owner hereof remaining liable for any deficiency. The Custodian may refuse the deposit of Shares and the Depositary may refuse to issue ADSs, to deliver ADRs, register the transfer of ADSs, register the split-up or combination of ADRs and (subject to paragraph (25) of this ADR and Section 7.8(a) of the Deposit Agreement) the withdrawal of Deposited Property until payment in full of such tax, charge, penalty or interest is received. Every Holder and Beneficial Owner agrees to indemnify the Depositary, the Company, the Custodian, and any of their agents, officers, employees and Affiliates for, and to hold each of them harmless from, any claims with respect to taxes (including applicable interest and penalties thereon) arising from any tax benefit obtained for such Holder and/or Beneficial Owner. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the Deposit Agreement or any ADR, the obligations of Holders and Beneficial Owners under Section 3.2 of the Deposit Agreement shall survive any transfer of ADSs, any cancellation of ADSs and withdrawal of Deposited Securities, and the termination of the Deposit Agreement.


(9) 股份保证金的陈述和担保。根据《存款协议》交存股份的每一人应被视为据此代表并保证(I)该等股份及其证书已获正式授权、有效发行、缴足股款、免税及合法取得,(Ii)有关该等股份的所有优先(及类似)权利(如有)已被有效放弃或行使,(Iii)作出该等存款的人已获正式授权这样做,(Iv)提交予该等股份以供存放的股份无任何留置权、产权负担、担保权益、押记、抵押或反索偿,(V)呈交存放的股份 并不是、亦不会是受限证券(存款协议第2.14节所述除外),及(Vi)呈交存放的股份并未被剥夺任何权利或权利。该等陈述及保证在股份存入及退出、有关该等股份的美国存托凭证的发行及注销以及该等美国存托凭证转让后仍继续有效。如任何该等陈述或保证以任何方式失实,本公司及保管人将获授权采取任何及所有必要行动,以纠正其后果,费用及开支由股份存放人承担。

(10) 证明、证书和其他信息。可能需要提交股份以供存放的任何人、任何持有人和任何受益所有人,且每个持有人和受益所有人同意不时向托管人和托管人提供公民身份或居住权、纳税人身份、支付所有适用税款或其他政府费用、外汇管制、美国存托凭证和存款财产的合法或实益所有权、遵守适用法律、《存款协议》条款或本美国存托凭证的条款以及存款财产的规定、签署此类证明并作出此类陈述和保证的证明。并提供托管人或托管人认为必要或适当的其他资料及文件(或如为登记 格式股份,则提供与登记于本公司或股份过户登记处账簿上的登记有关的资料),或本公司根据存款协议及本美国存托凭证向托管人提出书面要求而合理要求的其他资料及文件。托管银行及注册处处长(视何者适用而定)可暂停签立、交付或登记任何美国存托凭证或美国存托股份的转让,或派发或出售任何股息或分派权利或其收益,或在不受《存款协议》第(25)款及第7.8(A)条限制的范围内,暂停交付任何已交存财产,直至提交该等证明或其他资料或签立该等证明,或作出该等陈述和保证,或向托管人提供该等其他文件或资料。注册官的 和公司的满意度。托管人应在必要时及时向本公司提供下列文件的副本或原件:(I)其从持有人和实益拥有人处收到的关于公民身份或居住权、纳税人身份或外汇管制批准的任何此类证明,或书面陈述和担保的副本;以及(Ii)本公司可能合理要求且托管人应向任何持有人或实益所有人或任何提交股份以供存入或注销、转让或提取的美国存托凭证的任何其他信息或文件的副本或原件。如持有人或实益拥有人不提供本公司的任何资料,本章程并无任何责任(I)取得 本公司的任何资料,或(Ii)核实或担保持有人或实益拥有人如此提供的资料的准确性。


(11) 美国存托股份收费。根据存款协议的条款,应支付以下美国存托股份费用:


(Ii)美国存托股份取消费用:任何被取消美国存托凭证的人(例如:取消存入股票的美国存托凭证,在美国存托股份(S)与股票(S)的比例发生变化时,或由于任何其他原因,取消的费用不超过每100个美国存托凭证5美元 (或不足100个美国存托凭证);



(v)其他分销费:美国存托股份(S)的任何持有人持有的每100张美国存托凭证(或不足100张美国存托凭证),不超过5美元的费用 用于分派美国存托凭证以外的证券或购买额外美国存托凭证的权利(例如:,分拆股份);


(Vii)ADS转让费的登记:任何被转让的ADS持有人或被转让ADS的任何人, 每转让100个ADS(或其一部分)不超过5美元的费用(例如:在登记了ADS的 注册所有权的转移后,在ADS转移到DTC后, 反之亦然或因任何其他原因);及

(Viii)美国存托股份转换费:任何美国存托股份持有者(S)或任何收到转换后的美国存托凭证的人,从一个美国存托股份系列转换到另一个美国存托股份系列的费用 不超过每100个美国存托股份系列美国存托凭证(不足100个美国存托凭证)5美元(例如:,在将部分授权ADS转换为完整授权ADS时,或将受限ADS转换为可自由转让的ADS时, 和反之亦然).


本公司、持有人、实益拥有人、因美国存托股份发行及注销而存放股份或提取已存放证券的 人士,以及获发行或注销美国存托凭证的人士应负责根据《存款协议》的条款收取以下美国存托股份费用:







所有ADS费用和收费可随时 通过存托人和公司之间的协议进行变更,但对于持有人和 受益所有人应支付的ADS费用和收费,任何该等变更(不包括对保存人免除本协议所述费用和收费的任何变更)只能以第(23)款所述方式进行。根据本ADR的规定以及存款协议第6.1条的规定。 存管人应应向任何人免费提供其最新ADS费用表的副本。


ADS fees and charges for (i) the issuance of ADSs and (ii) the cancellation of ADSs will be payable by the person for whom the ADSs are so issued by the Depositary (in the case of ADS issuances) and by the person for whom ADSs are being cancelled (in the case of ADS cancellations). In the case of ADSs issued by the Depositary into DTC or presented to the Depositary via DTC, the ADS issuance and cancellation fees and charges will be payable by the DTC Participant(s) receiving the ADSs from the Depositary or the DTC Participant(s) holding the ADSs being cancelled, as the case may be, on behalf of the Beneficial Owner(s) and will be charged by the DTC Participant(s) to the account(s) of the applicable Beneficial Owner(s) in accordance with the procedures and practices of the DTC Participant(s) as in effect at the time. ADS fees and charges in respect of distributions and the ADS service fee are payable by Holders as of the applicable ADS Record Date established by the Depositary. In the case of distributions of cash, the amount of the applicable ADS fees and charges is deducted from the funds being distributed. In the case of (i) distributions other than cash and (ii) the ADS service fee, the applicable Holders as of the ADS Record Date established by the Depositary will be invoiced for the amount of the ADS fees and charges and such ADS fees may be deducted from distributions made to Holders. For ADSs held through DTC, the ADS fees and charges for distributions other than cash and the ADS service fee may be deducted from distributions made through DTC and may be charged to the DTC Participants in accordance with the procedures and practices prescribed by DTC from time to time and the DTC Participants in turn charge the amount of such ADS fees and charges to the Beneficial Owners for whom they hold ADSs. In the case of (i) registration of ADS transfers, the ADS transfer fee will be payable by the ADS Holder whose ADSs are being transferred or by the person to whom the ADSs are transferred, and (ii) conversion of ADSs of one series for ADSs of another series, the ADS conversion fee will be payable by the Holder whose ADSs are converted or by the person to whom the converted ADSs are delivered.

托管人可根据公司和托管人不时商定的条款和条件,通过提供就美国存托凭证计划收取的美国存托股份费用的一部分或其他方式,向公司偿还公司因根据存款协议设立的美国存托凭证计划而产生的某些 费用 。公司应向托管人支付托管人和公司可能不时商定的费用,并偿还托管人自掏腰包的费用。支付该等费用、收费及报销的责任 本公司与保管人之间的协议可不时更改。除非另有约定,否则托管银行应每三个月向公司提交一次有关该等费用、收费和报销的报表。托管人的费用和开支由托管人独家承担。

持有人和实益拥有人支付美国存托股份费用和收费的义务在《存款协议》终止后继续有效。对于任何托管人,《托管协议》第5.4节所述托管人辞职或撤职后,收取美国存托股份手续费的权利应扩大到辞职或撤职生效之前发生的 美国存托股份手续费和手续费。


(12) ADR的标题。在符合《存托协议》及本《存托凭证》所载限制的前提下,本《存托凭证》及本《存托凭证》的一项条件是,本《存托凭证》的每一位持有者通过接受或持有相同的同意和同意,本《存托凭证》(以及本《存托凭证》所证明的每一份《存托凭证》)的所有权均可按纽约州法律规定的带凭证证券的相同条款转让,但前提是本《存托凭证》已经过适当的背书或附有适当的转让文书。尽管有任何相反通知,托管银行和本公司可将本美国存托凭证的持有人(即在托管银行账簿上登记本美国存托凭证的人)视为其绝对拥有者。 根据存托协议或本美国存托凭证,托管人或本公司对本美国存托凭证的任何 持有人或任何实益拥有人均不承担任何义务或承担任何责任,除非就美国存托凭证持有人而言,该持有人是在 存托凭证账簿上登记的本美国存托凭证持有人,或就实益拥有人而言,该实益拥有人或实益拥有人代表 是在存托凭证账簿上登记的持有人。

(13) ADR的有效性。本美国存托凭证持有人(S)(及本表所代表的美国存托凭证)无权根据《存托协议》享有任何利益,亦不得就任何目的对存托人或本公司有效或可强制执行,除非本存托凭证已(I)注明日期, (Ii)已由寄存人正式授权签署人的手写或传真签署,(Iii)经注册处正式授权签署人的手写或传真签署会签,及(Iv)已登记在注册处处长备存的登记发行及转让的簿册内。带有托管人正式授权签字人或注册官的传真签名的ADR,在签署时是托管人或注册处处长(视属何情况而定)的正式授权签字人, 应对托管人具有约束力,即使该签字人在托管人交付该ADR之前已不再有此授权 。

(14) 可用信息;报告;转移帐簿检查。

公司须遵守《交易法》的定期报告 要求,因此,公司须向委员会提交或提供某些报告。这些报告 可从委员会网站(www.example.com)检索,并可在委员会维护的公共参考设施 查阅和复制,该设施位于(截至交存协议日期)100 F Street,N.E.,华盛顿特区20549.存管人应 在其主要办事处提供从公司收到的任何报告和通信,包括任何委托书征集材料,供持有人查阅,这些报告和通信是(a)由存管人、托管人或其中任何一人作为存管财产持有人 收到的,以及(b)由公司向该等存管财产持有人普遍提供的。当公司根据交存协议 第5.6节提供此类报告时,交存人应 向持有人提供或提供此类报告的副本。


在任何情况下,注册处处长均可在符合存款协议第(25)段及第7.8(A)条 的规定下,真诚地认为必要或合宜时,或在本公司合理的书面要求下,将有关美国存托凭证的转让账簿于任何时间或不时与该等美国存托凭证结清。



花旗银行,N.A. 转让代理和注册处 北卡罗来纳州花旗银行
由:_ 由:_
授权签字人 授权签字人






(15) 现金、股份等形式的股息和分配(A)现金分配:在 托管人及时收到本公司关于其拟进行现金股利分配或其他现金分配的通知后,托管人 应根据《存款协议》第4.9节所述的条款建立美国存托股份记录日期。在确认收到(X)任何存款证券的任何现金股息或其他现金分派,或(Y)根据存款协议条款出售与美国存托凭证有关的任何存款财产所得款项后,保管人将(I)如收到任何外币金额,将立即将该等现金股息、分派或收益兑换或安排兑换成美元(受存款协议第4.8节所述条款及条件的规限),(Ii)如适用,除非先前已确立, 根据存款协议第4.9节所述的条款建立美国存托股份备案日期,并(Iii)按照截至美国存托股份备案日期有权享有的美国存托凭证数量的比例,迅速将从此类转换中收到的 金额(扣除(A)作为存款协议附件 B所附的费表中所述的适用费用和收费以及(B)预扣的适用税款)分配给有权享有的持有人。然而,托管人只应分配可分配的金额,而不将一分钱的零头分配给任何持有人,任何未如此分配的余额应由托管人持有(不承担利息责任),并应与托管人收到的下一笔款项相加,并成为其下一笔款项的一部分,以分配给在下次分配时未偿还的美国存托凭证持有人 。如果本公司、托管人或托管人被要求扣留,并且 确实扣留了与任何存款证券有关的任何现金股息或其他现金分配,或从出售存款财产的任何现金收益中扣留了一笔税款、关税或其他政府费用,则在美国存托凭证上分配给持有人的金额应相应减少。该等扣缴款项应由本公司、托管人或托管人转交有关政府当局。应 要求,公司应将付款凭证转交给托管人。托管机构将为美国存托凭证的适用持有人和实益所有人的利益将其无法分配的任何现金金额保留在一个非计息账户中,直到分配得以实现,或者托管机构持有的资金必须根据美国相关州的法律作为无人认领的财产进行分配。尽管《存款协议》有任何相反规定,但如果本公司未能就《存款协议》第4.1节规定的拟议分配及时通知托管人,则托管人同意采取商业上合理的努力来执行《存款协议》第4.1节所述的行动,并且公司、持有人和实益所有人承认, 托管人不应对托管人未能实施《存款协议》第4.1节所规定的行动承担责任。除未使用本文规定的商业上合理的努力外。


(b) 股份分配:当托管人 及时收到本公司通知,表示其拟进行包括派发股息或 免费分派股份在内的分派时,托管人应根据《保证金协议》第4.9节所述的条款设立美国存托股份记录日期。在收到托管人关于收到本公司如此分派的股份的确认后,托管人应(I)在遵守《存托协议》第5.9条的情况下,按照截至美国存托股份备案日持有的美国存托凭证数量的比例向持有人分发额外的美国存托凭证,额外的美国存托凭证代表作为 该等股息收到的股份总数,或免费分派,但须符合《存托协议》的其他条款(包括但不限于:(A)适用的 费用和收费及由此产生的开支,托管和(B)税),或(Ii)如果没有如此分发额外的美国存托凭证,则采取一切必要的行动, 在美国存托股份记录日期之后发行和发行的每一股美国存托股份,在法律允许的范围内, 也代表因托管证券而分配的额外整数股的权利和利益 (扣除(A)托管的适用费用和支出,以及(B)税)。作为交付零碎美国存托凭证的替代办法,托管机构应出售由该等零碎美国存托凭证的总和所代表的股份或美国存托凭证的数量 ,并根据存款协议第4.1节所述的条款分配净收益。

如果托管人确定 财产(包括股份)的任何分配需要缴纳托管人有义务扣缴的任何税收或其他政府费用,或者,如果公司在履行《存款协议》第5.7条下的义务时,提供了美国律师的意见 ,确定股票必须根据证券法或其他法律登记才能分发给持有人 (且此类登记声明尚未宣布生效),托管人可按托管人认为必要和可行的金额和方式(包括公开或私下出售)处置全部或部分该等财产(包括股份和认购权),托管人应根据《托管人协议》第4.1节的条款,将任何此类出售的净收益(在扣除(A)税和(B)费用 以及托管人的收费和支出后)分配给有权享有的持有人。保管人应根据保证金协议的规定持有和/或分配此类财产的任何未售出余额。尽管《存托协议》有任何相反规定,但如果本公司未能将《存托协议》第4.2节规定的建议分配及时通知托管人,托管人同意在商业上 作出合理努力以执行《存托协议》第4.2节所述的行动,并且公司、持有人和受益所有人承认,托管人不应对托管人未能执行《存托协议》第4.2节所述的行为承担责任,且该通知未及时发出。除未使用本文规定的商业上合理的 努力。


(c) 现金或股票的选择性分配: Upon the timely receipt of a notice indicating that the Company wishes an elective distribution in cash or Shares to be made available to Holders of ADSs upon the terms described in the Deposit Agreement, the Company and the Depositary shall determine in accordance with the Deposit Agreement whether such distribution is lawful and reasonably practicable. The Depositary shall make such elective distribution available to Holders only if (i) the Company shall have timely requested that the elective distribution be made available to Holders, (ii) the Depositary shall have determined that such distribution is reasonably practicable and (iii) the Depositary shall have received satisfactory documentation within the terms of Section 5.7 of the Deposit Agreement. If the above conditions are satisfied, the Depositary shall, subject to the terms and conditions of the Deposit Agreement, establish the ADS Record Date according to paragraph (16) and establish procedures to enable the Holder hereof to elect to receive the proposed distribution in cash or in additional ADSs. If a Holder elects to receive the distribution in cash, the distribution shall be made as in the case of a distribution in cash. If the Holder hereof elects to receive the distribution in additional ADSs, the distribution shall be made as in the case of a distribution in Shares upon the terms described in the Deposit Agreement. If such elective distribution is not reasonably practicable or if the Depositary did not receive satisfactory documentation set forth in the Deposit Agreement, the Depositary shall establish an ADS Record Date upon the terms of Section 4.9 of the Deposit Agreement and, to the extent permitted by law, distribute to Holders, on the basis of the same determination as is made in the Cayman Islands in respect of the Shares for which no election is made, either (x) cash upon the terms described in Section 4.1 of the Deposit Agreement or (y) additional ADSs representing such additional Shares, in each case, upon the terms described in Section 4.2 of the Deposit Agreement. Nothing herein or in the Deposit Agreement shall obligate the Depositary to make available to the Holder hereof a method to receive the elective distribution in Shares (rather than ADSs). There can be no assurance that Holders generally, or any Holder in particular, will be given the opportunity to receive elective distributions on the same terms and conditions as the holders of Shares. Notwithstanding anything contained in the Deposit Agreement to the contrary, in the event the Company fails to give the Depositary timely notice of the proposed distribution provided for in Section 4.3 of the Deposit Agreement, the Depositary agrees to use commercially reasonable efforts to perform the actions contemplated in Section 4.3 of the Deposit Agreement, and the Company, the Holders and the Beneficial Owners acknowledge that the Depositary shall have no liability for the Depositary’s failure to perform the actions contemplated in Section 4.3 of the Deposit Agreement where such notice has not been so timely given, other than its failure to use commercially reasonable efforts, as provided herein.

(d) 额外购买美国存托凭证的权利分配 : Upon the timely receipt by the Depositary of a notice indicating that the Company wishes rights to subscribe for additional Shares to be made available to Holders of ADSs, the Depositary upon consultation with the Company, shall determine, whether it is lawful and reasonably practicable to make such rights available to the Holders. The Depositary shall make such rights available to any Holders only if (i) the Company shall have timely requested that such rights be made available to Holders, (ii) the Depositary shall have received satisfactory documentation within the terms of Section 5.7 of the Deposit Agreement, and (iii) the Depositary shall have determined that such distribution of rights is reasonably practicable. If such conditions are not satisfied or if the Company requests that the rights not be made available to Holders of ADSs, the Depositary shall sell the rights as described below. In the event all conditions set forth above are satisfied, the Depositary shall establish the ADS Record Date (upon the terms described in Section 4.9 of the Deposit Agreement) and establish procedures to (x) distribute rights to purchase additional ADSs (by means of warrants or otherwise), (y) enable the Holders to exercise such rights (upon payment of the subscription price and of the applicable (a) fees and charges of, and expenses incurred by, the Depositary and (b) taxes), and (z) deliver ADSs upon the valid exercise of such rights. The Company shall assist the Depositary to the extent necessary in establishing such procedures. Nothing herein or in the Deposit Agreement shall obligate the Depositary to make available to the Holders a method to exercise rights to subscribe for Shares (rather than ADSs). If (i) the Company does not timely request the Depositary to make the rights available to Holders or requests that the rights not be made available to Holders, (ii) the Depositary fails to receive satisfactory documentation within the terms of Section 5,7 of the Deposit Agreement or determines it is not reasonably practicable to make the rights available to Holders, or (iii) any rights made available are not exercised and appear to be about to lapse, the Depositary shall determine whether it is lawful and reasonably practicable to sell such rights, in a riskless principal capacity, at such place and upon such terms (including public and private sale) as it may deem practicable. The Depositary shall, upon such sale, convert and distribute proceeds of such sale (net of applicable (a) fees and charges of, and expenses incurred by, the Depositary and (b) taxes) upon the terms hereof and of Section 4.1 of the Deposit Agreement. If the Depositary is unable to make any rights available to Holders upon the terms described in Section 4.4(a) of the Deposit Agreement or to arrange for the sale of the rights upon the terms described in Section 4.4(b) of the Deposit Agreement, the Depositary shall allow such rights to lapse. The Depositary shall not be liable for (i) any failure to accurately determine whether it may be lawful or practicable to make such rights available to Holders in general or any Holders in particular, (ii) any foreign exchange exposure or loss incurred in connection with such sale or exercise, or (iii) the content of any materials forwarded to the Holders on behalf of the Company in connection with the rights distribution.


Notwithstanding anything herein or in Section 4.4 of the Deposit Agreement to the contrary, if registration (under the Securities Act or any other applicable law) of the rights or the securities to which any rights relate may be required in order for the Company to offer such rights or such securities to Holders and to sell the securities represented by such rights, the Depositary will not distribute such rights to the Holders (i) unless and until a registration statement under the Securities Act (or other applicable law) covering such offering is in effect or (ii) unless the Company furnishes the Depositary opinion(s) of counsel for the Company in the United States and counsel to the Company in any other applicable country in which rights would be distributed, in each case satisfactory to the Depositary, to the effect that the offering and sale of such securities to Holders and Beneficial Owners are exempt from, or do not require registration under, the provisions of the Securities Act or any other applicable laws. In the event that the Company, the Depositary or the Custodian shall be required to withhold and does withhold from any distribution of Deposited Property (including rights) an amount on account of taxes or other governmental charges, the amount distributed to the Holders of ADSs shall be reduced accordingly. In the event that the Depositary determines that any distribution of Deposited Property (including Shares and rights to subscribe therefor) is subject to any tax or other governmental charges which the Depositary is obligated to withhold, the Depositary may dispose of all or a portion of such Deposited Property (including Shares and rights to subscribe therefor) in such amounts and in such manner, including by public or private sale, as the Depositary deems necessary and practicable to pay any such taxes or charges.



(e) 现金、股份 或股份购买权以外的分配:在收到通知表示本公司希望将现金、股份或购买额外股份的权利以外的财产提供给美国存托凭证持有人后,托管银行应确定向持有人分发该等财产是否合法和合理可行。托管人不得作出该等分发,除非(I)本公司已要求 托管人向持有人作出该项分发,(Ii)托管人已收到《存款协议》第5.7节所述的令人满意的文件,及(Iii)托管人已确定该项分发属合理可行。在满足这些条件后,托管银行应将收到的财产在美国存托股份备案日按各自持有的美国存托凭证数量的比例,以托管银行认为可行的方式,将收到的财产分配给记录持有人。 (I)收到或扣除托管银行适用的费用和支出后,以及(Ii)扣除所扣缴的任何 税款后。托管人可以按托管人认为切实可行或必要的方式(包括公开或私下出售)处置如此分配和存放的全部或部分财产,以支付适用于分配的任何税款(包括适用的利息和罚款)或其他政府收费。

如果不满足上述条件,托管人应在其认为可行的一个或多个地点,按其认为可行的条款,以公开或私下出售的方式出售或安排出售该财产,并应(I)将出售所得收益(如有)兑换成美元,(Ii)分配托管人收到的此类转换所得的收益(扣除适用的(A)费用和收费,以及由此产生的费用,根据本协议和《存款协议》第4.1节的条款,在美国存托股份备案之日,存托机构(br}和(B)向持有人支付的税款)。如果保管人 无法出售此类财产,保管人可以在这种情况下以其认为合理可行的任何方式为持有人处分此类财产。


(16) 赎回。当本公司及时收到本公司拟对任何已交存证券行使赎回权的通知及令人满意的文件,并确定建议赎回是切实可行时,托管银行应(在可行范围内)向每名持有人发出通知,列明本公司拟行使赎回权利及本公司向托管银行发出的通知所载的任何其他详情。托管人应指示托管人在支付适用赎回价格的情况下,向公司提交正在行使赎回权的已交存证券。在收到托管人确认赎回已经发生以及已收到相当于赎回价格的资金 后,托管人应转换、转移和分配所得款项(扣除适用的 (A)托管人的费用和费用以及(B)税款)、注销ADS和注销ADR(如适用),并在持有人交付ADS以及存款协议第4.1和6.2节所述的条款后取消ADR。如果赎回的存托证券少于全部未赎回证券,则将按批或按比例选择要注销的美国存托凭证,这可能由托管机构决定。每个美国存托股份的赎回价格应为托管人在赎回以美国存托凭证为代表的证券时收到的每股金额(调整为反映美国存托股份(S)与股份(S)的比率)的美元等值(受《存托协议》第 节的条款以及托管机构适用的费用和收费以及由此产生的费用和税款的限制)乘以每个赎回美国存托股份所代表的托管证券的数量。尽管《存托协议》有任何相反规定,但如果本公司未能就《存托协议》第4.7节规定的拟议赎回及时通知托管人,则托管人同意采取商业上合理的努力来执行《存托协议》第4.7节所述的行动,本公司、持有人和实益所有人承认,托管人不对托管人未能执行《存托协议》第4.7节所述的行为承担责任,除非没有使用商业上合理的努力。如本文所述。


(17) Fixing of ADS Record Date. Whenever (a) the Depositary shall receive notice of the fixing of a record date by the Company for the determination of holders of Deposited Securities entitled to receive any distribution (whether in cash, Shares, rights or other distribution), (b) for any reason the Depositary causes a change in the number of Shares that are represented by each ADS, (c) the Depositary shall receive notice of any meeting of, or solicitation of consents or proxies of, holders of Shares or other Deposited Securities, or (d) the Depositary shall find it necessary or convenient in connection with the giving of any notice, solicitation of any consent or any other matter, the Depositary shall fix the record date (the “ADS Record Date”) for the determination of the Holders of ADS(s) who shall be entitled to receive such distribution, to give instructions for the exercise of voting rights at any such meeting, to give or withhold such consent, to receive such notice or solicitation or to otherwise take action, or to exercise the rights of Holders with respect to such changed number of Shares represented by each ADS. The Depositary shall make reasonable efforts to establish the ADS Record Date as closely as practicable to the applicable record date for the Deposited Securities (if any) set by the Company in the Cayman Islands and shall not announce the establishment of any ADS Record Date prior to the relevant corporate action having been made public by the Company (if such corporate action affects the Deposited Securities). Subject to applicable law, the terms and conditions of this ADR and Sections 4.1 through 4.8 of the Deposit Agreement, only the Holders of ADSs at the close of business in New York on such ADS Record Date shall be entitled to receive such distribution, to give such voting instructions, to receive such notice or solicitation, or otherwise take action.


(18) Voting of Deposited Securities. As soon as practicable after receipt of notice of any meeting at which the holders of Deposited Securities are entitled to vote, or of solicitation of consents or proxies from holders of Deposited Securities, the Depositary shall fix the ADS Record Date in respect of such meeting or solicitation of consent or proxy in accordance with Section 4.9 of the Deposit Agreement. The Depositary shall, if requested by the Company in writing in a timely manner (the Depositary having no obligation to take any further action if the request shall not have been received by the Depositary at least thirty (30) days prior to the date of such vote or meeting), at the Company’s expense and provided no U.S. legal prohibitions exist, distribute as soon as practicable after receipt thereof to Holders as of the ADS Record Date: (a) such notice of meeting or solicitation of consent or proxy, (b) a statement that the Holders at the close of business on the ADS Record Date will be entitled, subject to any applicable law, the provisions of the Deposit Agreement, the Articles of Association and the provisions of or governing the Deposited Securities (which provisions, if any, shall be summarized in pertinent part by the Company), to instruct the Depositary as to the exercise of the voting rights, if any, pertaining to the Deposited Securities represented by such Holder’s ADSs, and (c) a brief statement as to the manner in which such voting instructions may be given or deemed to have been given in accordance with Section 4.10 of the Deposit Agreement (if no instructions are received prior to the deadline set for such purposes to the Depositary) to give a discretionary proxy to a person designated by the Company. Notwithstanding anything contained in the Deposit Agreement to the contrary, in the event the Company fails to timely request that the Depositary distribute the information as provided for in Section 4.10 of the Deposit Agreement, if so agrees after consultation with the Company, the Depositary will use commercially reasonable efforts to perform the actions contemplated in Section 4.10 of the Deposit Agreement, and the Company, the Holders and the Beneficial Owners acknowledge that the Depositary shall have no liability for the Depositary’s failure to perform the actions contemplated in Section 4.10 of the Deposit Agreement where such notice has not been so timely given, other than its failure to use commercially reasonable efforts, as provide herein.

尽管《托管协议》或任何美国存托凭证有任何规定,托管机构仍可在法律或法规不禁止的范围内,或在美国存托凭证上市的证券交易所的要求 的范围内,向托管机构分发与托管证券持有人的任何会议或向托管证券持有人征求同意或委托书有关的材料,向持有人分发通知,向持有人提供或以其他方式向持有人宣传如何检索此类材料或应请求接收此类材料(例如:, 参考包含要检索的材料的网站或请求材料副本的联系人)。

本公司已告知存管人 ,根据截至存管协议日期已采纳的组织章程细则,在本公司任何股东大会上进行投票 ,除非(在宣布举手表决结果之前或之时)要求进行投票。无论美国存托证券持有人是否要求投票,存托人 均不会参与要求投票。根据公司章程细则,于存管协议日期已获采纳 ,(a)会议主席或(b)持有不少于 亲自出席或委派代表出席的股份所附表决权的任何股东可要求投票表决。


投票指示只能针对代表整数个存入证券的美国存托凭证数量 。在按托管人规定的方式及时收到美国存托股份美国存托凭证记录日期的美国存托凭证 表决指示后,托管人应在可行的范围内,并在适用法律允许的情况下,尽力按照《存款协议》、《公司章程》和已交存证券的规定,投票或安排托管人表决该持有人的 美国存托凭证所代表的已交存证券,具体如下:(A)在股东大会上举手表决的,托管人将指示托管人根据及时从提供投票指示的大多数美国存托凭证持有人那里收到的投票指示,对所有已交存证券进行投票,以及(B)在股东大会上投票表决的则存管人 将指示存管人根据及时收到的美国存托证券持有人 的表决指示对存管证券进行表决。如果投票方式为投票方式,且存管人未在存管人为此目的设定的日期 或之前收到持有人的投票指示,则该持有人应被视为且存管人应被视为已 指示存管人向公司指定的人士给予全权委托书,以投票存管证券;但是, ,对于 公司通知存管人(a)公司不希望给予此类委托书,(b)存在重大反对意见,或(c)存管证券持有人的权利可能因该全权代表投票表决的任何决议案而受到不利影响。

存托人未收到持有人及时的表决指示的以美国存托证券为代表的存托证券不得进行表决(除非(a)如果投票是以举手方式 ,在这种情况下,存管人将指示托管人根据从及时提供投票指示的大多数美国存托证券持有人收到的投票指示 对所有存托证券进行投票,及(b)如《存款协议》第4.10条所述)。在任何情况下,存管人或托管人均不得行使投票权,且 存管人或托管人均不得投票、试图行使投票权或以任何方式利用(以确立法定人数或其他方式)美国存托证券所代表的存托证券,除非根据并按照及时收到的持有人的表决指示 或存款协议或本协议另有规定。如果存管人及时收到持有人的投票 指令,而该指令未指明存管人对 该持有人的美国存托凭证所代表的存管证券进行投票的方式,则存管人将认为该持有人(除非在分发给持有人的通知中另有规定)已 指示存管人投票赞成该等投票指令中规定的项目。

尽管本协议另有规定, 如本公司提出书面要求,托管人应代表所有已交存证券(无论截至美国存托股份记录日是否已收到持有人关于该等已交存证券的表决指示),仅用于在股东大会上确定 法定人数。

尽管 存款协议或任何ADR中包含其他任何内容,但如果采取任何行动违反美国法律,则存管人无义务就任何会议或 的同意或委托书采取任何行动。本公司同意 采取任何及所有合理必要的行动,使持有人和受益所有人能够行使已存置证券 应计的投票权,并向存置人提交美国法律顾问的意见,以解决 存置人要求采取的任何行动。


不能保证持有人一般 或特别是任何持有人将收到上述通知时有足够的时间使持有人能够及时将投票指示 退还给托管人。

(19) 影响存款证券的变动。在面值或面值发生任何变化、拆分、注销、合并或任何其他存款证券重新分类时,或在对影响本公司或其为一方的资产进行任何资本重组、重组、合并、合并或出售时,托管人或托管人应收到的任何财产应在法律允许的范围内被视为存款协议项下的新存款财产,以换取、转换或替换此类存款证券,且本ADR应符合《存款协议》的规定。 本美国存托凭证证明该等存托凭证及适用法律,代表有权收取该等额外或替代存放财产。在实施该等变更、拆分、注销、合并或以其他方式重新分类存放证券、资本重组、资产重组、合并、合并或出售资产时,托管人可经本公司批准,且如本公司提出要求,则应遵守《托管协议》的条款(包括但不限于:(A)托管人适用的费用及收费及由此而产生的开支)。及(B)缴税)及收到本公司律师的意见,令保管人信纳该等行为并无违反任何适用的法律或法规,(I)发行及交付额外的美国存托凭证(如股份股息的情况),(Ii)修订存款协议及适用的美国存托凭证,(Iii)修订提交证监会的表格F-6中有关美国存托凭证的适用登记 声明(S),(Iv)要求将尚未交出的美国存托凭证交回 以换取新的美国存托凭证,及(V)采取其他适当行动,以反映与美国存托凭证有关的交易。公司同意与保管人共同修改提交给委员会的表格F-6中的注册说明书,以允许发行这种新形式的美国存托凭证。尽管如上所述,如果如此收到的任何存放财产可能无法合法地分配给部分或所有持有人,托管机构可在公司批准的情况下,并在公司提出请求的情况下, 在收到公司律师合理地令托管机构满意的意见后,在其认为适当的一个或多个地点和条款 公开或私下出售该存放财产,并可分配销售的净收益(扣除(A)费用和收费,及(B)按平均或其他可行基准向有权享有该等存放财产的持有人的账户支付(br}及(B)税),而不考虑该等持有人之间的任何差别,并在实际可行的范围内将如此分配的所得款项净额予以分配,一如根据存款协议第4.1节以现金作出分配的情况一样。托管银行对以下情况概不负责:(I)未能确定向一般持有人或特别是任何持有人提供此类存放财产是否合法或可行;(Ii)因出售而产生的任何外汇风险或损失;或(Iii)对此类存放财产的购买者负有的任何责任。


(20) Exoneration. Notwithstanding anything contained in the Deposit Agreement or any ADR, neither the Depositary nor the Company shall be obligated to do or perform any act which is inconsistent with the provisions of the Deposit Agreement or incur any liability (to the extent not limited by paragraph (25) hereof and Section 7.8(b) of the Deposit Agreement) (i) if the Depositary, the Custodian, the Company or their respective agents shall be prevented or forbidden from, or delayed in, doing or performing any act or thing required or contemplated by the terms of the Deposit Agreement and this ADR, by reason of any provision of any present or future law or regulation of the United States, the Cayman Islands or any other country, or of any other governmental authority or regulatory authority or stock exchange, or on account of potential criminal or civil penalties or restraint, or by reason of any provision, present or future, of the Articles of Association or any provision of or governing any Deposited Securities, or by reason of any act of God or war or other circumstances beyond its control (including, without limitation, nationalization, expropriation, currency restrictions, work stoppage, strikes, civil unrest, acts of terrorism, revolutions, rebellions, explosions and computer failure), (ii) by reason of any exercise of, or failure to exercise, any discretion provided for in the Deposit Agreement or in the Articles of Association or provisions of or governing Deposited Securities, (iii) for any action or inaction in reliance upon the advice of or information from legal counsel, accountants, any person presenting Shares for deposit, any Holder, any Beneficial Owner or authorized representative thereof, or any other person believed by it in good faith to be competent to give such advice or information, (iv) for the inability by a Holder or Beneficial Owner to benefit from any distribution, offering, right or other benefit which is made available to holders of Deposited Securities but is not, under the terms of the Deposit Agreement, made available to Holders of ADSs, (v) for any action or inaction of any clearing or settlement system (and any participant thereof) for the Deposited Property or the ADSs, or (vi) for any consequential or punitive damages (including lost profits) for any breach of the terms of the Deposit Agreement. The Depositary, its controlling persons, its agents, any Custodian and the Company, its controlling persons and its agents may rely and shall be protected in acting upon any written notice, request or other document believed by it to be genuine and to have been signed or presented by the proper party or parties.

(21) 护理标准。本公司及托管银行对任何持有人(S)或实益拥有人(S)概不承担任何责任,亦不承担任何责任,除非本公司及托管银行同意履行各自于《托管协议》或本美国存托责任协议下明确载明的义务,且无疏忽或恶意。在不限于上述规定的情况下,托管机构、公司或其各自的任何控制人或代理人均无义务就其认为可能涉及费用或责任的任何存放财产或美国存托凭证的任何诉讼、诉讼或其他程序进行出庭、起诉或抗辩,除非保管人就所有费用(包括律师费和律师费)作出令其满意的赔偿,并按要求定期提供责任(保管人不承担任何与该等程序有关的义务)。托管人只对托管人负责)。


托管人及其代理人对未能执行任何有关表决任何已交存证券的指示、任何表决方式或任何表决效果不承担责任,但任何该等行动或不作为须本着善意及无疏忽,并符合《存款协议》的条款。对于未能准确确定任何分发或 行动可能合法或合理可行、本公司提交给其分发给持有人的任何信息的内容或其任何译文的任何不准确、与获取存款财产的权益有关的任何投资风险、存款财产的有效性或价值、任何存款财产或其上的任何分配的价值、 存款财产的任何利息、因美国存托凭证、股份或其他存款财产的所有权可能导致的任何税收后果,保管人不承担任何责任。 对于任何第三方的信誉、允许任何权利在存款协议条款下失效、对于本公司任何通知的失败或及时性、对于DTC或任何DTC参与者的任何行动或未能采取行动、或提供或不提供任何信息。

托管人对继任托管人的任何作为或不作为不负责任,无论是与托管人以前的作为或不作为有关,还是与 托管人撤职或辞职后完全产生的任何事项有关,但条件是托管人在担任托管人期间不存在疏忽或恶意地履行其义务。

托管人对前任托管人的任何作为或不作为不负责任,无论是与托管人的作为或不作为有关的,还是与在指定托管人之前或在托管人撤职或辞职之后完全产生的任何 事项有关的,但条件是托管人在履行其作为托管人的职责时不得有疏忽或恶意。

(22) Resignation and Removal of the Depositary; Appointment of Successor Depositary. The Depositary may at any time resign as Depositary under the Deposit Agreement by written notice of resignation delivered to the Company, such resignation to be effective on the earlier of (i) the 90th day after delivery thereof to the Company (whereupon the Depositary shall be entitled to take the actions contemplated in Section 6.2 of the Deposit Agreement), or (ii) the appointment by the Company of a successor depositary and its acceptance of such appointment as provided in the Deposit Agreement. The Depositary may at any time be removed by the Company by written notice of such removal, which removal shall be effective on the later of (i) the 120th day after delivery thereof to the Depositary (whereupon the Depositary shall be entitled to take the actions contemplated in Section 6.2 of the Deposit Agreement), or (ii) upon the appointment by the Company of a successor depositary and its acceptance of such appointment as provided in the Deposit Agreement. In case at any time the Depositary acting hereunder shall resign or be removed, the Company shall use its best efforts to appoint a successor depositary, which shall be a bank or trust company having an office in the Borough of Manhattan, the City of New York. Every successor depositary shall be required by the Company to execute and deliver to its predecessor and to the Company an instrument in writing accepting its appointment hereunder, and thereupon such successor depositary, without any further act or deed (except as required by applicable law), shall become fully vested with all the rights, powers, duties and obligations of its predecessor (other than as contemplated in Sections 5.8 and 5.9 of the Deposit Agreement). The predecessor depositary, upon payment of all sums due it and on the written request of the Company, shall, (i) execute and deliver an instrument transferring to such successor all rights and powers of such predecessor hereunder (other than as contemplated in Sections 5.8 and 5.9 of the Deposit Agreement), (ii) duly assign, transfer and deliver all of the Depositary’s right, title and interest to the Deposited Property to such successor, and (iii) deliver to such successor a list of the Holders of all outstanding ADSs and such other information relating to ADSs and Holders thereof as the successor may reasonably request. Any such successor depositary shall promptly provide notice of its appointment to such Holders. Any entity into or with which the Depositary may be merged or consolidated shall be the successor of the Depositary without the execution or filing of any document or any further act.


(23) 修正案/补编。在符合本第23段及存款协议第6.1节的条款及条件及适用法律的情况下,本美国存托凭证及存款协议的任何条文可于任何时间及不时由本公司与托管银行就其认为必要或适宜的任何方面以书面协议作出修订或补充,而无需持有人或实益拥有人的事先 书面同意。任何修订或补充,如征收或增加任何费用或收费(与外汇管理条例有关的收费、税项及其他政府收费、交割及其他 开支除外),或以其他方式重大损害持有人或实益拥有人的任何重大现有权利,则在收到有关修订或补充的通知后三十(30)日届满前,将不会对未清偿美国存托凭证生效。《存款协议》或任何美国存托凭证的任何修改通知不需要详细说明由此产生的具体修改,未在任何此类通知中说明具体修改不应使该通知无效,但在每一种情况下,发给持有人的通知应指明持有人和受益所有人检索或接收该修改文本的方法(例如:,从委员会检索, 托管人或公司的网站,或应托管人的要求)。双方同意,(I)为(A)根据证券法将美国存托凭证登记在表格F-6中或(B)美国存托凭证仅以电子簿记形式结算及(Ii)在上述两种情况下均不会征收或增加持有人须承担的任何费用或收费而(I)合理地必需(如本公司及托管银行同意)作出的任何修订或补充,将被视为不会对持有人或实益拥有人现有的任何重大权利造成重大损害。在任何修订或补充生效时,每一持有人及实益拥有人应被视为同意及同意该修订或补充,并受经修订或补充的《存款协议》及本美国存托凭证(如适用)约束。在任何情况下,任何修改或补充都不应损害持有人交出该美国存托股份并为此接受其所代表的存款证券的权利,除非是为了遵守适用法律的强制性规定。尽管如上所述,如果任何政府机构应采用新的法律、规则或法规 ,要求修订或补充存款协议以确保遵守,本公司和托管人可根据该等修改后的法律、规则或法规,随时修订或补充存款协议和本美国存托凭证。在这种情况下,对《存款协议》和本美国存托凭证的该等修订或补充可在向持有人发出该等修订或补充的通知之前生效,或在遵守该等法律、规则或法规所需的任何其他期限内生效。


(24) 终止。托管人应在本公司书面指示下,在通知中规定的终止日期 前至少三十(30)天,将终止通知分发给当时未清偿的所有美国存托凭证的持有人,终止存款协议。如果(I)托管人向公司递交其选择辞职的书面通知后九十(90)天届满,或(Ii)公司向托管人递交移除托管人的书面通知后一百二十(120)天届满,且在任何一种情况下,继任托管人均未按《存款协议》第5.4节的规定被委任并接受其委任。托管银行可在通知中规定的终止日期前至少三十(30)天,将终止通知分发给所有未到期的美国存托凭证持有人,从而终止《存款协议》。在存托机构如此分发给美国存托凭证持有人的任何终止通知中,如此确定的终止存托协议的日期称为“终止日期”。在终止日期之前,托管银行应继续履行其在《存款协议》项下的所有义务,而持有人和实益所有人将 享有其在《存款协议》项下的所有权利。如果任何美国存托凭证在终止日期后仍未清偿,注册处处长和托管人在终止日期后不再有义务履行《存款协议》项下的任何进一步行为, 但在符合《存款协议》条款和条件的情况下,托管人应继续(I)收取与托管证券有关的股息和其他分派,(Ii)出售与托管证券有关的托管财产, (Iii)交付托管证券,连同与此相关的任何股息或其他分配以及出售任何其他存款财产的净收益,以换取交出给托管人的美国存托凭证(在每种情况下,扣除或收取托管人的费用和费用,以及由持有人和受益所有人账户支付的所有适用税费或政府费用,每种情况均按存款协议第5.9节规定的条款进行); 及(Iv)根据适用法律就其在《存款协议》下的托管角色采取可能需要的行动。 在终止日期后的任何时间,托管机构可出售当时根据《存款协议》持有的已存放财产,并于出售后 将出售所得款项净额连同其根据《存款协议》持有的任何其他现金按比例持有, 存入非独立账户且无利息责任,以按比例惠及迄今尚未交出其美国存托凭证的持有人 。在作出该等出售后,托管银行将被解除根据《托管协议》项下的所有责任,但(I) 结算该等净收益及其他现金(在每种情况下,扣除或收取托管银行的费用及收费 及由此产生的开支,以及所有适用税项或政府收费于持有人及受益的 拥有人的账户内,均按《托管协议》第5.9节所载条款规定)除外,及(Ii)按法律规定与终止《托管协议》有关。终止日期后,本公司将被解除存款协议项下的所有义务,但其根据存款协议第5.8、5.9和7.6条对托管人所承担的义务除外。截至终止日,尚未清偿的美国存托凭证持有人及实益拥有人的《存托协议》条款项下的责任 将于终止日期后继续存在,且只有当其持有人根据《存托协议》的条款将适用的美国存托凭证呈交存管人以供注销时,才可解除该等义务 (《存托协议》特别规定除外)。

(25) 遵守美国证券法,且没有免责声明。(A)尽管本美国存托凭证或《存托协议》有任何相反的规定,本公司或托管人 不会暂停提取或交付已存入的证券,除非根据证券法不时修订的F-6表格注册说明书的指示I.A.(1)允许。



(26) 无第三方受益人/认可。存款协议是为本协议双方(及其继承人)的唯一利益,不得被视为给予任何其他人任何法律或衡平法权利、补救或索赔, 除非存款协议中明确规定的范围。存款协议中的任何内容不得被视为在各方之间产生合伙或合资企业,也不应在各方之间建立受托关系或类似关系。本协议各方 承认并同意:(I)花旗银行及其关联公司可随时与本公司、持有人、受益所有人及其各自关联公司有多种银行关系,(Ii)花旗银行及其关联公司可拥有和交易公司及其关联公司和美国存托凭证的任何证券类别,并可在任何时间从事对公司不利的各方、 持有人、受益所有人或其各自关联公司可能拥有权益的交易,(Iii)托管银行及其关联公司可能不时拥有有关本公司、持有人、实益拥有人及其各自关联公司的非公开信息, (Iv)存款协议中包含的任何内容均不得(A)阻止花旗银行或其任何关联公司进行此类交易或建立或维持此类关系,或(B)要求花旗银行或其任何关联公司披露此类信息、交易或关系,或对在此类交易或关系中获得的任何利润或收到的任何付款进行交代。(V)托管银行不应被视为知道花旗银行或其任何关联公司的任何其他分支机构可能掌握的有关本公司、持有人、实益所有人或其任何关联公司的任何信息,以及(Vi)本公司、托管银行、托管人及其代理人和控制人可能受美国和开曼群岛以外的司法管辖区的法律和法规以及该等其他司法管辖区的法院和监管机构的授权以及该等其他法律和法规的要求和 限制,以及此类其他法院和监管机构的裁决和命令,可能会影响存款协议各方的权利和义务。

(27) 适用法律/放弃陪审团审判。存款协议、美国存托凭证和美国存托凭证应根据 解释,且本协议项下的所有权利以及本协议及其条款均应受纽约州法律管辖 ,而不考虑其法律选择原则。尽管存管协议中有任何相反规定, 任何ADR或纽约州法律的任何现行或未来规定、股份和任何其他存管证券持有人的权利以及本公司对股份和其他存管证券持有人的义务和职责, 应受开曼群岛法律管辖(或(如适用)可能规管所存证券的其他法律)。


在适用法律允许的最大范围内,存款协议的每一方当事人(包括但不限于每一位持有人和实益所有人)在因存款协议、任何ADR和其中预期的任何交易(无论是基于合同、侵权行为、普通法 或其他)而对公司和/或托管人提起的任何法律程序中,不可撤销地放弃由陪审团进行审判的任何和所有权利。



以下签名持有人特此出售(S)、转让(S) 并将(S)转让给_特此不可撤销地组成并任命 _

日期: 姓名:_

[就部分权利美国存托股份发行的美国存托股份的ADR应在ADR的正面印有以下图示: “本ADR证明美国存托股份代表本公司的‘部分权利’股份,因此并不赋予其持有人与当时已发行及已发行的其他股份(即‘全部权利’股份)相同的每股权利。本美国存托凭证所代表的美国存托凭证 应使持有者有权获得与其他美国存托凭证相同的分派和权利,当该等美国存托凭证所代表的股份成为‘完全权利’股份时。“]





此处使用但未另行定义的所有大写术语应 具有《存款协议》中赋予此类术语的含义。除本文另有规定外,本文中提及的任何ADS包括 部分授权ADS、全部授权ADS、认证的ADS、未认证的ADS和受限的ADS。



服务 费率 由谁付款
(1)发行美国存托凭证(例如:指因存入股份、美国存托股份股比变动或任何其他原因而发行的股份,不包括因下文第(4)款所述分派而发行的股份。 每发行100张美国存托凭证(不足100张),最高可达5美元。 获发美国存托凭证的人士。
(2)取消美国存托凭证(例如:、因美国存托股份(S)对股票(S)比例发生变化或任何其他原因而取消存入股份的美国存托凭证。 每100张美国存托凭证(或不足100张美国存托凭证)最高5美元。 被取消美国存托凭证的人员。
(三)派发现金股利或其他现金分配(例如:在出售权利和其他权利时)。 持有的每100张美国存托凭证(不足100张)最高5美元。 接受分配的人。
(4)根据(一)股票分红或其他免费股票分配,或(二)行使购买额外美国存托凭证的权利的美国存托凭证的分配。 持有的每100张美国存托凭证(不足100张)最高5美元。 接受分配的人。
(5)分配美国存托凭证以外的证券或购买额外美国存托凭证的权利(例如:,分拆股票)。 持有的每100张美国存托凭证(不足100张)最高5美元。 接受分配的人。
6)美国存托股份服务。 每100张(或不足100张)美国存托凭证(不足100张)最高5.00美元。 在托管人建立的适用记录日期持有美国存托凭证的人员。
7) 注册ADS转让(例如:,在登记美国存托凭证的登记所有权转让时,在美国存托凭证转让给DTC时,以及反之亦然,或任何其他原因)。 每100张美国存托凭证(或不足100张美国存托凭证)最高5美元。 受让人或受让人。
8) 一个系列的ADS转换为另一系列的ADS(例如:,在将部分权利ADS转换为全部权利ADS时,或在将受限ADS转换为可自由转让的ADS时,以及反之亦然). 每100个美国存托凭证(或不足100个美国存托凭证)最高5美元。 已转换美国存托凭证的对象或已转换的美国存托凭证的收件人。



本公司、持有人、实益拥有人、因美国存托股份发行和注销而存放股份或提取已存放证券的人士,以及获发行或注销美国存托凭证的人士 应根据存款协议的条款负责支付以下美国存托股份费用:







