

1UPX 01-Ayman Antun 04-Brian C.Ferguson 07-John B.MacIntyre 02-Cherie L.Brant 05-Colleen A.Goggins 08-Karen E.Maidment 03-Amy W.Brinkley 06-Alan N.MacGibbon 09-Keith G.Martell 10-Bharat B.Masrani 13-Nancy G.Tower 11-Claude Mongeau 14-Ajay K.Virmani 14-Ajay K.Virmani Br}12-S.Jane Rowe 15-Mary A.Winston 对于使用黑色墨水笔的扣缴 ,如本例所示,请用X标记您的投票。 请不要在指定区域之外书写。 03XNGE + + q如果是邮寄投票,请在所附信封中签名、分离并返回底部。Q 年度和特别会议代理卡 建议-董事建议股东投票选举每个董事,任命核数师,以咨询身份 管理代理通告中披露的高管薪酬方法,关于(A)董事总薪酬和(B)董事最低人数的第1号附例,以及对附例第1号的其他修订。 A 2.任命管理层 代理通知中点名的审计师 3.人力资源委员会报告中披露的高管薪酬的处理方法和管理代理通知中的高管薪酬处理 第三项是咨询投票* 1.董事选举: 对股东提案投反对票董事会建议投票反对股东提案。 6.股东提案1.股东提案7.建议2反对弃权 8.股东建议3 9.股东建议4 10.股东建议5 11.股东建议6 12.股东建议7 13.股东建议8 14.股东建议9股东建议载于随附的《管理委托书通函》内。 反对弃权 4.附例1有关(A)董事总薪酬及(B)董事最低人数的附例 5.对附例1的其他修订可以在线投票而不是邮寄此卡。 在线 访问www.investorvote.com/tdm 或扫描二维码-登录详细信息位于下面的阴影栏中。 以电子方式提交的投票必须在4月17日之前 收到,


Small steps make an impact. Help the environment by consenting to receive electronic delivery, sign up at www.investorvote.com/TDM Proxy — THE TORONTO-DOMINION BANK q IF VOTING BY MAIL, SIGN, DETACH AND RETURN THE BOTTOM PORTION IN THE ENCLOSED ENVELOPE. q Change of Address — Please print new address below. Comments — Please print your comments below. B Non-Voting Items + + Please sign as name appears hereon. Joint owners should each sign. When signing as attorney, executor, administrator, trustee or guardian, please give full title as such. Note: A space has been designated for a date. If it is not dated in the space, this Proxy is deemed to bear the date on which it was mailed to the Shareholder. Date (mm/dd/yyyy) — Please print date below. Signature 1 — Please keep signature within the box. Signature 2 — Please keep signature within the box. C Authorized Signatures — This section must be completed for your vote to count. Please date and sign below. A Shareholder has the right to appoint a person other than those designated below to represent the Shareholder at the Meeting by inserting the name of such other person in the space provided below. In addition, to enable your chosen proxyholder to participate and vote virtually at the Meeting, YOUR PROXYHOLDER MUST contact TSX Trust Company at 1-866-751-6315 or 416-682-3860 or by visiting https://www.tsxtrust.com/control-number-request by 3:00 p.m. (Eastern) on April 17, 2024 to obtain a control number to attend the meeting. This control number will allow your proxyholder to log in to and vote at the meeting. Without a control number your proxyholder will only be able to log in to the meeting as a guest and will not be able to vote. Subject to the provisions of the Bank Act (Canada), the shares represented by this Proxy will be voted FOR or AGAINST, or WITHHELD or ABSTAINED from voting, in accordance with the instructions given herein. If a Shareholder specifies a choice with respect to any matter to be acted on, the Shareholder’s shares will be voted accordingly. If no choice is specified, this Proxy confers authority to the proxyholder to vote as he or she feels fit in respect of each matter set forth in this Proxy and to vote in his or her discretion in respect of any amendments or variations to the matters listed in this Proxy or other matters that may properly come before the Meeting and any adjournment(s) or postponement(s) thereof. Unless otherwise specified, the proxyholders designated by management in this Proxy intend to vote FOR the election of each director, FOR the appointment of the auditor, FOR the approach to executive compensation disclosed in the Report of the Human Resources Committee and Approach to Executive Compensation sections of the Management Proxy Circular (advisory vote), FOR By-law No. 1 relating to (a) the aggregate remuneration of directors and (b) the minimum number of directors, FOR the other amendments to By-law No. 1, and AGAINST each of the shareholder proposals set out in Items 6 through 14 on the reverse side. This Form of Proxy should be read in conjunction with the Management Proxy Circular. This Proxy is solicited on behalf of management of The Toronto-Dominion Bank. PLEASE COMPLETE AND RETURN IN THE ENVELOPE PROVIDED. You may also vote by Internet at www.investorvote.com/TDM. **REQUEST FOR QUARTERLY REPORTS The Toronto-Dominion Bank’s Quarterly Reports to Shareholders are available at www.td.com/investor on the day they are released, but if you wish to receive a hard copy of quarterly reports for the next year by mail, please mark the box below. If you do not mark the box and return this form, you will NOT receive a hard copy of these reports by mail. **ANNUAL REPORT WAIVER Mark the box below if you do NOT want to receive a hard copy of the Annual Report containing the Annual Financial Statements and accompanying Management’s Discussion and Analysis. If you do not mark the box, you will continue to receive a hard copy of the Annual Report by mail. Shares cannot be voted if they are held in contravention of the Bank Act (Canada). Restrictions on ownership are described in the Management Proxy Circular. FORM OF PROXY - COMMON SHARES Annual and Special Meeting of Common Shareholders — April 18, 2024 The undersigned holder of common shares of THE TORONTO-DOMINION BANK hereby appoints ALAN N. MACGIBBON, Board Chair of The Toronto-Dominion Bank, or failing him, BHARAT B. MASRANI, Group President and Chief Executive Officer of The Toronto-Dominion Bank, or instead of either of them, ______________________________________________________ as proxyholder of the undersigned, with full power of substitution, to attend, vote and otherwise act for and in the name of and on behalf of the undersigned in respect of all matters that may come before the Annual and Special Meeting of Common Shareholders of The Toronto-Dominion Bank that will be held in-person on Thursday, April 18, 2024 at 9:30 a.m. (Eastern) at the Design Exchange, TD Centre, 234 Bay Street, Toronto, Ontario and virtually via live webcast online and via live audio-only access by telephone. Details for the webcast and phone line will be found here: www.td.com/annual-meeting/2024 The said proxyholder is hereby specifically directed to vote, for or against, to withhold from voting or abstain from voting as indicated on the reverse side: If a Shareholder marks the “ABSTAIN” box, the Shareholder is directing its proxyholder to ABSTAIN from voting FOR or AGAINST that item. An abstention will be counted as present for quorum purposes but will not be counted as a vote cast in determining whether the requisite majority of votes cast has approved the proposal. The number of abstentions will be tabulated in the voting results. **Request for Quarterly Reports (See above for details) **Annual Report Waiver (See above for details)