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本合同(本合同)日期为2023年12月29日,由特拉华州有限合伙企业SILVERIEW Credit Partners LP(定义见下文)与前身为Banyan Acquisition Corporation(“新债务人”)的特拉华州Pinstripe Holdings,Inc.(前身为Banyan Acquisition Corporation )签订。


鉴于, 于2023年3月7日签订了下列协议:(A)日期为2023年4月19日的《贷款协议第一修正案》和《质押和担保协议第一修正案》(以下简称《第一修正案》)、 日期为2023年7月27日的《贷款协议和有限同意修正案》、日期为2023年8月9日的《贷款协议第三修正案》和《有限同意修正案》,以及《贷款协议第五修正案》和《质押和担保协议第二修正案》(以下简称《第五修正案》),以及经不时进一步修订、补充、修订、重述或以其他方式修改的《贷款协议》(以下简称《贷款协议》),由代理人、金融机构和其他机构投资者作为出借方(出借方),Pinstripe,Inc.,特拉华州的一家公司(借款方),(B)担保人(如其定义)与代理人之间的某些持续担保协议(“担保”),以及(C)经第一修正案和第五修正案修订的“担保协议”;与贷款协议、担保和其他贷款文件(如贷款协议中的定义)一起,在借款人、其他设保人(其中定义的)一方和代理人之间, 统称为“贷款文件”;以及

鉴于,借款人是新债务人的全资附属公司,因此,新债务人将因贷款人根据贷款协议给予借款人的财务通融而受惠 借款人根据贷款协议及其他贷款文件的条款授予债务人若干权利。

现在 因此,考虑到本合同所载的前提和相互协议,双方同意如下:

1.定义了 个术语。除非本协议另有规定,否则本协议中使用的大写术语应具有贷款协议中规定的相应含义。

2.补充材料, 接合材料和对应材料。

(A)新债务人在此无条件且不可撤销地保证到期时(无论是由于加速、强制预付款或其他原因)到期时的全额和及时付款,以及此后的任何时间,(I)所有义务,(br})(Ii)借款人根据贷款协议和其他贷款文件在任何时间向贷款人作出的所有条款、条件、协议、陈述和担保,以及(Iii)所有其他债务,借款人根据贷款协议和其他贷款文件产生的债务和负债,无论是直接的还是间接的、绝对的还是或有的、有担保的还是无担保的、到期或将到期的、连带的或若干的、主要的或次要的、清算的或未清算的、现在存在的或以后发生的、产生的或产生的,无论是直接对贷款人产生的,还是通过转让或其他方式获得的,无论借款人 是否单独或与他人共同承担责任,也不管任何其他债务、义务或负债是否受到任何诉讼时效的限制,根据任何有关欺诈性义务或其他方面的法律无效或可撤销,或 或因任何其他原因变为无效或不可执行。新债务人特此同意,自上文第一个写明的日期起,作为担保人受《担保书》条款和条件的约束,其效力和效力与《担保书》中最初指定的“担保人”具有同等效力。 新债务人还同意,自上文第一个写明之日起,担保书中对“担保人”的每一处提及也应 也指并作为对新义务人的提及,而任何其他贷款文件中对“担保人”的每一处提及也应 指并作为对新义务人的引用。新债务人声明并保证,在本担保之日及截至该日为止,其作为“担保人”作出的陈述和担保在所有重要方面均真实和正确(或如果在重要性方面有限制,则在所有 方面)(除非任何该等陈述或担保与某一特定日期有关,在该日期,该陈述或保证在所有重大方面均属真实和正确(或如果在重要性上有限制,则在所有方面均属真实和正确)。

(b) The New Obligor hereby joins the Security Agreement and, (i) shall be referred to as a “Grantor” and shall become and be a Grantor under the Security Agreement, and each reference in the Security Agreement to a Grantor shall also mean and be a reference to the New Obligor, and each reference in any other Loan Document to a “Grantor” shall also mean and be a reference to the New Obligor and (ii) each reference to “this Security Agreement”, “hereunder”, “hereof” or words of like import referring to the Security Agreement, and each reference in any other Loan Document to “the Security Agreement”, “thereunder”, “thereof” or words of like import referring to the Security Agreement, shall mean and be a reference to this Security Agreement as supplemented by this Joinder. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, to secure the prompt and complete payment and performance of the Obligations, the New Obligor pledges, assigns and grants to the Agent, for the ratable benefit of the Lenders, a continuing security interest in, (x) the Equity Interests of the Borrower held by the New Obligor and the certificates representing such Equity Interest and any interest of the New Obligor in the entries on the books of the Borrower or any financial intermediary pertaining to the Equity Interests and (y) all dividends, cash, warrants, rights, instruments and other property or Proceeds from time to time received, receivable or otherwise distributed in respect of or in exchange for any or all of such Equity Interests. The New Obligor as a Grantor certifies that the representations and warranties made by it as a “Grantor” under the Security Agreement are true and correct in all material respects (or if qualified by materiality, in all respects) on and as of the date hereof (except to the extent that any such representation or warranty relates to a specific date in which case such representation or warranty shall be true and correct as of such earlier date in all material respects (or if qualified by materiality, in all respects)). The New Obligor does hereby supplement the exhibits to the Security Agreement as set forth in Annex 1 hereto.

3. 持续 效果。除本合并协议第2条明确规定外,本合并协议中的任何内容均不构成对贷款文件的条款、条件或契约的修改或变更,也不构成对贷款文件中任何其他条款或规定的弃权,并且贷款文件应保持不变,并应在各种情况下继续完全有效。除 本协议特别规定外,代理人和各借款人在此保留并维护其在贷款 文件项下针对任何债务人的所有权利和补救措施。


4. 有效性条件。本合同自双方签署并交付之日起生效。

5. [已保留].

6. 杂项。

(a) 法律的选择。本合并协议应受纽约州法律管辖,并应根据纽约州法律进行解释和执行,但不考虑法律原则的冲突。

(b) Counterparts; Execution. This Joinder may be signed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be an original, with the same effect as if the signatures thereto and hereto were upon the same instrument. Signatures by facsimile, electronic mail, PDF format or other electronic means shall bind the parties hereto. Each party agrees that this Joinder and any other documents to be delivered in connection herewith may be electronically signed, and that any electronic signatures appearing on this Joinder or such other documents are the same as handwritten signatures for the purposes of validity, enforceability, and admissibility. The words “execution,” “signed,” “signature,” “delivery,” and words of like import in this Joinder Agreement shall be deemed to include electronic signatures, deliveries or the keeping of records in electronic form, each of which shall be of the same legal effect, validity or enforceability as a manually executed signature or the use of a paper-based recordkeeping system, as the case may be, to the extent and as provided for in any applicable law, including the Federal Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act, the New York State Electronic Signatures and Records Act, or any other similar state laws based on the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act; provided that nothing herein shall require the Agent to accept electronic signatures in any form or format without its prior written consent. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the New Obligor hereby (i) agrees that, for all purposes, including in connection with any workout, restructuring, enforcement of remedies, bankruptcy proceedings or litigation between the Agent, the New Obligor and the other Obligors, electronic images of this Joinder Agreement or any other Loan Documents (in each case, including with respect to any signature pages thereto) shall have the same legal effect, validity and enforceability as any paper original, and (ii) waives any argument, defense or right to contest the validity or enforceability of the Loan Documents based solely on the lack of paper original copies of any Loan Documents, including with respect to any signature pages thereto.

(c) 贷款 文件。新债务人在此承认并同意,本联合协议构成一份用于所有目的的贷款文件。

(d) 通知。 贷款文件项下通知的新债务人的地址和电子邮件地址应为其在本《联合协议》 签名下方载明的地址和电子邮件地址。

(E)可分割性。 如果本合并条款中的任何条款无效、非法或不可执行,则该条款应与本合并条款的其余部分分开,其余条款的有效性、合法性和可执行性不应因此而受到任何影响或损害 。


(F)标题。 此处列出的标题仅为方便起见,不构成在解释本拼接时要解释的事项。

(G)整个 协议。本合同及其他贷款文件包含合同各方对本合同标的的全部理解和协议,并取代关于本合同标的的任何和所有先前或同时达成的协议或谅解,无论是明示或默示、口头或书面的。

(H)有效性。 本协议将在借款人、借款人和Panther Merger Sub Inc.、特拉华州一家公司(“合并子公司”)之间完成日期为2203年6月22日的特定业务合并协议(经2023年9月26日和2023年11月22日修订和重述的“合并协议”)所设想的交易完成后立即生效,根据该协议借款人打算与合并子公司合并并并入合并子公司,借款人为尚存实体,并为新债务人的全资附属公司。





Pinstripe控股公司, 特拉华州的一家公司
发信人: /撰稿S/戴尔·施瓦茨
姓名: 戴尔·施瓦茨
标题: 首席执行官
电子邮件: dale@pinstripe.com


Silverview Credit Partners LP
发信人: /S/瓦伊巴夫·库马尔
姓名: 瓦伊巴夫·库马尔
标题: 合作伙伴
