

机密 分销能力和计划书: Pinstripe RO\\‘L1X,·bocce RTSTRO Edward Don&Company 2010年3月1日计划书%204-7-I 0[1][***]=本文档中包含的某些用方括号标记的机密信息已被省略,因为 信息(I)不是重要信息,(Ii)如果公开披露会对竞争造成损害。


机密介绍 Edward Don&Company(“Don”)很高兴向Pinstripe提供以下 功能概述和演示。以下讨论要点代表了我们的能力,但并非包罗万象。我们的目标是以最佳的价值提供完美的贴合和解决方案。我们已在所附的Proran1摘要(时间表1)中为您总结了我们的定制计划 。 再次感谢您有机会向您介绍我们的解决方案。 计划概述 订购、订单录入、客户支持 ·可为Pinstripe单位开发和维护定制手册。本手册将与您一起设计,以介绍我们的计划,其中包括 订购信息、退货程序、损坏货物程序、订单跟踪和 任何其他相关计划信息。在推出期间,还可以向所有地点提供印刷版和 版DON参考目录。 ·订购选项由您决定,但包括电话订单的800人呼叫中心,使用定制的DON网站通过互联网进行订购,或者可以包括拜访公司或单位地点的DON销售代表 。 分销、发货、运费 ·Don Wiji从我们六个全国分销中心(S)中的任何一个提供一致的产品分销。根据预计的产品移动和客户要求,项目可能会根据需要在一个或所有11个配送中心进行库存。 ·所有库存订单将在收到订单后24小时内从Don的库存中处理 。在当地订购库存的运费将是免费的,最低订购额为150.00美元。任何未达到最低150.00美元的订单都将增加相应的运费。 ·工厂直运或直接发货产生的运费将根据供应商运费向客户 收取。 ·所有DON库存发货将由DON车队车辆、计划的普通承运人 (根据费率和地理区域或市场的服务选择)或小型包裹承运人(即 UPS)进行。如果Pinstripe提出要求,可使用其他航空和特快专递公司处理特殊订单。我们会将收费通知给Pinstrides,并相应地开具账单。 产品要求、产品成本 ·因为我们的尺寸,Don可以利用折扣或进行特殊安排


此处使用的保密成本是指(I)Don为特定产品或服务支付的实际发票价格,(Ii)如果适用,加上Don从供应商向Don仓库运输物品所产生的入境运费。 ·Don从各种国内和离岸供应商采购产品,包括唐的 关联公司。 ·此处使用的成本明确不包括制造商或供应商可能提供的与年度数量相关的返点或奖励。 ·买家的价格将每月更新,并且只会根据Don的 产品、服务或入站运费的变化而变化。 管理费 开业和翻新订单 ·开业和翻新订单可以合并并发货,以与Pinstripe指定的 到达日期协调。DON的目标是,如果在必要的到货日期前八(8)周内收到订单,则提供L 00%的满足率。 ·合并订单将按面积包装,按面积托盘,并随详细的包装报告一起交付。 ·根据时间和运费成本,某些订单或部分订单可能会被处理, 加快和协调,以便直接发货到酒店。 账单和会计 ·付款期限为60天净额。 ·电子邮件提供多种计费选项,硬拷贝或电子磁贴。 必须在客户设置和信用审查期间确定具体的计费说明。 ·国家销售税将在适用的所有发票中添加。 建议%204-7-IO[ I) 3 [***][***]=本文档中包含的某些用方括号标记的机密信息已被省略,因为 信息(I)不是重要信息,(Ii)如果公开披露会对竞争造成损害。


Confidential Reporting · Don can provide any number ofreports on purchasing or usage by property or in total. A periodic review can be established to review these reports as well as any other requirements. · Most reports may be formatted or downloaded as requested by Pinstripes Contract Term · The term of this agreement shall be for three (3) years, commencing on March I, 20 I 0. The agreement will automatically renew for successive one year periods unless either party gives the other 90 day written notice of its intent not to renew. Confidentiality · Don and Pinstripes agree that all information as to source, quantity and price of goods and services shall be maintained in confidence and not be released to any third party without prior written consent of the other party. · Each party warrants and indemnifies the other party that they have the authority to enter this agreement and the terms of this agreement does not violate any previously existing contract or agreement with any other party. Semi-annual Business Review meetings will be scheduled to discuss our partnership and to identify opportunities to further enhance the prot:,rram to both parties' benefit. Terms agreed to as stated in this agreement by: Date Propo al%204-7-10[1] Date 4 5/14/10 /s/ Cliff Whitman Cliff Whitman Regional Sales Manager Edward Don and Company 5/17/10 /s/ Jeff Weiland Jeff Weiland Vice President of Sales Edward Don and Company /s/ Mark Grimes Mark Grimes Corporate Executive Chef Pinstripes /s/ Dale Schwartz Dale Schwartz President & CEO Pinstripes [***]=本文件中包含的某些机密信息(用括号标记)已被省略,因为这些 信息(I)不是重要信息,(II)如果公开披露将具有竞争性危害。


计划摘要 机密 附表1提案%204 -7- I 0[ 1 j 5 [***][***]=本文件中包含的某些机密信息(用括号标记)已被省略,因为这些 信息(I)不是重要信息,(II)如果公开披露将具有竞争性危害。


机密 附表2唯一、专有和标志项目 说明每月需求 袋细条纹牛皮纸9“x 5 ¾“x 13 ½”1006277 CS 9盒比萨细条纹12”x 12”1006790 cs 建议书al%204-7-I 0[l] 6 [***]=本文件中包含的某些机密信息(用括号标记)已被省略,因为这些 信息(I)不是重要信息,(II)如果公开披露将具有竞争性危害。


Confidential Schedule 2a f& Edward Don� Company Stocking Agreement Date Customer Name Customer Number Supplier Material Mlhly Supplier EDC Material# Suoolier Number Descriotion UOM Usaae Minimum In Consideration of this offer, the (above named} Customer agrees to the following terms and conditions. 1. It Is expressly understood that Edward Don & Company will purchase the above items for the use of the Customer. 2. Item monthly usage must exceed 10 units per month per distribution center. 3. If the item has a vendor minimum quantity requirement, a maximum of 90 days of inventory wm be allowed, otherwise, a maximum of 30 days of inventory will be purchased. If vendor cannot lower their minimum to a 90 day supply, the above Items will not be stocked by Edward Don & Company. 4. The Customer agrees the above Monthly Usage amounts are correct to the best of their knowledge. 5. Once inventory is bought by Edward Don & Company and if the criteria in #2 or #3 is not being met, the Customer authorizes Edward Don & Company to either ship and invoice the remaining inventory to the Customer; or to liquidate and invoice the Customer for the cost of the remaining Inventory less monies received from liquidators. The Customer agrees to pay for such invoices within 30 days of the invoice date, 6. The Customer agrees to hold Edward Don & Company harmless on disposition of the above products if the Customer chooses to have the merchandise liquidated. Please acknowledge your accep1ance of the above conditions of this agreement by signature below: Agreed to and accepted this _____ day of _______ � 20 __ (Customer Name) (Authorized Signature) For Edward Don & Company Use Only: Distriet Sales Manager Approval Credit Management Approval Purchasina Manaaement Approval lnventOIYS I Proposal%204-7-1 0 [ ll (Tille) Date 7 [***] = CERTAIN CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT, MARKED BY BRACKETS, HAS BEEN OMITTED BECAUSE THE INFORMATION (I) IS NOT MATERIAL AND (II) WOULD BE COMPETITIVELY HARMFUL IF PUBLICLY DISCLOSED.