




蒂莫西·巴维奇|首席执行官兼首席财务官·经验丰富的fi金融企业家和Nexxusfi的创始人,这是一家投资Nexxus RM的公司,机会主义地投资于私人和上市公司。·之前创立了Fortelus资本管理公司,这是一家总部位于伦敦、拥有数十亿美元资产的投资管理公司。·银点资本的前普通合伙人,这是一家总部位于康涅狄格州格林威治的特殊情况基金。雅各布·多夫特|董事长·海林资本管理公司(Highline Capital Management,L.P.)联合创始人兼首席执行官,总部位于纽约的投资管理公司fiRM,专注于公共和私募股权市场的复杂机会。·最近,多夫特创建了一些投资工具,为肿瘤学治疗公司SonALAsence和数字病理学软件公司Procera提供资金。兰斯·希尔特|董事·总部位于纽约的私人投资公司斯通古尔资本(Stonecourt Capital)的管理合伙人fiRM。·私募股权公司fiRM Lindsay Goldberg LLC的前合伙人,在此期间,他在35家投资组合公司投资了100亿美元。·前摩根士丹利并购部董事董事总经理兼全球并购运营官安德鲁·雷赫茨哈芬|董事·Arex Capital Management创始人兼首席执行官Arex Capital Management是一家专注于股票的投资fiRM,机会主义方法集中在三种策略上:激进主义、催化剂驱动型股票和特殊情况。·绿光资本的前合伙人。·城堡投资集团前董事管理人员和奥布莱姆资本管理公司的创始人。独立董事布雷特·巴思|精品财富管理公司BBR Partners的创始人兼联席首席执行官fiRM Lloyd Dean|Commonspirity Health的前首席执行官史蒂文·克罗斯克|坎布雷克斯公司的前首席执行官兼董事。杰克·希达里|沙盒AQ的首席执行官,成就卓著的企业家、高管和作家。投资概述-17

螺栓螺纹的创始人花了十多年的时间致力于开发创新材料,用于一系列应用。博尔特丝线公司已经投入了数百万美元的研发投资,用于开发b-Silk Cuto等产品-一种新型的用于美容和个人护理的蛋白质聚合物,灵感来自蜘蛛网中发现的相同蛋白质-现在已经做好了充分商业化的准备。该公司已从现有的螺栓螺纹投资者那里获得了SignifiCant在管道中的参与,这些投资者包括一些最受尊敬的全球投资fiRMS。金箭团队相信,博尔特螺纹公司是SPAC合并的一个有吸引力的合作伙伴:-追求一个巨大且不断扩大的总可寻址市场(TAM)。--迅速打造客户强势品牌。-在准入门槛较高的行业运营。--利用研发成为可持续材料发展的领先平台。金箭团队拥有数十年投资上市公司和私人公司的集体经验,将为Bolt Thads过渡到上市公司提供强大的战略视角。另外,金箭赞助商集团及其附属公司将为这笔交易投资至多1000万美元。螺栓+金箭合并公司伙伴关系为公共部门带来创新的战略合作伙伴投资概述-18一家解决各行业关键问题的创新公司

投资重点1使命驱动的创新生物材料产品平台价值高达40亿美元的初始产品市场价值200亿美元的(1)成分和价值3.71亿美元的全球美容和个人护理市场2差异化的专利保护产品,提供极具吸引力的价值主张3深厚的品牌客户关系,实现快速的产品迭代和商业化4通过规模和创新,具有吸引力的finFinance ProfiLE的潜力5来自大自然的新分子和材料的无数增长机会5 7经验丰富的多方面领导团队(1)包括170亿美元的硅胶市场,根据全球市场洞察,7月至22日和35亿美元的化妆品活跃成分市场根据研究和市场,1月23日。(2)欧睿和大观研究。有关源表,请参阅附录。投资概述-19


Bolt Thads的新型美容和个人护理蛋白质聚合物(BPC)的灵感来自于蜘蛛网中发现的相同蛋白质。这种专利多肽在广泛的配方中有效地取代了有机硅弹性体,同时为皮肤、头发和其他应用提供了额外的活性fit。ME E T b-Silk主要产品概述-21


即使在负载水平较低的情况下,*b-Silk FC在护肤、护发、彩色化妆品和防晒等类别中的性能也能赶上或超过有机硅弹性体。+丝滑柔软的皮肤和头发干绒毛+轻质但坚固的薄膜+不会随着时间的推移而积累+紧致皮肤,不油腻的干燥绒毛+均匀的涂抹和快速吸收+颜料回收和持久穿着+造型和卷曲*负荷水平可从1:1降至1:5

B-Silk First:硅橡胶





有机硅是以油和凝胶的形式出现的合成成分,具有或多或少的稠密质地。“什么是有机硅?为了在我们的产品中识别它们,看看包装上的配料表。它们可以在以下名称下找到:二甲基硅酮、苯基三甲基酮、环戊硅氧烷、氨基二甲基硅氧烷、二甲基硅酮、环甲硅酮。识别有机硅最简单的方法是寻找以以下其中之一结尾的单词:-CONE、-Conol、-Silane或-Silloxane。有机硅因其独特的感官效果和性能被用于一些化妆品中,就像口红中的持久效果一样。有机硅是光滑的:它们使面霜或化妆品等产品具有丝滑、可涂抹和奢华的质地。它们还能给洗发水和其他护发产品带来光泽和柔软度。““它们是用来做什么的?有机硅被指责会对皮肤和头发产生堆积作用。感官感觉也被讨论:快速的头发润滑和皮肤的非柔软触感。有机硅在环境中不容易生物降解,这意味着一些有机硅会积累。这种名为环四硅氧烷(D4)的硅胶被怀疑对生殖有致癌、致突变或毒性作用。这种成分是欧洲法规所禁止的。““为什么他们会被问话?”行业领袖披露广泛使用有机硅,尽管影响可疑来源:L奥利奥,在我们的产品内部[**有关其他来源信息的市场机会评估,请参阅附录-27]放弃有机硅是由于监管压力、消费者反馈和品牌精神的共同作用欧盟将D4和D5限制为0的监管压力越来越大。2020年,洗涤个人护理产品中的比例不超过1%。预计该公司最早将在今年夏天将这一限制增加到D6,并将其扩展到剩余产品和其他消费品。欧洲化学品管理局将D4、D5和D6列为持久性、生物蓄积性和毒性.由于对环境的影响,所有的线性有机硅也在接受审查,预计将在2028-2030年前得到监管。化学品制造商Clariant的美国个人和家庭护理部门负责人Neslihan Utkan表示,欧盟的限制正在推动消费品制造商重新配制不含有机硅的产品。她说,她的客户希望禁令在范围和地理上都能扩大,他们想要做好准备。他们也更希望有一种配方可以在世界各地销售。来源:《化学与工程新闻》,2023年5月[越来越多的消费者反馈尽管硅胶行业努力捍卫有机硅,消费者还是出于十个常见的原因寻找不含硅胶的配方:1.硅胶堵塞毛孔2.硅胶阻止其他成分被皮肤吸收3.硅胶会导致皮肤发疹、刺激和粉刺4.它不支持皮肤健康5.硅胶会让你的皮肤脱水6.硅胶减缓细胞周转7.硅胶很难从皮肤上去除8.硅胶对环境不利9.硅胶会加速衰老10.硅胶是一种化学物质,不是天然的来源:Fitflow Beauty,2019年7月]品牌精神&ESG承诺美容品牌的主要增长动力是创新和品牌精神。消费者将购买与三件事联系起来:产品功效、品牌精神和品牌环境、社会和治理(ESG)努力。品牌领导者不怕谈到有机硅缺乏性能优势和环保缺陷:“尽管有机硅具有令人愉悦的机械性能,如film成型剂和防水fing试剂,但它不属于美容或个人护理产品。它们是生物积累的物质,这意味着它们在生态系统中积累,并经常最终进入该生态系统中生物的组织中。人们也不知道它们对你的皮肤有什么好处。-Brett billon联合创始人,羽绒化妆品来源:Beauty Heros,2023年5月



化学分销商Univar Solutions拥有有机硅和有机硅替代品。UniVar美容和个人护理全球营销和技术董事的阿妮塔·沃福德说:“如果顾客对特定的fic皮肤感觉感兴趣,而且他们并不反对使用有机硅,那可能是最佳选择。”“顾客走进来说,‘我想要这款长效防水眼线笔,但我希望它是100%天然的’,好吧,让我们退一步。如果你不愿意使用任何合成成分,你就不会实现这个目标。因此,让他们保持诚实并管理他们的期望也是我们的工作。“fiRM北美个人护理应用技术负责人乔尔·巴西兰说,巴斯夫不生产有机硅,十多年来一直致力于替代产品的研究。我们知道这是一种趋势需求,因此我们继续在这一领域进行创新。“雅芳的化学家和研发经理黛安·达布科夫斯基表示,该公司已经从众多供应商那里评估了替代产品。她说,在硅胶是次要成分的通用乳液和产品中,替代品是可以的,但当硅胶是配方中的主干时就不是这样了。“真正让人们关注硅胶的关键是缺乏生物降解性”--P20科学公司的尼尔·伯恩斯说,陶氏化学个人护理全球营销和战略总监伊莎贝尔·阿尔米罗·多瓦尔表示,行业对生物降解性的关注使有机硅处于不公平的劣势,因为它们的降解机制不是生物的。市场机会评估-29


通过我们的安全和环境保证中心(SEAC)团队,我们一直在评估我们的成分,以确保环境L的安全,但我们知道,消费者想要更多的放心。对于目前包含不可生物降解材料的每一种产品,我们要么去除这种成分,代之以类似的可生物降解替代品,要么重新配制产品。-联合利华SEAC化学安全项目董事的Ian Malcomber说:“到2030年,我们产品中使用的所有成分都将迅速完全生物降解。“当人们使用家居、美容和个人护理产品--从洗发水和沐浴露到洗衣粉和洗涤液--它们最终会被浪费掉。这是不可避免的--这只是它们如何运作,做它们所做的事情。但我们希望确保在这样做的过程中,我们的产品对地球是友好的。市场机会评估-30“

167亿至199亿美元全球有机硅市场全球市场洞察:2021年有机硅市场规模超过167亿美元,并有望在2022年至2030年实现约6%的复合年增长率(CAGR)大观研究:全球有机硅市场规模为19美元。2022年将达到9亿美元,预计将以6的复合年增长率扩张。全球有机硅弹性体市场2023年至2030年1全球有机硅弹性体市场价值63亿至100亿美元由全球市场洞察和大观研究项目估计,2020年有机硅弹性体市场价值为100亿美元2023年为63亿美元,到2030年达到126亿美元,年增长率为10.3%2 TAM:33亿至40亿美元个人护理和消费品市场管理基于第三方研究的估计*1有机硅市场概述来源:宏图研究,有机硅市场规模,份额和趋势分析报告[和全球市场洞察,有机硅市场报告和预测]有关完整的源代码信息,请参阅附录。市场机会评估-31



主要参与者主导原料药行业,但允许更深的市场渗透以赢得配料来源:Insider,“这7家公司控制着你购买的几乎每一种美容产品”[这七家大公司--雅诗兰黛、L、联合利华、宝洁、资生堂、强生和科蒂--在世界各地雇佣了数以千计的员工,每年创造数十亿美元的收入。这些品牌集团是推出新成分、在市场上验证功效以及推动消费者跨细分市场意识和参与度的关键增长客户。强生市场机会评估-33 L‘欧莱雅联合利华宝洁雅诗兰黛资生堂]B-Silk的价值主张和市场差异化因素05[配方友好的临床证明消费者的好处不同于有机硅弹性体,B-Silk是可生物降解的B-Silk Ice是美国农业部Certified生物基产品Vegan Verifi由欧洲fins Chem-MAP微生物组友好型B-Silk开发的B-Silk具有高度的通用性-它稳定、坚固,不会与护肤、防晒、彩妆或护发中的其他成分发生负面反应。自2020年起,B-Silk FC已在护发产品货架上上市,并拥有20+个成熟的fit,包括赋予fiRmer的外观和更具弹性的皮肤,使老化的化妆品迹象不那么明显,增加污染清洁,卷发保留,等等。B-Silk First是13年以上深耕研发的成果。现在,这种专利和专有的多肽已经准备好有效地满足市场需求,在美容和个人护理领域取代硅橡胶-B-丝绸Ρ价值主张B-丝绸价值主张和市场差异化-35]B-丝素是一种丝多肽粉,具有独特的微结构,具有多种性能和生物兼容性。它具有强韧和fl可伸缩多肽的理想比例,可以自然地交联成具有硅橡胶性能的亲水性粉末,但与硅橡胶不同,b-Silk FC在洗涤时不会产生生物阻力。B-丝绸Ρ是生物基和可生物降解的INCI:SR-蜘蛛多肽-1寡肽-178CAS#:1852460-76-4 B-丝绸PIVE价值主张和市场差异化因素-36[11]

B-Silk FC稳定、坚固,不会与其他成分发生负面反应,对行业领先的配方设计师来说是一种有吸引力的成分。这种多功能性允许在不同的产品类别中增加更好的fi,并在各种配方中提供一致的丝滑柔软质地。配方优点+感官Modifier/质构剂+轻质film前身+流变学Modifier显著性能+与典型溶剂兼容+与表面活性剂兼容+在pH范围3-9+内稳定在高温下稳定(即80℃)+可在配方过程的任何阶段添加面霜和凝胶保湿剂血清SPF洗面奶洗发水头发护理面膜和无水配方彩色化妆品和颜料配方B-丝绸Ρ是配方商友好的B-丝绸产品价值主张和市场差异化-37[1]B-丝绸Ρ在护发方面有实验室证明的好处B-丝绸PPT是动物来源角蛋白的纯素食替代品。B-Silk First提供卷曲保持、风格控制和光泽,触感柔软,不会拖累头发。在洗发水配方中加入b-Silk TiC,与不含b-Silk TiC的配方和依赖硅橡胶实现感官效果的产品相比,显示出更好的湿梳和干梳效果。资料来源:用于头发护理的B-Silk:卷曲保持研究

在这项试验中,头发被留在头发造型血清中,然后卷曲。然后将头发暴露在50℃和70%湿度下8小时。与硅橡胶样品相比,b型丝绸样品的卷曲保持率提高了35%。11%%b-b S i-L S kΡil kΡB-Silk丝绸的价值主张和市场差异化-385%5%si L S i c i L o i c e e o n L e a S e t L o a a m S e r t o m h v i c e e L h e c o o L n e c r o o L控制[2]“我的头发又干又卷曲,急需补充水分。这款洗发水只用了一次,就让我的头发感觉更健康。卷发的水平被很自然地降低了,我的头发也没有像往常那样fly。“Vegamour是一种很好的产品,可以在不拖累我头发的情况下驯服卷发。我的头发依然轻盈,有美丽的光泽,柔和的沙龙fi修剪了一头秀发。“这款产品能让你的头发变得柔软,而不会感到被产品压得喘不过气来,真是令人惊叹。”“它能让你的头发柔软、有光泽,而且闻起来很香。我爱死它了!“资料来源:Vegamour客户评论,GRO振兴洗发水和护发素套件[3]消费者对护发B-丝绸的认可-价值主张和市场差异化因素-39[4]临床证明的护肤益处B-绢丝在您的皮肤上形成一张毯子,改善污染清洁,使fiRmer看起来更有弹性,并提升皮肤,使fine细纹和皱纹不那么明显。此外,定量测量显示,与基线和空载药对照组相比,皮肤pH值和微生物群没有差异。资料来源:《美国医学会生物材料科学与工程》的临床试验

在皮肤上形成一层,使皮肤看起来紧致和提升,与车辆控制相比,赋予皮肤双重弹性和fi弹性,与车辆控制相比,加倍污染洗涤与车辆控制相比,B-丝绸PIVE价值主张和市场差异化-40[5]B-SilkΡ在防晒测试中表现优于硅橡胶防晒霜以闭塞、厚重和皮肤非常油腻著称。与使用硅胶的配方相比,当b-Silk First添加到防晒配方中时,它减少了film的手感和油性,同时吸收更快,留下柔软的干燥。配方师证明:“这些数据几乎令人印象深刻,因为它表明含有b-Silk的版本是最有利的样本。它在游戏时间和柔软度上与对照组的分数相当,但在其余四个类别中都超过了它。“这项fiNAL数据显示,b-Silk Spare能够替代防晒霜中的有机硅来重现防晒效果,甚至改进产品。“来源:B-Silk Spacter盲测:天然SPF 30版本比较


B-丝绸价值主张和市场差异化概述-4 2 B-丝绸价值主张和市场差异化-42[7]实验室证明B-SilkΡ在睫毛膏测试中的好处当B-Silk First被添加到睫毛膏配方中时,这种材料具有使睫毛看起来更长、更丰满的能力。试验表明,涂抹时光滑、乳白色,没有对睫毛的拖拽。结果显示羽状全景外观和强烈的颜料一刷应用程序。B-Silk First使现有配方能够分层而不结块,创造出柔软的无重量睫毛感,具有出色的长度和体积覆盖。彩妆中的来源-B-丝绸:睫毛膏研究[8]城市衰败扩大伊利亚拉长空控+10%b丝Ρ控制b丝nc价值主张和市场差异化因素-43

B-Silk First巧妙地在睫毛膏中增加了一点不同之处,Defi。睫毛依然柔软,但感觉更结实。而不是典型的爽口睫毛膏。“资料来源:B-Silk在睫毛膏配方测试阶段的客户反馈[9]配方专家反馈:B-绢粉具有任何类型的睫毛膏都能使睫毛变大和延长的能力,即使不改变现有的配方也是如此。“它还可以作为一种很好的睫毛底漆来增加容量。”B型丝绸发胶(20%b型丝绸在水中)本身就可以达到很好的拉长和DefiNed睫毛效果。彩妆中的来源-B-丝绸:睫毛膏研究

消费者对睫毛膏试用B-Silk的认可-44[10]ΡB-Silk在彩色化妆品中的表现优于有机硅弹性体B-Silk First生产一种干净*的化妆品配方,提供鲜艳、持久的颜色,具有哑光、不油腻的fiNish。在消费者感知小组(n=75)中,b-Silk Cuto在后感、哑光fiNish、色彩回报和耐用性方面的负载水平较低时与硅橡胶的性能相匹配。*根据Credo和丝芙兰的性能标准比较测量方法来源:B-Silk For彩色化妆品:3合1色霜研究

1%b-Silk TM 5%有机硅弹性体在本试验中,使用1%b-Silk TM5%有机硅弹性体制备了一种着色的3合1色霜配方,并对其美观性能进行了评价。fileB-Silk Ipc配方在皮肤充实方面优于硅橡胶配方,而且很容易洗掉。盲法比较测试消费者小组成员(n=75)被要求在1-5的范围内比较两种配方的脸颊颜色,以确定fi是否具有不同的属性。小组成员在他们的脸上测试了3天的产品。皮肤类型多种多样,从油性、干性和混合性。B-Silk优势价值主张和市场差异化因素-45



1目标市场的市场渗透规模满足美容和个人护理行业对有机硅弹性体替代品的需求TAM:33亿-40亿美元增长战略-48 2原料药的产品线扩展根据客户反馈和市场研究确定三种新的变种fi根据客户反馈和市场研究确定新的变种价值增加变种应用特定的变种3.市场扩展悬而未决的商品成本优化粘合剂和家居护理行业也消耗有机硅弹性体未来5年内新的和具有成本效益的变种的潜力4随着业务的成熟,产品多样化fi阳离子从目前的管道研发努力中确定新的分子用于消费品行业和商业准备B-SilkΡ市场增长战略



+新品种(正在研发中)预计b-Silk随着时间的推移制造成本*由多个工艺开发和制造合作伙伴验证的成本b-Silk的‡装载量水平因产品、性能目标、产品成本目标和与其他成分的组合而异来自新合同制造合作伙伴的初始投标正在进行中,我们相信这将使Signifi无法降价,如果实现增长战略-49 2021-22 H1-2023 H2-2023 Q1-2024 Q2-2024 Q3-2024 2021/2022生产成本的25%[11]B-SilkΡ的成功开启了变种和其他生物材料准备就绪的管道-我们相信,我们在关键市场发现新材料并将其商业化的系统、可重复的过程将继续解锁比产品变种更多的东西-我们相信它将产生宝贵的知识产权并解决跨行业的关键问题。增长战略-50

完全商业成长阶段B-丝绸产品扩展:BT-2145 BT-2163 BT-2192*原型机规模材料演示?产品应用开发?早期-商业放大和制造?Mylo Fox实验室测试?28,127种化合物在我们13年以上研发螺栓螺纹的产品平台流水线BT-2173 BT-2108 BT-2154*MicroSilk Bt-2004 B-Silk Ip IP/专利申请量?增长战略-51*BT-#代号代表各种受IP保护的生物材料的产品开发候选产品[ 15 ]更好的材料--为了一个更美好的世界。加入我们吧。增长战略-52

附录07[12]资料来源附录-54 8.全球市场洞察,“2022-2030年有机硅市场--按产品(液体、树脂、弹性体)、按应用(运输、建筑、电子、工业流程、医疗保健、个人护理和消费品)及预测”。2022年7月。全球市场洞察,https://www.gminsights.com/industry-分析/有机硅市场--可在2023年9月1日获得第6.7章。9.宏图研究,“有机硅市场规模,份额和趋势分析报告,按产品(流体,凝胶,树脂,弹性体),按最终用途(电子,运输,建筑,医疗保健,工业流程,能源),按地区,和细分预测,2023年-2030年”,5.6.1章可在宏图网站,https://www.grandviewresearch.com/industry-分析/有机硅市场,9月1日访问,2023年10.梅根·威利特-韦和斯凯·古尔德。在网站内部,2017年5月18日,“这7家公司几乎控制了你购买的每一款美容产品”。内幕网站https://www.insider.com/companies-Beauty-Brands-Connected-2017-5,2023年9月1日访问。11.重组蛋白质聚合物:即将到来的个人护理成分浪潮。美国化学学会生物材料科学与工程,2020。可在2023年9月1日访问acs网站https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acsbiomaterials.0c01038,。12.客户评论,18-B护肤品,含b-Silk TM。13.头发护理试验比较1%B-丝绸,5%硅胶弹性体配方在卷发保持精华中“生姜王。2021年11月。






1.L欧莱雅,“深入我们的产品”,L欧莱雅网站,https://inside-Our-Products。Loreal.com/配料/有机硅,2023年9月1日访问。2.克雷格·贝滕豪森,《在我们的皮肤和头发产品中换出硅胶》,《化学与工程新闻》,2023年5月,https://cen.acs.org/business/consumer-Products/交换-硅胶-皮肤-头发-Products/101/i17,2023年9月1日。3.《硅胶对皮肤有害的10个原因》Fitflow Beauty,2019年7月,http://fitglowBeauty.com/fi/博客/tglow-博客/10-硅胶对皮肤有害的原因,2023年9月1日访问。《硅胶在美中的位置》美容英雄,2023年4月。Https://www.beauty-Hermes.com/BLOG/有机硅美容产品-环境影响/,2023年9月1日访问。《化学与工程新闻》,2023年5月,https://cen.acs.org/business/consumer-Products/Swap-Silicon-Skin-Hair-Products/101/I17,2023年9月1日访问。6.联合利华,《我们如何让我们的产品配方可生物降解》联合利华网站,2021年7月,https://www.unilever.com/news/news-Search/2021/How-We-Are-Working-Working-Make-Our-Products-Form ulatio-On-Biodegrable/,2023年9月1日访问。《2023年至2030年有机硅市场规模、份额和趋势分析报告》,按产品(液体、凝胶、树脂、弹性体)、按最终用途(电子、交通、建筑、医疗保健、工业流程、能源)、按地区和细分预测分列。第5.6章可在Grand View网站上查阅,https://www.grandviewresearch.com/industry-分析/有机硅市场,于2023年9月1日访问

B-丝绸Ρ销售渠道1.兴趣(保密协议到位)意向(发送样本)对价(研发进行中)决策(产品审批和预测)交易完成46个目标客户代表原料药市场份额的80%成功的客户渗透预计将支持指数增长(包括多个SKU)合格的潜在客户意识(演示完成)市场渗透通过:+直接面向客户+CM/CMO+配料制造商/分销商1.根据新的索赔、市场定位、新品牌标识或法规约束2.研发配方工作须经产品开发和品牌总监批准3.包装设计4.法规工作(可持续性、兼容性、安全性、索赔验证、市场登记)5.生产订单和承诺的补充预测(通常fi第一个订单占年需求的75%)3 2 5 4 25 2 5附录-55[BPC护肤护发零售市场规模来源:欧睿2021报告附录-56]头发零售市场规模来源:宏图研究-2021年报告附录-57[(*)资料来源:●管理层基于第三方研究有机硅弹性体专业配料(AI)市场规模的估计(*)●全球有机硅市场约为167亿美元-199亿美元‡60%的市场份额由:瓦克、埃尔凯姆、陶氏和信越有机硅弹性体占该市场的20%(个人和家庭护理)●全球化妆品活性成分市场估计为35亿美元2022年●预计到2030年将达到55亿美元,●流体(商品价格为2-5美元/公斤)●有机硅弹性体(感官价格为20-25美元/公斤,其他有效声明为100-140美元/公斤)的年复合增长率为5.9%。商机●有机硅弹性体占全球收入的20%:33亿-4亿美元●4,000-1,500美元/公斤(临床和实验室证实)●B-Silk弹性体提供更好的服务,声称可占据约15%的有效成分市场:5.25亿美元Bolt以有机硅弹性体为目标,并增加了其他好处●B-Silk‡fifiNED应用:o硅橡胶替代o特种成分(化妆品活性成分)附录-58]风险因素风险因素-59以下提及的“博尔特”、“公司”、“我们”、“我们”或“我们”均指博尔特螺纹公司的业务。以下所列风险为与本公司业务及业务合并有关的一般风险,并不详尽。以下名单全部由本公司及金箭合并公司牵头或提供的未来文件fi所载的披露资料所规限。(“金箭”),与U。S。美国证券交易委员会“,包括fi牵头或提供的与公司与Golden Arrow之间的拟议交易有关的文件。该等fifi所显示的风险将与上市公司在其美国证券交易委员会fi所需的风险一致,包括与本公司和Golden Arrow的业务及证券有关的风险,以及本公司与Golden Arrow之间的建议交易,并可能与下文所载的风险有重大差异,且可能比下文所述的风险更广泛。与博尔特财务状况相关的风险1.博尔特螺纹有净亏损的历史,其在未来实现或保持fi能力的能力是不确定的。2.博尔特的经营业绩可能受到多种因素的影响,包括但不限于终端市场需求、监管行动的时机和制造成本的变化,其中许多因素不在博尔特的控制范围之内。3.Bolt将在未来产生显著的fi无法费用和资本支出来执行其业务计划,并且它可能无法充分控制其费用或以有利的条件筹集额外资本(如果有的话)。4.5.尽管博尔特目前负债累累,但它未来可能会招致更多债务,这可能会进一步加剧杠杆的风险,包括偿还债务的能力。6.有限数量的客户、分销商和合作伙伴占Bolt收入的很大一部分。失去主要客户、分销商或合作伙伴可能会损害博尔特的经营业绩。7.根据其贷款协议,Bolt须遵守若干限制性债务契约。8.由于业务合并和相关交易,博尔特利用净营业亏损抵消未来应税收入的能力将受到一定限制。与博尔特的产品和运营相关的风险9.博尔特的b型丝绸和未来的候选产品可能无法在市场上取得成功。如果博尔特的产品不能在市场上取得成功,它可能无法产生显著的fiCan收入。10.Bolt可能无法有效管理快速增长,其成功实施业务计划的能力将取决于一些其无法控制的因素。11.B-Silk的定价和供应可能受到Bolt无法控制的因素的影响,包括但不限于终端市场需求、制造成本的变化和供应商的可用性。12.如果博尔特的制造成本大幅增加,博尔特将不得不提高价格,这可能会对其获得新客户和留住现有客户的能力产生负面影响。13.博尔特在营销和销售b型丝绸方面的经验有限,如果无法获得消费品公司和其他公司的市场认可,其业务可能会受到不利影响。14.失去一位或多位博尔特的重要客户,他们的订单大幅减少,他们无法履行合同,或他们的财务状况显著恶化,可能会对其业务、运营结果和fi财务状况产生实质性的不利影响。15.博尔特的预计合同收入从“按需”的采购订单到具有最低购买义务的合同不等,如果博尔特的客户未能继续下订单或不遵守合同,可能会对博尔特的运营和fi财务业绩产生重大不利影响。16.博尔特目前所有的制造需求都依赖于一家制造设施,未来打算依赖美国和国际上的少量制造设施。17.如果博尔特无法确保其产品的安全,或者如果消费者认为其产品不安全,其业务可能会受到不利影响。18.Bolt在大量生产b型丝绸方面经验有限,可能无法以成本效益高的方式生产足以及时或经济地满足客户需求的b型丝绸。19.Bolt可能面临以商业规模和商业可行的成本生产其产品的挑战,而且它可能无法将其产品商业化到制造Profit或维持和发展其目前业务所需的程度。20.B型丝绸部分是通过若干不同供应商拥有的发酵设备生产的。如果博尔特不能与供应商保持足够的发酵能力,或在成长过程中增加发酵能力,它可能无法生产足够数量的b-Silk。21.授予客户独家经营权的某些合同可能会限制博尔特在某些市场销售产品的能力。22.博尔特可能面临来自现有材料以及其他新进入者的激烈竞争,如果博尔特无法继续开发创新产品和技术和/或扩大生产规模,博尔特可能无法从竞争对手那里获得或失去市场份额。23.如果Bolt不能成功地开始、扩大或维持现有和计划中的制造设施的运营,其客户关系、业务和运营结果可能会受到不利影响。24.博尔特每个季度的fi财务业绩可能会有很大差异,很难预测。25.博尔特利用分包商制造商来制造其产品。如果这些制造商未能及时生产出足够质量的产品或客户拒绝购买这些产品,可能会对博尔特的竞争优势和fi财务业绩产生重大不利影响。26.由于Bolt为应用于人体皮肤的消费品制造零部件,因此它受到某些产品和制造法规的约束或影响,遵守这些法规可能成本高昂且耗时。此外,由于其客户的产品可能不在保险覆盖范围内,它可能会受到人身伤害或产品责任索赔,并可能需要支付巨额费用。27.博尔特可能无法充分保护其专利和其他知识产权资产,这可能对其竞争地位产生不利影响,并降低其产品的价值,保护其专利和知识产权资产的诉讼可能代价高昂。28.第三方可能声称博尔特侵犯了他们的专有权,并可能阻止博尔特将其产品商业化和销售。29.博尔特在一定程度上依赖商业秘密来保护其技术,如果不能获得或维护商业秘密保护,可能会限制其竞争能力。

风险因素续风险因素-60 30。博尔特取决于关键人员。31.博尔特的管理层在运营上市公司方面的经验有限32。博尔特运输和运费成本的增加可能会对博尔特的fi财务业绩产生实质性的不利影响,因为它可能无法将所有这些增加的成本转嫁给客户。33.如果博尔特的信息技术系统出现明显的fi无法中断,包括安全漏洞,或者如果博尔特未能成功实施新系统和软件,其业务运营和fi财务状况可能会受到不利影响。34.政府对博尔特业务的监管范围很广,获得监管批准的过程是资源密集型的,没有获得批准的保证。35岁。政府监管的变化可能需要博尔特修改其运营,包括博尔特在其产品中使用的配方。36.全球经济和金融市场状况,包括严重的市场混乱、可能出现显著的fifi低迷和全球经济长期低迷,可能会以多种方式影响博尔特的业务运营,包括但不限于化妆品和个人护理产品等关键客户终端市场的需求减少。与拟议的业务合并有关的风险37.Golden Arrow股东对大量股份行使赎回权的能力可能会在业务合并前耗尽Golden Arrow的信托账户,从而减少交易后最终控股公司(“Bolt Pubco”)的营运资金金额。38.Golden Arrow的董事和高管有可能在flICT上建议股东投票赞成批准业务合并。39.在业务合并后,Golden Arrow股东的所有权和投票权将减少,在fl对管理层的权力也将减少。40.金箭赞助商有限责任公司(“赞助商”)已同意赔偿博尔特·普布科因2023年股东赎回而根据2022年《Inflation Reducing Act》缴纳的任何消费税。赞助商将被允许在业务合并结束后出售Bolt Pubco普通股,以支付消费税,这可能会对Bolt Pubco股票的股价产生负面影响。41.金箭公司的初始股东、董事、高级管理人员、顾问及其关联公司可以从公众股东手中购买股票或公开认股权证,这可能会减少金箭公司A类普通股的公众“fl燕麦”。42.业务合并可能无法在金箭公司的组织文件中的业务合并截止日期之前完成,并且金箭公司可能无法获得业务合并截止日期的延期。43.不能保证计划中的交易将达到为Bolt Pubco提供足够资本的目标,如果Bolt Pubco需要额外的资本为其运营或预期增长提供资金,也不能保证它将能够以有吸引力的条款或根本不能获得此类资金,Bolt Pubco的股东可能会因此遭受稀释。44.Bolt和Golden Arrow已经并将产生与业务合并和相关交易相关的巨额成本,如法律、会计、咨询和fi财务顾问费。45.虽然博尔特和金箭努力完成业务合并,但管理层的重点和资源可能会从运营事务和其他战略机会上转移。46.47.业务合并的宣布可能会扰乱博尔特与其客户、供应商和其他人的关系,以及其经营业绩和总体业务。48.业务合并效果的不确定性可能会影响博尔特留住关键员工和整合管理结构的能力,并可能对其管理、战略和运营结果产生负面影响。49.完成业务合并须遵守若干条件,如该等条件未获满足或获豁免,则业务合并协议可能会根据其条款终止,而业务合并亦可能无法完成。50美元。由于业务合并完成前发生的行为,Bolt Pubco可能会承担继任责任。51.在业务合并完成后,Bolt Pubco可能面临未知或或有负债,并可能被要求进行减记或注销、重组和减值或其他可能对其财务状况、运营业绩和证券价格产生重大负面影响的费用,这可能会导致您的部分或全部投资损失。52.作为一家上市公司的相关义务将涉及SignifiCan费用,并需要SignifiCan资源和管理层的关注,这可能会转移到Bolt的业务运营上。53.博尔特的管理层和现有资源可能无法成功或有效地管理向上市公司的过渡。54.在业务合并完成后,未来出售普通股可能会导致博尔特普通股的市场价格大幅下跌,即使博尔特的业务做得很好。55.业务合并后,Bolt Pubco的普通股将可行使流通权证,这将增加未来有资格在公开市场转售的股票数量,并导致Bolt Pubco的股东股权稀释。56.57.在可预见的未来,Bolt Pubco不打算支付现金股息。58.Bolt Pubco可能不符合纳斯达克或其他国家证券交易所的初始上市标准,即使符合,纳斯达克或其他国家证券交易所也可能不会继续在其交易所上市Bolt Pubco的证券;这可能会限制Bolt Pubco的投资者交易Bolt Pubco的证券的能力,并使Bolt Pubco受到额外的交易限制。59.如果业务合并的好处不符合投资者或证券分析师的预期,金箭公司的证券的市场价格可能会下降,或者在业务合并完成后,Bolt Pubco的证券的市场价格可能会下降。60.如果证券或行业分析师不发表关于Bolt Pubco业务的研究报告,或发表不准确或不利的研究报告,其证券的价格和交易量可能会下降。

风险因素续风险因素--61 61。博尔特的证券此前没有公开市场。Bolt Pubco普通股的股价可能会波动,也可能会下跌,无论其经营业绩如何,你可能无法以认购价或高于认购价的价格转售你的股票。62.Bolt Pubco将在使用业务合并所得收益方面拥有广泛的自由裁量权,可能不会有效使用这些收益或以投资者同意的方式使用这些收益。63.Bolt Pubco重述的Certifi公司章程、修订和重述的章程以及特拉华州法律的条款中包含的反收购条款可能会损害收购尝试。64.博尔特fi的董事和高级管理人员要求赔偿,可能会减少其可用资金,以满足成功的第三方对其的索赔,并可能减少可用资金。65.可以对企业合并提起法律诉讼,这可能会推迟或阻止企业合并,或以其他方式对企业合并产生不利影响。

wAY BETTER MATERIALS – for a way better world. Join us. Growth Strategy — 52

Appendix 07

Sources Appendix — 54 8. Global Market Insights , “Silicone Market - By Product (Fluids, Resins, Elastomers), By Application (Transportation, Construction, Electronics, Industrial Process, Healthcare, Personal Care & Consumer Goods) & Forecast, 2022 - 2030”. July 2022. Chapter 6.7 Available on Global Market Insights, https://www.gminsights.com/industry - analysis/silicone - market - , accessed on September 01, 2023 9. Grand View Research, “Silicone Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report By Product (Fluids, Gels, Resins, Elastomers), By End - use (Electronics, Transportation, Construction, Healthcare, Industrial Processes, Energy), By Region, And Segment Forecasts, 2023 - 2030” Chapter 5.6 .1 Available on Grand View Website, https://www.grandviewresearch.com/industry - analysis/silicone - market, accessed on September 01, 2023 10. Megan Willett - Wei and Skye Gould. Inside, “These 7 Companies Control Almost Every Single Beauty Product You Buy” May 18, 2017. Insider Website, https://www.insider.com/companies - beauty - brands - connected - 2017 - 5, accessed on September 1, 2023. 11. “Recombinant Protein Polymers: A Coming Wave of Personal Care Ingredients.” ACS Biomaterials Science and Engineering , 2020. Available at ACS Website, https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acsbiomaterials.0c01038, accessed on September 1, 2023 12. Customer Reviews, Eighteen - B Skincare Products with b - silk TM . 13. “B - Silk for Hair Care Trial Comparison 1% B - Silk, 5% Silicone Elastomer formulations in Curl Retention Serum” Ginger King. November 2021. [Unpublished 3rd Party Report] 14. Consumer Reviews of GRO Revitalizing Shampoo and Conditioner Kit, Vegamour Website, https://vegamour.com/products/gro - revitalizing - shampoo - conditioner - kit, accessed on September 1, 2023. 15. “Direct Comparison of a Silicone - containing Sunscreen Formula Versus All - Natural Counterpart with B - Silk Protein” Ginger King. October 2021. [Unpublished 3rd Party Report] 16. “B - Silk in Color Cosmetics: Mascara Study” Ginger King. June 2021. [Unpublished 3rd Party Report] 17. Chief Product Officer from prospective customer "b - silk customer feedback during mascara formulation testing stage" To Chelsi Oestreich. 18. “B - Silk in Color Cosmetics: Mascara Study” Ginger King. June 2021. [Unpublished 3rd Party Report] 19. “B - Silk for Color Cosmetic: 3 - in - 1 Color Cream Study” Ginger King. June 2021. [Unpublished 3rd Party Report] 1. L’Oreal, "Inside Our Products," L’Oreal Website, https://inside - our - products. loreal.com/ingredients/silicones, accessed September 1, 2023. 2. Craig Bettenhausen, “Swapping Out Silicone In Our Skin And Hair Products” Chemical & Engineering News , May 2023, https://cen.acs.org/business/consumer - products/Swapping - silicone - skin - hair - products/101/i17, accessed on September 1, 2023 3. “10 Reasons Why Silicone Is Bad For Your Skin” Fitflow Beauty, July 2019, https://fitglowbeauty.com/blogs/fitglow - blog/10 - reasons - why - silicone - is - bad - for - your - skin, accessed on September 1, 2023 4. Jarnot, Jeannie. “Silicone’s Place In Beauty” Beauty Heros , April, 2023. https://www.beauty - heroes.com/blog/silicones - in - beauty - products - environmental - impact/, accessed on September 1, 2023 5. Bettenhausen, Craig. “Swapping Out Silicone In Our Skin And Hair Products” Chemical & Engineering News , May 2023, https://cen.acs.org/business/consumer - products/Swapping - silicone - skin - hair - products/101/i17, accessed on September 1, 2023 6. Unilever , “How We’re Making Our Product Formulations Biodegradable” Unilever Website, July 2021, https://www.unilever.com/news/news - search/2021/how - we - are - working - to - make - our - product - form ulatio ns - biodegradable/ , accessed on September 1, 2023 7. Grand View Research, “Silicone Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report By Product (Fluids, Gels, Resins, Elastomers), By End - use (Electronics, Transportation, Construction, Healthcare, Industrial Processes, Energy), By Region, And Segment Forecasts, 2023 - 2030” Chapter 5.6 Available on Grand View Website, https://www.grandviewresearch.com/industry - analysis/silicone - market, accessed on September 01, 2023

B - Silk Ρ Sales pipeline 1. 2. Interest (NDA in Place) Intent (Sample Sent) Consideration (R&D in Progress) Decision (Product Approval & Forecast) Deal Closed The 46 targeted customers represent 80% of the BPC market share Successful customer penetration is expected to support exponential growth (multiple SKU inclusion) Qualified prospects AWARENESS (Presentation Done) Market Penetration via: + Direct to Customer + CM / CMO + Ingredient Manufacturers / Distributors 1. Prove ingredient efficacy and impact for market share growth based on new claims, market positioning, new brands identity or regulatory constraint 2. R&D formulation work to be approved by Product Dev and Brand Directors 3. Packaging Design 4. Regulatory work (Sustainability, compatibility, safety, claims validation, market registration) 5. Ordering for manufacturing and committed forecast for replenishment (Usually the first order represents 75% of the annual demand) 3 2 5 4 25 2 5 Appendix — 55

BPC skin and hair care retail market size Source: Euromonitor 2021 Report Appendix — 56

hair retail market size source: Grand View Research - 2021 report Appendix — 57

(*) Sources: ‡Management estimate based on third - party research Silicone Elastomers Specialty Ingredients (AI) Market Size (*) ● Global Silicone Market is about $16.7B - $19.9B ● 60% of the market is captured by: Wacker, Elkem, Dow and Shinetsu ● Silicone Elastomers represent 20% of this market (personal and household care) ● The global market for Cosmetics Active Ingredients is estimated at US$3.5 Billion in the year 2022 ● Projected to reach US$5.5 Billion by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 5.9% Market Price Point ● Fluids (commodity at $2 - 5/kg) ● Silicone Elastomers (sensorial $20 - 25/kg and additional active claims $100 - 140/kg) Opportunity ‡ ● Silicone Elastomers represents 20% of the Global revenue: $3.3B - $4.0B ● $400 - $1500/kg (clinical and lab substantiation) ● B - silk Œ offers benefit claims that can capture around 15% of the active ingredient market: $0.525B Bolt Targets Silicone Elastomer and adds additional Benefits ● B - silk Œ has two defined applications: o Silicone Elastomer replacement o Specialty Ingredient (Cosmetic Active Ingredient) Appendix — 58

RISK FACTORS Risk Factors — 59 All references below to “Bolt,” the “Company,” “we,” “us” or “our” refer to the business of Bolt Threads, Inc . The risks presented below are certain of the general risks related to the business of the Company and the Business Combination, and such list is not exhaustive . The list below is qualified in its entirety by disclosures contained in future documents filed or furnished by the Company and Golden Arrow Merger Corp . (“Golden Arrow”), with the U . S . Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”), including the documents filed or furnished in connection with the proposed transactions between the Company and Golden Arrow . The risks presented in such filings will be consistent with those that would be required for a public company in its SEC filings, including with respect to the business and securities of the Company and Golden Arrow and the proposed transactions between the Company and Golden Arrow, and may differ significantly from and be more extensive than those presented below . Risks Related to Bolt’s Financial Position 1. Bolt Threads has a history of net losses and its ability to achieve or maintain profitability in the future is uncertain. 2. Bolt’s operating results may fluctuate significantly as a result of a variety of factors, including, but not limited to, end market demand, timing of regulatory actions and variation in manufacturing costs, many of which are outside of its control. 3. Bolt will incur significant expenses and capital expenditures in the future to execute its business plan and it may be unable to adequately control its expenses or raise additional capital on favorable terms, if at all. 4. Bolt may not be able to generate sufficient cash to service all of its debt and operating lease obligations, and may be forced to take other actions to satisfy its obligations under its debt and operating lease obligations, which may not be successful. 5. Despite its current significant indebtedness, Bolt may be able to incur more debt in the future, which could further exacerbate the risks of leverage, including the ability to service its indebtedness. 6. A limited number of customers, distributors and collaboration partners account for a material portion of Bolt’s revenues. The loss of major customers, distributors or collaboration partners could harm Bolt’s operating results. 7. Bolt is subject to a number of restrictive debt covenants under its loan agreements. 8. Bolt’s ability to use net operating losses to offset future taxable income will be subject to certain limitations as a result of the Business Combination and related transactions. Risks Related to Bolt’s Products and Operations 9. Bolt’s b - silk Œ and future product candidates may not achieve market success. If Bolt’s products do not achieve market success, it may be unable to generate significant revenues. 10. Bolt may be unable to manage rapid growth effectively, and its ability to successfully implement its business plan will depend on a number of factors outside of its control. 11. B - silk Œ pricing and availability may be impacted by factors out of Bolt’s control, including, but not limited to, end market demand, variation in manufacturing costs, and supplier availability. 12. If Bolt's manufacturing costs materially increase, Bolt would have to raise its prices, which could negatively impact its ability to gain new customers and keep existing customers. 13. Bolt has limited experience in marketing and selling b - silk Œ , and if it is unable to gain market acceptance from consumer product companies and others, its business may be adversely affected. 14. The loss of one or more of Bolt’s significant customers, a significant reduction in their orders, their inability to perform under their contracts, or a significant deterioration in their financial condition could have a material adverse effect on its business, results of operations, and financial condition. 15. Bolt's estimated contracted revenue vary from purchase orders on an “as needed” basis to contracts with minimum purchase obligations, and the failure of Bolt's customers to continue placing orders or to abide by their contracts could have a material adverse effect on Bolt's operations and financial results. 16. Bolt currently relies on a single manufacturing facility for all of its manufacturing needs and in the future intends to rely on a small number of manufacturing facilities both in the U.S. and internationally. 17. If Bolt is unable to ensure the safety of its products or if consumers perceive its products as unsafe, its business may be adversely affected. 18. Bolt has limited experience in producing large quantities of b - silk Œ and may not be able to cost - effectively produce b - silk Œ sufficient to meet customer demand in a timely or economical manner. 19. Bolt may face challenges producing its products at commercial scale and at commercially viable cost, and it may not be able to commercialize its products to the extent necessary to make a profit or sustain and grow its current business. 20. B - silk Œ is manufactured in part through fermentation equipment owned by a number of different suppliers. If Bolt is unable to maintain adequate fermentation capacity with its suppliers or increase fermentation capacity as it grows, it may be unable to produce a sufficient amount of b - silk Œ . 21. Certain contracts granting exclusivity rights to customers may limit Bolt’s ability to sell products in certain markets. 22. Bolt may face, substantial competition from incumbent materials as well as other new entrants, and if Bolt is unable to continue developing innovative products and technologies and/or scale its production, Bolt may fail to gain, or may lose, market share to its competitors. 23. If Bolt is not able to successfully commence, scale up or sustain operations at existing and planned manufacturing facilities, its customer relationships, business and results of operations may be adversely affected. 24. Bolt’s financial results could vary materially from quarter to quarter and are difficult to predict. 25. Bolt utilizes subcontractor manufacturers to make its products. The failure of these manufactures to make products of sufficient quality on a timely basis or customers' refusal to purchase these products, could have a material adverse effect on Bolt's competitive advantage and financial results. 26. Because Bolt manufactures components for consumer products that are applied to human skin, it is subject to, or affected by, certain product and manufacturing regulations, for which compliance can be costly and time consuming. In addition, it may be subject to personal injury or product liability claims as a result of human exposure from its customers’ products that may not be covered by insurance and could require it to pay substantial sums. 27. Bolt may not be able to protect adequately its patents and other intellectual property assets, which could adversely affect its competitive position and reduce the value of its products, and litigation to protect its patents and intellectual property assets may be costly. 28. Third parties may claim that Bolt infringes on their proprietary rights and may prevent Bolt from commercializing and selling its products. 29. Bolt relies in part on trade secrets to protect its technology, and its failure to obtain or maintain trade secret protection could limit its ability to compete.

RISK FACTORS Cont. Risk Factors — 60 30. Bolt depends on key personnel. 31. Bolt's management has limited experience in operating a public company 32. An increase in Bolt's shipping and freight costs could have a material adverse effect on Bolt’s financial results because it may not be able to pass - through all of these increased costs to its customers. 33. If Bolt experiences a significant disruption in its information technology systems, including security breaches, or if Bolt fails to implement new systems and software successfully, its business operations and financial condition could be adversely affected. 34. Government regulation of Bolt’s business is extensive and the process for obtaining regulatory approvals is resource - intensive, with no assurances of obtaining approvals. 35. Changes in government regulation may require Bolt to modify its operations, including formulations that Bolt utilizes in its products. 36. Global economic and financial market conditions, including severe market disruptions and the potential for a significant and prolonged global economic downturn, could impact Bolt’s business operations in a number of ways, including, but not limited to, reduced demand in key customer end - markets, such as cosmetics and personal care products. Risks Related to the Proposed Business Combination 37. The ability of Golden Arrow stockholders to exercise redemption rights with respect to a large number of shares could deplete Golden Arrow’s trust account prior to the Business Combination and thereby diminish the amount of working capital of the ultimate holding company after the transaction (“Bolt Pubco”). 38. Directors and officers of Golden Arrow have potential conflicts of interest in recommending that stockholders vote in favor of approval of the Business Combination. 39. Golden Arrow stockholders will have a reduced ownership and voting interest after the Business Combination and will exercise less influence over management. 40. Golden Arrow Sponsor, LLC (the “Sponsor”) has agreed to indemnify Bolt Pubco for any excise tax to which it is subjected under the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 as a result of stockholder redemptions made in 2023. The Sponsor will be permitted to sell shares of Bolt Pubco common stock after the close of the business combination to pay for the excise tax, which could negatively impact the stock price of Bolt Pubco’s shares. 41. Golden Arrow’s initial stockholders, directors, officers, advisors, and their affiliates may purchase shares or public warrants from public stockholders, which may reduce the public “float” of Golden Arrow’s Class A common stock. 42. The Business Combination may not be completed by Golden Arrow’s business combination deadline in its organizational documents, as amended to date, and Golden Arrow may fail to obtain an extension of the business combination deadline. 43. There can be no assurance that the contemplated transaction will achieve the objectives of providing Bolt Pubco with sufficient capital, and if Bolt Pubco requires additional capital to fund its operations or expected growth, there can be no assurance that it will be able to obtain such funds on attractive terms or at all, and Bolt Pubco stockholders may experience dilution as a result. 44. Bolt and Golden Arrow have incurred and will incur substantial costs in connection with the Business Combination and related transactions, such as legal, accounting, consulting, and financial advisory fees. 45. While Bolt and Golden Arrow work to complete the Business Combination, management’s focus and resources may be diverted from operational matters and other strategic opportunities. 46. Bolt’s operations may be restricted during the pendency of the Business Combination pursuant to terms of the Business Combination Agreement. 47. The announcement of the Business Combination could disrupt Bolt’s relationships with its customers, suppliers and others, as well as its operating results and business generally. 48. Uncertainty about the effect of the Business Combination may affect Bolt’s ability to retain key employees and integrate management structures and may negatively impact its management, strategy and results of operations. 49. The consummation of the Business Combination is subject to a number of conditions and if those conditions are not satisfied or waived, the Business Combination Agreement may be terminated in accordance with its terms and the Business Combination may not be completed. 50. Bolt Pubco may incur successor liabilities due to conduct arising prior to the completion of the Business Combination. 51. Subsequent to the completion of the Business Combination, Bolt Pubco may be exposed to unknown or contingent liabilities and may be required to take write - downs or write - offs, restructuring and impairment or other charges that could have a significant negative effect on its financial condition, results of operations and the price of its securities, which could cause you to lose some or all of your investment. 52. The obligations associated with being a public company will involve significant expenses and will require significant resources and management attention, which may divert from Bolt’s business operations. 53. Bolt’s management and current resources may not successfully or effectively manage the transition to a public company. 54. Future sales of common stock after the consummation of the Business Combination may cause the market price of Bolt’s common stock to drop significantly, even if Bolt’s business is doing well. 55. Following the Business Combination, outstanding warrants will become exercisable for Bolt Pubco’s common stock, which would increase the number of shares eligible for future resale in the public market and result in dilution to Bolt Pubco’s stockholders. 56. Bolt Pubco’s audited financial position and results of operations may differ materially from the unaudited pro forma financial information presented to investors. 57. Bolt Pubco does not intend to pay cash dividends for the foreseeable future. 58. Bolt Pubco may not meet Nasdaq or another national securities exchange’s initial listing criteria, and even if it does, Nasdaq or another national securities exchange may not continue to list Bolt Pubco’s securities on its exchange; which could limit the ability of investors in Bolt Pubco to make transactions in Bolt Pubco’s securities and subject Bolt Pubco to additional trading restrictions. 59. If the Business Combination’s benefits do not meet the expectations of investors or securities analysts, the market price of Golden Arrow’s securities or, following the consummation of the Business Combination, Bolt Pubco’s securities, may decline. 60. If securities or industry analysts do not publish research, or publish inaccurate or unfavorable research, about Bolt Pubco’s business, the price and trading volume of its securities could decline.

RISK FACTORS Cont. Risk Factors — 61 61. There has been no prior public market for Bolt’s securities. The stock price of Bolt Pubco’s common stock may be volatile or may decline regardless of its operating performance, and you may not be able to resell your shares at or above the subscription price. 62. Bolt Pubco will have broad discretion in the use of the proceeds from the Business Combination and may not use them effectively or in ways with which the investors agree. 63. Anti - takeover provisions contained in Bolt Pubco’s restated certificate of incorporation and amended and restated bylaws, as well as provisions of Delaware law, could impair a takeover attempt. 64. Claims for indemnification by Bolt Pubco’s directors and officers may reduce its available funds to satisfy successful third - party claims against it and may reduce the amount of money available to it. 65. Legal proceedings may be instituted against the Business Combination, which could delay or prevent or otherwise adversely impact the Business Combination.