

派珀·桑德勒公司(Piper Sandler&Co.) 东海岸金融服务会议 2022年11月9日


CAUTION REGARDING FORWARD LOOKING STATEMENTS This presentation contains forward - looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 that relate to future events or The future performance of the Company . Forward - looking statements are not guarantees of performance or results . These forward - looking statements are based on the current beliefs And expectations of the respective management of the Company and are inherently subject to significant business, economic and competitive uncertainties and contingencies, many of which are beyond their respective control and which may be heightened by the novel coronavirus, or COVID - 19 pandemic . In addition, these forward - looking statements are subject to assumptions with respect to future business strategies and decisions that are subject to change . Actual results may differ materially from The anticipated results discussed or implied in these forward - looking statements because of numerous possible uncertainties . Words like “may,“ ”计划,“ ”预期,“ ”预期,“ ”相信,“ ”意图,“ ”继续,“ ”预期,“ ”项目,“ ”预测,“ ”估计,“ ”可以,“ ”应该,“ ”将,“ ”将,“ ”和 相似的 表达式, should be considered as identifying forward - looking statements, although other phrasing may be used . Such forward - looking statements involve risks and uncertainties and may not be realized due to a variety of factors . Additional factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed in the forward - looking statements are discussed in the reports (such as Annual Reports on Form 10 - K and Quarterly Reports on Form 10 - Q) filed by the Company with the Securities and Exchange Commission . You should consider such factors and not place undue reliance on such forward - looking statements . No obligation is undertaken by the Company to update such forward - looking statements to reflect events or circumstances occurring after the issuance of this presentation . NON - GAAP FINANCIAL MEASURES Statements included in this presentation include non - GAAP financial measures and should be read along with the accompanying tables under the section titled “Non - GAAP Reconciliations . ” The Company uses non - GAAP financial measures to analyze its performance . Management believes that non - GAAP financial{Br}measures provide additional useful information that allows readers to evaluate the ongoing performance of the Company and provide meaningful comparison to its peers . Non - GAAP financial measures should{Br}not be considered as an alternative to any measure of performance or financial condition as promulgated under GAAP, and investors should consider the Company’s performance and financial condition as reported under GAAP and all other relevant information when assessing the performance or financial condition of the Company . Non - GAAP financial measures have limitations as analytical tools, and investors should not consider them in isolation or as a substitute for analysis of the results or financial condition as reported under GAAP . Legal免责声明 2


3 概述 158 - 成立一年的机构,具有强大的市场地位 经验丰富的管理团队,具有成熟的并购记录 持续强劲的盈利能力和多元化的收入来源 平衡的贷款组合,资产质量良好 稳定, - 成本核心存款特许经营权 1 2 3 4 5 资本状况强劲,支持增长战略和分红 6


158 - 一年 - 成立 拥有强大市场地位的机构 4


· 截至2022年9月30日,Citizens&Northern Corporation(“C&N”)是一家资产约为24亿美元的银行控股公司 。它成立于1987年,自2005年以来一直在纳斯达克上市。C&N的主要子公司是Citizens&Northern Bank(“C&N Bank”)。总部位于宾夕法尼亚州韦尔斯伯勒的C&N Bank拥有29家全面的 - 服务分支机构和1个有限生产办事处 (LPO)。C&N银行成立于1864年。在宾夕法尼亚州和纽约州斯图本县的北层有23家分行,在纽约州埃尔迈拉有一家致力于商业和其他贷款服务的LPO。最近关闭了宾夕法尼亚州蒙罗顿和纽约州Canisteo的分支机构。 · 宾夕法尼亚州东南部的4家分支机构 · 2019年,公司收购了Monument Bancorp,Inc.(3.76亿美元资产) · 2020年,公司收购了Covenant Financial,Inc.(6.08亿美元资产) · 位于宾夕法尼亚州东南部的2家分支机构 · 信托服务以及投资和保险产品通过C&N的财富管理 集团提供。截至2022年9月30日,C&N管理的信托资产总额约为10亿美元。C&N的普通股在纳斯达克资本市场证券交易所交易,代码为CZNC。截至2022年11月4日,公司市值为3.72亿美元。2022年11月4日的收盘价为23.98美元,相当于截至2022年9月30日的9个月的年化收益的14.9倍,相当于2022年9月30日每股有形普通股账面价值的203%。根据最近季度每股0.28美元的股息和2022年11月4日的收盘价,年化股息率为4.67%。 C&N专营权 5


CZNC(29) CZNC LPO(1) 邻近County Elk Tioga York Potter Steuben Berks Bradford Lycoming Clinton Warren Allegany Clearfield McKean Luzerne Cattaraugus Bucks Lancaster Tioga Chester Ontario Adams Yates Burlington Dauphin{运营的县Br}Livingston Susquehanna Sullivan Union Tompkins Lehigh Cumberland Wyoming Chemung Lebanon Schuyler Columbia Cameron Hunterdon Montgomery Mercer Northumberland Northampton Delaware Montour Current分支机构足迹 6


(1) 来源:Procus.gov/QuickFact (2) 家庭收入中位数(以2020美元为单位),2016年 - 2020年 7 市场Demographic Information Northern Tier 15% Southeastern PA 46% Southcentral PA 39% Northern层 宾夕法尼亚州东南部 中南部人口数据 地区 人口 估计, 7月1日,2021年(1)占总人口的 % C&N市场估计 中位数 家庭 收入(1,2) 北方Tier 373,901 14.54% Southeastern PA 1,184,747 46.08% Southcentral PA 1,012,348 39.38% 2,570,996 100.00% 斯图本县北部,NY 92,948 3.62% $55,349 Bradford县,PA 59,892 2.33% $52,375 Cameron县,PA 4,459 0.17% $40,342 Lycoming县,PA 113,605 4.42% $54,906 McKean县,PA 39,941 1.55% $49,240 Potter县,PA 16,259 0.63% $47,696 Sullivan县,PA 5,868 0.23% $49,830 Tioga县,PA 40,929 1.59% $51,838 373,901 14.54% Southeastern PA 雄鹿County 646,098 25.13% $93,181 Chester County 538,649 20.95% $104,161 1,184,747 46.08% Southcentral PA 兰开斯特County 553,652 21.53% $69,588 York County 458,696 17.84% $68,940 1,012,348 39.38%


经验丰富的 管理团队,拥有 并购的良好业绩记录 8


9 经验丰富的管理团队 姓名 职位 年银行业工作经验 公民和北方人 J.布拉德利·斯科维尔 总裁和首席执行官 31 7 马克·休斯 首席财务官 22 马修·鲍尔 1 首席财富管理官 32 亚历山大·巴拉格尔 首席信息官 9 1 Shelley D‘Haene 首席数字和支付官 23 斯坦·邓斯莫尔 首席信贷官 38 15 Harold(Hal)Hoose 首席营收官 32 25 John Reber 首席风险官 30 18 Thomas L.Rudy,小 首席交付官兼北部区域 总裁 23 23 布莱尔·拉什 宾夕法尼亚州东南部区域总裁 41 2 C&N首席人力资源Officer 19 19 Total 268 155 • Total董事会和管理层持股比例约为3.5%。 马修·鲍尔于2022年2月加入C&N


10 当前战略重点 来源:公司文件 · 我们知道和理解的目标业务细分市场 · 在较新的市场建立关系模型方面取得了重大进展 · 将数字与个人/实体访问相结合 关系银行模型 · 开始收获最近投资的成果 · 继续实施补充 Fiserv/DNA核心和第二季度网络银行平台的产品和服务 数字化转型 · 正在进行的董事会更新,包括2021年新增成员2名 和2022年退休成员1名;特里·雷曼于2021年被任命为董事长 · 最近招聘的关键职位的高管,首席信息官(2021年)和首席财富管理官(2022年) · 继续专注于跨公司领域的发展和继任 领导层,管理和董事会发展 · 进一步部署强大的资本基础 · 有机增长 · 多个业务线 · 机会主义并购 - 银行和财富 增长战略 · 对人员、新市场和技术进行战略投资 · 保持稳健的收益表现和风险状况 · 继续通过每股收益增长、分红和股票回购 股东价值 使股票得到公平估值


· 云迁移 · 到今年年底,银行数据中心将100%迁移到Amazon Web Services,Inc.(AWS),从而降低运营风险并增加灵活性 · 积极寻求一流的软件即服务(SaaS)解决方案,如Salesforce,以加速业务流程转型和云技术采用 · Data&Analytics · 由Snowflake提供支持的中央数据仓库,现已投入运行并支持业务关键型数据处理和分析应用程序 · 推出了9个Qlik Sense分析应用程序,以支持商业贷款、存款和交易分析 业务应用程序和集成(应用程序编程接口或API) · 通过集成应用程序并通过移动/在线应用程序(例如SmartMoney、Autobook、CareFull)向 客户提供更多服务,专注于数字客户体验 · Salesforce Financial Services Cloud(FSC)已投入生产,最初重点是提高工作流程效率 估计每月可节省260小时以上的劳动力 · 组织结构不断发展 · 技术、运营和数字部门正在转型,以支持敏捷性、客户至上和执行速度 11 战略技术计划和数字转型


持续强劲的 盈利能力和 多元化收入 流 12


13 2022年9月30日的汇总统计数据 总资产 $24亿 净贷款 $16.74亿 总存款 $20.4亿 有形普通股权益 1 $1.833亿 唐。普通股/唐。资产 1 7.82% 一级资本比率 13.48% 总风险资本 15.80% 贷款损失准备/总贷款 贷款损失准备+购入非贷款的信用调整 - 减值 贷款/总贷款+信用调整 1.08% 不良资产 2 /资产 0.87% 不良资产不包括截至9月30日的9个月的PCI贷款/总资产 0.71% ,2022: 年化平均资产回报率 1.06% 年化平均股本回报率 9.20% 年平均有形普通股权益回报率 1 11.55% 效率比 1 64.16% 每股收益 $1.21 每股账面价值 $15.41 每股有形账面价值 1 $11.83 GAAP对非 - GAAP对账 ?定义为非 - 应计贷款+所有逾期90天的贷款+OREO


14 第三季度财务亮点 来源:公司文件;截至2022年9月30日的财务数据 浓缩合并 收益信息 (千美元,除每股Data) (Unaudited) 3RD 3RD {外Br} QUARTER QUARTER 2022 2021 (Current) (Prior Year) $ Incr. (Decr.) % Incr. (Decr.) Interest和股息收入 $ 23,710 $ 21,073 $ 2,637 12.51 % Interest费用 2,831 1,614 1,217 75.40 % Net利息收入 20,879 19,459 1,贷款损失420 7.30 % Provision 3,794 1,530 2,264 147.97 % Net扣除贷款损失准备后的利息收入 17,085 17,929 (844) (4.71) % Noninterest收入 5,651 6,359 (708) (11.13) % Net在 - 可用 - 销售债务Securities 20 23 {br上的收益} (3) (13.04) % Noninterest费用 17,443 15,346 2, 097 13.66 % Income所得税前准备 5,313 8,965 (3,652) (40.74) % Income Tax Provision 858 1,566 (708) (45.21) % Net收入 $ 4,455 $ 7,399 $ (2,普通股应占944) (39.79) % Net收入(1) $ 4,416 $ 7,336 $ (2,920) (39.80) % PER普通股DATA: Net收入 - 基本{Br} $ 0.29 $ 0.47 $ (0.18) (38.30) % Net收入 - 稀释 $每股 0.29 $ 0.47 $ (0.18) (38.30) % Dividends $ 0.28 {在br}$ 0.28 $ 0.00 0.00 % Number中使用的份额的Computation - Basic 15,364075 15,703,932 Number of Shares Used in Computation - Diluted 15,367,189 15,710,345 (1) Basic和稀释后每股普通股净收入是根据净收入减去分配给具有不可没收股息的非既得性限制性股票的收益而确定的。


15 截至2022年9月30日的9个月 财务要点 来源:公司文件;截至2022年9月30日的财务数据 浓缩合并 收益信息 (千美元,除每股Data) (Unaudited) NINE月ENDED September 30,外 2022 2021 (Current) (Prior Year) $ Incr. (Decr.) % Incr. (Decr.) Interest和股息收入 $ 66,792 $ 63,255 $ 3,537 5.59 % Interest费用 5,956 5,032 924 18.36 % Net利息收入 60836 58,223 2,贷款损失613 4.49 % Provision 4、993 2、533 2、460 97.12 % Net扣除贷款损失准备后的利息收入 55,843 55,690 153 0.27 % Noninterest收入 18302 19,441 (1,139) (5.86) % Net在 - 可用 - 销售债务Securities 21 25 (4) {上的收益Br}(16.00) % 非利息支出 51,368 46,454 4, 914 10.58 % Income所得税前准备 22,798 28,702 (5,904) (20.57) % Income税金规定 3,959 5,456 (1,497) (27.44) % Net收入 $ 18,839 $ 23,246 $ (4普通股的407) (18.96) % Net收入(1) $ 18,670 $ 23,057 $ (4,387) (19.03) % PER普通股DATA: Net收入 - 基本{Br} $ 1.21 $ 1.46 $ (0.25) (17.12) % Net收入 - 稀释 {每股br}$ 1.21 $ 1.46 $ (0.25) (17.12) % Dividends $ 0.84{在br} $ 0.83 $ 0.01 1.20 % Number中使用的份额的Computation - Basic 15,482672 15,806,897 Number of Shares Used in Computation - Diluted 15,485,948 15,813,129 (1) Basic和稀释后每股普通股净收入是根据净收入减去分配给具有不可没收股息的非既得性限制性股票的收益而确定的。


16 强劲的历史盈利能力 净收益(百万美元) 效率比率(%) ROAA(%) 净息差(%) 年化 2) 参考附录中非公认会计准则对账页面 来源:S&P Global Market Intelligence GAAP Non - GAAP Adjusted 2 GAAP Non - GAAP Adjusted 2 $22.0 $19.5 $19.2 $30.6 $25.1 $20.4 $22.8 $26.5 2018Y 2019Y 2020Y 2021Y 2022 Q3 YTD¹ 1.72 1.27 0.96 1.32 1.06 1.60 1.48{Br}1.32 2018Y 2019Y 2020Y 2021Y 2022 Q3年初至今


17 净息差趋势 净息差(%) 来源:公司文件


18 平均贷款收益率和存款成本 1) 采购会计 - 平均贷款收益率和存款成本的计算不包括相关调整。 2) 平均贷款收益率计算不包括PPP贷款 3) 无息 - 平均存款成本的计算包括计息和计息 - 来源:公司文件


19 存款Beta 1) 采购会计 - 平均存款成本的计算不包括相关调整。 2) 存款Beta是当前周期的累计;联邦基金目标利率为 - 期末 - 期值


20 多元化收入:有意义的 手续费收入贡献 1) 年化财务数据 2) 年化纳税申报单 - 证券和贷款按全额计税 - 等值按21%边际公司税率列报。 来源:Company Documents 2018Y 2019Y 2020Y 2021Y 2022 Q3 YTD 信托收入 $5,838 $6,106 $6,321 $7,234 $5,245 Brokerage和保险Revenue 1,123 1,433 1,486 1,860 1,784 Service对存款Accounts 5,171 5,358 4,231 4,633 3,662 Interchange的收费借记卡的收入Transactions 2,546 2,754 3,094 3,855 3,050 Net销售贷款的收益 682 924{5,403 3,428 733 贷款服务费,Net 347 100 (61) 694 757 Increase in现金退还人寿价值Insurance 394 402 515 573 405 Other非利息Income 2,496 2,207 3,355 3,580 2,666 Total非利息收入,不包括已实现的Gains $18,597 $19,284 $24,344 $25,857 $18,302 Total:净利息Income 2 $47,004 $55,532 $68,545 $79,074 $61,759 Plus:非利息收入,不包括已实现的Gains $18,597 $19,284 $24,344 $25,857 $18,302 Operating Revenue $65,601 $74,816 $92,889 $104,931 $80,061 Total非利息收入/营业收入(%) 28.35% 25.78% 26.21% 24.64% 22.86% Total非利息收入/平均资产(%) 1.46% 1.25% 1.21% 1.11% 1.03% 1 千美元


21 目标资产负债表增长 总资产(百万美元) 存款总额(百万美元) 贷款和租赁总额(百万美元) 总股本($M) CAGR¹: 18.0% CAGR¹: 19.9% Actual(不含购买力平价) 购买力平价贷款 1) 2018Y至2022Q3计算的复合年增长率 2) 附录中非公认会计准则对账页面的参考 来源:S&P Global Market Intelligence 90% 94% 80% CAGR¹: 21.0% 83% CAGR¹: 5.2% $197 $244 $300 $301 $239 2018Y 2019Y 2020Y 2021Y 2022Q3 $828 $1,182 $1,644 $1,565 $1,690 $1,538 $1,512 $132 $27 $2 $1,688 2018Y 2019Y 2020Y 2021Y 2022Q3 $1,291 $1,654 $2,239 $2,328 $2,400 2018Y 2019Y 2020Y 2021Y 2022Q3 $ 1,034 $ 1,253 $ 1,820 $ 1,925 $ 2,040 2018Y 2019Y 2020Y 2021Y 2022Q3


平衡贷款 资产质量良好的投资组合 22


· 跨贷款产品和地域的多元化策略 · 基于关系的贷款策略,具有浓厚的信用文化 · 贷款的MRQ收益率为4.91%,或4.78% 不包括购买力平价和采购会计 相关收入 23 多元化贷款策略和 投资组合 2022Q3 总Loans: $1,690M Breakdown By Geography 2022Q3 Commercial Loans: $1,082M Nonowner - Occupied RE 26% C&I 10% Owner - Occupied RE{Br}13% PPP 0% Residential 35% Other 11% C&D 5% Northern Tier 42% Southeast PA 48% South Central PA 6% Other 4% Nonowner - Occupied RE 40% 所有者 - 占用RE 21% 商业文件和Industrial 16% Multi - Family Residential 5% Political Subdivisions 8% Commercial Construction 7% Other Commercial 3% Source:公司文件;截至2022年9月30日的财务数据


24 一致且覆盖良好的 资产质量指标 1) 将GAAP引用到非 - 附录中的GAAP对帐页面 2) YTD 2022Q3中的净费用 - 已按年率计算此比率。 来源:标普全球市场情报和公司文件 NPA/Assets(%) 贷款损失准备金/总贷款(%) NCOS 2 /Avg。贷款(%) 贷款损失准备/NCOS(%) 1.37 0.80 1.10 0.94 0.87 0.78 (Excluding PCI) 1 0.80 (不包括PCI) 1 0.66 (不包括PCI) 1 0.71 (不包括PCI) 1 2018Y 2019Y 2020Y 2021Y 2022Q3 0.02 0.03 0.16 0.09 0.20 2018Y 2019Y 2020Y 2021Y 2022Q3 1.12 0.83 0.69 0.87 0.96 1.15 (Credit折扣(不含)PPP) 1 1.10 (信用折扣和出口Ppp ) 1 1.08 (信用折扣& ex.PPP) 1 2018Y 2019Y 2020Y 2021Y 2022Q3 446 264 166 243 212 2018Y 2019Y 2020Y 2021Y 2022Q3 YTD YTD


稳定、低成本的 - 核心成本 存款专营权 25


26 强核心存款基础 来源:公司文件;截至2022年9月30日的财务数据 · 不含定期和经纪的存款总额为17.4亿美元,占截至2022年9月30日的9个月存款成本的85.2% · 0.27%计息存款 - 计息存款5.58亿美元, 占总存款的27.3% 2022Q3 总存款: $20.4亿 Mmda&Savings 33.5% Noninterest - Bearing Demand 27.3% Interest - Bearing Demand 24.3% Time


资料来源:联邦存款保险公司存款摘要;截至2022年6月30日的数据 27 传统市场的强劲表现支持我们继续向更新、增长更快的Markets Northern Tier 75% Southeastern PA 24% Southcentral PA 1% Northern层扩展 宾夕法尼亚州东南部 宾夕法尼亚州南中部 截至6月30日的总存款($000) 2022 区域 C&N 矿藏占总矿藏的 % 总市场 矿藏 C&N市场 份额 北层1,486,164 75.00% 8,576,355 17.33% 东南部 474,800 23.96% 45,021, 035年 1.05%618 1.04% 26,943,541 0.08%1,981,582 100.00% 80,540,931 2.46% 北层 斯图本县, 57,979 2.93% 1,343,758 4.31% 布拉德福德县,宾夕法尼亚州 511,099 25.79% 1,539,720 33.19% 卡梅隆县,宾夕法尼亚州 33,799 93,583 36.12% 莱康明县,宾夕法尼亚州 249,600 12.60% 3,034,007 8.23% 麦基恩县,宾夕法尼亚州 12,262 0.62% 964,362 1.27% 73,598 3.71% 344,450 21.37% 沙利文县,宾夕法尼亚州 117,266 5.92% 169,688 69.11% 蒂奥加县,宾夕法尼亚州 430,561 21.73% 1,086,787 62% 1486,164 75.00% 8,576,355 17.33% 宾夕法尼亚州东南部 雄鹿县 465,814 23.51% 26,335,643 1.77% 切斯特县 8,986 0.45% 18,685,392 0.05% 474,800 23.96% 45,021,035 1.05% 兰开斯特县 2,390 0.12% 16,148,446 0.01% 约克县 18,228 0.92% 10,795,095 0.17% 20,618 1.04% 26,943,541 0.08%


强大的资本状况 支持增长战略和分红 28


29 控股公司 资本比率 TCE/TA(%) 一级资本比率(%) 杠杆率(%) 总红细胞比率(%) 来源:公司Documents 14.5 13.2 11.2 10.8 7.8 2018Y 2019Y 2020Y 2021Y 2022Q3 14.8 13.1 10.3 10.5 10.0 2018Y 2019Y 2020Y 2021Y 2022Q3 23.2 19.2 15.6 15.2 13.5 2018Y 2019Y 2020Y 2021Y 2022Q3 24.4 20.7 17.5 18.2 15.8 2018Y 2019Y 2020Y 2021Y 2022Q3


30 银行级别 资本比率 一级资本比率(%) 杠杆率(%) 总红细胞比率(%) 来源:Company Documents 20.6 17.8 15.2 15.1 13.8 2018Y 2019Y 2020Y 2021Y 2022Q3 13.2 12.2 10.1 10.5{Br}10.3 2018Y 2019Y 2020Y 2021Y 2022Q3 21.8 18.8 16.0 16.0 14.7 2018Y 2019Y 2020Y 2021Y 2022Q3


谢谢您 31


附录 32


• J . Bradley Scovill - Mr . Scovill has served as President and Chief Executive Officer of the Corporation and Citizens & Northern Bank (the “Bank”) since March 2 , 2015 . Prior to joining the Corporation and Bank, Mr . Scovill most recently served as President and Chief Operating Officer of Kish Bancorp, Inc . and Kish Bank headquartered in Belleville, 宾夕法尼亚州, where he was an executive for more than five ( 5 ) years . Prior to Kish, Mr . Scovill held various executive management positions with both PNC Bank and Sterling Financial Corporation, 总部位于兰开斯特, Pennsylvania . Mr . Scovill received a Bachelor of Science degree in Finance from The Pennsylvania State University . • Mark Hughes - Mr . Hughes serves as Treasurer Of the Corporation and Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of the Bank . Mr . Hughes served as Interim President and Chief Executive Officer of the Corporation and 银行 从 8月 12 2014年 至 3月 1 2015 。 生效 3月2 2015 , Mr . Hughes resigned from the positions of Interim President and Chief Executive Officer of the Corporation and Bank and was appointed to the positions he had formerly held as Treasurer of the Corporation since November 2000 and Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of the Bank since August 2000 . Mr . Hughes is a CPA licensed in Pennsylvania . Mr . Hughes received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Accounting from Lycoming College . • Matthew Bower - Mr . Bower has served as Executive Vice President and Chief Wealth Management Officer of the Bank since February 2022 . Prior to joining the Bank, Mr . Bower served as a Managing Director at PNC’s Wealth Management Group in Atlanta, GA, where he led the team in delivering industry - leading results in client end employee satisfaction for 13 years . Mr . Bower received a Masters of Jurisprudence from Texas A&M University, School of Law in Fort Worth, TX, completed the Stanford Graduate School of Business’s Executive Leadership Program and received a Bachelor of Science degree in Political Science from Florida State University . Mr . Bower has{Br}several FINRA Licensures and has earned designations as a Certified Trust and Financial Advisor (CTFA), Certified Securities Operations Professional (CSOP) and a Chartered Wealth Manager (CWM) . • Alexander Balagour - Mr . Balagour has served as Executive Vice President and Chief Information Officer of the Bank since May 2021 . Prior to joining the Bank, Mr . Balagour most recently served as the Chief Information Officer at Customers Bank in Reading, PA, where he led the organization through the transformation of their sales and lending technology, data analytics and customer experience . Mr . Balagour received a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science from Arcadia University, where he earned the Sigma Zeta Award in Computer Science, given to the top - graduating student for academic excellence . He went on to receive his Executive Masters in Technology Management from Wharton School and School of Engineering From the University of Pennsylvania . 33 Executive官员传记


• Shelley D’Haene - Executive Vice President, Chief Digital Channels and Payments Officer of the Bank since February 2021 ; formerly Executive Vice President, Senior Operations Officer since January 2015 ; and Executive Vice President and Director of Alternative Delivery Channels of the Bank since January 2013 and Vice President and Cash Management Coordinator of the Bank since February 2006 after joining the Bank in 1999 . Shelley is a graduate of PBA School of Banking and PBA Advanced School of Banking . • Stan Dunsmore - Mr . Dunsmore has served as Executive Vice President and Chief Credit Officer of the Bank since January 2015 . Previously, Mr . Dunsmore served as Vice President and Commercial Loan Sales Officer of the Bank since May 2007 . Prior to the May 2007 acquisition of Citizens Trust Company 由 公民 和 北方银行, Mr . Dunsmore served as Vice President and Chief Lending Officer of Citizens Trust Company since 1995 . Mr . Dunsmore received a Bachelor of Science degree in Management Science from Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania . • Harold (Hal) Hoose - Executive Vice President and Chief Revenue Officer of the Bank since February 2021 ; formerly Executive Vice President and Director of Lending of the Bank since March of 2005 . Prior to becoming the Director of Lending, Mr . Hoose was a regional commercial relationship manager for C&N since August of 1997 . Prior to that, Mr . Hoose began his banking career in 1990 as a management trainee with Commonwealth Bank (Williamsport PA) and moved to the credit/lending area of the bank in April 1993 . Mr . Hoose received his Bachelor of Science degree from Mansfield University and completed the Graduate School of Banking at the University of Colorado . • John Reber - Executive Vice President and Chief Risk Management Officer of the Bank since February 2021 ; formerly Executive Vice President and Director of Risk Management of the Bank since January 2011 ; formerly Vice President and Director of Risk Management of the Bank since June 2004 . Prior to joining C&N, Mr . Reber held various staff and management positions in credit, lending and risk management with SunBank, 总部位于路易斯堡, Pennsylvania . Mr . Reber received a Bachelor of Science degree in Finance from Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania . • Thomas L . Rudy, Jr . - Executive Vice President, Chief Delivery Officer and Region President of the Bank since February 2021 ; formerly Executive Vice President and Director of Branch Delivery of the Bank since February 2004 ; President of C&N Financial Services Corporation since January 2000 ; President of Bucktail Life Insurance Company since May 2018 . Mr . Rudy received a Bachelor of Science degree in Finance from The Pennsylvania State University and is a graduate of the ABA Graduate School of Banking at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania . 34 Executive官员传记


• Blair Rush - Executive Vice President and Southeast Region President of the Bank since February 2021 ; formerly Southeast Region President of the Bank since July 2020 with the acquisition of Covenant Bank . Prior to his employment with C&N, Mr . Rush most recently served as President & Chief Operating Officer of Covenant Bank since April 2016 . Prior to this time, he was the Eastern Region President with National Penn Bank . He joined National Penn through their acquisition of FirstService Bank in February 2003 , where he was an Executive Vice President and was one of four original officers of the de novo FirstService Bank . Prior to FirstService Bank, Blair was a Vice President with CoreStates and Bucks County Bank where he started his forty - year banking career . Blair is a graduate of Delaware Valley College with a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration and the Pennsylvania Bankers Association’s Central Atlantic Advanced School of Banking . • Tracy Watkins - Ms . Watkins has served as Executive Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer of the Bank since February 2021 . Executive Vice President and Director of Human Resources of the Bank since January 2018 ; formerly Vice President and Director of Human Resources of the Bank since 2010 , and HRIS (Human Resources Information System) & Employee Relations Manager since 2005 after joining Citizens & Northern Bank in 2003 . Ms . Watkins holds a B . S{Br}. in English/Secondary Education from Juniata College, a Certificate from The Institute for Paralegal Training in Philadelphia, PA and is a Graduate of the PBA Advanced School of Banking and The Graduate School of Banking Human Resource Management School as well as being a Certified Employee 收益 专家 (CEBS - RPA, GBA) and Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR) . 35 Executive官员传记


36 Consolidated Historical Balance Sheet Source: Company Documents At Year Ended At Quarter Ended 2019Y 2020Y 2021Y 2022Q1 2022Q2 2022Q3 Assets ($000) Total Cash and Cash Due from Banks 35,202 101,857 104,948 114,346 69,187 64,044 Available for Sale Debt Securities 346,723 349,332 517,679 532,913 526,837 487,980 Total Cash & Securities 381,925 451,189 622,627 647,259 596,024 552,024 Gross Loans Held for Investment 1,182,222 1,644,209 1,564,849 1,538,190 1,657,604 1,690,246 Loan Loss Reserve (9,836) (11,385) (13,537) (14,271) (14,547) (16,170) Total Net Loans 1,172,386 1,632,824 1,551,312 1,523,919 1,643,057 1,674,076 OREO 2,886 1,338 684 531 505 454 Total Servicing Rights 1,277 1,689 2,329 2,429 2,640 2,649 Bank Premises and Equipment, Net 17,170 21,526 20,683 21,169 21,829 21,881 Bank-owned Life Insurance 18,641 30,096 30,669 30,804 30,941 31,074 Goodwill and Core Deposit Intangible, Net 28,388 56,356 55,821 55,711 55,602 55,492 Total Other Assets 31,472 44,082 43,523 48,549 60,120 62,530 Total Assets 1,654,145 2,239,100 2,327,648 2,330,371 2,410,718 2,400,180 3 3 3 Liabilities ($000) Non-Interest Bearing 285,904 465,332 521,206 552,255 552,767 557,769 Interest Bearing 966,756 1,355,137 1,403,854 1,408,697 1,411,503 1,481,826 Total Deposits 1,252,660 1,820,469 1,925,060 1,960,952 1,964,270 2,039,595 FHLB Borrowings 136,419 72,674 28,042 20,581 125,291 55,463 Senior and Subordinated Debt 6,500 16,553 47,710 47,748 39,286 39,329 Total Other Liabilities 14,114 29,648 25,431 24,882 23,252 27,004 Total Liabilities 1,409,693 1,939,344 2,026,243 2,054,163 2,152,099 2,161,391 Equity ($000) Equity, Excluding AOCI (1) 240,761 287,961 296,379 296,386 294,621 295,258 AOCI (1) 3,691 11,795 5,026 (20,178) (36,002) (56,469) Total Equity 244,452 299,756 301,405 276,208 258,619 238,789 Total Liabilities and Equity 1,654,145 2,239,100 2,327,648 2,330,371 2,410,718 2,400,180 (1) Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss)


37 合并历史损益表 来源:截至本年度的公司文件 截至 2019Y 2020Y 2021Y 2022年9月30日 净利息收入 54,488 67,565 77,939 60,836 3,913 3,661 4,993 信托收入 6106 6,321 7,234 5,245 经纪和保险收入 1,433 1,486 1,860 1,784 存款账户手续费 5,690 4,231 4,633 3,662 借记卡交易交换收入 2,754 3,094 3,855 3,050 销售贷款的净收益 924 5,403 3,428 733 贷款服务费,净 100 (61) 694 757 人寿Insurance 402 515 573 405 Other非利息收入现金退还价值增加 1,875 3,355 3,580 2,666 非利息收入总额 19,284 24,344 25,857 18,302 薪酬福利 26,481 33,062 37,603 31,698 非利息支出总额,不包括提前偿还借款的损失和与合并有关的费用 45,438 55,609 62,472 51,368 证券已实现收益 23 169 24 21 提前还款亏损 - 1,636 - - 合并相关费用 4,099 7,708 - - 税前净收益 23,409 23,212 37,687 22,798 税前准备 3,905 3,990 7,133 3,959 净收益 19,504 19,222 30,554 18,839


38 净息差趋势明细 来源:公司文件 净息差趋势 (千美元) 3个月 结束 结束 利率of 12/31/2021 12/31/2021 Return/ 3/31/2022 3/31/2022 Return/ 6/30/2022 6/30/2022 Return/ 9/30/2022 9/30/2022 Return/ Average Quarterly Cost为 平均 季度 余额成本 公司/支出 资金% 余额 Inc./Exp 资金% 美国公认会计准则下的平均总收益资产和净利息收入 $2,175,754 $19,716 3.60%$2,168,594 $20,332 3.80% $2,210,210 $19,625 3.56% $2,277,580 $20,879 3.64% Add:对 免税贷款的全额应税等值(FTE)调整 免税贷款的securities 179 183 191 179 Add:全额等值(FTE)调整 123 119 121 130 净息差,FTE 2,175,754 20,018 3.65% 2,168,594 20,634 3.86% 2,210,210 19,937 3.62% 2,277,580 21,188 3.69%。购买力平价贷款的利息和费用 40,022 1,644 18,849 575 9,272 206 4,695 118 净息差,不包括购买力平价 2,135,732 18,374 3.41% 2,149,745 20,059 3.78% 2,200,938 19,731 3.60% 2,272,731 3.60% 2885 21,070 3.68%减少:采购会计调整(PAA): 贷款的PAA (4,074) 433 (3,836) 1,703 (3,525) 412 (3,552) 486 定期存款的PAA 60 39 33 借款的PAA 114 81 55 54 次级债务的PAA 4 0 总计PAA (4,074) 627 (3,836) 1,848 (3,525) 510 (3,525)552) 573 净息差, 不包括PPP和PPA (非GAAP) $2,139,806 $17,747 3.29% $2,153,581 $18,211 3.43% $2,204,463 $19,221 3.50% $2,276,437 $20,497 3.57% 摘要: 净息差,不包括购买力平价和购买力平价 购买力平价对(Non-GAAP) 3.29% 3.43% 3.50% 3.57% Marginal的影响 0.24% 0.07% 0.02% 0.01% 总净息差,FTE 3.65% 3.86% 3.62% 3.69%


39 Average Loan Yield and Deposit Cost Details Source: Company Documents Average Loan Yield and Deposit Cost Reconciliation of US GAAP to Non-GAAP Presentation (Dollars in Thousands) 3 Months 3 Months 3 Months 3 Months Ended Rate of Ended Rate of Ended Rate of Ended Rate of 12/31/2021 12/31/2021 Return/ 3/31/2022 3/31/2022 Return/ 6/30/2022 6/30/2022 Return/ 9/30/2022 9/30/2022 Return/ Average Quarterly Cost of Average Quarterly Cost of Average Quarterly Cost of Average Quarterly Cost of Balance Inc/Exp Funds % Balance Inc/Exp Funds % Balance Inc/Exp Funds % Balance Inc/Exp Funds % Interest and fees on loans under U.S. GAAP $1,554,393 $18,924 4.83% $1,547,861 $19,003 4.98% $1,588,884 $18,394 4.64% $1,674,270 $20,590 4.88% Add: Fully taxable-equivalent (FTE) adjustment on tax-exempt loans 123 119 121 130 Total Interest and fees on loans, FTE equivalent 1,554,393 19,047 4.86% 1,547,861 19,122 5.01% 1,588,884 18,515 4.67% 1,674,270 20,720 4.91% Less; Interest and fees on PPP loans 40,022 1,644 18,849 575 9,272 206 4,695 118 Purchase accounting-related adjustments (PAA): Yield adjustment on non-impaired loans (461) (264) (718) (248) (907) 19 (889) 5 Credit adjustment on non-impaired loans (3,613) 501 (3,118) 553 (2,618) 379 (2,663) 308 Income from repayments received on purchased credit impaired (PCI) loans in excess of prior recorded investment 196 1,398 14 173 Total PAA (4,074) 433 (3,836) 1,703 (3,525) 412 (3,552) 486 Total interest and fees on loans excluding PPP loans and PPA (non-GAAP) $1,518,445 $16,970 4.43% $1,532,848 $16,844 4.46% $1,583,137 $17,897 4.53% $1,673,127 $20,116 4.77% Total interest-bearing deposits $1,409,409 $980 0.28% $1,402,604 $910 0.26% $1,405,984 $1,130 0.32% $1,441,467 $1,972 0.54% Noninterest-bearing Demand deposits 523,817 0 529,077 0 557,007 0 557,116 0 Total deposits 1,933,226 980 0.20% 1,931,681 910 0.19% 1,962,991 1,130 0.23% 1,998,583 1,972 0.39% PAA on time deposits 217 (76) 149 (60) 102 (39) 85 (33) Total deposits excluding PAA (Non-GAAP) $1,933,009 $1,056 0.22% $1,931,532 $970 0.20% $1,962,889 $1,169 0.24% $1,998,498 $2,005 0.40%


40 Deposit Beta Details Source: Company Documents Deposit Beta Analysis Reconciliation of US GAAP to Non-GAAP Presentation (Dollars in Thousands) 3 Months 3 Months 3 Months 3 Months Ended Rate of Ended Rate of Ended Rate of Ended Rate of 12/31/2021 12/31/2021 Return/ 3/31/2022 3/31/2022 Return/ 6/30/2022 6/30/2022 Return/ 9/30/2022 9/30/2022 Return/ Average Quarterly Cost of Average Quarterly Cost of Average Quarterly Cost of Average Quarterly Cost of Balance Inc/Exp Funds % Balance Inc/Exp Funds % Balance Inc/Exp Funds % Balance Inc/Exp Funds % Total interest-bearing deposits $1,409,409 $980 0.28% $1,402,604 $910 0.26% $1,405,984 $1,130 0.32% $1,441,467 $1,972 0.54% PAA on time deposits 217 (76) 149 (60) 102 (39) 85 (33) Total interest-bearing deposits excluding PAA (non-GAAP) 1,409,192 1,056 0.30% 1,402,455 970 0.28% 1,405,882 1,169 0.33% 1,441,382 2,005 0.55% Noninterest-bearing Demand deposits 523,817 0 529,077 0 557,007 0 557,116 0 Total deposits excluding PAA (Non-GAAP) $1,933,009 $1,056 0.22% $1,931,532 $970 0.20% $1,962,889 $1,169 0.24% $1,998,498 $2,005 0.40% Cumulative Increase (Decrease) in Average Cost: Total Interest-bearing Deposits (1) -0.02% 0.05% 0.27% Total Deposits (1) -0.02% 0.04% 0.20% Deposit Beta (1) / (2): Total Interest-bearing Deposits 4% 10% Total Deposits 3% 7% Fed Funds Target Rate - High End of Range as of End of the Period 0.25% 0.50% 1.75% 3.25% Cumulative Increase in Fed Funds Rate as Compared to 3/31/2022 (2) 1.25% 2.75%


Investment Portfolio Characteristics as of September 30, 2022 41 Securities Portfolio 1) Municipal portfolio credit quality information is summarized based on amortized cost values. Ratings are assigned to each security based on the lowest enhanced or underlying rating from Moody’s, S&P or Fitch. Source: Company Documents; Financial data as of September 30, 2022 • Book Value: $559.8 Million • Market Value $488.0 Million • 100% of portfolio is investment grade Composite Quality (%) Current AAA 19% Prerefunded 5% AA 69% A 7% NR Municipal Portfolio Characteristics as of September 30, 2022 1 Municipal 38% Agency MBS - Residential 29% Agency MBS Commercial 16% US Treasuries 7% US Government Agencies 4% Private Label Commercial MBS 1% Bank Holding Company Debt Securities 5%


42 Securities Portfolio, continued The composition of the available - for - sale debt securities portfolio at September 30, 2022, December 31, 2021 and December 31, 2020 is as follows: The unrealized decrease in fair value of the portfolio in the first nine months of 2022 and in 2021 resulted from an increase in interest rates . M anagement reviewed the Corporation’s holdings as of September 30 , 2022 and concluded there were no credit - related declines in fair value and that the unrealized losses on all of the securities in an unrealized loss position are considered temporary . (Dollars In Thousands) September 30, 2022 December 31, 2021 December 31, 2020 Amortized Fair Amortized Fair Amortized Fair Cost Value Cost Value Cost Value Obligations of the U.S. Treasury $ 35,155 $ 31,599 $ 25,058 $ 24,912 $ 12,184 $ 12,182 Obligations of U.S. Government agencies 23,939 21,389 23,936 24,091 25,349 26,344 Bank holding company debt securities 28,944 25,432 18,000 17,987 0 0 Obligations of states and political subdivisions: Tax - exempt 146,847 126,710 143,427 148,028 116,427 122,401 Taxable 69,902 58,317 72,182 72,765 45,230 47,452 Mortgage - backed securities issued or guaranteed by U.S. Government agencies or sponsored agencies: Residential pass - through securities 116,833 102,739 98,048 98,181 36,853 38,176 Residential collateralized mortgage obligations 44,075 39,632 44,015 44,247 56,048 57,467 Commercial mortgage - backed securities 89,349 77,383 86,926 87,468 42,461 45,310 Private label commercial mortgage - backed securities 4,793 4,779 0 0 0 0 Total Available - for - Sale Debt Securities $ 559,837 $ 487,980 $ 511,592 $ 517,679 $ 334,552 $ 349,332 Aggregate Unrealized (Loss) Gain $ (71,857) $ 6,087 $ 14,780 Aggregate Unrealized (Loss) Gain as a % of Amortized Cost (12.8) % 1.2 % 4.4 % Market Yield on 5 - Year U.S. Treasury Obligations (a) 4.06 % 1.26 % 0.36 % (a) Source: Treasury.gov (Daily Treasury Par Yield Curve Rates)


43 Asset - sensitive Interest Rate Risk Profile Citizens & Northern uses a simulation model to calculate the potential effects of interest rate fluctuations on net interest income and the economic value of portfolio equity . The projected results include the impact of estimates, at each level of interest rate change, regarding cash flows from principal repayments on loans and mortgage - backed securities and call activity on other investment securities . Actual results could vary significantly from these estimates, which could result in significant differences in the calculations of projected changes in net interest income and economic value of equity . As shown in the table below, C&N models as asset - sensitive. September 30, 2022 Data (In Thousands) Period Ending September 30, 2023 Basis Point Interest Interest Net Interest NII NII Change in Rates Income Expense Income (NII) % Change Risk Limit +400 $ 122,856 $ 25,997 $ 96,859 11.9 % 25.0 % +300 116,812 22,596 94,216 8.9 % 20.0 % +200 111,011 19,194 91,817 6.1 % 15.0 % +100 104,967 15,792 89,175 3.1 % 10.0 % 0 98,912 12,390 86,522 0.0 % 0.0 % - 100 92,780 9,709 83,071 (4.0) % 10.0 % - 200 86,905 8,387 78,518 (9.3) % 15.0 % Economic Value of Equity at September 30, 2022 Present Present Present Basis Point Value Value Value Change in Rates Equity % Change Risk Limit +400 $ 496,614 4.1 % 50.0 % +300 491,836 3.1 % 45.0 % +200 490,243 2.8 % 35.0 % +100 483,666 1.4 % 25.0 % 0 477,023 0.0 % 0.0 % - 100 465,772 (2.4) % 25.0 % - 200 449,662 (5.7) % 35.0 %


44 Reconciliation of GAAP to Non - GAAP Measure (1) Income tax has been allocated based on a marginal income tax rate of 21%. The effect on the income tax provision is adjusted fo r the estimated nondeductible portion of merger expenses. (2) Annualized returns on tax - exempt securities and loans are presented on a fully taxable - equivalent basis using a 21% marginal inc ome tax rate. Note: ROAA, ROAE and ROATCE shown on an annualized basis Source: Company Documents For the Year Ended December 31, Nine Months Ended Three Months Ended ($000s) 2018 2019 2020 2021 9/30/2022 12/31/2021 3/31/2022 6/30/2022 9/30/2022 Total Noninterest Expense $39,486 $49,537 $64,953 $62,472 $51,368 $16,018 $16,886 $17,039 $17,443 Less: Merger-Related Expenses $328 $4,099 $7,708 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Less: Loss on Prepayment of Borrowings $0 $0 $1,636 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Operating Expense $39,158 $45,438 $55,609 $62,472 $51,368 $16,018 $16,886 $17,039 $17,443 Total Net Interest Income (2) $47,004 $55,532 $68,545 $79,074 $61,759 $20,018 $20,634 $19,937 $21,188 Plus: Noninterest Income $18,597 $19,284 $24,344 $25,857 $18,302 $6,416 $5,821 $6,830 $5,651 Operating Revenue $65,601 $74,816 $92,889 $104,931 $80,061 $26,434 $26,455 $26,767 $26,839 Efficiency Ratio 59.69% 60.73% 59.87% 59.54% 64.16% 60.60% 63.83% 63.66% 64.99% For the Year Ended December 31, Nine Months Ended Three Months Ended ($000s) 2018 2019 2020 2021 9/30/2022 12/31/2021 3/31/2022 6/30/2022 9/30/2022 Income Before Taxes (GAAP) $26,263 $23,409 $23,212 $37,687 $22,798 $8,985 $8,378 $9,107 $5,313 Less: Income Tax Provision ($4,250) ($3,905) ($3,990) ($7,133) ($3,959) ($1,677) ($1,483) ($1,618) ($858) Net Income (GAAP) $22,013 $19,504 $19,222 $30,554 $18,839 $7,308 $6,895 $7,489 $4,455 GAAP Diluted Earnings Per Share $1.79 $1.46 $1.30 $1.92 $1.21 $0.46 $0.44 $0.48 $0.29 GAAP Return on Average Assets (ROAA) 1.72% 1.27% 0.96% 1.32% 1.06% 1.25% 1.19% 1.28% 0.74% GAAP Return on Average Equity (ROAE) 11.72% 8.50% 7.03% 10.14% 9.20% 9.73% 9.37% 11.29% 6.85% Return on Average Tangible Common Equity (ROATCE) 12.51% 9.56% 8.36% 12.46% 11.55% 11.95% 11.56% 14.29% 8.71% Plus: Merger Related Expenses (1) $0 $3,270 $6,134 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Plus: Loss on Prepayment of Borrowings (1) $0 $0 $1,292 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Less: Gain on Restricted Equity Security (1) ($1,834) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Net Loss (Gain) on Available-for-Sale Debt Securities (1) $228 ($18) ($134) ($19) ($21) $1 ($2) $1 ($20) Core Net Income (Non-GAAP) $20,407 $22,756 $26,514 $30,535 $18,818 $7,309 $6,893 $7,490 $4,435 Core diluted earnings per common share $1.66 $1.70 $1.79 $1.92 $1.20 $0.46 $0.44 $0.48 $0.29 Core net income, as calculated above $20,407 $22,756 $26,514 $30,535 $18,818 $7,309 $6,893 $7,490 $4,435 Average Assets 1,276,140 1,540,469 2,009,825 2,319,234 2,359,863 2,345,060 2,325,486 2,345,944 2,407,262 Average Equity 187,895 229,446 273,351 301,226 273,129 300,490 294,254 265,322 260,186 Average Intangibles 11,952 25,531 43,330 56,086 55,655 55,887 55,765 55,656 55,547 Core ROAA 1.60% 1.48% 1.32% 1.32% 1.06% 1.25% 1.19% 1.28% 0.74% Core ROAE 10.86% 9.92% 9.70% 10.14% 9.19% 9.73% 9.37% 11.29% 6.82% Core ROATCE 11.60% 11.16% 11.53% 12.46% 11.54% 11.95% 11.56% 14.29% 8.67%


45 Reconciliation of GAAP to Non - GAAP Measure Source: Company documents; Financial data as of September 30, 2022 December 31, September 30, ($000s) 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Nonperforming Assets: Purchased Credit Impaired Loans $0 $441 $6,841 $6,558 $3,783 Other Nonaccrual Loans 13,113 8,777 14,575 12,441 13,176 Total Nonaccrual Loans 13,113 9,218 21,416 18,999 16,959 Total Loans Past due 90 days or More and Still Accruing 2,906 1,207 1,975 2,219 3,499 Total Nonperforming Loans 16,019 10,425 23,391 21,218 20,458 Foreclosed Assets Held for Sale (real estate) 1,703 2,886 1,338 684 454 Total Nonperforming Assets $17,722 $13,311 $24,729 $21,902 $20,912 Total Nonperforming Assets, Excluding Purchased Credit Impaired Loans $17,722 $12,870 $17,888 $15,344 $17,129 Total Nonperforming Loans as a % of Loans 1.94% 0.88% 1.42% 1.36% 1.21% Total Nonperforming Assets as a % of Assets 1.37% 0.80% 1.10% 0.94% 0.87% Total NPAs Excluding Purchased Credit Impaired Loans as a % of Assets 1.37% 0.78% 0.80% 0.66% 0.71%


46 Reconciliation of GAAP to Non - GAAP Measure Source: Company documents; Financial data as of September 30, 2022 December 31, ($000s) 2018 2019 2020 2021 3/31/2022 6/30/2022 9/30/2022 Total Gross Loans $827,563 $1,182,222 $1,644,209 $1,564,849 $1,538,190 $1,657,604 $1,690,246 Less: Paycheck Protection Loans (PPP) $0 $0 $132,269 $26,864 $12,377 $6,252 $2,035 Total Loans ex. PPP $827,563 $1,182,222 $1,511,940 $1,537,985 $1,525,813 $1,651,352 $1,688,211 Loan Loss Reserves $9,309 $9,836 $11,385 $13,537 $14,271 $14,547 $16,170 Loan Loss Reserves / Total Gross Loans 1.12% 0.83% 0.69% 0.87% 0.93% 0.88% 0.96% Loan Loss Reserves / Total Gross Loans ex. PPP 1.12% 0.83% 0.75% 0.88% 0.94% 0.88% 0.96% Total Credit Discount $0 $1,216 $5,979 $3,335 $2,782 $2,403 $2,095 Loan Loss Reserves, as shown above $9,309 $9,836 $11,385 $13,537 $14,271 $14,547 $16,170 Plus: Total Credit Discount $0 $1,216 $5,979 $3,335 $2,782 $2,403 $2,095 Loan Loss Reserves (incl. Credit Discount) $9,309 $11,052 $17,364 $16,872 $17,053 $16,950 $18,265 Loan Loss Reserves (incl. Credit Discount) / Total Gross Loans 1.12% 0.93% 1.06% 1.08% 1.11% 1.02% 1.08% Loan Loss Reserves (incl. Credit Discount) / Total Gross Loans ex. PPP 1.12% 0.93% 1.15% 1.10% 1.12% 1.03% 1.08%


47 Reconciliation of GAAP to Non - GAAP Measure Source: Company documents; Financial data as of September 30, 2022 Holding Company Tangible Common Equity ($000) 12/31/2018 12/31/2019 12/31/2020 12/31/2021 3/31/2022 6/30/2022 9/30/2022 Stockholders' Equity (GAAP) $197,368 $244,452 $299,756 $301,405 $276,208 $258,619 $238,789 Less: Intangible Assets 11,951 29,635 56,356 55,821 55,711 55,602 55,492 Tangible Common Equity (Non-GAAP) $185,417 $214,817 $243,400 $245,584 $220,497 $203,017 $183,297 Total Number of Shares Outstanding 12,319 13,716 15,912 15,759 15,719 15,499 15,500 Tangible Book Value Per Share $15.05 $15.66 $15.30 $15.58 $14.03 $13.10 $11.83 Holding Company Tangible Assets ($000) 12/31/2018 12/31/2019 12/31/2020 12/31/2021 3/31/2022 6/30/2022 9/30/2022 Assets (GAAP) $1,290,893 $1,654,145 $2,239,100 $2,327,648 $2,330,371 $2,410,718 $2,400,180 Less: Intangible Assets 11,951 29,635 56,356 55,821 55,711 55,602 55,492 Tangible Assets (Non-GAAP) $1,278,942 $1,624,510 $2,182,744 $2,271,827 $2,274,660 $2,355,116 $2,344,688 Bank Level Tangible Common Equity ($000) 12/31/2018 12/31/2019 12/31/2020 12/31/2021 3/31/2022 6/30/2022 9/30/2022 Total Equity Capital (GAAP) $174,795 $228,413 $292,455 $298,797 $276,693 $264,794 $244,701 Less: Intangible Assets 11,951 29,635 56,464 55,821 55,711 55,602 55,492 Tangible Common Equity (Non-GAAP) $162,844 $198,778 $235,991 $242,976 $220,982 $209,192 $189,209 Bank Level Tangible Assets ($000) 12/31/2018 12/31/2019 12/31/2020 12/31/2021 3/31/2022 6/30/2022 9/30/2022 Assets (GAAP) $1,276,156 $1,638,285 $2,222,478 $2,311,213 $2,314,317 $2,394,714 $2,385,461 Less: Intangible Assets 11,951 29,635 56,464 55,821 55,711 55,602 55,492 Tangible Assets (Non-GAAP) $1,264,205 $1,608,650 $2,166,014 $2,255,392 $2,258,606 $2,339,112 $2,329,969