

3第4页简介、投资理念、文化和战略第10页信用、资本和流动性第21季度和2022年度财务洞察第35季度第3季度和2022年度附录本演示文稿中非历史性的陈述均属《1933年证券法》(经修订)第27A节、《1934年证券交易法》(经修订)第21E节和《1995年私人证券诉讼改革法》所指的“前瞻性陈述”。这些前瞻性陈述可能包括对People Bancorp Inc.(“People”)的战略计划和目标或预期未来业绩和事件的讨论。本演示文稿中的信息应与人民截至2021年12月31日的财政年度10-K表格年度报告(“2021年10-K表格”)和截至2022年9月30日的第三季度收益发布(“第三季度收益发布”)一起阅读,这些报告包含在人民于2022年10月25日提交给美国证券交易委员会(“美国证券交易委员会”)的当前8-K表格报告中,两者均可在美国证券交易委员会的网站(sec.gov)或人民网站(Peoplesbancorp.com)上查阅。根据美国公认会计原则的要求,People必须在其2022年9月30日综合财务报表的发布日期之前评估后续事件的影响,作为其将提交给美国证券交易委员会的Form 10-Q季度报告(“第三季度Form 10-Q”)的一部分。People预计将于2022年11月3日左右向美国证券交易委员会提交第三季度10-Q表。因此,可能会发生后续事件,导致People更新其关键会计估计数并修订本演示文稿中所载的财务信息。投资者请注意,前瞻性陈述不是历史事实, 涉及风险和不确定因素,包括在2021年Form 10-K表第一部分第1A项“风险因素”一节和第三季度收益报告中详细说明的风险和不确定性。因此,实际结果可能与本报告中的前瞻性陈述所设想的结果大相径庭。管理层认为,这些前瞻性状态的预期是基于管理层对人民的业务和运营的了解范围内的合理假设。各国人民概不负责更新这些前瞻性陈述,以反映本报告发表之日之后发生的事件或情况。投资者和股东的重要信息本演示文稿不构成出售或邀请购买People Bancorp Inc.(“People”)证券的要约。People将以S-4表格和其他文件向美国证券交易委员会(“美国证券交易委员会”)提交一份关于拟议中的与石灰石银行公司(“石灰石”)合并的注册声明。注册声明将包括一份联合委托书/招股说明书,该声明/招股说明书将在People和Limstone各自召开股东特别会议以审议拟议的合并之前发送给两家公司的股东。我们敦促投资者和证券持有人阅读将提交给美国证券交易委员会的与拟议交易相关的委托书/招股说明书和任何其他相关文件,因为它们包含有关People、石灰石和拟议合并的重要信息。投资者和证券持有人可以通过美国证券交易委员会维护的网站www.sec.gov免费获取这些文件(如果有)。这些文件也可以免费获得。, 在People‘s网站www.Peoplesbancorp.com的“投资者关系”选项卡下,或联系人民投资者关系部:People Bancorp Inc.,138Putnan Street,PO Box 738,Marietta,Ohio 45750,Attn:Investor Relationship。People、Limstone及其某些董事和高管可被视为与拟议合并相关的委托书征集的参与者。有关这些参与者和可能被视为交易参与者的其他人的利益的信息,可以通过阅读有关拟议合并的委托书/招股说明书获得。有关People董事和高管的更多信息载于People 2022年度股东大会的委托书,该声明于2022年3月17日提交给美国证券交易委员会的附表14A。SA FE H AR BO R ST AT EM EN T


5一起工作。建设成功。®WV Vaky OH MD DC俄亥俄州沃伦县49卡莱尔50 Franklin 51汉密尔顿镇52黎巴嫩53梅森54斯普林伯勒55韦恩斯维尔汉密尔顿县56马德拉57蒙哥马利58辛辛那提LPO东59辛辛那提LPO西克莱蒙特县60巴达维亚61米尔福德62米尔福德LPO 63威廉斯堡布朗县64撒丁岛65乔治城俄亥俄州66芒特奥拉伯县67里普利67圣费尔菲尔德县25巴尔的摩26兰开斯特27兰开斯特-费尔菲尔德县28雅典法院街29雅典-法院街30内尔松维尔梅格斯县31普罗克斯维尔35伊隆顿杰克逊县36杰克逊37威斯顿山本县38普尔斯茅斯39北普茨茅斯40普罗姆斯茅斯县派克县42韦弗利加里亚县33加洛波利斯克林顿县44布兰切斯特45新维也纳46萨宾纳47威尔明顿大街48威尔明顿广场高地县43希尔斯伯勒凯霍加县22纽瓦克23希思富兰克林县24沃辛顿华盛顿县1玛丽埃塔大街2边疆3第二街4里诺5洛维尔6贝尔普西米特县16诺顿17阿克伦LPO 18阿克伦主干道19凯霍加瀑布20门罗瀑布格恩西县10卡姆格日-惠灵街11比斯科什克顿县13科顿诺克斯县14芒特弗农15北卡顿县21贝赫伍德摩根县8马尼斯诺布尔县9诺布尔诺布尔县78格林威登79县县80阿什兰81山顶梅森县73梅斯维尔刘易斯县74文森堡主干道75文森堡AA高速公路76驻军77托尔斯伯勒肯顿县69莱特坎贝尔堡县70冷泉县布雷肯县71布鲁斯维尔罗伯逊县72奥立维特布恩县68佛罗伦萨厄普舒尔县115巴克汉农巴伯县116菲利皮哈里森县117布里奇波特马里昂县118费尔蒙特LPO克利恩县123克莱卡纳瓦哈县124查尔斯顿125查尔斯顿宾夕法尼亚大道罗文县126斯潘克斯路127斯宾塞主布拉克斯顿县119加斯韦121伯恩斯维尔平地林子113白斯普林斯112北刘易斯堡朗塞特伍德县96维也纳97埃默森98师TILLE 99泰勒县95雷文斯伍德102里普利WV米勒梅森县103点宜人卡贝尔县104亨廷顿西105亨廷顿东106亨廷顿LPO林肯县107西哈姆林洛根县108洛根布恩县109麦迪逊罗利县110贝克利罗特泽尔县94新马丁斯维尔派克县83皮克维尔84皮克维尔保险弗洛伊德县85马丁86普雷斯顿斯堡87北侧约翰逊县88佩恩斯维尔马格菲恩县89萨勒斯维尔马丁82伊内斯布莱特县90杰克逊肯塔基州91骇维金属加工92乔治肯顿县肯塔基州131 K街132杜邦环岛133康奈特大道DC蒙哥马利县128科温顿129里士满130汉普顿弗吉尼亚州哥伦布克利夫兰辛辛那提列克星敦路易斯维尔里士满查尔斯顿玛丽埃塔亨廷顿人民银行地理足迹PEBO存款超过1亿美元但市场份额不在前3名的县*PEBO市场份额前3名的县*PEBO足迹截至9月30日的快照, 2022年贷款:46亿美元资产:70亿美元存款:59亿美元市值:8.181亿美元行政/管理下的资产:28亿美元*根据FDIC截至2022年6月的年度存款摘要。纳斯达克:PEBO PEBO地理简介纳斯达克:拥有石灰岩岸边的PEBO县


纳斯达克:聚宝企业文化7WORKING。建设成功。®纳斯达克:PEBO我们的愿景是成为美国最好的社区银行环境、社会和治理在我们庆祝成立120周年之际,我们致力于以确保人民将继续存在的方式开展业务。2021年,我们继续建立和改进我们的ESG监督框架,并进一步发展我们的可持续发展战略。我们的ESG重点领域围绕我们的同事、我们的社区、我们的客户和我们的股东组织。有关我们ESG实践的更多信息,请访问我们的网站Peoplesbancorp.com/About-Us/About-People。我们的行动以Promise Circle为代表的核心价值观为指导,体现了我们的经营方式,以及我们对员工、社区、客户和股东创造价值的永无止境的追求。在我们做出的决策和我们的业务实践中忠于这些核心价值观,对于推动可持续的长期增长至关重要。我们的核心价值观


外部认可9纳斯达克:PEBO截至2021年9月30日的财政年度以SBA7(A)批准的美元计算,人民银行在全国排名OH在WV派克县,肯塔基州约翰逊县,肯塔基州弗洛伊德县,肯塔基州人民银行是仅有的30家公司之一,在我们的行业中拥有1,000至2,499名员工。2022年北极星租赁跻身设备金融101+强企业,在2022年监测101+榜单上排名114位。(微票额排名第一。)当北极星租赁与Vantage Financial合并时,人民设备租赁公司将进入榜单前100名。中国人民银行连续两年荣获美国银行家奖。俄亥俄州博伊德县伊隆顿和俄亥俄州劳伦斯县2022社区奖

纳斯达克:PEBO 10信用、资本和流动性10


12资产质量纳斯达克:PEBO 0%0.125%0.250%0.375%YTD-2220212020201920182017年化冲销净冲销占平均贷款的百分比年化90%95%100%YTD-222021 202020192018 2017被视为当前贷款的百分比我们的拖欠和净冲销趋势五年来保持稳定98.6%0.15%0.15%0.04%0.05%0.13%0.13%99.1%98.8%98.5%98.5%2019年和2020年的低冲销率是由于大规模复苏。2021年冲销的增加是由于一项商业和工业贷款关系的50万美元冲销和租赁冲销(比我们的核心特许经营权更高的冲销业务)98.9%0.15%

纳斯达克:PEBO资产质量13WORKING一起。建设成功。®纳斯达克:自2021年第三季度增加以来,PEBO不良资产持续减少,这主要是由于获得的贷款**亚利桑那州2016-13年项下购买的信用恶化贷款的会计导致390多万美元的贷款于2020年1月1日从逾期90天以上和应计类别转移到非应计类别。截至2019年12月31日,这些贷款作为逾期90天以上的应计贷款列报,尽管它们不是应计利息收入,因为它们是因收购会计确认的折扣而增加的收入。截至2021年9月30日的季度,NPA的变化是从Premier Financial Bancorp,Inc.收购了价值1110万美元的OREO财产的结果。不良资产包括逾期90天以上的贷款和应计贷款、重新协商的贷款、非应计贷款和其他拥有的房地产。N PA‘s In$M IL理想汽车O N S$0$10$20$30$40$50$60 Q3-22Q2-22Q1-22Q4-21Q3-21Q2-21Q1-21Q4-20Q3-20Q2-20Q1-20201920182017 NPA组成C&I住宅CRE HELOC消费者

14资产质量纳斯达克:PEBO资产质量0%5%10%15%20%25%30%35%40%45%50%Q3-22Q2-22Q1-22Q4-21Q3-21Q2-21Q1-21Q4-20Q3-20Q2-20Q1-20FY-19FY-18FY-17将贷款归类并批评为A级资本的百分比管理良好。由于收购Premier Financial Bancorp,Inc.,第三季度实现增长。*按照美国证券交易委员会的报道方法。批评贷款包括被归类为特别提及、不合格或可疑的贷款。分类贷款包括分类为不合标准或可疑的贷款。分类贷款/一级资本+全部贷款*批评贷款/一级资本+全部贷款*25.61%28.10%10.78%13.14%21.22%14.49%19.58%14.82%22.42%14.15%26.54%16.37%27.09%15.52%16.17%24.74%15.70%25.83%35.72%29.11%15.99%21.69%16.40%30.93%28.76%18.31%14.56%25.29%

155%241%0%50%100%150%200%250%300%350%400%同业银行子贷款/基于风险的资本纳斯达克:PEBO CRE集中度分析15建设成功。纳斯达克:PEBO CRE敞口远低于为识别CRE集中度较高的机构而建立的监管标准,这些标准是为识别CRE集中度较高的机构而建立的-同业银行次级贷款/基于风险的资本来源:标准普尔全球市场情报,商业银行截至2012年6月30日的看涨报告数据。根据2013年4月OCC-FRB指南。CLD贷款定义为用于建筑、土地和土地开发的贷款总额。CRE贷款定义为非业主自用CRE贷款总额(包括CLD)。以上使用代理对等组是为了进行比较。300%是根据监管指南被认为是CRE集中风险增加的水平。

33%44%0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100%110%CHCO SRCE CBU FMNB NWBI NBTB PRK FFBC HBNC PEBO TMP FRME STBA TSC宇宙$1-$10 B FISI GABC SYBT LKFN THFF CCNE town PFC SASR EGBN CTBI Peer Bank Subs--建筑,土地和土地开发贷款/基于风险的资本16 CRE集中分析纳斯达克来源:标准普尔全球市场情报,商业银行看涨报告数据截至6/30/22。根据2013年4月OCC-FRB指南。CLD贷款定义为用于建筑、土地和土地开发的贷款总额。CRE贷款定义为非业主自用CRE贷款总额(包括CLD)。以上使用代理对等组是为了进行比较。100%是根据监管指引被认为是建设、土地和土地开发集中风险增加的水平。PEBO明显低于10-100亿美元银行同业贷款的平均水平--建筑、土地和土地开发贷款/基于风险的资本

其他教育辅助生活仓库住宿公寓混合用途轻工业Oce建筑零售商业房地产投资组合同业银行次级建筑,土地和土地开发贷款/基于风险的资本纳斯达克:PEBO贷款组合17一起工作。建设成功。®纳斯达克:PEBO总贷款组合*=截至2022年9月30日的46亿美元数据。*不包括存款透支和PPP贷款:截至2022年9月30日为430万美元**CRE总额包括商业房地产和建筑贷款,风险敞口包括承诺。*显示了贷款规模的前十大类别(其他类别中的其余类别)贷款构成反映了多样化的风险概况商业和工业19%业主自住(CRE)17%住宅房地产16%非业主自住(CRE)14%消费者,间接13%租赁7%建筑5%房屋净值信用额度4%保费融资贷款3%消费者,直接2%1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 CRE投资组合总额**=16亿美元零售12%写字楼11%轻工业10%混合用途8%公寓6%住宿7%仓库5%辅助生活4%教育服务3%其他34%*1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10餐饮服务23%零售业14%贸易承包商10%制造业(食品、饮料、纺织、6%房地产6%批发业5%塑胶制品制造业4%流动医疗保健服务3%教育服务3%机械制造业3%其他23%*1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11贷款组合商业房地产组合贷款组合(不包括存款透支)2 3 1 4 5 7 8 9 9 3 2 5 1 6 7 8 9 10 4总C&I组合=9亿美元,包括购买力平价贷款

18审慎使用资本纳斯达克:PEBO资本优先考虑·有机增长·分红·股票回购·收购活动分红·7年增加分红。支付的股息从2016年第一季度的每股0.15美元增加到最近一个季度的0.38美元·基于人民普通股在2022年10月20日的收盘价29.60美元,季度股息产生5.14%的年化收益率股票回购·谨慎的股票回购·在2022年前九个月回购了720万美元的股票,并在2020年每个季度回购了股票·由于即将与Limstone Bancorp,Inc.合并,股票回购计划已暂停。低贷存比提供低成本流动性,为未来的增长提供资金

77.18%55%60%65%70%75%80%85%90%95%100%105%贷款/存款-同行集团纳斯达克:PEBO存款特许经营权19WORKING Together。建设成功。®纳斯达克:PEBO低贷存比提供低成本流动性,为未来增长提供资金来源:标准普尔全球市场情报,截至2022年6月30日。同业金融机构在本演示文稿中用于比较目的,被称为“代理同业集团”。这些金融机构的母公司不属于人民薪酬委员会在分析和制定2022年高管薪酬时使用的金融机构控股公司的同业集团。贷款/存款-同级组N O T T O S C A le Univ.1-100亿美元平均:82.47%

0.14 0.03 0.08 0.13 0.18 0.23 0.28 0.33 0.38 0.43 0.48 EG BN CT BI LK FN FR M E TH FF CC N SR CE FI SI FM N B PF C to W N SA SR PE BO TM P HB N C N W BI SY BT G AB C CH CO PR K FF BC ST BA CB U N BT B FC F总存款成本(%)20纳斯达克:就截至6月30日的存款成本而言,PEBO PEBO低于10-100亿美元的银行宇宙,2022年总存款成本(%)来源:标普全球市场情报,截至2022年6月30日。同业金融机构在本演示文稿中用于比较目的,被称为“代理同业集团”。这些金融机构的母公司不属于人民薪酬委员会在分析和制定2022年高管薪酬时使用的金融机构控股公司的同业集团。大学。1-100亿美元平均值:0.22%0.14%


22 Q3&YTD 2022年第3季度亮点和主要影响纳斯达克:截至2022年7月1日的PEBO社交媒体数据(基于纳斯达克符号):TONY、FFBC、CBU、FRME、NWBI、SASR、TSC、NBTB、EGBN、PRK、FCF、STBA、SRCE、TMP、PFC、HBNC、LKFN、SYBT、CHCO、GABC、FISI、CTBI、CCNE、THFF、FMNB人民银行是社交媒体追随者的前三分之一,在代理同行组(25家银行)#6#6#6#7金融:·People公布2022年第三季度净收入为2600万美元,稀释后普通股收益为0.92美元。相比之下,People在2022年第二季度确认的稀释后普通股每股收益为0.88美元,2021年第三季度每股稀释后普通股亏损0.28美元。·截至2022年9月30日的9个月,People录得净收益7440万美元,或每股稀释后普通股2.65美元,而截至2021年9月30日的9个月,净收入为1980万美元,或每股稀释后普通股0.99美元。·与相关季度相比,净利息收入增加了560万美元,增幅为9%;与2021年第三季度相比,净利息收入增加了2450万美元,增幅为57%。2022年第三季度的净息差为4.17%。·不包括净收益和净亏损的非利息收入总额,与关联季度相比增加了80万美元,或4%,与2021年第三季度相比,增加了360万美元,或21.2%。·与相关季度相比,非利息支出总额增加了240万美元,增幅为5%;与2021年第三季度相比,非利息支出总额减少了560万美元,降幅为10%。·与2022年6月30日相比,期末总贷款和租赁余额增加了3530万美元,折合成年率增加了3%。不包括购买力平价,余额按年率计算为4%。·资产质量指标在本季度略有改善。贷款增长基于费用的收入效率比率信贷成本



纳斯达克:贝宝收购Vantage Financial 25 WORKING Together。建设成功。Vantage纳斯达克:®收购将于2022年3月7日生效·Vantage Financial(“Vantage”)是一家总部位于明尼苏达州埃克塞西奥尔的非上市中型全国性设备金融公司。·该公司主要为教育、法律、医疗保健、零售、物流、制造业等广泛行业的关键任务IT设备提供租赁。·北极星租赁和Vantage的合并创造了一个令人信服的机会,可以继续使我们的贷款组合多样化。合并后的资产将跻身全国最大设备金融公司的前100名。亮点·截至2022年3月7日的租赁总额为1.549亿美元·强劲回报状况;2021年税前净资产收益率和净资产收益率分别为3.4%和38.5%·2022年每股收益预计增长约3%/0.08来源(以百万美元为单位)$0$20$40$60$80$100 2021202020192018 2016年$76.6$70.4$86.6$47.5$38.5$26.7


纳斯达克:必和必拓股票表现27连在一起。建设成功。®纳斯达克:PEBO 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%银行业表现落后于标准普尔500指数3年和5年总年回报率1年3年5年-4%-15%3%-2%8%截至2022年9月30日2%0 10 20 30-5.61%-8.47%-23.88%总回报率包括股息影响。同行包括:TONY、FFBC、CBU、FRME、NWBI、SASR、TSC、NBTB、EGBN、PRK、FCF、STBA、SRCE、TMP、PFC、HBNC、LKFN、SYBT、CHCO、GABC、FISI、CTBI、CCNE、THFF、FMNB。来源:彭博标准普尔500指数同业集团PEBO截至2022年9月的9个月累计总回报率1%9%1%

28总收入纳斯达克:PEBO$0$50,000$100,000$150,000$200,000$250,000 YTD-22FY-21 FY-20 FY-19 FY-18 FY-17 FY-16 Lorem ipsum 2022年前9个月总收入2.43亿美元$51,070$52,653$57,234$64,892$104,865$113,377$129,612$140,838非利息收入,不包括收益和LOSSESNET利息收入($T H O U SA N D S)人民银行受益于收购ASB Financial Corp.2018年第二季度,收购First Prestonsburg Bancsburg股份有限公司,2019年第三季度收购凯旋金融公司2021年第二季度收购北极星租赁,2021年第三季度收购Premier Bancorp Financial,Inc.,2022年第一季度收购Vantage Financial。$64,330$138,923$69,254$172,553$60,009$182,829

纳斯达克:PEBO保险与投资收入构成29携手同行。建设成功。®纳斯达克:PEBO 3 4 5总投资收入2022年1,250万美元1受托46%2经纪39%3员工福利15%保险和投资收入构成保险收入*投资收入*1 2 1 P&C商业线55%2 P&C个人线19%3人寿和健康12%4基于业绩的12%5其他2%在支持和其他2%在支持和在支持中2022年保险总收入1 3 2 4 1,200万美元5

30费用与效率比率纳斯达克:百事可乐最近费用的上升是由于收购,增长和技术投资的FTE增加核心非利息支出*非核心项目的效率比率调整后*55%57%59%61%63%65%67%69%YTD-22FY-21FY-20FY-19FY-18FY-17 71%73%75%$50000$64000$78000$92000$106000$120000 YTD-19**FY-18**FY-17FY-16FY-15FY-1461.85%61.32%61.09%N O T O S A LE 63.51%调整后的效率比率对于非核心项目*核心非利息支出*$0$40,000$80,000$120,000$160,000$200,000 YTD-22FY-21FY-20 FY-19FY-18 FY-17非核心非利息支出*核心非利息支出($T H O U SA N D S)N O T T O S C A le*非美国GAAP财务衡量标准。请参见附录。新冠肺炎和非利息支出增加对2020&2021年效率比的影响59.61%

纳斯达克:PEBO关键指标提升31携手共进。建设成功。®纳斯达克:PEBO 0.0%0.5%1.0%1.5%2.0%YTD-22FY-21FY-20FY-19FY-18FY-17FY-16FY-15关键指标平均回报率改善非核心项目调整后的资产平均有形股东权益非核心项目调整后的平均有形股东权益0%5%10%15%20%25%YTD-22FY-21FY-20FY-19FY-18FY-17FY-16$14$15$16$17$18$19$20$21-22 FY-21 FY-20 FY-19 FY-18 FY-17 FY-16 FY-15$10,000$20,000$30,000$40,000$50,000$60,000$70,000$80,000 YTD-22FY-21 FY-20 FY-19 FY-18 FY-17 FY-16 FY-15每股有形账面价值FY-15 1.25%1.50%1.75%2.00%2.25%近年来,我们在这些指标上取得了稳步进展。新冠肺炎的信贷损失拨备、利率环境和其他经济影响在2020年和2021年对这些指标产生了显著影响0.97%经非核心项目调整的平均资产回报率1非核心项目调整的平均有形股东权益回报率1 1.08%1.32%1.42%11.30%11.40%15.48%15.32%7.32%0.62%0.85%9.75%1.18%15.84%1非美国公认会计准则财务指标。请参见附录。0.0%0.5%1.0%1.5%2.0%YTD-22FY-21FY-20FY-19FY-18FY-17FY-16FY-15关键指标平均回报率的改善针对非核心项目调整的平均资产回报针对核心项目调整的平均股东权益回报0%5%10%15%20%25%YTD-22FY-21FY-20FY-19-18$14$15$15$16$17$18$19$20$21 YTD-22 FY-21 FY-20 FY-19 FY-18 FY-17 FY-16 FY-15$10,000$20,000$40,000$60,000$60,000$60,000$60,000$60,000$60,000$60,000$60,000$60,000$60,000$20,000$20,000$20,000$17$17$18,000$20$21 YTD-22 FY-21 FY-20 FY-20 FY-19 FY-18 FY-17 FY-16 FY-15$10,000$20,000$40,000$60,000$60,000$60,000美元$80,000 YTD-22 FY-21 FY-20 FY-19 FY-18 FY-17 FY-16 FY-15 FY-1每股有形账面价值1.25%1.50%1.75%2.00%2.25%1.44%21.05%

32总贷款增长纳斯达克:PEBO$0$1,000$2,000$3,000$4,000$5,000 YTD-22 FY-21 FY-20 FY-19 FY-18 FY-17 FY-16 ASB获得的贷款除购买力平价贷款外,本历年未获得的总贷款除购买力平价贷款第一家普雷斯顿斯堡收购贷款*截至2022年9月30日,总贷款为46亿美元,其中包括370万美元的购买力平价贷款保费融资收购贷款总收购租赁总购买力平价贷款Premier Financial Bancorp,Inc.收购贷款*在本文件中也称为“贷款总额”和“为投资而持有的贷款”2021年盈利资产的增加是由于收购

纳斯达克:毕马威盈利资产组合33WORKING。建设成功。®纳斯达克:PEBO 2021年盈利资产的增长是由于收购了TA L E A R N in G A S S E TS(I N$B IL理想汽车O N S)P E R C E N TA G E O F to TA L E A R N in G A S S E TS盈利资产组合$0$1$2$3$4$5$6$6$7 YTD-22FY-21 FY-20 FY-19 FY-18 FY-17 20%30%40%50%60%70%80%LOANSINVESTMENTS投资%贷款%%74%27%24%26%80%27%73%20%26%74%

存款增长$0$1,300$2,600$3,900$5,200$6,500 YTD-22 FY-21 FY-20 FY-19 FY-18 FY-17 34存款增长纳斯达克:PEBO DDAS*存款余额受益于购买力平价贷款收益,对消费者和商业客户的财政刺激,以及收购Premier Financial Bancorp,Inc.*DDAS代表活期存款账户,代表有息和无息交易账户。$2,730$2,955$3,291($M IL理想汽车O N S)经纪存款证政府存款户口货币市场存款户口零售存款证储蓄户口有息存款证*无息存款证*$3,910$5,862 48%43%40%40%42%5,866 48%

Q3 & YTD 2022 APPENDIX 35

NASDAQ: PEBO APPENDIX NON-US GAAP MEASURES 36 PRE-PROVISION NET REVENUE Pre-provision net revenue (PPNR) has become a key financial measure used by federal bank regulatory agencies when assessing the capital adequacy of financial institutions. PPNR is defined as net interest income plus total non-interest income (excluding all gains and losses) minus total non-interest expense and, therefore, excludes the provision for loan losses and all gains and/or losses included in earnings. PPNR excludes income tax expense. As a result, PPNR represents the earnings capacity that can be either retained in order to build capital or used to absorb unexpected losses and preserve existing capital. ($ in Thousands) FY-15 FY-16 FY-17 FY-18 FY-19 FY-20 FY-21 YTD-22 Income before income taxes 14,816$ 45,282$ 57,203$ 54,941$ 65,358$ 42,646$ 56,970$ 94,661$ Add: Provision for loan/credit losses 14,097 3,539 3,772 5,448 2,504 26,254 731 1,776 Add: Loss on debt extinguishment – 707 – – – – – – Add: Loss on OREO 530 34 116 35 98 120 – 138 Add: Loss on securities – 1 – 147 – 368 862 44 Add: Loss on other assets 696 427 – 469 692 170 252 142 Add: Loss on other transactions 43 – – 76 – – – 128 Less: Recovery of loan losses – – – – – – – 7,587 Less: Gain on OREO – – – 14 – – 56 – Less: Gains on securities 729 931 2,983 1 164 – – 151 Less: Gains on other assets – 35 28 76 8 – – 94 Less: Gains on other transactions – – 25 168 – – 897 – Pre-provision net revenue 29,453$ 49,024$ 58,055$ 60,857$ 68,480$ 69,558$ 57,862$ 89,057$ Average assets (in millions) 3,112$ 3,320$ 3,510$ 3,872$ 4,222$ 4,739$ 5,673$ 7,104$ Pre-provision net revenue to average assets 0.95% 1.48% 1.65% 1.57% 1.62% 1.47% 1.02% 1.68% C:\Users\NSlatter\AppData\Local\Temp\40\nNASDAQ: PEBO APPENDIX NON-US GAAP MEASURES 36 PRE-PROVISION NET REVENUE Pre-provision net revenue (PPNR) has become a key financial measure used by federal bank regulatory agencies when assessing the capital adequacy of financial institutions. PPNR is defined as net interest income plus total non-interest income (excluding all gains and losses) minus total non-interest expense and, therefore, excludes the provision for loan losses and all gains and/or losses included in earnings. PPNR excludes income tax expense. As a result, PPNR represents the earnings capacity that can be either retained in order to build capital or used to absorb unexpected losses and preserve existing capital. ($ in Thousands) FY-15 FY-16 FY-17 FY-18 FY-19 FY-20 FY-21 YTD-22 Income before income taxes 14,816$ 45,282$ 57,203$ 54,941$ 65,358$ 42,646$ 56,970$ 94,661$ Add: Provision for loan/credit losses 14,097 3,539 3,772 5,448 2,504 26,254 731 1,776 Add: Loss on debt extinguishment – 707 – – – – – – Add: Loss on OREO 530 34 116 35 98 120 – 138 Add: Loss on securities – 1 – 147 – 368 862 44 Add: Loss on other assets 696 427 – 469 692 170 252 142 Add: Loss on other transactions 43 – – 76 – – – 128 Less: Recovery of loan losses – – – – – – – 7,587 Less: Gain on OREO – – – 14 – – 56 – Less: Gains on securities 729 931 2,983 1 164 – – 151 Less: Gains on other assets – 35 28 76 8 – – 94 Less: Gains on other transactions – – 25 168 – – 897 – Pre-provision net revenue 29,453$ 49,024$ 58,055$ 60,857$ 68,480$ 69,558$ 57,862$ 89,057$ Average assets (in millions) 3,112$ 3,320$ 3,510$ 3,872$ 4,222$ 4,739$ 5,673$ 7,104$ Pre-provision net revenue to average assets 0.95% 1.48% 1.65% 1.57% 1.62% 1.47% 1.02% 1.68% C:\Users\NSlatter\AppData\Local\Temp\40

APPENDIX NON-US GAAP MEASURES NASDAQ: PEBO 37 PRE-PROVISION NET REVENUE ADJUSTED FOR NON-CORE ITEMS Pre-provision net revenue (PPNR) has become a key financial measure used by federal bank regulatory agencies when assessing the capital adequacy of financial institutions. PPNR adjusted for non-core items is defined as net interest income, excluding system upgrade revenue waived, acquisition costs, contract negotiation fees, Peoples Bank Foundation, Inc. contribution. Severance costs, COVID-19-related expenses and pension settlement charges, plus the provision for loan losses, refund of contract negotiation fees and all gains and/or losses included in the earnings. PPNR excludes income tax expense. As a result, PPNR represents the earnings capacity that can be retained in order to build capital or used to absorb unexpected losses and preserve existing capital. ($ in Thousands) FY-15 FY-16 FY-17 FY-18 FY-19 FY-20 FY-21 YTD-22 Income before income taxes 14,816$ 45,282$ 57,203$ 54,941$ 65,358$ 42,646$ 56,970$ 94,661$ Add: System upgrade revenue waived – 85 – – – – – – Add: Acquisition-related expenses 10,722 – 341 7,262 7,287 489 21,420 2,314 Add: COVID-19 related expenses – – – – – 1,332 1,248 132 Add: System upgrade costs – 1,259 – – – – – – Add: Contract negotiation expenses – – – – – – 1,248 – Add: Other non-core costs 592 – – – 270 1,055 579 – Add: Pension settlement charges 459 – 242 267 – 1,054 143 139 Add: Provision for loan/credit losses 14,097 3,539 3,772 5,448 2,504 26,254 731 1,776 Add: Loss on debt extinguishment 520 707 – – – – – – Add: Loss on OREO 529 34 116 35 98 120 – 138 Add: Loss on securities – 1 – 147 – 368 862 44 Add: Loss on other assets 696 427 – 469 692 170 459 142 Add: Loss on other transactions 43 – – 76 – – – 128 Less: Recovery of loan losses – – – – – – – 7,587 Less: Gain on OREO – – – 14 – – 56 – Less: Gains on securities 729 931 2,983 1 164 – – 151 Less: Gains on other assets – 35 28 76 8 – – 94 Less: Gains on other transactions – – 25 168 – – 897 – Pre-provision net revenue 41,702$ 50,368$ 58,638$ 68,386$ 76,037$ 73,488$ 82,707$ 91,642$ Average assets (in millions) 3,112$ 3,320$ 3,510$ 3,872$ 4,222$ 4,739$ 5,673$ 7,104$ Pre-provision net revenue to average assets 1.34% 1.52% 1.67% 1.77% 1.80% 1.55% 1.46% 1.72% C:\Users\NSlatter\AppData\Local\Temp\40\nAPPENDIX NON-US GAAP MEASURES NASDAQ: PEBO 37 PRE-PROVISION NET REVENUE ADJUSTED FOR NON-CORE ITEMS Pre-provision net revenue (PPNR) has become a key financial measure used by federal bank regulatory agencies when assessing the capital adequacy of financial institutions. PPNR adjusted for non-core items is defined as net interest income, excluding system upgrade revenue waived, acquisition costs, contract negotiation fees, Peoples Bank Foundation, Inc. contribution. Severance costs, COVID-19-related expenses and pension settlement charges, plus the provision for loan losses, refund of contract negotiation fees and all gains and/or losses included in the earnings. PPNR excludes income tax expense. As a result, PPNR represents the earnings capacity that can be retained in order to build capital or used to absorb unexpected losses and preserve existing capital. ($ in Thousands) FY-15 FY-16 FY-17 FY-18 FY-19 FY-20 FY-21 YTD-22 Income before income taxes 14,816$ 45,282$ 57,203$ 54,941$ 65,358$ 42,646$ 56,970$ 94,661$ Add: System upgrade revenue waived – 85 – – – – – – Add: Acquisition-related expenses 10,722 – 341 7,262 7,287 489 21,420 2,314 Add: COVID-19 related expenses – – – – – 1,332 1,248 132 Add: System upgrade costs – 1,259 – – – – – – Add: Contract negotiation expenses – – – – – – 1,248 – Add: Other non-core costs 592 – – – 270 1,055 579 – Add: Pension settlement charges 459 – 242 267 – 1,054 143 139 Add: Provision for loan/credit losses 14,097 3,539 3,772 5,448 2,504 26,254 731 1,776 Add: Loss on debt extinguishment 520 707 – – – – – – Add: Loss on OREO 529 34 116 35 98 120 – 138 Add: Loss on securities – 1 – 147 – 368 862 44 Add: Loss on other assets 696 427 – 469 692 170 459 142 Add: Loss on other transactions 43 – – 76 – – – 128 Less: Recovery of loan losses – – – – – – – 7,587 Less: Gain on OREO – – – 14 – – 56 – Less: Gains on securities 729 931 2,983 1 164 – – 151 Less: Gains on other assets – 35 28 76 8 – – 94 Less: Gains on other transactions – – 25 168 – – 897 – Pre-provision net revenue 41,702$ 50,368$ 58,638$ 68,386$ 76,037$ 73,488$ 82,707$ 91,642$ Average assets (in millions) 3,112$ 3,320$ 3,510$ 3,872$ 4,222$ 4,739$ 5,673$ 7,104$ Pre-provision net revenue to average assets 1.34% 1.52% 1.67% 1.77% 1.80% 1.55% 1.46% 1.72% C:\Users\NSlatter\AppData\Local\Temp\40

NASDAQ: PEBO APPENDIX NON-US GAAP MEASURES 38 CORE NON-INTEREST INCOME CORE NON-INTEREST EXPENSE ($ in Thousands) FY-15 FY-16 FY-17 FY-18 FY-19 FY-20 FY-21 YTD-22 Total noninterest income 46,382$ 50,867$ 55,573$ 56,754$ 64,274$ 63,672$ 68,885$ 59,802$ Less: net gain (loss) on investment securities 729 930 2,983 (146) 164 (368) 862 107 Less: net gain (loss) on asset disposals and other transactions (1,788) (1,133) (63) (334) (782) (290) (493) (314) Add: core banking system conversion revenue waived – 85 – – – – – Core non-interest income excluding gains and losses 47,441$ 51,155$ 52,653$ 57,234$ 64,892$ 64,330$ 68,516$ 60,009$ ($ in Thousands) FY-15 FY-16 FY-17 FY-18 FY-19 FY-20 FY-21 YTD-22 Total non-interest expense 115,081$ 106,911$ 107,975$ 125,977$ 137,250$ 133,695$ 183,737$ 153,781$ Less: system conversion expenses – 1,259 – – – – – – Less: acquisition-related expenses 10,722 – 341 7,262 7,287 489 21,420 2,314 Less: pension settlement charges 459 – 242 267 – 1,054 143 139 Less: COVID-19 related expenses – – – – – 1,332 1,248 132 Less: contract negotiation expenses – – – – – – 1,248 – Less: other non-core charges 592 – – – 270 1,055 579 – Core noninerest expense 103,308$ 105,652$ 107,392$ 118,448$ 129,693$ 129,765$ 159,099$ 151,196$ C:\Users\NSlatter\AppData\Local\Temp\40\notesDE4CD4\Appendix spreadsheet - 3Q22 v2 Appendix 3 ($ in Thousands) FY-15 FY-16 FY-17 FY-18 FY-19 FY-20 FY-21 YTD-22 Total noninterest income 46,382$ 50,867$ 55,573$ 56,754$ 64,274$ 63,672$ 68,885$ 59,802$ Less: net gain (loss) on investment securities 729 930 2,983 (146) 164 (368) 862 107 ess: net gain (loss) on asset disposals and other transactions (1,788) (1,133) (63) (334) (782) (290) (493) (314) Add: core banking system conversion revenue waived – 85 – – – – – Core non-interest income excluding gains and losses 47,441$ 51,155$ 52,653$ 57,234$ 64,892$ 64,330$ 68,516$ 60,009$ ($ in Thousands) FY-15 FY-16 FY-17 FY-18 FY-19 FY-20 FY-21 YTD-22 Total non-interest expense 115,081$ 106,911$ 107,975$ 125,977$ 137,250$ 133,695$ 183,737$ 153,781$ Less: system conversion expenses – 1,259 – – – – – – Less: acquisition-related expenses 10,722 – 341 7,262 7,287 489 21,420 2,314 Less: pension settlement charges 459 – 242 267 – 1,054 143 139 Less: COVID-19 related expenses – – – – – 1,332 1,248 132 Less: contract negotiation expenses – – – – – – 1,248 – Less: other non-core charges 592 – – – 270 1,055 579 – Core noninerest expense 103,308$ 105,652$ 107,392$ 118,448$ 129,693$ 129,765$ 159,099$ 151,196$ C:\Users\NSlatter\AppData\Local\Temp\40\nNASDAQ: PEBO APPENDIX NON-US GAAP MEASURES 38 CORE NON-INTEREST INCOME CORE NON-INTEREST EXPENSE ($ in Thousands) FY-15 FY-16 FY-17 FY-18 FY-19 FY-20 FY-21 YTD-22 Total noninterest income 46,382$ 50,867$ 55,573$ 56,754$ 64,274$ 63,672$ 68,885$ 59,802$ Less: net gain (loss) on investment securities 729 930 2,983 (146) 164 (368) 862 107 Less: net gain (loss) on asset disposals and other transactions (1,788) (1,133) (63) (334) (782) (290) (493) (314) Add: core banking system conversion revenue waived – 85 – – – – – Core non-interest income excluding gains and losses 47,441$ 51,155$ 52,653$ 57,234$ 64,892$ 64,330$ 68,516$ 60,009$ ($ in Thousands) FY-15 FY-16 FY-17 FY-18 FY-19 FY-20 FY-21 YTD-22 Total non-interest expense 115,081$ 106,911$ 107,975$ 125,977$ 137,250$ 133,695$ 183,737$ 153,781$ Less: system conversion expenses – 1,259 – – – – – – Less: acquisition-related expenses 10,722 – 341 7,262 7,287 489 21,420 2,314 Less: pension settlement charges 459 – 242 267 – 1,054 143 139 Less: COVID-19 related expenses – – – – – 1,332 1,248 132 Less: contract negotiation expenses – – – – – – 1,248 – Less: other non-core charges 592 – – – 270 1,055 579 – Core noninerest expense 103,308$ 105,652$ 107,392$ 118,448$ 129,693$ 129,765$ 159,099$ 151,196$ C:\Users\NSlatter\AppData\Local\Temp\40

APPENDIX NON-US GAAP MEASURES NASDAQ: PEBO 39 EFFICIENCY RATIO AND ADJUSTED FOR NON-CORE ITEMS ($ in Thousands) FY-15 FY-16 FY-17 FY-18 FY-19 FY-20 FY-21 YTD-22 Total noninterest expense 115,081$ 106,911$ 107,975$ 125,977$ 137,250$ 133,695$ 183,737$ 153,781$ Less: amortization on other intangible assets 4,077 4,030 3,516 3,338 3,359 3,223 4,775 5,765 Adjusted total non-interest expense 111,004 102,881 104,459 122,639 133,891 130,472 178,962 148,016 Total non-interest income excluding net gains and losses 47,441 51,070 52,653 57,234 64,892 64,330 69,254 60,009 Net interest income 97,612 104,865 113,377 129,612 140,838 138,923 172,395 182,829 Add: fully taxable equivalent adjustment 1,978 2,027 1,912 881 1,068 1,054 1,350 1,116 Net interest income on a fully taxable equivalent basis 99,590 106,892 115,289 130,493 141,906 139,977 173,745 183,945 Adjusted revenue 147,031$ 157,962$ 167,942$ 187,727$ 206,798$ 204,307$ 242,999$ 243,954$ Efficiency ratio 75.50% 65.13% 62.20% 65.33% 64.74% 63.86% 73.65% 60.67% Core non-interest expense 103,308$ 105,652$ 107,392$ 118,448$ 129,693$ 129,765$ 159,099$ 151,196$ Less: amortization on other intangible assets 4,077 4,030 3,516 3,338 3,359 3,223 4,775 5,765 99,231 101,622 103,876 115,110 126,334 126,542 154,324 145,431 Core non-interest income excluding gains and losses 47,441 51,070 52,653 57,234 64,892 64,330 69,254 60,009 Net interest income on a fully taxable equivalent basis 99,590 106,892 115,289 130,493 141,906 139,977 173,745 183,945 Adjusted core revenue 147,031 157,962 167,942 187,727 206,798 204,307 242,999 243,954 Efficiency ratio adjusted for non-core items 67.49% 64.33% 61.85% 61.32% 61.09% 61.94% 63.51% 59.61% C:\Users\NSlatter\AppData\Local\Temp\40\n附录非美国公认会计准则衡量纳斯达克:PEBO 39效率比率并经非核心项目调整(以千为单位)FY-15 FY-16 FY-17 FY-18 FY-19 FY-20 FY-21 YTD-22非利息支出总额115,081美元106,911美元107,975美元125,977美元137,250美元133,695美元183,737美元153,781美元以下:其他无形资产摊销4,077 4,030 3,5163,338 3,3593,223 4,775 5,765调整后非利息支出总额111,004 102,881 104,459 122,639 133,891 130,472 178,962 148,016不包括净损益的非利息收入总额47,441 51,070 52,653 57,234 64,892 64,330 69,254 60,009净利息收入97,612 104,865 113,377 129,612 140,838 138,923 172,395 182,829增补:应课税等值调整1,978 2,027 1,912 881 1,068 1,054 1,350 1,116按应课税等值基准计算的净利息收入99,590 106,892 115,289 130,493 141,906 139,977 173,745 183,945调整后收入147,031美元157,962美元167,942美元187,727美元206,798美元204,307美元242,999美元243,954美元效率比率75.50%65.13%62.20%65.33%64.74%63.86%73.65%60.67%核心非利息支出103,308美元105,652美元107,392美元118,448美元129,693美元129,765美元159,099美元151,196美元以下:其他无形资产摊销4,077 4,030 3,5163,338 3,359 3,223 4,775 5,765 99,231 101,622 103,876 115,110 126,334 126,542 154,324 145,431不计损益的核心非利息收入47,441 51,070 52,653 57,234 64,892 64,330 69,254 60, 009利息收入净额99,590 106,892 115,289 130,493 141,906 139,977 173,745 183,945调整后核心收入147,031 157,962 167,942 187,727 206,798 204,307 242,999 243,954针对非核心项目调整的效率比率67.49%64.33%61.85%61.32%61.09%61.94%63.51%59.61%C:\USERS\NSLAT\AppData\Local\Temp\40

NASDAQ: PEBO APPENDIX NON-US GAAP MEASURES 40 TANGIBLE EQUITY TO TANGIBLE ASSETS AND TANGIBLE BOOK VALUE PER SHARE ($ in Thousands) FY-15 FY-16 FY-17 FY-18 FY-19 FY-20 FY-21 YTD-22 Total stockholders equity 419,789$ 435,261$ 458,592$ 520,140$ 594,393$ 575,673$ 845,025$ 760,511$ Less: goodwill and other intangible assets 149,617 146,018 144,576 162,085 177,503 184,597 290,009 328,428 Tangible equity 270,172 289,243 314,016 358,055 416,890 391,076 555,016 432,083 Total assets 3,258,970$ 3,432,348$ 3,581,686$ 3,991,454$ 4,354,165$ 4,760,764$ 7,063,521$ 7,005,854$ Less: goodwill and other intangible assets 149,617 146,018 144,576 162,085 177,503 184,597 290,009 328,428 Tangible assets 3,109,353 3,286,330 3,437,110 3,829,369 4,176,662 4,576,167 6,773,512 6,677,426 Tangible equity to tangible assets 8.69% 8.80% 9.14% 9.35% 9.98% 8.55% 8.19% 6.47% Tangible equity 270,172$ 289,243$ 314,016$ 358,055$ 416,890$ 391,076$ 555,016$ 432,083$ Common shares outstanding 18,404,864 18,200,067 18,287,449 19,565,029 20,698,941 19,563,979 28,297,771 28,278,078 Tangible book value per share 14.68$ 15.89$ 17.17$ 18.30$ 20.14$ 19.99$ 19.61$ 15.28$ C:\Users\NSlatter\AppData\Local\Temp\40\nOotesDE4CD4\附录电子表格-3Q22 v2附录5 People使用有形资本衡量标准来评估People‘s股东的充足性。这些比率代表非美国公认会计原则财务计量,因为计算中剔除了通过收购获得的商誉和其他无形资产对股东权益总额和总资产的影响。管理层相信,这些信息对投资者是有用的,因为它有助于将People的经营业绩、财务状况和趋势与同行进行比较,特别是那些无形资产水平与People相似的公司。下表将这些非USGAAP财务计量的计算与People合并财务报表中报告的金额进行了核对。

Peoples uses tangible capital measures to evaluate the adequacy of Peoples’ stockholders’. Such ratios represent non-US GAAP financial measures since the calculation removes the impact of goodwill and other intangible assets acquired through acquisitions on both total stockholders’ equity and total assets. Management believes this information is useful to investors since it facilitates the comparison of Peoples’ operating performance, financial condition and trends to peers, especially those without a level of intangible assets similar to that of Peoples. The following table reconciles the calculation of these non-USGAAP financial measures to amounts reported in Peoples’ consolidated financial statements. APPENDIX NON-US GAAP MEASURES NASDAQ: PEBO 41(a) Tax effect is calculated using a 21% federal statutory tax rate for the 2021, 2020, 2019 and 2018 periods and 35% federal statutory rate for all other periods shown. RETURN ON AVERAGE ASSETS AND ADJUSTED FOR NON-CORE ITEMS The return on average assets adjusted for non-core items represents a non-US GAAP financial measure since it excludes the release of the deferred tax asset valuation allowance, the impact of the Tax Cuts and Jobs ACT on the reimbursement of deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities, and the after-tax impact of all gains and losses, Peoples Bank Foundation, Inc. contribution, severance costs, COVID-19-related expenses, acquisition-related expenses, contract negotiation fees, and pension settlement charges. ($ in Thousands) FY-15 FY-16 FY-17 FY-18 FY-19 FY-20 FY-21 YTD-22 Annualized net income 10,941$ 31,157$ 38,471$ 46,255$ 53,695$ 34,767$ 47,555$ 99,530$ Total average assets 3,111,853 3,320,447 3,510,274 3,871,832 4,222,482 4,739,289 5,672,594 7,103,979 Return on average assets 0.35% 0.94% 1.10% 1.19% 1.27% 0.73% 0.84% 1.40% Return on average assets adjusted for non-core items: Net income 10,941$ 31,157$ 38,471$ 46,255$ 53,695$ 34,767$ 47,555$ 74,443$ Add: core banking system conversion revenue waived – 85 – – – – – – Less: tax effect of core banking system conversion revenue waived – 30 – – – – – – Add: net loss on investment securities – – – 146 – 368 862 – Less: tax effect of net loss on investment securities – – – 31 – 77 181 – Less: net gain on investment securities 729 930 2,983 – 164 – – 107 Add: tax effect of net gain on investment securities 255 325 1,044 – 34 – – 22 Less: net gain on assets disposals and other transactions - - - – – – 493 – Add: tax effect of net gain on asset disposals and other transactions - - - – – – 104 – Add: net loss on asset disposals and other transactions 1,788 1,133 63 334 782 290 – 314 Less: tax effect on net loss on asset disposals and other transactions 626 397 22 70 164 61 – 66 Add: system conversion expenses – 1,259 – – – – – – Less: tax effect on system conversion expense – 441 – – – – – – Add: acquisition-related expenses 10,722 – 341 7,262 7,287 489 21,420 2,314 Less: tax effect on acquisition-related expenses 3,753 – 119 1,525 1,530 103 4,498 486 Add: pension settlement charges 459 – 242 267 – 1,054 143 139 Less: tax effect on pension settlement charges 161 – 85 56 – 221 30 29 Add: COVID-19 expenses – – – – – 1,332 1,248 132 Less: tax effect on COVID-19 expenses – – – – – 280 262 28 Add: other non-core charges 592 – – – 270 1,055 579 – Less: tax effect on other non-core charges 207 – – – 57 222 122 – Add: contract negotiation fees – – – – – – 1,248 – Less: tax effect on contract negotiation fees – – – – – – 262 – Less: release of deferred tax asset valuation – – – 805 – – – – Less: impact of Tax Cuts and Jobs Act on deferred tax liability – – – 705 – – – – Add: impact of Tax Cuts and Jobs Act on deferred tax assets – – 897 - – – – – Net income adjusted for non-core items 19,281$ 32,161$ 37,849$ 51,072$ 60,153$ 40,319$ 65,339$ 76,648$ Total average assets 3,111,853 3,320,447 3,510,274 3,871,832 4,222,482 4,739,289 5,672,594 7,103,979 Return on average assets adjusted for non-core items 0.62% 0.97% 1.08% 1.32% 1.42% 0.85% 1.15% 1.44% C:\Users\NSlatter\AppData\Local\Temp\40\nPeoples uses tangible capital measures to evaluate the adequacy of Peoples’ stockholders’. Such ratios represent non-US GAAP financial measures since the calculation removes the impact of goodwill and other intangible assets acquired through acquisitions on both total stockholders’ equity and total assets. Management believes this information is useful to investors since it facilitates the comparison of Peoples’ operating performance, financial condition and trends to peers, especially those without a level of intangible assets similar to that of Peoples. The following table reconciles the calculation of these non-USGAAP financial measures to amounts reported in Peoples’ consolidated financial statements. APPENDIX NON-US GAAP MEASURES NASDAQ: PEBO 41(a) Tax effect is calculated using a 21% federal statutory tax rate for the 2021, 2020, 2019 and 2018 periods and 35% federal statutory rate for all other periods shown. RETURN ON AVERAGE ASSETS AND ADJUSTED FOR NON-CORE ITEMS The return on average assets adjusted for non-core items represents a non-US GAAP financial measure since it excludes the release of the deferred tax asset valuation allowance, the impact of the Tax Cuts and Jobs ACT on the reimbursement of deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities, and the after-tax impact of all gains and losses, Peoples Bank Foundation, Inc. contribution, severance costs, COVID-19-related expenses, acquisition-related expenses, contract negotiation fees, and pension settlement charges. ($ in Thousands) FY-15 FY-16 FY-17 FY-18 FY-19 FY-20 FY-21 YTD-22 Annualized net income 10,941$ 31,157$ 38,471$ 46,255$ 53,695$ 34,767$ 47,555$ 99,530$ Total average assets 3,111,853 3,320,447 3,510,274 3,871,832 4,222,482 4,739,289 5,672,594 7,103,979 Return on average assets 0.35% 0.94% 1.10% 1.19% 1.27% 0.73% 0.84% 1.40% Return on average assets adjusted for non-core items: Net income 10,941$ 31,157$ 38,471$ 46,255$ 53,695$ 34,767$ 47,555$ 74,443$ Add: core banking system conversion revenue waived – 85 – – – – – – Less: tax effect of core banking system conversion revenue waived – 30 – – – – – – Add: net loss on investment securities – – – 146 – 368 862 – Less: tax effect of net loss on investment securities – – – 31 – 77 181 – Less: net gain on investment securities 729 930 2,983 – 164 – – 107 Add: tax effect of net gain on investment securities 255 325 1,044 – 34 – – 22 Less: net gain on assets disposals and other transactions - - - – – – 493 – Add: tax effect of net gain on asset disposals and other transactions - - - – – – 104 – Add: net loss on asset disposals and other transactions 1,788 1,133 63 334 782 290 – 314 Less: tax effect on net loss on asset disposals and other transactions 626 397 22 70 164 61 – 66 Add: system conversion expenses – 1,259 – – – – – – Less: tax effect on system conversion expense – 441 – – – – – – Add: acquisition-related expenses 10,722 – 341 7,262 7,287 489 21,420 2,314 Less: tax effect on acquisition-related expenses 3,753 – 119 1,525 1,530 103 4,498 486 Add: pension settlement charges 459 – 242 267 – 1,054 143 139 Less: tax effect on pension settlement charges 161 – 85 56 – 221 30 29 Add: COVID-19 expenses – – – – – 1,332 1,248 132 Less: tax effect on COVID-19 expenses – – – – – 280 262 28 Add: other non-core charges 592 – – – 270 1,055 579 – Less: tax effect on other non-core charges 207 – – – 57 222 122 – Add: contract negotiation fees – – – – – – 1,248 – Less: tax effect on contract negotiation fees – – – – – – 262 – Less: release of deferred tax asset valuation – – – 805 – – – – Less: impact of Tax Cuts and Jobs Act on deferred tax liability – – – 705 – – – – Add: impact of Tax Cuts and Jobs Act on deferred tax assets – – 897 - – – – – Net income adjusted for non-core items 19,281$ 32,161$ 37,849$ 51,072$ 60,153$ 40,319$ 65,339$ 76,648$ Total average assets 3,111,853 3,320,447 3,510,274 3,871,832 4,222,482 4,739,289 5,672,594 7,103,979 Return on average assets adjusted for non-core items 0.62% 0.97% 1.08% 1.32% 1.42% 0.85% 1.15% 1.44% C:\Users\NSlatter\AppData\Local\Temp\40

NASDAQ: PEBO APPENDIX NON-US GAAP MEASURES 42 (a) Tax effect is calculated using a 21% federal statutory tax rate for the 2021, 2020, 2019 and 2018 periods and 35% federal statutory rate for all other periods shown. RETURN ON AVERAGE TANGIBLE STOCKHOLDERS’ EQUITY The return on average assets adjusted for non-core items represents a non-US GAAP financial measure since it excludes the release of the deferred tax asset valuation allowance, the impact of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act on the remeasurement of deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities, and the after-tax impact of all gains and losses, Peoples Bank Foundation, Inc. contribution, severance costs, COVID-19-related expenses, acquisition-related expenses. Contract negotiation fees and pension settlement charges. ($ in Thousands) FY-15 FY-16 FY-17 FY-18 FY-19 FY-20 FY-21 YTD-22 Annualized net income 10,941$ 31,157$ 38,471$ 46,255$ 53,695$ 34,767$ 47,555$ 99,530$ Add: amortization of other intangible assets 4,077 4,030 3,516 3,338 3,359 3,223 4,775 5,765 Less: tax effect of amortization of other intangible assets (a) 1,427 1,411 1,231 701 705 677 1,003 1,211 Net income excluding the amortization of intangible assets 13,591 33,776 40,756 48,892 56,349 37,313 51,327 104,084 Total average equity 407,296 432,666 450,379 488,139 566,123 575,386 656,633 807,869 Less: average goodwill and other intangible assets 144,013 147,981 144,696 158,115 173,529 181,526 234,683 321,043 Average tangible equity 263,283 284,685 305,683 330,024 392,594 393,860 421,950 486,826 Annualized net income 10,941$ 31,157$ 38,471$ 46,255$ 53,695$ 34,767$ 47,555$ 99,530$ Total average equity 407,296 432,666 450,379 488,139 566,123 575,386 656,633 807,869 Return on average equity 2.69% 7.20% 8.54% 9.48% 9.48% 6.04% 7.24% 12.32% Annualized net income excluding the amortization of intangible assets 13,591$ 33,776$ 40,756$ 48,892$ 56,349$ 37,313$ 51,327$ 104,084$ Average tangible equity 263,283 284,685 305,683 330,024 392,594 393,860 421,950 486,826 Return on average tangible equity 5.16% 11.86% 13.33% 14.81% 14.35% 9.47% 12.16% 21.38% ($ in Thousands) FY-15 FY-16 FY-17 FY-18 FY-19 FY-20 FY-21 YTD-22 Return on average equity adjusted for non-core items: Net income 10,941$ 31,157$ 38,471$ 46,255$ 53,695$ 34,767$ 47,555$ 74,443$ Add: core banking system conversion revenue waived – 85 – – – – – – Less: tax effect of core banking system conversion revenue waived (a) – 30 – – – – – – Add: net loss on investment securities – – – 146 – 368 862 – Less: tax effect of net loss on investment securities (a) – – – 31 – 77 181 – Less: net gain on investment securities 729 930 2,983 – 164 – – 107 Add: tax effect of net gain on investment securities (a) 255 325 1,044 – 34 – – 22 Less: net gain on assets disposals and other transactions - - - – – – 1,325 – Add: tax effect of net gain on asset disposals and other transactions - - - – – – 278 – Add: net loss on asset disposals and other transactios 1,788 1,133 63 334 782 290 – 314 Less: tax effect on net loss on asset disposals and other transactions (a) 626 397 22 70 164 61 – 66 Add: system conversion expenses – 1,259 – – – – – – Less: tax effect on system conversion expense (a) – 441 – – – – – – Add: acquisition-related expenses 10,722 – 341 7,262 7,287 489 21,420 2,314 Less: tax effect on acquisition-related expenses (a) 3,753 – 119 1,525 1,530 103 4,498 486 Add: pension settlement charges 459 – 242 267 – 1,054 143 139 Less: tax effect on pension settlement charges (a) 161 – 85 56 – 221 30 29 Add: COVID-19 expenses – – – – – 1,332 1,248 132 Less: tax effect on COVID-19 related expenses (a) – – – – – 280 262 28 Add: other non-core charges 592 – – – 270 1,055 579 – Less: tax effect on other non-core charges (a) 207 – – – 57 222 122 – Add: contract negotiation fees – – – – – – 1,248 – Less: tax effect on contract negotiation expenses (a) – – – – – – 262 – Less: release of deferred tax asset valuation – – – 805 – – – – Less: impact of Tax Cuts and Jobs Act on deferred tax liability – – – 705 – – – – Add: impact of Tax Cuts and Jobs Act on deferred tax assets – – 897 – – – – – Net income adjusted for non-core items 19,281$ 32,161$ 37,849$ 51,072$ 60,153$ 38,391$ 66,653$ 76,648$ Average equity 407,296 432,666 450,379 488,139 566,123 575,386 656,633 807,869 Return on average equity adjusted for non-core items 4.73% 7.43% 8.40% 10.46% 10.63% 6.67% 10.15% 12.68% Net income adjusted for non-core items 19,281$ 32,161$ 37,849$ 51,072$ 60,153$ 38,391$ 66,653$ 76,648$ Average tangible equity 263,283 284,685 305,683 330,024 392,594 393,860 421,950 486,826 Return on average tangible equity adjusted for non-core items 7.32% 11.30% 12.38% 15.48% 15.32% 9.75% 15.80% 21.05% C:\Users\NSlatter\AppData\Local\Temp\40\nNASDAQ: PEBO APPENDIX NON-US GAAP MEASURES 42 (a) Tax effect is calculated using a 21% federal statutory tax rate for the 2021, 2020, 2019 and 2018 periods and 35% federal statutory rate for all other periods shown. RETURN ON AVERAGE TANGIBLE STOCKHOLDERS’ EQUITY The return on average assets adjusted for non-core items represents a non-US GAAP financial measure since it excludes the release of the deferred tax asset valuation allowance, the impact of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act on the remeasurement of deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities, and the after-tax impact of all gains and losses, Peoples Bank Foundation, Inc. contribution, severance costs, COVID-19-related expenses, acquisition-related expenses. Contract negotiation fees and pension settlement charges. ($ in Thousands) FY-15 FY-16 FY-17 FY-18 FY-19 FY-20 FY-21 YTD-22 Annualized net income 10,941$ 31,157$ 38,471$ 46,255$ 53,695$ 34,767$ 47,555$ 99,530$ Add: amortization of other intangible assets 4,077 4,030 3,516 3,338 3,359 3,223 4,775 5,765 Less: tax effect of amortization of other intangible assets (a) 1,427 1,411 1,231 701 705 677 1,003 1,211 Net income excluding the amortization of intangible assets 13,591 33,776 40,756 48,892 56,349 37,313 51,327 104,084 Total average equity 407,296 432,666 450,379 488,139 566,123 575,386 656,633 807,869 Less: average goodwill and other intangible assets 144,013 147,981 144,696 158,115 173,529 181,526 234,683 321,043 Average tangible equity 263,283 284,685 305,683 330,024 392,594 393,860 421,950 486,826 Annualized net income 10,941$ 31,157$ 38,471$ 46,255$ 53,695$ 34,767$ 47,555$ 99,530$ Total average equity 407,296 432,666 450,379 488,139 566,123 575,386 656,633 807,869 Return on average equity 2.69% 7.20% 8.54% 9.48% 9.48% 6.04% 7.24% 12.32% Annualized net income excluding the amortization of intangible assets 13,591$ 33,776$ 40,756$ 48,892$ 56,349$ 37,313$ 51,327$ 104,084$ Average tangible equity 263,283 284,685 305,683 330,024 392,594 393,860 421,950 486,826 Return on average tangible equity 5.16% 11.86% 13.33% 14.81% 14.35% 9.47% 12.16% 21.38% ($ in Thousands) FY-15 FY-16 FY-17 FY-18 FY-19 FY-20 FY-21 YTD-22 Return on average equity adjusted for non-core items: Net income 10,941$ 31,157$ 38,471$ 46,255$ 53,695$ 34,767$ 47,555$ 74,443$ Add: core banking system conversion revenue waived – 85 – – – – – – Less: tax effect of core banking system conversion revenue waived (a) – 30 – – – – – – Add: net loss on investment securities – – – 146 – 368 862 – Less: tax effect of net loss on investment securities (a) – – – 31 – 77 181 – Less: net gain on investment securities 729 930 2,983 – 164 – – 107 Add: tax effect of net gain on investment securities (a) 255 325 1,044 – 34 – – 22 Less: net gain on assets disposals and other transactions - - - – – – 1,325 – Add: tax effect of net gain on asset disposals and other transactions - - - – – – 278 – Add: net loss on asset disposals and other transactios 1,788 1,133 63 334 782 290 – 314 Less: tax effect on net loss on asset disposals and other transactions (a) 626 397 22 70 164 61 – 66 Add: system conversion expenses – 1,259 – – – – – – Less: tax effect on system conversion expense (a) – 441 – – – – – – Add: acquisition-related expenses 10,722 – 341 7,262 7,287 489 21,420 2,314 Less: tax effect on acquisition-related expenses (a) 3,753 – 119 1,525 1,530 103 4,498 486 Add: pension settlement charges 459 – 242 267 – 1,054 143 139 Less: tax effect on pension settlement charges (a) 161 – 85 56 – 221 30 29 Add: COVID-19 expenses – – – – – 1,332 1,248 132 Less: tax effect on COVID-19 related expenses (a) – – – – – 280 262 28 Add: other non-core charges 592 – – – 270 1,055 579 – Less: tax effect on other non-core charges (a) 207 – – – 57 222 122 – Add: contract negotiation fees – – – – – – 1,248 – Less: tax effect on contract negotiation expenses (a) – – – – – – 262 – Less: release of deferred tax asset valuation – – – 805 – – – – Less: impact of Tax Cuts and Jobs Act on deferred tax liability – – – 705 – – – – Add: impact of Tax Cuts and Jobs Act on deferred tax assets – – 897 – – – – – Net income adjusted for non-core items 19,281$ 32,161$ 37,849$ 51,072$ 60,153$ 38,391$ 66,653$ 76,648$ Average equity 407,296 432,666 450,379 488,139 566,123 575,386 656,633 807,869 Return on average equity adjusted for non-core items 4.73% 7.43% 8.40% 10.46% 10.63% 6.67% 10.15% 12.68% Net income adjusted for non-core items 19,281$ 32,161$ 37,849$ 51,072$ 60,153$ 38,391$ 66,653$ 76,648$ Average tangible equity 263,283 284,685 305,683 330,024 392,594 393,860 421,950 486,826 Return on average tangible equity adjusted for non-core items 7.32% 11.30% 12.38% 15.48% 15.32% 9.75% 15.80% 21.05% C:\Users\NSlatter\AppData\Local\Temp\40

APPENDIX NON-US GAAP MEASURES NASDAQ: PEBO 43 RETURN ON AVERAGE STOCKHOLDERS’ EQUITY ADJUSTED FOR NON-CORE ITEMS (a) Tax effect is calculated using a 21% federal statutory tax rate for the 2021, 2020, 2019 and 2018 periods and 35% federal statutory rate for all other periods shown. ($ in Thousands) FY-15 FY-16 FY-17 FY-18 FY-19 FY-20 FY-21 YTD-22 Annualized net income 10,941$ 31,157$ 38,471$ 46,255$ 53,695$ 34,767$ 47,555$ 99,530$ Add: amortization of other intangible assets 4,077 4,030 3,516 3,338 3,359 3,223 4,775 5,765 Less: tax effect of amortization of other intangible assets (a) 1,427 1,411 1,231 701 705 677 1,003 1,211 Net income excluding the amortization of intangible assets 13,591 33,776 40,756 48,892 56,349 37,313 51,327 104,084 Total average equity 407,296 432,666 450,379 488,139 566,123 575,386 656,633 807,869 Less: average goodwill and other intangible assets 144,013 147,981 144,696 158,115 173,529 181,526 234,683 321,043 Average tangible equity 263,283 284,685 305,683 330,024 392,594 393,860 421,950 486,826 Annualized net income 10,941$ 31,157$ 38,471$ 46,255$ 53,695$ 34,767$ 47,555$ 99,530$ Total average equity 407,296 432,666 450,379 488,139 566,123 575,386 656,633 807,869 Return on average equity 2.69% 7.20% 8.54% 9.48% 9.48% 6.04% 7.24% 12.32% Annualized net income excluding the amortization of intangible assets 13,591$ 33,776$ 40,756$ 48,892$ 56,349$ 37,313$ 51,327$ 104,084$ Average tangible equity 263,283 284,685 305,683 330,024 392,594 393,860 421,950 486,826 Return on average tangible equity 5.16% 11.86% 13.33% 14.81% 14.35% 9.47% 12.16% 21.38% ($ in Thousands) FY-15 FY-16 FY-17 FY-18 FY-19 FY-20 FY-21 YTD-22 Return on average equity adjusted for non-core items: Net income 10,941$ 31,157$ 38,471$ 46,255$ 53,695$ 34,767$ 47,555$ 74,443$ Add: core banking system conversion revenue waived – 85 – – – – – – Less: tax effect of core banking system conversion revenue waived (a) – 30 – – – – – – Add: net loss on investment securities – – – 146 – 368 862 – Less: tax effect of net loss on investment securities (a) – – – 31 – 77 181 – Less: net gain on investment securities 729 930 2,983 – 164 – – 107 Add: tax effect of net gain on investment securities (a) 255 325 1,044 – 34 – – 22 Less: net gain on assets disposals and other transactions - - - – – – 1,325 – Add: tax effect of net gain on asset disposals and other transactions - - - – – – 278 – Add: net loss on asset disposals and other transactios 1,788 1,133 63 334 782 290 – 314 Less: tax effect on net loss on asset disposals and other transactions (a) 626 397 22 70 164 61 – 66 Add: system conversion expenses – 1,259 – – – – – – Less: tax effect on system conversion expense (a) – 441 – – – – – – Add: acquisition-related expenses 10,722 – 341 7,262 7,287 489 21,420 2,314 Less: tax effect on acquisition-related expenses (a) 3,753 – 119 1,525 1,530 103 4,498 486 Add: pension settlement charges 459 – 242 267 – 1,054 143 139 Less: tax effect on pension settlement charges (a) 161 – 85 56 – 221 30 29 Add: COVID-19 expenses – – – – – 1,332 1,248 132 Less: tax effect on COVID-19 related expenses (a) – – – – – 280 262 28 Add: other non-core charges 592 – – – 270 1,055 579 – Less: tax effect on other non-core charges (a) 207 – – – 57 222 122 – Add: contract negotiation fees – – – – – – 1,248 – Less: tax effect on contract negotiation expenses (a) – – – – – – 262 – Less: release of deferred tax asset valuation – – – 805 – – – – Less: impact of Tax Cuts and Jobs Act on deferred tax liability – – – 705 – – – – Add: impact of Tax Cuts and Jobs Act on deferred tax assets – – 897 – – – – – Net income adjusted for non-core items 19,281$ 32,161$ 37,849$ 51,072$ 60,153$ 38,391$ 66,653$ 76,648$ Average equity 407,296 432,666 450,379 488,139 566,123 575,386 656,633 807,869 Return on average equity adjusted for non-core items 4.73% 7.43% 8.40% 10.46% 10.63% 6.67% 10.15% 12.68% Net income adjusted for non-core items 19,281$ 32,161$ 37,849$ 51,072$ 60,153$ 38,391$ 66,653$ 76,648$ Average tangible equity 263,283 284,685 305,683 330,024 392,594 393,860 421,950 486,826 Return on average tangible equity adjusted for non-core items 7.32% 11.30% 12.38% 15.48% 15.32% 9.75% 15.80% 21.05% C:\Users\NSlatter\AppData\Local\Temp\40\nAPPENDIX NON-US GAAP MEASURES NASDAQ: PEBO 43 RETURN ON AVERAGE STOCKHOLDERS’ EQUITY ADJUSTED FOR NON-CORE ITEMS (a) Tax effect is calculated using a 21% federal statutory tax rate for the 2021, 2020, 2019 and 2018 periods and 35% federal statutory rate for all other periods shown. ($ in Thousands) FY-15 FY-16 FY-17 FY-18 FY-19 FY-20 FY-21 YTD-22 Annualized net income 10,941$ 31,157$ 38,471$ 46,255$ 53,695$ 34,767$ 47,555$ 99,530$ Add: amortization of other intangible assets 4,077 4,030 3,516 3,338 3,359 3,223 4,775 5,765 Less: tax effect of amortization of other intangible assets (a) 1,427 1,411 1,231 701 705 677 1,003 1,211 Net income excluding the amortization of intangible assets 13,591 33,776 40,756 48,892 56,349 37,313 51,327 104,084 Total average equity 407,296 432,666 450,379 488,139 566,123 575,386 656,633 807,869 Less: average goodwill and other intangible assets 144,013 147,981 144,696 158,115 173,529 181,526 234,683 321,043 Average tangible equity 263,283 284,685 305,683 330,024 392,594 393,860 421,950 486,826 Annualized net income 10,941$ 31,157$ 38,471$ 46,255$ 53,695$ 34,767$ 47,555$ 99,530$ Total average equity 407,296 432,666 450,379 488,139 566,123 575,386 656,633 807,869 Return on average equity 2.69% 7.20% 8.54% 9.48% 9.48% 6.04% 7.24% 12.32% Annualized net income excluding the amortization of intangible assets 13,591$ 33,776$ 40,756$ 48,892$ 56,349$ 37,313$ 51,327$ 104,084$ Average tangible equity 263,283 284,685 305,683 330,024 392,594 393,860 421,950 486,826 Return on average tangible equity 5.16% 11.86% 13.33% 14.81% 14.35% 9.47% 12.16% 21.38% ($ in Thousands) FY-15 FY-16 FY-17 FY-18 FY-19 FY-20 FY-21 YTD-22 Return on average equity adjusted for non-core items: Net income 10,941$ 31,157$ 38,471$ 46,255$ 53,695$ 34,767$ 47,555$ 74,443$ Add: core banking system conversion revenue waived – 85 – – – – – – Less: tax effect of core banking system conversion revenue waived (a) – 30 – – – – – – Add: net loss on investment securities – – – 146 – 368 862 – Less: tax effect of net loss on investment securities (a) – – – 31 – 77 181 – Less: net gain on investment securities 729 930 2,983 – 164 – – 107 Add: tax effect of net gain on investment securities (a) 255 325 1,044 – 34 – – 22 Less: net gain on assets disposals and other transactions - - - – – – 1,325 – Add: tax effect of net gain on asset disposals and other transactions - - - – – – 278 – Add: net loss on asset disposals and other transactios 1,788 1,133 63 334 782 290 – 314 Less: tax effect on net loss on asset disposals and other transactions (a) 626 397 22 70 164 61 – 66 Add: system conversion expenses – 1,259 – – – – – – Less: tax effect on system conversion expense (a) – 441 – – – – – – Add: acquisition-related expenses 10,722 – 341 7,262 7,287 489 21,420 2,314 Less: tax effect on acquisition-related expenses (a) 3,753 – 119 1,525 1,530 103 4,498 486 Add: pension settlement charges 459 – 242 267 – 1,054 143 139 Less: tax effect on pension settlement charges (a) 161 – 85 56 – 221 30 29 Add: COVID-19 expenses – – – – – 1,332 1,248 132 Less: tax effect on COVID-19 related expenses (a) – – – – – 280 262 28 Add: other non-core charges 592 – – – 270 1,055 579 – Less: tax effect on other non-core charges (a) 207 – – – 57 222 122 – Add: contract negotiation fees – – – – – – 1,248 – Less: tax effect on contract negotiation expenses (a) – – – – – – 262 – Less: release of deferred tax asset valuation – – – 805 – – – – Less: impact of Tax Cuts and Jobs Act on deferred tax liability – – – 705 – – – – Add: impact of Tax Cuts and Jobs Act on deferred tax assets – – 897 – – – – – Net income adjusted for non-core items 19,281$ 32,161$ 37,849$ 51,072$ 60,153$ 38,391$ 66,653$ 76,648$ Average equity 407,296 432,666 450,379 488,139 566,123 575,386 656,633 807,869 Return on average equity adjusted for non-core items 4.73% 7.43% 8.40% 10.46% 10.63% 6.67% 10.15% 12.68% Net income adjusted for non-core items 19,281$ 32,161$ 37,849$ 51,072$ 60,153$ 38,391$ 66,653$ 76,648$ Average tangible equity 263,283 284,685 305,683 330,024 392,594 393,860 421,950 486,826 Return on average tangible equity adjusted for non-core items 7.32% 11.30% 12.38% 15.48% 15.32% 9.75% 15.80% 21.05% C:\Users\NSlatter\AppData\Local\Temp\40

People Bancorp.com People Bancorp®是People Bancorp Inc.在联邦注册的服务标志。三个拱形丝带标志是人民银行在联邦注册的服务标志。人民银行(W/LOGO)®是人民银行在联邦政府注册的服务商标。一起工作。建设成功。®是中国人民银行在联邦注册的服务标志。Chuck Sulerzyski总裁兼首席执行官740.374.6163