

普通决议 特殊Resolution FOR AGAINST ABSTAIN FOR AGAINST ABSTAIN Res.1 决议 6 决议2 决议3 决议 4 决议 5 宝尊电商 登记暂挂美国存托凭证(“ADR”) 代表 宝尊电商的普通股。 在下面签名 日期: 请在本投票指导卡上签名,并在卡片正面和托管人的账簿上准确显示您的姓名。共同所有人 应亲自签名。受托人和其他受托人 应注明他们签名的身份,如果出现多个名字,则必须 多数人签名。如果是公司,此签名应是 授权人员的签名,该人员应说明其职务。 在此处折叠和拆分 请参阅此卡片的背面,以便在 会议上表决决议。 地址更改 标记框,在下面签名并标明 更改/备注: 如果您希望向 公司指定的 个人 授予可自由支配的 代理,请在右侧的方框中标记。 请注意:标记此方框将使上面标记的任何其他 说明作废。 摩根大通银行,N.A.,存托机构 邮政信箱64873 圣保罗55164-


BAOZUN INC. ORDINARY RESOLUTIONS 1 . That subject to the Listing Rules, the granting of a share issuance mandate to the board of directors of the c ompany to issue, allot or deal with unissued Class A ordinary shares and/or ADSs not exceeding 20% of the total number of issued Shares as of the date of passing of this ordinary resolution be approved . 2 . That subject to the Listing Rules, the granting of a share repurchase mandate to the board of directors of the c ompany to repurchase Class A ordinary shares and/or ADSs not exceeding 10% of the total number of issued Shares as of the date of passing of this ordinary resolution be approved . 3 . That subject to the Listing Rules and conditional upon passing of resolution numbers 1 and 2 above, the general mandate referred i n resolution number 1 b e extended by the addition thereto of the total number of Class A ordinary shares and/or ADSs bought back by the c ompany pursuant to the general mandate referred in resolution number 2, provided that such amount shall not exceed 10% of the number of the is sued Shares as of the date of passing of this resolution . 4. That the Non - exempt CCT and the proposed annual caps, details of which are set out in the Circular be approved , ratified and confirmed , and any one Director, for and on behalf of the c ompany, be authorized to execute, and where required, to affix the common seal of the c ompany to, any documents, instruments or agreements, and to do any acts and things deemed by him or her to be necessary , expedient or appropriate in order to give effect to and implement the Non - exempt CCT . 5. T hat the adoption of the 2022 Plan with effect from the Effective Date be approved, and the Directors be authorized to do all acts and to enter into all such transa ctions, arrangements and agreements as may be necessary or expedient in order to give full effect to the 2022 Plan, including without limitation : (a) to administer or authorize a committee of the Board to administer the 2022 Plan under which Awards will be granted to the Eligible Individuals (as defined in the 2022 Plan) under the 2022 Plan to subscribe for the Shares and the ADSs of the c ompany, including but not limited to determining and granting the Awards in accordance with the terms of the 2022 Plan ; (b) to modify and/or amend the 2022 Plan from time to time provided that such modification and/or amendment is effected in accord ance with the terms of the 2022 Plan and subject to the Listing Rules ; (c) to allot and issue from time to time such Shares whi ch shall not in aggregate exceed 10% of the total number of Shares outstanding as at the date of approval of the 2022 Plan by the Shareholders (the “Scheme Mandate Limit”), as may be required to be allotted and issued purs uant to the exercise of the Awards under the 2022 Plan and subject to the Listing Rules ; (d) to allot and issue to Service Providers (as defined in the 2022 Plan) from time to time such Shares which shall not in aggreg ate exceed 3% of the Scheme Mandate Limit, as may be required to be allo tted and issued pursuant to the exercise of the Awards under the 2022 Plan and subject to the Listing Rules ; and (e) to consent, if it so deems fit and expedient, to such conditions, modifications and/or variations as may be required or impos ed by the relevant authorities in relation to the 2022 Plan . SPECIAL RESOLUTION 6. That the Fifth Amended and Restated Memorandum and Articles of Association currently in effect be amended and restated by the dele tion in their entirety and the substitution in their place of the Sixth Amended and Restated Memorandum and Articles of Association , incorporating the amendments set out in Appendix III of the Circular, with effect from the Effective Date . Baozun Inc. JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A., Depositary PO Box 64873 , Saint Paul MN 55164 - 0873 Voting Instruction Card PLEASE MARK, DATE AND SIGN ON REVERSE SIDE AND RETURN PROMPTLY IN THE ENCLOSED ENVELOPE. JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. (the “Depositary”) has received advice that an Extraordinary General Meeting (the “Meeting”) of Baozun Inc. (the “ c ompany”) will be held at 17/F, Building B, No. 1 - 9, Lane 510, West Jiangchang Road, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China , on October 21 , 2022 , at 10 :00 a .m. Hong Kong time (or 10 :00 p .m. on October 20 , 2022, New York t ime ), for the purposes set forth on this card. If you are desirous of having the Depositary, through its Nominee or Nominees, vote or execute a proxy to vote the Ordinary S hares represented by your ADRs FOR or AGAINST or to ABSTAIN from voting on the Resolutions to be proposed at the Meeting, kindly execute and forward to the Depositary the attached Voting Instruction Card. The enclosed postage paid envelope is provided fo r this purpose. The Voting Instruction Card should be executed in s uch a manner as to show clearly whether you desire the Nominee or the Nominees of the Depositary to vote FOR or AGAINST or to ABSTAIN from voting on the Resolutions, as the case may be. You may include instructions to give a discretionary proxy to a person designated by the c ompany. The Voting Instruction Card MUST be forwarded in sufficient time to reach the Depositary before 12: 00 p.m. (New York t ime), October 13 , 2022 . Only the registered holders of record at t he close of business on October 3 , 2022 (New York t ime), will be entitled to execute the attached Voting Instruction Card. The signatory, a registered holder of ADRs representing Ordinary Shares of the c ompany, of record as of the close of business on October 3 , 2022 (New York t ime), hereby requests and authorizes the Depositary, through its Nominee or Nominees, to vote or execute a proxy to vote the underlying Ordinary Shares of the c ompany represented by such ADRs, on the Resolutions at the Meeting. These instructions, when p roperly signed and dated, will be voted in the manner directed herein. If you mark the box to indicate that you wish to give a discretionary proxy to a person designated by the c ompany, the underlying Ordinary Shares represented by your ADRs will be voted by such person in his or her discretion. You can review and download the notice of the Meeting, the proxy stateme nt and the proxy form at the “ Investor Relations - Shareholder Me eting” section of the c ompany ’ s website at http s ://ir.baozun.com, website of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission at www.sec.gov and website of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited at www.hkexnews.hk. NOTE: In order to have the aforesaid shares voted, this Voting Instruction Card MUST be received by the Depositary befo re 12:00 p.m. (New York t ime), October 13 , 2022. JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A., Depositary