

Atlassian Corporation PLC C/O Herbert Smith Frehills LLP Exchange House PrimRose Street London EC2A 2EG,UK Vote by 在会议前通过互联网投票-访问www.proxyvote.com或扫描上面的二维码使用互联网传输您的投票指令并进行电子信息传递,直到晚上11:59。(东部时间)2022年8月21日, 以自己名义持有股票的股东,截止时间为晚上11:59。(东部时间)2022年8月16日,作为ComputerShare信托(泽西)有限公司托管人的ComputerShare DR Nominees Limited所持股份的实益拥有人。访问网站时手持代理卡,并按照说明获取您的记录并创建电子投票指导表。会议期间,请访问www.VirtualSharholderMeeting.com/TEAM2022,您可以通过互联网出席 会议并在会议期间投票。准备好用箭头标记的框中打印的信息,并按照说明进行操作。投票方式:PHONE—1-800-690-6903使用任何按键电话传输您的投票指令,直到晚上11:59。(东部时间)2022年8月21日,以自己的名义持有股票的股东,截止时间为晚上11:59。(东部时间)2022年8月16日,作为ComputerShare信托(泽西)有限公司托管人的ComputerShare DR Nominees Limited所持股份的实益拥有人。打电话时手持代理卡,然后 按照说明进行操作。邮寄投票标记,签署并注明您的代理卡日期,然后将其放入我们提供的已付邮资的信封中退回,或将其退回至Vote Processing,C/o Broadbridge,51 Mercedes way,Edgewood,NY 11717。这是白色代理卡 请注意,您还将收到一张单独的法庭会议蓝色代理卡。请填妥并交回两张代理卡。要投票,请在下面用蓝色或黑色墨水标记如下:D88958-S48315将此部分保留为您的记录此代理 卡只有在签名并注明日期后才有效,并仅退回此部分,并按照此处的说明退还。Atlassian Corporation PLC白色委托卡董事会建议您投票赞成以下建议: 特别决议1.方案特别决议:为实施Atlassian Corporation Plc(本公司)与方案股东于2022年7月11日达成的安排方案(定义见本公司于2022年7月11日的委托书(委托书)中所述方案的定义),已向本次会议出示该方案的印刷本,以供主席签署,按其原始形式或根据其条款进行修改,或经任何修改或受任何修改, 经法院批准或施加并经公司和Atlassian Corporation(New Atlassian Corporation)商定的附加或条件(计划):1a。本公司董事获授权采取其认为必需或适当的一切行动,以实施该计划;通过注销和 全部计划股份(定义见计划)来减少本公司的股本;在上文第1b段所述股本减少生效后,以及在本公司组织章程细则有任何相反规定的情况下:1因上文第1b段所述股本减少而在公司账簿中产生的准备金应由本公司用于按面值全额支付该数量的每股面值0.10美元的新A类普通股。公司股本中每股0.1美元的新B类普通股和每股3.2828美元的新B类普通股(集团内股份),相当于根据上文第1b段注销的计划股票数量,这些股份将根据计划条款向New Atlassian和/或其代名人配发和发行,入账列为全额支付;及1cb根据计划的条款生效,除现有的所有授权外,为施行英国《2006年公司法》第551条(因此,本决议案中使用的词句应具有与上述第551条相同的含义),本公司董事获一般及无条件授权行使本公司配发集团内股份的所有权力, 惟:(1)根据此项授权可配发的相关证券的最高面值总额 应为上文第1CA段所指上述集团内股份的面值总额;(2)此项授权将于本决议案通过五周年时失效(除非先前被撤销、更改或续期);及(3)此项授权将是附加于及不影响先前根据英国2006年公司法第551条授予并于本决议案通过当日有效的任何其他授权;及自本决议通过之日起,本公司章程将按照委托书的规定予以修订。注:在会议或其任何休会或延期之前可适当处理的其他事项。请注明您是否计划参加这次会议。是反对弃权注:以受权人、遗嘱执行人、遗产管理人、受托人或监护人的身份签署时,请注明全名。共同所有人应亲自签名。如属公司或合伙,请由获授权人员签署公司或合伙的全名。签名[请在方框内签名]日期签名(共同所有人)日期


IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING THE AVAILABILITY OF PROXY MATERIALS FOR THE GENERAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS OF ATLASSIAN TO BE HELD ON AUGUST 22, 2022. A COPY OF THE PROXY STATEMENT IS AVAILABLE AT www.proxyvote.com. PLEASE READ THE NOTICE OF GENERAL MEETING IN THE PROXY STATEMENT BEFORE COMPLETING AND SIGNING THE FORM. Notes 1. A member of the Company entitled to attend and vote at the General Meeting may appoint one or more proxies to attend and vote instead of him/her. A proxy need not be a member of the Company but must attend the meeting in person to represent you. Return of a proxy card will not preclude a member from attending and voting at the General Meeting in person should he/she so decide. 2. To appoint as a proxy a person other than the chair of the meeting insert the full name in the space provided. To appoint more than one proxy you may photocopy this form. Please indicate the proxy holder’s name and the number of Atlassian Shares in relation to which they are authorised to act as your proxy (which, in aggregate, should not exceed the number of Atlassian Shares held by you). Please also indicate if the proxy instruction is one of multiple instructions being given. All forms must be signed and should be returned together in the same envelope. A proxy need not be a member of the Company. D88959-S48315 ATLASSIAN CORPORATION PLC (“ATLASSIAN”) GENERAL MEETING AUGUST 22, 2022 AT 2:30 P.M. PACIFIC TIME (OR AS SOON THEREAFTER AS THE COURT MEETING SHALL HAVE BEEN CONCLUDED OR ADJOURNED) THIS PROXY IS SOLICITED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS WHITE PROXY The undersigned hereby appoint(s) Steven Sordello or, failing him, Enrique Salem (or alternatively the person named below) as proxy, with the power to appoint a substitute, and hereby authorize(s) them or their appointed substitutes to represent and to vote, as designated below, each of them or their appointed substitutes to represent and to vote, as designated below, all of the Class A ordinary shares of Atlassian and Class B ordinary shares of Atlassian held of record by the undersigned as of 6:00 p.m. (Pacific Time) on August 8, 2022, at the General Meeting of Company shareholders to be held on August 22, 2022 or any adjournment or postponement thereof. Please print the name of the person you are appointing as proxy if it is someone other than the above appointees: This WHITE proxy, when properly executed, will be voted in the manner directed herein by the undersigned shareholder. If no direction is made, the proxy will be voted in accordance with the recommendations of the board of directors of Atlassian with respect to the resolution described on the reverse side of this proxy card and in the proxy’s discretion upon such other business as may properly come before the meeting or any adjournment or postponement thereof. The board of directors of Atlassian recommends a vote “FOR” the resolution described on the reverse side of this proxy card. SPECIAL INFORMATION FOR BENEFICIAL OWNERS OF ATLASSIAN CORPORATION PLC SHARES HELD IN THE COMPUTERSHARE DEPOSITARY: Beneficial owners of Atlassian Shares held by Computershare DR Nominees Limited as custodian for Computershare Trustees (Jersey) Limited (the “Computershare Depositary”) hereby instruct the Computershare Depositary to procure that the relevant Atlassian Shares are voted in accordance with the instructions indicated on the reverse side of this card, and in accordance with the judgement of the Computershare Depositary upon other business as may properly come before the Meeting and any adjournment or postponement thereof. You may not vote directly at the Meeting in relation to your beneficial ownership of Atlassian Shares; the Computershare Depositary shall instead procure that the relevant Atlassian Shares are voted. The Computershare Depositary must receive your proxy instructions no later than 11:59 p.m. (Eastern Time) on August 16, 2022. If no such instructions are received by this time the Computershare Depositary will take no action in respect of the relevant Atlassian Shares. Please note that Broadridge have been appointed as agent to tally the vote and provide the tabulated instructions to the Computershare Depositary prior to the Meeting. Continued and to be signed on reverse side