
续租协议于2021年12月15日签订;BElWEEN: Bennett Financial Corp,(下称“房东”)和灵活租赁电力ANO服务ULC(下称“承租人”) 根据2015年12月1日的书面租赁协议(“租赁·”),房东将合法描述如下的 房产租赁给承租人:共管公寓图1320815/2和5000不分割共有财产中的十股 不包括所有矿山和矿物 而租约期限(如租约中所述)根据日期为2018年12月14日的续签协议(*第一次续签协议“)续签了一年 ,租约的期限(如租约中所述)续签了一年(*第一次续签协议”),租约的期限(如租约中所述)根据2018年12月14日的续签协议(*第一次续签协议“)续签了 ;鉴于租期随后通过日期为2019年10月1日的续签协议(“第二续期协议”)续期 年;鉴于租期随后通过日期为2020年7月1日的续签协议(“第三续期协议”)续期 一年;鉴于业主和租户已 同意根据本合同条款续签租期5年;因此,考虑到本合同所载相互契诺及其他善意和有价值的对价(双方在此确认已收到且充分),双方同意如下:1.房东已与租户续签本租约,租期五年 (5)年,自2022年1月1日起至2026年12月31日止(第四续约期限·)。2. 本租约第1.1(G)项所述的第四次续期的年度基本租金为$133,650.00+商品及服务税($16.50/平方英尺+商品及服务税)。3. 业主和租客同意将租约第3.1(A)节修改为:

Page2 (a) Beginning on January 1, 2022, Annual Basic Rent for each Lease Year, payable In advance in equal consecutive monthly Instalments of $11,137.50 plus GST on the first day of each month In each year of the Fourth Renewal Term: 4. The Property Taxes shall be Invoiced by the Landlord and paid by the Tenant annually notwithstanding that Section 3.2 of the Lease requires payment of Property Taxes as a monthly installment. 5. The Landlord will add the following Improvements to the Building within the first year of the Fourth Renewal Term: (a) a 10 ton overhead crane; (b) 3 phase power 6. The Tenant and Landlord further agree that the Lease for this Fourth Renewal Term shall be on the same terms and conditions as the initial Lease. 7. All other terms and conditions of the Lease will continue in force and effect, except there shall be no right to renew the Lease unless by agreement between the Parties hereto. 8. This Agreement shall be binding upon and enure to the benefit of the heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns of the Parties hereto. 9. This Agreement may be signed and accepted In counterpart and delivered by facsimile or portable document format (pdf). IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Parties hereto have executed this agreement effective the day, month and year first above written. FLEX LEASING POWER AND SERVICE ULC Per: ~~ (authorized signatory)