Us inflation is not expected to slow significantly until 2023, meaning it is at risk if the Fed moves too slowly to withdraw its stimulus measures, the Grant Thornton's chief economist said recently.
"the Fed's curtailment of bond purchases will be the first stage of monetary tightening, and within the Fed, calls for tightening will not be easy to achieve, and it will be hard not to take more aggressive measures if inflation remains above 3 per cent in 2022," Swonk said.
Zhitong Finance has noted that more and more people on Wall Street, including Goldman Sachs Group President John Waldron and JPMorgan Chase & Co CEO Jamie Dimon, have also pointed out that the recent surge in inflation has put pressure on the economic recovery. The concern of international banks is in line with the view of James Brad, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, that "soaring inflation" is the most serious problem currently facing.
In addition, Federal Reserve Governor Bowman warned of inflation and worried that loose monetary policy was fuelling high prices and possible asset bubbles.
It is worth mentioning that while Fed policy makers generally believe that the recovery of the US job market has made enough progress to justify a reduction in the pace of monthly bond purchases as early as next month, they remain divided on inflation and measures to deal with it.
For example, Daley, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, said that inflation has nothing to do with monetary policy at this time, and tightening policy is unlikely to play a big role in reducing inflation. Barkin, president of the Richmond Federal Reserve Bank, said inflation expectations "really play a role" in pricing decisions, as do current inflation data.
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