Securities Star data Center NewsletterJinjian rice industryAccording to the 2021 medium report, the company's main income was 3.286 billion yuan, up 26.76% from the same period last year, and the net profit was 12.1777 million yuan, down 20.13% from the same period last year.Deduction of non-net profit7.962 million yuan, down 34.34% from the same period last year; debt ratio 64.54%, investment income-109900 yuan, financial expenses 12.0416 million yuan, gross profit margin 4.29%.
There are four new shareholders in this period, Hu Biying holds 938100 shares, Li Jingfang holds 1.35 million shares, Tong Zhenzhu holds 1.078 million shares, Wu Liangming holds 800100 shares, a total of 1 shareholder increases, Zhang Xiaoxia holds 200000 shares, accounting for 0.28% of tradable shares. A total of 2 shareholders reduced their holdings, Li Meizhu reduced their holdings by 100000 shares, accounting for 0.17% of tradable shares, and Ren Wei reduced their holdings by 76500 shares, accounting for 0.18% of tradable shares.
For a summary of the financial report data, please see the following figure:
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