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It Will go up
They are a joke. Paid by the hedgies
AMC is a trade momentum but not based on fundamentals…

haha so what u shorting? why not even at $20 or $10 dollar. weak iceberg crap hahahah.
I think iceberg has exceeded it's average life. AMC2MOON
another 42 synthetics 4 me. Ty 4 short this👍
imagine that, shorts putting a hit piece. They have SOOOOO much to lose. Ill hold till you pay up!
oops. trying tried try harder MAKE US BELIEVE YOUR WORDS?? UGA UGA APES HODL
There trying every angle lol
Don’t even have a full report haha
They should change their name to "Iceberg FUD' Search".. Bunch of clowns. That's why they turned off all comments on their Twitter. Paid by their Wall St bosses to Twitt that garbage lol..
How is this not market manipulation?
This was never in the fundamentals to begin with. Their iceberg is melting.
Yup! That's what I thought!.. As soon as I put them on blast on Twitter, they immediately blocked me. Paid by hedgies to spread FUD and misinformation. Bunch Of Cowards!
Iceberg has no address, no phone, and can only be linked to smear campaigns. This is a blatant attack on AMC and its investors. The contributors are exposed as unreliable and dangerous market manipulators. This is my perspective but I am sure it is shared by millions. The corruption will not stop as long as it is supported by this type of activity.
I concur.
Reason For Report