Absolute valuation models attempt to find the intrinsic or "true" value of an investment based only on fundamentals. Looking at fundamentals simply means you would only focus on such things as dividends, cash flow, and the growth rate for a single company—and not worry about any other companies. Valuation models that fall into this category include the dividend discount model, discounted cash flow model, residual income model, and asset-based model.
JH636 : Thx for sharing
SEE 1858 : Thanks
TAMMYL : Thanks.
Sing102565852 : thanks
kennyang1977 JH636 : Yes
Leongg :
mummyJ : i use TA charting to determine
LeeSJ84 : Nice
Investing with moomoo OP JH636 : Make sure you come back for more on valuation methods :D
Investing with moomoo OP SEE 1858 : Make sure you come back for more on valuation methods :D
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