


HKEX ·  Mar 21 10:51

Summary by Moomoo AI

中國儒意發佈2024財年業績預告,經調整淨利潤(非香港財務報告準則計量)預計約人民幣12億元,較2023年同期的人民幣5.69億元大幅上升111%。然而,按照香港財務報告準則計量,集團預計將錄得淨虧損約人民幣2.1億元,而去年同期為淨利潤約人民幣6.83億元。導致賬面虧損的主要原因是公司於2021年初就收購Virtual Cinema Entertainment Limited所發行的認股權證在2024財年被全部行使,產生公允價值變動約11.2億元。董事會強調,該認股權證的公允價值變動屬非經營性質的會計調整項目,且由於認股權證已全數行使完畢,未來將不再對集團財務表現造成影響。
中國儒意發佈2024財年業績預告,經調整淨利潤(非香港財務報告準則計量)預計約人民幣12億元,較2023年同期的人民幣5.69億元大幅上升111%。然而,按照香港財務報告準則計量,集團預計將錄得淨虧損約人民幣2.1億元,而去年同期為淨利潤約人民幣6.83億元。導致賬面虧損的主要原因是公司於2021年初就收購Virtual Cinema Entertainment Limited所發行的認股權證在2024財年被全部行使,產生公允價值變動約11.2億元。董事會強調,該認股權證的公允價值變動屬非經營性質的會計調整項目,且由於認股權證已全數行使完畢,未來將不再對集團財務表現造成影響。
CHINA RUYI announced the earnings forecast for the fiscal year 2024, with adjusted net profit (measured by non-Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standards) expected to be about RMB 1.2 billion, a significant increase of 111% compared to RMB 0.569 billion in the same period of 2023. However, according to Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standards, the group expects to record a net loss of about RMB 0.21 billion, whereas in the same period last year, the net profit was approximately RMB 0.683 billion.The primary reason for the accounting loss is that the warrants issued by Virtual Cinema Entertainment Limited, which was acquired by the company at the beginning of 2021, were fully exercised in the fiscal year 2024, resulting in a fair value change of about RMB 1.12 billion. The Board of Directors emphasizes that the change in the fair value of these warrants is a non-operational accounting adjustment item, and since the warrants have been fully exercised, they will no longer affect the group's financial performance in the future.
CHINA RUYI announced the earnings forecast for the fiscal year 2024, with adjusted net profit (measured by non-Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standards) expected to be about RMB 1.2 billion, a significant increase of 111% compared to RMB 0.569 billion in the same period of 2023. However, according to Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standards, the group expects to record a net loss of about RMB 0.21 billion, whereas in the same period last year, the net profit was approximately RMB 0.683 billion.The primary reason for the accounting loss is that the warrants issued by Virtual Cinema Entertainment Limited, which was acquired by the company at the beginning of 2021, were fully exercised in the fiscal year 2024, resulting in a fair value change of about RMB 1.12 billion. The Board of Directors emphasizes that the change in the fair value of these warrants is a non-operational accounting adjustment item, and since the warrants have been fully exercised, they will no longer affect the group's financial performance in the future.
Disclaimer: This content is for informational and educational purposes only and does not constitute a recommendation or endorsement of any specific investment or investment strategy. Read more
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