

SUNEVISION: 2024/25 Interim Report

HKEX ·  09:13

Summary by Moomoo AI

新意網集團2024/25財年上半年收入按年增長14%至14.7億港元,股東應佔溢利上升11%至4.84億港元。收入增長主要受新數據中心的收入貢獻所帶動,尤其是MEGA IDC第一期的試業以及現有數據中心的平穩增長。EBITDA按年上升17%至10.53億港元,利潤率由70%上升至72%。經營業務所得現金淨額較去年同期上升37%至9.82億港元。集團期內數據中心服務繼續獲得強勁需求。以電力容量計算,香港最大的超大規模數據中心MEGA IDC第一期於2024年上半年順利投入試用,首批客戶已開業。鑒於第一期取得正面回響,集團已著手建設MEGA IDC第二期,將增加約35萬平方呎總樓面面積,計劃於20...展開全部
新意網集團2024/25財年上半年收入按年增長14%至14.7億港元,股東應佔溢利上升11%至4.84億港元。收入增長主要受新數據中心的收入貢獻所帶動,尤其是MEGA IDC第一期的試業以及現有數據中心的平穩增長。EBITDA按年上升17%至10.53億港元,利潤率由70%上升至72%。經營業務所得現金淨額較去年同期上升37%至9.82億港元。集團期內數據中心服務繼續獲得強勁需求。以電力容量計算,香港最大的超大規模數據中心MEGA IDC第一期於2024年上半年順利投入試用,首批客戶已開業。鑒於第一期取得正面回響,集團已著手建設MEGA IDC第二期,將增加約35萬平方呎總樓面面積,計劃於2026/2027年度竣工。MEGA Gateway已於2023年第一季度開業,90%的已部署容量由包括雲端、電訊和銀行的良好客戶組合使用。展望未來,集團對人工智能快速發展帶來的潛在機遇持樂觀態度。隨著MEGA IDC第二期即將啟用,集團將進一步加強能力。集團將繼續審慎管控資產負債表,以維持具成本效益的資本結構,根據已確認的客戶訂單分階段加大能力。經調整的資產負債率維持在37%的健康水平,集團的財務狀況得以鞏固。
In the first half of the fiscal year 2024/25, SUNEVISION's revenue grew by 14% year-on-year to HKD 1.47 billion, and the profit attributable to Shareholders increased by 11% to HKD 0.484 billion. The revenue growth was mainly driven by contributions from new Datacenter revenues, particularly the trial operation of the first phase of MEGA IDC and steady growth from existing datacenters. EBITDA rose 17% year-on-year to HKD 1.053 billion, with profit margin increasing from 70% to 72%. The net cash generated from Operating Business increased by 37% compared to the same period last year, reaching HKD 0.982 billion.During the period, the group's Datacenter services continued to experience strong demand. In terms of electrical capacity, Hong Kong's largest hyperscale Datacenter, the first phase of...Show More
In the first half of the fiscal year 2024/25, SUNEVISION's revenue grew by 14% year-on-year to HKD 1.47 billion, and the profit attributable to Shareholders increased by 11% to HKD 0.484 billion. The revenue growth was mainly driven by contributions from new Datacenter revenues, particularly the trial operation of the first phase of MEGA IDC and steady growth from existing datacenters. EBITDA rose 17% year-on-year to HKD 1.053 billion, with profit margin increasing from 70% to 72%. The net cash generated from Operating Business increased by 37% compared to the same period last year, reaching HKD 0.982 billion.During the period, the group's Datacenter services continued to experience strong demand. In terms of electrical capacity, Hong Kong's largest hyperscale Datacenter, the first phase of MEGA IDC, was smoothly put into trial use in the first half of 2024, with the first batch of customers going live. In light of the positive feedback received from the first phase, the group has started construction on the second phase of MEGA IDC, which will add approximately 0.35 million square feet of total floor space, expected to be completed in the 2026/2027 fiscal year. MEGA Gateway opened in the first quarter of 2023, with 90% of the deployed capacity utilized by a strong customer mix including cloud, telecommunications, and banks.Looking to the future, the group is optimistic about the potential opportunities brought by the rapid development of AI. With the upcoming launch of the second phase of MEGA IDC, the group will further enhance its capabilities. The group will continue to prudently manage its balance sheet to maintain a cost-effective capital structure and increase capacity in phases according to confirmed customer Orders. The adjusted debt-to-assets ratio remains at a healthy level of 37%, and the group's financial position has been strengthened.
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