Attention, dear moomooers! Check out our 2nd event this weekend and join to claim your free rewards by May 9th.
Moomoo Courses
According to our lastest user survey, "Moomoo Courses" were nominated as one of the "most surprising features of moomoo". Stocks, Options, ETF, U.S. market... Moomoo courses cover topics that are of the most interest of investors at all levels.
We are honored for the credit, and feel obligated to give back to our dear investors!
Learn moomoo courses and earn reward points
In May, moomoo hosts the a series of weekly events - "Learn Investing Tips over Weekend" - and invite moomooers tosplit up a 30,000 reward points pieinto pieces!
More details about the 2ndevent
Deadline: 23:59 PM ET, May 9th (Sunday)Make sure to comment before the deadline!
1. How many? Moomoo picks8 winners every week- 3 winners whose comments received most likes, plus 5 winners whose comments have the best quality.
2. How much?Each winner will receive 888 reward points.
3. How to redeem? You can redeem reset cards and coupons at moomoo's Rewards Club. Starting from late May, moomoo will also launch T-shirts, caps, toys, and more products to Rewards Club.
Grogu : this is great
Investing with moomoo OP Grogu :
thanks! To claim rewards, please comment via link in guides above.
Have a nice day!
Investing with moomoo OP :
The deadline is End Of Day on May 2nd (Sunday) ET. ![Let Me See [Let Me See]](
Comment after deadline would not be counted
71816334 : I'd like to learn about what's the what what, an how to spot what I've been missing
justahumanz : Wow, interesting. know the basic before investing. Investing requires a lot of reading. I want the coinsss pick meee
Investing with moomoo OP justahumanz : Make sure to comment at the right spot lol:
Have fun!
Investing with moomoo OP 71816334 :
102819537 Investing with moomoo OP : l
Investing with moomoo OP 103074996 :
Zellarocks : It's great very much enjoy having new features
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