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Quite probably the biggest contributor to TSla long term success given ai incorporation and general utility. Providing they have a sharp and effective CEO as Musk is proving his political alignment decision is directly harming TSLA currently. The political sphere is ever murky & 85%+ corrupt and this harms public/investor alignment. Musk is seemingly breaching his fiduciary /shareholder current TSLA legal responsibilities and this must change sooner rather than later to aid TSLA.
I knew a transvestite by that name
Go check Chinese Robots Unitree…🤣
lol they are getting desperate af. no chance in hell they sell a working version of this before the end of the year.
load of bs to save the stock price
More LIES and FAKE PROMISES from a fascist Dictator Fraud. 🔥 🚗 🔨
Was it 2016 when Elon promised Robo Taxi by 2018? 🤣
better to have gotten out before and look at buying soon instead of letting media control your and other leftist emotions. these are great time, the next month is buying time! I make most of my money buying when fear at max.
Indeed and was out as the post T win bubble burst. Rising channel formed late Oct-late Dec broke down 31 Dec $415 exit beats the buy/hold strategy you refer to. Possibly bottoming out now but ever volatile and suffering price/quality & major competitor issues currently- cybertruck recall, BYD and charging times etc etc and overall primacy currently of automotive earnings for TSLA.
Ducks lined up for 31/12 exit @412 vs $236 price now. So thx for your review & am happy to see a possible bottoming price action. As ever, price tells a lot but volatility is the current ruler.
Reason For Report